Hi, I'm 22-year-old (since today) Polish male, and this is my first post on the forum.
I follow SSSS for less than a month, but I have first learned about it over a year ago from the TVTropes page (which is where I find all the cool stuff). Once I got to it, it quickly became apparent it's the best webcomic I've ever read, bar none.
I'm currently studying IT in Łódź (it's a city in the middle of Poland).
I rather ineptly try to create some fantasy stories of my own (the nickname RanVor is, in fact, derived from one of my characters' name).
I only speak Polish and English (which is still more than most people I know). I'd learn some other languages, but I'm too lazy.
And most importantly, I'm immensely proud and happy that I get to be a part of this awesome community!