Hi, I'm (really extremely) new here (the forum, not the comic).
I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and have four elder sisters and six cousins, all of whom I'm familiar with. I moved to Hong Kong when I was 18 because the Hong Kong University of Stress and Tension (Science and Technology) in my 3rd year, and I'm studying Economics.
I enjoy hiking, F:NV, BL2, creative writing and various books.
I am fluent in Cantonese, Taiwanese, Mandarin (duh) and English, and have a 2nd grade diploma in playing the alto/baritone saxophone, and also very rudimentary skills in Spanish and Russian (I can count to one hundred and ask for the menu or a coffee).
I found SSSS via Hiveworks from SMBC.
I am subject to very occasional bursts of idiocy and unwarranted hostility to nice people, usually around 0700 to 0930 (that's what my friends tell me, I have no idea if it's accurate).
I own a pair of kissing gouramis and even though I know they're fighting they still look cute to me.