I figure as long as there's warnings on the shipping-fics it should be fine. Not that I want to read them, but I'm sure many do.
Keep that on fanfic.net, if it goes beyond friendshipping. Links... are fine I guess.
I agree! We haven't had any problems with that so far (that I've seen), and judging by the Disqus comments many people are supportive of the more platonic kinds of shipping for our characters (I believe the term broshipping has been mentioned?). I think that's quite different, and would lead to very different art/fanfiction than the more romantically-oriented stuff.
Again, friendshipping is fine. If I see anything above a PG rating, as far as any kind of romance goes, I'll ask that it goes in a link instead, even if it's short enough for a post... It is kind of dumb, but it lays a good ground to prevent anything... less than appropriate. Also, I so much as catch wind of
any kind of erotica, I'm removing the link. That. Is.
not. what I want for this forum. I don't like that I have to say that, but at the rate we're getting new members, it might be necessary (keyword = might. probably not).
Anything similar to the comic itself, i.e. some infrequent swearing (anything is fine, even the asterisked words), violence and gore, etc. are all fine. If Minna wouldn't do it (concerning things like this, at least. Obviously the point of fanfictions is to deviate from what the artist would do.), please refrain.