Author Topic: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?  (Read 32231 times)


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #90 on: April 03, 2021, 04:06:37 AM »
All of these are wonderful! And Vulpes, yours is especially pleasing to me, because I love lichens. Did you know that as well as being able to grow on everything from glacial ice to bare volcanic rock, lichens have so, so many uses?

Oakmoss (a lichen despite the name) is a perfume fixative as well as a perfume ingredient in its own right, and Reindeer Moss (another lichen) is a food substance for both humans and animals in many cold parts of the world, and there are many other lichen species that are edible scattered across the planet, though you need to identify them carefully, because some are poisonous to humans.

Then there are the huge number of lichens used for making dyes and mordants (mordants are the substances that make dyes stick to the cloth, sort of analogous to the fixatives that meld the different elements of a perfume into an harmonious whole, and some of which can change the colour given by a dye substance - more of that later). Many of those beautiful muted earth colours in old tweed fabrics come from lichens, as do reds, purples, oranges and blues. One lichen dye which is likely familiar to anyone who has done chemistry is Litmus, which is made from a group of lichen species that make a useful dye for cloth, but gives utterly different colours depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the mordants used. From this use it evolved into the pH test for whether a substance is acidic or basic,  turning red or blue depending on whether the substance is acidic or alkaline.
Then there are the medicinal lichens, again found all over the world. My favourite is Usnea, which as well as being a useful dye, is a widely used traditional medicine across the world, and one which is presently being investigated for the use of one of its components, usnic acid, to treat some strains of antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis. Amazing organisms, lichens!

Finally there is the importance of lichens as soil builders and things to give an ecology a bit of a kickstart. There have been several studies on the emerging ecology of Surtsey, a modern volcanic island which has been well observed since it emerged from the sea. Lichens were the first organisms to take up residence on the cooling volcanic rock, and eventually broke down enough rock and caught enough windblown debris to start an ecology on Surtsey. It is still tiny and struggling, but it is there!

And Vulpes, I especially liked the analogy you drew between how lichens work as a symbiosis, and how Onni and Reynir build a symbiotic synthesis out of their different magics.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2021, 04:10:06 AM by Róisín »
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #91 on: April 03, 2021, 06:26:57 AM »
Great stories Vulpes! And I loved the way you mixed it all to make your magic! Now I'm felling envious of your students! :) How lucky are they to have such a teacher!

(and the stories are also precisely mixed with the canon!)
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #92 on: April 03, 2021, 09:28:09 AM »
Thank you all! (Jitter, I agree, I´d also love to get blue hair, or any color, really, but I´m more than just a bit of a coward so I will probably never follow through... :'D)

*crying into her breakfast cereal* @Mirasol , that's amazing!  I didn't really flesh out these characters, but you certainly did, and placed into a GAG ORDER IMPOSED TO PREVENT SPOILERS
Team Leader discovers that you shouldn't make a threat unless you are fully prepared to carry it out, but fortunately Akka smiles upon them and lends them the colours of the sky for their teammates as a gift, not a punishment.  (nnooo, not the 'do you love the colours of the sky' meme)
You are very correct about the sketchiness of these, too - I actually didn't gift the leader with quite that cool of a hairstyle (the inside of the hood was only vaguely suggested, as was the hairstyle), but they look very very smart with your update.  Consider all of them canon.  As props for a joke (and the subtext which seems to have been sufficiently masked by the humour), none of these characters had names or backstories, so there's nothing to impede them gaining their own life elsewhere.

Aaah, I´m glad you like it!!! Aww dammit, I knew I´d get something wrong... I´m glad you like it anyways.

moredhel, wow, clearly a lot of work went into this! Every shadow and muscle is perfectly placed!

Vulpes, this was wonderful! The pictures set the mood really well (did you take them yourself? They´re beautiful!), and the parallels of working together to become more than the sum of one´s parts fit together nicely! (as if in Symbiosis! :D ... I´ll see myself out...)

Also thank you to Róisín for even more interesting information on lichen!
Truly a fascinating species... I remember learning a bit about them in Biology-class, though never much deeper than the fact that they are a Symbiosis. (Which is a shame, as I now realize!)
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #93 on: April 03, 2021, 09:44:26 AM »
Hmmm... guess it would be a smarter move to make heroes actually use some fungal/lichen madicine and/or use those in whatever whichcraft they make. Without it I just see two stories, weakly connected to each other. The stories themselves are nice though.

Haha, I almost did that - but got waaaay off down a rabbit hole of lichen uses, and got stuck on how exactly any of the crew would be using them. Róisín gives an excellent summary of those uses (I knew I could save myself the bother!  :))). I wanted to focus on the symbioses among the crew, and it got too confusing to also include lichen in those vingnettes. I considered having Tuuri use Usnea on Sigrun's itchy wound, but that left me without a lichen link in the other vignette... and I'm a stickler for symmetry, so oatmeal it is.  ;D

Thanks Buteo, glad you liked the images - I haven't used my dSLR in ages, but got it out and tramped around in the woods. This also served as a push to start really learning GIMP. I've used Photoshop in the past, but it's really pricey and apparently you can do anything with the GIMP that you can in Photoshop... but it's quite the learning curve. I figured, I learned how to do my stats in R, I can learn how to postprocess images in GIMP. Now I have to re-learn how to use a "real" camera (as opposed to my phone) and figure out all the ins and outs of GIMP. Doing this gave me a good boost!

grey, thank-you so much! And you noticed that I fit the stories into canon.  :)  For no particularly good reason, that was important to me to do.

Mirasol, I did indeed take the photos (see above). Don't feel bad about not knowing more about lichen, it's good that you at least remembered they're a symbiosis. Most people hardly know they exist, but as Róisín points out, they are fantastically important ecologically, making soil from bare rock, setting the stage for other plants to grow.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #94 on: April 03, 2021, 10:50:30 AM »
I really like the lichen story.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #95 on: April 03, 2021, 11:47:37 AM »
I wanted to focus on the symbioses among the crew, and it got too confusing to also include lichen in those vingnettes.

I think for me it worked better that way. If the crew had been using lichens in their segment of the story, I might have taken the lichen descriptions as just being background for that use. Since they weren't, I had to think 'what do these two interleaved things have to do with each other' and therefore saw the analogy.

And will now point out another one: 'those two interleaved things' -- the natural history description and the crew stories -- are themselves an example of what they're illustrating: unlike things coming together to make a whole. Very nice indeed!


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #96 on: April 03, 2021, 05:24:16 PM »
Thank you Vulpes! The photos are beautiful! I have to admit I was also expecting for lichens to appear in the vignettes too :) but like Thorny says, the fact that they didn’t only demonstrates the point.

People interested in lichen may be keen to know a third partner in the symbiosis was discovered as recently as 2016! It is another kind of fungi, single-cell yeast:
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #97 on: April 03, 2021, 06:00:51 PM »
Thanks moredhel! And thorny, I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't really consider the meta-analogy of the piece as a whole!  :'D  I suppose I should nod sagely and say, "Yes, yes, I'm very glad you noticed that..." but it would be a lie.  :'D

I'm glad you like the photos, Jitter. You probably encounter some of the same species in the Finnish forests! And thanks for that link - I knew about (and didn't include, for simplicity) cyanobacteria, which may occur instead of, or with, algae, but I'd missed the basidiomycete thing. Very cool!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #98 on: April 03, 2021, 08:43:10 PM »
Glad the info was helpful! And Jitter, thank you for the information and the link. I had heard theories about the yeasts, but had not known about these new discoveries. It is so hard to keep up with new science. And I am watching eagerly for new studies from Surtsey.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #99 on: April 04, 2021, 01:34:06 AM »
Day 9: Brook, pond or spring

Today Groupoid gives us an insight into the effect our crew has on the local community.

The gossip had already announced them days ago. They were the talk of everyone with enough mind to communicate. It didn’t happen every day that humans ventured in this region, and bets had already been made on how long they would last. Puro was curious to see them in person, when they came to his little realm. He wanted to know who these people were that managed to convince the Swan to give a soul some overtime in the physical world.


Finally they arrived and put up their tent nearby. Human faces. Like it was a only a few days ago, he recalls how ages ago humans had stood by his banks for the first time. They had looked a bit different then, and talked other languages than today. And Puro himself had been a different brook. But he was still amazed by the humans and their power to use and form the world they found themselves in to their liking.

He wished these humans luck in their fight against the evil Kade. More than once had it come near Puro and killed the ducks he so adored, when they nested in his reeds. He would try to give these people the cleanest water he could manage. Ever so slightly adjusting the currents, so the nastier bits some beasts had dumped upstream wouldn’t land in their canteens.

One of the humans placed a foreign magic around their campsite. As if by a magnet, Puro’s glance was pushed away from it. He could overcome the pressure without much trouble, but he was still intrigued by it. He would have to tell his sister about it, next time the rain allowed them to meet.


Reynir dipped his head underwater and massaged his scalp. – Wait.  Was that giggling he heard? – He lifted his head ouf of the water. Nothing unusual. He continued washing his hair. – There it was again after a while. Bursting laughter.
“Tuuri, do you hear that?”
“Nah, nothing unusual. I just hear the babbling of the brook.”
Reynir finished washing his hair, ignoring the giggling, and let his hair dry by the campfire.

Puro loved hair. When it formed soft clouds around the heads of people and caused those intricate currents, going around and between the fine hairs. Neither sand nor plants came close to that, not to mention the water-repelling feathers of birds, which were boring in terms of current. Oh, how he loved this! How he’d missed this!

He recalled how some years ago a light young woman and her sturdy companion bathed in him and made their camp at nearly the same spot as the group today. Two of the men here today even reminded him of her. He recalled how in an even earlier time he’d been the meeting place of the women in the nearby settlement, to wash their clothes and exchange gossip. There had always been nice currents they made (and juicy gossip), though the soap they’d used sometimes gave him indigestion.

Oh, tomorrow these people would go on again, and he would be back to moving gravel around and watching mayflies grow. He didn’t hate it, but Puro kinda missed the mammals. They were more fun to have around than the monsters they had turned into. He’d say something like “How do you do?” and the beasts would only answer screeching and screaming.


Well, there they started packing up. It was nice having you here, Puro thinks to himself. Oh, and could you please remove the spell, while you’re at it? … Just a bit? … Smudge the marks? … No? … Are you really intending to curse that spot so no animal will have a look at it without a big reason to do so? Please tell me the rain will wash it away. … Well, at least it’ll be a little souvenir of their stay.

Reynir came running back shortly after they left, cursing his forgetfulness under his breath. With his boots he dug up the sigil in a few places, to break its effect, then he ran back to the others. “Thank you! Bless you!” Puro tried to shout after him.

(For some reason the mages are mostly deaf to the spirit’s monologuing. And his behaviour may not fit into existing folklore.)
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #100 on: April 04, 2021, 02:11:21 AM »
I think I may know who that couple was... and I remain a sucker for that sort of thing.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #101 on: April 04, 2021, 06:14:57 AM »
Yeah, I wondered if it was a reference to Ukko-Pekka and Ensi. Sweet little story, Groupoid!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #102 on: April 04, 2021, 08:16:14 AM »
Oh that was wonderful! I love it I love it I love it! Thank you Groupoid!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #103 on: April 04, 2021, 08:34:54 AM »
It is really an interresting idea that if everything went wrong the spirits would remember and miss mammals.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #104 on: April 04, 2021, 09:04:03 AM »
Groupoid, that's a wonderful story! I love seeing the viewpoint of beings that we generally consider unconscious - this reminds me a little of an Ursula Le Guin story, Direction of the Road, told from the point of view of an oak tree observing the passing humans. Nice job!  :D
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