Author Topic: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'  (Read 110769 times)


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #765 on: January 18, 2022, 02:36:46 PM »
Welcome, @Moose! You made a good analysis of the situation, in my opinion. A lot of us here strongly agree with you. I'm really sorry that SSSS treats your culture like it does. Thank you for mentioning the Saami troll-hunting stories, they sound fun. I'd love to read them if possible.
Thank you! And sorry (everyone) for a veery late answer! All this may have already had its course but i truly feel the need to answer all the nice coments  ^-^
Yes, the sámi troll stories are awsome, and a lot more gory sometimes then ssss! I hope you get to read some sometime ;D


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #766 on: January 18, 2022, 02:50:40 PM »
Moose, it is a big deal. Sure, some people will brush it off but most of the people here won't. We like to listen and understand peoples feelings. Your concerns won't be brushed off as overanalyzing. Frankly, a lot of indigenous people would survive a troll infested world. They're really strong and wouldn't be pushovers when it comes to survival. These people try so hard to keep their culture and language alive despite others trying to force conformity. Instead of melting into the rest of the population shouldn't the difference between cultures be celebrated? But for some reason that's too much to ask.
Culture, language, religion are all beautiful.
The differences between them are beautiful.
Everyone getting a shot at killing a troll is beautiful.
Saying things like "melt into the culture " is not beautiful. If only people knew how many illnesses were brought to other countries by white foreigners.
Thank you for youre kind words! Its nice to hear understanding people. I have lurced a bit around this forum now for a bit and im suppriced to find that the times sámi people are mentioned it is in positive meanings, it is, unfortunately, a bit rare.
I totaly agree, cultures that have survived tryes at erasure would not just "melt in" and disapare.
Its all the differenses that make us all beautiful! No one more or less, but beautiful and valid.


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #767 on: January 18, 2022, 03:11:23 PM »
Moose, it is a big deal. Sure, some people will brush it off but most of the people here won't. We like to listen and understand peoples feelings. Your concerns won't be brushed off as overanalyzing. Frankly, a lot of indigenous people would survive a troll infested world. They're really strong and wouldn't be pushovers when it comes to survival. These people try so hard to keep their culture and language alive despite others trying to force conformity. Instead of melting into the rest of the population shouldn't the difference between cultures be celebrated? But for some reason that's too much to ask.
Culture, language, religion are all beautiful.
The differences between them are beautiful.
Everyone getting a shot at killing a troll is beautiful.
Saying things like "melt into the culture " is not beautiful. If only people knew how many illnesses were brought to other countries by white foreigners.
Thank you! Its realy nice to find a place with compassion and understanding. I have lurced a bit around this forum and found that the times sámi people been brought up its been in posetive meaning, it is rare to find im sad to say.
And yes, i totaly agree, people and cultures that have stood against genocide, erasure, opression etc would not just melt in with the main culture, we would still be recilient, even against trolls.


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #768 on: January 18, 2022, 03:18:54 PM »
Can I just say that I think this one should win the Typo of the Year award?

Not as a criticism of your English, which is entirely understandable (and massively better than my any-other-language); but because justifiable fear does indeed have a great deal to do with it.

Haha well i have to agree! It was truly a typo that domt seem so mutch as a typo ;D


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #769 on: January 18, 2022, 03:30:08 PM »
first of all, it's great to hear the perspective of and analysis from a saami person. thank you so much for speaking up. saami people deserve better, and not just in media.

Thank you!
Its refreshing to find a place on the internet so understanding.


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #770 on: January 18, 2022, 04:13:15 PM »
@Jitter  i think not including sámi was in one way the best desition, but how she went about it was a bit offensiv. Not long ago sámi was beaten for speaking any sámi languadge, a lot of sámi struggle to get it back. Marking it as a dead languadge, not good. (and its not one languadge, its like nine living) and then with the assimilation  o_O

Yes! Just my thougt to! The midnightsun, the deep snow and freezing dergees, bare montains and woods to hide in. In my mind the sámi is still alive. Maybe unawere of other people or no interest in finding other survivors.

Yea no, we was left out on purpose, and not with good intentions. She had so many options to be inclusive without appropriate.

Im sorry to hear that. Its not okej.

It seems like a great corner on the wide webb. It refreshing to not be met with racism.
Ouf, i hope an opposit forum to this dont exist!


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #771 on: January 18, 2022, 04:23:08 PM »

As a side note, I think the only piece of media that I've seen represent Saami people (at all...) has been that Christmas movie on Netflix from a few years ago (Klaus??), but it did seem to be a positive representation so that's something. At least, I thought it was a cute part of the movie.

And about the fat jokes in aRTD, they did make me uncomfortable, as well as the one instance of Hannu using the R slur (I think?). It might have been overlooked at the time of its publishing because aRTD is a pretty old webcomic at this point, and boy was that sort of thing everywhere on the internet back then :(

There are some sami represantation in mainstream media but most is, not good.
I love Klaus and it has a lot of good represantation but its not perfect, it falls in to that "sámi is santas elfs" trope.
If you want some indigenous films (sámi and from other indigenous cultures) have a lot.

No i think you right, the r-word is used.


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #772 on: January 18, 2022, 04:51:50 PM »
@Jitter  i think not including sámi was in one way the best desition, but how she went about it was a bit offensiv. Not long ago sámi was beaten for speaking any sámi languadge, a lot of sámi struggle to get it back. Marking it as a dead languadge, not good. (and its not one languadge, its like nine living) and then with the assimilation  o_O

Yes! Just my thougt to! The midnightsun, the deep snow and freezing dergees, bare montains and woods to hide in. In my mind the sámi is still alive. Maybe unawere of other people or no interest in finding other survivors.

Yea no, we was left out on purpose, and not with good intentions. She had so many options to be inclusive without appropriate.

Im sorry to hear that. Its not okej.

It seems like a great corner on the wide webb. It refreshing to not be met with racism.
Ouf, i hope an opposit forum to this dont exist!

Moose, I agree! It would have been decent of her to acknowledge that the Saami exist still, even if she didn’t feel comfortable having a Saami character. But small things like including a couple of villages in the very north (with names in Sami language(s)) and keeping their branch alive in the language tree would have been minimal effort. Given everything that has been said and done since the map and the language tree, I have to agree with you that it was not a well-intentioned accident. This is especially pronounced as the Sami would be more likely to survive in this scenario than the other Nordic peoples.

Still, I think it would have been even worse if she had included some nasty stereotype thing. I’m sorry to say but I don’t think she would have been likely to make it a good representation.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2022, 03:17:28 PM by Jitter »
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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #773 on: January 19, 2022, 12:25:02 PM »
I'm reading this and realizing that "acknowledging a demographic exists within your setting if you don't feel comfortable having a character for whatever reason" is a stance that I don't see spelled out as often as I would like in the corners of the Internet in which I hang out. When one has nothing against a given population on a conscious level, but has some combination of subconcious bias, limited stamina for research, lack of idea of what sources of information are the reliable ones (there is a surprising amont of somewhat bigoted sources that are written in a way that doesn't immediately register as bigoted when one is stilll learning) and lack of space for such a character in what they are writing, knowing that this is an option can really help a lot. I feel that all to often, the way things are presented comes across as "either you have a character that is part of the demographic or you don't and not having one is bad".
(Not specifically meant to apply to Minna, just a little tip for communicating with people who might be in somewhat of a grey area on the subject by someone who considers herself in one)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 12:29:06 PM by Grade E cat »
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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #774 on: February 06, 2022, 05:15:04 PM »
If you want some indigenous films (sámi and from other indigenous cultures) have a lot.

*sigh* I wish they allowed subscriptions from non-Nordic regions. My DNA shows a fair amount of Sámi ancestry, but trying to learn much beyond "Look at these pictures of reindeer herders" isn't easy.


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #775 on: March 29, 2022, 10:36:31 AM »
Hi everyone! I’ve been following SSSS on and off since 2015-ish. Never commented on the comics themselves, and frequently lurked on the forum but never made an account. Reading through this thread has finally given me the push to articulate my thoughts on LP, which had been percolating in the back of my mind since the comic first dropped.

Like many, LP left me with a deep sense of betrayal and loss. I’ve never met Minna, but I still found myself grieving* for her, or really, I grieved the loss of the person I thought she was. And I grieved for her future, which will likely take place in a bigoted echo chamber. Her beautiful art will probably be confined to a very narrow audience.

Minna hurt a lot of people with LP, but to me, it seems like the person she hurt most is herself. She’s driven off a good chunk of her audience, and will she really be able to live off Christian comics with no add revenue?  She may have hampered her ability to make friends and connect with people irl, too – people are going to find LP when they google her name. Hell, even LP itself is so badly executed that it damages/defeats its own purpose. Minna’s said that her talents are a gift from God and that she intends to use them to share her religion, but you don’t win converts by punching people in the throat.

Since March of 2021, I’ve probably read LP a dozen times, just studying the details and emotionally processing everything. During those re-readings, I found a new kind of grief, grief for what might have been. Because (unpopular opinion here) LP could’ve been a fantastic comic. Make some changes to the writing and plot, add infinitely more sensitivity and tact, and Minna might’ve created something that christian and non-christians could genuinely enjoy. It might even provided a nudge to someone sitting on the fence and considering chrisitanity.

So, because I have no life and my time has no value, I wrote out all the changes I would’ve made if I were LP’s author and/or editor. The resulting story might not be great, but I’m certain it’s better than the existing one. They say you can’t polish a turd, but that’s because turds aren’t meant for polishing. If life hands you a turd, you might as well use it as fertilizer and grow some flowers, y’know?

Details under spoilers because this is gonna be loooooog.

*Probably too strong of a word, but I can’t think of a better one.

Proposed edits

Give Marigold’s husband some personality

This seems small, but it bothered me an inordinate amount. I genuinely have no idea what Minna was going for when she wrote Marigold’s husband. He seems completely checked out and emotionally detached. It’s also strange that he seems to know NOTHING about christianity prior to reading the bible on the train. Most deeply religious people (that I’ve met) prefer a spouse who shares their faith, or at least understands the basics or it. And I know many people (my parents included) that make religion an important part of their relationship.

Give Marigold a church

Seriously, I found it so strange that the main christian character in a christian comic doesn’t seem to be affiliated with any kind of church. And it’s not implied that the WC closed all the churches, either. They had one WC-approved christian appear on a talk show and allowed her to talk about how she approved of the Bible 2.0 update, so there’s probably some state-allowed churches around somewhere, but they’re never mentioned or alluded to.

A church could do so much for plot and character development. Marigold and her husband could be active in the community, and Cinnamon could be one of their church friends. I’d also like to see Lavender (Peppermint’s daughter) as a member, going to services with her “aunt.” Lavender could be a convert, one of those people who are raised in secular families but join religion for their own spiritual satisfaction. Minna converted as an adult, so she should be able to write that kind of character well.

A church could show WHY religion is so important to these bunnies. We could see them going to services, with doughnuts in the basement afterwards, spending time as a community. Maybe someone talks about how their faith helped them through hard times. Maybe the congregation volunteers for a food pantry or clothing drive. This could provide a way to Lavender to meet the homeless bunny and get to know her backstory.

Have the WC push "acceptable christianity" that relies on prosperity gospel

Many other commenters have pointed out (correctly) that Christians are not being systematically persecuted in any modern western countries. With that being said, the WC isn’t shown to want to get rid of all Chrisitans – it just wants all christains to follow a doctrine they approve of. The WC could’ve deleted the bibles from everyone’s tablets, but they didn’t. They updated it instead.

The idea of losing points for reading the original un-updated bible isn’t particularly realistic or relatable, but many totalitarian regimes have manipulated doctrine for political purposes. And there is one aspect of christianty* that I think the WC love to push on its citizens: prosperity gospel. Prosperity gospel is the belief that if you’re a good christian, god will bless you with wealth and material comfort. Prosperity gospel is intimately tied up with the just world fallacy (ie, the belief that bad things mostly/only happen to bad people who did something to deserve it.)

The WC explicits endorses the just world fallacy. Peppermint (speaking as a teacher and therefore an instrument of the state) says that bunnies have to be deliberately bad to wreck their scores. She later tells Lavender that the homeless bunny could have all her rights back if she would just behave. This narrative leaves no room for systematic inequalities, bad luck, or accidents and I think it’s pretty safe to say that the just world fallacy is a large part of the WC’s manner of operation.

*Not all christian groups accept the prosperity gospel, but it’s common enough to be lumped in as broadly christian.

The church runs afoul of the WC’s “just world”

I think that Marigold’s faith and church could believably run afoul of the WC. Not because of Christianity in and of itself, but because Christianity could lead the bunnies to doubt/question the WC. If the church is helping the poor, they’d probably get to know some bunnies that have been un-person’d and learn their backstories. Those backstories probably involve persecution and discimination, and that the un-people did not bring their fate upon themselves. If that’s true, then the world is not just, and that’s directly contradictory to the official WC party line and therefore must be suppressed.

There are lots of different ways the WC could crack down on the church. Maybe the pastor suddenly disappears and is related with a state-endorsed newcomer. Suddenly, the sermons aren’t about forgiveness and loving your neighbor, they’re about how wealth means you’re specially chosen by god, unlike the sinful poor. Or maybe the WC tries to shut down the church’s charitable work, saying that giving things to the “undeserving” is wrong and probably bad for the economy. There’s lots of possibilities.

After the WC gets involved with the church, I can imagine Cinnamon and her family becoming dissatisfied and planning to run away. Marigold is probably too anxious to join, but Cinnamon could give her the map.

Peppermint’s character arc and escape from propaganda

 In the beginning of the comic, Peppermint is shown to be deep in the just world kool-aid. Her sincere belief in the just world is probably an important part of her morals and almost certainly essential for her job security. Granted, she does ditch her faith in the WC after Lavender tanks her score, but it happens too quickly to be believable.
Instead, Peppermint could change her views in a much longer (and more conflicted) timeframe. Peppermint is a good citizen, but Lavender’s been going to Marigold’s church and seeing and experiencing things that suggest the world is not so just. Maybe Lavender talks about the un-people she’s met. Maybe Peppermint doesn’t believe that such things really happen, maybe she wants Lavender to stop helping the un-people for the sake of Lavender’s newly minted account. Either way, there’s lots of room for mother-daughter tension and character development.

While this is going on, Peppermint could learn that Sunspot’s family has a low score. She meets the parents, expecting them to be bad people, but is surprised at how “good” and “relatable” they seem. Ideally, Sunspot’s parents would be considered social undesirables for a reason not related to christianity, because it doesn’t make sense for christians to be the only group that’s targeted by the WC.

Marigold and Lavender tank their scores

As LP stands, neither score tanking makes a lot of sense. Marigold’s husband apparently starts reading the bible and wrecks his score without any consideration of the consequences in his day-to-day life. (Nor does he tell Marigold that he’s going to do something so score-wrecking, which strikes me as a serious communication issue)  Lavender never provides much motivation for why she hates the world council, nor does she ever consider undermining them in any way other than bashing them online. It’s illogical and incredibly alienating for the reader. If a character loses their life savings to a ponzi scheme because they didn’t know better, the reader might feel sorry for them. If a character takes their life’s savings to the middle of a field, soaks it in gasoline, and sets it on fire, the reader’s just going to think they’re a moron.

Obviously, there are endless plot-related possibilities for how Marigold and Lavender could tank their scores, but my personal preference would be this: Marigold and Lavender are texting each other about the crackdown at church and it turns into criticizing the WC. This makes sense because it’s implied that (or the bunnies think that) scores are only affected by things that are posted publicly, not private conversations. (For example, in the first scene, Peony admits to “pretending to believe” what she writes in order to get more points. She says this in a crowded restaurant, without any apparent fear of being overheard.) Anyway, despite the belief that the conversation is private, the WC is monitoring the phones of these possibly-subversive charity-working churchgoes and uses that as an excuse to make them unpeople.

Peony and the role of the socially privileged

I’ve seen a couple people with the opinion that Peony is a superfluous character who could be cut from LP with any major impact on the plot. And while I certainly see where they’re coming from, I actually really like Peony. Her character illustrates an important point; in a totalitarian regime, some people will be privileged, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the privileged people are evil.
Privilege is usually (and rightfully) thought of in terms of demographics – a person’s race, sex, sexual ortientation, etc. But an individual’s natural personality can also provide them with a degree of (dis)privilege. Someone who is naturally excitable and prefers to wear their heart on their sleeve might struggle in a culture that values endurance and stoicism, y’know?

Peony is an excellent example of personality-based privilege. She manages to be exactly what the WC wants, without even trying. She’s extroverted and charismatic, with a flair for showmanship. She’s ambitious – building a brand as an influencer can be akin to starting a small business. When she sets the goal of reaching gold-verified status, she pursues it wholeheartedly. Her interest in makeup art aligns with WC’s ideas about gender.

At the same time , Peony’s privilege never quite pushes her into selfishness. She’s eager to invite her friends to the super-VIP section and takes pride in the fact that her score will improve theirs. When she unfriends Marigold and Peppermint (an arguably logical move in terms of self-preservation) she does so with more sadness than self-righteousness.

Furthermore, privilege means that Peony has the least to gain and the most to lose. She’s the only main character whose hand the WC never really forces (at least until she rants about them online.) She hasn’t seen her religion disrupted or her daughter punished; she would’ve been perfectly free to move on from Peppermint and Marigold and continue with all the benefits of gold-verified super-VIP. But that’s not what she does. She walks away from everything (and no doubt taking a serious hit in terms of material prosperity) because she knows it’s the right thing to do. That’s the main moral of Peony’s arc. People should stand up against oppression and injustice, even if that oppression and injustice benefit them personally.

Plot Climax and Bible Scenes

If asked to point out LP’s plot climax, I’m not sure what I’d say, because there are several contenders. One of them is the moment when Marigold and her husband talk about Matthew 26 (Peter denying that he knows Jesus.) Now, I personally think that a bible cutscene is distracting and unnecessary, even in a christian comic, but if there really needed to be a bible story, here’s how I would do it:

After Peony wrecks her score, she runs to meet the others and begs for their forgiveness. Marigold says that she forgives Peony, and that she’s just glad that Peony made the right choice. Then cut to a scene of the bunnies walking away from society, and as they do, Marigold remembers Matthew 9:10-13 and takes comfort in it.

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

In other words, Matthew, who was privileged and benefited from Roman corruption, realized couldn't continue living the way he was. Jesus forgave him and welcomed him as a disciple. This story would tie right into the rejection of materialism and the prosperity gospel. IT encourages the reader to notice what’s going on around them, reflect on their own sins (whatever they may be) and focus on doing better in the future. I think that would be a fitting way to conclude the comic.


So there you have it, my proposed “edits” to the comic that hardly anybody read and even fewer people liked. As I said previously, LP could’ve been a decent story, even a good one, and I’m mostly sad that it fails the way it does.


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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #776 on: March 29, 2022, 03:46:14 PM »
Hello spegeljord!

You make some interesting points. I agree with many of them. The one edit I would love to make would be to change the Bible 2.0 modification that is particularly talked about to the scene where Jesus drives the merchants out of the temple. It would be something the extremely consumerist regime would hate, and it would be soooo much less intolerant towards basically everyone (except such merchants who push their goods in temples).

I would like to point out that the lack of a church in the story probably reflects Minna's experience. I don't know what happened when she converted, and how, but she didn't have a church at first. She was already firmly converted and had been doing her bible (self)study for a long while before she ever attended a service and later mentioned that she has found a church that suits her. She is clearly not a people person, so the community aspect of having a church seemed to be difficult for her at first (these are things she has spoken about during the Twitch streams, not word to word but directly from her). In this respect I think and hope it will be a good influence on her. The Finnish mainstream lutheranism is very boring, but the congregation she joined is baptist, which is a tiny denomination here. But in her case the conversion came first and led her to finding a group.

I had a point somewhere but I seem to have lost it. So, I'll stop here now :)
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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #777 on: March 30, 2022, 01:16:23 AM »
Spegeljord, those edits might be capable of turning the story into something that would raise sympathy for the characters, the author and the advertised beliefs among the readers, rather than raising annoyance and disgust as it did. Sad that it was done in the fashion of beating readers about the head with the views in the story rather than drawing readers in with sympathetic characters and a good tale. I am not a Christian, though I am married to one, and actually tried to learn about the faith because my late stepmother was one. My own family is largely Pagan, but my mother died when I was a small child, and my father did not remarry until my older brother and I were teenagers. So I thought it useful and courteous to at least learn about my stepmother’s faith.
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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #778 on: April 02, 2022, 08:20:15 PM »
Hello spegeljord!

You make some interesting points. I agree with many of them. The one edit I would love to make would be to change the Bible 2.0 modification that is particularly talked about to the scene where Jesus drives the merchants out of the temple. It would be something the extremely consumerist regime would hate, and it would be soooo much less intolerant towards basically everyone (except such merchants who push their goods in temples).

I would like to point out that the lack of a church in the story probably reflects Minna's experience. I don't know what happened when she converted, and how, but she didn't have a church at first. She was already firmly converted and had been doing her bible (self)study for a long while before she ever attended a service and later mentioned that she has found a church that suits her. She is clearly not a people person, so the community aspect of having a church seemed to be difficult for her at first (these are things she has spoken about during the Twitch streams, not word to word but directly from her). In this respect I think and hope it will be a good influence on her. The Finnish mainstream lutheranism is very boring, but the congregation she joined is baptist, which is a tiny denomination here. But in her case the conversion came first and led her to finding a group.

I had a point somewhere but I seem to have lost it. So, I'll stop here now :)

One part of SSSS I enjoyed very much was when Reynir and Onni encountered Pastor Anne. I thought she was one of Ms. Sundberg's better constructed characters. Pastor Anne had that whole vibe of being an empathetic, non-judgemental person; such as I've seen in many of the more moderate christian churches I've encountered. She, I think, behaved and spoke in the manner of someone like her if  the circumstances were real, not merely a story premise.

This was one of the reasons I had a hard time with the original footnote of LP. It did not square with what I had read in SSSS mere months prior to that.

The metaphysical content of SSSS as a whole really appealed to me. It shows a world that is multi-pantheon.

There is Pastor Anne, representing a positive version of christianity. Reynir was exploring his spiritual heritage. Onni and Lalli were actively practicing theirs. Sigrun at the very least was paying lip-service to hers. Mikkel seemed to be a Danish Zen student of sorts. And last there is Emil, the natural-born Epicurean.  ;)

My error was assuming that the artist's viewpoints somehow reflected this. I know now that the artist had once declared herself to be atheist, then turns around and becomes a christian hard-liner.

Given the rough timing of her conversion (Spring of 2020?) perhaps the Real World Covid Pandemic was a factor. At that time, I believed that it was within the realm of possibility that the disease could have taken so many that we would have to pile corpses on street corners.

Maybe her own fears led her to take Pascal's Wager, figuring that the worst that could happen is that there is no afterlife to worry about.  Also, her not being a people person, and being largely reclusive, could have left her vulnerable to any strong-willed influence. Combine those, and you've got a convert.

This is all pure conjecture, based on what little I've heard about Ms. Sundberg.

Side note: I watched one of her sketchbook streams from like 2015? What I find remarkable, is that for a supposed recluse, her command of English and it's modern pop-vernacular is astounding!

Anyway, the mysteries of her conversion may be cleared up in the next Bunny Comic. I intend to follow the comments, rather than read it myself. I'm not going to read it because it's probably going to contain the "Why Do the Heathen Rage?" sentiment.

translunaryAnimus (TA)

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Re: Lovely People aka 'the bunny comic'
« Reply #779 on: April 04, 2022, 08:48:27 AM »
I know I'm about a year late to this discussion board but I do have to agree with a lot of sentiments addressed here against "The Bunny Comic". I went into it completely blind and pretty much got smacked upside the head by the ending. I expected the social credit system to begin banning more and more religions as "dangerous ideas" while getting tangled up with itself and the people who run it as their own religious beliefs were being targeted.

Instead we got.. Christian persecution complex..

Minna is a better story writer than this and I can't help but feel wholly disappointed with the way that Lovely People turned out. It could have been an interesting discussion on her opinions of social credit systems and the censoring of beliefs (which would be hard to navigate given that it's a pretty inflamatory topic and would probably cause a lot of arguments if done insensitively) but we got.. what we got instead.

I won't go too much into thoughts as an ex Christian, so I'm not showing too much bias, but it's a little scary to have something that you hear constantly from your very intolerant/bigoted family be repeated blindly by a comic author you've looked up to for years. Minna inspired a lot of my own work and style and I honestly just feel lost now.
Just one artist with too many projects and not enough time.

Fluent:🇬🇧 Learning:🇫🇮