Born on the Danish capital of Rønne from a young age hed had from a young age a fascination with the Old World, specially with it's history and its environment and this fascination grew even more as his family taugh him to speak, write and speak spanish to keep alive something from their non-scandinavian ancestors' culture.
This fascination grew as he grew up also did his fascination and soon after his family moved to sweden he started studying to be a biologist and soon he found himself helping on peripherical research about the Rash Illness. At fist he felt like he was helping but soon after he found the project to be frustrating as no advance was ever made. Desperate to help and find a breaktrough, he once started to make his own research and soon hit an idea, the possibility that the Rash Illness was not only biological in nature but also magical, now the problem was to prove it since there was no information that supported it was the case. Deciding to continue his normal work while searching for proves for his own theory he soon found the problem that no reasearch centrated on the possible relationship between magic and the illness, trying to go for another route (trying to see why insects, birds and other animals weren't affected by the Rash Illness) also ended in failure.
With that, Alergo reached to a conclusion, he needed new information, sadly for him, it meant going into the Silent World which he considered a suicide. As such, he prepared by getting his own rifle (and training with it), ammunition, some food and other objects in the hopes of getting into a new expedition into the Silent World, hoping he would not die in the process while getting new information about the biology and history of both the Silent World and the Old World.
He then decided to travel to Sweden (aged 25) and join the cleansers as a field researcher which the cleansers found at first funny, then frustrating and finally useful. From there he would end as deputy commander for the platoon. He ended in Höfn after taking a leave for a few months to see if he could continue his personal research and just to take some downtime.