Author Topic: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)  (Read 10916 times)


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Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« on: December 06, 2020, 02:23:11 PM »
It's been a while. Guess I'm coming back to this forum, and kicking off round 3 of the Unified Roleplay :>

Uh, some stuff was brought up about the round 2 so some of us figured a timeskip of about 20 years between round 2 and round 3 was necessary.
Retconning obviously won't happen, but here's a list of stuff that will change a bit between round 2 and 3:
The really weird and scary stuff that happened in round 2 is only contained in the area around Krummin which is like the Silent World's Bermuda Triangle.
Contact has been made with America and Russia although nobody dared to make the journey yet.
The gang from round 2 (and round 1 I suppose) probably isn't coming back for this round? But if someone really wants a character there, I suppose? idk.

The idea we had was that this should be a privately funded trip by some rich kid that wants to yeet big amounts of money at people who will explore the world a bit more. He got his hands on some old world geography and history books and some maps and got really interested in Suez canal.

So... Tour de Mediterranean :>
Traveling by ship.
Privately-funded, military had no hands in this.

Anyone interested? Any other ideas? Comments? Stuff? Post either here or on Discord, both works. Find us here if you wanna join the server :>

Character sheet:

Physical Condition:
Magical Abilities:
« Last Edit: December 07, 2020, 05:24:54 AM by Kitty »

Native: :hr:
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Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2020, 03:39:03 PM »
I'm in. Gonna need to think up a character, though.
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Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2020, 03:53:45 PM »
Wheeeeeeeeee!!!  :)) :)) :))

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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2020, 05:06:28 PM »
I'd very much like to join and be a cat again 😊
From the :gb: , and I'm into a lot of things.


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2020, 05:13:57 PM »
ofc, sure <3

Post your character sheets here guys <3 it would be nice to have it all in one place.

Name: Saga Viggósdóttir
Age: 27
Gender: female
Nationality: Icelandic
Languages: :is: :no: :gb: , and (read only) :de: :it:
Intelligence: Above average but not a genious. Puts creative in problem solving
Physical Condition: A what?
Magical Abilities: None
Immunity: No
Occupation: skald, focused on languages and geography with some history knowledge
Training: Icelandic college education, proper training when it comes to handling guns and grandma training in knitting
Equipment: An ungodly amount of books, mainly massive atlases with extremely detailed maps of local areas, numerous nautical and star maps from a century ago to help with ship's navigation, a switchblade, both cute and practical clothes appropriate for every terrible and nice weather they might encounter, writing equipment and cartography tools, navigation tools in case ship breaks, a handgun and a few magazines and a few masks. A few kilometers of wool of various color and thickness and several pairs of knitting needles, and a shoebox filled to the brim with various sewing necessities, from thread, to needles, to buttons, to scissors.
Appearance: Saga has long blond hair she braids in two braids, freckled skin and bright, chillingly blue eyes. 172cm tall, slim and kinda twiggish, but graceful in her movements and commonly compared to depiction of women in Icelandic folktales
Personality: Kinda a dork, to be honest. Big on nerding and books, very friendly and sweet and likes to have fun with people. At the same time, she is horrified and excited for this journey and takes it very seriously and appropriately for the danger they will be facing.
History: Has a loving family and three older brothers who are all immune, with the eldest being a mage. Her father is not immune and she was the one to draw the genetic short straw. The whole family gives off a very Viking feel, being tall, large, blonde and buff (with Saga being excepted from buff). Saga, being the only one not immune, enrolled into college instead of joining Icelandic army like her brothers. She mainly studied languages, but later expanded into geography and history, where she met Leif, a rich kid with funds for an adventure and common sense to not go there personally. They planned details while she was teaching herself how to navigate and read nautical and star maps. Leif obtained all the books she is bringing with her, and objected loudly and repeatedly to her going. Oh well.
At least partially had her hand in hiring most people coming to the journey.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2020, 05:52:37 AM by Kitty »

Native: :hr:
Fluent: :gb: :us: :ba: :rs:
Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2020, 05:17:55 PM »
Name: Harald 'Otsopoka' Heikki
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: :fi:
Languages: :fi:, :no:
Intelligence: Average/above-average. Is a very good blacksmith, literate, and can do his numbers.
Physical Condition: Abnormally strong even for his size. Sharp reflexes. Very slow, though, partially due to his prosthetic and partially due to being careful.
Magical Abilities: None.
Immunity: Yes
Occupation: Blacksmith.
Training: Basic self-defense training. An extremely skilled blacksmith - give him a description, raw materials, and a forge, and he'll turn out whatever you need. Decent cook, excellent baker.
Equipment: War hammer. Blacksmithing tools. Basic food supplies. Compass, map, etc. First aid kit. Firestarters. Basic tools for prosthetic maintenance.
Appearance: . Heavily built, kinda hairy overall. Some minor burn marks on his forearms. Typically wears a thick apron and simple clothes. Left foot is missing, replaced with a bronze mechanical prosthetic. Around 192cm tall.
Personality: Gruff and concise. Very quiet. Very stubborn. Gets along well with cats.
History: Born to a Norwegian mother and a Finnish father. Nickname was originally derogatory (means 'son of the bear'). Kept it out of spite. Took up blacksmithing to deal with temper. Foot was lost in a troll attack. Kinda just showed up on board the ship. Considering the ship was in Iceland and his passport says he's never left Finland, this is impressive.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2020, 12:10:52 AM by Ragnarok »
Survived: Chapters: :chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:
Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2020, 06:02:23 PM »
This sounds really fun, but I've never done this before, could anyone explain the rules to me please?
Fluent in :us: and :fr:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2020, 06:10:22 PM »
This sounds really fun, but I've never done this before, could anyone explain the rules to me please?

Hello! It's pretty simple :D The idea is to make a character fitting the SSSS setting and then go on an expedition with other people's characters. You write what your character does and others will respond.

Saga greets Harald. - my post
Harald stares, vaguely intimidating. - Ragnarok's post

And we write like that :D

Native: :hr:
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2020, 06:55:20 PM »
Sounds good! I'm definitely in.

Name: Astrid Nilsen
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Nationality: Norwegian
Languages: Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic
Intelligence: Above average in book-smarts, not great at thinking on her feet.
Physical Condition: Average
Magical Abilities: Capable of some magic but not enough to call her a mage.
Immunity: Yes
Occupation: Cat handler; engineer; medic
Training: Fully trained as a cat handler and engineer, self-taught as a medic.
Equipment: Various cat toys and treats, a few sets of extra clothes, spare glasses, a couple pencils, a journal, first-aid kit, binoculars, toolbox, and a pocket knife.

Her hair is reddish-brown; straight; often kept in a side braid. Her eyes are amber, which are often behind a pair of round glasses. She always brings a spare pair after she accidentally broke them one day and had to feel her way home, blind as a mole. Has quite a few freckles on her face, and is rather short. Skinny as a twig with big hands and feet, which causes her to be a klutz most of the time.
Personality: Quiet at first, but once you get to know her, quite chatty. A bit strange and eccentric, but a sturdy and loyal friend. Enjoys human interaction, but sometimes she has to go and recharge and be by herself for a little bit. She quite enjoys sailing and exploring new places, so when she heard about the expedition it was a dream come true.
History: Went to college in Iceland and majored in engineering. Volunteered one day at a local cat training center and fell in love with the art that is training cats. She quit her job, much to the displeasure of her parents, to become a cat handler. She quickly became the most proficient one there. However, when she heard about the expedition, her taste for the unknown took over yet again and she and she resigned from her stable job once more. Her parents have lost all hope for her.
Other: Has an unnatural connection to her feline friends. Some say she can talk to them. Astrid has neither confirmed nor dispelled the rumors.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 01:30:37 PM by Lallicat »
Fluent in :us: and :fr:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2020, 07:51:27 PM »
Looks good! Maybe add an extra occupation? Mage, Medic, Soldier? Engineer, for the ship perhaps? The expedition can't really have that many members (as usual), so it would be cool if all starting members had one of the jobs that would get them hired for this proper :>

also, some other general rules of RP (including this one)
no godmodding - meaning you write what your character does and don't steal others' characters or their reactions and don't tell others what to do or what they did
Astrid offered her hand to Saga and was shocked when Saga didn't accept it <- your post only, this is bad
Astrid offered her hand to Saga. -your post
Saga shook her hand with a friendly smile - my post <-- good)
no rude to players - this is a game, if characters clash it happens, players do it for fun and not for getting angry with each other
be respectful and nice and understanding <3 - everybody has their own life and schedule, stuff they gotta do, and that's okay :> gods know round 2 once survived a month of no posting and came back as good as before

we will be writing in present tense since that's how we did it before. Use proper English (as much as possible i mean i'm not a perfect speaker but i'll try to be clear and proper) and not the lazy stuff I do currently, write your character in third person and most importantly

welcome and have fun <3

Edit: OH and if someone's english goes bad, or some sentence is not understood, or someone misunderstood a sentence in their reply - ask! clarify! adapt! discuss! communication is the key!

Extra Edit: I just realized I am a stupid and didn't put "Nationality" on the character sheet. Pls add nationality for your characters, thanks!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 07:58:32 PM by Kitty »

Native: :hr:
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Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2020, 08:05:16 PM »
No godmodding, got it! And Astrid is now the ship's engineer (disclaimer: I know next to nothing about ships) plus a self taught medic, because I have a feeling that could be useful.
Fluent in :us: and :fr:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2020, 08:10:38 PM »
Yay! sounds great! <3 Hopefully we also get a trained medic in someone else haha... ha...

just joking ofc we will <3 and don't worry about not knowing stuff about ships. We discussed the ship we'll go with a bit on Discord, if you're interested in checking it out. If not, don't worry <3 Either Ragnarok or I will post it here once we figure it all out for sure.

Native: :hr:
Fluent: :gb: :us: :ba: :rs:
Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2020, 05:14:29 AM »
I dropped a better, more detailed character sheet. Please update the sheets accordingly, Ragnarok and Lalli <3

Native: :hr:
Fluent: :gb: :us: :ba: :rs:
Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2020, 09:00:03 AM »
Hello! I’m not sure I have time to commit, but sounds mighty interesting. It far (far FAR) too long since I have played any RPGs.

Could you tell a bit more about how it works? I got what you said about describing your actions, but not that of other players. But who writes what happens around the characters? Like can anybody see something interesting, or have a storm descend upon the ship, or say “My-character opens the door, and a huge giant with at least seven heads jumps out”?

And if so, can the next player say “my-character casts fireball and the giant is not a threat any longer”?
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2020, 09:20:27 AM »
EEEEE this sounds so cool!!!

Can I still join? I don´t have any experience in roleplaying, but I always wanted to do it! I don´t have discord though, is that a problem? If not, is there still a job that needs to be covered by a character?
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
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