BreathThe baby is tiny, a lot smaller than her brother was. She's perfectly formed, with a tuft of baby hair, but limp and silent. Her face has a bluish tint. Juha holds his newborn daughter, starting to look panicked. Anne-Mari is spent, she sits back panting, and waits for the wail that doesn't come. Hilja takes the child and checks the airway again. Anne-Mari starts praying, tears in her eyes.
Saavu saavu sielulintu
varovasti varpuseni
kuopsuttele kuikkaseni
jouvu jouvu joutseneni
apustele ankkaseni
tule tule tipuseni (1)
Hilja takes the child and pours the rest of the birthing waters on her. Then she chants
Kuutar kallis kulkevainen
Päivätär päivien pitäjä
Turvaattehan tyttäremme
Pelastatte pikkuisemme
Tytön teot on tekemättä
Lapsen laulut laulamatta
Ei jouva Manan majoille
tuonne Tuonen tupasille (2)
And slaps the baby’s back one final time.
And this time it works. The child makes a noise and ejects a bit of slime. Then she breathes in and lets out the long-awaited cry. The blue recedes from her face and she strongly lets everybody know she’s not pleased to be here, to be cold, to have been forced out of her soft existence. But she breathes, and she lives, and she will learn to love life.
Now Anne-Mari and Juha are crying with relief and cuddling their daughter. “Little darling, you gave us a scare there!”
Hilja turns to them. “It was touch and go for a while! But we were lucky.
She was lucky! She dislodged the blockage just in time!”
“I think we’ll name her after her luck.”
“Good idea. I also recommend you leave some offerings for Kuutar and Päivätär tomorrow, and the others too when you are at it” the midwife mage suggests.
1) in her song Anne-Mari calls for the sielulintu to come, the following lines are calls for different birds mostly based on alliteration, for example “varovasti varpuseni” “be careful my sparrow”. The birds she calls are sparrow, loon, swan, mallard and "tipu" is generally a small bird.
Kuutar kallis kulkevainen…………………… Kuutar, valued traveller
Päivätär päivien pitäjä…………………………Päivätär, keeper of days
Turvaattehan tyttäremme…………………..Sure you’ll keep our daughter safe
Pelastatte pikkuisemme………………………Sure you’ll save our little one
Tytön teot on tekemättä……………………..Deeds of daughter still undone
Lapsen laulut laulamatta……………………Songs of childhood still unsung
Ei jouva Manan majoille…………………….Not her time to go (to land of death)
tuonne Tuonen tupasille……………………Not to the houses of Tuoni (Tuonela)
The birthing waters is something I partially made up. I was trying to find an existing birthing spell or prayer that could be used here, but the ones I found weren't good. In the material however there were lots of descriptions of how spells are performed to help in childbirth and many of those included use of special water, most frequent mention was taking water from a "closed spring" (I assume a spring that doesn't have an inlet nor an outlet), or from a closed spring, a rapids and a lake (taking three different things is a repeating motif in the Finnish spells) so I decided Hilja the midwife mage makes "birthing water" to help the mother