Such lovely families (including of course Wave's art)!
Wave, I deeply concur with Grade E Cat - they must have been a handful! I absolutely love the "rampaging giant"! And the details of the clothing are spot on!
Scottish, another lovely piece. I'm sure they do feel like a family now! Which probably explains why they are all here. With the exception of Emil, none of the others actually had reason to follow Lalli - except that this is how families roll.
Midwestmutt, all your haikus are beautiful! This series of three is perhaps my favorite so far. Also hugs to your poor cat! And yourself.
Jon, I love how you convey the Hotakainens' deep solidarity to one another! Also the mention of the mist almost whispering to Saku is great! It's a common fan theory that the magic comes from Saku's line, and this is a great way of referencing it! I would agree with Vulpes, Saku's various ailments will probably be much lessened by having to deal with raising a baby in an apocalypse.
Abprallen, poor Reynir! But surely he knows it doesn't mean Kitty wouldn't love him anyways! Annuil, I also read it meaning he is otherwise heartbroken and seeks for comfort from Kitty - to no avail, at the moment. But I'm sure he'll soon be happier again!
Count, great piece! So much for privacy! But when will he call! (I'm so old that we had a phone with the round thingy you used to dial
And I have probably forgotten someone again. Lovely content, everyone! I really like this soon-to-be-tradition! And we made it to the forum News! Wohoo!