Mari, that's an amazing drawing! It took me a moment to connect both Onnis, I must confess, but then I saw the light! (and speaking of it, your drawing is overflowing with beautiful light!)
Wave, those haikus are lovely, and that reference to ice cream is perfect
Jitter, the story is fantastic! (I'd love to have more in that timeline...) And so are the photos.
I feel that Reynir is the kind of person that would drift into a nostalgic moment, and so I decided to try a bit of poetry again. Blame steadfastjewel, that liked my first try (thanks!) and told it would be less painful...
His spirit drifts, away from the darkness
Searching for the blessing Sun
Across the Ocean, far from cursed noises
Looking for the peaceful sounds
He finds soft green hills, the sweet welcoming smells
Hears again beloved voices
Around the hearth, eating talking and laughing
Brothers, Father, Mother, Home
His youth, left behind to dive in a journey
Of love, courage and madness
Beyond return he must plunge into silence
Where unforgiving things await
His will is steel, unbreakable, resolute
No baulking nor failing friends
Yet his heart ached
With longing
For his