So! One week to go! That would mean the last page of current chapter would be on the 26th of March and break would start on the 27th with Wave's work. And then mine, and so on. I guess I'd better step on it now!
There are still three unused spots. I suggest we keep them open, in case someone still wants to join, but if no claims appear, we'll move the works after that forward. This would mean that day 10 would become day 9, day 12 would be 10, 14 would be 11 and everything after that would move up to three days forward. It's still over two weeks to first of these dates, so do you think this seems reasonable? Please note your day as if those three remained unfulfilled, it's easier to push back if something turns up than rush forward
Grey perhaps you could mark the dates for everyone and send them to the people with this in mind?