On kind suggestion of someone whose name I always forget! Presentation board for the newbies to introduce themselves and thus take the first step in becoming veterans! Welcome to this wonderful community - and remember to respect you elders and your eldúr!*
*All references to SSSS, Emil, Icelandic, and certain Disqus comments are purely incidental.
Shouldn't the veterans give an example on what information should be basically given? I mean it's nice that I can tell that I've come here via a search through other webcomics, read a Red Tails Dream and don't read many other webcomics (except goblins thanks to you Nimphy and xkcd). But now with that information you wouldn't know where I come from (ok, it's obvious in my signature ;) ), how old I am, if I'm working and so on.
I'll start :) How I got to reading SSSS I've already said. I'm nearly 28 years old by now and work as a teacher for children with different behavioral disorders. I'm not fully done yet, my final exam will be in february. Besides being on the internet I try to learn several languages which could be usefull on my job.
I'm Editing this for Nimphy :):
Hallo Nimphy. Ich habe im November Geburtstag. Ich fotografiere gerne. Ich lese auch sehr viel. Die meisten Bücher sind auf Englisch. Ich sitze nicht gerne rum und jogge sehr viel. Joggen gehe ich am liebsten im Wald. Viel Spaß beim Übersetzen.
Right! So obviously I'm Nimphy, as everyone can see. (Expecting a chorus of "Hi, Nimphy" a la therapy session now) I'm a silly Albanian girl who lives in Italy, speaks English whenever she can, is learning German and Norwegian, watches anime in Japanese because she can't stand dubs of any sort, and has a list of to-learn languages which is bigger than her. I'm currently one year younger than Tuomi, aka half Kex's age. That means you'll all die before I do. (Be kind and polite around the little innocent child, everyone!) I'm apparently a future scientist (or doctor or mathematician or something else), as I'm in a scientific high school, but I could care less about things that require cold reasoning. I'm also humble as a peacock.
Edit for Kex:
Heh, I'm kinda ashamed to admit I only understood about half of what you said (I'm pretty sure I grasped the general concept, but not the exact meaning of the sentences word-per-word) by reading it a few times. I've been learning German for what, a month now? I feel like I should be already able to understand all of that :(
But hey, thanks for the effort!
Well, I'm a twenty-one year old Norwegian. Dropped out of high-school, although planning on getting a journeymanship in smithing/metalworking then possibly expanding on it by studying history at a university if possible. I live on a farm, and I know English and Norwegian, had about three years of German (which I'm trying to brush up on) and learning Russian. Found SSSS kinda randomly, saw someone mention it in another forum, then decided to check it out not that long ago. After reading through the archive, I read through aRTD, and so here I went, although I do not post that often.
Hello! I'm a girl from the west coast of the United States - which is apparently very obvious - and am currently one year older than Tuomi. I accidentaly clicked the link for aRTD back during chapters three and four and was hooked instantly. I haunted the comment section everyday from the moment of it's integration but only actually commented twice - under two different names. I've been much more active since the start of SSSS.
I know English and am working on learning German - I am redicuously excited that I can easily understand your paragraph, kex - and cannot spell in any language. At least German usually follows its own spelling rules.
Other than that I enjoy reading and writing, can play clarinet, dislike inconveniencing people, wish spell check was working, and am also apparently going to be a scientist.
Shouldn't the veterans give an example
Well this one here's already too fossilized to do more than pointing you at the Wiki profile (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/User:JoB2) of his. :P
(Actually busy getting ready for a long distance car drive tomorrow, sorry. And yes, procrastination is something the veterans here are prone to!)
Hello! I come from the Northeast of US, and two years older then Tuomi. I forgot how I came to read aRTD, but I think it was through some site or something. I haven't been with SSSS in the beginning, but I think I started commenting around page 114, so it's safe to say that I came in quite a bit before that.
I know English fluently, but still need to work on my Korean. I have too many ideas of what I want to do, so I'm sticking with learning German and then continuing Icelandic.
I usually draw, but I also just come up with ideas every now and then - whether it's a set of characters or a story. I'm a not-so-great-in-social-situations person, loves food too much for some reason, and I think I may end up being a therapist.
Salutations! I hail from the United States, and, since it is apparently fashionable to give one's age in units of Tuomi, am currently older than Tuomi but younger than Lalli. I currently have too much ideas, but try to remedy this by drawing, writing (a little), researching secret languages, and coding. I like to imagine that someday I'll actually have gotten some of those ideas into Real Life form as a bunch of graphic novels. Or webcomics.
I am also an inveterate lurker, and have only recently come out of hiding to post on this forum, though I've been following SSSS since the countdown blog.
Howdy all!
I would say "g'day" but it's so clichéd and "howdy" sounds more fun ;3
I'm a full-time art/fine arts student and less-full-time farm girl from the "Apple Isle". I was the same age as Emil and Lalli when the comic started, but now I'm a year younger than Tuuri, making me the same age as Mr. Eich down there :P (and also suspecting that our birthdays might be weirdly close O___O but who knows? It's a mystery~ ;P)
I like cute things and nice peacefulness, but equally enjoy the badass side and getting my hands dirty. Literally. Dirt all over everything. It's happened.
Because of my lifestyle I switch between a respectable polite young lady and grime-covered rural lass, so my post-writing can get pretty weird.
I speak English, and hack my way through French, even though I should be fluent by now :P
Well this one here's already too fossilized to do more than pointing you at the Wiki profile (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/User:JoB2) of his. :P
(Actually busy getting ready for a long distance car drive tomorrow, sorry. And yes, procrastination is something the veterans here are prone to!)
The wiki profile is awesome XD
And....agh...don't I know it ;___;
I'm Rollo. Superficially it might look like I am really boring, but when you investigate a bit you discover that under it all, I am actually quite depressing and negative.
I say I speak fluent English though that's mostly really true in writing; I understand spoken English fairly well but I don't have a really good accent.
I have studied many other languages but none stuck because I have no motivation to make them stick —English stuck because most of the internet is in English and I'm there everyday. Notably I must have tried to learn Japanese at least 4 times, every time to eventually give up. I'd like to learn Icelandic at some point because it has a really cool spelling system, but I my knowledge of Icelandic culture is basically one film, so that would probably not be enough to motivate me.
Generally I'm good at grammar but bad at vocabulary (I studied Turkish for 3 years and yet could never hold even a basic conversation, because I could never remember the words, even though I knew otherwise how to form complex sentences in proper Turkish, provided I had a dictionary).
I mostly like things no one cares about and mostly dislike things that everyone else likes —I am not doing it on purpose.
My life is going nowhere but I have never lived through misery so there's that.
Good afternoon, readers, observers, forumers. I'm Eich. I'm a male (that means "dude"), 20 year old, US engineering student, lover of the arts, guitarist, and the guy who made the forum. I made it because this community is, in my opinion, the greatest group of people on the internet. The people are nice, friendly, tame, respectful, and all those other good things, and I wanted there to be a place for us to gather and talk about things of all kinds. I'm currently doing a co-op at my university, so I'm working full time, and I have the afternoons to myself to work and chat on here. If you want to talk about the dorkier things in life, video games, webcomics, animation, etc., I'm a pretty good ear to chew on.
As the forum-builder-dude, feel free to pm me with any questions you have about this place (after you read the rules, of course).
Hello everyone, I'm ThisCat, veteran member of the community, one of the Bards of Minna and guardian of the poetry thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=4.0). I am currently the same age as Emil and Lalli - 19. I am Norwegian and am currently attending the first year of a biology grade in university, hoping to be a scientist some day (preferably on bugs). I speak english and norwegian and sort of want to learn german, but unless I actually move to Germany it is unlikely to happen. On my free time I draw, write poetry, read webcomics and procrastinate. I also think it's lovely to meet you all.
(btw, we should sticky this thread so new users can easily find it)
(btw, we should sticky this thread so new users can easily find it)
Good idea. Just did that. Should we change the topic name, too? Presentation thread sounds like a thread for pitching business ideas.
Good idea. Just did that. Should we change the topic name, too? Presentation thread sounds like a thread for pitching business ideas.
Introduction board would probably be better.
Introduction board would probably be better.
When I clicked on this thread I thought it would be people presenting information they had recently learned...
Good mornblegh, I'm potatobunny, also referred to as "bunny", and potato on Disqus. 1.7 Tuomis, making me the same age as Hannu, and precisely 4 days older than Minna. I found SSSS through Girl Genius, read it once, went to ARTD, read that twice, reread SSSS, and started commenting when I read SSSS for the third time.
I'm from Malaysia, 3.5th generation Malaysian Chinese, and the languages I know are English (like duh), Chinese, and Malay (they tell me my accent sounds foreign, though. :( ). I can read Indonesian because it's very close to Malay, and I can understand spoken Hokkien (Min Nan) and just a smidge of spoken Cantonese. I've considered learning Icelandic and moving to Iceland, partly because my Icelandic friend's mom wanted to adopt me and I hadn't gotten a job. (My parents are alive and well, and I have a job now.)
Hello, forums at large! I'm known as Lenny here, Lenny or LennyThynn every place else. I live on the same island as OragamiOwl, though on the opposite side.
My discovery of Minna's works was pretty much the same as potatobunny's! GirlGenius got me onto SSSS, then I read ARtD twice, then SSSS twice again. I started commenting when I'd caught up to the latest page on my second readthrough of SSSS, and made an account on the forums almost as soon as they were made. My own personal opinion is that if Minna continues going the way she is, she'll become quite a big name in the comic world. To me, she is brilliant and a really cool role model, and her comics brighten my day each time I read through them.
I'm from... all over the place, really. I've lived the longest in Tasmania, Australia, though. I'm a cross-breed myself - Dutch and South African. I speak Dutch, Afrikaans, and of course, English - but, due to living with people who know all three of those languages, they've bled into each other. Yay. I'm trying to get them more purified, but it's a long and irritating process.
Due to time differences, busy schedule, and a really perfectionistic and slightly insecure personality, I don't post too much. I do lurk around, though - resident ninja, haha. Even though I don't comment much, I find this the nicest and one of the most diverse communities I've joined yet!
(I also go through font phases. Currently it's Baskerville Old Face, previously it was Bookman Old Style, and I might be horrible and go for Old English Text MT or Arabic Typesetting next. I avoid Comic Sans, Times New Roman, and Calibri like the plague.)
My turn, I guess.
I'm... a few years older than Taru. I live in Silicon Valley, where I work (or more precisely, am looking for work) in marketing communications. I've been a writer, word person, and fount of useless knowledge as long as I can remember. I worked as a journalist, researcher, and copy editor before going into marketing, so maybe it was inevitable that I'd be drawn to the role of skald and archivist here.
I have kind of a split personality -- on one hand, I'm a sedate, respectable voter and taxpayer who's fond of cute little cardigans, pearl earrings, and "Mad Men"; on the other, I have a substantial geek side. For example, when handed a super-powerful Dyson vacuum at a church clean-up day, I couldn't help but brandish it and proclaim, "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!" before settling down to vacuum pet hair and glitter off the pew cushions.
I'm a late-breaking convert to comics, or rather "sequential art" (as the awesome Scott McCloud terms this art form in Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Comics-Invisible-Scott-McCloud/dp/006097625X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1413795769&sr=1-1&keywords=Scott+McCloud)).
I follow a fair number of Web comics, and came to SSSS via ads on the Girl Genius site. This is the first fandom I've joined -- or Web community of any kind, really. (I'm really put off by the nastiness that breeds in some online communities/comment threads. And I'm afraid I used to look down on fandoms as showing unseemly enthusiasm for "trivial" things.... until I found myself neck-deep in one.)
I got into SSSS in late June, when the plot began speeding up. I had glanced at the Prologue, but it wasn't grabbing me. So I only made perfunctory checks every few weeks.
Then suddenly in Chapter 2, something clicked. Character interaction! Humor! Pathos! Backstory! Emil's suitcase full of explosives! Adorable horsies! Lalli being spooked by the moving sidewalk! At that point I was hooked, and went back to reread it all from the start (as well as aRTD, which I had drifted away from somewhere in Chapter 4.).
THEN I discovered the Disqus comments under each page, and my fate was sealed. As others here have said, SSSS attracts a remarkable community. When Eich set up this forum, I promptly joined -- and have been posting so much that I sometimes think I should just shush and give everyone else a chance to talk.
I like cooking, opera and ballet, salsa dancing, fonts, and wandering around outside. I am fussy about spelling and grammar, probably because I majored in Latin in college. My favorite writers include Jane Austen, Ursula K. LeGuin, Bill Bryson, and Robertson Davies.
I got my forum name from a photo of some flowers I'd grown -- the first thing to catch my eye when I was looking for a suitable icon.
Hello hello!
I'm never really good at writing these so I'm going to post stats.
Nationality: Finnish
Languages: Finnish, english, tiniest grasp of swedish, even tinier grasp in german
Favorite book: The Belgariad series by David Eddings
Favorite movie: Long time favorites include The Road to Eldorado, Back to the Future series, Beauty and the Beast
Favorite anime&manga: One Piece, Mushishi, Mononoke, Nichijou, Daily Lives of High School Boys
Favorite anima: cat
Favorite comics: Homestuck, SSSS, Gunnerkrigg Court, Archipelago
Favorite thing to do: Write stories, roleplaying
Hail fellows, well met!
Hungarian bookworm here, brutally butchering English language for far too long (and still not getting better in it).
My first act in life was to cause some disturbance in the force by being born on the day we call "Day of the Dead" (http://www.forbes.com/sites/luizaoleszczuk/2013/10/31/day-of-the-dead-brings-life-to-eastern-european-cemeteries/). Someone above must have known that I'd grow up to love black humour. (I'm not much younger than Sigrun, by the way, and female.)
I'm a whimsical type, so one can catch me reading Baudelaire one day, webcomics the next and the Malazan Chronicles from Steven Erikson on the third. (Well, this "jumping around" comes handy when I try to sell books, which is my job.) That's why, when I first found SSSS, I left it after a few pages. (Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!)
The second time I saw it, I was in a really bad mood, and the bleeding landscapes were love at first second sight. To my greatest surprise, I hadn't even been through the first chapter, when I noticed that I actually don't want to see anyone getting ripped to pieces by something hideous with lots of clawed appendages anymore. I got stuck like a fly in the honey jar, and I don't mind it in the least. :3
Truth to be told: I was thinking about joining in the discussions for a longer while. After reading the comments for some time, I decided that I definitely like the mentality of the people here - so here I am, posting not just under a comic, but even on a fan forum, which I've never done before. Doh. It must be that I'm going soft in my old age...
Hello everyone! I am Solovei, and currently one of the co-admins of the SSSS Wiki (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/Stand_Still,_Stay_Silent_Wiki) (along with Nimphy). 1.6 Tuomis, lives in Canada but born and spent the first bit of my life in Russia.
I'm technically a librarian except for the fact that I don't have a job right now, but hopefully that will soon change. That is, I have the degree you need to be a librarian but nobody's employed me yet. Um, I like webcomics a lot (too much) and also religiously listen to Welcome to Night Vale. I usually use a lot of emoticons when I type, so this is definitely a rarity. Ummm lets see what else... I'm trying to get better at drawing and cooking!
(Also, I'm really happy this forum exists because the comment threads on the comic kind of scare me... so many people...)
Hello everyone! I am Solovei, and currently one of the co-admins of the SSSS Wiki (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/Stand_Still,_Stay_Silent_Wiki) (along with Nimphy and I think Fimbulvarg?). 1.6 Tuomis, lives in Canada but born and spent the first bit of my life in Russia.
I'm technically a librarian except for the fact that I don't have a job right now, but hopefully that will soon change. That is, I have the degree you need to be a librarian but nobody's employed me yet. Um, I like webcomics a lot (too much) and also religiously listen to Welcome to Night Vale. I usually use a lot of emoticons when I type, so this is definitely a rarity. Ummm lets see what else... I'm trying to get better at drawing and cooking!
(Also, I'm really happy this forum exists because the comment threads on the comic kind of scare me... so many people...)
(Pssst! It's just you and me as far as I know admining the wiki)
I'm impressed how international the forumites are. We need to do a map of what countries we all represent :D
As for myself? I'm Raya, a few years shy of Sigrun and as English as buttered scones. I'm a palaeontologist, but since getting a museum job is ridiculously difficult I'm currently stuck in an office. As you may have noticed I'm a big fan of roleplaying, but I also enjoy wargaming, cosplaying and writing.
watches anime in Japanese because she can't stand dubs of any sort,
Some dubs are pretty good, check out the English dubs of Hellsing and Martian Successor Nadesico.
(Pssst! It's just you and me as far as I know admining the wiki)
Oh, really? Sorry! I'll go change it :)
Hi, I'm Sparky Dragon. I am...uh, one Tuomi, or .75 of the average of Lalli and Tuuri. I'm an American, and recently moved from Alaska to the far south. It's hot here. Uh... I speak English, obviously, and I'm working on Finnish and Hungarian currently. I love reading, and I love musicals. That's all. 0__0
I'm impressed how international the forumites are. We need to do a map of what countries we all represent :D
That's a great idea. You have my vote. :D
As for myself? I'm Raya, a few years shy of Sigrun and as English as buttered scones. I'm a palaeontologist, but since getting a museum job is ridiculously difficult I'm currently stuck in an office.
You're a palaeontologist?!???!!! That was my childhood dream job!! (I was a huge nerd-child about fossils and petrified wood and stuff [and dinosaurs asdfghjkl!] haha I was a weird child :P) 8'D That sounds so awesome! Even if you're stuck at a desk :(
What would you normally be doing if you weren't in the desk job?? OuO
Hello evryone,
my first name is Yannick, I am french, and live in the south of France.
This might explain some errors in my english ;)
I have Sigrun age, but Lalli and Tuuri are my favorites characters as we share some personality traits. ;D
And thank to my near birthday, I bought the 2 books of Minna. :)
I will try to post many things on this forum soon.
But as I sometimes have a short attention span and many books and mangas to read, there might be periods of silence! :-X
I found SSSS one month ago thank to an add in "Girl Genius Online", which I found thank to this wonderful page of a wonderful site:
If there are others francophone readers on this forum, I'd like to discuss in french too!
S'il y a d'autres lecteurs francophones sur ce forum, j'adorerais discuter en français aussi !
i guess that i have been around for a little while, so my introduction is probably a bit overdue!
so hi everyone, i'm ruth and i'm tuuri years old. i'm a cuban-norwegian girl born in the united states and currently in mostly-permanent exile in canada, first for love and second for the cheap education. i'm a student in cognitive scientist, but i love languages and learning as many as i possibly can is my pastime and passion. spanish and english are my muttersprachen, and i'm conversant, if not fluent, in german, french, and as of veeeery recently swedish (thanks wallander!). other languages i'm constantly tooling around with are catalan, norwegian, yiddish, japanese, mandarin, icelandic, and probably one or two others at any given moment.
here are some facts about me: possibly addicted to cheese ravioli. definitely addicted to cuban coffee. aspiring world traveller, incorrigible europhile. despite being cuban and norwegian, never visited cuba or norway. sucker for cop shows. partnered to an editor. involuntarily re-educated to canadian culture.
Hello everyone,
my first name is Yannick, I am french, and live in the south of France.
If there are others francophone readers on this forum, I'd like to discuss in french too!
S'il y a d'autres lecteurs francophones sur ce forum, j'adorerais discuter en français aussi !
I suggest you connect with FrogEater, who is French, as shown by his self-deprecating forum name. You've probably also seen him on the Disqus page. He is both erudite and charming, as shown by the exchange about Baudelaire starting here (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php#comment-1645121674). Maybe those are common French traits? ;)
Bienvenu au forum!
- Mlle. Tournesol
As I really enjoyed reading all your introductions, here's mine...
I'm from northern Germany (and like neither Weißwurst nor Sauerkraut), aged between Onni and Tuuri and currently writing my master thesis. Afterwards, I'll be unemployed try to find work as a journalist, if possible at a science magazine. I love reading fantasy and science fiction as well as non-fiction books. I think I've already described how I've come to find SSSS in another thread. When I'm not online, I'm probably outside jogging or hiking, or in the gym, since I'm very much into karate. Languages are also a passion of mine although I find it difficult to keep the ones alive I've already learnt :-\ But hey, the forum is not only a wonderful place to chat away, but also to practice my English and some other languages thanks to our international public here! :)
As I really enjoyed reading all your introductions, here's mine...
I'm from northern Germany (and like neither Weißwurst nor Sauerkraut), aged between Onni and Tuuri and currently writing my master thesis. Afterwards, I'll be unemployed try to find work as a journalist, if possible at a science magazine. I love reading fantasy and science fiction as well as non-fiction books. I think I've already described how I've come to find SSSS in another thread. When I'm not online, I'm probably outside jogging or hiking, or in the gym, since I'm very much into karate. Languages are also a passion of mine although I find it difficult to keep the ones alive I've already learnt :-\ But hey, the forum is not only a wonderful place to chat away, but also to practice my English and some other languages thanks to our international public here! :)
You don't like Weißwurst? Nothing's better than being on a heavy metal festival in southern Germany and starting the day with Weißwurst and sweet mustard ;).
Did you study "ordinary" journalism or did you specify? My boyfriend actually studied technical journalism, that's why I'm asking.
I studied "ordinary" communication sciences in combination with french and lots of side-topics (we get credits for a free study section where we can choose any lecture - I mostly took biology and ethnology). I guess with a specialization on technical journalism, it's easier to find a job?
I studied "ordinary" communication sciences in combination with french and lots of side-topics (we get credits for a free study section where we can choose any lecture - I mostly took biology and ethnology). I guess with a specialization on technical journalism, it's easier to find a job?
Mainly it's easier, because many of the bigger corporations like Audi, Hecklar & Koch or even WMF (that counts for smaller businesses as well) provide jobs besides the public relations (especially for designing and editing instruction manuals). But though he has finnished his studies just recently he still sticks with his job at a shop, selling special cases for technical instruments/weapons (etc.), because he likes it there.
You're a palaeontologist?!???!!! That was my childhood dream job!! (I was a huge nerd-child about fossils and petrified wood and stuff [and dinosaurs asdfghjkl!] haha I was a weird child :P) 8'D That sounds so awesome! Even if you're stuck at a desk :(
What would you normally be doing if you weren't in the desk job?? OuO
It was my dream job too, I just never grew out of wanting it :P
With palaeo you can go one of three routes: oil and gas industry, lecturing or museum work. I went down the museum route as I specialise in science communication and education (basically I love teaching others about natural history!). Unfortunately I entered the field during the recession when budgets were being slashed and museums lost a lot of funding, meaning jobs are very scarce. Temp jobs are the best you can hope for, and even then the competition is fierce; I once applied for a part time job that had over 200 applicants! With hindsight I should have stuck with lecturing, but to get back on that route would cost over £10,000, which I simply can't afford. Sigh. Nothing to do but keep applying.
Basically what I'd be doing is educating museum visitors, designing workshops and activities etc. Previously I've lead guided fossil walks and identified specimens members of the public brought in. I absolutely loved it and really want a permanent job doing it. Saying that I also wouldn't mind doing curating and exhibition design.
In a nutshell I really, really love my dead fossilised animals :D
This is a great thread =)
I'm a Finn, twice as old as Tuomi plus eight years. I speak, understand, read and write Finnish and English, understand written Swedish and some spoken Swedish too and can get along speaking simple Swedish if I really have to. My first foreign language in school was German, but since I haven't had much use for it I've forgotten most of what the teachers managed to cram into my head in ten years. Can still read books in German though.
In uni my major subject was archaeology and minors folkloristics and comparative religion. I switched to a polytechnic to study web media when it turned out my hands simply can't take the strain of archaeological field work, but I'm still really interested in everything ancient and all folkloristic and religious phenomenons. I have a bachelor of arts in web media but that hasn't helped me to get a corresponding job, so I earn my part of the upkeep of our family working as a security guard/receptionist.
Besides my family (= husband and two sons) I have four great loves in my life: The forest we live by, The Finnish Tolkien Society, Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and a geek women's choir called Another Castle. The little time that isn't consumed by these (plus my work of course) I spend mostly reading, drawing, playing music, knitting, crocheing and hanging on the Internet.
I found SSSS through an ad on Girl Genius, didn't quite get the hang of it but continued through to aRTD (which I read in Finnish), then tried SSSS again and realised it was actually the best web comic I had seen so far (not that I've seen very many). I found the comment section and two days later there was talk about a new forum, so I came along here.
I had to google Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu - it sounds like a really interesting and multifaceted martial art. I hope I'll get the chance someday to learn another eastern martial art besides karate, preferably one with weapons.
I had to google Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu - it sounds like a really interesting and multifaceted martial art. I hope I'll get the chance someday to learn another eastern martial art besides karate, preferably one with weapons.
Aikido is pretty interesting, and while weapons are secondary, they occasionally come up in the training (mostly bokken and bo or jo).
I had to google Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu - it sounds like a really interesting and multifaceted martial art. I hope I'll get the chance someday to learn another eastern martial art besides karate, preferably one with weapons.
One of my classmates practices wushu. He says he uses a lot of weapons and it's "interesting, unlike karate" (his words)
I've tried Aikido and I really liked the concept of using your opponent's energy, but I gave up after the second session. It was the complete opposite from everything I am used to (hard blocking, straight techniques etc.), and I just couldn't make myself be easy enough. ::) But that was years ago, I might give it another try if there's the chance.
I've tried Aikido and I really liked the concept of using your opponent's energy, but I gave up after the second session. It was the complete opposite from everything I am used to (hard blocking, straight techniques etc.), and I just couldn't make myself be easy enough. ::) But that was years ago, I might give it another try if there's the chance.
Made a similar experience which would also seem to happen on any other fight/defence orientated sport: I really wasn't able to put my arms and legs in the right order. So I stick with running through the woods. Also the Aikido class took place with around 40 people which is way too much for a small gym.
This is a great thread =)
I'm a Finn, twice as old as Tuomi plus eight years. I speak, understand, read and write Finnish and English, understand written Swedish and some spoken Swedish too and can get along speaking simple Swedish if I really have to. My first foreign language in school was German, but since I haven't had much use for it I've forgotten most of what the teachers managed to cram into my head in ten years. Can still read books in German though.
In uni my major subject was archaeology and minors folkloristics and comparative religion. I switched to a polytechnic to study web media when it turned out my hands simply can't take the strain of archaeological field work, but I'm still really interested in everything ancient and all folkloristic and religious phenomenons. I have a bachelor of arts in web media but that hasn't helped me to get a corresponding job, so I earn my part of the upkeep of our family working as a security guard/receptionist.
Besides my family (= husband and two sons) I have four great loves in my life: The forest we live by, The Finnish Tolkien Society, Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and a geek women's choir called Another Castle. The little time that isn't consumed by these (plus my work of course) I spend mostly reading, drawing, playing music, knitting, crocheing and hanging on the Internet.
I found SSSS through an ad on Girl Genius, didn't quite get the hang of it but continued through to aRTD (which I read in Finnish), then tried SSSS again and realised it was actually the best web comic I had seen so far (not that I've seen very many). I found the comment section and two days later there was talk about a new forum, so I came along here.
The Finnish Tolkien Society? I'm going to guess that you know Mikko Ojala, then? I'm not sure if he's a part of the society, but he's a biiiiig Tolkien fan. He's in the SSSS comments most days, with a picture of Gandalf for his avatar. Incidentally, he is also one of the coolest commenters Minna's got, and the first bard of the comic.
Let's see...
I'm a spaniard, I'm quite lazy (what a surprise!) and I'm 1,2 Tuomis old.
I used to be that guy in the comment section who's name always showed as blank
My english is good enough to write and read it, but I can't really speak it, my biggest issue all the vowel sound (This means that I don't get poetry right either).
I tried learning finnish once, but didn't get too far. I learned some 3d modelling with blender once, but I didn't get too far. I tried something once, but didn't get too far...
Something I have been successful at is making my way into my first year of college, studying computer engineering (Yay!).
The most interesting thing I've done yet was this videogame (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41908692/Demo%20v0.9%20Plots%20From%20Yuggoth.rar) project (http://aljosinformatica.blogspot.com.es/) during 1st of bachelor (that's the two years between highschool and college).
I prefer heavy metal (heavy, nwbhm, thrash, folk...); I like sandbox, simulation and horror videogames; I have a cat and... I guess that's it, there's not too much to tell.
Hi, I'm Richard, I'm in my early 50s and live in the UK. I used to be a computer programmer / tech support guy / I.T. tutor / guy-with-the-tool-kit for a succession of firms (they tended to go bust, not my fault!) until a serious cardiomyopathy incapacitated me from working. (As I also have cystic fibrosis (CF, also known as mucoviscidosis), I have to spend too much time with treatments to be able to earn a living.)
In my bits of spare time I read too many webcomics, play computer games, and moderate a forum for the UK CF community.
I got into aRTD fairly early on (I can't remember how) and was amazed by the quality of Minna's art and her prodigious productivity! My brother and I share a copy of aRTD he purchased, and we agreed we would take turns purchasing SSSS.
(BTW, can I suggest people avoid too much chat in this thread - it dilutes it's usefulness if people have to wade through chat looking for intros, or if they get too many search-function hits for a name.)
The Finnish Tolkien Society? I'm going to guess that you know Mikko Ojala, then?
I may know him but the name doesn't ring a bell. If he's a memeber of the society, I probably know him by his forum nick. Since the society operates mostly through it's forum Vihreä Lohikäärme (http://keskustelu.kontu.info/), "The Green Dragon", nicks are used also in irl meetings and official names are hard to remember.
Edit: Oops. Sorry Richard. That's a good idea, so no more chatting from me in this thread.
"Erudite and charming" (Sunflower's words ! I would never have dared write that myself ! *blush*) Frenchman here.
Living somewhere in the region of Lyons after many years spent in Paris, age...er... halfway between Taru and Trond.
Graduated as an engineer, with a crush on math, worked in IT, currently unemployed.
Speaks French, English, German. Deeply regrets having left Latin, fancies learning Italian and ancient Greek (will perhaps do), Arabic and Japanese (will most probably never do)...Life is always too short.
Found SSSS thanks to an ad on Girl Genius, got intrigued by the prologue (this is a slow and rather boring story but it goes somewhere, and how beautiful are the landscapes and the art ! Ah, those maps !) and more than rewarded by the following chapters. And what is this bunch of nice and crazy comment writers ?
That's the story.
tl;dr : average SSSS addict.
I prefer heavy metal (heavy, nwbhm, thrash, folk...)
Good man, thumbs up for you.
Hi, I'm Richard, I'm in my early 50s and live in the UK.
Another Brit ;D Which part of the UK are you in?
I had to google Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu - it sounds like a really interesting and multifaceted martial art. I hope I'll get the chance someday to learn another eastern martial art besides karate, preferably one with weapons.
I miss my karate class so much... I was only a "yellow" belt and wasn't even that good at karate but I've never felt better than after a session. Unfortunately a few months ago our karate teacher had to stop and we've been unable to find a replacement class. (All the martial arts around here are either tae kwon doe - I'm so sorry if I misspelled that - or the wrong style of karate. I hope we can find somewhere to do it soon.
...I just realized that while technically a yellow belt, I never actually received it. Is it strange that I'm amused?
Also, I can't believe how many people came here from Girl Genius.
As of writing this, I'm still a couple of years younger than Siv. I'm from Oslo, Norway and speak norwegian and english fluently. I took spanish classes quite a while ago at Uni, and if given a spanish newspaper I would probably get the gist of most of the articles. When I try to carry a conversation though, I usually end up stuttering and searching desperately for words. I'm a radiologist, but having a break these days being at home with experiment number two (Phil Foglios perfect description) who arrived in may.
I entered the world of aRTD from a link in topwebcomics at the end of chapter 4, and have followed the comic and the comments since, first as a lurker only, nowadays chipping in to join the conversations. I love computer games as a pastime, and also used to sing in a choir - I enjoyed that a lot but it took just a bit too much time and energy.
I am posting this on behalf of Michael, who is relatively new on both the Disqus thread and this forum. He first posted this introduction/tribute to SSSS on p. 192 (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=192#comment-1626281168).
It impressed me and so many others that I asked his permission to share it here. (With any luck, he'll take to posting on his own behalf...)
The journey started when I came across a comment somewhere on the internet. Where exactly? I can't quite remember but it mentioned a web-comic titled, 'A Red Tail's Dream.'
"Huh," I said to myself, "I like dreams! And a dream that involves a fox? Well, good-golly-gosh, I like foxes too."
And so, I clicked the link. Next thing I knew, I was busting through the amazing and beautiful mountain of archives of, what I learned to call it, 'aRTD.' I read every word on every page, even the note made below each post, written by a mysterious lady born in Sweden, the very same lady who had brought so many strangers this fascinating and amazing creation.
I have to admit, these notes - these small windows into the life of the author - were just as inspirational as the comic itself. For, being a college student myself, I realized something.
Despite the mounds of assignments that pile up, despite the stress, and despite the staying up until four o'clock, it is also possible to do amazing things on top of it all. One needs to work diligently and budget their time. Which, as the cliché goes, is far more easier said than done.
However, seeing Minna accomplish such a feat during her last two years of college - a time when that dreaded thesis is due - has given some random person, all the way across that little lake called the Atlantic Ocean, here in the United States, some hope and inspiration for upcoming college days that are sure to be difficult.
Now, here I am, after I busted through the archives of 'Stand Still. Stay Silent,' attempting to see just how much Disqus can handle, loving every word and every color. And, as final note, I give a big ol' thanks to Minna!
P.S. Well, I'm sure everyone got their daily dose of romanticism for the day! :D. Oh, and as a final final note, I've never made a comment before on a web-comic page.
P.S.S. One final final final note, my favorite character is Lalli... and... a close-second-possible-tie is Mikkel!
OrigamiOwl --> Michael
Hello fellow college-goer! I too see Minna and her work as a shining example of defeating the gloomy and stressful college mindset~! There is indeed a light at the end of that long, long, essay-filled tunnel ÚuÙ and it's very refreshing and inspiring to be reminded of that.
Weep! An almost 30-year-old Finnish person here. Been following Minna on deviantArt for quite a while, but since some intensive real life happened over the past year, I only caught up with the comic this week. And I'm even more hooked than I was with aRTD :3333 I love the art, I love the story, and as a decidedly mediocre hobbyist digital comic doodler I find Minna's work wonderfully
Like most Finns, I've got a few languages under my belt... I speak Finnish, English, Swedish and German fluently, French and Italian work best in written form. ;) Though I do get along in both if needs be!
I haven't been active on any forums for years! Goodness! But this community seemed too good to miss. :)
Edit: Fun fact: I was born and lived until I was 19 in Mikkeli, the city mentioned on this page: http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=24 (http://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=24)
I had to google Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu - it sounds like a really interesting and multifaceted martial art. I hope I'll get the chance someday to learn another eastern martial art besides karate, preferably one with weapons.
Then Bujinkan might be your thing since we have lots of weapons ;)
But seriously, Bujinkan is a very interesting form of budo. Since it's a combination of nine differnet ryu, "schools", it's really versatile. And since the basic idea is that anything that works is right it also gives lots of room for creativity, even though there are of course lots of formal kata too to base the henka, "variations", on. I also like the fact that we practice the art for it's own sake, not to compete, and each and everyone progresses in their own pace according to their personal condition.
Edit Oooops. Sorry again Richard, forgot where I was since I noticed someone interested in Bujinkan ;)
Hello forum! I only found out about SSSS this past saturday, through a webcomic called Paranatural( more specifically, it's fantastic comment section). I took one look at this comic, and it was love! The art was great, and I loved that I could immediately tell what kind of characters Tuuri, Mikkel and Sigrun were with only one page (pg 198, actually :D). So I binged the whole comic in 2 hrs, and somehow ended up here.
So about me... I'm currently the same age as Lalli, and live in Canada.
hello forum! You really look dashing today.
My name is RumbleRose which is a made up of a word that starts with and R and my name but then pronouncable for most people. I guess I unconsiously chose the Rumble part because of the rumbling of thunders and storms which scare me a lot just like batman is afraid of bats :)
I found SSSS when I was looking at topwebcomics. And SSSS looked like a comic worth reading, little did I know that it was so much more! :o I first red aRTD because I thought it might be a prequal of some sort.
And I live in the Netherlands and love nature and animals and am pretty much a nerd and geek (combo!) and love to draw. And I am younger than Lalli.
that is my storeyyy, yeahh
Greetings, Forum! I have not made myself known in this thread, and I shall endeavor to do so on the behest of PotatoBunny. Or was it PotatoeBunny? But I digress. Yes my real name is Noah, and no, I will not tell you my full last name. I am currently living in the State of Texas, which I like because of the low taxes and big frickin' plots of land just sitting there, and I don't like because of the fact that Ted Cruz is from here, everybody else in the United States hates us (seriously, they took a poll), and there are so many MOSQUITOES! Like I wake up and there are 5 bites on one leg, 3 on the other, two on my elbow, and one on my left foot. Used to live in California, and before that New York. Although I really shouldn't be telling you this either. But we're all decidedly non-stalker normal friends here, right? Riiiiight. I am a War History buff, specializing in WWII, and if any of you like WWII please contact me because I have not had any intelligent conversation on the topic in 8 years. I am half-and-half Korean Japanese, which in my mind gives me automatic permission to start bashing Japan, because when you study WWII as much as I do, you become glad that we nuked them. Twice. I love America for no particular reason other than the fact that I live here, therefore I hate all countries that oppose us by default. I also like Apple for no particular reason other than the fact that I use an iPhone, therefore I hate Android by default. It's kind of weird- I will take a side and unconsciously start hating the other side with all my inflamed passion. Another thing you probably don't want to know about me- I am official. Like I trust the government, despite their many attempts to convince me otherwise, I only ship the official couple, even if it's terrible (Harry Potter was such a pain.), I am anti-Republican but not pro-Democrat, and I am, according to Wikipedia,an "Apathetic Agnostic". Basically, that means that I don't care if there's a God, no God, several gods, or if the entire world is really just a ham sandwich in disguise. Although that last option sounds pretty good. I have a tendency to make bitingly insulting remarks, especially to my friends. In fact, only to my friends. For some weird reason, I have had the desire to beat someone up for the last year, problem is, I won't do it unless it's government sanctioned. So I have to wait until somebody robs my house. I like all music except for piano solos, dubstep, Miley Cyrus, and heavy metal. I mostly listen to movie themes, 70's and 80's, Symphony Orchestra, and pop.
Another thing you probably didn't want to know about me: I like anime. Especially the dark, horrifying stuff like Attack on Titan, Madoka Magica, you get the point. Now all my friends think that I am a psycho, anime-loving, violent, Applephilic Dictator who will reign over the world. Although really, if I had to take a job in the gov't it would be Secretary of Defense, and no higher than that. Because being supreme leader is fun and all, but that means that you have to interact with the masses, and if the masses include people like Ted Cruz, Bill O'Reilly, Miley Cyrus, and Donald Sterling, I want to get as far away from the masses as I can possibly can, because the minority is a loud minority.
A'ight, that ends my rambling rant on myself, if you got this far, congratulations! You now know a whole bunch of stuff you never cared about in the first place!
Well... hun... I'm really not that good at introductions, so... Hello, forum people~ (if there's still anyone online here)
Before everything, I have to say that, doesn't matter how faster I can read in English, I'm always pretty awful writing in that language (actually, in all the ones I know, but that's another story). So, if you see something wrong, I'm sorry :-\
So, could you guys notice me if there's something really wrong in my posts? :) That's the first time I'm entering in a "international" forum, that's a good way to practice and meet new people~
Ok! Now, introduction! ... ... ... Wow, I'm really ashamed... I'm a 16 year-old Brazilian girl. I met the comic by starting reading aRTD before (which I found in some sponsor in other webcomic site). I just becomed so impressed with Minna's art style and good stories that, after thinking a little about enter or not here, I decided to definitively be part of the fandom~
Oh, and I'm a amateur artist (I drew my avatar and one of my wishes is to one day draw my own webcomic), internet lover and distracted high school student. I'm kinda good at languages, but I have neither money nor time to any course, so I'm trying to learn alone for a while. For now, I'm fluent in Portuguese, understand English well (but not totally, yet!) and I'm learning Spanish (I don't like that one so much, but, as it's very close to my native language, is more easy for me to learn).
Well, that's all! (Did I said that I have such a bad habit to write so much? It gets annoying with time :-X) See ya~
Well... hun... I'm really not that good at introductions, so... Hello, forum people~ (if there's still anyone online here)
Hello, Luci! And there are always people online here. We take it in shifts.
Hello, Luci! And there are always people online here. We take it in shifts.
Some timezones are sparser than others, but I think Luci should be fine. :)
Hi, Luci, welcome. Your English is quite understandable, and it will improve as you keep practicing!
Some timezones are sparser than others, but I think Luci should be fine. :)
Hi, Luci, welcome. Your English is quite understandable, and it will improve as you keep practicing!
We're all friends here, right? Riiiiiight.
We're all friends here, right? Riiiiiight.
Yes, but let's not clog down the introduction thread with too many filler comments.
Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen!
After joining your cozy community here, I think it's right to introduce myself. I'm 20-year-old female in my fourth year of studying law, which turned out to be not really my cup of tea (well, I bet you've never seen a socially awkward lawyer, eh?) I'm Russian, born and living in Eastern Ukraine (yes, the very region where military operations are currently taking place, and I solemnly swear I will never ever bring it up again). Rather fluent in English... or so I'm desperately trying to seem, so please forgive my shameful mistakes and typos :P
I first stumbled upon Minna's comics translated in Russian (stunningly well translated, I must admit), and rather soon moved on to English version, because those are highly addictive ;D
Speaking of hobbies, I usually draw and write for my own fun, it helps me to deal with constant stress. One of my other passions is reading, and I love XX century classic literature with all my heart. And, ah, the sound of music! I'm hopelessly in love with old school British art-/prog-/blues-rock.
Wow, that's really the biggest piece of information about myself I've ever posted online. That would be enogh, I think.
I hope to merge in pretty well, for you forum dwellers seem really nice folks to me :)
Welcome to the forum Curiosity! Hopefully you won't kill ThisCat :P
Welcome to the forum Curiosity! Hopefully you won't kill ThisCat :P
Raya plz. Introduction thread, for introductions not random comments. (And no, I sent her a welcome message, I don't think she's going to kill me...)
Raya plz. Introduction thread, for introductions not random comments. (And no, I sent her a welcome message, I don't think she's going to kill me...)
Oh, c'mon. It was a good pun. Admit it.
Oh, c'mon. It was a good pun. Admit it.
YesIadmititwasagoodpun, BUT. We're not supposed to make too many non-introduction posts on this thread!
Heyyy! :D
My name's Claire, but you can call me anything you want to. I'm a college student living in New York City, who really really wants her own webcomic and wants even more to publish a graphic novel. Unfortunately, my aspirations are bigger than I am (and I'm not too much taller than Tuuri), and I'm still in my teen years (a year younger than Lalli and Emil, actually). I'm going for a BFA in cartooning, but since I'm still a first-year student, I'm not taking any cartooning classes just yet [insert sad face].
I found the comic three weeks ago (wow, it's been so long!) through a link on some other comic (which one, I'll never remember). This is the only one I currently follow (kinda pitiful for a cartoonist, huh) and I must say that I've never obsessed over someone else's comic as much as I have for this one (and I mean hey, I joined the forum :) ). Heck, I've even drawn fan art. I never do that. Just look at my avatar. Maybe I'll post my drawings of the other guys once I'm done with them.
You guys seem like a nice bunch. I'm so glad there's a fan following to this comic, so I won't be fangirling in vain.
(Oh, and I'm one of those Lalli fangirls, but like, on the inside.)
Heyyy! :D
My name's Claire, but you can call me anything you want to. I'm a college student living in New York City, who really really wants her own webcomic and wants even more to publish a graphic novel. Unfortunately, my aspirations are bigger than I am (and I'm not too much taller than Tuuri), and I'm still in my teen years (a year younger than Lalli and Emil, actually). I'm going for a BFA in cartooning, but since I'm still a first-year student, I'm not taking any cartooning classes just yet [insert sad face].
I found the comic three weeks ago (wow, it's been so long!) through a link on some other comic (which one, I'll never remember). This is the only one I currently follow (kinda pitiful for a cartoonist, huh) and I must say that I've never obsessed over someone else's comic as much as I have for this one (and I mean hey, I joined the forum :) ). Heck, I've even drawn fan art. I never do that. Just look at my avatar. Maybe I'll post my drawings of the other guys once I'm done with them.
You guys seem like a nice bunch. I'm so glad there's a fan following to this comic, so I won't be fangirling in vain.
(Oh, and I'm one of those Lalli fangirls, but like, on the inside.)
Yay! Fanarts!
Hello all. I'll try and keep my introduction somewhat short.
You can call me Flik. I'm 32 and live in one of the few populated areas of North Dakota for some reason I have yet to figure out. I speak English. American English. Forgive me for this.
Professionally I had worked in the TV industry for 8 years producing TV commercials. I had also worked several years in radio as a broadcast engineer maintaining transmitter sites. Currently I run a service department for a company that manufactures electronics for aerospace and agriculture (stuff gets sent in, I repair it).
Music and voice work, as well as photography and automotive things have been hobbies of mine for many years. My dream has always been to do professional voice acting and music production, but real life kicks my butt too much and I'm far too hard on myself. Luckily I'm starting to make some headway. Yaaaay?
That's me in a nut shell. Always more to talk about, but I'd be writing a novel.
- Post Thor'd upon report -
- Post Thor'd upon report -
Um.... thanks for sharing, Noah. (Looks around.) NEXT!
Hey, hello! I'm rather new to the forums, but on dA and Tumblr I am known as Almond-Goddess. I started following Minna near the end of A Redtail's Dream, and am I glad my brother introduced me to her beautiful stories! I'm working on a practice graphic novel for a class, and her work is a great inspiration for me.
Hi, I am Hauke, living in northernmost Germany. I found aRTD when searching for information about the Kalevala (I don't remember the specific connection that drove me there). I am quite a fan of languages, Scandinavia, nature, and places with not too many people so SSSS is quite my cup of tea. Professionally most languages I use are not natural languages (i.e. computer languages).
Here we go (doing this kind of stuff twice in a row):
Hi, I'm Clayres, a name I got from medling with sillables whilst composing a little song. I'm twenty years old and student, who lives with her mother and brother in a not so small village in Germany. I found aRTD through a friend and followed Minna to SSSS and that sleepy kitty link to this forum. I love to do music, I started to learn to play the piano, but that didn't quite work out...
Furthermore I like to read, draw and write, in fact I should be working on a story of mine, buut I'm working on introductions and stuff instead.
Right now I'm indeed more comfortable in English than in German, don't know, must be a brain-switch thing, and that switch is currently on English. Also I like English better than German, but I love to share tips for those who want to learn that language.
End of introduction.
Greetings fellow fans of the comic! I'm Hushpiper, or Hush. Yes, yes, very good to meet you too!
I'm about Tuuri's age, and I reside in the USA. I sadly speak only English. I found SSSS through the language tree--like a lot of people did--and stayed because I recognized the information about Finnish vs. the other Scandinavian languages from my deep and long-held obsession with Scandinavian folk rock, and was curious to see what kind of comic needed an information page like that. To understate the case, I found a lot more and better than I expected. <3
I work in IT--webhosting specifically--but previous to this I studied opera. (Yeah, I know.) I'll probably be spending my time here making fan soundtracks, posting my more out-there meta to my tumblr (same name), and maybe even kicking off a SSSS fanfic section on AO3 (ditto). I look forward to boring you all with my rambling!
P.S. What think ye of the icon? I'm rather fond of it, but I have another of cthulhu-kitty that I like as well...
P.S. What think ye of the icon? I'm rather fond of it, but I have another of cthulhu-kitty that I like as well...
Use the kitty. No questions asked.
Here we are! *poses elegantly for the cameras*
Well, here I am. Trying to think of something to write in an introduction. Um. I'm American, I've lived in California most of my life - northern, inland, rural - not LA or anything. I'm nearly
45 three Tuomis now... shoot, that's gotta be at least half my life. Where'd the first half go? I have children, horses, dogs, cats, chickens, and goats. I'm severely introverted but not so shy as I used to be.
I love Finland! I am not sure why exactly, when I'm not Finnish in the least. Just the more I learn about the country the more it charms me, in spite of the reputation of Finns for being, hum, blunt and standoffish. I'm antisocial anyway, so that sounds fine to me... too bad I'm miserable in the dark and cold. Also, the country produces some really fantastic comic artists :-D which is why I'm here.
Hi, y'all! *waves*
Hey forum people!!! I am Jill, I am a native Southern Californian, and I am one year older than Tuuri! I attempted unsuccessfully to get a music degree these past four years, but although I'm no longer in school I still play pipe organ and piano and harpsichord, and sing. I'm glad to see there are other musicians and metalheads on here!
I got shown SSSS by my former roommate, who said to me that SSSS was "post-apocalyptic Scandinavian magic and fairytales, lots of hair and fabric, pretty things and good humor" which is almost a complete list of my interests. (It's only missing viking metal and medieval reenactment.)
My favorite character so far is Lalli, he's so cute and catlike and grumpy. I'm so excited to see how the story continues and how the world gets explained to us.
Hello! I'm American, lived in Vermont for a while (9 years) and now I live in Texas. I really don't speak any other language than English ( sorry). Uh I'm still in that teen type of age...
I really love to read, draw and write! Even though I'm not that good you might see some fan art your way. I found SSSS through ARTD, and I found that through a desperate search for entertainment when my former favorite comic Strays was in hiatus, it's my second fav. now, SSSS is now!
I really like this comic, for 1 reason I've always wanted to travel to Finland or a country like that, and this comic transports me!!! Also I love horses, cats, dragons, cats, deer and cats
Hi there! I'm Nuti, a Finnish university student (soon graduate) who recently found SSSS and enjoys it. And also enjoyed aRTD. Soooooo I eagerly wait for how this plot is going to proceed! I also enjoy drawing, roleplaying and pondering trivial things. What else... I think that is enough for a starter? ^_^'
I recently graduated from a very large state school in the US and might be going to law school. I was born in Eastern Europe, adopted, went to French schools (mais mes connaissances du grammaire sont horribles), spent some time in the international community back in my birth country, and spent most of that time with my head in a book.
I studied military history (you might see a lot of comments from me examining the military side of the comic), economics, psychology, and political science. I still read in all those areas but recently have gotten into Geek culture. TVTropes is an addiction as is forum commenting. I'm a fan of Terry Pratchett, Girl Genius, the Order of the Stick, and Babylon 5.
I'm a little out of pop culture (no TV) and a little out of work (I don't have a business focused degree so businesses assume my skills aren't applicable to what they want).
Currently writing a novel for National Novel Writing Month.
Hi! I'm a 14 year old from the American east coast. I found SSSS while going through a list of comics another comic-author made. I was really confused because languages, and also my attention to detail (or lack of). I decided i'd try reading aRTD because I love Minna's art style, and got hooked. I paid more attention to SSSS and fell in love.
Also i'm shipping trash, but i won't tell you that.
Let me skip this biographycal part, please. Some facts are written in my profile, and the rest isn't nesessary to know. =)
Once I came accidentally upon a translated web-comics, and it seemed worthy to keep reading. That was pretty logical to check, what does the translator read besides? And thus I found the SSSS's translation, and compared it to original, and it was good... Oh, so good! And all these drawings! And then I found myself pressing <F5> several times a day and even(!) commenting(!) some pages. And then Sunflower got me (I do like sunflowers btw), so here I am to post anything that could be considered as a fan-art or so.
Don't consider me as a Lalli's fangirl, but well, if anyone insist, I wouldn't mind being a fancat (even though my nick is a name of insect).
Hjello peeps~!
I'm Finhawk but you may call me Fin, Finny, Finnie, Finnsie, Hawk, Hawky or whatever else you may come up with.
I'm a Finnish dude with somewhat close to 20 years of life behind me. I have a serious obsession for mohawks, I love monsters (Can't wait to see more of them slithering around in SSSS) and cats are ridiculously cute and epic. I love painting and RPing and I wish I had more time for them but life is what it is...
I was introduced to this undeniably cool comic when an online friend was complaining about it being weekend and thus, her favorite comic wouldn't have more pages for few days. I got curious and I decided to check the comic out. I was hooked after the first few pages. (And I'm pretty darn happy I learned of the existence of SSSS in time to order the first book. : D)
What else...? :d
Oh, right.
I'm the almighty King of Apples and Mohawk Lord! Bow down before my awesomeness!
I mean... I'm humbly joining this community and hope to get along with you all.
Hjello peeps~!
I'm Finhawk but you may call me Fin, Finny, Finnie, Finnsie, Hawk, Hawky or whatever else you may come up with.
I'm a Finnish dude with somewhat close to 20 years of life behind me. I have a serious obsession for mohawks, I love monsters (Can't wait to see more of them slithering around in SSSS) and cats are ridiculously cute and epic. I love painting and RPing and I wish I had more time for them but life is what it is...
I was introduced to this undeniably cool comic when an online friend was complaining about it being weekend and thus, her favorite comic wouldn't have more pages for few days. I got curious and I decided to check the comic out. I was hooked after the first few pages. (And I'm pretty darn happy I learned of the existence of SSSS in time to order the first book. : D)
What else...? :d
Oh, right.
I'm the almighty King of Apples and Mohawk Lord! Bow down before my awesomeness!
I mean... I'm humbly joining this community and hope to get along with you all.
Welcome, Finhawk. We appreciate your courtesy in making your very first post your introduction.
But... um... is that Moriarty from the BBC "Sherlock" as your icon? (Whimpers nervously.) We already have several teenaged Evil Geniuses here -- I'm not sure whether this forum is a big enough ecological niche to sustain all of you! (If you want us to Kneel Before Zod, (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KneelBeforeZod) you'll have to get in line behind Nimphy, who at age 14 has already threatened to take over the world... once her parents let her stay out past 9 p.m. ...)
Meanwhile, uh, Your Highness, why the "King of Apples and Mohawk Lord" titles? Would you be kind enough to enlighten us?
But... um... is that Moriarty from the BBC "Sherlock" as your icon? (Whimpers nervously.)
*gasp of horror*
SUNFLOWER! No! ;___;
That's the amazing Mr Tennant!! X'D
Oh and Welcome Finhawk!
But... um... is that Moriarty from the BBC "Sherlock" as your icon? (Whimpers nervously.)
*shakes head sadly* Sunflower, I am disappointed, very disappointed.
Also welcome, Finhawk! Your avatar is cool and I would also like to know the meaning behind those titles. At least, I can understand the Mohawk Lord, but King of Apples...
*shakes head sadly* Sunflower, I am disappointed, very disappointed.
I would also like to know the meaning behind those titles. At least, I can understand the Mohawk Lord, but King of Apples...
I too am highly intrigued... *ponders possible meanings*
Hello! :3
I'm Danelle, a freelance artist and comics maker from South Africa! I've been commenting on Minna's pages for some time now so I figured I may as well join the forum, especially now that the comic is going on a break.
What else? I'm 29 (for another month or so :'( ) and have a degree in painting, but mostly I use it to do to draw butts, dachshunds and cats. And also to do illustrations for books.
I write and colour a webcomic called Cottonstar (http://www.cotton-star.com) with my partner Ben (https://www.behance.net/bengeldenhuys), who is also a 2D animator and graphic designer. I live in Cape Town near the foot of one of the new 7 natural wonders of the world, Table Mountain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_Mountain).
I'm on tumblr (http://dwuff.tumblr.com) and behance (https://www.behance.net/DanelleMalan), and I was on deviantart for about 11 years but that site has pretty much gone the drain so much that I deleted my things and left.
That's about it. Looking forward to meeting and chatting with you all. :)
Hjello peeps~!
I'm Finhawk but you may call me Fin, Finny, Finnie, Finnsie, Hawk, Hawky or whatever else you may come up with.
I'm a Finnish dude with somewhat close to 20 years of life behind me. I have a serious obsession for mohawks, I love monsters (Can't wait to see more of them slithering around in SSSS) and cats are ridiculously cute and epic. I love painting and RPing and I wish I had more time for them but life is what it is...
I was introduced to this undeniably cool comic when an online friend was complaining about it being weekend and thus, her favorite comic wouldn't have more pages for few days. I got curious and I decided to check the comic out. I was hooked after the first few pages. (And I'm pretty darn happy I learned of the existence of SSSS in time to order the first book. : D)
What else...? :d
Oh, right.
I'm the almighty King of Apples and Mohawk Lord! Bow down before my awesomeness!
I mean... I'm humbly joining this community and hope to get along with you all.
Huh? What is this? Perchance... a challenger? Bah. You are not worth my time, kid.
Welcome, Finhawk. We appreciate your courtesy in making your very first post your introduction.
But... um... is that Moriarty from the BBC "Sherlock" as your icon? (Whimpers nervously.) We already have several teenaged Evil Geniuses here -- I'm not sure whether this forum is a big enough ecological niche to sustain all of you! (If you want us to Kneel Before Zod, (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KneelBeforeZod) you'll have to get in line behind Nimphy, who at age 14 has already threatened to take over the world... once her parents let her stay out past 9 p.m. ...)
Meanwhile, uh, Your Highness, why the "King of Apples and Mohawk Lord" titles? Would you be kind enough to enlighten us?
H-HEY! I'll let you know I can stay up until 10:30! Nyah-nyah! :P
PS: I am very, very disappointed, Sunflower. You do not recognize that person? How can you?!
I'll be honest, I thought it was Moriarty, too, but he just looked a little funny.
There is a scene exactly like that in Sherlock, in our defense... Lit. exactly like that.
Hello! :3
I'm Danelle, a freelance artist and comics maker from South Africa! I've been commenting on Minna's pages for some time now so I figured I may as well join the forum, especially now that the comic is going on a break.
What else? I'm 29 (for another month or so :'( ) and have a degree in painting, but mostly I use it to do to draw butts, dachshunds and cats. And also to do illustrations for books.
I write and colour a webcomic called Cottonstar (http://www.cotton-star.com) with my partner Ben (https://www.behance.net/bengeldenhuys), who is also a 2D animator and graphic designer. I live in Cape Town near the foot of one of the new 7 natural wonders of the world, Table Mountain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_Mountain).
I'm on tumblr (http://dwuff.tumblr.com) and behance (https://www.behance.net/DanelleMalan), and I was on deviantart for about 11 years but that site has pretty much gone the drain so much that I deleted my things and left.
That's about it. Looking forward to meeting and chatting with you all. :)
EEeeE! Hello! *flails around, then hides* (your tablet wisdom-tutorial was a life-saver by the way! And your art style and comic are just so coolllldfasdfghvbnmjkl...)
I'll be honest, I thought it was Moriarty, too, but he just looked a little funny.
There is a scene exactly like that in Sherlock, in our defense... Lit. exactly like that.
Awwwww c'monnnnnn Eich, are you ever going to get 'round to watching all those Dr Who episodes? U____U Otherwise you would knoooooowwww who that was X'P
This is the kind of random knowledge you can look forward to........
EEeeE! Hello! *flails around, then hides* (your tablet wisdom-tutorial was a life-saver by the way! And your art style and comic are just so coolllldfasdfghvbnmjkl...)
Aw :3 thank you! I can't take credit for that tutorial though, I reblogged it from someone else who was awesome enough to figure it out. I take it you're been getting those weird errors too?
Hello everyone!
(introductions are hard, aren't they?)
My name's Rémi, I'm 21, French but currently studying in Lisbon.
I started reading SSSS a few weeks ago, and shortly afterwards declared it my most favoritest webcomic ever, to the point that I actually joined this nice little fan community. Since I've got nothing better to do I might spend a lot of time lurking around here and use it as an excuse to get better at doing creative stuff :)
Hello all, my name is Connie, I am a 20 year old writer from Ireland :) I am a long time lurker. I found SSSS by chance in July and fell in love with it immediately. I thought I'd make an account here to post a wee bit of fanart. Not an awful lot else to know about me but hi anyway.
Hello all, my name is Connie, I am a 20 year old writer from Ireland :) I am a long time lurker. I found SSSS by chance in July and fell in love with it immediately. I thought I'd make an account here to post a wee bit of fanart. Not an awful lot else to know about me but hi anyway.
yay, an Irish person :).
Aw :3 thank you! I can't take credit for that tutorial though, I reblogged it from someone else who was awesome enough to figure it out. I take it you're been getting those weird errors too?
Heeh, I was so blinded by the cool drawings (I was using a computer instead of my phone, so I got to see the groovy wolf faces for the first time ever :P) that my brain didn't even register a reblog X'D
I have a tablet thing that I barely use because it just kept doing the weird frustrating error thing so I'd quietly packed it away on a bookshelf... ;___; but now I now it lives!! :3
Gosh I'm excited about all the new art people arriving in the forum...
yay, an Irish person :).
Now to find out if she's a ginger or a leprechaun.
Now to find out if she's a ginger or a leprechaun.
Maybe a Banshee? We should stop that, before ThisCats chases us out of here ;)
Hello, everyone~ I'm plantedfawn, but you can call me Flicker! I've been an active reader of SSSS, and just today decided to join in the discussion!
I'm from the frigid tundra that is Canada, I'm a hobbyist artist, and I very much enjoy anime.
That's about all I have to say! I hope we can talk and be friends and ye
Hello, everyone~ I'm plantedfawn, but you can call me Flicker! I've been an active reader of SSSS, and just today decided to join in the discussion!
I'm from the frigid tundra that is Canada, I'm a hobbyist artist, and I very much enjoy anime.
That's about all I have to say! I hope we can talk and be friends and ye
Oh my gosh, another Canadian! Hello! I don't think there are a lot of us here~~
Oh my gosh, another Canadian! Hello! I don't think there are a lot of us here~~
Hello fellow Canadian! It's a pleasure to meet you~ Might I say that your avatar is amazing
eeeeeee so many new people ;D |edit: myself included of course|
(trying to cope with chapter break i suppose :-[ )
eeeeeee so many new people ;D |edit: myself included of course|
(trying to cope with chapter break i suppose :-[ )
P__, how did you come up with a name out of a 19th-century Russian novel? (Where all the provincial towns and streets therein have only initials for names.) Is "P" short for "Portugal"?
P__, how did you come up with a name out of a 19th-century Russian novel? (Where all the provincial towns and streets therein have only initials for names.) Is "P" short for "Portugal"?
no Russia for me :P
And not Portugal either, though it's a cool idea ;)
Here's the (short yet tortuous) story: it comes from my mother's maiden name (which I'm not telling you), that I also kinda intended to use as a screen name, then shortened to P__ for use in online games where I'm too lazy to type it in full -- not that it would be particularly long -- and from there in my comments on the SSSS main site before I created an account. And then transferred as such to the forum.
Short story shorter: doesn't directly relate to anything :P
Meanwhile, uh, Your Highness, why the "King of Apples and Mohawk Lord" titles? Would you be kind enough to enlighten us?
Yeaaah, I'm not surprised you're confused. :,D
King of Apples is just a title that has stuck with me for a while now. As far as I can remember, I was chatting with my Internet pals at perhaps around 5 am or something like that and the whole chat was just madness and sheer stupidity. (Like always.) Anyways, I got hungry and because apples are delicious, I just grabbed one of them. In my sleep deprived state, I proclaimed myself as the King of Apples while munching on the fabulous fruit. I somehow remembered this the next day after I had managed to detach myself from my computer to get few hours of sleep. I don't even remember just exactly how everyone came to associate apples with me but it happened quite fast. Perhaps I just repeated my position as Apple royalty enough times.
As for Mohawk Lord, it's quite new. I guess I just keep on babbling on and on how much I love them mohawks and one of my new buddies randomly called me "Mohawk Lord". I happen to like the sound of it.
Hi everyone,
I'm Rae, approaching 1.0 Torbjorn, from the USA, currently living in Pennsylvania. I'm a grad student in the environmental sciences, and while the chapter break is going to be rough, I will be putting in serious work on my dissertation. Any of you whippersnappers interested in environmental science, grad school (in the US) - I'd be happy to chat.
I came across SSSS when it was recommended by someone on www.dailykos.com (http://www.dailykos.com) and ran into the language tree shortly after that. I thought it was amazing and gorgeous, but honestly, it was the charming cats in and around the language tree that made me cock my head and say to myself "I must know more about this..." Read through SSSS a couple of times, then aRTD, and now, yeah, refreshing several times a day/hour/minute to get my weekday fix. I just need to ban myself from the internet some days, sigh.
I do a number of things for fun - making jewelry, attempting quilt-making, carving my own stamps, writing smatterings of fiction. I enjoy cooking & baking and tend to waste a lot of time lurking on the internet. My current crazy idea is making a quilt pattern out of the Nordic council design...
Well, I could say something here too.
Some of you may have seen me explaining and speculating things in the SSSS section and comments, but anyways...
I'm finnish mechanical engineering student and indie game developer.
(Here's links to my game and game company if anyone is interested: www.infragame.net , www.loisteinteractive.com)
I'm interested in various subjects such as games, engineering, macroeconomics, psychology and generally making sense out of things and many many more thing.
Generally i'm very short worded, unless I find something interesting to share with others.
And I prefer working on nights and tend to go to sleep very late.
Well, I could say something here too.
Some of you may have seen me explaining and speculating things in the SSSS section and comments, but anyways...
I'm finnish mechanical engineering student and indie game developer.
(Here's links to my game and game company if anyone is interested: www.infragame.net , www.loisteinteractive.com)
I'm interested in various subjects such as games, engineering, macroeconomics, psychology and generally making sense out of things and many many more thing.
Generally i'm very short worded, unless I find something interesting to share with others.
And I prefer working on nights and tend to go to sleep very late.
Yeah, Mechanical Engineering! *Is also an M.E. student*
I always wanted to get into game development, but never really got around to it. Plus, I'd probably be pretty terrible at it. :-\ Your game looks quite well polished!
Well, I could say something here too.
Some of you may have seen me explaining and speculating things in the SSSS section and comments, but anyways...
I'm finnish mechanical engineering student and indie game developer.
(Here's links to my game and game company if anyone is interested: www.infragame.net , www.loisteinteractive.com)
I'm interested in various subjects such as games, engineering, macroeconomics, psychology and generally making sense out of things and many many more thing.
Generally i'm very short worded, unless I find something interesting to share with others.
And I prefer working on nights and tend to go to sleep very late.
Awesome! I'm surrounded by game devs, the industry in SA is really booming. I think 50% of my friends are probably indie devs/aspiring indie devs, now that I think about it... I see your game was greenlit, well done! It looks really ominous, I just watched your trailers. It looks really good for alpha gameplay. I'll be following this one. :)
Yeah, Mechanical Engineering! *Is also an M.E. student*
I always wanted to get into game development, but never really got around to it. Plus, I'd probably be pretty terrible at it. :-\ Your game looks quite well polished!
Well it started as a hobby and we didn't know anyone from games industry when we'll started.
My current crazy idea is making a quilt pattern out of the Nordic council design...
Sounds cool! Minna's version of the design is so much better than the current official one (http://www.mapsofworld.com/images/world-countries-flags/nordic-council-flag.gif) that I think they should change it. And of course give Minna a handsom reward for using her work ;)
yay, an Irish person :).
Heh heh, yep. I haven't seen a lot of other Irish people on here so far, so I guess I'll have to not mess up representing my country :P
Now to find out if she's a ginger or a leprechaun.
Neither I'm afraid! But I am a writer and Ireland is known as the "Island of Saints and Scholars" so hopefully that counts :D
So it's been ages since I've been a member of a forum, but I like SSSS so much, and the topics going on round here look so interesting, that I thought, 'why not?'
Anyway, about me: I found the comic two weeks ago, through Mental Floss I think (the language tree graphic), and then spent a few days going through the comic from the beginning. Of course I catch up right at the start of a chapter break, which is going to be awesome for the wirthdrawal symptoms ::)
I'm Dutch, 30 years old, and work as a copy editor and project coordinator for a small-ish publisher of geoscience books. I studied English at uni (and have a Master's in Translation though I never really used it). My hobbies include reading, writing, sewing, music, and webcomics. ;)
Sounds cool! Minna's version of the design is so much better than the current official one (http://www.mapsofworld.com/images/world-countries-flags/nordic-council-flag.gif) that I think they should change it. And of course give Minna a handsom reward for using her work ;)
Oh, wow. I agree with you - that logo looks like it belongs to a fly-by-night regional airline.
Heh heh, yep. I haven't seen a lot of other Irish people on here so far, so I guess I'll have to not mess up representing my country :P
You'll do fine, I'm sure. It's only a year since I last visited your country, but I really miss it.
that logo looks like it belongs to a fly-by-night regional airline.
Pray tell, what makes you think that (http://i.mein-deal.com/2012/09/Lufthansa.png)? ::)
You'll do fine, I'm sure. It's only a year since I last visited your country, but I really miss it.
I can assure you, it hasn't changed much in a year. Still rainy, still cold, yet somehow still quite pretty.
Pray tell, what makes you think that (http://i.mein-deal.com/2012/09/Lufthansa.png)? ::)
Ah, haha, the bird on the Lufthansa logo has an appropriately optimistic take-off angle going for it at least! Not fly-by-night at all ;D The Nordic council logo brings to mind pontoon planes landing on Canadian/Alaskan lakes...
Hello! I am NOT Dane Murgen. I am 16 years old, so I am obviously still in high school. I live in New Zealand, where high school=college and college=university. I can speak English fluently and can hold a conversation in Filipino if you let me use English words.
I've been lurking for like one month now, so I think it's high time to make myself known to the greater populace. It's only the polite thing to do.
Hello Not Dane Murgen :)
Can we call you Not Dane?
Why not? Go for it. :D
Edit: Stupid quote removed.
How many people here found the comic via Imgur?
And you have been in touch with finnish equipment?
Hello everyone! I'm a Norwegienne (that's not actually a word is it) who stumbled onto SSSS not long ago, through the language differences picture that went viral. I liked it so much I read it all and then read aRTD in less than one day. Now I'm doing a second binge reading to get through this (for me) first break. Because sleep is for pussies (cats sleep a lot) and people with adult lives to maintain.
Speaking of adult, I'm now 26 years of age and may actually be too old for this forum thing. I have not been active in a forum since Warren Ellis left the FreakAngels forum in 2011ish, so this is honestly a bit scary. I make my very first post here in the introductions thread because that made the most sense to me.
Welcome! There's no such thing as "too old" for this forum -- some of us are considerably older than 26! And I at least had never participated in a forum at all till now. This is a very friendly place.
The owls are not what they seem, I promise... ::)
Ooo! Are you a "Twin Peaks" fan?!? If so, did you hear that they're finally going to do a sequel?
Friends and family affectionately call me a troll due to my hair (http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn280/uglesett/oden_zps3be5f8c6.jpg), however that doesn't come off as very positive from a SSSS point of view.
So you can call me by my name, which is Oda.
Glad to see another curly-top!
This is a very friendly place.
I have to agree with this, this is very supporting and friendly community revolving around arts and cute things.
And then theres me...
I have to agree with this, this is very supporting and friendly community revolving around arts and cute things.
And then there's me...
You're the leaven in our loaf, Oskutin. :)
Seriously, members are always surprising me with all the badass things they know about or can do. For just one example, literature student OrigamiOwl, who's been sharing pictures of her fluffy kitties, spends most of her vacations doing heavy farm labor. Then there's the biologist/self-defense expert, the Norwegian blacksmith/poet, and on and on...
I'm sure if the apocalypse were to come, I'd be safer around any random Forum member than anyone else short of a Green Beret.
You're the leaven in our loaf, Oskutin. :)
Seriously, members are always surprising me with all the badass things they know about or can do. For just one example, literature student OrigamiOwl, who's been sharing pictures of her fluffy kitties, spends most of her vacations doing heavy farm labor. Then there's the biologist/self-defense expert, the Norwegian blacksmith/poet, and on and on...
I'm sure if the apocalypse were to come, I'd be safer around any random Forum member than anyone else short of a Green Beret.
I would be hiding in my Antarctica base nation then 8)
You're the leaven in our loaf, Oskutin. :)
Seriously, members are always surprising me with all the badass things they know about or can do. For just one example, literature student OrigamiOwl, who's been sharing pictures of her fluffy kitties, spends most of her vacations doing heavy farm labor. Then there's the biologist/self-defense expert, the Norwegian blacksmith/poet, and on and on...
I'm sure if the apocalypse were to come, I'd be safer around any random Forum member than anyone else short of a Green Beret.
Even if I'm just an engineer/guitarist, I've at least got a veritable army of engis and doctors nearby at any given time... not to mention the actual military presence...
If we could gather our resident Vikings and self-defense people at my school, I'm pretty sure we could wage war on America, win, and become a small nation. Though, the notion of secession receives mixed (see also: polar opposite) replies from the people of my home...
I have to agree with this, this is very supporting and friendly community revolving around arts and cute things.
And then theres me...
Dude, you're making a video game. You are on the frontier of art itself! It might not be cute, but it is artistic.
Even if I'm just an engineer/guitarist, I've at least got a veritable army of engis and doctors nearby at any given time... not to mention the actual military presence...
If we could gather our resident Vikings and self-defense people at my school, I'm pretty sure we could wage war on America, win, and become a small nation. Though, the notion of secession receives mixed (see also: polar opposite) replies from the people of my home...
Dude, you're making a video game. You are on the frontier of art itself! It might not be cute, but it is artistic.
I didn't deny that :P
This forum seems to be attracting generally intuitive people, more artistic idealists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealist_temperament) than cold rationals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_temperament) though (if we go with the categories and definitions).
I didn't deny that :P
This forum seems to be attracting generally intuitive people, more artistic idealists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealist_temperament) than cold rationals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_temperament) though (if we go with the categories and definitions).
Yup, that looks true! Bu now that I've read through those articles that mentioned the Bridge-Myers oersonality test, I'm wondering what is everyone's personality like (If you have taken the test at all). I took it a couple of years ago, got INFP, it looked perfect at the time, but I think I'm starting to become more of an ENFP now.
Yup, that looks true! Bu now that I've read through those articles that mentioned the Bridge-Myers oersonality test, I'm wondering what is everyone's personality like (If you have taken the test at all). I took it a couple of years ago, got INFP, it looked perfect at the time, but I think I'm starting to become more of an ENFP now.
I for one am an ISTJ. I went through a phase a few months ago when I was obsessed with personality tests. May still be in that phase.
((and oh, we're clogging the introduction thread with non-introductions))
Yup, that looks true! Bu now that I've read through those articles that mentioned the Bridge-Myers oersonality test, I'm wondering what is everyone's personality like
Fore those who are interested, I'm IN, marginally T and almost even in J/P (Introvert(78%) iNtuitive(75%) Thinking(12%) Judging(1%)) according to the Human Metrics website's quick test
now that I've read through those articles that mentioned the Bridge-Myers oersonality test, I'm wondering what is everyone's personality like
I'm INTJ, but I don't take this kind of test seriously. There are so many things affecting the outcome, most of all the fact that it's based purely on each test doers idea of themselves. It's more like a test of how you feel about yourself than what you really are like.
Think maybe this discussion could be continued in the general discussion thread? (I'd gladly continue this discussion; I don't want to act as the amateur forum police)
Really long, but very nice and informing text :D
So you can call me by my name, which is Oda.
(Oh and Fimbulvarg, what exactly is the "best part of Norway"?)
*Points excitedly to language board*
Have you written some little story during your live? Anything would do and I have finnished butchering through Fimbulvarg's Story only recently. Well and 26... We are not too far away in age.
Sorry piney ;)
(Oh and Fimbulvarg, what exactly is the "best part of Norway"?)
I am the best part of Norway!! ... Oh, and the North! Where people curse the South, the snow and the sun in equal measures! Where the beer is made from tears of joy, where the aurora lulls men to sleep and people spit on pretensions of superiority! How I wish I was there.
I think all our 40+ years old members will resent the notion that people in their 20s are too old for forum'ing.
Yup, that looks true! Bu now that I've read through those articles that mentioned the Bridge-Myers oersonality test, I'm wondering what is everyone's personality like (If you have taken the test at all). I took it a couple of years ago, got INFP, it looked perfect at the time, but I think I'm starting to become more of an ENFP now.
And now i started this, everybody is posting their MBTI types.
I'm INTJ, but I don't take this kind of test seriously. There are so many things affecting the outcome, most of all the fact that it's based purely on each test doers idea of themselves. It's more like a test of how you feel about yourself than what you really are like.
Same, I don't trust the tests much, as they have too many variables and many questions are ambiguous.
I compared myself against the definition of the types years ago and i'll think you can guess what it is.
I am IS--. I vary wildly from day to day, but those seem to be the ones that fit me the most. Also, I'm like 95% I (introvert). Being around people or even in crowds can drain me of all my energy for the rest of the day.
Oda, you're welcome here no matter what age you are. I think 19-21 I'd a good assessment, but we do have some wiser members. I'm gonna stop talking before I say something stupid (assuming I haven't already), but, yeah, welcome!
I'm INTJ, but I don't take this kind of test seriously. There are so many things affecting the outcome, most of all the fact that it's based purely on each test doers idea of themselves. It's more like a test of how you feel about yourself than what you really are like.
Yeah, this really should be in GDThread...
Yeah, this really should be in GDThread...
One of the rarest types and on this small (active) community theres atleast four.
And if we're going to continue with this, could be better to move this to GD.
Even it kinda fits in this 'tell about yourself'-thread too.
I am a 17 year old guy from somewhere in North America. I love to draw, play guitar, and play videogames. I am not the average male, or at least I am told so, because I worry too much about my physical appearance, I am too skinny, and I grow facial hair in patches. Also, I often get called a girl because my hair bangs come down to right under my bottom lip. I am of hispanic descent but I was not born in South America by any means. I am a fairly straight-forward person. I am in a special Engineering High School, although I aspire to be a comic book artist and a musician, but nonetheless I have at least learned more than simple logical thinking in order to solve daily issues. ?????????????????????????????????????????? It is a pleasure to meet all of you~
I am a 17 year old guy from somewhere in North America. I love to draw, play guitar, and play videogames. I am not the average male, or at least I am told so, because I worry too much about my physical appearance, I am too skinny, and I grow facial hair in patches. Also, I often get called a girl because my hair bangs come down to right under my bottom lip. I am of hispanic descent but I was not born in South America by any means. I am a fairly straight-forward person. I am in a special Engineering High School, although I aspire to be a comic book artist and a musician, but nonetheless I have at least learned more than simple logical thinking in order to solve daily issues. ?????????????????????????????????????????? It is a pleasure to meet all of you~
Why you use finnish name? :D
Why you use finnish name? :D
I like that name. It is the name of my OC (Original Character).
Also, the http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/Smileys/default/huh.gif faces are supposed to say "I can speak Japanese but not fluently" but the forums apparently does not display Japanese LOL.
I am a 17 year old guy from somewhere in North America. I love to draw, play guitar, and play videogames. I am not the average male, or at least I am told so, because I worry too much about my physical appearance, I am too skinny, and I grow facial hair in patches. Also, I often get called a girl because my hair bangs come down to right under my bottom lip. I am of hispanic descent but I was not born in South America by any means. I am a fairly straight-forward person. I am in a special Engineering High School, although I aspire to be a comic book artist and a musician, but nonetheless I have at least learned more than simple logical thinking in order to solve daily issues. ?????????????????????????????????????????? It is a pleasure to meet all of you~
You... you and I are very alike. :o
I don't get mistaken for a girl, because my hair's relatively short, and I'm super tall, but... dang.
Also, another guitarist! Huzzah! And now we can welcome our 3rd engineer to the introduction thread.
You... you and I are very alike. :o
I don't get mistaken for a girl, because my hair's relatively short, and I'm super tall, but... dang.
Also, another guitarist! Huzzah! And now we can welcome our 3rd engineer to the introduction thread.
Heh, I thought that too X'P now you guys can be a tall engineering-guitarist duo!
Panzerkampfwagon IV G. Some irony inherent in an American using a German tank for a handle, but oh well. Obviously, I speak fluent English, and I can stumble my way through written Spanish. Don't ask me about anything Nordic, though- I only know enough to say "ouch."
Hi there!
First of all, I apologize to all the English native-speakers. I'm actually butchering your beautiful mother tongue, and I'm sorry. (Amen)
I've got a weird and "strange-hearing" name. So you can call me "Eve" - it sounds good to me, yeah, like the Christmas Eve ; Who the hell doesn't like the Christmas Eve ?!
Well, well.
I'm a little four-eyed student. I'm currently studying History. I'm specializing in Antiquity, Antique Art, and Classic Egyptian (the hieroglyphs).
Let's face it ; I'll never find a job. Youh! ;D
But History and Art History are my life (I have stopped my Law studies to fulfill my dreams)!
Of course I love Antiquity, but I have a keen interest in the Middle Ages ... And I ADORE the Vikings. I wish I could met them in another life (but not as a slave or even as a woman, please). Well, I also love the Maya people and the first Mesopotamians ... Maybe I have some strange fascination for bloodthirsty ancient civilizations ... Creepy.
I have discovered SSSS several months ago, and I TOTALLY fell in love. I love the drawing, the story, and the drawing, and the story ... And BRAIDY! To me, tall men with long hair are so manly, especially when they have a braid or a ponytail ; they look like brave and barbaric vikings (or not)! Totaly my type (in my fantasy).
I enjoy to draw (but I have never learnt how to draw, so I'm not a good one), I like to write (I write A LOT - One day I wanna write historical fictions), and I like to read (this is what I do the most - except breathing, of course).
I like old horror movies from the twenties, cheesecakes with home-made compote, traditional scandinavian music and cheminey fires. ("These are a few of my favorite things, la la laaa")
And a LOT of other things, too. I like every of you, of course. <3
* My pseudo means "Pale Light" in Finnish. It's the title of a beautiful song. I think in the context of the song, "Kalpea Valo" refers to the light of a morning winter.
Hi there!
First of all, I apologize to all the English native-speakers. I'm actually butchering your beautiful mother tongue, and I'm sorry. (Amen)
I've got a weird and "strange-hearing" name. So you can call me "Eve" - it sounds good to me, yeah, like the Christmas Eve ; Who the hell doesn't like the Christmas Eve ?!
Well, well.
I'm a little four-eyed student. I'm currently studying History. I'm specializing in Antiquity, Antique Art, and Classic Egyptian (the hieroglyphs).
Let's face it ; I'll never find a job. Youh! ;D
But History and Art History are my life (I have stopped my Law studies to fulfill my dreams)!
Of course I love Antiquity, but I have a keen interest in the Middle Ages ... And I ADORE the Vikings. I wish I could met them in another life (but not as a slave or even as a woman, please). Well, I also love the Maya people and the first Mesopotamians ... Maybe I have some strange fascination for bloodthirsty ancient populations ... Creepy.
I have discovered SSSS several months ago, and I TOTALLY fell in love. I love the drawing, the story, and the drawing, and the story ... And BRAIDY! To me, tall men with long hair are so manly, especially when they have a braid or a ponytail ; they look like brave and barbaric vikings (or not)! Totaly my type (in my fantasy).
I enjoy to draw (but I have never learnt how to draw, so I'm not a good one), I like to write (I write A LOT - One day I wanna write historical fictions), and I like to read (this is what I do the most - except breathing, of course).
I like old horror movies from the twenties, cheesecakes with home-made compote, traditional scandinavian music and cheminey fires. ("These are a few of my favorite things, la la laaa")
And a LOT of other things, too. I like every of you, of course. <3
* My pseudo means "Pale Light" in Finnish. It's the title of a beautiful song. I think in the context of the song, "Kalpea Valo" refers to the light of a morning winter.
You sound like quite a unique new member to our little community. Welcome!
[insert introduction here]
Welcome to the SSSS community!! (I see you like old horror movies from the twenties! I've seen a few of those! I love horror movies from the thirties. Also art history. I love art history :))
Well, well.
I'm a little four-eyed student. I'm currently studying History. I'm specializing in Antiquity, Antique Art, and Classic Egyptian (the hieroglyphs).
Let's face it ; I'll never find a job. Youh! ;D
But History and Art History are my life (I have stopped my Law studies to fulfill my dreams)!
Of course I love Antiquity, but I have a keen interest in the Middle Ages ... And I ADORE the Vikings. I wish I could met them in another life (but not as a slave or even as a woman, please). Well, I also love the Maya people and the first Mesopotamians ... Maybe I have some strange fascination for bloodthirsty ancient civilizations ... Creepy.
I have discovered SSSS several months ago, and I TOTALLY fell in love. I love the drawing, the story, and the drawing, and the story ... And BRAIDY! To me, tall men with long hair are so manly, especially when they have a braid or a ponytail ; they look like brave and barbaric vikings (or not)! Totaly my type (in my fantasy).
I enjoy to draw (but I have never learnt how to draw, so I'm not a good one), I like to write (I write A LOT - One day I wanna write historical fictions), and I like to read (this is what I do the most - except breathing, of course).
I like old horror movies from the twenties, cheesecakes with home-made compote, traditional scandinavian music and cheminey fires. ("These are a few of my favorite things, la la laaa")
And a LOT of other things, too. I like every of you, of course. <3
Eeee!! Hello!!
I like all those things too!!! Especially cheesecake and those ancient civilisations! :D
Welcome! :3 *hugs*
Welcome, Kalpea! I looked at your Tumblr -- full of beautiful things!
Am I right in guessing from your e-mail domain that you're from Belgium? If so, you're our first forum member from that country, though definitely not the first Francophone. (We have several native speakers here, plus others who speak French better than I do.) You're also far from the only enthusiast of art or ancient history.
So pull up a chair, and join us! (If this were a *real* clubhouse, I'd have coffee and cake on hand, just like the Swedish custom of fika. But for now, virtual refreshments will have to do.)
Ask OrigamiOwl sometime to show you photos of her college's historic, oak-beamed student lounge. That's what I picture our SSSS forum clubhouse looking like. (Plus some pickled specimens of Rash-monsters in jars, a la Siv's research institute, for decor, and weapons hanging on the walls.)
See you 'round the Forum...
Welcome, Kalpea! I looked at your Tumblr -- full of beautiful things!
Am I right in guessing from your e-mail domain that you're from Belgium? If so, you're our first forum member from that country, though definitely not the first Francophone. (We have several native speakers here, plus others who speak French better than I do.) You're also far from the only enthusiast of art or ancient history.
So pull up a chair, and join us! (If this were a *real* clubhouse, I'd have coffee and cake on hand, just like the Swedish custom of fika. But for now, virtual refreshments will have to do.)
Ask OrigamiOwl sometime to show you photos of her college's historic, oak-beamed student lounge. That's what I picture our SSSS forum clubhouse looking like. (Plus some pickled specimens of Rash-monsters in jars, a la Siv's research institute, for decor, and weapons hanging on the walls.)
See you 'round the Forum...
Class +1
Yay! Thanks everybody! :D
Welcome to the SSSS community!! (I see you like old horror movies from the twenties! I've seen a few of those! I love horror movies from the thirties. Also art history. I love art history :))
Absolutely, horror movies from thirties are great too! (Dracula, The Invisible Man, Bride of Franskenstein ... )
Eeee!! Hello!!
I like all those things too!!! Especially cheesecake and those ancient civilisations! :D
Welcome! :3 *hugs*
Who doesn't like cheesecake? It is so yummy and so fluffy ... <3
Thank you! *bear hug* ^v^
Welcome, Kalpea! I looked at your Tumblr -- full of beautiful things!
Am I right in guessing from your e-mail domain that you're from Belgium? If so, you're our first forum member from that country, though definitely not the first Francophone. (We have several native speakers here, plus others who speak French better than I do.) You're also far from the only enthusiast of art or ancient history.
Yeah I'm from that small country, somewhere between the France and the Holland! :D I'm currently living in Brussels, but I may leave my country to study abroad.
I'm glad to see we share common interests! ^^
So pull up a chair, and join us! (If this were a *real* clubhouse, I'd have coffee and cake on hand, just like the Swedish custom of fika. But for now, virtual refreshments will have to do.)
Ask OrigamiOwl sometime to show you photos of her college's historic, oak-beamed student lounge. That's what I picture our SSSS forum clubhouse looking like. (Plus some pickled specimens of Rash-monsters in jars, a la Siv's research institute, for decor, and weapons hanging on the walls.)
See you 'round the Forum...
Haha ! What a welcoming place it would be! ^^ I would bring you some of my home-made cheesecake.
Hi! I like to use the username Auleliel, which for some reason most people can't seem to pronounce or spell, so feel free to call me Owlie. Auleliel is Quenya (i.e. one of Tolkien's Elvish languages) for "daughter of Aule", and Aule was that dude in the Silmarillion who made Dwarves. (I like making stuff, and I have friends who are even more obsessive about cool awesome geeky stuff than I am and who are talented at making fun usernames.)
I'm a socially awkward English teacher in Japan, and I don't remember how old I am without doing math because I always lie to my students when they ask ("I'm 200" or "I'm 5" are frequent answers I give to "How old are you?"). Also, I lived in South Korea for three years prior to moving to Japan, and they count ages differently there, so that got me a bit confused. Heh. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere between the ages of 25 and 30. I alternate between being ENFP and INFP on the Meyers-Briggs, and most of the time I can't decide whether I need to surround myself with people or become a hermit. I really felt a strong connection to Hannu in aRTD--perhaps my inner self is rather like him (including the jerkiness, sorry).
Whenever I learn a new language I promptly forget most of all previous languages I've learned, so I've forgotten Spanish, German, and Korean. When I remembered Spanish I could also understand Italian and written French. I'm currently learning Japanese. I know random words and sentences in several real and constructed languages, and I can read several real and constructed writing systems. So far learning kanji is the most interesting part of learning Japanese. I hate Esperanto and don't much care for French, but I'm fascinated by most other languages (even though my mind is like a sieve made of wet noodles--most information goes straight through and only random stuff sticks).
My dream is to travel the world by teaching English in various countries for a few years at a time. Since I have already achieved this dream I'm not sure what to do with the rest of my life. ;)
I have a black belt in judo that I probably didn't really earn completely. I can't cook. I can bake but I have no oven. I can play the violin, viola, and piano. I can't run more than two blocks without hyperventilating but I can pin a man twice my weight to the floor for 30 seconds and choke him out, so I guess I don't really need to run, do I? I've been crocheting for 20ish years but only got around to making my first sweater this year.
I read manga and watch anime, but only for the past 5 years. I also read lots of sci-fi and fantasy, and watch it sometimes, too. I listen to classical music and opera sometimes. I don't like most music that I've heard on the radio in the past 15ish years. I have strong opinions and avoid talking about the issues I'm opinionated about because once I start talking it's hard to shut me up before I offend everyone in a 50-km radius. I understand and appreciate the metric system but find it difficult to use because I grew up with whatever you call the system they use in the USA (I'm from somewhere in that country originally, unless I really am an extraterrestrial). Nobody understands my sense of humor, and if somebody thinks I said something funny, I pretend I intended the joke.
I found SSSS on November 26th via a Facebook post reposted from another fb post reposted from a Mental Floss article about the language tree page. By November 30th I had read all of SSSS and aRTD and started a (much slower) reread of aRTD. I joined this forum because everyone I know in real life is sick of hearing me talk about this webcomic (the first webcomic I ever read!) and I need to talk to somebody about it or I'll explode.
I'm longwinded and disorganized. I apologize for the inconvenience.
You're welcome here. We are testing out a chatroom, though there are some times, where few people are online. I guess that is because in some time zones the most active are asleep :D.
"I'm 200" or "I'm 5" are frequent answers I give to "How old are you?".
Just remember that there are countries where the class would be likely to shoot back something along the lines of "and you've been dead for how long?" or "yeah, we guessed that much", respectively. 8)
Whenever I learn a new language I promptly forget most of all previous languages I've learned, so I've forgotten Spanish, German, and Korean.
... also das klingt jetzt aber schon sehr nachlässig ... :P
my mind is like a sieve made of wet noodles--most information goes straight through and only random stuff sticks.
"Das Gedächtnis ist ein Sieb, in dem wir unser Wissen aufzubewahren trachten. Es empfiehlt sich, ab und zu einen größeren Gedanken zu fassen."
-- Lothar Schmidt
I understand and appreciate the metric system but find it difficult to use because I grew up with whatever you call the system they use in the USA
Most just call it "the Imperial system", though that's technically (pun not intended) incorrect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_customary_units).
Hello, Auleliel.
Welcome to the forums~
Ooh, it's your first webcomic! I hope you have a good time here! :D
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Yay, another swedish-learner! Welcome :)
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Oh, finally one who's not older than me! Oh wait... Does that mean I'm no longer the little one here? N-nooo... I wanna be the little one of the community... maybe she's still older than me...
Oh right. Welcome.
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Welcome! I hope you have as much fun as we do being part of our social little community~
Don't worry, Nimphy : as long as Tara is not after world domination, everything should be juuuuust fiiiiiine..
Welcome, Tara!
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Hi, Tara! ;D Sounds like you'd fit right in to this community!
Yay, another swedish-learner! Welcome :)
Yay :)
Oh, finally one who's not older than me! Oh wait... Does that mean I'm no longer the little one here? N-nooo... I wanna be the little one of the community... maybe she's still older than me...
Oh right. Welcome.
Well, my birthday's in March, so you might still be younger than me :P
Welcome! I hope you have as much fun as we do being part of our social little community~
I hope so too!
Don't worry, Nimphy : as long as Tara is not after world domination, everything should be juuuuust fiiiiiine..
Welcome, Tara!
Nope, I'm not interested in world domination- that seems like too much work- although, hmm, if total control over everything was offered to me...
Hi, Tara! ;D Sounds like you'd fit right in to this community!
Hi! I sure hope so~
I'm completely new to the comic (last friday), the fandom (during the weekend) and the forum (today)!
For some reason it was not working for me yesterday but thank god it actually exists!
I just passed the 1/4 of a century in RL but only in my 10s on the internets~
Big cat fan (4 stupid very intelligent ones at home) and that may be one of the many reasons I am a big fan (Lalli ftw).
I hope to one day being able to draw cat's like Minna <3
And that is all I can think of for an introductions!
I'm completely new to the comic (last friday), the fandom (during the weekend) and the forum (today)!
For some reason it was not working for me yesterday but thank god it actually exists!
I just passed the 1/4 of a century in RL but only in my 10s on the internets~
Big cat fan (4 stupid very intelligent ones at home) and that may be one of the many reasons I am a big fan (Lalli ftw).
I hope to one day being able to draw cat's like Minna <3
And that is all I can think of for an introductions!
I hope we see your art over at the SSSS Art Museum thread someday!
Welcome to the community~
I'm completely new to the comic (last friday), the fandom (during the weekend) and the forum (today)!
For some reason it was not working for me yesterday but thank god it actually exists!
I just passed the 1/4 of a century in RL but only in my 10s on the internets~
Big cat fan (4 stupid very intelligent ones at home) and that may be one of the many reasons I am a big fan (Lalli ftw).
I hope to one day being able to draw cat's like Minna <3
And that is all I can think of for an introductions!
"Thank god it actually exists"... that was my same feeling! Welcome to the SSSS community! (and Lalli FTW! *pumps fist*)
So, I am Solokov.
I hail from the U.S.'s west coast, originally from California I'm now starting to roam and wander while I chase work with the U.S. Forest Service. I'm 24 (25 in a couple months). My hobbies are the following: Camping hunting, gaming, sleeping, reading, writing and learning waaaaay too much for my own good regarding weapons and weapons systems (as some of you may have noticed from my posts elsewhere on the forum). At some point I also picked up on Trig a bit too well and like doing calculations on how to launch things into orbit. Rocks.. socks.. potatos, etc etc.
Languages that I understand: U.S. English, The Queen's English, some field Spanish.
Languages I can write: U.S. English
Languages I currently aspire to learn: Russian, Ukrainian, one of the Scandinavian languages, Australian English.
My mantra is live life, start chaos, however do not mistake me for an anarchist.
At some point I do intend to draw up something based off a dream I had last night about the SSSS world.
So, I am Solokov.
I hail from the U.S.'s west coast, originally from California I'm now starting to roam and wander while I chase work with the U.S. Forest Service. I'm 24 (25 in a couple months). My hobbies are the following: Camping hunting, gaming, sleeping, reading, writing and learning waaaaay too much for my own good regarding weapons and weapons systems (as some of you may have noticed from my posts elsewhere on the forum). At some point I also picked up on Trig a bit too well and like doing calculations on how to launch things into orbit. Rocks.. socks.. potatos, etc etc.
Languages that I understand: U.S. English, The Queen's English, some field Spanish.
Languages I can write: U.S. English
Languages I currently aspire to learn: Russian, Ukrainian, one of the Scandinavian languages, Australian English.
My mantra is live life, start chaos, however do not mistake me for an anarchist.
At some point I do intend to draw up something based off a dream I had last night about the SSSS world.
Welcome to the forum!
You're a very interesting person.
I think you'll fit in perfectly~
Welcome to the forum!
You're a very interesting person.
I think you'll fit in perfectly~
Ditto that. He'll fit in perfectly.
My mantra is live life, start chaos, however do not mistake me for an anarchist.
I like your mantra. What do you do, after the chaos has started? make some more? :)
I like your mantra. What do you do, after the chaos has started? make some more? :)
Make sense of the chaos, then start more.
The full manta is as follows:
"It is important to do what you don't know how to do. It is important to see your skills as keeping you from leaning what is deepest and most mysterious. If you know how to focus, unfocused. If your tendency is to make sense out of chaos, start chaos."
Which TL:DR's into "Live life, start chaos".
Haia everyone, I'm Gwenno and new to the fan forum as of yesterday ^_^
I was introduced to webcomics by a friend about two years ago, and found ARTD soon after by clicking on a link (the one with Hannu crossing over a tree bridge and Ville in bear form - it was just so pretty!). This was sometime during the bear arc and I've been following Minna's comics ever since :) (And sometimes posting comments on the actual comic so I may be vaguely familiar to some of you…..)
I hail from the UK and am a science student at uni which is a pretty fun thing to be! On top of this fun stuff I do martial arts, play music, hike, bake, paint pictures and cosplay (although not very well at the moment). I also maaaay have cosplayed Braidy to a party earlier this year and if I have the guts may post a picture on the art museum. Although I don't live with any cats I have a slight reputation as a mad-cat-lady because I get along so well with all the ones in town. Hopefully this will prove useful in the inevitable post-rash future :P
As for languages, I'm fluent in Welsh and English, am okayish with spoken Japanese and know tourist level French, Spanish and Italian
That seems like a full introduction right :-\
Haia everyone, I'm Gwenno and new to the fan forum as of yesterday ^_^
I was introduced to webcomics by a friend about two years ago, and found ARTD soon after by clicking on a link (the one with Hannu crossing over a tree bridge and Ville in bear form - it was just so pretty!). This was sometime during the bear arc and I've been following Minna's comics ever since :) (And sometimes posting comments on the actual comic so I may be vaguely familiar to some of you…..)
I hail from the UK and am a science student at uni which is a pretty fun thing to be! On top of this fun stuff I do martial arts, play music, hike, bake, paint pictures and cosplay (although not very well at the moment). I also maaaay have cosplayed Braidy to a party earlier this year and if I have the guts may post a picture on the art museum. Although I don't live with any cats I have a slight reputation as a mad-cat-lady because I get along so well with all the ones in town. Hopefully this will prove useful in the inevitable post-rash future :P
As for languages, I'm fluent in Welsh and English, am okayish with spoken Japanese and know tourist level French, Spanish and Italian
That seems like a full introduction right :-\
Hi, welcome! :D We'd LOVE to see your cosplay.
Haia everyone, I'm Gwenno and new to the fan forum as of yesterday ^_^
I was introduced to webcomics by a friend about two years ago, and found ARTD soon after by clicking on a link (the one with Hannu crossing over a tree bridge and Ville in bear form - it was just so pretty!). This was sometime during the bear arc and I've been following Minna's comics ever since :) (And sometimes posting comments on the actual comic so I may be vaguely familiar to some of you…..)
I hail from the UK and am a science student at uni which is a pretty fun thing to be! On top of this fun stuff I do martial arts, play music, hike, bake, paint pictures and cosplay (although not very well at the moment). I also maaaay have cosplayed Braidy to a party earlier this year and if I have the guts may post a picture on the art museum. Although I don't live with any cats I have a slight reputation as a mad-cat-lady because I get along so well with all the ones in town. Hopefully this will prove useful in the inevitable post-rash future :P
As for languages, I'm fluent in Welsh and English, am okayish with spoken Japanese and know tourist level French, Spanish and Italian
That seems like a full introduction right :-\
Welcome! I'll echo Sol, we want to see your cosplay naaooo.
Haia everyone, I'm Gwenno and new to the fan forum as of yesterday ^_^
I hail from the UK and am a science student at uni which is a pretty fun thing to be! On top of this fun stuff I do martial arts, play music, hike, bake, paint pictures and cosplay (although not very well at the moment). I also maaaay have cosplayed Braidy to a party earlier this year and if I have the guts may post a picture on the art museum.
As for languages, I'm fluent in Welsh and English, am okayish with spoken Japanese and know tourist level French, Spanish and Italian.
That seems like a full introduction right :-\
Welcome! We'll have to ask our Forum-Gods to create a Welsh flag so you can post your languages in your signature (if you want to). And we would love love love to see cosplay photos. A lot of us take a keen interest in costume, as you may have deduced from the Uniform Overanalysis thread.
Welcome! We'll have to ask our Forum-Gods to create a Welsh flag so you can post your languages in your signature (if you want to). And we would love love love to see cosplay photos. A lot of us take a keen interest in costume, as you may have deduced from the Uniform Overanalysis thread.
:wales: Already there. Knew we'd get a Welsh speaker eventually.
Also: Hey, Gwenno. Good to see you coming here from the comments!
*With very unsure and timid voice* Hi..?
I dream to just quietly sneak past the introduction topic, but I've already learned it's impossible in most communities, so here I am, to have a good start.
I first came across A Redtail's Dream in November 2011, and than casually forgot about its existance somewhere between chapters three and four. I re-discovered the comic last year, and naturally came here when SSSS started. I made my first comment yesterday (also, I created a Disqus account on that occasion), and was encouraged to come to the forum. I already like it in here, especially the Language Board. :)
And for a proper introduction, I'm a twenty-two-year-old girl from Poland, currently having a good life full of delicious food, books, music, hiking and cats, while feigning studying musicology. I used to play pipe organ in high school.
I love fantasy, poetry, folklore and foreign languages. I believe it makes this forum a perfect place for me.
I'm also a happy fiancée of a quite Lalli-like man, the fact that caused a tiny bit of enthusiasm as I mentioned it in the comment to the comic page.
I wish every one of you a nice part-of-day-that's-left-in-your-time-zone, and go on exploring the forum. :)
*raises head, waves with a smile, and makes some place in front of the fireplace*
Welcome! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajRR2H2D480)
Never be anxious, the folks here are nice, and all-over a good company. There are also many people with interest in music, as I'm sure you'll soon learn. ;)
Oh dear, it's the kindest welcome that has ever happened to me! Thank you :)
Oh dear, it's the kindest welcome that has ever happened to me! Thank you :)
No problem :)
I told you we were nice. It's the single best quality of this community, everyone is all around nice and friendly. From what little I've seen of you, you'll fit right in!
Oh dear, it's the kindest welcome that has ever happened to me! Thank you :)
You'll fit right in, I know it. :) Do you feel like telling us how you chose your forum nickname? Hopefully not from Deirdre of the Sorrows (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deirdre)in Irish legend.
I really like your forum icon. Thanks for the artist link -- I had no idea he is contemporary! I would have thought it was someone of the Art Nouveau era like Aubrey Beardsley or Arthur Rackham. (Well, it's too pretty to be by him...)
And I'm thrilled to welcome another classical music geek to the Forum. I've played music since I was 12 (flute, then recorder, then handbells), but my knowledge of solfège is sorely lacking. So my Big Plan to arrange Arvo Pärt's Spiegel im Spiegel for handbells will have to wait...
Bad news - my nick is at least partially from Deirdre of the Sorrows! Well, to be honest it's more from the name of Ekova vocalist, but I always give the explenation featuring the Ulster Cycle (as I gave in the language-introducion thread here), it's more commonly known than the Ekova band. I recon it's not the most fortunate name to have considering mythological Deirdre's story, but c'mon, they even named a ship after her, so I probably don't risk that much?
Hello, my name is Danil Krivonos (rus: ????? ????????)
Found SSSS when read RTD which i found on some comic translation site.
I am 14 years old Russian boy living (and born) in Altai Krai (south of Siberia), Russia. Interested in programming (a little) and computers. I like magic and sci-fi stories, possible some post-apocalypse. Its my first introduction post ever, so i hope its good.
Hello, my name is Danil Krivonos (rus: ????? ????????)
Found SSSS when read RTD which i found on some comic translation site.
I am 14 years old Russian boy living (and born) in Altai Krai (south of Siberia), Russia. Interested in programming (a little) and computers. I like magic and sci-fi stories, possible some post-apocalypse. Its my first introduction post ever, so i hope its good.
Welcome, Danil! We're a friendly bunch here. And a fair number of us either speak or are trying to learn Slavic languages, so you'll find a lot of interest in Russian. (Unfortunately, our forum software doesn't yet support the Cyrillic alphabet.)
We all look forward to hearing from you on the Forum.
Well, I suppose introductions are in order... I'm a Swede born and bred, old enough to be the father of the majority here (I've only got two kids last time I checked, though). I stumbled across SSSS thanks to a link over at Dumbing of Age, and as I have a 30+ years old interest in post-apocalyptic stories, I was instantly hooked. My username refers to an interest in how to survive the breakdown of society, combined with the sad fact that I haven't been arsed to put together a decent survival kit. :P Anyway, this forum seems friendly enough; I guess the mods smoke out any trolls with flamethrowers... ;) See you around!
Hello, my name is Danil Krivonos (rus: ????? ????????)
Found SSSS when read RTD which i found on some comic translation site.
I am 14 years old Russian boy living (and born) in Altai Krai (south of Siberia), Russia. Interested in programming (a little) and computers. I like magic and sci-fi stories, possible some post-apocalypse. Its my first introduction post ever, so i hope its good.
combined with the sad fact that I haven't been arsed to put together a decent survival kit.
If you need any tips or review of whatever kitt you do throw together you're welcome to hit me up with any questions you might have.
If you need any tips or review of whatever kitt you do throw together you're welcome to hit me up with any questions you might have.
Thank you! I'll look into it, trying to decide what level to go for first - a few days, a couple of weeks, or the breakdown of society as we know it. Is there a thread for any such discussions?
Not that I know of.
. My username refers to an interest in how to survive the breakdown of society...
:D this will be a comfortable break down then. You should some of your kids send out to buy a flamethrower though. Heating looters might be fun.
Hello! I'm Tara.
I've actually been lurking on this forum for a few weeks, but I didn't get around to making an account until now..
I'm 14, I live in Ireland, I like to draw, and I am not good at introductions :P
SSSS is my second webcomic, I've been reading it since October, and it's inspired me to learn Swedish, which I am finding a whole lot easier than French, at least for now.
um. I don't really know what else to say.. So, uh, hi!
Hello fellow Irish person, and welcome! I'm not good at introductions either, heh heh. I myself have also begun to learn Swedish, with the aim of one day moving there. Are you enjoying learning it so far?
Greetings fellow readers!
Here's to more adventures and a gorgeous year!
I'm Dagnir on disqus as well, for those few who will remember my couple comments.
I kind of dove in with the comments and the forum and didn't realize there was an Introduction Thread! So, here goes!
Hi! I am older than Torbjörn, but younger than Taru. I am a stay-at-home mom for my small son, who has a lot of developmental issues. I graduated with a degree in Studio Art many years ago and worked as a web designer for 10 years. In between those two, I lived in Japan on the JET program to help teach English. Somehow I stumbled on A Redtail's Dream about two years ago and remembered seeing the page for SSSS before it started, but didn't come back to it again until I saw the language tree and Nordic cats floating around on the internet. (Then I spent about two days catching up.) All of this inspires me to get back to drawing again, which is awesome.
I'm fluent in American English and have everyday knowledge of Japanese, but I'm nowhere near fluent. I think Finnish would be kind of cool to learn.
Oh, and I forgot to add that I'm really into knitting and spinning. :D
So, after a long period of inactivity on the forums, I'm FINALLY AWAKE!!!
Heyo, fellow readers, I am asdasdasd (or immortallymortal, if you prefer that). I am your typical Hannu-ish male from India (Well, mostly Hannu-ish. I don't have his awesome memory. Heck! I cant even remember the names of my closest family members!). I love giving digital cookies but don't even know how to make tea. I am 15, lazy, anti-social, short tempered and slightly ADHD. I love reading, and am a terrible artist.
I forgot what i was going to say...
Anyways, I think that's enough and hope you all like me!
Since Sunflower asked so nicely, I'll introduce myself as well.
Of course a self-introduction goes into self-reflection and all that, but I digress and pick random facts.
I'm a Finnish/German nerd currently living in Florida. I do network engineering for a living, though my academic credentials are in physics and political science.
My primary passions are photography, role playing (the pen-and-paper kind) and reading, but beyond that I keep dashing from interest to interest (amateur radio, electronics, Aikido, diving etc.)
As to languages, I did study Japanese for quite a while, but have fairly little to show for it, aside from an appreciation for the language. The others I learned in school or home, and am trying to vaguely keep up with; I understand German and Swedish fairly well, but I can't write either anymore.
The icon/avatar is a character from an old D&D game drawn by my GM, but it also fits my nickname so seemed appropriate for here :-)
Whoopsies, I forgot about this place after making an account :P
Hello fellow Irish person, and welcome! I'm not good at introductions either, heh heh. I myself have also begun to learn Swedish, with the aim of one day moving there. Are you enjoying learning it so far?
Hello! Yes, it's been really fun to learn so far, but the rolled-r is giving me some trouble :( I'm sure I'll be able to do it eventually, though... I've only been learning for two months, after all. How long have you been doing it for?
Since Sunflower asked so nicely, I'll introduce myself as well.
Of course a self-introduction goes into self-reflection and all that, but I digress and pick random facts.
I'm a Finnish/German nerd currently living in Florida. I do network engineering for a living, though my academic credentials are in physics and political science.
My primary passions are photography, role playing (the pen-and-paper kind) and reading, but beyond that I keep dashing from interest to interest (amateur radio, electronics, Aikido, diving etc.)
As to languages, I did study Japanese for quite a while, but have fairly little to show for it, aside from an appreciation for the language. The others I learned in school or home, and am trying to vaguely keep up with; I understand German and Swedish fairly well, but I can't write either anymore.
The icon/avatar is a character from an old D&D game drawn by my GM, but it also fits my nickname so seemed appropriate for here :-)
So, after a long period of inactivity on the forums, I'm FINALLY AWAKE!!!
Heyo, fellow readers, I am asdasdasd (or immortallymortal, if you prefer that). I am your typical Hannu-ish male from India (Well, mostly Hannu-ish. I don't have his awesome memory. Heck! I cant even remember the names of my closest family members!). I love giving digital cookies but don't even know how to make tea. I am 15, lazy, anti-social, short tempered and slightly ADHD. I love reading, and am a terrible artist.
I forgot what i was going to say...
Anyways, I think that's enough and hope you all like me!
I kind of dove in with the comments and the forum and didn't realize there was an Introduction Thread! So, here goes!
Hi! I am older than Torbjörn, but younger than Taru. I am a stay-at-home mom for my small son, who has a lot of developmental issues. I graduated with a degree in Studio Art many years ago and worked as a web designer for 10 years. In between those two, I lived in Japan on the JET program to help teach English. Somehow I stumbled on A Redtail's Dream about two years ago and remembered seeing the page for SSSS before it started, but didn't come back to it again until I saw the language tree and Nordic cats floating around on the internet. (Then I spent about two days catching up.) All of this inspires me to get back to drawing again, which is awesome.
I'm fluent in American English and have everyday knowledge of Japanese, but I'm nowhere near fluent. I think Finnish would be kind of cool to learn.
Greetings fellow readers!
Here's to more adventures and a gorgeous year!
I'm Dagnir on disqus as well, for those few who will remember my couple comments.
Well, I suppose introductions are in order... I'm a Swede born and bred, old enough to be the father of the majority here (I've only got two kids last time I checked, though). I stumbled across SSSS thanks to a link over at Dumbing of Age, and as I have a 30+ years old interest in post-apocalyptic stories, I was instantly hooked. My username refers to an interest in how to survive the breakdown of society, combined with the sad fact that I haven't been arsed to put together a decent survival kit. :P Anyway, this forum seems friendly enough; I guess the mods smoke out any trolls with flamethrowers... ;) See you around!
Hello all of you, even if I am a bit late :P
*peeks in* Heeeello there - I may have fallen head over heels for SSSS in less than three days, although I've discovered the related board only this evening. I found very intriguing the discussions going on between readers and I really didn't expect such a variety of languages; being the huge nerd about language learning that I am, I couldn't resist the temptation. Thus, here I am!
I'm an Italian 21 - years - old girl, currently studying modern cultures and languages at the university of Padua and hoping to graduate on time. I was born and grew up in Northern Italy, and I'd like to travel a lot more than I was allowed so far. I have a deep love for books, role - playing and writing, if and when uni doesn't try to squish me between terms. I'm mostly proficient in English, I'm re - learning Spanish and I'm going to take up Portuguese in a couple of years. I've had some experience with German and French, but unfortunately I've lost most of them both in middle school. Also, I've studied Japanese for a couple of years, and I'm determined to get back to it. I'm fascinated by cultures and anthropology, as well as dystopic fiction, sci - fi and fantasy. You could say that SSSS was, for me, love at first sight. And it's spiralled into an addiction more quickly than I thought!
*peeks in* Heeeello there - I may have fallen head over heels for SSSS in less than three days, although I've discovered the related board only this evening. I found very intriguing the discussions going on between readers and I really didn't expect such a variety of languages; being the huge nerd about language learning that I am, I couldn't resist the temptation. Thus, here I am!
I'm an Italian 21 - years - old girl, currently studying modern cultures and languages at the university of Padua and hoping to graduate on time. I was born and grew up in Northern Italy, and I'd like to travel a lot more than I was allowed so far. I have a deep love for books, role - playing and writing, if and when uni doesn't try to squish me between terms. I'm mostly proficient in English, I'm re - learning Spanish and I'm going to take up Portuguese in a couple of years. I've had some experience with German and French, but unfortunately I've lost most of them both in middle school. Also, I've studied Japanese for a couple of years, and I'm determined to get back to it. I'm fascinated by cultures and anthropology, as well as dystopic fiction, sci - fi and fantasy. You could say that SSSS was, for me, love at first sight. And it's spiralled into an addiction more quickly than I thought!
Hi there, welcome to the community! You are definitely not alone in your addiction; it took me only a couple days as well :))
Which reminds me, you might like the "You Know You're an SSSS Addict When..." (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=195.0) thread if you haven't found it already! (even if you have, it's a great thread nonetheless)
Hello there fellow Italian! (Gaahhh, will ONE of them stick around? I feel a bit lonely here) Welcome to the most best place in the world! Remember to join the chat, recognize one of us (Preferably me) as the future Ruler of the World (seriously, it will be me), donate some blood for the offerings to our Overlord and join in the chat! :3
I made an account on these forums more or less as soon as they started, but I figured I'd try to be more active, since y'all seem like great people, and lots of interesting things get discussed around here. I found the comic in the break between the prologue and chapter 1, and since then I think there have been about 5 days when I haven't read each new page that day. I'm not going to go too far into detail about why I think it's so awesome, since you all know that.
About me: I'm in England, on my first year of university in Cornwall studying Evolutionary Biology, which I'm really enjoying. As well as biology, obviously, I'm really interested in mythology and fiction of all kinds. Languages seems to be the passion of the forums, and I'm really interested in them, but I really haven't had any luck learning languages in the past. I have very basic French, Latin, and Greek from school, and I know the Korean alphabet, but that's it. I'm not saying that there aren't many extremely talented multi-linguists in England, but I strongly believe that the language learning system, and the language learning culture over here is very weak. That, and I'm quite lazy.
Anyway, even though I've had very brief conversations with some of you in the comments over the months, I wouldn't expect any of you to remember that, so I look forward to getting to know you all for real.
Hi there, welcome to the community! You are definitely not alone in your addiction; it took me only a couple days as well :))
Which reminds me, you might like the "You Know You're an SSSS Addict When..." (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=195.0) thread if you haven't found it already! (even if you have, it's a great thread nonetheless)
Hi and thanks! I'm going to check out the thread right away!
Hello there fellow Italian! (Gaahhh, will ONE of them stick around? I feel a bit lonely here) Welcome to the most best place in the world! Remember to join the chat, recognize one of us (Preferably me) as the future Ruler of the World (seriously, it will be me), donate some blood for the offerings to our Overlord and join in the chat! :3
Ciao °*^*° in effetti ho deciso di iscrivermi proprio perché ho visto il tuo thread sulle lingue "romantiche", quindi...sentiti responsabile, Overlord!
(Tr: Hi! Actually, I decided to join the forum because I saw your thread about "romantic" languages, so...feel responsible, Overlord!)
Joking aside, thank you for welcoming me.
Also, hello to you, asadderandawiserman! Welcome!
The icon/avatar is a character from an old D&D game drawn by my GM, but it also fits my nickname so seemed appropriate for here :-)
Is that... Is that M.C.A. Hogarth. o_o *fangirls a bit*
Oh! there is an introduction page! Here it goes:
Hello! I am Kahli. (pronounced "kaH-lee) I have been around for a little while but never noticed this page of the forum. oops. I live in the U.S. but my mother (who also reads as well as introduced me to this comic) is from the same place as Origami Owl. Lalli and Emil are 4 years older than me at the moment. I like making stories and drawing. Currently I am working on two webcomics I started making a while ago, it will be a while before either is ready to start putting online though. Some of the other fandoms I like are: Harry potter, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Sherlock and Star Wars. ;D
I go by the moniker wavewright62, which should give you a fat clue about my age. I am a bilingual Estonian-American by birth, now living in New Zealand. I have always been a lover of good cartooning and animation, and have only just tuned in to Minna's worlds. I'm delighted that Minna indicates a post-Rash survival of Estonian in her language tree, most likely through multilingual Finns.
(I also respond to CosmicSlug101)
Is that... Is that M.C.A. Hogarth. o_o *fangirls a bit*
My, why yes it is. She was my tabletop RPG DM in the ancient distant past. The image is a scan of a convention badge thing she did for me back when. Small world?
Hello!! I'm Jas. I've actually been lurking around for quite a while, but never really dared to actually sign up until now, so. Here I am! I'm from Germany and I like languages and history.
I discovered the comic only recently through an ad on a dragon site and kinda ended up reading through the whole thing in one day. I probably need help? But either way, the SSSS community is super nice from what I've seen so far! So excited to finally get involved.
Welcome, Willkommen, Bienvenue, Benvenuti and many others !
Hi, guys.
I've been reading SSSS and the comments since mid-June ish, but I tend just to lurk. The comments on this last page drew me out, though I've been meaning to drop in and say hi for a while now, as you guys are by far the nicest bunch I've encountered. Hopefully, I won't alter that.
So, about me:
I'm a year younger than Torbjorn, a native of Southern California now living on the Central Coast, an autodidact and a monoglot, dang it. I also have sesquipedalian tendencies due to a desire to ensure I communicate the precise message that I intended.
I was in the USAF for 6 years, during which time I was shuttled across the globe and back at their pleasure, so I've been a few places, but not a lot. Ironically, though, I've never been to Canada or to Mexico, our nearest neighbors, as circumstances have always derailed any plans I've made to visit there.
I tend to watch mostly pre-1970 movies, and sometimes make more or less oblique reference to those that I've seen.
That's about it.
*resumes lurking*
Hello, LooNEY_DAC! Another fan of foot-and-a-half-long words is always welcome here.
What does your forum nickname stand for?
And is your icon a design for knitting, rosemaling, or the like? We've already had some SSSS star-patterned oven cloths and T-shirts. A few fans are even considering sweaters. Minna welcome fanart, and probably fan-crafts and Maker Faire projects too!
Hello, LooNEY_DAC! Another fan of foot-and-a-half-long words is always welcome here.
What does your forum nickname stand for?
Well, a couple of decades ago, my dad was setting up AOL accounts for us all, and it kinda went like this:
Dad: (firstname)_(firstsyllableoflastname)
Older sister: (firstname)_(firstsyllableoflastname)
Younger sister: (firstname)_(firstsyllableoflastname)
Do you remember the Looney Tunes shorts opening/closing from the 60s/70s where the O's became eyes and bounced downward a few times? That's kinda my inspiration. And DAC are my initials.
Oddly enough, this username is always open on boards for me to register with. I tried (firstname)_(lastname) on another board a while ago, but after it told me I'd need to add #s to the end, I went back to this, and it was free.
And is your icon a design for knitting, rosemaling, or the like? We've already had some SSSS star-patterned oven cloths and T-shirts. A few fans are even considering sweaters. Minna welcome fanart, and probably fan-crafts and Maker Faire projects too!
Actually, it's a detail from a drawing I made in a style that I created because I can't draw.
Seriously, anything I draw freehand looks worse than the average four-year-old's stuff. So I started drawing geometric designs on graph paper. Ironically, I started putting a pattern that looks like the aRTD logo in my designs before I ever saw Minna's work.
I don't know how to knit, or make knitting patterns. My mom used to both knit and crochet, but her arthritis stopped her. I may have seen patterns in her magazines and unconsciously copied them.
Sunflower reminded me that I never actually introduced myself, so I'm sorry for creeping and lurking and denying my forum existance ;D
Well, here goes something.
Hello everyone, I am DzigaWatt, a silly young adult from Serbia, the same age as Fenris apparently, I dropped out of college after a run-in with mechanics, so I made a complete turnaround and am now striving to be a game designer, hence the interest in an art diploma. If anyone wants to know, I studied bio-mechanics for one year, I wanted one day to develop a new gen game console. Also, before that I went to a language high-school. I like to be extreme. I read books a lot, larp, write stories and draw them, love chocolate and long walks on the beach. I'm a tinker by nature and build stuff from time to time, well, mostly when I need something, so I build it instead of buying it. I came across Minna's artwork actually while I was searching for drawing pads, and one thing lead to another, I got hooked on her unique style and she's now my main inspiration to move to Scandinavia. As the meme goes, soon...
Oh, and I enjoy the forum a lot, but rarely participate because, well, I kind of don't know how to talk to people. But you guys are great and stay lively like that :D
Sorry for the late and long introduction ;D
Ooooo, first post ever on a Forum!!! I'm Helenatroy, sister to LooNEY_DAC. In November last year, he sat me down in front of my computer and showed me SSSS. He explained quite a bit, and I was somewhat confused but hooked. I have lurked in the comments but never posted until last night (whyyyyy?) and was invited to the forum.... I'm 41 and live 3 miles west of Disneyland in California. I speak American only (despite 2 years of high school Spanish) but I watch Dr. Who and Sherlock, so I'm getting a handle on English too ;). I'm a massage therapist, a vision therapist, a caregiver, a singer, a ringer (of handbells), an amazingly prolific procrastinator....crafty... what else? Forgetful... Anyway, Hello All!
Welcome to you, all the new people I hadn't yet greeted :D nice to have you here
BTW, Eich, are you Lan, Amp, Mil, or unsure of what I'm referencing?
Ooooo, first post ever on a Forum!!! I'm Helenatroy, sister to LooNEY_DAC. In November last year, he sat me down in front of my computer and showed me SSSS. He explained quite a bit, and I was somewhat confused but hooked.
I have lurked in the comments but never posted until last night (whyyyyy?) and was invited to the forum.... I'm a massage therapist, a vision therapist, a caregiver, a singer, a ringer (of handbells), an amazingly prolific procrastinator....crafty...
Anyway, Hello All!
Welcome, Helenatroy! I think you and Looney are the first sibling pair we've signed up. But you're far from the only newcomer to fandoms and forums. I used to think all that Interwebs stuff was just for mouth-breathers still living in their mommas' basements to have nasty flame wars on. Then I discovered SSSS! O, I once was blind and now I see... ;)
I'm pleased to find another handbell ringer. I've been in my church's handbell choir for more than 7 years. Unfortunately, we're very understaffed, most of our members aren't trained musicians, and we only rehearse 90 minutes a week, so we're not very advanced. Still, I cherish hopes of arranging music for handbells... once I brush up on my solfège skills... so you might have some useful tips for me!
And if you sing, you might be interested in joining the group making an SSSS musical. (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=58.0) Or, share some of your favorite music, (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=9.0) whether SSSS-related or not. Unsurprisingly, a lot of creative people gravitate here.
I live in the U.S. but my mother (who also reads as well as introduced me to this comic) is from the same place as Origami Owl.
*only just realised*
OOH! Nice to hear! :D :D
*only just realised*
OOH! Nice to hear! :D :D
;D ;D ;D
Greetings fellow readers!
Here's to more adventures and a gorgeous year!
I'm Dagnir on disqus as well, for those few who will remember my couple comments.
Hey all (again)!
So, now that I finally found some time to actually write a proper introduction post, here goes:
I'm a 21 year old Biomedical Engineer from Greece who loves anime, comics and RPGs (mostly MMO, both RL and online).
That's all for now I guess!
PS: I'm not shy or anything, don't get me wrong. My friends know me as a open book; and as such you'll have to ask me stuff before I know what you want to know and let you know... xP
Hello! I am Eris. I have been reading SSSS for a while, and I joined the forum a while ago, but I never knew what to post! I didn't know there was an introduction thread, so I didn't post in it. Now, however, I see there is one, so I shall post in it! I am from the Midwest in the USA. I'm a gamer and a nerd. I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I'm not very successful. I love role-playing games, both computer and tabletop. I also love, love, love to travel, so you'd all better be careful or you'll find me on your doorstep someday carting some role-playing books with me. Mwahahaha! That's really all I can think of right now.
I believe I speak for the majority when I say "Welcome all, have a nice stay, please help yourselves to some cookies :D"
Eris, you might want to check out the Languages Forum (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?board=5.0). I don't know if there is anybody else learning Japanese, but introduce yourself, you may find a fellow-student.
Also, welcome to the forum. :)
Hello! I am Eris. I have been reading SSSS for a while, and I joined the forum a while ago, but I never knew what to post!
I am from the Midwest in the USA. I'm a gamer and a nerd. I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I'm not very successful.
Not THE Eris, Elder Daughter of Chaos?! ;)
Thanks for formally introducing yourself. We're familiar with all your delightful comments on the Disqus pages and here.
Re: Japanese, we have at least one member *in* Japan (teaching English, IIRC) and another (starfallz) who used to teach English in Japan, so they should have at least some Japanese knowledge to share. And with so many language mavens here, there are probably other Japanese speakers as well.
So again, welcome.
P.S. Your forum icon is lovely! What inspired it?
Hello there fellow minions! Second post on the forum (First being asking about the signature flags) I'm AwsomelyNotAwsome, same on Disqus. Not that I post anything, just lurking around. I found SSSS when I was looking for a new web comic and this was the one that most interesting on TWC. Read all the way to the Chapter 5 break in one day, and to my luck the break ended the next day. Have been religiously reading this since then. I'm 1 Tuomi old, and I have social anxiety and OCPD. It's a miracle that I'm even posting here, but after a long time and the fact that here is such a amazing community I decided to join. I was born in Slovakia, lived for 7~8 years in California, SanFran, then moved back to Slovakia where I live currently. In my free time I play airsoft, read, draw (jk, I can't draw :P) and play videogames on PC. 8th year of school, would like to become a architect and in an ideal situation I'd like to learn Swedish and move to Sweden. So yeah, that's about it. i'm just gonna leave now. bye *slowly exits and closes the door quietly*
Hello there fellow minions! Second post on the forum (First being asking about the signature flags) I'm AwsomelyNotAwsome, same on Disqus. Not that I post anything, just lurking around. I found SSSS when I was looking for a new web comic and this was the one that most interesting on TWC. Read all the way to the Chapter 5 break in one day, and to my luck the break ended the next day. Have been religiously reading this since then. I'm 1 Tuomi old, and I have social anxiety and OCPD. It's a miracle that I'm even posting here, but after a long time and the fact that here is such a amazing community I decided to join. I was born in Slovakia, lived for 7~8 years in California, SanFran, then moved back to Slovakia where I live currently. In my free time I play airsoft, read, draw (jk, I can't draw :P) and play videogames on PC. 8th year of school, would like to become a architect and in an ideal situation I'd like to learn Swedish and move to Sweden. So yeah, that's about it. i'm just gonna leave now. bye *slowly exits and closes the door quietly*
Welcome! We're all nice here, I promise
You could try talking to Lars_B here on the forum, he does some work with architectural firms in Sweden I believe :)
Welcome! We're all nice here, I promise
You could try talking to Lars_B here on the forum, he does some work with architectural firms in Sweden I believe :)
Thank you! :D Lars_B you say? Good to know, I can contact him in *checks calendar* 4~6 years from now on. Yeahhh, that will go perfectly. ;)
Thank you! :D Lars_B you say? Good to know, I can contact him in *checks calendar* 4~6 years from now on. Yeahhh, that will go perfectly. ;)
Well, Minna has said she is planning a really long storyline, so odds are the forum will still be there at that point! :)
Well, Minna has said she is planning a really long storyline, so odds are the forum will still be there at that point! :)
Really? :o Excellent... I won't go crazy for the next few years then. I don't even want to imagine the dreaded chapter breaks. *shudders*
Really? :o Excellent... I won't go crazy for the next few years then. I don't even want to imagine the dreaded chapter breaks. *shudders*
I mostly lurk in the forum but come join us in the chat!
Hello everyone!
After being kindly greeted by Sunflower here i decided to do his suggestion of introducing myself to the forums.
Well i'm a finnish first year highschool student who has quite a big intrest in history of Finland and the mythology of the nordics as a whole. With my spare time that i have plenty i have taken intresting in reading quite a few online forums and have taken part in some theorycrafting around the web mostly around Game of Thrones and other fantasy books like that. Still if people know me it's most likely from any game forums that i quite often inhabit and i have seen some familiar faces from years back back.
Thing that got me hooked to this said comic was most likely the fact it quite literally hit the spot. Magic, Nordic mythology, Finns, a post apolyptic world. With all the good stuff being there it wasn't a long process for me to get quite immersed. I started lurking this thing way back when the first few pages of the finns were released and have come back more or less randomly ( this time what reminded me was a wikipedia article about kalevala where there was a link to Minnas other comic and after reading that i realized being back here. ) but always enjoying my time spent here.
Now that my intrigue for these kind of this has grown quite a bit i beliave my stay will be far longer than before and think i will come back here far more often than before. Anyways good to see you all!
Hello folks, new
lurker member reporting in. I pretty much stumbled upon the web comic then this forum by chance, took one look around and decided I liked the look of the place. I'm a 21 year old college student from Florida, so I know the native language (ie spanish ;)) and english.
I guess that's about it for now.
Wow, I look away for a second (or a day... details, details...), and zap - two new names at once! Welcome, both of you! (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HmL5R3QIr9k/T8Zlh8EAFQI/AAAAAAAAGtw/xQ20Z9LpPOY/s640/funny+welcome+door+mat.jpg)
I hope you'll enjoy your stay for a long, long time. :)
Hello folks, new lurker member reporting in. I pretty much stumbled upon the web comic then this forum by chance, took one look around and decided I liked the look of the place. I'm a 21 year old college student from Florida, so I know the native language (ie spanish ;)) and english.
I guess that's about it for now.
Hello and welcome to the community! Hope you decide to stay, we're nice people. And we have cookies! ;)
I never got the cookies :(
Wow, I look away for a second (or a day... details, details...), and zap - two new names at once! Welcome, both of you! (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HmL5R3QIr9k/T8Zlh8EAFQI/AAAAAAAAGtw/xQ20Z9LpPOY/s640/funny+welcome+door+mat.jpg)
I hope you'll enjoy your stay for a long, long time. :)
That is the plan as of now and i do admit already spending way too long stalking this place :P
I never got the cookies :(
*gives you cookies*
Why are all the cookies shaped like squirrels? I mean, squirrels are delicious and all, but is there some deeper meaning I am failing to comprehend?
nah, they're just squirrel-cookies. Be glad, TWC voters only get normal cookies (but I'll try to ask for Mikkel's recipe next time he's on the radio)
Did *squirrel* cookies get started on the comic's Disqus pages? That's where I recall first seeing them.
Anyway, forum newcomers who stick around long enough to become Safe-Zone Citizens get cake and coffee at their citizenship ceremony, in Swedish fika (http://scandinavianfood.about.com/od/introduction/tp/Favorite-Fika-Foods.htm) style.
Did *squirrel* cookies get started on the comic's Disqus pages? That's where I recall first seeing them.
Anyway, forum newcomers who stick around long enough to become Safe-Zone Citizens get cake and coffee at their citizenship ceremony, in Swedish fika (http://scandinavianfood.about.com/od/introduction/tp/Favorite-Fika-Foods.htm) style.
I take you shall be the one paying for all this? ;)
I take you shall be the one paying for all this? ;)
As the Forum's first Welcome-Wagon lady, I host the receptions for new citizens, scouts, rangers, and so forth. I supply the cake and coffee by maaaaaagic.
Why are all the cookies shaped like squirrels? I mean, squirrels are delicious and all, but is there some deeper meaning I am failing to comprehend?
If I recall correctly, starfallz made cookies and shared the pictures with people in the chat, and somehow it... got out of control after that.
Wow, I look away for a second (or a day... details, details...), and zap - two new names at once! Welcome, both of you! (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HmL5R3QIr9k/T8Zlh8EAFQI/AAAAAAAAGtw/xQ20Z9LpPOY/s640/funny+welcome+door+mat.jpg)
I hope you'll enjoy your stay for a long, long time. :)
Thanks, and I'll return the favor by responding to you after two days muahaha. (one and a half I guess)
Hello and welcome to the community! Hope you decide to stay, we're nice people. And we have cookies! ;)
*Takes three*
Much obliged. :D
*gives you cookies*
*nom nom nom* :3
Greetings to all. Glad I could join the community; I speak English natively, and have solid understanding of German and Norwegian short of esoteric vocabulary. By association I can usually figure out Swedish and Danish, but can only respond in German and Norwegian; working to learn Icelandic. Was introduced to SSSS through the "languages" posts regarding Scandinavian languages.
Greetings to all. Glad I could join the community; I speak English natively, and have solid understanding of German and Norwegian short of esoteric vocabulary. By association I can usually figure out Swedish and Danish, but can only respond in German and Norwegian; working to learn Icelandic. Was introduced to SSSS through the "languages" posts regarding Scandinavian languages.
Welcome aboard and you have a good and long stay in here
Greetings to all. Glad I could join the community; I speak English natively, and have solid understanding of German and Norwegian short of esoteric vocabulary. By association I can usually figure out Swedish and Danish, but can only respond in German and Norwegian; working to learn Icelandic. Was introduced to SSSS through the "languages" posts regarding Scandinavian languages.
I'm curious about your forum icon, so full of symbols. Would you care to explain any of those for us? And I believe you said on the main comic page that you have a military background. That would certainly come in handy discussing many of our topics, plus be a point in common with quite a few other members.
I'm curious about your forum icon, so full of symbols. Would you care to explain any of those for us? And I believe you said on the main comic page that you have a military background. That would certainly come in handy discussing many of our topics, plus be a point in common with quite a few other members.
My avatar was intended to be somewhat deliberately "Illuminati"-esque, so while almost everything thereupon has some meaning, it's not terribly "deep". The heraldic raven is purely because it's my "animal", spiritually or otherwise; the cross is religion-related; the key regards unlocking secrets; the rifle is the silhouette of the Russian Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 (of which I own two, one Soviet, one Finnish); the two chevrons are my E-4 pay grade from my military days (as is the "teardrop" on the right, being half of the 29th Infantry Division insignia). The Hebrew and alchemical symbols are things a little more personal to me, though all representing numbers, and "Nevermore" I chose because I'm such a fan of Poe.
As for the second bit, I serviced and operated telecom equipment, so I completely lack combat experience outright, but have some insights into other aspects of tactics and organisation.
EDIT: Also I love Kaizers Orchestra with all my heart, so...can anyone relate?
P.S. I am theoretically prepared for this kind of apocalypse as well.
EDIT: Also I love Kaizers Orchestra with all my heart, so...can anyone relate?
EEEEEEE! Yes I can aaaugh I love them so much asdfghjkd
Is that a 91/30 I spy?
Hi, I'm DancingRanger. You can also call me Matt or Gilbert(the name of one of my OCs). I am a gender fluid/ gender neutral person with Aspergers living in backwoods Kentucky. I play a lot of video games and D&D, write, and draw.(I don't bite if you ask for doodles). My main thing is to silently lurk the interwebs looking for awesome things and of course chat buddies. I'm also know as Bahamut's Regent on ChickenSmoothie, And BahamutRegent on Flight Rising (Woot; Go Icepapie!). My interests include dragons, and (almost) anything with feathered wings, oh and planes/spaceships/rockets. I am currently studying to become an aerospace engineer, and will possibly work for NASA some day.
I discovered SSSS through HIVE works' partnership with Flight Rising, and was instantly hooked.
Hi, I'm DancingRanger. You can also call me Matt or Gilbert(the name of one of my OCs). I am a gender fluid/ gender neutral person with Aspergers living in backwoods Kentucky. I play a lot of video games and D&D, write, and draw.(I don't bite if you ask for doodles). My main thing is to silently lurk the interwebs looking for awesome things and of course chat buddies. I'm also know as Bahamut's Regent on ChickenSmoothie, And BahamutRegent on Flight Rising (Woot; Go Icepapie!). My interests include dragons, and (almost) anything with feathered wings, oh and planes/spaceships/rockets. I am currently studying to become an aerospace engineer, and will possibly work for NASA some day.
I discovered SSSS through HIVE works' partnership with Flight Rising, and was instantly hooked.
Welcome :D *offers you welcoming cookies because that seems to be a thing now*
Looks like we've got another engineer/future engineer on the forum! Albeit, there aren't any other aerospace engineers that I know of; that's cool!
I discovered SSSS through HIVE works' partnership with Flight Rising, and was instantly hooked.
That's that.... dragon website right? I think a couple of the forum members play that! You could probably start a thread in the General Discussion board to swap usernames or whatnot!
Is that a 91/30 I spy?
Yes. Yes it is. I had a hard time deciding whether to hold the Tula or the Finnish one, but went with the Tula.
Yes. Yes it is. I had a hard time deciding whether to hold the Tula or the Finnish one, but went with the Tula.
Honestly considering the context of the board I would have gone with the finn-nagant myself.
How many arsenal marks and year? Anything unique about it, or just one of the millions made dunked in cosmoline and tossed into a warehouse?
Greetings, I am Unwary though I also go by Norrolith.
I am a young North American who has told stories all his life.
Until starting college I was a homeschooler all my life.
I work at a youth program in the summer, kids and urban farming.
ooh, let's just say I have a hobby of collecting hobbies...
I juggle, draw, play obscure card games(Android:Netrunner ring any bells?)
Write, Develop games both video and physical, I am an aspiring Capoerista.
I don't do much social media, and so if I have intrigued you can find me at deviantart.
I will try and be active around here but I might not make it.
Th-Th-That's all folks.
Honestly considering the context of the board I would have gone with the finn-nagant myself.
How many arsenal marks and year? Anything unique about it, or just one of the millions made dunked in cosmoline and tossed into a warehouse?
1942. I used to know the number of marks on it, but it's slipped my mind and I'm not home this weekend. I'll check again. I do know that it was supposedly issued in mid 1943 (it sure looks it, the laquer and wood is torn to hell and there's some wear on the rifling).
Hello there everyone.
- jayen_aitch isn't my real name, but it is my initials (after a fashion).
- it is a name I have used on various internet places since I was roughly half the age I am today.
- in consequence sometimes I cringe at it a little, but it will do.
- I live in Stockholm, with a cat and a Finn.
- I grew up in Yorkshire.
- I can play the bass guitar, and sometimes do, but unfortunately I am not in a band at the moment.
- I do however love music, and literature, however I cannot draw to save my life, which is a shame.
- When I am exercising then I mostly like to ski, walk or play capoeira (which I started about a year ago and am not very good at yet).
Good to hear of another capoerista here!
welcome by a fellow noob!
Good to hear of another capoerista here!
welcome by a fellow noob!
Ace, what style do you play?
The group I train with is a very friendly and international Senzala group and I just about scraped my yellow corda at the group's festival in May. It was actually a Finn who introduced me to it.
I confess I haven't tested for a fita but I trained under mestre Yogi Senna.
I did not focus as much on Portuguese as I ought.
So I can say my capoeira name translate as Databank and you can find out about us http://www.abcapoeira.com/ (http://www.abcapoeira.com/)
(Right now I am having to with great sadness put it aside for a while and get through college.)
1942. I used to know the number of marks on it, but it's slipped my mind and I'm not home this weekend. I'll check again. I do know that it was supposedly issued in mid 1943 (it sure looks it, the laquer and wood is torn to hell and there's some wear on the rifling).
So would it be reasonable to presume that the rifle killed fascists? What about the Finnish rifle? Does it's markings tell any tales?
I confess I haven't tested for a fita but I trained under mestre Yogi Senna.
I did not focus as much on Portuguese as I ought.
So I can say my capoeira name translate as Databank and you can find out about us http://www.abcapoeira.com/ (http://www.abcapoeira.com/)
(Right now I am having to with great sadness put it aside for a while and get through college.)
Okay, looks different to our system in some ways, for example yellow is a very low grade with us.
My appelido is Curioso, which works well for me.
I am sure there is still more that is similar than different.
Very much looking forward to training on Monday.
Hi! I'm Rha, or Theram on some places.
I started reading SSSS a week ago, after clicking the add on Flight Rising (also Rha there!). By now I have also read A Redtail's Dream.
I'm half Spanish, half Belgian so I speak Spanish and Dutch fluently. I really want to learn Swedish, it just sounds so nice and I really want to visit Sweden(and some friends there), too.
I'm going through my last few months of a videogames master's degree, very intense but really worth it. I'm an 'ex' art student, where I learned almost nothing useful at all..I heard this from a lot of art students, at least here in Spain.
Well, that's it : )
Welcome, have some cookies ;D On a side note, you are my new idol :O
So would it be reasonable to presume that the rifle killed fascists? What about the Finnish rifle? Does it's markings tell any tales?
I count 5 (possibly 6, there's another slight indentation) armory marks on the 1942 Tula. The 1943 Finn appears to have no armory markings besides "SA" stamped twice (likely because the first on the top of the receiver appears to have seen some wear).
Finn "Lilja" is top, Soviet "Katiya" is bottom. I'll get some more pictures in natural light when I can; weather here's been garbage, and it's also just before midnight local time.
Welcome, have some cookies ;D On a side note, you are my new idol :O
Thanks! Wait, is this to me? because..why? haha
Thanks! Wait, is this to me? because..why? haha
Yes :D
I am currently working on becoming an awesome game art designer. I love making stuff.
Yes :D
I am currently working on becoming an awesome game art designer. I love making stuff.
Cool! I'm a modeler, prefer organic/characters, though I'm learning hard surface. I'm actually trying to make Lalli's face, but I'm still very unskilled at making skin and hair : p
Do you have a behance portfolio or something like that?
Cool! I'm a modeler, prefer organic/characters, though I'm learning hard surface. I'm actually trying to make Lalli's face, but I'm still very unskilled at making skin and hair : p
Do you have a behance portfolio or something like that?
Ah, well, not really, but I'll make one, though it'll be somewhat small ;D
Sorry for skipping that step!
I'm from Quebec, Canada aka Canada's french province. I like drawing ( a lot) So sorry if I make some mistakes, I only speak\write in English for work and often we end up in Frenglish, it's quite horrible I swear. During a sketch mini-meet up I did with UFOO9000, she end up speaking of SSSS and she show me some pages and I absolutely fell in love with the comic, so here I am!
Otherwise, I love Transformers, video games, winter, artbook, drawing, ...
And for those wondering about my art skills, it's my everyday job but I'm still a Junior :3
thanks for count me in!!!
Nice to see all these new names popping up on the forum! :)
Indeedit has been quite the influx for the last week. Hope you all are staying as well >:(
Sorry for skipping that step!
I'm from Quebec, Canada aka Canada's french province. I like drawing ( a lot) So sorry if I make some mistakes, I only speak\write in English for work and often we end up in Frenglish, it's quite horrible I swear. During a sketch mini-meet up I did with UFOO9000, she end up speaking of SSSS and she show me some pages and I absolutely fell in love with the comic, so here I am!
Otherwise, I love Transformers, video games, winter, artbook, drawing, ...
And for those wondering about my art skills, it's my everyday job but I'm still a Junior :3
thanks for count me in!!!
*giggle snort*
I'll make sur to correct any mistake I see you make. Never, that would be way too annoying.
Welcome to the forum, everyone! -waves hello-
Okay, I should give a proper introduction of myself...
I go by Jethan on the internet and I'm an American living in the rainy Pacific Northwest. I read aRTD just as it ended so I got to read SSSS from the start, so that was exciting.
I'm fluent in English and I can kind of read French (And I want to learn more languages, but too many choices!), I also like to draw and write and I hope to start a webcomic at some point...hopefully. I actually posted in the fanart thread first.
Oops ::)
Other random tidbits are that I like hot chocolate and tea, and not coffee, and kitties are adorable and because of this comic I am more likely to let my kitty be if he sneaks into my room.
Welcome, welcome! Have some official welcoming cookies:
Welcome to the forum, Jethan!
Thank you, I'm very glad to be here! Those cookies look really tasty. :D
Welcome, welcome! Have some official welcoming cookies:
Why must you post these cookies every time? You really make me want some.
I've been active on this forum for months now but better late than never I guess? (Mostly I'm just bored and writing about myself seems like a clever thing to do at 03:10)
Yeah so my name is very unsurprisingly Sigrid (Marie is my middle name). I'm 17 and live in Norway, and I spend most of my time drawing, doing other artsy stuff or reading. My one and only spotify playlist is more than 12 hours long, but some of my favourite artists are Marina and the Diamonds, Lana Del Rey, Gorillaz, Ed Sheeran, The Neighbourhood and Kaizers Orchestra (my taste in music is almost as inconsistent as my art style).
I'm pretty much fluent in English, have been learning Spanish at school for five years, and now I'm trying to learn Japanese. I'm a feminist, I care a lot about everything regarding sexuality, gender and such (I'm pansexual myself), and I tend to get very angry at pop songs that half the world listens to without realizing how stupid the lyrics are arghhh. Aside from that, though, I'm generally a very cheerful girl. The kind who smiles at everyone she makes eye contact with on the street, skips instead of walking and always runs up the stairs because that's way faster, duh.
I want to write and illustrate a children's book sometime, but I have some concentration issues that need to be addressed first. And I have 1,5 years left in school, so it's not like I'm in a hurry ;3
Hello. I'm Ookami. I'm a generally quiet person who loves reading webcomics, with titles such as Twokinds and Off White in my favorites. I found the comic a few days ago through the site Flight Rising. I'm all caught up and waiting for updates with baited breath.
It's nice meeting you all!
So, after getting this account about three months ago, it might be time to introduce myself properly.
Also I'm desperately procrastinating right now, so that I don't study for my upcoming exams. Not enough pressure yet, I give it another 5 days 'til I get serious.
My nationality is german, I spent a year in NZ and came back a year ago to start uni, although I can't wait to get back out there. Preferably to a place without trolls, thanks very much.
I love traveling and discovering new things and places all over the world. My feet are itching to get out again, next trips already planned are to South England, Ireland and Sweden. Only 7 weeks left, yay!
I'm almost 0.3 Trond or 1.5 Tuomi and a law student. Which, to me, is way more awesome subject than most people seem to think it is.
I have an interest in almost anything and therefore am a jack of all trades. Which means I try a lot of things, but don't stick with them as soon as they get boring. Tenacity is a foreign word for me. I'm still searching and I'll probably never stop looking for things, other than books, that can keep me for a lifetime.
As you may have guessed, I adore reading, fancy myself a bit of an artist, enjoy cooking and baking. One of my favourite things to do is get dressed up as a zombie and spend a night in an old WWII bunker, hunting mortals. Or do it outside, but that's usually reserved for halloween, scaring people. Since I give them Zombie-cupcakes afterwards, it doesn't really count.
I'm approaching my first anniversary of discovering Minna's work, as well as my second lucky number in age.
Which is an awesome pun in german. Schnapszahl. Its literal translation is 'liquor number'! I like it anyway.
Not much more to know about me, but if you've got questions, ask them anyways. I'll probably answer ;)
Oh yeah, and I'm a girl.
One of my favourite things to do is get dressed up as a zombie and spend a night in an old WWII bunker, hunting mortals.
Hang on just a sec, is this an actual IRL pastime?
Hang on just a sec, is this an actual IRL pastime?
Alas, if only that were the case! *swoon*
Nah, it's Larp cons. Zombie ones are usually 4 to 5 times a year, with a 4 day one in the summer.
And then there are the end time ones, but that's a different type altogether. Zombie can be historical, apocalyptic, a mashup OR, my favourite, steampunk.
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum, but from what I've seen so far it seems to be full of great, friendly people :)
You can call me Rainy. (Weather is important.) Actually it's snowing where I am right now. I'm from Finland and about Sigrun's age.
I first started reading SSSS a few months ago, when I saw the original language tree somewhere else on the Internet. I remember wondering about the year 0, and then clicking through to the comic to find out more. And I was amazed by the quality of the comic! Not only the art, but the plot and the way the characters interact are so well thought out. Also I've always been interested in mythology, languages and the horror genre (not zombies though, eugh). Obviously I can relate to a lot of the Nordic cultural aspects, too. I came to the forum to see what speculations and thoughts other readers had about the world of SSSS.
What else? Besides my native Finnish I'm fluent in English, fluent-ish Swedish and have studied some Russian and Latin. I'm not very tech-savvy, so I hope I'm not going to make too much of a mess of things on this nice forum.
What else? Besides my native Finnish I'm fluent in English, fluent-ish Swedish and have studied some Russian and Latin. I'm not very tech-savvy, so I hope I'm not going to make too much of a mess of things on this nice forum.
It's not much but a good place to get familiar with some of the technicalities (like how to add flags to your signature) is the helpful information thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=258.0). Welcome to the forum.
Hello hello! I'm new here on the forums, but I've commented awhile on the comic itself, sooo...
I live in the United States (Idaho, if you must know), currently a student studying for who-knows-what (there's just so much cool stuff out there!), and I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, making cultures and people, and small furry things. I'm an INFP, if y'know what I mean.
I'm a comparatively long-time reader (I started aRTD when chapter 7 came up) and am absolutely loving everything about Minna's work. I wish I had half that artistic ability, honestly.
Aaaand... yeah. That's pretty much it. Oh yes, you're all wonderful, and thanks for the cookies in advance :P
Hello hello! I'm new here on the forums, but I've commented awhile on the comic itself, sooo...
I live in the United States (Idaho, if you must know), currently a student studying for who-knows-what (there's just so much cool stuff out there!), and I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, making cultures and people, and small furry things. I'm an INFP, if y'know what I mean.
I'm a comparatively long-time reader (I started aRTD when chapter 7 came up) and am absolutely loving everything about Minna's work. I wish I had half that artistic ability, honestly.
Aaaand... yeah. That's pretty much it. Oh yes, you're all wonderful, and thanks for the cookies in advance :P
welcome aboard my friend! And don't worry, if the art tread can stomach my scrablings i bet they will only enjoy yours. Post away im eager to see your machinations.
Hello hello! I'm new here on the forums, but I've commented awhile on the comic itself, sooo...
I live in the United States (Idaho, if you must know), currently a student studying for who-knows-what (there's just so much cool stuff out there!), and I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, making cultures and people, and small furry things. I'm an INFP, if y'know what I mean.
I'm a comparatively long-time reader (I started aRTD when chapter 7 came up) and am absolutely loving everything about Minna's work. I wish I had half that artistic ability, honestly.
Aaaand... yeah. That's pretty much it. Oh yes, you're all wonderful, and thanks for the cookies in advance :P
Welcome, welcome! I would offer you cookies, but you've gotten ahead of me on that. :D There are a lot of INFPs around these parts, you'll fit right in. Also, I second what FinnishViking said about the art thread.
Hello hello! I'm new here on the forums, but I've commented awhile on the comic itself, sooo...
I live in the United States (Idaho, if you must know), currently a student studying for who-knows-what (there's just so much cool stuff out there!), and I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, making cultures and people, and small furry things. I'm an INFP, if y'know what I mean.
I'm a comparatively long-time reader (I started aRTD when chapter 7 came up) and am absolutely loving everything about Minna's work. I wish I had half that artistic ability, honestly.
Aaaand... yeah. That's pretty much it. Oh yes, you're all wonderful, and thanks for the cookies in advance :P
Hello, and welcome to the forums! It's good to know that I'm not the only one overwhelmed by all the interesting professions you can choose between. Although if you're a student, you must have at least chosen a direction, right? And hey, I'm an INFP too! And I draw! Yay, things in common! By the way, you should totally check out the art thread (oh, wait, it would seem that the others already beat me to that suggestion)
Thanks, all! Yeah, I noticed all the discussion on personality types - it's cool that we've just kinda naturally gathered.
Yeah, I'm studying, declared as a Graphic Design major, but I'm currently in a bit of flux - the university I'm going to is fine with that, though, since I'm going to be leaving fairly soon.
Hah, fine fine, I'll post on the art forum. Just... don't expect much, 'kay?
Also yay for things in common! :D
Hello, SSSS Veterans!
I started posting comments as DaveBro, which apparently messed up actually registering under that userid for Disqus. I am from the Georgia in the USA, retired from the Army Reserve, working as a traffic engineer, reading webcomics and pursuing a couple of musical hobbies. The hobbies include playing flute in the Seed & Feed Marching Abominable, as well as occasionally accompanying singers at housefilks & conventions, plus singing, myself. (Filk is the folk music of SF & Fantasy fandom; more participatory than Wizard Rock (Potterverse), for instance.) I am 0.85 Tronds.
Fluent in English, Fair in Norsk (bokmaal), muddle through Svensk og Dansk, and Very Rusty in Izlensku.
Hi, I've been with the comic for a middling amount of time, I started on around page 155 give or take, but definitely before the giant showed up. I am male, aged between Lalli and Tuuri, I live in the United States, specifically Maine. I am an engineering student in university, though I am currently taking a break from that to pursue other goals. I'm not really that interesting, I read books (I love Lord of the Rings, though not in a weird way), I play video games, watch some tv/anime, read webcomics, pretty standard stuff. I like languages, but I've only managed to successfully learn one so far. I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll leave it at this.
Hiya D. Weg! Welcome! You might want to take your musical skills the the SSSS Musical topic - they need musicians!
And Hiya to thatrankles as well!
Welcome all! Please take some of Piney's complementary cookies while you stroll around :D
Hello all!
I've been reading the comics since this fall, but today's update plus school work forced me out of my lurking.
I'm Tuuri's age, and live in one of the coldest regions of the US. I'm studying getting my bachelors in History, along with minors in Sociology and Chinese. I'm obsessed with traveling, and attempting new languages. I love video games and sports too. INFP. Not sure what else to say.
Excited to get to know you all! \o/
Although I'll probably revert back to lurking depending on how much school work tries to kill me.
Hello all!
I've been reading the comics since this fall, but today's update plus school work forced me out of my lurking.
I'm Tuuri's age, and live in one of the coldest regions of the US. I'm studying getting my bachelors in History, along with minors in Sociology and Chinese. I'm obsessed with traveling, and attempting new languages. I love video games and sports too. INFP. Not sure what else to say.
Excited to get to know you all! \o/
Although I'll probably revert back to lurking depending on how much school work tries to kill me.
Hello and welcome! (So many new people recently!) We won't judge you if you revert to lurking :D
I feel that it's now protocol to give you these:
Hello and welcome! (So many new people recently!) We won't judge you if you revert to lurking :D
I feel that it's now protocol to give you these:
Thanks! I've heard so much about the cookies today :D
Hello and welcome! (So many new people recently!) We won't judge you if you revert to lurking :D
I feel that it's now protocol to give you these:
Yes, welcome to katelion, D. Weg, Adrai Thell, and the rest. So exciting to greet all these newcomers!
As an incentive to contribute, when you reach 100 posts you'll become Safe-Zone Citizens. This prestigious title is conferred in a glittering ceremony every few weeks in our Fan-Forum Member Lounge. Cake and coffee are served in true Swedish fika (http://scandinavianfood.about.com/od/introduction/tp/Favorite-Fika-Foods.htm) style (along with adult beverages).
At higher ranks, you can earn Scout whistles (or small, sharp tools) and Ranger spotter-scopes. Reach 1,000 posts and *you* can become the Ruler of your very own Derelict Airport. Yes.
Someday, if and when we ever reach the point of real, face-to-face meetups, the cake and coffee will become tangible things. Derelict airports... that's up to you.
Y'all stick around now, you hear?
Hi! I'm Inspector Wallander! (No, I'm not from Ystad, silly!)
Sorry it took me so long to introduce myself! I've kind of been busy hanign out in the SSSS section.
I am from Wisconsin in the United States, I am of German, Irish, and Norwegian descent.
I can speak English and have a smattering of German that I have mostly forgotten.
I work in a public library.
I discovered SSSS through an article on io9 early in December. I binge-read the comic in one day and have been hooked ever since.
If you have any other questions, I will take them at this time.
Someday, if and when we ever reach the point of real, face-to-face meetups, the cake and coffee will become tangible things. Derelict airports... that's up to you.
First rule of meetup airports: Let everyone arrive, then derelict. :P
Hello! I'm RomanNumeralII, but you can call me Evan or Roman. I've been a huge fan of SSSS for a few months now, and finally got around to making an account here after introducing the comic to all of my friends. I'm 19 and I live in the USA in Virginia, where I grew up and am now attending college. I love worldbuilding, languages, RPGs (both tabletop and computer RPGs), conlanging, and computers (I'm double majoring in Computer Science and Linguistics). I speak English natively, and have taken five years of German and two years of Arabic. I really need to brush up on German since I haven't had a chance to take any German classes in almost two years now. I really want to learn Russian, Mandarin, and any and all of the Nordic languages, which I hope to do as soon as I can get an opportunity to. I feel like I'm forgetting to mention something, but oh well, this seems like a decent enough introduction!
Welcome, Roman! I'm from Virginia too, though I'm out of state or college. Dunno if I've ever met another Virginian on the internet, heh :)
Courtesy cookies can be found above.
Hi! I’m Knokturn! (just a silly nickname). I started Reading SSSS last fall, after I found it while re-reading A Redtail’s Dream, but I hadn’t thought about registering here until now
(or dared to do it).
I’m a Spanish 19 year old girl, currently studying a Criminology degree, and Swedish at an academy. Also I’m quite fluent in English, and understand French and Italian. My passions are reading and writing, music, travelling, videogames, and water sports.
Not sure what else say, just that I’m excited to be here and that I’ll try to be active! :D
Hi! I’m Knokturn! (just a silly nickname). I started Reading SSSS last fall, after I found it while re-reading A Redtail’s Dream, but I hadn’t thought about registering here until now (or dared to do it).
I’m a Spanish 19 year old girl, currently studying a Criminology degree, and Swedish at an academy. Also I’m quite fluent in English, and understand French and Italian. My passions are reading and writing, music, travelling, videogames, and water sports.
Not sure what else say, just that I’m excited to be here and that I’ll try to be active! :D
Anyway, hello and welcome! Piney does the cookie showers, enjoy! :D
Anyway, hello and welcome! Piney does the cookie showers, enjoy! :D
Do I now?
Hi! I’m Knokturn! (just a silly nickname). I started Reading SSSS last fall, after I found it while re-reading A Redtail’s Dream, but I hadn’t thought about registering here until now (or dared to do it).
I’m a Spanish 19 year old girl, currently studying a Criminology degree, and Swedish at an academy. Also I’m quite fluent in English, and understand French and Italian. My passions are reading and writing, music, travelling, videogames, and water sports.
Not sure what else say, just that I’m excited to be here and that I’ll try to be active! :D
Heyy, another spanish person, I don't think there's many of us around here.. (I might be mistaken of course).
Anyway, hello and welcome! Piney does the cookie showers, enjoy! :D
Or just nocturnal as we all are :D
I'm Albrand, 25 years of age and a Combat Medic in the U.S. Army. My interests outside of work include Western Martial Arts/Historical European Martial Arts, with which I'm no master nor anything to scoff at either. Reading, writing some (admittedly poorly), and any number of sundry nerdy hobbies also included.
Joining this forum after making a few comments on the comment board, figured to throw my hat in.
I'm Albrand, 25 years of age and a Combat Medic in the U.S. Army. My interests outside of work include Western Martial Arts/Historical European Martial Arts, with which I'm no master nor anything to scoff at either. Reading, writing some (admittedly poorly), and any number of sundry nerdy hobbies also included.
Joining this forum after making a few comments on the comment board, figured to throw my hat in.
Welcome, Albrand! (And thanks for your service. We'll look to you for commentary on Mikkel's work and other military issues.)
I'm glad you spelled out what WMA and HEMA stand for. Those terms kept showing up in posts I was copying to the Forum... and now I know why!
See you 'round the SSSS fandom.
- Sunflower
Anyway, hello and welcome! Piney does the cookie showers, enjoy! :D
Or just nocturnal as we all are :D
Yes! Apparently, that's what happen when your Latin teacher knows that you're a Harry Potter fan and that you're insomniac.
Heyy, another spanish person, I don't think there's many of us around here.. (I might be mistaken of course).
Wohoo! we should join forces and spread the fandom then!
Thank you all for the cookies!
So many people I havent greeted!
welcome all of you :D :D
So many people I havent greeted!
welcome all of you :D :D
Same here! I haven't checked up on this in a good while.
Welcome to the forum! Hope everyone will have a nice time. ^^
*steps up onto crate of explosives* *clears throat*
Hello everyone! I'm Quabus. I am a 16 year old girl who lives in the northwest United States. I'm really excited that I've finally joined the forum and get to meet all you great people. (Okay, this is sounding really stiff so far. hmm... for some added excitement, I'll just add a small Tuuri-expression of my feelings right now: eeeeeee!)
Anyway, I found this comic really randomly. I was jumping around on twitter several months ago, visiting various comic-writers accounts, and I found Minna's page. I was like, wow, that's a cool drawing style, clicked on the link, and I was hooked! Now I've read SSSS twice plus some various bits, and aRTD once plus some various bits.
I finally joined the comments a couple weeks ago under the username Quabus and for the sake of consistency I had to use that name again here. So I'll give a bit of background here, I guess. My real name is Clare, and when I was really little my parents started calling me Clarebo, and then some of my friends modified that into Quaybo, and now my younger sister often calls me Quabus. So now you know - in case you were wondering, or just like knowing the etymology of random non-words.
I have lots of opinions about the comic by now, so you'll hopefully see me start popping up all over the forum.
See you around!
*steps up onto crate of explosives* *clears throat*
Hello everyone! I'm Quabus. I am a 16 year old girl who lives in the northwest United States. I'm really excited that I've finally joined the forum and get to meet all you great people. (Okay, this is sounding really stiff so far. hmm... for some added excitement, I'll just add a small Tuuri-expression of my feelings right now: eeeeeee!)
Anyway, I found this comic really randomly. I was jumping around on twitter several months ago, visiting various comic-writers accounts, and I found Minna's page. I was like, wow, that's a cool drawing style, clicked on the link, and I was hooked! Now I've read SSSS twice plus some various bits, and aRTD once plus some various bits.
I finally joined the comments a couple weeks ago under the username Quabus and for the sake of consistency I had to use that name again here. So I'll give a bit of background here, I guess. My real name is Clare, and when I was really little my parents started calling me Clarebo, and then some of my friends modified that into Quaybo, and now my younger sister often calls me Quabus. So now you know - in case you were wondering, or just like knowing the etymology of random non-words.
I have lots of opinions about the comic by now, so you'll hopefully see me start popping up all over the forum.
See you around!
I welcome you to the community, Quabus! *gives you cookies but not in a bribing you to stick around kind of way*
(Also we kinda share a name, mine has an 'i' :) )
*steps up onto crate of explosives* *clears throat*
Hello everyone! I'm Quabus.
I have lots of opinions about the comic by now, so you'll hopefully see me start popping up all over the forum.
See you around!
Yay! Welcome! I'm not sure if we're supposed to offer you cookies, potatoes, or potato cookies, but I'm sure some of the other welcoming committee will already fixed that :-)
Yay! Welcome! I'm not sure if we're supposed to offer you cookies, potatoes, or potato cookies, but I'm sure some of the other welcoming committee will already fixed that :-)
cookies. always cookies. forever cookies.
cookies. always cookies. forever cookies.
Cookies are gifts, potatoes are currency. And sometimes so are potato cookies.
Cookies are love, cookies are life
I wouldn't mind also using cookies as a currency ::)
Hey I'm Koeshi and I'm from the UK.
I started reading SSSS about 18 months or so ago, I don't really remember. I think I found it through an ad banner. As people seem to be listing languages, I speak English and I did study Japanese when I was at university. Of course since then I have had almost no practice with it and have forgotten most things so I am basically monolingual. I look forward to getting to know the community that has grown up around this comic, I very rarely read the comments and I never comment myself so this will be the first time talking with you guys.
Now I believe I saw someone mention an RPG thread being around here somewhere....
Hello! =)
I guess some of you might recognize me from the comment section, but I don't think I've ever introduced myself.
I'm a Swedish girl who started reading SSSS back in November. I found the comic when Minna's language tree was linked on fb and binge read both it and aRTD in one evening/night. I have hardly read any webcomics before and it's a really nice contrast to reading manga! I'm 24 years old and study for a MSE in economics and computer science. I'm currently studying one year abroad in Japan and have studied Japanese for about 4 and a half years. I'm an indoorsy person who like reading, drawing and writing. I have a deviantArt account: http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/ if anyone is interested =)
I don't know what more to say so just ask me if there's anything xD
Hello! =)
I guess some of you might recognize me from the comment section, but I don't think I've ever introduced myself.
I'm a Swedish girl who started reading SSSS back in November. I found the comic when Minna's language tree was linked on fb and binge read both it and aRTD in one evening/night. I have hardly read any webcomics before and it's a really nice contrast to reading manga! I'm 24 years old and study for a MSE in economics and computer science. I'm currently studying one year abroad in Japan and have studied Japanese for about 4 and a half years. I'm an indoorsy person who like reading, drawing and writing. I have a deviantArt account: http://aquaaurion.deviantart.com/ if anyone is interested =)
I don't know what more to say so just ask me if there's anything xD
Didn't think I would say this (as a Norwegian) but I'm glad we're getting some Swedes here finally. So welcome to the forum.
Didn't think I would say this (as a Norwegian) but I'm glad we're getting some Swedes here finally. So welcome to the forum.
I'm happy that I can be of some use xD I had no idea Swedes were scarce here.
Welcome, new members! *gives out cookies, naturally*
and binge read both it and aRTD in one evening/night.
*is very impressed* I wonder if there's a record for this...
Welcome, new members! *gives out cookies, naturally*
*is very impressed* I wonder if there's a record for this...
Thank you! *happily eats the cookies*
Anyone is free to challenge me otherwise ^w^
I'm an indoorsy person who like reading, drawing and writing.
Oh my gosh, ARE YOU ME? XD you sound a lot like me!
Oh my gosh, ARE YOU ME? XD you sound a lot like me!
I think she probably sounds like 95% of the forum cx
Hi I am Benbah, Australian comic addict. Love Minnas work. Only understand English. Would love to understand more languages.
Oh my gosh, ARE YOU ME? XD you sound a lot like me!
Haha, maybe I am ;) Sigrid Marie is probably right though xD
Hi everyone!
I'm Laowai. My Chinese speaking friends might recognize that as the Chinese word for "foreigner." I am a 24-year-old lady and have studied Chinese for over half my life now. I am also learning Portuguese and German just for funsies. (Sometimes French, but only when I'm feeling particularly masochistic)
I'm originally from Minnesota, but, shamefully, I am one of the few Minnesotans who has absolutely no claim to any Scandinavian heritage. I've also lived in China and Turkey, pacific northwest, and the smack-dab middle of nowhere.
I studied international studies at university and was a member of AIESEC. Any of you guys in university or soon to be absolutely must check to see if your school/city has an AIESEC chapter and join up! It's great!
I experience wander-lust to the nth degree. If I didn't have to worry about money, I would travel the world, going wherever my next whim takes me.
Unfortunately I am a cliched unemployed/underemployed recent graduate who is completely disillusioned with the system and the people who made it.
I love web comics, and found SSSS through an ad. I've never commented any comics before though and I've never joined any sort of forum before in my life, so this is all new to me.
I love web comics, and found SSSS through an ad.
I've never commented any comics before though and I've never joined any sort of forum before in my life, so this is all new to me.
Hi, Laowai! Welcome to the club -- both of SSSS fans, and of people like me who never used to hang out in online forums.... till now. You'll find we're a friendly bunch, even when debating the pros and cons of nuclear warheads as a Cleansing tool, or who you 'ship with whom.
We encourage people to roam around freely and share their interests. In particular, you may enjoy the language forums (though unfortunately, I don't think we have many posts re: Chinese yet).
See you around!
P.S. I really like your forum icon. Where is it from?
P.S. I really like your forum icon. Where is it from?
It's from Girly (http://girlyyy.com/go/1) by Josh Lesnick. Its the very first web comic I ever read and it made me fall in love with web comics. I still cry at the ending to this very day.
I experience wander-lust to the nth degree. If I didn't have to worry about money, I would travel the world, going wherever my next whim takes me.
Unfortunately I am a cliched unemployed/underemployed recent graduate who is completely disillusioned with the system and the people who made it.
I truly understand how you feel. Also seems like your Chinese friends liked you, I'm more used to being called "gweilo" :D.
Don't worry about being new to forums, you get the hang of them pretty quickly, spend enough time on them and you won't need any of the editing buttons, you'll know the code to put in from heart :).
I don't think I ever introduced myself, so here goes :D
I'm a Finnish girlie, around Lalli's age, I'm also one of the folk who found SSSS through that language tree post (and that comparison chart between Finnish and Scandinavian languages), I saw it on tumblr and thought, oh wow someone's actually making a comic involving Finnish people, so I went to check it out and here I am a couple of months later, completely hooked. Mostly I just lurk in here and the in comic's comment section, although I do comment every once in a while.
Currently studying Business IT, even though my dream job will forever be an art teacher or graphic designer(or a librarian), IT kinda grew on me since I spend my days as a tech support -person to my family and friends. I will definitely take some courses in arts and crafts sometime in my life tho :D
I'm not exactly outdoorsy but during summer I like to wonder around in the forests and barley fields near my house, I live on the countryside(Southern Finland). Otherwise I spend my time reading fanfiction, writing ficlets I almost never publish aand drawing random things with mah tablet. And of course, hang around in here. English language comes rather easily to me, Swedish I can muddle through if you use simple words :D also studied some French and Japanese during junior high, but nowadays I remember almost nothing of either of those. Btw if someone here ever wants to learn Finnish, I'd be happy to teach some words and basic sentences and stuff like that.
Dunno what else to say, so feel free to ask me anything :D
Welcome! :D Stand by for Piney's cookie shower! :D Have a good stay and lots o' fun! :D
You could always hold the cookie shower yourself, DzigaWatt :D
I don't think I ever introduced myself, so here goes :D
I have been tasked with providing these customary cookies (http://cdn3.volusion.com/vxjpy.xqdvy/v/vspfiles/photos/LSQ-2.jpg) for you :)
I truly understand how you feel. Also seems like your Chinese friends liked you, I'm more used to being called "gweilo" :D.
Are you in the south? I never heard anything that bad myself. Apparently though, when I visited the first time with my high school class, my teacher kept getting called "da bizi" (big nose).
Never actually lived there, but knew a Chinese guy at school that called me that, or "say-gweilo" if he was in a bad mood :).
You could always hold the cookie shower yourself, DzigaWatt :D
Nah, I'm more like the mansion Alfred, so I leave the bat-cave Alfred business to you :D
Hello, SSSS Veterans!
I started posting guest comments as DaveBro, which apparently messed up actually registering under that userid for Disqus. I introduced myself as D. Weg a couple of pages back, then realized I could get closer to my preferred handle--so now I am ReturnOfDaveBro! (Friendlier than RevengeOfDaveBro, more geneaologically correct than SonOfDaveBro.)
I found SSSS via one of its ads. I am from the Georgia in the USA, retired from the Army Reserve, working as a traffic engineer, reading webcomics and pursuing a couple of musical hobbies. The hobbies include playing flute in the Seed & Feed Marching Abominable, as well as occasionally accompanying singers at housefilks & conventions, plus singing, myself. (Filk is the folk music of SF & Fantasy fandom; more participatory than Wizard Rock (Potterverse), for instance.) I am 0.85 Tronds.
Not sure if I introduced myself yet but whatever.
Hey! My name's Madison, though I prefer being called Park, Allegra, or if you must, Madi. I'm 19, an INTP, a gir1gaym3r, and from Montana, USA. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't ride my horse to school. I don't even go to school (though I will in September, ugh). Or have a horse.
Speaking of school, I think I'm going to major in forestry or ecology. I haven't decided yet. I enjoy working with animals and being away from the human population, so...yeah.
I don't remember how I stumbled upon SSSS to be honest. :-[ But I do know that it's latched onto me as a fandom, so there's that.
My interests are, in order:
Attack on Titan: Been a fan since October of 2013. I'm caught up with the manga and anxiously wait for each new chapter. Ymir and Armin are my favorite characters! So deep in the fandom I'm at the ocean floor. I'm known as Jeantron on the subreddit.
The Creatures: Been a fan for almost 4 years now! Very first video I ever watched was Nova's Game of Life video in 2011. I'm a massively active fan even if I don't usually talk about them on my Tumblr blog. I watch their videos everyday. However, I'm not subscribed to Dex, Kevin, Jordan or Sp00n. (I have nothing against the last two, mind you. I'm just subbed to too many people as is.) My favorite Creatures are Nova, Seamus, and Immortal.
Vinesauce: I don't even know what to say about Vinesauce. Been a fan since January of last year and am very active on the site. Or rather, the Chatango chat. I usually only watch Vinny live but I like Joel, Limes, and Imakuni as well, but just usually don't get the chance to watch their streams live. I'm known as GirafficPark.
Vidya Games: There's really no videogame where I can say I'm in the fandom of, but I definitely love video games. Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon ORAS/XY, Tomodachi Life, and the Sims are the games I play the most. I play all of them almost every day. Except for the sims, of which I haven't played in months but used to be a huge fan of.
Music: Self explanatory. I pride myself for my extensive and diverse collection of music. I'm listening to music from the second I get onto the computer and the time I get off, which is like...12 hours. I'm someone who likes a few songs by an artist but am not really a fan of the artist, however if I had to name musicians that I listen to the most or listen to more than one song by them, it'd be: of Verona, Orange Caramel, Grimes, Matthew Perryman Jones, Kimbra, and a fustercluck of 80s rock bands? I guess?
Hetalia: Nowhere near as into Hetalia ever since Attack on Titan came into the picture, however I was a die hard fan of Hetalia since 2009. Like, die die die hard. I know all of the fandom jokes, all of the artists, all the AMVs...yeah. Obsessed is an understatement. While I'm much more of a casual now, feel free to talk to me about it! I still enjoy it.
Other things include KPOP and cats. I'm active in KPOP in the sense that I listen to it all the time, but because of the horrible KPOP industry and some of the fans, I usually don't interact with many fans. With that being said, my fave groups are Orange Caramel and...Orange Caramel. Though I listen to a loooot of other groups, Orange Caramel is the only one I can truly consider myself a fan of. SISTAR is getting there, though. Former fan of SNSD and BigBang, and special shoutout to Lessang, Lim Kim, AKMU, and Ulala Session.
Cats are infinite. They need no explanation.
Not sure if I introduced myself yet but whatever.
Hey! My name's Madison, though I prefer being called Park, Allegra, or if you must, Madi. I'm 19, an INTP, a gir1gaym3r, and from Montana, USA. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't ride my horse to school. I don't even go to school (though I will in September, ugh). Or have a horse.
Speaking of school, I think I'm going to major in forestry or ecology. I haven't decided yet. I enjoy working with animals and being away from the human population, so...yeah.
I don't remember how I stumbled upon SSSS to be honest. :-[ But I do know that it's latched onto me as a fandom, so there's that.
My interests are, in order:
Attack on Titan: Been a fan since October of 2013. I'm caught up with the manga and anxiously wait for each new chapter. Ymir and Armin are my favorite characters! So deep in the fandom I'm at the ocean floor. I'm known as Jeantron on the subreddit.
The Creatures: Been a fan for almost 4 years now! Very first video I ever watched was Nova's Game of Life video in 2011. I'm a massively active fan even if I don't usually talk about them on my Tumblr blog. I watch their videos everyday. However, I'm not subscribed to Dex, Kevin, Jordan or Sp00n. (I have nothing against the last two, mind you. I'm just subbed to too many people as is.) My favorite Creatures are Nova, Seamus, and Immortal.
Vinesauce: I don't even know what to say about Vinesauce. Been a fan since January of last year and am very active on the site. Or rather, the Chatango chat. I usually only watch Vinny live but I like Joel, Limes, and Imakuni as well, but just usually don't get the chance to watch their streams live. I'm known as GirafficPark.
Vidya Games: There's really no videogame where I can say I'm in the fandom of, but I definitely love video games. Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon ORAS/XY, Tomodachi Life, and the Sims are the games I play the most. I play all of them almost every day. Except for the sims, of which I haven't played in months but used to be a huge fan of.
Music: Self explanatory. I pride myself for my extensive and diverse collection of music. I'm listening to music from the second I get onto the computer and the time I get off, which is like...12 hours. I'm someone who likes a few songs by an artist but am not really a fan of the artist, however if I had to name musicians that I listen to the most or listen to more than one song by them, it'd be: of Verona, Orange Caramel, Grimes, Matthew Perryman Jones, Kimbra, and a fustercluck of 80s rock bands? I guess?
Hetalia: Nowhere near as into Hetalia ever since Attack on Titan came into the picture, however I was a die hard fan of Hetalia since 2009. Like, die die die hard. I know all of the fandom jokes, all of the artists, all the AMVs...yeah. Obsessed is an understatement. While I'm much more of a casual now, feel free to talk to me about it! I still enjoy it.
Other things include KPOP and cats. I'm active in KPOP in the sense that I listen to it all the time, but because of the horrible KPOP industry and some of the fans, I usually don't interact with many fans. With that being said, my fave groups are Orange Caramel and...Orange Caramel. Though I listen to a loooot of other groups, Orange Caramel is the only one I can truly consider myself a fan of. SISTAR is getting there, though. Former fan of SNSD and BigBang, and special shoutout to Lessang, Lim Kim, AKMU, and Ulala Session.
Cats are infinite. They need no explanation.
This... is the most neat and complete introduction if have ever seen D':
Welcome! Have a Piney cookie shower!
Not sure if I introduced myself yet but whatever.
Hey! My name's Madison, though I prefer being called Park, Allegra, or if you must, Madi. I'm 19, an INTP, a gir1gaym3r, and from Montana, USA. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't ride my horse to school. I don't even go to school (though I will in September, ugh). Or have a horse.
This... is the most neat and complete introduction if have ever seen D':
Welcome! Have a Piney cookie shower!
The cookie greeting keeps getting better with every new fan.
:mexico: ¡Hola a todos!
:sweden: Hejsan, alla!
:poland: Czesc wszystkich!
:usa: Hi, everyone!
I was told I should post in here to get squirrel cookies. :)
Another new face here. About me: I am from the USA, I have a fascination for 80's music, 80's culture, and I am an electronic musician (who does retro 80's synthpop music under the name Synthetik FM). I've made a few contacts in the synth music scene who are Swedish, so for fun, I decided to learn a bit of the language. My recently discovery of the SSSS comic (after finding the excellent language tree graphic on Google) has ignited my interest again.
This should be a lot of fun.
Waiting for the cookies, if I might, I'd like to tell that Polish greeting should be "Czesc wszystkim". It's when you say "Hello everyone", though for example "Welcome everyone" is "Witam wszystkich".
(Sorry if I'm being snippy, just a grammar freak, and it might be useful I hope! :D)
Well, I was going off of google translate for that one, which is notoriously unreliable when translating Polish. :)
I was told I should post in here to get squirrel cookies. :)
You called?
You called?
Omg Piney these are getting better and better XD
I wish they'd been around back when I joined!
Omg Piney these are getting better and better XD
I wish they'd been around back when I joined!
I wasn't even around when you joined ;)
I need to whip up a few more of these for my arsenal!
Hello, and apologies for forgetting the formalities.
I've been posting things for a while here and completely forgot to make an introduction thread, so.. oops.
Anyway, I've never been too good at these, so... I am not entirely sure where to start... I was asked why I picked the name/avatar, and the reason for that is as simple as the fact that I just happen to like corvids.
Also, I've been lurking in the RPG thread for a while, because I am somewhat of a fan of pen-and-paper RPGs.
And lastly, I've got an interest in the mythologies of the nordic countries, which fits like a glove with this comic.
Oh, also, you might have figured it from the name, I'm a Finn.
So.. uhh.. Hi!
Whooa so apparently I've never introduced myself on here???? Which is weird cause I've been on here for a while. I think this board is rad so I'll join in.
Here goes:
Hi, I'm Am! I'm a youngling (like 3 years younger than lalli) who has been following SSSS since the very first page! I'm just really lazy about commenting. I'm an American girl living in Zambia, going to an international school and learning Mandarin. I really like knitting and other such shenanigans.
It's nice to formally meet all of you! : )
You called?
Omg Piney these are getting better and better XD
I wish they'd been around back when I joined!
Come to think of it, I never got any of these either. So ...*graciously accepts baking tray*. One for welcoming and six for inflation.
Whooa so apparently I've never introduced myself on here???? Which is weird cause I've been on here for a while. I think this board is rad so I'll join in.
Here goes:
Hi, I'm Am! I'm a youngling (like 3 years younger than lalli) who has been following SSSS since the very first page! I'm just really lazy about commenting. I'm an American girl living in Zambia, going to an international school and learning Mandarin. I really like knitting and other such shenanigans.
It's nice to formally meet all of you! : )
Wait, you went to Zambia of all places in order to learn Mandarin?
I think the living in Zambia and learning Mandarin are probably coincidences.
Also, how come I never got any cookies either?
I think the living in Zambia and learning Mandarin are probably coincidences.
Also, how come I never got any cookies either?
aaaawwww you get the delayed love-bombs of welcome (http://i.imgur.com/tFQalJV.png) instead!
OH GOD! The love! It's so sweet, but the delivery hurts SO MUCH!
OH GOD! The love! It's so sweet, but the delivery hurts SO MUCH!
T least he didn't use the tactical combat knife of love. Serrated edges, you know.
*Watches the love bombs from a bunker*
Wait, you went to Zambia of all places in order to learn Mandarin?
I think the living in Zambia and learning Mandarin are probably coincidences.
I am only learning Mandarin in Zambia through a series of strange happenings, yes... (If it makes any more sense, I lived in Vietnam when I started?)
I am only learning Mandarin in Zambia through a series of strange happenings, yes... (If it makes any more sense, I lived in Vietnam when I started?)
Are your parents diplomats or in international business? My brother works for the U.S. State Department; he and his family have lived in Egypt and the Philippines (and are soon to relocate to Germany). His kids speak at least a little of all kinds of languages.
Are your parents diplomats or in international business? My brother works for the U.S. State Department; he and his family have lived in Egypt and the Philippines (and are soon to relocate to Germany). His kids speak at least a little of all kinds of languages.
Yeah, my parents are international teachers. I'm horrible with languages though, so Mandarin and English are all I can manage. Egypt sounds really cool! Do your brothers kids go to an international or local school there?
Yeah, my parents are international teachers. I'm horrible with languages though, so Mandarin and English are all I can manage. Egypt sounds really cool! Do your brothers kids go to an international or local school there?
They live in the D.C. suburbs at the moment. But whenever they've lived overseas, they've gone to international schools, taught in English. (They're all learning German now, but 6 months of lessons wouldn't be enough for the kids to survive in German schools.)
They live in the D.C. suburbs at the moment. But whenever they've lived overseas, they've gone to international schools, taught in English. (They're all learning German now, but 6 months of lessons wouldn't be enough for the kids to survive in German schools.)
Yeah, academics in a new language are crazy. It's pretty awesome that their family is learning some German ahead of time, though.
For those of you who feel like you're left out:
For those of you who feel like you're left out:
You're clearly a professional.
*kisses the cook on the cheek* ;)
YaY, thank you Piney :).
Oh... crud. Sorry. I really need to pay more attention.
Again, sorry. :-[
Haha, you're welcome, guys ;D
Hello all,
My name is Jenna
I am older than Tuuri but younger than Sigrun. I've been faithfully groveling after Minna page by long awaited page since I binge read to the BearVille-Hannu-Nest sequence of aRTD. I found her via DeviantArt, where she used to post the pages along with each update, and I'm soooo glad that I did, because her comic has... how do you even put into words how awesome Minna is outside of the art that she draws? She's inspiring to me as an artist, and as a young adult figuring out how to make a place in the world outside of the traditional "go to college, get job, be disappointed" cycle that so many of us seem to fall into. I admire her so much for finishing aRTD and then going on to fulfill her dream of drawing SSSS and making it into a full time career. I happily throw my money at her in exchange for a book when she does the print drives.
Anyways... I live in the Pacific Northwest, USA, and sadly only speak English, with some fragments of Spanish. My dream is to become fluent in Japanese and move there to work with homeless teens, but right now I'm still in the "make time to study my workbook" phase. I am seriously impressed that so many of you here on the forums speak multiple languages. That's not something we value/teach very much in the US, but I wish we did.
I do anything that sparks my fancy, and have an artistic spirit, so I dabble in many areas; Sewing, sketching, painting, playing piano/guitar, sculpting, writing... and I'm a complete bookaholic and video game addict, with a love for collecting retro nintendo games. Needless to say, I'm a webcomic addict, but really only religious about checking SSSS for updates.
I skipped out on college because I thought it would be a waste of time for me, so I ended up career-less for awhile. Career-less, but happy and debt free. I started an Etsy shop 5 yrs ago and have been making a living sewing animal costume accessories which, yes, include kitty ears in all colors of the rainbow. I'm married to a nerdy computer tech, and we have a fluffy little dog named Atticus.
I am a total introvert, and am intimidated by strangers in public, but love interacting with everyone in the SSSS community. You're all over there, safely behind my computer screen, unable to get at me if I don't want to be gotten at. :D I didn't start commenting until a couple chapters in, but now I'm a complete addict. My husband said to me today, "You're reading your comic already? Oh, no, you're just reading the comments. Well, at least something can make you smile and giggle in the morning."
I have a disorder called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS, which makes me have painful allergy-type reactions to most every artificial chemical I come into contact with, most notably fragrance, so I spend a lot of time in my house, alone, trying to stay away from the dangerous world. This community has kept my spirits up during the dreary winter months, and helped me feel connected and excited to get on and chat/read each day.
Thanks to everyone for making this such an awesome place to interact, and for keeping the trolls at bay with explosives. :D
P.s. I'm a shameless Lalli fangirl, and will be until the day I die. Fanart forthcoming.
Hello all,
My name is Jenna
P.s. I'm a shameless Lalli fangirl, and will be until the day I die. Fanart forthcoming.
Hello! Welcome! Have some hugs and cookies! Want more? Then make fanart! ;D
Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Glad to have you aboard!
I have a disorder called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS, which makes me have painful allergy-type reactions to most every artificial chemical I come into contact with, most notably fragrance, so I spend a lot of time in my house, alone, trying to stay away from the dangerous world.
How does this work? You can deal with the scent of a flower but not the scent of a flower concentrated into perfume? Or are we talking about fragrance in general, as in the fragrance of coffee?
All mass-market perfumes these days are based on the same limited repertoire of artificial molecules, with bits added on or mixed in different proportions. Only the very most expensive perfumes use "real" ingredients! As a result, all perfumes a person can expect to come across will be artificial, and it's very easy to develop allergies to a sufficient number of the chemicals to be allergic to effectively all perfumes.
All mass-market perfumes these days are based on the same limited repertoire of artificial molecules, with bits added on or mixed in different proportions. Only the very most expensive perfumes use "real" ingredients! As a result, all perfumes a person can expect to come across will be artificial, and it's very easy to develop allergies to a sufficient number of the chemicals to be allergic to effectively all perfumes.
Oh? That I can understand when you put it like that, but what's so bad about the structure of artificial chemicals that they as a class of chemicals cause reactions for some people?
Oh? That I can understand when you put it like that, but what's so bad about the structure of artificial chemicals that they as a class of chemicals cause reactions for some people?
That I am less sure of. I suspect they may all have some similar structure that "looks" to the immune system like the same thing.
I will do research if time permits.
How does this work? You can deal with the scent of a flower but not the scent of a flower concentrated into perfume? Or are we talking about fragrance in general, as in the fragrance of coffee?
MCS is a pretty complicated disorder that I'm still learning about, and is only recently being recognized by the medical community as actually existing. Basically, I don't have reactions to anything actually natural, like animals, pollen, or food, etc, and can safely use essential oils. My body (immune system+ other stuff) can't handle the toxicity of artificial chemicals, so over time it has become hypersensitive to such things. If unmanaged by limiting exposures, it progresses into more severe reactions to a larger range of chemicals (gas fumes, bleach, cigarette smoke). Multiple areas of the body are affected, such as respiratory, circulatory, nervous system, and even digestion.
In a country obsessed with putting artificial fragrance into EVERYTHING on top of the large amount of chemicals already in use, this makes my life a rather delicate balance of trying to remain a functional person, while also not being bedridden and/or hospitalized by some stupid air freshener or someone's perfume.
And sorry about the "general discussion" topic in the Intro thread. I'll leave it at that and try to continue any further commenting somewhere more appropriate. ;) I'm happy to chat via PM if anyone feels so inclined.
Thanks for the warm welcome! And for all the cookies. :3 *grabs glass of milk*
I'm an American girl living in Zambia, going to an international school and learning Mandarin.
Whooo! Another Chinese speaker!
For those of you who feel like you're left out:
Haha Piney, you're awesome!
Haha Piney, you're awesome!
I know I mean, I'm here to please! :)
Whooo! Another Chinese speaker!
Hellooooo! (I tried to reply in mandarin but the forum didn't let me :'( )
Hellooooo! (I tried to reply in mandarin but the forum didn't let me :'( )
aww! ????
hahahaha! what?! I just typed "weishenme" in characters and it made that funny smiley face instead!
my preview button says thats all chinese characters above. lets see.
welp, so much for that :(
welp, so much for that :(
This instance of SMF hasn't been converted to UTF-8 (yet); Eich tried and ran into some sort of problems. So it's limited to some slightly extended (because Umlauts work) variant of the Latin alphabet - maybe ISO-Latin-1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1), I didn't check to make sure yet ...
welp, so much for that :(
Forums have always been Greek to me, but I suppose I'll be joining the discussion anyway :) . Too many opportunities to miss.
I'm finnish all the way, and younger than Lalli by a few years.
Mother tongue Finnish, fluent English, get-by Swedish, somewhat Latin, and only the very basics Italian.
No idea what to say here... I'm in high school (in the sense not in university yet), and suffering from chronic lack of motivation. I'm in way too many fandoms and can't even keep track of them. :'(
Read ARTD last summer as a friend ordered requested it.Oh and as we all know it was very nice. And now recently I ended up going through Hiveworks comics pages and spotted something that looked somewhat interesting. Now I'm here. ;)
I am a mass consumer of fanfiction, although I seem to be unable to create any. I also very much like AUs. Even some strange ones.... :-X And so for art forms my primary art form is something like fan videos, AMVs, slide shows... Secondary fan art which I'll probably post if I get something decent done, and then there's cosplay. We will see... ;)
Forums have always been Greek to me, but I suppose I'll be joining the discussion anyway :) . Too many opportunities to miss.
I'm finnish all the way, and younger than Lalli by a few years.
Mother tongue Finnish, fluent English, get-by Swedish, somewhat Latin, and only the very basics Italian.
No idea what to say here... I'm in high school (in the sense not in university yet), and suffering from chronic lack of motivation. I'm in way too many fandoms and can't even keep track of them. :'(
Read ARTD last summer as a friend ordered requested it.Oh and as we all know it was very nice. And now recently I ended up going through Hiveworks comics pages and spotted something that looked somewhat interesting. Now I'm here. ;)
I am a mass consumer of fanfiction, although I seem to be unable to create any. I also very much like AUs. Even some strange ones.... :-X And so for art forms my primary art form is something like fan videos, AMVs, slide shows... Secondary fan art which I'll probably post if I get something decent done, and then there's cosplay. We will see... ;)
Welcome! We've got a thread for discussing/posting fanfics right over here (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=193.0). So far most of them have been collected over on AO3 (http://archiveofourown.org/tags/Stand Still Stay Silent/works)
Forums have always been Greek to me, but I suppose I'll be joining the discussion anyway :) . Too many opportunities to miss.
I'm finnish all the way, and younger than Lalli by a few years.
Mother tongue Finnish, fluent English, get-by Swedish, somewhat Latin, and only the very basics Italian.
No idea what to say here... I'm in high school (in the sense not in university yet), and suffering from chronic lack of motivation. I'm in way too many fandoms and can't even keep track of them. :'(
Read ARTD last summer as a friend ordered requested it.Oh and as we all know it was very nice. And now recently I ended up going through Hiveworks comics pages and spotted something that looked somewhat interesting. Now I'm here. ;)
I am a mass consumer of fanfiction, although I seem to be unable to create any. I also very much like AUs. Even some strange ones.... :-X And so for art forms my primary art form is something like fan videos, AMVs, slide shows... Secondary fan art which I'll probably post if I get something decent done, and then there's cosplay. We will see... ;)
Welcome! Enjoy your stay! Could I interest you in some
Thank you! ;D I'm always the one for cookies!
I've posted a couple of things but haven't introduced myself. I have the same name on Disqus and I might be the youngest reader on the forum (12)
I like to read the discussions on the forum without actually posting anything, so I'm familiar with most of the veterans.
*stalking you*
Welcome to the forum! :)
Please, feel yourself at home, have cookies and some fruit juice, stalk the vete... Huh?! O__O
*looks around suspiciously*
*sees cats, books, lynch mob with pitchforks and torches, alien entity scurrying back to the mouse hole, mug of tea on the desk*
*eyes the tea, and hopes that it won't look back*
Heh. You had me worried for a second.
Hello,I'm KicknRun and after lurking for like 2 weeks I made an account. Also, I'm an American. (Both my parents are Haitian, but I can't speak a word.
You'll be seeing me and my awful writing in the Scriptorium soon,hopefully.
(And I'm 12 too,don't worry young person.)
Hi there new people, old or young, enjoy your stay and have fun in the forum! :)
People of youth,
People of old,
Have some cookies!
Welcome aboard!
No srsly, Piney hands out cookies to everyone :D
Hello,I'm KicknRun and after lurking for like 2 weeks I made an account. Also, I'm an American. (Both my parents are Haitian, but I can't speak a word.
You'll be seeing me and my awful writing in the Scriptorium soon,hopefully.
(And I'm 12 too,don't worry young person.)
I've posted a couple of things but haven't introduced myself. I have the same name on Disqus and I might be the youngest reader on the forum (12)
I like to read the discussions on the forum without actually posting anything, so I'm familiar with most of the veterans.
*stalking you*
Hello,I'm KicknRun and after lurking for like 2 weeks I made an account. Also, I'm an American. (Both my parents are Haitian, but I can't speak a word.
You'll be seeing me and my awful writing in the Scriptorium soon,hopefully.
(And I'm 12 too,don't worry young person.)
See my previous post in this thread for the complementary welcome cookies :)
Just a heads up... this is Jenna who posted earlier in the week, and I've decided to go with a different handle, Peraphelion. (my preferred pronunciation is Pear-uh-feel-eon) So any future posts will be going under that name. ;)
Just a heads up... this is Jenna who posted earlier in the week, and I've decided to go with a different handle, Peraphelion. (my preferred pronunciation is Pear-uh-feel-eon) So any future posts will be going under that name. ;)
Ahh, so *that's* who that new name corresponds to! :) Welcome again.
So in your orbit, are you at the *closest* or *furthest* point from the sun? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perihelion_and_aphelion)
Having twelve year olds joining is making me feel very old XD.
welcome to all :D
Having twelve year olds joining is making me feel very old XD.
Me too!
Me too!
Time for some well-placed ads (http://www.silversurfers.com/advertise-with-silversurfers/), then?
Nice to meet everybody, I am at the moment staring at this magnificent forum, and completely lost, as I tend to be in any commenting system that isn't disqus. Ahahaaa well I hope to get the hang of it, eventually. I am as old as Tuuri, and live in the Netherlands, I only speak Dutch, English and a little bit of highschool-French. (If for some reason someone wants to learn Dutch words, I'll be happy to help, though it would only be usefull in the NL and Belgium, pretty smaaal area of the world) I like to call myself a scribbler, as in, I write down story snippets but never finish them. :-[ I also like drawing traditionally, mostly animals, monsters and simple human anatomy. I'm a hardcore manga and anime nerd, combining this with all the webcomics I follow I am basically glued to my computer. Otherwise I am probably found reading my growing graphic novel collection or studying for university. (Literature, second year) Very happy to meet all of you, who have gone before, I am frantically waving to all of you, with a derpy smile on my face. ;)
Welcome! You and your interests will fit right in. :)
You're actually not the first recent arrival to mention feeling overwhelmed by the Forum. If you have any thoughts on how to make it more newcomer-friendly, please post them in the "Improvements" thread (over on the Forum board). Up till now, we've just been letting the Forum grow organically; this has led to many, many individual stacks of content but not a lot of organization.
Meanwhile, feel free to post any observations or questions that occur to you. We're a friendly bunch and try to make new commenters feel at home.
Nice to meet everybody, I am at the moment staring at this magnificent forum, and completely lost, as I tend to be in any commenting system that isn't disqus.
I am as old as Tuuri, and live in the Netherlands, I only speak Dutch, English and a little bit of highschool-French. (If for some reason someone wants to learn Dutch words, I'll be happy to help, though it would only be usefull in the NL and Belgium, pretty smaaal area of the world)
I like to call myself a scribbler, as in, I write down story snippets but never finish them. :-[
I also like drawing traditionally, mostly animals, monsters and simple human anatomy. I'm a hardcore manga and anime nerd, combining this with all the webcomics I follow I am basically glued to my computer. Otherwise I am probably found reading my growing graphic novel collection or studying for university. (Literature, second year)
Very happy to meet all of you who have gone before, I am frantically waving to all of you, with a derpy smile on my face. ;)
Welcome, welcome! Have some cookies and hugs!
... Up till now, we've just been letting the Forum grow organically...
Ohhhh ! That's so much more elegant and classy than 'messily' ! I should remember it ! Let's test it :
"So far, I let my desk content grow organically"... Yessssssss! I like it!
(don't spank me, please, don't!)
Welcome! You and your interests will fit right in. :)
You're actually not the first recent arrival to mention feeling overwhelmed by the Forum. If you have any thoughts on how to make it more newcomer-friendly, please post them in the "Improvements" thread (over on the Forum board). Up till now, we've just been letting the Forum grow organically; this has led to many, many individual stacks of content but not a lot of organization.
Meanwhile, feel free to post any observations or questions that occur to you. We're a friendly bunch and try to make new commenters feel at home.
Thank you, I am looking forward to exploring the forum. if I have any useful tips for improvement I will post them.
Nice to meet everybody, I am at the moment staring at this magnificent forum, and completely lost, as I tend to be in any commenting system that isn't disqus. Ahahaaa well I hope to get the hang of it, eventually. I am as old as Tuuri, and live in the Netherlands, I only speak Dutch, English and a little bit of highschool-French. (If for some reason someone wants to learn Dutch words, I'll be happy to help, though it would only be usefull in the NL and Belgium, pretty smaaal area of the world) I like to call myself a scribbler, as in, I write down story snippets but never finish them. :-[ I also like drawing traditionally, mostly animals, monsters and simple human anatomy. I'm a hardcore manga and anime nerd, combining this with all the webcomics I follow I am basically glued to my computer. Otherwise I am probably found reading my growing graphic novel collection or studying for university. (Literature, second year) Very happy to meet all of you, who have gone before, I am frantically waving to all of you, with a derpy smile on my face. ;)
Welcome. Maybe I'll take you up on the language offer some day, the only phrase I know in Dutch is "ik pak je wel" (and I'm not even sure that's an actual phrase) :P
Feel free to get involved in the anime thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=48.165).
Welcome, welcome! Have some cookies and hugs!
I will gladly take those cookies, heard a lot about them on the main site, something about squirrels? ;)
Welcome. Maybe I'll take you up on the language offer some day, the only phrase I know in Dutch is "ik pak je wel" (and I'm not even sure that's an actual phrase) :P
Feel free to get involved in the anime thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=48.165).
Haha, the sentence is a little odd, not a common phrase, though all the words are correctly spelled. (hands you a stroopwafel=special cookie) Feel free to ask me anytime. ^-^
Ohhhh ! That's so much more elegant and classy than 'messily' ! I should remember it ! Let's test it :
"So far, I let my desk content grow organically"... Yessssssss! I like it!
(don't spank me, please, don't!)
Remember, I'm in communications, so I can come up with pleasant ways to express just about anything. ;)
My desk is covered in a deep layer of rich, organic, heirloom content. Which is to say, it's not quite ready for public display.
Hello all!
I came across SSSS a few months ago, but I didn't create an account on this forum, mostly because of my horrible English. But now, when all my friends trying to run away, if I say something like "Did I tell you about one wonderful webcomic ..." I especially need someone who understands my obsession. Hmm... I bet every english-speaker here will be suffering, while reading my posts. Especially because I'm very talkative person.
And so, my beautiful story. Once upon a time my classmate said "I should show you two gorgeous webcomics, and one of them is full of mooses". Yes, we talked about mooses (the best subject for the conversation, I believe). By the way, she didn't mentioned that these mooses are extremely unusual... Anyway, four days later I came to her, shouting "LET ME HUG YOU MY NEW BEST FRIEND BECAUSE YOU SHOWED ME THE MOST BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Now, let's talking about it all the time". Strange, but she didn't call the police. The end.
Ah, yes, I should introduce myself. I'm from Russia, the same age as Tuuri (and the same gender). And I also have the same problem: "you're sixteen?.. or seventeen?.. twelve, maybe?" - That's what I always hear from each new friend.
I'm interested in everything except my university studies (third year student of philosophy - don't know why I got involved in this. I guess, to make sure that I'll never find a job).
I'm an annoying extrovert, too loud and too enthusiastic. The best way to deal with me when I'm in a good mood - leave me alone in a locked room for a few hours until I become quiet (almost all of my friends think so). I am eternally busy with some nonsense like writing short stupid stories for my little nephews, or drawing something strange and useless, or dancing with a bunch of crazy people in old-fashioned clothes ("mad robin" - this is just my favorite dance). Fortunately, in the Internet I can't cause too much problems. You're almost safe.
I will gladly take those cookies, heard a lot about them on the main site, something about squirrels? ;)
Yes indeedy, you heard correctly! (see below)
Hello all!
I came across SSSS a few months ago, but I didn't create an account on this forum, mostly because of my horrible English. But now, when all my friends trying to run away, if I say something like "Did I tell you about one wonderful webcomic ..." I especially need someone who understands my obsession. Hmm... I bet every english-speaker here will be suffering, while reading my posts. Especially because I'm very talkative person.
And so, my beautiful story. Once upon a time my classmate said "I should show you two gorgeous webcomics, and one of them is full of mooses". Yes, we talked about mooses (the best subject for the conversation, I believe). By the way, she didn't mentioned that these mooses are extremely unusual... Anyway, four days later I came to her, shouting "LET ME HUG YOU MY NEW BEST FRIEND BECAUSE YOU SHOWED ME THE MOST BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Now, let's talking about it all the time". Strange, but she didn't call the police. The end.
Ah, yes, I should introduce myself. I'm from Russia, the same age as Tuuri (and the same gender). And I also have the same problem: "you're sixteen?.. or seventeen?.. twelve, maybe?" - That's what I always hear from each new friend.
I'm interested in everything except my university studies (third year student of philosophy - don't know why I got involved in this. I guess, to make sure that I'll never find a job).
I'm an annoying extrovert, too loud and too enthusiastic. The best way to deal with me when I'm in a good mood - leave me alone in a locked room for a few hours until I become quiet (almost all of my friends think so). I am eternally busy with some nonsense like writing short stupid stories for my little nephews, or drawing something strange and useless, or dancing with a bunch of crazy people in old-fashioned clothes ("mad robin" - this is just my favorite dance). Fortunately, in the Internet I can't cause too much problems. You're almost safe.
Welcome! Here are some cookies just for you! (and for Wolfie, there are lots to go around)
Hello, mad robin! If you're talkative and extroverted, just come sit here by me and we'll never let anyone else get a word in edgewise. :) (BTW, don't worry about your English -- it looks fine to me.)
If you like writing little stories or "drawing something strange and useless," you'll fit in perfectly here. Check out the threads for fan-art, memes/edits, and the SSSS Scriptorium.
And if you like "dancing with a bunch of people in old-fashioned clothes," tell me about it! I belong to several historic dance clubs and am trying to teach "The Congress of Vienna" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM2kchn6RqM) Waltz to some of our Forum-ites.
See you on the forum...
P.S. Is that Moominmamma in your avatar? I like you already!
Hello all!
I came across SSSS a few months ago, but I didn't create an account on this forum, mostly because of my horrible English. But now, when all my friends trying to run away, if I say something like "Did I tell you about one wonderful webcomic ..." I especially need someone who understands my obsession. Hmm... I bet every english-speaker here will be suffering, while reading my posts. Especially because I'm very talkative person.
And so, my beautiful story. Once upon a time my classmate said "I should show you two gorgeous webcomics, and one of them is full of mooses". Yes, we talked about mooses (the best subject for the conversation, I believe). By the way, she didn't mentioned that these mooses are extremely unusual... Anyway, four days later I came to her, shouting "LET ME HUG YOU MY NEW BEST FRIEND BECAUSE YOU SHOWED ME THE MOST BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Now, let's talking about it all the time". Strange, but she didn't call the police. The end.
Ah, yes, I should introduce myself. I'm from Russia, the same age as Tuuri (and the same gender). And I also have the same problem: "you're sixteen?.. or seventeen?.. twelve, maybe?" - That's what I always hear from each new friend.
I'm interested in everything except my university studies (third year student of philosophy - don't know why I got involved in this. I guess, to make sure that I'll never find a job).
I'm an annoying extrovert, too loud and too enthusiastic. The best way to deal with me when I'm in a good mood - leave me alone in a locked room for a few hours until I become quiet (almost all of my friends think so). I am eternally busy with some nonsense like writing short stupid stories for my little nephews, or drawing something strange and useless, or dancing with a bunch of crazy people in old-fashioned clothes ("mad robin" - this is just my favorite dance). Fortunately, in the Internet I can't cause too much problems. You're almost safe.
Welcome, Wolfie! Welcome, Mad Robin!
So in your orbit, are you at the *closest* or *furthest* point from the sun? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perihelion_and_aphelion)
I prefer to be at the Aphelion, as I live in the northern hemisphere, but unfortunately I am caught up in the perpetual motion of the planet and am pulled back to Perihelion every year. Life has a way of doing that, and the name helps me to remember that change is natural, and inevitable.
Welcome! Here are some cookies just for you! (and for Wolfie, there are lots to go around)
Eeeeeee, thank uuuu! I can't imagine better way to welcome newcomers than cookies.
Welcome, Wolfie! Welcome, Mad Robin!
Hello, mad robin! If you're talkative and extroverted, just come sit here by me and we'll never let anyone else get a word in edgewise. :) (BTW, don't worry about your English -- it looks fine to me.)
If you like writing little stories or "drawing something strange and useless," you'll fit in perfectly here. Check out the threads for fan-art, memes/edits, and the SSSS Scriptorium.
And if you like "dancing with a bunch of people in old-fashioned clothes," tell me about it! I belong to several historic dance clubs and am trying to teach "The Congress of Vienna" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM2kchn6RqM) Waltz to some of our Forum-ites.
See you on the forum...
P.S. Is that Moominmamma in your avatar? I like you already!
Yay! I Wish I could hug you! (All of you ;D) This is my usual reaction when I am happy (and maybe the answer to the question why all introverts are so afraid of me...) And now I'm really happy!
Yeah, Moomins is my big love for a long time. Actually, on the last New Year's holidays, my cousin presented me a toy-Moomintroll and advised to call it Emil. Because it will make me happy for life. It was an excellent idea, but now no one person is allowed to touch my Moomin-Emil even a finger without my written permission.
Speaking about historical dances ... To be honest, I'm pretty useless in this matter, because in our dance club we get together just to drink tea, eat cookies, laugh a lot, maaaaaybe a little dance and, in the end, make a farce instead of a normal dancing-party.
I've already looked fan-art thread - and woah! - this forum is full of geniuses! I'm not too good at drawing, but I have too much free time now. I think it will have consequences.
And it is time to me to shut up, otherwise my idle chatter will never end.
Eeeeeee, thank uuuu! I can't imagine better way to welcome newcomers than cookies.
Yay! I Wish I could hug you! (All of you ;D) This is my usual reaction when I am happy (and maybe the answer to the question why all introverts are so afraid of me...) And now I'm really happy!
Yeah, Moomins is my big love for a long time. Actually, on the last New Year's holidays, my cousin presented me a toy-Moomintroll and advised to call it Emil. Because it will make me happy for life. It was an excellent idea, but now no one person is allowed to touch my Moomin-Emil even a finger without my written permission.
Speaking about historical dances ... To be honest, I'm pretty useless in this matter, because in our dance club we get together just to drink tea, eat cookies, laugh a lot, maaaaaybe a little dance and, in the end, make a farce instead of a normal dancing-party.
I've already looked fan-art thread - and woah! - this forum is full of geniuses! I'm not too good at drawing, but I have too much free time now. I think it will have consequences.
And it is time to me to shut up, otherwise my idle chatter will never end.
Helloo other Newbie. :D *gives you a hug* Your enthousiasm is refreshing. Introverts (like me) don't hate you, they are maybe a little overwhelmed, like a cat that hisses when you suddenly pick it up and cuddle it. :3 As Lalli shows, if they get used to you, beautiful friendships can grow and you can do eachothers hair even. :-* Tragic story, I became very afraid of watching the Moomins after I saw an episode in which they are lost in a forest. No clue what episode it was but it was apparently such a strong image of 'getting lost' that I thought the Moomins were scary. *cough* Not anymore ofcourse, but I never watched much of it as a result. T-T
Helloo other Newbie. :D *gives you a hug* Your enthousiasm is refreshing. Introverts (like me) don't hate you, they are maybe a little overwhelmed, like a cat that hisses when you suddenly pick it up and cuddle it. :3 As Lalli shows, if they get used to you, beautiful friendships can grow and you can do eachothers hair even. :-* Tragic story, I became very afraid of watching the Moomins after I saw an episode in which they are lost in a forest. No clue what episode it was but it was apparently such a strong image of 'getting lost' that I thought the Moomins were scary. *cough* Not anymore ofcourse, but I never watched much of it as a result. T-T
Hellooooo to you too! ;D
Well, all SSSS-readers know how important first impressions are. Better than anyone else :D For me the Moomins started with the excellent book "Comet in Moominland" and it's one of the best childhood memories.
Just realized: observation of the behavior of cats (and Lally) may be the best way to understand how not to annoy introverts.
Ah, yes, I should introduce myself. I'm from Russia, the same age as Tuuri (and the same gender). And I also have the same problem: "you're sixteen?.. or seventeen?.. twelve, maybe?" - That's what I always hear from each new friend.
I'm interested in everything except my university studies (third year student of philosophy - don't know why I got involved in this. I guess, to make sure that I'll never find a job).
A philosophy student! From Russia! It is always a joy to meet someone who speaks your language in a such international place. And the one who has spirits to study something they like rather than something more down-to-earth (so few get the job that matches their speciality anyway).
Welcome, welcome, welcome! :D
A philosophy student! From Russia! It is always a joy to meet someone who speaks your language in a such international place. And the one who has spirits to study something they like rather than something more down-to-earth (so few get the job that matches their speciality anyway).
Welcome, welcome, welcome! :D
*And,* as you may have seen on the Server Move Discussion, (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=314.0) before too long we'll be moving the Forum to a new server host that supports Unicode including Cyrillic! So we'll be able to start a Learning Russian thread and... oh, so much more.
Be very nice to Hushpiper -- she's the one leading the move (*and* probably paying for the future domain name). And to Eich, as our Admin, making sure we can get all safely packed up and transferred from our current host.
*And,* as you may have seen on the new thread, before too long we'll be moving the Forum to a new server host that supports Unicode including Cyrillic! So we'll be able to start a Learning Russian thread and... oh, so much more.
I can finally make an introduction in the language forum! *wipes single tear* Truly an amazing day
I can finally make an introduction in the language forum! *wipes single tear* Truly an amazing day
Can't you do that with latin letters (like "privyet")?
Can't you do that with latin letters (like "privyet")?
Sadly, this manner cannot reflect all the sounds correctly :( Same can be said about any other language that uses alphabet that differs from latin one.
Well, there *are* transliteration schemes that can accuratedly reflect all the nuances of Russian orthography but:
They tend to look weird, because they use ' and " to differentiate certain symbols.
Some of them still require special symbols that won't necessarily show up on the forum.
And if you're going to the trouble to learn orthography as opposed to just pronunciation, you might as well learn the cyrillic alphabet, which is really useful and not that hard (there is very little material to read in Russian-written-in-Latin, transcription schemes exist mostly for the purpose of passports and such).
Here's an overview:
Myself I tend to use GOST 2002 (B), but I don't find any of these fully satisfying.
Hi all! I'm Jennifer. I'm a Creative Director in San Francisco, CA.
I found out about A Redtail's dream from Indiegogo. Actually, I saw a picture of Indiegogo's offices, and they had hung a banner for A Redtail's Dream from the ceiling; the artwork caught my eye. I found it online and devoured it quickly. By then Minna had already started SSSS and was running the print campaign for it. The artwork kills me. aRTD was amazing already, but she just keeps getting better and better.
At one point I wanted to get into comics. I took sequential arts in school, and loved it. But after starting my career in graphic design, I mostly stopped drawing. But Minna has inspired me to pick it up again. I'm way rusty, but it's good to see progress.
Since discovering aRTD, I've tried to find other comics I like as much, but haven't found too many yet. I'm really picky about artwork. I'm currently following Prague Race (I have no idea what's going on but it's all gorgeously hand-pencilied), and Wilde Life (the character/life drawing is pretty great). There are a few more that are on my list to check out, but I haven't yet.
I'm typically much more of a lurker than a poster, but I've enjoyed what I've read on the SSSS comments, so I figured I'd try my hand at participating here. I've only looked at a couple of threads so far...looks like there's a lot going on!
Welcome, Jennifer! That's an adorable icon. If you like knitting, you might like our new Needlecraft thread. You may already have seen our (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=35.0) artwork (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=33.0) and meme/edit threads.
I'm pleased to see another member in the Bay Area -- I'm on the Peninsula, myself. Maybe someday we'll be scouting out reasonably priced hotel ballrooms around SFO for an SSSS fan meet-up! :)
Thanks for the welcome! Yep, I've seen the artwork thread. I'm gonna post something to that in a bit. I'm not much of a knitter. I can crochet okay, but I don't do it much these days. I'll check out the thread, though!
Are there many Bay Area folks here?
Hallo hallo! I'm Kata, I'm 28 years old, American, live in the St. Pete, FL area and really really bad at introductions, whoops. ^^;;
I found SSSS on a friend's recommendation last fall, and am madly in love with it. I've read it through three times (working on a fourth) and it's just. So fabulous. I'm so glad Minna's able to post so regularly, it would be MURDER on my soul if this only updated once or twice a week.
Welcome, newcomers! Enjoy your stay! :) *throws cookies at both of you*
Are there many Bay Area folks here?
No, in terms of *declared* locals I think it's just you and me so far. I've seen a couple of members north and/or east of the Bay Area (on the map I couldn't pin it down to better than Gold Country-Sacramento-ish), and a couple more down by Gilroy and points south.
I'm kind of surprised there aren't bigger numbers, given the strong geek vibe of the Bay Area. ??? But I'm sure SSSS will find its audience all in good time.
I found SSSS on a friend's recommendation last fall, and am madly in love with it. I've read it through three times (working on a fourth) and it's just. So fabulous. I'm so glad Minna's able to post so regularly, it would be MURDER on my soul if this only updated once or twice a week.
Uhh, Kata Kissa, I don't know how to tell you this, but... Minna's going on a 2-week chapter break soon...
No, in terms of *declared* locals I think it's just you and me so far. I've seen a couple of members north and/or east of the Bay Area (on the map I couldn't pin it down to better than Gold Country-Sacramento-ish), and a couple more down by Gilroy and points south.
I'm kind of surprised there aren't bigger numbers, given the strong geek vibe of the Bay Area. ??? But I'm sure SSSS will find its audience all in good time.
Is that the interactive map I saw once in the SSSS comments? Where is that? I tell everyone who will listen about SSSS, so there will be more of us in no time!
Uhh, Kata Kissa, I don't know how to tell you this, but... Minna's going on a 2-week chapter break soon...
I know T_T But at least it's only for 2 weeks, and not consistent, you know? The occasional break is okay when there are 4-5 days of updates a week normally.
Is that the interactive map I saw once in the SSSS comments? Where is that? I tell everyone who will listen about SSSS, so there will be more of us in no time!
The link to the map is in the first post of this thread:
(Note that you don't have to be a Forum member to post there, so the pins aren't a 1-for-1 reflection of Forum members.)
I see we have one (unnamed) fan in Marin County, and others in Sacramento, Gilroy, Santa Cruz, and near Modesto, plus someone 'way up in the foothills. Otherwise, the next nearest mapped fans aren't till Santa Barbara, Reno, or Oregon. (But nobody from Portland?!? Someone needs to tell Fred, Carrie, and the Mayor (http://www.ifc.com/shows/portlandia)!)
The link to the map is in the first post of this thread:
Aaaaaand that's what I get for jumping straight to the end. Thanks! And yes, the Mayor! He would TOTALLY get into SSSS. Although, I'm not sure he would like the horror bits.
Actually, I saw a picture of Indiegogo's offices, and they had hung a banner for A Redtail's Dream from the ceiling
Wait, what? :o Would that photo(?) happen to have been published?
I knew that Minna's a rather major player in their "comic" section (https://www.indiegogo.com/explore/comic?filter_quick=most_funded), but ... !
Hello to everyone here!
I finally decided to join the fan forum!
I go by the name Incanus01 in the comments section of the comic but here I chose to use my first name. :)
I have been following Minna's fantastic comics ever since I stumbled upon A Red Tail's Dream comic site through some link in another webcomic and have been reading her work ever since.
Looking forward to acquainting myself with this place and all the people here. By a quick glance this looks like a fun set up with language subforum and all.
Hello to everyone here!
I finally decided to join the fan forum!
I go by the name Incanus01 in the comments section of the comic but here I chose to use my first name. :)
I have been following Minna's fantastic comics ever since I stumbled upon A Red Tail's Dream comic site through some link in another webcomic and have been reading her work ever since.
Looking forward to acquainting myself with this place and all the people here. By a quick glance this looks like a fun set up with language subforum and all.
MIIIKKOOOOOOOOOO! *hug-attack* Oh gosh we all wanted you to join the forum so much! Welcome, welcome! Have a cookie!
Hello Nimphy! Nice to see a fellow bard around these parts! :)
*hands a cookie*
It's a dangerous business, Nimphy, going to a fan forum. You step onto that road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. For hours and hours at a time.
Which is the reason I have not come to participate here earlier. I have been quite busy and I know I'll be hanging out here with your guys dangerously much if I get all immersed. But in the end I absolutely had to join. ;)
It's a dangerous business, Nimphy, going to a fan forum. You step onto that road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. For hours and hours at a time.
Which is the reason I have not come to participate here earlier. I have been quite busy and I know I'll be hanging out here with your guys dangerously much if I get all immersed. But in the end I absolutely had to join. ;)
Pfft! Addiction? You fear addiction? Do not worry. Soon, you'll be overwhelmed with joy to be addicted to this wonderful corner of the Internet!
Also, for extra addiction, may I invite you over to the Chat? (http://webchat.quakenet.org/)
We have a Chat?!!! :o
We have a Chat?!!! :o
Follow the liiiiink (http://webchat.quakenet.org/)
We have a Chat?!!! :o
Two, actually. ;)
Cheers Job! :)
And Nimphy of course!
Hello to everyone here!
I finally decided to join the fan forum!
I go by the name Incanus01 in the comments section of the comic but here I chose to use my first name. :)
I have been following Minna's fantastic comics ever since I stumbled upon A Red Tail's Dream comic site through some link in another webcomic and have been reading her work ever since.
Looking forward to acquainting myself with this place and all the people here. By a quick glance this looks like a fun set up with language subforum and all.
Hello, fellow librarian buddy! :D Welcome to the forums~
Hello, fellow librarian buddy! :D Welcome to the forums~
Ah hi Solovei! Always nice to meet fellow librarians (or information specialists)!
I can't wait to explore this place. It seems pretty huge and a bit maze-like at the moment but I know from experience it takes some time to navigate new forums.
I can't wait to explore this place. It seems pretty huge and a bit maze-like at the moment but I know from experience it takes some time to navigate new forums.
You might want to note that there's a server switch upcoming, which occasion shall be used to update to the latest version of the forum software, and installing an extension module that allows content tagging is planned along with it. Whether you want to play tag with the old content as you catch up, or prefer to wait 'til the maze has been slain and lies flattened before your eyes, is up to you to decide, I suppose. ;)
Hello to everyone here!
I finally decided to join the fan forum!
I go by the name Incanus01 in the comments section of the comic but here I chose to use my first name. :)
I have been following Minna's fantastic comics ever since I stumbled upon A Red Tail's Dream comic site through some link in another webcomic and have been reading her work ever since.
Looking forward to acquainting myself with this place and all the people here. By a quick glance this looks like a fun set up with language subforum and all.
Mikkoooooo! :D *dances around werdly*
Glad you finally came by, and I hope you like it here!
*Honorary forum-Thor welcome*
Hello to everyone here!
Hey good buddy, good to see you here!
Wait, what? :o Would that photo(?) happen to have been published?
It was on https://www.themuse.com/companies/indiegogo but now that link just redirects you to the homepage. I think company profiles are a paid service on themuse, so maybe Indiegogo isn't active now.
However, I did some serious googling and found this:
(http://www.barkerblue.com/blueblog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/DSC_7619.jpg) (http://www.barkerblue.com/blueblog/brand-refresh/)
I'm not sure if that's the same one I saw. In my head it was different, both the banner and the room, but I could be remembering it wrong. In any case, it was clearly Ville's incomparable cute-power that led me to Minna. We're supposed to be looking at how cool their office is, but I can't see past the dog.
Random way to find out about a comic, for sure.
Aaaah, a chat! /trots into that immediately
Also that is a really cool picture, otter, it's great that that picture (or one like it anyway) led to at least one person reading Minna's work. :D
I'm not sure if that's the same one I saw. In my head it was different, both the banner and the room, but I could be remembering it wrong.
Hmmmm. That particular photo was taken 30-Mar-2014 (says the EXIF data contained in the file) and the rebranding depicted was publicly announced (http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/08/indiegogo-updates-its-logo-and-redesigns-website-finally-optimized-for-mobile-and-tablets/) around that date, too - by that time, the aRTD books had already been shipped to the backers. (And since I don't remember the dog!Ville postcard appearing electronically on the campaign page, ever, chances are that some Indiegogo staff member backed the campaign himself and that's where they got the artwork from in the first place.)
FWIW, this (https://go.indiegogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Feb_19_Blog_Post1.gif) is what their logo looked like while the aRTD print drive was running.
Good detective work! By the time I saw the banner, the SSSS campaign was in full swing, so it would have been after the rebrand.
The link to the map is in the first post of this thread:
I see you there, with the sunflower! :) Clever. I used to live in the bay area, but relocated up to Oregon years ago. Would love to get together if I was closer. As it is, there's no one on the map from my area. I'm trying to convert minions left and right, but have only got one friend into it. It was rather wonderful to show him a bit of fan art and have him say, "That's Lalli, right?"
Welcome everyone I haven't welcomed yet because I got behind in welcoming! Meep! :o
Welcome everyone I haven't welcomed yet because I got behind in welcoming! Meep! :o
Hi Eris! :D
Ahhh hello! I've been lurking through the forum for a while but now I decided to be brave enough to write something, haha.
Officially I'm ich (without a capital I!) but I use mureena for registering purposes, so you can call me either. ("Mureena" is Finnish for moray eel if anyone's interested.) I'm 20, from Finland, and I've been reading SSSS since around the end of second chapter/beginning of the third. Currently I'm not studying anything or working but I'm trying to apply to a college this year.
Other than my obsession over SSSS I'm into animangos (a practical myanimelist link (http://myanimelist.net/profile/mureena)) and drawing, while my biggest dream in life is to own a dog.
I haven't been on actual forums for years so I apologize if I start to sound like Tumblr lingo, haha. I'm trying to get more active on the forum because none of my friends read SSSS and I need people to talk to..! (??? ) Let's obsess together get along oK
/starts sweating
Ahhh hello! I've been lurking through the forum for a while but now I decided to be brave enough to write something, haha.
Officially I'm ich (without a capital I!) but I use mureena for registering purposes, so you can call me either. ("Mureena" is Finnish for moray eel if anyone's interested.) I'm 20, from Finland, and I've been reading SSSS since around the end of second chapter/beginning of the third. Currently I'm not studying anything or working but I'm trying to apply to a college this year.
Other than my obsession over SSSS I'm into animangos (a practical myanimelist link (http://myanimelist.net/profile/mureena)) and drawing, while my biggest dream in life is to own a dog.
I haven't been on actual forums for years so I apologize if I start to sound like Tumblr lingo, haha. I'm trying to get more active on the forum because none of my friends read SSSS and I need people to talk to..! (??? ) Let's obsess together get along oK
/starts sweating
Welcome ich (you should have made that your username, you could impersonate the admin). I was going to comment that your avatar is, uh, interesting but your myanimelist avatar is even more interesting. There's an anime thread over here (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=48.180). It says on your myanimelist that you've watched over 287 series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik), is that actually right?
Other than my obsession over SSSS I'm into animangos (a practical myanimelist link (http://myanimelist.net/profile/mureena)) and drawing, while my biggest dream in life is to own a dog.
I like you already. Have some cookies, stay awhile!
(also pretty sure I've seen you around tumblr, heh)
It says on your myanimelist that you've watched over 287 series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik), is that actually right?
It is, actually! Most of them are movies or OVAs (or other specials) so there's a lot of one episode things. I consume anime for living. (and i laughed at that video im we ak)
I like you already. Have some cookies, stay awhile!
(also pretty sure I've seen you around tumblr, heh)
/takes all the cookies
But yeah you most likely have, haha.. . . ... I overreact over Emil/Lalli things (YOUR COMIC FOR EXAMPLE SWEATS) and I've been rolling on the fanart side there!
Thank you both you're too nice ;7;
/takes all the cookies
But yeah you most likely have, haha.. . . ... I overreact over Emil/Lalli things (YOUR COMIC FOR EXAMPLE SWEATS) and I've been rolling on the fanart side there!
Thank you both you're too nice ;7;
Ah yeah, you're the one who posted all the excited tags on that post ;D Gave me a good chuckle.
I'm trying to get more active on the forum because none of my friends read SSSS and I need people to talk to..! (??? ) Let's obsess together get along oK
/starts sweating
Oh yes, let's be friends. :D Welcome! Love your avatar.
Gave me a good chuckle.
Oh yes, let's be friends. :D Welcome! Love your avatar.
I'm glad my avatar makes its way to people's hearts, haha. Thank yooououou too ( ? ³?)?
/edit: Apparently the forum doesn't appreciate my emojis tho haha
I like you already. Have some cookies, stay awhile!
(also pretty sure I've seen you around tumblr, heh)
Eh Piney, you are aware about the original quote, aren't you? :P
Eh Piney, you are aware about the original quote, aren't you? :P
Ah, no? Maybe? What?
Ah, no? Maybe? What?
*coughcough* Live of Brian *coughcough*
*goes into hiding*
*coughcough* Live of Brian *coughcough*
*goes into hiding*
Wait, yes! I'm familiar with that, yeah :) (I was just going off the idiom "take off your coat and stay a while")
Hello all!
I've been meaning to join the forum for a while now, but I prefer to lurk, generally because... reasons. I really enjoy perusing the forums though so I figured I ought to at least introduce myself and stop lurking.
I'm a year older than Tuuri, I have a bachelor's degree in French and Spanish, I speak a little Italian, am learning Korean, and have recently added Finnish to my to-do list along with Japanese, Icelandic, Dutch, German and Russian just for fun ...I dream big. I call the pretty, pretty Pacific Northwest my home but I want to travel all over the world. I'm struggling to find a job though (because I refuse to be a teacher!) so that might take a while. In the meantime I read SSSS, post comments, read books, draw things, sing songs, and watch an embarrassing amount of Korean dramas.
Hello all!
I've been meaning to join the forum for a while now, but I prefer to lurk, generally because... reasons. I really enjoy perusing the forums though so I figured I ought to at least introduce myself and stop lurking.
I'm a year older than Tuuri, I have a bachelor's degree in French and Spanish, I speak a little Italian, am learning Korean, and have recently added Finnish to my to-do list along with Japanese, Icelandic, Dutch, German and Russian just for fun ...I dream big. I call the pretty, pretty Pacific Northwest my home but I want to travel all over the world. I'm struggling to find a job though (because I refuse to be a teacher!) so that might take a while. In the meantime I read SSSS, post comments, read books, draw things, sing songs, and watch an embarrassing amount of Korean dramas.
Welcome! You'll find a good number of French speakers (from France, Canada, and Belgium so far, plus learners like me) and a few Spanish speakers. And given all the other languages you hope to learn for fun... you'll fit in just fine. :D
I don't suppose you want to move down to the overcrowded S.F. Bay Area, do you? I see a lot of jobs in writing/editing (my field) that require near-native fluency in one or more European languages as well as English. (Chinese too, if anyone else reads this...) I can make silly jokes in 2-3 languages and sing Hawaiian Christmas carols, but that's not exactly what they're looking for.
BTW, what inspired your forum name? Are you a jazz fan? If so, you'll find kindred spirits in the music threads.
Hi everyone!
So, I realized I haven't properly introduced myself yet, I kinda just jumped into everything. Figured it's time to fix that now that it's the dreaded chapter break!
I go by the name Windfighter on most sites I sign up, and I try to get people to just call me Windy, but I guess "Wind" is a kinda good name as well? Anyway, please call me Windy.
I'm a 26 year old girl living in the southern part of Sweden. I don't really speak english, but I like to think that I write it pretty well. I've also studied a bit spanish, but forgotten most of it. I'm fluent in swedish though!
I'm mostly a lurker, too shy to do anything else than peek at what you guys write, but I'm trying to be more active.
I started stalking Minna about halfway through aRTD so I've read SSSS since it first started. I also frequent a lot of other webcomics, but SSSS is by far my favorite which is why I've started delurking around the forum and the comment section.
What more can I tell you?
I enjoy writing, reading and watching anime. I still haven't written a fanfic for SSSS, but I'm working on that. I also recently learned how to make AMV's and continued my success with making two fanvids for SSSS.
Err... I'm out of ideas about what to write now, so if there's anything else you'd like to know about me feel free to ask!
...I dream big. I call the pretty, pretty Pacific Northwest my home but I want to travel all over the world. I'm struggling to find a job though (because I refuse to be a teacher!) so that might take a while. In the meantime I read SSSS, post comments, read books, draw things, sing songs, and watch an embarrassing amount of Korean dramas.
Welcome, fellow PNWester! *longdistanceawkwardsidehug* No one will judge you for watching the Korean dramas.... at least, I can't, as I've watched several and am hesitant to admit it to the general public. >_>
Welcome! You'll find a good number of French speakers (from France, Canada, and Belgium so far, plus learners like me) and a few Spanish speakers. And given all the other languages you hope to learn for fun... you'll fit in just fine. :D
I don't suppose you want to move down to the overcrowded S.F. Bay Area, do you? I see a lot of jobs in writing/editing (my field) that require near-native fluency in one or more European languages as well as English. (Chinese too, if anyone else reads this...) I can make silly jokes in 2-3 languages and sing Hawaiian Christmas carols, but that's not exactly what they're looking for.
BTW, what inspired your forum name? Are you a jazz fan? If so, you'll find kindred spirits in the music threads.
Haha I've been perusing through the language thread for the past hour or so. J'ai vu que vous parlez français trés bien ;D It looks like the romance language thread is pretty much dead though... I may just post something anyways, just for kicks.
So where/how do you find these writing/editing jobs? I wouldn't mind living in S.F. It is, in fact the only city in California I could live in (the Oregonian is strong in me). It would be an adventure, that's for sure.
My forum name is something I made up when I was eleven for my email address. Back then I really hated having numbers in my username so it took me forever to come up with something. Eventually I started naming objects around the room, one of which was a book my grandma was reading called "White Jazz." That of course was taken so I typed in Blackjazz and the rest is history. :) It's got nothing to do with music but I did play the clarinet for seven years and was in choir for many, many years.
Welcome, fellow PNWester! *longdistanceawkwardsidehug* No one will judge you for watching the Korean dramas.... at least, I can't, as I've watched several and am hesitant to admit it to the general public. >_>
Yay! Another kdrama fan! What are your favorites?
Hi I'm Martha, I'm from Germany and discovered this great comic(s) and the forum just, let's say, a week ago. :)
Well I like Pen and Paper games, and first I thought in the RPG thread I could join, but as far as I understood it's not ready to play... I love languages, even when I only speak german and english, and a bit spanish and french (but that's already a long time ago, so not so perfect). I want to learn some scandinavian languages and maybe finish ^^ What I definitely want to do is make a trip around scandinavia (or at least "normal" holiday in these countries). Maybe I can find people who want to come with me :D
Well I like to draw, but I never find the proper time to improve or upload anyhting. And I like all kinds of Metal, but I also listen to other music genres. Especially to musicals (as Lion king, phantom of the opera, Dance of the vampires, etc) and disney music :D so a happy colourful bunch of different things which not exclude each other.
So nothing more comes up my mind. Oh well I'm a really big Bioware fan (Dragon Age and Mass Effect). So and for everything else just ask me ^^
Welcome all those I haven't greeted yet ;D
Martha: as you noticed, SSSS: The RPG (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=121.msg20689#new) is still under (somewhat) active development, and in dire need of experienced contributors, so if you want to comment / suggest / invent / otherwise help, you'd be very welcome ;)
Hey, Kdrama fans (Peraphelion, Blackjazz, Auleliel, et al.): Would you mind if I moved the 3 or 4 posts discussing Korean dramas to the TV/Movies thread? As our Forum expands, I feel a greater need to keep threads on-topic so we don't scare off (future) newcomers.
Oops, sorry. I always seem to be off-topic. Yes, go ahead.
Oh well I'm a really big Bioware fan (Dragon Age and Mass Effect). So and for everything else just ask me ^^
Yes. Hello. I, too, love bioware. Välkommen!
The 4 messages in question were moved to the TV and Movies thread on this board. They have the subject "Korean dramas". Hope that's OK...
I forgot we were chatting it up on the Intro thread. Thanks for tidying up. :D
Hello!! My name is Curry and I live in the vague central area of Florida, USA. I'm 15 (wow i feel so young now), 16 in April. I'm relatively new to the ssss fandom (a couple months at most?) but it's absolutely fantastic and has quickly become my main fandom. I'm here from tumblr, so I probably walk, talk, and act like tumblr, so apologies in advance...
I draw a LOT and am also writing a fanfic at the moment, but I'm going back and forth over whether to post it or not (worrying over characterizations and such aha) so doodles will probably be my main contribution to this fandom! Also I might cosplay this in the vague future whee
Alternate fandoms include a couple animes, homestuck (kind of), and lots and lots of webcomics.
That's it, most likely!
Hello!! My name is Curry and I live in the vague central area of Florida, USA. I'm 15 (wow i feel so young now), 16 in April. I'm relatively new to the ssss fandom (a couple months at most?) but it's absolutely fantastic and has quickly become my main fandom. I'm here from tumblr, so I probably walk, talk, and act like tumblr, so apologies in advance...
I draw a LOT and am also writing a fanfic at the moment, but I'm going back and forth over whether to post it or not (worrying over characterizations and such aha) so doodles will probably be my main contribution to this fandom! Also I might cosplay this in the vague future whee
Alternate fandoms include a couple animes, homestuck (kind of), and lots and lots of webcomics.
That's it, most likely!
There you are, fellow tumblrer!
I welcome you with a cookie platter:
Welcome all new minnions! ;D
*looks back through the thread* Piney, do you make a new cookie drawing each time? That's real dedication!
Welcome all new minnions! ;D
*looks back through the thread* Piney, do you make a new cookie drawing each time? That's real dedication!
Heh, not everytime... At least one of them is for more than one member, and sometimes I don't have time to draw one, but I do draw these after I read the introductions, and they are all different!
Heh, not everytime... At least one of them is for more than one member, and sometimes I don't have time to draw one, but I do draw these after I read the introductions, and they are all different!
I like them! The two hugging squirrels in this one are my faves tho :P
There you are, fellow tumblrer!
I welcome you with a cookie platter:
thank you! cookies accepted and already mostly eaten. oops.
Welcome, minions of Chaos, er I mean of SSSS! I greet you!
Welcome, minions of Chaos, er I mean of SSSS! I greet you!
Chaos doesn't exist, it's just complexity :D
Thanks for the warm welcome :)
Martha: as you noticed, SSSS: The RPG (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=121.msg20689#new) is still under (somewhat) active development, and in dire need of experienced contributors, so if you want to comment / suggest / invent / otherwise help, you'd be very welcome ;)
I will see what I can do and thanks :) (I hope I didn't messed up the quote again xD )
apparently there are cookies being given in exchange for introducing oneself....
20, from the UK, currently living in London, studying neuroscience at kcl
i'm a massive language nerd (no prizes for guessing how i stumbled upon SSSS), so p much all of my postings will be in the language board (Linguania? i feel like it should have a more creative name)
i'm also a massive nerd-in-general, happy to engage in most geekery
i read a lot. as in a lot. i try to limit myself to 1 book/week
other interests include travel, playing squash (much less than i should) and skiing (much less than i want)
flaws include being woefully scatty, tragically untalented in arts/music and avoiding social interaction
*eagerly awaits lovingly baked treats*
Chaos doesn't exist, it's just complexity :D
-eyes you suspiciously-
apparently there are cookies being given in exchange for introducing oneself....
20, from the UK, currently living in London, studying neuroscience at kcl
i'm a massive language nerd (no prizes for guessing how i stumbled upon SSSS), so p much all of my postings will be in the language board (Linguania? i feel like it should have a more creative name)
i'm also a massive nerd-in-general, happy to engage in most geekery
i read a lot. as in a lot. i try to limit myself to 1 book/week
other interests include travel, playing squash (much less than i should) and skiing (much less than i want)
flaws include being woefully scatty, tragically untalented in arts/music and avoiding social interaction
*eagerly awaits lovingly baked treats*
Welcome! -showers you with cookies- ;D
*eagerly awaits lovingly baked treats*
Welcome, welcome! But I am afraid nothing is for free in this world. You'll have to pay! It's one hug per tray of lovingly baked sweets!
*eagerly awaits lovingly baked treats*
*dumps them on you*
*dumps them on you*
Haha, that's the best one yet! :D
Haha, that's the best one yet! :D
Don't egg her on, or the newbs will find themselves sprinting through an entaglement while getting decked by a cookie machine gun next. 8)
Don't egg her on, or the newbs will find themselves sprinting through an entaglement while getting decked by a cookie machine gun next. 8)
And yet, you give me this idea...
And yet, you give me this idea...
True, but *I* never suggested that I'ld react in any other way than returning fire with a milk mortar. :P
And don't you make me put the ammo in the freezer beforehand!
(http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb1608.png) (http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb1608.html)
Don't egg her on, or the newbs will find themselves sprinting through an entaglement while getting decked by a cookie machine gun next. 8)
Oh, I'm sure Piney already has more than enough eggs for her cookie-making. I don't have any, anyway. :)
apparently there are cookies being given in exchange for introducing oneself....
I'm a language nerd too! It's kind of a problem. I can't keep myself to studying only one language at a time >.< I've only just recently started indulging in all my other nerdy interests, but the language thing has always been there. :D I've always failed at science though, so I gotta applaud you there.
Don't egg her on, or the newbs will find themselves sprinting through an entaglement while getting decked by a cookie machine gun next. 8)
I am perfectly okay with this.
Yes. Hello. I, too, love bioware. Välkommen!
Sorry I forget you. Yeah Bioware :D
Just sayin...
Heeey everyone!
I've been around for a few weeks now, and have now finally decided to introduce myself xD! Im a 16 year old girl from Norway! It was my good good friend Sigrid Marie who showed me the SSSS comic and "the world of webcomics" I've been addicted since then (Thankyouverymuchwhatshouldihavedonewithoutyou!!) xD I am into everything! from drawing, watching anime & cool series/films to climbing, play video- and boardgames and reading! I hope that i will get to know you all better! There is so much amazing, hilarious and touching fan-art and discussions on here i hope i soon will be a part of!! (i will definitely make some fan-art in the nearest future!!)
nailed it... xD
*High fives myself*
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Heeey everyone!
I've been around for a few weeks now, and have now finally decided to introduce myself xD! Im a 16 year old girl from Norway! It was my good good friend Sigrid Marie who showed me the SSSS comic and "the world of webcomics" I've been addicted since then (Thankyouverymuchwhatshouldihavedonewithoutyou!!) xD I am into everything! from drawing, watching anime & cool series/films to climbing, play video- and boardgames and reading! I hope that i will get to know you all better! There is so much amazing, hilarious and touching fan-art and discussions on here i hope i soon will be a part of!! (i will definitely make some fan-art in the nearest future!!)
Welcome. Don't worry, stick around long enough and you'll inevitable be a part of the community just like your friend (especially if you post fan-art).
Heeey everyone!
I've been around for a few weeks now, and have now finally decided to introduce myself xD! Im a 16 year old girl from Norway! It was my good good friend Sigrid Marie who showed me the SSSS comic and "the world of webcomics" I've been addicted since then (Thankyouverymuchwhatshouldihavedonewithoutyou!!) xD I am into everything! from drawing, watching anime & cool series/films to climbing, play video- and boardgames and reading! I hope that i will get to know you all better! There is so much amazing, hilarious and touching fan-art and discussions on here i hope i soon will be a part of!! (i will definitely make some fan-art in the nearest future!!)
nailed it... xD
*High fives myself*
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
I like you already! Welcome!
Welcome! -showers you with cookies- ;D
*dumps them on you*
*makes cookie angel*
Heeey everyone!
I've been around for a few weeks now, and have now finally decided to introduce myself xD! Im a 16 year old girl from Norway! It was my good good friend Sigrid Marie who showed me the SSSS comic and "the world of webcomics" I've been addicted since then (Thankyouverymuchwhatshouldihavedonewithoutyou!!) xD I am into everything! from drawing, watching anime & cool series/films to climbing, play video- and boardgames and reading! I hope that i will get to know you all better! There is so much amazing, hilarious and touching fan-art and discussions on here i hope i soon will be a part of!! (i will definitely make some fan-art in the nearest future!!)
nailed it... xD
*High fives myself*
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
*flails around*
*flails around*
I'll take your word for it, Si! Your friends are our friends. Plus another artist sla-- er, another fanartist who will absolutely decide what and when to draw and will not be 100% dedicated to the community is always welcome!
*flails around*
I like you already! Welcome!
Thankyousomuch!! :D
Heeey everyone!
I've been around for a few weeks now, and have now finally decided to introduce myself xD! Im a 16 year old girl from Norway! It was my good good friend Sigrid Marie who showed me the SSSS comic and "the world of webcomics" I've been addicted since then (Thankyouverymuchwhatshouldihavedonewithoutyou!!) xD I am into everything! from drawing, watching anime & cool series/films to climbing, play video- and boardgames and reading! I hope that i will get to know you all better! There is so much amazing, hilarious and touching fan-art and discussions on here i hope i soon will be a part of!! (i will definitely make some fan-art in the nearest future!!)
nailed it... xD
*High fives myself*
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Welcome to the fandom and to the forum! :D
Welcome. Don't worry, stick around long enough and you'll inevitable be a part of the community just like your friend (especially if you post fan-art).
Thank you! I will do that! :)))
Welcome to the fandom and to the forum! :D
I am a high-school student who lives in Seattle (WOOO! Ballard!). I enjoy science in general, but especially chemistry, because FIIRRRRE. In my lack of spare time, I reread Tolkien and Sherlock Holmes, do cryptograms, generally geek out, and stare at the Internet. See below for languages.
A friend of mine found this through the links on another Hiveworks comic, and shared it when it became apparent that it was amazing (she's still a lurker). I have since channelled much of my webstaring time into the comments section.
*arrives with complimentary squirrel cookie platters for the newbies, because of course*
I am a high-school student who lives in Seattle (WOOO! Ballard!). I enjoy science in general, but especially chemistry, because FIIRRRRE. In my lack of spare time, I reread Tolkien and Sherlock Holmes, do cryptograms, generally geek out, and stare at the Internet. See below for languages.
A friend of mine found this through the links on another Hiveworks comic, and shared it when it became apparent that it was amazing (she's still a lurker). I have since channelled much of my webstaring time into the comments section.
All Hail!
I am a high-school student who lives in Seattle (WOOO! Ballard!). I enjoy science in general, but especially chemistry, because FIIRRRRE. In my lack of spare time, I reread Tolkien and Sherlock Holmes, do cryptograms, generally geek out, and stare at the Internet. See below for languages.
A friend of mine found this through the links on another Hiveworks comic, and shared it when it became apparent that it was amazing (she's still a lurker). I have since channelled much of my webstaring time into the comments section.
Welcome welcome welcome! :D
Blargh there are just too many people joining these days, can't even watch few episodes of full metal alchemist without new faces popping in.
To you all who have joined in my absence, May your forum career be long and your eventual fan-art pritty! Welcome to these forums
Haven't been active on the forum for few months, so I just say a general WELCOME to all you (from my point of view) new people. It's nice that SSSS connects so many different people from so many parts of the world =)
Haven't been active on the forum for few months, so I just say a general WELCOME to all you (from my point of view) new people. It's nice that SSSS connects so many different people from so many parts of the world =)
Greetings to the new ones, and also: welcome back, Pessi. :)
Hi there!
I just discovered (ok a few days ago) this extraordinary webcomic and I fell in love with everything! Now I am slowly walking around the fan forum and think it's quiet an amazing place too! So here I am.
Name Emma, born in France, grew up in Africa (Gabon), then *complex maps of various travel in the world* and then ended in Quebec.
I am in my late 30 and just have a baby (my baby girl!!!! ;D). I hope to show her how the world is full of wonderful and various people. I am a scientist, a wannabe writer and addicted to outdoor activities... and I fell in love with winter.
I am not fluent in many languages alas. French and slowly english (be kind, I make mistakes)... German is far awaaaaaaaaaay.
*thaaaanks - find the info for the flags!*
Hi there!
Hello and welcome!
There is a useful "forum help" thread HERE (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=258). A post or two down you will find instructions for the flags.
Hello folks!
Finally figured I'd make it over here and create an account. I'm a 19-yr-old lady from the US, I've been reading since like halfway through aRTD although I don't comment a whole lot (when I do it's under the name Claire featuring an obese cat pic) but I do like reading what people have to say! Aaanyway, I'm in college right now, thinking about going into geology but I'm not totally sure. In the meantime I work at a little shop designing and printing t-shirts! I like webcomics, silly cartoons, making stuff, learning stuff, and sandbox/simulationey video games. So yep!
*Gasp!* Did you say...
I work at a little shop designing and printing t-shirts!
Have you seen this thread? (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=157.0)
At your convenience, I suggest you talk with OrigamiOwl (who is delightful company anyway) BECAUSE she's created some SSSS T-shirt designs! Maybe we can actually make them a thing!
Also, welcome to the Forum! I've seen your icon on Disqus -- is the photo that poor overweight cat that Anderson Cooper once petted on TV?
Mandatory cookies for the newbies, in the form of squirrels:
Hello folks!
Finally figured I'd make it over here and create an account. I'm a 19-yr-old lady from the US, I've been reading since like halfway through aRTD although I don't comment a whole lot (when I do it's under the name Claire featuring an obese cat pic) but I do like reading what people have to say! Aaanyway, I'm in college right now, thinking about going into geology but I'm not totally sure. In the meantime I work at a little shop designing and printing t-shirts! I like webcomics, silly cartoons, making stuff, learning stuff, and sandbox/simulationey video games. So yep!
Hello! I actually remember you from disqus, specifically because we share a first name (and I like finding people with my name idk :D ) Welcome to forum and help yourself to some Piney-cookies™!
Mandatory cookies for the newbies, in the form of squirrels:
I think it's time you awarded yourself the Cookie Grand Master title.
Welcome all!
And also welcome those who introduced themselves in the *other* intro thread (should we maybe lock one of those?)
And also welcome those who introduced themselves in the *other* intro thread (should we maybe lock one of those?)
The one on the language board? It's there for non-English introductions, a kind of language roll call.
oh :o
never realized that (/me is dumb sometimes) nevermind then :P
Hello! I have been lurking since fairly early on in aRTD. I love stories, and science, and have a mostly healthy obsession with swing dancing. I only speak English, though theoretically I am learning German. I play violin and otamatone (look it up!), and I'm in Science Olympiad, which is like a team sport for science nerds who are sad because there aren't enough tests in the actual science classes we're taking. Mostly though I'm just far too obsessive about swing, and nobody should ever talk to me on Thursday because all that's going to come out of my mouth is stories about all the wonderful and amazing things that happened at swing, and what new aerial I learned, and who said what, and...
Anyway, hello everyone!
Hello! I have been lurking since fairly early on in aRTD. I love stories, and science, and have a mostly healthy obsession with swing dancing. I only speak English, though theoretically I am learning German. I play violin and otamatone (look it up!), and I'm in Science Olympiad, which is like a team sport for science nerds who are sad because there aren't enough tests in the actual science classes we're taking.
Mostly though I'm just far too obsessive about swing, and nobody should ever talk to me on Thursday because all that's going to come out of my mouth is stories about all the wonderful and amazing things that happened at swing, and what new aerial I learned, and who said what, and...
Anyway, hello everyone!
Welcome, Saeirin! You'll be a great addition to the Forum. If you want to exercise your science-nerd side, you can comment on anything from etiology of the Rash (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=18.0) to rebuilding the plastics/petro-chemicals industry (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=327.0) in the Known World.
And if you like swing, join the commentary on the music thread. (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=9.0) We have a lot of jazz and swing fans (Rollo in particular) and are always open to new recommendations.
We're (well, others more musically talented than me) even creating a fan musical (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=58.0) -- check it out.
Best wishes,
*arrives with complimentary squirrel cookie platters for the newbies, because of course*
I'm not actually really new here, just found the introductions. I've been mostly-lurking for a while here and spending a lot of time on comments. But thanks! *nomnomnom*
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, homestuck, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Oh hi! :) *ahem* Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay, and [*shoves cookie platter in your face*] help yourself to some cookies!
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, homestuck, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Welcome Freddie! Have some squirrel cookies! Don't worry you're doing foruming right and it's great that Curry started you off here! You're not the only monolingual person here and not the only 15 year old either! ;) If you like drawing, there are some art threads you can take a look at here in the forum. :D
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, homestuck, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Awwww, the same age I was when I joined my first forum, such a cute widdle thing :)
It may seems a little intimidating at first, but throw yourself into it and it can be good fun and you can really get to know the people you are talking with.
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, homestuck, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Oh my gosh, I am in literally all of those fandoms (except dangan ronpa)!! And don't worry, you're not the only teenager here, nor are you the youngest ;3
If you like to draw, you should definitely check out the ssss art museum (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=35.0)! Actually, you should check out that thread anyway because it's pure awesome.
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, homestuck, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Freddie is really great and her art is even greater and I can't wait for her to start posting it! (incredibly subtle hint wink wonk) Seriously, she's amazing and if you have a tumblr go follow her
Freddie is really great and her art is even greater and I can't wait for her to start posting it! (incredibly subtle hint wink wonk) Seriously, she's amazing and if you have a tumblr go follow her
I don't think she's posted any links to her tumblr yet.
Wow hi? I'm actually 100% new to here and really, on any kind of forum at all, so prob doing this wrong, but???
Anyway, I'm Freddie, 15 (I know, I'm a baby). I started SSSS bc a friend of mine (Curry on here, I think) recommended it. I've never commented but love reading all of the comments.
I draw a bit, and although I'm not in many other fandoms atm (dangan ronpa, haikyuu!!, homestuck, snk, avas demon), i'm working on getting into more. I want to read artd but haven't started yet. I only speak english, unfortunately.
Hullo and welcome! I hope you'll find your stay here as pleasant as possible, and I'm looking forward to seeing some artwork! :)
oh um wow hello
I'm Haiz, I haven't really been on a forum since I was 11 and that was kind of a really embarassing experience, so I'm pretty scared to do anything other than lurk, really......... But after reading SSSS (what, two weeks ago? I caught up just as the break began) I accidentally turned my personal tumblr into a SSSS blog aand uh yeah anyway. I don't think I'll be very active but I guess I'll post some art and stuff maybe??? I mean honestly I should just go to sleep right now
Anyway uh actual introduction yes. Haiz, 20 years old, Norwegian/Czech; Norway-dwelling (I might add tiny flags in the signature thing later I guess. are there even czech flags?), kinda genderless.
I'm currently an art history student, I draw a lot, used to write a lot, I travel a lot (I've been to most of the european countries at this point???), I'm in a historical archery club, aaand I play folk music on violin (not very well). I have a bit of viking cred in form of an outfit, viking market attendance, and a runestone in our garden. I'm scared of the future and of being an adult. I like cartoons, webcomics and pokémon. I'm really drawn to postapocalyptic fantasy settings, especially those who are all back-to-origins/restarting society, but I'm not a fan of zombies. SO YEAH that's me nice to meet you
oh um wow hello
I'm Haiz, I haven't really been on a forum since I was 11 and that was kind of a really embarassing experience, so I'm pretty scared to do anything other than lurk, really......... But after reading SSSS (what, two weeks ago? I caught up just as the break began) I accidentally turned my personal tumblr into a SSSS blog aand uh yeah anyway. I don't think I'll be very active but I guess I'll post some art and stuff maybe???
Welcome, Haiz! By pure coincidence, I was looking at your Tumblr this morning, via the "lalli-hotakainen" Tumblr, and wishing we had your great fan art. Wish granted!
Will you add the explanation from your Tumblr about why each member of the crew is playing that particular instrument?
And will you post more of your work?
Welcome, Haiz! By pure coincidence, I was looking at your Tumblr this morning, via the "lalli-hotakainen" Tumblr, and wishing we had your great fan art. Wish granted!
Will you add the explanation from your Tumblr about why each member of the crew is playing that particular instrument?
And will you post more of your work?
(oh gosh hope I'm doing this quoting thing right)
Oh wow that's kinda super nice to hear!!! And yes I will go add the descriptions, that's a good idea. And yes I will Most Definitely add more art but maybe not at 2AM norwegian time
*Gasp!* Did you say...
Have you seen this thread? (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=157.0)
At your convenience, I suggest you talk with OrigamiOwl (who is delightful company anyway) BECAUSE she's created some SSSS T-shirt designs! Maybe we can actually make them a thing!
Also, welcome to the Forum! I've seen your icon on Disqus -- is the photo that poor overweight cat that Anderson Cooper once petted on TV?
Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that!
As for the obese kitty, I've really got no idea, just saw it and thought it was funny. Gotta love those obese cats!
Hello! I actually remember you from disqus, specifically because we share a first name (and I like finding people with my name idk :D ) Welcome to forum and help yourself to some Piney-cookies™!
I love eating squirrel cookies made by name-sharing buddies!
I've been hanging around since the last chapter break now so I figured it might finally be time to make that introduction post. I'm bad at these, sorry. :-[
I'm from Iceland, originally Finnish. I speak Finnish, Icelandic, English and a brain-addling mixture of Swedish and Icelandic, meaning I try my Swedishest but Icelandic slips in here and there regardless (I can usually tell by the look on my Swedish friends' faces that something I just said made exactly zero sense)(I also make other hilarious mistakes in Swedish)(jag svimmade hela sommaren). I write a gratuitous amount of sub-par fanfic, study Medieval sagas, try to learn more languages (Japanese, French) and knit a LOT. I found SSSS by following an interesting link from... somewhere... tumblr maybe, and got stuck on both the awesome story and the fandom that's unlike any fandom I've ever been to before! So er hi all and nice to meet you! :)
I've been hanging around since the last chapter break now so I figured it might finally be time to make that introduction post. I'm bad at these, sorry. :-[
I'm from Iceland, originally Finnish. I speak Finnish, Icelandic, English and a brain-addling mixture of Swedish and Icelandic, meaning I try my Swedishest but Icelandic slips in here and there regardless (I can usually tell by the look on my Swedish friends' faces that something I just said made exactly zero sense)(I also make other hilarious mistakes in Swedish)(jag svimmade hela sommaren). I write a gratuitous amount of sub-par fanfic, study Medieval sagas, try to learn more languages (Japanese, French) and knit a LOT. I found SSSS by following an interesting link from... somewhere... tumblr maybe, and got stuck on both the awesome story and the fandom that's unlike any fandom I've ever been to before! So er hi all and nice to meet you! :)
Yessss more fanfic writers! :D Welcome!!!!
oh um wow hello
Anyway uh actual introduction yes. Haiz, 20 years old, Norwegian/Czech; Norway-dwelling (I might add tiny flags in the signature thing later I guess. are there even czech flags?), kinda genderless.
I'm currently an art history student, I draw a lot, used to write a lot, I travel a lot (I've been to most of the european countries at this point???), I'm in a historical archery club, aaand I play folk music on violin (not very well). I have a bit of viking cred in form of an outfit, viking market attendance, and a runestone in our garden. I'm scared of the future and of being an adult. I like cartoons, webcomics and pokémon. I'm really drawn to postapocalyptic fantasy settings, especially those who are all back-to-origins/restarting society, but I'm not a fan of zombies. SO YEAH that's me nice to meet you
Hey! You'll find plenty of Norwegians here actually. Well, maybe not right now, but at least part of the time. You're the first Czech person to make themselves known thus far, at least as far as I can recall. Stick around long enough and maybe that will change.
Hey! You'll find plenty of Norwegians here actually. Well, maybe not right now, but at least part of the time. You're the first Czech person to make themselves known thus far, at least as far as I can recall. Stick around long enough and maybe that will change.
Hi!! I'm not surprised about the amount of norwegians, it's like we're drawn to anything with norway in it... I may have made my czech friend read ssss (or at least start to) but also caused more norwegian readers in the process. Woops. I'm so hipster I don't have all the flags yet
Hey there!
Ive been following SSSS pretty much from the day it started, found it accidentally through some ads somewhere, best miss-click in my life for sure. I still haven't read A Retail's dream however.
Also, I like doodling stuff, and Roguelikes.
o vo)/
Greetings fandom comrades! After lurking for a good month or so I have finally dragged myself into the light. e ve)b
So...I've heard tell of a cookie-gun initiation? //grabs helmet and cookie-catching net//
o vo)/
Greetings fandom comrades! After lurking for a good month or so I have finally dragged myself into the light. e ve)b
So...I've heard tell of a cookie-gun initiation? //grabs helmet and cookie-catching net//
Hi hi! The cookie-gun is a new thing, I don't believe I've tested it here on the forum. It's currently empty from pelting you in the comments, but if you'd like more, please refer to my previous posts in this thread. There's always lots of extras!
Hi hi! The cookie-gun is a new thing, I don't believe I've tested it here on the forum. It's currently empty from pelting you in the comments, but if you'd like more, please refer to my previous posts in this thread. There's always lots of extras!
Yes, thank you! x3
Everyone's been so nice and welcoming on my first day in the comments (and now here, as well). Thanks everyone! TT vTT
Yes, thank you! x3
Everyone's been so nice and welcoming on my first day in the comments (and now here, as well). Thanks everyone! TT vTT
This is far cruder and than the Piney-version but until she reloads it might at least keep you alive!
I go by Snaketoes, Ghostplops, sometimes Vonwaffle and/or Beatrix, I'm the spoop doops, professional internet potato chip.
I just turned 21 a few months ago, and if you count sitting around and playing video games moderately drunk as a coming of age because that's what I did, PARTY.
I'm not educated beyond high school (don't go down that path if you can avoid it!) I currently live on THE SUN aka California with my significant other, but I'm from Oregon. I miss trees. And water. Right now I am a receptionist, p cool riiight? But ultimately I want to become an artist of some sort, a tattoo artist, a concept artist (but the video game industry is kinda awful, so probably not haha), start a webcomic of my own, I have some neat ideas! Or maybe if I can ever dig up a pile of money go to college for mechanical engineering, oh I also have a hankering to learn coding. There's an inane amount of things I want to do, I have no attention span so I need a clone or two methinks.
Other things I like to do: Watch old horror movies, watch weird old anime, watch weird not-so-old anime, play a lot of video games, cry over Dragon Age and cry at myself for playing Destiny continuously.
Anyway that's enough about my stanky life! I discovered SSSS through an add during a webcomic binge and clicked it because the art looked very pretty! I am so glad I did, because I'm in deep, thank you advertising! *u*
Ahh it's nice to meet you all, I will try to be talkative but I am quite anxious and shy AND IT'S BAD.
I like you already :D
I go by Snaketoes, Ghostplops, sometimes Vonwaffle and/or Beatrix...
I currently live on THE SUN aka California with my significant other, but I'm from Oregon. I miss trees. And water. Right now I am a receptionist, p cool riiight? But ultimately I want to become an artist of some sort, a tattoo artist, a concept artist (but the video game industry is kinda awful, so probably not haha), start a webcomic of my own, I have some neat ideas!
Or maybe if I can ever dig up a pile of money go to college for mechanical engineering, oh I also have a hankering to learn coding. There's an inane amount of things I want to do, I have no attention span so I need a clone or two methinks. ....
Anyway that's enough about my stanky life! I discovered SSSS through an ad during a webcomic binge and clicked it because the art looked very pretty! I am so glad I did, because I'm in deep, thank you advertising! *u*
Ahh it's nice to meet you all, I will try to be talkative but I am quite anxious and shy AND IT'S BAD.
Welcome, Ghostplops! We've seen you over on Disqus -- glad you signed up here too.
We have plenty of artists, comickers, engineers, coders, and college students here (in various permutations), so whatever your future plans, you'll find someone to discuss them with. And several Californians, including me.
We're all friendly, so feel free to explore and soon you'll be right at home.
- Sunflower
I just turned 21 a few months ago, and if you count sitting around and playing video games moderately drunk as a coming of age because that's what I did, PARTY.
I'm not educated beyond high school (don't go down that path if you can avoid it!) I currently live on THE SUN aka California with my significant other, but I'm from Oregon. I miss trees. And water.
...and cry at myself for playing Destiny continuously.
Hallo and welcome!
1. That sounds like a coming of age party I might actually enjoy. :D
2. Feel free to come back to Oregon when you finally run out of water down there. (That drought sounds wicked!) I currently live in Oregon, and thoroughly enjoy the trees and water. I would try to keep the stinky Californians away, but I am, sadly, one of them. Or used to be. Not sure when I can write that wrong off my record.
3. Destiny does that to a person... I managed to break my addiction, but I just keep wanting to go back. If only there was more storyline... that I didn't have to pay extra for... *shakes fist at Bungie*
That being said, I'll skedaddle before I get zinged by an admin for chatting in the intro thread. Nice to meet you! Hope we bump into each other elsewhere.
Hey Guys!!!
I'm TwistySticks and I've been reading SSSS for about 3 months now because I found the comic through someone posting the Proto-Indo-European and Uralic language tree and I clicked it and become hooked! As well as the three months I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while too. (Saying stuff like this is definitely like I'm in group counselling or something).
My life at the moment is dominated by my College work. I'm doing Ancient History, Biology and English Literature with a Latin qualification on the side. I was greatly appreciating the Latin down in the comments today. I think it was today anywhoo.
Apart from work, I'm usually sitting in my house in the internet. So I think this forum will give me something active and social to do then. :D
Hi, I'm Robert. I've been lurking here for awhile and I occasionally comment over on the comics.
I started reading when aRTD was posting. As I recall, Ville was in seal form.
I'm a 33 year old software developer. I was born in Indianapolis, moved to the Chicago suburbs for work, and since then moved to Honolulu. Mostly chasing the sun, but I made sure I had work before moving.
I work as a contractor and consultant. Currently I'm mostly working with an insurance company in Honolulu as a contractor and as a consultant for a small business that sets up and runs eCommerce sites for carpet cleaners with real time scheduling. I'm working on setting up a consulting business providing paid consulting and partnerships on speculative software for mobile, web, eCommerce, IoT, and anywhere else software runs.
When I'm not working I read a great deal on fantasy/sci-fi, history, philosophy, biography, and classical works.
Hi! Call me Q.
I'm not sure how active I'll be over here, I haven't used a forum in ages... But I wanted to register to be able to keep better track of forum posts - there's a lot of threads I'll be wanting to comb through in the near future! (...I realized this after already reading through the entire fanart thread and needing to know where I stopped off.) I found out about SSSS through friends talking about it, read it all in one night a couple weeks ago, and now I'm a little in love.
Besides that - I'm 23, American, my main interests are things like history, art history, geography, linguistics, planning, architecture, identity, and so on; I've fallen into a major special interest hole with the Nordic countries in general over the past year, too, so that's certainly part of the reason for SSSS's appeal! (My other significant fandom is Hetalia. Quite a different way of looking at the same areas, that's for sure.)
I like cats and coffee. I'm working on learning Norwegian but I'm slow.
Welcome TwistySticks, Robert and Q! Make yourselves comfortable and have some cookies. *hands out plain normal cookies because she isn't sure about the squirrel ones*
Hi! Call me Q.
a single letter, hm?
Welcome all newcommers :D
a single letter, hm?
In Finnish that single letter is pronounced "kuu" which also means the moon.
Welcome new people!
Hi! I'm Alaron. I've been around SSSS since a bit after the prologue, but lurked until page 263. I'm now joining the forum.
I prefer not to share personal information, but here's an interesting fact:
I have the power to talk in rainbows.
I have the power to talk in rainbows.
hi! i covet your ability
I have the power to talk in rainbows.
Bet sorting that out took some time :)
Hello hello.
I go by Vafhudr on the internet. I am a 22 year old French-Canadian, though I have acclimated well enough to English by now. I have emerged mostly whole from a first round of university with a double major in Political Science and Classics. I have a passion for history, along with literature, sociology, philosophy, psychology, architecture, art (especially visual), and the natural sciences. Writing and spending inordinate of time wasting myself on the internet are my main hobbies. I have some interest in Scandinavian/Nordic culture, more precisely with Finland and Iceland - especially from the comparative perspective of my studies (Ancient democracy is one of the big things I worked on, as well as mythology and religion). I need to find time to learn some of these languages...
I am currently decaying way up north, working a job I rather hate as I await an admission answer from universities. My daily dose of SSSS keeps me going, if only for a bit. A friend showed me SSSS and then I read ARtD on my own. I enjoyed both tremendously. I read webcomics sporadically, binging on whatever catches my fancies, along with mangas and other related nerd bullshit on the internet these days. What a time to be alive.
You seem like you may have a healthy dose of bitterness and cynicism. I think I am going to like you.
I'm Robert (usually rj_hogan on the web) and I'm from New Zealand, lived a long time in England but now live in Australia. And I'm a web comic junky.
Otherwise I try to write short stories (mostly sci-fi/fantasy), love playing board games/pc games and generally into all things geek.
hi guys!! i go by karma and im the dancing queen, young and sweet, only 17. i hail from the east coast of the us and i die daily from the incredible heat
i found artd when it was finishing up around the bear arc, and i blew money on the book because it is beautiful and totally worth it, and i was super pumped when ssss started!! im super new to this forum and very afraid so please be kind while i get things sorted ; v ;
i love webcomics and follow quite a few!! i do art sometimes and ive been working towards making a personal webcomic someday *blows a confetti popper*
i think thats about it!! fun fact, 'callipygous' means to have a shapely, beautiful butt
hi guys!! i go by karma and im the dancing queen, young and sweet, only 17. i hail from the east coast of the us and i die daily from the incredible heat
i found artd when it was finishing up around the bear arc, and i blew money on the book because it is beautiful and totally worth it, and i was super pumped when ssss started!! im super new to this forum and very afraid so please be kind while i get things sorted ; v ;
i love webcomics and follow quite a few!! i do art sometimes and ive been working towards making a personal webcomic someday *blows a confetti popper*
i think thats about it!! fun fact, 'callipygous' means to have a shapely, beautiful butt
Hey there!
*bows to welcome you*
*prepares cookie machine gu-
im super new to this forum and very afraid so please be kind while i get things sorted ; v ;
*puts away cookie machine gun*
...Help yourself to some cookies! Freshly baked!
Hello everyone!
I'm Christopher McCauley, started reading SSSS since page 208. I've lived all my life in Ireland, almost 20. Going to university this September to study Biology (Coleraine). Thus far, SSSS is the only webcomic I'm interested in (but if Lars_B likes Girl Genius...), but so far its actually one of my favorite pieces of media. I've never done paid formal work, but I make some money off of selling software (mostly related to security), and I've done gardening/ plant breeding before.
Hello fellow fans,
I go by the name of Viisikielinenkantele which you can also see as my avatar and I found SSSS (like a lot of people I`m guessing) through a picture of the language tree on a lingustics-blog. I just looked it up and was instantly hooked. So I´ve been lurking a lot in the forum and the comments and finally got the courage to participate. And it´s fun! :)
So, about me. I´m german, female and my age is currently between Sigrun and Taru.
I studied fenno-ugric/uralic languages at university, but this was a long time ago, so my finnish is a little rusty (and my estonian is almost completely forgotten *cough*), but I´m still deeply in love with the north.
So, what else is there to say? I play a few instruments, I sing, I sew, I write, I have family... oh yeah, and I work. This pretty much fills up my days. When I have free time I like reading a lot of books.
So, now I´m off reading the threads! See you!
Welcome to Christopher and Viisikielinenkantele (I have no doubt I will grow to hate that name if I have to talk to you a lot XD). Please make yourselves at home and fine somewhere to hide, I am glad I have managed to reach you before people started throwing cookies (and other items) at your heads ;)
Thank you! Well, you can try to shout "hey, you over there with the impossible nickname", but this is not really shorter... today there´s also only my kantele here so you can always shortcut it. We will sort it out later if there will be another.
"You with the impossible name" may not be shorter but it is easier to remember :P
Thank you! Well, you can try to shout "hey, you over there with the impossible nickname", but this is not really shorter... today there´s also only my kantele here so you can always shortcut it. We will sort it out later if there will be another.
Vii..Viisi.. Viisikilenenka....
Whiskey-Kantele. Close enough.
Welcome to the forum!
Hi guys, it's me! If any of you lurk in the art thread, you might have seen me by now. I posted the Silent Scouts way back in November. I've been informed to introduce myself, so I'll do that (didn't even know this was a thing).
I've been following Minna, our lord and creator, for a few years now, way back when little Hannu was cavorting about the dream realm with Seal-Ville! Read the whole book in one night and have been hooked since then. I love this comic, and I love our fandom!
I am a Southern California girl, living it up at the tender age of 21. Currently working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design. Doing all things crafty is my lifeblood, that and parousing the internet waaayy too late at night. Some interests includes reading, going on walks, roller coasters, bungee jumping, drawing, crocheting, snorkeling. I am obsessed with all things vintage, thrift stores, and typical Hipster lifestyle (though I hate to admit it). I am quirky, and OK with that!
Can't wait to spend more of my time with you guys, I want to be a more active member of this forum!
I feel awed. Just learned of the Introduction thread, by-the-by.
Hello, I'm BarbaryLion22. I am terrible at usernames. I suppose you can call me Barbary? I am a female three years younger than Emil and Lalli, and I currently live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I go to a decent public high school, and I am currently planning on doing something college-y...eventually. I like reading, music (both playing and listening), and... artsy stuff, I suppose. I am currently studying Japanese, know a bit of Hawaiian and Spanish, and can swear in a couple of other languages.
I found SSSS through one of the tantalizing ads on some website that I cannot remember last fall, and have since binge-read ARtD. I discovered the forum some time ago, but only recently created an account. I like all sorts of visual media, but aside from SSSS, right now I am hooked on Assassination Classroom and Tokyo Ghoul:re. I even have a gachapon of Nagisa!
Thank you for all being wonderful people, and for encouraging me and others like me to join this community!
Vii..Viisi.. Viisikilenenka....
Whiskey-Kantele. Close enough.
Welcome to the forum!
Hey! ?mockglares? As a finnish instrument the only fitting spirit- name is vodka-kantele! ;D
Thank you very much for the welcome!
Very well, you shall henceforth be known as "Vodka-Candle" :P
Also, welcome to Barbary *waves*
Thank you, Koeshi *waves back*
As a finnish instrument the only fitting spirit- name is vodka-kantele! ;D
As a Finn I'd prefer "viinakantele", viina being the Finnish common name for all strong spirits (including vodka of course) while vodka is a russian word.
As a Finn I'd prefer "viinakantele", viina being the Finnish common name for all strong spirits (including vodka of course) while vodka is a russian word.
This fits even better! Sorry about the inappropriate choosing. I was never much interested in spirits...
Newcomers! I have been neglecting my duties! With this comment in mind...
Please make yourselves at home and fine somewhere to hide, I am glad I have managed to reach you before people started throwing cookies (and other items) at your heads ;)
Hi Minnions,
I´ve been strolling around forum, comments and chat for a while. First stalking and later by the name mamioja. I was introduced to aRTD and SSSS by my oldest daughter and fell in love with Minna´s art. Here is my formal introduction;
I´m a female finn and my age falls between Taru and Trond. I´m a mother of four, enthuastic quilter and a slave to the cat that lives in our house.
oh wow, you and my mother would be fast friends! she is an avid quilter as well (and in fact, gave my partner and me two beautiful quilts for the holidays. i'll have to post them at some point).
anyway, welcome! i've seen you around chat a bit, looking forward to seeing more of you here. :)
Thank you Piney! *Snatches cookies that are flying by*
Mamioja: a fellow quilter? Yay!
I didn't think I'd start posting around here, but since I did, I might as well introduce myself. I'm Vixy. The nickname comes from "vixen", and I only used it because I was ginger for a very long time. Now I'm no longer ginger, but the name kind of stayed. I'm a twenty-five year-old Russian girl who grew up in Lebanon and now studies in Germany. I speak Russian, English, Arabic, German (this one's worse than the others) and - in theory - French (haven't used that one in ages). I also dabble in ancient Greek and Latin. Would love to learn Finnish and Japanese. Other than that, well, I am an incredible bookworm, because it's effectively my "job" - I'm a graduate student in philosophy, so all I do is read, write, play videogames and travel. Oh, I also knit socks for people. I absolutely love theatre, on either end (spectator or crew member) and teaching people about philosophy and literature, because that kind of works like theatre.
I think I found an SSSS banner on some other comic website, Minna's drawing style pretty much won my heart instantly. I also have a thing for Scandinavian things, because somehow, after all this time, my favourite books are still Tove Jansson's Moomin-troll series. I'm still not sure I'm going to be active on the forum because I am trying to procrastinate less and study harder, but you all sound like interesting people, so I'm quite glad I finally posted here :)
Greetings from me as well…
I started reading the comics few months ago, I think by far my favorite character is Emil as he reminds me of a ferret. I have been told about this forum by a few people, but as I am a bit shy and nervous around new people it took me some time to enter this cave of awesome.
On the whole introduction thing… it always seemed to me as if you’re presenting a product of some sort. Then again I suppose we human beings are indeed that.
In light of that, this particular odd creation is currently an undergraduate student in Psychology, like most of the people here I spend my time roaming through the debris of the World of Internet. However, offline I do enjoy diving into endless amounts of books, as it is in my opinion the best way to travel between universes. Wondering off into forests, abandoned places and such is amongst my hobbies alongside roof climbing and drawing.
I do believe I also have a grand plan to take over the world with my army of intelligent potatoes.
I didn't think I'd start posting around here, but since I did, I might as well introduce myself. I'm Vixy. The nickname comes from "vixen", and I only used it because I was ginger for a very long time. Now I'm no longer ginger, but the name kind of stayed. I'm a twenty-five year-old Russian girl who grew up in Lebanon and now studies in Germany. I speak Russian, English, Arabic, German (this one's worse than the others) and - in theory - French (haven't used that one in ages). I also dabble in ancient Greek and Latin. Would love to learn Finnish and Japanese. Other than that, well, I am an incredible bookworm, because it's effectively my "job" - I'm a graduate student in philosophy, so all I do is read, write, play videogames and travel. Oh, I also knit socks for people. I absolutely love theatre, on either end (spectator or crew member) and teaching people about philosophy and literature, because that kind of works like theatre.
I think I found an SSSS banner on some other comic website, Minna's drawing style pretty much won my heart instantly. I also have a thing for Scandinavian things, because somehow, after all this time, my favourite books are still Tove Jansson's Moomin-troll series. I'm still not sure I'm going to be active on the forum because I am trying to procrastinate less and study harder, but you all sound like interesting people, so I'm quite glad I finally posted here :)
Greetings from me as well…
I started reading the comics few months ago, I think by far my favorite character is Emil as he reminds me of a ferret. I have been told about this forum by a few people, but as I am a bit shy and nervous around new people it took me some time to enter this cave of awesome.
On the whole introduction thing… it always seemed to me as if you’re presenting a product of some sort. Then again I suppose we human beings are indeed that.
In light of that, this particular odd creation is currently an undergraduate student in Psychology, like most of the people here I spend my time roaming through the debris of the World of Internet. However, offline I do enjoy diving into endless amounts of books, as it is in my opinion the best way to travel between universes. Wondering off into forests, abandoned places and such is amongst my hobbies alongside roof climbing and drawing.
I do believe I also have a grand plan to take over the world with my army of intelligent potatoes.
Hi and hi, new forum-ers! Welcome to the community! Come have some cookies, and stay awhile ^-^
I live in Texas, speak only one language (hangs head in shame) and found SSSS when I used a common-room computer with the comic bookmarked. I like to read. And I like art. Currently 18 years old, although that is subject to change. Hoping to study English Language and Literature this coming fall.
Welcome new people :D
Hello, forum :)
In february, a friend made a link with a drawing on differences between scandinavian’s languages. I was curious and absolutely not aware of what will happen.
Two days after, I had read all the pages of Stand Still Stay Silent, some with an huge smile and nearly clapping hands : I love the story, the drawnings are wonderful. And I find some echoes but it’s another story. I began to dream of a paper version on my library.
More few days after, I had read A Redtail’s Dream too and was asking for the Kalevala in spite of my bookseller’s strange look, asking me to spell it.
The forum seemed too big, I'm a bit shy and my english isn’t fluent (and I really need to buy a french-english dictionnary)... but, well, I have to admit I’m completely addicted to Stand Still Stay Silent, so... let’s try not to lose myself here ? :)
What can I say about me... I’m a 28 years old french who couldn’t live without a pen, a notebook and a book in her bag. My studies in history and history of arts were fabulous but doesn’t give a kind of promised job in a museum ; however today I’m very good at staying in front of a painting/sculpture/object/church/abandoned place/something else, smiling alone when everybody is already far away. I write since I know how to do so I live constantly with one or two other words in a part of my head, read a lot, drink tea, more tea, knit, cook bredele and practice ju jutsu. (Some but not all in the same time.) And, one day, I’ll go in Iceland. One day.
Hello there,
Newbie here exploring the forum while he's supposed to study art history in a small provincial university town where bicycles are more numerous than people. Luckily there is a Scandinavian studies contingent there, so I'm trying to get this comic to them. So far, most have liked it.
When not studying modern art history I'm occupying my free time with wandering the interwebs and writing a very long all-encompassing (or encompassing as much as I can hope to remember to pay attention to) commentary on all the Harry Potter books. Currently I'm slowly slogging through the early days of book 2.
I found SSSS by the language tree posted somewhere on business-insider. As there are some inaccuracies in the accompanying commentary I first started by pointing at errors based on my limited knowledge of the origin of languages (the omission of dead or transformed languages rather irked me out, te absence of Middle English and Latin being a very strong one), but then I stumbled upon its source. You know the rest of the story.
welcome to the forum, Mélusine and snotra!
Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to visit the two art threads (I'm sure everyone can find more than enough material for staring in wonder on both the SSSS Arts Museum (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=35.0) for fan art, and the Forum's Art Museum (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=33.0) for original works), or the Language Board. And the Scriptorium (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=193.0)! For starters. ;)
Hope to see more of you here!
Another newbie reporting in. It's been a while since I was on any forum at all! But this one seems worth breaking my lurking habit for.
Well, about me. I'm phyripo, which means absolutely nothing and is pronounced FEYE-ree-po. I'm nineteen, from the Netherlands and currently studying linguistics. I have an intense love for Germanic languages, especially Scandinavian ones, but it was not through Minna's language tree that I found ssss (although I had seen the language tree and was very charmed by it). Someone I follow on tumblr reblogged some ssss-related things, and I thought it rather looked like something I would like. And I did! I read the whole comic the day before my Lithuanian exam, so I blame that for accidentally writing down a Swedish word. /o\
I don't actually speak Swedish, but I would like to learn it sometime in the future. Especially if I decide to dive deeper into that Germanic language-obsession. I do speak Dutch, and my English is pretty okay, and my German is also okay, and my French is... Sort of okay. I can read Spanish and Latin, and I'm supposed to know Greek, Gothic and Lithuanian, but don't test me on that. Danish is a work in progress. (I'm taking a very deep breath now.) Languages!!!1!
Welcome, phyripo! Do you know how to add language flags to your profile? You'll have one of the most best! :)
Welcome, Snotra! I am curious about the origin of your name, if you care to share it. Also, maybe someday you can explain to me how Snape was actually a good guy all along in Harry Potter, because I got totally lost.
And welcome, Mélusine! Are you named after the beautiful mermaid-enchantress? I hope you won't disappear with a cri de Mélusine if we ever discover your true identity! It's nice to add another Francophone to the Forum. Rollo, P__ and FrogEater are some of our most active French participants; we also have quite a few other French-speaking members from Canada, Belgium, etc. (And then there are people like me, who try to speak French but frequently resort to translation sites like Reverso (http://www.reverso.net/text_translation.aspx?lang=EN) -- much better than Google Translate.)
Another newbie reporting in. It's been a while since I was on any forum at all! But this one seems worth breaking my lurking habit for.
Well, about me. I'm phyripo, which means absolutely nothing and is pronounced FEYE-ree-po. I'm nineteen, from the Netherlands and currently studying linguistics. I have an intense love for Germanic languages, especially Scandinavian ones, but it was not through Minna's language tree that I found ssss (although I had seen the language tree and was very charmed by it). Someone I follow on tumblr reblogged some ssss-related things, and I thought it rather looked like something I would like. And I did! I read the whole comic the day before my Lithuanian exam, so I blame that for accidentally writing down a Swedish word. /o\
I don't actually speak Swedish, but I would like to learn it sometime in the future. Especially if I decide to dive deeper into that Germanic language-obsession. I do speak Dutch, and my English is pretty okay, and my German is also okay, and my French is... Sort of okay. I can read Spanish and Latin, and I'm supposed to know Greek, Gothic and Lithuanian, but don't test me on that. Danish is a work in progress. (I'm taking a very deep breath now.) Languages!!!1!
And welcome, Mélusine! Are you named after the beautiful mermaid-enchantress? I hope you won't disappear with a cri de Mélusine if we ever discover your true identity! It's nice to add another Francophone to the Forum. Rollo, P__ and FrogEater are some of our most active French participants; we also have quite a few other French-speaking members from Canada, Belgium, etc. (And then there are people like me, who try to speak French but frequently resort to translation sites like Reverso (http://www.reverso.net/text_translation.aspx?lang=EN) -- much better than Google Translate.)
Thanks :) And yes, that the origin of my name on internet.
I'll try not to disappear ^^ *Still discovering how huge this forum is*
Well actually as forums go, this one is pretty small and the folks here are very friendly. If you have any questions or problems there is always someone around to ask.
Hi all Iceea here, I’ve been reading since last August, saw a link on another web comic, and I’ve been reading RTD during the chapter breaks. I’m from the Boston Mass US area and age wise I’m probably the ~same as the old guy doing the “blackmailing” back on page 282, I didn’t search out his name. A certifiable “old fart”, although since I just finished volunteering at Anime Boston this past wknd maybe not really certifiable. I’ve thrown out a couple of comments on the daily updates but mostly lurking. The expression ‘get a life”, well I already have one so it’s very hard to keep up with all threads and other fun stuff in the comments and the forum. In the online games I play I’m considered a “casual player”. If I get on once a month for 4-6 hrs I’m lucky. But c’est la vie, c’est la guerrr, c’est l’amour.
This is one of the best web comics out there, IMHO. Story, characters, drawing, color it’s got it all. So I’ll be around for the duration. I do hope Minna decides to do print books again this one’s a keeper. Well, back to the other world. Hmmm, I used to say back to reality but nah, it’s all the same, it’s just how we perceive and interact with the time space continuum that we find ourselves in.
“…but we decide which is reality and which is an illusion” Moody Blues - 1967
welcome newbies! :D
Good evening dear survivors and trolls. :P
I finally caved and handed over all my remaining free time to this board.
I actually don't quite recall how I found SSSS last year, I think it was because of a banner on another webcomic. (Oh, the times when my time was only consumed by one web comic…) I then forwent my weekend plans of going into the city in order to catch up with the comic. Since then I've been staring at the most recent page each day and marvelling at the artwork.
At some point I wanted to join the discussion beneath the pages and got me a Disqus account a few months back.
What else to reveal about me?
German reader from Berlin, I successfully dropped out of English and Dutch studies with a short side dish of History of Arts and am now working in my absolute dream job: customer care agent on the phone. \o/ Before all of that I finished an apprenticeship as media designer.
Fanstuff I currently burn for:
Godzilla (I honestly don't understand how Godzilla Millenium doesn't get more love.)
Welcome to Night Vale
Music (Muse, IAMX, Amanda Palmer to name a few)
Fanstuff I sometimes burn for:
Games (Pokémon, Zelda, Monster Hunter (I've got the SSSS crew as Palicoes in MH4U ;D ))
Manga (Dragon Ball, Hellsing, my great Manga time is kinda over-ish, since I now spent all my money on bands -.-; )
More music
Stuff I've got forgotten because it's too late and my brain's gone mush…
Also I tend to draw stuff, nowadays mostly on my phone or iPad. The latter is not really comfortable and needs a lot of practise even though I spent too much money on a stylus that's pressure sensitive. *sigh* I'm also in a weird love-hate relationship with hands.
I also write fanfic which mainly consists of taking people and tossing them into fantasy worlds/situations. One day, one day, though, I'll finish my novel — graphic novel — hybrid — novel mutant. I will. I hope.
Languages I speak are:
German: Native Speaker
English: Quite advanced, I daresay
Dutch: Some rusted shards
French: Whatever I didn't manage to forget after school. :P
Latin: Whatever you learn from Asterix and a childhood spent loving dinosaurs (my favourite's Oviraptor, which taught me the words Egg and Thief).
And now I shall be off to dreamy land. *waves*
[insert intro post here]
Hi! Welcome to the forum! *offers you cookies* I see you're an artist and a writer, any chance you'll be contributing to the SSSS Art Museum or SSSS Scriptorium? *hint hint* ;)
(I also see you're a Muse fan! Me too!)
D'accord, je me lance (not literately ::)), my name is Marjorie and I'm French. I discovered this comic by a recommendation on Duolingo, where I try to learn swedish (with great difficulty and little success :-\). There's not much to say about me, I love languages, but I'm really bad at learning them. I love cats and ice hockey, but not at the same time (I am not a monster). There's nothing else to say about me, I'm not a good writer, and I can't draw to save my life.
Newbie duty done. ;D
Hi! Welcome to the forum! *offers you cookies* I see you're an artist and a writer, any chance you'll be contributing to the SSSS Art Museum or SSSS Scriptorium? *hint hint* ;)
(I also see you're a Muse fan! Me too!)
COOKIES! *munches*
Thank you. :)
Maayybeee. It really depends on my moods. I'm tempted by the self-insertion thread, though. :P
(Muuuuse! Shameless fangirl. :P I have to admit, and I should be ashamed, but this is the main fandom I'm writing fanfics in…)
Hello, everybody!
The magnificent language tree by Minna was my reason to begin reading the SSSS. As a linguist, I like to read stories featuring various interesting linguistic situations. And I also adore apocalyptic works :3
I am more interested in discussions of characters/languages, than in creating fan-content, but one never knows ;)
Yay! new newbies :D Welcome all of you *hugs* *runs to fetch a plate of cookies and a jug of milk*
Welcome Eulinne, don't worry many of us are not suited for the creation of fan-content. I for one cannot draw to save my life, but I do enjoy the discussions on this forum.
P__ , Koeshi, thanks for greetings :)
Hi thurrrrr
Apparently I am wildfire. I am from Norway, and my english is horrible, so I apologize in advance for all awkward englishing on my part. (It's also worth mentioning that my signature might be deceiving; I did learn german for 5 years, but I'm not sure how well I would understand anything. I can read danish and swedish without any problems, and I can also understand it if spoken to me, but I CANNOT MAKE WORDS WITH MY MOUTH in said languages. But I AM the most best when it comes to speaking norwegian.)
I blame Haiz for being here, as I fell in love with hirs ssss fan-art on facebook and I just had to find the source of hirs awesomeness. (lol I already regret starting this post, it feels like a never-ending pile of failurreeee!) So I was hooked and Haiz introduced me to this forum - it only took me a while to actually join because I am not the Sigrun I wish I was.
I could try telling you how old I am in units of Tuomi, edit: but I'm not sure how well I would do, so I'll settle with "the same age as Tuuri". I have been stuck in the fan-art thread all day, wishing I had the patience to actually teach myself how to draw. However, I can brag *cough* about the fact that I know *cough* how to play the guitar, the piano, the bass guitar, the drums, the trombone, the cornet and the flute. And I am the most best in all of those, no lies here *cough* - also I sing. A lot. And sometimes also very loudly.
Also, I quote Haiz:
I like cartoons, webcomics and pokémon. I'm really drawn to postapocalyptic fantasy settings, especially those who are all back-to-origins/restarting society
I swear, this was not supposed to be an autobiography, but it seems I really do have a problem with keeping things short..
Apparently I am wildfire. I am from Norway, and my english is horrible, so I apologize in advance for all awkward englishing on my part. (It's also worth mentioning that my signature might be deceiving; I did learn german for 5 years, but I'm not sure how well I would understand anything. I can read danish and swedish without any problems, and I can also understand it if spoken to me, but I CANNOT MAKE WORDS WITH MY MOUTH in said languages. But I AM the most best when it comes to speaking norwegian.)
I blame Haiz for being here, as I fell in love with hirs ssss fan-art on facebook and I just had to find the source of hirs awesomeness. (lol I already regret starting this post, it feels like a never-ending pile of failurreeee!) So I was hooked and Haiz introduced me to this forum - it only took me a while to actually join because I am not the Sigrun I wish I was.
I could try telling you how old I am in units of Tuomi, but I am the same age as Tuuri. I have been stuck in the fan-art thread all day, wishing I had the patience to actually teach myself how to draw. However, I can brag *cough* about the fact that I know *cough* how to play the guitar, the piano, the bass guitar, the drums, the trombone, the cornet and the flute. And I am the most best in all of those, no lies here *cough* - also I sing. A lot. And sometimes also very loudly.
Yeees, more Norwegians. The legion is growing!
Welcome to the forum~
Yeees, more Norwegians. The legion is growing!
Welcome to the forum~
Thank you~
This is scary I feel like an intruder mostly because the only thing I have to offer is "HEI EG SKRIV NYNORSK" D:
Edit: Also I just realized I'm a liar - I am not the same age as Tuuri, I am almost two years older than her, my bad, I find myself forgetting how old I am ;___;
Thank you~
This is scary I feel like an intruder mostly because the only thing I have to offer is "HEI EG SKRIV NYNORSK" D:
*Immediately grabs you*
Just what we needed! This way please! (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=362.0)
*Immediately grabs you*
Just what we needed! This way please! (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=362.0)
Also I should mention my nynorsk isn't the best because I only pretend to write nynorsk (even with 13 years of learning how to I AM A HOPELESS MESS) but if you are in dire need I can try to contribute? Though I know Haiz knows someone with far more best nynorsk than me. D:
Also I should mention my nynorsk isn't the best because I only pretend to write nynorsk (even with 13 years of learning how to I AM A HOPELESS MESS) but if you are in dire need I can try to contribute? Though I know Haiz knows someone with far more best nynorsk than me. D:
Whoops, I misunderstood then. But if you want to help with things like proofreading when the ball gets going you're more than welcome!
Whoops, I misunderstood then. But if you want to help with things like proofreading when the ball gets going you're more than welcome!
Oh no I hope I didn't make you feel bad? I am flattered you want to include me, and in theory I should be exactly what you're looking for, since I have been taught to write nynorsk since I startet to learn writing, I just know for a fact that my teachers haven't been the best and they have taught me a lot of faults that I cannot seem to work out without having to really work it out. But as I mentioned - and as I also mentioned in the thread - I would be happy to help if you need it. I just thought you should all know I'm not sure how much help I would be. But sure, I can proofread, and I can try translating if it's needed. But I might take some time, since I'll have to proofread twice or three times to be sure I'm not making horrible mistakes.
Hello! Whoops, I realized I should have come here before ! Made threads of my own. Anyhow, ! Hello, I am Willowham. No my name is not Willow. That is my hamster's name! I am a Seattlite, I love rain, art, comics, and anything to do with My Little Pony. I have my own webcomics, askmapleleaf.tumblr.com . It is definetly not as good as SSSS. I have been getting a bit lazy on updates, actually. I speak English , Spanish, Greek, and about this much / / French. I love strawberries, and kiwis. That is all. Oh yeah, and I am really, REALLY indecisive. I like tongue twisters.
Edit: Also I just realized I'm a liar - I am not the same age as Tuuri, I am almost two years older than her, my bad, I find myself forgetting how old I am ;___;
You're not alone. I skipped several years of my life because I could never remember how old I am… For example, I never was 19. I was 18 for two years and jumped right to twenty… -.-; Did that a few times throughout my twenties before forgetting my age altogether for a few years.
You're not alone. I skipped several years of my life because I could never remember how old I am… For example, I never was 19. I was 18 for two years and jumped right to twenty… -.-; Did that a few times throughout my twenties before forgetting my age altogether for a few years.
A friend of mine told me once how it was "hilarious how you sometimes forget how old you are" and I was like "? ?? ?? ?? THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME?!!?!??!!!" and he was like ".. nooo, you do it all the time.." so I went all "!!!!!! OMG HOW OLD AM I THEN I KNOW I AM TEN YEARS YOUNGER THAN MY OLDEST BROTHER BUT OH GOD HOW OLD IS HE?!?!" and then freaking out happened. I think I scared said friend. I might not have aged since I was eighteen! (I know I must have turned eighteen at some point because suddenly I could buy alcohol and no one went HEY U GIRL U NO ALCOHOL BUY!)
Oh no I hope I didn't make you feel bad?
Pfft, no, that ain't happening.
I am flattered you want to include me, and in theory I should be exactly what you're looking for, since I have been taught to write nynorsk since I startet to learn writing, I just know for a fact that my teachers haven't been the best and they have taught me a lot of faults that I cannot seem to work out without having to really work it out. But as I mentioned - and as I also mentioned in the thread - I would be happy to help if you need it. I just thought you should all know I'm not sure how much help I would be. But sure, I can proofread, and I can try translating if it's needed. But I might take some time, since I'll have to proofread twice or three times to be sure I'm not making horrible mistakes.[/font]
Sounds great! I'm sure you will do great if you're interested in helping out!
I love rain
... Really?
A friend of mine told me once how it was "hilarious how you sometimes forget how old you are" and I was like "? ?? ?? ?? THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME?!!?!??!!!" and he was like ".. nooo, you do it all the time.." so I went all "!!!!!! OMG HOW OLD AM I THEN I KNOW I AM TEN YEARS YOUNGER THAN MY OLDEST BROTHER BUT OH GOD HOW OLD IS HE?!?!" and then freaking out happened. I think I scared said friend. I might not have aged since I was eighteen! (I know I must have turned eighteen at some point because suddenly I could buy alcohol and no one went HEY U GIRL U NO ALCOHOL BUY!)
I just go confused for a moment and try to count from my birth year. Which also proves difficult since my brain tends to shut down when presented with higher math such as subtraction.
I only started the freak out whenever I realised I'd be hitting thirty liek SOOOOON! But it's not all that different once you're there. You don't suddenly wake up and are fully grown up. And then you go back to simply not caring much.
I just go confused for a moment and try to count from my birth year. Which also proves difficult since my brain tends to shut down when presented with higher math such as subtraction.
I only started the freak out whenever I realised I'd be hitting thirty liek SOOOOON! But it's not all that different once you're there. You don't suddenly wake up and are fully grown up. And then you go back to simply not caring much.
Well then it seems like you've come to terms with your "how old am I really?"-problem, whereas I forget it actually is a problem of mine and when it occurs and I am aware of it I go "oh noes what is this even I need to figure this out once and for all" and, as it would seem, "once and for all" can happen a great amount of times..
Pfft, no, that ain't happening.
Sounds great! I'm sure you will do great if you're interested in helping out!
PHEW good, I am not here to make peeps feel bad, I am here to drool on fan art and perhaps muster some internal Sigrun to actually post something relevant anywhere. (perhaps Sigrun isn't the most best example for posting relevant stuff as she strikes me as not always the most relevant one idk?)
And also GREAT count me in if needed, I could always need the practice, since I am studying to becoming a norwegian teacher and also wants to learn how to english teach small people.
Well then it seems like you've come to terms with your "how old am I really?"-problem, whereas I forget it actually is a problem of mine and when it occurs and I am aware of it I go "oh noes what is this even I need to figure this out once and for all" and, as it would seem, "once and for all" can happen a great amount of times..
It keeps your life surprising and exciting. :P
Maybe it just goes together with me caring less and less for birthdays in general the older I get. (I would be offended if all people close to me just collectively forgot about my birthday, though. I'm not that indifferent about birthdays…)
It keeps your life surprising and exciting. :P
Maybe it just goes together with me caring less and less for birthdays in general the older I get. (I would be offended if all people close to me just collectively forgot about my birthday, though. I'm not that indifferent about birthdays…)
I lost interest in my birthdays sometime before I turned eighteen. So I haven't cared for my birthday in.. *counting fingers*.. wait, how old did I say I was?
Almost 23.. OK, got it. If we assume I lost interest in my birthdays when I was 16, it's 7 years. 7 years of birthday-indifference. And I don't even care if people congratulate me or not either, as long as they don't sing and dance and make a really big deal out of it; that's THE worst!
And I realized just now that I am shamelessly spamming this thread, I am so sorry and I will stop now, I just find it amusing getting to know peeps here because I feel so welcome already and I haven't done a thing to deserve it.
Hola! I'm Jesty! \o/
I am from Dominican Republic, living in America and spend majority of my time drawing and going on the internet. I found SSSS through A Redtail's Dream and ever since then, I have been addicted to Minna's works! And I love cats, drawing, swimming and just being silly :)
This is actually the first time I joined a forum or even took part in a fandom, pretty interesting indeed. ^_^
Sigrun is my inner me, Reynir is my outer me. I am generally clueless about the latest anything, kind of happy-go-lucky, but very much able to be upset. A lot. :)
Hello! I made it here by making a new account. L'amitie c'est mort, vive l'amitie.
I am from the US, in California, and I love:
1) art
2) science
3) people
4) history, language, and culture
Once upon a time I did a lot of internet community things, but I haven't been interested much until I ran into the Stand Still community. You guys are amazing. The comic is amazing. Another thing I love is voting for it, because I want excellent things to succeed.
Hello! I made it here by making a new account. L'amitie c'est mort, vive l'amitie.
I am from the US, in California, and I love:
1) art
2) science
3) people
4) history, language, and culture
Once upon a time I did a lot of internet community things, but I haven't been interested much until I ran into the Stand Still community. You guys are amazing. The comic is amazing. Another thing I love is voting for it, because I want excellent things to succeed.
Hello! I have a cookie!
Hello! I made it here by making a new account. L'amitie c'est mort, vive l'amitie.
Once upon a time I did a lot of internet community things, but I haven't been interested much until I ran into the Stand Still community. You guys are amazing. The comic is amazing. Another thing I love is voting for it, because I want excellent things to succeed.
Welcome, Amity! Glad you made the trip safely over from Disqus. Did you ever recover your first password, or did you have to start over?
I agree about the amazingness of SSSS and the community it attracts. A refreshing alternative to some other parts of the Internet.
What part of California are you from? Minnions seem to be sprinkled thinly and evenly from the northern Sierras down to San Diego. (I'm in area code 650 myself.)
Hi Sunflower and everyone!
I'm right in the middle of the crazy 415. I love it. We should have a meetup!
Hrmanherm someone (noodly?) said something about a map, where is this map you speak of? I would like to meet up with someone.
Hrmanherm someone (noodly?) said something about a map, where is this map you speak of? I would like to meet up with someone.
here ya go:
edit: and welcome new forumites :D
Hej! I'm Joe. I don't know if I'll be here all that often, but I thought I'd make an account using my Disqus username, just in case
Hej! I'm Joe. I don't know if I'll be here all that often, but I thought I'd make an account using my Disqus username, just in case
Hi, Joe. I've seen your username on Disqus. Does it spell something backwards?
In any event, welcome. Lots to read and do here! We're all friendly, so don't hesitate to ask questions or try something out.
- Sunflower
Hrmanherm someone (noodly?) said something about a map, where is this map you speak of? I would like to meet up with someone.
oh, wait. haha sorry, already have the link.
... Really?
Rain is very much Most Best.
Hey everyone! :)
I'm Daéa and I've been lurking around the comments and the forum for some time until I finally had the courage to step in this crazy fandom. I used to read "A Redtail's Dream" and was there when it ended (*cries*) and now I'm addicted to SSSS, because Minna Sundberg is a genius, seriously.
I don't comment much, mainly because I'm always afraid of writing something wrong or not been able to express my feelings through words (since english is not my native language). But I like to read what you guys say and you're all amazing.
I am brazilian, 23 years old. I love drawing, writing and reading, not exactly in this order.
And... That's it. Hello? :D
Hey everyone! :)
I'm Daéa and I've been lurking around the comments and the forum for some time until I finally had the courage to step in this crazy fandom. I used to read "A Redtail's Dream" and was there when it ended (*cries*) and now I'm addicted to SSSS, because Minna Sundberg is a genius, seriously.
I don't comment much, mainly because I'm always afraid of writing something wrong or not been able to express my feelings through words (since english is not my native language). But I like to read what you guys say and you're all amazing.
I am brazilian, 23 years old. I love drawing, writing and reading, not exactly in this order.
And... That's it. Hello? :D
HI. I'm DancingRanger! You may call me Ranger (people already have) Welcome to the wonderful world of the forums. I'm sure some one will be offering you cookies soon. I offer a cup of fine coffee, or tea.
Hey everyone! :)
I'm Daéa and I've been lurking around the comments and the forum for some time until I finally had the courage to step in this crazy fandom. I used to read "A Redtail's Dream" and was there when it ended (*cries*) and now I'm addicted to SSSS, because Minna Sundberg is a genius, seriously.
I don't comment much, mainly because I'm always afraid of writing something wrong or not been able to express my feelings through words (since english is not my native language). But I like to read what you guys say and you're all amazing.
I am brazilian, 23 years old. I love drawing, writing and reading, not exactly in this order.
And... That's it. Hello? :D
Hello and welcome! I recognize you from Disqus :) Settle in, have some squirrel cookies!
Hey everyone! :)
I'm Daéa and I've been lurking around the comments and the forum for some time until I finally had the courage to step in this crazy fandom. I used to read "A Redtail's Dream" and was there when it ended (*cries*) and now I'm addicted to SSSS, because Minna Sundberg is a genius, seriously.
I don't comment much, mainly because I'm always afraid of writing something wrong or not been able to express my feelings through words (since english is not my native language). But I like to read what you guys say and you're all amazing.
I am brazilian, 23 years old. I love drawing, writing and reading, not exactly in this order.
And... That's it. Hello? :D
Hi, Daéa. I hope we don't come across as *too* crazy and/or intimidating -- we're friendly, really!
Please don't ever hold back because you're "afraid of writing something wrong." English isn't the first language for a lot of the Minnions -- and most of the rest of us are learning something difficult like Finnish, Korean, or Elvish! (For my part, I'm trying to revive my high-school French on the French thread.)
I'm a big fan of Brazilian music (more the older styles, like bossa nova and samba, though I'm trying to listen to newer things too), so the few words of Portuguese I know are mostly from Tom Jobim lyrics. ("Águas de Março" is one of my very favorite songs.) If you like music and want to recommend something, you'll find kindred spirits on the Music Thread.
Welcome to the Forum!
I've been away for a little while, so welcome to everyone who has joined since then! Have fun on the forums and check out our wiki (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/Stand_Still,_Stay_Silent_Wiki)!
I'm Daéa and I've been lurking around the comments and the forum for some time until I finally had the courage to step in this crazy fandom.
We're not that crazy. Not in a clinical sense anyways. Welcome to the community, enjoy your stay!
I've been away for a little while, so welcome to everyone who has joined since then! Have fun on the forums and check out our wiki (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/Stand_Still,_Stay_Silent_Wiki)!
Welcome back, we've missed you!
Thanks for the tea, the cookies and everything! You're all really nice! :)
Sunflower: I'll try to write more, that is for certain. Thank you! :)
I'm not a big fan of brazilian music myself, shame on me. But I think the older styles are way better than the ones we have today.
Somehow I only just found this....
I'm Teagan. I'm turning 27 in a few days, but I am a giant nerd and sometimes forget I didn't just turn 20. I help take care of someone's house and run errands for them as a living. I've traveled a little but mostly in the US. On top of the languages in my sig, I've tried learning Romanian, Irish Gaelic and Old Norse, but only remember a few phrases of each. I like cultures, languages, writing/world-building, Homestuck and used to be a pretty big fan of various anime, but I don't watch much now. I enjoy a lot of kinds of music, but current really like dubstep.
I didn't find any specific thread or post about this, so I will ask here (please don't kill me). HOW DO I FLAG? D:
You put the name of the country between colons. So, : iceland : without spaces makes :iceland:, etc.
I didn't find any specific thread or post about this, so I will ask here (please don't kill me). HOW DO I FLAG? D:
Info on that and flags available is in this thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=258.0).
You put the name of the country between colons. So, : iceland : without spaces makes :iceland:, etc.
Info on that and flags available is in this thread (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=258.0).
Thank you so much!
Somehow I only just found this....
I'm Teagan. I'm turning 27 in a few days, but I am a giant nerd and sometimes forget I didn't just turn 20. I help take care of someone's house and run errands for them as a living. I've traveled a little but mostly in the US. On top of the languages in my sig, I've tried learning Romanian, Irish Gaelic and Old Norse, but only remember a few phrases of each. I like cultures, languages, writing/world-building, Homestuck and used to be a pretty big fan of various anime, but I don't watch much now. I enjoy a lot of kinds of music, but current really like dubstep.
And welcome, Teagan! :) (I know I'm just a newbie, but the Official SSSS Forum Welcome Committee will be here shortly).
And I know what you mean. I'm 23 and I have to frequently remind myself that I'm not 20 anymore. It's weird.
I also love writing and world building! If you are like me, you must have several alternative universes in your head... Right? :P
Hi, Joe. I've seen your username on Disqus. Does it spell something backwards?
In any event, welcome. Lots to read and do here! We're all friendly, so don't hesitate to ask questions or try something out.
- Sunflower
It does mean something, but the something it means (once you crack the code) is related to my real name, so I tend to be careful with sharing that info :P
And welcome, Teagan! :) (I know I'm just a newbie, but the Official SSSS Forum Welcome Committee will be here shortly).
And I know what you mean. I'm 23 and I have to frequently remind myself that I'm not 20 anymore. It's weird.
I also love writing and world building! If you are like me, you must have several alternative universes in your head... Right? :P
Yeah a few :) one i've kept around since middle school but it's changed a lot. Sometimes characters even jump between them when i'm not looking, heh
Age: .................20
Nationality: .....French
Gender: ............Male
Studying: ...Electronics
Languages: :france: :uk: :poland:
Hi, I discovered SSSS recently through an ad on the SMBC website, I also read other webcomics including (but not limited to) Homestuck, RomanticallyApocalyptic, SaTW, xkcd...
My hobbies are pretty common, exept maybe sewing and survivalism
I'm going to Poland this summer but I haven't been in years, so maybe this forum is a good place to practice a little
Welcome to all these new people! Have some cookies and tea and enjoy the company in the forum. Being pretty new myself I can already say that everyone here is very friendly and welcoming.
My hobbies are pretty common, exept maybe sewing and survivalism
If you are interested in sewing you could join us in the Yarncrafters Club, there are at least two of us sewing things.
After a while of being too nervous to sign up and post here, I figured it was finally time to fix that! So howdy, I'm Shelby (or Baku if you prefer) and I come from the lovely Commonwealth of Virginia where you can drive from a big city to a field out in the middle of nowhere in approx. 5 minutes. I'm an artist and equestrian who adores videogames of all kinds (mostly RPGs and psychological horror) and baking sweets. I found SSSS through the Hiveworks website since I read a lot of other webcomics associated with them (The Black Brick Road of OZ, The Lonely Vincent Bellingham, The Glass Scientists, etc.), and all I can say is that I absolutely love the comic and everything that seems to come with it. I'm excited to stumble upon a fandom that seems so friendly, and I hope to get to know you all pretty well!
Hello, New Minnions!
*signs the band to start to play; sound of drums and trombones fills the room*
Welcome to the Forum! Enjoy the many threads of fun and delight, and don't leave out Piney's squirrel cookies!
*laying the red carpet out, so it's leading straight to Piney's bakery*
*spotting Lars's cunning battle cookie, Dale; points it out*
Well, maybe you do want to leave out the small one that waves with a little pitchfork, and throws other cookies to the punch bowl, but the others won't fight back. Promise!
Links you may find interesting:
We have a thread for cooking (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=118.0) and one for video games (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=76.0).
And, also, there is a thread for stuff in the post apocalyptic genre (http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=27.0).
Enjoy! :)
*Pops out of kitchen* I've been summoned? Here are my squirrel cookies yes.
After a while of being too nervous to sign up and post here, I figured it was finally time to fix that! So howdy, I'm Shelby (or Baku if you prefer) and I come from the lovely Commonwealth of Virginia where you can drive from a big city to a field out in the middle of nowhere in approx. 5 minutes. I'm an artist and equestrian who adores videogames of all kinds (mostly RPGs and psychological horror) and baking sweets. I found SSSS through the Hiveworks website since I read a lot of other webcomics associated with them (The Black Brick Road of OZ, The Lonely Vincent Bellingham, The Glass Scientists, etc.), and all I can say is that I absolutely love the comic and everything that seems to come with it. I'm excited to stumble upon a fandom that seems so friendly, and I hope to get to know you all pretty well!
Hi there Virginian Minnion! (heheh) I'm from Virginia myself :) I can confirm we are very friendly and most of us are not trolls/beasts/giants. As far as I know. Enjoy the stay!
Hello, New Minnions!
*signs the band to start to play; sound of drums and trombones fills the room*
Welcome to the Forum! Enjoy the many threads of fun and delight, and don't leave out Piney's squirrel cookies!
*laying the red carpet out, so it's leading straight to Piney's bakery*
*spotting Lars's cunning battle cookie, Dale; points it out*
Well, maybe you do want to leave out the small one that waves with a little pitchfork, and throws other cookies to the punch bowl, but the others won't fight back. Promise!
Hi there Virginian Minnion! (heheh) I'm from Virginia myself :) I can confirm we are very friendly and most of us are not trolls/beasts/giants. As far as I know. Enjoy the stay!
@Sharion @Piney
Well, thank you both very much! I'll enjoy my stay... and these cookies.
Omfg nice art, fellow newbie :D
After a while of being too nervous to sign up and post here, I figured it was finally time to fix that! So howdy, I'm Shelby (or Baku if you prefer) and I come from the lovely Commonwealth of Virginia where you can drive from a big city to a field out in the middle of nowhere in approx. 5 minutes.
Welcome Baku! I am also from the Commonwealth! Formerly from one of those big cities, and now out in the middle of nowhere :P
Omfg nice art, fellow newbie :D
Thank you, I'll have to post some serious non-doodle-y arts when I can! ;)
Welcome Baku! I am also from the Commonwealth! Formerly from one of those big cities, and now out in the middle of nowhere :P
Thanks! I'm kinda shocked at the amount of people from VA lol.
Hi everyone! I'm Geoff, a 22 year old student living in Brisbane, Australia when I can't escape the city. I've been reading SSSS since the last prologue page went up and finally decided to stop lurking because you all seem like lovely people. Also, cookies.
Niiiice cookies.
*nom nom nom*
I speak French to an acceptable level and will be working as an English language teaching assistant in Besançon later in the year. If anyone reading this speaks French, send me a message - I need practice!
Hi. I'm some chick from Michigan that wants to become an aerospace engineer and/or a pilot. I like reading and writing a bunch, and I play bass (poorly). Aside from science and aviation, music is easily my biggest passion. I like copy editing too, for some weird reason. Feel free to make fun of me for this whenever I make a typo.
I speak English. American English. I tried to learn French once, it was a complete disaster. People died. Other things I'm really bad at: geography; drawing; singing; dancing; sports that aren't soccer or tennis; posting in the intro thread before anywhere else; and much, much more.
My best friend (koalalou <3) directed me here after introducing me to SSSS, for which I will always owe her. I'm usually not too big on webcomics (or normal comics), but SSSS really hits all the right notes. I love it.
Anyway, I'm not going to pretend I'm super interesting, but hopefully we'll get along just fine anyway.
Hi. I'm some chick from Michigan that wants to become an aerospace engineer and/or a pilot. I like reading and writing a bunch, and I play bass (poorly). Aside from science and aviation, music is easily my biggest passion. I like copy editing too, for some weird reason. Feel free to make fun of me for this whenever I make a typo.
My best friend (koalalou <3) directed me here after introducing me to SSSS, for which I will always owe her. I'm usually not too big on webcomics (or normal comics), but SSSS really hits all the right notes. I love it.
Anyway, I'm not going to pretend I'm super interesting, but hopefully we'll get along just fine anyway.
D'awww. You sound interesting to me! :) Your aerospace knowledge will come in handy discussing tech issues. We can use a bass player over in our SSSS: The Musical! thread. And as Forum-Skald, I'm always happy to see more copy editors.
BTW, what happened to koalalou? We haven't seen her posting in a few weeks, and we miss her! She got the self-inserts ball rolling, among other things.
D'awww. You sound interesting to me! :) Your aerospace knowledge will come in handy discussing tech issues. We can use a bass player over in our SSSS: The Musical! thread. And as Forum-Skald, I'm always happy to see more copy editors.
BTW, what happened to koalalou? We haven't seen her posting in a few weeks, and we miss her! She got the self-inserts ball rolling, among other things.
...SSSS: The Musical? What is this? Could you kindly direct me towards it?
D'awww. You sound interesting to me! :) Your aerospace knowledge will come in handy discussing tech issues. We can use a bass player over in our SSSS: The Musical! thread. And as Forum-Skald, I'm always happy to see more copy editors.
BTW, what happened to koalalou? We haven't seen her posting in a few weeks, and we miss her! She got the self-inserts ball rolling, among other things.
Aw, thanks~ I'll totally toss toss in what I know if the situation arises. It's not the most practical post-apocalyptic profession, though, if we're being totally honest. As for the musical, that sounds awesome, I'll totally check it out. I can't promise that I can join in, though, I'm really not very good. And I've never actually written any music before.
I'm honestly not completely sure. We talked for a few hours the other day, but it didn't come up. Knowing her, she's just been forgetting, though. I'll remind her to pop on next time I talk to her.
Oh, as for the copy editing thing, you can totally feel free to have me take a look at something if you're swamped or just don't want to do it. Nobody believes me when I say I enjoy doing it, but I really do.
Hi. I'm some chick from Michigan that wants to become an aerospace engineer and/or a pilot. I like reading and writing a bunch, and I play bass (poorly). Aside from science and aviation, music is easily my biggest passion. I like copy editing too, for some weird reason. Feel free to make fun of me for this whenever I make a typo.
I speak English. American English. I tried to learn French once, it was a complete disaster. People died. Other things I'm really bad at: geography; drawing; singing; dancing; sports that aren't soccer or tennis; posting in the intro thread before anywhere else; and much, much more.
My best friend (koalalou <3) directed me here after introducing me to SSSS, for which I will always owe her. I'm usually not too big on webcomics (or normal comics), but SSSS really hits all the right notes. I love it.
Anyway, I'm not going to pretend I'm super interesting, but hopefully we'll get along just fine anyway.
I'm Matt, I also want/am studying to become an Aerospace engineer. If you'd like to discuss feel free to shoot me a PM, I don't bite and I do enjoy good talks.
Hi! I have read SSSS and lurked on the board for a few weeks now, and this is my first time posting here.
By the way, I have been kind of wanting to make a thread to compare/contrast SSSS with zombie fiction on the SSSS board, but part of me thinks that would be a bad idea (especially for not having posted here before). Should I go for it?
Hi! I have read SSSS and lurked on the board for a few weeks now, and this is my first time posting here.
By the way, I have been kind of wanting to make a thread to compare/contrast SSSS with zombie fiction on the SSSS board, but part of me thinks that would be a bad idea (especially for not having posted here before). Should I go for it?
Why, hello there, young 'un! Welcome to the forum! A welcoming party will be with you shortly, but as for that comparison: you should probably post it on the general discussion board, in my opinion. However, I'll let the Great Almighty Sunflower Skald have the final say.
Anyway, welcome to the rapidly growing team!
By the way, I have been kind of wanting to make a thread to compare/contrast SSSS with zombie fiction on the SSSS board, but part of me thinks that would be a bad idea (especially for not having posted here before). Should I go for it?
Why, hello there, young 'un! Welcome to the forum! A welcoming party will be with you shortly, but as for that comparison: you should probably post it on the general discussion board, in my opinion. However, I'll let the Great Almighty Sunflower Skald have the final say.
Anyway, welcome to the rapidly growing team!
*whoosh* Did someone call?
EveryZig, I agree with DaneMurgen. Discussing SSSS in the context of zombie fiction is a fine topic; it could plausibly go in the SSSS board, but let's put it in General Discussion just because that's a bit less cluttered. (Also, GD has other book/movie/video game discussions.)
Welcome to the Forum!
Hi there,
my name's Anton. I've been reading SSSS for a few days now and I've been hooked frm the first few pages,
so i decided to join in on the forum so I can actually talk to people about the thing :D I'm also hilariously bad at introductions, but I'm trying.
I'm a german punk and part-time viking, a massive nerd and a student of the literary arts. So yeah. Hello and stuff.
Welcome, all new people! Get yourself comfortable and join the merry party! We have cookies, drinks, a pillow fort and countless other nice things ;D
Anton: Hello from a fellow German, nice to meet you!
We have cookies, drinks, a pillow fort and countless other nice things ;D
Apparently we just availed ourselves of a batch of mecha-squirrels (http://www.squirrel-project.eu/objectives.html) even ...
*readies cookie cannon
Apparently we just availed ourselves of a batch of mecha-squirrels (http://www.squirrel-project.eu/objectives.html) even ...
Oh, I want one for the Kinderzimmer!
Welcome, new people :)
I speak French to an acceptable level and will be working as an English language teaching assistant in Besançon later in the year. If anyone reading this speaks French, send me a message - I need practice!
You can join us in the french thread (in the language board) !
Hey guys, I'm Blacky from Canada and I've been watching Minna's art since long before even ARtD was a thing, so I've been a fan of SSSS since before anything was even posted, which I think is the same story for a lot of people. :) I figured that it was time that I joined the forum, so here I am! Phew. Glad that's done.
In real life I'm an aspiring author (my main creative pursuit) and I'm working on the pre-production of a graphic novel which shall be called 'Dragon Knight.' I've actually learned lot about comic production by studying established comic artists like and including Minna and I've been slowly beginning to do little practice comics alongside all the concept art that I create to work out stuff like what the look of my own comic will be. When I am not doing creative stuff I hike, backpack, camp, stare at cat videos, adore my own cats and work at a boring retail job.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEeEeEeee the new domain name isn't blocked by my school network <3 Hehehe I can actually post in the forum now
So hey folks, it's me DonatelloFellow, story writer, artist, and awkardier. Feel free to talk to me about whatever ^-^
Eh, I'll write more later
(Seriously though, should we start a thread for this or something?)
Started (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=413.0).
Seriously though, should we start a thread for this or something?
If anyone would like your posts from this thread moved to the new Space Thread Richard just created, please let me know. (PM or posting here, either way.)
- Sunflower
Heyo! I'm Latent Leprechaun!
I came from over yonder *waves vaguely off in a direction*
Some of you may have seen me in the chat on occasion.
I have never really been into reading webcomics. I would occasionally read Precocious and Lackadaisy when I was bored, but I always lurked. When my brother introduced me to SSSS I binge read the comic in 2-4 days and then inhaled read aRTD. It only took a few weeks after that for me to finally break down and make a comment on a page. Then it all went downhill. I made an account on the forum, made a piece of fan-art and have been obsessively checking and re-checking the forum and the comic since. My fate has sealed.
On another note, I like trying to art with both digital and physical mediums and I'm fairly decent with Blender!
http://www.blender.org/ (http://www.blender.org/)
Hi Blacky, DonatelloFellow and Latent Leprechaun! Welcome to the forum! :D I hope you'll have a nice time and lots of fun here - we're all friendly people, there are interesting discussions on almost everything and if you don't find the topic you're looking for, you can of course start a new thread :)
Hello, I'm MrNegative from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm not as negative as you may think. :D
I came across SSSS in Summer 2014 and have been keeping up on the webcomic since then. I decided to join this forum after I left my previous one due to lack of interest. Hopefully I'll remain here for a while and become a daily poster and become active in the community.
Welcome everyone! :)
Hopefully I'll remain here for a while and become a daily poster and become active in the community.
Unfortunately, your profile doesn't agree with you. You better reason with it. :P
Welcome to the other newbies!
Welcome everyone! :)
Unfortunately, your profile doesn't agree with you. You better reason with it. :P
Until I actually decide...
Well...I've posted daily so far, so I guess I'll change it. :P
It was pointed out to me that I had been rude and forgotten to introduce myself so here we go.
Divra's the handle, I'm fresh to the comic but have handed out recommendations like candy. The community seems great, and I can't wait to tallk some more with you all.
Hi! I'm Olive, my brother introduced me to this comic, and i've been reading it for about a month now. You may know him, he's Adrai. So, I enjoy watching Anime shows in Japanese with my friends, and studio Ghibli. :D They are my favorite. I also enjoy reading and drawing. YAY. I've been a lurker for a while, and have enjoyed the fun and interesting conversations you have all had, and am excited to join in on the randomness. :D
i haven't actually welcomed any newbies before, but a first time for everything i guess
HELLO Divra and Olive3-3!!!! Welcome to this super neato community!! We do indeed have fun and interesting conversations - among other things, we also have lots of art and storystuff and self-insertion (if you hear accordion noises, watch out, it might be a troll).
I'm not a cookie baker but I'm sure one of them will come around soon and cover you with edibles, so brace yourselves, hahahaha
Thanks for the the welcome, and I love cookies! :D
Thanks for the the welcome, and I love cookies! :D
Here then, have some squirrel cookies! *makes it rain*
Hej alla! *waves*
I'm new here, so I wanted to introduce myself a bit. :)
I am a 18-year-old student from Serbia, studying mathematics. Besides mathematics, I have big interests in webcomics (duh!), languages, card games, board games, origami and volleyball a bit. Hope to meet all of you wonderful people here! :)
Hellooooo, Ryagami! Glad to have ya!
*Throws welcoming cookie dough everywhere*
Mathematics is awesome - and I'm not being sarcastic! Might I ask what areas therein interest you most? Also, what card and board games?
And by the by, Olive (3-3) is the most best little sister ever. Seriously, I'm super glad she's on here :D
Hej alla! *waves*
I'm new here, so I wanted to introduce myself a bit. :)
I am a 18-year-old student from Serbia, studying mathematics. Besides mathematics, I have big interests in webcomics (duh!), languages, card games, board games, origami and volleyball a bit. Hope to meet all of you wonderful people here! :)
Hi! Welcome, welcome! [tour guide voice]
On your left, you'll find a tray of welcome cookies baked by yours truly (and I see Adrai has cookie dough already provided, if you prefer that). Peruse the forum at your leisure, post if you'd like, enjoy your time here! If you don't, the exit is right over..... somewhere. Clearly I'm not the right person to ask.
Hi! Welcome, welcome! [tour guide voice]
On your left, you'll find a tray of welcome cookies baked by yours truly (and I see Adrai has cookie dough already provided, if you prefer that). Peruse the forum at your leisure, post if you'd like, enjoy your time here! If you don't, the exit is right over..... somewhere. Clearly I'm not the right person to ask.
Thank you for the kind welcome! Do you have any cookies with live squirrels?
Thank you for the kind welcome! Do you have any cookies with live squirrels?
Ah, that's not my specialty, unfortunately. Vegetarian cookies always have less of a chance of biting you back, so... they're safer to give newcomers a good impression :D
Hej alla! *waves*
I'm new here, so I wanted to introduce myself a bit. :)
I am a 18-year-old student from Serbia, studying mathematics. Besides mathematics, I have big interests in webcomics (duh!), languages, card games, board games, origami and volleyball a bit. Hope to meet all of you wonderful people here! :)
Origami -- cool! I'll have to introduce you to OrigamiOwl, one of our longest-standing fans!
I love origami, which I got introduced to as a child in Hawaii (where there's a lot of Japanese influence). How did you get interested in it?
Hej alla! *waves*
Oh! Ryagami! Hi! :D
Welcome to the forum~!
(For some reason I thought you were already a member whoops >_> hahahe..)
Hej alla! *waves*
I'm new here, so I wanted to introduce myself a bit. :)
I am a 18-year-old student from Serbia, studying mathematics. Besides mathematics, I have big interests in webcomics (duh!), languages, card games, board games, origami and volleyball a bit. Hope to meet all of you wonderful people here! :)
It's good to see you on the forum, too. :)
Thanks for all tje welcomes! :)
Hellooooo, Ryagami! Glad to have ya!
*Throws welcoming cookie dough everywhere*
Mathematics is awesome - and I'm not being sarcastic! Might I ask what areas therein interest you most? Also, what card and board games?
And by the by, Olive (3-3) is the most best little sister ever. Seriously, I'm super glad she's on here :D
Woah, totally missed this.
My fave parts of math are combinatorics and linear algebra. What about you?
As for the games, for card games I mostly mean MTG, but I've also tried Netrunner a bit and liked it. By board games, I've actually meant all kinds of multiplayer games, such as Munchkin, Love Letters and this board game called Singidunum.
@Sunflower: Well, I learned about it from the Internetz, of course!
I should introduce myself here, too.
Dave, new-ish reader since a few weeks ago.
It's definitely going on my Hugo nomination ballot for Best Graphic Story next year.
Hello, all you new people! Welcome to this awesome forum! Please have some cookies! Um, I have only nerve-calming cookies to offer, but only one per day! Or feed them to the squirrel cookies... :D
Howdy to all the new folks! I don't have anything awesome to give out, so I'll leave that to the well established welcoming committee.
Hope you guys enjoy your stay!
I have been lurking for a while with the occasional post since a friend of mine told me to read SSSS. I just want to say hi and welcome to everyone who joins the fan forum
I have been lurking for a while with the occasional post since a friend of mine told me to read SSSS. I just want to say hi and welcome to everyone who joins the fan forum
Could we ask you to tell us a bit about yourself? Where you're from, interests, plans, etc.?
How did I never notice there was an introduction thread?
So hello, Rabbit here. *awkward Zuko wave*
I've been around since September, I'm just really bad at this foruming thing.
Finn temporarily displaced to the land of sushi and painfully polite people in an attempt to learn the language, older than Hannu but younger than Sigrun, troper and book hoarder. I have 99 problems and all of them are having way too many interests to actually devote significant time to anything. My only specialties are remembering utterly useless details about fictional works and not getting lost. I like swords and taking extreme close-up photos of vegetation. Occasionally I try to art. Mostly I just hang in the back providing snide commentary. I despair about coffee a lot.
I despair about coffee a lot.
IIRC the Finns drink more coffee per capita than anyone else in the world. Lord knows how they're going to survive post-Rash.
IIRC the Finns drink more coffee per capita than anyone else in the world. Lord knows how they're going to survive post-Rash.
I wonder the same.
I wonder the same.
There's something about that in this thread.
The tl,dr is dandelion, chicory or roasted acorns.
I worry more about nicotine, should the apocalypse happen I am raiding the nearest seller of cigarettes and woe betide any that would stand in my path. The end of the world will be bad enough without adding niccy withdrawal to the mix. That said caffeine withdrawal is no fun either...
I worry more about nicotine, should the apocalypse happen I am raiding the nearest seller of cigarettes and woe betide any that would stand in my path. The end of the world will be bad enough without adding niccy withdrawal to the mix. That said caffeine withdrawal is no fun either...
*gives you a semi-worried semi-angry glare* But I thought you quit . . . *crawls in a box*
I worry more about nicotine, should the apocalypse happen I am raiding the nearest seller of cigarettes and woe betide any that would stand in my path. The end of the world will be bad enough without adding niccy withdrawal to the mix. That said caffeine withdrawal is no fun either...
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel...goddamit, I need a cigarette.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel...goddamit, I need a cigarette.
Hey, folks, can I gently encourage you to continue the conversation in General Discussion? We try to keep this channel clear for introductions (and a reasonable amount of reaction thereto).
I'm a guy from Hungary, Tuomi+(2×Tuomi^0) years old, currently a student. Hobbies include programming (beginner), making websites (intermediate at front-end stuff) and messing around in Blender. SSSS also got me interested in drawing and Finnish, but I haven't done anything related to those yet. Favourite school subject is Maths (also Physics, but we don't have that right now).
I found SSSS via the Language tree back in November, it was posted on a news site I read. My first reaction was "Are webcomics a thing?" Then I got curious, and read it. I got carried away immediately by the world and the characters. So, I've been a lurker for about half a year... in that time I gradually started voting, checking the forum and reguraly following some threads. Then I started making a forum theme for this place, got it finished (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=16.msg32620#msg32620), and now here I am, giving a contribution to the wonderful community of this wonderful comic. :)
I don't think I'll write too much, but I'll continue to check in more times than reasonable a lot... :D
I don't think I'll write too much
i mean
welcome to the forum!!! even if you might have lurked for longer than i've been a member
The forum theme looks super cool O:
I'm a guy from Hungary, Tuomi+(2×Tuomi^0) years old, currently a student. Hobbies include programming (beginner), making websites (intermediate at front-end stuff) and messing around in Blender. SSSS also got me interested in drawing and Finnish, but I haven't done anything related to those yet. Favourite school subject is Maths (also Physics, but we don't have that right now).
I found SSSS via the Language tree back in November, it was posted on a news site I read. My first reaction was "Are webcomics a thing?" Then I got curious, and read it. I got carried away immediately by the world and the characters.
So, I've been a lurker for about half a year... in that time I gradually started voting, checking the forum and reguraly following some threads.
Then I started making a forum theme for this place, got it finished (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=16.msg32620#msg32620), and now here I am, giving a contribution to the wonderful community of this wonderful comic. :)
I don't think I'll write too much, but I'll continue to check in more times than reasonable a lot... :D
Welcome, Eriaror! That's quite a debut -- offering a beautiful forum theme before even your first post!
If I remember my high-school math, you're... 17? That actually makes you one of the elder members of "SSSS Fandom: The Next Generation." The Language Tree seems to have lured in quite a few new readers -- and why am I not surprised you're interested in Finnish? ;) (My library request queue is full of Sibelius, Moomintroll books, and a post-apocalyptic novel recommended by another Forumite.)
Make yourself at home, and once again, welcome!
- Sunflower
P.S. Does your forum name have a meaning?
P.P.S. If you're interested in math, do you have an Erdős number yet? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erd%C5%91s_number) ;)
Quote from: Eriaror on Today at 11:28:54 AM
I don't think I'll write too much
i mean
welcome to the forum!!! even if you might have lurked for longer than i've been a member
Haha! I remember 'way back when Haiz's forum icon text was "very small, very scared" and then "tiny unicorn." Ze outgrew that shyness pretty quickly! 8)
I'm a guy from Hungary, Tuomi+(2×Tuomi^0) years old, currently a student. Hobbies include programming (beginner), making websites (intermediate at front-end stuff) and messing around in Blender. SSSS also got me interested in drawing and Finnish, but I haven't done anything related to those yet. Favourite school subject is Maths (also Physics, but we don't have that right now).
I found SSSS via the Language tree back in November, it was posted on a news site I read. My first reaction was "Are webcomics a thing?" Then I got curious, and read it. I got carried away immediately by the world and the characters. So, I've been a lurker for about half a year... in that time I gradually started voting, checking the forum and reguraly following some threads. Then I started making a forum theme for this place, got it finished (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=16.msg32620#msg32620), and now here I am, giving a contribution to the wonderful community of this wonderful comic. :)
I don't think I'll write too much, but I'll continue to check in more times than reasonable a lot... :D
Welcome, have some cookies! Good job with the theme!
If I remember my high-school math, you're... 17? That actually makes you one of the elder members of "SSSS Fandom: The Next Generation."
16, I believe. (Tuomi was 15)
Haha! I remember 'way back when Haiz's forum icon text was "very small, very scared" and then "tiny unicorn." Ze outgrew that shyness pretty quickly! 8)
and a testament to this community's acceptance of overexcited weirdos like me
i was SO READY to bolt at any sign of annoyance, I even had this as my icon:
hang on lemme find my own introduction post
I don't think I'll be very active
fastforward not even two months, and I'm airport royalty in the making
Kicsi szívem vígan dobog látásodnak alkalmából! Üdv a fórumon, vegyél a virtuális sütikből (óvatosan a mókus ízűekkel), és felejtsd el az "alvás" szót. Az ágyak egyébként is csak a mélyűrben élő kék meztelen csigák ördögi találmánya, direkt arra tervezve, hogy kiszívják az életerőd és ellopják az egyéniséged. ;)
My little heart flutters merrily on the occassion of seeing you! Greetings to the forum, have some virtual cookies (beware of the chipmunk flavoured ones), and forget the word "sleeping". Beds are the invention of the blue slugs living in deep space, anyway, purposely devised to suck one's life force and steal one's identity. ;)
We have an introduction thread!?
Well, there’s an indication of how blisteringly incompetent I can be when it comes to forums. We’re off to a good start!
Well… hello, I guess? Despite the fact that I’ve already been here for about a month and a half. I’m SectoBoss, currently slogging through the last few years of a chemistry degree in a city where it never stops raining. If you met me in real life you’d think I was cripplingly shy and a bit weird, and you’d be right on both counts. Since I can’t draw for toffee I’ve ended up writing way more SSSS fanfiction than is healthy. Some people have even said it isn’t terrible, and this makes me happier than it has any right to. All in all I must say I’m incredibly glad I found this little corner of the internet, even if my interaction with it can be a bit sparse.
I’m more of a lurker than an active member of the community, and will continue to be so until I can think of something else to say.
*scurries back into the lurker shadows, carries on writing*
Some people have even said it isn’t terrible
how about "you're my favourite SSSS fanfic writer"
We have an introduction thread!?
Well, there’s an indication of how blisteringly incompetent I can be when it comes to forums. We’re off to a good start!
Well… hello, I guess? Despite the fact that I’ve already been here for about a month and a half. I’m SectoBoss, currently slogging through the last few years of a chemistry degree in a city where it never stops raining. If you met me in real life you’d think I was cripplingly shy and a bit weird, and you’d be right on both counts.
Since I can’t draw for toffee I’ve ended up writing way more SSSS fanfiction than is healthy. Some people have even said it isn’t terrible, and this makes me happier than it has any right to. All in all I must say I’m incredibly glad I found this little corner of the internet, even if my interaction with it can be a bit sparse.
Oh, c'mon -- we wouldn't let anyone else say mean things about you, so we don't like to hear you say overly self-critical things either! Many of our members either haven't posted here, or only did so because someone *ahem* nagged them to.
Really, we have something like 32,000 postings in 375 threads [jeez, I had no idea], and we don't exactly hand out checklists at the door. So it's excusable if you didn't stumble over this Intro thread till now.
Not that we aren't glad to hear from you! And as far as cripplingly shy and a bit weird, heh, join the club! :)
And *please* feel free to keep writing -- we really like it when you do! See:
I know a lot of words but I don't know how I can put them together to say how much I like [SB's latest story].
I loved it. So sad, a perfect touch of hopelessness, well-written and - well - I guess the end almost kind of counts as a happy one... well, not really but maybe something like a good conclusion. *applause*
Hi, I'm Abageal, and I live in the southern part of the US. I'm still teaching myself several different arts, and I've been lurking on the comic since the second half of Chapter One approximately.... I;ve also been lurking on the forum for a while, and I decided that I'm going to join and generally being a person. I'm really not all that interesting, as you can tell :) I try to do art and stuff, but I'm still learning a LOT. But I love SSSS a ton, and I'm really excited to be more a part of the community. So... Hi!
Hi, I'm Abageal, and I live in the southern part of the US. I'm still teaching myself several different arts, and I've been lurking on the comic since the second half of Chapter One approximately.... I;ve also been lurking on the forum for a while, and I decided that I'm going to join and generally being a person. I'm really not all that interesting, as you can tell :) I try to do art and stuff, but I'm still learning a LOT. But I love SSSS a ton, and I'm really excited to be more a part of the community. So... Hi!
Hallo, and welcome! Glad to have you out of lurkerdom! Rule number one, never say you're not interesting, that's the biggest lie ever. Rule number two, keep learning! We'd love to see your works!
I'm not really all that official, but hey, have some cookies anyways :) Well, cookie dough - don't bake it, it has a tendency to start planning world domination and playing chess. In that order.
Hallo, and welcome! Glad to have you out of lurkerdom! Rule number one, never say you're not interesting, that's the biggest lie ever. Rule number two, keep learning! We'd love to see your works!
I'm not really all that official, but hey, have some cookies anyways :) Well, cookie dough - don't bake it, it has a tendency to start planning world domination and playing chess. In that order.
Ah man, I might need some cookie minions for world domination...... And to win at chess for me, because I'm terrible :D
Hi, I'm Abageal, and I live in the southern part of the US. I'm still teaching myself several different arts, and I've been lurking on the comic since the second half of Chapter One approximately.... I;ve also been lurking on the forum for a while, and I decided that I'm going to join and generally being a person. I'm really not all that interesting, as you can tell :) I try to do art and stuff, but I'm still learning a LOT. But I love SSSS a ton, and I'm really excited to be more a part of the community. So... Hi!
Hi to you! :D I think I recognize your name from tumblr.
Here are some proper cookies:
(sorry, they're not real squirrels so I don't think they can help you)
So what would you prefer we call you?
Hi to you! :D I think I recognize your name from tumblr.
Here are some proper cookies:
(sorry, they're not real squirrels so I don't think they can help you)
So what would you prefer we call you?
Hi! I am on Tumblr, and my username is abageal (I tried to do that on here too, but it was taken :) )
Those are pretty great cookie Squirrels, Thank you :D Maybe one day I will find technology that can animate cookies.......
Honestly, I really don't mind what anyone wants to call me. Abageal is fine, as is Teresa- so you can pick and choose :)
Hi! I am on Tumblr, but my username is abageal (I tried to do that on here too, but it was taken :) )
Those are pretty great cookie Squirrels, Thank you :D Maybe one day I will find technology that can animate cookies.......
Honestly, I really don't mind what anyone wants to call me. Abageal is fine, as is Teresa- so you can pick and choose :)
You're welcome, they are the Most Best Trustworthy cookies indeed :D I'll probably end up using Teresa, it's bound to be less confusing if I'm ever referring to you on the forum.
and yep I was right, you follow one of my blogs
Hmm, Aberresa sounds like an abberation, and Abagealaresa sounds like some sort of strange ritual, so I think I'll stick to Teresa, thanks :P
100% Ok with being called Teresa :) Also, yes, I wonder if they can be captains or not..... mmmm, Sigrun might have a problem with them and feed them to Lalli. Which would be hilarious.
I've never had anyone try to mix my names, it's actually a pretty interesting result :)
100% Ok with being called Teresa :) Also, yes, I wonder if they can be captains or not..... mmmm, Sigrun might have a problem with them and feed them to Lalli. Which would be hilarious.
I've never had anyone try to mix my names, it's actually a pretty interesting result :)
Oho, did you draw your icon? curry senses ARTIST We have a variety of art threads, listed here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0) along with lots of useful information about how images work! Please come join us and grace us with more fantastic fanart! :D
Oho, did you draw your icon? curry senses ARTIST We have a variety of art threads, listed here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0) along with lots of useful information about how images work! Please come join us and grace us with more fantastic fanart! :D
I did draw my icon! I'm hoping to post it to the art thread tomorrow :)
I cannot thank you enough for the info! It will definitely help a ton :D
Thanks for all the greetings! :)
Quote from: Sunflower on May 07, 2015, 02:51:59 PM
If I remember my high-school math, you're... 17? That actually makes you one of the elder members of "SSSS Fandom: The Next Generation."
16, I believe. (Tuomi was 15)
17 actually, because exponents come first (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations): Tuomi+(2×Tuomi^0) -> 15+(2×1) -> 17 ;)
Thanks for all the greetings! :)
17 actually, because exponents come first (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations): Tuomi+(2×Tuomi^0) -> 15+(2×1) -> 17 ;)
*slaps self* I knew that! Don't think I realized it wasn't in parentheses :P
But whatever, this thread isn't for me to discuss my math problems
Hi Teresa! I saw your art on tumblr. welcome to the forum.
Hi Teresa! I saw your art on tumblr. welcome to the forum.
Hi! I hoped you liked my (kinda sloppy) art! I'm very happy to be here ;D
Hello everyone!
I am anonion (pronounced "an onion", not my real name or anything). I hail from Eastern Europe and am a pretty typical geek (into video games, comics, langauges, googling obscure topics at 3 am) who put a handful of extra points in art. I mostly made an account here to share my fanart, but then people told me it would be nice to introduce myself so here I am. I'll probably continue to comment mostly on Disqus, since its format feels more cozy, but I already enjoy it here as well! I'm off to read your introductions now.
Hello everyone!
I am anonion (pronounced "an onion", not my real name or anything). I hail from Eastern Europe and am a pretty typical geek (into video games, comics, langauges, googling obscure topics at 3 am) who put a handful of extra points in art. I mostly made an account here to share my fanart, but then people told me it would be nice to introduce myself so here I am. I'll probably continue to comment mostly on Disqus, since its format feels more cozy, but I already enjoy it here as well! I'm off to read your introductions now.
It's always nice to introduce yourself! I for one like knowing who people are. :) *throws complimentary virtual cookies at you* Go forth, enjoy your time here!
hi! im rae :3
im good friends with curry and also freddiethefantastic, and they have been talking about this comic for like five million years! i finally decided i should catch up and omg i rly love it. im just a few pages away from being updated rn!!!
ive not rly been active in fandoms before, but ive heard that everyone here is very sweet so im eager to meet you all! ive also never used a forum before oops. so im def new at all this. i draw a bit so i might post some art here eventually? anyways im just rly excited to be a part of the community!!! c: c: c:
hi! im rae :3
im good friends with curry and also freddiethefantastic, and they have been talking about this comic for like five million years! i finally decided i should catch up and omg i rly love it. im just a few pages away from being updated rn!!!
ive not rly been active in fandoms before, but ive heard that everyone here is very sweet so im eager to meet you all! ive also never used a forum before oops. so im def new at all this. i draw a bit so i might post some art here eventually? anyways im just rly excited to be a part of the community!!! c: c: c:
Rae is great and their art is great and they're super sweet and they're going to be cosplaying with me eventually! :D I'm glad I introduced them to this comic • v •
Hello Rae, it's good to have you around! Please do post some art, we want to to see all the art! :D
wow, it's been a while since i've seen this thread!
Having had marathon-ed through the comic in half a day, then became its fan, then marathoned aRTD as well, and just now decided to join the fanforums as well.
Hi all!
Having had marathon-ed through the comic in half a day, then became its fan, then marathoned aRTD as well, and just now decided to join the fanforums as well.
Hi all!
We acknowledge your dedication marathon-man/lady. Welcome to the forum.
Having had marathon-ed through the comic in half a day, then became its fan, then marathoned aRTD as well, and just now decided to join the fanforums as well.
Hi all!
Welcome! I'm also a marathoner of new comics, so I can guess that when you reached the most recent page your reaction was probably similar to mine -- "wait, I'm caught up? But I need to know what happens next!"
Welcome! I'm also a marathoner of new comics, so I can guess that when you reached the most recent page your reaction was probably similar to mine -- "wait, I'm caught up? But I need to know what happens next!"
I always have this smug feeling when marathoning, like, you see all these people obsessively waiting for the next update and you just click your way through the pages like "haha suckerssss" - but then you emerge at the end, an addicted wreck and realize that oh no, you're one of the suckers now
also hello Haspen, I hope you'll like it here ^_^
Yes by the time I reached the 'last page' (it was page 284, I think) I had an internal scream of 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS THE LAST PAGE, NOOOO'.
Thanks for warm welcome! :3
Welcome, everybody :)
Yes by the time I reached the 'last page' (it was page 284, I think) I had an internal scream of 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS THE LAST PAGE, NOOOO'.
Thanks for warm welcome! :3
I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your avatar!
Thanks, a buddy of mine from another forum made it, and its other two shuffling variants. I love it too :3
I am anonion (pronounced "an onion" [...]
Soooo ... "anon ion" is the name of your secret mad-scientist identity, right? Right? ;)
Soooo ... "anon ion" is the name of your secret mad-scientist identity, right? Right? ;)
...that's how I was reading it before anonion wrote that introduction... >.<
Soooo ... "anon ion" is the name of your secret mad-scientist identity, right? Right? ;)
I wish! I'm nowhere near as smart, resourceful and intent on world conquest enough to be a mad scientist. I'm more of a spawn of Puppyfox if anything - incompetent trickster god wannabe.
I hope they fall for this
Hello! I'm Ana Nymus (get the pun? :P). This is probably obvious, but I'm new here. I've binge read both comics and love them with all of my heart. I'm a huge fantasy and sci-fi fan, I play flute and piano, and I occasionally write and draw my own stuff. I'm also attempting to learn Finnish (key word: attempting), so I'll be heading over to the language forums now. See you later!
P.S. For all you binge readers out there: that moment when you go to click the "next page" button and nothing happens, and you realize that you've caught up and have to wait for the next comic...
Hello! I'm Ana Nymus (get the pun? :P).
Helloooooo!!! (I got the pun, hahah)
Welcome to the forum ^___________^ I'm not one of the cookie-makers but they'll come around at some point, in the meanwhile I hope you'll have fun in the language threads and wherever else you'll find yourself!
Hello! I'm Ana Nymus (get the pun? :P). This is probably obvious, but I'm new here. I've binge read both comics and love them with all of my heart. I'm a huge fantasy and sci-fi fan, I play flute and piano, and I occasionally write and draw my own stuff. I'm also attempting to learn Finnish (key word: attempting), so I'll be heading over to the language forums now. See you later!
P.S. For all you binge readers out there: that moment when you go to click the "next page" button and nothing happens, and you realize that you've caught up and have to wait for the next comic...
Thank you for the cookies! This is such a welcoming community. I think I'm going to enjoy it here :)
This is such a welcoming community. I think I'm going to enjoy it here :)
I know, right? I was not intending to become a fanartist, or hand out squirrel-cookies, or spend the most amount of time on "social media" (aka forums) in my French class (despite being technologically inept and having that class with a whole load of popular people)... ;)
I know, right? I was not intending to become a fanartist, or hand out squirrel-cookies, or spend the most amount of time on "social media" (aka forums) in my French class (despite being technologically inept and having that class with a whole load of popular people)... ;)
Haha, you could even count your Forum participation towards studying French if you hang out here:
I have certainly improved my French, through that thread and one-on-one conversations with some of our Francophone members.
Thank you for the cookies! This is such a welcoming community. I think I'm going to enjoy it here :)
Hopefully you will! This is the sweetest and most talented fandom I've been in! :D Welcome aboard!
Haha, you could even count your Forum participation towards studying French if you hang out here:
I have certainly improved my French, through that thread and one-on-one conversations with some of our Francophone members.
If I can help... :)
I'm Zet, 22, haven't been on any forum in years, so this is a bit awkward...
My native language is Polish, I know some German from school (enough to understand some, not enough to actually hold a conversation), now I'm learning Finnish, but I'm a total beginner so far.
I've read SSSS in one go (I tried to stop, but just...couldn't), now I'm a bit obsessed. I liked aRTD too, but I have a soft spot for well-written postapo stuff, I guess c:
I like pixel art, music, starry skies, random facts and that awful 80s music videos aesthetic. Beautiful.
I also am a wannabe animator and I kind of draw (I really, really hate the word 'artist'), here's my sketchblog (http://zetkaj.tumblr.com)! (Now, with SSSS stuff!)
(How do you end a post without it looking unfinished?)
Hello and welcome, Zet! We're all a bit obsessed here. :D
If you haven't seen it already, the SSSS Art Museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0) would greatly benefit from your drawings (the colors on the fluffy-hood-Lalli are amazing).
(...as for ending posts, I'm just as clueless as you.)
Wooo, another Polish person \o/
Witaj Zet!
If you haven't seen it already, the SSSS Art Museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0) would greatly benefit from your drawings (the colors on the fluffy-hood-Lalli are amazing).
I'll post there, sure! And thank you!
Wooo, another Polish person \o/
Witaj Zet!
Witaj, i to również z Gdańska! :D
If I can help... :)
Arg. Must not go back to French until I've learned enough Swedish
I'm Zet, 22, haven't been on any forum in years, so this is a bit awkward...
My native language is Polish, I know some German from school (enough to understand some, not enough to actually hold a conversation), now I'm learning Finnish, but I'm a total beginner so far.
I've read SSSS in one go (I tried to stop, but just...couldn't), now I'm a bit obsessed. I liked aRTD too, but I have a soft spot for well-written postapo stuff, I guess c:
I like pixel art, music, starry skies, random facts and that awful 80s music videos aesthetic. Beautiful.
I also am a wannabe animator and I kind of draw (I really, really hate the word 'artist'), here's my sketchblog (http://zetkaj.tumblr.com)! (Now, with SSSS stuff!)
(How do you end a post without it looking unfinished?)
Hi Zet, welcome. :) I love the drawings on your blog. I dig the sketch like style and the soft colours. I agree with everyone else here, put some in the fan art thread. ^-^ Now how to end my post...hmmm *throws confetti.* Perfect.
On Discus you will find me under KMKestner. I have raised wool sheep for the last 15 years. I also have chickens, a pair of geese, 2 mini horses, 4 dags and 3 kitties and 3 quail. Have owned goats in the past but they really make you work. They are Houdinis and mischief makers. My education started in Agriculture but I ended getting a degree in Graphic Design. I am a cancer survivor. Used to hate baby pink (unless it was coupled with black) but have since revised my view of it. Turns out I really look good in pink as well.
Hi, I'm Beth! I've been lurking around the forums for a little while now, but I forgot to actually introduce myself until now.
I'm 16, and I love storytelling, whether through writing or comics. I'm hoping at some point to write some fanfiction or do fanart. or both. both is good. :)
So... yeah. (I never know what to say with things like this so I hope that was sufficient!)
Hi, I'm Beth! I've been lurking around the forums for a little while now, but I forgot to actually introduce myself until now.
I'm 16, and I love storytelling, whether through writing or comics. I'm hoping at some point to write some fanfiction or do fanart. or both. both is good. :)
So... yeah. (I never know what to say with things like this so I hope that was sufficient!)
Hi Beth!
Welcome to our awesome little community. Here, have some squirrel cookies!
Hi, I'm Beth! I've been lurking around the forums for a little while now, but I forgot to actually introduce myself until now.
I'm 16, and I love storytelling, whether through writing or comics. I'm hoping at some point to write some fanfiction or do fanart. or both. both is good. :)
So... yeah. (I never know what to say with things like this so I hope that was sufficient!)
Your Forum icon is so cute! Did you make it?
Hi, I´m Juha!
I found SSSS a couple weeks ago and read it all twice in two days. I couldn´t forget the urge to draw all the characters and so I gave in and made a blog. (http://taivonpoika.tumblr.com/ (http://taivonpoika.tumblr.com/))
Some people asked me what my username means - it´s "Son of the Skies", referring to Lalli and his moon spells and starry dream world. It´s kind of old word that you might see in literature but not so much in conversation.
I would love to make a webcomic, but I work too much and don´t draw well, so I just make fanarts.
On Discus you will find me under KMKestner. I have raised wool sheep for the last 15 years. I also have chickens, a pair of geese, 2 mini horses, 4 dags and 3 kitties and 3 quail. Have owned goats in the past but they really make you work. They are Houdinis and mischief makers. My education started in Agriculture but I ended getting a degree in Graphic Design. I am a cancer survivor. Used to hate baby pink (unless it was coupled with black) but have since revised my view of it. Turns out I really look good in pink as well.
That's a lot of animals O:
I'm hoping at some point to write some fanfiction or do fanart. or both. both is good. :)
Hi, I´m Juha!
I found SSSS a couple weeks ago and read it all twice in two days. I couldn´t forget the urge to draw all the characters and so I gave in and made a blog. (http://taivonpoika.tumblr.com/ (http://taivonpoika.tumblr.com/))
Some people asked me what my username means - it´s "Son of the Skies", referring to Lalli and his moon spells and starry dream world. It´s kind of old word that you might see in literature but not so much in conversation.
I would love to make a webcomic, but I work too much and don´t draw well, so I just make fanarts.
Hellooooo!! Your username is really cool. As for "don't draw well" that's obviously a lie, but I've heard that making a webcomic is actually a really good way to improve ^_______^ hopefully you'll get the time for it some day!!
Your Forum icon is so cute! Did you make it?
Sadly, no... It's from Prague Race, another webcomic that I read. :)
Your Forum icon is so cute! Did you make it?
I can answer that! It's actually from a webcomic called Prague Race by Leppu, another Finnish artist! It has nothing to do with Prague or a race, it's about some kids who accidentally stumble into a weird magical world... The art is great though! :D
EDIT: woops, beaten to it! Sorry XD feel free to disregard.
Hi, I´m Juha!
I found SSSS a couple weeks ago and read it all twice in two days. I couldn´t forget the urge to draw all the characters and so I gave in and made a blog. (http://taivonpoika.tumblr.com/ (http://taivonpoika.tumblr.com/))
Some people asked me what my username means - it´s "Son of the Skies", referring to Lalli and his moon spells and starry dream world. It´s kind of old word that you might see in literature but not so much in conversation.
I would love to make a webcomic, but I work too much and don´t draw well, so I just make fanarts.
Welcome :) *Look at your blog* Oh, I've listen to your playlist before ! It's funny to ear that some titles seems made to inspire people ^^
Welcome :) *Look at your blog* Oh, I've listen to your playlist before ! It's funny to ear that some titles seems made to inspire people ^^
I didn´t make the playlist, only reblogged it. :) But I have made a few SSSS playlists that I will post on the weekend.
I didn´t make the playlist, only reblogged it. :) But I have made a few SSSS playlists that I will post on the weekend.
Oooooooops, I read too fast ^^°
Hæ! I've been wandering around here for a few days, taking in the wonderfulness of this community. This is the first forum I've ever actually posted on, so hopefully I won't mess this up too badly :P
I guess I should start out with how I found this beautiful comic. My penpal from Denmark sent it to me and I started with aRTD and then ended up here at SSSS few days later. Since then I have spent all my exam studying time reading and rereading :D
I am really excited to see so many language enthusiasts here. I have made language learning into a hobby for myself and will probably be spending a lot of time over in the language forums. Right now I am working on bettering my Danish pronunciation, and I hope to start German sometime later this year.
Other random things about me: I will read (nearly) any and every book you put in front of me (I am that person you see who walks into poles because they are reading a book while walking) I am a violist (fear us), and my calculus notes are more sketches than actual math.
Fear the violas? Oh, I do. I do very much.
Welcome! Are you from Iceland, or just a SATW fan?
And it's nice to add a violist to our growing collection of musicians.
Are you familiar with Garrison Keillor's "The Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra"? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK3UialK8i4)
Here's what he says about violists:
The viola section is not a nice place for a Lutheran and you're just going to have to take my word for it. I know violists and they are fine people until, late at night, they start drinking a few bottles of cheap red wine and roasting chickens over a pit in a vacant lot and talk about going to Yucatan with a woman named Rita. Don't be a part of this crowd.
Hæ! I've been wandering around here for a few days, taking in the wonderfulness of this community. This is the first forum I've ever actually posted on, so hopefully I won't mess this up too badly :P
I guess I should start out with how I found this beautiful comic. My penpal from Denmark sent it to me and I started with aRTD and then ended up here at SSSS few days later. Since then I have spent all my exam studying time reading and rereading :D
I am really excited to see so many language enthusiasts here. I have made language learning into a hobby for myself and will probably be spending a lot of time over in the language forums. Right now I am working on bettering my Danish pronunciation, and I hope to start German sometime later this year.
Other random things about me: I will read (nearly) any and every book you put in front of me (I am that person you see who walks into poles because they are reading a book while walking) I am a violist (fear us), and my calculus notes are more sketches than actual math.
Other random things about me: I will read (nearly) any and every book you put in front of me (I am that person you see who walks into poles because they are reading a book while walking) I am a violist (fear us), and my calculus notes are more sketches than actual math.
Welcome, other person who walks and reads in the same time :D
I am a violist (fear us)
You're one of those. Also hæ ertu frá Íslandi? :D
Hello! I'm Pyrite, and I'm fairly new to this fandom overall. I found SSSS via friend recommendation (I'm not sure if she has an account on here) and I read it all in about two days. I draw, and write a tiny bit, along with doing a great deal of reading. I may be doing more lurking/ghosting as opposed to actual posting though.
Hello! I'm Pyrite, and I'm fairly new to this fandom overall. I found SSSS via friend recommendation (I'm not sure if she has an account on here) and I read it all in about two days. I draw, and write a tiny bit, along with doing a great deal of reading. I may be doing more lurking/ghosting as opposed to actual posting though.
Hello/Welcome! :D We'd love to see your creative outputs (if you feel like sharing them, of course) in any of our fine threads devoted to art!
Also, I like your icon! Skulls are some of my favorite things, though some people think that's creepy? Is it creepy that I have a folder full of pictures of various kinds of animal skulls? I hope not... biology is just super interesting...
You're one of those. Also hæ ertu frá Íslandi? :D
Nei, ég er frá Kanada. :) Þú?
Are you familiar with Garrison Keillor's "The Young Lutheran's Guide to the Orchestra"? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK3UialK8i4)
I had never heard of this before but it is really funny and I love it! :D
Hello/Welcome! :D We'd love to see your creative outputs (if you feel like sharing them, of course) in any of our fine threads devoted to art!
Also, I like your icon! Skulls are some of my favorite things, though some people think that's creepy? Is it creepy that I have a folder full of pictures of various kinds of animal skulls? I hope not... biology is just super interesting...
Skulls are clearly one of Minna's favorite things, judging by how she depicts the Hiisi.
If we ever have a costume competition at an SSSS Meet-Up, I may need to reach out to one of you and find how I can get my hands on a moose skull (or replica thereof).
Hello/Welcome! :D We'd love to see your creative outputs (if you feel like sharing them, of course) in any of our fine threads devoted to art!
Also, I like your icon! Skulls are some of my favorite things, though some people think that's creepy? Is it creepy that I have a folder full of pictures of various kinds of animal skulls? I hope not... biology is just super interesting...
I don't have any very recent art at the moment, my folders are full of unfinished sketches. I'll start something up to show you folks, and post it up to one of them.
Thank-you! I drew it a while back. I have a folder of skeletons, and dozens of pictures of animal skulls as well. I mostly use them for reference when drawing. The majority are owl and frog skulls, I think.
Nei, ég er frá Kanada. :) Þú?
Velkomin í forumið og gaman að kynnast þér! Ég bý á Íslandi en er finnsk að uppruna, flutti hingað fyrir mörgum árum siðan.
That's quite an awesome summer plan and yay! I live in Rvík so if you're planning on staying somewhere nearby we might even meet at some point. :)
Hi, name's Emil (really, it is!) and I registered here after being linked to this forum by a friend.
I'm still in the progress of reading the comic, but so far I think it's really awesome and it's cool to see such an active fandom like this one.
I'm mostly a lurker in the majority of forums I'm "active" in, with the exceptions of two others where I post a lot. So you might not see my face around too much.
I'm the stereotypical norwegian nerd, and I like cats. Maybe that's why I like this comic?
Dunno! But that's me, HI.
Hi, name's Emil (really, it is!) and I registered here after being linked to this forum by a friend.
I'm still in the progress of reading the comic, but so far I think it's really awesome and it's cool to see such an active fandom like this one.
I'm mostly a lurker in the majority of forums I'm "active" in, with the exceptions of two others where I post a lot. So you might not see my face around too much.
I'm the stereotypical norwegian nerd, and I like cats. Maybe that's why I like this comic?
Dunno! But that's me, HI.
he's actually tall
Hi, name's Emil (really, it is!) and I registered here after being linked to this forum by a friend.
I'm still in the progress of reading the comic, but so far I think it's really awesome and it's cool to see such an active fandom like this one.
I'm mostly a lurker in the majority of forums I'm "active" in, with the exceptions of two others where I post a lot. So you might not see my face around too much.
I'm the stereotypical norwegian nerd, and I like cats. Maybe that's why I like this comic?
Dunno! But that's me, HI.
Oh my god your icon <3 I had such an obsession with Serial Experiments Lain for so long... I even had her hairstyle on two separate occasions >_>;;;
Now that I've overshared yet again, welcome to the forum! Feel free to be as active or as inactive as you like! :)
he's actually tall
Oh my god your icon <3 I had such an obsession with Serial Experiments Lain for so long... I even had her hairstyle on two separate occasions >_>;;;
Now that I've overshared yet again, welcome to the forum! Feel free to be as active or as inactive as you like! :)
Haha, that's awesome! Lain's hairstyle is really, really cool.
he's actually tall
Welcome, Emil!
Besides the name, anyone who is Haiz's friend instantly becomes awesome. or maybe that's just me but haiz is *pretty darn cool* so y'know
Welcome, Emil!
Besides the name, anyone who is Haiz's friend instantly becomes awesome. or maybe that's just me but haiz is *pretty darn cool* so y'know
anyone graced with my friendship is awesome by default
also wow thank you *melts into puddle*
Hello! I'm Fumble and extremely new to SSSS. I pretty much binge read the comic in one sitting (not that 300+ is really binge readin but that's besides the point) so I could be up to speed for my friend one here (Baku). So far I think this comic is pretty fascinating and I like learning tidbits about foreign lore, not to mention Minna's use of colour is so absolutely gorgeous it just kinda sucks you in. So I'm adding SSSS to my growing list of webcomics and hope to post more in this forum, whether it be for discussion or art purposes, thank you for having me!
Hello! I'm Fumble and extremely new to SSSS. I pretty much binge read the comic in one sitting (not that 300+ is really binge readin but that's besides the point) so I could be up to speed for my friend one here (Baku). So far I think this comic is pretty fascinating and I like learning tidbits about foreign lore, not to mention Minna's use of colour is so absolutely gorgeous it just kinda sucks you in. So I'm adding SSSS to my growing list of webcomics and hope to post more in this forum, whether it be for discussion or art purposes, thank you for having me!
Hey guys, this is Fumble and we've been irl buddies for a long time! She's also an artist (a fabulous one at that), so we've got another person to add to the list of artists in this community. B') Go give her some love!
Hiii thaar, um, I'm a high schooler from the United States, I only have one more year of school left, and my 18th birthday approaches along with the summer here. I'm a composer/jazz pianist, a singer, dancer, writer of fiction, doodler girl without a cause. I'm a pescetarian by choice, and the one thing I can think of doing which combines everything I naturally do, is theatre. So I guess I hope to get into acting sometime soon?
Anywho, I love this comic, I love this fandom, and think all of you guys are great. <3
Hello! I'm Fumble and extremely new to SSSS. I pretty much binge read the comic in one sitting (not that 300+ is really binge readin but that's besides the point) so I could be up to speed for my friend one here (Baku). So far I think this comic is pretty fascinating and I like learning tidbits about foreign lore, not to mention Minna's use of colour is so absolutely gorgeous it just kinda sucks you in. So I'm adding SSSS to my growing list of webcomics and hope to post more in this forum, whether it be for discussion or art purposes, thank you for having me!
Hi Fumble!!!! I really do hope you'll join the art thread party, there's always room for more fabulous artists over there! I hope you enjoy the forum ^___________^
Hiii thaar, um, I'm a high schooler from the United States, I only have one more year of school left, and my 18th birthday approaches along with the summer here. I'm a composer/jazz pianist, a singer, dancer, writer of fiction, doodler girl without a cause. I'm a pescetarian by choice, and the one thing I can think of doing which combines everything I naturally do, is theatre. So I guess I hope to get into acting sometime soon?
Anywho, I love this comic, I love this fandom, and think all of you guys are great. <3
Hello... ClairityKoi? Do you have something you'd like us to call you, or is Koi good?
There's a lot of music-related threads you might enjoy on this forum, like this musical project for example! And ohoho doodler and writer, yesss join us in the museum and scriptorium threads!!
And I agree, this fandom is absolutely lovely, it'll be nice to have you in it ^______^
Hi Fumble!!!! I really do hope you'll join the art thread party, there's always room for more fabulous artists over there! I hope you enjoy the forum ^___________^
Hello... ClairityKoi? Do you have something you'd like us to call you, or is Koi good?
There's a lot of music-related threads you might enjoy on this forum, like this musical project for example! And ohoho doodler and writer, yesss join us in the museum and scriptorium threads!!
And I agree, this fandom is absolutely lovely, it'll be nice to have you in it ^______^
Koi is fine :p thank you. 'which' musical project? I'll certainly submit any arts/writings if I feel their worth any merit ^_^
Hi Fumble!!!! I really do hope you'll join the art thread party, there's always room for more fabulous artists over there! I hope you enjoy the forum ^___________^
Thanks so much! I'm new to forums in general so this will be a learning experience
Koi is fine :p thank you. 'which' musical project? I'll certainly submit any arts/writings if I feel their worth any merit ^_^
Koi it is, then ^___^
This (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=58.0) musical project. I'm not following that thread too closely so I can't tell you the details, but you can probably find out on your own if you're interested!
All art and writings have merit!! especially in this small fandom, we're all starving for more content constantly
Thanks so much! I'm new to forums in general so this will be a learning experience
Isn't it always. I was... kinda new to forums and I'm still kiiiindaa new (two months member now??) but. uh. yes. I'm doing pretty well. hopefully so will you!!
*showers newbies with cookies*
*Ahem* Sorry. I mean, hi Fumble and Koi! Enjoy your time here!!
Welcome Koi and Fumble!
What cute usernames you both have :3
anyone graced with my friendship is awesome by default
Can I be your friend?
Can I be your friend?
everyone on this forum is my Frend by Default
but if you mean like, Real Close Friend then........ I'm not sure if it's worth the effort ahahaa ha ha (lot of effort im sorry)
I'm not sure if it's worth the effort ahahaa ha ha (lot of effort im sorry)
Haiz tortures me with a psychic prod every day
Also welcome newbies, now I'm less of a newbie!!
*showers newbies with cookies*
*Ahem* Sorry. I mean, hi Fumble and Koi! Enjoy your time here!!
thank you for the welcome by squirrel cookies!
thank you for the welcome by squirrel cookies!
[insert picture of me bowing, with a chef's hat, saying "My pleasure!"]
thank you for the welcome by squirrel cookies!
You sure know how to make a first impression! :D I like you already.
*runs into the room* *is a little late*
Hiii thaar, um, I'm a high schooler from the United States, I only have one more year of school left, and my 18th birthday approaches along with the summer here. I'm a composer/jazz pianist, a singer, dancer, writer of fiction, doodler girl without a cause. I'm a pescetarian by choice, and the one thing I can think of doing which combines everything I naturally do, is theatre. So I guess I hope to get into acting sometime soon?
Anywho, I love this comic, I love this fandom, and think all of you guys are great. <3
Hi Koi! Welcome to the forum. :) Your interests all sound so interesting! ;) I'd recommend taking your time browsing trough the wonderful labyrinth of threads, the art museum and fanfiction is probably allready pointed out to you but there is a lot of weird/cool stuff going! ;) *throws confetti for welcome*
Hello! I'm Fumble and extremely new to SSSS. I pretty much binge read the comic in one sitting (not that 300+ is really binge readin but that's besides the point) so I could be up to speed for my friend one here (Baku). So far I think this comic is pretty fascinating and I like learning tidbits about foreign lore, not to mention Minna's use of colour is so absolutely gorgeous it just kinda sucks you in. So I'm adding SSSS to my growing list of webcomics and hope to post more in this forum, whether it be for discussion or art purposes, thank you for having me!
Hi welcome. :) I'm not sure if someone allready pointed you towards the webcomics thread? Share and discover even more webcomics to bingeread. ^-^ *throws confetti for you to*
I'm new here and binge-read the comic in two days and then reread it more slowly because it's just that awesome. The art is so gorgeous and the story intriguing and right now I think there can't possibly exist a better comic than this one. \o/
As for me, I'm a person who draws, tries to develop and write a story, studies psychology and wants to become a therapist, daydreams a lot and is pretty much agender, but you can use male pronouns. English isn't my native tongue, so should you ever wonder why I'm writing gibberish at times... that's the reason.
I'm new here and binge-read the comic in two days and then reread it more slowly because it's just that awesome. The art is so gorgeous and the story intriguing and right now I think there can't possibly exist a better comic than this one. \o/
As for me, I'm a person who draws, tries to develop and write a story, studies psychology and wants to become a therapist, daydreams a lot and is pretty much agender, but you can use male pronouns. English isn't my native tongue, so should you ever wonder why I'm writing gibberish at times... that's the reason.
You do the draws and the writes, you say?? I hope we'll see you around in the museum and scriptorium threads, too >:]
And don't worry about not being native or writing gibberish, as you can see from our osession with tiny flags, most of us aren't native, either. and some of us write gibberish on purpose
Welcome to the forum and the non-binary squad ^______________^
You do the draws and the writes, you say?? I hope we'll see you around in the museum and scriptorium threads, too >:]
And don't worry about not being native or writing gibberish, as you can see from our osession with tiny flags, most of us aren't native, either. and some of us write gibberish on purpose
HELLO HAIZ!!! [omg, I'm a huge fan of your writing, you're so good at this, I'm amazed]
Actually, yes, I'm at least planning to do some SSSS art!
Haha, okay, that's reassuring. =]
Welcome to the forum and the non-binary squad ^______________^
Thanks!! *fist bump* yay!
HELLO HAIZ!!! [omg, I'm a huge fan of your writing, you're so good at this, I'm amazed]
and yessss join the art thread. It is strangely addictive to keep adding to our glorious pile of fanart
I'm new here and binge-read the comic in two days and then reread it more slowly because it's just that awesome. The art is so gorgeous and the story intriguing and right now I think there can't possibly exist a better comic than this one. \o/
As for me, I'm a person who draws, tries to develop and write a story, studies psychology and wants to become a therapist, daydreams a lot and is pretty much agender, but you can use male pronouns. English isn't my native tongue, so should you ever wonder why I'm writing gibberish at times... that's the reason.
Yessss, I'll second Haiz, please join both the writing and art threads! i welcome you to the nonbinary squad as well. we are small but we are growing. soon
I'm new here and binge-read the comic in two days and then reread it more slowly because it's just that awesome. The art is so gorgeous and the story intriguing and right now I think there can't possibly exist a better comic than this one. \o/
As for me, I'm a person who draws, tries to develop and write a story, studies psychology and wants to become a therapist, daydreams a lot and is pretty much agender, but you can use male pronouns. English isn't my native tongue, so should you ever wonder why I'm writing gibberish at times... that's the reason.
*pops in*
Welcome!! Complimentary cookies can be found at the top of the previous page. :D Enjoy your stay!
Yessss, I'll second Haiz, please join both the writing and art threads! i welcome you to the nonbinary squad as well. we are small but we are growing. soon
I just went grocery shopping and thought about a group scene I want to paint. (It may or may not include Lalli sleeping at Emil's side and using his leg as a pillow while Emil explains with lots of enthusiastic gestures the events of the most recent and successful raid to an overly excited Tuuri.)
[However, even while we're talking, I ought to work on my Bachelor thesis, so drawing this will most surely take some time to accomplish ;;___;;]
oh my how cool is that, hi y'all!!
Omg, also: Sigrun stands behind Emil and is all nO, NO, YOU'RE TELLING IT WRONG, IT WAS ACTUALLY _THIS_ BIG, while Reynir looks at her in abject horror, mouth agape. In the background: Mikkel, cataloguing the new books, casting a *seriously* expression at the titles. :D
Great, now I really, really want to draw this instantly...
...but I won't, because Bachelor thesis, buhuhu ;___;
*pops in*
Welcome!! Complimentary cookies can be found at the top of the previous page. :D Enjoy your stay!
*omnomnom* you sure know how to make a Tjoll happy, many thanks <3
also forum pro tip
Thank you for the useful tip! Also, your responsibility neglecting meme is gold!! =D
Omg, also: Sigrun stands behind Emil and is all nO, NO, YOU'RE TELLING IT WRONG, IT WAS ACTUALLY _THIS_ BIG, while Reynir looks at her in abject horror, mouth agape. In the background: Mikkel, cataloguing the new books, casting a *seriously* expression at the titles. :D
Great, now I really, really want to draw this instantly...
...but I won't, because Bachelor thesis, buhuhu ;___;
• w •
I like this plan please do this sometime pfffff work?? school?? nobody actually does any on this forum. procrastination international. be careful this will become your life
I,, proud creator of the responsibility neglecting meme,
wholly endorse this
(don't actually neglect your important schoolwork. don't)
also forum pro tip: it is fully possible to edit/modify your posts, and to add several quotes in one post also :3c
i'm not being critical, just pointing out so threads don't get clogged up with double/triple-posting~
Greetings everyone,
I am excited to finally join this forum after months of Curry telling me that I should. I started reading Minna's comics with the first few chapters of Redtail's Dream and immediately fell in love with the art and personalities of the main characters. Stand Still Stay Silent has been just as amazing, and I cannot wait to participate in a community of people that feel the same way. I consider myself a decent artist and cosplayer. I plan to cosplay Emil and post fan art when I have time.
I don't particularly care what gender pronouns people use with me, although I am most accustomed to female pronouns.
Greetings everyone,
I am excited to finally join this forum after months of Curry telling me that I should. I started reading Minna's comics with the first few chapters of Redtail's Dream and immediately fell in love with the art and personalities of the main characters. Stand Still Stay Silent has been just as amazing, and I cannot wait to participate in a community of people that feel the same way. I consider myself a decent artist and cosplayer. I plan to cosplay Emil and post fan art when I have time.
I don't particularly care what gender pronouns people use with me, although I am most accustomed to female pronouns.
Hee, curry has finally succeeded in getting the Emil to join. hELLO and welcome to the forum!!! I'm guessing we've already seen you in the cosplay thread, but feel free to spam more whenever >:] same goes for the museum thread >:]]]
Greetings everyone,
I am excited to finally join this forum after months of Curry telling me that I should. I started reading Minna's comics with the first few chapters of Redtail's Dream and immediately fell in love with the art and personalities of the main characters. Stand Still Stay Silent has been just as amazing, and I cannot wait to participate in a community of people that feel the same way. I consider myself a decent artist and cosplayer. I plan to cosplay Emil and post fan art when I have time.
I don't particularly care what gender pronouns people use with me, although I am most accustomed to female pronouns.
Yes, everybody, this is my Emil! mwahahahaha I have succeeded and now you can never leave >:D
She does the draw really well and is also a wig mage! I hope she ends up posting the things she's drawn because they're *gold*
I plan to cosplay Emil
I'm deeply honored. Welcome!
Hello, greetings from Hungary.
I’m one of those, who were lured to the comic by the gorgeous language tree and became devoted readers/fans immediately. Actually, the language tree was a big hit in Hungary; it was posted on major websites – you know, our strange little language appearing on a piece of art with two cats guarding the tiny Uralic sapling – it’s something to be proud of. Especially the cats. :)
Anyway, I just love this comic. It lifts my spirit to check the new page every morning before setting off for work. I’m interested in all kinds of cultures, traditions and history (studied cultural anthropology) and the Nordics have a special place in my heart since childhood, which is an additional reason why I fell in love with both SSSS and aRTD.
I’ve been lurking on the forum for a while now, but even though I enjoy reading all the interesting and funny threads, probably won’t become a very active member.
Hello, greetings from Hungary.
I’m one of those, who were lured to the comic by the gorgeous language tree and became devoted readers/fans immediately. Actually, the language tree was a big hit in Hungary; it was posted on major websites – you know, our strange little language appearing on a piece of art with two cats guarding the tiny Uralic sapling – it’s something to be proud of. Especially the cats. :)
Anyway, I just love this comic. It lifts my spirit to check the new page every morning before setting off for work. I’m interested in all kinds of cultures, traditions and history (studied cultural anthropology) and the Nordics have a special place in my heart since childhood, which is an additional reason why I fell in love with both SSSS and aRTD.
I’ve been lurking on the forum for a while now, but even though I enjoy reading all the interesting and funny threads, probably won’t become a very active member.
Welcome to the forum. You're in good company, there are already two Hungarians here (Sharion and Eriaror).
Welcome Helia :)
I'm curious, did you crocheted your avatar ?
Don't say you won't become a very active member, I might have said something similar ::)
Thanks for the welcome :)
I'm curious, did you crocheted your avatar ?
Yes, I did. It's just an experimental work to create the pattern; I intend to crochet a neater version
Yes, I did. It's just an experimental work to create the pattern; I intend to crochet a neater version
Welcome to the yarncrafters club too ! ^^
It lifts my spirit to check the new page every morning before setting off for work.
Welcome, Helia!
I think I know how you feel. *regards weekends as the new Mondays for some time now*
I spotted you on the fan map a while ago; I'm glad you decided to come to the forum!
Hehe. We all started with an optimistic inner chanting "I won't get addicted... I won't get addicted...". Then comes the sudden realisation, that it's already 3 am, and you're still on the chat, typing like a machine gun (trying to find one's aim with only one eye still open; hitting everything in the vicinity, except the right letters on the keyboard; blaming the cat - although, machine guns, too nice for their own good, generally don't blame cats for anything), getting a Burning Stare from abovementioned feline companion, because *she* wants to sleep, and you're making *noise*...
I hope to see more of you here. Until then, happy lurking - may the ghosts of baked squirrels protect you. ;)
Shwmae, pawb! Fy enw ydy ParanormalAndroid, a dw i'n byw yng Nghymru. Fy hoff llyfr comic ydy SSSS, felly cysylltu y fforwm ffan.
(Hi, everyone! My name's ParanormalAndroid, and I live in Wales. My favourite comic is SSSS, so I decided to join the fan forum.)
Much as I like talking in Welsh, English is probably easier for everyone else.
So, hi!
I'm very new here (doubtless some of you remember my first comment a few weeks ago), but the comic's so exceptional and the community's so great that I decided to just throw myself into things.
As I'm on a tablet right now, I've not updated any profile information or anything- that'll come later, not that that's of any especial importance.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling- TL;DR is: hi, love the community, see you all soon!
Shwmae, pawb! Fy enw ydy ParanormalAndroid, a dw i'n byw yng Nghymru. Fy hoff llyfr comic ydy SSSS, felly cysylltu y fforwm ffan.
(Hi, everyone! My name's ParanormalAndroid, and I live in Wales. My favourite comic is SSSS, so I decided to join the fan forum.)
Much as I like talking in Welsh, English is probably easier for everyone else.
So, hi!
I'm very new here (doubtless some of you remember my first comment a few weeks ago), but the comic's so exceptional and the community's so great that I decided to just throw myself into things.
As I'm on a tablet right now, I've not updated any profile information or anything- that'll come later, not that that's of any especial importance.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling- TL;DR is: hi, love the community, see you all soon!
Hah, the Welsh is a little lost on me, but your fellow Walisian Gwenno will probably understand it just fine!! Welcome to the forum ^___________^ this community really is great, and throwing yourself into it is a great tactic, but beware of getting cookies thrown at you in return......
fun fact: you're member number 666 as far as I know, congrats
Hah, the Welsh is a little lost on me, but your fellow Walisian Gwenno will probably understand it just fine!! Welcome to the forum ^___________^ this community really is great, and throwing yourself into it is a great tactic, but beware of getting cookies thrown at you in return......
fun fact: you're member number 666 as far as I know, congrats
Good to see there's another Welsh person here, we seem to be a rare breed on the internet.
And user no. 666 sounds good to me.
Thanks for the welcome!
Hello and welcome ParanormalAndroid! Here are the cookies Haiz mentioned, although I'm feeling polite today and won't throw them at you:
Greetings. I'm from Belarus, I've accidentally stumbled upon SSSS via someone's link left on Reddit. The comic turned out to be surprisingly good, so I decided to follow it.
I'm a bit of an artist, but I'm too lazy to follow my ideas more often that not. Maybe I'll post something here... or maybe not.
Welcome, Guardian G.I., "accidentally stumbled upon SSSS", that's terrible ^^ Maybe there are still Piney's cookies for you :)
Welcome, G.I.! How's the Mojave wasteland?
Welcome, G.I.! How's the Mojave wasteland?
It almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter. :D
New Vegas is a great game.
I am late, but I come bearing obligatory welcome cookies if you so wish to partake:
Hello people! My nickname here was originally intended to be butter, it got changed into butterflutters when I joined the SSSS chat once, and then someone exclaimed "I thought you were called fluffernutters", and so here we are...
I'm from Sweden, and was completely conned into reading SSSS by a coworker. He spent several days reading the comic and gushing about how darn good it was, so I of course had to find out what the excitement was about. A couple weeks later and I'm addicted, the first thing me and my coworker say to each other nowadays is "Have you read the latest page?!"
My hobbies include drawing and animation, so there might be fanart at some point. Have to fill the empty hours between updates somehow! :)
Hi! Welcome to the SSSS-Addict Hub!
And I see the amount of artist slaves is increasing. Good.
Hello people! My nickname here was originally intended to be butter, it got changed into butterflutters when I joined the SSSS chat once, and then someone exclaimed "I thought you were called fluffernutters", and so here we are...
I'm from Sweden, and was completely conned into reading SSSS by a coworker. He spent several days reading the comic and gushing about how darn good it was, so I of course had to find out what the excitement was about. A couple weeks later and I'm addicted, the first thing me and my coworker say to each other nowadays is "Have you read the latest page?!"
My hobbies include drawing and animation, so there might be fanart at some point. Have to fill the empty hours between updates somehow! :)
Welcome to the forum flubbernutters... butternutters... Fluffernutters. If you're an SSSS-addict, a Swede and an artist I'm pre-tty sure you'll fit right in.
Hello people! My nickname here was originally intended to be butter, it got changed into butterflutters when I joined the SSSS chat once, and then someone exclaimed "I thought you were called fluffernutters", and so here we are...
I'm from Sweden, and was completely conned into reading SSSS by a coworker. He spent several days reading the comic and gushing about how darn good it was, so I of course had to find out what the excitement was about. A couple weeks later and I'm addicted, the first thing me and my coworker say to each other nowadays is "Have you read the latest page?!"
My hobbies include drawing and animation, so there might be fanart at some point. Have to fill the empty hours between updates somehow! :)
Ahhh hello!! I think I was there when you were on the chat! Good to see you here :D I second KicknRun's link, please share your art with us • w •
Ahhh hello!! I think I was there when you were on the chat! Good to see you here :D I second KicknRun's link, please share your art with us • w •
Awesome! I have only a vague memory of all the people there. I'll venture back in at some point, you seemed like a nice group of people. :)
You can find most of my artsy stuff at deviantart (http://bluesette.deviantart.com/gallery/) and animation stuff at vimeo (https://vimeo.com/124163603)!
Hello people! My nickname here was originally intended to be butter, it got changed into butterflutters when I joined the SSSS chat once, and then someone exclaimed "I thought you were called fluffernutters", and so here we are...
I'm from Sweden, and was completely conned into reading SSSS by a coworker. He spent several days reading the comic and gushing about how darn good it was, so I of course had to find out what the excitement was about. A couple weeks later and I'm addicted, the first thing me and my coworker say to each other nowadays is "Have you read the latest page?!"
My hobbies include drawing and animation, so there might be fanart at some point. Have to fill the empty hours between updates somehow! :)
Fluffy! :D Now you'll never be rid of the nickname :)
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome, Fluffernutters! You'll find complimentary squirrel cookies to your left and the exit to your... somewhere that way *gestures broadly*
Enjoy your stay! :)
Welcome everyone! Have a pleasant stay! Chomp on the cookies :D and duck if you see a squirrel-zooka
Hello people! My nickname here was originally intended to be butter, it got changed into butterflutters when I joined the SSSS chat once, and then someone exclaimed "I thought you were called fluffernutters", and so here we are...
Haaaiiii.. that was me. :D
hi... call me Martti... that's it?
I have no idea what I supposed to write here.
hi... call me Martti... that's it?
I have no idea what I supposed to write here.
Well, it's up to you how much you want to share. There's often mention of things like age, nationality, how you discovered SSSS and the forum, interests etc.
Also welcome to the forum.
Well, it's up to you how much you want to share. There's often mention of things like age, nationality, how you discovered SSSS and the forum, interests etc.
Also welcome to the forum.
AH, okay, I was told to write here but not what to, and I was kind of awkward to do introduction, it is not like I don't want to share anything.
well, I living in Hungary (I hate that in signiture I can't write hungarian flag!)
I speak english (most used), hungrian, understands a bit swedish and german (if written, sadly keeps forgetting them since I am not using them.....) also understand less of norwegian or danish due similarities of swedish)
I would like to learn a bit of icelandic too, but probably I won't because it is difficult and probably I could not use unless I move there
my age: too mcuh, but actually my profile says it, so it won't be not bad, like next year it won1t stay the previous age, like it happened to me realizing after 2 years it wasn't changed, this probably will change
interest: I am huge hetalia fan, but most likely nordic fanatics, everything about nordics, so this comic something related to them, so yes.
I met SSSS when my friend told me about it first, but at first I was actually lazy to read (I am a really lazy person) then later I got the link again (from an other person?) and started reading it because I remembered that it was already suggested for me. and bamm, here I am xD
and I suffer from this, becuase waiting every day is killing me AAAAH, but the comic is awesome......
I suck at life, I am good for nothing, I am nobody and I am ugly and that is the most important about me. shortly
Hi Martti, welcome to the forum, and damn don't be so hard on yourself! Noone here will ever think that of you besides yourself!
I suck at life, I am good for nothing, I am nobody and I am ugly and that is the most important about me. shortly
Nonononono, sh.
Nobody takes that attitude here.
Also, judging by your profile pic you're a good artist- you'll fit in!
Think of the positives in life, man. We're a friendly community here, and we'll never put you down, not that you need to be put down anyway.
For art: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=359.0;topicseen and https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0;topicseen
For talking: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=384.0 and https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=5.0.
Now, cheer up, think positive and join our IRC chat here: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss.
We're not going to let you have such a bad opinion of yourself. Trust me, I tried, and I was stopped.
I suck at life, I am good for nothing, I am nobody and I am ugly and that is the most important about me. shortly
Be nice to yourself! A lot of your comments are really insightful and/or funny, and also I saw that art. If nothing else, you're another person to exchange Nordics-jokes with. And "ugly" is *the most poorly defined and subjective term.* And also I'm nobody too; most people are. I figure, it's better than having publicity people all over the place, right? Being famous sounds really annoying.
And, uh, welcome and stuff. Forgot to say that, but have some cookies? :D
If nothing else, you're another person to exchange Nordics-jokes with.
I am confused what that even means.
And, uh, welcome and stuff. Forgot to say that, but have some cookies? :D
Thanks and stuff, ok?
I am confused what that even means.
I meant that as a Nordics-fan you will fit in with the many, many other Nordics-fans here and ... um ... something.
A lot of my sentences lately have been total word salad ... I blame the sleep-deprivation. ;P
Welcome, Martti :)
AH, okay, I was told to write here but not what to, and I was kind of awkward to do introduction, it is not like I don't want to share anything.
well, I living in Hungary (I hate that in signiture I can't write hungarian flag!)
I speak english (most used), hungrian, understands a bit swedish and german (if written, sadly keeps forgetting them since I am not using them.....) also understand less of norwegian or danish due similarities of swedish)
I would like to learn a bit of icelandic too, but probably I won't because it is difficult and probably I could not use unless I move there
my age: too mcuh, but actually my profile says it, so it won't be not bad, like next year it won1t stay the previous age, like it happened to me realizing after 2 years it wasn't changed, this probably will change
interest: I am huge hetalia fan, but most likely nordic fanatics, everything about nordics, so this comic something related to them, so yes.
I met SSSS when my friend told me about it first, but at first I was actually lazy to read (I am a really lazy person) then later I got the link again (from an other person?) and started reading it because I remembered that it was already suggested for me. and bamm, here I am xD
and I suffer from this, becuase waiting every day is killing me AAAAH, but the comic is awesome......
I suck at life, I am good for nothing, I am nobody and I am ugly and that is the most important about me. shortly
Hello Martti!
It makes me sad to hear that you have such a low opinion of yourself...I saw your drawings and this is definitely not on the list of your not being good at...
As for the flags, maybe you can borrow Eriarors grafic?
Or make a request in this thread: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=207.0
And stop being so hard to yourself! *hugs* If you ever feel the need to vent, we have a lovely Comfort Corner here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=384.525
Oh, and some nerve-calming cookies for you from me, it seems like you need them (but only one or two a day!)
Hi y'all! Misea here. I've been reading through some forum stuff for like a week but I'm not big on posting :I And I didn't realize that there was this thread 'cause I haven't been on a forum in years (whoops).
Hi y'all! Misea here. I've been reading through some forum stuff for like a week but I'm not big on posting :I And I didn't realize that there was this thread 'cause I haven't been on a forum in years (whoops).
Well then, Shalt thou be rewelcomed to our glorious fold for few weeks or an eternity depening on your liking. Have a good stay and remember to check in actively since the discussion tends to move at a amazing speed.
(So yes welcome :D)
Soo...I'm rather delayed in an official introduction. Ahem.
My name is Meghan and in the forum/chat/comments I go by...Meghan. Meh, I don't really care if my name is Out There. My (goofy) picture is floating around the "What Do You Look Like" thread, if you care to dig for it.
I'm a 30 year old lady living in Washington state. I originally hail from Texas, but moved up here after college (ask not why.) I got a degree in and actually work as a landscape architect. (Think architect, not gardener.) As jobs go, it's...ok. There are many worse jobs.
I don't remember where I first heard about SSSS. It was merely a bookmark for me to read later for the longest time. I did see the language tree graphic on io9, and that emphasized my desire to "read later." And then I finally DID read, and fell head over heels. I love everything about this comic!!
Hmm, what else? I'm kept rather busy with life, so I'm not crazy active in the fan-base. Apart from my job, I play violin in a community orchestra, am on the leadership team at a community garden, study languages, read a lot, and battle squirrels in my own garden. I also like to cook, but am a horrendous baker. On weekends I'm often hiking in the Cascade Mountains, and am currently trying to get back into backpacking shape. I'm into survivalism, and really need to brush up on my fire making/knot tying/shelter building/trapping skills.
I'm a great lover of all sorts of music, and I wish I had pursued music as a career, rather than believe that it wouldn't earn me a living. I play violin now, but my first instrument was the flute. I occasionally peck at the piano, and would like to eventually learn the other string instruments, and perhaps a brass. For languages, I've recently studied both Spanish and Italian, and am dipping my toe into Norwegian and Esperanto. I only speak English now, but am absolutely determined to become multilingual.
I have one cat, a big fella named Nico. He's quite handsome and he knows it. He is quite the hunter, so you might hear me screaming in the chat room when he brings home another critter. On the upside, my gag reflex for small dead mammals has just about vanished.
I suppose that's it!
Soo...I'm rather delayed in an official introduction. Ahem.
Well then, I'll give you a rather delayed offering of squirrel cookies! Never too late for an introduction. :)
Haaaiiii.. that was me. :D
Hai! Thanks for the name, and introducing me to a new kind of sandwich, haha. :D
Hi, I'm a chilean unemployed designer, 25 and counting! I found Minna's work thanks to an io9 list of the best finished comics of 2014 or something of sorts, so, first aRTD, and then, organically, SSSS.
I'm in love with my mom's sewing machine, aquarelle, embroidery, antique cultures and folklore, music (Sigur Rós, Nano Stern, Radiohead and so many more), thunderstorms and good stories (otherwise I wouldn't be here). My profile picture (by rubyetc) reflects my current civil status, and I'm perfectly fine with this (forever iguana <3).
I speak Chilean (it's a running national joke, come to Chile and you'll find out why we say that haha), English, understand Italian and Portuguese, and would love to learn Icelandic, Japanese and Arab.
I guess that's enough for now ^^
Hi, I'm a chilean unemployed designer, 25 and counting! I found Minna's work thanks to an io9 list of the best finished comics of 2014 or something of sorts, so, first aRTD, and then, organically, SSSS.
I'm in love with my mom's sewing machine, aquarelle, embroidery, antique cultures and folklore, music (Sigur Rós, Nano Stern, Radiohead and so many more), thunderstorms and good stories (otherwise I wouldn't be here). My profile picture (by rubyetc) reflects my current civil status, and I'm perfectly fine with this (forever iguana <3).
I speak Chilean (it's a running national joke, come to Chile and you'll find out why we say that haha), English, understand Italian and Portuguese, and would love to learn Icelandic, Japanese and Arab.
I guess that's enough for now ^^
Welcome to the community! :D I suppose I shall arm you with some squirrel cookies and send you on your way!
(Also high five, fellow Sigur Rós fan)
I speak Chilean (it's a running national joke, come to Chile and you'll find out why we say that haha)
What if I never go to Chile? Then I'll go my whole life without knowing the joke! Pleeaaaase tell us :D
And welcome to the forum!
Hang on just a sec, is this an actual IRL pastime?
Hey! You do know there's a zombie walk in Stockholm every year some time in August (they have a facebook group). Since you're in Norway, maybe it's easier to get to the Oslo version, if there's one this year...
I speak Chilean (it's a running national joke, come to Chile and you'll find out why we say that haha), English, understand Italian and Portuguese, and would love to learn Icelandic, Japanese and Arab.
What if I never go to Chile? Then I'll go my whole life without knowing the joke! Pleeaaaase tell us :D
My guess is that they speak something that they call Spanish and people from other Spanish-speaking places are all like "what." But IDK if that's actually true or not.
And welcome!
Hi! I'm Kurozuki, I'm relatively new to forums, but I promise I'll get the hang of it soon! I'm 20 years old, but soon to be 21. I'm originally from a small town in Kentucky. I have many hobbies that I try to do on my spare time. I paint, draw, I try to do wood burning and sculpting as well. I discovered SSSS through my friend DancingRanger. Sadly, I work full time and have limited time for extra activities that don't involve food, sleep and occasional showering. I hope to become more acquainted and familiar with the SSSS forum, thank you for letting me become a part of it!
Hi! I'm Kurozuki, I'm relatively new to forums, but I promise I'll get the hang of it soon! I'm 20 years old, but soon to be 21. I'm originally from a small town in Kentucky. I have many hobbies that I try to do on my spare time. I paint, draw, I try to do wood burning and sculpting as well. I discovered SSSS through my friend DancingRanger. Sadly, I work full time and have limited time for extra activities that don't involve food, sleep and occasional showering. I hope to become more acquainted and familiar with the SSSS forum, thank you for letting me become a part of it!
Hello Kurozuki!!!! Don't worry about getting the hang of the forums, it'll come to you, and don't be afraid to ask if you're wondering about something!
All that artistry sounds really great O: I hope you'll find your way to our art threads and show your work sometime! Otherwise, welcome to the forum and the community ^______^ traditional newbie cookies are hopefully on their way~
Hi! I'm Kurozuki, I'm relatively new to forums, but I promise I'll get the hang of it soon! I'm 20 years old, but soon to be 21. I'm originally from a small town in Kentucky. I have many hobbies that I try to do on my spare time. I paint, draw, I try to do wood burning and sculpting as well. I discovered SSSS through my friend DancingRanger. Sadly, I work full time and have limited time for extra activities that don't involve food, sleep and occasional showering. I hope to become more acquainted and familiar with the SSSS forum, thank you for letting me become a part of it!
To get to know us all better when you have the spare time, our IRC channel is here: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss.
Hello Kurozuki!!!! Don't worry about getting the hang of the forums, it'll come to you, and don't be afraid to ask if you're wondering about something!
All that artistry sounds really great O: I hope you'll find your way to our art threads and show your work sometime! Otherwise, welcome to the forum and the community ^______^ traditional newbie cookies are hopefully on their way~
Thank you Haiz, hopefully soon I can upload some of my artwork, although it isn't as good as all the art work I've been shown, I will proudly show my art! And newbie cookies?!?! I want a newbie cookie and now I am hungry! But thank you for accepting me!
To get to know us all better when you have the spare time, our IRC channel is here: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss.
Thank you ParanormalAndroid!! I will definitely check the chats out!
Thank you Haiz, hopefully soon I can upload some of my artwork, although it isn't as good as all the art work I've been shown, I will proudly show my art! And newbie cookies?!?! I want a newbie cookie and now I am hungry! But thank you for accepting me!
All art is good art!! Newbie cookies aren't my responsibility, so you're prooobably better of waiting for someone who knows how to make some that are actually edible. And of course we accept you ^________^
first forum pro tip: it's possible to quote more people in the same post actually! When you write a post and scroll down, you'll see the "quote" buttons are still there! That way it's possible to answer lots of people without double- or tripleposting ^^
Thank you Haiz, hopefully soon I can upload some of my artwork, although it isn't as good as all the art work I've been shown, I will proudly show my art! And newbie cookies?!?! I want a newbie cookie and now I am hungry! But thank you for accepting me!
Newbie cookies comin' right atcha, courtesy of Chef Piney!
Hi! I'm Kurozuki, I'm relatively new to forums, but I promise I'll get the hang of it soon! I'm 20 years old, but soon to be 21. I'm originally from a small town in Kentucky.
Yay! More Kentuckians! (Although I have moved out of the state.) Welcome!
What if I never go to Chile? Then I'll go my whole life without knowing the joke! Pleeaaaase tell us :D
Haha, we speak some kind of spanish so full with local idioms, bad pronunciation and whatnot that we actually might call it a different language ;D
Welcome to the community! :D I suppose I shall arm you with some squirrel cookies and send you on your way!
(Also high five, fellow Sigur Rós fan)
Hey, I'm VincentTheSheep! I'm from New Zealand and new to this whole forum thing, but I heard there were cookies, so of course I had to join! I'm learning Spanish from school-so i'm OK at it, not great, but hey, that's something!
I also write fanfiction when I have time-so there's that too.
Hopefully I'll get the hang of how forums work, I enjoy learning experiences anyway. See you guys soon!
Hey, I'm VincentTheSheep! I'm from New Zealand and new to this whole forum thing, but I heard there were cookies, so of course I had to join! I'm learning Spanish from school-so i'm OK at it, not great, but hey, that's something!
I also write fanfiction when I have time-so there's that too.
Hopefully I'll get the hang of how forums work, I enjoy learning experiences anyway. See you guys soon!
This dude is my friend so make him feel welcome, guys! He also plays the saxophone, drums, sings and studies music at school, so he can probably make fan music as well!
I need to stop the exclamation marks before it's too late, hahaha.
Hey, I'm VincentTheSheep! I'm from New Zealand and new to this whole forum thing, but I heard there were cookies, so of course I had to join! I'm learning Spanish from school-so i'm OK at it, not great, but hey, that's something!
I also write fanfiction when I have time-so there's that too.
Hopefully I'll get the hang of how forums work, I enjoy learning experiences anyway. See you guys soon!
Welcome, welcome! I'm sure Piney will be along with the famous squirrel cookies soon (probably faster than should be technically possible).
Fanfiction, you say? Excellent! Can't have enough of that. And don't worry, you'll pick up on how things work around here very quickly. I'm a newcomer to forums myself, but everyone's been very friendly and helpful whenever I've needed help/advice.
You leave three days and there are new persons here ! Welcome ! :)
Hey, I'm VincentTheSheep! I'm from New Zealand and new to this whole forum thing, but I heard there were cookies, so of course I had to join! I'm learning Spanish from school-so i'm OK at it, not great, but hey, that's something!
I also write fanfiction when I have time-so there's that too.
Hopefully I'll get the hang of how forums work, I enjoy learning experiences anyway. See you guys soon!
Cookies! Yes! Right here! Sorry I'm so late!
Cookies! Yes! Right here! Sorry I'm so late!
Did you run all the way here, Piney? :D
Did you run all the way here, Piney? :D
[in-between breaths] No... what makes you... say that? I just... woke up late...
AH, okay, I was told to write here but not what to, and I was kind of awkward to do introduction, it is not like I don't want to share anything.
well, I living in Hungary (I hate that in signiture I can't write hungarian flag!)
I speak english (most used), hungrian, understands a bit swedish and german (if written, sadly keeps forgetting them since I am not using them.....) also understand less of norwegian or danish due similarities of swedish)
I would like to learn a bit of icelandic too, but probably I won't because it is difficult and probably I could not use unless I move there
my age: too mcuh, but actually my profile says it, so it won't be not bad, like next year it won1t stay the previous age, like it happened to me realizing after 2 years it wasn't changed, this probably will change
interest: I am huge hetalia fan, but most likely nordic fanatics, everything about nordics, so this comic something related to them, so yes.
I met SSSS when my friend told me about it first, but at first I was actually lazy to read (I am a really lazy person) then later I got the link again (from an other person?) and started reading it because I remembered that it was already suggested for me. and bamm, here I am xD
and I suffer from this, becuase waiting every day is killing me AAAAH, but the comic is awesome......
I suck at life, I am good for nothing, I am nobody and I am ugly and that is the most important about me. shortly
I hope it is not bad, if I add his here, so more about me, which I left
Someone even asked what gender I have, my nickname is male, but I own a female body, I like the name, originally if came from the finnish calendar, where I checked my nameday and it said Martti (all of my family members had female version of their name, while mine was completely different) since then I call myself Martti (I ignore the face it is male name)
Also I prefer to be not called as a female, it always disturbed to be called as girl or woman or lady or any similar, not asked to call me guy either, just a person, also, I hate english has he and she, when I speak I always say it wrong way around, this is one of the reason, why I call myself "he" (it is rare to see me write she and he messed up, but it happens)
Also as a hobby, I do many things, mostly art, but I also do cosplay, write fanfictions, make videos (amv like), almost anything, but mostly the art and cosplay that I do most of the time. (Especially art, so I hope I will be able to post more arts for the art sections) I am also kind of a photographer, or at least this is what I learnt in school, but just beginner.....
Sorry for my first comments here, I needed time to get part here a bit, I am actually very shy and closed up person at first, but sometimes, I can easily open if the people are nice around me, if I am open, shoot me off, because I can be a bit talkative and talk shit xD
Martti: you don't have to open up about your gender/body if you don't want to, but it's a brave thing you did, and I welcome you to the forum's non-binary squad ^______________^
Martti: you don't have to open up about your gender/body if you don't want to, but it's a brave thing you did, and I welcome you to the forum's non-binary squad ^______________^
aww, thanks,
as if I know what my gender could be called I was always confused about these weird gendernames xD
now I am too open now ;3;
Hey, I'm VincentTheSheep! I'm from New Zealand and new to this whole forum thing, but I heard there were cookies, so of course I had to join! I'm learning Spanish from school-so i'm OK at it, not great, but hey, that's something!
I also write fanfiction when I have time-so there's that too.
Hopefully I'll get the hang of how forums work, I enjoy learning experiences anyway. See you guys soon!
Hah! More fanfiction! And hello! You'll get around great, I'm sure.
aww, thanks,
as if I know what my gender could be called I was always confused about these weird gendernames xD
now I am too open now ;3;
phf, you don't have to call it anything if you don't feel like it. and don't worry about being too open! I have no business chastising anyone on that, to say the least........
Ok, I guess it is time to reveal myself. I have been following this comic since last summer. I think it's pretty great, and some day, some hopeful day, I hope to draw, color, panel, and creative as well as Minna.
I mostly lurk here but I have posted a few of my drawings.
I, as a person, am chronically apathetic. So I come across as stern. I usually affect a straight face, but not so much as what your impression of me is right now. I am also a guy. As much as it might sound different, I really enjoy interacting with people. I won't make eye-contact due to a visual disability that has afflicted me since childhood called Ocular Albinism. Ocular Albinism is basically just a deficiency of pigment in my eyes causing light (sunlight, and other bright lights) to be really hard on me visually. I also am affected by Nystagmus, which means that my eyes are perpetually lightly jittering back and forth. Despite all this I have lived a normal life, due to my parents raising me as a normal child and not really accommodating me in any way (of course they would do so with normal things like sunglasses and prescription glasses).
I must also admit that I don't like all the frivolous frolicking that a lot of people do in the comments section of the comic. Some of you might remember me speaking out on this rather foolishly a few months ago. That was a thing. All that being said, I really like the forum community and I will continue to hang around and look at things. Mostly the art threads.
Also, since I am feeling extra sassy today, I will post a fine picture of myself. It depicts my usual facial expression and disposition.
Welcome, HarrisWilkens!
Er... um .... crap I don't know how to be welcoming without frolicking frivolously. :P
(oh NO now it sounds like I'm mocking you)
(I tried)
Welcome! *flings cookies and runs*
Wellcome HarrisWilkens! It's ok to give a stern impression, that's kind of normal thing from the Finnish point of view. Though judging by your photo you look rather sympathetic.
Welcome, HarrisWilkens!
Er... um .... crap I don't know how to be welcoming without frolicking frivolously. :P
(oh NO now it sounds like I'm mocking you)
(I tried)
Welcome! *flings cookies and runs*
Thank you for the kind welcome. I genuinely feel special that you took my disposition into consideration. You don't need to walk on eggshells in respect to me, the frivolity of the comment section only got to me after a long while of nagging overcheerfulness.
Hello! I caught up to the comic a couple of weeks ago, but I'm participating in the fandom first now. My boyfriend is webcomic trash and recommended SSSS to me, as well as some other friends who read it. Now I'm also webcomic trash.
My name is Martine, but online I go by North or Mawara/Maw. I'm 18 years old, from northern Norway and prefer she/her pronouns.
I have been on an online hiatus for 6 months while finishing the IB Diploma Programme, and I'm hoping to get into NTNU (a norwegian university) and study there, starting this fall. I play video games, draw, paint, read and study a lot. Mostly I draw dragons, monsters and girls facing left. I've got some sami blood, but sadly I never grew up with the language or culture. I want to work with chemistry/biology in the future.
I would say I'm pretty outgoing and easy to talk to, even if I'm introverted and like some alone-time now and then. Make a lot of expressions when I talk and looking at pictures of me speaking is hilarious. Often mistaken for a boy pre-puberty, which is a running joke among my friends and people who know me. Really proud of being from the north for some reason, often jokes about southerners or people from the city (not in a mean way). Also I'm really tiny. 1.58 metres tiny. And really angry about it. Also angry about being left-handed because everything is accustomed to right-handers. /deep sigh And I really wanted to learn calligraphy, too...
Presenting myself this way is really hard :( Anyways, I think that's about it? Now I'm off to make a self-insert character.
My name is Martine, but online I go by North or Mawara/Maw. I'm 18 years old, from northern Norway and prefer she/her pronouns.
Aha! A fellow Northern Norwegian! About time we got another one of those, all the Norwegian forumites so far have been various blends of Southerner. Welcome to the forum!
Hello! I caught up to the comic a couple of weeks ago, but I'm participating in the fandom first now. My boyfriend is webcomic trash and recommended SSSS to me, as well as some other friends who read it. Now I'm also webcomic trash.
and don't forget who made your boyfriend read SSSS in the first place.............. the original webcomic trash
Aha! A fellow Northern Norwegian! About time we got another one of those, all the Norwegian forumites so far have been various blends of Southerner. Welcome to the forum!
excuse you I'm actually from finnmark
Hello! I caught up to the comic a couple of weeks ago, but I'm participating in the fandom first now. My boyfriend is webcomic trash and recommended SSSS to me, as well as some other friends who read it. Now I'm also webcomic trash.
My name is Martine, but online I go by North or Mawara/Maw. I'm 18 years old, from northern Norway and prefer she/her pronouns.
I have been on an online hiatus for 6 months while finishing the IB Diploma Programme, and I'm hoping to get into NTNU (a norwegian university) and study there, starting this fall. I play video games, draw, paint, read and study a lot. Mostly I draw dragons, monsters and girls facing left. I've got some sami blood, but sadly I never grew up with the language or culture. I want to work with chemistry/biology in the future.
I would say I'm pretty outgoing and easy to talk to, even if I'm introverted and like some alone-time now and then. Make a lot of expressions when I talk and looking at pictures of me speaking is hilarious. Often mistaken for a boy pre-puberty, which is a running joke among my friends and people who know me. Really proud of being from the north for some reason, often jokes about southerners or people from the city (not in a mean way). Also I'm really tiny. 1.58 metres tiny. And really angry about it. Also angry about being left-handed because everything is accustomed to right-handers. /deep sigh And I really wanted to learn calligraphy, too...
Presenting myself this way is really hard :( Anyways, I think that's about it? Now I'm off to make a self-insert character.
Ahhh congratulations on finishing the IB! :D I'm just finishing up the last year of pre-IB myself, yayyyyy
Welcome to the forum, and I hope to see your self-insert soon! ;) If it's posted by the weekend I'll probably end up drawing her in the very near future!
Aha! A fellow Northern Norwegian! About time we got another one of those, all the Norwegian forumites so far have been various blends of Southerner. Welcome to the forum!
Thank you! Also hello to you, as well :D I'm really proud of being from Northern Norway (for some odd reason?), and I like to joke about that I'm a blend from Senja and Finnmark (Honningsvåg), which are like... two of the most "northerner" places I know of. Too many southerners wherever I go :v (just kidding, i love those guys, too)
and don't forget who made your boyfriend read SSSS in the first place.............. the original webcomic trash
HELLO HAIZ good to see you!!
not that he's too hard to influence when it comes to webcomics (although homestuck took a little effort but now he's more trash than i am)
Ahhh congratulations on finishing the IB! :D I'm just finishing up the last year of pre-IB myself, yayyyyy
Welcome to the forum, and I hope to see your self-insert soon! ;) If it's posted by the weekend I'll probably end up drawing her in the very near future!
Thank you so much, and good luck to you!! I'm really nervous about the results, if I don't get in I'm probably going to take another year to kick russian, maths and chem in the BUTT.
Thanks again! Working on it right now, and after I figure out the uniforms I don't think it will take too long, so maybe B^)
Welcome, welcome North!
Since no one's yet offered, help yourself to these complimentary squirrel cookies!
(Also high five for also being 158 cm and left-handed :D )
Welcome here, North :)
Good new : you can learn calligraphy even if you're left-handed. I've done that. Ok, it means learn to write with you other hand BUT it's possible. You'll just be slow.
I have NO idea about how to reply to people without quoting what they've sad. I've never been much of a forum user. Any tips? .c.
Welcome, welcome North!
Since no one's yet offered, help yourself to these complimentary squirrel cookies!
(Also high five for also being 158 cm and left-handed :D )
I have heard about the magical cookies all the newbies get. A nice tradition, imo!
(tiny lefties unite)
Welcome here, North :)
Good new : you can learn calligraphy even if you're left-handed. I've done that. Ok, it means learn to write with you other hand BUT it's possible. You'll just be slow.
Thank you! :D
When doing calligraphy you're supposed to write letters from left to right, but I can't hold the pen in a way that allows me to do that, so I write the letters right to left... but the sentences are written left to right. It takes. So. Much. Time x__x
On the package it said "Nib exchange for left handers", but apparently I need to send them my nib and they can send me another one for left-handers and I need to pay for the shipping :c I think I'll just stick to doing letters right to left, though! My right hand refuses to even hold a pen properly...
North: nah we just quote eachother here, or sometimes we just write people's names in bold LIKE SO
or if you wanna talk to someone in private there's PM'ing. but yeah no direct replies to posts except quoting
Haiz thank you dear SSSS fandom guide /bows
I have NO idea about how to reply to people without quoting what they've sad. I've never been much of a forum user. Any tips? .c.
Just go ahead and quote, even if it's an empty quote, I'ld say. It gives people a handy link to skip back to not just the poster but the exact post you're replying to - which is sometimes difficult to find out just from the reply text.
Welcome North! Have you considered writing calligraphy as mirror text like Leonardo da Vinci did?
Hello, I am Grotox. I would be Grootox but root is a keyword so it is banned from use in someone's username. If root was used in a username the account database would break, which I find amusing but I doubt anyone else does. Anyways, I'm one of those guys in their mid-20s who's just trying to figure things out.
I mostly plan on lurking, but in case I post more here is some aditional information (or as I call them sweet extra bonus facts):
-I work an office job I swear is slowly consuming my soulstuff but at least relates to my Computer Science degree.
-I am mostly here while I am at work.
-I'm from the USA (West Coast > East Coast ; Norcal > Solcal) and I only speak English (I might know a word or two of Spanish as well).
-I have an interest in maps and charts, which feature prominently in my room.
-I love playing dissecting and creating games.
-I like messing around with post settings and using the format to its fullest potential
-That potential is terrible jokes
...I have been on an online hiatus for 6 months while finishing the IB Diploma Programme, ...
Ahhh congratulations on finishing the IB! :D I'm just finishing up the last year of pre-IB myself, yayyyyy...
whaaaat other ib peeps
Just finished up the Diploma stuff like two weeks ago; as you can see, I don't have the self-control for an Internet hiatus. :P
And, Curry, don't worry -- it's hard and will occasionally make you want to stab things, but I came out all right.
Welcome to lurk, Grotox =)
Hello everyone~ Normally when introducing I'd state my name but I don't quite like my real name, so we'll stick with nicknames instead! ;) My friends call me either Kizzy or Kitty. I'm 23 years old and a graduate of Translation and Linguistics (well, mainly the former), so if you ever feel like discussing the scientific aspect of language with me then do so! I love learning grammar of other languages <3 I also love to worldbuild, conlang (aka make my own language), and draw.
I've found SSSS comic via Minna's DA. I think I saw one of her Red Tail or SSSS art in someone's favorites; that's how I've found the comic. I love everything about it so far and I've managed to rope a friend into reading it. Now she's in love! :D
Hello everyone~ Normally when introducing I'd state my name but I don't quite like my real name, so we'll stick with nicknames instead! ;) My friends call me either Kizzy or Kitty. I'm 23 years old and a graduate of Translation and Linguistics (well, mainly the former), so if you ever feel like discussing the scientific aspect of language with me then do so! I love learning grammar of other languages <3 I also love to worldbuild, conlang, and draw.
I've found SSSS comic via Minna's DA. I think I saw one of her Red Tail or SSSS art in someone's favorites; that's how I've found the comic. I love everything about it so far and I've managed to rope a friend into reading it. Now she's in love! :D
Welcome! And it's okay; not many people use their real names here anyway.
Seeing as you're a linguistics student, here's our languages board (big part of the forums, languages): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=5.0
Here's the self-inserts thread for art: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=359.0
And here's our IRC channel: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=#ssss
See you around!
Welcome North! Have you considered writing calligraphy as mirror text like Leonardo da Vinci did?
Thank you! I haven't really considered it, mostly because it would be a bit tricky to read what I've written. Probably even more impractical than writing with my left hand ;)
Hello everyone~ Normally when introducing I'd state my name but I don't quite like my real name, so we'll stick with nicknames instead! ;) My friends call me either Kizzy or Kitty. I'm 23 years old and a graduate of Translation and Linguistics (well, mainly the former), so if you ever feel like discussing the scientific aspect of language with me then do so! I love learning grammar of other languages <3 I also love to worldbuild, conlang (aka make my own language), and draw.
I've found SSSS comic via Minna's DA. I think I saw one of her Red Tail or SSSS art in someone's favorites; that's how I've found the comic. I love everything about it so far and I've managed to rope a friend into reading it. Now she's in love! :D
Welcome, you person most likely with family from the Philippines (Cebu, maybe?). If you need any help with Tagalog, as I see in your signature, I can try and help somehow! I'm not a native speaker myself, but if I actually bring my confidence up to a certain point, I can speak fairly decent Taglish, if I do say so myself.
Welcome to all the new people!
North, I like your icon :D
Kizzy, there's a loooot of language enthusiasts here so you'll fit right in!
Hello everyone~ Normally when introducing I'd state my name but I don't quite like my real name, so we'll stick with nicknames instead! ;) My friends call me either Kizzy or Kitty. I'm 23 years old and a graduate of Translation and Linguistics (well, mainly the former), so if you ever feel like discussing the scientific aspect of language with me then do so! I love learning grammar of other languages <3 I also love to worldbuild, conlang (aka make my own language), and draw.
I've found SSSS comic via Minna's DA. I think I saw one of her Red Tail or SSSS art in someone's favorites; that's how I've found the comic. I love everything about it so far and I've managed to rope a friend into reading it. Now she's in love! :D
Hello! I might randomly message you about a story I'm writing, just saying.
Welcome to all the new people!
North, I like your icon :D
Thank you so much! I shamelessly drew myself in the SSSS-uniform ::)
Welcome! And it's okay; not many people use their real names here anyway.
Seeing as you're a linguistics student, here's our languages board (big part of the forums, languages): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=5.0
Here's the self-inserts thread for art: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=359.0
And here's our IRC channel: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=#ssss
See you around!
Thanks! ;D Checking them out right now.
Welcome, you person most likely with family from the Philippines (Cebu, maybe?). If you need any help with Tagalog, as I see in your signature, I can try and help somehow! I'm not a native speaker myself, but if I actually bring my confidence up to a certain point, I can speak fairly decent Taglish, if I do say so myself.
Nope, they're from Davao. I can see why you'd think Cebu since lots of Filipinos on the internet are from there.
Really? That's nice of you :) This will definitely be my next language project once I'm done with what I'm currently working on. What made you learn Tagalog though? If you don't mind me asking.
Welcome to all the new people!
North, I like your icon :D
Kizzy, there's a loooot of language enthusiasts here so you'll fit right in!
Haha yeah, I noticed. It's actually one the reasons why I've signed up! And I don't really like forums.
Hello! I might randomly message you about a story I'm writing, just saying.
Hi! Yes, please do so. I love reading other people's work :D Is it SSSS related or an original?
Nope, they're from Davao. I can see why you'd think Cebu since lots of Filipinos on the internet are from there.
Really? That's nice of you :) This will definitely be my next language project once I'm done with what I'm currently working on. What made you learn Tagalog though? If you don't mind me asking.
I actually thought that your family came from Cebu because your family did not live there for some time, seeing as you should know Bisaya and Tagalog, but don't. If this were not true, you would have probably been able to speak Bisaya and Tagalog, seeing as they'd probably have been impossible to not have known. I actually thought that most Filipino migrants were Cebuanos, so I guessed your family was from Cebu. Nothing to do with the internet except for, 'Wow, there are a surprising number of Filipinos on the internet.'
As for why I can sort of maybe speak Tagalog, I'm sixteen, so I still live with my parents, who are both from Manila. I lived in the Philippines for about a year when I was seven, so I picked a bit of Tagalog then, though I didn't speak it there, and my daily conversations full of Taglish maintained that level of fluency, which is somehow above normal Filipino migrants' children's level of fluency. I'm planning on increasing that fluency by practising whenever I can even if I'm not confident.
So yeah, that's my Filipino story.
Hello all!
I'm in my early twenties and was born and raised in Germany. I was forced to move to America ten years ago. It's pretty good over here, but I'd much rather be back home. :( I enjoy reading and writing the most, although I also collect dolls and occasionally butcher sew clothes for them.
I don't remember exactly how I found the comic, probably some random reference somewhere on the internet, but I was hooked from the first page. Plot, characters, setting, everything's right up my alley. :D Here's to becoming a happy addict! :P
Thanks! ;D Checking them out right now.
Hi! Yes, please do so. I love reading other people's work :D Is it SSSS related or an original?
Hahhahah. Its SSSS-related but I wrote myself into a hole again so I have no idea when its happening.
Hello all!
I'm in my early twenties and was born and raised in Germany. I was forced to move to America ten years ago. It's pretty good over here, but I'd much rather be back home. :( I enjoy reading and writing the most, although I also collect dolls and occasionally butcher sew clothes for them.
I don't remember exactly how I found the comic, probably some random reference somewhere on the internet, but I was hooked from the first page. Plot, characters, setting, everything's right up my alley. :D Here's to becoming a happy addict! :P
*Calls out loudly from SSSS hell*
Guys, the next got 'nother one!
Hi! Yes, please do so. I love reading other people's work :D Is it SSSS related or an original?
You might be interested in this (http://archiveofourown.org/tags/Stand%20Still%20Stay%20Silent/works), then :)
Hello all!
I'm in my early twenties and was born and raised in Germany. I was forced to move to America ten years ago. It's pretty good over here, but I'd much rather be back home. :( I enjoy reading and writing the most, although I also collect dolls and occasionally butcher sew clothes for them.
I don't remember exactly how I found the comic, probably some random reference somewhere on the internet, but I was hooked from the first page. Plot, characters, setting, everything's right up my alley. :D Here's to becoming a happy addict! :P
Welcome to the community! I seem to remember you were promised cookies; here are some squirrel cookies for you:
OMG, sparkly and delicious! Thank you very much. It's such a cute thing to do for new members. :)
OMG, sparkly and delicious! Thank you very much. It's such a cute thing to do for new members. :)
I try my best to make sure newbies feel welcome ^v^ If only cookies had been my idea
I actually thought that your family came from Cebu because your family did not live there for some time, seeing as you should know Bisaya and Tagalog, but don't. If this were not true, you would have probably been able to speak Bisaya and Tagalog, seeing as they'd probably have been impossible to not have known. I actually thought that most Filipino migrants were Cebuanos, so I guessed your family was from Cebu. Nothing to do with the internet except for, 'Wow, there are a surprising number of Filipinos on the internet.'
As for why I can sort of maybe speak Tagalog, I'm sixteen, so I still live with my parents, who are both from Manila. I lived in the Philippines for about a year when I was seven, so I picked a bit of Tagalog then, though I didn't speak it there, and my daily conversations full of Taglish maintained that level of fluency, which is somehow above normal Filipino migrants' children's level of fluency. I'm planning on increasing that fluency by practising whenever I can even if I'm not confident.
So yeah, that's my Filipino story.
Ahhh I see. Most Filipino immigrants I've met are from Manila and other provinces, rarely Cebu. It may have to do with the fact that I barely get out of the house. I figures you were/ your parents were Filipinos, but I thought I'd ask :) It's nice that you've picked up Tagalog at a young age. It should be easier for you compare to someone who is already in their 20s like myself.
You might be interested in this (http://archiveofourown.org/tags/Stand%20Still%20Stay%20Silent/works), then :)
Ooo, checking it right now! Thanks~
Ahhh I see. Most Filipino immigrants I've met are from Manila and other provinces, rarely Cebu. It may have to do with the fact that I barely get out of the house. I figures you were/ your parents were Filipinos, but I thought I'd ask :) It's nice that you've picked up Tagalog at a young age. It should be easier for you compare to someone who is already in their 20s like myself.
I actually meant that mist migrants speak cebuano come from cebu. Just a clarification. Most migrants do spesk Tagalog though.
[whispers i hope this is done correctly ahhhhahaha]
I'm videovance, and I live in 'straya (the big continent, Down Under!) but I lived in Taiwan for most of my life. I'm fluent in English, even if my English teacher would heartily disagree, and I am trudging my way through learning Chinese! I'm half Chinese, half American, and kiiiind of half Australian (not thirds, halves. it's sort of a debate between ethnicity and nationality O:) but I hardly have an Aussie accent. Maybe a terrible bogan one if I try, ehehehe.
I really like drawing and cosplaying, and I plan to do plenty of both in SSSS. It's nice to meet you all!
(also: i am actually dying over how nicely drawn SSSS is. i am crying. it is so pretty oh my goODNESS)
[whispers i hope this is done correctly ahhhhahaha]
I'm videovance, and I live in 'straya (the big continent, Down Under!) but I lived in Taiwan for most of my life. I'm fluent in English, even if my English teacher would heartily disagree, and I am trudging my way through learning Chinese! I'm half Chinese, half American, and kiiiind of half Australian (not thirds, halves. it's sort of a debate between ethnicity and nationality O:) but I hardly have an Aussie accent. Maybe a terrible bogan one if I try, ehehehe.
I really like drawing and cosplaying, and I plan to do plenty of both in SSSS. It's nice to meet you all!
(also: i am actually dying over how nicely drawn SSSS is. i am crying. it is so pretty oh my goODNESS)
Hellooooo hello and welcome!
*rubs hands cackling*
Yes please do join us in the arting and the cosplaying
and the crying over the prettyfulness of Minna's art
Did you have a particular character in mind for cosplay? :)
[whispers i hope this is done correctly ahhhhahaha]
I'm videovance, and I live in 'straya (the big continent, Down Under!) but I lived in Taiwan for most of my life. I'm fluent in English, even if my English teacher would heartily disagree, and I am trudging my way through learning Chinese! I'm half Chinese, half American, and kiiiind of half Australian (not thirds, halves. it's sort of a debate between ethnicity and nationality O:) but I hardly have an Aussie accent. Maybe a terrible bogan one if I try, ehehehe.
I really like drawing and cosplaying, and I plan to do plenty of both in SSSS. It's nice to meet you all!
(also: i am actually dying over how nicely drawn SSSS is. i am crying. it is so pretty oh my goODNESS)
Oho!!! Welcome to the forum!!!! :)) I am also an artist and a cosplayer (in fact, I'm going to a con as modern AU Sigrun today, just because I couldn't resist putting the wig on aha), and it is so nicely drawn. I cry pretty much every time I think about it. W h a t b e a u t i f u l a r t
Welcome cookies should be coming your way soon 8)
[whispers i hope this is done correctly ahhhhahaha]
I'm videovance, and I live in 'straya (the big continent, Down Under!) but I lived in Taiwan for most of my life. I'm fluent in English, even if my English teacher would heartily disagree, and I am trudging my way through learning Chinese! I'm half Chinese, half American, and kiiiind of half Australian (not thirds, halves. it's sort of a debate between ethnicity and nationality O:) but I hardly have an Aussie accent. Maybe a terrible bogan one if I try, ehehehe.
I really like drawing and cosplaying, and I plan to do plenty of both in SSSS. It's nice to meet you all!
(also: i am actually dying over how nicely drawn SSSS is. i am crying. it is so pretty oh my goODNESS)
Given that you're into art and cosplaying, you'll probably fit in pretty well here, and I'm pretty sure we've got a few Aussies too, so no worries about how well you're doing.
Few quick links:
Our IRC channel: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss
The fanart museum: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0
The self-insert thread: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=359.0 (more fanart, basically)
You'll figure out the rest.
See you around!
Hellooooo hello and welcome!
*rubs hands cackling*
Yes please do join us in the arting and the cosplaying
and the crying over the prettyfulness of Minna's art
Did you have a particular character in mind for cosplay? :)
I'll make sure to bring tissues or something because there are gonna be a lot of tears, not gonna lie ;w;;;;;
and either Tuuri or Reynir! I love both of their outfits but, heck, there is a lot of detail there!! Hopefully I can actually make it!
Oho!!! Welcome to the forum!!!! :)) I am also an artist and a cosplayer (in fact, I'm going to a con as modern AU Sigrun today, just because I couldn't resist putting the wig on aha), and it is so nicely drawn. I cry pretty much every time I think about it. W h a t b e a u t i f u l a r t
Welcome cookies should be coming your way soon 8)
!!! Oh my goodness! I hope you have a ton of fun!! Make sure to stay hydrated and stuff ;w; Modern AU Sigrun? Do you have any links for that? I have no idea what that would look like buT THAT SOUNDS SUPER COOL
Oh, what, cookies? :00000 oh my gosh. oh m y g o s h. I am so glad I joined 0u0
Given that you're into art and cosplaying, you'll probably fit in pretty well here, and I'm pretty sure we've got a few Aussies too, so no worries about how well you're doing.
Few quick links:
Our IRC channel: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss
The fanart museum: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0
The self-insert thread: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=359.0 (more fanart, basically)
You'll figure out the rest.
See you around!
Hehehe, always cool to find more Aussies 0u0
Thank you so much for the links! I am dolphinately gonna look at those art forums, gosh darn. :0
Heck, y'all are so lovely ;w; thank you for the warm welcome!
[quote author=videovance link=topic=131.msg42000#msg42000 date=1434034097
!!! Oh my goodness! I hope you have a ton of fun!! Make sure to stay hydrated and stuff ;w; Modern AU Sigrun? Do you have any links for that? I have no idea what that would look like buT THAT SOUNDS SUPER COOL
Oh, what, cookies? :00000 oh my gosh. oh m y g o s h. I am so glad I joined
Ehehe, I actually do have a link! It's right here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.msg40192#msg40192) in the cosplay thread and there are a ton of really cool cosplays in there! I'd advise going through it when you have the time because this fandom is really talented • w • Also, good luck trying out making the Tuuri/Reynir coats! There's a great base pattern somewhere around page 10, I believe, and me and my squad are going to use that one as base 8)
Ehehe, I actually do have a link! It's right here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.msg40192#msg40192) in the cosplay thread and there are a ton of really cool cosplays in there! I'd advise going through it when you have the time because this fandom is really talented • w • Also, good luck trying out making the Tuuri/Reynir coats! There's a great base pattern somewhere around page 10, I believe, and me and my squad are going to use that one as base 8)
[falls over] Wowowowowow your cosplay looks fantastic!! I love the gifs aaaaaahhhhhhh (oh, right, how was the con?)
Oh sweet, that pattern is just what I need- thank you so much for linking that! and ahh all these people are so cool!! What the heck. This is so great. Favourite fandom already • u •
I'm Chrystal originally from Finland, but now living in Amsterdam the Netherlands. I live with two flatmates, two cats and music.
I also like to write.
I'm Chrystal originally from Finland, but now living in Amsterdam the Netherlands. I live with two flatmates, two cats and music.
I also like to write.
Welcome welcome! *spreads arms wide* I'll leave the heavy introductory stuff and cookie throwing fits to the veterans, but I hope you enjoy your time here. :) And a fellow writer, hurray!
I'm Chrystal originally from Finland, but now living in Amsterdam the Netherlands. I live with two flatmates, two cats and music.
I also like to write.
Welcome here, Chrystal :) The cookies may come soon ^^
I have no cookies for to offer, but I have...
...what do I have? Hmm... surströmming?
It seems to always be Piney's cookies, so... I don't dare to offer something else than christmas's biscuits ^^ (There is no specific time in year for christmas's biscuits.)
I'm Chrystal originally from Finland, but now living in Amsterdam the Netherlands. I live with two flatmates, two cats and music.
I also like to write.
Here are those cookies! Welcome!
I'm having too much fun with Blingee
Hej hej Hello.
I'm French, freshly registered here, and decided that for once, I'd post *before* digging up ALL DA ARCHIVES. I love reading archives and stuff, so guess how happy I am when I find a new webcomic to binge-read… I found SSSS when it was around the 260-somethingth page (iirc), immediately started to read and didn't stop until I had finished. Unfortunately, this meant I went to bed around 2 or 3am -_- (but SO WORTH IT.)
Somehow I also contaminated Melusine, and apparently it was a good idea, so now it's my turn to follow her ;)
I have a husband (codename "Fifo".) He lived in Stockholm for two years around 2000, and he looooves languages, and both facts played a role in how interested I got in SSSS (I had seen the "Languages" posters long before I knew about the comics, and got all excited when I got there in my binge-reading ^^) I also like languages, but am not nearly as gifted as Fifo in actually learning them. (He's started Gaelic on Duolinguo just for fun. He's crazy. Mind you, that's why I love him, sooo…)
We have a five year old son (Codename: Perco. Actual name: Nils No, really. We couldn't decide on Neil or Neal, sooooo…)
… 'k that's enough rambling for now.
*waves enthusiastically but sleepily* (it's almost 1pm but I couldn't drink my coffee this morning -_- )
Hej hej Hello.
I'm French, freshly registered here, and decided that for once, I'd post *before* digging up ALL DA ARCHIVES. I love reading archives and stuff, so guess how happy I am when I find a new webcomic to binge-read… I found SSSS when it was around the 260-somethingth page (iirc), immediately started to read and didn't stop until I had finished. Unfortunately, this meant I went to bed around 2 or 3am -_- (but SO WORTH IT.)
Somehow I also contaminated Melusine, and apparently it was a good idea, so now it's my turn to follow her ;)
I have a husband (codename "Fifo".) He lived in Stockholm for two years around 2000, and he looooves languages, and both facts played a role in how interested I got in SSSS (I had seen the "Languages" posters long before I knew about the comics, and got all excited when I got there in my binge-reading ^^) I also like languages, but am not nearly as gifted as Fifo in actually learning them. (He's started Gaelic on Duolinguo just for fun. He's crazy. Mind you, that's why I love him, sooo…)
We have a five year old son (Codename: Perco. Actual name: Nils No, really. We couldn't decide on Neil or Neal, sooooo…)
… 'k that's enough rambling for now.
*waves enthusiastically but sleepily* (it's almost 1pm but I couldn't drink my coffee this morning -_- )
*Few minutes ago* Hey, a Daelf. My Daelf ? My Daelf ! :D
Contaminating me was the better most best idea ^^ Welcome here ! Have a cookie ! Now you'll know where I spend hours and hours with enthusiasm... ^^°
*Few minutes ago* Hey, a Daelf. My Daelf ? My Daelf ! :D
Contaminating me was the better most best idea ^^ Welcome here ! Have a cookie ! Now you'll know where I spend hours and hours with enthusiasm... ^^°
coucou toi ^^
Welcome Daelf! There are a lot of good archives to go through here! I'd recommend the art thread and the scriptorium to start! The art thread is full of fantastic stuff and we have so many great writers in this fandom :0
I’m K. I live in the U.S. Midwest. I recently found ‘A Redtail's Dream’ while roaming aimlessly online, which of course then led me to SSSS and so here I am.
Since I like to read each day’s comments section (and my cats enjoy periodically inserting themselves between my face and the screen) it took me a while to get caught up through the archive.
I've very much enjoyed Minna's artwork and storyline so far and am happy to join the group in anticipating the next page.
I’m K. I live in the U.S. Midwest. I recently found ‘A Redtail's Dream’ while roaming aimlessly online, which of course then led me to SSSS and so here I am.
Since I like to read each day’s comments section (and my cats enjoy periodically inserting themselves between my face and the screen) it took me a while to get caught up through the archive.
I've very much enjoyed Minna's artwork and storyline so far and am happy to join the group in anticipating the next page.
Hi K! Welcome! I'm not an official squirrel cookie-giver, but I'm sure that will come along soon enough (If you need some cookies to tide you over, then here: *slides cookies under the table*). I completely agree with you about Minna's artwork: so beautiful! If you're interested, we've got quite a few talented artists in the art threads as well :). I encourage you to look around: everyone is really nice and there's a thread for just about everything!
(Also, it's good you have kitties to protect you from troll attacks ;) )
I’m K. I live in the U.S. Midwest. I recently found ‘A Redtail's Dream’ while roaming aimlessly online, which of course then led me to SSSS and so here I am.
Since I like to read each day’s comments section (and my cats enjoy periodically inserting themselves between my face and the screen) it took me a while to get caught up through the archive.
I've very much enjoyed Minna's artwork and storyline so far and am happy to join the group in anticipating the next page.
Welcome, join the club! Take a look around and munch on these - *throws cookies in your direction* Enjoy your stay :D
Hi, I'm [ahemreadthetag] 1010nightflyer. It's too late to do an intro... argh, argh, why do I always reply late at night... Anyway, I love anything with cute fur and stuff, plus horses 'cause they're like, sooooo gorgeous. So like, I like, love SSSS, and ARtD, but like I don't usually fangirl over stuff, but like (any idea where I'm from yet? [besides my phone{but not actually, because I don't text a lot}]) SSSS is soooo awsome! (Ahem...read:California Girl!) In terms of Tuomi units, I'm "it's summer, I don't have to think." I very much enjoy Terry Pratchett, punning, and sarcasm ("It's a fine art."). As a budding English major, I cringe as I reread the "like"s and "so"s of my previous sentences. But hey: it was for sarcasm. In case you couldn't tell, parentheses are underused! Use more parentheses to sarcasify your work!
Hi, I'm [ahemreadthetag] 1010nightflyer. It's too late to do an intro... argh, argh, why do I always reply late at night... Anyway, I love anything with cute fur and stuff, plus horses 'cause they're like, sooooo gorgeous. So like, I like, love SSSS, and ARtD, but like I don't usually fangirl over stuff, but like (any idea where I'm from yet? [besides my phone{but not actually, because I don't text a lot}]) SSSS is soooo awsome! (Ahem...read:California Girl!) In terms of Tuomi units, I'm "it's summer, I don't have to think." I very much enjoy Terry Pratchett, punning, and sarcasm ("It's a fine art."). As a budding English major, I cringe as I reread the "like"s and "so"s of my previous sentences. But hey: it was for sarcasm. In case you couldn't tell, parentheses are underused! Use more parentheses to sarcasify your work!
"Sarcasify"... I like that word :D
It's much too late here *cough*1:30*cough* to give a proper welcome, but have one anyway! Welcome to the forum, have some squirrel cookies! *points to further up the page* Take a look around if you haven't; the exit is nowhere
Hello everybody !
I'm Isabelle (no imagination for names, sorry); I'm French and... a bit older than the main cast. I love fiction in all its forms, but mostly written. Reading and writing occupy most of my time (thought I also enjoy cooking and dancing and generally creating things).
Less than a week ago one of my Facebook friends linked SSSS as "favourite webcomic ever" (or something like that), so I clicked, saw the first page, admired the art, bookmarked it and went to bed (it was late). Two evenings after that, I began reading and stopped half-way through the prologue, because I can be reasonable when it's time to sleep (was very proud of that). The next evening, I binge-read up to the (then) last page. Obviously, I stop being reasonable when put in front of really good fiction. I spent the following evening reading everything again while refreshing the last page. Nearly had nightmares with the dog-thing chasing Emil. Yesterday I (re-read everything up to page 200 or so) found the forum and bookmarked ARTD, but managed to regain some will and go to sleep at a reasonable time. So I enjoyed the fresh SSSS page this morning... and now I'm wondering how I will survive the week-end without updates (let's not speak about chapter breaks yet. Newbie here. ;))
I don't usually join fan communities, but the comments struck me as interesting and the kind of discussions I could enjoy reading and perhaps participating in, so... here I am. Nice to meet you. :)
Hello everybody !
Hello Isabelle!! Welcome to the forum! You're not the only one who "doesn't usually join fan communities", but this community is really friendly and small enough that everyone gets to know eachother, so I hope you'll like it here! I'm not sure what kind of discussions you're into, but you'll probably find some threads you like ^_______^
and ha, surviving weekends and chapter breaks... we usually cope with cookies. lots and lots of cookies. we have cookies for everything
Um, hello? I'm CWater, a shy Finnish person. Stumbled on the comic some months ago, and lately found myself lurking on the forum, especially in the Art threads. Now I finally got around to make an account for myself. :)
Nice to meet you!
Hello and welcome, Isabelle and CWater! :D
Here are some welcome cookies for the both of you-
G'day all. I'm creating an account mostly to participate in the Art Gallery thread, but I'll probably end up discovering other fascinating parts of the forums. I'm an SSSSite, I haven't read aRTD yet, though I probably should.
As for myself, originally Australian but currently in Canada. I'm trilingual, so I've gotta figure out how to get those little flags in my signature. Also looking forward to the moment when Reynir finally realises he's a mage, frankly.
edit: figured the flags out, but seems one I need is missing...I found the flag thread and put in a request.
G'day all. I'm creating an account mostly to participate in the Art Gallery thread, but I'll probably end up discovering other fascinating parts of the forums. I'm an SSSSite, I haven't read aRTD yet, though I probably should.
As for myself, originally Australian but currently in Canada. I'm trilingual, so I've gotta figure out how to get those little flags in my signature. Also looking forward to the moment when Reynir finally realises he's a mage, frankly.
edit: figured the flags out, but seems one I need is missing...I found the flag thread and put in a request.
trilingual artists, UNITE! I mean... Welcome to the forum! I was the first czech person here and went without a flag for a while, too, so don't worry. it will come around. As for your art, if I read correctly you've only been drawing for a month?? Well, your art looks really cool so I'm thoroughly impressed. I have to warn you, contributing to the art thread is hella addictive...
and the moment Reynir realizes his mageness is bound to be glorious... Or hilarious. Maybe both. I mean, Onni already told him, but he was more focused on the fact that he finally helped....
G'day all. I'm creating an account mostly to participate in the Art Gallery thread, but I'll probably end up discovering other fascinating parts of the forums. I'm an SSSSite, I haven't read aRTD yet, though I probably should.
As for myself, originally Australian but currently in Canada. I'm trilingual, so I've gotta figure out how to get those little flags in my signature. Also looking forward to the moment when Reynir finally realises he's a mage, frankly.
edit: figured the flags out, but seems one I need is missing...I found the flag thread and put in a request.
Welcome to the community, fellow art maker! We have cookies! Enjoy your stay! :)
and the moment Reynir realizes his mageness is bound to be glorious... Or hilarious. Maybe both. I mean, Onni already told him, but he was more focused on the fact that he finally helped....
Knowing that it's Reynir, I'm betting on "hilarious".
Welcome to the forum Myferi, Cwater, 1010nightflyer, and Isabelle!
trilingual artists, UNITE! I mean... Welcome to the forum! I was the first czech person here and went without a flag for a while, too, so don't worry. it will come around. As for your art, if I read correctly you've only been drawing for a month?? Well, your art looks really cool so I'm thoroughly impressed. I have to warn you, contributing to the art thread is hella addictive...
and the moment Reynir realizes his mageness is bound to be glorious... Or hilarious. Maybe both. I mean, Onni already told him, but he was more focused on the fact that he finally helped....
I've doodled in the past, but I only started properly learning how to draw a month or so ago, yeah. It's pretty addictive.
Yeah, I'm waiting for when Reynir finds out exactly what he can do with his powers and uses them for the good of the party. I feel like I'll be waiting a while.
Hey there. I'm Russet, and I'm new to the forum. I'm from Malaysia, and I speak English, Chinese and Malay (which sadly doesn't have a flag, apparently). I've been reading Minna's comics for several years, but have been avoiding the forum site up until now because registering to new sites is a bother sometimes, haha. But I stopped reading SSSS for a while last year, and recently I came back and caught up on all the new pages, and now I'm really into it and checking for new pages every day. :)
I'd like to draw some fanart, but I'm terrible at digital art and my scanner is the devil himself, so. currently, can't contribute any art, sadly.
Hey there. I'm Russet, and I'm new to the forum. I'm from Malaysia, and I speak English, Chinese and Malay (which sadly doesn't have a flag, apparently). I've been reading Minna's comics for several years, but have been avoiding the forum site up until now because registering to new sites is a bother sometimes, haha. But I stopped reading SSSS for a while last year, and recently I came back and caught up on all the new pages, and now I'm really into it and checking for new pages every day. :)
I'd like to draw some fanart, but I'm terrible at digital art and my scanner is the devil himself, so. currently, can't contribute any art, sadly.
Hi, Russet. Welcome to the Forum! You may be our first member from Malaysia.
I've posted a Malay flag request in the Improvements thread: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=16.msg46604#msg46604 That'll help remind our hard-working Admin, Eich, to find and upload a Malaysian flag (to stand for the language, even though I know Malay is spoken in other countries too).
Meanwhile, sounds like you'll fit in just fine. But if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask Eich, me, or any of the other admins or longtime members. We do our best to make this forum a friendly and welcoming place.
Hey there. I'm Russet, and I'm new to the forum. I'm from Malaysia, and I speak English, Chinese and Malay (which sadly doesn't have a flag, apparently). I've been reading Minna's comics for several years, but have been avoiding the forum site up until now because registering to new sites is a bother sometimes, haha. But I stopped reading SSSS for a while last year, and recently I came back and caught up on all the new pages, and now I'm really into it and checking for new pages every day. :)
I'd like to draw some fanart, but I'm terrible at digital art and my scanner is the devil himself, so. currently, can't contribute any art, sadly.
Hi and welcome, Russet! I'm looking forward to when you are able to post some fanart. I take it you've seen the fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)?
In the meantime, here are the welcome cookies Solovei was talking about: :)
Hi and welcome, Russet! I'm looking forward to when you are able to post some fanart. I take it you've seen the fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)?
In the meantime, here are the welcome cookies Solovei was talking about: :)
Ooh, thanks for the cookies. :)
I'm looking forward to it too! I'll take a look at my scanner some time soon and see if I can get it sorted out. I have seen the fanart thread, yes, and there are a lot of great artists in this fandom, which is nice!
Also, thank you to Sunflower for sending in the request, the flag would definitely be a useful addition. And oh, is that so? I see a few dots in Malaysia on the SSSS fan map though, and I could always forcefully persuasively convince a few friends to check the comic out.
Hey there. I'm Russet, and I'm new to the forum. I'm from Malaysia, and I speak English, Chinese and Malay (which sadly doesn't have a flag, apparently). I've been reading Minna's comics for several years, but have been avoiding the forum site up until now because registering to new sites is a bother sometimes, haha. But I stopped reading SSSS for a while last year, and recently I came back and caught up on all the new pages, and now I'm really into it and checking for new pages every day. :)
I'd like to draw some fanart, but I'm terrible at digital art and my scanner is the devil himself, so. currently, can't contribute any art, sadly.
Welcome to the forum. Hopefully your scanner will change it's attitude sooner rather than later.
You may be our first member from Malaysia.
Nope. Potatobunny.
Welcome to the forum. Hopefully your scanner will change it's attitude sooner rather than later.
Nope. Potatobunny.
Yes, hopefully it will! Maybe I could use a camera instead and just skip the entire scanning thing, but I doubt that'll be much better.
& also, wow, you guys keep pretty good track of the members here. How many users are there on this site, roughly? It's good to hear that I'm not the only Malaysian, haha.
Welcome, Russet :)
How many users are there on this site, roughly?
Seven hundred and thirty one currently registered users. The number of regularly active users varies, maybe... fifty? Incidentally you are the 760th user to register. If you want the details I recommend checking out the stats section (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=stats).
Seven hundred and thirty one currently registered users. The number of regularly active users varies, maybe... fifty? Incidentally you are the 760th user to register. If you want the details I recommend checking out the stats section (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=stats).
Oh, thanks for the head's up! I see you are the top user that posts, haha.
And hi to you too, Mélusine!
Hi, Russet! We have several threads for art here, both fanart and general art, and also one for self-inserts :) You can still draw even if you don't have a scanner! Many people post photos of their art, taken with a camera or a phone, without there being a problem. I'm not going to force you to share your art, but don't let your scanner hold you back ;)
Hi, Russet! We have several threads for art here, both fanart and general art, and also one for self-inserts :) You can still draw even if you don't have a scanner! Many people post photos of their art, taken with a camera or a phone, without there being a problem. I'm not going to force you to share your art, but don't let your scanner hold you back ;)
Ah, okay. Duly noted, will get working on that right away. ;)
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
Alright, so I found aRTD via dA, back when it was only about halfway done, and I've been reading ever since. I never bothered with the comments section, or the forum though.
But! Recently I was persuaded into joining. I felt the need to wait till my exams were done first, and now that they are (as of yesterday), here I am!
A bit about me:
I'm a native Dane, I speak English (obviously), and I'm decent in French(one can always improve!).
I study Engineering in Biotechnology.
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
Alright, so I found aRTD via dA, back when it was only about halfway done, and I've been reading ever since. I never bothered with the comments section, or the forum though.
But! Recently I was persuaded into joining. I felt the need to wait till my exams were done first, and now that they are (as of yesterday), here I am!
A bit about me:
I'm a native Dane, I speak English (obviously), and I'm decent in French(one can always improve!).
I study Engineering in Biotechnology.
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
Hello and welcome Lainer! (Are you the first Dane on the forum? You're one of them at least.)
You say you love to draw? Have you seen the fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)? Maybe you could stop by and join us sometime, eh? :D
Nevertheless, have some cookies and enjoy your stay!
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
HELLO DANISH PERSON welcome to the forums! You're right, we're absolutely in lack of you potato-mumblers around here I MEAN ESTEEMED NEIGHBOURS. ok that was rude I'm sorry
Drawing, painting and writing you say?? I hope you'll find your way to the Scriptorium and Museum threads, they can never have enough contributors!
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
Alright, so I found aRTD via dA, back when it was only about halfway done, and I've been reading ever since. I never bothered with the comments section, or the forum though.
But! Recently I was persuaded into joining. I felt the need to wait till my exams were done first, and now that they are (as of yesterday), here I am!
A bit about me:
I'm a native Dane, I speak English (obviously), and I'm decent in French(one can always improve!).
I study Engineering in Biotechnology.
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
Welcome! If I'm not mistaken you will sooner or later be granted cookies.
Never really noticed, but I guess you're right, there aren't many danes here. We have many creative forum threads here, so I hope I'll see some of your art soon! ;D
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
Alright, so I found aRTD via dA, back when it was only about halfway done, and I've been reading ever since. I never bothered with the comments section, or the forum though.
But! Recently I was persuaded into joining. I felt the need to wait till my exams were done first, and now that they are (as of yesterday), here I am!
A bit about me:
I'm a native Dane, I speak English (obviously), and I'm decent in French(one can always improve!).
I study Engineering in Biotechnology.
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
Yay! You're here :D Hello!
She is the one who got me adicted to SSSS and I decided to repay the favour with the forum.
She's a very good drawer and she's been helping me try to pronounce danish (which I am very bad at).
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
Alright, so I found aRTD via dA, back when it was only about halfway done, and I've been reading ever since. I never bothered with the comments section, or the forum though.
But! Recently I was persuaded into joining. I felt the need to wait till my exams were done first, and now that they are (as of yesterday), here I am!
A bit about me:
I'm a native Dane, I speak English (obviously), and I'm decent in French(one can always improve!).
I study Engineering in Biotechnology.
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
Danish, eh? Kamelåså rødgrød med fløde [potato noises]!
Seriously though, welcome. Yes, for some strange reason there aren't many Danes on here.
How is everybody?
I'm 22 and Danish. It seems there's a serious lack of Danish people here...
Alright, so I found aRTD via dA, back when it was only about halfway done, and I've been reading ever since. I never bothered with the comments section, or the forum though.
But! Recently I was persuaded into joining. I felt the need to wait till my exams were done first, and now that they are (as of yesterday), here I am!
A bit about me:
I'm a native Dane, I speak English (obviously), and I'm decent in French(one can always improve!).
I study Engineering in Biotechnology.
I love reading, drawing, painting, and writing, whenever I have the time, and conscience to procrastinate my homework (I'm very good at this).
I hope to get to know all of you soon!
Hello! Welcome! Like Feartheviolas, I also blame you for my obsession (indirectly, of course. Not that I'm complaining ;)) We have threads for drawing and threads for writing, as well as threads for just about everything else. I'm sure you'll have fun here!!
She's a very good drawer and she's been helping me try to pronounce danish (which I am very bad at).
How good a drawer is she? Does she have compartments in which to keep things? ;)
Also, welcome to the forum, Lainer! I'm new too, I joined the forum yesterday.
AH ... hello ;u; I'm mostly new
I posted this in a separate topic but realized this is here so I'm putting it here!
*gathers self in rehab circle* I started reading SSSS 2 months ago, the entire thing in one sitting up til 2am even though I had 8am class the next morning (that's real dedication because I love my sleep) and ever since then it's been spiraling down to the point I check the site at least once an hour even if the last update was a few minutes before....
And.................... I LOVE SIGRUN!
I'm really excited to get more active here to get my double daily dose of ssss yes.
someday I'll make fanart because I love this story too much.
AH ... hello ;u; I'm mostly new
I posted this in a separate topic but realized this is here so I'm putting it here!
*gathers self in rehab circle* I started reading SSSS 2 months ago, the entire thing in one sitting up til 2am even though I had 8am class the next morning (that's real dedication because I love my sleep) and ever since then it's been spiraling down to the point I check the site at least once an hour even if the last update was a few minutes before....
And.................... I LOVE SIGRUN!
I'm really excited to get more active here to get my double daily dose of ssss yes.
someday I'll make fanart because I love this story too much.
Hello hello! I've already said welcome to you, but since I'm an Official Cookie Giver™ on the forum, I humbly offer you some cookies...
...and I hope you enjoy your stay :D
Hello hello! I've already said welcome to you, but since I'm an Official Cookie Giver™ on the forum, I humbly offer you some cookies...
...and I hope you enjoy your stay :D
oh my gosh it's even trademarked
THANK YOU for the double welcome and all those cookies! gotta make sure to keep them out of lalli's sight ouo
Hello there everyone!
I'm Soikia - though I'm completely fine with being called Soi :)
I found SSSS two days ago because of me clicking random comics and I ended up on SSSS. I....I already caught up with it. The joy's of being on summer vacation am I right?
Some fun facts about me are that I was born and raised in Germany with my mom and grandma for about four years, until my dad came back from the Netherlands because of work and then we moved to the US ovo;;
I also own a few reptiles and help my aunt at her vet clinic to gather community service hours so I can graduate in a few years.
Nice to meet everyone!
Hello there everyone!
I'm Soikia - though I'm completely fine with being called Soi :)
I found SSSS two days ago because of me clicking random comics and I ended up on SSSS. I....I already caught up with it. The joy's of being on summer vacation am I right?
Some fun facts about me are that I was born and raised in Germany with my mom and grandma for about four years, until my dad came back from the Netherlands because of work and then we moved to the US ovo;;
I also own a few reptiles and help my aunt at her vet clinic to gather community service hours so I can graduate in a few years.
Nice to meet everyone!
Welcome, Soikia! Piney shows up periodically to shower newcomers with squirrel cookies (why squirrels? Long story). If you're a friend of reptiles, you might be quite popular in the Silent World; for all we know, lizards and other Immune-by-nature reptiles may be chic pets by Y90, now that most mammal populations have been decimated by the Rash.
(Also, are you familiar with "friend to every reptile" cartoonist Der-Shing Helmer? She authors two comics that are the only rivals to SSSS for my heart: Mare Internum (http://www.marecomic.com/) and The Meek. (http://www.meekcomic.com/))
Hello there everyone!
I'm Soikia - though I'm completely fine with being called Soi :)
I found SSSS two days ago because of me clicking random comics and I ended up on SSSS. I....I already caught up with it. The joy's of being on summer vacation am I right?
Some fun facts about me are that I was born and raised in Germany with my mom and grandma for about four years, until my dad came back from the Netherlands because of work and then we moved to the US ovo;;
I also own a few reptiles and help my aunt at her vet clinic to gather community service hours so I can graduate in a few years.
Nice to meet everyone!
Hi Soi! Nice to meet you too! Have some squirrel cookies - *points above*
(...And you say you own reptiles? That's super cool; do you have any snakes? Snakes are some of my favorite animals :) )
Welcome, Soikia! Piney shows up periodically to shower newcomers with squirrel cookies (why squirrels? Long story). If you're a friend of reptiles, you might be quite popular in the Silent World; for all we know, lizards and other Immune-by-nature reptiles may be chic pets by Y90, now that most mammal populations have been decimated by the Rash.
(Also, are you familiar with "friend to every reptile" cartoonist Der-Shing Helmer? She authors two comics that are the only rivals to SSSS for my heart: Mare Internum (http://www.marecomic.com/) and The Meek. (http://www.meekcomic.com/))
If reptiles are chic pets by Y90, I can only imagine some elderly person walking around their house with the lizard trailing right behind. They may not be as warm as a fluffy cat, but they certainly are a great conversation starter!
& No I haven't heard of those comics! I'll have to look into them!
Hi Soi! Nice to meet you too! Have some squirrel cookies - *points above*
(...And you say you own reptiles? That's super cool; do you have any snakes? Snakes are some of my favorite animals :) )
I sadly don't own any snakes :( Mom forbids it since she's convinced it'll escape and attack our dog or something - but I have a bearded dragon named Laurel and am currently waiting for a Northern Blue Tongue Skink named Blep to make the two hour journey to my house! Hopefully when I move out I'll be able to get a snake though ;D
I sadly don't own any snakes :( Mom forbids it since she's convinced it'll escape and attack our dog or something - but I have a bearded dragon named Laurel and am currently waiting for a Northern Blue Tongue Skink named Blep to make the two hour journey to my house! Hopefully when I move out I'll be able to get a snake though ;D
It's named Blep?? *casually mentions Fimbulvarg's blep-troll (http://i.imgur.com/mlSX1tq.png)*
(the blep-troll is kind of a thing here, particularly in the self-insert thread)
It's named Blep?? *casually mentions Fimbulvarg's blep-troll (http://i.imgur.com/mlSX1tq.png)*
(the blep-troll is kind of a thing here, particularly in the self-insert thread)
....The blep-troll is absolutely amazing and I'm in love with it. I'm even happier that I've decided on that name
Welcome Lainer, drawing, painting and writing are always appreciated here ^^ And welcome Indui and Soikia too :)
indui Heyy, welcome! :D Good to see more Sigrun fans, even if I'm currently struggling because... I can't decide who my favourite is. Hngafh.
(I also checked out your dA and Tumblr and??? oh my god?? your art is so great. DRAGONS. MONSTERS. YES)
Soikia I LOVE YOUR AVATAR :0 I'm so pumped about The Last Guardian, except I don't have a PS4 and it's going to be PS4 exclusive which makes me sad.
Oh, reptiles! I've wanted a gecko for a while but reptiles are illegal in Norway /wipes tear
Mélusine thank you!
North Same! I've been really hyped about it and I'm so thankful that I made the right choice when deciding between the xboxone and the PS4 haha
Geckos are cute little buggers, I fostered a few of them when my friend was moving - I'm pretty sure geckos just have permanent smiles on their lil faces
Hello there everyone!
I'm Soikia - though I'm completely fine with being called Soi :)
I found SSSS two days ago because of me clicking random comics and I ended up on SSSS. I....I already caught up with it. The joy's of being on summer vacation am I right?
Some fun facts about me are that I was born and raised in Germany with my mom and grandma for about four years, until my dad came back from the Netherlands because of work and then we moved to the US ovo;;
I also own a few reptiles and help my aunt at her vet clinic to gather community service hours so I can graduate in a few years.
Nice to meet everyone!
Welcome! And it's true, you DON'T know when you'll need swing music, so it's better to have it playing 24/7 just in case
b]North[/b] Same! I've been really hyped about it and I'm so thankful that I made the right choice when deciding between the xboxone and the PS4 haha
Geckos are cute little buggers, I fostered a few of them when my friend was moving - I'm pretty sure geckos just have permanent smiles on their lil faces
but it's not backwards compatibleeeeeeee /groans
So I'm probably not getting one :I
They tried to make them legal in Norway, but decided against it because they're uncommon and vets lack the experise. They also require different care than the usual Norwegian household pets, and therefore they're worried about people not knowing how to care for them. They have considered a "lizard license" of some sort, but they want to make sure we "take more care of the animals we already have" first. So I guess I'm going to get a ferret /shrug
Should I be offended by the whole potato thing? (I'm not ;))
Thank you for the warm welcome guys, and thank you for the cookies Piney.
I'll make sure to look around the different art threads, and perhaps contribute sometime too.
Russet: I suck at keeping my things in order, and I have drawings pretty much everywhere.
Feartheviolas and Ana Nymus: Glad to have helped ;D
Hello! It is I! I've actually been a part of the fandom for awhile, mostly through Kahli, and I was briefly on the comments, but only kinda. But now I am here. So hey!
Hello! It is I! I've actually been a part of the fandom for awhile, mostly through Kahli, and I was briefly on the comments, but only kinda. But now I am here. So hey!
HIIIII FIIOOONNNAAA!!! ;D *showers in squirrel cookies*
Helloooooooo Visionary Narwhal! Welcome welcome to official fandom! Have some sentient cookie dough, I swear it's safe, it was only that one time.
Hello! It is I! I've actually been a part of the fandom for awhile, mostly through Kahli, and I was briefly on the comments, but only kinda. But now I am here. So hey!
Welcome to the horde! It's so nice when your friends force you into introduce you to new fandoms, isn't it? ;P
I actually registered into this forum some months ago but I have been to shy to write anything until now. I'm from France but studying in Sweden until September.
I think I know SSSS because of the language tree, and it caught my attention since I really love the north (it's so beautiful here!).
I also like a lot of Icelandic more or less instrumental music.
bless bless
I actually registered into this forum some months ago but I have been to shy to write anything until now. I'm from France but studying in Sweden until September.
I think I know SSSS because of the language tree, and it caught my attention since I really love the north (it's so beautiful here!).
I also like a lot of Icelandic more or less instrumental music.
bless bless
More persons from France ! :D What are you learning in Sweden ?
Welcome here (again ?) :) Don't worry, you're not the only one shy, and nobody bite. I think.
I actually registered into this forum some months ago but I have been to shy to write anything until now. I'm from France but studying in Sweden until September.
I think I know SSSS because of the language tree, and it caught my attention since I really love the north (it's so beautiful here!).
I also like a lot of Icelandic more or less instrumental music.
bless bless
Welcome Troposphère! I echo Mélusine; the community here is quite nice :) *holds out a tray of cookies*
Thank you for the cookies!
I'm actually not really studying but doing a research project on aerodynamics (let's say boundary layer stability).
Thank you for the cookies!
I'm actually not really studying but doing a research project on aerodynamics (let's say boundary layer stability).
Ooh, neat! Boundary layer against what? Or just in general?
Also, this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=413.0) is a good thread. *nodnod*
Ooh, neat! Boundary layer against what? Or just in general?
Also, this (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=413.0) is a good thread. *nodnod*
Wow thanks for the link!
It's around a 2D leading edge on a flat plate.
I'm actually not really studying but doing a research project on aerodynamics (let's say boundary layer stability).
... I'm still working on making my friend who works in plane's motors a new SSSS converted. She would love such a subject, I'm sure ^^
Did you tell her about the cookies? Ans yes, boundary layers are facinating and they are everywhere, especially in plane engines.
Did you tell her about the cookies?
I may try a new approaching ^^
I can't believe there's an aerospace thread on the ssss forum. Our fandom has grown so large we have a subcategory for people involved in/interested in aerospace. Isn't that mind-boggling? it's also kind of fantastic.
Whoops! I didn't realize I was supposed to introduce myself!
I started reading the comic about a month ago and did some fan art, but none of my friends read the comic, so when I toted out my sketch book, everyone just gave me a confused "Yes that sure is a moose monster." So I thought I would bring it here. I left DeviantArt years ago when its ads started virusing my friends and me (If you Google coyoteslaugh, my DeviantArt page will come up under the name K. Sooliawa Evans, though I assume it's still not safe to go there without good virus protection and the art is over six years old at this point). I continue to post my art on my FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/kristin.ivans (https://www.facebook.com/kristin.ivans) You do not need to friend me to view my art, as it's all set to public. I only mention my art so much because I was prompted to post here by Sunflowers after I said my art was available to use for whatever people would like. Some high resolution pieces are available upon request.
I'm 31, married, and work for a non profit. I'm a storyteller and an artist. As a kid I wanted to be a comic book artist. I sometimes make my own comics (and right now am working on a comic called Firedog Chronicles) and was briefly employed in a comic startup as the colorist, but I did not enjoy doing my art on a schedule, and decided to keep it solely as a hobby. I still have a great fascination and appreciation for comics. I have the piles I amassed as a kid all carefully bagged, boarded, and labeled, and while I haven't bought an issue in years, I still collect hardcover graphic novels. I have a soft spot for wizards, so my favorites are the Dresden Files. I've pulled away from DC and Marvel (though I loved DC's Injustice and New 52 Death of the Family) as an adult because the storylines are too convoluted. I was thrilled when I stumbled onto SSSS. I love the format, the art, and the characters. I hope someday to get one of Minna's books (they need to be mass produced and sold on Amazon!). It would fit nicely between The Dresden Files and The Walking Dead on my shelf. I also hope Minna gives a tutorial of how she makes a page. It floors me she can produce five a week. Inking the picture I did of Lalli took me seven hours, and I haven't even touched the colors yet!
Anyway, hello! It's nice to meet you! I'm not sure how much I'll post outside the odd fan art, but I'm happy to be here!
Anyway, hello! It's nice to meet you! I'm not sure how much I'll post outside the odd fan art, but I'm happy to be here!
And we're happy to have you here :) Welcome ! Your Lalli in the Dream World is fabulous !
Whoops! I didn't realize I was supposed to introduce myself!
Ooh, a comics artist! I draw comics as a hobby myself :)
Introductions aren't mandatory, it's just nice to say hi. Have some cookies and enjoy your stay!
(We always appreciate the occasional odd fan art around here - I never said anything, but I also loved your Lalli drawing, especially once you inked it.)
Anyway, hello! It's nice to meet you! I'm not sure how much I'll post outside the odd fan art, but I'm happy to be here!
Hey there! Nice to meet you! *pushes cake in front of you*
Your art's really pretty, and I was wondering how non-profits work? I've been curious for a while but I never really get a chance to ask anyone. Where do the workers' salaries come from?
Hello! Um just wanted to say hi, because I don't go to the general discussion board often. Just wanted to pop In and say hi.
Hello! Um just wanted to say hi, because I don't go to the general discussion board often. Just wanted to pop In and say hi.
Hi! *waves*
Hi! *waves*
Hi! I feel sick, so I am procrastinating, so I won't have to go to bed. And I just realized that my bedroom smells weird.
Hi! I feel sick, so I am procrastinating, so I won't have to go to bed. And I just realized that my bedroom smells weird.
I'm sorry to hear that. Get well soon.
I don't normally post introductions for myself, but I'll make an exception for this place.
I'm 31 and I live in Orlando, Florida. Otherwise known as humid hell during the summer months. I'm a professional digital artist that creates 3D models for a living. Game art, if you will. I'm one of the few Scandinavian-Americans (yes, before you ask, I am 6'4" / 1.93m :) ) in Florida, so I try to keep up cultural traditions by not only learning Danish and Swedish, but also by biking almost everywhere. I have logged over 10,000 miles on the roads by pedal power alone during my commutes to work and trail riding. Summer is miserable. I'm willing and happily able to take a one way ticket to Denmark or Sweden and get away from this ridiculous heat.
Hello! Um just wanted to say hi, because I don't go to the general discussion board often. Just wanted to pop In and say hi.
Hi! Maybe some cookies will make you feel better? :D
Welcome, Synæsthesia!
I don't normally post introductions for myself, but I'll make an exception for this place.
I'm 31 and I live in Orlando, Florida. Otherwise known as humid hell during the summer months. I'm a professional digital artist that creates 3D models for a living. Game art, if you will. I'm one of the few Scandinavian-Americans (yes, before you ask, I am 6'4" / 1.93m :) ) in Florida, so I try to keep up cultural traditions by not only learning Danish and Swedish, but also by biking almost everywhere. I have logged over 10,000 miles on the roads by pedal power alone during my commutes to work and trail riding. Summer is miserable. I'm willing and happily able to take a one way ticket to Denmark or Sweden and get away from this ridiculous heat.
Oho, another Floridian! *high fives* :D It is really awful right now, I must say. (I'm on the west coast.) That's a very impressive amount of miles, and I saw some of your models in the forum art thread, they're gorgeous! I wasn't sure if they were a photo edit, actually :o That's so impressive!
Welcome! :D
I don't normally post introductions for myself, but I'll make an exception for this place.
I'm 31 and I live in Orlando, Florida. Otherwise known as humid hell during the summer months. I'm a professional digital artist that creates 3D models for a living. Game art, if you will. I'm one of the few Scandinavian-Americans (yes, before you ask, I am 6'4" / 1.93m :) ) in Florida, so I try to keep up cultural traditions by not only learning Danish and Swedish, but also by biking almost everywhere. I have logged over 10,000 miles on the roads by pedal power alone during my commutes to work and trail riding. Summer is miserable. I'm willing and happily able to take a one way ticket to Denmark or Sweden and get away from this ridiculous heat.
Hello there! Florida sounds miserable during the summer. It's awesome you're keeping your traditions though :D
Hopefully you can survive the summer man, I went there once during the summer and I don't think I'll ever do that again aha
Hi! Maybe some cookies will make you feel better? :D
I'm sorry to hear that. Get well soon.
Thanks! This happens a lot. When I lay down I usually feel sick. So idk what's happening.
Thanks for the kind welcome, everyone!
>Hello there! Florida sounds miserable during the summer.
It is! But it does have one advantage: The Floridian winter is the Nordic summer. Our temperatures rarely rise farther than 25C. It's absolutely beautiful from late October until early March. Then it starts becoming a humid swamp greenhouse again. :( I'm overworking myself by taking projects home from the office and staying up until 2 or 3 AM every night, so I leave and pedal off to work at 9:45 or so every morning lately. I have a tan on one side of my left leg that's darker than the other half from commuting north/south 30 minutes, one way. With summer being here, my cyclist tan lines are very obvious lol
>Oho, another Floridian! *high fives*
You're over in Tampa? I lived there for close to four years when I was going to art college, right off Himes and Busch Boulevard.
>That's a very impressive amount of miles, and I saw some of your models in the forum art thread, they're gorgeous! I wasn't sure if they were a photo edit, actually :o That's so impressive!
Thank you! :) I've been modeling for 15 years, but I only started professional work in late 2011. When you're in an office with people who push you to become better than you were before, it's really motivating.
Synæsthesia - Oh my, winter sounds lovely there. Don't overwork yourself to much! :( Hopefully you'll get some time to relax soon
Hey, thanks for the concern. :)
I'm actually taking some time for myself right now. Office work has its perks. I scheduled off for tomorrow (we get Friday off anyhow), so I have a four day weekend. I don't plan to wake up anytime soon!
That's good to hear! Four day weekends are always a blessing :D
Hello! Um just wanted to say hi, because I don't go to the general discussion board often. Just wanted to pop In and say hi.
Welcome! Want to tell us a little bit about yourself? (Synaesthesia has provided a good example of an intro (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=131.msg48380#msg48380).) At this point, we know more about your Self-Insert than your Actual Selftm -- though if you want to keep it that way, that's fine.
And Synaesthesia, I'm curious -- how'd you pick your Forum name? Do you actually experience synesthesia (https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/syne.html)?
Meanwhile, welcome Visionary_Narwhal, Coyoteslaugh, Russet, Troposphère, and all our other great new members. I'm madly curious to know how you picked your names too. Troposphère, your nickname presumably comes from your work on boundary layers... but where does a visionary narwhal come in? :o
Oooo, I didn't even know this thread was a thing! :o I've been active the last few days, but am still very much a newbie!
I am turning 24 this month (July) and live in Southern California. I just finished my first year teaching a 6th-8th grade combination class at a charter school after graduating from a credential program last summer, and let me say this- all the stress of the school year and the late nights spent on planning curriculum or grading papers are SO worth it for this 100% relaxing summer. How I have missed summers without responsibilities, and this -ah- this is fabulous! As some of you may have seen already from my aforementioned activity that this has given me the freedom to spend a lot of time on drawing, reading, and rps in general.
I'm originally from Canada, but we moved to the States when I was 6 and am have been a naturalized US citizen since my senior year of high school. I still have the vestiges of a Canadian accent and love visiting my family up north, but am very culturally "American". My dad is of Dutch decent and I love my Oma and Opa to bits, but I wish they had passed on the language to my dad and my dad then to us (my younger siblings and I, Trinka included). I have been infatuated with languages since primary school, but unfortunately do not have the aptitude for it! I consider myself gifted in many other areas though, inheriting my mom's talent for the arts-mostly writing and visual arts- and my dad's keen mind for science and math. I whole-heartedly consider myself a nerd, but where I live and teach is sadly bereft of nerd culture. :'(
Oooo, I didn't even know this thread was a thing! :o I've been active the last few days, but am still very much a newbie!
I am turning 24 this month (July) and live in Southern California. I just finished my first year teaching a 6th-8th grade combination class at a charter school after graduating from a credential program last summer, and let me say this- all the stress of the school year and the late nights spent on planning curriculum or grading papers are SO worth it for this 100% relaxing summer. How I have missed summers without responsibilities, and this -ah- this is fabulous! As some of you may have seen already from my aforementioned activity that this has given me the freedom to spend a lot of time on drawing, reading, and rps in general.
I'm originally from Canada, but we moved to the States when I was 6 and am have been a naturalized US citizen since my senior year of high school. I still have the vestiges of a Canadian accent and love visiting my family up north, but am very culturally "American". My dad is of Dutch decent and I love my Oma and Opa to bits, but I wish they had passed on the language to my dad and my dad then to us (my younger siblings and I, Trinka included). I have been infatuated with languages since primary school, but unfortunately do not have the aptitude for it! I consider myself gifted in many other areas though, inheriting my mom's talent for the arts-mostly writing and visual arts- and my dad's keen mind for science and math. I whole-heartedly consider myself a nerd, but where I live and teach is sadly bereft of nerd culture. :'(
Ahhh hello there! I'm near the Southern California area as well haha
Congrats on surviving your first year of teaching! Down where I'm at, a lot of teachers don't get nearly as much credit as they deserve :-\ Those nice summer breaks must be awesome though!
My dad is also of dutch descent! He was up in the Netherlands for work while my mom raised me in Germany, but he sadly refuses to teach me any dutch seeing as it would serve no use with us being in america now.
There is very little nerd culture down here as well, there's small pockets of it here and there. The word small doesn't even begin to define it sadly, it's nearly nonexistent - or I've been looking in all the wrong places
Velkommen Synæsthesia!
And welcome Alethryia !
Welcome! Want to tell us a little bit about yourself? (Synaesthesia has provided a good example of an intro (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=131.msg48380#msg48380).) At this point, we know more about your Self-Insert than your Actual Selftm -- though if you want to keep it that way, that's fine.
I was born and raised in Alaska, we lived in a city for a few years, but we moved around a lot, so we lived in multiple houses. I was home schooled, but went to public school in 8th grade, when something happened and we had to move to Texas. I like to draw, and write, and is the family disappointment.
Ahhh hello there! I'm near the Southern California area as well haha
Congrats on surviving your first year of teaching! Down where I'm at, a lot of teachers don't get nearly as much credit as they deserve :-\ Those nice summer breaks must be awesome though!
My dad is also of dutch descent! He was up in the Netherlands for work while my mom raised me in Germany, but he sadly refuses to teach me any dutch seeing as it would serve no use with us being in america now.
There is very little nerd culture down here as well, there's small pockets of it here and there. The word small doesn't even begin to define it sadly, it's nearly nonexistent - or I've been looking in all the wrong places
Thank you, survived is definitely the correct term! There was a lot of craziness this year, but I absolutely loved my students and teaching them in the classroom, it was everything else that was madness. Teachers also don't get the most credit in general, in the county I love in, but in my actual city everyone is super-duper appreciative for our charter school, so that's wonderful! <3
Ugh, the only "nerd culture" spot in my whole city is a collectible figurines shop, but that is it! No local gaming store, no comic shop, no gaming groups listed on any sites. T_T Although, the population of the city I live in now is only around 5,100 people.
>how'd you pick your Forum name?
This is a major reason (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAhuj3b-4rU) why I picked my name. I've gone by other names in the past but this is the one I prefer. It's also less susceptible to being picked out of random Google searches.
>Do you actually experience synesthesia?
I think we all do to an extent. I've had synaesthetic sensations before but I don't think I have the condition.
>Velkommen Synæsthesia!
Tak! Jeg er glad at være her.
>but he sadly refuses to teach me any dutch seeing as it would serve no use with us being in america now
There's always Duolingo! Also, depending on where you work, you might find Dutch to be very useful. For example, my office deals with an arm of the Royal Netherlands government. I would imagine that knowing some Dutch would be taken as a sign of respect. Of course, knowing more languages is always an asset to Americans as we often have a stigma of only knowing English.
Alethyria Ah yeah I know that feeling with the figurines shop! The closest one to me is a good twenty minutes away and everything is horribly over priced. The only thing I have is the gaming club at my high-school, but even then the guys tend to look down on any girl who joins so I'm a little uncomfortable about joining it :-\
Synæsthesia Ahhh I remember duolingo, I used it a bit for French. I'll definitely have to check it out, I completely forgot about that site
I was born and raised in Alaska, we lived in a city for a few years, but we moved around a lot, so we lived in multiple houses. I was home schooled, but went to public school in 8th grade, when something happened and we had to move to Texas. I like to draw, and write, and is the family disappointment.
Awww, I hate to hear people thinking about themselves that way. Besides, you're young and you have your whole life in front of you. (Besides, if SSSS has a life lesson for us, it's that you never know what people previously considered misfits are capable of...)
I totally forgot to post here for a while aghh. So, hello!
I'm 22 and Canadian. I finished my degree in literature and am working on getting certification in editing/publishing, but that's not going to happen for quite a while. For now I'm mainly focused on playing in my local concert band. I write a lot and draw a little and actually stumbled into the art thread here before this one (whoops).
I think I found SSSS through another website that was giving a rundown of webcomics with really beautiful art, but it was last year and I don't remember where I read it. I immediately fell in love with Minna's art, and just after that with the characters, so I decided to stick around! This is the first time I've made an account for a fan forum. I'm not sure I'll be super prolific as far as posts go (I'm naturally pretty quiet), but the people here seem really nice, and I look forward to exploring the forum!
Welcome, Coda! I'm sure the other Canadians here will be happy to add to their number.
So you're a musician! What do you play? And are you aware of the music-sharing thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=9.0), the SSSS Band/Orchestra thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=485.0), and the ongoing project to make SSSS Vol. 1 into a musical?
And welcome to online fandom. I was never involved with anything like this either, then *poof* less than a year later I'm one of the site admins! (SSSS is quite addictive, I'm warning you. ;) )
We work hard to create a friendly, inclusive atmosphere and be open to newcomers. If you ever have a question or concern, please feel free to post a query or PM me or anyone else. Meanwhile, have fun!
I'm 22 and Canadian. I finished my degree in literature and am working on getting certification in editing/publishing, but that's not going to happen for quite a while. For now I'm mainly focused on playing in my local concert band. I write a lot and draw a little and actually stumbled into the art thread here before this one (whoops).
I think I found SSSS through another website that was giving a rundown of webcomics with really beautiful art, but it was last year and I don't remember where I read it. I immediately fell in love with Minna's art, and just after that with the characters, so I decided to stick around!
This is the first time I've made an account for a fan forum. I'm not sure I'll be super prolific as far as posts go (I'm naturally pretty quiet), but the people here seem really nice, and I look forward to exploring the forum!
Welcome Coda! I'm sure you'll enjoy being here!
Welcome here, Coda :)
I totally forgot to post here for a while aghh. So, hello!
I'm 22 and Canadian. I finished my degree in literature and am working on getting certification in editing/publishing, but that's not going to happen for quite a while. For now I'm mainly focused on playing in my local concert band. I write a lot and draw a little and actually stumbled into the art thread here before this one (whoops).
I think I found SSSS through another website that was giving a rundown of webcomics with really beautiful art, but it was last year and I don't remember where I read it. I immediately fell in love with Minna's art, and just after that with the characters, so I decided to stick around! This is the first time I've made an account for a fan forum. I'm not sure I'll be super prolific as far as posts go (I'm naturally pretty quiet), but the people here seem really nice, and I look forward to exploring the forum!
Welcome!! :D Your art is beautiful, glad to have you!
Sunflower's already referred you to the music-related threads, but I have to ask as well- what instrument do you play?
Also, just wanted to say that from what little I've seen of it, your art is amazing (kinda art nouveau?) so you'll fit in well.
And uh, as for posting? Haiz said zhe wouldn't be very active too, and just look at xher (is that the right form? .-.) profile.
I totally forgot to post here for a while aghh. So, hello!
I'm 22 and Canadian. I finished my degree in literature and am working on getting certification in editing/publishing, but that's not going to happen for quite a while. For now I'm mainly focused on playing in my local concert band. I write a lot and draw a little and actually stumbled into the art thread here before this one (whoops).
I think I found SSSS through another website that was giving a rundown of webcomics with really beautiful art, but it was last year and I don't remember where I read it. I immediately fell in love with Minna's art, and just after that with the characters, so I decided to stick around! This is the first time I've made an account for a fan forum. I'm not sure I'll be super prolific as far as posts go (I'm naturally pretty quiet), but the people here seem really nice, and I look forward to exploring the forum!
I am one of the aforementioned Canadians, here to formerly welcome you to the forum. Everyone will laugh when you try to apologize for things, but overall it's a pretty nice place to be :)
ahhh ok a lot to respond to!
So you're a musician! What do you play? And are you aware of the music-sharing thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=9.0), the SSSS Band/Orchestra thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=485.0), and the ongoing project to make SSSS Vol. 1 into a musical?
Sunflower's already referred you to the music-related threads, but I have to ask as well- what instrument do you play?
Ah I knew I was forgetting something obvious in my introduction post thing--I play alto sax (and piano, but I haven't played in so long that I probably can't anymore)! I hadn't looked into that thread or the project yet (a musical? that's intriguing), so I'll go take a look!
And welcome to online fandom. I was never involved with anything like this either, then *poof* less than a year later I'm one of the site admins! (SSSS is quite addictive, I'm warning you. ;) )
Also, just wanted to say that from what little I've seen of it, your art is amazing (kinda art nouveau?) so you'll fit in well.
And uh, as for posting? Haiz said zhe wouldn't be very active too, and just look at xher (is that the right form? .-.) profile.
Thank you (both of you)! And I suspected there was a lot of potential for getting drawn in, so it's good to see that confirmed :D I guess we'll see what happens...
We work hard to create a friendly, inclusive atmosphere and be open to newcomers.
It's working... I probably would've stayed in my normal lurking state, but this seemed like a really pleasant place to be :) I might fumble formatting/forum etiquette every now and then, so sorry for that in advance!
I am one of the aforementioned Canadians, here to formerly welcome you to the forum. Everyone will laugh when you try to apologize for things, but overall it's a pretty nice place to be :)
Thank you! And yes, I...kind of expect that (I apologized in this already oh wow. Some of my emails to professors were composed almost entirely of apologies; I just can't help it). But at least there are people around who will understand the impulse; that's something!
Lainer3, Mélusine, Curry: thank you all so much! I look forward to being here ;D
Thank you! And yes, I...kind of expect that (I apologized in this already oh wow. Some of my emails to professors were composed almost entirely of apologies; I just can't help it). But at least there are people around who will understand the impulse; that's something!
Are you ME? Most of my emails/PMs lately have been like
"Dear [person]
Sorry for [bothering you/replying late/contacting you at all].
[Something something something here]
Sorry again, [can you do this/answer this question/do something?]"
I'm not sure I'll be super prolific as far as posts go (I'm naturally pretty quiet)
aha ha ha ha
We all thought that, at first.
Seriously though, welcome and ... uh ... welp, there goes your free time.
And the worst thing that'll happen if you apologise too much is that people will start calling you Reynir. ;)
aha ha ha ha
We all thought that, at first.
Seriously though, welcome and ... uh ... welp, there goes your free time.
And the worst thing that'll happen if you apologise too much is that people will start calling you Reynir. ;)
That comment Minna made about how Tuuri and Reynir would just apologize to each other until the end of time? That has happened to me. In real life. Several times.
Are you ME? Most of my emails/PMs lately have been like
"Dear [person]
Sorry for [bothering you/replying late/contacting you at all].
[Something something something here]
Sorry again, [can you do this/answer this question/do something?]"
YES exactly that! That is a rough transcription of every single email I've sent over the past few years (sometimes in trying to dilute the apologies I'd start thanking them profusely instead. It...it wasn't better).
And the worst thing that'll happen if you apologise too much is that people will start calling you Reynir. ;)
I think I could live with that, somehow :D
That comment Minna made about how Tuuri and Reynir would just apologize to each other until the end of time? That has happened to me. In real life. Several times.
Me too...
That comment Minna made about how Tuuri and Reynir would just apologize to each other until the end of time? That has happened to me. In real life. Several times.
Me too...
Yep yep.
I guess Seattle is sort of like Canada and Scandinavia and the rest of the US run through the blender?
Yep yep.
I guess Seattle is sort of like Canada and Scandinavia and the rest of the US run through the blender?
Huh. Guess Rexburg is the same, except with far less alcohol consumption.
Err... sorry for butting in.
*Taps microphone* Is this working?
Hrrrrmmm. So. I'm Dalahästen, the badass chainsaw-train. Except that I am not a train nor that badass.
I usually don't share too much information online, but I am not from North America nor Asia. I guess that shortens the possibilities :D
I'm 23, I love playing and listening to music, reading webcomics (no way, Sherlock!) and playing games. I am currently an engineering student and hopefully will be able to cross out the "student" part somewhat soon.
You've all been super nice to me even though I am no artist in the fanart thread, so I took the suggestion and came here for an introduction ^-^ it's really nice meeting (?) you all. <3
*Taps microphone* Is this working?
Hrrrrmmm. So. I'm Dalahästen, the badass chainsaw-train. Except that I am not a train nor that badass.
I usually don't share too much information online, but I am not from North America nor Asia. I guess that shortens the possibilities :D
I'm 23, I love playing and listening to music, reading webcomics (no way, Sherlock!) and playing games. I am currently an engineering student and hopefully will be able to cross out the "student" part somewhat soon.
You've all been super nice to me even though I am no artist in the fanart thread, so I took the suggestion and came here for an introduction ^-^ it's really nice meeting (?) you all. <3
Croeso hefyd!
Another musician? Well, you've probably already seen the music threads, but I've got to ask (like I ask everyone)- what instrument(s) do you play?
And gaming's cool too, we've got a Steam group here: https://staging.steamcommunity.com/groups/ssss_fans
If you feel like talking to any of us, our IRC channel is here: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss
Seeya around!
Welcome, Dalahästen :) Everyone is very nice and welcoming here, I'm sure you'll feel good, being "an artist" (= drawing ? Because, you play music, you're an artist, am I wrong ?) or not ^^ May I offer tea while waiting for cookies ?
*Taps microphone* Is this working?
Hrrrrmmm. So. I'm Dalahästen, the badass chainsaw-train. Except that I am not a train nor that badass.
I usually don't share too much information online, but I am not from North America nor Asia. I guess that shortens the possibilities :D
I'm 23, I love playing and listening to music, reading webcomics (no way, Sherlock!) and playing games. I am currently an engineering student and hopefully will be able to cross out the "student" part somewhat soon.
You've all been super nice to me even though I am no artist in the fanart thread, so I took the suggestion and came here for an introduction ^-^ it's really nice meeting (?) you all. <3
Welcome to the forum! :D The community here is really sweet and welcoming and I hope you have a good time!
Croeso hefyd!
Another musician? Well, you've probably already seen the music threads, but I've got to ask (like I ask everyone)- what instrument(s) do you play?
And gaming's cool too, we've got a Steam group here: https://staging.steamcommunity.com/groups/ssss_fans
If you feel like talking to any of us, our IRC channel is here: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss
Seeya around!
Diolch yn fawr iawn!
I started with the bass when I was just a kid, and moved on to acoustic guitar, ocarina, flute and ukulele along the years :D And you?
I haven't seen the music threads! I'm still exploring and getting used to it all to be honest. I'd join the steam group but it has my real name and location, so perhaps I'll add people individually as I get to know them better. Thanks for the invite though :)
Welcome, Dalahästen :) Everyone is very nice and welcoming here, I'm sure you'll feel good, being "an artist" (= drawing ? Because, you play music, you're an artist, am I wrong ?) or not ^^ May I offer tea while waiting for cookies ?
True, true, I guess music does count. I have the impression I'm gonna get a cookie overdose in this community :D But who caaaares, cooookieeesss!!! ::) ::)
Welcome to the forum! :D The community here is really sweet and welcoming and I hope you have a good time!
Thanks for the very warm welcoming <3
Diolch yn fawr iawn!
I started with the bass when I was just a kid, and moved on to acoustic guitar, ocarina, flute and ukulele along the years :D And you?
I haven't seen the music threads! I'm still exploring and getting used to it all to be honest. I'd join the steam group but it has my real name and location, so perhaps I'll add people individually as I get to know them better. Thanks for the invite though :)
Someone else speaks even a little Welsh, oh god, that's brilliant. There's now two people who can understand what I'm saying, even if it is just the basics.
And bass is cool, as is guitar. I play guitar and synths (anything on a MIDI keyboard, basically), myself, and I had a brief stint with the clarinet which I'm glad is over, frankly.
As for the Steam group, no worries- your choice, after all.
Someone else speaks even a little Welsh, oh god, that's brilliant. There's now two people who can understand what I'm saying, even if it is just the basics.
Sw... Swa... No, I don't remember. It ends with -mae or something like that.
I usually don't share too much information online, but I am not from North America nor Asia. I guess that shortens the possibilities :D
Oooooh, excellent! I was worried that the fandom map (https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1262583) might never get a single marker pinned onto Antarctica. :P
Hello, I first discovered SSSS late last year when I saw the language family graph posted to Reddit (yes I hate Reddit too) and really loved the art style. I ended up reading the prolouge and then sort of puting off reading the rest of it for a while until now.
Hello, I first discovered SSSS late last year when I saw the language family graph posted to Reddit (yes I hate Reddit too) and really loved the art style. I ended up reading the prolouge and then sort of puting off reading the rest of it for a while until now.
Hi! Welcome to the forum~ :)
Hello, I first discovered SSSS late last year when I saw the language family graph posted to Reddit (yes I hate Reddit too) and really loved the art style. I ended up reading the prolouge and then sort of puting off reading the rest of it for a while until now.
That's an interesting username. To put it mildly.
Hello, I first discovered SSSS late last year when I saw the language family graph posted to Reddit (yes I hate Reddit too) and really loved the art style. I ended up reading the prologue and then sort of putting off reading the rest of it for a while until now.
That's an interesting username. To put it mildly.
We'd love to hear a little more about you, uh, D.? Occupation, interests, other comics (if any) that you read, what inspired that name?
Hello, I first discovered SSSS late last year when I saw the language family graph posted to Reddit (yes I hate Reddit too) and really loved the art style. I ended up reading the prolouge and then sort of puting off reading the rest of it for a while until now.
Good lord, that name.
But welcome!
My username is a reference to this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBcJZ3-cJKc) :P
I'm a 19 year old from England who wastes too much time looking up pointless things on the Internet and am currently attempting to learn German. The only other webcomic I read at the moment is a relatively new one called Drugs & Wires (http://www.drugsandwires.fail/) by a cyberpunk artist who I like.
My username is a reference to this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBcJZ3-cJKc) :P
I'm a 19 year old from England who wastes too much time looking up pointless things on the Internet and am currently attempting to learn German. The only other webcomic I read at the moment is a relatively new one called Drugs & Wires (http://www.drugsandwires.fail/) by a cyberpunk artist who I like.
You should check out the Language board, then! There's a few German speakers/learners on the forum who would be happy to help you out :)
You should check out the Language board, then! There's a few German speakers/learners on the forum who would be happy to help you out :)
Yeah, I've already seen it, dunno what I'll post though
Welcome here Danskjavlar :)
Hello, I'm just this silly guy that likes to read, watch and play stuff. I found SSSS through Hive Works quite some time ago and I'm loving it , aRTD is amazing too!
I found the community to (not only be resourceful) but extremely nice and kind. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to join it and possibly meet some people. I've barely touched any sort of forum until now so I'll be a big newbie when it comes to posting. Bear with me.
I am currently learning spanish, and reading LOTR. Both are going slow as heck.
Hello, I'm just this silly guy that likes to read, watch and play stuff. I found SSSS through Hive Works quite some time ago and I'm loving it , aRTD is amazing too!
I found the community to (not only be resourceful) but extremely nice and kind. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to join it and possibly meet some people. I've barely touched any sort of forum until now so I'll be a big newbie when it comes to posting. Bear with me.
I am currently learning spanish, and reading LOTR. Both are going slow as heck.
Hi, welcome! I think you'll fit right in here :)
Your cookies should arrive shortly.
Hi, welcome! I think you'll fit right in here :)
Your cookies should arrive shortly.
And welcome Montiv too ! :)
I was redirected here from the Art Post? I'm from México. I don't remember how I stumbled upon the comic, but it wasn't through "A Redtail's Dream", more like the opposite, really.
I like drawing and writing. I love coffee and tea and just recently discovered the lovely thing that is a fresh, homemade cherry pie with vanilla ice cream on top. Where I live cherries are a wondrous and expensive thing.
I live in a desert city. I can have a mean sense of humour sometimes. Sorry in advance if it comes out. I'm a housegirlfriend, because I'm not a wife yet. I'd love to have pets, but I'm not too good at taking care of them, so I abstain. I'm starting an herb and vegetable garden, but chamomile seems not to be for me. u.u
Well, seems to me that is enough for an introduction, I believe.
So many new persons today ! Welcome Urania-Baba, if you draw and write you may find some interesting thread here ;)
(Piney, where are you, we need more cookies ?)
Agreed Mélusine! There are so many new people! :D
As a newb who joined just a couple weeks ago, let me tell you this forum is fabulous and it is super-duper easy to fit right in and start expressing yourself where you're most comfortable! There are all kinds of threads out there for tons of different interests! <3
Welcome to all the newcomers!
I hope the forum will makes the pains of the chapter break lessen somewhat, so, enjoy your stay, and don't hold back from posting comments, and/or art. ;)
Fresh from the oven! These go for all the newbies who I've neglected to give cookies to in the past week or two:
Fresh from the oven! These go for all the newbies who I've neglected to give cookies to in the past week or two:
There's a Lalli joke in there somewhere....
There's a Lalli joke in there somewhere....
this fandom has a bit of a..... cookie obsession.
oh and welcome everyone new O: O: O:
this fandom has a bit of a..... cookie obsession.
oh and welcome everyone new O: O: O:
After having tasted Windfighters cookies (which have been praised by strangers I shared them with), I totally understand why people can be addict to cookies, especially in this fandom.
this fandom has a bit of a..... cookie obsession.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you - understatement of the year! :D
...and the squirrels (crucial ingredient of the cookies) weren't even mentioned yet...
...and the squirrels (crucial ingredient of the cookies) weren't even mentioned yet...
Heh heh, yeWait what!?
... I've been here for a while and no one's mentioned that part!
Heh heh, yeWait what!?
... I've been here for a while and no one's mentioned that part!
It goes without saying. Our artists need the best squirrel fur brushes, but just throwing all that good meat away... :P
After having tasted Windfighters cookies (which have been praised by strangers I shared them with), I totally understand why people can be addict to cookies, especially in this fandom.
Hehe. I only had the pleasure of tasting Helia's masterpieces so far, but I think I can completely agree with you. :D
Heh heh, yeWait what!?
... I've been here for a while and no one's mentioned that part!
no one needed to do so... cause it is known *nods*
no one needed to do so... cause it is known *nods*
It is known. 8) C'mon, Fimby, were you outside punching trolls whenever this came up? Or do you not frequent the Disqus thread, the major carrier of the squirrel-cookie disease meme?
It is known. 8) C'mon, Fimby, were you outside punching trolls whenever this came up? Or do you not frequent the Disqus thread, the major carrier of the squirrel-cookie disease meme?
that explains why I didn't know this, either... and I've been in the chat enough times to see how frequently people get showered in cookies.
It is known. 8) C'mon, Fimby, were you outside punching trolls whenever this came up? Or do you not frequent the Disqus thread, the major carrier of the squirrel-cookie disease meme?
Can I pick both explanations because they are both very likely.
...and the squirrels (crucial ingredient of the cookies) weren't even mentioned yet...
'Scuse you, squirrel is not an ingredient in any of my cookies! *points to signature* >:( (I've made this clear on Disqus several times)
'Scuse you, squirrel is not an ingredient in any of my cookies! *points to signature* >:( (I've made this clear on Disqus several times)
I believe some people have squirrels acting as assistants for the baking. Only a few people use squirrels in the recipes. I just train the extra squirrels to be ninjas for LarsB's squirrel army. 8)
I was pointed here too!
I'm Silentsword, I go by that in a number of places. In my free time, I'm heavily involved in the congoing and cosplay community for Touhou and Fire Emblem in the New England/Mid-Atlantic region (if anyone here has been to the Touhou Project panels or photoshoots at Otakon/Anime Central/Katsucon/Nekocon/Anime Boston/MAGFest, I'm the little guy, as opposed to the two-meter-tall guy, who helps run these things). By day I'm an attorney, and about to take the patent exam. Aaaaand I guess that about covers it! I'm much easier to chase down on IRC, I will say that.
I was pointed here too!
I'm Silentsword, I go by that in a number of places. In my free time, I'm heavily involved in the congoing and cosplay community for Touhou and Fire Emblem in the New England/Mid-Atlantic region (if anyone here has been to the Touhou Project panels or photoshoots at Otakon/Anime Central/Katsucon/Nekocon/Anime Boston/MAGFest, I'm the little guy, as opposed to the two-meter-tall guy, who helps run these things).
By day I'm an attorney, and about to take the patent exam. Aaaaand I guess that about covers it! I'm much easier to chase down on IRC, I will say that.
Welcome, Silentsword! If there's just one MAGFest, the one somewhere in Virginia, as opposed to multiple regional franchises, you might have crossed paths with some of our most esteemed members, including Starfallz, Flik, and Eich (this forum's revered founder). (There are photos of them at MAGFest last fall, somewhere in the deep historic archives here.)
And you're about to take the patent exam? Wow. I hear that's terrifyingly hard -- but patent attorneys have to know an awful lot and be comfortable with a lot of kinds of technology and intellectual property.
And in case you ever wanted *more* legal argumentation ;D, let me direct you to this discussion in the PerSSSSonas board...
I was pointed here too!
I'm Silentsword, I go by that in a number of places. In my free time, I'm heavily involved in the congoing and cosplay community for Touhou and Fire Emblem in the New England/Mid-Atlantic region (if anyone here has been to the Touhou Project panels or photoshoots at Otakon/Anime Central/Katsucon/Nekocon/Anime Boston/MAGFest, I'm the little guy, as opposed to the two-meter-tall guy, who helps run these things). By day I'm an attorney, and about to take the patent exam. Aaaaand I guess that about covers it! I'm much easier to chase down on IRC, I will say that.
Welcome to the forum! :)
By any chance, has anyone mentioned yet, that we also have a Cosplay thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.0)...? Just saying. ;)
Spoiler: to fim, au and piney, whose cookies are so not made of mammals show
"Can I pick both explanations because they are both very likely."
Fim, as the honorable almost-Sigrun of the forum, you have the right to pick ALL THE EXPLANATIONS! (And some extra cookies.)
"'Scuse you, squirrel is not an ingredient in any of my cookies! *points to signature* >:( (I've made this clear on Disqus several times)"
"I believe some people have squirrels acting as assistants for the baking. Only a few people use squirrels in the recipes. I just train the extra squirrels to be ninjas for LarsB's squirrel army."
That would explain a lot...! O__O
*scurries back to her lair with a sigh, starts writing "Piney's cookies are not made of squirrels" for 100 times onto the blackboard*
(Also, thanks for the corrections, Sunflower! The mistake was in the quotations, though. It seems the "spoiler" can't handle those. :) )
C'mon, Fimby, were you outside punching trolls whenever this came up?
Well, I guess that someone needs to walk out-n-up to them and chop those squirrel-shaped bits offa them that just happen to be able to read and understand delivery address labels ... >:D
Welcome to the forum! :)
By any chance, has anyone mentioned yet, that we also have a Cosplay thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.0)...? Just saying. ;)
Spoiler: to fim, au and piney, who's cookies are so not made of mammals show As the honorable almost-Sigrun of the forum, you have the right to pick ALL THE EXPLANATIONS! (And some extra cookies.)
That would explain a lot...! O__O
*scurries back to her lair with a sigh, starts writing "Piney's cookies are not made of squirrels" for 100 times onto the blackboard*
FYI, using apostrophes in spoilers locks them open. (Commas are fine; I don't know what effect other types of punctuation have.)
Try this:
Spoiler: to fim, au and piney, whose cookies are so not made of mammals show [/b]As the honorable almost-Sigrun of the forum, you have the right to pick ALL THE EXPLANATIONS! (And some extra cookies.)
That would explain a lot...! O__O
*scurries back to her lair with a sigh, starts writing "Piney's cookies are not made of squirrels" for 100 times onto the blackboard*
Hi! I'm new! Just in time for chapter break? Okay! Just a few weeks, could've been worse. :3
Hi! I'm new! Just in time for chapter break? Okay! Just a few weeks, could've been worse. :3
How many toes do you have?
How many toes do you have?
*shifty look*
*puts on socks*
How many toes do you have?
Hav, that's a callback to Chapter 1, if you were wondering. ;)
Welcome! Would you like to tell us a bit more about yourself? -- where you're from, what you're interested in, how you came across SSSS? Fimby is our most prolific poster, and lead Troll-Puncher. I'm the Forum-Skald (content moderator). All of us members are happy to greet a newcomer and show you around.
Hav, that's a callback to Chapter 1, if you were wondering. ;)
Welcome! Would you like to tell us a bit more about yourself? -- where you're from, what you're interested in, how you came across SSSS? Fimby is our most prolific poster, and lead Troll-Puncher. I'm the Forum-Skald (content moderator). All of us members are happy to greet a newcomer and show you around.
Heh, I figured. I bring shame to my fellow 4-toed Swedes by having 5 on each foot. I'm only half Swedish, which would be the explanation why. ;D
I discovered ssss ages ago but didn't start reading it for some reason? I even found the indiegogo campaign while it was active but figured I could just read it online instead? And now I'm all nooooooooo~ about that, hehe. Re-discovered ssss a few days ago now I've read everything in a really short time and now there's a chapter break and my brain can't function properly because there won't be 100 new pages per day any longer? The tragedy.
Anyways. I live in Sweden, I'm Swedish/"Norwegian" (Saami/Kven), and I used to say I'm old enough to be your mother but you guys seem a bit older so maybe I'm not the oldest here for once!
Err, anyways. Hi! ;D
Heh, I figured. I bring shame to my fellow 4-toed Swedes by having 5 on each foot. I'm only half Swedish, which would be the explanation why. ;D
I discovered ssss ages ago but didn't start reading it for some reason? I even found the indiegogo campaign while it was active but figured I could just read it online instead? And now I'm all nooooooooo~ about that, hehe. Re-discovered ssss a few days ago now I've read everything in a really short time and now there's a chapter break and my brain can't function properly because there won't be 100 new pages per day any longer? The tragedy.
Anyways. I live in Sweden, I'm Swedish/"Norwegian" (Saami/Kven), and I used to say I'm old enough to be your mother but you guys seem a bit older so maybe I'm not the oldest here for once!
Err, anyways. Hi! ;D
Well in that case! Being "old enough to be someone's mother" potentially means very old here, there are people in their 60s. Anyways, welcome to the forum!
Well in that case! Being "old enough to be someone's mother" potentially means very old here, there are people in their 60s. Anyways, welcome to the forum!
Awesome, I'm young again! Thank you~ ;D
(I'm 42.)
(Hey my flags work!)
(Would be neat with a Saami flag. *hint* *nudge*)
Hi! I'm new! Just in time for chapter break? Okay! Just a few weeks, could've been worse. :3
So you have these "just a few weeks" to explore the forum ! ^^ Welcome :)
Hi, I'm StarN1ght, from America. I like to draw, vector, and I've painted before. I'd really like to get into writing, but I can't transfer the images in my mind into words, and then get those words onto the page the way I'd like. I tried doing a couple of fan-webcomics but I either never got past the planning stage, or didn't plan enough and failed to complete even one page.
I have quite a few, maybe too many, things that I want to learn and get into, such as airplane flying, scuba diving, and falconry. My native language is English, and I want to learn Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and German. I remember a few words from the one class of Spanish I took during fourth grade.
I've read aRTD, although I don't remember how I found it. I think someone may have linked me to it. I found SSSS through an ad on a website I used to frequent. I'm a fan of Doctor Who, I've watched three seasons of Supernatural, and I watched a few episodes of the Sherlock series with Benedict Cumberbatch. I've watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Hobbit trilogy, and quite a few Marvel films. I especially liked Guardians of the Galaxy. I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, although I haven't watched Korra. I also watch MLP:FiM, although I've missed most of the last two seasons.
Edit: Something I forgot to mention, I'm also a fan of the currently-ongoing webcomic http://www.straysonline.com (http://www.straysonline.com), if anyone's interested. :)
Hi, I'm StarN1ght, from America. I like to draw, vector, and I've painted before. I'd really like to get into writing, but I can't transfer the images in my mind into words, and then get those words onto the page the way I'd like. I tried doing a couple of fan-webcomics but I either never got past the planning stage, or didn't plan enough and failed to complete even one page.
I have quite a few, maybe too many, things that I want to learn and get into, such as airplane flying, scuba diving, and falconry. My native language is English, and I want to learn Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and German. I remember a few words from the one class of Spanish I took during fourth grade.
I've read aRTD, although I don't remember how I found it. I think someone may have linked me to it. I found SSSS through an ad on a website I used to frequent. I'm a fan of Doctor Who, I've watched three seasons of Supernatural, and I watched a few episodes of the Sherlock series with Benedict Cumberbatch. I've watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Hobbit trilogy, and quite a few Marvel films. I especially liked Guardians of the Galaxy. I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, although I haven't watched Korra. I also watch MLP:FiM, although I've missed most of the last two seasons.
Edit: Something I forgot to mention, I'm also a fan of the currently-ongoing webcomic http://www.straysonline.com (http://www.straysonline.com), if anyone's interested. :)
Welcome, welcome! *spreads arms wide* I'm sure you'll like it here, we're not prone to biting. ;P Someone should be along soon with the cookies, would you like a slice of Black Forest pie in the meantime? :)
Hi, I'm StarN1ght, from America. I like to draw, vector, and I've painted before. I'd really like to get into writing, but I can't transfer the images in my mind into words, and then get those words onto the page the way I'd like. I tried doing a couple of fan-webcomics but I either never got past the planning stage, or didn't plan enough and failed to complete even one page.
I have quite a few, maybe too many, things that I want to learn and get into, such as airplane flying, scuba diving, and falconry. My native language is English, and I want to learn Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and German. I remember a few words from the one class of Spanish I took during fourth grade.
I've read aRTD, although I don't remember how I found it. I think someone may have linked me to it. I found SSSS through an ad on a website I used to frequent. I'm a fan of Doctor Who, I've watched three seasons of Supernatural, and I watched a few episodes of the Sherlock series with Benedict Cumberbatch. I've watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Hobbit trilogy, and quite a few Marvel films. I especially liked Guardians of the Galaxy. I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, although I haven't watched Korra. I also watch MLP:FiM, although I've missed most of the last two seasons.
Edit: Something I forgot to mention, I'm also a fan of the currently-ongoing webcomic http://www.straysonline.com (http://www.straysonline.com), if anyone's interested. :)
Hi and welcome! Have some cookies, I made some yesterday - they're not squirrel-shaped, but they're what I can offer right now :D you understand the sentiment
Enjoy your stay!
(Oh yeah, and have you checked out the fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)? We can never have too many fanartists!)
Hello everyone, pleased to meet y'all! Name's Mika, your common Swede. Currently studying bartending, and will soon move on to baking and cooking. My interests include staring at the computer screen all day long, games, Homestuck, SSSS, Prague Race, Gunnerkrigg Court, Steven Universe, animus with strange plots and makeup. I'm a cosplayer who mainly aims to excel in makeup, and when I'm not cosplaying at conventions, I lecture about Racism and Fatfobia within the cosplay community.
Yours truly is a genderfluid autistic/adhd greyaro ace polyamorous nerd, which puts me straight in the 'special snowflake' category some people tend to dislike. I do love talking, because living alone with two cats doesn't give me much opportunity to discuss with people. Cats may be lovely, but not the best people to discuss things with.
Future plans include world domination, a steady job, a goat as a pet and to cosplay as Lalli this winter.
Hello everyone, pleased to meet y'all! Name's Mika, your common Swede. Currently studying bartending, and will soon move on to baking and cooking. My interests include staring at the computer screen all day long, games, Homestuck, SSSS, Prague Race, Gunnerkrigg Court, Steven Universe, animus with strange plots and makeup. I'm a cosplayer who mainly aims to excel in makeup, and when I'm not cosplaying at conventions, I lecture about Racism and Fatfobia within the cosplay community.
Yours truly is a genderfluid autistic/adhd greyaro ace polyamorous nerd, which puts me straight in the 'special snowflake' category some people tend to dislike. I do love talking, because living alone with two cats doesn't give me much opportunity to discuss with people. Cats may be lovely, but not the best people to discuss things with.
Future plans include world domination, a steady job, a goat as a pet and to cosplay as Lalli this winter.
Welcome! :D There are a few snowflakes like yourself here, so I think you'll fit right in.
Are you going to Närcon? I think at least one of our forum members are planning to attend that!
Welcome! :D There are a few snowflakes like yourself here, so I think you'll fit right in.
Are you going to Närcon? I think at least one of our forum members are planning to attend that!
Thank you very kindly <3!
I will indeed go to NärCon! Incidentally, that's where I'll also hold my lecture. Which is in four day. Which I may or may not be completely prepared for. I'm slightly terrified and kinda screaming.
Thank you very kindly <3!
I will indeed go to NärCon! Incidentally, that's where I'll also hold my lecture. Which is in four day. Which I may or may not be completely prepared for. I'm slightly terrified and kinda screaming.
I'm sure you'll do great! :D It sounds like a super interesting topic <33
Hi ;D.
My name is Arturo, I'm an architect from Mexico. I learned of this comic by a friend that shares my love of the post-apocalypse genre in books/movies/games; although I think that the 'zombies' thing is getting clubbed to death, this is a refreshing take on the trope :D.
There's not much to say about me. I'm a but of a shut-in, but I try to go out every once in a while as to not go crazy, I have a 13 year-old beagle that no one has told him he's old :p, and I enjoy RPGs such as D&D, Deadlands (classic), World of Darkness (both old and new :) ), and Iron Kingdoms.
Hello everyone, pleased to meet y'all! Name's Mika, your common Swede. Currently studying bartending, and will soon move on to baking and cooking. My interests include staring at the computer screen all day long, games, Homestuck, SSSS, Prague Race, Gunnerkrigg Court, Steven Universe, animus with strange plots and makeup. I'm a cosplayer who mainly aims to excel in makeup, and when I'm not cosplaying at conventions, I lecture about Racism and Fatfobia within the cosplay community.
Yours truly is a genderfluid autistic/adhd greyaro ace polyamorous nerd, which puts me straight in the 'special snowflake' category some people tend to dislike. I do love talking, because living alone with two cats doesn't give me much opportunity to discuss with people. Cats may be lovely, but not the best people to discuss things with.
Future plans include world domination, a steady job, a goat as a pet and to cosplay as Lalli this winter.
Helloooo and welcome to this fandom! :)) Also, high-five to a fellow Roxy (http://40.media.tumblr.com/39fc98219b5edc066435e6f7cd885e1c/tumblr_nmr8jvfhjN1szi90bo2_1280.jpg) cosplayer (http://cvrryspice.tumblr.com/post/110533983503/wafflenut-swampcon-was-a-blast-it-was-great-to)! (although I did just decide that I was retiring that one due to not really being in the homestuck fandom any more...) ((ALSO YES HUGE COSPLAY NERD RIGHT HERE. I ALSO COSPLAY LALLI AND 5/6 OF THE CAST))
Hi ;D.
My name is Arturo, I'm an architect from Mexico. I learned of this comic by a friend that shares my love of the post-apocalypse genre in books/movies/games; although I think that the 'zombies' thing is getting clubbed to death, this is a refreshing take on the trope :D.
There's not much to say about me. I'm a but of a shut-in, but I try to go out every once in a while as to not go crazy, I have a 13 year-old beagle that no one has told him he's old :p, and I enjoy RPGs such as D&D, Deadlands (classic), World of Darkness (both old and new :) ), and Iron Kingdoms.
Welcome! I agree, this is a nice take on the whole 'undead' thing! :D I hope the both of you have a great time in this fandom! • w •
Hello everyone, pleased to meet y'all! Name's Mika, your common Swede. Currently studying bartending, and will soon move on to baking and cooking. My interests include staring at the computer screen all day long, games, Homestuck, SSSS, Prague Race, Gunnerkrigg Court, Steven Universe, animus with strange plots and makeup. I'm a cosplayer who mainly aims to excel in makeup, and when I'm not cosplaying at conventions, I lecture about Racism and Fatfobia within the cosplay community.
eeee hello fellow Scandinavian Special Snowflake! i don't even like the term special snowflake but i keep using it ironically
I see you have excellent taste in webcomics, and oh wow I wish I could go to Närcon, I know Laufey is going too... but I'm situated a little too far away for the present. I hope you enjoy the forum ^___________^
My name is Arturo, I'm an architect from Mexico. I learned of this comic by a friend that shares my love of the post-apocalypse genre in books/movies/games; although I think that the 'zombies' thing is getting clubbed to death, this is a refreshing take on the trope :D.
hellooo!!! architect, wow! That sounds really cool. I'm an art history student and I've hd to write my share of achitecture analyses for the past year... Welcome to the forum!
also welcome to everyone else I haven't personally welcomed O: O: O:
Welcome StarN1ght, MicaNyx and MrHouse :) Have a cookie !
greyaro ace polyamorous nerd
I have zero idea what that means, but welcome! I have a feeling you'll fit right in. So, toes, how many you got?
Hi ;D.
My name is Arturo, I'm an architect from Mexico. I learned of this comic by a friend that shares my love of the post-apocalypse genre in books/movies/games; although I think that the 'zombies' thing is getting clubbed to death, this is a refreshing take on the trope :D.
There's not much to say about me. I'm a but of a shut-in, but I try to go out every once in a while as to not go crazy, I have a 13 year-old beagle that no one has told him he's old :p, and I enjoy RPGs such as D&D, Deadlands (classic), World of Darkness (both old and new :) ), and Iron Kingdoms.
Welcome! Your name is a Fallout reference, am I right?
Welcome, everybody!
I firmly believe that special snowflakiness is fine as long as you only use the term ironically. ;)
Dangit, now I really wanna see you as Mikkel. XD
Dangit, now I really wanna see you as Mikkel. XD
I refuse to believe there isn't a portly dude in his mid-30s somewhere who doesn't want to cosplay our favorite medic.
keepin' the dream alive!
Hmm, introduce myself they said. Well physically age wise I'm a certifiable "old fart" however I seem to be like Peter Pan's Lost Boys in that I've never grown up. I got into anime when I was recovering from cancer, from there my son, 10 yrs old at the time, got me into manga, we both discovered web comics and so it goes. He's now 22 and I'm, well never mind. I read way too many, it's so hard to keep up ;) I started reading RTD 3 chapter breaks ago, but just during the breaks, but I finished it last time so I'll have to hang out here for the duration of this one. Reading at work is a pain, I'm behind so much security stuff a lot of things don't make it through or if I click on a link, even a benign one, I get tossed out. And then I forget, see above, to get on from home and follow those links. Oh well. Having read a number of web comics I have to say this is one the best drawn, best illustrated, excellent story line, excellent character development, ones that I have encountered. And 5 days a week updates, just incredible. I hope I can snag a book when they hit the store. Speaking of other web comics, Ashley Cope's Unsounded is another absolutely top notch one. And speaking again of other web comics does anyone have any information on what happened to Chasing the Sunset. It came to a stop Sept 2013 and nothing since from the creators. It will be a real shame if the creators personal circumstances prevent its continuation, but being dead for almost 2 years is not a good sign. Well sorry I digressed. The big thing I need to figure out is how to see picture that the Cosplay thread folks post. I'm a regular volunteer at Anime Boston so I really enjoy seeing what folks are doing. Well enough, me talkative? My wife doesn't think so ;) TTFN
Welcome Iceea :) My biscuits are not ready to be eaten but I'm sure Piney's welcome cookies are not far away !
Hi, everyone! I am reintroducing myself, because I am now identifying as agender! So please use they/them/theirs when referring to me, instead of she/her/hers. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum Iceea, and a warm welcome to the others that have recently joined!
Welcome Iceea! I humbly offer you some welcome cookies (http://i.imgur.com/u44qWBp.gif) :D
Hi, everyone! I am reintroducing myself, because I am now identifying as agender! So please use they/them/theirs when referring to me, instead of she/her/hers. Thanks!
Can you specify it on your signature, please ? :) I hate making mistakes on pronouns.
Welcome Iceea! I humbly offer you some welcome cookies (http://i.imgur.com/u44qWBp.gif) :D
::Hears heavenly chorus, sees sparkling cookies::
Mmmmm, Most Best!!! :D
Om nom nom nom ... !
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :). Haiz I love art history, as well as architectural history (I'm actually aiming to earn a Master's Degree in Architectural Restoration); and yes Fimbulvarg, my name is a Fallout reference (New Vegas to be precise :p), one of my favorite games :D.
Haiz I love art history, as well as architectural history (I'm actually aiming to earn a Master's Degree in Architectural Restoration)
NICE! I'm more of an artist than a historian, and architecture isn't exactly my strong suit, but architectural restauration sounds awesome! I've already been at the Nidarosdomen Cathedral restoration centre, and it's really cool. They're putting so much work into carving all those gargoyles. i love gargoyles
Hello everyone!
I thought I'd make use of the chapter break to join the forum.
I am currently in uni as a second year bachelor student, reading Japanese and Chinese Studies.
Despite this, I am not sure I will ever speak both languages... *sigh*
Outside of uni and SSSS, my interests are reading, writing, botany, all kinds of language related info, my pets, ancient history (from time to time), myths and different religions and philosophical theories. Alas, I don't really know a lot about any of those (there aren't enough hours in the day - and I like sleeping too much)!
I have been following Minna's work form the early pages of a RTD and was more than a bit excited when she finally started SSSS.
Well, that's it.
Pleased to make your acquaintances!
Hello all!
So yes, I am Mogram. I'm fourteen, I play french horn and violin (uh, fiddle) and I'm from Australia, on the east coast kinda bit. I've been reading SSSS since the dream sequence when Lalli first encountered Reynir (gosh, that feels like a long time ago!). I'm pretty much a complete newbie to the forum, though I've posted a couple things in the Art Museum.
So yeah, that's pretty much it I guess. Pleasure to meet you all! Have a nice day!
Welcome! French horn, huh? Very nice, in my next life I want to become a french horn player (seriously, just listening to various film scores gets me itching for it...)
Maybe you want to check out our various Music threads, we are always looking for participants. :D
I have seen your art, I like it and I hope to see more in the future!
Hello everyone!
I thought I'd make use of the chapter break to join the forum.
I am currently in uni as a second year bachelor student, reading Japanese and Chinese Studies.
Despite this, I am not sure I will ever speak both languages... *sigh*
Outside of uni and SSSS, my interests are reading, writing, botany, all kinds of language related info, my pets, ancient history (from time to time), myths and different religions and philosophical theories. Alas, I don't really know a lot about any of those (there aren't enough hours in the day - and I like sleeping too much)!
I have been following Minna's work form the early pages of a RTD and was more than a bit excited when she finally started SSSS.
Well, that's it.
Pleased to make your acquaintances!
hellooo!!! wow, your interests sound really nice and it sounds like you'll fit right in here. There's the language board, a pet thread, scriptorium threads... I'm sure you'll find a lot of cool things to read and participate in during the break ^___^ welcome to the forum!
Hello all!
So yes, I am Mogram. I'm fourteen, I play french horn and violin (uh, fiddle) and I'm from Australia, on the east coast kinda bit. I've been reading SSSS since the dream sequence when Lalli first encountered Reynir (gosh, that feels like a long time ago!). I'm pretty much a complete newbie to the forum, though I've posted a couple things in the Art Museum.
So yeah, that's pretty much it I guess. Pleasure to meet you all! Have a nice day!
HELLO FELLOW FIDDLER! Welcome to the forum, I've seen your art and I like it a lot, so I hope you keep contributing!
Welcome new forumites! :D Piney should be along with your cookies shortly!
hellooo!!! wow, your interests sound really nice and it sounds like you'll fit right in here. There's the language board, a pet thread, scriptorium threads... I'm sure you'll find a lot of cool things to read and participate in during the break ^___^ welcome to the forum!
Yes! And now that semester break started, I finally have enough time to join ya wonderful folks!
Thank you for the welcome :)
Welcome new forumites! :D Piney should be along with your cookies shortly!
Thank you for the welcome as well *waves* ... although I will now always think of us as cookie eating bugs... *looks a little down* but that is fine... It means proportionally more cookie to eat! *insane grin*
Thank you for the welcome as well *waves* ... although I will now always think of us as cookie eating bugs... *looks a little down* but that is fine... It means proportionally more cookie to eat! *insane grin*
Oohhhh, you've got a baaad forumite infestation, ma'am. Once those critters get into your cookie jar, they can take it out in seconds.
Did someone say cookies?
(sparkles not included)
Did someone say cookies?
(sparkles not included)
*Please allow 6-8 weeks for sparkle delivery
Oohhhh, you've got a baaad forumite infestation, ma'am. Once those critters get into your cookie jar, they can take it out in seconds.
No! *hides cookie jar* You can have my money! My food you can not! (Seriously though - sometimes I begrudge my bunnies their carrots. I feel ashamed.) Anyone who gives me food though... well I find it hard to dislike them. ;D
Did someone say cookies?
(sparkles not included)
Why, hello, my new favorite neighbourhood tree!
... actually I think I will go find something to eat now. Or go to bed. Hmmm. Just which is the better option...? *scratches head and slinks off*
Hello :)
Long time listener, first time caller. I'm american; from Maine. Um, I'm a 30ish male who works with tractors? I would like to know the appropriate place to ask questions about the comic? Thank you
Hello :)
Long time listener, first time caller. I'm american; from Maine. Um, I'm a 30ish male who works with tractors? I would like to know the appropriate place to ask questions about the comic? Thank you
*Adjusts headset, presses button.*
Yes, caller, you're on the air. Forum-Skald Sunflower here. What kind of questions do you have?
(Also: Oooo, tractors! Tuuri will like you! We have threads for aficionados of large machinery and/or agriculture...)
Hello everyone, I'm bread. I just recently found and read SSSS through Hiveworks' website and got hooked by the community and art style. I have already lurked in this forum for some time.
I'm from New Zealand: the land of birds and trees. I have a profession in sleeping and also has a fascination with most languages and cultures. I'm mostly studying mathematics, art and several other things. I hope to become an artist maybe later in the future though it is unlikely.
I'm basically that person who can't make coherent sentences and end up making awkward scenes with engrish.
I don't know what else to say soo yeah :P
I look forward to being able to join this community
Hello everyone, I'm bread. I just recently found and read SSSS through Hiveworks' website and got hooked by the community and art style. I have already lurked in this forum for some time.
I'm from New Zealand: the land of birds and trees. I have a profession in sleeping and also has a fascination with most languages and cultures. I'm mostly studying mathematics, art and several other things. I hope to become an artist maybe later in the future though it is unlikely.
I'm basically that person who can't make coherent sentences and end up making awkward scenes with engrish.
I don't know what else to say soo yeah :P
I look forward to being able to join this community
Dude, another kiwi. Which part of this blessed land do you hail from. Me, Auckland, but I used to be from Wellington.
Also, happy Maori language week (te wiki o te reo maori?). There will be cookies to celebrate your coming. Don't worry, no squirrels were harmed in the making of piney's cookies, I promise.
/me does a pinkie promise and stuff.
Hello :)
Long time listener, first time caller. I'm american; from Maine. Um, I'm a 30ish male who works with tractors? I would like to know the appropriate place to ask questions about the comic? Thank you
Ohh tractors. Like *all* sorts of tractors? The new monster-tractor-trucks and sweet little engines from the early seventies?
So I've already made a few posts, but never formally introduced myself. My name is Ailis, I'm 15 and from northern Idaho. My uncle got me started on SSSS last November, but I didn't start reading regularly until April, so I'm relatively new I suppose. Fun fact, I've never met another Ailis, and am torn between wanting to because its a rare name and not wanting to so I can continue to say I've never met one. My username on Disqus is different from this one, on there I'm Ailis G.
Welcome Agrasshopper ! Let me guess : you're a Doctor Who fan ;)
Hello everyone, I'm bread. I just recently found and read SSSS through Hiveworks' website and got hooked by the community and art style. I have already lurked in this forum for some time.
I'm from New Zealand: the land of birds and trees. I have a profession in sleeping and also has a fascination with most languages and cultures. I'm mostly studying mathematics, art and several other things. I hope to become an artist maybe later in the future though it is unlikely.
I'm basically that person who can't make coherent sentences and end up making awkward scenes with engrish.
I don't know what else to say soo yeah :P
I look forward to being able to join this community
So I've already made a few posts, but never formally introduced myself. My name is Ailis, I'm 15 and from northern Idaho. My uncle got me started on SSSS last November, but I didn't start reading regularly until April, so I'm relatively new I suppose. Fun fact, I've never met another Ailis, and am torn between wanting to because its a rare name and not wanting to so I can continue to say I've never met one. My username on Disqus is different from this one, on there I'm Ailis G.
Hello hello! Here are the promised cookies!
Welcome Agrasshopper ! Let me guess : you're a Doctor Who fan ;)
Yeah, I was very bored over summer vacation, so I wrote out all of the character names in Gallifreyan and the picture thing is Stand Still Stay Silent written in Gallifreyan as well.
Yeah, I was very bored over summer vacation, so I wrote out all of the character names in Gallifreyan and the picture thing is Stand Still Stay Silent written in Gallifreyan as well.
Yesss, Gallifreyan stuff! I like you already ;)
Dude, another kiwi. Which part of this blessed land do you hail from. Me, Auckland, but I used to be from Wellington.
Also, happy Maori language week (te wiki o te reo maori?). There will be cookies to celebrate your coming. Don't worry, no squirrels were harmed in the making of piney's cookies, I promise.
/me does a pinkie promise and stuff.
Yass. Someone else who is from New Zealand, I hail from Wellington. I was already prepared for cookies 8)
Umm... hello?
Here's your personal headache! I'm RC eleven-thrity-eight, or Gordon. No, it's not my real name. My real name is Vladislav, but plz dont call me that.
Also, my english is terrible. Have a nice day!
Umm... hello?
Here's your personal headache! I'm RC eleven-thrity-eight, or Gordon. No, it's not my real name. My real name is Vladislav, but plz dont call me that.
Also, my english is terrible. Have a nice day!
Welcome, RC. Your English is hardly "terrible" if you know the "Russian Reversal (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RussianReversal?from=Main.InSovietRussiaTropeMocksYou)" trope. :) (It takes a lot of knowledge of a culture and language to make jokes in it.)
It's always nice to meet more readers from the Slavic cultural sphere. Personally, I'm curious as to what the Known World might find by venturing east over the Finnish border, (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=511.0) rather than west and south through Denmark. But Minna has said she has many more adventures in mind for her crew, including a really long voyage of discovery, so who knows where they might go next!
I'm curious: Is the "Browning" in your signature a reference to Robert Browning (http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/robert-browning#about) or Elizabeth Barrett Browning? (http://www.poemhunter.com/elizabeth-barrett-browning/) I don't run into many other fans of Victorian poetry here. ;)
Umm... hello?
Here's your personal headache! I'm RC eleven-thrity-eight, or Gordon. No, it's not my real name. My real name is Vladislav, but plz dont call me that.
Also, my english is terrible. Have a nice day!
Oh, another Republic Commando fan! Welcome to the forum.
I'm curious: Is the "Browning" in your signature a reference to Robert Browning (http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/robert-browning#about) or Elizabeth Barrett Browning? (http://www.poemhunter.com/elizabeth-barrett-browning/) I don't run into many other fans of Victorian poetry here. ;)
Could be neither. Could be the gunsmith Browning.
Hi, Sunflower. Thanks for а warm wellcome. I hope, that i can communicate here soon, using a Google Translater, MGS walktroght experience and souls of fallen teachers))).
Browning? I mean that guy. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Browning) Yeah, gunsmith.
Fimbulvarg, thanks. Yes, i like that game. Vibrokhife rulez.
Hi, Sunflower. Thanks for а warm wellcome. I hope, that i can communicate here soon, using a Google Translater, MGS walktroght experience and souls of fallen teachers))).
Browning? I mean that guy. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Browning) Yeah, gunsmith.
I was teasing about the Victorian poets. ;D Given the interests reflected in our Forum, I kiiiiind of suspected you meant Browning the gunsmith.
Speaking of guns, we have a whole thread about firearms: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=222.0
And one for edged weapons (with a certain amount of overlap with other kinds): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=441.0
Plus, the various RPG and Self-Insert threads can certainly use someone with an interest in weaponry. It's been noted that although many SSSS characters carry guns, Minna doesn't seem interested in drawing them in photo-realistic detail. Which leaves a lot of room for discussion!
Yeah, i see it. Poor AKMoid, in one page large like G3, in next page small like MP5)))
Yeah, i see it. Poor AKMoid, in one page large like G3, in next page small like MP5)))
Shapesizeshifting technology. The cat-tank has it, too, especially on the insides. ;)
Shapesizeshifting technology. The cat-tank has it, too, especially on the insides. ;)
YES! Exactly, I swear the cat tank is bigger on the inside... ;)
Hello there,
I'm Everett Asimov and that is my name because I have an awesome name. Not really, it's Mike. But Everett is my middle name and Issac Asimov might have had the more influence on me than any other author. I'm 22, I live in the U.S, (the Midwest to be more particular), and I sought this fan page out after desperately trying to convert all my friends and family to Minna's amazing SSSS comic. Haven't got any bites yet, so until then I hope I can nerd out with all of you.
I'm just getting started reading webcomics. It started with Broodhollow, which I'll attach if anyone wants a peak. Great stuff I thought. Then I ran out of pages and I need more. Soon after Broodhollow partnered up with Hiveworks and now I'm reading several of theirs including Mare Internum, The Boy Who Fell, Sfeer Theory, and now SSSS. I haven't been able to get anyone to read these either so if you're a fan, please. My fanboy heart is bleeding.
Hello there,
I'm Everett Asimov and that is my name because I have an awesome name. Not really, it's Mike. But Everett is my middle name and Issac Asimov might have had the more influence on me than any other author. I'm 22, I live in the U.S, (the Midwest to be more particular), and I sought this fan page out after desperately trying to convert all my friends and family to Minna's amazing SSSS comic. Haven't got any bites yet, so until then I hope I can nerd out with all of you.
I'm just getting started reading webcomics. It started with Broodhollow, which I'll attach if anyone wants a peak. Great stuff I thought. Then I ran out of pages and I need more. Soon after Broodhollow partnered up with Hiveworks and now I'm reading several of theirs including Mare Internum, The Boy Who Fell, Sfeer Theory, and now SSSS. I haven't been able to get anyone to read these either so if you're a fan, please. My fanboy heart is bleeding.
Welcome, Everett! Isaac Asimov is certainly a name to conjure with.
You'll find a lot of friendly people to "nerd out" with, whatever your interests. For starters, we have a whole Webcomics thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=20.0). Music, anime, games (including several fan-created attempts at an SSSS-themed RPG), weaponry, food, bridge engineering, art, cosplay... it's limitless!
I'm pleased to see another Mare Internum fan. I think it's terrific -- but then, I'm hopelessly addicted to "The Meek" and I'm thrilled that the author, Der-Shing Helmer, is actually updating them *both* now.
One small item: We actually don't allow attachments due to space limits. (So we should probably change the label under in-progress messages...) Instead, we suggest you link to an online image using the "img" command (the "Mona Lisa" button at the left end of the 2nd row above).
Don't hesitate to ask for help or suggestions. We work to keep this forum a friendly, welcoming place.
Forum-Skald and Content Moderator
Thanks Sunflower! I'll keep the attachment limits in mind and head right over to the webcomics section. Also, if I post something that sticks out or if I can do anything to pull my weight as a fan, let me know. I'm new to fan communities in general and completely new to online fan sites. I probably won't be able to craft a bumper-sticker saying "Keep Calm and Call Sigrun," but I'd be happy to keep the fan site lively however I can.
I probably won't be able to craft a bumper-sticker saying "Keep Calm and Call Sigrun," but I'd be happy to keep the fan site lively however I can.
I feel like Mikkel would be the better option in that case :P
Welcome to the forum! :D
Hello all! My real name is Johanna, Johannabelle is a nickname. I hail from the rainy west coast of the United States and I'm only fluent in English, for now. I attempted learning German a while ago, but it wasn't originally my idea, so it sort of faded away. Though I know tiny snippets, it's not really substantial enough to begin to understand anything.
I found aRTD a couple months ago when I was looking through landscapes on Deviantart. Minna had a beautiful drawing of the waterway in chapter 3 of aRTD and she said it was from her webcomic. I was pretty bored, so reading a webcomic seemed like a great idea, and it was! A Redtail's Dream was absolutely wonderful, and once I finished it I started on SSSS late June. Before I started reading, I was a little skeptical because I was not a huge fan of post-apocalyptic stuff, but I read it anyways. It was definitely worth it. ;D
Mostly I like to draw, and I actually don't usually comment on anything online, so this is a rare appearance. Maybe I'll be more active here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've actually been stalking the forums here for about a month, and finally decided to make an account.
Also, if procrastination was an olympic sport, I'd be a multi gold medalist. I made this account last night and put off introducing myself until now. Not to mention I put off even joining the forums for a month. XD
Mostly I like to draw, and I actually don't usually comment on anything online, so this is a rare appearance. Maybe I'll be more active here?
Hi! Welcome! I was the same way, I never made comments on any internet things, and then I made a post here (although I had an account for almost a week before my first post) and now I have many many posts here :D
Ah, well I've already gotten over the first step of coming out of my shell here. I aspire to have that many posts someday :D
Ah, well I've already gotten over the first step of coming out of my shell here. I aspire to have that many posts someday :D
Did you draw your avatar? I really really like it.
I did! Just finished it a couple hours ago actually, drew it specifically for here. It could still probably be used for other places though.
I did! Just finished it a couple hours ago actually, drew it specifically for here. It could still probably be used for other places though.
Wow! If you ever get involved in the art community here (which I highly recommend) I would love to do an art trade with you :)
I just might! It'll sure give me something to do. XD
I hereby present these cookies to the recent newbies whom I haven't welcomed:
Mostly I like to draw, and I actually don't usually comment on anything online, so this is a rare appearance. Maybe I'll be more active here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Famous last words
I'm new to fan communities in general and completely new to online fan sites. I probably won't be able to craft a bumper-sticker saying "Keep Calm and Call Sigrun," but I'd be happy to keep the fan site lively however I can.
Mostly I like to draw, and I actually don't usually comment on anything online, so this is a rare appearance. Maybe I'll be more active here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Famous last words
Hi! Welcome! I was the same way, I never made comments on any internet things, and then I made a post here (although I had an account for almost a week before my first post) and now I have many many posts here :D
Piney is right -- "famous last words."
Like Everett, I was completely new to online fan sites before SSSS. I kind of thought it was all "Twilight" and "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" and nothing of interest to an ADULT. Oh, how very wrong I was! :o
Then Eich opened our Forum last Sept. 1, I signed up, and.... 2,500+ posts later, here I am, hopelessly devoted not just to SSSS but the Forum and all you crazy, wonderful, creative people. They'll have to pry my cold, dead hands off the keys!
Famous last words
:P I hope they are. Also, cookies, yay!
Like Everett, I was completely new to online fan sites before SSSS.
SSSS changes people. For the better, of course. ;)
SSSS changes people. For the better, of course. ;)
If you would've told me this time last year that I will eventually have very specific knowledge about the scandinavian countries and a strong desire to visit Iceland, I'd be like "what? pfffffft, NO."
and yet here we are :I
If you would've told me this time last year that I will eventually have very specific knowledge about the scandinavian countries and a strong desire to visit Iceland, I'd be like "what? pfffffft, NO."
and yet here we are :I
Yes yes everyone should go to Iceland
If you would've told me this time last year that I will eventually have very specific knowledge about the scandinavian countries and a strong desire to visit Iceland, I'd be like "what? pfffffft, NO."
and yet here we are :I
Saaaaaaame. Especially the Iceland part
Thanks for the cookies, Piney! Also,
If you would've told me this time last year that I will eventually have very specific knowledge about the scandinavian countries and a strong desire to visit Iceland, I'd be like "what? pfffffft, NO."
and yet here we are :I
Iceland sounded cool before, now it's just eating at me like a rash.
Hello all! My real name is Johanna, Johannabelle is a nickname. I hail from the rainy west coast of the United States and I'm only fluent in English, for now. I attempted learning German a while ago, but it wasn't originally my idea, so it sort of faded away. Though I know tiny snippets, it's not really substantial enough to begin to understand anything.
I found aRTD a couple months ago when I was looking through landscapes on Deviantart. Minna had a beautiful drawing of the waterway in chapter 3 of aRTD and she said it was from her webcomic. I was pretty bored, so reading a webcomic seemed like a great idea, and it was! A Redtail's Dream was absolutely wonderful, and once I finished it I started on SSSS late June. Before I started reading, I was a little skeptical because I was not a huge fan of post-apocalyptic stuff, but I read it anyways. It was definitely worth it. ;D
Mostly I like to draw, and I actually don't usually comment on anything online, so this is a rare appearance. Maybe I'll be more active here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've actually been stalking the forums here for about a month, and finally decided to make an account.
Also, if procrastination was an olympic sport, I'd be a multi gold medalist. I made this account last night and put off introducing myself until now. Not to mention I put off even joining the forums for a month. XD
Welcome to the forum! If you're fluent in drawing and procrastination you will fit right in, I promise you that.
Welcome to the forum! If you're fluent in drawing and procrastination you will fit right in, I promise you that.
Ah, that's reassuring.
Welcome, fellow West Coaster! I like your art.
Also, yes, this is my first/only fan community. Aaaaand now my family has to pry me off the laptop to eat. :P
Iceland sounded cool before, now it's just eating at me like a rash.
Welcome to the forum, all the persons I hadn't seen before :)
Welcome to the forum! If you're fluent in drawing and procrastination you will fit right in, I promise you that.
Yes, certainly... join the club of procrastination and you'll never return to a normal schedule...
In other words, welcome to the forum! I have an exam for two weeks I haven't prepared for! *throws sad confetti everywhere*
Hello everyone! My name is Olga, I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
I'm fan of SSSS about just a couple of months, and really love it!
I like reading and travelling: my hobbies are cosplay and glass painting. You can see my projects, for example, here: http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/ (http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/)
I am also fond of languages. I can speak English, French, some Italian and a bit Japanese, now trying to learn Danish.
Glad to join this fan community!
Welcome again, Olga :) I'm sure we still have some cookies...
Hello everyone! My name is Olga, I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
I'm fan of SSSS about just a couple of months, and really love it!
I like reading and travelling: my hobbies are cosplay and glass painting. You can see my projects, for example, here: http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/ (http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/)
I am also fond of languages. I can speak English, French, some Italian and a bit Japanese, now trying to learn Danish.
Glad to join this fan community!
Welcome, fellow artist and cosplayer! :D I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello everyone! My name is Olga, I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
I'm fan of SSSS about just a couple of months, and really love it!
I like reading and travelling: my hobbies are cosplay and glass painting. You can see my projects, for example, here: http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/ (http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/)
I am also fond of languages. I can speak English, French, some Italian and a bit Japanese, now trying to learn Danish.
Glad to join this fan community!
Welcome! :D I think you will fit right in! :)
I am also fond of languages. I can speak English, French, some Italian and a bit Japanese, now trying to learn Danish.
I'm learning Danish too! You can come practice with us over in the danish thread! :D
I realised a proper introduction should probably be made by me for y'all.
My name is Kat M. and I'm 16, living in the US.
I've been a fan probably since April. I love this comic.
I like food (especially sweets), drawing, reading, writing, and apparently (http://askthebraidone.tumblr.com/) running (http://askthe2pcupcake.tumblr.com/) blogs (http://kittykatollie14.tumblr.com/).
And cosplay
I like cosplay
And by my signature below, you can tell that I love learning languages, but I have too many being learnt.
But hi to y'all. :3
I realised a proper introduction should probably be made by me for y'all.
My name is Kat M. and I'm 16, living in the US.
I've been a fan probably since April. I love this comic.
I like food (especially sweets), drawing, reading, writing, and apparently (http://askthebraidone.tumblr.com/) running (http://askthe2pcupcake.tumblr.com/) blogs (http://kittykatollie14.tumblr.com/).
And cosplay
I like cosplay
And by my signature below, you can tell that I love learning languages, but I have too many being learnt.
But hi to y'all. :3
Welcome, welcome! I'm not too good at these, but someone should come along with all the celebration doo-dads soon! And omg, your Braidy blog is great! Haven't laughed this hard in a while. =D I hope you enjoy your stay!
Hello everyone! My name is Olga, I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
I'm fan of SSSS about just a couple of months, and really love it!
I like reading and travelling: my hobbies are cosplay and glass painting. You can see my projects, for example, here: http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/ (http://helle-de-gaard.deviantart.com/gallery/)
I am also fond of languages. I can speak English, French, some Italian and a bit Japanese, now trying to learn Danish.
Glad to join this fan community!
You should definitely come talk to us in the Danish thread!
Hello everyone!
You may call me Cliodna. I am a 21-year old female from Estonia. I've been watching Minna on deviantART for years, but only recently gave her webcomics a try, plowed through both of them and loved every page.
My hobbies are mainly art and roleplaying, with a side of prehistory and animation. I've LARPed a bit in my life, as well as played Pathfinder and DnD, with the biggest obstacle being that until recently I lived in an area with no other roleplayers in the vicinity. I mostly do freeform or semi-freeform roleplays in Skype or roll20. I draw illustrations of my characters, as well as scenes from my stories and roleplays and dream about learning to make cartoons. As a kid I wanted to become "the one who catches the Loch Ness monster". The urge to do so has passed, but I've held an interest in dinosaurs ever since.
I've recommended SSSS to my roll20 gaming group, which includes an icelander who seemed pleased to see his country represented. I love how this comic treats finnish magic. My favorite character is Lalli and I half-jokingly ship him with Emil.
I am currently in the middle of weaving some headcanon regarding tiny surviving Estonian settlements in Saimaa and their attempts to clean Gogland. I'm considering writing it all up and publishing it somewhere on the forum, but I'm afraid that my national pride would shine through like a cornflower-colored barnswallow-patterned beacon thus clouding my judgement. :P
Hello everyone!
You may call me Cliodna. I am a 21-year old female from Estonia. I've been watching Minna on deviantART for years, but only recently gave her webcomics a try, plowed through both of them and loved every page.
My hobbies are mainly art and roleplaying, with a side of prehistory and animation. I've LARPed a bit in my life, as well as played Pathfinder and DnD, with the biggest obstacle being that until recently I lived in an area with no other roleplayers in the vicinity. I mostly do freeform or semi-freeform roleplays in Skype or roll20. I draw illustrations of my characters, as well as scenes from my stories and roleplays and dream about learning to make cartoons. As a kid I wanted to become "the one who catches the Loch Ness monster". The urge to do so has passed, but I've held an interest in dinosaurs ever since.
I've recommended SSSS to my roll20 gaming group, which includes an icelander who seemed pleased to see his country represented. I love how this comic treats finnish magic. My favorite character is Lalli and I half-jokingly ship him with Emil.
I am currently in the middle of weaving some headcanon regarding tiny surviving Estonian settlements in Saimaa and their attempts to clean Gogland. I'm considering writing it all up and publishing it somewhere on the forum, but I'm afraid that my national pride would shine through like a cornflower-colored barnswallow-patterned beacon thus clouding my judgement. :P
OH an estonian *u* HELLO
*didn't read more after "from estonia"*
Hello everyone!
You may call me Cliodna. I am a 21-year old female from Estonia. I've been watching Minna on deviantART for years, but only recently gave her webcomics a try, plowed through both of them and loved every page.
My hobbies are mainly art and roleplaying, with a side of prehistory and animation. I've LARPed a bit in my life, as well as played Pathfinder and DnD, with the biggest obstacle being that until recently I lived in an area with no other roleplayers in the vicinity. I mostly do freeform or semi-freeform roleplays in Skype or roll20. I draw illustrations of my characters, as well as scenes from my stories and roleplays and dream about learning to make cartoons. As a kid I wanted to become "the one who catches the Loch Ness monster". The urge to do so has passed, but I've held an interest in dinosaurs ever since.
I've recommended SSSS to my roll20 gaming group, which includes an icelander who seemed pleased to see his country represented. I love how this comic treats finnish magic. My favorite character is Lalli and I half-jokingly ship him with Emil.
I am currently in the middle of weaving some headcanon regarding tiny surviving Estonian settlements in Saimaa and their attempts to clean Gogland. I'm considering writing it all up and publishing it somewhere on the forum, but I'm afraid that my national pride would shine through like a cornflower-colored barnswallow-patterned beacon thus clouding my judgement. :P
Welcome to the forum! You may have already seen these, but there's a Survivor Colony thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=24.0) that you might like to share your Estonia theories there :D We also have LOTS of art threads!
Spoiler: Art-themed index show
SSSS fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)
General art thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0)
Art supply discussion thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=557.0)
Coloring book/pages thread (hard to explain, but the name is slightly misleading) (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=527.0)
Art Style Swap (a forum-wide activity) (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=593.0)
Art Tutorials (for what you find AND what you make) (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=505.0)
Drawpile announcements (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=591.0)
Art stream announcements (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=493.0)
We also have a SSSS-based RP (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=404.0) thread that you might find interesting, and I know that there's a group of D+D players somewhere around here... I hope that helped, and have a wonderful time on the forums! :))
OH an estonian *u* HELLO
*didn't read more after "from estonia"*
Hello friendly hungarian! Thank you for the welcome. Am I the first one of my kind to the party?
Welcome to the forum! You may have already seen these, but there's a Survivor Colony thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=24.0) that you might like to share your Estonia theories there :D We also have LOTS of art threads!
Spoiler: Art-themed index show
SSSS fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)
General art thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0)
Art supply discussion thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=557.0)
Coloring book/pages thread (hard to explain, but the name is slightly misleading) (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=527.0)
Art Style Swap (a forum-wide activity) (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=593.0)
Art Tutorials (for what you find AND what you make) (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=505.0)
Drawpile announcements (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=591.0)
Art stream announcements (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=493.0)
We also have a SSSS-based RP (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=404.0) thread that you might find interesting, and I know that there's a group of D+D players somewhere around here... I hope that helped, and have a wonderful time on the forums! :))
Thank you for the warm welcome. :) I'm already most of the way through the survivor communities forum thread (which offers a lot of ideas) and I've got my eyes set on the Self-inserts thread. I'll definitely be checking out the art threads and the roleplay as well, though I can't promise that I'll join either because of time constraints.
Thank you for the warm welcome. :) I'm already most of the way through the survivor communities forum thread (which offers a lot of ideas) and I've got my eyes set on the Self-inserts thread. I'll definitely be checking out the art threads and the roleplay as well, though I can't promise that I'll join either because of time constraints.
Oooh, definitely join us in the self-insert thread :D As the forum's most prolific Self-Insert AU Creator, (what a weeby title) I look forward to seeing you there!
(Oh man, I haven't been keeping up with my welcoming duties)
Welcome Olga, Cliodna, and (formally) Kat! Have some cookies! *insert cookie emoji here* Y'know, there should actually be a cookie emoji for the forum by now...
I am currently in the middle of weaving some headcanon regarding tiny surviving Estonian settlements in Saimaa and their attempts to clean Gogland. I'm considering writing it all up and publishing it somewhere on the forum, but I'm afraid that my national pride would shine through like a cornflower-colored barnswallow-patterned beacon thus clouding my judgement. :P
Finally Estonia can into Nordics!
Welcome to the forum! D20 is a great hobby. Ufortunately the work with making an SSSS one has stalled at the moment but who knows, maybe you'll join us for a game at some point.
(Oh man, I haven't been keeping up with my welcoming duties)
Welcome Olga, Cliodna, and (formally) Kat! Have some cookies! *insert cookie emoji here* Y'know, there should actually be a cookie emoji for the forum by now...
*noms on the cookie*
Finally Estonia can into Nordics!
Welcome to the forum! D20 is a great hobby. Ufortunately the work with making an SSSS one has stalled at the moment but who knows, maybe you'll join us for a game at some point.
Does that mean I can party with the cute boys (http://satwcomic.com/party-crasher) now? :O
I'd be delighted to join an online tabletop game at some point and hope that the work on it continues. I despise filling character sheets, but playing itself is fun.
Does that mean I can party with the cute boys (http://satwcomic.com/party-crasher) now? :O
I'd be delighted to join an online tabletop game at some point and hope that the work on it continues. I despise filling character sheets, but playing itself is fun.
Yay! More SatW fans! *high five*
My name is Syrah (well not really, but in here anyway), I'm sixteen years old (for real) and was born in Germany.
I am however currently spending a gap/excgange year in Finland, and even though I've only been here for a couple of weeks I've really enjoyed my time so far.
I have only stumbled about this magnificent piece of art a while ago, but I read the available pages in two days, aRTD in one day and then both for a second time. Yes, one could call me a binge reader.
I just love everything about Minnas comics:
The art stile (probably doesn't need an explanation), the setting (friggin Fenno-Scandinavia + Iceland! Where else do you see that?), the characters (or my beloved children as I call them) as well as the story (Or stories. aRTD was awesome as well.)
Well, I hope we'll have a good time together and be able to enjoy a long time of amazing webcomics by Minna.
Welcome Syrah :) Take a cookie.
Or two. We have plenty.
My name is Syrah (well not really, but in here anyway), I'm sixteen years old (for real) and was born in Germany.
I am however currently spending a gap/excgange year in Finland, and even though I've only been here for a couple of weeks I've really enjoyed my time so far.
I have only stumbled about this magnificent piece of art a while ago, but I read the available pages in two days, aRTD in one day and then both for a second time. Yes, one could call me a binge reader.
I just love everything about Minnas comics:
The art stile (probably doesn't need an explanation), the setting (friggin Fenno-Scandinavia + Iceland! Where else do you see that?), the characters (or my beloved children as I call them) as well as the story (Or stories. aRTD was awesome as well.)
Well, I hope we'll have a good time together and be able to enjoy a long time of amazing webcomics by Minna.
Welcome! Wieder jemand Deutsches, woo! I'm sure you'll love it here; everyone is really nice. =D
My name is Syrah (well not really, but in here anyway), I'm sixteen years old (for real) and was born in Germany.
I am however currently spending a gap/excgange year in Finland, and even though I've only been here for a couple of weeks I've really enjoyed my time so far.
I have only stumbled about this magnificent piece of art a while ago, but I read the available pages in two days, aRTD in one day and then both for a second time. Yes, one could call me a binge reader.
I just love everything about Minnas comics:
The art stile (probably doesn't need an explanation), the setting (friggin Fenno-Scandinavia + Iceland! Where else do you see that?), the characters (or my beloved children as I call them) as well as the story (Or stories. aRTD was awesome as well.)
Well, I hope we'll have a good time together and be able to enjoy a long time of amazing webcomics by Minna.
Welcome Syrah!! I see you've already been offered cookies, so I'll just pop in and say I hope you enjoy your stay on the forum! :D
Thanks to all of you! ;)
I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together!
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
heyooo fellow norwegian!!! of all the nordic countries, seems like it's most of us here, huh. Welcome to the forum!! If you like drawing, writing and reading, you should definitely check out the forum and scriptorium threads!!
heyooo fellow norwegian!!! of all the nordic countries, seems like it's most of us here, huh. Welcome to the forum!! If you like drawing, writing and reading, you should definitely check out the forum and scriptorium threads!!
Hi, and thanks. (: And there's a lot of Norwegians here? That's cool. Where are the scriptorium threads? In general discussion?
Hi, and thanks. (: And there's a lot of Norwegians here? That's cool. Where are the scriptorium threads? In general discussion?
Relatively many norwegians, indeed.
There's a SSSS fanfic scriptorium (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0) on the SSSS board, and a general scriptorium (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0) on the general board! ^_^
oh and I meant to hi five you for being a sort-of fellow history bachelor student! I'm about to start my second year of art history, though, and I kinda suck at history. haha
Relatively many norwegians, indeed.
There's a SSSS fanfic scriptorium (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0) on the SSSS board, and a general scriptorium (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0) on the general board! ^_^
oh and I meant to hi five you for being a sort-of fellow history bachelor student! I'm about to start my second year of art history, though, and I kinda suck at history. haha
Thanks for the links (:
Well, I'm done with my bachelor, but high five. I did some art history in my spare time when studying, so I have this super-huge and heavy book that spans across all of it XD I wish I could've done some modules (I studied in Wales, so that's what they called them there) on art history, but there were none :/
Oh well, thanks for all help and the welcome (:
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
Welcome here and hello, fellow former historian student ^^
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
Ahaha, it happens! I switched my major after my first year, and then had second thoughts after my third year in the new one again >_>;
Also, another Bergen person! Isn't Sigrid from there?
Welcome here and hello, fellow former historian student ^^
Hello, it's nice to meet you (:
Ahaha, it happens! I switched my major after my first year, and then had second thoughts after my third year in the new one again >_>;
Also, another Bergen person! Isn't Sigrid from there?
I pretty much had several things I wanted to do, did History, and decided that I didn't want to work with it (either teacher or historian, and less in the way of a master than I thought there would be), so I'm going with something a bit more practical (bio-engineer), although I'll have to take some exams before that. (: But yeah, it's difficult to find out what you're going to be when you grow up, even when you're a grown up.
She's from the area, yeah. Right now I live a different place in the West of Norway, but one day I'll move back (when I have the oppertunity).
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
A slightly late welcome to you, but apparently no one has given you welcome cookies, and all newbies deserve those!
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
Hello, fellow Norwegian and Bergenser!!!! I'm trying to come up with something more to say but I'm sort of tired right now cx Anyway, welcome to the forum :3
A slightly late welcome to you, but apparently no one has given you welcome cookies, and all newbies deserve those!
Hi and thanks (:
Hello, fellow Norwegian and Bergenser!!!! I'm trying to come up with something more to say but I'm sort of tired right now cx Anyway, welcome to the forum :3
Hello! And it is getting sort of late, so I sort of get it :P Thanks, everyone's been so pleasant here (:
Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I thought 0_0 I've been thinking about going to these forums for quite a while, but never really did. Now I realize that they're quite big, feels like a daunting task to get started XD.
Anyways, hi, my name is Hans, but you can call me Rawen if you'd prefer that (a lot easier to remember, since it's part of my username :P), and I'm 20 years old. I just finished a bachelor in history, but I found out half-way through the bachelor grade that I don't really want to work with history, so I'm going to uni again next year to do biology. I'm Norwegian, born and raised in Bergen and all that.
I started reading SSSS when it first came out, as I had been reading Redtail's before that. My hobbies are... well, the main ones would be writing, drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, learning about different subjects (Biology, chemistry, history, psychology and law being my favorite topics) and playing video-games. I speak Norwegian (and understand Danish and Swedish as a result), English and German, as well as can read and understand some Icelandic.
VELKOMMEN LANDSMANN! Yes, yes excellent, the horde is growing! You'll probably see me and Haiz around a lot, as well as some others.
I've studied at the University in Bergen but I don't live there. If you like video games there's an SSSS steam group.
I love how german your language sounds (read with bokmål pronounciation in my head, well knowing that this might be heavily german influenced XD)
Hello everyone!
I'm terribly shy and tend to lurk, but I figured an introduction might be useful. Hi, I'm Yuu. Some of my interests are northern European history, epic literature, travel, and writing fanfiction (nothing for SSSS so far; but yes for aRTD). Oh, and I'm from Canada.
I first became aware of SSSS during the print campaign, but didn't actually start reading it until a couple of weeks ago, at the beginning of this August. I wanted to wait until I had the book version in my hand, because I usually prefer to read on paper. But then I just... I couldn't resist. And I'm glad I finally gave in, because I'm utterly hooked on it. Minna's storytelling skills are stellar! Also, I'm very fond of A Redtail's Dream; that comic seems almost as if it were tailor-made for me. Come into my arms, aRTD fans! Let me love you!
You all seem like lovely people, and I look forward to becoming more familiar with you.
Oh yes, this is a lovely place with lovely people :) Welcome among us, Yuuago !
(Piney, have you ever thing about a career in baking cookies ?)
Hello everyone!
I'm terribly shy and tend to lurk, but I figured an introduction might be useful. Hi, I'm Yuu. Some of my interests are northern European history, epic literature, travel, and writing fanfiction (nothing for SSSS so far; but yes for aRTD). Oh, and I'm from Canada.
I first became aware of SSSS during the print campaign, but didn't actually start reading it until a couple of weeks ago, at the beginning of this August. I wanted to wait until I had the book version in my hand, because I usually prefer to read on paper. But then I just... I couldn't resist. And I'm glad I finally gave in, because I'm utterly hooked on it. Minna's storytelling skills are stellar! Also, I'm very fond of A Redtail's Dream; that comic seems almost as if it were tailor-made for me. Come into my arms, aRTD fans! Let me love you!
You all seem like lovely people, and I look forward to becoming more familiar with you.
Hi Yuu! Someone will probably be around with squirrel cookies in a bit, but let me be the first (well, second. Ninja'd by Mélusine!) to welcome you here! Between the travel, literature, and writing, I'm sure you'll find lots to talk about with us ;D And we've got a few Canadians around here, too: you can join the club! Don't worry about being a lurker or shy: I am (er, was? Still shy but slowly getting over it) too, and everyone here is really friendly and fun to talk to. So come! Check out some threads! And I said it once before, but I'll say it again: welcome! ;D
Hello everyone!
I'm terribly shy and tend to lurk, but I figured an introduction might be useful. Hi, I'm Yuu. Some of my interests are northern European history, epic literature, travel, and writing fanfiction (nothing for SSSS so far; but yes for aRTD). Oh, and I'm from Canada.
I first became aware of SSSS during the print campaign, but didn't actually start reading it until a couple of weeks ago, at the beginning of this August. I wanted to wait until I had the book version in my hand, because I usually prefer to read on paper. But then I just... I couldn't resist. And I'm glad I finally gave in, because I'm utterly hooked on it. Minna's storytelling skills are stellar! Also, I'm very fond of A Redtail's Dream; that comic seems almost as if it were tailor-made for me. Come into my arms, aRTD fans! Let me love you!
You all seem like lovely people, and I look forward to becoming more familiar with you.
Yay!!! More Canadians! We shall all slowly take over the world while no one is looking :D
Don't worry about being a lurker or shy: I am (er, was? Still shy but slowly getting over it) too, and everyone here is really friendly and fun to talk to.
How many of us begun here with a "I'm a little shy so..." ? ::)
Hello everyone!
I'm terribly shy and tend to lurk, but I figured an introduction might be useful. Hi, I'm Yuu. Some of my interests are northern European history, epic literature, travel, and writing fanfiction (nothing for SSSS so far; but yes for aRTD). Oh, and I'm from Canada.
I first became aware of SSSS during the print campaign, but didn't actually start reading it until a couple of weeks ago, at the beginning of this August. I wanted to wait until I had the book version in my hand, because I usually prefer to read on paper. But then I just... I couldn't resist. And I'm glad I finally gave in, because I'm utterly hooked on it. Minna's storytelling skills are stellar! Also, I'm very fond of A Redtail's Dream; that comic seems almost as if it were tailor-made for me. Come into my arms, aRTD fans! Let me love you!
You all seem like lovely people, and I look forward to becoming more familiar with you.
Yaaay, fellow aRTD fan!! Welcome! ;D
Although I'm a big fan of SSSS, I don't know if anything will ever replace aRTD in my heart.
I'm looking forward to read your fanfiction!
Hello everyone!
I'm terribly shy and tend to lurk, but I figured an introduction might be useful. Hi, I'm Yuu. Some of my interests are northern European history, epic literature, travel, and writing fanfiction (nothing for SSSS so far; but yes for aRTD). Oh, and I'm from Canada.
I first became aware of SSSS during the print campaign, but didn't actually start reading it until a couple of weeks ago, at the beginning of this August. I wanted to wait until I had the book version in my hand, because I usually prefer to read on paper. But then I just... I couldn't resist. And I'm glad I finally gave in, because I'm utterly hooked on it. Minna's storytelling skills are stellar! Also, I'm very fond of A Redtail's Dream; that comic seems almost as if it were tailor-made for me. Come into my arms, aRTD fans! Let me love you!
You all seem like lovely people, and I look forward to becoming more familiar with you.
Welcome Yuu! Have some cookies! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
(Piney, have you ever thing about a career in baking cookies ?)
To be honest............ I've never made cookies from scratch IRL >.>
To be honest............ I've never made cookies from scratch IRL >.>
Wh... what ? *Astonished look. Disillusionment* Something is collapsing with your confession. Do you need a recipe ?
Hello everyone!
I'm terribly shy and tend to lurk, but I figured an introduction might be useful. Hi, I'm Yuu. Some of my interests are northern European history, epic literature, travel, and writing fanfiction (nothing for SSSS so far; but yes for aRTD). Oh, and I'm from Canada.
Yessssss another Canadian person! \o/
just watch though, population dynamics will strike again and you'll be in Toronto or something
Wh... what ? *Astonished look. Disillusionment* Something is collapsing with your confession. Do you need a recipe ?
At least I never claimed that I could bake IRL... my family always just bakes pre-made cookie dough... <.<
...But it's certainly fun to make virtual cookies :D
Oh yes, this is a lovely place with lovely people :) Welcome among us, Yuuago !
(Piney, have you ever thing about a career in baking cookies ?)
Thank you so much! You guys really know how to make a person feel welcome. And it's really nice to be in a fandom that is so active. (Most of mine are kind of, well, tiny.)
Hi Yuu! Someone will probably be around with squirrel cookies in a bit, but let me be the first (well, second. Ninja'd by Mélusine!) to welcome you here! Between the travel, literature, and writing, I'm sure you'll find lots to talk about with us ;D And we've got a few Canadians around here, too: you can join the club! Don't worry about being a lurker or shy: I am (er, was? Still shy but slowly getting over it) too, and everyone here is really friendly and fun to talk to. So come! Check out some threads! And I said it once before, but I'll say it again: welcome! ;D
After glancing through the rest of the thread, it looks like a bit of beginning jitters is pretty common. At least I'm not alone!
Yay!!! More Canadians! We shall all slowly take over the world while no one is looking :D
That's the Canadian way! We're so quiet and polite about it, nobody even realizes that we've invaded until we're occupying the place.
Yaaay, fellow aRTD fan!! Welcome! ;D
Although I'm a big fan of SSSS, I don't know if anything will ever replace aRTD in my heart.
I'm looking forward to read your fanfiction!
aRTD certainly is something special. It appeals to me on almost every front. I could go on for ages about that, but instead I'll leave it there. As for fiction, it's in my archive (signature) or up on ao3 - it's nice that there's finally a canon category for it. Now, to fill it up! (And hopefully eventually it won't be only me in there....)
Welcome Yuu! Have some cookies! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
To be honest............ I've never made cookies from scratch IRL >.>
Thank you so much! And... if you're ever in need of a recipe, I have some excellent ones. ;p
Yessssss another Canadian person! \o/
just watch though, population dynamics will strike again and you'll be in Toronto or something
Actually, I'm not anywhere near Toronto! I'm much farther northwest - in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Middle of nowhere! Probably the only one in this area. It gets a little lonely up here.
Actually, I'm not anywhere near Toronto! I'm much farther northwest - in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Middle of nowhere! Probably the only one in this area. It gets a little lonely up here.
I'm in Calgary! :D
which I know is nowhere near you but it' still closer than anyone else! :D
I'm in Calgary! :D
which I know is nowhere near you but it' still closer than anyone else! :D
Yeah, it's a pretty long way, but at least you're in the right province! (Best province, am I right? ;p ) HOWDY, NEIGHBOUR. It isn't often that I run into people from here; it's always either Toronto area or, sometimes, BC.
Yeah, it's a pretty long way, but at least you're in the right province! (Best province, am I right? ;p ) HOWDY, NEIGHBOUR. It isn't often that I run into people from here; it's always either Toronto area or, sometimes, BC.
We're pretty rare indeed! Must be the weather that drives everyone away...
(there are supposedly two people from Airdrie and a person down in Lethbridge on the Fandom Map, but I don't think they use the forums...)
I love how german your language sounds (read with bokmål pronounciation in my head, well knowing that this might be heavily german influenced XD)
More like your language is Norwegian influenced until you prove the reverse, har.
At least I never claimed that I could bake IRL... my family always just bakes pre-made cookie dough... <.<
Relevant comic (http://satwcomic.com/family-time) is relevant. ;)
Hello, hello! I decided my username was dumb so my display name I guess is what sticks (whoops). I live in Sweden, currently in the process of moving from one student room to another (fun way to spend the summer, eh?) and found SSSS because one of my friends asked who wanted to cosplay with her, so I asked her what it was about and she told me I had to read it because it was the best webcomic ever - and so far she's right ;D
So, other information about me... Female, twenty-one years old. I'm not Swedish, but I'm (mostly) fluent now, at least according to my language documents. And I'm studying 100% in Swedish, so eek. I'm from the US. Native language is English and only English, but I started with foreign languages when I was five years old (which now makes Swedish the tenth language I pick up, but it's already at a higher level than my potato-quality German and Chinese, hah...). Can understand written and spoken Norwegian, written Danish, sometimes spoken Danish, and can't speak either. Everything that comes out of my mouth will just sound like Swedish, heh. I did dabble in Icelandic and Finnish before Swedish, in fact. Fun languages ^^ But I'm not counting those because I can't speak them for shit.
I haven't read aRTD yet but since everyone's claiming it's so excellent I think I should get going on that once I'm done with the hectic moving chaos and have all my books for this semester :P
Nice to meet you all! 8)
Hello hello, Satakieli! Welcome! It's so great when friends who share your tastes drag you into things like this comic, isn't it? Great minds think alike etc. Well, it's lovely to have you here! We can be new together. ;p
I haven't read aRTD yet but since everyone's claiming it's so excellent I think I should get going on that once I'm done with the hectic moving chaos and have all my books for this semester :P
As for aRTD, it is very good. It's a little bit rougher than SSSS is, especially in the beginning, but that's to be expected, since it came first and was a learning experience. When I recommend it to people, I generally encourage to stick around through to the end of chapter 3 before making up one's mind about it, because that was when I really started to love it. So, hopefully when you get around to reading it, you will enjoy it. (And good luck with all that moving, by the way!)
Hello, hello! I decided my username was dumb so my display name I guess is what sticks (whoops). I live in Sweden, currently in the process of moving from one student room to another (fun way to spend the summer, eh?) and found SSSS because one of my friends asked who wanted to cosplay with her, so I asked her what it was about and she told me I had to read it because it was the best webcomic ever - and so far she's right ;D
So, other information about me... Female, twenty-one years old. I'm not Swedish, but I'm (mostly) fluent now, at least according to my language documents. And I'm studying 100% in Swedish, so eek. I'm from the US. Native language is English and only English, but I started with foreign languages when I was five years old (which now makes Swedish the tenth language I pick up, but it's already at a higher level than my potato-quality German and Chinese, hah...). Can understand written and spoken Norwegian, written Danish, sometimes spoken Danish, and can't speak either. Everything that comes out of my mouth will just sound like Swedish, heh. I did dabble in Icelandic and Finnish before Swedish, in fact. Fun languages ^^ But I'm not counting those because I can't speak them for s***.
I haven't read aRTD yet but since everyone's claiming it's so excellent I think I should get going on that once I'm done with the hectic moving chaos and have all my books for this semester :P
Nice to meet you all! 8)
Welcome!! Sounds like you'll fit right in. (But I mean it, with the Language Board and all. Languages are popular around here ::))
Anyway, have some welcome cookies: (Yes, they're squirrel-shaped)
Welcome!! Sounds like you'll fit right in. (But I mean it, with the Language Board and all. Languages are popular around here ::))
Anyway, have some welcome cookies: (Yes, they're squirrel-shaped)
Ooh, squirrel cookies :D Why thank you for the warm welcome ^^
And on that note, I should really get going, as it's an unearthly time and I had been planning to get up early to pack and move some things but it's soon sunrise here :o whoops.
Will check out some of the other threads later, probably!
And thanks Yuuago as well! (Sorry, your reply escaped my notice there for a moment) Welcome to you too, I guess, since we're both new here :P I see you're from Canada? So, just north of where I'm from, then ;)
Did you make a squirrel cookie emoji?! :o
This needs to be added to the forum emojis ASAP! ;D
(Also welcome to all the new people. You all seem pretty cool. :) )
Did you make a squirrel cookie emoji?! :o
This needs to be added to the forum emojis ASAP! ;D
(I was waiting for somebody to notice!) :))
It totally does; then anybody'll be able to give squirrel cookies to newbies :D
It totally does; then anybody'll be able to give squirrel cookies to newbies :D
Wonderful idea ! :D
And welcome, Satakieli ! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
Wonderful idea ! :D
And welcome, Satakieli ! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
Yaaay, more squirrel cookies! :D Didn't know they were a new emoji, so thanks for that Piney, now I feel special c:
Yaaay, more squirrel cookies! :D Didn't know they were a new emoji, so thanks for that Piney, now I feel special c:
Heheh, you're welcome :D It's just a little pixel drawing and not (yet?) an emoji, though.
Guten Tag zusammen.
Hello everyone.
I'm originally from Germany Zat explehns my akzent.
Mostly here because the comic sucked me in and I enjoy rolling in other people's fandom glitter and throwing around handfuls of my own stash.
Art-wise I, uh, can't draw a decent stick figure - but I'm known to make music (http://soundcloud.com/proudone/) that at the very least won't give you a rash. heuheuheu
Looking forward to geeking out with all y'all.
Welcome, ProudOne ! :) Now I can offer you some cookies (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H) and stop disturbing Piney by calling her when new persons come here ! ^^
Guten Tag zusammen.
Hello everyone.
I'm originally from Germany Zat explehns my akzent.
Mostly here because the comic sucked me in and I enjoy rolling in other people's fandom glitter and throwing around handfuls of my own stash.
Art-wise I, uh, can't draw a decent stick figure - but I'm known to make music (http://soundcloud.com/proudone/) that at the very least won't give you a rash. heuheuheu
Looking forward to geeking out with all y'all.
(Darn, ninja'd by Mélusine again)
Welcome! Have some squirrel cookies of our dear Piney's creation! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H) She'll probably be around in a bit to give you more, but so long as I'm here, I might as well ;D We've got some other Germans around here somewhere, so you might enjoy talking to them, and of course we've got plenty of places for music! (And we don't just have fandom glitter, we have ð and þ shaped confetti!) So check out all the threads and by all means, geek out hard. I look forward to seeing you around here!
(Darn, ninja'd by Mélusine again)
It might be because here it's the hour I begin to say to myself "Maybe you should go to bed. Yes, it may be a good idea indeed. I check the forum one last time. Just in case." (Repeat that during *Sighs* too many time ?)
Guten Tag zusammen.
Hello everyone.
I'm originally from Germany Zat explehns my akzent.
Mostly here because the comic sucked me in and I enjoy rolling in other people's fandom glitter and throwing around handfuls of my own stash.
Art-wise I, uh, can't draw a decent stick figure - but I'm known to make music (http://soundcloud.com/proudone/) that at the very least won't give you a rash. heuheuheu
Looking forward to geeking out with all y'all.
Did Ana mention more cookies? Here, have more cookies! *points below* And welcome! :D
Guten Tag zusammen.
Hello everyone.
I'm originally from Germany Zat explehns my akzent.
Mostly here because the comic sucked me in and I enjoy rolling in other people's fandom glitter and throwing around handfuls of my own stash.
Art-wise I, uh, can't draw a decent stick figure - but I'm known to make music (http://soundcloud.com/proudone/) that at the very least won't give you a rash. heuheuheu
Looking forward to geeking out with all y'all.
*Listen to music*
I like it, is the Nordic council inspired by SSSS? I like it, it's not "messy" and filled with sounds just because, but it still has enough details to make you listen for all the tiny bits (totally makes sense). It's a compliment, btw :P
Also, hello, fellow newbie (:
Hello, I'm microFerret, and I am a student from the Western US. I'm older than Tuomi but younger than Lalli, and unfortunately I do not know any of the languages of the Known World. In fact, I only seem to be able to learn languages that have no native speakers, such as Latin, Pig Latin, and Lisp (an obscure programming language that is nearing its 50th birthday). I'm obsessed with electronics and electromagnetism (this is what my username is a reference to), but my skill in circuitry does not reflect this. I also am a huge nerd when it comes to astronomy, biotech, and random historical things no one else cares about. I've only known about SSSS for a little over a month, and this is my second day on the forum. I like making cheesy science jokes and puns, but most of the time they're more obscure and less funny than I think they are. I'll try to spare everyone...
...but sometimes I can't help myself.
Two cats are sitting on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first?
The one with the lowest mu!
In physics, mu is the coefficient of friction
Valete, v'omnes, et nolite a trolli edi!
Hello, I'm microFerret, and I am a student from the Western US. I'm older than Tuomi but younger than Lalli, and unfortunately I do not know any of the languages of the Known World. In fact, I only seem to be able to learn languages that have no native speakers, such as Latin, Pig Latin, and Lisp (an obscure programming language that is nearing its 50th birthday). I'm obsessed with electronics and electromagnetism (this is what my username is a reference to), but my skill in circuitry does not reflect this. I also am a huge nerd when it comes to astronomy, biotech, and random historical things no one else cares about. I've only known about SSSS for a little over a month, and this is my second day on the forum. I like making cheesy science jokes and puns, but most of the time they're more obscure and less funny than I think they are. I'll try to spare everyone...
...but sometimes I can't help myself.
Two cats are sitting on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first?
The one with the lowest mu!
In physics, mu is the coefficient of friction
Valete, v'omnes, et nolite a trolli edi!
Hello and welcome to the Forum! Someone should be along with the party prep soon, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy your stay; everyone's really nice! :)
Hello, I'm microFerret, and I am a student from the Western US. I'm older than Tuomi but younger than Lalli, and unfortunately I do not know any of the languages of the Known World. In fact, I only seem to be able to learn languages that have no native speakers, such as Latin, Pig Latin, and Lisp (an obscure programming language that is nearing its 50th birthday). I'm obsessed with electronics and electromagnetism (this is what my username is a reference to), but my skill in circuitry does not reflect this. I also am a huge nerd when it comes to astronomy, biotech, and random historical things no one else cares about. I've only known about SSSS for a little over a month, and this is my second day on the forum. I like making cheesy science jokes and puns, but most of the time they're more obscure and less funny than I think they are. I'll try to spare everyone...
...but sometimes I can't help myself.
Two cats are sitting on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first?
The one with the lowest mu!
In physics, mu is the coefficient of friction
Valete, v'omnes, et nolite a trolli edi!
Welcome, welcome! Squirrel cookies for you (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)! If you ever do want to try your hand at a new language, there are plenty of people around to help, but Latin sounds really cool (I'm taking a semester of it in the fall)! I can't speak for anyone else, but I love science stuff too, and I'm always up for learning some more obscure facts! And as for cheesy science jokes, I don't think anyone will complain. I make chemistry jokes, too!
but only periodically.
Ha. Yes I know that was bad. Anyway, welcome! I think you'll fit right in here ;D
Hello, I'm microFerret, and I am a student from the Western US. I'm older than Tuomi but younger than Lalli, and unfortunately I do not know any of the languages of the Known World. In fact, I only seem to be able to learn languages that have no native speakers, such as Latin, Pig Latin, and Lisp (an obscure programming language that is nearing its 50th birthday).
I'm obsessed with electronics and electromagnetism (this is what my username is a reference to), but my skill in circuitry does not reflect this. I also am a huge nerd when it comes to astronomy, biotech, and random historical things no one else cares about.
Valete, v'omnes, et nolite a trolli edi!
I think you'll fit in juuuuust fiiiine here, microFerret. :D Most of us are also "huge nerds" over something or other, and your enthusiasm for random historical things might prove quite valuable in the Known World. (The French have a kinder term -- for "nerds" they say "passionnés.")
I in particular am glad to see another Latinist here. Did you sign off with the Latin equivalent of "Nighty-night, y'all, and don't let the bedbugs trolls bite"?
Astronomy! Physics jokes! SCIENCE! *flails arms*
(I don't know that I've told a non-science joke in the last several years, given that we define "science joke" to include "an engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician ..." jokes.)
...We're all mad in here. ;)
Hello, I'm microFerret, and I am a student from the Western US. I'm older than Tuomi but younger than Lalli, and unfortunately I do not know any of the languages of the Known World. In fact, I only seem to be able to learn languages that have no native speakers, such as Latin, Pig Latin, and Lisp (an obscure programming language that is nearing its 50th birthday). I'm obsessed with electronics and electromagnetism (this is what my username is a reference to), but my skill in circuitry does not reflect this. I also am a huge nerd when it comes to astronomy, biotech, and random historical things no one else cares about. I've only known about SSSS for a little over a month, and this is my second day on the forum. I like making cheesy science jokes and puns, but most of the time they're more obscure and less funny than I think they are. I'll try to spare everyone...
...but sometimes I can't help myself.
Two cats are sitting on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first?
The one with the lowest mu!
In physics, mu is the coefficient of friction
Valete, v'omnes, et nolite a trolli edi!
Hi, and welcome! A lot of us are huge nerds here, I bet you'll fit in juuuuust fine. ; D
I don't think anyone will complain. I make chemistry jokes, too!
but only periodically.
Oh, you got me. You got me there. XD
Science jokes all the way! ;D
Welcome, microFerret ! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
...We're all mad in here. ;)
Well, yes, no, maybe...
(The French have a kinder term -- for "nerds" they say "passionnés.")
That's better ^^
Thanks guys. Yeah, everyone on this forum seems really nice. I'm happy to see all these fellow "passiones" here. Oh, and I've also got non-science jokes and science non-jokes.
How many Marxists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, the lightbulb contains the seeds of its own revolution!
...Yeah, I'm that bad.
Anyways, hope to see you all again in the comments!
Hello dear survivors from the apocalypse !
I'm kinda new here. Like, really new. I started to read SSSS only, well, a month ago ?
I've heard about it through Disqus and, well, other Disqus commentators. And maybe also because of the webcomic "The Demon Archives", a very cool post-apo webcomic ! :D
I'm 19 for now, student, and I love webcomics, comics and books. I also like movies, and video games. I'm really fan of sci-fi. Mostly space opera. THE SPICE MUST FLOW ! Bless the Maker and His water ! Bless the coming and going of Him ! May His passage cleanse the world ! May He keep the world for His people !
No, no, I'm totally not a Dune fan... *whistle*
More seriously, I'm hoping to make great friends here ! And I wonder who's this Lars_B from comment section... mysterious Lars_B...
Oh, is this presentation okay ? I hope so... Phew...
Hello Adriano and welcome here, take a cookie ! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
*Coughs* Errr... Are you sure you're born to be infected ?
Hello dear survivors from the apocalypse !
Mélusine, how is it that you ALWAYS get here two minutes before me???
Welcome, Adriano! Here, have some squirrel cookies courtesy of our dear baker Piney! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H). We've got plenty of sci-fi, movie, and video game fans around here, so I'm positive you'll find some great people to talk to (honestly, pretty much everyone here is great to talk to ;D) So just jump on in to whatever discussions interest you, and you'll have no trouble making friends. And as long as we're referencing things...
*aherm* no, I'm not a Welcome to Night Vale fan. Why would you ask?
And now, I'm off to go check out that Demon Archives webcomic you mentioned. :)) Welcome again!
Hello Adriano and welcome here, take a cookie ! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
*Coughs* Errr... Are you sure you're born to be infected ?
Omg :'D Une francophone :'D Comment qu'ça va-t-y ?
Thank you for the cookie ! *MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH*
Yeah, I'm sure. To be fair, my survive-to-an-apocalypse skills are kinda low...
Mélusine, how is it that you ALWAYS get here two minutes before me???
Welcome, Adriano! Here, have some squirrel cookies courtesy of our dear baker Piney! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H). We've got plenty of sci-fi, movie, and video game fans around here, so I'm positive you'll find some great people to talk to (honestly, pretty much everyone here is great to talk to ;D) So just jump on in to whatever discussions interest you, and you'll have no trouble making friends. And as long as we're referencing things...
*aherm* no, I'm not a Welcome to Night Vale fan. Why would you ask?
And now, I'm off to go check out that Demon Archives webcomic you mentioned. :)) Welcome again!
Thank you ! Cool ! I hope there is some other Fremen on this forum ! It'll be handful :D
I've started to search topics that will interest me, thanks ! (and reading them)
This webcomic is awesome ! You are rigth to go check it ;) Thanks for all !
Omg :'D Une francophone :'D Comment qu'ça va-t-y ?
Wait. Are you in France ? Are you near to Paris ? Do you want to join us at the meet-up saturday ?
Mélusine, how is it that you ALWAYS get here two minutes before me???
Don't look at me like that ! *Scared* It's not my fault if our new members appears when I try to stop to procrastinate marvelous things like laundry or washing dishes but check the forum "one last time"... And because I'm myself, I welcome them ?
Wait. Are you in France ? Are you near to Paris ? Do you want to join us at the meet-up saturday ?
Nope, I live in Switzerland near Sion. Or Lausanne. Approximately xD More like near Martigny.
Sooo, I could try to join you, but with +2 hourssss train trajet...
J'dis pas non, hein, mais bon. Ca s'organise comment plus ou moins ?
Nope, I live in Switzerland near Sion. Or Lausanne. Approximately xD More like near Martigny.
Sooo, I could try to join you, but with +2 hourssss train trajet...
J'dis pas non, hein, mais bon. Ca s'organise comment plus ou moins ?
If you're interested, follow the link ;) but yes it would mean a bigger travel for you. And if I don't make a mistake you have at least one of our members near Lyon. There is a map. Somewhere...
Klick me, I contain THE MAP! (https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1262583)
Thanks !
Hello peoples of this page.
I can't actually remember how old I am, probably closer to 30 than 20 now. My background's a bit mixed, my parents are English and Greek Cypriot, I grew up in Saudi Arabia (Dahran if anyone knows it, and if you do wasn't it cool being able to go over the bridge to Bahrain on Thursday afternoons?) I only speak English (cos I suck at languages and fail at English half the time). I'm not religious.
Bit of a geek. Less then a week away from my viva/finals/defence for a chemistry phd. Draw a bit. Write a lot. Love fantasy and mythology (especially Norse and West African). Run on caffeine. Mild tendency to refer to myself as 'it'. Almost definitely a mammal.
Two cats are sitting on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first?
The one with the lowest mu!
In physics, mu is the coefficient of friction
If you were to place them on a sloped surface of a car, truck, or similar vehicle instead, which one would slide off first then?
Still the one with the lower mu.
Spoiler: Explanation show When painting or lacquering, the thickness of the coating is given in micrometers (µm), and the cats can't dig in their claws through that layer into the tin sheet below, can they?
Hello peoples of this page.
I can't actually remember how old I am, probably closer to 30 than 20 now. My background's a bit mixed, my parents are English and Greek Cypriot, I grew up in Saudi Arabia (Dahran if anyone knows it, and if you do wasn't it cool being able to go over the bridge to Bahrain on Thursday afternoons?) I only speak English (cos I suck at languages and fail at English half the time). I'm not religious.
Bit of a geek. Less then a week away from my viva/finals/defence for a chemistry phd. Draw a bit. Write a lot. Love fantasy and mythology (especially Norse and West African). Run on caffeine. Mild tendency to refer to myself as 'it'. Almost definitely a mammal.
Welcome, Colombine ! :) Take a cookie ! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H) *Has actually a box of biscuits/cookies*
Ooh, more new people, welcome to you guys too! :D
(I'll frequent this forum more once I'm settled into my new place and stuff, can't wait till then but at least I got as far as doodling an SSSSona I think, ignore the fact that I suck at drawing anything skeletal- *points at avvie*)
hi im new. ok. i was drawn by a drawing of my sona.
i'm viola's sister. were nothing alike.
im obsessed with hockey. hockey....
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go habs)
also this comic is really cool!!
i like post-apocalyptic things, they're cool.
fav chari-probs gonna be Emil
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
also i art, so maybe ill occasionally art.
what does this do?
hi im new. ok. i was drawn by a drawing of my sona.
i'm viola's sister. were nothing alike.
im obsessed with hockey. hockey....
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go habs)
also this comic is really cool!!
i like post-apocalyptic things, they're cool.
fav chari-probs gonna be Emil
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
also i art, so maybe ill occasionally art.
what does this do?
Hi, onemagnificentgoalie! Hmmm, what should we call you to shorten that a little? Have any suggestions? Anyhoo, have some squirrel cookies baked by our own wonderful Piney! (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H) (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H). You already know me through Vi, but there are also a ton of other cool people here! There's plenty of Emil fanart to fawn over in the art museum, and we have many other tumblr-er's around. So take a look around and have fun! ;D
Oh, and this is what that does.
hi im new. ok. i was drawn by a drawing of my sona.
i'm viola's sister. were nothing alike.
im obsessed with hockey. hockey....
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go habs)
also this comic is really cool!!
i like post-apocalyptic things, they're cool.
fav chari-probs gonna be Emil
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
also i art, so maybe ill occasionally art.
what does this do?
Hey, Viola's sister! Glad I drew you (in)! Also glad you liked my drawing :D Have some squirrel cookies: /o/ [insert squirrel cookie emojis here] <-- I'm on mobile but the sentiment is there
hi im new. ok. i was drawn by a drawing of my sona.
i'm viola's sister. were nothing alike.
im obsessed with hockey. hockey....
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go habs)
also this comic is really cool!!
i like post-apocalyptic things, they're cool.
fav chari-probs gonna be Emil
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
also i art, so maybe ill occasionally art.
what does this do?
Hi and welcome! It's nice to have you here, I hope you'll enjoy it! : D
(Emil's my favourite, too!)
hi im new. ok. i was drawn by a drawing of my sona.
i'm viola's sister. were nothing alike.
im obsessed with hockey. hockey....
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go habs)
also this comic is really cool!!
i like post-apocalyptic things, they're cool.
fav chari-probs gonna be Emil
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
also i art, so maybe ill occasionally art.
what does this do?
Oh hello there. Fancy seeing you here ;) And welcome! We have cookies! *throws squirrel cookies at OMG* I hope you'll stick around and art some for us. Because otherwise... I know where you live...
I come back from sleep, and see many nice welcomes.
So thank you, and I'm not going to reply to each one individually because thats a lot. (So this goes out to everybody who replied)
and thanks for the squirrel cookies, I guess, even if they aren't there yet, i appreciate it in advance
also, ana and viola have brought up the subject of what to call me, viola coining the name OMG, but i can see confusion over that so Goalie will also be fine
also yay emil! his hair is awesome.
So, hi Goalie ? :) More welcome cookies ?
Welcome all the new people! :D There's too many of you to welcome individually, so please accept this MASS WELCOME from me.
So, hi Goalie ? :) More welcome cookies ?
Thank you! :)
hi im new. ok. i was drawn by a drawing of my sona.
i'm viola's sister. were nothing alike.
im obsessed with hockey. hockey....
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go habs)
also this comic is really cool!!
i like post-apocalyptic things, they're cool.
fav chari-probs gonna be Emil
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
also i art, so maybe ill occasionally art.
what does this do?
Greetings from the Silent world !
Hopes you'll get some Infected donuts ! *presents you some, with different states of the Illness*
Welcome to you, Goalie ! I hope you'll have much fun here, as I'm currently having ^^
Emil's my favorite too ! With Sigrun ofc. And our Lord and Savior Mikkel of the Great Wash.
Enjoy you stay, and see you later on the chat ! Bye !
Also i'm addicted to tumblr- oops.
aren't we all?
Hello! I've found this great comic less than a week ago and I'm already addicted. I need to re-read it again and discover more details.
I'm Lucia, from Italy. Born in 1984, still technically younger than Sigrun. That means I'm not so old yet, right? Who cares, I don't feel like an adult most of the time. ::)
My English could be better, especially if I wasn't so paranoid about writing (reading is Ok). I'm terribly introverted and my online activity is 99% lurking.
A few hobbies: astronomy and Disney comics, since I was a kid; making fractal art in recent years.
I occasionally try to draw fan art, but I haven't been very inspired lately; who knows, that could change now...
Forums are scary. Maybe I'm not going to post much, but I won't go away soon (even if it's just lurking).
Hello! I've found this great comic less than a week ago and I'm already addicted. I need to re-read it again and discover more details.
I'm Lucia, from Italy. Born in 1984, still technically younger than Sigrun. That means I'm not so old yet, right? Who cares, I don't feel like an adult most of the time. ::)
My English could be better, especially if I wasn't so paranoid about writing (reading is Ok). I'm terribly introverted and my online activity is 99% lurking.
A few hobbies: astronomy and Disney comics, since I wak a kid; making fractal art in recent years.
I occasionally try to draw fan art, but I haven't been very inspired lately; who knows, that could change now...
Forums are scary. Maybe I'm not going to post much, but I won't go away soon (even if it's just lurking).
Welcome! Everyone here is very nice, so I'm sure the forum will seem less scary once you get used to it. Oh, and fractal art, that sounds really interesting, never heard of that before. c:
Welcome! Everyone here is very nice, so I'm sure the forum will seem less scary once you get used to it. Oh, and fractal art, that sounds really interesting, never heard of that before. c:
Yes, welcome, Lucia! We're all pleased to see someone with your talents and interests here. I know we have an Aerospace Thread but maybe you'll be the catalyst for an astronomy thread.
Don't feel obligated to post if you're uncomfortable, but we really do try to be an accepting and welcoming place. Everyone is happy to answer questions or provide suggestions.
And who knows -- you may end up like the many other people whose initial statements of "I don't think I'll be very active" or "I'm too shy to post" turned out to be *extremely* inaccurate. ;)
Hello! I've found this great comic less than a week ago and I'm already addicted. I need to re-read it again and discover more details.
I'm Lucia, from Italy. Born in 1984, still technically younger than Sigrun. That means I'm not so old yet, right? Who cares, I don't feel like an adult most of the time. ::)
My English could be better, especially if I wasn't so paranoid about writing (reading is Ok). I'm terribly introverted and my online activity is 99% lurking.
A few hobbies: astronomy and Disney comics, since I wak a kid; making fractal art in recent years.
I occasionally try to draw fan art, but I haven't been very inspired lately; who knows, that could change now...
Forums are scary. Maybe I'm not going to post much, but I won't go away soon (even if it's just lurking).
Welcome Lucy! Have some squirrel cookies as a welcome present- (/◕ヮ◕)/(http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
Forums are scary. Maybe I'm not going to post much, but I won't go away soon (even if it's just lurking).
Welcome Lucy :) Have a cookie (http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
And who knows -- you may end up like the many other people whose initial statements of "I don't think I'll be very active" or "I'm too shy to post" turned out to be *extremely* inaccurate. ;)
*Coughs and try to be discreet* Well, I won't repeat... ::)
Thank you all (and thanks for the cookies!) :)
Hello! I've found this great comic less than a week ago and I'm already addicted. I need to re-read it again and discover more details.
I'm Lucia, from Italy. Born in 1984, still technically younger than Sigrun. That means I'm not so old yet, right? Who cares, I don't feel like an adult most of the time. ::)
My English could be better, especially if I wasn't so paranoid about writing (reading is Ok). I'm terribly introverted and my online activity is 99% lurking.
A few hobbies: astronomy and Disney comics, since I was a kid; making fractal art in recent years.
I occasionally try to draw fan art, but I haven't been very inspired lately; who knows, that could change now...
Forums are scary. Maybe I'm not going to post much, but I won't go away soon (even if it's just lurking).
AAAAH ANOTHER ITALIAN! We need more Italian Minnions, I'm feeling so lonely here.
I think your English is just fine, and want to see your fanart. Also, "I probably won't post much" are the famous words that bring to... Well...
Click on Forum stats. Look for Haiz. Or me. Or many other Minnions...
Hello! I've found this great comic less than a week ago and I'm already addicted. I need to re-read it again and discover more details.
I'm Lucia, from Italy. Born in 1984, still technically younger than Sigrun. That means I'm not so old yet, right? Who cares, I don't feel like an adult most of the time. ::)
My English could be better, especially if I wasn't so paranoid about writing (reading is Ok). I'm terribly introverted and my online activity is 99% lurking.
A few hobbies: astronomy and Disney comics, since I was a kid; making fractal art in recent years.
I occasionally try to draw fan art, but I haven't been very inspired lately; who knows, that could change now...
Forums are scary. Maybe I'm not going to post much, but I won't go away soon (even if it's just lurking).
Welcome! This forum isn't scary at all. Like, I can't actually think of anything about it that is remotely scary, so don't worry. Your introduction does remind me of a certain member of ours that is now blatantly posting everywhere all the time, so chances are your nervousness will pass.
Also, "I probably won't post much" are the famous words that bring to... Well...
Click on Forum stats. Look for Haiz. Or me. Or many other Minnions...
Your introduction does remind me of a certain member of ours that is now blatantly posting everywhere all the time, so chances are your nervousness will pass.
(the last one doesnt have to be about me not everything is about me)
HELLO all new members!!!! I can confirm that this forum is super nice and we have cookies and cool threads, I hope you have fun!!
Hi! Welcome! I hope you like it here! Everyone is really nice, and there are people from all corners of the planet.
Also, "I probably won't post much" are the famous words that bring to... Well...
Click on Forum stats. Look for Haiz. Or me. Or many other Minnions...
*goes over and stands with Haiz and Nimphy in the "I Won't Post Much Corner"*
I suppose I should introduce myself here. I've been following SSSS for a while now, and have been reading through all the discus comments when I have time, and you'll see me speak up there occasionally, but I have not been to the forum for fear it would suck me in.
I was born in the Pacific Northwest in the United States, and that is still where I live today, though I did spend a few years in other locations in my country, I missed my green covered mountains. I did take four years of German in high school, but I haven't had anyone to speak it with, and so have forgotten most of the vocabulary in the 11 years since I graduated. I know a few phrases in Japanese and Mandarin, and my husband speaks Spanish (fluently, but I haven't learned yet).
Currently I stay at home to tend to my tiny boy who is almost 16 months old. My husband makes honeystix (straws filled with honey that are sometimes flavored) and will soon be writing for a major computer hardware review site.
I like to write, I love to read, and Anime is usually well received. My all time favorite video game is called Wurmonline (http://www.wurmonline.com/ (http://www.wurmonline.com/)) It's a sandbox MMO that I have played since 2007. If you ever check it out you'll find me in the Black Legion on the Chaos server with the same name you see here.
Welcome, Marienara :) A lot of us enjoy writing or reading, you will certainly feel good here. A cookie ? (http://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
[...]I have not been to the forum for fear it would suck me in.
I was born in the Pacific Northwest in the United States, and that is still where I live today, though I did spend a few years in other locations in my country, I missed my green covered mountains[...]
Welcome, fellow Northwesterner! I tried touring colleges in other parts of the country, but it was winter/early spring and EVERYTHING WAS GREY and I was just like "nope not gonna do this to myself"
ahahaha too late, you've been sucked in already! >:)
I suppose I should introduce myself here. I've been following SSSS for a while now, and have been reading through all the discus comments when I have time, and you'll see me speak up there occasionally, but I have not been to the forum for fear it would suck me in.
I was born in the Pacific Northwest in the United States, and that is still where I live today, though I did spend a few years in other locations in my country, I missed my green covered mountains. I did take four years of German in high school, but I haven't had anyone to speak it with, and so have forgotten most of the vocabulary in the 11 years since I graduated. I know a few phrases in Japanese and Mandarin, and my husband speaks Spanish (fluently, but I haven't learned yet).
Currently I stay at home to tend to my tiny boy who is almost 16 months old. My husband makes honeystix (straws filled with honey that are sometimes flavored) and will soon be writing for a major computer hardware review site.
I like to write, I love to read, and Anime is usually well received. My all time favorite video game is called Wurmonline (http://www.wurmonline.com/ (http://www.wurmonline.com/)) It's a sandbox MMO that I have played since 2007. If you ever check it out you'll find me in the Black Legion on the Chaos server with the same name you see here.
Welcome :) I am looking forward to more details on your story.
Hello, Marienara, I'm glad to meet another Washingtonian (hope you're getting some rain too)! Reading, writing, stories...this is a great community for all sorts of creativity. And getting sucked into it is a danger...Except I'm still too much of an introvert to post a lot on here...
Enjoy your time here and have some of the cookies people fling around in celebration (so long as it's not a Troll House cookie).
Lol, I'm still in the northwest, but I'm one state south of Washington.
Hello everyone!
I'm Italian, 17 years old. I was born in Florence, but right now I'm in Norway as an exchange student for a whole year: precisely I'm in Lofoten (yaaay, stockfish!).
I've been reading the comic since january 2014, and i fell in love with it! It gave me interest in the Nordic countries, and then I saw the opportunity to be an exchange student,
aaand then I've been sent to Lofoten, and i love it so far ;D pretty difficult to learn norwegian though :/
I did not considered to enter in the forum until recently when I started to lurk more. I like books (novels), comics, listening to music (rock mostly), and hanging out with fellows; also play football and do alpine skiing.Fav subjects: History, Geography and Literature.
Besides, the community looks awesome! ;)
reminder: Sigrun is best girl.
Hello everyone!
I'm Italian, 17 years old. I was born in Florence, but right now I'm in Norway as an exchange student for a whole year: precisely I'm in Lofoten (yaaay, stockfish!).
I've been reading the comic since january 2014, and i fell in love with it! It gave me interest in the Nordic countries, and then I saw the opportunity to be an exchange student,
aaand then I've been sent to Lofoten, and i love it so far ;D pretty difficult to learn norwegian though :/
Wow, you're doing exchange in Norway? How cool! Good luck with the language!
Anyway, welcome from another books-and-history lover ; ) You'll fit in very well here, I'm sure.
reminder: Sigrun is best girl.
There are many Sigrun fans here ;) Welcome to the forum! Have some squirrel cookies o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: We've got some Italians and some Norwegians here too, so you may find some people to talk to there, and there are language threads if you want to practice. We've got book threads and music threads as well, so I'm sure you'll find lots to do. So welcome again! Have fun here!
Ooohhh welcome to the Sigrunvoid! Laufey is at the middle of it, but several of us also live there now. I hope you enjoy it here! :)
Welcome here Kainaikelio :) *Offers cookies* :squirrelcookie:
(And the community is awesome, you'll see !)
Thanks all! ;)
Hi everyone!
After months passed in the shadows without contact with the rest of the community, I finally decided to introduce myself!
I'm Andrea, a proud Italian with a great love for books and movies. I've gotta say, I didn't expect such a friendly community!
I've started reading this comic during my free time at school and I was prepared for another badly written excuse of a drama. Instead I've got one of the most original and interesting comics ever! Well, I think that's what satisfaction feels like!
That's all! And now I take you... TO THE WEATHER. (Did anyone catch the reference? No? Ok...)
Welcome in this amazing community, Baskor :) A cookie ? A cookie :squirrelcookie:
(Books are always a good idea.)
Hi everyone!
After months passed in the shadows without contact with the rest of the community, I finally decided to introduce myself!
I'm Andrea, a proud Italian with a great love for books and movies. I've gotta say, I didn't expect such a friendly community!
I've started reading this comic during my free time at school and I was prepared for another badly written excuse of a drama. Instead I've got one of the most original and interesting comics ever! Well, I think that's what satisfaction feels like!
That's all! And now I take you... TO THE WEATHER. (Did anyone catch the reference? No? Ok...)
Hellohello and welcome! It's great that you're finding the community to your liking!
Totally agree with what you say about the comic - and I have a feeling that over time, it will get even better.
(Also, I understood that reference!!)
Hi everyone!
After months passed in the shadows without contact with the rest of the community, I finally decided to introduce myself!
I'm Andrea, a proud Italian with a great love for books and movies. I've gotta say, I didn't expect such a friendly community!
I've started reading this comic during my free time at school and I was prepared for another badly written excuse of a drama. Instead I've got one of the most original and interesting comics ever! Well, I think that's what satisfaction feels like!
That's all! And now I take you... TO THE WEATHER. (Did anyone catch the reference? No? Ok...)
Welcome, Andrea! There are already several other Italians on this forum, including Nimphy, Kainaikelio and Lucy C.
You have an intriguing forum icon -- what is it from?
...also, is there a reason you quote the "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" part of Dante's Inferno?... :o
Hi everyone!
After months passed in the shadows without contact with the rest of the community, I finally decided to introduce myself!
I'm Andrea, a proud Italian with a great love for books and movies. I've gotta say, I didn't expect such a friendly community!
I've started reading this comic during my free time at school and I was prepared for another badly written excuse of a drama. Instead I've got one of the most original and interesting comics ever! Well, I think that's what satisfaction feels like!
That's all! And now I take you... TO THE WEATHER. (Did anyone catch the reference? No? Ok...)
Yes, I got the reference ;). Welcome to the forum! Have some squirrel cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: We've gotten a big influx of Italians lately (aka the exact opposite of a problem). And yes, this is a really friendly community, and it only gets more so once you start interacting with them. Of course we've got plenty of places were you can discuss the comic. So come out of those shadows, and enjoy this forum!
And Sunflower, it looks to me like some Welcome to Night Vale fanart, if I'm not mistaken ;D
And now I take you... TO THE WEATHER. (Did anyone catch the reference? No? Ok...)
*turns up music* I love this song! ;D
Squirrel cookies AND people who know Night Vale? This must be heaven!
Yes, my icon is taken from one of my favorite Night Vale moments (he... HE IS HOLDING A CAT).
Oh, and I quoted Dante because I absolutely love that part. I don't know why, maybe I'm just creepy. Yup, that's probably it.
Hello, y'all! After many months of not being (vocally) active in the SSSS community, I figured I should re-introduce myself as a newbie again. I'm Chloe or Miss Honeyham, and I'm from the USA. No particular area (I'm the same age as Lalli and have lived in at least 7 states) although at the moment I live in Florida.
I know English and am studying Ancient Greek. I like being indoors, pink, and drawing stuff. Other pastimes are playing with fire, lying on the floor, crying, and drawing stupid comics and cute children. I will talk you to death.
Emil is the best character, admit this or taste my wrath. I've been following SSSS since about the second half of the prologue... I'd found it before then, but aRTD didn't catch my fancy so I didn't put SSSS at the top of my reading list. Now I am a rabid fan and check it religiously every morning.
Rock on, and I'll see you all around!
Hello, y'all! After many months of not being (vocally) active in the SSSS community, I figured I should re-introduce myself as a newbie again. I'm Chloe or Miss Honeyham, and I'm from the USA. No particular area (I'm the same age as Lalli and have lived in at least 7 states) although at the moment I live in Florida.
I know English and am studying Ancient Greek. I like being indoors, pink, and drawing stuff. Other pastimes are playing with fire, lying on the floor, crying, and drawing stupid comics and cute children. I will talk you to death.
Emil is the best character, admit this or taste my wrath. I've been following SSSS since about the second half of the prologue... I'd found it before then, but aRTD didn't catch my fancy so I didn't put SSSS at the top of my reading list. Now I am a rabid fan and check it religiously every morning.
Rock on, and I'll see you all around!
Ohohohoho, I live in Florida too! :D I wish you the best of luck in hurricane-dodging, ehehehe
I've seen your art in the art museum and I really love your style and I'm really excited that you're back and hopefully making more fanart ;3c
Anyways, (re-)welcome!!
Hello, y'all! After many months of not being (vocally) active in the SSSS community, I figured I should re-introduce myself as a newbie again. I'm Chloe or Miss Honeyham, and I'm from the USA. No particular area (I'm the same age as Lalli and have lived in at least 7 states) although at the moment I live in Florida.
I know English and am studying Ancient Greek. I like being indoors, pink, and drawing stuff. Other pastimes are playing with fire, lying on the floor, crying, and drawing stupid comics and cute children. I will talk you to death.
Emil is the best character, admit this or taste my wrath. I've been following SSSS since about the second half of the prologue... I'd found it before then, but aRTD didn't catch my fancy so I didn't put SSSS at the top of my reading list. Now I am a rabid fan and check it religiously every morning.
Rock on, and I'll see you all around!
Yay, Miss Honeyham is back! I loved your art from the Forum's early days (especially Emil playing hairdresser salon with his little cousins) and I'm very glad that you're back and posting again!
Hello, y'all! After many months of not being (vocally) active in the SSSS community, I figured I should re-introduce myself as a newbie again. I'm Chloe or Miss Honeyham, and I'm from the USA. No particular area (I'm the same age as Lalli and have lived in at least 7 states) although at the moment I live in Florida.
I know English and am studying Ancient Greek. I like being indoors, pink, and drawing stuff. Other pastimes are playing with fire, lying on the floor, crying, and drawing stupid comics and cute children. I will talk you to death.
Emil is the best character, admit this or taste my wrath. I've been following SSSS since about the second half of the prologue... I'd found it before then, but aRTD didn't catch my fancy so I didn't put SSSS at the top of my reading list. Now I am a rabid fan and check it religiously every morning.
Rock on, and I'll see you all around!
Heyyy, welcome back!! Are squirrel cookies still appropriate for welcome-backs? :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Are squirrel cookies still appropriate for welcome-backs? :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Are squirrel cookies not appropriate for something ? ::)
Anyway, welcome/welcome back Miss Honeyham, I'm... not sure I was here the last time...
Hi! I suppose this is where I should introduce myself. I've been on the chat for some time now, and have been lurking for even longer still (since mid-Chpt. 7), and I've finally (finally!) decided to make myself a forum account.
So greetings. I go by "Potato" usually, but apparently that username was already taken. So "Supreme Potato" it is. 8)
I can read Korean (but can't type in Korean) and English with some level of fluency, as well as Simplified Chinese at a meh-ish level. So if you speak Mandarin Chinese, feel free to message me in that language! I can definitely use some practice typing in Chinese. I also keep telling myself that one of these days, I should learn Polish and Swedish. Neither of those actually happened.
As you probably guessed from my languages, I am South Korean by birth and heritage. But I've lived overseas for nearly a decade now, moving from city to city, which is why my primary language is actually English.
I'm up to date in both Stand Still, Stay Silent and A RedTail's Dream (which I read during the SSSS Chapter Break), and my favourite characters so far are... probably... Paju (even though Paju gets very little screen time in aRTD) and Reynir.
Anyways, nice to meet you all!
Hi! I suppose this is where I should introduce myself. I've been on the chat for some time now, and have been lurking for even longer still (since mid-Chpt. 7), and I've finally (finally!) decided to make myself a forum account.
So greetings. I go by "Potato" usually, but apparently that username was already taken. So "Supreme Potato" it is. 8)
I can read Korean (but can't type in Korean) and English with some level of fluency, as well as Simplified Chinese at a meh-ish level. So if you speak Mandarin Chinese, feel free to message me in that language! I can definitely use some practice typing in Chinese. I also keep telling myself that one of these days, I should learn Polish and Swedish. Neither of those actually happened.
As you probably guessed from my languages, I am South Korean by birth and heritage. But I've lived overseas for nearly a decade now, moving from city to city, which is why my primary language is actually English.
I'm up to date in both Stand Still, Stay Silent and A RedTail's Dream (which I read during the SSSS Chapter Break), and my favourite characters so far are... probably... Paju (even though Paju gets very little screen time in aRTD) and Reynir.
Anyways, nice to meet you all!
Hey Potato! Great to see you here! You picked a great day to join, just in time for the party!
Hi! I suppose this is where I should introduce myself. I've been on the chat for some time now, and have been lurking for even longer still (since mid-Chpt. 7), and I've finally (finally!) decided to make myself a forum account.
So greetings. I go by "Potato" usually, but apparently that username was already taken. So "Supreme Potato" it is. 8)
I can read Korean (but can't type in Korean) and English with some level of fluency, as well as Simplified Chinese at a meh-ish level. So if you speak Mandarin Chinese, feel free to message me in that language! I can definitely use some practice typing in Chinese. I also keep telling myself that one of these days, I should learn Polish and Swedish. Neither of those actually happened.
As you probably guessed from my languages, I am South Korean by birth and heritage. But I've lived overseas for nearly a decade now, moving from city to city, which is why my primary language is actually English.
I'm up to date in both Stand Still, Stay Silent and A RedTail's Dream (which I read during the SSSS Chapter Break), and my favourite characters so far are... probably... Paju (even though Paju gets very little screen time in aRTD) and Reynir.
Anyways, nice to meet you all!
Hello and welcome, Potato! Nice to meet you too - have some cookies and a party hat! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :hat:
...Or cookies in party hats?
:hat: :hat: :hat:
Hello and welcome, Potato! Nice to meet you too - have some cookies and a party hat! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :hat:
...Or cookies in party hats?
:hat: :hat: :hat:
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Squirrel cookies in party hats! :)
Hey Potato! Great to see you here! You picked a great day to join, just in time for the party!
Heh. Thanks!
Today's the 1 year anniversary of the creation of the forum, so we're having a party :D
(also you don't have to speak nordic languages to put them in your signature, there are many people who don't)
Squirrel cookies in party hats! :)
Heh. Thanks!
Yes! On Sept. 1, 2014, Forum-Thor Eich (all hail) created our Forum and led us across the Rainbow Bridge, like Wotan leading the Norse Gods to their splendid new home. And we didn't even have to cheat any giants, dwarfs, or Rhine-Maidens to gain it!
For the next 20-odd hours we'll be celebrating around the globe and all over the internet. Check the Fan-Forum First Anniversary Thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=602.0) for more details...
Today's the 1 year anniversary of the creation of the forum, so we're having a party :D
(also you don't have to speak nordic languages to put them in your signature, there are many people who don't)
1 year anniversary of this forum?
I assume that "Celebration" button (which leads me to a blank video-streaming site) and the "Confetti" button (which somehow doesn't work for me) has something to do with it.
But yaaaaay! One year anniversary! \o/
1 year anniversary of this forum?
I assume that "Celebration" button (which leads me to a blank video-streaming site) and the "Confetti" button (which somehow doesn't work for me) has something to do with it.
But yaaaaay! One year anniversary! \o/
The confetti button is meant to trigger a confetti animation on your screen. The celebration site is where there will be a movie streaming later on today.
Thanks for the welcome back, guys. (Especially the cookies.)
Hi everyone!
After months passed in the shadows without contact with the rest of the community, I finally decided to introduce myself!
I'm Andrea, a proud Italian with a great love for books and movies. I've gotta say, I didn't expect such a friendly community!
I've started reading this comic during my free time at school and I was prepared for another badly written excuse of a drama. Instead I've got one of the most original and interesting comics ever! Well, I think that's what satisfaction feels like!
That's all! And now I take you... TO THE WEATHER. (Did anyone catch the reference? No? Ok...)
Be welcome ! And have a good stay with us :D Hope you'll find what you search in the forum :D
Welcome to ze forum, all ye new (ish?) people! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Hi! I suppose this is where I should introduce myself. I've been on the chat for some time now, and have been lurking for even longer still (since mid-Chpt. 7), and I've finally (finally!) decided to make myself a forum account.
So greetings. I go by "Potato" usually, but apparently that username was already taken. So "Supreme Potato" it is. 8)
I can read Korean (but can't type in Korean) and English with some level of fluency, as well as Simplified Chinese at a meh-ish level. So if you speak Mandarin Chinese, feel free to message me in that language! I can definitely use some practice typing in Chinese. I also keep telling myself that one of these days, I should learn Polish and Swedish. Neither of those actually happened.
As you probably guessed from my languages, I am South Korean by birth and heritage. But I've lived overseas for nearly a decade now, moving from city to city, which is why my primary language is actually English.
I'm up to date in both Stand Still, Stay Silent and A RedTail's Dream (which I read during the SSSS Chapter Break), and my favourite characters so far are... probably... Paju (even though Paju gets very little screen time in aRTD) and Reynir.
Anyways, nice to meet you all!
你好!And welcome! I have semi-decent Mandarin! And so do a few other people who are better than I am at it, my literacy level is honestly atrocious--though I prOMISE YOU I SPEAK IT MUCH BETTER. PROMISE! You should check out the Mandarin Chinese thread in the Languages Board C:
Welcome to ze forum, all ye new (ish?) people! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
你好!And welcome! I have semi-decent Mandarin! And so do a few other people who are better than I am at it, my literacy level is honestly atrocious--though I prOMISE YOU I SPEAK IT MUCH BETTER. PROMISE! You should check out the Mandarin Chinese thread in the Languages Board C:
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Oh, more newbies ! :) Welcome, Supreme Potato :squirrelcookie:
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.
Ho, another 15 year old girl from Italy, that makes it two I believe - welcome to the forum!
Welcome Shine :)
and sorry for the procrastination. Do you want a cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.
Hello and welcome! It's nice to have you here!
Though we probably should not be used as a procrastination device. ;p (I say, as I procrastinate....)
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.
I mean...
Ciao! Procrastinare è un'arte che saremo lieti di aiutarti a realizzare. Unisciti a noi nelle nostre ridicole discussioni o nella chat! Ah, e complimenti per l'inglese, parli meglio della maggior parte degli italiani che conosco!
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.
Hello and welcome! :D Care for some cookies?
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!
My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.
Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!
I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!
My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.
Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!
I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!
Hi and welcome! It's great to have you here!
A lot of us were introduced to SSSS by friends, I think. Seems a pretty usual way of coming to it.
(Your fanfiction sounds very relevant to my interests and I look forward to reading it when you're finished! : D )
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!
My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.
Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!
I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!
Hej Ace! Vær forberedt på at de andre elsker at gøre grin med det danske sprog. Jeg er super glad for at have en anden dansker her! :D
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!
My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.
Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!
I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!
Hiya Ace, welcome to the forum! There's a sizable shipping division on this forum and I'm sure they'll appreciate your fanfics. I'm pretty sure Mikkel x Sigrun has a sizable following too.
Hej Ace! Vær forberedt på at de andre elsker at gøre grin med det danske sprog.
Aner ikke hva du snakker om.
Hej Ace! Vær forberedt på at de andre elsker at gøre grin med det danske sprog. Jeg er super glad for at have en anden dansker her! :D
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!
My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.
Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!
I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!
Hi, welcome! And a welcome can't go without squirrel cookies! /o/ :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Hiya Ace, welcome to the forum! There's a sizable shipping division on this forum and I'm sure they'll appreciate your fanfics. I'm pretty sure Mikkel x Sigrun has a sizable following too.
Really? I was looking for the shipping part, but I can't seem to find it. Could you by any chance enlighten me as to where I might find some threads of that category?
Really? I was looking for the shipping part, but I can't seem to find it. Could you by any chance enlighten me as to where I might find some threads of that category?
Ah, well, I think Captain Solo (solovei) is more or less some kind of shipping magnate for the community. I'm not involved myself actually - but I believe a lot of it happens on the community's AO3 site (http://archiveofourown.org/tags/Stand%20Still%20Stay%20Silent/works). I know there are shipping threads but maybe they're currently inactive.
Really? I was looking for the shipping part, but I can't seem to find it. Could you by any chance enlighten me as to where I might find some threads of that category?
As Fim said, Solovei.
Captain Solo! You name it, Sol will ship it!
Hi! I'm mew here. Ever since I started reading SSSS I can't get enough and wait (im)patiently during the week for updates and read through the comment section liking everything I can relate to. I am in big awe of Minna and am on the verge of asking her if she would need a PA because I would so totally do that. ::)
Reading SSSS has given me a better understanding of these 5 nordic languages. It made me want to learn Finnish but after I saw how complex it is, I think I'll just uhm admire it from afar. I want to learn how to place these little flags into my signature. I'm sorta fluent in English & German and another minor language. Lalli is like my top favorite character. I can relate to him a lot. Like a lot of you I got confused with the genders at the beginning. Hehe that was weird. Good thing there is the character link which enlightened me extensively. So yeah that's it for now and please don't kick me out. I'll just be a little kitten meowing quietly in the corner.
Welcome Lovelia :) Do you accept cookies even if you define yourself as a little kitten ? :squirrelcookie:
Yes. Yes I do love cookies! T-thank you! :D
Welcome to all the newcomers! Have some cookies! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I want to learn how to place these little flags into my signature.
Oh! I can help! All you have to do is type the country name between ::, so : france: without the space will give you :france: and : usa: without the space will give you :usa: and so on. :)
I'm sorta fluent in English & German and another minor language.
May I ask which other language? There are lots of speakers of "minor" languages here, so it's entirely possible that somebody else here might also speak that language. And if not, it'd still be pretty cool.
Lalli is like my top favorite character. I can relate to him a lot.
Me too! <3
So yeah that's it for now and please don't kick me out. I'll just be a little kitten meowing quietly in the corner.
Aww, we would never kick you out! Have fun in the corner, but know you don't have to stay there if you don't want to. :)
Welcome Lovelia! I decided to try and learn Finnish but admiring it from a far is also very nice because it gets kinda confusing sometimes ;D
Hope you like it here in the forums~
Also welcome to all the other newbies that I couldn't greet bc of school sucking my soul away I hope you're enjoying it here too
So my co-worker introduced me to SSSS, and now I can't get enough!
I'm Morgan, I'm 18, and American!
I literally cannot chose a favorite character, bc I love all the cast (which is rare.) They are all my children. (I also already am starting to ship things SEND HELP)
Other than the obvious interest in SSSS, I play video games and write fanfiction mostly.
I'm really glad to be a part of this fandom, even though I've only been a fan for a week. You guys seem to me to be a great group, better than other fandoms I've been in in the past.
So HI! :D
Hi earthdragonboyscout... earthdragon... mmmh, someone might give you a shorter name one day or an other ^^ You seems to have such a good co-worker ! :D If you like fanfiction, you'll have some things to read on the forum, I'm sure you'll like this place. A welcome cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
So my co-worker introduced me to SSSS, and now I can't get enough!
I'm Morgan, I'm 18, and American!
I literally cannot chose a favorite character, bc I love all the cast (which is rare.) They are all my children. (I also already am starting to ship things SEND HELP)
Other than the obvious interest in SSSS, I play video games and write fanfiction mostly.
I'm really glad to be a part of this fandom, even though I've only been a fan for a week. You guys seem to me to be a great group, better than other fandoms I've been in in the past.
So HI! :D
Welcome to the forum and to the fandom. That's an ... uh, rather hefty username you got there.
So my co-worker introduced me to SSSS, and now I can't get enough!
I'm Morgan, I'm 18, and American!
I literally cannot chose a favorite character, bc I love all the cast (which is rare.) They are all my children. (I also already am starting to ship things SEND HELP)
Other than the obvious interest in SSSS, I play video games and write fanfiction mostly.
I'm really glad to be a part of this fandom, even though I've only been a fan for a week. You guys seem to me to be a great group, better than other fandoms I've been in in the past.
So HI! :D
More squirrel cookies of welcome for you! o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Yes, if you want to be referred to by a shorter name, pick it now before we all pick it for you :P We've got a whole thread dedicated to fanfiction and a video game thread, so you should check those out! And, *ahem* there might be some shipping around here somewhere...go check the SSSS art museum...There miiiiiiiight be something there for you...
Anyway, welcome to the forum! We do have a pretty awesome group here, I'd say, so jump in!
So my co-worker introduced me to SSSS, and now I can't get enough!
I'm Morgan, I'm 18, and American!
I literally cannot chose a favorite character, bc I love all the cast (which is rare.) They are all my children. (I also already am starting to ship things SEND HELP)
Other than the obvious interest in SSSS, I play video games and write fanfiction mostly.
I'm really glad to be a part of this fandom, even though I've only been a fan for a week. You guys seem to me to be a great group, better than other fandoms I've been in in the past.
So HI! :D
Hi and welcome, fellow American teenager! Glad to have ya in the community - care for even more cookies?
Hi earthdragonboyscout... earthdragon... mmmh, someone might give you a shorter name one day or an other ^^ You seems to have such a good co-worker ! :D If you like fanfiction, you'll have some things to read on the forum, I'm sure you'll like this place. A welcome cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Thank you!~ And I love cookies! Cookies are like the best! (But yes my co-worker is a good one.)
Welcome to the forum and to the fandom. That's an ... uh, rather hefty username you got there.
Oh yes, I realize, but it was the least hefty username I had. It was also the most fandom-neutral. We'll find a shorter name for me.More squirrel cookies of welcome for you! o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Yes, if you want to be referred to by a shorter name, pick it now before we all pick it for you :P
You guys pick nicknames for members, oh no. I suppose EDBS would work, or earthdragon, as suggested earlier.
Hi and welcome, fellow American teenager! Glad to have ya in the community - care for even more cookies?
Hello fellow American! It's nice to meet everyone!
You guys pick nicknames for members, oh no. I suppose EDBS would work, or earthdragon, as suggested earlier.
Well, not everybody, but the longest are often abbreviated after a moment :) If it's not a problem for the member.
Welcome to all the newcomers! Have some cookies! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Oh! I can help! All you have to do is type the country name between ::, so : france: without the space will give you :france: and : usa: without the space will give you :usa: and so on. :)
May I ask which other language? There are lots of speakers of "minor" languages here, so it's entirely possible that somebody else here might also speak that language. And if not, it'd still be pretty cool.
Me too! <3
Oh thank you! I shall try out the fancy code with the flags now. I hope it works. *checks tabs* *clickety-clack*
Other languages: Tagalog & Cebuano/Visayan (the latter although being the major lingua franca in the Philippines, which on a side note is not taught formally in schools and universities, is curiously not the national language). Ah languages! Always a fun topic to talk about. I teach German part-time in a small language institute and am trying to learn French on the side. We also had a bit of Spanish in school before. A lot of spanish loanwords can be found in Cebuano, due to the spanish colonization from 1521–1898. Linguistics, art & felines have always been interesting to me. Which is why I like SSSS so much. It fuses several favorites of mine into one splendid artwork. Minna's work has so much style and class that I'm surprised that SSSS is not the #1 webcomic out there!
Welcome Lovelia! I decided to try and learn Finnish but admiring it from a far is also very nice because it gets kinda confusing sometimes ;D
Hope you like it here in the forums~
Also welcome to all the other newbies that I couldn't greet bc of school sucking my soul away I hope you're enjoying it here too
Thank you Soikia (what a beautiful name!) I already like it here very much. So many cookies *omnomnom* and friendly folks! ;D
Oh thank you! I shall try out the fancy code with the flags now. I hope it works. *checks tabs* *clickety-clack*
Other languages: Tagalog & Cebuano/Visayan
Sandali lang, po! You're Filipino? So am I! I'll just also be part of the welcoming thing, even though we may not talk to each other much.
So yeah. Welcome to the forum, from the resident Filipino, I guess.
And welcome earthdragon and everyone else!
Other languages: Tagalog & Cebuano/Visayan
Heh, I actually hear those languages pretty regularly, even though I can't speak them, because most of my friends at church are from the Philippines. :)
Yep, Filipina here. :D Yay! Who would've known? Akala ko, I'd see mainly european fans in here. *grins from ear to ear*
Yep, Filipina here. :D Yay! Who would've known? Akala ko, I'd see mainly european fans in here. *grins from ear to ear*
Wala namang masyadong marami Pinoy dito. Even I'm only pure blooded Filipino (I live in new Zealand). Hindi ako masyadong magaling sa tagalog, hahaha. I probably made some mistakes there, though. There's another Filipina living somewhere in the Middle East (Kizzy), but she apparently can't speak Tagalog.
Apart from us, though, most people here are European or American, according to the The Reader Map. (https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1262583)
A warm welcome to every newcomer !
Please, take a sit while I cleanse you with fire. It is normal procedure in the Cleansed World !
Oh thank you! I shall try out the fancy code with the flags now. I hope it works. *checks tabs* *clickety-clack*
Other languages: Tagalog & Cebuano/Visayan (the latter although being the major lingua franca in the Philippines, which on a side note is not taught formally in schools and universities, is curiously not the national language). Ah languages! Always a fun topic to talk about. I teach German part-time in a small language institute and am trying to learn French on the side. We also had a bit of Spanish in school before. A lot of spanish loanwords can be found in Cebuano, due to the spanish colonization from 1521–1898. Linguistics, art & felines have always been interesting to me. Which is why I like SSSS so much. It fuses several favorites of mine into one splendid artwork. Minna's work has so much style and class that I'm surprised that SSSS is not the #1 webcomic out there!
EEEEE. Hello fellow teacher :). Seems there is quiet a bit of people teaching in here :)
Iltaa! (Okei joo yötä...)
Hi! o/
I'm silverceleb, nice to meet you all! I'm a total newbie and oh so excited about SSSS. I accidentally stumbled into it last week and I plan on sticking with it from now on. I'm here to read cool headcanons about everything and maybe cry a little about the perfection that is this webcomic.
My other interests include sleeping, role playing, visual arts, fantasy and science fiction, nature, scouting, fanfiction, socializing, comics, writing poetry, stupidly hilarious jokes, adventures, campfire, any kind of music, cosplay, avoiding adult responsibilities, blueberry pie, and embarrassingly intense fandom surfing. When I was five, my first love was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio broadcasts but later when I started to read myself I found Tolkien's works to be even more dear for me.
Mostly I like to communicate using Finnish, English or nonverbal sounds, but I used to study also some Swedish and French. This year I'll be starting Chinese lessons but umm I don't think I'll be learning very fast. Languages are hard for me. :C
IRL me is a 22 years old landscape architecture student from HAMK university of applied sciences. I live at Lepaa, Finland - a place most people will never hear and are perfectly happy that way. I have a messed up sleep cycle and two nerdy lovely flatmates. One day I'll maybe have a pet turtle but it is not this day. See you around!
Iltaa! (Okei joo yötä...)
Hi! o/
I'm silverceleb, nice to meet you all! I'm a total newbie and oh so excited about SSSS. I accidentally stumbled into it last week and I plan on sticking with it from now on. I'm here to read cool headcanons about everything and maybe cry a little about the perfection that is this webcomic.
Hello and welcome! Yesss please do come join us in sobbing over how awesome and great SSSS is, there's always room for more. ;p
(Ahhh and you're a Tolkien fan too? Awesome, I like you already. : D )
Welcome here silverceleb :) Have cookies :squirrelcookie:
I accidentally stumbled into it last week
A lot of us had a similar beginning ::)
So many interests ! I'm sure you'll find a lot of interesting thread on the forum ! (Role playing, fantasy and science-fiction, fanfiction, any kind of music, cosplay, avoiding adult responsibilities, for example might be found here or there...)
avoiding adult responsibilities
Well, in that case you are definitely in the right place, welcome!
Iltaa! (Okei joo yötä...)
Hi! o/
I'm silverceleb, nice to meet you all! I'm a total newbie and oh so excited about SSSS. I accidentally stumbled into it last week and I plan on sticking with it from now on. I'm here to read cool headcanons about everything and maybe cry a little about the perfection that is this webcomic.
My other interests include sleeping, role playing, visual arts, fantasy and science fiction, nature, scouting, fanfiction, socializing, comics, writing poetry, stupidly hilarious jokes, adventures, campfire, any kind of music, cosplay, avoiding adult responsibilities, blueberry pie, and embarrassingly intense fandom surfing. When I was five, my first love was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio broadcasts but later when I started to read myself I found Tolkien's works to be even more dear for me.
Mostly I like to communicate using Finnish, English or nonverbal sounds, but I used to study also some Swedish and French. This year I'll be starting Chinese lessons but umm I don't think I'll be learning very fast. Languages are hard for me. :C
IRL me is a 22 years old landscape architecture student from HAMK university of applied sciences. I live at Lepaa, Finland - a place most people will never hear and are perfectly happy that way. I have a messed up sleep cycle and two nerdy lovely flatmates. One day I'll maybe have a pet turtle but it is not this day. See you around!
Hellooooo and welcome!! did you say cosplay and art because i happen to Love cosplay and art :3ccc some threads you might be interested in: SSSS art museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0), SSSS cosplay thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.0), general art museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0), art tutorial thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=505.0), art supply discussion thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=557.0), general cosplay thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=578.0), cosplay help thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=610.0), and the poetry thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=4.0)! Have fun and there's a lot more than that!
We have quite a few Tolkien (Noodly Appendage is a very large fan iirc) and Hitchhiker's Guide fans (obviously ParanormalAndroid) :D There are threads for Finnish, Swedish, French, and Chinese in the Language Board (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=5.0)!
HOOO that was a lot of links. Again, welcome, and I hope you have a good time!
HOOO that was a lot of links.
You're more efficient than me ^
Welcome to all the new people! *passes around cookie plate*
(Ahhh and you're a Tolkien fan too? Awesome, I like you already. : D )
There seem to be kind of a lot of us here. Either there are just more Tolkien people out there than I thought, or people who like one beautiful, well-backstoried, Epic Voyage-ish tale with its roots in Norse mythology like another. Or both. *shrugs*
(Noodly Appendage is a very large fan iirc)
ahahaha am I developing a reputation? :*) this made me very happy
Iltaa! (Okei joo yötä...)
Hi! o/
I'm silverceleb, nice to meet you all! I'm a total newbie and oh so excited about SSSS. I accidentally stumbled into it last week and I plan on sticking with it from now on. I'm here to read cool headcanons about everything and maybe cry a little about the perfection that is this webcomic.
My other interests include sleeping, role playing, visual arts, fantasy and science fiction, nature, scouting, fanfiction, socializing, comics, writing poetry, stupidly hilarious jokes, adventures, campfire, any kind of music, cosplay, avoiding adult responsibilities, blueberry pie, and embarrassingly intense fandom surfing. When I was five, my first love was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio broadcasts but later when I started to read myself I found Tolkien's works to be even more dear for me.
Mostly I like to communicate using Finnish, English or nonverbal sounds, but I used to study also some Swedish and French. This year I'll be starting Chinese lessons but umm I don't think I'll be learning very fast. Languages are hard for me. :C
IRL me is a 22 years old landscape architecture student from HAMK university of applied sciences. I live at Lepaa, Finland - a place most people will never hear and are perfectly happy that way. I have a messed up sleep cycle and two nerdy lovely flatmates. One day I'll maybe have a pet turtle but it is not this day. See you around!
Welcome to the forum! I see we have largely similar opinions on sleeping, haha. Feel free to join us at the Mandarin-speaking thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=423.0)? Don't worry about starting off slow, it's a pretty difficult language and we're all rather terrible questionably fluent. :D
Oh my so many replies! Thank you all for your warm welcome. C: Your community seem so nice already! Thanks for the links and tips and everything, we'll see how fast I find the courage to actually post to those topics. :'D
Hello everyone, my name is Helgi a.k.a. Double H. I've been reading obsessing over SSSS for about a year now and recently decided to check out the fan forum. I've been lurking for a few days now and just wanted to make my first post on the forum to say hi. So... hi.
Hello everyone, my name is Helgi a.k.a. Double H. I've been reading obsessing over SSSS for about a year now and recently decided to check out the fan forum. I've been lurking for a few days now and just wanted to make my first post on the forum to say hi. So... hi.
Hi - and welcome! Have some welcome cookies! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi - and welcome! Have some welcome cookies! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thank you :D
Thank you :D
You're welcome! I'm always happy to make the newbies feel welcome here :D
Hello everyone, my name is Helgi a.k.a. Double H. I've been reading obsessing over SSSS for about a year now and recently decided to check out the fan forum. I've been lurking for a few days now and just wanted to make my first post on the forum to say hi. So... hi.
Welcome here, Double H :) *Offers cookies too* :squirrelcookie:
Ohh boy I'm bad at this thing but my friend said I should join the forums, so...
Hello everyone.
I'm Steinunn and I have very limited imagination when it comes to picking usernames, I guess, but this one fits the atmosphere, so it's okay.
I'm slightly over 20, and I've been reading SSSS since some months before the book drive.
(incidentally, the book arrived a few days ago and I had NO IDEA it was that, I'm sorry for not recognising the name of the sender).
Probably my favourite character is Emil('s flawless hair), or Sigrun. Or Lalli. Or the new/baby cat, because it's cute.
But honestly, I love everyone. All the characters. Even the gross dogs.
Hmm... what else?
Should probably say I'm Icelandic, I speak English with almost native fluency (and a slight Scottish accent), very bad Danish (the potato sentiment is the absolute truth), and decent baby-level Japanese.
Currently studying entry-level seamstressing, and my hobbies include knitting, knitting, sewing cosplay, and knitting.
Other favourite things include the Japanese story band Sound Horizon, Ankama's works (Wakfu/Dofus/the Krosmoz), Tolkien's works (started the epic journey with Farmer Giles of Ham), Guilty Gear, and ElfQuest. Off the top of my head.
This feels like rambling, so I'll stop now.
Thank you everyone, and I look forward to spending time here in the community.
Ohh boy I'm bad at this thing but my friend said I should join the forums, so...
Hello everyone.
I'm Steinunn and I have very limited imagination when it comes to picking usernames, I guess, but this one fits the atmosphere, so it's okay.
Yayyyyy welcoooome (I might as well confess being the friend who's been bugging this one to join the forum for a while now)! :D
Welcome among us Steinunn :) *Holds out a plate of cookies* :squirrelcookie:
Oh, you're from Iceland and you love knitting, sewing and cosplay ? You should meet Laufey ! Edit : or not, you already know Laufey : there were a lot of clues, I should have guessed.
(Knitting is a very good hobby, I'm going back to knit as soon as I'll find the correct knitting stitch for my new project.)
Ohh boy I'm bad at this thing but my friend said I should join the forums, so...
Hello everyone.
I'm Steinunn and I have very limited imagination when it comes to picking usernames, I guess, but this one fits the atmosphere, so it's okay.
Hello hello! It's nice to have you here, we're glad to have you! I look forward to getting to know you - any friend of dear Laufey is sure to be an awesome person. : D
Sounds like you share a lot of interests with people here (including myself. Knitting yessssss ahh wonderful!) so I expect you'll fit right in!
Ohh boy I'm bad at this thing but my friend said I should join the forums, so...
Hello everyone.
I'm Steinunn and I have very limited imagination when it comes to picking usernames, I guess, but this one fits the atmosphere, so it's okay.
I'm slightly over 20, and I've been reading SSSS since some months before the book drive.
(incidentally, the book arrived a few days ago and I had NO IDEA it was that, I'm sorry for not recognising the name of the sender).
Probably my favourite character is Emil('s flawless hair), or Sigrun. Or Lalli. Or the new/baby cat, because it's cute.
But honestly, I love everyone. All the characters. Even the gross dogs.
Hmm... what else?
Should probably say I'm Icelandic, I speak English with almost native fluency (and a slight Scottish accent), very bad Danish (the potato sentiment is the absolute truth), and decent baby-level Japanese.
Currently studying entry-level seamstressing, and my hobbies include knitting, knitting, sewing cosplay, and knitting.
Other favourite things include the Japanese story band Sound Horizon, Ankama's works (Wakfu/Dofus/the Krosmoz), Tolkien's works (started the epic journey with Farmer Giles of Ham), Guilty Gear, and ElfQuest. Off the top of my head.
This feels like rambling, so I'll stop now.
Thank you everyone, and I look forward to spending time here in the community.
Hæææææææææ! It's so exciting to have an Icelander here! I believe you are the one Laufey mentioned, and I promised I wouldn't be too scary, but yes we are so glad to have you here and I really hope you'll stick around because we seriously could use some more representation in the Icelandic area. Also if she told you I took her scissors, don't listen, it wasn't me. I swear.
Ohh boy I'm bad at this thing but my friend said I should join the forums, so...
Hello everyone.
I'm Steinunn and I have very limited imagination when it comes to picking usernames, I guess, but this one fits the atmosphere, so it's okay.
I'm slightly over 20, and I've been reading SSSS since some months before the book drive.
(incidentally, the book arrived a few days ago and I had NO IDEA it was that, I'm sorry for not recognising the name of the sender).
Probably my favourite character is Emil('s flawless hair), or Sigrun. Or Lalli. Or the new/baby cat, because it's cute.
But honestly, I love everyone. All the characters. Even the gross dogs.
Hmm... what else?
Should probably say I'm Icelandic, I speak English with almost native fluency (and a slight Scottish accent), very bad Danish (the potato sentiment is the absolute truth), and decent baby-level Japanese.
Currently studying entry-level seamstressing, and my hobbies include knitting, knitting, sewing cosplay, and knitting.
Other favourite things include the Japanese story band Sound Horizon, Ankama's works (Wakfu/Dofus/the Krosmoz), Tolkien's works (started the epic journey with Farmer Giles of Ham), Guilty Gear, and ElfQuest. Off the top of my head.
This feels like rambling, so I'll stop now.
Thank you everyone, and I look forward to spending time here in the community.
Welcome! More cookies for you o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: I do believe you're our first native Icelander here, though don't quote me I could be wrong ;). I'm sure Laufey's already told you about our wonderful array of threads, but check out the cosplay threads and maybe the language ones, too, they seem like they'd be right up your alley! But most of all, welcome and have fun! Glad to have you join the forum ;D
Ohh boy I'm bad at this thing but my friend said I should join the forums, so...
Hello everyone.
I'm Steinunn and I have very limited imagination when it comes to picking usernames, I guess, but this one fits the atmosphere, so it's okay.
I'm slightly over 20, and I've been reading SSSS since some months before the book drive.
(incidentally, the book arrived a few days ago and I had NO IDEA it was that, I'm sorry for not recognising the name of the sender).
Probably my favourite character is Emil('s flawless hair), or Sigrun. Or Lalli. Or the new/baby cat, because it's cute.
But honestly, I love everyone. All the characters. Even the gross dogs.
Hmm... what else?
Should probably say I'm Icelandic, I speak English with almost native fluency (and a slight Scottish accent), very bad Danish (the potato sentiment is the absolute truth), and decent baby-level Japanese.
Currently studying entry-level seamstressing, and my hobbies include knitting, knitting, sewing cosplay, and knitting.
Other favourite things include the Japanese story band Sound Horizon, Ankama's works (Wakfu/Dofus/the Krosmoz), Tolkien's works (started the epic journey with Farmer Giles of Ham), Guilty Gear, and ElfQuest. Off the top of my head.
This feels like rambling, so I'll stop now.
Thank you everyone, and I look forward to spending time here in the community.
Welcome to the forum, it doesn't come as a surprise that Laufey got you involved in this. The interest in knitting and knitting is a dead giveaway. ElfQuest is love.
Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes!
Yayyyyy welcoooome (I might as well confess being the friend who's been bugging this one to join the forum for a while now)! :D
I'm happy you did, everyone seems very nice here!
Welcome among us Steinunn :) *Holds out a plate of cookies* :squirrelcookie:
Oh, you're from Iceland and you love knitting, sewing and cosplay ? You should meet Laufey ! Edit : or not, you already know Laufey : there were a lot of clues, I should have guessed.
(Knitting is a very good hobby, I'm going back to knit as soon as I'll find the correct knitting stitch for my new project.)
Ahh, thank you for the cookies. And yup, she linked me to her pattern of Reynir's sweater, which I will make once I find a fitting substitute yarn that doesn't sting my shoulders, oh the budget.
Hello hello! It's nice to have you here, we're glad to have you! I look forward to getting to know you - any friend of dear Laufey is sure to be an awesome person. : D
Sounds like you share a lot of interests with people here (including myself. Knitting yessssss ahh wonderful!) so I expect you'll fit right in!
Thank you so much~. I'm sure it'll be a very nice fit.
Hooray for knitting!
Hæææææææææ! It's so exciting to have an Icelander here! I believe you are the one Laufey mentioned, and I promised I wouldn't be too scary, but yes we are so glad to have you here and I really hope you'll stick around because we seriously could use some more representation in the Icelandic area. Also if she told you I took her scissors, don't listen, it wasn't me. I swear.
Hahah she said it would be a bit of a novelty, an Icelander on the forums, and I will definitely stick around. And hopefully maybe force the link to the comic on people if I can. AHAHAHAHA!!
Welcome! More cookies for you o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: I do believe you're our first native Icelander here, though don't quote me I could be wrong ;). I'm sure Laufey's already told you about our wonderful array of threads, but check out the cosplay threads and maybe the language ones, too, they seem like they'd be right up your alley! But most of all, welcome and have fun! Glad to have you join the forum ;D
YAY! More cookies! Thank you.
I will definitely check those out, yes!
Welcome to the forum, it doesn't come as a surprise that Laufey got you involved in this. The interest in knitting and knitting is a dead giveaway. ElfQuest is love.
Hahaha yes, she's a sneaky one, but two mentions of how lovely things are here, and I was sold.
EQ is love (but the rest of the Complete Collection needs to be out quicker).
Sounds like you share a lot of interests with people here (including myself. Knitting yessssss ahh wonderful!)
Sigur Rós and knitting ? I may have forgot some of the things you could have told us about you at the beginning ^^
Also if she told you I took her scissors, don't listen, it wasn't me. I swear.
Viiiiiii ? Don't tell me you try to steal clothes and scissors which belongs to other persons here ?
Viiiiiii ? Don't tell me you try to steal clothes and scissors which belongs to other persons here ?
All I'm saying is that my scissors went missing just when I needed them and they still haven't been returned found. :'(
ElfQuest is love.
*high fives*
Viiiiiii ? Don't tell me you try to steal clothes and scissors which belongs to other persons here ?
*innocent whistling* It wasn't meeeeee
Hahah she said it would be a bit of a novelty, an Icelander on the forums, and I will definitely stick around. And hopefully maybe force the link to the comic on people if I can. AHAHAHAHA!!
Yes that is the perfect attitude! You will fit right in here perfectly. Also we have an Icelandic thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=465.0) if you want to check it out
And yup, she linked me to her pattern of Reynir's sweater, which I will make once I find a fitting substitute yarn that doesn't sting my shoulders, oh the budget.
I'll do it someday. When I'll be better and know how to knit patterns properly and be rich. I'll do it...
Yes that is the perfect attitude! You will fit right in here perfectly. Also we have an Icelandic thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=465.0) if you want to check it out
I'll check right away!
I'll do it someday. When I'll be better and know how to knit patterns properly and be rich. I'll do it...
(do I smell a knit-along in the near-far future?)
I'll check right away!
(do I smell a knit-along in the near-far future?)
Hello fellow yarncrafter! :)
I highly recommend you to visit our yarncrafter's thread https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=299.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=299.0)
(and it's silly branch with the adventures of the yarn-teams https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=504.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=504.0) )
Hey, long time reader just joining the forum. Seems like this forum has a bit of a thing for languages, so sticking to the theme I speak norwegian and english wooo aren't I special. Currently studying french at uni though, so hope I'll be able to add that to the list in the future. Aspiring illustrator. Link to my tumblr on the little tumblr-icon to the left of this message there ;D
Hey, long time reader just joining the forum. Seems like this forum has a bit of a thing for languages, so sticking to the theme I speak norwegian and english wooo aren't I special. Currently studying french at uni though, so hope I'll be able to add that to the list in the future. Aspiring illustrator. Link to my tumblr on the little tumblr-icon to the left of this message there ;D
Hi and welcome! o/ "Aspiring illustrator" - I hope this means you'll be participating in our art threads; what you've already posted so far looks awesome.*_*
Good to have you here!
Welcome again, Markus :) Take a cookie :squirrelcookie:
And ask if you need something in french ;)
Hey, long time reader just joining the forum. Seems like this forum has a bit of a thing for languages, so sticking to the theme I speak norwegian and english wooo aren't I special. Currently studying french at uni though, so hope I'll be able to add that to the list in the future. Aspiring illustrator. Link to my tumblr on the little tumblr-icon to the left of this message there ;D
oh hello! I just saw your art, it's awesome. Your languages seem to imply you're Norwegian, yes? whichever parts are you from? wouldn't happen to be trondheim would it
Hey there, my name is Ari-
I speak English, but I am planning to try learning Icelandic and/or Swedish. I am a very new reader, I ran through the entire comic on Monday(my friend has been telling me to read it for a few months, but I just got around to it, haha). I'm from the U.S, and I like to draw.
Also, my favorite character is Reynir, but I love Lalli too.
Hey there, my name is Ari-
I speak English, but I am planning to try learning Icelandic and/or Swedish. I am a very new reader, I ran through the entire comic on Monday(my friend has been telling me to read it for a few months, but I just got around to it, haha). I'm from the U.S, and I like to draw.
Also, my favorite character is Reynir, but I love Lalli too.
Welcome!!! It's always good to get new readers! :D If you want we have language learning groups for both Icelandic (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=465.0) and Swedish (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=250.0), you should totally come check them out!
Cool, I'll check them out later! :)
Hey there, my name is Ari-
I speak English, but I am planning to try learning Icelandic and/or Swedish. I am a very new reader, I ran through the entire comic on Monday(my friend has been telling me to read it for a few months, but I just got around to it, haha). I'm from the U.S, and I like to draw.
Also, my favorite character is Reynir, but I love Lalli too.
Welcome! Have some squirrel cookies o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Vi already mentioned the language threads, which are wonderful, and there are a number of art threads around! So if you like to draw (which you do :P) come join us! (I'll let you in on a secret you probably already know: Reynir is so fun to draw ;) )
Welcome! Have some squirrel cookies o// :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Vi already mentioned the language threads, which are wonderful, and there are a number of art threads around! So if you like to draw (which you do :P) come join us! (I'll let you in on a secret you probably already know: Reynir is so fun to draw ;) )
He is. I love drawing his hair, even though it can be a lot of trouble at times.
Hey there, my name is Ari-
I speak English, but I am planning to try learning Icelandic and/or Swedish. I am a very new reader, I ran through the entire comic on Monday(my friend has been telling me to read it for a few months, but I just got around to it, haha). I'm from the U.S, and I like to draw.
Also, my favorite character is Reynir, but I love Lalli too.
Welcome Ari!! Have some more squirrel cookies! o/(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
Also, hello fellow Reynir fan! :D *points to third link in my signature*
More readers ! Welcome here, Ari :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie: (Ana and Piney were faster than me ^^)
Nobody will complain if you draw Reynir.
Hey there, my name is Ari-
I speak English, but I am planning to try learning Icelandic and/or Swedish. I am a very new reader, I ran through the entire comic on Monday(my friend has been telling me to read it for a few months, but I just got around to it, haha). I'm from the U.S, and I like to draw.
Also, my favorite character is Reynir, but I love Lalli too.
Wow, so many new people showing up today. *_* Hi Ari! It's great to have you here! I think everyone else covered the main things, so I'm just here to say 'welcome'!
I hope you plan to share your drawings with us? Especially if you do any of Reynir! : D He has such awesome hair, I love it.
Ooooh my, lots of new people :D This is the kind of activity I want to see!
Steinunn, welcome! I guessed you were Laufey's friend about halfway through your introduction :)
Markus, also welcome! Your art in the art museum is/was fantastic and you have a really pretty style :D
Ari, welcome to you too!! Fellow Reynir fan, woo! o/ although Sigrun will always be my one true love
Useful art-related thread links!
SSSS art museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)
general art museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0)
art tutorial thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=505.0)
art supply discussion thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=557.0)
Have fun, everybody, and I hope you enjoy your stays here!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :>
Also, I may share some Reynir doodles sometime, although I definitely prefer traditional over digital. It's easier for me, but sometimes I use digital to color. Usually, actually.
Welcome Ari!! Have some more squirrel cookies! o/(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
Also, hello fellow Reynir fan! :D *points to third link in my signature*
I followed your Reynir tumblr yesterday, I think! I was the one that asked about people who have a lot of SSSS on their blog. I kind of went crazy for a little bit, reblogging a lot of Reynir stuff. Whoops?
I followed your Reynir tumblr yesterday, I think! I was the one that asked about people who have a lot of SSSS on their blog. I kind of went crazy for a little bit, reblogging a lot of Reynir stuff. Whoops?
Ahh, that was you! I was so surprised when I checked my activity yesterday :D Thank you for all those notes
Hey, long time reader just joining the forum. Seems like this forum has a bit of a thing for languages, so sticking to the theme I speak norwegian and english wooo aren't I special. Currently studying french at uni though, so hope I'll be able to add that to the list in the future. Aspiring illustrator. Link to my tumblr on the little tumblr-icon to the left of this message there ;D
Hello fellow Norwegian (?), it's always nice to add to our sizable Norwegian tribe!
Hey there, my name is Ari-
I speak English, but I am planning to try learning Icelandic and/or Swedish. I am a very new reader, I ran through the entire comic on Monday(my friend has been telling me to read it for a few months, but I just got around to it, haha). I'm from the U.S, and I like to draw.
Also, my favorite character is Reynir, but I love Lalli too.
Welcome to the forum!
I've been lurking on here for almost a year now, so it's probably high time to introduce myself. Right? Right.
Hey there! I'm Nevermore, It's a pleasure to meet you all!
I read aRTD which lead me to SSSS, which I've been reading since chapter 3. :) My family's probably getting tired of me talking about it ...
I'm the same age as Lalli, and I live on the east coast of America. I speak English, and I'm attempting to learn Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Arabic. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, archery, Marvel, BBC America, and ... I'm going to stop there or else we'll be here all day.
Anyway, I'm really happy to be here and I can't wait to get to know all of you! ;D
Welcome Nevermore (good choice of avatar) :) As you can see we still have cookies for you ! :squirrelcookie: I won't say you'll like to discover the forum after your months lurking, but, oh, well, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here !
I've been lurking on here for almost a year now, so it's probably high time to introduce myself. Right? Right.
Hey there! I'm Nevermore, It's a pleasure to meet you all!
I read aRTD which lead me to SSSS, which I've been reading since chapter 3. :) My family's probably getting tired of me talking about it ...
I'm the same age as Lalli, and I live on the east coast of America. I speak English, and I'm attempting to learn Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Arabic. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, archery, Marvel, BBC America, and ... I'm going to stop there or else we'll be here all day.
Anyway, I'm really happy to be here and I can't wait to get to know all of you! ;D
Hi there, fellow 19-year-old east-coast-American! :D I humbly welcome you with some cookies: (https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)(https://goo.gl/fgPi7H)
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! And for the cookies *munches*.
Edit: Thanks, Mélusine! I thought it was a good choice of avatar. In fact I like it so much I have it on a shirt of you can believe that. xD
I've been lurking on here for almost a year now, so it's probably high time to introduce myself. Right? Right.
Hey there! I'm Nevermore, It's a pleasure to meet you all!
I read aRTD which lead me to SSSS, which I've been reading since chapter 3. :) My family's probably getting tired of me talking about it ...
I'm the same age as Lalli, and I live on the east coast of America. I speak English, and I'm attempting to learn Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Arabic. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, archery, Marvel, BBC America, and ... I'm going to stop there or else we'll be here all day.
Anyway, I'm really happy to be here and I can't wait to get to know all of you! ;D
Another 19 year old east coast American who likes archery and BBC?? Be still my heart. ;)
Anyways, welcome to the group!
Thanks! It's always good to meet a fellow BBC and archery fan. ;)
Thanks! It's always good to meet a fellow BBC and archery fan. ;)
YOU GUYS THIS IS SO GREAT!! ARCHERY! Do you know how hard it is for me to find people who care about archery??
I shoot olympic recurve, What about you guys?
I use a hungarian horsebow I bought at a viking market! I'm in a local archery club that focuses on historical bows, so we attend a lot of viking markets and similar arrangements, to have an archery stand where we instruct people! I have no clue about modern archery, though.
I use a hungarian horsebow I bought at a viking market! I'm in a local archery club that focuses on historical bows, so we attend a lot of viking markets and similar arrangements, to have an archery stand where we instruct people! I have no clue about modern archery, though.
That sounds hardcore. History and archery? I want to join! And I've never even heard of a viking market, but that sounds awesome, too.
I use the plain jane modern compound bow. I actually don't have one at the moment (I just moved across the country and had to leave my old one, cue the weeping and gnashing of teeth) but I'm looking into getting a new one.
Haiz: I'm with Miss Honeyham, history and archery sounds amazing (as does that horsebow)! And a viking market? I would LOVE to have something like that where I live.
Miss Honeyham: NOOOO that must have been horrible leaving your bow behind! I hope you get a new one soon! I've never shot compound but it looked fun.
Haiz: I'm with Miss Honeyham, history and archery sounds amazing (as does that horsebow)! And a viking market? I would LOVE to have something like that where I live.
Miss Honeyham: NOOOO that must have been horrible leaving your bow behind! I hope you get a new one soon! I've never shot compound but it looked fun.
It was pretty awful! Especially since I was the only person in my friend group who used one, so I ended up just leaving it behind, unwanted and unloved. And I used to shoot recurve when I was very small, but I'm a total weakling so when I restarted I decided to use one designed for weaklings. I love it. Ha.
(PS, should we be moving this conversation somewhere else? Like, is it ok for us to talk about archery and vikings here?? IDK???)
It was pretty awful! Especially since I was the only person in my friend group who used one, so I ended up just leaving it behind, unwanted and unloved. And I used to shoot recurve when I was very small, but I'm a total weakling so when I restarted I decided to use one designed for weaklings. I love it. Ha.
(PS, should we be moving this conversation somewhere else? Like, is it ok for us to talk about archery and vikings here?? IDK???)
As one of the content moderators, I can say that we prefer to keep this thread for introductions, but we aren't ruthless about it. TBH, we don't have an archery thread... yet. You could... start one!
YOU GUYS THIS IS SO GREAT!! ARCHERY! Do you know how hard it is for me to find people who care about archery??
I haven't been able to do it for years because it is a Camp Thing and I live in the city and other reasons
Yep we're going to need a archery thread. If one of you create it, I'll definitely follow it, but for now I'm going to slip out of the introduction thread so the archery discussion won't take over. XD
Anyway, I wanted to say thanks again to you guys for the warm welcome. :)
(Miss Honeyham: I'm sure you'll get used to the recurve bow again quickly. :) Or maybe you'll find another compound.)
h1 all.
I'm from the central European part of Russia. Nizhny Novgorod (about 400 km from Moscow to the east, do not get lost).
Master of metallurgy, photographer and designer.
In my spare time I read comics and watch high-quality anime.
This is the first fan forum at which I registered.
good day =)
Hello to all the newcomers, whom I haven't greeted yet! (Who are, as I'm glad to see, numerous. Our world-conquering army is growing nicely and steadily. :3 )
Ahoy, Slider!
First Olga Veresk, and now, another Russian artist! :) Welcome to the forum! Have you seen the anime discussion (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=48.0), and the webcomic discussion (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=20.0) threads? (We also have one for photos (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=215.0), if you're interested, not to speak about the many-many other art threads, from crafts to drawings.)
Feel yourself at home, all of you, have some drinks from the banquet table, until Piney prepares the next dosage of squirrel cookies; browse and communicate to your heart's content!
Welcome among us Slider :) Piney is not anymore the only one who can offer cookies ! :squirrelcookie:
I'm curious, what do you mean exactly by "metallurgy" ?
Welcome among us Slider :) Piney is not anymore the only one who can offer cookies ! :squirrelcookie:
I'm curious, what do you mean exactly by "metallurgy" ?
cookies !!!! =)))
Manufacturing of steel, aluminum and cast iron. Moulding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Hot stove like dwarfs, you know, metallurgy)
Unfortunately, I work in the other direction and hot oven very far from me.
P.S. h1 Sharion =) cookies is best part of life!
So, metallurgy for work, not a hobby :)
So, metallurgy for work, not a hobby :)
Metallurgy was directed training at the university. We have free higher education, and you can choose what you are interested. Work really go to where they pay more.
I would like to engage in metallurgy - it's very interesting, but the conditions are not quite allow it.
But recently he traveled to another country. The total journey took 5100 km.
And what did you do this summer?
And what did you do this summer?
I only travelled for about 3000 km but hey, that was three countries and the motorbike recovered from its former problems it seems XD
I only travelled for about 3000 km but hey, that was three countries and the motorbike recovered from its former problems it seems XD
Which countries?
in motobike? its cool! You can show foto?
Metallurgy was directed training at the university. We have free higher education, and you can choose what you are interested. Work really go to where they pay more.
I would like to engage in metallurgy - it's very interesting, but the conditions are not quite allow it.
But recently we traveled to another country. The total journey took 5100 km.
And what did you do this summer?
Hi, Slider. Unfortunately, our Forum software can't display your picture. (It may be because of the Cyrillic characters in the address, or merely that it can't recognize the host.)
Do you have another host you can upload the picture to? Otherwise, I suggest imgur.com, which can give photos links perfectly suited for BBCode (what this Forum uses).
Also, what inspired your Forum nickname?
EDIT: Slider, I moved the next 6-8 posts, with your photos and reactions to them, to the Pictures thread, starting here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=215.msg66266#msg66266
You are already developing fans of your photography, so we hope you'll share more pictures in that thread. :)
EDIT: Slider, I moved the next 6-8 posts, with your photos and reactions to them, to the Pictures thread, starting here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=215.msg66266#msg66266
You are already developing fans of your photography, so we hope you'll share more pictures in that thread. :)
Ok ok I moved there =)
Well! I've been lurking around for long enough. And I was suggested to come to the introduction board so I did.
Hi, I'm Cerberyusu, "Ryusu" in short, or "Cerb" or "Erb", I don't know, just play around with it. Cerberyusu is my penname and the name I mostly use around the internet.
I was a lurker because I actually enjoy reading comments and threads more than making an input of my own. I'm shy-ish.
I'm an amateur artist myself, studied conceptual art and 3D-modeling for videogame-characters. Otherwise I'm self-taught pretty much. In other words, Internet taught me everything.
I believe quite genuinely it's Minna's artwork got me into the things I do now. Arts and stuff. I discovered her work around 2006 I think, and I've been a silent admirer since. Now I'm a forumite. What an upgrade!
By the way, great job with the forum. :3 It's clear in design and the threads are great!
Welcome Cerberyusu :) A cookie ? A cookie :squirrelcookie: We
are have a lot of shy persons here, but it's internet magic : everybody find a place to speak or not, and you'll see, we're lucky to have a really nice and kind forum.
Welcome Cerberyusu! Aaha, I understand your feeling shy. I am usually kind of a shy person myself.
But we're glad you decided to come here! Have fun.
Also, I agree, everyone I've met here so far is very kind and helpful. :)
Well! I've been lurking around for long enough. And I was suggested to come to the introduction board so I did.
Hi, I'm Cerberyusu, "Ryusu" in short, or "Cerb" or "Erb", I don't know, just play around with it. Cerberyusu is my penname and the name I mostly use around the internet.
I was a lurker because I actually enjoy reading comments and threads more than making an input of my own. I'm shy-ish.
I'm an amateur artist myself, studied conceptual art and 3D-modeling for videogame-characters. Otherwise I'm self-taught pretty much. In other words, Internet taught me everything.
I believe quite genuinely it's Minna's artwork got me into the things I do now. Arts and stuff. I discovered her work around 2006 I think, and I've been a silent admirer since. Now I'm a forumite. What an upgrade!
By the way, great job with the forum. :3 It's clear in design and the threads are great!
Welcome, Cerberyusu! (I'm afraid I kept spelling your handle "Cerberus" because I'm a mythology geek. ::))
Thanks for the kind words about the forum. Much of the credit goes to its creator and head admin, Eich. He laid it out and set its ground rules of courtesy and respect.
Eriaror had a major role in its look-and-feel update (as well as a lot of the nifty new features), and admins/moderators Kjeks and Hushpiper do a ton behind the scenes to keep the Forum working smoothly, both technically and policy-wise. Feartheviolas and I mostly focus on content moderation, and in the short time Viola's been a moderator she's already done a ton of great things, like cataloging all the Forum fan-art.
The actual thread content is due to the incredible talents, range of interests, and expressiveness of our members -- and I'm glad you're now one of their number! Have fun on the Forum!
Skald (Content Moderator)
A few helpful people pointed me to the introduction thread back when I first posted on the art museum, but I completely forgot to until just now! whoops. I hope it's not too late??
Hi! My handle is shoop, but you can also call me jessie. I'm hoping to become an illustrator/graphic designer but unfortunately I'm still in the process of switching over majors, so I will probably be 'that person who dumps art/fic and runs b/c they have three papers due'. What else...I really love english lit/history/music, and I'm so used to large fandoms sparking wars that I am still gingerly navigating the forum. Y'all are lovely, I just am not used to so many nice people in one place on the internet, haha.
Welcome, all ye new people! :D Have you been squirrel-cookied yet? 'Cause if not:
Hi! My handle is shoop, but you can also call me jessie. I'm hoping to become an illustrator/graphic designer but unfortunately I'm still in the process of switching over majors, so I will probably be 'that person who dumps art/fic and runs b/c they have three papers due'.
Hello and welcome! :。・:*:・゚'☆ It's nice to have a formal introduction. Definitely will look forward to your art dumps. :D A lot of people here share your interests, so I bet you'll fit in great!
I'm so used to large fandoms sparking wars that I am still gingerly navigating the forum. Y'all are lovely, I just am not used to so many nice people in one place on the internet, haha.
I understand what you mean entirely. Take your time. We won't eat you. ;p
A few helpful people pointed me to the introduction thread back when I first posted on the art museum, but I completely forgot to until just now! whoops. I hope it's not too late??
Hi! My handle is shoop, but you can also call me jessie. I'm hoping to become an illustrator/graphic designer but unfortunately I'm still in the process of switching over majors, so I will probably be 'that person who dumps art/fic and runs b/c they have three papers due'. What else...I really love english lit/history/music, and I'm so used to large fandoms sparking wars that I am still gingerly navigating the forum. Y'all are lovely, I just am not used to so many nice people in one place on the internet, haha.
Hi, hello, welcome! And I definitely see what you mean about the fandom thing, but as Yuuago said, you can trust us not to eat you.
And about those people that share some interests with you, I am one of them.
cookies !!!! =)))
Manufacturing of steel, aluminum and cast iron. Moulding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Hot stove like dwarfs, you know, metallurgy)
Unfortunately, I work in the other direction and hot oven very far from me.
P.S. h1 Sharion =) cookies is best part of life!
I approve!
(Managed to get my acc back)
I approve!
(Managed to get my acc back)
Good to have you back, Oskutin. How is the game- making going?
And more welcome cookies for shoop ! :squirrelcookie:
Good to have you back, Oskutin. How is the game- making going?
Partial release in about a month.
And got some nice mediacoverage, even from finnish flag carrier newspaper.
Sorry if I was supposed to make a post after not being on here for some time, so hello! I'm back, for a little while. XD Who knows though, it's been getting busy lately. :I
Sorry if I was supposed to make a post after not being on here for some time, so hello! I'm back, for a little while. XD Who knows though, it's been getting busy lately. :I
No need to apologize! :) It's going above and beyond the call of duty to post here after a long hiatus. Basically, it's doing the rest of us a favor to let us know that someone we remember is back.
And welcome back!
Sorry if I was supposed to make a post after not being on here for some time, so hello! I'm back, for a little while. XD Who knows though, it's been getting busy lately. :I
Welcome back Sil! How fitting that you should make a comeback on almost exactly the same date that you joined.
Sorry if I was supposed to make a post after not being on here for some time, so hello! I'm back, for a little while. XD Who knows though, it's been getting busy lately. :I
Welcome Back :)
Hey! I'm not really new to SSSS, but I'm kinda new to the fandom and very new to the forum! It may take me a while to get used to things around here ahahaha... But yeah I'm excited to be here now!
Hey! I'm not really new to SSSS, but I'm kinda new to the fandom and very new to the forum! It may take me a while to get used to things around here ahahaha... But yeah I'm excited to be here now!
Hello and welcome! : D Yeah, the forums can take a bit of getting used to at first. Looking forward to seeing you around!
Hey! I'm not really new to SSSS, but I'm kinda new to the fandom and very new to the forum! It may take me a while to get used to things around here ahahaha... But yeah I'm excited to be here now!
Welcome, Jolly! This is your chance to tell us a bit about yourself -- how you discovered the comic, what aspects of it you particularly like, your own hobbies and interests, where you're from, how you chose your Forum nickname, etc.
Hey! I'm not really new to SSSS, but I'm kinda new to the fandom and very new to the forum! It may take me a while to get used to things around here ahahaha... But yeah I'm excited to be here now!
Welcome to the forum! With a forum membership comes complimentary cookies - (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Welcome among us, Jolly :) I was lost a the very beginning on the forum, but everybody is very welcoming and I'm sure you'll feel good soon here.
Hey! I'm not really new to SSSS, but I'm kinda new to the fandom and very new to the forum! It may take me a while to get used to things around here ahahaha... But yeah I'm excited to be here now!
Welcome, Jolly! :D
Hey! I'm not really new to SSSS, but I'm kinda new to the fandom and very new to the forum! It may take me a while to get used to things around here ahahaha... But yeah I'm excited to be here now!
Ooooh judging by your tumblr URL, another fic writer! :D You should go ahead and check out SSSS on AO3, there's lots of good stuff there~
Welcome to the forum!
Hi there
The name's Aki, you might know me from the comment section on SSSS. SSSS happened upon me because I followed (a) Rabbit's advice (well, it sounded more like "YOU MUST READ THIS JUST DO IT") and ended up binge-reading SSSS (somewhere into chapter 4 I think) and aRTD. Never regretted going down that rabbit hole...
I'm 24, Swiss, and I study classical archaeology in my major and chemistry in my minor. I write fanfiction and sometimes doodle fanart but don't expect quality from me and I haven't completed anything worthwhile for SSSS but probably will churn out something in the future (or Rabbit will eat me).
I'm terrible at using forums but I'll give this one a try.
Any other Swiss people around?
I'm a Skype dweller and will love you to death if you decide that you want to chat with me over there. Just ask me for my Skype name.
Welcome Aki :) (Hiiiiiii, archaeology !) Don't worry, this forum is nice and kind. A cookie ?:squirrelcookie:
Welcome Aki :) (Hiiiiiii, archaeology !) Don't worry, this forum is nice and kind. A cookie ?:squirrelcookie:
Salut Mélusine, merci pour le cookie~<3
(I hope so, though the rating system still makes me nervous)
Hi there
The name's Aki, you might know me from the comment section on SSSS. SSSS happened upon me because I followed (a) Rabbit's advice (well, it sounded more like "YOU MUST READ THIS JUST DO IT") and ended up binge-reading SSSS (somewhere into chapter 4 I think) and aRTD. Never regretted going down that rabbit hole...
I'm 24, Swiss, and I study classical archaeology in my major and chemistry in my minor. I write fanfiction and sometimes doodle fanart but don't expect quality from me and I haven't completed anything worthwhile for SSSS but probably will churn out something in the future (or Rabbit will eat me).
I'm terrible at using forums but I'll give this one a try.
Any other Swiss people around?
I'm a Skype dweller and will love you to death if you decide that you want to chat with me over there. Just ask me for my Skype name.
Grüezi and welcome, sounds like following Rabbit's advice is the best idea you've ever had!
Grüezi and welcome, sounds like following Rabbit's advice is the best idea you've ever had!
Grüezi und merci ;)
Haha, yes, it was one of the best ideas I've ever had! (besides befriending Rabbit) :D
Hi there
The name's Aki, you might know me from the comment section on SSSS. SSSS happened upon me because I followed (a) Rabbit's advice (well, it sounded more like "YOU MUST READ THIS JUST DO IT") and ended up binge-reading SSSS (somewhere into chapter 4 I think) and aRTD. Never regretted going down that rabbit hole...
Shwmae a croeso!
Rabbit's advice was good, yeah?
I don't know if we have any other Swiss members, but if you head over to our Quakenet IRC chat at #ssss, people will certainly be up for Skype.
We're all stuck in the rabbit hole now, but it's a really nice hole and none of us want to leave- you probably get it.
Shwmae a croeso!
Rabbit's advice was good, yeah?
I don't know if we have any other Swiss members, but if you head over to our Quakenet IRC chat at #ssss, people will certainly be up for Skype.
We're all stuck in the rabbit hole now, but it's a really nice hole and none of us want to leave- you probably get it.
Hi Para~
... of course there are no other Swiss, what else did I expect? *fake drama voice off* It's the best rabbit hole we could hope for, once we get rid of flesh blobs. =3=b
Hm, thanks for the advice, maybe when I gather enough courage to try IRC chat ^^'''
Welcome, Aki!
...chemistry in my minor. I write fanfiction...
Another (trainee) chemist who writes fanfiction?? Splendid! I was worried I'd be the only one... :D
Welcome, Aki!
Another (trainee) chemist who writes fanfiction?? Splendid! I was worried I'd be the only one... :D
Thank you, Secto~
Interesting combo of interests that you look out for! Well, it makes sense since it's kind of important to understand the chemistry between characters- *bricked*
Yup, you're not the only one ^^
(I hope so, though the rating system still makes me nervous)
Don't pay attention to that :) But to be honest it makes me nervous when I see how many things I had posted in so few months. Post or share if you want, take only a look if you prefer, all will be all right.
... of course there are no other Swiss, what else did I expect?
Well, you obviously already saw the fandom map (https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1262583), so expecting other Swiss here as well is not at all unreasonable ...
... but yes, it seems that people putting themselves on the map but not joining the forum is much more frequent than the other way 'round.
hii Aki! I was recently wondering if there are any swiss minnions myself, because I'm about to board a plane to Geneva in a couple minutes ahahah. Welcome to the forum!
Welcome Aki! We are happy to have you join us!
hii Aki! I was recently wondering if there are any swiss minnions myself, because I'm about to board a plane to Geneva in a couple minutes ahahah. Welcome to the forum!
Actually Adriano is also from Switzerland.
Hi there
The name's Aki, you might know me from the comment section on SSSS. SSSS happened upon me because I followed (a) Rabbit's advice (well, it sounded more like "YOU MUST READ THIS JUST DO IT") and ended up binge-reading SSSS (somewhere into chapter 4 I think) and aRTD. Never regretted going down that rabbit hole...
I'm 24, Swiss, and I study classical archaeology in my major and chemistry in my minor. I write fanfiction and sometimes doodle fanart but don't expect quality from me and I haven't completed anything worthwhile for SSSS but probably will churn out something in the future (or Rabbit will eat me).
Hello and welcome!
"Binge-reading SSSS" seems to be a pretty common reaction. Now you're stuck waiting on daily updates like the rest of us. : D
Ahhh you write fanfiction? I hope that if you write some SSSS, you'll decide to share; I'd look forward to reading it. Also classical archaeology, wow, fascinating *_*
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it here!
SSSS happened upon me because I followed (a) Rabbit's advice (well, it sounded more like "YOU MUST READ THIS JUST DO IT") and ended up binge-reading SSSS (somewhere into chapter 4 I think) and aRTD. Never regretted going down that rabbit hole...
Job well done?
Job well done.
Job well done?
Job well done.
Job perfectly well done :D
Well, you obviously already saw the fandom map (https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1262583), so expecting other Swiss here as well is not at all unreasonable... but yes, it seems that people putting themselves on the map but not joining the forum is much more frequent than the other way 'round.
I think that when I put myself on there, I was all alone :'D
I did infect 3 Swiss people with SSSS syndrome, another one of my friend was already infected but they're all not inclined on commenting or forum-ing :(
hii Aki! I was recently wondering if there are any swiss minnions myself, because I'm about to board a plane to Geneva in a couple minutes ahahah. Welcome to the forum!
Thank you! Sadly, I'm on the other side of Switzerland and unless you hop by Zürich, I doubt we can find time to meet up ^^''' But have fun in Switzerland! =3=b
Welcome Aki! We are happy to have you join us! Actually Adriano is also from Switzerland.
Thank you! Ohoooo? Must find this Adriano person then at some point... o3o
Hello and welcome!
"Binge-reading SSSS" seems to be a pretty common reaction. Now you're stuck waiting on daily updates like the rest of us. : D
Ahhh you write fanfiction? I hope that if you write some SSSS, you'll decide to share; I'd look forward to reading it. Also classical archaeology, wow, fascinating *_*
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it here!
Thank you! Haha, yes, I got stuck for waiting for daily updates somewhere during chapter 4 I think... oh well, it makes getting up even more worthwhile, especially since I usually check the page at Uni with one of my infected friends. No, what do you mean, squealing in the middle of a crowded classroom is strange?
I started on 1 SSSS fic already, another one is in planning. Will share it once I can, which might some time forever in the future.
Yes it is *w*
Job well done?
Job well done.
Job exceedingly well done. =3=b Ilu
Hi there
The name's Aki, you might know me from the comment section on SSSS. SSSS happened upon me because I followed (a) Rabbit's advice (well, it sounded more like "YOU MUST READ THIS JUST DO IT") and ended up binge-reading SSSS (somewhere into chapter 4 I think) and aRTD. Never regretted going down that rabbit hole...
I'm 24, Swiss, and I study classical archaeology in my major and chemistry in my minor. I write fanfiction and sometimes doodle fanart but don't expect quality from me and I haven't completed anything worthwhile for SSSS but probably will churn out something in the future (or Rabbit will eat me).
I'm terrible at using forums but I'll give this one a try.
Any other Swiss people around?
I'm a Skype dweller and will love you to death if you decide that you want to chat with me over there. Just ask me for my Skype name.
Hi Aki ! Swiss people here ! o/
I'm not an alchemist though. I'm from Valais and u ?
I'd be glad to add you to my skype ! I'll pm you.
I also doodle and make a fanfic about SSSS, though now it's a bit paused. I shoulda take it again damn xc
Hope we'll have a great time !
Hi Aki ! Swiss people here ! o/
I'm not an alchemist though. I'm from Valais and u ?
I'd be glad to add you to my skype ! I'll pm you.
I also doodle and make a fanfic about SSSS, though now it's a bit paused. I shoulda take it again damn xc
Hope we'll have a great time !
*zips to pms to get that Skype name*
I'm from Neuchâtel and Aargau owo
I hope so too~<3
Hallo! Norwegian here.
A bit sad that Norway came through so badly, but happy it came through at all. Also, amateur writer, and I (just yesterday) started an SSSS quest over on Sufficient Velocity: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/stand-still-stay-silent.22848/
For those not familiar with the concept, basically you'd be taking the reins of one of the countries (looking like Finland, so far), in year 0, and trying to get through events with less damage than canon. Practically nobody there is familiar with what they're up against, though. It'll be fun~
So I guess I'll be hanging around here looking for story ideas, mostly. Nice to meet'cha.
Welcome, Baughn :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Can I first say I LOVE SSSS SO MUCH found about it like three days ago and is so beautiful that my tears are heart eyes emojis :)
My name is Milenka but online I'm Faramile I'm 22 and I live in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
my studies: went to a Argentinian-Arabic high school learned to write and speak just a bit then forgot all of it. I was super bad learning English though, until I started reading manga (mangas take a lot of time to be traduced so I started reading in english) I got better at it and now I'm okay but speak it in a very basic manner(? sorry about that. Later tried graphic design because I like to use photoshop and drawing even though I only draw probably 5% of the time (and spend 40% reading fanfic) and changed to graphic production which I like more (it's about the step after designing a piece)
I think speaking or understanding other languages is like unlocking a part of the world IT'S MAGIC you guys are amazing I saw that some know like three Languages that's so cool 8)
I want to learn maybe just a bit of Japanese, Italian, and Norwegian(now) I was told that china is gonna "take over the world" in five years but still I don't want to learn it hahaha
Welcome among us Faramile ! :) Take a welcome cookie :squirrelcookie:
Welcome among us Faramile ! :) Take a welcome cookie :squirrelcookie:
thanks! you can share half with me :)
Hallo! Norwegian here.
A bit sad that Norway came through so badly, but happy it came through at all. Also, amateur writer, and I (just yesterday) started an SSSS quest over on Sufficient Velocity: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/stand-still-stay-silent.22848/
For those not familiar with the concept, basically you'd be taking the reins of one of the countries (looking like Finland, so far), in year 0, and trying to get through events with less damage than canon. Practically nobody there is familiar with what they're up against, though. It'll be fun~
So I guess I'll be hanging around here looking for story ideas, mostly. Nice to meet'cha.
Hjerteligst velkommen :)
You might be especially interested in these topics I bet:
Survivor Communities outside the known world (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=24.0)
The SSSS Scriptorium (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0)
Troll Biology (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=284.0)
Stand Still Stay Silent: The RP [Concept and OOC] (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=404.0)
And basically the entire Perssssonas childboard ;)
Have fun
Hallo! Norwegian here.
A bit sad that Norway came through so badly, but happy it came through at all. Also, amateur writer, and I (just yesterday) started an SSSS quest over on Sufficient Velocity: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/stand-still-stay-silent.22848/
For those not familiar with the concept, basically you'd be taking the reins of one of the countries (looking like Finland, so far), in year 0, and trying to get through events with less damage than canon. Practically nobody there is familiar with what they're up against, though. It'll be fun~
So I guess I'll be hanging around here looking for story ideas, mostly. Nice to meet'cha.
Oh, welcome! Don't worry, if Norway got scaled down in the comic we're doing great here in the forum! There's lots of Norwegians here.
Hej, I'm Elin, still in high school! I speak English and Chinese, and I'm learning Swedish. I discovered SSSS in late August and now I think I've lost my life to it. aRTD is one of my favorites too. Hannu is great. I've always liked writing and will probably participate in NanoWrimo this year. I might also post my story on Wattpad sometime. My dream is to become a freelance author/webcomic artist!
Am i the only one who thinks Mikkel is secretly the queen (king?) of subtle sass?
Hej, I'm Elin! I speak English and Chinese, and I'm learning Swedish. I discovered SSSS in late August and now I think I've lost my life to it. aRTD is one of my favorites too. Hannu is great.
Am i the only one who thinks Mikkel is secretly the queen (king?) of subtle sass?
Hi and welcome! : D It's great to have you here. It sounds like you and I started reading SSSS at around the same time.
And AAAHHH another aRTD lover, hooray! Hannu is amazing, I love him so much, jerk tendencies and all. (Maybe even because he's such a jerk...)
Mikkel is totally the sass king. He inherited it from Signe, of course. ;p
Hej, I'm Elin, still in high school! I speak English and Chinese, and I'm learning Swedish. I discovered SSSS in late August and now I think I've lost my life to it. aRTD is one of my favorites too. Hannu is great.
always liked writing and will probably participate in NanoWrimo this year. I might also post my story on Wattpad sometime. My dream is to become a freelance author/webcomic artist!
Am i the only one who thinks Mikkel is secretly the queen (king?) of subtle sass?
Welcome, Elin! You'll find a lot of kindred spirits here with all your interests. Members are already gearing up for NaNoWriMo!
Don't hesitate to ask for advice or suggestions (we're all friendly here) and have fun exploring the Forum!
Yes! I guess we're both relatively new to the series.
I love Hannu because he's a jerk. I relate to his antisocial tendencies. Also, I love his hair.
Welcome kirvel, cookies are here :squirrelcookie:
Do you want to join several of us on the NaNo ? :D
Yes definitely! I need writing buddies to keep my motivation xD
What's your username? I could add you.
Welcome Faramile and Kirvel! :D
heelloo ssss forum aka the thing has successfully kept me from studying for my upcoming tests by making my brain feel all fidgety like it couldn't move on to any other task until i posted an introduction on here for some reason what is life
well w/e ima do the thing where i talk about how much i lov ssss & webcomics in general because they keep me sane while im trying to get through school but ironically also makes it super difficult to focus at times like right now!
what i (& many others!!) especially like about ssss is how it opens a door for discussing & reveling in the glorryy of language & culture by shoving a motley crew of baby war-goers out into the dead dead danger zone i love that so much. also there's lalli
a redtail's dream is equally enjoyable to me. hannu makes me cry
also much appreciation for the artistry & creativity im seeing throughout the forum that is something i do like.
that dragged on longer than i thought it would
tl;dr someone talk lalli & physics to me
heelloo ssss forum aka the thing has successfully kept me from studying for my upcoming tests by making my brain feel all fidgety like it couldn't move on to any other task until i posted an introduction on here for some reason what is life
well w/e ima do the thing where i talk about how much i lov ssss & webcomics in general because they keep me sane while im trying to get through school but ironically also makes it super difficult to focus at times like right now!
what i (& many others!!) especially like about ssss is how it opens a door for discussing & reveling in the glorryy of language & culture by shoving a motley crew of baby war-goers out into the dead dead danger zone i love that so much. also there's lalli
a redtail's dream is equally enjoyable to me. hannu makes me cry
also much appreciation for the artistry & creativity im seeing throughout the forum that is something i do like.
that dragged on longer than i thought it would
tl;dr someone talk lalli & physics to me
Welcome! Here, some cookies just for you: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
(Also I totally feel ya on the school thing... )
cookies! & of the squirrel variety. nice!
also i recognize your icon- i might've attempted to communicate with you on tumblr eons ago when i was just getting into ssss so hello again !
cookies! & of the squirrel variety. nice!
also i recognize your icon- i might've attempted to communicate with you on tumblr eons ago when i was just getting into ssss so hello again !
Hmmm, that's possible! I did post the drawing on there back in May...
tl;dr someone talk lalli & physics to me
Hi! Welcome! Have some cookies!
OK, Lalli and physics, here we go.
Lalli, who weighs 70 kg, falls from a 3m-high window. How much force does he exert on Mikkel when he lands?
I'm like 90% sure this has been done already, but shhhhhh
aaa i love this thank u for this LOL
well since weight is the force of gravity acting on an object it is already measured in newtons
but we could say lalli has a mass of 70kg & is accelerating under gravity @ -9.8m/s2
the force of an object is the product of its mass & acceleration so 70kg multiplied by -9.8m/s2 comes out to 686 kg x m/s2 or just 686 N of force
have fun mikkel
funny how this is relevant to the work i should be doing but also not someone teach me how to not be so easily distracted now
Welcome among us, scheherazade :)
aaa i love this thank u for this LOL
well since weight is the force of gravity acting on an object it is already measured in newtons
but we could say lalli has a mass of 70kg & is accelerating under gravity @ -9.8m/s2
the force of an object is the product of its mass & acceleration so 70kg multiplied by -9.8m/s2 comes out to 686 kg x m/s2 or just 686 N of force
have fun mikkel
funny how this is relevant to the work i should be doing but also not someone teach me how to not be so easily distracted now
686 N is Lalli's weight, but it's not the force he will exert on Mikkel since he will decelerate much faster than this. His velocity after a 3 m fall is sqrt(2*g*z0) = 7.67 m/s. Now, we don't know the deceleration, but let's assume the fall is damped by Mikkel over a distance of 0.60 m. At Lalli's speed, this is done in 0.078 s. So the acceleration is a=98.1 m/s.
Finally, the force is m*(a+g) = 7554 N. It hurts and shows that Mikkel can't actually catch Lalli but just slow down his fall.
Hi! Welcome! Have some cookies!
OK, Lalli and physics, here we go.
Lalli, who weighs 70 kg, falls from a 3m-high window. How much force does he exert on Mikkel when he lands?
I'm like 90% sure this has been done already, but shhhhhh
Yes we did but it was a long time ago so we can do it again :P
Ok, this is all well and good (physics, yay!) but I think 70kg is way too much for Lalli. My brother has pretty much the same body type as Lalli (and is probably around the same height too) and he weight only about 50kg. So using the same method as Troposphere did, I get the force as 5395N. It would still hurt, and Mikkel probably still wouldn't be able to catch Lalli so much as break his fall. So I guess this bit was pointless, but I wanted in on the physics :))
Also, hi scheherazade! Another squirrel cookie just for good measure :squirrelcookie: And if you like that image, we have a whole reaction image hoard (https://ssssforum.com/thingies/reactionimages.php) that you can look through. There's an image in there for practically any situation, and more are always coming ^-^
but I think 70kg is way too much for Lalli.
Same for me but I don't understand anything to your calculations so I was :-X
To put it in perspective for my fellow non-metric-system-using friends, 70 kg is about 155 lbs. 50 kg is closer to 110 lbs.
Welcome scheherazade!!
Hi! Welcome! Have some cookies!
OK, Lalli and physics, here we go.
Lalli, who weighs 70 kg, falls from a 3m-high window. How much force does he exert on Mikkel when he lands?
I'm like 90% sure this has been done already, but shhhhhh
Yes that was my physics home work from last year! Here is the thread. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=442.msg35327#msg35327) Maybe now that school is happening again it's time to resurrect it.
heelloo ssss forum aka the thing has successfully kept me from studying for my upcoming tests by making my brain feel all fidgety like it couldn't move on to any other task until i posted an introduction on here for some reason what is life
well w/e ima do the thing where i talk about how much i lov ssss & webcomics in general because they keep me sane while im trying to get through school but ironically also makes it super difficult to focus at times like right now!
what i (& many others!!) especially like about ssss is how it opens a door for discussing & reveling in the glorryy of language & culture by shoving a motley crew of baby war-goers out into the dead dead danger zone i love that so much. also there's lalli
a redtail's dream is equally enjoyable to me. hannu makes me cry
also much appreciation for the artistry & creativity im seeing throughout the forum that is something i do like.
that dragged on longer than i thought it would
tl;dr someone talk lalli & physics to me
Once you are fully assimilated into the forum, school will not matter anymore. Welcome to the forum! I hope you have an awesome time going through the nigh-infinite amounts of fanfics, fanart, and stuff here and probably contribute some of your own work! :D
Welcome scheherazade! Here's (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.msg67232#msg67232) a guide to all the art threads on the forum (and if you scroll up there's a lot of useful information too!) I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
I am bad at estimation :P
I am bad at estimation :P
And I'm overly nitpicky. We balance each other out :P
Hello everyone! I am excited to be joining the fan forum at last! My name is Christina and I am from Washington state. I am a college student and a year younger than Lalli and Emil. I've been reading SSSS since the middle of August this year, but I only just recently started exploring the forum. I also finally read aRTD and it is fantastic!! Though I'm sure I probably don't need to tell you that. I like to think that I'm an artist, so sometimes I draw SSSS fanart, but I won't have too much time to do so very frequently. And finally, though I have lived my whole life in Washington, I have always dreamed of learning Swedish and traveling to Sweden, because that is where my family is from. (Part of the reason I enjoy SSSS so much is because it reminds me of my Scandinavian roots). Pleased to meet you all!!!! (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aGjZgz7L3qk/Vh7HC_wQyMI/AAAAAAAABLE/_8llEoXhNrk/w506-h598/eager.jpg)
Welcome, blackberryblossoms :) Here are the welcome cookies ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello everyone! I am excited to be joining the fan forum at last! My name is Christina and I am from Washington state. I am a college student and a year younger than Lalli and Emil. I've been reading SSSS since the middle of August this year, but I only just recently started exploring the forum. I also finally read aRTD and it is fantastic!! Though I'm sure I probably don't need to tell you that. I like to think that I'm an artist, so sometimes I draw SSSS fanart, but I won't have too much time to do so very frequently. And finally, though I have lived my whole life in Washington, I have always dreamed of learning Swedish and traveling to Sweden, because that is where my family is from. (Part of the reason I enjoy SSSS so much is because it reminds me of my Scandinavian roots). Pleased to meet you all!!!! (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aGjZgz7L3qk/Vh7HC_wQyMI/AAAAAAAABLE/_8llEoXhNrk/w506-h598/eager.jpg)
Welcome! I have a feeling you will fit in perfectly here. I have seen your art too and I like it! I hope you will stick around and make lots more :)
Hello everyone! I am excited to be joining the fan forum at last! My name is Christina and I am from Washington state. I am a college student and a year younger than Lalli and Emil. I've been reading SSSS since the middle of August this year, but I only just recently started exploring the forum. I also finally read aRTD and it is fantastic!! Though I'm sure I probably don't need to tell you that. I like to think that I'm an artist, so sometimes I draw SSSS fanart, but I won't have too much time to do so very frequently. And finally, though I have lived my whole life in Washington, I have always dreamed of learning Swedish and traveling to Sweden, because that is where my family is from. (Part of the reason I enjoy SSSS so much is because it reminds me of my Scandinavian roots). Pleased to meet you all!!!! (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aGjZgz7L3qk/Vh7HC_wQyMI/AAAAAAAABLE/_8llEoXhNrk/w506-h598/eager.jpg)
Hi, hello, welcome fellow Washingtonian! Which side do you live on?
Also, I believe that Duolingo (http://duolingo.com) has a Swedish course, if you want to do that. There's also probably a Swedish thread in the Language Board.
Hi, hello, welcome fellow Washingtonian! Which side do you live on?
Also, I believe that Duolingo (http://duolingo.com) has a Swedish course, if you want to do that. There's also probably a Swedish thread in the Language Board.
Thank you, fellow Washingtonian ;D I live about an hour away from Seattle, so I'm from the west side. And thanks for the language helps recommendations!! I've checked out Duolingo and they've been really helpful so far.
Jenny Islander here. Alaskan, speak English and a little Spanish (and some Quenya if that helps). Generally can't stand gore and horror, but heard good things about SSSS and so far I like it. I enjoy post-apocalyptic scenarios involving people who act like people, not B-movie cardboard characters.
Jenny Islander here. Alaskan, speak English and a little Spanish (and some Quenya if that helps). Generally can't stand gore and horror, but heard good things about SSSS and so far I like it. I enjoy post-apocalyptic scenarios involving people who act like people, not B-movie cardboard characters.
Welcome, Jenny! We're glad to have you here.
If you want to dress up your postings a little, the guidelines here will show you how to add language flags (and other things). https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0
In fact, clicking on the "Help" column above will lead to a guide to some of the most popular parts of the Forum and other items you may find useful.
We're all friendly here, so please don't hesitate to ask a question or offer an opinion or piece of fan-art, poetry, filk music, amusing SSSS page edit, etc.
Jenny Islander here. Alaskan, speak English and a little Spanish (and some Quenya if that helps). Generally can't stand gore and horror, but heard good things about SSSS and so far I like it. I enjoy post-apocalyptic scenarios involving people who act like people, not B-movie cardboard characters.
Welcome Jenny :) I think you're not the only one who had learnt some Quenya... but I'm not sure, I'll let the others say.
Haha, Stand Still. Stay Silent isn't gore or horror ;) Or I won't be a fan reading.
Anyway, have a welcome cookie ! :squirrelcookie:
Jenny Islander here. Alaskan, speak English and a little Spanish (and some Quenya if that helps). Generally can't stand gore and horror, but heard good things about SSSS and so far I like it. I enjoy post-apocalyptic scenarios involving people who act like people, not B-movie cardboard characters.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. I don't know Quenya, but I am trying to learn Sindarin. (Argh why are there so many elvish dialects)
Welcome, Jenny Islander. Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo, and all that. While I have a Quenya username, I have merely dabbled in the language, and am much more proficient with Tengwar than I am with the vocabulary or grammar, to my deep regret.
Welcome, Jenny Islander. Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo, and all that.
I have merely dabbled in the language, and am much more proficient with Tengwar than I am with the vocabulary or grammar, to my deep regret.
What Aul said. Nice to see another fellow Tolkien fan!
I've got a little Sindarin, but not enough grammar to make actual sentences -- mostly vocabulary scraps.
What Aul said. Nice to see another fellow Tolkien fan!
I've got a little Sindarin, but not enough grammar to make actual sentences -- mostly vocabulary scraps.
If you're looking to learn grammar and sentence structure, I can highly recommend this:http://sindarinlessons.weebly.com (http://sindarinlessons.weebly.com) It is what I have been using to learn.
If you're looking to learn grammar and sentence structure, I can highly recommend this:http://sindarinlessons.weebly.com (http://sindarinlessons.weebly.com) It is what I have been using to learn.
I had been using a PDF that somebody whipped up but it was hard to keep track of where I was and that made it less motivation.
I had been using a PDF that somebody whipped up but it was hard to keep track of where I was and that made it less motivation.
You're welcome! I am surprised that you had not seen it before, It's the first thing that shows up for me when I search up "Learn Sindarin". Also on that site they have a dictionary of all known/speculated Sindarin words which is very useful. Also, I made a sindarin learning thread over here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=674.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=674.0)
You're welcome! I am surprised that you had not seen it before, It's the first thing that shows up for me when I search up "Learn Sindarin". Also on that site they have a dictionary of all known/speculated Sindarin words which is very useful. Also, I made a sindarin learning thread over here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=674.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=674.0)
You are an excellent person. :D
The reason I hadn't seen that was that instead of going "I wanna learn Elvish! Google!" I went "oooo this website that I am on is really interesting and hey! there's a textbook! Sure, I'll download it, why not?"
You are an excellent person. :D
Thank you! :)
The reason I hadn't seen that was that instead of going "I wanna learn Elvish! Google!" I went "oooo this website that I am on is really interesting and hey! there's a textbook! Sure, I'll download it, why not?"
Ah, yes. Always look at all your options first, cause sometimes the first you see isn't the best. :-\
Hallo people of the SSSScomic forums, I'm Mic(k). Big fan of the comic (found it while viewing the language tree map on a subreddit) and have to say the community seems great (as far as I can tell from the comic comments).
I'm a final year student of engineering and live in the remote and mysterious land of South Africa.
Still trying to find my bearings around the forum, and hope to post here more soon once I've got more free time.
Hallo people of the SSSScomic forums, I'm Mic(k). Big fan of the comic (found it while viewing the language tree map on a subreddit) and have to say the community seems great (as far as I can tell from the comic comments).
I'm a final year student of engineering and live in the remote and mysterious land of South Africa.
Still trying to find my bearings around the forum, and hope to post here more soon once I've got more free time.
Welcome Mic :) The community is great ! I'm still amazed and delighted to have found a so nice community and so amazing persons here. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hallo people of the SSSScomic forums, I'm Mic(k). Big fan of the comic (found it while viewing the language tree map on a subreddit) and have to say the community seems great (as far as I can tell from the comic comments).
I'm a final year student of engineering and live in the remote and mysterious land of South Africa.
Still trying to find my bearings around the forum, and hope to post here more soon once I've got more free time.
Welcome! As remote and mysterious as it is, you're not actually the first member of South African origins.
Welcome Mic :) The community is great ! I'm still amazed and delighted to have found a so nice community and so amazing persons here. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Thanks ;D
Welcome! As remote and mysterious as it is, you're not actually the first member of South African origins.
I would've guessed so, but it's fun being dramatic like that :P
So what're some good threads to check out on the forums?
So what're some good threads to check out on the forums?
Everything here is awesome, but I can recommend the SSSS Scriptorium (fan fiction), the SSSS Art Museum (Fanart), and the SSSS Memes/edits thread as places to start. Also, If you read and enjoyed aRTD then I think you should check out the aRTD Counterparts of those threads.
Hallo people of the SSSScomic forums, I'm Mic(k). Big fan of the comic (found it while viewing the language tree map on a subreddit) and have to say the community seems great (as far as I can tell from the comic comments).
I'm a final year student of engineering and live in the remote and mysterious land of South Africa.
Still trying to find my bearings around the forum, and hope to post here more soon once I've got more free time.
Croeso, Mic!
A lot of people came here from tha language map, yeah.
As for how great the community is (really great), our IRC channel is part of Quakenet, at #ssss- why not drop by and chat sometime?
Also, given that you're an engineer this thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=413.0) may interest you.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me, any other member of staff, or frankly any well-established member- most of them know more than I do.
Hallo people of the SSSScomic forums, I'm Mic(k). Big fan of the comic (found it while viewing the language tree map on a subreddit) and have to say the community seems great (as far as I can tell from the comic comments).
I'm a final year student of engineering and live in the remote and mysterious land of South Africa.
Still trying to find my bearings around the forum, and hope to post here more soon once I've got more free time.
Hello! I do believe (not including myself) you are the third South African who's identified themselves in this fandom. Perhaps the second (again not including myself) that's actually made an account here.
I'm a bit of an oddity myself, born in South Africa but been all over since. I do go back every few years, though - still got quite a few members of my family over there, too. Coincidentally, one of them is also in his last year of engineering, haha. I think at Potch'.
As Luth said, there are many interesting things to start out with. Depends what you like. I'll leave the masterlist of art threads (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.msg67232#msg67232) here, though - might be a nice place to start. There are some pretty cool theory threads on the SSSS Board, lots of interesting language threads on the Language Board if you're at all interested in that, and the General Discussion Board has all sorts. Search around and you'll probably find something you're interested in ;)
Hey, I am jmf. I am a 20 years old guy, living in the middle of germany and studying computer science.
German is my native language, I am fluent in english and also speak a little bit of french.
I found aRTD some time ago and read it, then went on to read SSSS, at that point SSSS was uploaded to somewhere around page 380.
I really love and enjoy the artwork and story.
Hey, I am jmf. I am a 20 years old guy, living in the middle of germany and studying computer science.
German is my native language, I am fluent in english and also speak a little bit of french.
I found aRTD some time ago and read it, then went on to read SSSS, at that point SSSS was uploaded to somewhere around page 380.
I really love and enjoy the artwork and story.
Welcome, jmf! Here, have a squirrel cookie or two: :squirrelcookie: We've got a few Germans around here, as well as German and French language threads, in case you wanted to chat in one of those languages. We also have plenty of art threads if you'd like to check those out or contribute (Is that your own drawing of whale-rider Reynir? Because it looks awesome!). With the chapter break coming up very soon, now was a good time to join: you can still get your daily fix of SSSS here and speculate on what's to come. So welcome once again!
I'm Shaula from the US West Coast, and in a week I'll be one year younger than Onni with sometimes about as much confidence in the world.
I got out of university with a physics degree, but then became professional science camp staff, who then works backstage at the local theater on breaks. (Life is weeeiird!)
I found SSSS sometime in Chapter 5 after following a link from What It Takes (http://warofwinds.com/what-it-takes/)(NSFW) and then later realized it was the second time I found Minna's work. She made some tutorials for DA back when she was ShadowUmbre on there, and those helped me take my first steps into making actually decent backgrounds!
Anyways, until now I'd been content to enjoy the story and art from afar, but then I found the forum, so here I am ^^
Ahhh, welcome jmf and Shaula!
Have some squirrel cookies, if you like! o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I'm Shaula from the US West Coast, and in a week I'll be one year younger than Onni with sometimes about as much confidence in the world.
I got out of university with a physics degree, but then became professional science camp staff, who then works backstage at the local theater on breaks. (Life is weeeiird!)
I found SSSS sometime in Chapter 5 after following a link from What It Takes (http://warofwinds.com/what-it-takes/)(NSFW) and then later realized it was the second time I found Minna's work. She made some tutorials for DA back when she was ShadowUmbre on there, and those helped me take my first steps into making actually decent backgrounds!
Anyways, until now I'd been content to enjoy the story and art from afar, but then I found the forum, so here I am ^^
Welcome, Shaula! And thanks for the tidbit about Minna's earlier career -- I never pictured her having an angsty Dark-Romantic username, but I'm tickled to find out she did!
Where on the West Coast are you? I ask because I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area; we've already had one Minnion Meet-Up (in June). It was so much fun that we are considering another before the holidays.
Hey, I am jmf. I am a 20 years old guy, living in the middle of germany and studying computer science.
German is my native language, I am fluent in english and also speak a little bit of french.
I found aRTD some time ago and read it, then went on to read SSSS, at that point SSSS was uploaded to somewhere around page 380.
I really love and enjoy the artwork and story.
And welcome jmf! My only connections are to Germany are that I used to work for SAP and my brother and his family recently moved to Frankfurt -- but that's enough to make me think kindly of Germans.
We look forward to seeing both of you around the Forum.
BTW, we have a new thread for Username Origins (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=672.0) if either of you would like to discuss yours.
(Is that your own drawing of whale-rider Reynir? Because it looks awesome!).
Thanks. :)
It is a part of a bigger picture I've drawn, specifically to cut out a part as profile picture. I'll post the full image in the art thread soon.
Ahhh, welcome jmf and Shaula!
Have some squirrel cookies, if you like! o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thank you ^^ *munches cookies*
Welcome, Shaula! And thanks for the tidbit about Minna's earlier career -- I never pictured her having an angsty Dark-Romantic username, but I'm tickled to find out she did!
Where on the West Coast are you? I ask because I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area; we've already had one Minnion Meet-Up (in June). It was so much fun that we are considering another before the holidays.
Thanks for the welcome!
Wow... I actually had new information?
Though I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. The name difference meant it took me nearly a year to figure out that my favorite tutorials and one of my favorite webcomics (the one with the best art!) were from the same person XD
And that's wild! I'm not technically SF Bay Area, but I'm only a few hours from said city, so I could definitely make a meetup in that area! ^^
ok here goes X///[
Hallo there ! I'm shaeira (but you can call me Shai if you guys want ) . 17 yr. old turning 18 this December . I'm from somewhere in the Southeast asia. I discovered SSSS through someone who suggested it by posting a link in the comics of "Always Raining Here" so whoever that was THANK YOUUUU! ;D ;D He/she posted a bunch of links to other comics and I'm so glad I clicked the SSSS one .
And wow you guys know a lot of diff. languages (and I'm just here with my own lang. and English)
I'm Auður/Úlfar! I'm 18, agender and Icelandic :)
I started reading SSSS about 2 weeks ago, but I'd seen some of the artwork before and never the name of it, so I was super happy to actually find it. :)
I'm Auður/Úlfar! I'm 18, agender and Icelandic :)
I started reading SSSS about 2 weeks ago, but I'd seen some of the artwork before and never the name of it, so I was super happy to actually find it. :)
Hæ! Welcome to the forum! It is so great to get more Icelanders here!
We have art and language stuff and stories and much much more. I hope you like it here, everyone is so nice and welcoming.
ok here goes X///[
Hallo there ! I'm shaeira (but you can call me Shai if you guys want ) . 17 yr. old turning 18 this December . I'm from somewhere in the Southeast asia. I discovered SSSS through someone who suggested it by posting a link in the comics of "Always Raining Here" so whoever that was THANK YOUUUU! ;D ;D He/she posted a bunch of links to other comics and I'm so glad I clicked the SSSS one .
And wow you guys know a lot of diff. languages (and I'm just here with my own lang. and English)
Welcome!! This community is RIDICULOUSLY multilingual, I have to say @_@ Don't worry, you speak more than me! :0
I'm Auður/Úlfar! I'm 18, agender and Icelandic :)
I started reading SSSS about 2 weeks ago, but I'd seen some of the artwork before and never the name of it, so I was super happy to actually find it. :)
Welcome!! We have Icelandic, German, and Danish threads in the language board and lots more if you ever feel like practicing :0
This community is incredibly welcoming and will gladly answer any questions you have (` ᄇ ´ )b
I hope you both have a great time here!!
aaahhh welcome all newbies!! I hope you have a great time here ^________^
I'm Auður/Úlfar! I'm 18, agender and Icelandic :)
I started reading SSSS about 2 weeks ago, but I'd seen some of the artwork before and never the name of it, so I was super happy to actually find it. :)
hey, your tumblr url seems super familar, is it possible you've been following my tumblr for a while? O: is that where you saw ssss, i need to know for science
I'd just like to give a big welcome to all you new members! It's nice to see some new faces around here. I hope you enjoy all the wonderful stuff we have here on the forum. ;D
Hi! I'm Auður/Úlfar! I'm 18, agender and Icelandic :)
ok here goes X///[
Hallo there ! I'm shaeira
Hiya! I'm Shaula from the US West Coast
Hey, I am jmf. I am a 20 years old guy, living in the middle of germany
Plenty of new members, so croeso (:wales:) to everyone who's just joined! As usual, I'll direct you all to our IRC channel- #ssss (https://webchat.quakenet.org/).
Auður, I'm very jealous of you getting to live in Iceland- I love Iceland.
Shaeira, don't worry too much about languages- I'm only *fluent* in English, I'm learning Welsh and Spanish. If you want to learn more languages, we've got a load of threads relating to language learning- take a look at the languages board.
Shaula, love the news that Minna once had an angsty DeviantArt profile, that's brilliant.
Jmf, I've already seen you in the chat so I'll probably see you again at some point.
There is something about SSSS that seems to attract very genteel, curious, clever people. That is mind-baffling to me: how can a work of art gather so many good people? I sense a really good vibe here and so, even though I'm often busy, I fear I will need to come and procrastinate here from time to time.
You all seem to be language enthusiasts! Yessss. My first language is French (I was born in Belgium... Why, no Belgium flag for the forum? :'( ) and moved to the United States (West Coast) in 2008. I enjoy learning new vocabulary in English still but I would also like to continue learning German. I took Latin in high school, that helps. (I looove looking up the etymology of words.) Anyway, feel free to harass me in German. Oh and I'm supposed to speak Dutch, which I have learned for twelve years in school, but I can't. Vicious teachers took that away from me! Though if you feel like writing to me in Dutch, please indulge. That would be good practice for me.
I see that you are all lovers of the arts (well, of course you are, Minna brought you here!). I am myself an illustrator and a part-time art lecturer. I also write and illustrate my own web comic, which I launched back in July this year. If you are curious, here it is: http://ap.smirtouille.com/Webcomic/index.php
That goes without mentioning that ever since I read SSSS, the idea of expressing myself in comic form has been stuck in my head. (Was that before 2013? Can that be possible?) It took me a long time to become competent enough to consider it a viable option. So the fact I begun this venture is a big deal to me. And I admire Minna for the work she has accomplished and continues to produce with passion and consistency everyday.
I'll leave a music here as a token of my gratitude to everyone who contributes to this peaceful lair. :-*
Hi everyone! Thank you for being so welcoming! :)
hey, your tumblr url seems super familar, is it possible you've been following my tumblr for a while? O: is that where you saw ssss, i need to know for science
I am following your tumblr! sadly, I did not find it until after I found the comic though
I'm very jealous of you getting to live in Iceland- I love Iceland.
haha maybe you can visit somtime ;)
Shaeira, Auður, Smirty - welcome to the community!!
ᶴ ᶴ ᶴ
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Have some welcome cookies, fresh from the oven!
Welcome to the forums, everyone! :D
ok here goes X///[
Hallo there ! I'm shaeira (but you can call me Shai if you guys want ) . 17 yr. old turning 18 this December . I'm from somewhere in the Southeast asia. I discovered SSSS through someone who suggested it by posting a link in the comics of "Always Raining Here" so whoever that was THANK YOUUUU! ;D ;D He/she posted a bunch of links to other comics and I'm so glad I clicked the SSSS one .
And wow you guys know a lot of diff. languages (and I'm just here with my own lang. and English)
Hello, Shaeira. Welcome to the forums.
Finally! Somebody ese from Southeast Asia. :)
Welcome, many new members :) :squirrelcookie:
Hello! Total newbie here, caught up to the comic a couple hours ago. I usually don't involve myself in fandom things, preferring to just watch from the sidelines...so let's see how this goes! I live in America but my family is from southeast Asia, and my friend was the one who first got me into the comic. Hope I'll have fun here, which shouldn't be too hard because all you people have as-yet unrecorded levels of super nice :)
Hello! Total newbie here, caught up to the comic a couple hours ago. I usually don't involve myself in fandom things, preferring to just watch from the sidelines...so let's see how this goes! I live in America but my family is from southeast Asia, and my friend was the one who first got me into the comic. Hope I'll have fun here, which shouldn't be too hard because all you people have as-yet unrecorded levels of super nice :)
Welcome! It's viola from the chat *waves* Piney should be along shortly with some welcome cookies. I hope you like it here! The people are indeed unrecorded levels of super nice. I can attest to that. I was also one who didn't get involved in fandom and here I am chin deep in this one. I couldn't have made a better choice.
Hello! Total newbie here, caught up to the comic a couple hours ago. I usually don't involve myself in fandom things, preferring to just watch from the sidelines...so let's see how this goes! I live in America but my family is from southeast Asia, and my friend was the one who first got me into the comic. Hope I'll have fun here, which shouldn't be too hard because all you people have as-yet unrecorded levels of super nice :)
Hello again, and welcome! : D
I thought I would be watching from the sidelines too, but here I am... So perhaps you'll be surprised. ;p
Hello! Total newbie here, caught up to the comic a couple hours ago. I usually don't involve myself in fandom things, preferring to just watch from the sidelines...so let's see how this goes! I live in America but my family is from southeast Asia, and my friend was the one who first got me into the comic. Hope I'll have fun here, which shouldn't be too hard because all you people have as-yet unrecorded levels of super nice :)
Hellooo, it's curru from the chat! :D Welcome to the forums!! I hope you have a great time here, and if you have any questions, just ask! As you said this fandom IS super nice so everybody should be glad to answer your questions! :)
Hello! Total newbie here, caught up to the comic a couple hours ago. I usually don't involve myself in fandom things, preferring to just watch from the sidelines...so let's see how this goes! I live in America but my family is from southeast Asia, and my friend was the one who first got me into the comic. Hope I'll have fun here, which shouldn't be too hard because all you people have as-yet unrecorded levels of super nice :)
Welcome!! I bring you cookies:
o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Really, what's the deal with this fandom and squirrel cookies?
yo, i'm loki. noob. i'm 50% Taiwanese and 50% Caucasian and 100% Asgardian, a few years younger than emil and lalli, and lamer than you; i mainly speak english. I used to take Chinese, but I quit for art. i can KIND OF still speak it. i really want to learn more languages though, like ALL the ones in SSSS, plus Czech, Japanese, Romani, Taiwanese, French, etc.
uhh, i read a LOT of webcomics. SSSS (obv), The Property of Hate, Homestuck, Prague Race, Paranatural, Monsterkind, Lost Nightmare, Wilde Life, Demon Street, Kappa, and some i'm probably forgetting. there are many more that i need to read, and i'm in the process of reading aRTD.
i love to listen to music (ask me about bands), write, read, draw, pet cats, and sleep. and eat. and tumblr. this is my first official fan forum that i've joined, and i'm looking forward to good times ahead! B^) (dunno what else to say, i'm not very interesting...)
my name is loki on disqus (prev. heartlesslibrarymonster), and my username is djspookyjim.
yo, i'm loki. noob. i'm 50% Taiwanese and 50% Caucasian and 100% Asgardian, a few years younger than emil and lalli, and lamer than you; i mainly speak english. I used to take Chinese, but I quit for art. i can KIND OF still speak it. i really want to learn more languages though, like ALL the ones in SSSS, plus Czech, Japanese, Romani, Taiwanese, French, etc.
uhh, i read a LOT of webcomics. SSSS (obv), The Property of Hate, Homestuck, Prague Race, Paranatural, Monsterkind, Lost Nightmare, Wilde Life, Demon Street, Kappa, and some i'm probably forgetting. there are many more that i need to read, and i'm in the process of reading aRTD.
i love to listen to music (ask me about bands), write, read, draw, pet cats, and sleep. and eat. and tumblr. this is my first official fan forum that i've joined, and i'm looking forward to good times ahead! B^) (dunno what else to say, i'm not very interesting...)
my name is loki on disqus (prev. heartlesslibrarymonster), and my username is djspookyjim.
Heyyy Loki! Nice to see you on here :) Welcome to the forum. We have lots of topics for languages, so check out the language board and you can find others who speak or are learning the languages you are interested in.
Really, what's the deal with this fandom and squirrel cookies?
*poof* The definitive answer:
It started as a joke in the Disqus comments, probably around the end of 2014.
I think it was P___ who first posted the cookies, and I followed suit and it apparently turned into my thing.
But yeah, it's certainly a joke (for lack of a better word) that's exclusive to this community.
[example of Piney's squirrel-cookies art:]
The Squirrel cookies started with Sharions comments on nuts only place in cooking was to catch meatier pray: Squirrels, and within a few comments it escalated to the now famous Squirrel Cookies.. So Sharion is the intellectual mother and Starz is the first community baker of the actual cookies.
yo, i'm loki.
Croeso, loki! I've already seen you on the comments and the chat, so I'll just recommend the language threads.
Hello everyone! I'm Wintermute (although everyone I know on the internet mostly calls me Oxi) and I've been reading SSSS for a couple months but just today decided to join. I'm a 18-year-old boy from Argentina (so Spanish is my native language). I'm pretty interested in learning new languages, and been practising Finnish on my own for a year or two. I also like drawing and all that stuff.
I don't know how rude this would be so I'll just ask: is it okay if I link to my Instagram, Tumblr and stuff?
Anyways, hello everyone! :D
Hello everyone! I'm Wintermute (although everyone I know on the internet mostly calls me Oxi) and I've been reading SSSS for a couple months but just today decided to join. I'm a 18-year-old boy from Argentina (so Spanish is my native language). I'm pretty interested in learning new languages, and been practising Finnish on my own for a year or two. I also like drawing and all that stuff.
I don't know how rude this would be so I'll just ask: is it okay if I link to my Instagram, Tumblr and stuff?
Anyways, hello everyone! :D
There's a tumblr link function in the profile settings. Not sure about instagram. But you can link to anything anywhere as long as it's not pornographic, gory etc etc.
Hello everyone! I'm Wintermute (although everyone I know on the internet mostly calls me Oxi) and I've been reading SSSS for a couple months but just today decided to join. I'm a 18-year-old boy from Argentina (so Spanish is my native language). I'm pretty interested in learning new languages, and been practising Finnish on my own for a year or two. I also like drawing and all that stuff.
I don't know how rude this would be so I'll just ask: is it okay if I link to my Instagram, Tumblr and stuff?
Anyways, hello everyone! :D
There is a field if on your forum profile that allows you to add these links there. Some people already share their tumblr, deviant arts and the like there.
your tumblr can go into this thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=589.0). You will find other people's sites there as well.
Edit: where are my manners today... Welcome to the board XD
Hello everyone! I'm Wintermute (although everyone I know on the internet mostly calls me Oxi) and I've been reading SSSS for a couple months but just today decided to join. I'm a 18-year-old boy from Argentina (so Spanish is my native language). I'm pretty interested in learning new languages, and been practising Finnish on my own for a year or two. I also like drawing and all that stuff.
I don't know how rude this would be so I'll just ask: is it okay if I link to my Instagram, Tumblr and stuff?
Anyways, hello everyone! :D
Oooooh, a fellow William Gibson fan!
Shwmae a croeso! (¡hola y bienvenido!)
As Kjeks said, it's totally fine to do all of that and half of the social networks have dedicated fields anyway.
Seeing as you've probably already seen the language boards, I'll refer you to our IRC chat- it's #ssss through Quakenet (https://webchat.quakenet.org/) (I recommend an IRC client such as Hexchat (https://hexchat.github.io/)).
¡Hasta la vista!
Hello everyone! I'm Wintermute (although everyone I know on the internet mostly calls me Oxi) and I've been reading SSSS for a couple months but just today decided to join. I'm a 18-year-old boy from Argentina (so Spanish is my native language). I'm pretty interested in learning new languages, and been practising Finnish on my own for a year or two. I also like drawing and all that stuff.
I don't know how rude this would be so I'll just ask: is it okay if I link to my Instagram, Tumblr and stuff?
Anyways, hello everyone! :D
Welcome, I just started reading Neuromancer and I am enjoying the heck out of it.
Hi all! I'm fairly new! I read A Redtail's Dream ages ago, and I dunno why I didn't start reading SSSS sooner!
I'm from Midwest US, age 26 (almost 27), but I lived in Finland for two years and learned Swedish there - in Åbo/Turku. I've actually been on a Viking Line ferry! Um...otherwise, I'm a language nerd, I have really eclectic taste in music, foreign films are fun (even if my bf isn't so interested in them). I've been hooked on Pokémon games since I was about 10 and they first came out but now I do all the crazy IV breeding and EV training and stuff I never knew existed back when I was a kid; I've also been entirely obsessed with ARK: Survival Evolved for a while now. I've also been RPing on the Lackadaisy forums for about 8 years!
Umm. . .not really sure what else to say! XD
Hi all! I'm fairly new! I read A Redtail's Dream ages ago, and I dunno why I didn't start reading SSSS sooner!
I'm from Midwest US, age 26 (almost 27), but I lived in Finland for two years and learned Swedish there - in Åbo/Turku. I've actually been on a Viking Line ferry! Um...otherwise, I'm a language nerd, I have really eclectic taste in music, foreign films are fun (even if my bf isn't so interested in them). I've been hooked on Pokémon games since I was about 10 and they first came out but now I do all the crazy IV breeding and EV training and stuff I never knew existed back when I was a kid; I've also been entirely obsessed with ARK: Survival Evolved for a while now. I've also been RPing on the Lackadaisy forums for about 8 years!
Umm. . .not really sure what else to say! XD
Welcome!! We have lots of language nerds here that will show you around those boards, no doubt!
For now, let me offer you squirrel cookies!
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Cool!! I'm happy to be here! I adore languages, but I couldn't quite keep up with the more linguistics based discussions on unilang... I also have the habit of being very very ADD about things, particularly languages. D; (Makes sense, since I do have ADHD, but still...)
Yay! Cookies!! *noms*
Welcome here, Tasuhecate :) :squirrelcookie:
And all the others I may have missed last week *Puts more cookies on the table* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Oh lord, did I miss the k.... I missed the k. D; I misspelled my own handle! DDDDD;
....is there anyone who can properly change it for me?? I changed how it's displayed, but... >.>;;;; (It's supposed to be Taskuhecate!)
Thank you for the welcome, though!!
Oh lord, did I miss the k.... I missed the k. D; I misspelled my own handle! DDDDD;
....is there anyone who can properly change it for me?? I changed how it's displayed, but... >.>;;;; (It's supposed to be Taskuhecate!)
Thank you for the welcome, though!!
Weclome to the board. if you want a latinflag you can use the vatican tag ;). :vaticancity:
you might want to pay a visit to our language board :)
Ooh, thanks for the tip!
And I already have, but no one's been active on the Swedish thread since I've posted, so m'mostly just playing the waiting game. ^^;;
Hey y'all, newbie here! Twenty-year-old gal (Woman? I still think I'm a kid half the time, lol. Who let me adult?) who juuust started SSSS. One of my oldest friends is a fan of the comic and was telling me that it's an amazingly genuine and kind online community on here, so I've finally taken the plunge to both read a gorgeous story and make some new fandom friends c:
Few quick things, I guess, to ~get to know me~ and whatnot: I'm a total geeky nerd about a lot of various TV shows/books/movies/video games, and can talk for ages about such topics. I'm already certain that SSSS is going to become one of the stories that I totally fall head-over-heels for, heh ^^; Aside from inhaling the creations of other talented folks, I love to make my own characters and either write stories with them or else weave a tale through roleplaying, generally with my brother; we've got an ongoing fantasy story that we've been doing since we were little kids, and it's slowly grown from childish plots and cliches (stepping stones!) into an intricate world with lots of history and well-rounded characters and storylines.
I also love to cook; I'm vegan and, not to sound like I'm bragging or anything, I'm rather talented at making various recipes, be they from a cookbook or creations from my own head. If anyone ever wants to talk about veganism (whether or not you yourself is vegan), shoot me a PM; I'm always happy to talk, and I promise I don't bite or try to force my views down anybody's throat! c:
Uhh, yes. Speed round! I love my floofy rose-patterned comforter, my fandom t-shirts, playing games of all sorts with my family, wearing boots in the autumn, drawing my characters, the colors pink and cream and blue and red and brown, 1940s fashion, and of course, petting my kitties and bunnies c:
Apparently I also like talking too much, lol. If anyone ever wants to chatter shoot me a PM. In the meantime, I look forward to getting to know some folks around here! ^u^
Sounds like you're the kind of person who'd fit in perfectly here! :) We have sub-forums for original characters and roleplaying, discussing every tiny aspect of the comic, etc. etc...
Somebody more experienced than I will soon be arriving with the customary squirrel cookies. I hope you enjoy your stay (and your cookies)!
Thank you for the welcome! I'm already enjoying myself immensely :D
Hey y'all, newbie here! Twenty-year-old gal (Woman? I still think I'm a kid half the time, lol. Who let me adult?) who juuust started SSSS. One of my oldest friends is a fan of the comic and was telling me that it's an amazingly genuine and kind online community on here, so I've finally taken the plunge to both read a gorgeous story and make some new fandom friends c:
Few quick things, I guess, to ~get to know me~ and whatnot: I'm a total geeky nerd about a lot of various TV shows/books/movies/video games, and can talk for ages about such topics. I'm already certain that SSSS is going to become one of the stories that I totally fall head-over-heels for, heh ^^; Aside from inhaling the creations of other talented folks, I love to make my own characters and either write stories with them or else weave a tale through roleplaying, generally with my brother; we've got an ongoing fantasy story that we've been doing since we were little kids, and it's slowly grown from childish plots and cliches (stepping stones!) into an intricate world with lots of history and well-rounded characters and storylines.
I also love to cook; I'm vegan and, not to sound like I'm bragging or anything, I'm rather talented at making various recipes, be they from a cookbook or creations from my own head. If anyone ever wants to talk about veganism (whether or not you yourself is vegan), shoot me a PM; I'm always happy to talk, and I promise I don't bite or try to force my views down anybody's throat! c:
Uhh, yes. Speed round! I love my floofy rose-patterned comforter, my fandom t-shirts, playing games of all sorts with my family, wearing boots in the autumn, drawing my characters, the colors pink and cream and blue and red and brown, 1940s fashion, and of course, petting my kitties and bunnies c:
Apparently I also like talking too much, lol. If anyone ever wants to chatter shoot me a PM. In the meantime, I look forward to getting to know some folks around here! ^u^
Hi, Sahoin. Welcome! You're doing a great job of introducing yourself and giving us ideas of parts of the Forum you might enjoy exploring.
* Recipes and food: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=118.0
* The Pets Thread! https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=201.0
* TV and Movie Thread https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=213.0
EDIT: Since you mention it, don't overlook "How to Adult": https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=664.0
And much, much more! (As they say on TV.)
Welcome! Did someone say squirrel cookies? Because I have them! Take your pick, Sahoin, I made a special vegan batch just for you ^-^
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
We've got a TV/movie thread, a video game thread, a book thread, and plenty of others besides, if you want to talk about your favorites or have some good ones to recommend (I know I'm always on the lookout for a good book/movie). And there are plenty of creative threads for you to sink your teeth into. The art threads, of course, the scriptorium (if you'd like some fanfiction), the NaNoWriMo thread, the list goes on! And might I add that there's a recipe-sharing thread somewhere around here, if you'd like to share your creations? I could keep naming all of the things you can do here, buuuut I think it'd be best if you just explore and find things that you like! From the sound of it, you'll be making fandom friends in no time ;D
Darn, Sunflower ninja'd me. Ah well, I've still got the squirrel cookies!
Thank you both for the welcome party!! <3 Those cookies were delicious, it was great that they were vegan ;D I'll be taking a look at all those threads you both have suggested to me; I'm certain I'll find a lot of stuff around here to enjoy, and I look forward to seeing you around the forums c:
(I think I just ended every sentence up there with some sort of emoji. I may have a problem, lol.)
Hey y'all, newbie here! Twenty-year-old gal (Woman? I still think I'm a kid half the time, lol. Who let me adult?) who juuust started SSSS. One of my oldest friends is a fan of the comic and was telling me that it's an amazingly genuine and kind online community on here, so I've finally taken the plunge to both read a gorgeous story and make some new fandom friends c:
Few quick things, I guess, to ~get to know me~ and whatnot: I'm a total geeky nerd about a lot of various TV shows/books/movies/video games, and can talk for ages about such topics. I'm already certain that SSSS is going to become one of the stories that I totally fall head-over-heels for, heh ^^; Aside from inhaling the creations of other talented folks, I love to make my own characters and either write stories with them or else weave a tale through roleplaying, generally with my brother; we've got an ongoing fantasy story that we've been doing since we were little kids, and it's slowly grown from childish plots and cliches (stepping stones!) into an intricate world with lots of history and well-rounded characters and storylines.
I also love to cook; I'm vegan and, not to sound like I'm bragging or anything, I'm rather talented at making various recipes, be they from a cookbook or creations from my own head. If anyone ever wants to talk about veganism (whether or not you yourself is vegan), shoot me a PM; I'm always happy to talk, and I promise I don't bite or try to force my views down anybody's throat! c:
Uhh, yes. Speed round! I love my floofy rose-patterned comforter, my fandom t-shirts, playing games of all sorts with my family, wearing boots in the autumn, drawing my characters, the colors pink and cream and blue and red and brown, 1940s fashion, and of course, petting my kitties and bunnies c:
Apparently I also like talking too much, lol. If anyone ever wants to chatter shoot me a PM. In the meantime, I look forward to getting to know some folks around here! ^u^
Sounds like you'll fit right in! I used to do a lot of worldbuilding myself with my artist sibling and a classmate back in the days. Hope you'll settle in to stay!
Aaahh worldbuilding is so much fun ;u; Thanks for the welcome! c:
Oh lord, did I miss the k.... I missed the k. D; I misspelled my own handle! DDDDD;
....is there anyone who can properly change it for me?? I changed how it's displayed, but... >.>;;;; (It's supposed to be Taskuhecate!)
Thank you for the welcome, though!!
I can change your log in name if you would like. You want it to match your display name right?
Someone already changed it, but thanks! :3
Hi everyone, new person here! I'm a 23-year-old university student and part-time translator from Finland. I discovered SSSS a month or two ago when I saw a short review of the comic on Tumblr. It made me curious because the art looked beautiful, it was set in Northern Europe unlike most post-apocalyptic stories, and the artist had a Finnish-sounding name, so I started reading and became addicted immediately. I have now read SSSS maybe four times and aRTD twice, and I was spending so much time lurking in the comment section and on the forum that I decided to just give in and start posting.
Also, I think a lot of people have said this before me, but I'll say it again anyway: I'm impressed by how friendly and polite and just generally lovely all the SSSS fans seem to be, and it makes me like the comic even more. :)
Hi everyone, new person here! I'm a 23-year-old university student and part-time translator from Finland. I discovered SSSS a month or two ago when I saw a short review of the comic on Tumblr. It made me curious because the art looked beautiful, it was set in Northern Europe unlike most post-apocalyptic stories, and the artist had a Finnish-sounding name, so I started reading and became addicted immediately. I have now read SSSS maybe four times and aRTD twice, and I was spending so much time lurking in the comment section and on the forum that I decided to just give in and start posting.
Also, I think a lot of people have said this before me, but I'll say it again anyway: I'm impressed by how friendly and polite and just generally lovely all the SSSS fans seem to be, and it makes me like the comic even more. :)
Shwmae a croeso, Pupunen!
Everyone loves the comic's art, yeah, and it is a nice change from the usual Australian/American wastelands you normally see in post-apocalyptic stories.
I'll just refer you to our (affiliated, but not directly linked) IRC channel over on Quakenet at (https://webchat.quakenet.org/)#ssss, and show you to the SSSS Art Museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0) and the Language Board. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=5.0)
See you around!
(Although actually, one thing- may I ask where you picked up basic Welsh from? It's not even fluently spoken by most people over here, yet alone even known of anywhere else. .-.)
Hi everyone, new person here! I'm a 23-year-old university student and part-time translator from Finland. I discovered SSSS a month or two ago when I saw a short review of the comic on Tumblr. It made me curious because the art looked beautiful, it was set in Northern Europe unlike most post-apocalyptic stories, and the artist had a Finnish-sounding name, so I started reading and became addicted immediately. I have now read SSSS maybe four times and aRTD twice, and I was spending so much time lurking in the comment section and on the forum that I decided to just give in and start posting.
Also, I think a lot of people have said this before me, but I'll say it again anyway: I'm impressed by how friendly and polite and just generally lovely all the SSSS fans seem to be, and it makes me like the comic even more. :)
Yes, welcome! Here, have some squirrel cookies! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Have a look around, don't be shy! Para already gave out some good links, so I'm just going to leave it at that, and say welcome again!
Welcome among us, Pupunen :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie:
(I agree, this community is the most best I've ever seen on internet.)
Shwmae a croeso, Pupunen!
(Although actually, one thing- may I ask where you picked up basic Welsh from? It's not even fluently spoken by most people over here, yet alone even known of anywhere else. .-.)
Diolch yn fawr! :) I spent half a year in Cardiff as an Erasmus student last year and took a beginners' Welsh class. Learning Welsh was actually one of the main reasons I wanted to go to Cardiff. But when I say basics, I really mean very basic stuff - I can introduce myself in Welsh, ask how someone is doing and maybe complain about the weather a little bit, but not much else. I wish I had managed to learn more, though! I heard that this year, Bangor was among the exchange options, and I'm so jealous of the people who get to go there, I'm pretty sure there would have been more opportunities to learn Welsh there. (And North Wales is also incredibly beautiful.)
I have delusions of studying more Welsh one day, but I think I'll have to wait until I'm done with the compulsory Icelandic class I'm taking right now...
Anyway, thank you for the squirrel cookies, everyone!
Hi everyone, new person here! I'm a 23-year-old university student and part-time translator from Finland. I discovered SSSS a month or two ago when I saw a short review of the comic on Tumblr. It made me curious because the art looked beautiful, it was set in Northern Europe unlike most post-apocalyptic stories, and the artist had a Finnish-sounding name, so I started reading and became addicted immediately. I have now read SSSS maybe four times and aRTD twice, and I was spending so much time lurking in the comment section and on the forum that I decided to just give in and start posting.
Also, I think a lot of people have said this before me, but I'll say it again anyway: I'm impressed by how friendly and polite and just generally lovely all the SSSS fans seem to be, and it makes me like the comic even more. :)
Ahh! Rival Finnish bunny person :D
Welcome, welcome~
Hello. I'm a 23yo application developer from the U.S.
I go by Rachael in the comments, and I'm OrganicClockwork on tumblr (but I've been trying to change it to ChaelCodes).
I don't remember when I started reading A Redtail's Dream, but it was long before it was completed.
I remember slogging through the prologue, and becoming obsessed with Stand Still Stay Silent when I saw Lalli's dream-world. That's when I started reading the comments.
The first time we saw the Giant in the train, it took me several minutes to understand that that's what a troll looked like in the real world. I thought all the prior images were metaphors of how terrible they were, and that Lalli's dream was a spiritual representation. I never imagined that they would look so gruesome.
Lately, I've been reading everything on the fan forum, in particular the art thread and sssscriptorium.
I'm trying to learn to draw and write fan fiction so I can contribute more to the forum. I draw using the ArtFlow (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bytestorm.artflow) app on my tablet.
Also, I'm on a carb-free diet, so no squirrel cookies for me. :)
Welcome chaelcodes ! Have a...
Also, I'm on a carb-free diet, so no squirrel cookies for me. :)
Okay, forgot that :D
I remember slogging through the prologue, and becoming obsessed with Stand Still Stay Silent when I saw Lalli's dream-world.
*Remember how smiling and inwardly excited she was, discovering it - Maybe not only inwardly...* ::)
Hiiii chaelcodes, and welcome!
Man, I know what you mean about that moment with the Giant on the train - so intense! And that's when it clicked that things weren't, ah, metaphorical.
... You're interested in writing fanfiction? *_* Excellennnnt. Hopefully you'll share your art with us, and your writing if you do any.
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it here. : D!
Hello. I'm a 23yo application developer from the U.S.
I go by Rachael in the comments, and I'm OrganicClockwork on tumblr (but I've been trying to change it to ChaelCodes).
I don't remember when I started reading A Redtail's Dream, but it was long before it was completed.
I remember slogging through the prologue, and becoming obsessed with Stand Still Stay Silent when I saw Lalli's dream-world. That's when I started reading the comments.
The first time we saw the Giant in the train, it took me several minutes to understand that that's what a troll looked like in the real world. I thought all the prior images were metaphors of how terrible they were, and that Lalli's dream was a spiritual representation. I never imagined that they would look so gruesome.
Lately, I've been reading everything on the fan forum, in particular the art thread and sssscriptorium.
I'm trying to learn to draw and write fan fiction so I can contribute more to the forum. I draw using the ArtFlow (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bytestorm.artflow) app on my tablet.
Also, I'm on a carb-free diet, so no squirrel cookies for me. :)
Welcome to the Forum!
Hey you guys!
On the scale of late introductions, this one might rank as the all-time top one. I don't really have an excuse, aside from "I couldn't be bothered".
I'm CornCobMan, I'm 30-someting and I was born in Northern Ireland (read Norn Iron) to parents from Hong Kong so I have both British and Chinese roots. I like to think of this as the best of both worlds and while I'm by no means an expert of either culture I have experienced them somewhat. I'm currently living and working in Hong Kong since a few years ago.
So many of you already know me from the forum and the Disqus comments as "that sort-of poet who's a bit weird" but believe it or not in real life I do not express myself in many words, if at all. In real life I am a reserved individual and I am not the kind of guy who likes the sound of my own voice enough to talk to strangers in public unsolicited. I only talk when absolutely life-threateningly necessary and even then the words can probably be counted only on one hand. Conversations with me can be (read always) mind numbingly dull I suspect due the above. I'd probably talk more if it weren't for my crippling social awkwardness, and complete lack of something to say...
The comments section and the forums here are my outlet for wordswordswordswords and people seem to like them so I keep doing it. I like nothing more than to spend a quiet night in and my favourite pastimes involve playing games, eating, sometimes modding games, eating, watching sports, eating, listening to music, eating, reading, eating, watching movies, eating, eating and eating.
That's enough about me.
CornCobMan out.
Hey you guys!
On the scale of late introductions, this one might rank as the all-time top one, I don't really have an excuse, aside from "I couldn't be bothered".
Sounds like a good excuse to me. ;p
High-five from one quiet person to another! It was nice to hear a bit about you; thanks for taking the time.
Thank you.
*insert words here*
High five and such.
Hello. I made an account pretty much entirely to make a joke in my profile pic.
Also because I like the comic.
Hello. I made an account pretty much entirely to make a joke in my profile pic.
Also because I like the comic.
Both very good reasons if I do say so myself! Welcome to the forum! 8)
Hey guys, a webcomic artist recommended I try out this forum to mingle a bit, said that there are nice people here.
I'm also a webcomic artist myself, and I have had a webcomic up for about 7 months now. It's pretty new, so I don't have a big following, but the readers I have are very faithful.
I got into ssss because I'm a big fan of long, epic stories and most of all I'm a fan of Scandinavian themes.
I'm Norwegian myself, born in Trondheim and now I'm studying visual development in San Francisco, USA.
So yeah, I hope to meet people here with similar interests as me, and seeing that a lot of people here are Scandinavian I think I'm in the right place! Hope to make some friends, making a comic alone is very lonely.
Hey guys, a webcomic artist recommended I try out this forum to mingle a bit, said that there are nice people here.
I'm also a webcomic artist myself, and I have had a webcomic up for about 7 months now. It's pretty new, so I don't have a big following, but the readers I have are very faithful.
I got into ssss because I'm a big fan of long, epic stories and most of all I'm a fan of Scandinavian themes.
I'm Norwegian myself, born in Trondheim and now I'm studying visual development in San Francisco, USA.
So yeah, I hope to meet people here with similar interests as me, and seeing that a lot of people here are Scandinavian I think I'm in the right place! Hope to make some friends, making a comic alone is very lonely.
Hello and welcome! Yes I would say you are in the right place! There are quite a few Scandinavians here, we have representatives from all the countries, including Iceland and Finland, and actually quite a few Norwegians, even someone who is in Trondheim. I know there are also people who live in San Fran who are on the forum as well. They have even met up in the past. There are a few other webcomic artists here too. I think you will fit in here well :) Please feel free to mingle. We have many art threads that you can look at, from fan art, to general art, to crafting. You can find a more complete list of art threads here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.msg67232#msg67232).
Hello and welcome! Yes I would say you are in the right place! There are quite a few Scandinavians here, we have representatives from all the countries, including Iceland and Finland, and actually quite a few Norwegians, even someone who is in Trondheim. I know there are also people who live in San Fran who are on the forum as well. They have even met up in the past. There are a few other webcomic artists here too. I think you will fit in here well :) Please feel free to mingle. We have many art threads that you can look at, from fan art, to general art, to crafting. You can find a more complete list of art threads here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.msg67232#msg67232).
Great stuff, thank you. While my peers here at the art academy are satisfying my need to talk about art, none of them do any webcomics, or even comics at all. So I feel lonely in that sense. It's also good to know there's some people from my home country, I've been in America for 3,5 years and I miss home more and more every year. I visit of course, but I miss living there. I cope with it by drawing my comic, I think. I wasn't even that interested in Scandinavian culture when I lived in Norway, but now that I'm away it's all I want to draw. Aint that a bummer haha.
Anyway, thanks again. I want to try to be active, maybe I can be an asset in critiquing art if anyone wants that.
I mean!! Hi!! Welcome to the forum!!! What's your webcomic called? O:
I mean!! Hi!! Welcome to the forum!!! What's your webcomic called? O:
Y-you're from Trondheim?? aaaa! well, I am only studying in America, I visit home twice a year! Not sure I'll stay here for long after I graduate, if I get a job I will. I'm torn between working in a studio here in California or go home and try to make an art career in Norway.
This is my comic http://www.fjordsoncomic.com/ (http://www.fjordsoncomic.com/) and keep in mind it's kinda new (around 7 months maybe?) and has about 73 pages, I'm still trying to get the story really going. I can't update as many times as Minna (what a beast!) because I got classes n stuff, but my current update schedule is 3 times a week. I'm hoping someday (far into the future probs) to do nothing but the comic haha. Maybe one day! For now I'm grateful for every single reader I get, so I hope you like it.
I'm going to Trondheim this winter btw!
Y-you're from Trondheim?? aaaa! well, I am only studying in America, I visit home twice a year! Not sure I'll stay here for long after I graduate, if I get a job I will. I'm torn between working in a studio here in California or go home and try to make an art career in Norway.
This is my comic http://www.fjordsoncomic.com/ (http://www.fjordsoncomic.com/) and keep in mind it's kinda new (around 7 months maybe?) and has about 73 pages, I'm still trying to get the story really going. I can't update as many times as Minna (what a beast!) because I got classes n stuff, but my current update schedule is 3 times a week. I'm hoping someday (far into the future probs) to do nothing but the comic haha. Maybe one day! For now I'm grateful for every single reader I get, so I hope you like it.
I'm going to Trondheim this winter btw!
Hello, Malin, welcome to the forum! I started reading your comic and I think I'm going to binge-read it tonight!
Welcome Jimothy and Malin :) Cookies ? Cookies :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Y-you're from Trondheim?? aaaa! well, I am only studying in America, I visit home twice a year! Not sure I'll stay here for long after I graduate, if I get a job I will. I'm torn between working in a studio here in California or go home and try to make an art career in Norway.
This is my comic http://www.fjordsoncomic.com/ (http://www.fjordsoncomic.com/) and keep in mind it's kinda new (around 7 months maybe?) and has about 73 pages, I'm still trying to get the story really going. I can't update as many times as Minna (what a beast!) because I got classes n stuff, but my current update schedule is 3 times a week. I'm hoping someday (far into the future probs) to do nothing but the comic haha. Maybe one day! For now I'm grateful for every single reader I get, so I hope you like it.
I'm going to Trondheim this winter btw!
also dang your comic looks SO GOOD, i think i'm gonna read it immediately. wait - is the first chapter page of Røros? O:
edit: haha probably not røros but i certainly got some røros-y vibes there
also a tiny tip - your tumblr and devart links don't work at, you don't need to fill in the .tumblr.com and .deviantart.com ^___^
oh and now that i'm rereading your intro post when i'm actually awake - we do have some threads about own webcomics and webcomic making discussions - here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=644.0) and here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=278.msg18270#msg18270)!
Hey guys, a webcomic artist recommended I try out this forum to mingle a bit, said that there are nice people here.
I'm also a webcomic artist myself, and I have had a webcomic up for about 7 months now. It's pretty new, so I don't have a big following, but the readers I have are very faithful.
I got into ssss because I'm a big fan of long, epic stories and most of all I'm a fan of Scandinavian themes.
I'm Norwegian myself, born in Trondheim and now I'm studying visual development in San Francisco, USA.
So yeah, I hope to meet people here with similar interests as me, and seeing that a lot of people here are Scandinavian I think I'm in the right place! Hope to make some friends, making a comic alone is very lonely.
Bwa ha ha! Yes, excellent, more Norwegians tjø!!
I have a feeling I may have seen some of your art before somewhere.
also dang your comic looks SO GOOD, i think i'm gonna read it immediately. wait - is the first chapter page of Røros? O:
edit: haha probably not røros but i certainly got some røros-y vibes there
also a tiny tip - your tumblr and devart links don't work at, you don't need to fill in the .tumblr.com and .deviantart.com ^___^
oh and now that i'm rereading your intro post when i'm actually awake - we do have some threads about own webcomics and webcomic making discussions - here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=644.0) and here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=278.msg18270#msg18270)!
Thank you, I fixed the links!
Hey guys, a webcomic artist recommended I try out this forum to mingle a bit, said that there are nice people here.
I'm also a webcomic artist myself, and I have had a webcomic up for about 7 months now. It's pretty new, so I don't have a big following, but the readers I have are very faithful.
I got into ssss because I'm a big fan of long, epic stories and most of all I'm a fan of Scandinavian themes.
I'm Norwegian myself, born in Trondheim and now I'm studying visual development in San Francisco, USA.
So yeah, I hope to meet people here with similar interests as me, and seeing that a lot of people here are Scandinavian I think I'm in the right place! Hope to make some friends, making a comic alone is very lonely.
Welcome, Malin. I think you've found your feet pretty fast! :D
I live in San Mateo myself (about 30 minutes south of SF) and was the co-organizer of the San Francisco Meet-Up in June. We hope to have another before the end of the year (or whenever it works for people) and hopefully you can join us!
Where are you studying?
BTW, I'm kind of embarrassed but the only reason I recognize "Malin" as a female name is a passage from "Pippi Longstocking" where she talks about how her mother's maid, Malin, used to do crazy things. (No reference to present company intended!)
Welcome, Malin. I think you've found your feet pretty fast! :D
I live in San Mateo myself (about 30 minutes south of SF) and was the co-organizer of the San Francisco Meet-Up in June. We hope to have another before the end of the year (or whenever it works for people) and hopefully you can join us!
Where are you studying?
BTW, I'm kind of embarrassed but the only reason I recognize "Malin" as a female name is a passage from "Pippi Longstocking" where she talks about how her mother's maid, Malin, used to do crazy things. (No reference to present company intended!)
Awesome! I study at the Academy of art university. We have a city campus in San Francisco, and I live in downtown San Francisco.
I think it would be cool to meet, is it a meetup for forum peeps here?
Awesome! I study at the Academy of art university. We have a city campus in San Francisco, and I live in downtown San Francisco.
I think it would be cool to meet, is it a meetup for forum peeps here?
We have a whole thread for meet-ups. Here's one of the relevant posts about the SF meet-up on June 13: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=247.msg42975#msg42975
So yeah, I hope to meet people here with similar interests as me, and seeing that a lot of people here are Scandinavian I think I'm in the right place! Hope to make some friends, making a comic alone is very lonely.
Welcome, welcome!
Not sure what to say here. Hi, I am themunck and one day you will all kneel before me. I'm Danish, currently studying Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Copenhagen, and I was directed here from the blog 'Slacktivist', a blog dealing with Christian theology and how it's often done wrong.
Welcome! How did a theology blog end up linking here?
Hi, I am themunck and one day you will all kneel before me.
??? ... Welcome ?
Not sure what to say here. Hi, I am themunck and one day you will all kneel before me.
Hey munck.
welcome to our board. Sadly it is our beloved dictatress from southern europe we will all kneel to in future (very ambitious that little one I tell you;) ), but we will find a nice spot for you in her realm.
*hands out some squirrel cookies*
Copenhagen is a nice town. With pharmaceutical science you might have some knowledge that could be helpful in this topic (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=615.0).
Welcome, Malin, themunck, and everyone that I've missed!
Awesome! I study at the Academy of art university. We have a city campus in San Francisco, and I live in downtown San Francisco.
I think it would be cool to meet, is it a meetup for forum peeps here?
EEEYYYYYYY I'm just across the Bay for college!
New to the forum, but a long-time fan of the comic (both of them, actually). I am an old guy who lives in Louisiana -- a far cry from the scene of our adventures, which maybe accounts for the attraction. that, and great story and art-work. Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome on the forum, redstick, we have welcome cookies ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
New to the forum, but a long-time fan of the comic (both of them, actually). I am an old guy who lives in Louisiana -- a far cry from the scene of our adventures, which maybe accounts for the attraction. that, and great story and art-work. Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome from New York!
And from Australia! Hi, Redstick, I remember you from the comments.
Greetings one and all, i have met some of you via the comments section on SSSS, i've finally come here to murder you with my terrible English though it is my native language.( this is by way of an apology, i do battle with low grade dyslexia ).
I came to the Minnaverse by way of a redtails dream which my daughter introduced me too, i think it was about a book in when she showed it to me.
I'm closer to 50 than 40 years on this blue marble we call a planet, and i'm a tea swilling (occaisionally with a biscuit) Brit.
I live with my daughter age of 27 and my partner who's original residence was Holland.
It took me a fair old while to register for the comments on the comic and now i'm finally here :)
Welcome Mistwraith :) A biscuit for your next tea ? :squirrelcookie: (Hello, fellow tea lover !)
(ノ◉ヮ◉)ノ :。・:*:・゚'☆ Hello Mistwraith, and welcome! Looking forward to having conversations with you!
It always makes me so happy to hear that people have been introduced to the comic by family members. : D Gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling.
Greetings one and all, i have met some of you via the comments section on SSSS, i've finally come here to murder you with my terrible English though it is my native language.( this is by way of an apology, i do battle with low grade dyslexia ).
I came to the Minnaverse by way of a redtails dream which my daughter introduced me too, i think it was about a book in when she showed it to me.
I'm closer to 50 than 40 years on this blue marble we call a planet, and i'm a tea swilling (occaisionally with a biscuit) Brit.
I live with my daughter age of 27 and my partner who's original residence was Holland.
It took me a fair old while to register for the comments on the comic and now i'm finally here :)
Weclome to the forum :). You will soon see, that you are not the eldest member here and most people discuss regardless of age, writing abilities and different cultural backgrounds happily with one another.
(You might also notice that people only correct your grammar/spelling if you explicitly ask them too or if [in my case] you used vocab in a way that will definitely lead to missunderstanding).
Have a great time here!
Hi, Mistwraith! Another person familiar from the comments. Good to see you in the Forum. Looking forward to many fascinating conversations.
Greetings one and all, i have met some of you via the comments section on SSSS, i've finally come here to murder you with my terrible English though it is my native language.( this is by way of an apology, i do battle with low grade dyslexia ).
I came to the Minnaverse by way of a redtails dream which my daughter introduced me too, i think it was about a book in when she showed it to me.
I'm closer to 50 than 40 years on this blue marble we call a planet, and i'm a tea swilling (occaisionally with a biscuit) Brit.
I live with my daughter age of 27 and my partner who's original residence was Holland.
It took me a fair old while to register for the comments on the comic and now i'm finally here :)
Welcome Mistwraith! I recognize you from the comments. More cookies?
ʃ ʃ ʃ
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Greetings all,
It's been a few months since I binged read through all available pages (380 at the time)
I found SSSS from a link on the side of another webcomic and loved so much the art I had to read it.
You guys looked like an awsome community so I decided to join you all in the forum while I waste my day between the new pages
Please be gentle with me and enjoy another minnion from ol' cold Canada
Greetings all,
It's been a few months since I binged read through all available pages (380 at the time)
I found SSSS from a link on the side of another webcomic and loved so much the art I had to read it.
You guys looked like an awsome community so I decided to join you all in the forum while I waste my day between the new pages
Please be gentle with me and enjoy another minnion from ol' cold Canada
Hello and welcome! Glad to have you here; looking forward to seeing you around. /o/
AHH what part of Canada are you in? If you don't mind me asking. (I'm in northern Alberta, myself.)
Hello and welcome! Glad to have you here; looking forward to seeing you around. /o/
AHH what part of Canada are you in? If you don't mind me asking. (I'm in northern Alberta, myself.)
I'm from Montreal
bonjour ami canadien :)
Greetings all,
It's been a few months since I binged read through all available pages (380 at the time)
I found SSSS from a link on the side of another webcomic and loved so much the art I had to read it.
You guys looked like an awsome community so I decided to join you all in the forum while I waste my day between the new pages
Please be gentle with me and enjoy another minnion from ol' cold Canada
Welcome, Armadian! It is my duty to present you with some squirrel cookies: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I'm from Montreal
bonjour ami canadien :)
Oooohh! Bonjour et Bienvenue! Je viens d'Ottawa!
It's good to see more canadians here!
We will slowly take over
Hey guys.
My name is Birgitte, but you can just call me Gitte.
I've been reading SSSS for a few months after my friend recommended it to me and I've loved it ever since. I have no idea why I didn't join the forum until now, but here I am! I'm really looking forward to being a part of this community and interacting with you all once I get the hang of actually navigating a forum, that is :)
Hey guys.
My name is Birgitte, but you can just call me Gitte.
I've been reading SSSS for a few months after my friend recommended it to me and I've loved it ever since. I have no idea why I didn't join the forum until now, but here I am! I'm really looking forward to being a part of this community and interacting with you all once I get the hang of actually navigating a forum, that is :)
AHH welcome, Gitte! /o/
SSSS has a way of grabbing hold of you like that, doesn't it? ; D And it's especially best when a friend introduces you to it - the same thing happened with me. Looking forward to seeing you around!
(I found forum format took a bit of getting used to at first too, but it all fell into place after a while - and people here are very eager to help if there's difficulty figuring things out. o/ )
AHH welcome, Gitte! /o/
SSSS has a way of grabbing hold of you like that, doesn't it? ; D And it's especially best when a friend introduces you to it - the same thing happened with me. Looking forward to seeing you around!
(I found forum format took a bit of getting used to at first too, but it all fell into place after a while - and people here are very eager to help if there's difficulty figuring things out. o/ )
that's great! I'm going yo probably need a lot of help.
aaa I can tell I'm gonna really like it here
Oooohh! Bonjour et Bienvenue! Je viens d'Ottawa!
It's good to see more canadians here!
We will slowly take over
>_> Not until there's more people from the western half of the country...
Welcome Gitte, Armadian, and everyone else I missed!
Welcome, Armadian and Gitte :) *Bakes more cookies* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Greetings all,
It's been a few months since I binged read through all available pages (380 at the time)
I found SSSS from a link on the side of another webcomic and loved so much the art I had to read it.
You guys looked like an awsome community so I decided to join you all in the forum while I waste my day between the new pages
Please be gentle with me and enjoy another minnion from ol' cold Canada
Okaay intro?? 8D
You can call me Tay, I draw things. I have 4 webcomics, 2 of which are active and you can read all of them here: http://tapastic.com/taybee/series
I also have a bunch of other art on my tumblr: tay-bee.tumblr.com/tagged/tay draws and furaffinity. I also cosplay and basically any other creative medium you can think of.
I don't remember how I found SSSS but it took me about 4 times of starting and dropping it to finish the prologue, then when a friend got really into it I finally kicked my own ass and binge read- fell in love and here I am! Joined because so far none of my real life friends read it and dunno if they ever will ;m;
Also i'm Emilalli trash 。*。+。(`・ω・。)
Okaay intro?? 8D
You can call me Tay, I draw things. I have 4 webcomics, 2 of which are active and you can read all of them here: http://tapastic.com/taybee/series
I also have a bunch of other art on my tumblr: tay-bee.tumblr.com/tagged/tay draws and furaffinity. I also cosplay and basically any other creative medium you can think of.
I don't remember how I found SSSS but it took me about 4 times of starting and dropping it to finish the prologue, then when a friend got really into it I finally kicked my own ass and binge read- fell in love and here I am! Joined because so far none of my real life friends read it and dunno if they ever will ;m;
Also i'm Emilalli trash 。*。+。(`・ω・。)
Hello and welcome! I've seen your art floating around Tumblr, it's great to see you join us finally :)
Welcome Tay! I've seen you around chat before, so I know you'll enjoy yourself here as well! Here, have some complimentary squirrel cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Okaay intro?? 8D
You can call me Tay, I draw things. I have 4 webcomics, 2 of which are active and you can read all of them here: http://tapastic.com/taybee/series
I also have a bunch of other art on my tumblr: tay-bee.tumblr.com/tagged/tay draws and furaffinity. I also cosplay and basically any other creative medium you can think of.
I don't remember how I found SSSS but it took me about 4 times of starting and dropping it to finish the prologue, then when a friend got really into it I finally kicked my own ass and binge read- fell in love and here I am! Joined because so far none of my real life friends read it and dunno if they ever will ;m;
Also i'm Emilalli trash 。*。+。(`・ω・。)
Hello! Glad to see you here as well :)
Here is that nonSSSS cosplay thread we were telling you about: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=578.0
and here is the SSSS one: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.0
And SSSS fanart is all here! https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0
Okaay intro?? 8D
You can call me Tay, I draw things. I have 4 webcomics, 2 of which are active and you can read all of them here: http://tapastic.com/taybee/series
I also have a bunch of other art on my tumblr: tay-bee.tumblr.com/tagged/tay draws and furaffinity. I also cosplay and basically any other creative medium you can think of.
I don't remember how I found SSSS but it took me about 4 times of starting and dropping it to finish the prologue, then when a friend got really into it I finally kicked my own ass and binge read- fell in love and here I am! Joined because so far none of my real life friends read it and dunno if they ever will ;m;
Also i'm Emilalli trash 。*。+。(`・ω・。)
Ooh, you're the art person off Tumblr!
Everything important's been mentioned already, I think, so I'll see you around at some point!
ahhh i've seen you around on tumblr, how nice of you to finally join us here on the forum! quick pro-tip: you don't need to add ".tumblr.com" in the tumblr field, it's added automatically!
Welcome, taybee :) :squirrelcookie:
Hi I'm Artstu... I just started reading SSSS and aRTD two days ago, but I already completed it AND IT WAS MOST BEST! Anyway, my friend Luth Nightbreeze told me to check out the forms because supposedly your a really nice and great community.... so hi!
Welcome among us, Artstu. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Luth said the truth, this community is the most best ! ;)
Melusine THANKS SO MUCH. I will take all your cookies though...
I will take all your cookies though...
All my cookies, even the real ones ? You'll have to come to a meet-up ^^
How about we meet in the middle? So about the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Hehehehe
Hi there c:
My name is Jumezat and I've been reading SSSS since the start of chapter five, I've just been taking my sweet time on joining this forum.
I follow quite a lot of webcomics, and I even want to make my own one day~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
SSSS shares a spot with Travelogue as my favorite webcomic of all time.
I'm still figuring out how this site works and stuff so please be patient with me ;u; (someone send me a list of all the memes so that i can get in on them too) aaand I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you >u</)
Hi there c:
My name is Jumezat and I've been reading SSSS since the start of chapter five, I've just been taking my sweet time on joining this forum.
I follow quite a lot of webcomics, and I even want to make my own one day~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
SSSS shares a spot with Travelogue as my favorite webcomic of all time.
I'm still figuring out how this site works and stuff so please be patient with me ;u; (someone send me a list of all the memes so that i can get in on them too) aaand I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you >u</)
Hi Jumezat! I recognize you from tumblr :)
Care for any squirrel cookies? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
(There's a thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=391.0) for minnion memes, although it hasn't been updated for a few months. Someone who's more in-the-know will probably come along sooner or later.)
/me offers a high-five for a fellow aspiring webcomic creator
Hi there c:
My name is Jumezat and I've been reading SSSS since the start of chapter five, I've just been taking my sweet time on joining this forum.
I follow quite a lot of webcomics, and I even want to make my own one day~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
SSSS shares a spot with Travelogue as my favorite webcomic of all time.
I'm still figuring out how this site works and stuff so please be patient with me ;u; (someone send me a list of all the memes so that i can get in on them too) aaand I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you >u</)
Hello and welcome! If there's anything you need help with finding just ask. We've also got a little help button with a directory and such.
Here is our main SSSS memes and edits thread https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=271.0
It gets a bit more activity than the plain memes thread. Feel free to browse around in both!
Hi there c:
My name is Jumezat and I've been reading SSSS since the start of chapter five, I've just been taking my sweet time on joining this forum.
I follow quite a lot of webcomics, and I even want to make my own one day~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
SSSS shares a spot with Travelogue as my favorite webcomic of all time.
I'm still figuring out how this site works and stuff so please be patient with me ;u; (someone send me a list of all the memes so that i can get in on them too) aaand I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you >u</)
Helloooo!! (ノ◉ヮ◉)ノ :。・:*:・゚’☆*✲゚*°˖✧*:・✧⃛✧⃛*:・
I've seen you around on tumblr (I'm cvrryspice/curryspice FINALLY GOT MY GOAL URL on tumblr!!) and I'm glad to see you here!! Welcome, and here's a really useful thread with a LOT of art-related information! ☼NICE☼ (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0)
I hope you have a great time! :D
How about we meet in the middle? So about the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Hehehehe
It miiiiiiight be complicated...
Welcome Jumezat :) *Puts more cookies on the table* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi there c:
My name is Jumezat and I've been reading SSSS since the start of chapter five, I've just been taking my sweet time on joining this forum.
I follow quite a lot of webcomics, and I even want to make my own one day~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
SSSS shares a spot with Travelogue as my favorite webcomic of all time.
I'm still figuring out how this site works and stuff so please be patient with me ;u; (someone send me a list of all the memes so that i can get in on them too) aaand I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you >u</)
NYAHAHAHA i finally got you to join the forum c:< the norwegian community grows every stronger!
are you gonna post your self-insert character? :3c
Hello and welcome! If there's anything you need help with finding just ask. We've also got a little help button with a directory and such.
Here is our main SSSS memes and edits thread https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=271.0
It gets a bit more activity than the plain memes thread. Feel free to browse around in both!
thanks ^w^ I think i struggle more with getting to know the customs here than what buttons to mash. Thanks for the offer tho
also thanks for the link, it's very helpful of you :O
Helloooo!! (ノ◉ヮ◉)ノ :。・:*:・゚’☆*✲゚*°˖✧*:・✧⃛✧⃛*:・
I've seen you around on tumblr (I'm cvrryspice/curryspice FINALLY GOT MY GOAL URL on tumblr!!) and I'm glad to see you here!! Welcome, and here's a really useful thread with a LOT of art-related information! ☼NICE☼ (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0)
I hope you have a great time! :D
Hiiiiii (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
I think I've seen you around there too :O your art is so fab
so many treads to read now aaaa thanks! QwQ
Hi Jumezat! I recognize you from tumblr :)
Care for any squirrel cookies? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I think I recognize you too! :O (your art is rlly cute btw) *grabs all the cookies and high fives back* and thanks for the link. I'll be sure to cram all the memes OuO
Welcome Jumezat :) *Puts more cookies on the table* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
eyyyyy more cookies *grabs all of them* thanks B)
NYAHAHAHA i finally got you to join the forum c:< the norwegian community grows every stronger!
are you gonna post your self-insert character? :3c
dont look so smug you
sure later, I mean, If i'm not bothering anyone >.>
Noooo one is a bother
unless they are mean, nasty and ... on should define these terms, no? so yeeees, post the self insert and whatever you want to post. You would not be the first to start with a high post rate ;)
Hi there c:
My name is Jumezat and I've been reading SSSS since the start of chapter five, I've just been taking my sweet time on joining this forum.
I follow quite a lot of webcomics, and I even want to make my own one day~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・゜゜・。*。・゜*
SSSS shares a spot with Travelogue as my favorite webcomic of all time.
I'm still figuring out how this site works and stuff so please be patient with me ;u; (someone send me a list of all the memes so that i can get in on them too) aaand I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you >u</)
Welcome fellow Norwegian! Our numbers grow ever stronger!
How about we meet in the middle? So about the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Hehehehe
Shipping hard, aren't we? :D
Hello, I'm a young, "slightly" abnormal Finn who enjoys stories in every form: music, comic, book, movie... There's not really anything special about me, I like drawing but I'm not very good at it, I try to play the piano but I'm too lazy to study the theoritical stuff, and I like to write but it almost always ends up being something really weird. :D
SSSS is one of my newest discoveries, but now I'm a really big fan. I can't get over Tuuri's cuteness. Or Lalli's. Or Emil's. Or Reynir's... Okay, you get the idea. Heh.
But yeah, I've never really been to a forum before, much less an English one, so I'm kind of nervous... My English may be bad (thankfully not as bad as my Swedish). Hopefully I can hold a converstation! :)
Hello, I'm a young, "slightly" abnormal Finn who enjoys stories in every form: music, comic, book, movie... There's not really anything special about me, I like drawing but I'm not very good at it, I try to play the piano but I'm too lazy to study the theoritical stuff, and I like to write but it almost always ends up being something really weird. :D
SSSS is one of my newest discoveries, but now I'm a really big fan. I can't get over Tuuri's cuteness. Or Lalli's. Or Emil's. Or Reynir's... Okay, you get the idea. Heh.
But yeah, I've never really been to a forum before, much less an English one, so I'm kind of nervous... My English may be bad (thankfully not as bad as my Swedish). Hopefully I can hold a converstation! :)
Welcome to our board take some :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
If you want to add some of those flags for language/nationality you can add from those:
https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0)
Your language skills will improve in no time in here (I learned norwegian decently in here and managed to fight my way through turkish finally XD)
Welcome LunaJei ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Don't worry for your English, for a part of us it's a foreign language :) An kjeks is right, you'll improve it here, maybe even more than what you can think !
Welcome to our board take some :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
If you want to add some of those flags for language/nationality you can add from those:
https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0)
Your language skills will improve in no time in here (I learned norwegian decently in here and managed to fight my way through turkish finally XD)
Welcome LunaJei ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Don't worry for your English, for a part of us it's a foreign language :) An kjeks is right, you'll improve it here, maybe even more than what you can think !
Thanks you guys:) yeah, I hope I'll improve! (I found the flag thingies, yay!)
Welcome, LunaJei! Sounds as if you will fit right in here. Don't worry too much about the English - there are lots of people coming from other languages, and folk are understanding and helpful. As you interact your English is bound to improve! Welcome!
I shall cease to lurk, and actually say hello and I have joined the forums. I have just spent some time trying and failing to work out how to add an avatar to my profile. Please advise.
I am older in years. I enjoy taking my daughter to Steampunk events.
I love this comic, and love the comments community. You are kind, imaginitive, cheering and funny. Will you all marry me?
Frances x
Welcome on the forum, NoFaceKnitter :) A cookie ? Some cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
All of us marrying you ? Errrrrrrr...^^°
Welcome, NoFaceKnitter! I had the same problem, being totally technoincompetent, and asked one of the folk running the forum for help. They were able to give me instructions. Don't know if the process is the same after all the forum-mechanics updates. I'd try going to the 'Help' section, and if you can't find anything, asking the current forum administrators.
I have just spent some time trying and failing to work out how to add an avatar to my profile. Please advise.
(Welcome!) Are you having problems to prepare a suitable image (there are size and format restrictions that I don't remember off the top of my head), or to perform the actual uploading procedure (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;area=forumprofile)?
(Welcome!) Are you having problems to prepare a suitable image (there are size and format restrictions that I don't remember off the top of my head), or to perform the actual uploading procedure (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;area=forumprofile)?
If you follow this link and click the upload image button next to where it says personalized picture. The forum should resize the image for you.
I shall cease to lurk, and actually say hello and I have joined the forums. I have just spent some time trying and failing to work out how to add an avatar to my profile. Please advise.
I am older in years. I enjoy taking my daughter to Steampunk events.
I love this comic, and love the comments community. You are kind, imaginitive, cheering and funny. Will you all marry me?
Frances x
Welcome to the Forums (from someone who's quite possibly older than you ;) )
This looks liken the place for introductions so I guess I'll jump in here.
Hello~ I'm Erin, a wannabe author from California who just found SSSS like last week after binge reading the entire thing in one sitting until 2 am.
I jumped into the tumblr community first (I'm the-Lord-of-the-pies if anyone else hangs out there) and then joined comments a few days ago and decided to suck it up and join the forum c:
I've never been a major forum user ever but I hope I'll get sucked in here because the community from what I've seen and heard is awesome and i can't wait to really get into the swing of things!
This looks liken the place for introductions so I guess I'll jump in here.
Hello~ I'm Erin, a wannabe author from California who just found SSSS like last week after binge reading the entire thing in one sitting until 2 am.
I jumped into the tumblr community first (I'm the-Lord-of-the-pies if anyone else hangs out there) and then joined comments a few days ago and decided to suck it up and join the forum c:
I've never been a major forum user ever but I hope I'll get sucked in here because the community from what I've seen and heard is awesome and i can't wait to really get into the swing of things!
Just so you know, almost everyone who is an avid user and poster on this forum started off with something like "I've never been on a forum before..." or "I will probably just lurk forever..." and then they were sucked in never to see the light of day again :D
In fact that was me as well. I had never used a forum before and I was really not a "forum person" and welp. Now here I am.
Feel free to take a look around. We have several writing threads and the people here are really nice. Your cookies will probably arrive shortly.
This looks liken the place for introductions so I guess I'll jump in here.
Hello~ I'm Erin, a wannabe author from California who just found SSSS like last week after binge reading the entire thing in one sitting until 2 am.
I jumped into the tumblr community first (I'm the-Lord-of-the-pies if anyone else hangs out there) and then joined comments a few days ago and decided to suck it up and join the forum c:
I've never been a major forum user ever but I hope I'll get sucked in here because the community from what I've seen and heard is awesome and i can't wait to really get into the swing of things!
Welcome!! I remember you from Tumblr :)
Here are your welcome cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Just so you know, almost everyone who is an avid user and poster on this forum started off with something like "I've never been on a forum before..." or "I will probably just lurk forever..." and then they were sucked in never to see the light of day again :D
In fact that was me as well. I had never used a forum before and I was really not a "forum person" and welp. Now here I am.
Feel free to take a look around. We have several writing threads and the people here are really nice. Your cookies will probably arrive shortly.
Oh man just looking around this forum is so cozy compared to what I've been on
It'll be easy for me to get sucked in especially once I find the drawing and writing threads...
Goodbye what little life I had I suspect our time together is not much longer
Welcome! How did a theology blog end up linking here?
Note to self: This forum doesn't email you when your posts get replied to unless you actually tell it to.
Basically, we were discussing apocalyptic fiction in the comments section, and someone mentioned they liked the idea of books being used as currency after the end, IIRC. Then esmerelda_ogg directed us to SSSS, and I thought the premise was interesting enough. Seeing the map on page 66 was....surprisingly haunting. Wonder if that's how New Yorkers feel whenever their city is blown up in movies.
Welcome, LordoftheThings ! :squirrelcookie:
And welcome among the "I'm shy/not sure I'll post a lot" too ;)
This looks liken the place for introductions so I guess I'll jump in here.
Hello~ I'm Erin, a wannabe author from California who just found SSSS like last week after binge reading the entire thing in one sitting until 2 am.
I jumped into the tumblr community first (I'm the-Lord-of-the-pies if anyone else hangs out there) and then joined comments a few days ago and decided to suck it up and join the forum c:
I've never been a major forum user ever but I hope I'll get sucked in here because the community from what I've seen and heard is awesome and i can't wait to really get into the swing of things!
Welcome! Glad to have you!
Hello everyone!
I started reading SSSS for the cats and got stuck. I'm at page 300 right now, but I expect to be caught up very soon, as I'll be spending a few hours in the airport today.
Super excited!
Hello everyone!
I started reading SSSS for the cats and got stuck. I'm at page 300 right now, but I expect to be caught up very soon, as I'll be spending a few hours in the airport today.
Super excited!
Yessss succeeded in getting another one of my pals to read SSSS, I feel so accomplished. If I had known that the cats would get people to read this, I would have mentioned it in my journal sooner! And now you have context for all my flaily entries, hooray! Welcome to the forum, mate. ;p
Hello everyone!
I started reading SSSS for the cats and got stuck. I'm at page 300 right now, but I expect to be caught up very soon, as I'll be spending a few hours in the airport today.
Super excited!
*handsout some :squirrelcookie: *
Welcome on bord.
Yessss succeeded in getting another one of my pals to read SSSS, I feel so accomplished. If I had known that the cats would get people to read this, I would have mentioned it in my journal sooner! And now you have context for all my flaily entries, hooray! Welcome to the forum, mate. ;p
Well, I guess it wasn't just the cats. (Mostly the cats.) Thank you for getting me sucked into this world. I can't wait to catch up and suffer waiting for updates with everyone else. Heh heh.
Thanks for the welcome, kjeks!
Welcome Kestrel :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
(Good job, Yuu ! - says the girl who's trying to convince her young sport partner to fall into SSSS.)
Hello everyone!
I started reading SSSS for the cats and got stuck. I'm at page 300 right now, but I expect to be caught up very soon, as I'll be spending a few hours in the airport today.
Super excited!
Welcome to SSSS! And have a great flight!
Welcome to SSSS! And have a great flight!
Thank you! The flight was OK as far as flights go and now I am home again.. and I'm up to date on SSSS!!! *throws all the cookies in the air* Now to venture into all the spoilery threads. ;)
Hello! I got up to date with SSSS and already read aRTD, and I still want more, so joining the forum seemed like a good idea~
I'm Seff (or Lacunae, Lacu, Nae, a mix of everything - wichever you prefer), 23 and from South America, so I apologize in advance from any horror mistakes in my sentences.
Basically I came for the the amazing art and interesting story, and I end up staying for the lore and supernatural elements. That's what I actually made me write my first comment on the comic: the weird shadow people. And the magic. (And the community).
So, you'll see me around weird theories and reading lots of folklore(?
Welcome among us, Lacunae :) Cookies ? Cookies ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Don't worry for possible mistakes, the community is very nice with us, who are not English natives ;)
Hi, Lacuna, and welcome to the Forum. You'll find quite a few enthusiasts of folklore here, and lots of interesting Forum threads on such subjects. We look forward to seeing you there.
Welcome among us, Lacunae :) Cookies ? Cookies ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Don't worry for possible mistakes, the community is very nice with us, who are not English natives ;)
*munchs on cookies* Thank you very much~ And it's amazing to see the diversity in languages going around! And how lovely the community is~
Hello! I got up to date with SSSS and already read aRTD, and I still want more, so joining the forum seemed like a good idea~
I'm Seff (or Lacunae, Lacu, Nae, a mix of everything - wichever you prefer), 23 and from South America, so I apologize in advance from any horror mistakes in my sentences.
Basically I came for the the amazing art and interesting story, and I end up staying for the lore and supernatural elements. That's what I actually made me write my first comment on the comic: the weird shadow people. And the magic. (And the community).
So, you'll see me around weird theories and reading lots of folklore(?
Hello, new friend! It's always good to have another someone who enjoys folklore and the like! Please, make yourself at home. :)
Hello! I got up to date with SSSS and already read aRTD, and I still want more, so joining the forum seemed like a good idea~
I'm Seff (or Lacunae, Lacu, Nae, a mix of everything - wichever you prefer), 23 and from South America, so I apologize in advance from any horror mistakes in my sentences.
Basically I came for the the amazing art and interesting story, and I end up staying for the lore and supernatural elements. That's what I actually made me write my first comment on the comic: the weird shadow people. And the magic. (And the community).
So, you'll see me around weird theories and reading lots of folklore(?
Welcome to our little group of mad things :)
Hello! I got up to date with SSSS and already read aRTD, and I still want more, so joining the forum seemed like a good idea~
I'm Seff (or Lacunae, Lacu, Nae, a mix of everything - wichever you prefer), 23 and from South America, so I apologize in advance from any horror mistakes in my sentences.
Basically I came for the the amazing art and interesting story, and I end up staying for the lore and supernatural elements. That's what I actually made me write my first comment on the comic: the weird shadow people. And the magic. (And the community).
So, you'll see me around weird theories and reading lots of folklore(?
Welcome Lacunae ! Have a pleasant stay on the forum and with the community !
Hello! I got up to date with SSSS and already read aRTD, and I still want more, so joining the forum seemed like a good idea~
I'm Seff (or Lacunae, Lacu, Nae, a mix of everything - wichever you prefer), 23 and from South America, so I apologize in advance from any horror mistakes in my sentences.
Basically I came for the the amazing art and interesting story, and I end up staying for the lore and supernatural elements. That's what I actually made me write my first comment on the comic: the weird shadow people. And the magic. (And the community).
So, you'll see me around weird theories and reading lots of folklore(?
If you feel like debating any of those weird theories, we have an affiliated IRC channel here (https://webchat.quakenet.org/) at #ssss!
Otherwise, the SSSS Board has a good deal of theories: headcanons (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=509.0), trolls (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=284.0), etc etc.
See you around!
Hello folks! I am Purple Wyrm - although to be really honest I'm not particularly purple and am not a wyrm (or even a worm). Through such seas of confusion science splashes on!
I stumbled over SSSS last week and speed-read my way through the entire archive, falling completely in love with the story and entire setting in the process. I am now suffering from horrible withdrawal because I have to wait for new episodes. And I am led to believe that there is a terrifying thing called a 'chapter break' that happens from time to time, which may well kill me the next time it occurs. Someone please tell me it's not as awful as it sounds! ;D
I am located in the far antipodes (in that strange and awesome place known to legends as Perth Australia), am far too old to talk about and work as a web developer. I am sadly monolingual and only speak English - Australian English at that, which only barely counts. But I am making a half hearted attempt to learn a bit of German.
I look forward to being a strange and hopefully not too annoying ornament to this forum. Tea and pickles to you all!
I am now suffering from horrible withdrawal because I have to wait for new episodes. And I am led to believe that there is a terrifying thing called a 'chapter break' that happens from time to time, which may well kill me the next time it occurs. Someone please tell me it's not as awful as it sounds! ;D
*Pats pats* *Remembers having the same problem at the beginning* Take a cookie. All will be fine :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: And welcome among us ! :)
Squirrel Cookies! Yey!
Thank you :)
Hi! Welcome! The chapter breaks aren't terribly fun, but they do tend to produce an uptick in art/fic/Forum activity, which is pretty great. I know there are several other Australians on here, too. (also, pickles?? with tea??)
I stumbled over SSSS last week and speed-read my way through the entire archive, falling completely in love with the story and entire setting in the process. I am now suffering from horrible withdrawal because I have to wait for new episodes.
I am located in the far antipodes (in that strange and awesome place known to legends as Perth Australia), am far too old to talk about and work as a web developer. I am sadly monolingual and only speak English - Australian English at that, which only barely counts. But I am making a half hearted attempt to learn a bit of German.
I look forward to being a strange and hopefully not too annoying ornament to this forum. Tea and pickles to you all!
Hello and welcome! /o/ Haaa, yessss, join us in the ranks of having to wait for page-a-day, sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode from anticipation.
You definitely aren't the only Aussie here; I expect you'll see the others around eventually. : D
Looking forward to seeing you around! I'll take the tea, but pass on the pickles. ;p
Thanks for the welcomes folks!
Tea with pickles is an old Australian tradition started in 1789 when Governor Arthur Phillip of the Port Jackson (now Sydney) colony ran out of biscuits just before the arrival of the Second Fleet and had nothing else to serve the arriving captains with.
That is actually a complete lie that I just made up. Tea and pickles were actually the standard welcome gift for newbies at a forum I used to frequent years ago, so I thought I'd share them out here as well ;)
Hi, Purple Wyrm! There are other Australians here. I'm in country SA, down the end of the Barossa where it runs into the Adelaide Hills. I know of at least 2 other Minnions in SA and several in Victoria, and there are others in Tassie and other states, as well as in NZ.
During the dreaded chapter breaks we haunt the forum (art, music, fanfic, chat and so forth), and commiserate with one another in the comments. Join us and have fun!
Tea and pickles were actually the standard welcome gift for newbies at a forum I used to frequent years ago, so I thought I'd share them out here as well ;)
Hm, sounds about as appetizing as squirrel cookies. ;)
Hello? ouo
I'm new?
And from norway?
I make arts? Err.. That's all I can think about?
Hello? ouo
I'm new?
And from norway?
I make arts? Err.. That's all I can think about?
Hello fellow norwegian!! welcome to the forum!! I see on your deviantart that you do indeed make arts and they are wonderful O: if you ever make any SSSS fanart feel free to post them in the fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)! We have a lot of other art threads as well - here's (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0) a list of art threads and other useful info ^____^
when did you start reading SSSS? who's your favourite character(s)? :3c
Welcome Inghelene :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello fellow norwegian!! welcome to the forum!! I see on your deviantart that you do indeed make arts and they are wonderful O: if you ever make any SSSS fanart feel free to post them in the fanart thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0)! We have a lot of other art threads as well - here's (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0) a list of art threads and other useful info ^____^
when did you start reading SSSS? who's your favourite character(s)? :3c
Why thank you! I might just do that if I get through my pained list of owed work. :'D
But thank you for the information! ^__^
And it seems to me you draw really neatly yourself!
As for me, I joined somewhere in aRTD, but took a break for the first half year of ssss because I found the new setting very scary. xD
Fav character would be Mikkel, and possibly Trond.
Welcome Inghelene :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
We get cookies too? That's awesome!
Fav character would be Mikkel, and possibly Trond.
Marvelous : Mikkel is always suffering from a lack of drawings ;)
And of course you have welcome cookies here !
Marvelous : Mikkel is always suffering from a lack of drawings ;)
And of course you have welcome cookies here !
Haha! Now you are really feeding my muse. D:
Welcome, Inghelene! I hope you enjoy your time here!
Welcome, Inghelene! I hope you enjoy your time here!
Thank you!
It seems a very loving community! ^__^
Hello? ouo
I'm new?
And from norway?
I make arts? Err.. That's all I can think about?
Yes! More norskies to the clan! Welcome resident of Gokk!
Welcome Inghelene! I joined yesterday and everyone has been very nice. So far ;D
Welcome Inghelene! I joined yesterday and everyone has been very nice. So far ;D
Just so you know, "TGIF" stands for "Turning into Grosslings Imminent on Fridays" on this forum. Not getting a daily update does strange things to Minnions.
Just so you know, "TGIF" stands for "Turning into Grosslings Imminent on Fridays" on this forum. Not getting a daily update does strange things to Minnions.
*huf huf hnf hffff* Thursday evening, folks.
Just so you know, "TGIF" stands for "Turning into Grosslings Imminent on Fridays" on this forum.
But I don't wanna be a grossling!
Although, Leaftroll seemed like a happy chappy. Ok, sign me up!
Yes! More norskies to the clan! Welcome resident of Gokk!
Yess! We will spread and conquer!
Welcome Inghelene! I joined yesterday and everyone has been very nice. So far ;D
Haha! Let us nubies roll the board! xD
Hi, Inghelene! I remember you from the comments - good to see you here.
Hi, Inghelene! I remember you from the comments - good to see you here.
Why thank you, and the same. ^^
(Just took me a year to realize I should enter the forum x'D)
Hello? ouo
I'm new?
And from norway?
I make arts? Err.. That's all I can think about?
Be very welcome !
Be very welcome !
Thank you! ^^
Hi There!
I'm Trashtagger and I'm pretty new to the fandom but I've fallen in mad love with this comic really fast. You may have seen Tay-bee's art on tumblr, she draws a lot of EmilLalli, but she's my best friend and she dragged me down into this fandom much to her pleasure (and mine too lol).
I draw some art too and its all on tumblr, my url is just trashtagger. And Reynir is bae
Welcome trashtagger :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Fun fact : yesterday, a friend sent me a link to your tumblr, assuming I could already have seen it, and I was "No, we don't have this person showing us more drawings in the Art section...". Well, it was obviously a "not yet" :D
Hi There!
I'm Trashtagger and I'm pretty knew to the fandom but I've fallen in mad love with this comic really fast. You may have seen Tay-bee's art on tumblr, she draws a lot of EmilLalli, but she's my best friend and she dragged me down into this fandom much to her pleasure (and mine too lol).
I draw some art too and its all on tumblr, my url is just trashtagger. And Reynir is bae
Ahh welcome! I've seen your stuff on tumblr, yes, it's super cute. : D Isn't it great when friends drag you into something like this? *_* I hope to see you around the forum!
Hi There!
I'm Trashtagger and I'm pretty new to the fandom but I've fallen in mad love with this comic really fast. You may have seen Tay-bee's art on tumblr, she draws a lot of EmilLalli, but she's my best friend and she dragged me down into this fandom much to her pleasure (and mine too lol).
I draw some art too and its all on tumblr, my url is just trashtagger. And Reynir is bae
Welcome to the Forum Trashtagger!
Yes so here I am, I've finally made the trip over from the comments, where I mostly lurk except for haranguing people about folk metal, beer, and the weather in Seattle.
If you care, there's a nice photo of a typical December day over here https://goo.gl/photos/WEAkNhcgjUbRPRyn7 (https://goo.gl/photos/WEAkNhcgjUbRPRyn7). That was taken yesterday at mid-day. Not unusually dark, either.
Hi Deadrose, and welcome to the Forum. Remember you from the comments!
Hi!! I didn't saw this thread before,
haha, I've really lost practice with forums since I joined Tumblr.
Well, I've already posted things on the SSSS Art Museum, so those who have seen them already know that I like to draw and that my favorite character is Emil :D But I love all the character really, they are all fantastic.
So, uhm... more about me, I'm 22, I'm from a very thin, very long country at the end of the world called Chile. I'm in the university and I draw in my free time as a hobby, also I love cooking and food and cats and cute things in general!!
Also, I ended up here because of my best friend. She's been reading the comic since the start but never participated in the fandom too much so she's been suffering alone all this time haha, sheiscofcofusertangerinecofcofbtw
Well, that's it for now ^-^
P.D.: can someone explain me the thing with the cookies please? Or where can I found more information about it.
Welcome Natalie! I saw your art over on the art thread - your Emil is sweet. The virtual cookies are a way of saying welcome to newcomers; some of them purport to be made from (or possibly by) squirrels. I think you'll fit right in here. Chile, eh? Moths, tiny cats, interesting weather, nice rocks, and some amazingly hardy plants - must be fun?
Hi Róisín, good to see you here!
Hi Deadrose, and welcome to the Forum. Remember you from the comments!
eyoooo fellow seattleite
eeeevery morning it gets darker out (http://youtube.com/watch?v=VazH4PYi-J4)
(this is a great band btw, they make songs about prehistoric predators for grownups)
Hi!! I didn't saw this thread before, haha, I've really lost practice with forums since I joined Tumblr.
Well, I've already posted things on the SSSS Art Museum, so those who have seen them already know that I like to draw and that my favorite character is Emil :D But I love all the character really, they are all fantastic.
So, uhm... more about me, I'm 22, I'm from a very thin, very long country at the end of the world called Chile. I'm in the university and I draw in my free time as a hobby, also I love cooking and food and cats and cute things in general!!
Also, I ended up here because of my best friend. She's been reading the comic since the start but never participated in the fandom too much so she's been suffering alone all this time haha, sheiscofcofusertangerinecofcofbtw
Well, that's it for now ^-^
P.D.: can someone explain me the thing with the cookies please? Or where can I found more information about it.
Welcome Natalie! :) Plenty of people have posted in the art museum before introducing themselves, no worries.
...Have some squirrel cookies!
o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
(mine are vegetarian and only shaped like squirrels ::))
The Doubleclicks, yay! Aren't they great? I noticed that link also has Molly Lewis in the sidebar. She's fun.
Welcome, everyone! And as to Natalie's request for an explanation on the cookies, this thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=391.0) should have a good explanation for that plus a few other important in-jokes.
I hope you all have a great time here!! (๑• v •๑)b
Hi There!
I'm Trashtagger and I'm pretty new to the fandom but I've fallen in mad love with this comic really fast. You may have seen Tay-bee's art on tumblr, she draws a lot of EmilLalli, but she's my best friend and she dragged me down into this fandom much to her pleasure (and mine too lol).
I draw some art too and its all on tumblr, my url is just trashtagger. And Reynir is bae
Welcome to the pit bruh
Welcome deadrose and Natalie :) *Puts more welcome cookies on the table* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome deadrose and natalie!
We don't bite! Except for cookies. We bite those.
Croeso to deadrose, Natalie, trashtagger and whoever else I may have missed!
If any of you feel like a chat, our affiliated IRC channel is here (https://webchat.quakenet.org/) at #ssss.
Hello everyone, my name is Mattias and is currently at 18 years of age. I'm studying my last year in the IB-programme (International baccalouret something, something) in high school and found this delightful comic during my biology lesson a little over a year ago (page 197 of I'm not mistaken). I don't really know what I want to do with my life after graduation, but it will probably work itself out in one way or another (fingers crossed!). I usually spend most of my time studying and played video games during my free time but has now been replaced with exercising in the local gym (poor Xbox have been collecting dust in the corner of my room for 2 years now). To round things off, I would like to say that I look forward to be spending more time in this forum and to see all the wonderful works made by the amazing fans of Stand Still, Stay Silent.
Hello everyone, my name is Mattias and is currently at 18 years of age. I'm studying my last year in the IB-programme (International baccalouret something, something) in high school and found this delightful comic during my biology lesson a little over a year ago (page 197 of I'm not mistaken). I don't really know what I want to do with my life after graduation, but it will probably work itself out in one way or another (fingers crossed!). I usually spend most of my time studying and played video games during my free time but has now been replaced with exercising in the local gym (poor Xbox have been collecting dust in the corner of my room for 2 years now). To round things off, I would like to say that I look forward to be spending more time in this forum and to see all the wonderful works made by the amazing fans of Stand Still, Stay Silent.
Hey Puls3!!! Welcome to the forum!
We have several IB students here, and also a few IB grads (myself being one of them). We could probably even set up some study groups when exam time comes around. Feel free to take a look around, we have art, writing, languages, video games, and much much more!
Welcome, Puls3! Here have some squirrel cookies! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: I'm also one of the aforementioned IB grads, and I wish you luck! And wow, you've been following the comic for a while now! If you'd like, you can add chapter break survivor ribbons to your signature (the code is :chap#:, replacing # with whatever number you wish). Like Vi (er, Feartheviolas, rather) said, we've got a number of cool threads you should check out. So take a look around and see what you like!
Welcome among us, Puls3 :) *Offers more cookies* :squirrelcookie:
Hi! I started reading the comic very recently but immediately fell in love with it, so here I am. I've been
stalking checking out the forums for a few days and figured I might as well start posting.
I'm Nietos, a Finnish cultural history student about to turn 26. I'm working on my master's thesis (basically, if you don't want to listen to a long monologue, you might want to avoid mentioning historical fiction, the Papal States in the 15th and 16th century, the Borgias and Italian Renaissance in general) and half a dozen knitting projects. I enjoy good food and sleeping. Fiction writing is one of my main hobbies but I've been ignoring my novel draft for way too long to really call myself a writer.
Contrary to my avatar's statement, I have had fun multiple times and quite enjoyed myself.
Hi! Welcome! Have some cookies.
To what extent is the TOK presentation terrible? Compare and contrast with the Extended Essay. ;)
Thank you so much for the warm hearted welcomes *eats cookies*. I'm still trying to figure the technical aspects of this forum but I think I will get the hang of it soon enough :)
The TOK presentation is a nightmare and the essay is to be handed in this Friday. (Pro tip, if you ever decide to do a presentation in TOK, NEVER decide to talk about ethics. It may look fascinating and simple but believe me, it's just one of many TOK traps that will drive you mad)
Hi! I started reading the comic very recently but immediately fell in love with it, so here I am. I've been stalking checking out the forums for a few days and figured I might as well start posting.
I'm Nietos, a Finnish cultural history student about to turn 26. I'm working on my master's thesis (basically, if you don't want to listen to a long monologue, you might want to avoid mentioning historical fiction, the Papal States in the 15th and 16th century, the Borgias and Italian Renaissance in general) and half a dozen knitting projects. I enjoy good food and sleeping. Fiction writing is one of my main hobbies but I've been ignoring my novel draft for way too long to really call myself a writer.
Contrary to my avatar's statement, I have had fun multiple times and quite enjoyed myself.
I see no one has welcomed you. Welcome! :D Have some squirrel cookies! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi! I started reading the comic very recently but immediately fell in love with it, so here I am. I've been stalking checking out the forums for a few days and figured I might as well start posting.
Hello and welcome, fellow history and knitting enthusiast! Topics to avoid around me would be settlement era + Medieval Iceland and to some amout the rest of the Nordics of roughly the same time span. Or you know, not avoid around me but I can speak for hours if you give me an excuse. (The Borgias are a fascinating family btw!)
Welcome, Nietos!
Oh jeez, ethics. Eek. Mine was about whether humans are the only ones who can make art, so we got to squishy-science our way to victory bad public speaking skills. ::) Good luck on your essay!
Hi! I started reading the comic very recently but immediately fell in love with it, so here I am. I've been stalking checking out the forums for a few days and figured I might as well start posting.
I'm Nietos, a Finnish cultural history student about to turn 26. I'm working on my master's thesis (basically, if you don't want to listen to a long monologue, you might want to avoid mentioning historical fiction, the Papal States in the 15th and 16th century, the Borgias and Italian Renaissance in general) and half a dozen knitting projects. I enjoy good food and sleeping. Fiction writing is one of my main hobbies but I've been ignoring my novel draft for way too long to really call myself a writer.
Contrary to my avatar's statement, I have had fun multiple times and quite enjoyed myself.
Hi, Nietos! I see from your avatar that you're a fan of Kate Beaton and "Hark! A Vagrant!" (http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php) so I like you already. :D We have a NaNoWriMo thread and a writing critique group, as well as knitting/crochet threads (including one for our crews' adventures as amigurumis), speaking Italian, and... well, practically all your interests.
Thank you so much for the warm hearted welcomes *eats cookies*. I'm still trying to figure the technical aspects of this forum but I think I will get the hang of it soon enough :)
Puls, if you ever have questions, please don't hesitate to ask in a given thread or PM any of the Forum staff (admins, moderators, and skalds). Our Help page (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=gio3lmon9147o7dk4iqifsusg2&action=help)contains a lot of useful links and directions to various parts of the Forum.
Welcome Nietos and Puls3!
Hello. I am a teenager from California (Bay Area). I really like this comic, it is very well drawn. :) I am also starting to learn Swedish. I want to get pretty good by March so I can surprise my father on his birthday (he is semi-fluent in Swedish but does not want to help me).
Welcome, antifa! I think we have a Swedish language learning thread around here somewhere, maybe that'll be of some use to you?
Welcome Nietos :) Why not speaking about History ? :D *Was learning History and History of Arts at university* Knitting projects, food, writing... we are several sharing this interest here. One more cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
And welcome cookies for you too, antifa ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome welcome Puls3 and Nietos!
Thank you all for the welcome and help!! And welcome to the new ones too!! I hope we all have fun :D
*takes all the cookies and run*
Hello all, because of Kjeks' insistence, here I am :P . I'm 25 years old and from the Netherlands. SSSS found me via one of the "check these webcomics out" lists at Girl Genius and I've been a regular reader ever since. I read several (25+) other webcomics and study mathematics.
Welcome KaTaai :) :squirrelcookie:
Hello all, because of Kjeks' insistence, here I am :P . I'm 25 years old and from the Netherlands. SSSS found me via one of the "check these webcomics out" lists at Girl Genius and I've been a regular reader ever since. I read several (25+) other webcomics and study mathematics.
Hello and welcome! : D Always great to see more friends-of-minnions get sucked into the forum.
Hello and welcome! : D Always great to see more friends-of-minnions get sucked into the forum.
Tbh I mentioned in the ssss chat that I made an account on the forums, and Kjeks showed me the way to this thread.
Hello and welcome! : D Always great to see more friends-of-minnions get sucked into the forum.
*Has no webcomic dedicated friends that she could drag to SSSS*
Thanks KaTaai, have some delicious :squirrelcookie: and enjoy the board.
Hello and welcome! : D Always great to see more friends-of-minnions get sucked into the forum.
I'm trying, but mine are singularly resistant. :|
Hello and welcome! : D Always great to see more friends-of-minnions get sucked into the forum.
I'm trying, but mine are singularly resistant. :|
Mine seem to be multiple-ly resistant; even Da Book hasn't reeled any of them in.
But welcome to those who have shown their wisdom by joining us!
I'm trying, but mine are singularly resistant. :|
I've nearly got one in- she's reading it but she's too shy to join the forums or comment or anything.
I've nearly got one in- she's reading it but she's too shy to join the forums or comment or anything.
My best friend has joined the forum but refuses to post until she catches up with reading SSSS (she already read ARTD at my insistence). Soon!
I've nearly got one in- she's reading it but she's too shy to join the forums or comment or anything.
Yeah, the one that showed me this has found the Forum but won't get an account because it's a timesuck.
Since I not only commented on a couple of things, but also went to a RL meet-up yesterday, I guess I can't delay the introduction much longer...
So, erm... Hi?
- Name: Aliax on the forum and in the comments, Alex in RL
- Age: 2 Tuuris, or 1 Sigrun + 10, or 1 Taru + 1, you get the idea :P
- Gender: trans male. Started FtM transition 3.5 years ago. Am mostly done socially, 3/4 done medically, and not done at all legally yet.
- Nationality: French.
- Languages: French and English. I lived in one of the former Yugoslavian republics for 6 years, but never managed to learn its language - among other reasons because I could always manage with English. Heh.
- Marital Status: divorced and hopefully forever happily single. Mother to the most awesome 13yo autistic son, who lives abroad with his father because France is still stuck in the prehistoric ages when it comes to taking care of handicapped people =_=
- Occupation: civil servant in civil aviation
- Lives: in the southern part of the greater Paris area, a bit South of the Orly airport. I share a flat with my younger sister and a cat, and my son during the holidays of course.
- How I Got Into SSSS: someone recced it on an anonymous fandom forum I was lurking on. I got stuck in the prologue the first time I tried it, though. Then I saw another rec for it somewhere else (probably the comments of SatW), with the added precision that one shouldn't hesitate to just skip the prologue if one found it too boring or something. So I did just that, and got promptly hooked on to the main story. It was much more pleasurable to go back to the prologue after finishing the main storyline - but it was very much not pleasurable at all to finish said main storyline right at the beginning of a chapter break :'(
- About My Avatar: my previous avatar was a Grade C Cat, because that's pretty much what I feel like whenever I'm in the company of most people: like some kind of big, fat, nice, but not-exactly-bright animal. My current "Confused Lalli" avatar reflects my constant bafflement at Life in general: no matter what I do, it keeps insisting on throwing loads and loads on wrenches into my best-prepared plans, for no other apparent reason than "Because it can".
- Weird Habit: I can post dozens of comments in a day, and then nothing for 3 weeks. Also, don't take it personally if I reply endlessly to you on a topic, and then abruptly drop out of the conversation. My brain only seems to know two modes (On and Off), and I generally can't control when it switches mode on which topic. Sorry :(
- Warning: Do NOT get me started on a topic I like, unless you like being hit by Walls Of Text.
- What Else: I dunno? Ask me if you want to know something. I
mostly don't bite :)
Since I not only commented on a couple of things, but also went to a RL meet-up yesterday, I guess I can't delay the introduction much longer...
So, erm... Hi?
Edit : How could I forgot it : cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Aliax!! I hope you enjoy your time here :D
Welcome Alliax! I've seen you in the comments and enjoyed your remarks. Hope you will have lots to say here.
Since I not only commented on a couple of things, but also went to a RL meet-up yesterday, I guess I can't delay the introduction much longer...
So, erm... Hi?
Ahh, one of the French folks! Hello! The meetup you all had sounded like so much fun.
-Weird Habit: I can post dozens of comments in a day, and then nothing for 3 weeks. Also, don't take it personally if I reply endlessly to you on a topic, and then abruptly drop out of the conversation. My brain only seems to know two modes (On and Off), and I generally can't control when it switches mode on which topic. Sorry :(
-Warning: Do NOT get me started on a topic I like, unless you like being hit by Walls Of Text.
Hooo, I know these feelings. : D Though fortunately my "off" periods are usually short, but... anyway. Someone who likes to post too-long text is always welcome!
Looking forward to seeing you around, I do hope. \o/
Welcome newcomers! They are quite nice around here, don't bite much and will offer you cookies. I suggest you take some.
Thank you for the welcome, Curry, Róisín and Purple Wyrm :D
Edit : How could I forgot it : cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
:P :P :P
Are those cookies sugar-free ;) ?
Ahh, one of the French folks! Hello! The meetup you all had sounded like so much fun.
It was :) !
Hooo, I know these feelings. : D Though fortunately my "off" periods are usually short, but...
Mine used to be too, but lately they seem to be getting longer and longer :/
Someone who likes to post too-long text is always welcome!
Looking forward to seeing you around, I do hope. \o/
Thank you :) !
Are those cookies sugar-free ;) ?
Okay, I got it : I'll bake a kanelbullar for you next time, the recipe has less sugar inside ;)
Are those cookies sugar-free ;) ?
"There's not a single thing in these that any one of us can't eat. No lactose, no nuts, no apples, no cinnamon, and no gluten! And no raisins!" And no sugar!
"There's not a single thing in these that any one of us can't eat. No lactose, no nuts, no apples, no cinnamon, and no gluten! And no raisins!" And no sugar!
And no squirrels! Allegedly...
"There's not a single thing in these that any one of us can't eat. No lactose, no nuts, no apples, no cinnamon, and no gluten! And no raisins!" And no sugar!
Sooo... there's nothing at allin those cookies ??? ? This sounds susssspicioussss to me ;D
Welcome Aliax!
Thank you urbicande :) !
Greetings everyone ^_^
I am late to joining the party here on the forums -- but I've been an avid fan of Minna's comics for a while now ^.^ -- I'm glad that I finally got around to making a forum account. I love interacting with people from all corners of the globe! I'm thrilled to be here!
Greetings everyone ^_^
I am late to joining the party here on the forums -- but I've been an avid fan of Minna's comics for a while now ^.^ -- I'm glad that I finally got around to making a forum account. I love interacting with people from all corners of the globe! I'm thrilled to be here!
Hi welcome! Wow you have a lot of languages! Do you know all of those languages? Or are you learning them? Either way, I'm impressed. This is a great place for interacting with people around the globe. I hope you can make yourself at home here.
Hello everyone!
I have been reading the ssss since spring and I'm hooked. I have been semi active in the discus, and started to post here too. As I got rather personal at the personal section I figured that it is time to introduce myself.
I'm from Finland, close to forty, male, husband, father of five, Psychiatric Nurse (registered) and got a masters degree in nursing science. My nick is my name. I used to work as a unit manager (or ward-sister ;) ) for adolescent psychiatry but quit after 8 years, to start working part time for a Lutheran diocese as a secretary of the diocese. I also work part time as a psychiatric nurse in my old unit. It is nice to be back in the line.
I'm a reader, both fiction (thrillers, historical novels, fantasy) and fact (history mainly). I love comics and use them to unwind. I apologize for my English, my passive English is quite good (I read more in English that in Finnish and I lived in UK for a bit over a year some decade ago), but my active English is rusty. The problem is that my brain still thinks that I can write fluent English so I just arrogantly write what comes to mind.
I'm quite keen on speculating on spiritual matters. I love how the use of old Finnish words (and the concepts behind the words) "luonto", "väki" etc... are in use at this comic. My professional training makes me interested in individual behavior the group behavior that is present at the comic. I have done my military service (NCO, arctic region long range ranger/scout), as most male citizen in the Finland, and on occasion might feel the pressure to comment on something that relates to use of guns, guns, psychology of killing etc.
It would be nice to have a IRL meet in Helsinki (or southern Finland) at some point.
Welcome Svalbard, you're not late !
And welcome saminiemi, IRL meet happens easily than we think they can ;)
Nobody gave you cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Svalbard, you're not late !
And welcome saminiemi, IRL meet happens easily than we think they can ;)
Nobody gave you cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thanks for the cookies and welcomes :)
Welcome, Svalbard and Saminiemi. Good to see both of you migrating over here from Disqus!
Hello, Svalbard, welcome to the forum! It's neat how many languages you know, or are at least learning.
Welcome, saminiemi! I approve of your icon.
What kind of thrillers do you like? Do you like modern day thrillers with fantasy? Or at least a story about a soldier training in snowy mountains who spots a dragon that flies away, and no one believes him. But then he goes on a magical adventure because of it.
I want to visit Finland someday. Unfortunately someday may have to be far off. Hope some other minnions can go!
Hello everyone!
I'm Australian, and I'm fifteen. I'm not going to tell my actual name because I don't usually do that on the Internet, safety and all that. I only really became a fan pretty much two days ago, I binge read everything in the space of a day, but I love it so much!
I love books and comics, especially stories like SSSS, where a group of people, whether they know each other or not, get thrown into a situation of survival. Big groups, small groups, I love them all. The more danger, the better!
I'm afraid I'm not very worldly, I've only been out of Australia three times, but I would so love to get out and do more, probably after I graduate school. I've always been interested in Europe, and Scandinavia, probably helped along by me reading Scandinavia and the World. I don't know any languages other than English, though I learned Chinese in school for five years (of which I remember only a few select phrases, like how to say I am Australian. Super useful.) but I still would love to travel ^_^
Anyway, so hi everyone! I can't wait to talk and get to know some of you guys, and read lots of SSSS in the future!
(I'm also reading through a Redtail's Dream, haven't quite finished it yet though)
Welcome TicTac :) Cookies ? Cookies ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome TicTac! Yet another Australian? Excellent. There are several of us here now. I hope you'll enjoy our company; this is a really great fan community. Welcome!
Welcome, welcome TicTac
Welcome, saminiemi! I approve of your icon.
What kind of thrillers do you like? Do you like modern day thrillers with fantasy? Or at least a story about a soldier training in snowy mountains who spots a dragon that flies away, and no one believes him. But then he goes on a magical adventure because of it.
I want to visit Finland someday. Unfortunately someday may have to be far off. Hope some other minnions can go!
As with thrillers I read the easy popular ones. Something that you can read tired :)
Welcome to Finland :)
Greetings everyone ^_^
I am late to joining the party here on the forums -- but I've been an avid fan of Minna's comics for a while now ^.^ -- I'm glad that I finally got around to making a forum account. I love interacting with people from all corners of the globe! I'm thrilled to be here!
Welcome Svalbard!
Thanks everyone ^_^
Um, hi. *waves* I'm just getting started on the forum; I stumbled on this comic completely by accident, started reading while it was still at the bridge crossing, registered on the comments a few days ago, just got on the forum. I don't really like to share personal details online, but I hope that was a sufficient introduction...?
(Also, I have a massive crush on Sigrun.)
I stumbled on this comic completely by accident
Like so many of us ::) Welcome, Lazy8 :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Um, hi. *waves* I'm just getting started on the forum; I stumbled on this comic completely by accident, started reading while it was still at the bridge crossing, registered on the comments a few days ago, just got on the forum. I don't really like to share personal details online, but I hope that was a sufficient introduction...?
(Also, I have a massive crush on Sigrun.)
Greetings everyone ^_^
I am late to joining the party here on the forums -- but I've been an avid fan of Minna's comics for a while now ^.^ -- I'm glad that I finally got around to making a forum account. I love interacting with people from all corners of the globe! I'm thrilled to be here!
Welcome, Lazy8! It's totally OK not to share personal details, but if you feel like sharing some of your interests, you'll get a lot of pointers to relevant parts of the Forum and lot of potential new friends collaborators partners in crime! 8)
(Same applies to you, Svalbard.)
It's totally OK not to share personal details, but if you feel like sharing some of your interests, you'll get a lot of pointers to relevant parts of the Forum and lot of potential new friends collaborators partners in crime!
Interests? Hm, well, I fic, but not for this fandom. Just haven't gotten the urge; at this point, I mostly want more canon. I really enjoy rambling on about characterization, namely things that I headcanon based on logical deduction. Right now I'm primarily looking for a way to pass the time until either the next page comes out, or it's late enough for me to go to bed with the hope that I'll see the next page in the morning.
Hi and welcome, Lazy8, and I look forward to seeing your speculations on the forums. You know we have a Headcanons thread? Lots of fic on Archive of Our Own and Fanficnet, much of it very good. Also shorter pieces in the Forum Scriptorium. Something to read while waiting for pages.
Well, thanks for the welcome and for the suggestions! I suppose I'll go poke around a bit.
Hi new people! welcome!
I don't know if it's been posted but you can always come to talk to the chat :D There's people all the time :)
https://webchat.quakenet.org/ The channel is ssss
Ahhh lots of new users!! :D Welcome everyone!!! I hope you all have a great time here! If you have any questions feel free to ask! this community is lovely (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*
(Also, I have a massive crush on Sigrun.)
lmao SAME
(Also, I have a massive crush on Sigrun.)
Who doesn't? ;D
Welcome Letizia :) Do you want a cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Letizia! Hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome Letizia, and welcome to the Sigrunvoid! Take one more step forward and it should pull you right in, remember to not fight it. :D
I have to leave for a week and we get all these new members!
Everyone's done the honours so I'll just direct you all to our (affiliated) IRC chat at #ssss through Quakenet (https://webchat.quakenet.org/).
Shwmae a croeso i phawb! :wales:
HI HELLO newbies!! I hope you like it here!
Letizia, is that an alphonse mucha art you've got for your avatar?
Thanks! Yes, it is, from 'Moravian Teachers' Choir'. I have loved Alphonse Mucha's art since... since I visited Prague when I was sixteen, I think.
aaaa I knew it! I visited the Mucha museum in Prague this very summer, so I knew I had seen it in the patriotic section. I'm half moravian so I feel a special kinship to those ^_____^
Thanks for the warm welcome! I am glad to be here ^_^
Hullo everyone!
I'm that Panda-on-Green-Grass you see while scrolling through the threads.
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Location: Singapore
Name - Nicholas
Welcome, Charisma :) Here are cookies for you ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I didn't see this until not, so this isn't my first post. Oh well! I'm James (you can call me Jamie!) and I'm a fifteen year old guy from the USA, that part down south where winter doesn't actually exist. I've been reading SSSS off and on since it was like 100 or so pages, but I only got interested in it for real about a week or so ago. Since then, I've become absolutely obsessed, and have started to learn Norwegian! I'm really bad at that thing called socializing, so if you tlak to me and I come off as rude, I probably don't actually mean it. That aside, I don't know anyone IRL who reads SSSS, and it's absorbed my whole life practically, so I'm (hopefully) going to be pretty active on the forum. I'm gonna stop rambling now, but yeah, hello!
Welcome hhheresy :) *Thinks she'll have to be careful with your number of h* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thanks to everyone who's welcomed me here (this fandom's so nice and sweet)! I was going to say something a lot sooner, but I'm in the process of moving, so... been too busy packing all my books. :I Why do I have so many books ugggh
Laufey: I know little of your topics of interest but they seem... well, interesting! Can you recommend any good books on them? (Also yissssss somebody recognised the Borgia family yissssss)
Sunflower: Awesome! I'd noticed the knitting/crocheting thread while stalking lurking and I need to start poking around there once I'm done with moving and can focus on knitting again. (I typoed your nick at first, you almost became Sonflower...)
Mélusine: Oh, the problem is that I like talking about history too much quite a lot and can get... rambly. Really rambly. Like "I've been talking non-stop for at least half an hour because I really need to share these fascinating facts with everybody!" kinda rambly.
Welcome antifa, KaTaai, Aliax, Svalbard, saminiemi, TicTac, Lazy8, Letizia, Charisma and hhheresy! Most of you already have more posts than I do, but introduced myself before you did so technically I'm your senior within this topic!
*backs off to a corner to munch on welcoming cookies*
Hello to all the new members (I can't keep the names straight because I'm doing about 4 other things at the same time right now). We're a friendly bunch!
Mélusine: Oh, the problem is that I like talking about history too much quite a lot and can get... rambly. Really rambly. Like "I've been talking non-stop for at least half an hour because I really need to share these fascinating facts with everybody!" kinda rambly.
You're speaking to the girl who, in a museum with an engineer friend who knows about nothing in history, in medieval room with graves, says "Wait, I want to see if they were buried in a shroud and with or without a coffin" ::) and spend the next fifteen minutes searching details with enthusiasm, explaining to the other who have this kind of smile. Yes, this kind.
You're speaking to the girl who, in a museum with an engineer friend who knows about nothing in history, in medieval room with graves, says "Wait, I want to see if they were buried in a shroud and with or without a coffin" ::) and spend the next fifteen minutes searching details with enthusiasm, explaining to the other who have this kind of smile. Yes, this kind.
my friends have learned not to mention Tolkien around me. ::)
You're speaking to the girl who, in a museum with an engineer friend who knows about nothing in history, in medieval room with graves, says "Wait, I want to see if they were buried in a shroud and with or without a coffin" ::) and spend the next fifteen minutes searching details with enthusiasm, explaining to the other who have this kind of smile. Yes, this kind.
my friends have learned not to mention Tolkien around me. ::)
Haha, seems like I'm in a good company, then! ;D
*Hello there ;)
*As clearly seen by my profile I am Mettaton, greatest and most glorious creation my parents have ever made, excepting the absolutely fantabulous toasted sandwiches they make, my siblings too. On occasion ^-^.
*Like most of you *read all of you* I was brought here by some random thread of fate that resulted in getting hooked on this masterpiece of a road trip.
*At 16 I've a long and illustrious bright future ahead of me. :))( :'( I lie) and hope to fit right in as that weird guy who acts like a fabulous robot ;). Not even roll playing, I'm just a fabulous guy *shiny teeth smile*
*I've got into SSSS through another Internet forum so YAY you're all internet famous...
*sort of *sweat-drop* And I haven't been able to get a life since, thanks incredibly skilled artist, Minna ^-^
*Well, enough of me. We'll talk about more of that in the future.
Note: I apologise for excessive smilies, but they convey my beauteous personality ;) (And mayhaps that I'm a goof?)
Welcome Mettaton :) I hope you like cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
*Hello there ;)
*As clearly seen by my profile I am Mettaton, greatest and most glorious creation my parents have ever made, excepting the absolutely fantabulous toasted sandwiches they make, my siblings too. On occasion ^-^.
*Like most of you *read all of you* I was brought here by some random thread of fate that resulted in getting hooked on this masterpiece of a road trip.
And what a glorious road trip it is. ;p Hey there, and welcome to the forum! (Man, I really should get around to playing Undertale eventually... thank you for the reminder.) Also-
Note: I apologise for excessive smilies, but they convey my beauteous personality ;) (And mayhaps that I'm a goof?)
We're all a little goofy here. ;p Sounds like you'll fit right in!
Hi Mettaton! And welcome to the forum. Weird is in the job description.
Welcome to the Forum, Mettaton! Have some tea. It goes great with the cookies.
Oh all these welcomes so nice, so great, so fab :)
Thank you all :))
Hi and welcome, Metta! Which other forum is talking about us?
Hi and welcome, Metta! Which other forum is talking about us?
Well, the comic was being discussed in a thread of Spacebattles.com. It was a little thread hence the "sort of" ^-^.
Spacebattles is quite a bit bigger then this forum and filled with a variety of crazy people :D, so I'd navigate it with caution and a bible. Not the dirty kind of crazy people, more like pyromaniacs that have a strange affection for large devastating explosions. (I am guilty of that at times hehe)
>.> Not even sure if i should've replied here or messaged you.
Technically I introduced a site?
Toodles ;D
Spacebattles is ... filled with a variety of crazy people :D, so I'd navigate it with caution and a bible. Not the dirty kind of crazy people, more like pyromaniacs that have a strange affection for large devastating explosions. (I am guilty of that at times hehe)
So, it's full of Emils.
*pokes her head in*
Oh my god, it's been years since I was on a board like this! And this is such a big one! You'll have to bear with me while I get used to it. It may take a while, it really has been years...
I'm Rachel, codename Jeran. I've been using my real name in comments on the comic because it links with my G+, and I figure I'll just go along with it until I write something I don't want the rest of the world to look up later during my bid for the presidency. Since that's highly unlikely, I think we're good. And since connectivity is what it is, I live in Philadelphia in America and I just had a birthday which makes me a year younger than Sigrun. There, you now have everything you need to steal my identity. Please don't! :-[ ;D
I came on here because I want to hear more of the theories of what's going on in the comic, so I'll be strolling through the archives for a while. And judging by the size of some of these threads, it really will be a while... :o
Anyway, HI!
EDIT: And to read the fanfics... ;D ;D
*pokes her head in*
Oh my god, it's been years since I was on a board like this! And this is such a big one! You'll have to bear with me while I get used to it. It may take a while, it really has been years...
I'm Rachel, codename Jeran. I've been using my real name in comments on the comic because it links with my G+, and I figure I'll just go along with it until I write something I don't want the rest of the world to look up later during my bid for the presidency. Since that's highly unlikely, I think we're good. And since connectivity is what it is, I live in Philadelphia in America and I just had a birthday which makes me a year younger than Sigrun. There, you now have everything you need to steal my identity. Please don't! :-[ ;D
I came on here because I want to hear more of the theories of what's going on in the comic, so I'll be strolling through the archives for a while. And judging by the size of some of these threads, it really will be a while... :o
Anyway, HI!
EDIT: And to read the fanfics... ;D ;D
Welcome, Jeran! You can find practically everything SSSS-related here, from humor, fanfic, and art to practically NSA-level analysis of every last aspect of the comic. The General Discussion board also offers non-SSSS discussions, games, activities, recipe swaps, etc. ... so if you had the problem of too much time on your hands before, you'll never have it again! ;D
We really make an effort to be friendly and inclusive here. So if you ever have a question, please don't hesitate to ask, whether in a Forum post or a PM to me or any of the other admins and staff. The Help menu item above has a ton of useful tips and links to various parts of the Forum.
*pokes her head in*
Oh my god, it's been years since I was on a board like this! And this is such a big one! You'll have to bear with me while I get used to it. It may take a while, it really has been years...
I'm Rachel, codename Jeran. I've been using my real name in comments on the comic because it links with my G+, and I figure I'll just go along with it until I write something I don't want the rest of the world to look up later during my bid for the presidency. Since that's highly unlikely, I think we're good. And since connectivity is what it is, I live in Philadelphia in America and I just had a birthday which makes me a year younger than Sigrun. There, you now have everything you need to steal my identity. Please don't! :-[ ;D
I came on here because I want to hear more of the theories of what's going on in the comic, so I'll be strolling through the archives for a while. And judging by the size of some of these threads, it really will be a while... :o
Anyway, HI!
EDIT: And to read the fanfics... ;D ;D
Hooray, another Pennsylvanian!! (I live in Pittsburgh :) ). Welcome to the forum, it's great to have you here.
Hi Jeran/Rachel, and welcome to the delightful chaos which is the Forum. They're really nice here, and endlessly interesting. Welcome!
*pokes her head in*
Oh my god, it's been years since I was on a board like this! And this is such a big one! You'll have to bear with me while I get used to it. It may take a while, it really has been years...
I'm Rachel, codename Jeran. I've been using my real name in comments on the comic because it links with my G+, and I figure I'll just go along with it until I write something I don't want the rest of the world to look up later during my bid for the presidency. Since that's highly unlikely, I think we're good. And since connectivity is what it is, I live in Philadelphia in America and I just had a birthday which makes me a year younger than Sigrun. There, you now have everything you need to steal my identity. Please don't! :-[ ;D
I came on here because I want to hear more of the theories of what's going on in the comic, so I'll be strolling through the archives for a while. And judging by the size of some of these threads, it really will be a while... :o
Anyway, HI!
EDIT: And to read the fanfics... ;D ;D
Hi and welcome, Jeran! Care for any welcome cookies? :D
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome among us, Jeran :) I'm used to offer cookies but Piney came with too many of them ^^
Welcome, Jeran! We're a friendly bunch!
*waves from New York*
Welcome Jeran (and any other newcomers I might have missed). They (we?) are a friendly bunch here!
Hello! I'm Firefly_Lights. I've been a reader for several months, but have finally joined the forum thanks to the nagging of my relentless (and wonderful) roommate, Ana Nymus.
(Ana, are you happy now?)
Hello! I'm Firefly_Lights. I've been a reader for several months, but have finally joined the forum thanks to the nagging of my relentless (and wonderful) roommate, Ana Nymus.
(Ana, are you happy now?)
*showers Firefly with confetti and happiness*
Also, you get the traditional welcome food, squirrel cookies! /o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Glad to finally have you on board ^-^
(Psssst, guys. Just letting you know, Firefly is awesome ;) )
Aww, thanks!
Hello! I'm Firefly_Lights. I've been a reader for several months, but have finally joined the forum thanks to the nagging of my relentless (and wonderful) roommate, Ana Nymus.
(Ana, are you happy now?)
(ノ◉ヮ◉)ノ :。・:*:・゚'☆
Whoo! Welcome, Firefly! Looking forward to having you around. Always great to have more people here. < 3 Especially if they're as awesome as Ana says. ; D
Hi Firefly, and welcome here! Looking forward to knowing you better.
Welcome Firefly! *Toot toot*
(I have decided my seal welcomes people by playing *toot toot* on his pipes)
What? Not piobareachd?
Welcome Firefly! *Toot toot*
(I have decided my seal welcomes people by playing *toot toot* on his pipes)
I just saw your signature and had to laugh very hard ;). THANKS!
And welcome roomate of Ana's ;)
Welcome, Firefely :) We have a very nice forum here, and cookies ! :squirrelcookie:
What? Not piobareachd?
*Toot toot* in a Highland fashion, naturally!
Welcome Firefly_Lights! Long may you shine!
Hello, im new. :) not finished but enjoying the comic very much so far,
Hello, im new. :) not finished but enjoying the comic very much so far,
Welcome, TacoPotatoCat :) *Prepares more cookies* :squirrelcookie: Where are you from ? *Curious*
Hi, TacoPotatoCat, and welcome! What are you interested in, beside our beloved comic? Likely you'll find people to share it with on the Forum.
Welcome TacoPotatoCat! *Toot toot*
Welcome on the forum Jureeya :) Cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Jureeya! I've just been admiring your art, and I think you will make an excellent addition to the forum! Welcome.
Welcome to TacoPotatoCat and Jureeya both!
Welcome, TacoPotatoCat :) *Prepares more cookies* :squirrelcookie: Where are you from ? *Curious*
*Binge eats the cookies* i'm from Canada, eh
Hi, TacoPotatoCat, and welcome! What are you interested in, beside our beloved comic? Likely you'll find people to share it with on the Forum.
Thanks ;D my interests consist of video games, video games oh did I forget? video games.
Thanks ;D my interests consist of video games, video games oh did I forget? video games.
heyooooo look what thread we have! https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=76.0
I didn't know, i might just be on there 24/7
Hi, so, I'm Cati, and I started reading SSSS last week and yesterday I caught up all the way and now I'm here. I deeply love essentially absolutely everything about aRTD. SSSS is more, like, scary so it took a while to talk myself into reading it, but with all the language stuff and magic-working and amazing lovely characters (ok, so my favourites don't all have conventionally lovely personalities) it was really inevitable.
And thanks to jmf, Nimphy, and kjeks for already welcoming me and pointing me over to this thread!
Hmm. I'm 25, currently live in USA/Pennsylvania, student (linguistics), hopelessly flaky, have a great liking for dogs and dance and delicious fruit?
Hi Cati, I think you'll fit right in here. We have an assortment of arts, crafts and writing threads on the Forum which I think you'll enjoy. Welcome!
Welcome cati :) *Gives the traditional cookies* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi, so, I'm Cati, and I started reading SSSS last week and yesterday I caught up all the way and now I'm here. I deeply love essentially absolutely everything about aRTD. SSSS is more, like, scary so it took a while to talk myself into reading it, but with all the language stuff and magic-working and amazing lovely characters (ok, so my favourites don't all have conventionally lovely personalities) it was really inevitable.
And thanks to jmf, Nimphy, and kjeks for already welcoming me and pointing me over to this thread!
Hmm. I'm 25, currently live in USA/Pennsylvania, student (linguistics), hopelessly flaky, have a great liking for dogs and dance and delicious fruit?
Ohh linguistics you say! You might like The Language Board (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=5.0) then. As you got the cookies already, here is some *blankets* and some *bubblewrap*. Beware, people might want to steal the precious bubblewrap!
Hi! Call me Q.
I'm not sure how active I'll be over here, I haven't used a forum in ages... But I wanted to register to be able to keep better track of forum posts - there's a lot of threads I'll be wanting to comb through in the near future! (...I realized this after already reading through the entire fanart thread and needing to know where I stopped off.) I found out about SSSS through friends talking about it, read it all in one night a couple weeks ago, and now I'm a little in love.
Besides that - I'm 23, American, my main interests are things like history, art history, geography, linguistics, planning, architecture, identity, and so on; I've fallen into a major special interest hole with the Nordic countries in general over the past year, too, so that's certainly part of the reason for SSSS's appeal! (My other significant fandom is Hetalia. Quite a different way of looking at the same areas, that's for sure.)
I like cats and coffee. I'm working on learning Norwegian but I'm slow.
Can I just, er, repost this? I'd like to try to stick around here this time. (1) I've been feeling socially disconnected lately and I'd like to meet people (2) It might be helpful to me to have an external reminder to read the comic more than once per ten days.
I'm still me, but I'm 24 now.
Hello again, Q! Welcome. Enjoy the forum and join in- we really don't bite!
Welcome newcomers and oldcomers come again!
*Toot toot*
(Yes, I'm sticking with the toot toot thing)
Hi, so, I'm Cati, and I started reading SSSS last week and yesterday I caught up all the way and now I'm here. I deeply love essentially absolutely everything about aRTD. SSSS is more, like, scary so it took a while to talk myself into reading it, but with all the language stuff and magic-working and amazing lovely characters (ok, so my favourites don't all have conventionally lovely personalities) it was really inevitable.
And thanks to jmf, Nimphy, and kjeks for already welcoming me and pointing me over to this thread!
Hmm. I'm 25, currently live in USA/Pennsylvania, student (linguistics), hopelessly flaky, have a great liking for dogs and dance and delicious fruit?
Hooray, another Pennsylvanian! (I'm in Pittsburgh!) Welcome to the forum. :)
Can I just, er, repost this? I'd like to try to stick around here this time. (1) I've been feeling socially disconnected lately and I'd like to meet people (2) It might be helpful to me to have an external reminder to read the comic more than once per ten days.
I'm still me, but I'm 24 now.
Do you mean my constant flailing about it on twitter/tumblr/DW isn't enough of a reminder? ;p
They're a lovely bunch here, so hopefully you'll stick around. < 3
Welcome back, Q :) :squirrelcookie:
welcome to everyone who's joined since i did. yes, this is a real, genderfluid demigod greeting you. feel honored. or afraid. but mostly honored. i hope to get to know some of you.
Welcome cati and welcome back Q!
Tea and cookies!
(Yes, I'm sticking with the toot toot thing)
Ah, memories (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM5vsDiJuJ0) ...
JoB: Bwaaahahah! The kangaroo! The plastic hands! What *was* that?!?
Ah, memories (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM5vsDiJuJ0) ...
I... I... I am speechless. I am without speech.
I can only retaliate by throwing up some Split Enz (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTHVDOMf3Jc) and running away.
Ah, memories (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM5vsDiJuJ0) ...
I...don't know what to say.
I thought I remembered the worst excesses of the 1980s. I see that I was mistaken.
JoB: Bwaaahahah! The kangaroo! The plastic hands! What *was* that?!?
"Don't Mess with My Toot-Toot" -- it's a zydeco classic!
Iwon't even ask what is 'zydeco'!
Iwon't even ask what is 'zydeco'!
It's a music genre from Louisiana. Quite fun to listen and dance to (if you know how to dance, which I don't)
JoB: Bwaaahahah! The kangaroo! The plastic hands! What *was* that?!?
Well, the 'roo was actually the mascot of the TV show, Känguru (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A4nguru_%28Fernsehsendung%29). Leinemann is a band with quite a long history (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leinemann), the song a cover of Rockin’ Sidney's (Don’t Mess With) My Toot Toot, and I'ld wager a guess that the rest of the getup was heavily inspired by the contemporary NDW (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neue_Deutsche_Welle). Large parts of which, apart from taking the shape of identifiable (and reproducible) pop songs, bordered on wanton dadaism ...
Hi. I'm new here on a friend's recommendation that I enlist. :))
This is definitely the first fan forum for a webcomic I have joined, and probably the first forum I plan to take seriously.;D
I say plan, :-\ but New Year's Resolutions stuff be that.
I am excited to read a new webcomic from scratch. It's been awhile *cracks knuckles* I have a super brief synopsis that I am operating under (the best kind). I hope to keep track of my progress on here so that people can vicariously re-unre-read. Of course, if it stings that you can't be enjoying SSSS for the first time same as me, then avoid my posts, please :) I don't want to cause harm. O:-) I mention this because I recently told a friend I was jealous that they hadn't been spoiled (much) for things like Harry Potter and Star Wars. :-X
I have looked at the first page and I think the art is amazing so far. The details please me. So, thanks for the opportunity to share something new with new friends :D. I look forward to discussing things with you! orz
Welcome to the forum kinaba! And wow, it's really cool that you're diving in here right as you start reading the comic! Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as the rest of us do (I can't speak for everyone, but I'm pretty much obsessed.) I look forward to hearing how you like it. :)
(Also, I'm sure you can guess this, but the forum is pretty spoiler-laden if you haven't read the whole comic yet. So tread carefully!)
Welcome kinaba!
Hello, I'm aogera, queen of brevity. Living in s. Africa. I dropped a picture by the art gallery and was recommended to come here and say hey!
Ssss, for me, is that moment in my day where I get a cup of tea and breath.
Welcome Aogera :) :squirrelcookie: Tea is always a good idea.
And welcome kinaba too ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Kinaba and Aogera! Glad to have you join the fun!
Greeting newcomers! My seal bids you welcome *toot toot*
Welcome to the newcomers :) Hope you'll find a lot of interesting stuff you can participate in here.
Hey everyone, I've been reading SSSS for a while but only found out about the forum a few days ago.
Long and short, the comic started me on learning Norwegian because who doesn't want to be an awesome troll slayer person like Sigrun? And then I came across ARtD and the fact that it's in Finnish as well just meant I had another language to learn. Also, I'm studying Engineering so the wildly varying levels of tech and recovering lost knowledge has me geeking out pretty hard.
I'm hoping to just dive in to this whole thing, never really been active in a forum before.
Welcome Dorsalus :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
I'm hoping to just dive in to this whole thing, never really been active in a forum before.
Should I tell you all of us who had begun by saying they were shy/not so active/something like that are today (very) active members ? ::)
Hi Dorsalus, and welcome! You sound as if you will fit right in!
Hi, Dorsalus! Welcome to the fun of the forum!
Welcome! I am one of those who joined and didn't know how to use a forum or even social media and I was really shy. Aaaaaand now almost by accident I help run it. Who would have thought? You never know what will happen. Joining this forum is probably the best decision I ever made. I've met so many wonderful people here. This community really is quite awesome.
I haven't popped in here for a while, so welcome to all the newcomers! I'm sure you'll find a whole host of interesting things to discuss with interesting people here! ^-^
Welcome Dorsalus!
Welcome, Dorsalus and all other newbies!
Well, I guess I'm also somewhat shy, and as you can see from my number of posts and how long I've already been here, I don't really post much - but the wonderful thing is, for enjoying the forum it doesn't matter if you are very active or not. :)
Hi, I'm Anna. I'm currently a year older than Tuuri. I live in a basement on the eastern side of the American Midwest and I found SSSS through a little banner on another webcomic. (Far To The North, I think. Either that or Girl Genius.) I share my living space with a couple of Grade C felines. I have read both SSSS and aRTD all the way through and am working on rereading both. I spend too much time reading stuff online (Buzzfeed is a real rabbithole, lemme tell you) and texting my one friend who still lives in Florida.
Welcome, Anna :) :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to Anna, and also Dorsalus and all those I missed~ Looking forward to seeing you around the forum! : D
Welcome Anna! Basement dwellers unite! (The grade C felines who live with me aren't allowed in my part of the basement though, too much potential for litter box confusion). Also I live in the western part of the American East, so I feel like we're vaguely neighbors. ;)
Hi, I'm Anna. I'm currently a year older than Tuuri. I live in a basement on the eastern side of the American Midwest and I found SSSS through a little banner on another webcomic. (Far To The North, I think. Either that or Girl Genius.) I share my living space with a couple of Grade C felines. I have read both SSSS and aRTD all the way through and am working on rereading both. I spend too much time reading stuff online (Buzzfeed is a real rabbithole, lemme tell you) and texting my one friend who still lives in Florida.
Welcome Anna!
Hi and welcome, Anna! That's an awesome avatar!
Hi and welcome, Anna! That's an awesome avatar!
I unrepentantly stole it from Ms. Sundberg's piece "The Safe Place" because it reminded me of an old character of mine. O:-)
Welcome Anna! Basement dwellers unite! (The grade C felines who live with me aren't allowed in my part of the basement though, too much potential for litter box confusion). Also I live in the western part of the American East, so I feel like we're vaguely neighbors. ;)
Ah, cool! Hi, Neighbor!
God dag / Hyvää päivää! !
Please allow me to introduce myself.
I go by Prof Marvel; I am a certified card-carrying Grumpy Old Phart, nearly as old as Trond Anderson.
I have been interested in SF, good comic art, and well-told stories since I could read. Mrs Marvel and I both enjoy
good anime, especially historical or supernatural, as long as the story drives the work, not just mecha's or fighting or other teen boy oriented trivia ( examples we like: Inuyasha; Natsume Yuujinchou [Natsume's Book of Friends]; Ghost In The Shell; Cowboy BeBop; Samurai Champloo ) . I am pleased to have found SSSS !!!!
I like to hike in the local mountains, raise vegetables, study history, play with electronics, build damn near anything ( especially furniture, traditional longbows, clocks, knives, axes ) and have done way too many martial arts. Mrs Marvel and I have been Cat Slaves for almost 30 years, currently to two incredibly intelligent black and white feral cats who were rescued as kittens and adopted by us at ~ 6 weeks of age.
We are great believers in That Which Cannot Be Seen, and we talk to birds and other critters . and trees. and rocks.
Whilst down sick with the flu after the New Year I found SSSS on the Hive, and I was so entranced I read it one sitting. Then re-read it. Then found RTD and read it in two evenings. Then I began scouring the web for Minna Sundberg's works, being enthralled by her art and stories. I am working diligently to refrain from becoming a stalker !
I was first impressed by Ms Sundberg's artistic style, then by her use of historic Nordic costumes and settings,
then by her scholarly approach to the languages!
We can see from Minna's other works, that she is fully capable of exquisite photo-realistic depictions. As her own style developed, first in RTD then in SSSS we see she achieved a beautiful "softer" water-color inspired artistic rendition that is far more expressive of motion and emotion. Thus when certain visual details ( which she is clearly capable of rendering ) are not critical to the story, artistic style, and progression such details can be readily diminshed, especially when details of this nature are considerably less important to the overall work. I find this refreshing and compelling!
The facts that Ms Sundberg has worked out so much background detail essential to the storyline, the character's backstory, and character development and maintains the consistency speaks volumes of her professionalism in the art.
Further, we can see that Ms Sundberg has put an incredible amount of study and effort into the historic, geographic, and linguisitic background to this epic Nordic saga - even to the point that her Language Tree has become a reference and resource to quite a number of educational institutions!
I am looking forward to re-reading RTD; re-re-reading and following SSSS, and I hope to find ways to throw money at Ms Sundberg to help her continue her works.
your humble servant
prof marvel
Welcome Prof! You sound like someone who will fit in just fine here. I read your essay on weapons with considerable interest, and look forward to reading your further ruminations. From one grumpy old phart to another, welcome!
*pats hair* I mean, hello and welcome to the Forum! Have some cookies! Enjoy your stay and have fun trying to find the exit, he's very shy
Thank You Róisín & Noodly,
it is a pleasure to be here!
Róisín I am gratified that you found my mumblings entertaining :-)
Noodly - I was part of the Shuttle onboard computer team towards the end of the first flights and the
coding was actually boring :-( - oh and thanks for the cookies :-)
prof marvel
Welcome, prof_marvel, from one Grumpy Old Phart to another :)
Thanks urbicande -
i will keep an eye out for your shimmer ....
prof marvel
Greetings Dorsalus, Anna, Prof Marvel and anyone else I may have missed. My seal welcomes you with a merry tune on it's pipes *toot toot*
Thank you Purple and Piper Seal
prof marvel
Welcome prof_marvel :) I'm sure you'll fine "some" threads interesting here. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Thank you Mélusine, cookies are always appreciated!
and I see hundreds of pages to peruse....
prof marvel
Thanks urbicande -
i will keep an eye out for your shimmer ....
prof marvel
Also, with ref to your name and avatar.
Best. Movie. Ever.
Ah, hello! I am noémie and I am currently a student in the US. I am learning German and will hopefully travel abroad. I have a (probably unhealthy) love for cats and cuddles, but, hey, it's part of my "old-woman-ish" charm!
Ah, hello! I am noémie and I am currently a student in the US. I am learning German and will hopefully travel abroad. I have a (probably unhealthy) love for cats and cuddles, but, hey, it's part of my "old-woman-ish" charm!
Hi, noemie :) *Offers welcome cookies* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the forum, prof_marvel! You seem like a fascinating person. :)
And hello, noemie! I sorta-kinda met you on the chat yesterday, but have an official forum welcome too! (Has Ginger convinced you to read the comic yet?)
Also, if you like cats you are in the right place. Cats everywhere!
Welcome noémie! I hope you'll enjoy it here!
Hi! I'm Moona, from Central Finland and I found SSSS through my webcomic-loving bf. I ended up here looking for cosplay ref on the uniforms, and besides excellent references, I found awesome discussion! Cool!
I study Finnish lang and lit in uni, writing BA thesis atm. Besides the bf, I live with two Grade C cats and four houseplants, and my other hobbies include medieval re-enactment, sewing, reading, postcrossing, geocatching and hiking. I've been trying to switch wholly to vegan diet lately too, does that count as a hobby? It's made me a better cook at least, I think.
A thing I love in SSSS besides the drawing style and the whole world-building, is the way the comic handles the different mythological concepts. I hope I'll get to geek it all out about mythology and linguistics in here :3
Belated hellos and welcomes to prof_marvel, noemie, and others that I might have missed!
Also -
/me sweeps Moonamaija up in his arms and swings her around
It's good to have you here, my dear friend. : D
Moonamaija: welcome! You've probably already noticed that we have threads for mythology, folklore, magic and the like. Looking forward to interesting conversations!
Welcome, Moonamaija :) (Medieval re-enactment, such a good idea ! *Was doing that too before moving*)
Oh, I was about to forgot : cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Yuuago: /HUG!! It's good to be here with yuu, too :)
Róisín: Ohh yes I noticed and lurked til like 5 am last night, oops :D
Mélusine: Ahh yes re-enactment was the closest term I could come up with for it, but the thing I do is kind of more about fighting (with padded weapons) than roleplaying. A short video if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC-nruq6dGA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC-nruq6dGA) Also /eats ALL the cookies, nom and thank you!
Moonamaija: was your fighting SCA or similar? I was a live-steel fighter myself, though I've done a little SCA. More New Varangian Guard, Viking Society and such. It was fun!
Róisín: Yeah, I think SCA is pretty similar. The term we use is boffering, and the weapons are boffers, because we never use real weapons - even the shields are padded. It's the toned down safety first -version :D I think the standards for the padding are stricter in Finland than rest of Europe. But idk, I think it's awesome to be able to fight full contact without breaking people :D I've always thought Viking Society people look so cool!
Ah, yes. I'm familiar with boffer fighting, though I don't do it myself. There are some local groups that do.
Oh, cool then! I'm way too used to explaining my hobbies, it seems :D
ohhh, so many interesting people joining the board =).
noémie your nick is close to my first name :), people always tried to call me by that version, especially teachers, but eh. They learned over time.
and moonamaija your hobbies sound interesting indeed! Good luck with the Thesis!
Big SSSS welcome to noemie and moonamaija!
(For the latter, any chance you'll be in Tampere for Finncon this summer?)
Thank you kjeks and urbicande!
urbicande: I haven't considered that, but chances are that I could... We'll see, I guess :)
I just noticed your signature, moonamaija... Good Omens ?
I just noticed your signature, moonamaija... Good Omens ?
Hehs, yes, of course! Nicely spotted :) That's obvs my all time favorite book but also like the only quote I know by heart.
Hehs, yes, of course! Nicely spotted :) That's obvs my all time favorite book but also like the only quote I know by heart.
It only took me so much time because Crowley isn't his name in the French translation ;) *Loves Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett*
This is more of a re-introduction since I was here and then life happened for a while.
But I'm Teagan, I'm living in Utah and hope to stay in one spot for a while. I like languages and mythology, writing, Dubstep, and roleplaying. My ssssona is a Finnish scout named Ilmari Koskinen and he's pictured in my avatar. Unfortunately I don't remember right now who was the person who drew him for me, but I'm still very grateful. I'd like to get back into writing in general, but have several things to work out irl for now.
Welcome Noemie and Moonamaija (great avatar!) and welcome back Princeofdoom.
My seal will play for you the song of his people *Toot Toot Tootaly Toot*
Welcome back, Princeofdoom, haven't seen you here for ages!
Welcome, welcome, princeofdoom!
moonamaija, do let me know if you do! I expect to be there and I bet there'll be other Minnions as well.
Umm... hi everyone, lol.
As an introvert who's not really much of a social person, AND someone who's got a TOOOOON of work to do all the time, chances are you'll see me on these forums once a month (if that!), so - sorry in advance - but I won't be popping on here very frequently.
But I did wanna make an account on here, because I've been reading the comic for nearly a year now, and never bothered to sign up for the fan forum yet. Well, might as well, right? No harm done if I hardly use it, but if I do get on for a reason, it'd be nice to have an account already prepped. :B
(also, for anyone who might know, I'm Stan from the SSSS Disqus (I believe I just posted yesterday))
Welcome cookies for you, G0vnah ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: (Don't worry, we're introverts. At least lot of us.) ;)
Welcome cookies for you, G0vnah ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: (Don't worry, we're introverts. At least lot of us.) ;)
Aww, shucks. Thanks! :) And yay! Looks like I'm in good company (well, for an introvert's definition of "company," lol)
Welcome, welcome G0vnah!
Thanks very much! :D
Someone remembers me :D
And welcome G0vnah, we'll be happy to see you whenever that is
Thanks! :)
Welcome, G0vnah! This forum seems to be full of interesting people who describe themselves as introverts but lose their shyness very quickly in the good company.
lol, awesome. :B I think you'll find I'm not as shy as I might seem - my work demands that I become good with people, so I've mastered the art of not being awkward and actually knowing what to say, in spite of my introverted tendencies.
That, and introverts - in my experience - often get VERY chatty with other introverts. So there's always that! :)
That, and introverts - in my experience - often get VERY chatty with other introverts.
::) Which "small meet-up" ending 6 hours later after an unexpected meal together ?
lol, that's pretty much the way it goes!
Hello, MysteryClassic here! I used to have a profile on here and a disqus account, but I decided it might be better if I just start over with a new one! (Plus, changing passwords is a pain).
So uh, I'm currently the same age as Reynir and living in Canada. I'm also an introvert (shocking), so I probably won't be making posts here too often, just every now and then. I might occasionally put up some art if I'm in the mood to ^-^
I honestly can't remember how I found ssss, I was wracking my brain last night trying to figure it out ;D Hope this posted okay...
Hello, MysteryClassic here! I used to have a profile on here and a disqus account, but I decided it might be better if I just start over with a new one! (Plus, changing passwords is a pain).
So uh, I'm currently the same age as Reynir and living in Canada. I'm also an introvert (shocking), so I probably won't be making posts here too often, just every now and then. I might occasionally put up some art if I'm in the mood to ^-^
I honestly can't remember how I found ssss, I was wracking my brain last night trying to figure it out ;D Hope this posted okay...
Hi! Welcome back! Also moooooaaar Canadians! :D
Hello, MysteryClassic here! I used to have a profile on here and a disqus account, but I decided it might be better if I just start over with a new one! (Plus, changing passwords is a pain).
So uh, I'm currently the same age as Reynir and living in Canada. I'm also an introvert (shocking), so I probably won't be making posts here too often, just every now and then. I might occasionally put up some art if I'm in the mood to ^-^
I honestly can't remember how I found ssss, I was wracking my brain last night trying to figure it out ;D Hope this posted okay...
Heyo! /o/ Well, a lot of us are introverts here, so you're in good company. ;p
And hooray, another Canadian! We'll take over eventually, maybe. (Quietly. So subtly that nobody will notice until after.)
I'm also an introvert (shocking), so I probably won't be making posts here too often, just every now and then. I might occasionally put up some art if I'm in the mood to ^-^
We should count how much we have been to write something like that... ::)
Anyway, welcome MysteryClassic :) *Offers the traditional cookies* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello everyone! :)) I'm 39, from Wisconsin, USA (though moving to Texas in May). I work as a mechanical engineer. I can't remember how I found aRTD, but I think it was a banner ad in Schlockmercenary that had a pretty drawing in it. Started to read SSSS a few months ago and quickly caught up. I love Minna's style and different outlook/treatment of characters from most of the fiction I consume. Oh, and the most important thing in my life right now is my Son should be born in March. Woohoo! 8)
I don't speak any other language fluently though I studied Russian for a year (over two decades ago) and dabbled in level 1 Italian.
Oh, and no one describes me as introverted unless a party/gathering is too loud for me to understand what people are saying. Then I get super uncomfortable.
Welcome nack MysteryClassic and welcome spartandude!
And hooray, another Canadian! We'll take over eventually, maybe. (Quietly. So subtly that nobody will notice until after.)
shhh... You'll give us away... (Sorry we had to take you guys over btw)
Welcome spartandude :) :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
shhh... You'll give us away... (Sorry we had to take you guys over btw)
I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords. Surely you can run this stupid place better than we can. Have fun with the Tea Partyers.
*dangles the Canuck lure hopefully*
I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords. Surely you can run this stupid place better than we can. Have fun with the Tea Partyers.
Yes! I don't know why Canada would want to be in charge of our mess, honestly, but they're welcome to it.
Also...I've been remiss in welcoming people. So welcome to the forum, MysteryClassic, spartandude, G0vnah, and moonamaija! And welcome back princeofdoom!
I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords. Surely you can run this stupid place better than we can. Have fun with the Tea Partyers.
It's all been planned out (http://www.standingonguard.com/faq.html)
All polite and submissive non-Canadians will be welcomed into our fold come our time of ultimate tyranny! Those who show automatic obedience to perceived authority, a fondness for a Tims double-double, and/or demonstrate a tendency for self-effacing introspection are especially assured of Canadian citizenship once our annexation begins.
Phew, I think this means I'm safe.
Welcome to all the new people!
I'm Regolith. I'm a first year Mechanical Engineering student, aviation enthusiast, hobbyist writer, and dedicated Minnion from back in the aRTD days. This is maybe my second time actually posting in the forum, so hey guys!
I'm Regolith. I'm a first year Mechanical Engineering student, aviation enthusiast, hobbyist writer, and dedicated Minnion from back in the aRTD days. This is maybe my second time actually posting in the forum, so hey guys!
Hello! Nice to meet your acquaintance. Mechanical Engineering, huh? Forgive my ignorance, but what is the difference between that and general Engineering? I'm curious, but never asked anyone before.
I'm Regolith. I'm a first year Mechanical Engineering student, aviation enthusiast, hobbyist writer, and dedicated Minnion from back in the aRTD days. This is maybe my second time actually posting in the forum, so hey guys!
Hi, Reg! I know there are a few other aviation peeps here (I'm waffling around the edges of that interest, it's really cool but I'm not super super invested). What do you think of Mechanical? I'm trying to decide between doing that or Aerospace when I go to college (next school year).
Also, G0vnah, Mechanical is sort of the general Engineering when you want to distinguish it from, say Civil (bridges, sewers, etc.) or Electrical. It more has to do with "how do these pieces that could be part of anything interact and move together?"
Hi Regolith, I hope you'll be more in the conversations on the Forum, since you've introduced yourself.
Hi, Reg! I know there are a few other aviation peeps here (I'm waffling around the edges of that interest, it's really cool but I'm not super super invested). What do you think of Mechanical? I'm trying to decide between doing that or Aerospace when I go to college (next school year).
Also, G0vnah, Mechanical is sort of the general Engineering when you want to distinguish it from, say Civil (bridges, sewers, etc.) or Electrical. It more has to do with "how do these pieces that could be part of anything interact and move together?"
I'm not very far into the program just yet, but I'm liking it so far! I opted for ME partly because of the school, and partly because of the fact that Mechanical Engineers have skills that are applicable in pretty much any field, including Aeronautics and Aerospace. It's not something that you should take my word on, however- you should try to talk to an Aerospace Engineer and get their feedback on the subject.
Aviation Enthusiasts for the win!
Welcome, Regolith :) :squirrelcookie:
Is it the moment I say I have an engineer friend working in aviation motors and admit I understand nothing when she speaks about her job ? ^^
Welcome to the forum, Regolith! I've also been a reader since the aRTD days, but didn't start
obsessively hanging out in the forum until a few months ago. It's good to have you here!
Welcome Regolith247!
(Interesting you should say that about mechanical and aerospace. My dad's undergraduate degree is in aeronautical engineering (which is what they called it way back then), but when he went to grad school he switched to mechanical. My own degree is physics, which is pretty much useless ;) )
Also, G0vnah, Mechanical is sort of the general Engineering when you want to distinguish it from, say Civil (bridges, sewers, etc.) or Electrical. It more has to do with "how do these pieces that could be part of anything interact and move together?"
Ah, I see. Thanks!
I'm Regolith. I'm a first year Mechanical Engineering student, aviation enthusiast, hobbyist writer, and dedicated Minnion from back in the aRTD days. This is maybe my second time actually posting in the forum, so hey guys!
Welcome, I'm 6 years into a Mechatronic Engineering degree so hopefully you get through it a bit faster than me. ;) And yeah you can use an engineering degree for anything that involves projects, management or, surprisingly, project management, so my advice is to try all the different facets. Process engineering, management, validation, project planning and so on, find what you enjoy the most while you're studying so you know what you want to do once you get out.
Noodly, it pretty much depends what you want out of the study. I would recommend Aerospace if what you're planning to do is quite related to it, otherwise Mechanical is a bit more widely applicable. One of my friends I started with in my Mechatronic degree is currently studying part-time while he runs his orbital payload deployment start-up company, so as long as you're passionate, you'll make it work.
However if you want a job at an established aero company (Boeing, Lockheed, Space-X) you will need an Aerospace degree to work directly on their main projects, or so I've heard. They can be... selective in that sense.
I am a little biased because the fluid mechanics equations you use for flow look like this (and I have to do my next Fluid Mechanics subject this upcoming semester), though fortunately a large percentage of the terms drop out for most applications.
(Yes that is a single equation.)
I am a little biased because the fluid mechanics equations you use for flow look like this
You lie! That clearly summons Nyarlathotep!
You lie! That clearly summons Nyarlathotep!
It explains so many things... ^^ Like, a part of me knew maths wasn't for me. Too dangerous :P
(Yes that is a single equation.)
Wait wait wait... *presses nose against screen* It's been years since I've seen a proper fluid mechanics equation! That's a topic I obviously decided not to study further in, but I always get a little bit of geek-out when I see something I recognize.
It's bee so long that I'm sure I no longer understand any of that.
(Yes that is a single equation.)
*hides from the scary math*
(Yes that is a single equation.)
Though, I also have the feeling you made it longer than it had to be by writing out the gradient etc. ;)
Ohai new engineering people!
Though, I also have the feeling you made it longer than it had to be by writing out the gradient etc. ;)
Exactly! Don't be afraid people. The equation is scary but it just says that energy (in all its possible forms) is conserved and it could be written in a more compact way. There is also one (or three, depending on how you count) for momentum and one for mass, and they are shorter.
Don't be afraid people. The equation is scary but it just says that energy (in all its possible forms) is conserved and it could be written in a more compact way. There is also one (or three, depending on how you count) for momentum and one for mass, and they are shorter.
Engineering people clearly speak an other language ::)
Engineering people clearly speak an other language ::)
Yes! The language of calculus! ;D
Engineering people clearly speak an other language ::)
Mathematics is the universal language.
Though, I also have the feeling you made it longer than it had to be by writing out the gradient etc. ;)
Haha, yes I did. ;D The most best thing is crossing out 75% of the equation because it's incompressible or has laminar flow or doesn't change state or is in an inertial frame of reference.
Haha, yes I did. ;D The most best thing is crossing out 75% of the equation because it's incompressible or has laminar flow or doesn't change state or is in an inertial frame of reference.
Inertial reference frames and incompressible fluid are indeed the most best. :D
You lie! That clearly summons Nyarlathotep!
Nah. If it summons an Old One, it would be Calcthulhu.
Nah. If it summons an Old One, it would be Calcthulhu.
Nah. If it summons an Old One, it would be Calcthulhu.
Calculus: The agony and dx/dt
Nah. If it summons an Old One, it would be Calcthulhu.
Tervehdys kaikille.
I call myself Sananjalka, which is Finnish for Pteridium aquilinum and literally means "foot-o’-word".
A very good friend of mine has been enchanted by SSSS for a while, and provided me with an opportunity to read all of the printed first volume some weeks ago. I am thoroughly impressed by the huge amounts of work Minna Sundberg is putting into the comic, as well as convinced that SSSS is one of the greatest works of modern fantasy popularizing the Nordic cultures and languages. (Too bad it seems that the Sami people did not survive the rash illness, though.)
I have lurked these fan forums for a few days, and you people have written a few things I might enjoy commenting. So I have joined your community.
Welcome, Sananjalka :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Wow, so many flags in your signature ! *Impressed*
Tervehdys kaikille.
I call myself Sananjalka, which is Finnish for Pteridium aquilinum and literally means "foot-o’-word".
A very good friend of mine has been enchanted by SSSS for a while, and provided me with an opportunity to read all of the printed first volume some weeks ago. I am thoroughly impressed by the huge amounts of work Minna Sundberg is putting into the comic, as well as convinced that SSSS is one of the greatest works of modern fantasy popularizing the Nordic cultures and languages. (Too bad it seems that the Sami people did not survive the rash illness, though.)
I have lurked these fan forums for a few days, and you people have written a few things I might enjoy commenting. So I have joined your community.
Welcome Sananjalka!
So many flags indeed - oh wait, you speak Hungarian? *very impressed*
Isten hozott a fórumon! ^-^
Tervehdys kaikille.
I call myself Sananjalka, which is Finnish for Pteridium aquilinum and literally means "foot-o’-word".
A very good friend of mine has been enchanted by SSSS for a while, and provided me with an opportunity to read all of the printed first volume some weeks ago. I am thoroughly impressed by the huge amounts of work Minna Sundberg is putting into the comic, as well as convinced that SSSS is one of the greatest works of modern fantasy popularizing the Nordic cultures and languages. (Too bad it seems that the Sami people did not survive the rash illness, though.)
I have lurked these fan forums for a few days, and you people have written a few things I might enjoy commenting. So I have joined your community.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! :)
Welcome to the forum Sananjalka!
Welcome, Sananjalka! Hmm, someone else who knows what a Pteridium is - good!
(Too bad it seems that the Sami people did not survive the rash illness, though.)
(Oh, survive they did (http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=115#comment-1405125866) ...)
I just realised that I have been rather lax at welcoming people. My seal is meant to keep me on track but has been goofing off chasing fish and jamming with Tanzwut. Bad seal!
In any case, welcome G0vnah, MysteryClassic, spartandude, Regolith247, Sananjalka and anyone else I may have missed!
I just realised that I have been rather lax at welcoming people. My seal is meant to keep me on track but has been goofing off chasing fish and jamming with Tanzwut. Bad seal!
In any case, welcome G0vnah, MysteryClassic, spartandude, Regolith247, Sananjalka and anyone else I may have missed!
lol, well, okay then. Better late than never! :D
Also, welcome to everyone who I missed, too. Sorry for not getting here sooner. I shall be more diligent in the future! :)
Welcome Sananjalka! Your array of languages is indeed impressive!
My thanks for the warm welcomes.
Isten hozott a fórumon!
Köszönöm szépen. Jót tenne egy kis gyakorlás. Nem lenne kedved föléleszteni a magyar témát (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=576.0)?
A cookie? :squirrelcookie:
I presume those are made of pure meme flour, with lots of sugar? I really prefer cookies to candy, so I'll be quick to delete, ahem, consume them!
(Oh, survive they did (http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=115#comment-1405125866) ...)
Thank you for the useful link! I am trying to catch up with "Survivor communities outside the known world (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=24.225)" before commenting the fate of the poor Sami any further... and that one is a long thread with lots of lengthy messages.
Just realized I never really introduced myself here, just randomly posted in the Scriptorium one day xD
I'm Jordan (a girl Jordan), I go by Dire or dire18 on The Internets because it's my old Neopets handle and the name just stuck (don't judge meeeee Dx). I started following Minna on Deviantart back before aRTD was being posted a very long time ago. I started actively keeping up with aRTD I think around chapter four. This seems like a great fandom and I'm happy to stop being a lurker and start actually being a member! And my dog is looking at me like I'm a jerk for writing this instead of scratching her belly.
Just realized I never really introduced myself here, just randomly posted in the Scriptorium one day xD
I'm Jordan (a girl Jordan), I go by Dire or dire18 on The Internets because it's my old Neopets handle and the name just stuck (don't judge meeeee Dx). I started following Minna on Deviantart back before aRTD was being posted a very long time ago. I started actively keeping up with aRTD I think around chapter four. This seems like a great fandom and I'm happy to stop being a lurker and start actually being a member! And my dog is looking at me like I'm a jerk for writing this instead of scratching her belly.
I'm sure the dog will forgive you if you scratch her belly now. Dogs are nice, loving creatures like that. Well, most of them are. Most of the ones I've known are.
Welcome Dire :) :squirrelcookie:
I have to admit it was strange to see your name here the first time, because it's a verb in French ^^°
Mélusine: the verb is 'say', right? In English it's an adjective, meaning terrfying, scary, terrible - like 'dire consequences' or 'direwolf'. Languages can be weird.
Dire: or Jordan, which do you prefer? Welcome! I'm enjoying your writing and comments.
Mélusine: the verb is 'say', right? In English it's an adjective, meaning terrfying, scary, terrible - like 'dire consequences' or 'direwolf'. Languages can be weird.
You're right, and wow, nothing in common indeed, I learnt something new :)
...the fate of the poor Sami...
I'm doing quite nicely, thank you :)
Sami is a common firstname in Finland (at least it was in the late 70s). It is derived from Samuel, not from the Sami-people. Use of Sami (in refering to Sámi-people is quite typical (see the wikipedia), but it really should be writen Sámi in english

Just realized I never really introduced myself here, just randomly posted in the Scriptorium one day xD
I'm Jordan (a girl Jordan), I go by Dire or dire18 on The Internets because it's my old Neopets handle and the name just stuck (don't judge meeeee Dx). I started following Minna on Deviantart back before aRTD was being posted a very long time ago. I started actively keeping up with aRTD I think around chapter four. This seems like a great fandom and I'm happy to stop being a lurker and start actually being a member! And my dog is looking at me like I'm a jerk for writing this instead of scratching her belly.
Fellow lurkers unite! XD I was lurking for about half a year before making my presence known, so I can relate. :b Welcome!
it really should be writen Sámi in english :)
In a sense, I would love to agree with you, since I like diacritics myself, but...
Who has given that regulation? After all, "no official or central regulating body defines Standard English (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_English)." Wikipedia folks are rather interested in details like this; I have every reason to believe they would mention it if there was something wrong with the Sami variant.
My understanding is that both versions are quite acceptable. If I wrote Sámi, then, for consistency’s sake, I would have to follow the academic tradition with such English words as façade, jalapeño, naïve and reëlect. Quite frankly, I am too lazy to do that when no one seems to care. The diacritics in personal names and place names are enough of a job for me.
If anyone else likes to use the acute accent for Sámi, for any reason, I have absolutely no objections, though.
I see some of you already feel comfortable enough to start discussions, welcome to the board!
I see some of you already feel comfortable enough to start discussions, welcome to the board!
Lol, thanks! :D
Who has given that regulation?
No one. Their formal body uses it as a correct form. That is normative enough for me.
Welcome welcome Dire!
Their formal body uses it as a correct form. That is normative enough for me.
Ah, I see. I prefer letting native English speakers (whether in a normative or in a laissez-faire way) define the English vocabulary, including foreign people’s ethnonyms. Naturally others can make suggestions, and those might catch off.
On the other hand, I am more interested than the everyman in how the Northern Sami speakers define their own vocabulary (vaikko mun human hui veaháš sámegiela).
Mélusine: the verb is 'say', right? In English it's an adjective, meaning terrfying, scary, terrible - like 'dire consequences' or 'direwolf'. Languages can be weird.
Dire: or Jordan, which do you prefer? Welcome! I'm enjoying your writing and comments.
Dire is fine! I don't expect people to remember my real name when it's not in my profile :) thank you for asking though, and for the welcome from everyone!
My "dire" is for "dire wolf." When I was maybe eight or nine my dad and I always played this old AD&D computer game that had dire wolves as first level monsters, I loved them. I pretty much have used Dire as my default pseudonym ever since...such a dork haha
Welcome to anyone whos new here! I haven't been on in a little while, and therefore have neglected welcoming some of you. Wells, please do come in, leave your shoes at the door, and take some cookies before you enter the blanket fort! Enjoy! :)
and as I wander back to this thread ten pages later -
Welcome Sananjalka, Dire, and everyone else newish! Thanks to all for my welcomes; I am charmed that there's even an emote for the squirrel cookies.
Hello everyone !
I go by the name Crumpite, as the closest village is called Crump, and anyone within a few miles considers themselves inhabitants.
Thusly, an inhabitant of Crump is a crumpite, just like an inhabitant of Paris is a parasite...
I tend to make horrible unintelligible jokes, limiting my social interaction and invitations to parties.
Hello everyone !
I go by the name Crumpite, as the closest village is called Crump, and anyone within a few miles considers themselves inhabitants.
Thusly, an inhabitant of Crump is a crumpite, just like an inhabitant of Paris is a parasite...
I tend to make horrible unintelligible jokes, limiting my social interaction and invitations to parties.
Hello everyone !
I go by the name Crumpite, as the closest village is called Crump, and anyone within a few miles considers themselves inhabitants.
Thusly, an inhabitant of Crump is a crumpite, just like an inhabitant of Paris is a parasite...
I tend to make horrible unintelligible jokes, limiting my social interaction and invitations to parties.
Welcome Crumpite! Nice to see you over here at last. You've been very interesting in the comments, and I have no doubt you'll find the forumites just as interesting. There are several of us here arguing with mortal illness, and my policy is to be stubborn and enjoy what's left. From what I've seen your attitude seems similar.
You should explore some of the threads on technology, salvage, agriculture, and the like. We have some fascinating discussions. I reckon you'll fit right in! Welcome!
That's about it, except I've been active in the comments section for quite some time.
I find the SSSS folks to be a wonderful bunch of folks, the best I've run into in all my years on the internet !
Everyone should take a bow, you don't find folks like you very often !
So, welcome among wonderful persons, new wonderful person ? :) Is offering biscuits fine ? :squirrelcookie:
Thusly, an inhabitant of Crump is a crumpite, just like an inhabitant of Paris is a parasite...
Oh, I'm sure that there are even better examples (https://www.google.de/maps/@49.6335471,8.3515814,13z) to be found ...
I have leukemia and am fighting for my life.
Luckily, medical science is staying ahead of my illness, and aside from chemo side effects and lots of Dr. Appointments I still have a good life
[Hands metaphorical battle axe and a somewhat more physical (and Nordic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_horn#Viking_Age)) rhyton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhyton)]
Good luck with that ...
G0vnah: I play autoharp and mountain dulcimer, though not for a while now. I'm refurbishing my autoharp right now and hope to get back to it soon. My wife is an INTJ and I'm an INTP
Mountain dulcimer eh? My husband played one of those for awhile, and I'm trying to get him to take it up again. We probably know a lot of the same songs. Nowadays my hands are pretty crippled, and I've given away all but the lightest of my harps, but I can still get music out of mandolin and bodhran, and I still sing.
G0vnah: I play autoharp and mountain dulcimer, though not for a while now. I'm refurbishing my autoharp right now and hope to get back to it soon. My wife is an INTJ and I'm an INTP
Hey, I'm new to the forum but I've been reading the comic since September.
Name's Toby but I tend to go by Hedge online.
I'm 26, British, former university dropout, currently a student again, like my sciences and languages.
Only really speak English well, but I've got some Portuguese, Spanish, and a smattering of French, German and Danish.
So, hey everyone.
Welcome, Hedge :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the
time sink Forum, Hedge!
Cookies? Always.
And thank you guys :)
Welcome to the forum Hedge! Your icon is...very intense. O_O
Hey, I'm new to the forum but I've been reading the comic since September.
Name's Toby but I tend to go by Hedge online.
I'm 26, British, former university dropout, currently a student again, like my sciences and languages.
Only really speak English well, but I've got some Portuguese, Spanish, and a smattering of French, German and Danish.
So, hey everyone.
Hello! And glad to meet you.
Welcome, Hedge! I just got back from reading your fascinating article on genetics. Looking forward to many interesting conversations. Welcome!
Welcome to all our newcomers :)
Speaking english well is helpfull in here and knowing some other languages will give you lots of fun on the language board.
Ayeeee time flies.
Woohoo! Minnion #1001! Anyway, hi everybody. I discovered the comic a few months ago on TVTropes and was instantly hooked. I'm not currently reading it because I prefer to read chunks all at once, so when the next chapter break hits you'll probably see me posting about how cool it is.
I live on the US East Coast, like jazz and occasionally post on 4chan's /lit/ (literature) and /ck/ (cooking) boards. Great to be here!
Woohoo! Minnion #1001! Anyway, hi everybody. I discovered the comic a few months ago on TVTropes and was instantly hooked. I'm not currently reading it because I prefer to read chunks all at once, so when the next chapter break hits you'll probably see me posting about how cool it is.
I live on the US East Coast, like jazz and occasionally post on 4chan's /lit/ (literature) and /ck/ (cooking) boards. Great to be here!
And all your posts come as flatpack? ;)
Welcome to the Forum!
And all your posts come as flatpack? ;)
Welcome to the Forum!
Why yes they do! With a complimentary jar of lingonberry preserves.
Woohoo! Minnion #1001! Anyway, hi everybody. I discovered the comic a few months ago on TVTropes and was instantly hooked. I'm not currently reading it because I prefer to read chunks all at once, so when the next chapter break hits you'll probably see me posting about how cool it is.
I live on the US East Coast, like jazz and occasionally post on 4chan's /lit/ (literature) and /ck/ (cooking) boards. Great to be here!
Awesome! Great to have you! I might add that I've been considering reading it in chunks as well, as that's how I prefer reading webcomics. In fact, I only binged on SSSS because at first I thought it was completed. Little did I know that that wasn't the case, and - BAM - update wall.
Woohoo! Minnion #1001! Anyway, hi everybody. I discovered the comic a few months ago on TVTropes and was instantly hooked. I'm not currently reading it because I prefer to read chunks all at once, so when the next chapter break hits you'll probably see me posting about how cool it is.
I live on the US East Coast, like jazz and occasionally post on 4chan's /lit/ (literature) and /ck/ (cooking) boards. Great to be here!
Hii! Great to have you here! o/
Literature and cooking, eh? Sounds like you'll fit in here very well, we've plenty of people into those kinds of things. : D
I usually prefer to read the comic in chunks as well. And that's how I read SSSS when I was catching up; chapter-by-chapter. But then I couldn't get enough of it... so regular updates it is. u3u
Woohoo! Minnion #1001! Anyway, hi everybody. I discovered the comic a few months ago on TVTropes and was instantly hooked. I'm not currently reading it because I prefer to read chunks all at once, so when the next chapter break hits you'll probably see me posting about how cool it is.
I live on the US East Coast, like jazz and occasionally post on 4chan's /lit/ (literature) and /ck/ (cooking) boards. Great to be here!
Welcome, from another US east coaster! Have some cookies! /o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, IKEA :) :squirrelcookie:
Hi, Ikea! Welcome from all-too-sunny Australia!
Little did I know that that wasn't the case, and - BAM - update wall.
... believe it or not, this one wasn't in the hoard yet.
Thanks guys! I'm not one to pass up free cookies, but why are they made of squirrel? Is this some new culinary adventure?
Thanks guys! I'm not one to pass up free cookies, but why are they made of squirrel? Is this some new culinary adventure?
Actually squirrel cookies exist in a superposition of either being shaped like, made by, or made from squirrels...
Currently research is going on that whether collapsing the confection function by taking a bite can leave only just one option or more than one in place :o
... believe it or not, this one wasn't in the hoard yet.
Oh gosh that's perfect!
Thanks guys! I'm not one to pass up free cookies, but why are they made of squirrel? Is this some new culinary adventure?
You are familiar with Minna's previous work, A Red Tails Dream. She calls it her practice work, but it is just perfect. Lots of animals there. I have always had the idea that the squirrel theme comes from there. Minnions here tend to go back to it during the chapter breaks and whenever SSSS gets too scary.
... believe it or not, this one wasn't in the hoard yet.
Thanks guys! I'm not one to pass up free cookies, but why are they made of squirrel? Is this some new culinary adventure?
the squirrel cookies have a real life origin. I will not lift the entire mystery, but they are part of a cheering up and welcome culture. Some time back they came with blankets and hot tea, but we had to cut down on these due to lack of resources *nods*
Heyooo. I'm Niddy~ Also Known as Aslynn Ephemera (so many handles!) Been lurking SSSS for some time.
I'm an artist~ I play alot of MMORPG stuff. I love animals and obscure lore.
Nice to meet youuu~!
Hi Niddy-welcome! Aslynn as in dream? Nice to meet you too, you sound as if you will fit right in!
*Bakes more cookies for new members* :squirrelcookie: Welcome, Niddy :)
Heyooo. I'm Niddy~ Also Known as Aslynn Ephemera (so many handles!) Been lurking SSSS for some time.
I'm an artist~ I play alot of MMORPG stuff. I love animals and obscure lore.
Nice to meet youuu~!
Welcome, bienvenue and bienvenido from another newbie!
Welcome Niddy! Glad you're here!
Heyooo. I'm Niddy~ Also Known as Aslynn Ephemera (so many handles!) Been lurking SSSS for some time.
I'm an artist~ I play alot of MMORPG stuff. I love animals and obscure lore.
Nice to meet youuu~!
It's great to meet you too! :) I lurked for a while as well before deciding to jump in and comment and stuff.
Welcome Niddy! And also IKEA, I realized I thought I had welcomed you but I didn't. (I think I was trying to decide if I could introduce myself as another East Coaster, since I'm sort of more in the region where the East Coast blurs into the Midwest...and I forgot to ever submit the post. Oops!)
Anyway, good to have you both here!
Hi all,
I go by WaytoomanyUIDs on the interwebs most of the time. Been reading Stand Still Stay Silent for a long time, found it from an archive binge at A Redtail's Dream. Seen mention of it before that, but had written it off as a generic zombie comic. Signed up on the forums about a year ago and then forgot I'd done so.
Hi all,
I go by WaytoomanyUIDs on the interwebs most of the time. Been reading Stand Still Stay Silent for a long time, found it from an archive binge at A Redtail's Dream. Seen mention of it before that, but had written it off as a generic zombie comic. Signed up on the forums about a year ago and then forgot I'd done so.
I won't wait a year to welcome you, though. So, welcome WaytoomanyUIDs!
Welcome to the Forum, WaytoomanyUIDs. I hope it won't be a year before you post again! By the way, what is a UID?
Hi all,
I go by WaytoomanyUIDs on the interwebs most of the time. Been reading Stand Still Stay Silent for a long time, found it from an archive binge at A Redtail's Dream. Seen mention of it before that, but had written it off as a generic zombie comic. Signed up on the forums about a year ago and then forgot I'd done so.
Welcome! I actually thought the same thing when I'd found ssss, but I read it anyways. Definitely worth it. c: Hope to see you around!
Welcome to the Forum, WaytoomanyUIDs. I hope it won't be a year before you post again! By the way, what is a UID?
(Since computers deal better with numbers than with names, what is shown to the humans as user- and groupnames is usually converted to identification numbers behind the scenes, in particular User ID (UID) and Group ID (GID).)
Thanks, JoB!
Now ain't this great - I write the perfect introduction and lose it all because my session timed out. I hope I can muster a worthy repeat of a first impression. (Emil, I feel you, buddy.)
Moin everyone!
I've been lurking around the forum for a week or so and I felt like it was time to introduce myself.
I got introduced to SSSS two weeks ago and caught up on p.270. Since then I've been spending all my time reading aRTD, 3/4 of the Scriptorium and squeeing my way through 1/4 of the Art Museum. (Man, that thing is big!) I had to stop myself reading all of the Intro thread before posting my own - you might notice that I have a slight problem with having to read everything (I take ages in museums) and thus don't really like being late to things. (Another reason is that I missed the first book and I'm desperately hoping for a reprint at some point.) So, yeah, my life has been pretty much consumed by SSSS and my schoolwork is not happy.
About me: I'm originally from Hamburg, Germany, and currently studying in New England, USA. I study linguistics, so I get a bit crazy about languages and start to learn a bunch but really just want to understand how they work and then I move on. But I always tell myself that if I ever actually need to use them, I've got the basics down, and I'll just forget anything I'm not using right now anyways. (So much for the things I tell myself.) At least half of these languages are historical, so I don't need to speak them anyways. :D Last semester I took Old Norse, this semester I'm teaching myself Yiddish and next I'll hopefully get into a Finnish class. (I tried it once before but I'm not made for 9am classes.)
Oh wow, that's really just a lot of rambling about languages but it seems that's a prominent topic in the fandom - and I love it btw.
Are we still giving our age in characters? If yes, I'm a year younger than Hannu. (Sounds better than two years older than Tuuri, I'm anxious enough about adulthood as it is.)
And now I'll try to tear myself away, before I end up looking at fanart till 4 am again. I've got a Y0 fic outlined/started and couldn't help myself but doodle (despite my lack of drawing skills), so I guess I'll see you in the other threads (and in the comments)!
Hyvää yötä! *pat pat*
I've been lurking around the forum for a week or so and I felt like it was time to introduce myself.
I got introduced to SSSS two weeks ago and caught up on p.270. Since then I've been spending all my time reading aRTD, 3/4 of the Scriptorium and squeeing my way through 1/4 of the Art Museum. (Man, that thing is big!) I had to stop myself reading all of the Intro thread before posting my own
Heyo! < 3 Glad to meet you. : D I can sympathize with the "must read EVERYTHING!" mindset, heh. I'm slowly working through a backlog myself (going through the Scriptorium sure can take a while when your time is limited...)
Lots of people here looove languages, so you're in good company. (You got to take Old Norse? Eee, lucky! That sounds like it would've been so cool. *_* )
And now I'll try to tear myself away, before I end up looking at fanart till 4 am again. I've got a Y0 fic outlined/started
This sounds very relevant to my interests. : D If you end up writing it and deciding to share, I'll totally look forward to that. < 3
Now ain't this great - I write the perfect introduction and lose it all because my session timed out. I hope I can muster a worthy repeat of a first impression. (Emil, I feel you, buddy.)
Moin everyone!
I've been lurking around the forum for a week or so and I felt like it was time to introduce myself.
I got introduced to SSSS two weeks ago and caught up on p.270. Since then I've been spending all my time reading aRTD, 3/4 of the Scriptorium and squeeing my way through 1/4 of the Art Museum. (Man, that thing is big!) I had to stop myself reading all of the Intro thread before posting my own - you might notice that I have a slight problem with having to read everything (I take ages in museums) and thus don't really like being late to things. (Another reason is that I missed the first book and I'm desperately hoping for a reprint at some point.) So, yeah, my life has been pretty much consumed by SSSS and my schoolwork is not happy.
About me: I'm originally from Hamburg, Germany, and currently studying in New England, USA. I study linguistics, so I get a bit crazy about languages and start to learn a bunch but really just want to understand how they work and then I move on. But I always tell myself that if I ever actually need to use them, I've got the basics down, and I'll just forget anything I'm not using right now anyways. (So much for the things I tell myself.) At least half of these languages are historical, so I don't need to speak them anyways. :D Last semester I took Old Norse, this semester I'm teaching myself Yiddish and next I'll hopefully get into a Finnish class. (I tried it once before but I'm not made for 9am classes.)
Oh wow, that's really just a lot of rambling about languages but it seems that's a prominent topic in the fandom - and I love it btw.
Are we still giving our age in characters? If yes, I'm a year younger than Hannu. (Sounds better than two years older than Tuuri, I'm anxious enough about adulthood as it is.)
And now I'll try to tear myself away, before I end up looking at fanart till 4 am again. I've got a Y0 fic outlined/started and couldn't help myself but doodle (despite my lack of drawing skills), so I guess I'll see you in the other threads (and in the comments)!
Hyvää yötä! *pat pat*
Hi! Welcome! I must offer you some cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Good luck getting through the art museum :P
Hi tamaerchen! Another fic writer, yes. I think you'll fit right in! Welcome!
Welcome tamaerchen! It seems like you'll fit in here quite well. (YEs A nEW OnE To jOIn The inFECteD)
Welcome, bienvenue, willkomen, bienvenido, benvenuto, tervetuloa tamaerchen!
Eeee, a fellow linguistics student (and historical Germanic at that) -- welcome, tamaerchen! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧✨ (I find myself curious about good linguist-oriented self-teaching Yiddish resources...)
About me: I'm originally from Hamburg, Germany...
not from Hamburg, but I somehow guessed you belong to the northerners.
Welcome to the board, as well as Niddy and everyone else whom I might have overread.
(You got to take Old Norse? Eee, lucky! That sounds like it would've been so cool. *_* )
The grammar was more learning by heart than structural analysis but we translated a bunch of stuff from the Prose Edda, so that was really nice. :)
This sounds very relevant to my interests. : D If you end up writing it and deciding to share, I'll totally look forward to that. < 3
It's gonna be about a group of people from the Halligen in the German North Sea and since that's kind of a unique setting I need lots of exposition and right now I'm struggling on how to package that nicely and with a low density of German words... But I have some ideas and would love to share once it's done!
Piney, thank you for the cookies! *munches* :squirrelcookie:
Another fic writer, yes.
At least a budding one. :) I'm really surprised that I haven't started earlier but this story has a special kind of power over me...
Eeee, a fellow linguistics student (and historical Germanic at that)
We actually used Minna's language tree in the Intro to Linguistics that I TA'd for last year and I could kick myself that I didn't go look for where it came from then!
(I find myself curious about good linguist-oriented self-teaching Yiddish resources...)
I'm using a book for German speakers right now that's basically written in Yiddish (the two of them being so close). But I also heard good things about Weinreich's College Yiddish.
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! :) I'm off to write some...
I'm using a book for German speakers right now that's basically written in Yiddish (the two of them being so close). But I also heard good things about Weinreich's College Yiddish.
Ah, I can see how that would be a big help. On the other hand, my english-speaking department's Old Church Slavonic class last term used a textbook in German, so it must not be an entirely insurmountable obstacle (and I've known for years I ought to learn to read it anyway, learn more than I've already picked up accidentally through Die Ärzte songs, there's so much linguistics stuff inaccessible without it)
We actually used Minna's language tree in the Intro to Linguistics that I TA'd for last year and I could kick myself that I didn't go look for where it came from then!
THAT'S AMAZING and now I'm almost sad that intro ling probably isn't one of the classes I'll TA.
(Also, I too look forward to seeing your fic eventually!)
Welcome, WaytoomanyUIDs and tamaerchen :) :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Alright, deep breath, und nochmal moin!
Some of you probably saw me flail around the disqus section in all my newbie glee. I found SSSS via a suggestion on FFA a bit more than a month ago and read aRTD on a weekend break shortly after. It's been a while since I got so completely hooked on anything that isn't Tolkien, which has been my main fandom for the last 15 years or so. And since I seem to be here to stay (I even started on my first SSSS fanfic last night, which means it's serious), it's about time I finally made my introduction on the forums.
About me... I'm a bit younger than Sigrun, from Northern Germany, tea-addict and happy servant to a four-footed purr machine. I studied English Literature & Linguistics and Classical Archaeology at Hamburg University, and am currently working as a teacher/translator/integration coach-y person (technical term, that!) for the refugees in my hometown. It's both lovely and emotionally taxing, which is probably one of the reasons I've fallen so hard for SSSS and been around so much. Nothing beats a cheery post-apocalypse webcomic with fantastic worldbuilding to sink my teeth into for escapism! :D Personality-wise I'm... a pretty exact replica of Tuuri - short, stubby, cheerful, prone to bouts of excitement and eeee-ness, (although my hair is longer and I wouldn't have the heart to tell little kids that they're adopted). Heh.
On the comic, the art blew me away first, then I fell in love with the world and the characters. Sigrun and Lalli are my faves of faves, while my faves are... the entire team and supporting cast; they all have aspects that I love to pieces - but I'm developing a whowly new appreciation of Onni... which, given the recent pages isn't a big surprise, I don't think.
Okay, I think that'll do. Happy to answer any questions, and happy to be here! :)
Welcome, Elleth! Greetings from a fellow FFA-goer. : D
I know what you mean about the whole cheerful post-apocalypse thing. SSSS is just so... cozy, somehow, even with all the creepy moments, and it's just so hopeful and uplifting.
(Also ahhh you've started writing something? What kind of something? Whatever it is, I am totally looking forward to that. *_* )
Anyway - looking forward to seeing you around here. < 3!
Welcome Elleth :) Tea, cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
(Ah, archaeology ! I miss my classes sometimes...)
Hi Elleth!
I'm... a pretty exact replica of Tuuri - short, stubby, cheerful, prone to bouts of excitement and eeee-ness, (although my hair is longer and I wouldn't have the heart to tell little kids that they're adopted).
And you do love Sigrun, excellent.
I expect I've been happily second-hand-enjoying your commentary on FFA and might have even comented once or twice.
(And yeah, I need to do a re-read now that I feel so so much more about Onni, heh.)
Welcome on board (so many north germany now, there must be a nest somewhere)
Good to have you on board, Elleth. I've been enjoying your comments in Disqus.
Alright, deep breath, und nochmal moin!
Okay, I think that'll do. Happy to answer any questions, and happy to be here! :)
Welcome! Seems you'll fit in well around here! (Tolkien fan, you say? Good....) ;D
I already love it here! :D (But I'm not surprised tbh.)
(From someone who is also rather new.)
It's good to see that there's still space for new people and that I'm not the only one. :)
Welcome, tamaerchen and Elleth!
(I see you trying to sneak that Quenya by in your signature, Ell. I see you. You'll fit right in. :D)
Welcome, welcome Elleth!
Randomly swinging through the introduction thread as I am wont to do.
Welcome Dire, Crumpite, Hedge, IKEA, Niddy, WaytoomanyUIDs, tamaerchen, Elleth and anyone else I may have missed! *toot toot!*
Aw, thank you guys so much for the warm welcomes! :)
Hi! People said I should come here, so I did! I am very very new, please treat me kindly!
My name is Grey-cat (obviously) and I am only as old as my writing craze, before which I had no life. Besides telling stories, I enjoy making art and listening to music. I am American, and I know a teensy-weensy amount of French. Right now I'm learning Finnish, a hobby entirely inspired by Lalli's awesomness.
Other than that, I'm kinda shy, and I've only just gotten around to joining the SSSS community, but so far everyone's been so nice! Thank-you for your kindness! :)
Hi! People said I should come here, so I did! I am very very new, please treat me kindly!
My name is Grey-cat (obviously) and I am only as old as my writing craze, before which I had no life. Besides telling stories, I enjoy making art and listening to music. I am American, and I know a teensy-weensy amount of French. Right now I'm learning Finnish, a hobby entirely inspired by Lalli's awesomness.
Other than that, I'm kinda shy, and I've only just gotten around to joining the SSSS community, but so far everyone's been so nice! Thank-you for your kindness! :)
Welcome, Grey-cat!
Finnish is an awesome language! A biiiit too difficult for me, though (I had to give up on it). Good luck with it. : D
Looking forward to seeing you around the forum! /o/
Hi! People said I should come here, so I did! I am very very new, please treat me kindly!
My name is Grey-cat (obviously) and I am only as old as my writing craze, before which I had no life. Besides telling stories, I enjoy making art and listening to music. I am American, and I know a teensy-weensy amount of French. Right now I'm learning Finnish, a hobby entirely inspired by Lalli's awesomness.
Other than that, I'm kinda shy, and I've only just gotten around to joining the SSSS community, but so far everyone's been so nice! Thank-you for your kindness! :)
Head on over to the Language Board, they have a Finnish learning group. Bienvenue!
Hi! People said I should come here, so I did! I am very very new, please treat me kindly!
My name is Grey-cat (obviously) and I am only as old as my writing craze, before which I had no life. Besides telling stories, I enjoy making art and listening to music. I am American, and I know a teensy-weensy amount of French. Right now I'm learning Finnish, a hobby entirely inspired by Lalli's awesomness.
Other than that, I'm kinda shy, and I've only just gotten around to joining the SSSS community, but so far everyone's been so nice! Thank-you for your kindness! :)
Un peu de français ? Alors, bienvenue, Grey-cat :)
You'll see, the community is nice and you're not the only one introducing and saying being shy ^^ Do you want some cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: (My real ones are not ready yet.)
Welcome, Grey-cat. We're a friendly bunch. I don't think we've eaten anyone in the past few months (and why would we, when there are so many delicious cookies to be had?).
Thanks, guys, for your advice and cookies and for not eating me! A question, though, is there a way to reply directly to one person here on the forum? I haven't found a button for it yet. XP
Thanks, guys, for your advice and cookies and for not eating me! A question, though, is there a way to reply directly to one person here on the forum? I haven't found a button for it yet. XP
I don't believe you can tag other users directly in BBCode. You COULD just PM someone.
Thanks, guys, for your advice and cookies and for not eating me! A question, though, is there a way to reply directly to one person here on the forum? I haven't found a button for it yet. XP
There isn't really a way to reply directly in a thread. So, usually people just quote the post instead. Or a PM is fine too if you want to keep the conversation only between two people.
There isn't really a way to reply directly in a thread. So, usually people just quote the post instead. Or a PM is fine too if you want to keep the conversation only between two people.
Thanks. I'll remember that. :)
Welcome, Grey-cat! I hope we'll see more of you on the Forum. I had a chuckle at your name, because my household used to be graced by a feline named Greycat, who was one of the most ladylike creatures I have ever known, of any species!
Hope you'll enjoy our community!
Thanks, guys, for your advice and cookies and for not eating me! A question, though, is there a way to reply directly to one person here on the forum? I haven't found a button for it yet. XP
Some of us also put people's names in bold tags if we're not quoting them or are replying to several people at once, just to make it easier to spot the names. So for instance:
I'm really behind on welcoming people, oops! Welcome to the forum Grey-cat, Elleth, WaytoomanyUIDs, and tamaerchen! I've interacted with a few of you on other threads or on Disqus, but have an official greeting too! :))
Welcome to Grey_cat, tamaerchen, Elleth and whoever else I may have missed along the way!
Great to see new members, and while I'm sure many of you have already seen, we've got an affiliated IRC channel at #ssss through Quakenet (https://webchat.quakenet.org/) if any of you feel like a chat.
See you all around!
Hello! I discovered the SSSS comic 2.5(?) weeks ago when I read the entire thing in a day I had off of school instead of being more productive (I have no regrets), and have been lurking around but decided to actually post something for once. So hi there! I am an American student from the East Coast who is taking Spanish classes, attempting to teach herself German, and has delusions of learning Welsh. XD I frequently use abbreviations, so feel free to ask about those if you don't know what they mean. I either ramble on and on or not at all and either speak, or in this case write, fairly formally or incredibly casually. Sometimes I alternate in the same message. I blame the professors who raised me. I love to read and pretend I can draw well and am a very boring person. I have a deviantArt but am nervous about it so chose a completely different name for this b/c socially awkward and afraid of showing terribad artwork. I am currently caught up with SSSS, nowhere near caught up with aRTD, and trying to juggle the ridiculous amount of webcomics I am currently trying to stay updated on. Phantasma out! :)
//goes to hide in a corner
Welcome phantasma :) Please, don't hide in a corner (moreover I fear they are already taken by a few persons ^^), take a cookie ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome phantasma :) Please, don't hide in a corner (moreover I fear they are already taken by a few persons ^^), take a cookie ! :squirrelcookie:
Thank you! How did you know I love cookies! :D
//leaves a book in the corner just in case (no-one can steal my corner. It is mine. I have claimed it)
Thank you! How did you know I love cookies! :D
//leaves a book in the corner just in case (no-one can steal my corner. It is mine. I have claimed it)
*Coughs* Actually leaving a book might attract more persons in this corner ^^° The first person may be me.
Welcome, Phantasma! Hope we will see more of you on the forum.
Greetings phantasma! Don't be shy, jump right in.
Welcome aboard phantasma! You sound like you'll fit right in ;D
*gives the book to Mélu and leaves her as a placeholder in phantasma's corner instead*
Welcome Grey-cat and Phantasma! My seal will pipe you onboard *toot toot*
*gives the book to Mélu and leaves her as a placeholder in phantasma's corner instead*
I'm pretty sure I would be a great placeholder with a book to read ! ;D
Mélusine: ...Fine, I shall lend you my book and my corner. You are the official Corner Guard. I expect it to remain in pristine condition. :)
Róisín: Hello! Thank you for welcoming me! :)
IKEA: Aw, thank you! I shall jump in immediately.
//does a double backflip off a diving board
Edit: your avatar is perfectly amazing and I love it so. :D
Rabbit: I have found my people! 8)
Purple Wyrm: Woo!
...So many smiley faces, so little time.
Welcome phantasma! *sneaks into your corner with more books to share*
Welcome phantasma! *sneaks into your corner with more books to share*
Ooo! Ooo! Now we can create a bookclub in my Super (not-so-)Secret Corner! :)
Er, hi?
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
anyway. I am an almost-Sigrun's-age lazy American lady, who started reading SSSS late in October. I've posted in the comments ... quite a bit, according to disqus. (I'm smasha aliz there. I think I managed to sneak in relatively unnoticed, though. ;)) And I've lurked in this forum at least since November, registered my account in December, and am still really really close to deleting this post and retreating.
I'm fairly nice sometimes! Please don't mind my arrival!
Er, hi?
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
anyway. I am an almost-Sigrun's-age lazy American lady, who started reading SSSS late in October. I've posted in the comments ... quite a bit, according to disqus. (I'm smasha aliz there. I think I managed to sneak in relatively unnoticed, though. ;)) And I've lurked in this forum at least since November, registered my account in December, and am still really really close to deleting this post and retreating.
I'm fairly nice sometimes! Please don't mind my arrival!
And don't delete your post: now you can see all the wonderful stuff on the Personal board, and maybe add to it, if you want to.
Welcome alizarin! Please don't retreat, it's great to have you here! Your disqus name sounds familiar, I'm sure I've either commented on something of yours or vice versa at some point.
Also your name makes me think of the color Alizarin Crimson, which is not boring at all! I'm sure you aren't boring either. :)
Ooo! Ooo! Now we can create a bookclub in my Super (not-so-)Secret Corner! :)
YESSS book club! (We do have a books thread, if you ever feel like chatting about them).
Er, hi?
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
anyway. I am an almost-Sigrun's-age lazy American lady, who started reading SSSS late in October. I've posted in the comments ... quite a bit, according to disqus. (I'm smasha aliz there. I think I managed to sneak in relatively unnoticed, though. ;)) And I've lurked in this forum at least since November, registered my account in December, and am still really really close to deleting this post and retreating.
I'm fairly nice sometimes! Please don't mind my arrival!
Hi! Please don't run away, we're happy to have you here. (I understand the nervousness... good gods, I hyperventilated so much when making my first post!)
I bet you aren't boring. People are always their own worst critics. Hope to see you around more. < 3
Aww. Thank you, kind people! LooNEY_DAC, so I have the password for the underground clubhouse now? Interresssting!
Also your name makes me think of the color Alizarin Crimson, which is not boring at all! I'm sure you aren't boring either. :)
I make no promises. :) And yep, my actual name is a different shade of crimson, so I stole the theme for the internet. I like red. :)
And yuuago, thank you, it is extremely reassuring to hear that this is scary for other people! Not that I'm glad you ever hyperventilated .. :(
Er, hi?
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
anyway. I am an almost-Sigrun's-age lazy American lady, who started reading SSSS late in October. I've posted in the comments ... quite a bit, according to disqus. (I'm smasha aliz there. I think I managed to sneak in relatively unnoticed, though. ;)) And I've lurked in this forum at least since November, registered my account in December, and am still really really close to deleting this post and retreating.
I'm fairly nice sometimes! Please don't mind my arrival!
No, please don't leave! Welcome, feel free to take some squirrel cookies and mead on your way in!
Er, hi?
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
anyway. I am an almost-Sigrun's-age lazy American lady, who started reading SSSS late in October. I've posted in the comments ... quite a bit, according to disqus. (I'm smasha aliz there. I think I managed to sneak in relatively unnoticed, though. ;)) And I've lurked in this forum at least since November, registered my account in December, and am still really really close to deleting this post and retreating.
I'm fairly nice sometimes! Please don't mind my arrival!
Welcome to the forum! Don't worry about being nervous. Everyone is super nice here. I remember the first time I made a post and I was also terrified, my friend had to forcefully convince me, but it all worked out just fine. Now I have way too many posts. I hope you'll enjoy it here! We are glad to have you :)
Welcome welcome to both phantasma and alizarin!
We're friendly! Promise!
Welcome, Alizarin! Had noticed your comments. Don't worry, we're actually quite civilised!
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
I felt exactly the same and everyone made me very welcome here. My seal will play for you the song of its people *toot toot!*
Welcome among us, alizarin :) You're certainly not boring, don't worry, take your time, hide if you find a corner but we're good at staying in corners sometimes so it might be difficult to find an empty one and take a cookie :squirrelcookie:
aaaaah man i haven't welcomed people in so long but!! welcome everybody!! it's great to see all you all and i have no doubt you'll fit in just fine. i hope you all have a great time here!! (´▽`)ﻭ✧
Welcome to the forum alizarin! Great to have you here!
YESSS book club! (We do have a books thread, if you ever feel like chatting about them).
Booksbooksbooksbooksbooks :D
Er, hi?
so, uh, yo, I'm Alizarin, and I'm ... completely freaking terrified of introducing myself of this forum? Not because the fandom seems unfriendly. You don't, I promise! But I'm a very boring person, and seem to suffer extreme (internet-only) communication anxiety when entering a virtual place so full of smart people who know cool things.
anyway. I am an almost-Sigrun's-age lazy American lady, who started reading SSSS late in October. I've posted in the comments ... quite a bit, according to disqus. (I'm smasha aliz there. I think I managed to sneak in relatively unnoticed, though. ;)) And I've lurked in this forum at least since November, registered my account in December, and am still really really close to deleting this post and retreating.
I'm fairly nice sometimes! Please don't mind my arrival!
Welcome welcome, fellow newbie! Though I'm still newer to you in all but posting on the forum...
Booksbooksbooksbooksbooks :D
We also had a book club last summer. Maybe if enough people are interested we can get it up and running again.
Welcome, fellow newbies! I hope you'll feel at home in no time. :)
And also thanks for the welcomes that came in since I last checked this thread - it already feels like I've been here forever! :D (Is that a good sign? I'm really not sure...)
I've not done a lot of greeting of late, but a large welcome to our newbies and by-now-not-so-newbies! *gestures at the SSSS Scriptorium* I can recommend many of the most splendid fanfics throughout the Forum, no need to stay in a corner! *gestures at the Fan Art* You never know how your fellow Minnions will inspire you. *gestures at the Yarncrafters Club* We're an engaging bunch. *gestures at the Perssssonas child board* You may find yourself quite at home in the Known World and/or the Silent World.
Hello! I have been a fan for a little less than a month. I have heard of the webcomic a few times before over the past few months, but finally decided to read it at the suggestion of my dear friend Elleth. :) I love everything from the worldbuilding, the mythos (the magic!), the monsters, and the character dynamics, just to name a few. Reynir and Lalli are among my favorites both individually and as a dynamic I enjoy exploring as a couple (mages!), although I also am fascinated by the Prologue characters. I don't know which character I'm most like. Sometimes a Reynir, sometimes a Lalli...which gives an odd but accurate idea of me?
In the real world, I live in the Windy City of the United States and work in the medical field. My other great passion is writing, and I have been steadily developing a massive fictional universe with its own self-contained mythos/languages/history/etc. It probably goes without saying I'm also a huge fan of Tolkien as so many of our interests align, though I enjoy more sci-fi in my own mythos! :) Other interests include books, mythologies (especially anything about the moon), spirituality, music, languages, pharmacology, and...a few other things from a long list I won't bore you all with. :)
I also have accounts on other sites (AO3, Tumblr, etc), but I usually don't link to them together; but you are free to ask about them privately!
I do not know how active I will be around here on the boards, but I am so glad to have found the world of SSSS! :)
Hello! I have been a fan for a little less than a month. I have heard of the webcomic a few times before over the past few months, but finally decided to read it at the suggestion of my dear friend Elleth. :)
Eeeee, you're here! Welcome to the board, love! (Just you wait, I'll drag you in deeper yet! :D)
And of course welcome to the other introductionees, too! Grey-cat, phantasma and alizarin, greetings from a fellow newbie! You all sound great!
Welcome, Dverghamrar :) I'm sure you'll find interesting threads here or there on the forum. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I have been a fan for a little less than a month.
I do not know how active I will be around here on the boards, but I am so glad to have found the world of SSSS! :)
Hello! /o/ Always nice to see more people around. Who knows, maybe you'll be more active than you think? : D There are a lot of Tolkien fans here, so you're in good company. < 3
I'm always happy to see other people who like the Prologue characters. That part of the comic has so many possibilities for exploration - not that the main timeline doesn't, but it's so different from the rest of the story.
Hello! I have been a fan for a little less than a month. I have heard of the webcomic a few times before over the past few months, but finally decided to read it at the suggestion of my dear friend Elleth. :)
I do not know how active I will be around here on the boards, but I am so glad to have found the world of SSSS! :)
Hi there, Drverghamrar, and welcome! I'm pretty new to the forum myself, but don't worry, everyone here is very friendly and helpful. I see you're a world-builder--so am I! (although most of it's still in my head instead of on paper T.T) Glad to meet a fellow culture nerd, and good luck in your travels of Minna's new-world culture adventure! XD
Welcome Dverghamrar! Have some cookies :) (They're the best, really!)
Welcome Dverghamrar!
Howdy Devergamhar! I didn't think I would be very active either...the forum is a healthy addiction though.
Hello hello, Dverghamrar, welcome welcome! Fellow newbie here. :) Always nice to meet a new person.
Hi, I'm a person. I'm on this forum. I don't post much....and I'm a lot less cold than I sound. O0 ;D
Hi, I'm a person. I'm on this forum. I don't post much....and I'm a lot less cold than I sound. O0 ;D
Well, you did promise to come introduce yourself, and I'm glad you've done so. *passes the cookie plate* We look forward to your contribution(s)!
Hi, I'm a person. I'm on this forum. I don't post much....and I'm a lot less cold than I sound. O0 ;D
Welcome, Demon-Something :) We still have cookies for new members ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Dverghamrar and Demon-Something! We'll hope to see you around the threads.
Howdy Demon-Something! Welcome to our little band!
Welcome Demon-Something! I think you'll find yourself posting more here soon. ;)
I'm Tentaclekitten XD
I've been reading the comic since last year, but only now signed up to this forum. I just want to talk about how pretty Sigrun's wet hair looks.
Hm, a bit about me... my native language is German, I bake and cook a lot, and there's a pond with very silly fish in my garden. I read and write a lot. A lot.
I'm Tentaclekitten, or Midori for short XD
I've been reading the comic since last year, but only now signed up to this forum. I just want to talk about how pretty Sigrun's wet hair looks.
Hm, a bit about me... my native language is German, I bake and cook a lot, and there's a pond with very silly fish in my garden. I read and write a lot. A lot.
Heyyy and welcome! o/
(Not gonna lie, I can understand that impulse, Sigrun looks great in the recent pages lately oho)
Look forward to seeing you around the forum. < 3
(It's nice to see Sigrun with different hair for once XD her usual hair is so cool, but the wet hair is just amaaaaaazingly pretty~ and of course she's still cool XD)
Thanks~ I'm looking forwards to many fun conversations around here XDD
Welcome Tentaclekitten! ;D
Always good to see another one join the horde join the forums.
(It's nice to see Sigrun with different hair for once XD her usual hair is so cool, but the wet hair is just amaaaaaazingly pretty~ and of course she's still cool XD)
Thanks~ I'm looking forwards to many fun conversations around here XDD
Hiii! welcome to the sigrunvoid there is no escape
Welcome to all the new people in here. Seems we are hit by a wave of new forumites (of which I think some have been around in the comments or elsewhere for a while already)
have fun exploring!
Hiii! welcome to the sigrunvoid there is no escape
Sooooo, is Sigrun everyone's favourite? XDD Are we all madly in love with our awesome red-headed captain?
Sooooo, is Sigrun everyone's favourite? XDD Are we all madly in love with our awesome red-headed captain?
yes of course sigrun is the most best captain
yes of course sigrun is the most best captain
The bestest captain in all of the post-apocalyptic world! With amazingly pretty hair, yes, indeed.
I'm Tentaclekitten, or Midori for short XD
I've been reading the comic since last year, but only now signed up to this forum. I just want to talk about how pretty Sigrun's wet hair looks.
Hm, a bit about me... my native language is German, I bake and cook a lot, and there's a pond with very silly fish in my garden. I read and write a lot. A lot.
Herzlich willkommen Tentaclekitten!
Welcome Tentaclekitten! Hope that you are having fun exploring the forum. ^-^
*hands over a plate of squirrel cookies*
Welcome Tentaclekitten! You write? Hope to see you over in the Scriptorium soon.
Sooooo, is Sigrun everyone's favourite? XDD Are we all madly in love with our awesome red-headed captain?
Haha, Sigrun definitely has a huge fan club but some of us are madly in love with Reynir. Wait. I mean, I've heard some people are madly in love with Reynir, rumors only. Definitely no insane crush on Reynir here, nope. O:-)
Also welcome to the forum!
Haha, Sigrun definitely has a huge fan club but some of us are madly in love with Reynir. Wait. I mean, I've heard some people are madly in love with Reynir, rumors only. Definitely no insane crush on Reynir here, nope. O:-)
*looks at Reynir fanblog*
*looks away*
...Tentaclekitten, welcome!! Have some cookies and stay a while! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Haha, Sigrun definitely has a huge fan club but some of us are madly in love with Reynir. Wait. I mean, I've heard some people are madly in love with Reynir, rumors only. Definitely no insane crush on Reynir here, nope. O:-)
Also welcome to the forum!
XD Reynir is totally pretty~ freckles! But Sigrun rulessssssssssss *laughs*
hello all you new people <3 <3 <3 <3
uhh hey im batman on the ssss chatroom and THOR on disqus!! i found ssss by scrolling through hiveworks and i liked how minna shaded reynir's face... been reading ever since!! 8)
uhh hey im batman on the ssss chatroom and THOR on disqus!! i found ssss by scrolling through hiveworks and i liked how minna shaded reynir's face... been reading ever since!! 8)
Welcome spook... bat... Well. Welcome ! :D *Gives cookies* :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Spookylalli/batman! You do seem to have a theme!
Welcome. welcome spookylalli!
Hi! I'm Gingey, a 19 year old American college student originally from Texas, but living in North Carolina for college at the moment. I've been into SSSS for a couple of weeks now, after seeing one too many posts about this mysterious Scandinavian webcomic with a heckton of coppertops (MY PEOPLE! GINGERS APLENTY!) and cats (MY FAVES) on Elleth's (vefanyar's) tumblr.
Other nerdy things I'm into: the Silmarillion (and Tolkien in general but it's the Silm that does it for me), Star Wars, a couple of other webcomics like Kill Six Billion Demons and Agents of the Realm, and a smattering of other fandoms. (I'm also into The 100, but what can I say, I've got Bury Your Gays PTSD and I think a little bit of me died with Lexa.)
I'm also deaf, so basically I'd die SO FAST in the Rash apocalypse. "Oh dear, Mr. Troll, I sure didn't hear you coming." *dies* I do hear with bilateral cochlear implants, which basically just means I'm a walking grab bag of cyborg jokes. I am open to any and all questions about my ears! :)
My hobbies include reading (anything, but apparently these days a Scandinavian postapocalyptic webcomic at the stroke of midnight) writing, and best of all KNITTING. I am the proud owner of a pair of US 50 needles (aka the BIG NEEDLES THAT LOOK A LITTLE LIKE STAKES?? MAYBE I WOULD SURVIVE THE APOCALYPSE AFTER ALL) and if you ever wonder what I'm doing at any given time, chances are I've got a knitting project in my hands.
I also, as a result of the intensive auditory verbal therapy I went through to learn to listen to speak, am a language sponge, so there's a lot of languages that I've learned, half learned, or am still learning (I haven't listed them all), and I am SUPER EXCITED about linguistics so YEAH!! :D
(....I'm going to stop text-screaming excitedly and let the nice SSSS forum people respond to this monologue...)
Welcome, princesscochlea :) Here you'll find a lot of threads about SSSS, but also people who read, people who love Tolkien, people who love languages, people who knit, and even people who knit SSSS's things ;) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome princesscochlea! You'll fit right in here. Have fun exploring the Forum - language threads, craft threads, and of course the scriptorium and poetry threads for writers. Welcome!
Edit: Also, redheads rule!
Oh, welcome princesscochlea! Pull up a chair and have some cookies
Welcome spookylalli/batman! I think I've seen you around the chat a few times. :)
And welcome again (officially) to princesscochlea! I also make cyborg jokes about myself because I have an insulin pump, so heck yes for cyborgs! (You would probably last longer than me in the event of the Rash apocalypse, but let's just hope that never really happens, haha.) Anyway, I'm sure you'll fit right in here, it's great to have you! :))
Big welcome to Spookylalli! We've seen each other in chat, it's nice to have you here too. < 3
And also welcome to princesscochlea! Haaa, we sure do have a lot of people here who are Tolkien fans : D (I'm one myself, though more on the casual end, I don't participate in the fandom really).
Welcome to all you newcomers! :D
uhh hey im batman on the ssss chatroom and THOR on disqus!! i found ssss by scrolling through hiveworks and i liked how minna shaded reynir's face... been reading ever since!! 8)
Aiiiii you finally made it here :). Welcome to the board.
And to all the newcomers who did not get the offer yet:
take some :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: and some blankets to cuddle into.
hello! call me aliien or pavs, im new to the fan forum but i've been reading SSSS since chapter one.
im interested in actually starting to contribute because the fandom (on the fan forum at least) seems to discuss language/linguistics a lot, and i've always been interested in foreign languages, so finding that section of the forum was great.
my native language is english, and i studied french 3 years, very sporadically for the first 2 (ie: i was studying it in an american public high school so that i could graduate and only learned the bare minimum to get an A or B in the class), but more seriously as of late since i developed in actual interest in it. ive also studied other languages (also very sporadically) with somewhat less dedication. at one point i changed my target language from french to german, then back to french, because german is hard.
I don't really have anything else to say about myself
hello! call me aliien or pavs, im new to the fan forum but i've been reading SSSS since chapter one.
im interested in actually starting to contribute because the fandom (on the fan forum at least) seems to discuss language/linguistics a lot, and i've always been interested in foreign languages, so finding that section of the forum was great.
my native language is english, and i studied french 3 years, very sporadically for the first 2 (ie: i was studying it in an american public high school so that i could graduate and only learned the bare minimum to get an A or B in the class), but more seriously as of late since i developed in actual interest in it. ive also studied other languages (also very sporadically) with somewhat less dedication. at one point i changed my target language from french to german, then back to french, because german is hard.
I don't really have anything else to say about myself
Welcome aliien! We're a friendly bunch. Il y'a ici beaucoup des gens qui parle français.
Welcome pavs/aliien! As you may have noticed from the language thread, lots of people here speak lots of languages, and generally are willing to help others learn them. We're pretty friendly!
Welcome, aliien :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello all, I'm Shepherd (generally refereed to as 'Shep' or 'YOU') and I'm brand new to the fanforum as of today but have been reading these comics consistently since aRTD got rolling. So I figured it was time to lurk myself out of the shadows and engage with people since y'all seem like a pretty interesting lot.
I'm a 21 year old student of anthropology and art in various forms, hobby writer, and dabbler in various 'archaic' skill sets who lives in a hole in the woods with various creatures that walk, swim, scuttle, and fly and occasionally forgets what day it is.
Basically, you know that weird kid in school that didn't really talk but could occasionally be found under tables or in trees or communing with random pets and wildlife that wandered by an generally had some very foreign food item or facsimile of a medieval weapon made of sticks and twine on hand?
I was that kid.
Welcome among us, Shephered :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
You seems to have been a marvelous kind of kid :) And an other writer, yay !
Hi and welcome, Shepherd. Some of us weird kids are here already......
Welcome Shepherd! That is a skill set that a lot of people around here seem to have! ;)
(I am that kind of kid too. Wait a minute - antisocial kid who sits in trees? Are you Lalli? :)))
Luth Nightbreeze
I'm more of a Scottish/Norwegian tank class, not a Finnish rouge ;D
Only antisocial until there's something to have a merry time walloping, drinking, or some poor soul familiar enough to tolerate random noises of varying volume and punching as a primary communication form (my brother can attest, poor boy).
I'll be a dead body walking before I turn down a cookie. And yes a writer, one that may or may not be (most definitely will be) contributing via that medium with gusto.
... Also don't you share your name with a water spirit? It feels familiar.
Well birds of a feather and all that, glad to be among my kind!
Welcome aliien and Shepherd! It seems like you will both fit in just fine here. :)
(Shepherd I was that kind of kid too, with an added dash of "that weird girl who draws cats all the time".)
Welcome ot the forum, Shepherd!
Hi! I'm Gingey, a 19 year old American college student originally from Texas, but living in North Carolina for college at the moment. I've been into SSSS for a couple of weeks now, after seeing one too many posts about this mysterious Scandinavian webcomic with a heckton of coppertops (MY PEOPLE! GINGERS APLENTY!) and cats (MY FAVES) on Elleth's (vefanyar's) tumblr.
Other nerdy things I'm into: the Silmarillion (and Tolkien in general but it's the Silm that does it for me), Star Wars, a couple of other webcomics like Kill Six Billion Demons and Agents of the Realm, and a smattering of other fandoms. (I'm also into The 100, but what can I say, I've got Bury Your Gays PTSD and I think a little bit of me died with Lexa.)
I'm also deaf, so basically I'd die SO FAST in the Rash apocalypse. "Oh dear, Mr. Troll, I sure didn't hear you coming." *dies* I do hear with bilateral cochlear implants, which basically just means I'm a walking grab bag of cyborg jokes. I am open to any and all questions about my ears! :)
My hobbies include reading (anything, but apparently these days a Scandinavian postapocalyptic webcomic at the stroke of midnight) writing, and best of all KNITTING. I am the proud owner of a pair of US 50 needles (aka the BIG NEEDLES THAT LOOK A LITTLE LIKE STAKES?? MAYBE I WOULD SURVIVE THE APOCALYPSE AFTER ALL) and if you ever wonder what I'm doing at any given time, chances are I've got a knitting project in my hands.
I also, as a result of the intensive auditory verbal therapy I went through to learn to listen to speak, am a language sponge, so there's a lot of languages that I've learned, half learned, or am still learning (I haven't listed them all), and I am SUPER EXCITED about linguistics so YEAH!! :D
(....I'm going to stop text-screaming excitedly and let the nice SSSS forum people respond to this monologue...)
Hi! Whatever do you knit with size 50 needles? It sounds like what you'd use for my lost-since abandoned project recycling computer cords into a steampunk waistcoat.
since some of the post are part of mythology discussion rather than welcoming newbies, I am going to move them over here. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=54.0)
Also welcome to anyone whom I might have missed while I was on holiday :)
Edit: Rosisin I moved the post you requested me to replace, too ;)
Hi Kjeks! Thank you for moving those posts. One of mine also got misplaced onto the last page of the General Discussion thread, and I would take it as a courtesy if you could also move it for me. It's the one about Maori mythology. Thanks!
Hello all, I'm Shepherd (generally refereed to as 'Shep' or 'YOU') and I'm brand new to the fanforum as of today but have been reading these comics consistently since aRTD got rolling. So I figured it was time to lurk myself out of the shadows and engage with people since y'all seem like a pretty interesting lot.
Welcome aboard, Shep! We're looking forward to getting to know you!
Hey, all! I'm SilverTiger, but you can call me Silver, Tiger, or whatever is easiest for you! I'm an almost-30-yo currently living in Texas with my roommate/house mate and our two cats. I work for an old folk's home, but I spend my free time messing around on the internet, which is partially how I found this wonderful comic! I've only been reading it a handful of days, but I plan to stick around a whole lot longer than that.
My hobbies include: collecting pixel pets on the internet (I actually found the comic through a dragon-collecting game called Flight Rising), reading many different webcomics on a semi-regular basis, reading other kinds of books whenever I have a spare moment or several, and cross stitch as well as knitting. I do cross stitch more than knitting, and usually when I'm watching youtube or a movie so I can have something to do while I sew.
I noticed a lot of people talking about languages on here, and I have a very very *very* basic knowledge of German. I always meant to study it properly... one day, I guess!
Anyway, I look forward to meeting you guys as I start posting around and such.
Hey, all! I'm SilverTiger, but you can call me Silver, Tiger, or whatever is easiest for you! I'm an almost-30-yo currently living in Texas with my roommate/house mate and our two cats. I work for an old folk's home, but I spend my free time messing around on the internet, which is partially how I found this wonderful comic! I've only been reading it a handful of days, but I plan to stick around a whole lot longer than that.
My hobbies include: collecting pixel pets on the internet (I actually found the comic through a dragon-collecting game called Flight Rising), reading many different webcomics on a semi-regular basis, reading other kinds of books whenever I have a spare moment or several, and cross stitch as well as knitting. I do cross stitch more than knitting, and usually when I'm watching youtube or a movie so I can have something to do while I sew.
I noticed a lot of people talking about languages on here, and I have a very very *very* basic knowledge of German. I always meant to study it properly... one day, I guess!
Anyway, I look forward to meeting you guys as I start posting around and such.
Mushishi ! <3 ... Ahem, sorry. Welcome, SilverTiger :)
With such an introduction, I'm sure you'll find several interesting threads on the forum. Oh, and I was forgetting welcome cookies ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome SilverTiger!
Did someone say Mushishi? :) That's an awesome show. I'm only about 7 ep. in though.
Hey, all! I'm SilverTiger, but you can call me Silver, Tiger, or whatever is easiest for you! I'm an almost-30-yo currently living in Texas with my roommate/house mate and our two cats. I work for an old folk's home, but I spend my free time messing around on the internet, which is partially how I found this wonderful comic! I've only been reading it a handful of days, but I plan to stick around a whole lot longer than that.
My hobbies include: collecting pixel pets on the internet (I actually found the comic through a dragon-collecting game called Flight Rising), reading many different webcomics on a semi-regular basis, reading other kinds of books whenever I have a spare moment or several, and cross stitch as well as knitting. I do cross stitch more than knitting, and usually when I'm watching youtube or a movie so I can have something to do while I sew.
I noticed a lot of people talking about languages on here, and I have a very very *very* basic knowledge of German. I always meant to study it properly... one day, I guess!
Anyway, I look forward to meeting you guys as I start posting around and such.
Hi, SilverTiger!
Sounds like you'll fit in great. < 3 Welcome aboard.
(ooh, knitting! There are several of us here with that hobby, including myself. < 3 Always nice to see more knitters around.)
Welcome SilverTiger! Seems like you'll find plenty to interest you here. Also, Flight Rising! That was my major internet hangout before I got completely obsessed with SSSS, hehe. I feel a little guilty, I've sort of abandoned my poor dragons recently.
Welcome, welcome SilverTiger!
Wow, there's been a lot of new people in the past week. Welcome all!
Hi there, SilverTiger!
I'm happy to try and answer any questions concerning German, should you pick it up again. :)
Welcome Silver Tiger! Looking forward to seeing you in the Forum and the comments.
uhh hey im batman on the ssss chatroom and THOR on disqus!! i found ssss by scrolling through hiveworks and i liked how minna shaded reynir's face... been reading ever since!! 8)
this is my fren who introduced me to ssss in the first place!! treat him well or i will fight you
edit also welcome to all the other people!! gosh that seems cold but hey im sorry <3 <3 <3 yall are gr9 !!!!!
Hello all!
I'm a 25 year old French citizen who currently lives in Boston, USA, at this very moment posting from the very lovely country of Norway!
(It's been about 5 years since I last left the USA, and I'm super happy to be visiting some just married friends here in Norway, and then family and friends in Paris. I have to say that this comic was a part of what inspired me to come out here!)
I work in tech support, and do art in the rest of my time (you can find me at weasyl.com/~fleetfoot (http://weasyl.com/~fleetfoot) and fleetfoot.deviantart.com (http://fleetfoot.deviantart.com)). Most of what I post on those sites are 2D/digital illustrative works, but I do knit/crochet/spin a fair bit on days where I don't want to think quite as much while I craft.
I've moved all over the world, and enjoy traveling. I love animals and nature, and my art definitely reflects this. (Hiking/camping anyone?) I also very much enjoy learning about cultures and languages. I'm less good at the rote memorization part of things, but sign me up for learning odd trivia! I enjoy cooking, traditional folk songs, and contra dancing.
I found SSSS I think through the hiveworks as I was trying to find some new webcomics to get back into and gosh did I fall in love with this one! (It contains many of my favourite things!)
I didn't realize there was a forum until someone in the comics pointed me this way, so here I am!
Welcome Fleetfoot! :D
Welcome, Fleetfoot :) With all you wrote (art, knit/crochet/spin, languages, cooking...), I'm sure you'll find interesting threads and conversations. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Fleetfoot! I'm looking forward to some interesting conversations. Nature and folk songs? Excellent!
Hello everyone !!! I'm 23 years old, living in the U.S. for now in the state of Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula attending Northern Michigan University, but I'll be graduating in just a few weeks with a bachelor's degree in International Studies then leaving shortly after that to go live and teach in Korea for a few years, exciting stuff :3
I'm a musician, I've been playing piano since I was a wee little one and I've been teaching piano lessons to beginners for about seven-ish years now. I've also doodled around with trying to learn the violin and harp. Sometimes I cosplay, I've been to a few cons but a lot of my sewing is just for pleasure because I think designing and making my own clothes is fun and a neat creative outlet. I love going for adventures and being out in the woods and by the lake and what not c:
A little fun fact for people who aren't too familiar with Michigan's upper peninsula is that sometime a while ago, I'm guessing probably sometime in the late 1800's or early 1900's, there was a major wave of Finnish migration here. So almost all of my friends who were born in Michigan's upper peninsula are of Finnish descent and a lot of them speak Finnish. So, even before I read SSSS I had some interest in the Finnish language and some Finnish folklore based on the neat things my friends told me and were nice enough to teach me :3
Hello all!
I'm a 25 year old French citizen who currently lives in Boston, USA, at this very moment posting from the very lovely country of Norway!
(It's been about 5 years since I last left the USA, and I'm super happy to be visiting some just married friends here in Norway, and then family and friends in Paris. I have to say that this comic was a part of what inspired me to come out here!)
I work in tech support, and do art in the rest of my time (you can find me at weasyl.com/~fleetfoot (http://weasyl.com/~fleetfoot) and fleetfoot.deviantart.com (http://fleetfoot.deviantart.com)). Most of what I post on those sites are 2D/digital illustrative works, but I do knit/crochet/spin a fair bit on days where I don't want to think quite as much while I craft.
I've moved all over the world, and enjoy traveling. I love animals and nature, and my art definitely reflects this. (Hiking/camping anyone?) I also very much enjoy learning about cultures and languages. I'm less good at the rote memorization part of things, but sign me up for learning odd trivia! I enjoy cooking, traditional folk songs, and contra dancing.
I found SSSS I think through the hiveworks as I was trying to find some new webcomics to get back into and gosh did I fall in love with this one! (It contains many of my favourite things!)
I didn't realize there was a forum until someone in the comics pointed me this way, so here I am!
Eee ! I love hiking / camping, and folk music too :3
Hi Juniper! Good to have you here. Quite a number of us hiking/nature/camping/folk music fans here already. The Finnish connection to your part of the world is known, some of the other Michiganders here have mentioned it, and SectoBoss used the idea in a delightful 1920s AU fanfic.
We had several waves of Finnish migration here in Australia too: to Victoria during and after the Goldrush, to Queensland from late 1800s to mid 1950s, here in South Australia from the 1800s to about 1970s.
Looking forward to seeing you about the Forum.
Hi Juniper! Good to have you here. Quite a number of us hiking/nature/camping/folk music fans here already. The Finnish connection to your part of the world is known, some of the other Michiganders here have mentioned it, and SectoBoss used the idea in a delightful 1920s AU fanfic.
We had several waves of Finnish migration here in Australia too: to Victoria during and after the Goldrush, to Queensland from late 1800s to mid 1950s, here in South Australia from the 1800s to about 1970s.
Looking forward to seeing you about the Forum.
Really now ? I know a lot of people even from lower Michigan who don't know about that tidbit so I'm really glad it's known ! It's also meant lotsa friends with saunas in their houses which has been a very wonderful convenience during the winter =p
The SSSS community just keeps on looking more and more wonderful between the love of foreign language / language discussions going on and now apparently lotsa hiking/nature/camping/folk music lovers, this is like a dream come true !
The SSSS community just keeps on looking more and more wonderful between the love of foreign language / language discussions going on and now apparently lotsa hiking/nature/camping/folk music lovers, this is like a dream come true !
Score, I didn't realize that was a thing here, but somehow it makes sense! :D
I'm now picturing a camping trip SSSS forum goers and fans.
Well, we do Minnion Meetups. No reason one can't be a camping trip. Especially if we have people even on the same continent, grumble grumble (I'm in Australia).
Welcome, Juniper :)
I've also doodled around with trying to learn the violin and harp.
*Sighs* I had loved harp for the few months I had the possibility to learn just a little to play.
Oh, before I forgot, take a welcome cookie ! :squirrelcookie:
Well, we do Minnion Meetups. No reason one can't be a camping trip. Especially if we have people even on the same continent, grumble grumble (I'm in Australia).
Yes we do Minnion Meetups ! :D *Waves from near to Paris* Take a look at the thread and don't hesitate to say if you go here or there, we like to meet the others and for what I lived, it's always good moments :)
*Hugs Róisín* If I go to Australia someday, I'll think to warn you, but... it's not for the next months.
Welcome Juniper!
*Hugs Mélusine right back* Tell me if you ever do, you would be welcome to visit!
Hi, I'm (really extremely) new here (the forum, not the comic).
I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and have four elder sisters and six cousins, all of whom I'm familiar with. I moved to Hong Kong when I was 18 because the Hong Kong University of Stress and Tension (Science and Technology) in my 3rd year, and I'm studying Economics.
I enjoy hiking, F:NV, BL2, creative writing and various books.
I am fluent in Cantonese, Taiwanese, Mandarin (duh) and English, and have a 2nd grade diploma in playing the alto/baritone saxophone, and also very rudimentary skills in Spanish and Russian (I can count to one hundred and ask for the menu or a coffee).
I found SSSS via Hiveworks from SMBC.
I am subject to very occasional bursts of idiocy and unwarranted hostility to nice people, usually around 0700 to 0930 (that's what my friends tell me, I have no idea if it's accurate).
I own a pair of kissing gouramis and even though I know they're fighting they still look cute to me.
More welcome cookies for Lin ! :) :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Lin!
Welcome to the forum, Lin!
Welcome here Lin! I think you will find lots of people to talk to.
Hi, everyone!
I'm a girl from Poland, quite young to be honest (I'm reaching 19 this year). In October I'll start studying on a university, probably in Poland. I've got a younger sister. Oh, and I am also a property of three independent cats ;)
I should also mention that while considering myself as a witch I am still believing in God (no, seriously, it is my faith, quite complicated, isn't it?) To these who know something about the subject; I am not on a wiccan path, though many times they become the source of my inspiration. I just follow my own way.
As a person who loves to create stories and write I am interested in everything, from cryptography (the basics of the subject) through folklore to the theatre. Also, I am struggling to improve my drawing skills, scetching mostly characters from my head. Beacuse I just love fantasy books (especially written by sir Terry Pratchett or by Polish authors, which are just fantastic) and playing computer games gives me a lot of fun I attend many conventions, mostly as an volunteer.
My adventure with webcomics begun, when I've started reading Polish webcomic, The Colours of Poverty (Barwy Biedy) by Ilona Myszkowska and Katarzyna Babis (actually quite funny and disturbing comic, very good one). When I was searching for other webcomics I've found SSSS and fallen in love with it. So, here I am :D
And the last thing; people say that I am crazy. Just so you know ;)
Welcome cookies for you, Nuttie ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
(Pratchett is always a good choice ! ;))
Welcome Nuttie < 3 Ahh, another Pratchett fan! : D
And also a warm welcome to the other many new people who have popped in recently. Hello! /o/
Welcome to the recent newcomers. I saw some cookies offered. Take some tea with it and have fun exploring the board!!!
(ehehehe Poland, yes I wanted to travel there, too XD, let me plan my next trips)
Welcome to the forum, Nuttie!
Welcome to all newcomers! My seal will play 99 Luftballoons for you! *toot-toot-toot toot-toot-toot toot toot toot toot toot toot-toot*
Welcome to Juniper, Lin and Nuttie! I love how international this fandom is, really.
Juniper is right, I lived in the lower part of Michigan for some years and while I knew there were (unspecified) Scandanavian descendants in "da UP," we heard more about the connection to Cornwall miners. I'm disappointed I missed out having a proper sauna when I was up there.
Well, we do Minnion Meetups. No reason one can't be a camping trip. Especially if we have people even on the same continent, grumble grumble (I'm in Australia).
Yaaass. Well once I'm back at home in the USA, I'd be down for a NE coast camping meetup if there is one floating around/in planning. I'm guessing there's probably a thread around somewhere for meetups?
Yes we do Minnion Meetups ! :D *Waves from near to Paris* Take a look at the thread and don't hesitate to say if you go here or there, we like to meet the others and for what I lived, it's always good moments :)
I'm actually flying back to Paris for a quick day and a bit stopover before we (me and most of my immediate family) go to Dunkerque for the weekend to attend a wedding. After then I'm back in Paris/Pantin and staying with a friend until I fly out on the 14th.
Trying to meet up with new friends on the fly miiiight just be a tad ambitious for this already packed trip, but I definitely travel here in France every couple of years or so visiting family, so if I don't turn completely into a lurker on this board, I'll be in contact!
Oh, dear, coooookies... :D
Nice to know that there are Pratchett fans. I guess that there are some that love Gaiman too :D
And, kjeks, you're always welcome :)
Hi, I'm (really extremely) new here (the forum, not the comic).
I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and have four elder sisters and six cousins...
I am fluent in Cantonese, Taiwanese, Mandarin (duh)
欢迎, Lin!! (I'm half Taiwanese and half English myself! I too can speak Mandarin (and a 很 小 amount of Taiwanese)
also welcome everyone else
I guess that there are some that love Gaiman too :D
Someone said Gaiman ? :D
(He went in France for The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I... tried to say how much reading him had count when the teenager I was had discovered Neverwhere, but I think I've just been a blushing person in front of him.)
Someone said Gaiman ? :D
(He went in France for The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I... tried to say how much reading him had count when the teenager I was had discovered Neverwhere, but I think I've just been a blushing person in front of him.)
I've written a song about Neverwhere!
I've written a song about Neverwhere!
I love Neverwhere <3 You'll need to share this song, urbicande ! ;)
I love Neverwhere <3 You'll need to share this song, urbicande ! ;)
I have, somewhere, a recording of it I made with several friends playing backup, but it might be easier to just drag out my guitar and re-record it.
Not until after FKO (http://www.filkontario.ca/) though!
I visited Down Street tube station in London just because of *Neverwhere*!
Welcome to the forum everybody! Jump right in, we don't bite much.
Hi, I'm Zalli from Finland.
I started reading SSSS a two days earlier and I just finished reading the latest update today.
I had found the comic some time earlier but didn't start reading then.
(Also there's no link between the name Lalli and my username, I've used this everywhere for a long time :) )
*Mysterious second voice chimes in* Hello!
*Mysterious third voice completes major chord* Hello!
Hi Zalli! Welcome to the Forum.
Tervetuloa, Zalli!
Thanks for the warm welcome!
BTW, what's the BBCodes for the flags so that I could add that language thing on my description?
Thanks for the warm welcome!
BTW, what's the BBCodes for the flags so that I could add that language thing on my description?
That kind of stuff can be found here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0).
A welcome cookie for you, Zalli :squirrelcookie:
That kind of stuff can be found here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0).
Thank you! Added them.
A welcome cookie for you, Zalli :squirrelcookie:
Thanks for the cookie *nomnom*
Greetings, people of the Forum!
I've been lurking here for a while and have decided to unlurk because the chapter break has begun.
I live in New York, where I draw stuff, write stuff, and occasionally work on homework.
*Bakes more cookies* Welcome, Tr :) :squirrelcookie:
*Bakes more cookies* Welcome, Tr :) :squirrelcookie:
Yay, cookies! *omnomnom* thank you!
Aaah, so many new forumites that I've missed welcoming. Well, it's never too late to start again!
Welcome, Tr and Zalli and everyone else who has joined recently! This forum is indeed an excellent place to spend the chapter break, I hope you enjoy yourselves!
Greetings, Tr. looking forward to seeing you in the Scriptorium and the Poetry Thread. Welcome!
Hi Tr! There are a number of us New Yorkers here! Welcome!
Hi Tr! Another East Coaster here! The forum is a pretty fun place, and I'm on my first chapter break too.
Ooh, I'm behind on greetings! Welcome Juniper, Lin, Nuttie, Zalli and Tr! It's nice to have you here. :)
Welcome aboard Zalli and Tr! My seal welcomes you with a cheerful reel on his pipes *TOOT TOOT TOOT-TOOT*
Hey everybody. I've just registered but I've been reading SSSS from quite early on, actually. With the current chapterbreak I figured it to be high time to show my face here. :)
Although first I browsed the comic for a suitable picture to take as an avatar. I'm quite happy with it, myself.
Welcome, Hmm-Hmm! Nice avatar. Hopefully the Forum will provide diversion during the chapter break. See you around!
More new members, more cookies ! :squirrelcookie: Welcome, Hmm-Hmm :)
Welcome, welcome Hmm-Hmm.
Hey, I'm Jhev and I'm also pretty sure I started reading the SSSS prologue when it was only a chapter long then I forgot about it... what I fool I've been. Anyways, I'm 16 (so basically a smol child), live on the east coast of the USA, and am female. I'd probably never even go on a forum if not for that I caught up on the very last day of the chapter. Sooo, kind of like Juniper before me, my dad's family is from Minnesota (though I never lived there) in a completely Norwegian community, so my grandpa only spoke Norwegian until high school. Sadly his idea of teaching someone another language is to say something in Norwegian and then go 'Now what did I say?' So yeah I was already interested in all this stuff before I knew about the comic and the fact I found a Scandinavian one was extra super cool.
aaand now I'm thinking I need to draw myself a cool avatar too.
Welcome, Jhev and Hmm-Hmm!
*throws confetti everywhere*
Hey, I'm Jhev and I'm also pretty sure I started reading the SSSS prologue when it was only a chapter long then I forgot about it... what I fool I've been. Anyways, I'm 16 (so basically a smol child), live on the east coast of the USA, and am female. I'd probably never even go on a forum if not for that I caught up on the very last day of the chapter. Sooo, kind of like Juniper before me, my dad's family is from Minnesota (though I never lived there) in a completely Norwegian community, so my grandpa only spoke Norwegian until high school. Sadly his idea of teaching someone another language is to say something in Norwegian and then go 'Now what did I say?' So yeah I was already interested in all this stuff before I knew about the comic and the fact I found a Scandinavian one was extra super cool.
aaand now I'm thinking I need to draw myself a cool avatar too.
Welcome Jhev! :D *waves to fellow U.S.-east-coaster*
Have some cookies!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Jhev! You'll find it is fun!
Eeee! Cookies! Thanks everyone! (for some reason forum did not like my drawing so Emil it is :P)
Eeee! Cookies! Thanks everyone! (for some reason forum did not like my drawing so Emil it is :P)
My pleasure :D (btw I like the text you have under your avatar because same :P)
Hmmm... *looks at Piney's avatar, flips back to mine*
Both need to be sleeping...
East Coast...
Are we the same person???
Hmmm... *looks at Piney's avatar, flips back to mine*
Both need to be sleeping...
East Coast...
Are we the same person???
Test post here but HIIIIIII~ :D I am Treefloof, not much else to say past that.
[]EDIT[] couldn't get image size to work properly D:
Welcome, Jhev and Treefloof :) :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Treefloof! Niiiice avatar!
Welcome Treefloof! Niiiice avatar!
Thanks for the welcome :D though cannot take any credit for the avatar, was just a random gif to see if animated avatars were a thing, will change it presently...
[]EDIT[]all fixed as you may see :D
Welcome, welcome to both Jhev and Treefloof!
Welcome to the forum, Hmm-Hmm, Jhev, and Treefloof!
Sooo, kind of like Juniper before me, my dad's family is from Minnesota (though I never lived there) in a completely Norwegian community, so my grandpa only spoke Norwegian until high school. Sadly his idea of teaching someone another language is to say something in Norwegian and then go 'Now what did I say?'
Hehe, your grandpa sounds a lot like mine, Jhev! My great-grandparents were from Poland but my grandpa was born in the U.S. and didn't retain very much Polish. So when we were little and would ask how to say things in Polish, he would make things up. ^_^
(Also, if the forum didn't like the picture you tried to use for an avatar, you may need to try making it smaller? I seem to remember having trouble uploading a file that was too big. Of course, your Emil avatar is good too. :) )
Welcomes around for Zalli, Tr, Hmm-Hmm., Treefloof, and Jhev! Many talents between you lot, I can see, hope you enjoy your stay! *rummages* Will Troll House cookies do?
Hi! It seems this is the thread for newcomers to introduce themself, so hello! I'm Ix, I'm from the US and I speak English, but I've been trying to learn Swedish lately (It's been hard since I have memory issues and attention problems and I forget everything I learn. Other than the swear words, but that's different, heh). I have mostly Swedish ancestry, I go by they/them pronouns, and I discovered SSSS about a week ago last Monday and finished it last Friday. I do draw quite a bit, but I don't have access to digital art programs or tools like tablets so if I post any art you can expect it to not be the best or the highest-quality. My favorite kind of cookies are either butter cookies, chocolate chip, or kringla; My favorite movies alternate but I'll always have a soft spot for the lame early 2000s live-action Scooby Doo movie purely because of how bad it is; And my favorite color's teal! Aaaaand what else to add? My favorite character in SSSS has got to be either Tuuri or Sigrun! But yeah, I've read SSSS all the way to the recent chapter break, and I'd love to talk about that if anyone wants to PM me or something!
Welcome, Ix! They may not be on your list of favorites (yet), but have some squirrel cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: If you're looking for people to commiserate with you over the ups and downs of learning Swedish, there's a thread in the language board. And please, post some of your art in the art museum! I personally love seeing a new artist's style pop up there, and we can always use more offerings to the SigrunVoid and more adorable Tuuri's! So welcome once again!
P.S. Teal is a great color :)
Hello and welcome, Ix! As you look around the forum you will find the Language Board, where I'm sure people can help you with Swedish. Have fun!
Welcome Ix! We're a cool bunch and I bet you'll be able to get help in Swedish
Hi! It seems this is the thread for newcomers to introduce themself, so hello! I'm Ix, I'm from the US and I speak English, but I've been trying to learn Swedish lately (It's been hard since I have memory issues and attention problems and I forget everything I learn. Other than the swear words, but that's different, heh). I have mostly Swedish ancestry, I go by they/them pronouns, and I discovered SSSS about a week ago last Monday and finished it last Friday. I do draw quite a bit, but I don't have access to digital art programs or tools like tablets so if I post any art you can expect it to not be the best or the highest-quality. My favorite kind of cookies are either butter cookies, chocolate chip, or kringla; My favorite movies alternate but I'll always have a soft spot for the lame early 2000s live-action Scooby Doo movie purely because of how bad it is; And my favorite color's teal! Aaaaand what else to add? My favorite character in SSSS has got to be either Tuuri or Sigrun! But yeah, I've read SSSS all the way to the recent chapter break, and I'd love to talk about that if anyone wants to PM me or something!
Welcome to the forum and have some :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Ix! They may not be on your list of favorites (yet), but have some squirrel cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: If you're looking for people to commiserate with you over the ups and downs of learning Swedish, there's a thread in the language board. And please, post some of your art in the art museum! I personally love seeing a new artist's style pop up there, and we can always use more offerings to the SigrunVoid and more adorable Tuuri's! So welcome once again!
P.S. Teal is a great color :)
Ha, thanks for the squirrel cookies!! I'll have to check out the Language Board asap, talking with other people who're learning it or who speak it would be nice! I'll be sure to get onto posting my art, too - I agree that Sigrun and Tuuri need more art!! Thank you for the welcome~
P.S. Yeah, it's awesome!!!
Hello and welcome, Ix! As you look around the forum you will find the Language Board, where I'm sure people can help you with Swedish. Have fun!
Hello to you, too! Thanks for the welcome, I'll definitely check out the Language Board now! Thank you!
Welcome Ix! We're a cool bunch and I bet you'll be able to get help in Swedish
Thank you! You guys seem awesome!
Welcome to the forum and have some :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thank you for the welcome! And ha, more squirrel cookies! Thanks!
More squirrel cookies for you Ix ! :squirrelcookie: Welcome :)
Welcome Ix! It seems like you'll find plenty to interest you around here. (And yes, please do post some art!)
Welcome Ix! (Is that an Eddsworld avatar I see?)
More squirrel cookies for you Ix ! :squirrelcookie: Welcome :)
Thank you!! ^v^
Welcome Ix! It seems like you'll find plenty to interest you around here. (And yes, please do post some art!)
Thank you! I agree, everything seems really interesting here! (And I will, don't worry!)
Welcome Ix! (Is that an Eddsworld avatar I see?)
Thank you! (And yes, it is! I love Eddsworld, heh!)
Helloooo. Random Canadian, here. Usually called Anna but answer to various permutations of my username as well. Devoured SSSS in a single sitting a month or so ago and have been an addict since. I'm a fannish type – mostly writing, sometimes meta, neither of them too often – so this seems to be a good place for me to be. Right now I mostly live on Tumblr (seventybyheart) if anyone wants to find me there, though I'm around LJ and DW too at intervals.
Helloooo. Random Canadian, here. Usually called Anna but answer to various permutations of my username as well. Devoured SSSS in a single sitting a month or so ago and have been an addict since. I'm a fannish type – mostly writing, sometimes meta, neither of them too often – so this seems to be a good place for me to be. Right now I mostly live on Tumblr (seventybyheart) if anyone wants to find me there, though I'm around LJ and DW too at intervals.
Screeee, you're here. :D And you have come to a really, really good place, this forum is wonderful!
Helloooo. Random Canadian, here. Usually called Anna but answer to various permutations of my username as well. Devoured SSSS in a single sitting a month or so ago and have been an addict since. I'm a fannish type – mostly writing, sometimes meta, neither of them too often – so this seems to be a good place for me to be. Right now I mostly live on Tumblr (seventybyheart) if anyone wants to find me there, though I'm around LJ and DW too at intervals.
Welcome Seventy by Heart! Have some squirrel cookies! (/◕ヮ◕)/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Hmm-Hmm, Jhev, Treefloof, Ix and Seventy by Heart!
I have to ask - Ix, can you satisfactorily explain what a Hrung is, and why it should choose to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven?
I'm afraid not, that's how I got my nickname! Ha!
Helloooo. Random Canadian, here. Usually called Anna but answer to various permutations of my username as well. Devoured SSSS in a single sitting a month or so ago and have been an addict since. I'm a fannish type – mostly writing, sometimes meta, neither of them too often – so this seems to be a good place for me to be. Right now I mostly live on Tumblr (seventybyheart) if anyone wants to find me there, though I'm around LJ and DW too at intervals.
Wooo! More canadians! Welcome! I hope you like it here :)
Helloooo. Random Canadian, here. Usually called Anna but answer to various permutations of my username as well. Devoured SSSS in a single sitting a month or so ago and have been an addict since. I'm a fannish type – mostly writing, sometimes meta, neither of them too often – so this seems to be a good place for me to be. Right now I mostly live on Tumblr (seventybyheart) if anyone wants to find me there, though I'm around LJ and DW too at intervals.
Yay another Canadian! Welcome to the forum!
Welcome, Seventy by Heart! We're beginning to get a lot of Canadians. Hope to see you around the Forum.
Welcome, Seventy by Heart :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie:
I'm afraid not, that's how I got my nickname! Ha!
Good to see the old traditions are being maintained! ;D
Welcome Seventy by Heart! Glad to see I'm not the only person still on LJ/DW!
Welcome to the forum Seventy by Heart! I recognize your name from Tumblr (I'm worldsentwined over there).
Welcome to the forum Seventy by Heart! I recognize your name from Tumblr (I'm worldsentwined over there).
Awesome! I found you through Elleth, when I was on a mad must-find-more-SSSS-people run around Tumblr. :D
Screeee, you're here. :D And you have come to a really, really good place, this forum is wonderful!
YAY. :D Iz excite. Trying not to go too far down the rabbit-hole yet. Let's see how long that lasts.
YAY. :D Iz excite. Trying not to go too far down the rabbit-hole yet. Let's see how long that lasts.
By "rabbit-hole" you mean "Sigrunvoid"? Don't even bother trying to fight it, my friend. And welcome.
Heyo. Found SSSS via a post on Imgur. It's pretty cool, mostly impressed by the trigger discipline displayed by the characters.
Other than that, I live in the US, southern California to be specific. I like LOVE ancient history and warfare. Romans and Hellenistic warfare is my jam, I've just finished reading a book on the Seleucid Army. I've backtracked to the death of Alexander and the bitter struggle for his empire. Also planning to join the US Army, go infantry, complete jump school and hopefully get into the 173rd airborne division. Not really anything else that's too notable about me, so... Fin?
Welcome, Restrepo! History and military enthusiast - you should fit right in around here! Welcome!
Welcome Restrepo :) A cookie before speaking about History ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Restrepo! My seal will play for you the martial anthem of ancient Rome!
That was terrible seal.
Heyo. Found SSSS via a post on Imgur. It's pretty cool, mostly impressed by the trigger discipline displayed by the characters.
Other than that, I live in the US, southern California to be specific. I like LOVE ancient history and warfare. Romans and Hellenistic warfare is my jam, I've just finished reading a book on the Seleucid Army. I've backtracked to the death of Alexander and the bitter struggle for his empire. Also planning to join the US Army, go infantry, complete jump school and hopefully get into the 173rd airborne division. Not really anything else that's too notable about me, so... Fin?
Go Airborne! Best of luck to you- jump school is not an easy task to complete. I too am a history buff, though only when it has to do with aviation... How come there's no degree for that? Anyway, welcome to the forum!
(And yes, the SSSS crew has pretty good trigger discipline. Though Emil could work on aiming before he shoots.)
To all - thanks for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting involved with the community a little more, I suppose it's a mere matter of waiting for the right time.
Welcome Restrepo :) A cookie before speaking about History ? :squirrelcookie:
I'm on a diet no thanks... Just kidding, I actually need to gain weight. Therefore, thanks for the much needed calories.
Welcome Restrepo! My seal will play for you the martial anthem of ancient Rome!
That was terrible seal.
That still seals the deal though. And music is music, no?
Welcome, Restrepo! History and military enthusiast - you should fit right in around here! Welcome!
Hopefully I'll be able to get involved in the community a little more. Thinking of starting a thread about the role of the military during the pandemic, but I dunno.
Go Airborne! Best of luck to you- jump school is not an easy task to complete. I too am a history buff, though only when it has to do with aviation... How come there's no degree for that? Anyway, welcome to the forum!
(And yes, the SSSS crew has pretty good trigger discipline. Though Emil could work on aiming before he shoots.)
My brother (just got of the army three weeks ago) said that it wasn't too hard. Then again, he was a very good soldier, guess I'll see if I'm better than him. And you could always make a degree for your flying stuff! not sure if that's possible or even legal
Yeah, I think it would be a better option for Emil to be forced to use semi-automatic, maybe that way he'll actually aim rather than spray 'n' pray all willy nill with his rooty tooty point and shoot. As a side note, why do they just take out their knives? Logically a bayonet would be superior in most circumstances. Spear and club all in one. Although humans, no matter their training, have a nasty tendency to use everything like a club when they become panicked. Allegedly, even the most well trained soldiers will revert to chopping with a sword even if he's been trained to stab with it. I think during the Civil War soldiers tended to club with their rifles rather than bayonet.
To all - thanks for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting involved with the community a little more, I suppose it's a mere matter of waiting for the right time.
Hopefully I'll be able to get involved in the community a little more. Thinking of starting a thread about the role of the military during the pandemic, but I dunno.
Yeah, I think it would be a better option for Emil to be forced to use semi-automatic, maybe that way he'll actually aim rather than spray 'n' pray all willy nill with his rooty tooty point and shoot. As a side note, why do they just take out their knives? Logically a bayonet would be superior in most circumstances. Spear and club all in one. Although humans, no matter their training, have a nasty tendency to use everything like a club when they become panicked. Allegedly, even the most well trained soldiers will revert to chopping with a sword even if he's been trained to stab with it. I think during the Civil War soldiers tended to club with their rifles rather than bayonet.
Think there's a few threads there in the SSSS Board. Might have to dig a bit for them.
Welcome to the forum Restrepo!
Hello, I'm Tikadurmi, a 34-years old Finnish native living in Helsinki. When I'm not reading SSSS, I work as a biomedical laboratory technologist. Because life is not busy enough with full-time work and two small children, I also study Biology at university. Burn-out here I come! SSSS is my way of relieving stress: Sigrun's team is in a worse mess than I am.
Welcome, Tikadurmi :) Might cookies help you to avoid burn-out ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello, I'm Tikadurmi, a 34-years old Finnish native living in Helsinki. When I'm not reading SSSS, I work as a biomedical laboratory technologist. Because life is not busy enough with full-time work and two small children, I also study Biology at university. Burn-out here I come! SSSS is my way of relieving stress: Sigrun's team is in a worse mess than I am.
Welcome! : D Wow, sure sounds like you have a lot on your plate. It's great that reading SSSS helps you relax, though. Must say I've felt the same, sometimes. "At least I'm not on an under-supplied research mission into dangerous territory..." ;p
Hello, I'm Tikadurmi, a 34-years old Finnish native living in Helsinki. When I'm not reading SSSS, I work as a biomedical laboratory technologist. Because life is not busy enough with full-time work and two small children, I also study Biology at university. Burn-out here I come! SSSS is my way of relieving stress: Sigrun's team is in a worse mess than I am.
Tervetuloa, Tikadurmi! *throws confetti*
Wow, a full-time job, studies, and little kids. That's pretty impressive. :D
Hello and welcome, Tikadurmi! And to reassure you: speaking as someone who has done it, it is possible to survive the combination of study, work and children. You just acquire a bunch of extra grey hairs as well.
And SSSS is a most excellent way to survive those stresses! As is the Forum. Again, welcome!
Hello, I'm Tikadurmi, a 34-years old Finnish native living in Helsinki. When I'm not reading SSSS, I work as a biomedical laboratory technologist. Because life is not busy enough with full-time work and two small children, I also study Biology at university. Burn-out here I come! SSSS is my way of relieving stress: Sigrun's team is in a worse mess than I am.
Welcome! That's quite the impressive amount of things on your plate, and I agree with everyone else, SSSS is a great way to relieve stress. ;D I hope you enjoy it here!
I agree with everyone else, SSSS is a great way to relieve stress. ;D
Except when Minna leaves us on a cliffhanger on a Friday :o
Except when Minna leaves us on a cliffhanger on a Friday :o
Oi, Dat Fing, what is this geode you refer to in your summary?
Oi, Dat Fing, what is this geode you refer to in your summary?
It is a geode of pure concept, representing and parodying my egotistical need for constant praise and attention
Hey. You can call me Passing, or whatever. I don't really care too much. But as for a little bit about me, I'm a writer, RPer, and also a terrible artist who still sometimes draws things. I have way too much time on my hands, so I'll probably be here at least semi-frequently. But overall, it's nice to be here, ad I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
Welcome, Passing Mention :) With such interests I'm sure you'll find some interesting threads here or there on the forum. Do you like cookies ? :squirrelcookie:
Big SSSSForum welcomes to Tikadurmi and Passing Mention!
Hello and welcome, Passing Mention! You should find it interesting here, and of course the way to become a better artist is to do more art. Fortunately we have this excellent art thread.... Hope you'll enjoy being here!
This is quite embarrassing as I have been around the commentariat and the forums for a while now but didn't find this place for a long time. Soooooo, just like the party guest which has hung around your yard and your kitchen and your living room chatting up your guests until someone actually asks "Who is that strange woman?" I think I have to make an introduction at last.
Hiya, I'm Talimee. *waves* I'm 37 years old and what is called a long-time-student (which has given me issues, but let's not talk about that). I am interested in many things but cannot hold my interest for long - so I have assembled a hodgepodge of knowledge about arts, history, literature, nature, astronomy, geology, meteorology, archeology, medicine and alternative medicine, theology, politics and so on. Things that elude me are philosophy and music. I don't know why. So you can imagine that in my virtual strolls around here I have already picked up a lot of interesting facts and opinions and I want to thank you all for that.
As for my hobbies: During the last years it was mainly Gaming and Knitting/Crocheting but being around so many great artists and writers here I have found my courage to start writing again (and to a lesser extant: drawing). I have not created anything for years and right now it is an uphill-struggle to produce anything worthwhile but I hope I will become better at it for this. The all-around encouragement of this fandom is very helpful in trying things out. Thank you for that as well. =)
So. That's that out of the way. ^^;
You can still have welcome cookies, Talimee :) :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Talimee! It's never too late to wave and say hi
Hello and welcome, Passing Mention! You should find it interesting here, and of course the way to become a better artist is to do more art. Fortunately we have this excellent art thread.... Hope you'll enjoy being here!
Well, yeah. I still think it looks pretty bad though. And yeah, I'll probably write some things. That is, if you all are interested in me putting the entire cast through hell and my love of horror, both psychological and in the sort of monster sense.
We are always glad of new writers too! Have a look in the Scriptorium and see work so far - lots of really good stuff. Give it a go!
Well, yeah. I still think it looks pretty bad though. And yeah, I'll probably write some things. That is, if you all are interested in me putting the entire cast through hell and my love of horror, both psychological and in the sort of monster sense.
HELL YES. Horror-fic is exactly what this fandom needs! : D I'd love to see whatever you might come up with.
And welcome! < 3
Welcome Restrepo, Tikadurmi, and Passing Mention! It's great to have you here.
And don't feel too bad, Talimee...I never actually introduced myself here, I just showed up and started posting. (And at this point it would be kinda weird to introduce myself, haha. Hopefully if anyone wants to know about me, they'll ask.) :))
Likewise, Kiraly! Don't think I ever did either, largely because by the time there was a thread I had been here quite awhile. Not a lot to tell other than the obvious: I'm old, an enthusiast of folklore, music, plants and rocks, a keen gardener, cook and brewer, and have adult children and grandchildren. I like archaic arts and crafts, lectured in botany for many years, used to teach and compete in several martial arts, still teach bushcraft and wild food, and volunteer at a community garden. I write a bit, sing a bit, can't do art at all, and thoroughly enjoy SSSS and its community. Should have done this way back!
Don't believe I ever did either...so here goes.
I'm a bit of a writer, love military history and medieval period stuff. I read a ludicrous amount, mostly fantasy and a good amount of sci-fi. I've picked up a black belt along with some basic lessons in kendo and escrima fighting. I can be a bit...enthusiastic when it comes to RPing, but learning to mediate that. Love SSSS.
*Puts a plate full of cookies on the table for the members who are realizing they hadn't introduced themselves before* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
It feels odd welcoming someone who's already a Ranger, but welcome Ragnarok anyway!
*Puts a plate full of cookies on the table for the members who are realizing they hadn't introduced themselves before* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
*munches cookies* Excellent!
Cookies are good! Thanks, Mélu!
/deep breath
I finally made an account here so maybe I can get around to actually joining discussions instead of just thinking about joining discussions.
I'm Ry, 26, from Ontario Canada (GTA) and have not socialized on the internet in years. I may be out of practice. Also pleasantly surprised at the age range of this fandom.
SSSS was a random "WHAT IS THAT CUTE ART FROM" and a google search later it took over my life somewhere around the beginning of chapter 10.
*throws welcome confetti in honor of Rykka, Passing Mention, Róisín, Talimee, Kiraly, and Ragnarok*
Yay! Welcome to newcomers and unintroduced people who have been here longer than I have! ^-^
Oohh! Confetti!
Welcome to all newcomers and oldcomers!
I'd have my seal play something, but we all know how it'd turn out.
Hello Rykka! Let there be confetti and cookies!
And welcome, Rykka! Look forward to seeing you in those discussions!
Welcome, Rykka :) It's a very nice forum, you'll see. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Rykka! it's always nice to see more Canadians! [Operation Canadian World Domination is proceeding well]
Welcome welcome, newbies and oldbies. Y'all are awesome people. : D
Hello! I'm Falcon.
I read SSSS after someone in my stream chat mentioned it to me, and fell in love with it. I also went and read aRTD because someone told me to; that was a very satisfying comic to read.
I was impressed by the musicality of Finnish and am now trying to learn it, which is actually easier than people are telling me it is. But everything's easier than Gaelic, soo..... (I don't know Gaelic; I tried and failed to learn it because I just couldn't get the sounds down.) I'm super excited to try and reread aRTD once I've learned more.
Anyway, hi!
Welcome! Am I correct in assuming your username is a Firefly reference?
Welcome! From the looks of it... you're a browncoat?
Welcome Falcolmreynolds! *Tosses cookies and hands a plate of confetti.* No, wait, strike that. Reverse it.
Ohhh welcome all of you, new people. Hope to see some of you jumping around at the language board and looooots and looooots more arts. =)
It sure is a Firefly reference! I made it years ago and it has been my tag to this day, it's the one I stream with as well as do a lot of writing with.
Thank you for the cookies and confetti!
Welcome, Falconmreynolds :) Nobody gave you cookie yet ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello and welcome, Falcon! Hope you have fun here.
Hello! I am Uinuvien, Finnish, 25-years-old, genderqueer and almost graduated clothing artisan (meaning I cry blood every time I venture into H&M and see their poorly made clothes and realize people think they are well made good clothes and that is the reason I can't get a job here). My current hobbies/interests are embroidery (I'm currently embroidering a SSSS&RTD themed hussif/marsma), life of common people in 1700-century Finland and Sweden, herb healing and survivalism/prepping. I'm BIG bibliophile and that will probably be my cause of death in the time of apocalypse. I really, really like comics, especially kalevala/nordic mythology themed ones.
I never really remember how I found good things in my life, so I don't remember how I found SSSS. It was the same day when the page 202 (http://www.sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=202) was published and I suspect it was through some other comic or because I had one of my "I need more comics in my life" -moments.
Finnish is my first language and I'm pretty fluent in English (my pronunciation sucks, tho). I'm on-off studying Swedish because Finnish school system didn't give me in this matter anything that would stay in my head, and I studied German for short period of time (I have forgotten most of what I learned).
Welcome, Uinuvien :) Oooooooh, clothing artisan ? *_* (says the girl who is desperate when she has to buy new clothes because all is ugly and in not natural fabrics in shops) You'll find some persons who do embroidery too here, and bibliophiles *Waves a hand*, and people who loves nordic mythology, and, and, and... welcome ? A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Why, thank you Mélusine! *takes cookie* Yeah, Considering what this place is about, it would be super weird if there WASN'T bibliophiles, nordic enthusiasts and crafty people (I swear I post some w.i.p. pics soon) ;D
Why, thank you Mélusine! *takes cookie* Yeah, Considering what this place is about, it would be super weird if there WASN'T bibliophiles, nordic enthusiasts and crafty people (I swear I post some w.i.p. pics soon) ;D
Welcome Uinuvien,
you might have fun taking a look at these two topics
ah and all the topics regarding cosplay are great :)
I bet Melusine has offered :squirrelcookie: already? of course...
I bet Melusine has offered :squirrelcookie: already? of course...
Well, I know it was Piney who done that first, but... you know... for saying "welcome" to new members... and for the meet-up... cookies... *Nervous smile*
Welcome Falcon and Uinuvien! *throws confetti*
Welcome Uinuvien. It seems that you share interests with many of us here, and can likely tell us interesting things. Looking forward to it! I
Welcome, welcome Uinuvien!
The name's Basse or whatever you like to call me, not much of a forum person but you might have seen me in the comments or the chat where I will most likely be. I'm 23 year old student located somewhere in Sweden but not too far away from Mora. Enjoys mostly instrumental music, landscape/nature art, military history, hunting etc. Played Saxophone for maybe 9-10 years, not sure when I started but hasn't played for about 4-5 years now. Has no memory of how I found this comic but here I am.
Welcome, Basse :) May I offer you a cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Basse :) May I offer you a cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Thank you Melusine, that is an offer I can't refuse. :)
Welcome, Basse. And I love your icon. Hopefully you will find much of interest here in the Forum.
Welcome, Basse!
*throws confetti*
*SPARKLY confetti*
\O/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
The name's Basse or whatever you like to call me, not much of a forum person but you might have seen me in the comments or the chat where I will most likely be. I'm 23 year old student located somewhere in Sweden but not too far away from Mora. Enjoys mostly instrumental music, landscape/nature art, military history, hunting etc. Played Saxophone for maybe 9-10 years, not sure when I started but hasn't played for about 4-5 years now. Has no memory of how I found this comic but here I am.
Hello Basse! Nice to see you on another medium. :)
Thank you all, Róisín, Tr. Must say you all have some nice avatars.
Hello again ginger, always a pleasure meeting you on all mediums.
Welcome Basse!
Welcome Basse! (*gets excited because Dark Souls banana*)
Hello there
I'm Excavatrice, 2,5 x the age of Emil. I understand Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English. I don't understand Bulgarian - yet.
Sorry about my English.
And my Sweedish.
And my Norwegian.
And my sarcasm-infected Danish. I'm Mikkels sister, I think.
(I already said this but) Welcome, Excavatrice!
*throws sparkly confetti*
\o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
2,5 x the age of Emil
do we say half year in age?
I actually like how we can say our age with the crew, like.... I will be "Onni's age minus 1" in few days ;3;
welcome to our madness C:
Welcome, welcome Excavatrice! \o/
Welcome, Excavatrice! Hope we'll see more of you, and of your writing.
Hello there
I'm Excavatrice, 2,5 x the age of Emil. I understand Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English. I don't understand Bulgarian - yet.
Sorry about my English.
And my Sweedish.
And my Norwegian.
And my sarcasm-infected Danish. I'm Mikkels sister, I think.
Welcome! Has anyone offered you cookies yet? :squirrelcookie: Enjoy! ;D
Thank you all!
Welcome, Excavatrice :) I'm a little late, but I have cookies to offer :squirrelcookie:
Ah yes, welcome Excavatrice! It's so lovely to have you here; and your nick is pretty cool as well if I may say so.
I hope that you enjoy getting to know everybody! :D
Hello all!
Here and pretty much everywhere, I go under the name WrittenEmber. You can call me that, or just Ember. I'm a year older than Onni, about as tall as Emil or Lalli, and the only person on the team with hair shorter than mine is Tuuri. If the rash illness strikes I'll be out of luck, since I currently reside in the snowless, troll-friendly desert regions of the southwestern US. I also have no cats, though other critters abound.
I came to SSSS after reading aRTD, a comic I first found just about the time that Bear showed up at the Foxes' family meeting. I set it aside with the intent of coming back when it was further along. Imagine my surprise -- and pleasure -- when I rediscovered the comic only to learn that it had not only advanced significantly, but was actually complete! And that the same creator had begun another story! Naturally, as soon as I finished my aRTD binge, I came to check out SSSS. This was during the troll attack on the Dalahästen train, and I was so intrigued by everything going on that I immediately undertook a binge-read from the beginning. Needless to say, it left me hooked. It is one of the few webcomics that I keep up with on a daily basis (the only other being Girl Genius); for most comics, I only catch up every few months, sometimes only once a year or even longer. But I can't stay away from SSSS for more than a day or two.
When not reading SSSS, my hobbies include reading, writing, archery, felting, and too much internet. I dabble in language learning, but have yet to become conversant in anything. I like to collect things, play mobile and PC games, and watch documentaries. I'm pretty decent at calligraphy, unpracticed at piano, and a happy mess at watercolors. I always hike with my lightning-struck walking staff in hand. International travel is a long-term goal of mine; in fact, I'm toying with the idea of making Worldcon 75 my first trip.
I do read the Disqus comments, but rarely say anything myself. I usually read from my phone, which makes it difficult to comment, and I often don't have time enough to properly catch up with the discussion anyway. I'm hoping to be more active here on the forum, however, since I enjoy actually taking part in the conversation.
Hello all!
Here and pretty much everywhere, I go under the name WrittenEmber. You can call me that, or just Ember. I'm a year older than Onni, about as tall as Emil or Lalli, and the only person on the team with hair shorter than mine is Tuuri. If the rash illness strikes I'll be out of luck, since I currently reside in the snowless, troll-friendly desert regions of the southwestern US. I also have no cats, though other critters abound.
I came to SSSS after reading aRTD, a comic I first found just about the time that Bear showed up at the Foxes' family meeting. I set it aside with the intent of coming back when it was further along. Imagine my surprise -- and pleasure -- when I rediscovered the comic only to learn that it had not only advanced significantly, but was actually complete! And that the same creator had begun another story! Naturally, as soon as I finished my aRTD binge, I came to check out SSSS. This was during the troll attack on the Dalahästen train, and I was so intrigued by everything going on that I immediately undertook a binge-read from the beginning. Needless to say, it left me hooked. It is one of the few webcomics that I keep up with on a daily basis (the only other being Girl Genius); for most comics, I only catch up every few months, sometimes only once a year or even longer. But I can't stay away from SSSS for more than a day or two.
When not reading SSSS, my hobbies include reading, writing, archery, felting, and too much internet. I dabble in language learning, but have yet to become conversant in anything. I like to collect things, play mobile and PC games, and watch documentaries. I'm pretty decent at calligraphy, unpracticed at piano, and a happy mess at watercolors. I always hike with my lightning-struck walking staff in hand. International travel is a long-term goal of mine; in fact, I'm toying with the idea of making Worldcon 75 my first trip.
I do read the Disqus comments, but rarely say anything myself. I usually read from my phone, which makes it difficult to comment, and I often don't have time enough to properly catch up with the discussion anyway. I'm hoping to be more active here on the forum, however, since I enjoy actually taking part in the conversation.
Welcome Ember! With that set of interests, it seems you'll fit in well here! ;D A cookie? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Ember!
*throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome, WrittenEmber :) I'm still surprised (the good kind of surprises) to read that the persons who come here share so much interests ! You're too far for a fresh homemade cookie, it will be a virtual one for you :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Ember! Sounds as if you do some interesting stuff. Felting is really fun and useful. One of the people in our town craft project is making a felt tent. Looking forward to conversations with you on the forum.
Ooh, cookies! *happy noms*
Yes, one of the reasons I was drawn to the comment section and then to the forum is because people here often talk about things that interest me that I don't often see being talked about elsewhere. Something about SSSS seems to draw people of a certain bent, and it's so nice to share my odd angles with like-minded folk. ;)
Making a tent sounds like quite an undertaking! I've not done much flat felting myself, just small pieces. Mostly I do 3D figures, especially of animals. I'll have to find the appropriate place on the board to share pictures.
Can't wait to see all of you around the forum. Thank you all for the warm welcome! ;D
Hello all!
Here and pretty much everywhere, I go under the name WrittenEmber. You can call me that, or just Ember. I'm a year older than Onni, about as tall as Emil or Lalli, and the only person on the team with hair shorter than mine is Tuuri. If the rash illness strikes I'll be out of luck, since I currently reside in the snowless, troll-friendly desert regions of the southwestern US. I also have no cats, though other critters abound.
I came to SSSS after reading aRTD, a comic I first found just about the time that Bear showed up at the Foxes' family meeting. I set it aside with the intent of coming back when it was further along. Imagine my surprise -- and pleasure -- when I rediscovered the comic only to learn that it had not only advanced significantly, but was actually complete! And that the same creator had begun another story! Naturally, as soon as I finished my aRTD binge, I came to check out SSSS. This was during the troll attack on the Dalahästen train, and I was so intrigued by everything going on that I immediately undertook a binge-read from the beginning. Needless to say, it left me hooked. It is one of the few webcomics that I keep up with on a daily basis (the only other being Girl Genius); for most comics, I only catch up every few months, sometimes only once a year or even longer. But I can't stay away from SSSS for more than a day or two.
When not reading SSSS, my hobbies include reading, writing, archery, felting, and too much internet. I dabble in language learning, but have yet to become conversant in anything. I like to collect things, play mobile and PC games, and watch documentaries. I'm pretty decent at calligraphy, unpracticed at piano, and a happy mess at watercolors. I always hike with my lightning-struck walking staff in hand. International travel is a long-term goal of mine; in fact, I'm toying with the idea of making Worldcon 75 my first trip.
I do read the Disqus comments, but rarely say anything myself. I usually read from my phone, which makes it difficult to comment, and I often don't have time enough to properly catch up with the discussion anyway. I'm hoping to be more active here on the forum, however, since I enjoy actually taking part in the conversation.
*quietly prods the new member towards the more active forum RPs*
Spoiler: prodding destination show
Everyone's OCs in a pub, basically. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=731.0)
Our Self-Inserts and SSSS OCs get their very own expedition. Currently focused on the scout team. The first full day isn't over yet. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=787.0)
Welcome, welcome WrittenEmber!
Hello hello and welcome welcome, WrittenEmber! I hope you like it here :D It's always fun to meet someone new.
What languages are you interested in learning?
((Someone else who likes to watch documentaries! I shall steal you away to my cave shh you heard nothing ;)))
Hi, everyone! It sort of occurred to me that I should introduce myself here before I make too much of a fool of myself on the rest of the forums. I'm lilith_queen, though if you bump into me on tumblr I'm notapaladin. I'm a perpetually unemployed former history student with a degree in Nerd. (Well...history, which is pretty much the same thing.) I like writing, playing entirely too much World of Warcraft, and researching random facts about pretty much everything. Sadly, if the Rash hits I am probably doomed; not only do I live right smack in the middle of New York City, I don't even have a cat! (I wish I did, though.) I freely admit that I'm not the best at reading social cues, but you might not find a more enthusiastic shipper and fic-reviewer.
Hi, everyone! It sort of occurred to me that I should introduce myself here before I make too much of a fool of myself on the rest of the forums. I'm lilith_queen, though if you bump into me on tumblr I'm notapaladin. I'm a perpetually unemployed former history student with a degree in Nerd. (Well...history, which is pretty much the same thing.) I like writing, playing entirely too much World of Warcraft, and researching random facts about pretty much everything. Sadly, if the Rash hits I am probably doomed; not only do I live right smack in the middle of New York City, I don't even have a cat! (I wish I did, though.) I freely admit that I'm not the best at reading social cues, but you might not find a more enthusiastic shipper and fic-reviewer.
Yay! Welcome, lilith_queen!
*throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome welcome lilith_queen!
Hi, everyone! It sort of occurred to me that I should introduce myself here before I make too much of a fool of myself on the rest of the forums. I'm
There's always time to make a fool of yourself later! Just look at me.
Hi, everyone! It sort of occurred to me that I should introduce myself here before I make too much of a fool of myself on the rest of the forums. I'm lilith_queen, though if you bump into me on tumblr I'm notapaladin. I'm a perpetually unemployed former history student with a degree in Nerd. (Well...history, which is pretty much the same thing.) I like writing, playing entirely too much World of Warcraft, and researching random facts about pretty much everything. Sadly, if the Rash hits I am probably doomed; not only do I live right smack in the middle of New York City, I don't even have a cat! (I wish I did, though.) I freely admit that I'm not the best at reading social cues, but you might not find a more enthusiastic shipper and fic-reviewer.
Welcome! Have some cookies! /o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
And hey! I go to school in the middle of New York City! :D *is out of town but waves at you anyway*
I'm a perpetually unemployed former history student with a degree in Nerd. (Well...history, which is pretty much the same thing.)
Yay, History ! :D (Marvelous studies but... well... I know...)
Welcome, lilith_queen :squirrelcookie:
Hi I'm a person I guess maybe.
I was told the cookies here were less dangerous than the ones in the Disqus threads?
please don't eat me
Hi I'm a person I guess maybe.
I was told the cookies here were less dangerous than the ones in the Disqus threads?
please don't eat me
Yes, most cookie providers here only give approved, certified squirrel cookies. ;)
only if you were a cookie
Hi I'm a person I guess maybe.
I was told the cookies here were less dangerous than the ones in the Disqus threads?
please don't eat me
Welcome! : D
Don't worry, we won't eat you.
I hope you'll have a good time here! < 3
Hi I'm a person I guess maybe.
I was told the cookies here were less dangerous than the ones in the Disqus threads?
please don't eat me
Welcome, welcome!
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
We are all non-dangerous, non-cannibalistic people here! ^-^
We are all non-dangerous, non-cannibalistic people here! ^-^
Well, most of us... >:D
Hi I'm a person I guess maybe.
I was told the cookies here were less dangerous than the ones in the Disqus threads?
please don't eat me
It's true; they're pretty trustworthy! :D *points to signature*
Here, have some: /o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to both of you, Lilithqueen and RuikaTora!
Welcome, RuikaTora :) I swear that we have a very nice community here, and I've never heard about someone trying to eat someone else.
Just someone trying to steal clothes. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Don't worry, we won't eat you.
Unless we run out of cookies and we get really hungry
Welcome RuikaTora!
Hi I'm a person I guess maybe.
I was told the cookies here were less dangerous than the ones in the Disqus threads?
please don't eat me
The danger level of the cookies may or may not be debateble now that the I remembered there's more to the orums than just the ssss'sona stuff.
Welcome to the forums regardless.
Welcome welcome, new people! ((Another New Yorker, woo! <waves> (I live just outside of the city (so many parentheses...))))
Come to the forum, we have cookies XD
And we promise that you won't be eaten here. Probably.
Welcome welcome, new people! ((Another New Yorker, woo! <waves> (I live just outside of the city (so many parentheses...))))
Come to the forum, we have cookies XD
And we promise that you won't be eaten here. Probably.
We rely on a steady diet of fanfiction, fanart, and RPing. And cookies. People aren't part of it, I swear!
Welcome welcome, new people! ((Another New Yorker, woo! <waves> (I live just outside of the city (so many parentheses...))))
Come to the forum, we have cookies XD
And we promise that you won't be eaten here. Probably.
We really do need a meetup in the city. It's not like it's that hard to get to, maybe 45 minutes on the LIRR from Hicksville.
We really do need a meetup in the city. It's not like it's that hard to get to, maybe 45 minutes on the LIRR from Hicksville.
That would be totally amazing and I am on board with this idea :D
I'm relatively new here, as is obvious. I've been following SSSS for a few weeks now (after binge-reading until I was caught up) and I am absolutely obsessed! A friend of mine showed it to me saying "the plot is interesting" and "the art is good" and at this point, I'm afraid my obsession has gone a little bit farther than he said it might. Oh well.
I've been commenting on pages for a while now and decided it was maybe time to go a little bit further into the discussions. :) Fair warning, I don't really know how the forum works, so if anyone has any tips on what's "normal" to do or anything like that (for a complete forum newbie), they would be greatly appreciated. I was also told that the cookies here are more trustworthy than the ones I was offered on Disqus... I guess we'll wait and find out!
I'm BlueSkyVail (figured maybe I should introduce myself). I'm 16, live in Colorado, like figure skating and skiing, and as I mentioned earlier am dangerously obsessed with Minna's work. Hm... What else... *quietly* I'm, uh, an enthusiastic shipper of Emil and Lalli, so, uh, yeah... Nobody heard that, right? I have nothing to be ashamed of. I also (from what I've participated in on the comments) love the community here. Everyone's so friendly and eager to welcome new people with squirrel-cookies and blankets, and it's just so welcoming for someone new like me. I just wanted to say that I really like that.
I don't really know what else is important that I should write so I guess I'll just start with this.
I'm relatively new here, as is obvious. I've been following SSSS for a few weeks now (after binge-reading until I was caught up) and I am absolutely obsessed! A friend of mine showed it to me saying "the plot is interesting" and "the art is good" and at this point, I'm afraid my obsession has gone a little bit farther than he said it might. Oh well.
I've been commenting on pages for a while now and decided it was maybe time to go a little bit further into the discussions. :) Fair warning, I don't really know how the forum works, so if anyone has any tips on what's "normal" to do or anything like that (for a complete forum newbie), they would be greatly appreciated. I was also told that the cookies here are more trustworthy than the ones I was offered on Disqus... I guess we'll wait and find out!
I'm BlueSkyVail (figured maybe I should introduce myself). I'm 16, live in Colorado, like figure skating and skiing, and as I mentioned earlier am dangerously obsessed with Minna's work. Hm... What else... *quietly* I'm, uh, an enthusiastic shipper of Emil and Lalli, so, uh, yeah... Nobody heard that, right? I have nothing to be ashamed of. I also (from what I've participated in on the comments) love the community here. Everyone's so friendly and eager to welcome new people with squirrel-cookies and blankets, and it's just so welcoming for someone new like me. I just wanted to say that I really like that.
I don't really know what else is important that I should write so I guess I'll just start with this.
*checks to ensure the Disqus cookies haven't snuck in*
As far as 'normal', the SSSS Board contains all the topics you could need. I, personally, would recommend finding the thread 'Things Mikkel Madsen Is Not Allowed To Do'. It hasn't been updated in a while, but what's there is hilarious. There's poetry, realism comparisons, discussions on exactly how trolls and beasts work, etc. Also, vast quantities of amazing fanfic and fanart.
There's a child board to the SSSS Board for people who write a character for the SSSSverse. We've currently got a 2nd Expedition RP going on, if you're into that.
On this board, you can pretty much talk about anything. There's a search function, and I recommend you use it before starting a new thread. Not sure if there's anything about skiing or figure skating, but hey, there might be! There's also two or three RP's going on here, one pretty much exclusively for OCs from all brands of fiction.
Oh, and remember to acknowledge Purple Wyrm's geode.
Welcome! Yes, our squirrel cookies are quite trustworthy! Have a few o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: You sound like a lot of us in our own introduction posts (myself included): "Hi I've never joined a forum, but this comic is so good I have to talk to someone about it!" I think it's pretty straightforward around here, but it's never a bad idea to read the Forum Rules, (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=3.0) and the help section is there if you need it! (Warning: help section does not aid with Emil-Lalli shipping feels :P )
So welcome, and have a look around! We've got art, fanfiction, and lively discussions about the comic, all of which I heartily recommend. I hope you enjoy it here! ^-^
Welcome, BlueSkyVail: the Forum is fun, and even I, about the most non-techno person one can imagine, am muddling along somehow! And they are lovely people, very patient with my non-techno nature. Come and join in.
Welcome, welcome, BlueSkyVail!!!
*throws confetti* o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
I'm still figuring out how the forum works through trial and error. For instance,
what does this button do?
(Hey, cool! :P)
Welcome BlueSkyVail!
We're a friendly bunch here.
I haven't popped into this thread for far too long. Welcome Falcoln, Uinuvien, Basse (are you the Bunana-King?), Excavatrice, Ember, lilith_queen, RuikaTora and BlueSkyVail (I think that's everyone...).
I would have my Seal play you something on the pipes, but he's just awful!
And thank you for plugging my geode Ragnarok!
Just finished reading SSSS two weeks ago. So I decided it was finally time to get on the fourm
Welcome PoisonDash!
We have the BEST cookies here
Just finished reading SSSS two weeks ago. So I decided it was finally time to get on the fourm
Welcome! :D A cookie? :squirrelcookie:
Just finished reading SSSS two weeks ago. So I decided it was finally time to get on the fourm
Welcome, welcome!
*throws confetti* o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome welcome, you cool people you :D
More people to terrorize ((jk, but really I hope you enjoy it here :3 ))
Hi! I'm Violet. I learned about SSSS from a friend a while back and read it over the past few days because I had nothing else to do. Very glad I did, lovely comic. I've been meaning to get into digital art myself for a while, I already made accounts to post art on. I'd love to just talk about SSSS and make some friends here, though bear with me, I'm pretty shy. Cheers!
Hi! I'm Violet. I learned about SSSS from a friend a while back and read it over the past few days because I had nothing else to do. Very glad I did, lovely comic. I've been meaning to get into digital art myself for a while, I already made accounts to post art on. I'd love to just talk about SSSS and make some friends here, though bear with me, I'm pretty shy. Cheers!
Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself, but I hope you like it here! SSSS kinda forced me into digital art because I wanted to share fanart but was waaaay too lazy to go scanning everything I made. Maybe it'll help you too? :) (also pretty shy too tbh)
Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself, but I hope you like it here! SSSS kinda forced me into digital art because I wanted to share fanart but was waaaay too lazy to go scanning everything I made. Maybe it'll help you too? :) (also pretty shy too tbh)
Thank you, I've been forced into digital art myself because 99.9% of my friends are digital artists. A lot of webcomics (including SSSS, obviously) have inspired me to get into digital art myself. Nice to meet you, by the way.
Nice to meet you too! Also, is your avatar from Ava's Demon? Because if it is that was one of the first webcomics I ever read--a long, long time ago. I am probably hopelessly behind at this point but I had forgotten about it.
Nice to meet you too! Also, is your avatar from Ava's Demon? Because if it is that was one of the first webcomics I ever read--a long, long time ago. I am probably hopelessly behind at this point but I had forgotten about it.
Yes, my avatar is from Ava's Demon! Love that webcomic, Maggie is still my favorite fictional character of all time (though Lalli is a close second :) )
Hi Smol/Violet! Welcome. More artists is good! While you are on the Forum, check out the amazing art thread - it's great.
Hi! I'm Violet. I learned about SSSS from a friend a while back and read it over the past few days because I had nothing else to do. Very glad I did, lovely comic. I've been meaning to get into digital art myself for a while, I already made accounts to post art on. I'd love to just talk about SSSS and make some friends here, though bear with me, I'm pretty shy. Cheers!
Hey! Nice to have you here. : D No worries, a lot of us are pretty shy too.
Art, you say? *_* I'm looking forward to seeing anything that you might like to share!
Thank you all, the nice people who have replied to me are very reassuring! And I will check out the art thread, I've heard about all the amazing artists here.
Welcome smol! :D I see you haven't gotten any welcome cookies? Have some welcome cookies o/ :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I look forward to seeing your art if you post any. I'm a digital artist myself :)
Hi! I'm Violet. I learned about SSSS from a friend a while back and read it over the past few days because I had nothing else to do. Very glad I did, lovely comic. I've been meaning to get into digital art myself for a while, I already made accounts to post art on. I'd love to just talk about SSSS and make some friends here, though bear with me, I'm pretty shy. Cheers!
Welcome to the Forum. We're friendly :)
Hi! I'm Violet. I learned about SSSS from a friend a while back and read it over the past few days because I had nothing else to do. Very glad I did, lovely comic. I've been meaning to get into digital art myself for a while, I already made accounts to post art on. I'd love to just talk about SSSS and make some friends here, though bear with me, I'm pretty shy. Cheers!
Welcome! Yes, come to the art thread! And the scriptorium! And basically everywhere, 'cause there's a ton of great stuff. Including a language board that needs a bit of action at the moment... judging by your signature, you might find something of interest there to inspire you! Anyway, welcome and I hope you enjoy it here!
Welcome, Violet/Smol! ;D I hope you'l find things of interest here on the forum, the art museum and the language board both seem like places you might enjoy!
Hi! I'm Violet. I learned about SSSS from a friend a while back and read it over the past few days because I had nothing else to do. Very glad I did, lovely comic. I've been meaning to get into digital art myself for a while, I already made accounts to post art on. I'd love to just talk about SSSS and make some friends here, though bear with me, I'm pretty shy. Cheers!
*throws confetti* o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome welcome, Violet/smol. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here! How did you start getting into digital art? I've been meaning to try it out, but I'm not sure where to start from and keep forgetting to ask XD It seems everything else I would say has been said mostly, so I'll leave it at there :3
Welcome BlueSkyVail, Cat Hat and smol :) I'm exactly baking homemade cookies :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Oh, and remember to acknowledge Purple Wyrm's geode.
Welcome welcome, Violet/smol. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here! How did you start getting into digital art? I've been meaning to try it out, but I'm not sure where to start from and keep forgetting to ask XD It seems everything else I would say has been said mostly, so I'll leave it at there :3
I'm surrounded by digital artists. I'm quite serious when I say most of my close friends do digital art. Can't escape them, and I've wanted to give it a try. But you don't have to give in to peer pressure like I did, though I do believe digital art is very rewarding if it's your type of thing!
I is new, so I am gonna post here
I posted on the good morning thread before, and read the entrie troll biology thread (made a 5 page theory of my own on it) and am on the Discord SSSS chat (https://discord.gg/0zhJ8tFPMImUJitM).
Thought this was a good place to start off, not sure where to go from here though... PM me to tell me please!
I is new, so I am gonna post here
I posted on the good morning thread before, and read the entrie troll biology thread (made a 5 page theory of my own on it) and am on the Discord SSSS chat (https://discord.gg/0zhJ8tFPMImUJitM).
Thought this was a good place to start off, not sure where to go from here though... PM me to tell me please!
I would just poke around, read whatever threads interest you. Welcome!
I is new, so I am gonna post here
I posted on the good morning thread before, and read the entrie troll biology thread (made a 5 page theory of my own on it) and am on the Discord SSSS chat (https://discord.gg/0zhJ8tFPMImUJitM).
Thought this was a good place to start off, not sure where to go from here though... PM me to tell me please!
Welcome welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay! ^-^ Feel free to just skim through different areas to see what interests you. We have a ton of different stuff on here, so there's bound to be something you enjoy. :)
I is new, so I am gonna post here
I posted on the good morning thread before, and read the entrie troll biology thread (made a 5 page theory of my own on it) and am on the Discord SSSS chat (https://discord.gg/0zhJ8tFPMImUJitM).
Thought this was a good place to start off, not sure where to go from here though... PM me to tell me please!
Welcome welcome 60!
Find a thread or five that interest you and keep contributing :)
Hello everyone, I'm Miriam and I am a Minnion. I'm new on the SSSS forum. I like to make edits and I often squee about Lalli being a cat and about Lalli/Emil interaction. I relate to Lalli a lot. I'm interested in languages and the Finnish culture. I study Life Sciences and Chemistry, how relevant. You can find me at the only bright green marker in the Netherlands at the Minnion-map. I'm active on tumblr, the Discord SSSS chat and the QuakeNet SSSS chat. I've been reading SSSS for about 1,5 months now. :V
Hello everyone, I'm Miriam and I am a Minnion. I'm new on the SSSS forum. I like to make edits and I often squee about Lalli being a cat and about Lalli/Emil interaction. I relate to Lalli a lot. I'm interested in languages and the Finnish culture. I study Life Sciences and Chemistry, how relevant. You can find me at the only bright green marker in the Netherlands at the Minnion-map. I'm active on tumblr, the Discord SSSS chat and the QuakeNet SSSS chat.
Welcome! Enjoy the cookies. :squirrelcookie:
Hello everyone, I'm Miriam and I am a Minnion. I'm new on the SSSS forum. I like to make edits and I often squee about Lalli being a cat and about Lalli/Emil interaction. I relate to Lalli a lot. I'm interested in languages and the Finnish culture. I study Life Sciences and Chemistry, how relevant. You can find me at the only bright green marker in the Netherlands at the Minnion-map. I'm active on tumblr, the Discord SSSS chat and the QuakeNet SSSS chat. I've been reading SSSS for about 1,5 months now. :V
Welcome welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay! ^-^
Hello everyone, I'm Miriam and I am a Minnion. I'm new on the SSSS forum. I like to make edits and I often squee about Lalli being a cat and about Lalli/Emil interaction. I relate to Lalli a lot. I'm interested in languages and the Finnish culture. I study Life Sciences and Chemistry, how relevant. You can find me at the only bright green marker in the Netherlands at the Minnion-map. I'm active on tumblr, the Discord SSSS chat and the QuakeNet SSSS chat. I've been reading SSSS for about 1,5 months now. :V
I is new, so I am gonna post here
I posted on the good morning thread before, and read the entrie troll biology thread (made a 5 page theory of my own on it) and am on the Discord SSSS chat (https://discord.gg/0zhJ8tFPMImUJitM).
Thought this was a good place to start off, not sure where to go from here though... PM me to tell me please!
Welcome, welcome!!
*throws confetti*
\o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome, Miriam and 60! You might enjoy the art thread, the Scriptorium and the poetry thread for a start. Or all the wild speculation about trolls, survivors and magic!
Hello everyone, I'm Miriam and I am a Minnion. I'm new on the SSSS forum. I like to make edits and I often squee about Lalli being a cat and about Lalli/Emil interaction. I relate to Lalli a lot. I'm interested in languages and the Finnish culture. I study Life Sciences and Chemistry, how relevant. You can find me at the only bright green marker in the Netherlands at the Minnion-map. I'm active on tumblr, the Discord SSSS chat and the QuakeNet SSSS chat. I've been reading SSSS for about 1,5 months now. :V
Hello Miriam! Welcome to our lovely little Forum!
Hi! I'm Olivia from the US. I'm new to SSSS (caught up around page 527) and I have no idea how to use forums in general, so bear with me. I'm not sure what to write here that isn't included in my profile/signature/etc, but I figured I would just put myself out here and introduce myself anyway!
Hi! I'm Olivia from the US. I'm new to SSSS (caught up around page 527) and I have no idea how to use forums in general, so bear with me. I'm not sure what to write here that isn't included in my profile/signature/etc, but I figured I would just put myself out here and introduce myself anyway!
Hello, welcome!!!
Hi! I'm Olivia from the US. I'm new to SSSS (caught up around page 527) and I have no idea how to use forums in general, so bear with me. I'm not sure what to write here that isn't included in my profile/signature/etc, but I figured I would just put myself out here and introduce myself anyway!
Welcome, Olivia! ;D A cookie? *holds out plate* :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Olivia! The Forum becomes more navigable with practice, which is a good excuse to explore. Hope you will have fun here!
Hi! I'm Olivia from the US. I'm new to SSSS (caught up around page 527) and I have no idea how to use forums in general, so bear with me. I'm not sure what to write here that isn't included in my profile/signature/etc, but I figured I would just put myself out here and introduce myself anyway!
Hello and welcome to the Forum! We're a nice friendly group with the most best cookies.
Welcome 60, Miriam and Marcoreos :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I'm yet another generic nerd. I enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction, and was drawn to SSSS for, well, obvious reasons.
Hello! I'm yet another generic nerd. I enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction, and was drawn to SSSS for, well, obvious reasons.
Glad to have you here, we don't bite! I'm sure you're anything but generic.
Hello! I'm yet another generic nerd. I enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction, and was drawn to SSSS for, well, obvious reasons.
Hello and welcome! No surprise you'd enjoy SSSS, if that's your genre of choice. What are some other post-apocalyptic works that you like? '3'
Glad to have you here, we don't bite! I'm sure you're anything but generic.
You're too kind!
Hello and welcome! No surprise you'd enjoy SSSS, if that's your genre of choice. What are some other post-apocalyptic works that you like? '3'
Well I started off with zombie fiction (Romero films, Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z book, etc) I also enjoy post-nuclear fiction like the Fallout series, The City of Ember, A Canticle for Leibowitz... And post-plague fiction like The Years of Rice And Salt and of course, SSSS.
Hello! I'm yet another generic nerd. I enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction, and was drawn to SSSS for, well, obvious reasons.
Welcome to the Forum! Have a cookie!
GenericNerd, welcome to the Forum. And someone else who has read A Canticle for Leibowitz: good.
GenericNerd, welcome to the Forum. And someone else who has read A Canticle for Leibowitz: good.
Dunno. I read it lo these many years ago and wasn't THAT taken by it.
Hello! I'm yet another generic nerd. I enjoy post-apocalyptic fiction, and was drawn to SSSS for, well, obvious reasons.
Hello and welcome!!!
*throws confetti* o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Hey guys, finally dropping in from the Disqus board! I noticed my comment on the day-old comic was deleted; I really hope that means I wasn't banished there. Or that Minna removing the comments section isn't permanent..
Anyway.. HEYA!
And more welcome cookies for GenericNerd and Oz79 ! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello and welcome, Oz! I think you will like it here. We don't bite (much). I think everyone's comments were deleted. And yeah, I hope she doesn't delete the comments permanently, or stop writing over this.
Hey guys, finally dropping in from the Disqus board! I noticed my comment on the day-old comic was deleted; I really hope that means I wasn't banished there. Or that Minna removing the comments section isn't permanent..
Anyway.. HEYA!
Hail and welcome to the Forum!
Hey guys, finally dropping in from the Disqus board! I noticed my comment on the day-old comic was deleted; I really hope that means I wasn't banished there. Or that Minna removing the comments section isn't permanent..
Anyway.. HEYA!
Welcome to the forum!
*throws confetti*
Welcome welcome, anyone and everyone! :D Sorry I'm a bit late, but the end of the school year got a bit hectic.
Ayyy a lot of newcomers these days. A warm welcome to everyone and thanks for introducing yourselves in here :)
Hello! I'm Nanao From Finland, I'm not sure if I've ever logged into any fan forum or the like. I like this comic and it's exciting to see work in English which touches Funnish Culture, I don't think there is any other like this in that sense. I like especially Tuuri and Reynir and also read manga.
Hiya, Nanao, and welcome to the forum!
Welcome, Nanao :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I'm Nanao From Finland, I'm not sure if I've ever logged into any fan forum or the like. I like this comic and it's exciting to see work in English which touches Funnish Culture, I don't think there is any other like this in that sense. I like especially Tuuri and Reynir and alko read manga.
I hope I'm not being rude, but I like the typo 'Funnish' a lot. It says "Finnish culture is fun" :)
Also, welcome at the forum!
I hope I'm not being rude, but I like the typo 'Funnish' a lot. It says "Finnish culture is fun" :)
*takes note of this pun with full intention to use it in the future*
Hello! I'm Nanao From Finland, I'm not sure if I've ever logged into any fan forum or the like. I like this comic and it's exciting to see work in English which touches Funnish Culture, I don't think there is any other like this in that sense. I like especially Tuuri and Reynir and alko read manga.
Welcome, welcome! *throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Hello! I'm Nanao From Finland, I'm not sure if I've ever logged into any fan forum or the like. I like this comic and it's exciting to see work in English which touches Funnish Culture, I don't think there is any other like this in that sense. I like especially Tuuri and Reynir and alko read manga.
Welcome to the forum!
I hope I'm not being rude, but I like the typo 'Funnish' a lot. It says "Finnish culture is fun" :)
Haha, you're not :D I got this, um, "predictive textinput"? in my phone so it tries to change the words into "Funnish" :D as I write, overall hopeless with tech here o/
Welcome Nanao! Tech is difficult, but I'm told it gets easier with time. Hope you will enjoy the forum!
Um, hi! i'm new to the forum, but i've been following the comic since about the time the ghosts started following the team last chapter. ;) The fandom, from what i've seen, has a big reputation for friendliness, so i thought i'd join in on the discussions going on.
i guess to further introduce myself, i like writing and kind of wish i could write fanfiction more often! i used to a little bit, but years of public and formal education incline me mostly to writing essays these days instead, unfortunately. -_-' i draw a little bit, but mostly go for the standard of "recognizable." i'd love to participate in the exchange of fanwork, but frankly critical analysis and unabashed discussion are what does it for me, so i win out either way, huh? :P um, also i speak a couple of other languages (but not very well), and i'll probably add them as flags to my signature when i figure out how to!
looking forward to finally contributing to the forum with you all instead of just lurking!
Welcome, law_of_letters, and happy unlurking! We're happy to have you here!
*throws confetti* \o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
The code for the signature flags is :country name:
if that helps.
no, it doesn't seem to be working :( ahh, i'll figure it out some other time!
no, it doesn't seem to be working :( ahh, i'll figure it out some other time!
Hello and welcome! I had problems with the flags, so make sure there are no spaces in the country name, and that it's all lowercase. Maybe that'll fix your problem?
Welcome to the forum law_of_letters!
Hope I'll see you around in the art and writing threads!
On the topic of flags, you can find the supported countries in here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0). If the country of your choosing is not showing, it might not be supported.
Welome welcome, law_of_letters! I hope you enjoy your stay here in the forum. ^-^ We have a bunch of assorted threads you can participate in if you want (and haven't already found them). There's art, writing, and language threads if you want to join those. :)*totally not trying to pull more people into the language thread, no way!*
no, it doesn't seem to be working :( ahh, i'll figure it out some other time!
Well for example, to get the Wales flag (:wales:), you would type in :wales:
The US flag (:usa:) would be :usa:
The Spanish flag (:spain:) would be :spain:
And so on. Does that help?
Edit: it was already said while I was typing this up, but I suppose repetition doesn't hurt XD
no, it doesn't seem to be working :( ahh, i'll figure it out some other time!
What languages do you want to get? After some struggle I found out that for English, you have to write UK in lowercase letters, so you get :uk: and :UK: doesn't work. Also, the flags are only possible in your signature and in messages, not in your personal text.
Hello! I finally came here from the disqus comments.
Hmm... to introduce myself. I arrived at SSSS partway through chapter 10. The comic and the kindness of the fans make me smile and feel warm even when other things are a little rough, and I get the impression from her comments that's at least some of what Minna hopes her work can do for people. So I thought I'd join the fun! I'm fairly private about most of my life, but I do like talking about SSSS and related things.
I also have to say I've really enjoyed the fanart and fanfic people have published here, thanks for sharing it!
I don't have much experience with forums, so if you need to point something out or offer me general guidelines or something please do!
Hello! I finally came here from the disqus comments.
Hmm... to introduce myself. I arrived at SSSS partway through chapter 10. The comic and the kindness of the fans make me smile and feel warm even when other things are a little rough, and I get the impression from her comments that's at least some of what Minna hopes her work can do for people. So I thought I'd join the fun! I'm fairly private about most of my life, but I do like talking about SSSS and related things.
I also have to say I've really enjoyed the fanart and fanfic people have published here, thanks for sharing it!
I don't have much experience with forums, so if you need to point something out or offer me general guidelines or something please do!
Welcome to the forum and take some :squirrelcookie: :)
Welcome to the forum and take some :squirrelcookie: :)
Thank you! :3
Welcome law_of_letters and hln :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello hln! Welcome to the forum!
*throws welcome confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome law of letters, hln, Nanao and anybody else I might have missed! We're a pretty friendly bunch.
Welcome, hln and law_of_letters! Hope to see you both around the forum.
Welcome welcome, hln! Hope you enjoy your stay! (I always say that, but it sounds like I'm inviting you into a hotel or something XD )
Thank you for the welcomes! :)
Making another one of my ridiculously infrequent sweeps through the Intro thread. So welcome Cat Hat, Smol, 60, Miriam, Marcoreos, GenericNerd, 0z79, Nanao, law_of_letters, and hln! Look upon my piper seal and... I dunno, despair? ;D
I gather on this board one's supposed to introduce oneself. I'm a farmer from upstate New York (yes, there are lots of farms in New York State.) I've been lurking on the strip and on the discus comments for a while; decided I have one or five things I want to say on the diversity thread; am not sure whether I'll get them written, but the first step would obviously be to register. So here I am.
I gather on this board one's supposed to introduce oneself. I'm a farmer from upstate New York (yes, there are lots of farms in New York State.) I've been lurking on the strip and on the discus comments for a while; decided I have one or five things I want to say on the diversity thread; am not sure whether I'll get them written, but the first step would obviously be to register. So here I am.
*throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
I'm interested to hear what you have to say.
Welcome thorny! I can verify there are indeed quite a lot of farms in upstate NY.
I gather on this board one's supposed to introduce oneself. I'm a farmer from upstate New York (yes, there are lots of farms in New York State.) I've been lurking on the strip and on the discus comments for a while; decided I have one or five things I want to say on the diversity thread; am not sure whether I'll get them written, but the first step would obviously be to register. So here I am.
Welcome! I look forward to seeing you in the diversity thread and, hopefully, elsewhere as well!
G'day and welcome, thorny! I look forward to some interesting conversations!
Welcome, thorny :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Thanks all! I've posted at least some of what I meant to say, and now deserve a cookie. (munches . . . mmmm. good.)
Now I'd better get back to work, way too many things to do this time of year --
Welcome welcome, thorny! I am ever so glad that you are here to add your voice, in particular to the diversity thread (where voices are always so very needed). Please find yourself at home here, if you'd like!
*hands over some small succulents*
Thanks, also, ginger.
I see we have something in common -- I've also often been told I'm being too loud.
~A user on another topic suggested that I introduce myself here, so I decided that I would give it a go!~
Hello everyone! My name is Emily as you can tell from my username (which I still cannot believe was available, since my name is so common), and I'm from New Jersey, USA (despite the stigma, it's actually a pretty cool place)! As for my age, I'm not sure if that's a popular thing to disclose on this site, but I'd rather not. Getting into the reason why I love SSSS today is pretty sad. I had this Internet friend from France (his name was Rosaire) and he was simply one of the kindest people I ever came across. He loved webcomics, and SSSS was one of his favorites. He disappeared one day, and judging by his last post, I'm going to assume that he...erm, how do I put it without seeming insensitive?..."has gone to a better place." I miss him every day. Anyways, I wanted to better understand the things that he enjoyed, so I started reading SSSS and ended up falling in love!
I think I've probably included a lot more information than necessary, but anyways -- here I am! Expect to see more posts from me sometime soon~
I apologize for the copious amount of effects I've used; I just wanna try them out. :P
Welcome, emily!
*throws confetti* \o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome to the forum, Emily! I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. :( That must be very hard for you. But I am very glad that you are here with us today! So, once again, welcome welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here!
Also, I had no idea this was a thing! How neat!
Welcome, Emily, and I hope our good-natured community can be a comfort to your heart.
Welcome Emily! Sorry for your loss. The person who introduced me to SSSS also disappeared out of my life...
This effect is fun though! Wheeee! Look at me go!
Thank you to everyone who welcomed me! If everyone is as kind and lovely as you all, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy my stay! And thank you all for your condolences to my friend. <3
Also, this effect is awesome. I'm gonna be using this one a lot! :P
My nickname come from a friend joke. me and some my friends had names start with Hullu (crazy), then we added an animal or else word. I choosed (puna)Kettu-(red)Fox. I like fox.
I am shy and silent watcher. I see the forum for long, not do account this. I not wish share more about me personal.
I have tumblr askblog (hetalia), and now did I did art blog. I post other art I make. I drew for long. I use paint tool sai.
http://hullupunakettu.tumblr.com/ (http://hullupunakettu.tumblr.com/)
I not comment often.
I'm out now
Even if you're shy and don't comment often, you're welcome here, HulluPunaKettu :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, HulluPunaKettu!
\o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
My nickname come from a friend joke. me and some my friends had names start with Hullu (crazy), then we added an animal or else word. I choosed (puna)Kettu-(red)Fox. I like fox.
I am shy and silent watcher. I see the forum for long, not do account this. I not wish share more about me personal.
I have tumblr askblog (hetalia), and now did I did art blog. I post other art I make. I drew for long. I use paint tool sai.
http://hullupunakettu.tumblr.com/ (http://hullupunakettu.tumblr.com/)
I not comment often.
I'm out now
Welcome to the forum, HulluPunaKettu! Even if you don't comment much, we're happy to have you here.
Welcome, HulluPunaKettu! I hope you enjoy it here!
Hey, I've just started posting again here after like a year. Anyway, I hadn't been keeping up with SSSS for a few months until a few days ago when I just read everything since I last checked it and have gotten reimmersed in the story of it
Hey, I've just started posting again here after like a year. Anyway, I hadn't been keeping up with SSSS for a few months until a few days ago when I just read everything since I last checked it and have gotten reimmersed in the story of it
Welcome back, Danskjavlar! It's always great to have someone return after a long absence. ^-^
Hey, I've just started posting again here after like a year. Anyway, I hadn't been keeping up with SSSS for a few months until a few days ago when I just read everything since I last checked it and have gotten reimmersed in the story of it
Danskjavlar, welcome back! Another person to join in the conversation is always good!
Welcome welcome, all you amazing people! Sorry I've been away, I was visiting relatives/at camp
There's a question I forgot to ask in my introduction! I don't know if here is the appropriate place to ask it, please forgive me if it isn't! But how do I type the little flag emoticon thingies in your signature? I noticed that basically everyone has their languages in their signature, and I want to know how to do that! Again -- sorry if this is not the right place to ask! Obviously, I'm new and very, very clueless. :P
There's a question I forgot to ask in my introduction! I don't know if here is the appropriate place to ask it, please forgive me if it isn't! But how do I type the little flag emoticon thingies in your signature? I noticed that basically everyone has their languages in their signature, and I want to know how to do that! Again -- sorry if this is not the right place to ask! Obviously, I'm new and very, very clueless. :P
No problem! I'm just going to quote myself here:
The code for the signature flags is :country name:
if that helps.
There's a list of supported countries here! (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=gtb6f1phbvo0qugf44usgm2eu5&topic=416.0)
No problem! I'm just going to quote myself here:There's a list of supported countries here! (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=gtb6f1phbvo0qugf44usgm2eu5&topic=416.0)
Thank you a ton! :)
Hey, I've just started posting again here after like a year. Anyway, I hadn't been keeping up with SSSS for a few months until a few days ago when I just read everything since I last checked it and have gotten reimmersed in the story of it
Welcome back to the forums! I take a break from SSSS in times in order to binge it every two weeks ;).
Also welcome to all the new people I have not greeted yet.
*offers some :squirrelcookie: to new and old alike*
That is such a wise choice, kjeks.
I should follow your example, sempai!
Welcome to all of the new people!
Welcome emily (from another American), Danskjavlar and HulluPunaKennu!
Hiya, emily! (I'm not late, I'm fashionably on time)
Hi there! My name is Dar and I've been a lurker for a few years hehe.
I'm in need of some help /__\
I created a profile in 2014 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=275) but never logged back in, and lost all login info for some reason (because I opted out of email updates nothing was sent to my email besides the verification). I'd like to know if there's a way I can access that profile again and have this one I have now deleted?
I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong spot >< I combed through the forum for a helpboard but this is the closest I could find.
So excited to finally break my silence in the SSSS community! Looking forward to getting to know you guys ^__^
Hi there! My name is Dar and I've been a lurker for a few years hehe.
I'm in need of some help /__\
I created a profile in 2014 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=275) but never logged back in, and lost all login info for some reason (because I opted out of email updates nothing was sent to my email besides the verification). I'd like to know if there's a way I can access that profile again and have this one I have now deleted?
I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong spot >< I combed through the forum for a helpboard but this is the closest I could find.
So excited to finally break my silence in the SSSS community! Looking forward to getting to know you guys ^__^
Welcome to the forum darkick:
if you want to retrieve your old password you can try this link:
it will send you information how to proceed to the original e-mail adress. I checked, you used a different E-mail adress hosted on yahoo. If you want further details, I can send you a pm.
In the meanwhile,
take some :squirrelcookie:
Welcome darkick !
Welcome Dar! Always good to see another unlurker!
@kjeks: I'm in! Thank you so much for your help, and the squirrel cookie :) <3 I gather the previous account will be deleted now?
@urbicande and @Róisín: Hiya guys! Feels good to finally break the silence *\^__^/*
@kjeks: I'm in! Thank you so much for your help, and the squirrel cookie :) <3 I gather the previous account will be deleted now?
@urbicande and @Róisín: Hiya guys! Feels good to finally break the silence *\^__^/*
If you would be so kind and do it on your own, we would be most happy (another user can use your account then).
Nice to see you return after nearly two years of silence :)
If you would be so kind and do it on your own, we would be most happy (another user can use your account then).
Nice to see you return after nearly two years of silence :)
Done! And I've returned to stalk the Comic Update Chitchat board almost every day since I registered, I just never logged in hehe I was extremely shy.
Thank you so much for the help once again! *flees into the depths of wonder of the forum*
Hello Dar! Welcome to the forum!
*throws confetti* \o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Hello! My name is Andrew. I'm a student in the United States, specifically, Louisville Kentucky. Yay homophobia! No, srsly, Im the least redneck person (for nonamericans that means ignorant-country-douchebag) person I hope. I found SSSS this year through a friend, read through it all, and stuck with it since march. I am fluent in English (all flags), pretty damn good at Spanish (some flags), and reaaalllly want to learn Finnish (only the one flag). I am a lover of ancient cultures, runes, ancient art, inscriptions, etc. I also play many video games. Yeah! Stuff!
Done! And I've returned to stalk the Comic Update Chitchat board almost every day since I registered, I just never logged in hehe I was extremely shy.
Thank you so much for the help once again! *flees into the depths of wonder of the forum*
Hello! My name is Andrew. I'm a student in the United States, specifically, Louisville Kentucky. Yay homophobia! No, srsly, Im the least redneck person (for nonamericans that means ignorant-country-douchebag) person I hope. I found SSSS this year through a friend, read through it all, and stuck with it since march. I am fluent in English (all flags), pretty damn good at Spanish (some flags), and reaaalllly want to learn Finnish (only the one flag). I am a lover of ancient cultures, runes, ancient art, inscriptions, etc. I also play many video games. Yeah! Stuff!
Welcome to the forum, Dar and Andrew/rundrewrun! :D
Hello! My name is Andrew. I'm a student in the United States, specifically, Louisville Kentucky. Yay homophobia! No, srsly, Im the least redneck person (for nonamericans that means ignorant-country-douchebag) person I hope. I found SSSS this year through a friend, read through it all, and stuck with it since march. I am fluent in English (all flags), pretty damn good at Spanish (some flags), and reaaalllly want to learn Finnish (only the one flag). I am a lover of ancient cultures, runes, ancient art, inscriptions, etc. I also play many video games. Yeah! Stuff!
Hello, welcome!
*throws confetti* :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
I am new to the forums. I followed SSSS awhile back and then life got crazy so I missed updates for about a year. I recently bought book 1 (one of the best buys I have ever made) and just got caught up with the rest of the online pages.
I love the story and art of SSSS comic and have been following Minna on Twitter for awhile. Since I finally have regular internet access I figured I'd go ahead and join the forum, especially after Roisin (sp?) invited me in the comment section to join.
If anyone is on DeviantArt, feel free to say hello there too! My page is here:http://deckboy.deviantart.com/
I can't think of anything else to say sooo...
I am new to the forums. I followed SSSS awhile back and then life got crazy so I missed updates for about a year. I recently bought book 1 (one of the best buys I have ever made) and just got caught up with the rest of the online pages.
I love the story and art of SSSS comic and have been following Minna on Twitter for awhile. Since I finally have regular internet access I figured I'd go ahead and join the forum, especially after Roisin (sp?) invited me in the comment section to join.
If anyone is on DeviantArt, feel free to say hello there too! My page is here:http://deckboy.deviantart.com/
I can't think of anything else to say sooo...
Welcome to the forum, GaBe!
Welcome, Welcome, Andrew/rundrewrun and GaBe. Happy exploring - there are loads of interesting threads here.
Welcome to the forum!
*throws more confetti* :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome, welcome rundrewrun and GaBe!
Welcome welcome, Dar, rundrewrun, and GaBe!
Thanks yous for the warm welcome!
Oh, new persons ! :) Welcome Dar, rundrewrun and GaBe, a cookie ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
*gratefully noms all them squirrel cookies* <3
Hi, I'm a very new reader, having binged on SSSS over three days last week, and now we're at p. 563 and how can I possibly live without knowing what happens next? So I guess I'm going to be here for a while. I introduced myself in the comments box on that page under my secret codename Ben Whitworth. My real name is FoxDei. Actually, this was the username I came up with when I joined the subreddit for my other fanboy obsession, the Japanese kawaii metal band BABYMETAL, but hey, it makes just as much sense over here!
I suspect I may be one of the older folks on this forum - I'm Taru's age - and I'm not quite a digital native. For instance, this is actually the first webcomic I ever read. (A Redtail's Dream is obviously going to be the second!) I am used to stories being in books, but I like the idea of serialisation. SSSS makes me feel like one of the early readers of Dickens or Trollope, when they published their novels in instalments.
I have been living (for the last eight years, though probably not for much longer) in Orkney, a bit of Scotland that was previously a Danish, and before that a Norwegian, colony. I like Japanese rock music, Swedish pop music, Scottish folk music, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Firefly, road cycling, editing/directing/singing Gregorian chant, and stonecarving. I have been a monk, an author and a farm labourer (not all at the same time - though I suppose that would be possible); my current jobs involve showing people round a 5000-year-old village, and curating an exhibition about the Russian Civil War; and I am about to start training as an archivist.
FoxDei, welcome! There are a few of us olds here, and many of us with similar interests, so you will fit right in here. You work at Skara Brae? Awesome! Hope to see you around the discussions on the Forum.
Welcome, FoxDei!
*throws confetti* o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome, welcome FoxDei! As Róisín says, there are a few of us here who aren't spring chickens anymore (and Taru is way younger than me!)
Welcome, FoxDei! We are very pleased to have you here. ^-^
An inhabitant of Orkney EEEEK :) - Gosh I want to go back there, so many lovely memories about these rough yet wonderfull islands. Funny enough, I somewhat liked North Ronaldsay best, despite being a 13 year old grumpy teenager. Of course after a week I was happy to leave the island, not much to do when you got 5 km to cross while being attacked by sea gulls
Is it Skara Brae you are working at by chance? That was an amazing place (though the Barnhouse Settlement seemed, too, but we never made it there sadly).
Thanks for putting me on that journey back to a holiday with a lot of interesting, ancient history :)
And welcome to the forum!
Welcome, welcome FoxDei! As Róisín says, there are a few of us here who aren't spring chickens anymore (and Taru is way younger than me!)
*nod nod* Some of us appreciate the virtual nature of the cookies these days. We call it "Life Experience," and it sounds like you've got it in spades. I'm between Taru and Trond myself. I've never been to Orkney, but it sounds fascinating, and as the parent of a young violinist who has fallen in love with Scots fiddle, a trip to such places has entered the bucket list. Welcome!
Thanks, everyone, for the welcome, and a dram of virtual 25-year-old Highland Park for everyone who spotted that I work at Skara Brae (I can only afford the 25-year-old in its virtual form). Yes, it's an amazing place, and a great privilege to work there.
I've never been to Orkney, but it sounds fascinating, and as the parent of a young violinist who has fallen in love with Scots fiddle, a trip to such places has entered the bucket list.
Try and come for the Orkney Folk Festival, which happens every year towards the end of May - that's also a good time to come, weather-wise (usually)!
my current jobs involve showing people round a 5000-year-old village, and curating an exhibition about the Russian Civil War; and I am about to start training as an archivist.
*_* ... *Wants a job like that*
Ahem. Sorry. Welcome, FoxDei :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hi, I'm a very new reader, having binged on SSSS over three days last week, and now we're at p. 563 and how can I possibly live without knowing what happens next? So I guess I'm going to be here for a while. I introduced myself in the comments box on that page under my secret codename Ben Whitworth. My real name is FoxDei. Actually, this was the username I came up with when I joined the subreddit for my other fanboy obsession, the Japanese kawaii metal band BABYMETAL, but hey, it makes just as much sense over here!
I suspect I may be one of the older folks on this forum - I'm Taru's age - and I'm not quite a digital native. For instance, this is actually the first webcomic I ever read. (A Redtail's Dream is obviously going to be the second!) I am used to stories being in books, but I like the idea of serialisation. SSSS makes me feel like one of the early readers of Dickens or Trollope, when they published their novels in instalments.
I have been living (for the last eight years, though probably not for much longer) in Orkney, a bit of Scotland that was previously a Danish, and before that a Norwegian, colony. I like Japanese rock music, Swedish pop music, Scottish folk music, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Firefly, road cycling, editing/directing/singing Gregorian chant, and stonecarving. I have been a monk, an author and a farm labourer (not all at the same time - though I suppose that would be possible); my current jobs involve showing people round a 5000-year-old village, and curating an exhibition about the Russian Civil War; and I am about to start training as an archivist.
Welcome to the forum! You sound like an interesting person! (nice to see more firefly fans around here!)
Welcome to the forum! You sound like an interesting person!
I don't always manage to be interesting, but I do at least try to be interested!
FoxDei, welcome welcome to the forum! I agree with Luth, you sound like a really interesting person. ^-^
Heyjo, my name is Anna, but you can call me also Enigma. I am currently 19 years of age :V, i live with my parents and 3 siblings in Germany, near Denmark.
My hobbies are drawing/designing characters, hearing music and watching cartoons.
I am really bad in danish and english grammar but i got somehow friends despite this :'D
A friend of mine introduced me to SSSS, and i am really thankful for this! ;D
... so yeah, i hope to meet many nice people here ÓvÒ
Heyjo, my name is Anna, but you can call me also Enigma. I am currently 19 years of age :V, i live with my parents and 3 siblings in Germany, near Denmark.
My hobbies are drawing/designing characters, hearing music and watching cartoons.
I am really bad in danish and english grammar but i got somehow friends despite this :'D
A friend of mine introduced me to SSSS, and i am really thankful for this! ;D
... so yeah, i hope to meet many nice people here ÓvÒ
:sparkle: :sparkle: Welcome Enigma! :D :sparkle: :sparkle:
Have a squirrel cookie! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome among us, Enigma :) An other cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the collective enigma.
*leaves relatively fresh baked loaves of buttermilk bread in lieu of cookies*
Wiklkommen, Enigma! Sorge dich nicht. Dein Englisch ist besser als mein Deutsch. (I can't say anything about my Danish because I literally know 3 words)
Welcome, Enigma! Hope you enjoy it here!
Thank you so much everyone!
and so much to eat! :D
:sparkle: Welcome, Enigma! :sparkle:
Well, I really should have done this a little over a year ago, around the same time I first made this account and the posts to the poetry thread. Alas, I did not, but I'm here (now), so let's try (or well, "Hi!").
So, Greetings!
My name is Rhynerd (which means "a nerdy Ryan" in terms of my family, or for the Anglo-Saxons it means "army" or "counsel"). I'm 21 years old, born and raised in Tampa Florida, but primarily living in Orlando now while I study Creative Writing (formerly Graphic Art) at the University of Central Florida. Those of us also on Disqus may remember me introducing myself like so:
Apologies in advance for the upcoming pun/play on words/most fitting term for what I'm about to say:
Tune in next week for the jaw-dropping conclusion to this encounter!
Language wise I'm only fluent in English, but I have studied German and ASL a bit.
If there's a niche for model makers, model painters, detective radio show fans, sketchers, and writers, then I should (hopefully) feel at home here!
Oh! Almost forgot to mention, my icon at this point comes from the Finnish artist Setz (http://setzeri.tumblr.com/).
Welcome, welcome Rhynerd! Have some cookies!
*begins baking more bread*
Mostly because I ran out of homemade bread.
Otherwise, welcome Rhynerd.
Rhynerd, good to see you here at last,
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome Rhynerd! :sparkle::sparkle:
Thanks, all!
Welcome, Rhynerd :) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie:
Well hello SSSS fans, I was told I could introduce myself here so here I am:
The name is Yeiii (it quinda fits me, I say it a lot). I'm a 26 yo Chilean girl, living in the big city of Santiago.
I'm an infant psychologist, currently working in a small clinic, and I love it!
I also like music (a play a bit of piano), Anime, cartoons like gravity falls and phineas and ferb, reading fantasy (The Name of the wind is my all time favorite, but also like everything that Brandon Sanderson writes) and I'm currently struggling with my own novel. Finally, I lately picked up on drawing and I like it (tho I'm still learning).
And that's it, like you can see I'm a super sportive tipe (not).
I got to this webcomic for a friend that didn't really gave me an option, she gave me the book and told me "sit down and read!". Now I thank her... And now I'm here in the forum trying to cope with the waiting and sharing a bit of art.
So, see ya!
Welcome, Yeiii! *throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome Yeiii!
Welcome Yeiii! Here, have some squirrel cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Many of us have been dragged here by insistent friends, so you're not alone :P . There are a few music threads, one for books, anime, writing, and definitely lots of art threads, so take a look around! And if you want to get the Chilean flag for your signature, you might want to suggest it over in the Improvements Thread, (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=16.585) as they often add flags on request! Welcome once again, and I hope you enjoy it here ;D
Yeiii, welcome! I'm sure you will fit in and have fun.
Welcome among us, Yeiii :) I'm sure you'll find some interesting thread here and there. Take a cookie :squirrelcookie:
Greetings and welcome to the club(?), Yeiii!
Well hello SSSS fans, I was told I could introduce myself here so here I am:
The name is Yeiii (it quinda fits me, I say it a lot). I'm a 26 yo Chilean girl, living in the big city of Santiago.
I'm an infant psychologist, currently working in a small clinic, and I love it!
I also like music (a play a bit of piano), Anime, cartoons like gravity falls and phineas and ferb, reading fantasy (The Name of the wind is my all time favorite, but also like everything that Brandon Sanderson writes) and I'm currently struggling with my own novel. Finally, I lately picked up on drawing and I like it.
And that's it, like you can see I'm a super sportive tipe (not).
I got to this webcomic for a friend that didn't really gave me an option, she gave me the book and told me "sit down and read!". Now I thank her... And now I'm here in the forum trying to cope with the waiting and sharing a bit of art.
So, see ya!
Wait wait wait wait wait.
Brandon Sanderson?
only my favorite author of all time? :D Yay!
I'm glad you've found your way to the forum! I'm not much of an artist myself but I know there are plenty of art threads and such.
I hope you enjoy it here! Welcome!
Welcome Yeiii! Here, have some squirrel cookies: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: Many of us have been dragged here by insistent friends, so you're not alone :P . There are a few music threads, one for books, anime, writing, and definitely lots of art threads, so take a look around! And if you want to get the Chilean flag for your signature, you might want to suggest it over in the Improvements Thread, (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=16.585) as they often add flags on request! Welcome once again, and I hope you enjoy it here ;D
*Grabs the cookie and munch it* Thank you!
I didn't know about the flag thing, I'll try!
Wait wait wait wait wait.
Brandon Sanderson?
only my favorite author of all time? :D Yay!
I'm glad you've found your way to the forum! I'm not much of an artist myself but I know there are plenty of art threads and such.
I hope you enjoy it here! Welcome!
Really??! Wich one it's your favorite? I love Mystborn, specially the first 3, although I can't help but love Wax and Wayne too
Welcome, Yeiii! *throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
*shakes confetti of my hair* thank you!
Really??! Wich one it's your favorite? I love Mystborn, specially the first 3, although I can't help but love Wax and Wayne too
Eeeeeeeee so
BlueSkyVail recommended Brandon Sanderson in the Books thread, so I went to investigate (i.e. raid my local library for Brandon Sanderson books) and I found The Alloy of Law and loved it. A lot. Then I found the other Wax and Wayne books and they were also amazing.
I guess my point here is that you have great taste in books.
Eeeeeeeee so
BlueSkyVail recommended Brandon Sanderson in the Books thread, so I went to investigate (i.e. raid my local library for Brandon Sanderson books) and I found The Alloy of Law and loved it. A lot. Then I found the other Wax and Wayne books and they were also amazing.
I guess my point here is that you have great taste in books.
Really??! Wich one it's your favorite? I love Mystborn, specially the first 3, although I can't help but love Wax and Wayne too
Mistborn! It was my first Sanderson book. At this point, I've read basically all of them. I especially love Stormlight Archive and am waiting impatiently for the next one to come out!
Tr, If you Like Alloy of Law, definitely read Mistborn. It's set in the same world with the same magic system, and it's all the stuff that happened before Wax and Wayne's time.
Hi everyone! My name is Jerzy and I'm a 17 years old guy. I live in Cracow, Poland.
I love animals (mostly turtles), gardening and linguistics, mainly polish . I can't live without books, especially fantasy; The Discworld has its special place in my heart.
I've been reading SSSS for about one and a half week by now and have already joined comments, somehow. I have also read A Redtail's Dream.
Alas, l've got some poor social skills, as far as meeting NEW people is concerned, and hence I feel incredibly anxious when writing this introduction. I hope I can somehow fit in this forum and have some great time with you people :)
Hi everyone! My name is Jerzy and I'm a 17 years old guy. I live in Cracow, Poland.
I love animals (mostly turtles), gardening and linguistics, mainly polish . I can't live without books, especially fantasy; The Discworld has its special place in my heart.
I've been reading SSSS for about one and a half week by now and have alreadyseen joined comments, somehow. I have also read A Redtail's Dream.
Alas, l've got some poor social skills, as far as meeting NEW people is concerned, and hence I feel incredibly anxious when writing this introduction. I hope I can somehow fit in this forum and have some great time with you people :)
:sparkle::sparkle: Oh, hi and welcome Jerzy! ;D :sparkle::sparkle:
I already know you from the comments section!
Have a squirrel cookie :squirrelcookie:
And I agree, The Discworld is awesome! It's carried on a turtle, coincidence?
(...I wonder if Reynir would prefer the Dishworld...no...)
Hello Jerzy! Welcome to the forum and have some cookies!
Hello all! My nom de plume is 0hfra8jousday! I'm a 23 year old lady-type from the US of A. I read. A lot. I've read A Redtail's Dream and just caught up in Stand Still. Stay Silent. I've been obsessed for only about a week and it's already ridiculous! I admire Minna and her gorgeous art and now have laptop wallpapers for months!
I wish I were living in Europe. Mostly because of how much easier it is to learn more than one language (due to proximity to other languages), my $30,000 uni debt(free uni education?!?) and the rich HISTORY on nearly every inch of ground. OMG I LOVE history. I could talk for HOURS about ancient history.
I work in a library (where I am NOT allowed to READ! :'() and plan to go $50,000 more in debt to get my masters degree so I can get a full time job. Hurray! >:(
I have a terrible habit of pointing out plot-holes(loudly) in movies so people are embarrassed to go see films with me. Plot-holes are the worst though.
So, er, yeah that was a lot of random stuff about me! I'll be quiet now.
Welcome, Jerzy! *throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
(One of my life goals is to one day own ALL the Discworld books. Someday... someday my dream will come true.)Tr, If you Like Alloy of Law, definitely read Mistborn. It's set in the same world with the same magic system, and it's all the stuff that happened before Wax and Wayne's time.
I was going to when I stopped by Barnes and Noble today but then I got distracted by Elantris and now I'm on page 397 and I love it a lot. And I have my Own Personal Copy which is great.I work in a library (where I am NOT allowed to READ! :'()
Welcome, welcome! *more confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
That is clearly a horrible thing. You have my sympathy.
Hello all! My nom de plume is 0hfra8jousday! I'm a 23 year old lady-type from the US of A. I read. A lot. I've read A Redtail's Dream and just caught up in Stand Still. Stay Silent. I've been obsessed for only about a week and it's already ridiculous! I admire Minna and her gorgeous art and now have laptop wallpapers for months!
I wish I were living in Europe. Mostly because of how much easier it is to learn more than one language (due to proximity to other languages), my $30,000 uni debt(free uni education?!?) and the rich HISTORY on nearly every inch of ground. OMG I LOVE history. I could talk for HOURS about ancient history.
I work in a library (where I am NOT allowed to READ! :'() and plan to go $50,000 more in debt to get my masters degree so I can get a full time job. Hurray! >:(
I have a terrible habit of pointing out plot-holes(loudly) in movies so people are embarrassed to go see films with me. Plot-holes are the worst though.
So, er, yeah that was a lot of random stuff about me! I'll be quiet now.
Good to see your introduction here!
(I can reassure you though, not everywhere in Europe they have free uni education, I wish. I live in Europe (the Netherlands) and I do have to pay my uni tution yearly.)
Welcome Jerzy_S :) And don't worry, we're a lot of introverts here. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Oooh, History, 0hfra8jousday ? And working in a library ? I might be just a little jealous for "working in a library" ^^ Have a welcome cookie too :squirrelcookie:
Ohfra8jousday, welcome! And welcome Jerzy! Both of you sound really interesting and fun. I think you both will like it here.
Thank you all for such a warm reception. And all the cookies :)
Hi everyone! My name is Jerzy and I'm a 17 years old guy. I live in Cracow, Poland.
I love animals (mostly turtles), gardening and linguistics, mainly polish . I can't live without books, especially fantasy; The Discworld has its special place in my heart.
I've been reading SSSS for about one and a half week by now and have already joined comments, somehow. I have also read A Redtail's Dream.
Alas, l've got some poor social skills, as far as meeting NEW people is concerned, and hence I feel incredibly anxious when writing this introduction. I hope I can somehow fit in this forum and have some great time with you people :)
Hi Jerzy! Welcome to the forum! Don't be anxious, people is super nice here, and you seem like an interesting guy! I also love fantasy, tho I haven't read discworld yet, I'm must get to it..
I work in a library (where I am NOT allowed to READ! :'()
I would feel like a drug addict surrounded by drug all day and not been able to taste it!
Btw, welcome to the forum!!
Hello, 0hfra8jousday and Jerzy_S! There's plenty of wonderful people here and lots and lots of interesting threads! It's great to have you here. Welcome!
(Jerzy, I also don't have very good social skills. It was a bit scary at first for me, but I've found a wonderful and welcoming community here. :) )
Many welcomes to Jerzy_S, Yeiii, and Ohfra8jousday!
Welcome, Yeiii! Woo, music! I used play the piano, but I stopped. Now I play the bass clarinet instead. XD I've never heard of The Name of the Wind, but now I have to read it. :)
Hiya, Jerzy_S! Animals and linguistics and books, oh my! ;D Three of my favorite things. ^-^ There's a lot of fellow introverts here, so don't worry. I think you'll fit in just fine.
Hey there, 0hfra8jousday! Working in a library surrounded by books but unable to read any of them seems a little sad. I would be so tempted to just start reading. XD
Welcome, welcome 0hfra8jousday! Callooh! Callay!
My seal and I am back after a month's travel, so welcome Thorny, Emily, HulluPunaKettu, Dar, rundrewrun, GaBe, FoxDei (you work at Skara Brea? Wow!), EnigmaObscurius, Rhynerd (nice Kasrkin!), Yeiii, Jerzy_S, 0hfra8jousday, and welcome back Danskjavlar!
Hallo everyone, my name is Jacob. I am a 17 year old Dane, and I’ve been reading SSSS since around April :). This is my first time joining a forum, but since SSSS is one of my favourite comics I figured I should join the forum before the upcoming chapter break. I’m really interested in science (especially physics), history and I read a lot of books. I hope I won’t regret this.
Hallo everyone, my name is Jacob. I am a 17 year old Dane, and I’ve been reading SSSS since around April :). This is my first time joining a forum, but since SSSS is one of my favourite comics I figured I should join the forum before the upcoming chapter break. I’m really interested in science (especially physics), history and I read a lot of books. I hope I won’t regret this.
Welcome, Jacob! I hope the forum can help you surviving the chapter break. Surely you won't regret joining.
(Also, science high-five!)
Hallo everyone, my name is Jacob. I am a 17 year old Dane, and I’ve been reading SSSS since around April :). This is my first time joining a forum, but since SSSS is one of my favourite comics I figured I should join the forum before the upcoming chapter break. I’m really interested in science (especially physics), history and I read a lot of books. I hope I won’t regret this.
Welcome!! *throws confetti*
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Hallo everyone, my name is Jacob. I am a 17 year old Dane, and I’ve been reading SSSS since around April :). This is my first time joining a forum, but since SSSS is one of my favourite comics I figured I should join the forum before the upcoming chapter break. I’m really interested in science (especially physics), history and I read a lot of books. I hope I won’t regret this.
Welcome! I expected to see some new members because of the chapter break. I hope you enjoy your time here! May I just point you to the books thread? (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=172.0) :)
Hallo, JacobThomsen! Wonderful to have you here. I also started reading SSSS around April, and this is gonna be my first chapter break. O.o I'm thinking the community here will make it easier, though, so coming here was a good idea!
And yay science! I like science too. I'm more of a chemistry person, but physics is great. :D
Welp, welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your stay.
Jacob, hello and welcome! And yay for science! Botany and geology are my things, but all of it is awesome! I hope you will have fun here!
Welcome to the forums Jacob.
I discovered this comic about a week ago and it has consumed my life. Here because I know no people from ~real life~ who are fans and I would otherwise bore them to death talking about a webcomic they have never seen.
(As an aside, what a delightful fan community! I didn't read this whole thread - so many people all of whom I love but I don't have the patience to read that all right now.)
As to who I am, I'm the kind of person who thinks having Skip as a username is ridiculously funny. In accordance with standard procedure, I'm a year older than Tuuri; studying to be a science teacher. Other boring things about me: wild Whovian (SSSS started partly to fill Dr Who-less void), amateur pianist with 0 musical creativity, crazy dog lady and ferret owner.
Skip, hello and welcome! This is a wonderfully friendly and inclusive fan community. There are lots of other Whovians here, so you should fit right in.
*salutes back at Skip* Welcome!
o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
As to who I am, I'm the kind of person who thinks having Skip as a username is ridiculously funny. In accordance with standard procedure, I'm a year older than Tuuri; studying to be a science teacher. Other boring things about me: wild Whovian (SSSS started partly to fill Dr Who-less void), amateur pianist with 0 musical creativity, crazy dog lady and ferret owner.
Yeiii a fellow Whovian! Wich one is your favorite??
Btw, I also find the username Skip kinda funny haha
Welcome to the forum!!
And welcome Jacob too!! I also like sciences, tho my area is more neuroscience than physics
OK then! Back from a week away, so big welcomessss to Jacob and Skip!
Welcome, welcome, everyone! It's always nice to see new
faces avatars. (no, I don't lose track of the date and time absolutely horribly during the summer and get really distracted, why would you think that?)
Hi there, JacobThomsen! Sciiiieeeenceeee... ;D Fellow science nerd here. I haven't taken a physics class yet but it sounds really interesting. Currently I'm more into chemistry, though. i would love history more if I could actually remember dates and years and all that important stuff. XD
Hiya, Skip! Fellow Whovian here (though haven't been keeping in touch very well with the newer seasons, I'm afraid...). I've always wanted a dog, but my mother thinks it would be too much work and she would end up doing all of it so I've never had one.
Hello. I'm new. I mainly lurk. I tend to be quiet. I'm not even fluent in any language other than English. So, hello everyone.
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome, Random22! :sparkle::sparkle:
Random22: hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy the Forum.
Welcome to the forum, Random22
Welcome JacobThomsen, Skip and Random22 :) Maybe you've already seen that we have a nice and friendly forum here. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Oh, a lot of newcomers here. Welcome and enjoy your time on board ;)
Hello. I'm new. I mainly lurk. I tend to be quiet. I'm not even fluent in any language other than English. So, hello everyone.
Welcome Random22~! ;D
Welcome welcome, Random22! I hope you enjoy it here, even if you don't talk much. ^-^
Hello. I exist. I may post here every once in a while if I have nothing to do on the other forums I frequent and aren't playing a vidya, which is actually somewhat of a frequent occurrence.
Hello. I exist. I may post here every once in a while if I have nothing to do on the other forums I frequent and aren't playing a vidya, which is actually somewhat of a frequent occurrence.
Welcome! May I inquire as to what other forums you frequent? :)
Hi and welcome, VibratingText! Hang around here for awhile and soon you will find that you don't have time to visit many other forums!
Welcome, VibratingText :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello. I exist. I may post here every once in a while if I have nothing to do on the other forums I frequent and aren't playing a vidya, which is actually somewhat of a frequent occurrence.
:sparkle: Welcome! :sparkle:
Hello. I exist. I may post here every once in a while if I have nothing to do on the other forums I frequent and aren't playing a vidya, which is actually somewhat of a frequent occurrence.
:) Hopefully we'll see you around some time.
Welcome! May I inquire as to what other forums you frequent? :)
NationStates and Sufficient Velocity, mostly.
Hello. I exist. I may post here every once in a while if I have nothing to do on the other forums I frequent and aren't playing a vidya, which is actually somewhat of a frequent occurrence.
Welcome, VibratingText! We're glad you're here!
Alright, so I've been reading 4S, as I call it, since about the beginning of chapter 11, I think? In terms of where you older readers were then. I took me about a week to read the whole comic, and then promptly attempt to make everyone I knew read it as well. (That plan failed) I'm female, Canadian, speak French and English, and am learning Swedish but right now I can only say things like "Jag tycker om pasta." And that's really all you need to know!
Alright, so I've been reading 4S, as I call it, since about the beginning of chapter 11, I think? In terms of where you older readers were then. I took me about a week to read the whole comic, and then promptly attempt to make everyone I knew read it as well. (That plan failed) I'm female, Canadian, speak French and English, and am learning Swedish but right now I can only say things like "Jag tycker om pasta." And that's really all you need to know!
Welcome! *_* Whoo, another Canadian! : D (Which province? If you don't mind saying.)
Definitely understand the whole "getting everyone you know to read it" thing...
Anyway, hope you'll have a good time here. : )
Oh. Hi. Uh... Hi.
I started reading SSSS like last Decemberish? I never really did anything with the comments, and I hadn't heard about the forum until like 3 days ago. I popped on and posted a like free art commission thread and have posted a bit on the spamkingdom thing.
Also random question... Why aren't the moderators called "Cleansers", as they deal with getting rid of trolls and making the forum a habitable place?
Also how does one do the magical language and region jazz in the signature?
Welcome! *_* Whoo, another Canadian! : D (Which province? If you don't mind saying.)
Definitely understand the whole "getting everyone you know to read it" thing...
Anyway, hope you'll have a good time here. : )
Ontario, pretty average.
And hello Frey! Your Cleanser idea is A+!
Welcome SalmonKat and Frey Cloudseer :) *Bakes more cookies* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Frey Cloudseer and SalmonKat, welcome! Hope you will continue to enjoy the comic and the Forum.
Alright, so I've been reading 4S, as I call it, since about the beginning of chapter 11, I think? In terms of where you older readers were then. I took me about a week to read the whole comic, and then promptly attempt to make everyone I knew read it as well. (That plan failed) I'm female, Canadian, speak French and English, and am learning Swedish but right now I can only say things like "Jag tycker om pasta." And that's really all you need to know!
Welcome! o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Oh. Hi. Uh... Hi.
I started reading SSSS like last Decemberish? I never really did anything with the comments, and I hadn't heard about the forum until like 3 days ago. I popped on and posted a like free art commission thread and have posted a bit on the spamkingdom thing.
Also random question... Why aren't the moderators called "Cleansers", as they deal with getting rid of trolls and making the forum a habitable place?
Also how does one do the magical language and region jazz in the signature?
Welcome, Frey! As for the flags, here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0) is the mystical guide to inserting them and whatnot. (Scroll down past the staff part.)
Welcome SalmonKat and Frey Cloudseer!
Howdy! I'm just some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic. Great to be here!
Howdy! I'm just some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic. Great to be here!
Howdy some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic! I'm also some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic!
Howdy! I'm just some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic. Great to be here!
Hello and welcome!
G'day and welcome, Frankly! Hope you will enjoy the comic and the company.
Welcome Frankly :) Have a cookie :squirrelcookie:
Howdy! I'm just some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic. Great to be here!
Welcome! Sounds like you'll fit right in. ;)
I have been away from this thread for too long. Greetings newcomers!
Howdy! I'm just some guy from the Midwestern United States who loves the comic. Great to be here!
Welcome Frankly!
I'm Kassie, from New England, US.
Stumbled upon the comic via a combination of seeing the language tree and my sister in law posting an article about cool comics in short succession. Devoured them quickly whilst pretending to work.
I consider myself a geek of many things (MMORPGS, RPGs, Fantasy Books, anthropology, languages, cooking, crafting, wood working, musicals, theater in general, special effects makeup etc) though I wouldn't claim to be an expert on much of anything.
I am married to a mega geek and am happily raising a wee geekling who is currently on his first playthroughs of Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon and readthrough of Redwall and learning French ::sniffle::.
I work for an absolutely amazing nonprofit hospital during the day and spend my nights building stuff for my house, reading, playing video games with the awesome dudes I get to be family to, gluten free baking (for said two awesome dudes who happen to have Celiac's), attempting to improve my penmanship and self in general. I am super excited to poke around and see what fun there is to be had! XoX
Welcome, welcome Kassie! Have a (gluten-free) cookie!
I'm Kassie, from New England, US.
Stumbled upon the comic via a combination of seeing the language tree and my sister in law posting an article about cool comics in short succession. Devoured them quickly whilst pretending to work.
I consider myself a geek of many things (MMORPGS, RPGs, Fantasy Books, anthropology, languages, cooking, crafting, wood working, musicals, theater in general, special effects makeup etc) though I wouldn't claim to be an expert on much of anything.
I am married to a mega geek and am happily raising a wee geekling who is currently on his first playthroughs of Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon and readthrough of Redwall and learning French ::sniffle::.
I work for an absolutely amazing nonprofit hospital during the day and spend my nights building stuff for my house, reading, playing video games with the awesome dudes I get to be family to, gluten free baking (for said two awesome dudes who happen to have Celiac's), attempting to improve my penmanship and self in general. I am super excited to poke around and see what fun there is to be had! XoX
Hiii, welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you. : D Heh, devouring the comic seems a common reaction....
You sound like you have a ton of awesome interests, and I look forward to seeing you around. : D
(Aww, your tiny geek is reading Redwall... I loved that series so much when I was a kid. < 3)
Welcome, welcome Kassie! Have a (gluten-free) cookie!
Thank you! But thankfully I can have ALL THE GLUTENS! Muahahaha, I just eat them in secret where the geekling and Handsome-geek cannot see me cramming my face :)
Kassie, welcome! Join us in waiting for updates and crafting wild theories!
Welcome, Kassie! *throws confetti* o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome among us, Kassie :) More cookies ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome welcome, VibratingText, SalmonKat, Frey Cloudseer, and Frankly! Nice to see new people here. ^-^
But thankfully I can have ALL THE GLUTENS! Muahahaha
Sssshhhhhhh!!! You don't want to give certain folks (http://www.minnasundberg.fi/comic/page01.php) an idea where to dump Mr. Moose's "surplus"! ;)
Welcome to all ze new peoples.
Welcome aboard Kassie! I would have my seal play you a welcome but he swapped his bagpipes for a party horn, and wasn't very good even before then.
I've introduced myself over on the comic itself already (made a disqus profile finally after reading for 2 years haha) and now I've decided to join the fan forum! Hooray for social interaction!
I'm Devon (Mersey's a really old handle but call me whatever), a grad student in art history/info science, artist, and lover of this comic! <3 I'm from the UK originally but have lived in the US (specifically Kentucky and North Carolina) for ages now that I feel like it's a part of me. (I find it really entertaining to imagine trolls in the thick woods and swamps around here haha!)
Thanks for having me!
I've introduced myself over on the comic itself already (made a disqus profile finally after reading for 2 years haha) and now I've decided to join the fan forum! Hooray for social interaction!
I'm Devon (Mersey's a really old handle but call me whatever), a grad student in art history/info science, artist, and lover of this comic! <3 I'm from the UK originally but have lived in the US (specifically Kentucky and North Carolina) for ages now that I feel like it's a part of me. (I find it really entertaining to imagine trolls in the thick woods and swamps around here haha!)
Thanks for having me!
Welcome to the forums!
Personally I believe that the Appalachians will all but surely survive, perhaps with minimal loss of population in the SSSSverse. The population centers there are pretty isolated, and the only major cities are in the outer edges of Appalachia.
Welcome to the forums!
Personally I believe that the Appalachians will all but surely survive, perhaps with minimal loss of population in the SSSSverse. The population centers there are pretty isolated, and the only major cities are in the outer edges of Appalachia.
Thank you!
(And I'd tend to agree with you there - unluckily for me I've moved away from the mountains to the coastal plains/swamps where it's always hot and very flat! Prime troll territory!)
I've introduced myself over on the comic itself already (made a disqus profile finally after reading for 2 years haha) and now I've decided to join the fan forum! Hooray for social interaction!
I'm Devon (Mersey's a really old handle but call me whatever), a grad student in art history/info science, artist, and lover of this comic! <3 I'm from the UK originally but have lived in the US (specifically Kentucky and North Carolina) for ages now that I feel like it's a part of me. (I find it really entertaining to imagine trolls in the thick woods and swamps around here haha!)
Thanks for having me!
Ooh, art history? Nice!
Welcome to the forum! : D
I agree with Yuuago, art history is always nice. (Except for the persons who are with you in museums... ::)
But they become accustomed.)
Anyway, welcome among us Mersey. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
I've introduced myself over on the comic itself already (made a disqus profile finally after reading for 2 years haha) and now I've decided to join the fan forum! Hooray for social interaction!
I'm Devon (Mersey's a really old handle but call me whatever), a grad student in art history/info science, artist, and lover of this comic! <3 I'm from the UK originally but have lived in the US (specifically Kentucky and North Carolina) for ages now that I feel like it's a part of me. (I find it really entertaining to imagine trolls in the thick woods and swamps around here haha!)
Thanks for having me!
:sparkle: Welcome!! :sparkle:
Welcome Mersey!
I've introduced myself over on the comic itself already (made a disqus profile finally after reading for 2 years haha) and now I've decided to join the fan forum! Hooray for social interaction!
I'm Devon (Mersey's a really old handle but call me whatever), a grad student in art history/info science, artist, and lover of this comic! <3 I'm from the UK originally but have lived in the US (specifically Kentucky and North Carolina) for ages now that I feel like it's a part of me. (I find it really entertaining to imagine trolls in the thick woods and swamps around here haha!)
Thanks for having me!
Ooh, nice, another Southern minnion! I'm also in Appalachia, and I've lived here since I was born. I believe we're only a few hours apart! I love the mountains, and the sprawling fields and woods and old, broken-down barns. The country makes my heart happy, and so does Great Smoky Mountains National Park (I don't get up there enough).
Glad to have you, Mersey! I look forward to getting to know you better. ^^
Mersey, welcome! I'm sure you'll have fun here, and it's always nice to see another lurker emerge!
Thank you all for the welcomes!!
I agree with Yuuago, art history is always nice. (Except for the persons who are with you in museums... ::) But they become accustomed.)
Anyway, welcome among us Mersey. A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
And yes cookies are always welcome too! (g-free ones anyway, gotta love coeliac disease)
Ooh, nice, another Southern minnion! I'm also in Appalachia, and I've lived here since I was born. I believe we're only a few hours apart! I love the mountains, and the sprawling fields and woods and old, broken-down barns. The country makes my heart happy, and so does Great Smoky Mountains National Park (I don't get up there enough).
Glad to have you, Mersey! I look forward to getting to know you better. ^^
Thank you! And that's incredible honestly, usually things in the US are so spread so "only a few hours away" is really surprising! (As a hint, I go to a MAJOR Southeastern uni closer to the coast than the mountains.) But I'd love to chat about SSSS and nature!! Hiking/exploring around here has long been one of my favourite pastimes :)
Hello! I'm Pillowcat and I'm told this is overdue since I've been in the IRC for two months now and reading for... Awhile? Before Braidy was named!
I'm 24/girlcat/UK
Hmmmmmmm nope nothing else interesting about me to mention.
Welcome to the forum Pillowcat.
Have a cookie ^_^
Hello! I'm Pillowcat and I'm told this is overdue since I've been in the IRC for two months now and reading for... Awhile? Before Braidy was named!
I'm 24/girlcat/UK
Hmmmmmmm nope nothing else interesting about me to mention.
Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay. ; )
Welcome Pillowcat :) What an idea to have a dog avatar with such a name ? ::) More cookies ? :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I'm Pillowcat and I'm told this is overdue since I've been in the IRC for two months now and reading for... Awhile? Before Braidy was named!
I'm 24/girlcat/UK
Hmmmmmmm nope nothing else interesting about me to mention.
Eeee welcome! o/ :sparkle::sparkle::sparkle:
Welcomes to Mersey and Pillowcat!
Pillowcat, I am amused by your avatar of a dog matched with the name of Pillowcat! If there's a story there, you may wish to record it in the Avatar History thread.
Welcome to Pillowcat, Mersey! I hope you enjoy the forum! ;D
Pillowcat, hello and welcome! I'm sure you will love it here.
Hello from Malaysia :) Stumbled on SSSS and aRTD while browsing around, and I somehow found myself here to see what the Minniondom is about :P I like learning languages, although I may not necessarily have time for all of them.
And hi to all of you fellow newcomers too :D
Hello hello pillowcat and TheD3m0nPriest! Have some cookies and confetti!
TheD3m0nPriest: hello and welcome! We have a language thread here on the Forum, if you are interested. Welcome!
Thanks everyone :) I'm already lurking in the Language thread too :D
Hæ everyone!
My name is Valeria, I am from Russia, studying on dental technician and I started read SSSS about two years ago (although I send my first comment under comic on 559 page, haha. yyes, I shyny one) ! I found out about SSSS from my friend and now I forced about 10 friends to read this comic XD
I am vegetarian, love coming up with wacky names for pets, make silly jokes and sometimes I do cosplay things and translate fanfiction! :3
Hi Valeria! Hope you like it here!
Hæ everyone!
My name is Valeria, I am from Russia, studying on dental technician and I started read SSSS about two years ago (although I send my first comment under comic on 559 page, haha. yyes, I shyny one) ! I found out about SSSS from my friend and now I forced about 10 friends to read this comic XD
I am vegetarian, love coming up with wacky names for pets, make silly jokes and sometimes I do cosplay things and translate fanfiction! :3
Welcome Valeria! Is your avatar a Sigrun cosplay? We have a cosplay thread here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=339.msg117246#msg117246), if you have any more photos! ;D and oh yes, I almost forgot! *slides cookies across imaginary table* :squirrelcookie: A cookie?
Hæ everyone!
My name is Valeria, I am from Russia, studying on dental technician and I started read SSSS about two years ago (although I send my first comment under comic on 559 page, haha. yyes, I shyny one) ! I found out about SSSS from my friend and now I forced about 10 friends to read this comic XD
I am vegetarian, love coming up with wacky names for pets, make silly jokes and sometimes I do cosplay things and translate fanfiction! :3
Wait wait wait, IIIIIIIIIII know you. You were the one who was ganging up with Aliax to troll me! *makes note to self never to look at shipping thread again*
Róisín , Luth Nightbreeze , Lazy8
Another hæ and thanks for you <3
Is your avatar a Sigrun cosplay? We have a cosplay thread here, if you have any more photos! ;D and oh yes, I almost forgot! *slides cookies across imaginary table* :squirrelcookie: A cookie?
Yep, it is! But it's only costest for fun and friends, buuut I think I'll do Sigrun cosplay in future 'cause I really like that idea :D
Yep, I saw that tread! I spent half night to see all the pages and I think it will be the first thread, which I'll have contributed XD
Mmmmmm cooookies ++
You were the one who was ganging up with Aliax to troll me! *makes note to self never to look at shipping thread again*
Ahah, it may be me :'D Sorry х)
Welcome TheD3m0nPriest and heiteru :) *Bakes more welcome cookies* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome heiteru!
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome to TheD3m0nPriest and heiteru!!! :sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome aboard Mersey, Pillowcat, TheD3m0nPriest and Valeria! I look forward to seeing you around the place :)
HIYA I'm sushi. one of the new people to join these forums and web comics. so far I'm loving Stand Still, Stay Silent and are yet to start reading A Redtail's Dream. i decided to start this topic for all who are yet to introduce themselves :3 so have fun introducing yourselves everyone!
Mélusine , urbicande , Tr & Purple Wyrm
Another hæ and thanks for you guys !! <3
Hæ and feel yourself welcome! ;)
Sushicat47: welcome! Hope you will enjoy the company!
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome, sushicat!! :sparkle::sparkle:
Hello and welcome, sushicat! :D
Welcome Sushicat!
Welcome welcome sushicat47!
Welcome aboard Sushicat!
Welcome, sushicat :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hi, I'm Valerre (pronounced Va-lair)! I've been lurking on the Language discussion board for a couple of weeks and have yet to post until today.
I started reading the comic about 3 weeks ago, so I'm still relatively new. Ironically, I found the comic via a Mental Floss post about Minna's language family tree.
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome, Valerre!! :sparkle::sparkle:
Hi, I'm Valerre (pronounced Va-lair)! I've been lurking on the Language discussion board for a couple of weeks and have yet to post until today.
I started reading the comic about 3 weeks ago, so I'm still relatively new. Ironically, I found the comic via a Mental Floss post about Minna's language family tree.
Welcome, Valerre - actually, quite a few readers have come to us via that amazing graphic of Minna's.
Welcome welcome Valerre! Someone should offer you some cookies shortly.
Welcome, Valerre! I'm not a qualified cookie-giver, but mine are more legit than most (some are made of actual squirrels, yikes!) Here's some cookies to munch on as you walk down the welcome-mat! :squirrelcookie:
Hi Valerre, and welcome! Lots of language enthusiasts here!
Welcome, Valerre :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hi, I'm Valerre (pronounced Va-lair)! I've been lurking on the Language discussion board for a couple of weeks and have yet to post until today.
I started reading the comic about 3 weeks ago, so I'm still relatively new. Ironically, I found the comic via a Mental Floss post about Minna's language family tree.
Ahhh hi Valerre, welcome!
It's always nice to see new readers around here. : D
Hi, I'm Valerre (pronounced Va-lair)! I've been lurking on the Language discussion board for a couple of weeks and have yet to post until today.
Welcome Valerre!! I hope that you'll have a wonderful time.
Thank you for all the welcomes! And the cookies, of course! :)
Hi Valerre, and welcome! Lots of language enthusiasts here!
Yeah, it's pretty neat! I'm glad I stumbled upon this community. :)
Hæ and welcome, Valerre!
I think we are kind of namesakes? 'Course I have *almost* completely the same name as yours! I mean, my real name is Valeria ;D
Hæ and welcome, Valerre!
I think we are kind of namesakes? 'Course I have *almost* completely the same name as yours! I mean, my real name is Valeria ;D
Oh nice :) I adapted my name from the Latin word "valere" (pronounced wa-lair-eh) which is a verb that loosely means "to be strong" or "to be victorious" with the dual meaning of "to be well." I get people in voice chats calling me variations of Valerie, Valor, etc. Haha x)
Hello! My name's Álex but you can call me yaboku! I started reading the comic about a month-ish ago and somehow I didn't notice the forum until now.
I'm spanish, love games, and it's really nice to meet you all!
Nice to meet you too, yaboku :) Do you have something against welcome cookies ? :squirrelcookie:
Álex/yaboku, welcome! Hope you enjoy being here!
Hello! My name's Álex but you can call me yaboku! I started reading the comic about a month-ish ago and somehow I didn't notice the forum until now.
I'm spanish, love games, and it's really nice to meet you all!
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome!! :sparkle::sparkle:
Hello! My name's Álex but you can call me yaboku! I started reading the comic about a month-ish ago and somehow I didn't notice the forum until now.
I'm spanish, love games, and it's really nice to meet you all!
Welcome! Judging by your name, are you a fan of Noragami by any chance? :3
Hello! My name's Álex but you can call me yaboku! I started reading the comic about a month-ish ago and somehow I didn't notice the forum until now.
I'm spanish, love games, and it's really nice to meet you all!
Welcome! :D
Hello! My name's Álex but you can call me yaboku! I started reading the comic about a month-ish ago and somehow I didn't notice the forum until now.
I'm spanish, love games, and it's really nice to meet you all!
Welcome welcome ! :)
Hello! My name's Álex but you can call me yaboku! I started reading the comic about a month-ish ago and somehow I didn't notice the forum until now.
Welcome Álex :D
Hæ Álex ;з
Welcome welcome to Valerre and yaboku!
Hiiii! I just subscribed to the forum, I'm a SSSS fan and I study in Paris :) I'm italian and french.
One day I'll go raise rainbow-coloured sheep and cats in Iceland for a living! :D But for now I just stick to a normal life plan.
I'm no real expert in anything except linguistic stuff (only roman languages though), so just ask if you need help :)
Hiiii! I just subscribed to the forum, I'm a SSSS fan and I study in Paris :) I'm italian and french.
Yay, a new person around Paris ! :D Welcome CeleteArteQue, a cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hæ, CeleteArteQue ⌒(o^▽^o)ノ
Hiiii! I just subscribed to the forum, I'm a SSSS fan and I study in Paris :) I'm italian and french.
Welcome! Always nice to see some new faces
Hiiii! I just subscribed to the forum, I'm a SSSS fan and I study in Paris :) I'm italian and french.
One day I'll go raise rainbow-coloured sheep and cats in Iceland for a living! :D But for now I just stick to a normal life plan.
I'm no real expert in anything except linguistic stuff (only roman languages though), so just ask if you need help :)
:sparkle::sparkle: Yay, welcome!! :sparkle::sparkle:
CeleteArteQue, hello and welcome! There are already some Minnions in and around Paris, so you will be well placed for meet-ups. Have you yet found the languages thread? I'm sure you will enjoy it here!
Hello all, I just joined the forum yesterday, though I've been reading SSSS for a few months now. I'm Rachel McGonagill in the comic commentariat, but I use this handle most places. I'm in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon, but grew up in New England.
I don't travel much anymore, with my own and my husband's health issues, but I did spend a glorious summer backpacking through Europe long ago in the before time. Did not make it to Scandinavia, which I now regret; it's so beautiful.
Oh, and my profile pic is upside down. How can I fix that?
Welcome to the forum! *leaves a platter of fresh baked bread before wandering back off into the woods*
Hello all, I just joined the forum yesterday, though I've been reading SSSS for a few months now. I'm Rachel McGonagill in the comic commentariat, but I use this handle most places. I'm in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon, but grew up in New England.
I don't travel much anymore, with my own and my husband's health issues, but I did spend a glorious summer backpacking through Europe long ago in the before time. Did not make it to Scandinavia, which I now regret; it's so beautiful.
Oh, and my profile pic is upside down. How can I fix that?
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome! :sparkle::sparkle:
I offer big hugssss and welcomessss to CeleteArteQue and Jharad17!
Jharad/Rachel, hello and welcome! I had noticed you in the comments, and hope you'll find the Forum as interesting!
Please, take a welcome cookie Jharad :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Jharad17!
Have you tried uploading the picture again? (You might need to flip it in an image editor on your computer first)
Hello all, I just joined the forum yesterday, though I've been reading SSSS for a few months now. I'm Rachel McGonagill in the comic commentariat, but I use this handle most places. I'm in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon, but grew up in New England.
I don't travel much anymore, with my own and my husband's health issues, but I did spend a glorious summer backpacking through Europe long ago in the before time. Did not make it to Scandinavia, which I now regret; it's so beautiful.
Oh, and my profile pic is upside down. How can I fix that?
Welcome! :D
Hello all, I just joined the forum yesterday
Welcome Jharad17
Hæ and welcome to the forum, Jharad17! And I think that your upside down profile pic cat is amazing and funny :))
Welcome Jharad17!
Have you tried uploading the picture again? (You might need to flip it in an image editor on your computer first)
I thought of trying that, but haven't tried it yet . . . No time like present, eh?
And thank you to all of you for the kind welcome!
ETA: blo@dy hell! Tried flipping the image in my tablet, and it still loaded upside down. Even tried two other pics of my cats, flipping before and after . . . but, well, you see the avatar that finally worked. Eheh.
Hæ and welcome to the forum, Jharad17! And I think that your upside down profile pic cat is amazing and funny :))
Yeah, I considered just leaving it, but Pounce (the feline in question) kept giving me looks. Meaningful looks. :)
Yeah, I considered just leaving it, but Pounce (the feline in question) kept giving me looks. Meaningful looks. :)
You could ... Upside-Down-Ternet (http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html) yourself? :3
You could ... Upside-Down-Ternet (http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html) yourself? :3
Best! Thank you for a great laugh for my morning.
You could ... Upside-Down-Ternet (http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html) yourself? :3
Ok, that's awesome. Most best even. :)
Hello. I was sent here via another link in the forum, so I will comply and attempt to introduce myself.
Gaeila is my real middle name. I live in Nashville, TN, United States. I have degrees from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, (a BBA, which is essentially an MBA. Same teachers and texts as the MBA program) Tennessee State University (Top honors in Biochemistry and record GRE scores. Head-hunted all over the country for advanced degree programs) Was in the Ph.D./M.D. Molecular Pharmacology program at Vanderbilt University (full scholarship plus stipend plus bonunes to lure me from San Francisco).
And then I got hit by a truck. Completely disabled, and physically unable to perform lab work any more. It is a shame, because if that had not happened, we MIGHT now have much better treatments for serious burns (one of my research interests) and pain relief (another research interest.) It is lucky for me that childhood conditioning has made me a bit OCD about wearing seatbelts, because if I hadn't been wearing one, I definitely would have died.
I have expertise in quite a few disparate areas. Here are some of them:
1. Medical areas, both research and practical
2. Cooking. I was the food writer for The Knoxville Journal; a real job with a real newspaper for which I was paid real money.
3. Feline breeding and health care. I bred Siamese, then Tonkinese kittens on a very small scale for many years.
http://www.tonkinesekitten.com/ (no ads, cute kitten pictures, NO kittens for sale at this time.)
4. Music and song-writing. Years of piano lessons, self-taught on guitar, both classical and steel string. I was good enough to receive many invitations to join the Bluebird's Writer's Night; to perform at fund-raisers, and two pages in a book called "Looking for #1--Portraits and Passions of Nashville Songwriters".
I've lived in New York City; New York suburbs; small-town Michigan; Westport, Connecticut; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Paducah, Kentucky; Knoxville, Tennessee; and Nashville, Tennessee.
I'm married to an Electrical Engineer Product Developer, who has patents (though not the $$ stream from them--bad deal company) on well-known Mac products. He is also a PC developer.
My ethnic background is pretty mixed: Irish, Italian, Colonial era-Brit, Canadian, Scots, Polish, German, and probably some other nationalities I'm forgetting. My husband Don is 95% pure Norwegian and has in fact eaten lutefisk; though he doesn't recommend it.
I was one of the very first people on the Internet (aka ARPA) because of one of my sibling's jobs at NASA. Minna's comment community reminds me of those very early days--pre spam, most users both civil and intelligent; etc. etc.
Humans are complex beings and any intro. is necessarily a surface skim; however most other humans prefer succinct information packets. If this is TMI, let me know and I shall edit.
Native: :usa:
Tourist level: :germany:
Hello. I was sent here via another link in the forum, so I will comply and attempt to introduce myself.
Welcome gaeilal! :D
Welcome gaeilal! Your interests sound very diverse, and I hope you will continue to enjoy the company here. You should fit right in! Cats, medecine, music....
Welcome aboard gaeilal!
Hæ and welcome, Gaeilal!
Your introduction is really great!
so, I've been reading SSSS for a little while now, but haven't really commented or anything until recently. I mean, you guys seem like such nice people, how could I resist? I've seen y'all got a buncha flags and whatnot so I guess this is relevant; I live in the US and only speak English, unfortunately. Though I'm learning latin, so hopefully that'll stem into more languages, I also have a general interest in etymology, which is how i found SSSS- Minna's fancy language tree.
that's all I 've got to say, I guess. Happy Halloween! Beware of spooks!
Hello and welcome, Chris! Hope to see more of your animations.
Large welcomes to Chris P. and to gaeilal. We are always in need of the unique skillsets so many of the Minnions bring to the table.
To gaeilal especially, I would recommend seeing if you can branch into scientific/medical commentary and consultancy, ...except that I know how welcome that is in the current prevailing climate of willful ignorance and misinformation. A sad song indeed. But - welcome again.
Welcome Chris :D, here to cope with the chapter break i assume. There is a guide on how to get the flags somewhere on the forum if you're interested.
Welcome Gaeilal and Chris P. Bacon :) Cookies ? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Big welcomeSSSS to Gaeilal and Chris P. Bacon !
Hello, everyone! I've been reading since February but am only joining the forums now. I'm from the US, born and raised, with a very typically American background mix of various Northern European ancestries.
I graduated from college this past spring with a degree in Chinese, and a minor in Linguistics, so of course I love Minna's language tree. (Well, I love everything Minna does, but especially the language tree.)
My Mandarin is not bad, and I'm making good headway on Classical Chinese, too. I used to be able to read Old English, but I've got no other languages... Sometimes I feel like if I'd picked a Germanic or Romance language to study I could speak three of them by now >:(, but that's probably just sour grapes.
Right now I'm in Beijing, studying Chinese for a year on scholarship from the Chinese government, mostly because I didn't know what else to do. As you can probably tell from my username, Beijing is a pretty important city to me. I lived here last year for six months, even missed my flight home because I feel in love with a Russian girl and wanted to stay... but that's a story for another time.
Anyway it's very good to meet all of you! I look forward to showering you all with my overly-detailed spin-off stories becoming the best of friends.
Redheaded Beijinger, welcome to the Forum. I think you will like it here.
Welcome Redheaded Beijinger! :D
And a welcome cookie for Redheaded Beijinger ! :squirrelcookie:
Oops, I'm a bit behind... but welcome to Gaelal, Chris P. Bacon, and Redheaded Beijinger! :sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome to the Forum Redheaded Beijinger!
so, I've been reading SSSS for a little while now, but haven't really commented or anything until recently. I mean, you guys seem like such nice people, how could I resist? I've seen y'all got a buncha flags and whatnot so I guess this is relevant; I live in the US and only speak English, unfortunately. Though I'm learning latin, so hopefully that'll stem into more languages, I also have a general interest in etymology, which is how i found SSSS- Minna's fancy language tree.
that's all I 've got to say, I guess. Happy Halloween! Beware of spooks!
I love your username
Hey guys, I've got a needlessly long username so Adam is probably better if you can remember it :^)
I'm 17, I'm a guy, I was born in Hungary but I now live in the UK. I found SSSS a couple years ago, not sure how, binge read up to the most recent page which was 300 something at the time, and came back recently, binge read again and stuck around. I like drawing, coding and bass. Also volleyball.
But do you like welcome cookies, upallnightfam / Adam ? :squirrelcookie:
I don't discriminate in my cookie choice, they don't have to be of the welcome variety :))
Hello and welcome, Adam! Glad you have joined us in the Forum community. Bass, eh? Do you know we have a Musician Talk thread here? Welcome!
Hey guys, I've got a needlessly long username so Adam is probably better if you can remember it :^)
Welcome Adam :D
Hey guys, I've got a needlessly long username so Adam is probably better if you can remember it :^)
I'm 17, I'm a guy, I was born in Hungary but I now live in the UK. I found SSSS a couple years ago, not sure how, binge read up to the most recent page which was 300 something at the time, and came back recently, binge read again and stuck around. I like drawing, coding and bass. Also volleyball.
:sparkle: Welcome!!! :sparkle:
Hello! I'm Malin. I'm Swedish, and am currently taking a Foundation Year in Uppsala.
I have been reading the comic for almost two years but haven't really been involved in the community at all- hoping to fix that! I like art, science, and fantasy!
Welcome, Doldrum :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to Doldrum and Adam! :D More cookies for all! :squirrelcookie:
Hiya! I've been on this forum for less than 24 hours, but I've been reading SSSS since the end of chapter 1! I'm not quite sure what else to say here except that it's nice to meet you all! :)
It's nice to meet you too, Coffee :) Welcome ! :squirrelcookie:
Hello and welcome, Coffee and Malin/Doldrum! An old reader and a new one. Good to have you both here!
It's nice to meet you too, Coffee :) Welcome ! :squirrelcookie:
aaaaaa thanks!
Hello and welcome, Coffee and Malin/Doldrum! An old reader and a new one. Good to have you both here!
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome to Malin and Coffee! :sparkle::sparkle:
:sparkle::sparkle: Welcome to Malin and Coffee! :sparkle::sparkle:
Thanks for the welcome and the sparkles!
Welcome Coffee and Doldrum! :D
I like art, science, and fantasy!
Yahhh more people interested in science
Oh no, Coffee, you're in danger! because I'm going to drink you! Or, maybe, say hæ? I'm too sleepy to decide ~
Welcome to Coffee and Doldrum - I compliment you both on your great taste in avatars, which mark you as discerning long-time readers!
Welcome to the forum! We don't bite. Usually. :D
Welcome welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here! ;D
Evening lads. I'm the local freak show american. I scare every person I come across both online and in real life.
I hope I have made a great first impression.
MR_PLINKETT, welcome. We're generally pretty hard to scare, so you should be fine. And the Forum contains lots of interesting discussion threads. Have fun!
Evening lads. I'm the local freak show american. I scare every person I come across both online and in real life.
I hope I have made a great first impression.
Welcome! :sparkle::sparkle:
Welcome welcome, MR_PLINKETT! Hope to see you around! ^-^
Welcome Mr_Plinkett, some of us have already seen you on the chat, right ? :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Evening lads. I'm the local freak show american. I scare every person I come across both online and in real life.
I hope I have made a great first impression.
Welcome on the forum, Plinkett! Your description seems accurate, you have such self-knowledge :D
Welcome to the forum! We have cookies! Squirrel cookies!
Wow, it's been a while since I looked here, hasn't it.
So let me offer welcomeSSSS to upallnightfam, Doldrum, Coffee, and MR_PLINKETT
I thank you all kindly for the nice words, friends. May we long read a comic that may span a millennium.
Welcome all newcomers! Chris P. Bacon, Redheaded Beijinger, Adam, Doldrum, Coffee and MR_PLINKETT!
I'm not sure if I've been away from this thread for too long, or if we've just had a sudden surge in membership :)
Hello everyone!
I'm a soon-to-be 21-year-old American college student studying astronomy and history. I use she/her pronouns. My parents are both immigrants, my father from Finland and my mother from the Netherlands, so all my family is in Europe and I've visited both countries many times. Unfortunately, I don't really speak either Dutch or Finnish, but I can understand conversational Dutch and I'm trying to learn some more on Duolingo. Finnish, on the other hand, is an enigma. I can count to five and say "Good night" and "Thanks", but that's about it.
Anyway, a friend of mine recommended SSSS to me at dinner a week or two ago, and I am now caught up! It's astounding, easily the best webcomic I've ever read...I can't get over how incredible the art is! I'm a self-taught artist myself, but I'm kind of at that level where I'm better at drawing than your average person but have just enough awareness about art to know that I'm not good. Minna's backgrounds make me want to cry!
I'm super excited to have found this Nordic webcomic community that I didn't know existed. Looking forward to being in the fandom with you guys!
Finndutchican, hello and welcome to our complex and interesting community. Art and languages - I think you'll like it here! Did you notice that we have a Languages thread in the Forum, as well as the usual threads for art, fanfic and endless speculation? Have fun!
I love your "absolutely barbaric" profile pics. Maybe papa Rome can bring come CIVILIZATION to the plebeians in the north. :^)
Welcome finndutchican :D
Studying History is so interesting ! Welcome, finndutchican :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
finndutchican, your story is so cute! :))
Hæ and welcome!
Welcome finndutchian! I have a feeling you will fit right in here. Your art looks awesome btw :)
Welcome, finndutchican!
(I asked my seal to play something suitably Roman to honour your avatar, but all it could manage was "toot toot". Stupid seal.)
Hei finndutchican! Tervetuloa!
Welcome welcome, finndutchican! Eee, I love astronomy! I also know next to nothing about it XD Hope to see you around on here! :))
Maybe papa Rome can bring come CIVILIZATION to the plebeians in the north. :^)
To quote Caligula Minus (http://www.asterix.com/the-a-to-z-of-asterix/characters/caligula-minus.html): "Qu'ils essayent! Qu'ils essayent!" [potion powered shadow boxing]
Thanks for the welcomes and the cookies, everyone!
Welcome welcome, finndutchican! Eee, I love astronomy! I also know next to nothing about it XD Hope to see you around on here! :))
I got into astronomy when I watched Star Trek as a kid, and here I am xD You should find out if there are any planetariums or observatories near you that have open telescope nights! The one at my school does, and I often help out, and watching people see Saturn through a telescope for the first time is a magical and humbling experience.
I love your "absolutely barbaric" profile pics. Maybe papa Rome can bring come CIVILIZATION to the plebeians in the north. :^)
It's funny, every time I look at my profile pic I hear the words in a British accent...makes you realize how often Brits play Romans in movies (often due to parallels between the two empires)
I got into astronomy when I watched Star Trek as a kid, and here I am xD You should find out if there are any planetariums or observatories near you that have open telescope nights! The one at my school does, and I often help out, and watching people see Saturn through a telescope for the first time is a magical and humbling experience.
I am so jealous that you have an observatory at your school? O_O
Heyyy, so I just realized this thread was a thing. Took me a few days...
Anyway. You can call me Kip or Asa or just my username I guess.
Just a German-born German/Polynesian here. Spent most of my life living in the ol US of A (unfortunately). California and most recently now, North Dakota.
Kinda directionless college dropout. Came upon this comic on a whim when looking for something to binge on and I was a little entranced by it (offensive hiccup aside?). I find it kinda inspiring. As an artist it sort of makes me want to try to work on comics again if I can ever find the time...
Oh! I love languages too. Can't really speak anything but English, but I'm really stoked to try to learn/relearn some languages now that I have more free time and idle hands. I'm under the impression this is a community that fosters that?
Hæ and welcome, reefhunter!
Welcome reffhunter, if you want to learn some languages I'm sure you can get help from the wonderful people on the language thread
reefhunter, g'day and welcome! As Jacob mentioned, we have a language thread, in which Minnions learn, teach, practice and enjoy languages, plus loads of other interesting threads, covering art, fanfic, music, poetry and discussions on justabout everything else you can imagine!again, welcome!
Welcome Reefhunter!
Welcome among us, reefhunter :) *Leaves welcome cookies on the table* :squirrelcookie:
Welcome reefhunter!
Hiya, reefhunter, welcome welcome! It's already been said, but feel free to stop by the language thread! We must build up our army to conquer the internet.
Alrighty, for the introductions..
I'm a university student double majoring in Computer Science and French, which is probably one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. I would describe myself as someone who really, really loves school. Or at least, the academic part of it. I love reading, drawing, learning languages, knitting, and playing my violin. At the moment, I live in a Mysterious Location in the United States. I immigrated to the U.S. with my parents a while ago because of some problematic things back home, but America's okay, so everything's going pretty well. :)
I've been obsessed with learning as many languages as I can ever since I was younger, but I think it's natural that I would be considering most of my family knows 3 languages at the very least. On a normal day in my house you can hear 3 different languages being spoken, it's wild. I learnt English at the same time as I learnt Igbo, which is my native language, so I'd say I'm pretty fluent. I can understand a little Yoruba, but ... meh. It's just been spoken around me so much that eventually, some words made their way into my brain and won't get out. Then, I've been learning French for a while (Intermediate) and I took up Swedish a couple of months ago and I'm still at the basics. I have this weird, on-and-off relationship with Arabic and I honestly don't know what's going on, so I in the meantime I'm spekaing with one part of my family in English instead of Arabic. Very awkwardly. I just started looking at Icelandic, because my Icelandic friend is really good at convincing. Aaaand lastly, I'm considering maybe learning Vietnamese, for my girlfriend. Maybe.
I've been reading SSSS for about a year, thanks to my amazing friend that introduced me, but I never thought of joining the forum until a few days ago, oddly enough. :? It's nice to meet all of you
Welcome aboard Naess!
The language threads will probably be to your liking :D
Naess, welcome aboard! With languages and music, you will certainly find plenty here to amuse you! Welcome!
Hæ and welcome, Naess!
Languages set with which you're familiar is really impressive! XoX and oh, violin! I hope one day we'll be able to hear you play on it (I'm sure it's delicious!)
Welcome Naess ;D I'm sure that you'll like the language thread
Welcome, Naess :) A cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Hi! I am Eben
Studying a PhD in Art History in South Africa at Rhodes University. Generally a lover of comics and anime. I think I found SSSS via a advertisement on Girl Genius side bar, not sure. I also can bake any bread that you can name and love cooking :)
Hæ and welcome, Eben!
You can cook our squirrel cookies? :squirrelcookie:
Eben, welcome! Another person who cooks - good!
Welcome Eben :D
Welcome, welcome Naess and Eben!
Hæ and welcome, Eben!
You can cook our squirrel cookies? :squirrelcookie:
I can ^-^ :V
Hi! I am Eben
Studying a PhD in Art History in South Africa at Rhodes University. Generally a lover of comics and anime. I think I found SSSS via a advertisement on Girl Genius side bar, not sure. I also can bake any bread that you can name and love cooking :)
Hummm, fresh bread... :) Welcome, Eben ! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome welcome, Naess and Eben! I've already seen you in the language forum, Naess, but it's nice to see you here. And wow O_O I am impressed with the languages your family speaks. Mine is monolingual, though my dad and I try to communicate in Spanish and German (though as he hasn't taken classes since high school and college, respectively, he's pretty out of practice and I only know a few very basic things in German currently). My siblings are sick and tired of my attempts to talk with them in Spanish. ;D And Eben, you're kind of making we want to learn how to cook bread now. On top of also making me hungry. :)) My mom did just make homemade bread earlier today (which I wasn't aware of until the loaf was almost gone...), so that might also be a contributing factor.
Hello! Well... I don't know, what to say. ^^' I have been reading the SSSScomic for two weeks after my colleague has given me the link. And this is the first comic I really love. So I come here to look on beautiful fanart pieces and then decided to stay here. So I'm here. ^^'
My English isn't well enough and I'm sorry for my mistakes in advance. My native is Russian, I'm from Kamchatka peninsula, here are lots of mountains, sopkas (big hills), forests, volcanos and also there are a coast of the Avacha bay and the Pacific Ocean coast. Its cold and windy place, we have long winter and rainy-foggy summer. :) I have two jobs, I like reading, drawing and crafting (or handmading, don't know which is correct) in my spare time and... well, I like many things.
Happy to find myself here on this forum. :D Thank you for this place.
Si_Luetta, welcome! We say 'crafting' or 'handcrafting', and you will find lots of good company here for doing that. Your English is understandable, which is all that matters, and is bound to improve with all the conversation here. Welcome!
Welcome Si_Luetta want a squirrel cookie? :squirrelcookie:
Hæ and welcome, So_Luetta!
Здесь не будет школьных шуток про Камчатку, hurray :'D
Welcome Si_Luetta!
*deep breath*
Welcome finndutchican, reefhunter, Naess, Eben, Si_Luetta, and anyone else I may have missed!
Eee, welcome welcome, Si_Luetta!
Róisín, thank you for the explanation! I'll remember. ;) And hello.
JacobThomsen, hello! ^^ I'd love to.
urbicande, Auxivele hello. ^^
heiteru хи-хи, вечер добрый! :D Забавно, но шутки про Камчатку и в местных школах бытуют.
Hey everyone!
I have already made this account a few weeks ago, then my introduction post got eaten by my internet connection and I didn't have the nerve to make another one... until now.
Well, I'm Gämmel, 21 years old, from Germany. I have joined the fandom about two months ago, and some of you may have already noticed my name in the IRC and on archive, I suppose.
I study educational science and am currently finishing my bachelor's thesis. When I am not busy writing my thesis, I write fanfictions! Also I have been cosplaying since around 2007, and I dedicate a lot of my free time to volunteer work a local LGBT community project.
I probably forgot to say half the things I am supposed to mention :D
Oh yeah, once I am finished with my thesis, I would love to look for RP partners and people to talk about fanfiction writing with! I have an idea for a project, maybe someone wants to participate...
(Edit: Right, I still haven't cropped that stupid pic. I'm the one to the left. -.-)
Hæ and welcome, Gaemmel!
Yeah, I feel like I saw your name somewhere but can't remember :))
Welcome Gaemmel! :D
Yeah, Another person interested in science. And don't worry there's a lot of people here that you could write fanfictions with.
And here, have a cookie :squirrelcookie:
Gaemmel, welcome! With your interests you should fit right in here. Have fun!
Welcome Gaemmel !
Hey everyone!
I have already made this account a few weeks ago, then my introduction post got eaten by my internet connection and I didn't have the nerve to make another one... until now.
Well, I'm Gämmel, 21 years old, from Germany. I have joined the fandom about two months ago, and some of you may have already noticed my name in the IRC and on archive, I suppose.
I study educational science and am currently finishing my bachelor's thesis. When I am not busy writing my thesis, I write fanfictions! Also I have been cosplaying since around 2007, and I dedicate a lot of my free time to volunteer work a local LGBT community project.
I probably forgot to say half the things I am supposed to mention :D
Oh yeah, once I am finished with my thesis, I would love to look for RP partners and people to talk about fanfiction writing with! I have an idea for a project, maybe someone wants to participate...
(Edit: Right, I still haven't cropped that stupid pic. I'm the one to the left. -.-)
Welcome! :sparkle::sparkle:
Thanks, everyone :D
Greetings from the midwestern United States! I go by Warrior or Rey (no relation to Reynir, it's just what I've gone by online for a long time), I'm 17 years old, homeschooled, and not entirely sure what I want to do with my life. I spend a lot of my free time drawing, listing to podcasts, watching cartoons, and reading the occasional webcomic. Unfortunately I can only speak English but I recently, as of two weeks ago, started learning Swedish.
I've been reading off and on since the prologue but never really paid much attention to the forum or comments, but I figured it was time I said hi!
Greetings from the midwestern United States! I go by Warrior or Rey
Welcome Warrior-Song :D
Warrior-Song, welcome! You sound as if you should fit in well here.
Welcome Warrior-Song!
Greetings from the midwestern United States! I go by Warrior or Rey (no relation to Reynir, it's just what I've gone by online for a long time), I'm 17 years old, homeschooled, and not entirely sure what I want to do with my life. I spend a lot of my free time drawing, listing to podcasts, watching cartoons, and reading the occasional webcomic. Unfortunately I can only speak English but I recently, as of two weeks ago, started learning Swedish.
I've been reading off and on since the prologue but never really paid much attention to the forum or comments, but I figured it was time I said hi!
Hey welcome, I'm also 17, homeschooled, and not entirely sure what I want to do with my life!
Also random anecdote, your username is basically two of my old usernames I used to use squished together. I did a double take when I saw it. :D
Hi, I'm Kmatie, and I guess I'm kinda new to the forum? Anyway, I'm 15 and from the Midwest (U.S.A), and go to a public school, where I do band (Bass Clarinet). I caught up with SSSS around Octoberish, I think. I only speak English, but next year I'll probably be taking Spanish. This is totally unrelated to everything, but have you ever seen a pelican yawn? It's really intense.
Hi, I'm Kmatie, and I guess I'm kinda new to the forum? Anyway, I'm 15 and from the Midwest (U.S.A), and go to a public school, where I do band (Bass Clarinet). I caught up with SSSS around Octoberish, I think. I only speak English, but next year I'll probably be taking Spanish. This is totally unrelated to everything, but have you ever seen a pelican yawn? It's really intense.
Welcome kmatie, want a cookie? :squirrelcookie:
And no I had never seen a pelican yawn before, thanks for bringing this weirdness to my attention
It is probably not my place to welcome anybody here since I'm new myself, but: Welcome, nice to have you here!
May I ask where the pelican did yawn at you?
Kmatie, welcome! And yes, I have seen a pelican yawn - I live not very far from the Murray River in South Australia, and often go fishing there or down at the Coorong, we have lots of pelicans in both places. Aren't they delightful?
It is probably not my place to welcome anybody here since I'm new myself, but: Welcome, nice to have you here!
May I ask where the pelican did yawn at you?
Well actually, the magical realms of the internent, I haven't seen a pelican yawn in real life. :-\
Oh dear, it's been far too long since I welcomed any new people! I may be missing some, but welcome to reefhunter, finndutchian, Naess, Eben, Si_Luetta, Gaemmel, Warrior-Song, and kmatie!
And Gaemmel, I've seen you around Tumblr and AO3 a bit, I've been enjoying your fanfic! Nice to see you on the forum too. :))
Hi, I'm Kmatie, and I guess I'm kinda new to the forum? Anyway, I'm 15 and from the Midwest (U.S.A), and go to a public school, where I do band (Bass Clarinet). I caught up with SSSS around Octoberish, I think. I only speak English, but next year I'll probably be taking Spanish. This is totally unrelated to everything, but have you ever seen a pelican yawn? It's really intense.
:sparkle: Welcome! :sparkle:
okay, kmatie, because of you I googled how pelican yawning :))
Hæ and welcome!
Hey Kiraly!
Yeah, I commented on your current project only a few minutes ago ;D It's really cool to finally be here and able to talk to all of the people I see on disqus, AO3 and sometimes tumblr, and the IRC!
Oh, I figure this might actually be a thing I could ask on this thread, too: Is there a place to go to learn all your cool forum commands? Like learning how to link people in your posts and do the flags and all this?
Hey Kiraly!
Yeah, I commented on your current project only a few minutes ago ;D It's really cool to finally be here and able to talk to all of the people I see on disqus, AO3 and sometimes tumblr, and the IRC!
Oh, I figure this might actually be a thing I could ask on this thread, too: Is there a place to go to learn all your cool forum commands? Like learning how to link people in your posts and do the flags and all this?
Look here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0).
Hi, I'm Kmatie, and I guess I'm kinda new to the forum? Anyway, I'm 15 and from the Midwest (U.S.A), and go to a public school, where I do band (Bass Clarinet). I caught up with SSSS around Octoberish, I think. I only speak English, but next year I'll probably be taking Spanish. This is totally unrelated to everything, but have you ever seen a pelican yawn? It's really intense.
Welcome welcome kmatie!
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I played bass clarinet as well!
Thanks, LooNEY_DAC!
I'm Grade E cat. Started to read SSSS while in the last lengths of my thesis back in September and produced some fan-material during some of my precious free time. Now that I've defended, I decided it was time actually sign up and share it here.
I also have a TV tropes account, so I contributed to the SSSS page a lot while escaping the the thesis pressure.
I'm Grade E cat. Started to read SSSS while in the last lengths of my thesis back in September and produced some fan-material during some of my precious free time. Now that I've defended, I decided it was time actually sign up and share it here.
I also have a TV tropes account, so I contributed to the SSSS page a lot while escaping the the thesis pressure.
Welcome Grade E cat ;D! Here is a cookie :squirrelcookie:
I'm Grade E cat. Started to read SSSS while in the last lengths of my thesis back in September and produced some fan-material during some of my precious free time. Now that I've defended, I decided it was time actually sign up and share it here.
I also have a TV tropes account, so I contributed to the SSSS page a lot while escaping the the thesis pressure.
:sparkle: Welcome!!! :sparkle:
I'm Grade E cat. Started to read SSSS while in the last lengths of my thesis back in September and produced some fan-material during some of my precious free time. Now that I've defended, I decided it was time actually sign up and share it here.
I also have a TV tropes account, so I contributed to the SSSS page a lot while escaping the the thesis pressure.
Yay another troper! (And post-thesis-defender, ugh.) Want to add something to the fanfic recs page? I don't want to keep adding stuff when half the entries are already made by me...
Hæ and welcome, Grade E cat ^^ !
Grade E Cat: Welcome! Good to have you onboard, and looking forward to your work.
Lazy 8: I recognize your alias! And in case you're wondering, yes, I'm that crazy person who's been editing a lot those past few weeks. I used to play Fire Emblem and Harvest Moon on that time, but I'm currently trying a hard map a little early on Fire Emblem and have a steady record of accidentally doing super stupid things while playing Harvest Moon tired, and didn't need the extra sources of stress. So free time just became Tv tropes Tv tropes Tv tropes.
Welcome aboard, Grade E cat !
Hi! I'm Rad or radicles, although you guys can come up with names for me if you want (pls) and i'm a fetus 17 year old currently expending most of my days on comic work, reading or videogames. I started to read ssss a few years back but i never rEALLY got into the forums, though i want to try a bit and see how things are over here :D
Hi! I'm Rad or radicles, although you guys can come up with names for me if you want (pls) and i'm a fetus 17 year old currently expending most of my days on comic work, reading or videogames. I started to read ssss a few years back but i never rEALLY got into the forums, though i want to try a bit and see how things are over here :D
Welcome Kestarda!
Hi! I'm Rad or radicles, although you guys can come up with names for me if you want (pls) and i'm a fetus 17 year old currently expending most of my days on comic work, reading or videogames. I started to read ssss a few years back but i never rEALLY got into the forums, though i want to try a bit and see how things are over here :D
:sparkle: Welcome! :)) :sparkle:
Hi! I'm Rad or radicles, although you guys can come up with names for me if you want (pls) and i'm a fetus 17 year old currently expending most of my days on comic work, reading or videogames. I started to read ssss a few years back but i never rEALLY got into the forums, though i want to try a bit and see how things are over here :D
Welcome Kestarda ! :D
*Give plate of cookies* :squirrelcookie:
Kestarda, welcome. Hope you enjoy the Forum!
Hæ and welcome, Kestarda!
Your avatar is amazing >w<
Hi! I'm Rad or radicles, although you guys can come up with names for me if you want (pls) and i'm a fetus 17 year old currently expending most of my days on comic work, reading or videogames. I started to read ssss a few years back but i never rEALLY got into the forums, though i want to try a bit and see how things are over here :D
YO FRIEND, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!! I'm a spastic forumite… sometimes I post, mostly I just read. But I really look forward to seeing ya around! Post a lot! Make friends! Much welcome to you! (And I already read your comic, it's really fun and cute!)
Hello hello hello! Some of you may remember me, I deleted my account a few months back due to real life stuff, but thought I'd come back.
Anyway, introduction:
I'm a guy from the US of A who likes books and stuff.
Hello hello hello! Some of you may remember me, I deleted my account a few months back due to real life stuff, but thought I'd come back.
Anyway, introduction:
I'm a guy from the US of A who likes books and stuff.
Hey, welcome back IKEA! :) Was wondering where you had gone off to.
Also welcome, welcome to all the new people here! I have been neglecting this thread for a while but its so nice to see some new faces around here! :D
Ikea, hello again! Good to see you back.
Hello hello hello! Some of you may remember me, I deleted my account a few months back due to real life stuff, but thought I'd come back.
Anyway, introduction:
I'm a guy from the US of A who likes books and stuff.
Hi There - Im Muff, from Germany and will just dump a few sketches now and then °3°
If anyone has an innovative idea for a better avatar than bunny-with-too-long-tongue, that would make me very happy!
Insane ideas for fanart are also always appreciated ÔwO
Im slow and seldomly online - praise be the adult life
Welcome (back) IKEA, and welcome to Oemelmuff too :D
Oemelmuff, welcome! Always room for a few more!
Welcome back IKEA and welcome Oemelmuff!
Velkomin aftur, IKEA! :))
And hæ an welcome, Oemelmuff! Insane ideas for fanart, you say? I have some xD
Welcome welcome, Gaemmel, Warrior-Song, kmatie, Grade E cat, Kestarda, IKEA, and Oemelmuff! Wow, it's been awhile. I hope I didn't forget anyone!
And this is kinda late, but hey! Another bass clarinet player! Whoo! (though I haven't played in months due to scheduling conflicts :P )
Hello :3
Im just a random polish dude who loves the SSSS comic.
Other than comic I enjoy reading a good lecture and movie whit great story.
Im not good at writing introduction but I hope I didnt failed it :3
Hello :3
Welcome CuteAndSmallFox :D
Hæ and welcome, CuteAndSmallFox!! Don't worry about your writing ;3 While we can understand each other - it's all right!
Hello, CuteAndSmallFox, and a hearty welcome to you!
Thank you all for war welcome :D
A little late, but welcome welcome, CuteAndSmallFox! I hope you enjoy it here in the forum!
Halló everyone.
I am a bit odd Icelandic person living in my parents basement (literally XD) that currently goes to school more than work and reads SSSS along with other stuff in my spare time. I am BAD at social stuff, and am WORSE at it on the net, and have therefore in my years of having a computer and internet almost done nothing social with it. But then I started commenting in the SSSS comments, and I began to really like the people in the comics fandom. Before long I was invited to the SSSS chat, and I decided to check it out (my first chat). Before I knew it I had friends on the internet (*gasp*) and had experienced my first video chat. So after everything that SSSS has helped me in socializing here on the net, I decided to find the forum and give it a go.
So, that is my sucky intruduction. Hope I will enjoy myself here. I really love the SSSS comic and all the other people who love it. You guys are just GREAT! ;D
Welcome ÞórirPP :D I hope you won't regret giving the forum a chance
Halló everyone.
WOHOOOOO!!! Glad you joined the forum! Welcome :D!
Hello and welcome, Thorir! (Sorry, keyboard won't do that character). I remember you from the comments, and hope you enjoy the Forum.
Ah, hello, lovely forum, I suppose I should have registered here sooner...
I am 26, an avid reader of comics and manga alike, a writer and aspiring author, and a somewhat eclectic collector of ball-joint-dolls. I am absolutely ecstatic to discover there is, indeed, an actual full forum for this wonderful, beautiful work of art that has been disguising itself as a simple webcomic. My housemate is the one who pointed me in this direction, and though I was reluctant to try and catch up on what seemed to be an insanely complex and intricate storyline that I feared I would be spoiled on before getting too far, I cannot thank her enough for continuing to suggest it and go so far as to borrow me her physical copies of both SSSS and A Redtail's Dream until I read both of them and caught up. Very much looking forward to what this comic and any future projects of Minna's will bring. :')
Also, I recently tried to join Discus(or whatever that discussion thing was) in order to try posting with the updated comic, but it failed miserably and errors out whenever I try to post anything now. If anyone would have any advice on what may have gone wrong I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise participating in the discussion here will have to suffice.
Thank you for letting me join!
Hello and welcome, TheDreadPirateHolmes! I'm sure you will find the Forum as absorbing as the comics. I feel you about Disqus, though it seems a bit easier to use than its predecessor - at least with Disqus I did finally manage to get into Forum and comments, though it took me ages and I finally had to enlist the help of someone for whom computers are not so much of a closed book as they are to me.
Perhaps one of the moderators here might be able to advise you on how to join the comments? I'm sure you will find it well worth the trouble!
Ah, hello, lovely forum, I suppose I should have registered here sooner...
Welcome TheDreadPirateHolmes!!
Greetings <3 20-something USian logging in here ^-^
I've lurked this board a few times in the past (started reading 2014) so I figured it was finally time to sign up. :D
Nice to be here!
Greetings <3 20-something USian logging in here ^-^
Welcome yung_chrysanthemum :D
It has been far too long since I've visited this thread, so welcome to (deep breath) Eben, Si_Luetta, Gaemmel, Warrior-Song, kmatie, Grade E cat, Kestarda, Oemelmuff, CuteAndSmallFox, ÞórirPP, TheDreadPirateHolmes, yung_chrysanthemum, and welcome back IKEA!
Róisín - So far they are very interesting indeed! Ah, yes, technology is not really a strong point of mine, either... I'm sure I can either figure it out eventually or just join in all the fun here; I'm usually more of a lurker, anyways XD
JacobThomsen & Purple Wyrm - Thank you and hello!
Hello! :3 I'm Lili, from the UK. I'm fluent in English and currently learning Norwegian! I'm usually drawing, working on cosplay or reading but I also like writing too! I actually started reading the comic around November last year but ended up sort of binge-reading it in a couple of weeks : P
Anyhow! Hope everyone is having a nice day! :)
Hello! :3 I'm Lili
Hello and welcome Lili :D
Lili, welcome, and I hope you find the Forum interesting!
Hello and welcome, Thorir! (Sorry, keyboard won't do that character).
Róisín -- copy the name from one of the posts, then paste it in.
(That's actually what I do with yours; it's faster than talking my keyboard into it --)
and, although still newbie myself, welcome, everybody!
it's [strikes a pose] me again yall, what's up, how yall doin
thorny, thanks! I'll give it a go. Not very tech-savvy, I fear.
Curry: hi hello, welcome back!
Well, I'd say it's time for me to introduce myself. I'm MR. RAGE, but feel free to call me Dave, if you're so inclined! I've been aware of SSSS for a while, at least as far back as...probably December of 2015? I was browsing TVTropes, hit the "Random Media" button for a lark, and wound up on the page for Stand Still, Stay Silent. I love post-apocalyptic fiction. I had a webcomic-shaped hole in my life that I needed to fill. It sounded like it'd be neat, so I decided to check it out! I read through the prologue...
And then I promptly forgot all about SSSS because I happened to discover it right before finals week and I was a bit distracted.
And then I rediscovered it last month (again through TVTropes; I should have sent them a fruitcake for Christmas), and promptly archive-binged it the week before Christmas. I'm glad I did. I don't usually join fan-forums for things? But I lurked for a couple of days and finally decided to officially join you guys.
I'm a recent college graduate (B.A. in Creative Writing), and desperately trying to pay off student loans that are actually not that sizable (but it's still more money than I've seen in my entire life, ha!). I like reading and writing, I'm big into RPGs and roleplaying in general (used to do a bit on tumblr before I finally decided I'd had enough of that particular platform)... I'm basically a huge nerd.
I'm also terrible at introducing myself!
But it's wonderful to finally be here and I'm looking forwards to enjoying the rest of SSSS with you guys!
P.S how do you get those nifty flags and chapter ribbons into your signatures? I'm usually not bad when it comes to bbCode and the like but I cannot for the life of me figure it out!
thorny, thanks! I'll give it a go. Not very tech-savvy, I fear.
Me neither. I suspect that I've come up with a work-around that the tech-savvy wouldn't need.
MR. RAGE: Hello and welcome! Hope you don't find us too enraging!
Hi, Dave! We deal with rage with cookies and hugs, so we hope you're kinda ok with that haha ^^!
You can find the break survivor badges here, I think: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=410.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=410.0) ... I can't remember where the flags are.... but you can try putting your country between ":", I think? like :(for example:brazil): > :brazil:
Hi, Dave! We deal with rage with cookies and hugs, so we hope you're kinda ok with that haha ^^!
You can find the break survivor badges here, I think: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=410.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=410.0) ... I can't remember where the flags are.... but you can try putting your country between ":", I think? like :(for example:brazil): > :brazil:
If you click the "Help" button just under the site logo, there's lots of information there on how to insert flags and other things!
Welcome, MR.RAGE and everybody else new here lately! And welcome back curry! ;D
Good evening (or appropriate time) all!
I'm Harper, a 26 year old PhD student from the USA. (I am a biologist, and I work on the neurobiology and behavior of insects and their response to environmental contaminants.) My distinct features, according to other people: I am great at finding animals (dead or alive) that others overlook, I have good balance, I am a deep but slow thinker, I am gullible, I am a bad liar, I either look as though I am frighted or as though I am frightening, I am curious about almost anything, I am physically strong, I might be a cat, I make excellent yeast bread, and I adore invertebrates.
I am currently embarking on my second read through SSSS. I seriously adore monsters, art, and friendship, so this is the webcomic for me. After I started to dream about this comic, and after I saw how friendly and creative the fandom was, I felt that I needed to intrude upon you all! So, uh, hi! You all seem so great!
All the best!
Welcome, Harper! And I look forward to conversations, being rather fond of invertebrates myself. I have a large garden full of interesting creatures, a nearby forest ditto, and I help to run the local community garden, where one of the highlights of the year for the local children is the emergence of the dragonflies from the ponds where we grow our aquatic plants.
I agree with you about the comic. Minna draws nature so well! See you around, I hope!
Welcome to the forum Harper and MR. RAGE :D
MR. RAGE: Hello and welcome! Hope you don't find us too enraging!
I doubt I'll have any problems with anyone here. I like to joke that my default emotional state is constant, restrained anger, but in actuality I like to consider myself fairly even-tempered. It takes a lot to get under my skin!
Hi, Dave! We deal with rage with cookies and hugs, so we hope you're kinda ok with that haha ^^!
You can find the break survivor badges here, I think: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=410.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=410.0) ... I can't remember where the flags are.... but you can try putting your country between ":", I think? like :(for example:brazil): > :brazil:
I'm sorry, did you say cookies and hugs? I take that back, I am continuously-enraged, and I dare you to try and make me not with your cookies and hugs!
Also, thank you!
If you click the "Help" button just under the site logo, there's lots of information there on how to insert flags and other things!
Welcome, MR.RAGE and everybody else new here lately! And welcome back curry! ;D
I somehow completely missed the help button! I feel a mite foolish now, but I guess it's a good thing I got that out of the way!
Welcome to the forum Harper and MR. RAGE :D
Thanks Jacob! And thanks to you all for the warm welcome. Looking forward to seeing you guys more!
It's been far too long since I looked into this thread, so I'll just welcome ALL the new people to the Forum!
Hæ and welcome for all new people whose appearance at the forum I missed! Hæ and welcome again! So nice to see so many newcomers! Wow!
Thank you for the welcome Róisín, JacobThomsen, urbicande, and heiteru!
Welcome, Harper! And I look forward to conversations, being rather fond of invertebrates myself. I have a large garden full of interesting creatures, a nearby forest ditto, and I help to run the local community garden, where one of the highlights of the year for the local children is the emergence of the dragonflies from the ponds where we grow our aquatic plants.
I agree with you about the comic. Minna draws nature so well! See you around, I hope!
Oh the dragonfly emergence sounds fantastic! (And now I'm curious about what the aquatic plants are for.) Kids really seem to love the creepy crawlies don't they? I really love odonates in general- they're such amazing predators, their visual and motor systems are really cool, and they feature in a lot of folklore and art. I had a pond in my backyard growing up, and we would use the pond skimmer to pull out all sorts of organisms, including the big predatory dragonfly larvae!
Again, thanks for the welcome all!
We grow water plants as part of the effort to educate the local kids about growing food plants in difficult situations and small spaces, for environmental education, for beauty and habitat, and for fun. The dragonfly nymphs seem to enjoy hanging around the water chestnut and reedmace plants, which fortunately we don't need to harvest until long after the dragonflies are moulted and gone. The water plants are pretties, edibles, rare native plants which we then put back as part of regenerating damaged sites such as riverbanks, and we sell the surplus to raise funds to keep the community garden going, because it is a community garden in the broadest sense, a sharing garden rather than, say the English allotment system. Anybody can wander in and pick a meal.
If you're curious look up Mount Pleasant Community Garden, South Australia. Specify SA because every state in Australia has at least one Mount Pleasant except for the Northern Territory, and the name is also common in America and Canada.
So many new faces...!
Welcome welcome, ÞórirPP, TheDreadPirateHolmes, yung_chrysanthemum, Lili, Curry, MR. RAGE/Dave, and Harper!
And also yes, I can attest to the fact that there are many Mount Pleasants, and other related names. XD
So many new faces...!
Welcome welcome, ÞórirPP, TheDreadPirateHolmes, yung_chrysanthemum, Lili, Curry, MR. RAGE/Dave, and Harper!
And also yes, I can attest to the fact that there are many Mount Pleasants, and other related names. XD
It's been a while since I last was even on the forums at all. So happy to see it's so active and our community continues to grow, and welcome, everyone! Willkommen! Velkommen!
Yo. I'm Tiny Blood Friend, you might have seen me INTENSELY SOBBING in the comments on the site.
I'm bad with words (y'all are so eloquent, I'm jealous) and have poor grammar and sentence structure, so don't be surprised if what I say is illegible, despite English being my native language. You can call me Ace if you'd like.
My interests are dying and being dead, and I'll mostly lurk around whilst I sob and wish I had the lovely sense of humor everyone else in this fandom has.
Excuse the run-on sentences and poorly gathered thoughts.
Little edit! After posting this, I've just noticed there's a member named Ace. But Blood is quite the unfitting name. Pick what you want, I suppose.
Tiny Blood Friend, welcome! We're not really that scary, you should be fine.
Welcome Tiny Blood Friend :D And dont worry about your (potential) poor grammar, many of us here aren't native english speakers so we probably won't notice anyway
Yo. I'm Tiny Blood Friend, you might have seen me INTENSELY SOBBING in the comments on the site.
I'm bad with words (y'all are so eloquent, I'm jealous) and have poor grammar and sentence structure, so don't be surprised if what I say is illegible, despite English being my native language. You can call me Ace if you'd like.
My interests are dying and being dead, and I'll mostly lurk around whilst I sob and wish I had the lovely sense of humor everyone else in this fandom has.
Excuse the run-on sentences and poorly gathered thoughts.
Little edit! After posting this, I've just noticed there's a member named Ace. But Blood is quite the unfitting name. Pick what you want, I suppose.
Run-on sentences and missing words/poorly-gathered thoughts will work just fine here (unless they're extremely disjointed sentences), but because so many here are not native English speakers, using local expressions and colloquialisms might result in confusion (I mean, local sayings rarely translate well as it is). That's my main finding, mostly via Disqus comment threads on the comic itself.
Hæ and welcome, Tiny Blood Friend!! And I'm sure that your sense of humor is amazing! Just give it a chance :)
Eee, welcome welcome, Tiny Blood Friend! Jooooiiiin uuuus...
Heey! *oh this is difficult*
My name is Weta and I'm Russian. From the winter of last year, I read SSSS. I do not draw, seldom write anything, but I like read and discuss. Learning german, english and swedish languages. German learning in school and university; English - myself, so I know the language is very very bad; Swedish interested me after reading the comics.
I live in Siberia, in Novosibirsk, in a forest. I'm not kidding.
I will be glad to get acquainted
Heey! *oh this is difficult*
My name is Weta and I'm Russian. From the winter of last year, I read SSSS. I do not draw, seldom write anything, but I like read and discuss. Learning german, english and swedish languages. German learning in school and university; English - myself, so I know the language is very very bad; Swedish interested me after reading the comics.
I live in Siberia, in Novosibirsk, in a forest. I'm not kidding.
I will be glad to get acquainted
Welcome Prizrachniy_Gek :D
I live in Siberia, in Novosibirsk, in a forest. I'm not kidding.
Yay, welcome!!
Thanks, JacobThomsen and heiteru <3
Heey! *oh this is difficult*
My name is Weta and I'm Russian. From the winter of last year, I read SSSS. I do not draw, seldom write anything, but I like read and discuss. Learning german, english and swedish languages. German learning in school and university; English - myself, so I know the language is very very bad; Swedish interested me after reading the comics.
I live in Siberia, in Novosibirsk, in a forest. I'm not kidding.
I will be glad to get acquainted
Welcome, welcome! Has anyone offered you some squirrel cookies yet? :squirrelcookie: Feel free to take a few on your way in. (not made of actual squirrels, I promise, although some recipes may differ) :D
And don't worry about your english! i know there are many others here which english isn't their first language, not at all a problem.
Welcome, Prizrachniy_Gek! I hope you enjoy talking to us! Where you live sounds interesting - I like forests. What is your avatar picture?
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:Welcome everybody! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thanks, thanks! All of you are so sweet! Of course, I'll take squirrel cookies, from afar I first thought it was a chess ;D
Róisín, I like forest too, forest and sea~ My avatar is just a picture. I do not remember where it came from, but it reminds me of the forest spirit of Anime Studio Ghibli.
Been away from this thread far too long.
Hello all the new peoples!
Welcome Tiny Blood Friend and Prizrachniy_Gek! :V :V :V :))
Hi! I've been following the comic for a long time, but am new to the forums XD
I'm Dan, I live in the US of A, and I also make a post-apocalyptic comic (https://demonarchives.com) which I'm sure I'll spam in other more pertinent places.
Also, I totally won't be stealing ideas to make my forums as awesome as these ones ;)
Hi! I've been following the comic for a long time, but am new to the forums XD
I'm Dan, I live in the US of A, and I also make a post-apocalyptic comic (https://demonarchives.com) which I'm sure I'll spam in other more pertinent places.
Also, I totally won't be stealing ideas to make my forums as awesome as these ones ;)
Welcome Dan!
Dan, hello and welcome to the Forum! I think you'll like it here. Do you know the Forum has a thread for Webcomics by Minnions? You might want to put a link there.
Dan, hello and welcome to the Forum! I think you'll like it here. Do you know the Forum has a thread for Webcomics by Minnions? You might want to put a link there.
I had heard that, but haven't been able to find it yet XD Such a big forum!
Hi! I've been following the comic for a long time, but am new to the forums XD
Welcome Dan :D Your comic looks interesting I think I'll check it out
Hi! I've been following the comic for a long time, but am new to the forums XD
I'm Dan, I live in the US of A, and I also make a post-apocalyptic comic (https://demonarchives.com) which I'm sure I'll spam in other more pertinent places.
Also, I totally won't be stealing ideas to make my forums as awesome as these ones ;)
DA was one of the first webcomics I found online! Welcome!
I had heard that, but haven't been able to find it yet XD Such a big forum!
It's here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=278.0).
Thanks for the kind welcomes, and for the links to that forum @LooNEY_DAC. Hmm, doesn't look like tagging works?
Hello! My name is Cece, and I'm an Australian. I'm new to the forums but I'm not foreign to the comic. It's been like 2 weeks and I've been obsessed.
Some things you can expect from me is probably art and memes. Don't do many other things with my life.
If anyone is interested I also have a art tumblr (http://"cecetrash.tumblr.com") displaying all my art and a youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6_jbmZ5kxrRC9QcIZe0cpA) channel showing my speedarts. (Hopefully I'll do some SSSS stuff in the future)
So yee, that's all I have to say for now. Have a lovely day!
Hello! My name is Cece, and I'm an Australian. I'm new to the forums but I'm not foreign to the comic. It's been like 2 weeks and I've been obsessed.
Welcome cecetrash :D
Hello! My name is Cece, and I'm an Australian. I'm new to the forums but I'm not foreign to the comic. It's been like 2 weeks and I've been obsessed.
Some things you can expect from me is probably art and memes. Don't do many other things with my life.
If anyone is interested I also have a art tumblr (http://"cecetrash.tumblr.com") displaying all my art and a youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6_jbmZ5kxrRC9QcIZe0cpA) channel showing my speedarts. (Hopefully I'll do some SSSS stuff in the future)
So yee, that's all I have to say for now. Have a lovely day!
Cece, hello and welcome! There are some Australians here already, good to see another. Which part of Australia, if I may ask? I'm in country SA, the Adelaide Hills end of the Barossa Valley.
Welcome DaemonDan and cecetrash!
Another Australian here, on the west coast. We are taking over this forum and cannot be stopped! :'D
Welcome cecetrash :D
Thank you both for the welcomes ^v^
Cece, hello and welcome! There are some Australians here already, good to see another. Which part of Australia, if I may ask? I'm in country SA, the Adelaide Hills end of the Barossa Valley.
AUSSIES UNITE!!!! I'm living in Victoria, Melbourne! Nice to meet you
Welcome DaemonDan and cecetrash!
Another Australian here, on the west coast. We are taking over this forum and cannot be stopped! :'D
Yesssssss, we will rule the forums with our vegemite and fairy bread!!!! Nice to meet you btw ^v^
Yay for vegemite and fairy bread and billy tea! There are other Minnions in Victoria too. Paul Ferris, for one.
Hæ and welcome DaemonDan and cecetrash! :з
Welcome DaemonDan! And welcome to cecetrash as well :) Help yourself to some squirrel cookies :squirrelcookie: (probably made of not real squirrels, don't worry)
you australians think you're winning but the canadian invasion is progressing quite smoothly as well in secret!
Yay for vegemite and fairy bread and billy tea! There are other Minnions in Victoria too. Paul Ferris, for one.
NICE! I hope to meet them someday
Hæ and welcome DaemonDan and cecetrash! :з
Thank you for the welcome!
Welcome DaemonDan! And welcome to cecetrash as well :) Help yourself to some squirrel cookies :squirrelcookie: (probably made of not real squirrels, don't worry)
you australians think you're winning but the canadian invasion is progressing quite smoothly as well in secret!
Thank you for the cookies!!!! But I'll have you know what the australian invasion will gladly wait for the canadian invasion to go first so we can observe and fight when you guys are at your weakest... These cookies are delicious btw!
Aww, I wanted real squirrel cookies :(
Belated welcomes to Weta & Dan & Cece!
Hi! I've been following SSSS since the beginning (Came over from ARTD) but I've been uninvolved in all the fan stuff until a couple months ago. Many reasons why, shan't bore you with them!
I've linked my main tumblr, but my art one is also Abprallen.
Hi! I've been following SSSS since the beginning (Came over from ARTD) but I've been uninvolved in all the fan stuff until a couple months ago. Many reasons why, shan't bore you with them!
I've linked my main tumblr, but my art one is also Abprallen.
Welcomes, and a lovely splash into the Art thread from you. I assure you I am not a pornbot.
Hæ and feel yourself welcome, Abprallen :з !
Abprallen, welcome! Nice art - I like how you do light effects.
Welcome to the forum Abprallen :D
Abprallen, welcome! Nice art - I like how you do light effects.
Thank you <3
Hi! I've been following SSSS since the beginning (Came over from ARTD) but I've been uninvolved in all the fan stuff until a couple months ago. Many reasons why, shan't bore you with them!
I've linked my main tumblr, but my art one is also Abprallen.
Hey everyone! I've been reading SSSS for around a month now, and I've absolutely fallen in love with it. I adore the art and story, and it's really inspired me. I just recently found that there was a forum, so I thought I'd make an account.
I've linked to my main tumblr blog, which is mostly an art blog.
Occa, hello and welcome! We'll hope to see more of you in the Forum.
Hæ and welcome, Occa!!
Hey everyone!
Welcome Occa :D
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! How do you do that language thing in your signature?
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! How do you do that language thing in your signature?
You can find a list of the flags here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0), and then you go to your forum profile and put them in the Signature box
Ok thank you!
also how would i upload a picture to say, the art thread?
also how would i upload a picture to say, the art thread?
There's a guide to that over here. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.msg67191#msg67191)
Basically, you have to upload the image somewhere else, copy the link to it, [img]www.put the link like this.com[/img]
Welcome to the forum!
There's a guide to that over here. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.msg67191#msg67191)
Basically, you have to upload the image somewhere else, copy the link to it, [img]www.put the link like this.com[/img]
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you very much!
Hi Occa! I can't wait to see your art <3
Hi Occa! I can't wait to see your art <3
ok, I've linked to my tumblr, so you can check it out there. I'll probably also post some here sometime.
Hey everyone! I've been reading SSSS for around a month now, and I've absolutely fallen in love with it. I adore the art and story, and it's really inspired me. I just recently found that there was a forum, so I thought I'd make an account.
I've linked to my main tumblr blog, which is mostly an art blog.
Welcome Occa!
Welcome welcome, Occa and Abprallen and anyone else I missed!
Welcome aboard Abprallen and Occa!
Hey everyone!
Welcome Digatinha! :)
Hi Digatinha!
Digatinha, hello and welcome!
Hæ and welcome, Digatinha :з
Hello Digatina!
Greetings, Digatina! :)
Hey everyone!
Welcome Digatinha :D
Hi! I'm GeiYin! I'm not sure if you remember some of my old arts on DA or tumbler, but maybe you saw them long ago, since i read the SSSS for more than two with the half years.
I was afraid to register here 'cause i belived that my english is awful, at least it was. (Still not perfect, but i'm practicing) Also I was inspired a lot to come here by heiteru while we participated in russian winter fandom contest. It's finished for now, so I'm allowed to finally show my works i've done for it. And i should mention that the winter was very hot and full of creative work for SSSS!
I think i won't spoil you with everything at once, and i'll post new material two or three times a week... maybe...
And yes, if you read Minna's twitter and you saw the cosplay photo of full group she reposted nearly month ago, that's was me also. Hope you like it, cause i have much more to share now. <3
Welcome, GeiYin! I looked through Minna's twitter for that cosplay you mentioned and it looks awesome, I hadn't seen it before! :)
Hello GeiYin! I remember seeing that cosplay - it was amazing!
Hi! I'm GeiYin!
Welcome GeiYin :D Don't worry about your english, a lot of us aren't native english speakers either so we also make a lot of mistakes.
Welcome GeiYin :D Don't worry about your english, a lot of us aren't native english speakers either so we also make a lot of mistakes.
We monolingual English speakers are generally too impressed that anyone else can learn our horrible language to be concerned about a few mistakes! Welcome GeiYin! :D
GeiYin: welcome to the Forum! Sounds like you will fit right in. And practice is the best way to improve your English, so we'll hopefully see you in lots of conversations here.
Hello there and welcome, Digatinha and GeiYin!
Welcome GeiYin! I'm excited to see your stuff!
Welcome Digatinha and GeiYin!
Hello, I'm Katie
Hi there Katie!
Hi Katie!
Hello and welcome, Katie! Hopefully you will find lots of interesting stuff here in the Forum.
Hæ and welcome, Katie!! :))
Hello, I'm Katie
Welcome Katie :D
Hi everybody! Not sure if I should re-introduce myself here, since I was active on this forum about a year ago (under the name Noodly Appendage), but figured I might as well. I probably won't be around all the time, because university is a lot of work it turns out, but I recently ran into another ex-forumite and they peer-pressured me into rejoining the IRC, so I thought I'd dust off this account too. Can't wait to see what you've been up to while I've been away!
Hi everybody! Not sure if I should re-introduce myself here, since I was active on this forum about a year ago (under the name Noodly Appendage), but figured I might as well. I probably won't be around all the time, because university is a lot of work it turns out, but I recently ran into another ex-forumite and they peer-pressured me into rejoining the IRC, so I thought I'd dust off this account too. Can't wait to see what you've been up to while I've been away!
}hugs{ Welcome back O Noodly Noodles. You have been missed. Stay awhile, if you can, for you are a quality person and as you remember, we likes us some quality persons.
Also welcomes to Katie!
Noodles: great to have you back! As you see, we're still here, and looking forward to conversation whenever the university avalanche permits. If I may ask, what are you studying?
Hi Katie and welcome back Noodles!
Noodles: great to have you back! As you see, we're still here, and looking forward to conversation whenever the university avalanche permits. If I may ask, what are you studying?
I'm technically studying aero-astro engineering but I don't have the prerequisites to take very many classes in the department yet so I've been mostly just taking general math and physics and stuff.
I'm technically studying aero-astro engineering but I don't have the prerequisites to take very many classes in the department yet so I've been mostly just taking general math and physics and stuff.
Oh, hi! I found an engineer soulmate here (even if my specialization is space-equipment and lifesaving systems, it was also aeroengineering on first years)
also *looking at signature*... there were times when i tried to learn sindarin by myself, but there were not that much books in russian about that... so i dropped, even if I still want... Maybe I should add it to the dream goal
Oh, hi! I found an engineer soulmate here (even if my specialization is space-equipment and lifesaving systems, it was also aeroengineering on first years)
also *looking at signature*... there were times when i tried to learn sindarin by myself, but there were not that much books in russian about that... so i dropped, even if I still want... Maybe I should add it to the dream goal
HI HELLO my big Interest(tm) right now is human spaceflight and like safety/structures design in there so like. hi engineer soulmate!! (and yeah there are a few sindarin resources in english but idek where you'd look for it in russian)
Hello, Noodles, Katie and GeiYin <3 (with you we communicate, but I'm really glad you're here too, bro)
It's wonderful that there are so many interesting people who love the fandom and their work
I almost feel like... I dunno, maybe I should reintroduce myself? It's been like 2 years or so since I've been here D:
Welcome back, Rosepieces!
Rosey!! Hello, fellow forum zombie!
I almost feel like... I dunno, maybe I should reintroduce myself? It's been like 2 years or so since I've been here D:
Welcome back to the forum Rosepieces :D
Hæ and welcome, Rosepieces :3 !
Rosepieces, hello again! Good to see you are still around!
A belated welcome back, Rosepieces! ^-^
Welcome back Rosepieces!
Hello everybody! I started reading the comic a few weeks ago and someone suggested I could join the fan forum, so here I am (as you can see, I'm not so good with english but hopefuly you will understand me). I like drawing a lot, so maybe I'll be posting some art (I did already :) ) but I don't have a tumblr or anything, because I'm quite shy about showing my drawings. I don't usualy join forums either, but you all seemed so lovely on the coments I just couldn't resist ;D
Well, I don't know what else to say. Have a nice nice day!
Yankai, hello amd welcome! Good to have another artist.
Welcome to the forum yankai :D
Hello everybody! I started reading the comic a few weeks ago and someone suggested I could join the fan forum, so here I am (as you can see, I'm not so good with english but hopefuly you will understand me). I like drawing a lot, so maybe I'll be posting some art (I did already :) ) but I don't have a tumblr or anything, because I'm quite shy about showing my drawings. I don't usualy join forums either, but you all seemed so lovely on the coments I just couldn't resist ;D
Well, I don't know what else to say. Have a nice nice day!
Welcome Yankai!
Hello everybody! I started reading the comic a few weeks ago and someone suggested I could join the fan forum, so here I am (as you can see, I'm not so good with english but hopefuly you will understand me). I like drawing a lot, so maybe I'll be posting some art (I did already :) ) but I don't have a tumblr or anything, because I'm quite shy about showing my drawings. I don't usualy join forums either, but you all seemed so lovely on the coments I just couldn't resist ;D
Well, I don't know what else to say. Have a nice nice day!
Welcome, Yankai! You do just fine in English and you join a literally worldwide group of Minnions. We're honored that you joined -- I know the reputation online communities can get, but we try to be nice to one another here (in the spirit of SSSS, which includes a generous helping of nuttiness).
If the drawing with your profile is a fair sample, your artwork is lovely and we look forward to seeing more of it.
Have fun exploring the Forum!
Hi Yankai!! Look forward to seeing more from you! :))
Hello hello, yankai! Welcome to the forum! ^-^
Welcome yankai!
Welcome, yankai! I hope you enjoy it here. :)
Hæ and welcome, yankai! ;3
Yankai, weeeeeelcome!
Thank you all!! ^-^
Hello everybody! I started reading the comic a few weeks ago and someone suggested I could join the fan forum, so here I am (as you can see, I'm not so good with english but hopefuly you will understand me). I like drawing a lot, so maybe I'll be posting some art (I did already :) ) but I don't have a tumblr or anything, because I'm quite shy about showing my drawings. I don't usualy join forums either, but you all seemed so lovely on the coments I just couldn't resist ;D
Well, I don't know what else to say. Have a nice nice day!
Welcome yankai! I'm also a bit abashed to post anything up under my own name, but feel less inhibited about it using a pseudonym. It can be quite liberating. Since coming to SSSS I've taken up drawing again, and now writing as well. Have fun, relax, experiment if you want or just doodle for the fun of it, we're a pretty supportive bunch.
Thought I'd stop by and introduce myself. I'm a relatively new reader of SSSS, from around page 680 or so. I read the entire rest of the story one snowy afternoon in a comfortable armchair with a cat trying to rub her cheeks against my ear (cats are weird), and promptly fell in love with the plot, characters, and especially Minna's beautiful art style. Never looked back. I found out about the forum after I started reading the comments on my second time through, decided to check it out, lurked for a bit, and realized I might have some stuff to contribute. So here I am.
I'm an 18 year old American guy from Maryland whose interests include history, military history, historical arms and armor, creating historical arms and armor (mostly just mail right now, both riveted and butted, though I've just started a scale cuirass), historical martial arts (German longsword, rapier and dagger, traditional longbow), competitive epee fencing (unranked as of yet, but getting better), writing poetry (with lots and lots of very nice meter :3), reading fantasy/scifi stories (Arthur C. Clarke is a particular favorite, though I have started some stuff by David Weber and Lois McMaster Bjould and quite liked it), playing the piano (occasionally), wasting entire afternoons on TVTropes and FF.net, and generally lazing about doing nothing of practical value to anyone whatsoever.
I'm probably going to study computer science with a business management minor in college, but, as my family is quite large and roughly 1/2 engineers and 1/2 artists, I'm trying to multiclass between engineering and more artistic pursuits - with mixed, but fun, results.
Due to my general incompetence at languages, I'm only fluent in English, though I still know a (very) small amount of classical Latin from 3 years in high school. I'd love to learn Icelandic at some point, as it's similar to old Norse and I'm particularly interested in Viking Age Icelandic history (bless you Hurstwic, bless you).
Well, that's me. It's a pleasure to be here.
Thought I'd stop by and introduce myself.
Welcome Glory :D glad to have you here
Glory, hello and welcome. With your interests you should fit right in here, and the more poets the better! Nice taste in F/SF writers too, there are quite a few of us fen here. Do you do anything with your armour? There are folk here from the Viking Society, MMAS, SCA and NVG as well as several other groups -we even have a reenactment thread in the forum. Have fun!
I was a member of the SCA for a year or so (that's where I picked up the Rapier and Dagger training), but the group I was in was mostly middle aged ex-military and police types, so it wasn't really my crowd. I'm planning to get back into it in college, though, perhaps as a combat archer in the heavy armor fighting groups. If I get the riveted mail shirt I'm making done by then, I'll definitely wear that, though I'm not sure if the scale armor will pass safety inspections due to the thin sheet steel I'm making it out of. I also have a half-completed viking age 28 inch diameter round shield floating around my basement (I'm thinking of painting the SSSS logo on the front when I'm finished :3) and that (with proper backing and reinforcement) should definitely be tough enough for martial arts.
Hæ and welcome to the forum, Glory! Your interests sound amazing!
Damn, sound so cool that I feel myself unproductive in my 20 years. :'D
Nice to meet you, everyone (:
So, I finally joined a forum for the first time in my life, because apparently my SSSS addiction is taking control of my brain. I've discovered the comic a few days ago, decided to read it slowly, failed miserably and caught up with it much faster than I'd have liked. And now whenever I open my mouth it's about SSSS and neither my best friend nor my life-mate (aka the only two people I speak with) have read it, nor they plan to. So, you see, this beautiful forum is the only thing that could stop me (or them) from going insane :D
Right. A short introduction is maybe in order? I speak English, Italian and German fluently, I can read Danish (unlike Emil, HA HA). I love drawing and writing, Germanic languages, reading, walking alone and playing videogames. Leaving the house is BAD, still I'm doing a Master in Medieval Studies and have to do it every day.
Relevant to SSSS: post-apocalyptic worlds are fascinating, Scandinavian history is fascinating, magic is fascinating! I wrote my Bachelor thesis about, well, witchcraft in Viking Age Scandinavia. So you can imagine my joy when I found out about SSSS *__*
Lastly, I positively LOVE your art thread here, so many talented artists! If I can manage to stop judging my drawings so harshly I'd like to post something too, sometime.
And that was it, for now. Hello again!
Hi Glory and Quirkwood!
Wow you've both done such amazing things! I wish I was that productive with my life :V
Quirkwood, you must share your work! <3 I'd love to see it!
Nice to meet you, everyone (:
Welcome Quirkwood :D nice to meet you too
Quirkwood, hello and welcome! Your thesis sounds fascinating, I think a number of us here would love to read it. Never worry about putting your drawings up here. Some of us, myself included, can't draw at all and are amazed by anyone who can.
Hi Abprallen, JacobThomsen and Róisín!
I'll gladly share some silly drawings. Róisín, I'd share my thesis as well but it's in Italian, since I wrote it in Italy. Still, I'd be happy to talk about the history of witchcraft with anyone who shares the interest, learn something new from you guys and give/receive book recommendations ;)
Thanks Quirkwood. If you are interested in putting up book recommendations on the subject of the Craft and related topics, the 'Supernatural' forum thread might be a place to start, there are a number of book recs there already, and much discussion. My own Italian is rusty and laboured, but I believe there are more fluent Italian speakers here.
Also, anent your friend and partner, don't despair! It took about two years for my husband to develop an interest in SSSS!
That must be nice, Róisín... sometimes enthusiasm about something IS contagious. Congratulations on the hard and patient work ^^
Hæ and welcome to our mad forum, Quirkwood !
Your avatar is so beautiful ** Is that Kieren from "In the flesh"?
Hæ and welcome to our mad forum, Quirkwood !
Your avatar is so beautiful ** Is that Kieren from "In the flesh"?
Hello heiteru
It is! He's the best person ever my spirit animal such a great character.
You caught me off guard there, I didn't think I'd find an "In the Flesh" fan so soon. And you recognized him from my tiny drawing! Now I'm all proud.
Hello heiteru
It is! He's the best person ever my spirit animal such a great character.
You caught me off guard there, I didn't think I'd find an "In the Flesh" fan so soon. And you recognized him from my tiny drawing! Now I'm all proud.
Yah, he's a sweet bun <3 Well, this series is quite popular, and your drawing skills are clearly very good, so... ;)
Welcome to Glory and Quirkwood!
I'll gladly share some silly drawings. Róisín, I'd share my thesis as well but it's in Italian, since I wrote it in Italy.
Hi Quirkwood! I can read some italian (it's very similar to my native language) and your work seems so so so interesting, so if you want to share it I would be more than happy to read it. And about posting your art, I'm quite shy about it too but the people in here are really sweet and suportive.
Edit: I saw you already posted something!!
Hi Abprallen, JacobThomsen and Róisín!
I'll gladly share some silly drawings. Róisín, I'd share my thesis as well but it's in Italian, since I wrote it in Italy. Still, I'd be happy to talk about the history of witchcraft with anyone who shares the interest, learn something new from you guys and give/receive book recommendations ;)
It'd be great if you could share your thesis! It sounds really interesting.
Hi Quirkwood! I can read some italian (it's very similar to my native language) and your work seems so so so interesting, so if you want to share it I would be more than happy to read it. And about posting your art, I'm quite shy about it too but the people in here are really sweet and suportive.
Edit: I saw you already posted something!!
Hi yankai! Nice, if you speak Spanish you surely can read Italian. Also, I've read that many people in Argentina speak Italian as a second language, is it true? If you want, I can send you a link to my thesis. It would be nice to discuss it with people who have found out different stuff as well, because of course it's all just hypothetical and the sagas are practically endless and many different authors are still ripping each other's faces off screaming "It is shamanism!" "Never, it is NOT shamanism!" and I don't really know if that matters at all.
It'd be great if you could share your thesis! It sounds really interesting.
I can send you the link as well, if you can read Italian : ) Otherwise, a book which has really helped me get an overall idea (but merely an OVERALL idea, and it needs to be handled with care because it's pretty opinionated) is Neil Price's "The Viking Way". I think it just got a new edition. It also has a big part on Sami magic from Finland and its possible influences on Norse practitioners. It is amazing!
Quirkwood, my Italian is rusty but not non-existent, so I'd love to try reading your thesis, and I know a few Strega (the Australian Pagan community is quite ecumenical, we nearly all talk to and help one another). We have Ásatrú here, as well as many different styles of witch.
Róisín, I've sent you a message.
A pagan community? Really interesting! I miserably FAIL at anything with the root "commun-" in it (community, communication... Holy Communion?) but this seems worth investigating
Oh, and yankai and Shine, if you really are willing to read that thesis (be warned, it is not necessarily as exciting as the title sounds!) just send me a private message and I'll gladly link it (:
Got it, thanks! It will take me awhile, but looks interesting.
And yeah, Australia has a large and quite active Pagan Community. Try looking up 'Mount Franklin Pagan Gathering', 'Mylor English Ale' or Australian Wiccan Conference' to find out about public events. There are also a number of solitary practitioners, and some groups who want nothing to do with anyone outside their own traditions. It takes all kinds, I guess.
Hello hello and welcome to the forum, Glory and Quirkwood! (I may be months late when i finally do, but I will always greet all newbies)
Hey people! Nice to meet you all.
I'm Caro. I'm a guy located In East Finland by the beautiful and not yet troll-filled Saimaa. I was born in the first year of the new millennium, 2001. That makes me part of generation Z! I speak English and Finnish fluently and enough Swedish to get a passing grade, which is not a whole lot. My religious beliefs are very confusing, but I guess I'm a finnish pagan, similar to Lalli.
I've been reading SSSS since... last Saturday. I can't wait to have my one week anniversary! I hang out at the #ssss chat from dawn 'till dusk pretty much every day. I also draw fanart! I read multiple webcomics, but SSSS is my current favorite. I also am and have been in many different fandoms.
I would describe myself as a mix of Lalli and Emil, both in the way I look and my personality. However, Reynir is best boy. There is no debate over that.
I've babbled on long enough, I think. Again, nice to meet all of you! I really look forward to my time in this fandom.
Caro, welcome! (I, too, am part of generation Z - 2002) I hope you like it here, and I can't wait to see more of your art. (and reynir is the best boy) ;D
Hæ and welcome, Caro!
Appreciate and take care of your youth, a representative of the Generation Z! Don't have time to blink - and you're no longer fashionable! :))
Thanks, guys! ;D I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy my time here ~
Caro, welcome, welcome!
You gonna experience great time in waiting for new page each boring day, and also there will be chapter breaks!!! But we're here to survive during them together, so welcome on board!
Caro, welcome, welcome!
You gonna experience great time in waiting for new page each boring day, and also there will be chapter breaks!!! But we're here to survive during them together, so welcome on board!
As an ex-homestuck I have plenty of experience when it comes to waiting for updates. I'm almost starting to get flashbacks... But I'm sure I'll survive! Thanks.
Hey people! Nice to meet you all.
Welcome Caro :D
Caro, hello and welcome! I think you will like it here - we are a little weird but generally quite nice!
It has been far, far too long since I visited this thread, so...
Welcome back Noodles and Rosepieces!
Welcome Katie, yankai, Glory, Quirkwood and Caro!
As an ex-homestuck I have plenty of experience when it comes to waiting for updates. I'm almost starting to get flashbacks... But I'm sure I'll survive! Thanks.
High five, bro! Once homestuck - forever homestuck ;D In fact, I'm still checking the MSPA for updates, because the ending is so open...
Tervetuloa, Caro!
Hello everyone.
My name is GunmanRex, typically just Rex for short. I stumbled upon SSSS late last week and I can't help but adore the story and the art. I have a friend whose read it as well. However, I find it best not the focus all my babbling over one interest or another all into one person. Things led to things, and I joined the forum after a day or so of lurking. The community looks nice so far.
Seems to traditional thing is to talk about our languages? I'm a native English speaker. My English is kinda a mix of British and American English. I have some experience in French from Middle+High School. What I really want is to be a gaeilgeoir.
I enjoy listening to music, reading books, playing video games, and generally explore the internet. I don't often find myself sticking to one genre of one or another, so my favourites tend to be hard to describe (though my avatar is a hint).
I'm can't describe my personality as anything else but weird.
Anyway, nice to meet you all. Here's to a fun time.
Welcome, GunmanRex! I hope you enjoy your time here ;D
Hello everyone.
Hi GunmanRex :D Welcome to the forum
Hello everyone.
Hi and welcome! It's great to meet you, too! :))
Hello and welcome, Rex! Hope you find the Forum as much fun as we all do!
Welcome Gunman Rex, and thanks for the new word to Google! (gaeilgeoir - I now know it's a speaker of Irish)
Welcome, GunmanRex! I hope you enjoy your time here ;D
Hi GunmanRex :D Welcome to the forum
Hi and welcome! It's great to meet you, too! :))
Hello and welcome, Rex! Hope you find the Forum as much fun as we all do!
Welcome Gunman Rex, and thanks for the new word to Google! (gaeilgeoir - I now know it's a speaker of Irish)
Thanks for the warm welcome. I do look forward to my time spent here.
Welcome GunmanRex!
Thats a nice E.Ψ.Ǝ avatar there!
Hæ and welcome on our madness forum, GunmanRex! :D
GunmanRex, welcome, welcome! :)
Welcome GunmanRex!
Hi, so… I've discovered this comic several hours ago, and soon became addicted, though I'm still trying to follow up the plot and figure out the characters. I've got to say, awesome work!
TBH I'm here just to share a script I've written, which enables you to navigate to the previous/next page on PC simply by pressing the left/right arrow key. I'm not sure whether someone else has done similar things before, but well, here's the link containing both the Tampermonkey script and the instructions for installation.
Hope it will help. I assume it's a little bit off-topic, so I'd better move ;-)
Hi, so… I've discovered this comic several hours ago, and soon became addicted
Welcome cxuesong :D may your arrival briefly distract us from the horrors of today's fifth panel
Hi, so… I've discovered this comic several hours ago, and soon became addicted, though I'm still trying to follow up the plot and figure out the characters. I've got to say, awesome work!
TBH I'm here just to share a script I've written, which enables you to navigate to the previous/next page on PC simply by pressing the left/right arrow key. I'm not sure whether someone else has done similar things before, but well, here's the link containing both the Tampermonkey script and the instructions for installation.
Hope it will help. I assume it's a little bit off-topic, so I'd better move ;-)
Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time here. Come and share your sadness on the current turn of events w/ Tuuri
Or laugh quietly on the sidelines like me
Welcome cxuesong :D may your arrival briefly distract us from the horrors of today's fifth panel
Hi, Jacob! Uhm, I've stayed up late yesterday just to see… Tuuri? Noooo!
I was hoping Tuuri will survive somehow, if there might be a little chance of miracle…
Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time here. Come and share your sadness on the current turn of events w/ Tuuri
Or laugh quietly on the sidelines like me
Thank you, GunmanRex! I'm surely enjoying my stay here, and yes, the gloom after the battle finally lead us to… well, poor, poor Tuuri. * cross finger *
Ah sidelines? I will take a look at it after some sleep
*pop* One more question. Where I can find/purchase those aRTD Minicomics now? They are lovely but the links I found on http://www.minnasundberg.fi/store.php (http://www.minnasundberg.fi/store.php) seem don't work…
Perhaps I've really got a lot of comics to read now… Yeah…
Cxuesong, welcome! Good to have you aboard!
*pop* One more question. Where I can find/purchase those aRTD Minicomics now? They are lovely but the links I found on http://www.minnasundberg.fi/store.php (http://www.minnasundberg.fi/store.php) seem don't work…
Perhaps I've really got a lot of comics to read now… Yeah…
Welcome at the forum!
The links to the minicomics don't work indeed, probably because the site hasn't updated for too long.
You can buy the ebook version of aRTD here (https://hivemill.com/collections/stand-still-stay-silent/products/a-redtails-dream-complete-edition). It says it has "40 pages of bonus content" so maybe that includes the mini comics too.
Welcome cxuesong!
You can buy the ebook version of aRTD here (https://hivemill.com/collections/stand-still-stay-silent/products/a-redtails-dream-complete-edition). It says it has "40 pages of bonus content" so maybe that includes the mini comics too.
I don't think so. I don't have the PDF, but the print version (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/A_Redtail%27s_Dream#Book_Contents) already contains 33 pages of "bonus content", the minicomics not included.
I don't think so. I don't have the PDF, but the print version (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/A_Redtail%27s_Dream#Book_Contents) already contains 33 pages of "bonus content", the minicomics not included.
Ah okay, thanks for the information. Too bad about the minicomics, then.
Cxuesong, welcome! Good to have you aboard!
Thank you, Róisín! I think I've embarked on a long journey, especially when I found aRTD several hours after the discovery of SSSS… Lovely Ville!
Welcome cxuesong!
Thank you, urbicande!
Welcome at the forum!
The links to the minicomics don't work indeed, probably because the site hasn't updated for too long.
You can buy the ebook version of aRTD here (https://hivemill.com/collections/stand-still-stay-silent/products/a-redtails-dream-complete-edition). It says it has "40 pages of bonus content" so maybe that includes the mini comics too.
I don't think so. I don't have the PDF, but the print version (http://sssscomic.wikia.com/wiki/A_Redtail%27s_Dream#Book_Contents) already contains 33 pages of "bonus content", the minicomics not included.
Ah okay, thanks for the information. Too bad about the minicomics, then.
Well, so I found this ancient page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-redtail-s-dream-hardcover-print-drive . In "Hopeless Human Level", it can be inferred that bonus material and minicomics are not the same thing… Oh, okay. Just curious about the little sequel story in the minicomics… *sigh*
Anyway, thank you all for this. And now the Tampermonkey script I mentioned above also supports keyboard navigation for aRTD.
Well, so I found this ancient page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-redtail-s-dream-hardcover-print-drive . In "Hopeless Human Level", it can be inferred that bonus material and minicomics are not the same thing… Oh, okay. Just curious about the little sequel story in the minicomics… *sigh*
Anyway, thank you all for this. And now the Tampermonkey script I mentioned above also supports keyboard navigation for aRTD.
Welcome, CXuesong! And if you have twitter, you could try asking Minna if she's able to fix those links. :)
Welcome, CXuesong! And if you have twitter, you could try asking Minna if she's able to fix those links. :)
Hi, Luth! So the request has been sent. I will wait for it.
Hello, everyone, I'm elekia! I haven't used forums or really been involved with fan communities for a long time now, but everyone here seems very nice so I didn't see a reason not to join this one. I've been reading SSSS since around October of last year and I've been enjoying it immensely since!
I'm not quite sure what to write for my introduction, but I'm from the U.S. and currently attend college. English is my first language, but I'm fairly fluent in the basics of Spanish and I'm currently taking German for my foreign language credit, though I'd love to become fluent in it. Some of my hobbies include creative writing, drawing, reading, and politics.
Hello, everyone, I'm elekia! I haven't used forums or really been involved with fan communities for a long time now, but everyone here seems very nice so I didn't see a reason not to join this one. I've been reading SSSS since around October of last year and I've been enjoying it immensely since!
I'm not quite sure what to write for my introduction, but I'm from the U.S. and currently attend college. English is my first language, but I'm fairly fluent in the basics of Spanish and I'm currently taking German for my foreign language credit, though I'd love to become fluent in it. Some of my hobbies include creative writing, drawing, reading, and politics.
Greetings elekia, and Welcome! It is always nice to have a new face around here.
Elekia,hello and welcome! We're a fairly easygoing community, so you should be fine here. And. There is always plenty to talk about!
Hello, everyone, I'm elekia!
Welcome to the forum elekia :D
Hæ and welcome, elekia! :)
Welcome elekia! You came at a heck of a time.
Hey. The name's Delightified(Delight for short), long time SSSS Reader(ever since I think around Chapter 7?) but new to the forum. I write a ton, and occasionally I draw stuff. I have a particular interest in medieval fencing and historical weaponry, along with psychology, philosophy, and of course, media-related things. Particular film editing/directing and animation. Will probably ramble about that a lot.
But still, it's nice to meet you all!
Hey. The name's Delightified(Delight for short)
Welcome Delight nice to meet you too. You've chosen to arrive in very dark times.
Welcome Delight nice to meet you too. You've chosen to arrive in very dark times.
With the newest page? Yes, I have indeed. Or, perhaps it is because we are in dark times I have chosen to arrive?
Who really knows?
Hey. The name's Delightified(Delight for short), long time SSSS Reader(ever since I think around Chapter 7?) but new to the forum. I write a ton, and occasionally I draw stuff. I have a particular interest in medieval fencing and historical weaponry, along with psychology, philosophy, and of course, media-related things. Particular film editing/directing and animation. Will probably ramble about that a lot.
But still, it's nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the forum! It's always nice to see the community grow.
Feel free to post some of your stuff on the forum, I'm sure many members would love to see it.
Welcome to Delightified, there's still room in the Blanket Fort if we all budge up a bit. And if you are into Mediaeval weaponry, quite a few of us share that interest. Have you found the Reenactment thread yet? Might see you there.
Hi there, everyone! Longtime Minna reader (Since ARTD started!) but a newbie to the forums. Not too good at intros, surry (o^o)
Uh... I love to draw and write, and I like discussing characters and their development! I've just spent twenty minutes trying to figure out which character is my favorite so I can put that here too but after a short bout of self-reflection, I love them all too much to choose.
If personality is anything to go by though, my spirit animal fylgja is probably Reynir :I
elekia, Delightified, KiffyBee, welcome, welcome! Do grab some squirrel cookies on your way in :squirrelcookie:, feel free to comfort yourself in the group hug/cry puddle in the blanket fort, gods know we all need it given the latest circumstances in-comic. (shoes off in the blanket fort please)
I hope you enjoy yourself here!
Hi there, everyone!
Welcome KiffyBee always nice with some new faces
KiffyBee, welcome! We can always use another poet. And you draw and write as well? Excellent!
Hi there, everyone! Longtime Minna reader (Since ARTD started!) but a newbie to the forums. Not too good at intros, surry (o^o)
Uh... I love to draw and write, and I like discussing characters and their development! I've just spent twenty minutes trying to figure out which character is my favorite so I can put that here too but after a short bout of self-reflection, I love them all too much to choose.
If personality is anything to go by though, my spirit animal fylgja is probably Reynir :I
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. Plenty of discussion, rp, and spam games if any of those interest you.
Welcome KiffyBee and Delightified!
Hæ and welcome, Delightified! Your interests sound pretty exciting! And it will be very cool to see your arts and read your works! I'll definitely wait ;)
Hahah, KiffyBee, yah, it's really hard to understand which of them you love the most. At least I still can't decide. :'D Hæ and welcome :ЗЗ
Hej all!
Name's keitto-kettu, kettu for short
From the area of Los Angeles,
And am a longtime reader of SSSS, and have now decided to foray into the world of the forum!
a spattering of some hobbies: photography, eating (good food), writing/reading, playing instruments/listening to music, philosophical musings on just about everything, and drawing !
So,, that's it! Hello all!
keitto-kettu, hello and welcome! With your interests you should fit in well here. It's always good to see a longtime lurker arrive!
Hello, Keitto-Kettu. Nice to meet you.
Róisín already voiced the first thought that came into my head. I do think you'll fit in well. I'm sure everyone would love, myself included, to see what you can do.
Hej all!
Welcome to the forum Kettu :D
Welcome keitto-kettu!
Hæ and welcome, Kettu! What instrument are you playing on?
Hæ and welcome, Kettu! What instrument are you playing on?
Guitar, electric bass, clarinet, and (some) of keyboard/piano!
Guitar, electric bass, clarinet, and (some) of keyboard/piano!
Wonderful! That's quite a range of instrument families. You'll find a lot of fellow musicians here. And who knows? Maybe you'll be the catalyst to revive the proposed SSSS band and/or SSSS: The Musical!
Hey Guys! My names Dylan.
I'm new to the forum and made the mistake of not posting here first!
I've been reading the comic for a long time yet had no idea the forum existed.
Either way, I'm a composer among other things. And I'm in the process of making an unofficial OST for SSSS.
Let me know what you think, and thanks or taking the time! Look forward to seeing all the awesome things this community creates and comes up with.
Hey Guys! My names Dylan.
I'm new to the forum and made the mistake of not posting here first!
I've been reading the comic for a long time yet had no idea the forum existed.
Either way, I'm a composer among other things. And I'm in the process of making an unofficial OST for SSSS.
Let me know what you think, and thanks or taking the time! Look forward to seeing all the awesome things this community creates and comes up with.
Welcome on board!
And I will notice at first that the music is awesome! Making such an great atmosphere !
Also I was a bit wondering what will be with soundtracks in City of Hunger, since I don't know if Minna also can compose music, or she'll use free sounds for games, there're plenty of them for sure, I looked for once but...i dunno.
Anyway, dbrodz, If I were you I would suggest your candidature for helping her with that xd
Hey Guys! My names Dylan.
Hi and welcome Dylan :D
Anyway, dbrodz, If I were you I would suggest your candidature for helping her with that xd [/s]
Funny you should bring that up! I actually did reach out to her on Facebook thought the SSSS page but I haven't received a response yet, I don't think she saw it.
Hey Guys! My names Dylan.
I'm new to the forum and made the mistake of not posting here first!
I've been reading the comic for a long time yet had no idea the forum existed.
Either way, I'm a composer among other things. And I'm in the process of making an unofficial OST for SSSS.
Let me know what you think, and thanks or taking the time! Look forward to seeing all the awesome things this community creates and comes up with.
Hello and Welcome! We're all glad to have you with us. I hope you have some fun here with us.
That song is great. I think it fits the accompanying scene perfect.
I'd express myself in great vocabulary, but I think we're supposed to generally keep profanity low :'D
Welcome dbrodz !
Hey Guys! My names Dylan.
I'm new to the forum and made the mistake of not posting here first!
I've been reading the comic for a long time yet had no idea the forum existed.
Either way, I'm a composer among other things. And I'm in the process of making an unofficial OST for SSSS.
Let me know what you think, and thanks or taking the time! Look forward to seeing all the awesome things this community creates and comes up with.
Hi, Dylan. Welcome to the Forum! And thanks for sharing your music. It's beautiful -- so atmospheric, and I confess the wave sounds made me tear up a little.
In terms of getting in touch with Minna, your best bets are probably either comments on the comic's Disqus page (she will sometimes reply), or else her Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/SSSScomic
She's said in the past that she doesn't mind noncommercial art/music/etc. about SSSS (and A Redtail's Dream) so as long as you keep sharing your music this way, you're probably in the clear until or unless you try to make money off it as SSSS-branded merchandise.
Good luck trying to reach Minna, and we'll hope to see you more here!
Dylan, hello and welcome! Amazing music too!
Belated welcomes to Rex, CXuesong, Elekia, Delight, KiffyBee, Kettu and Dylan!
I have asked my seal to compose a suitable welcome for you all on his pipes...
Toot toot toooooooooot
That was awful seal.
Hello dear SSSS board!
After two weeks of lurking I finally decided to jump into the cold water and register. I really got to the comic about three weeks ago after having the link sit in my bookmark list of my browser far too long. A friend had recommended it to me because he moved to Sweden and knew I am doing Scandinavian studies. Right now while writing my master's thesis I rediscovered the link in an attempt to procrastinate (I had blocked all my usual procrastination pages). Well... I started reading again (after starting the Prologue and losing interest twice) and binged the whole thing in about two days. That was not healthy for my thesis but here I am fully infected.
I am happy do be here now and am looking forward to nice discussions and cool insights. :)
CAMIR, welcome to the comic and the Forum. For the sake of your thesis, I hope we don't prove too distracting!
Hi Rósín,
I fear it's already to late. xD But thanks for nice welcome. I can always pretend I am actually doing something for my studies as it is related to Scandinavia and such.... ::)
Hi Rósín,
I fear it's already to late. xD But thanks for nice welcome. I can always pretend I am actually doing something for my studies as it is related to Scandinavia and such.... ::)
Welcome CAMIR! At least, several of the Minnions are also from various parts of Scandinavia and are a wealth of info 'on the ground'. Laufey in particular comes to mind as having deep and detailed knowledge about language, customs, etymology, mythology, crafts...
Thanks a bunch. :D That is really good to know and gives me an excuse to come here more often.
Welcome aboard CAMIR!
Welcome CAMIR. I hope you have some fun here.
Hello dear SSSS board!
Welcome CAMIR :D
Welcome to all that I've missed! <3
Thanks for all the other nice welcomes here. :-* @ Purple Wyrm, GunmanRex, JacobThomsen and Abprallen. *waves*
Welcome CAMIR!
Guitar, electric bass, clarinet, and (some) of keyboard/piano!
whoa, this is really an impressive list! By myself, I can only play guitar and piano (and on those on which I can understand the logic between my actions and the instrument, hahah) :)
Hey Guys! My names Dylan.
Okay, Dylan, it was hurt. But beautiful. But hurt. The sound of footsteps, the sound of waves, sounds as if from under the water... I like it! :'D
Hæ and welcome on the forum!
Hæ and welcome, CAMIR! I hope that your thesis is alright! And what is it exactly about? It's very interesting to me :з
Hello dear SSSS board!
After two weeks of lurking I finally decided to jump into the cold water and register. I really got to the comic about three weeks ago after having the link sit in my bookmark list of my browser far too long. A friend had recommended it to me because he moved to Sweden and knew I am doing Scandinavian studies. Right now while writing my master's thesis I rediscovered the link in an attempt to procrastinate (I had blocked all my usual procrastination pages). Well... I started reading again (after starting the Prologue and losing interest twice) and binged the whole thing in about two days. That was not healthy for my thesis but here I am fully infected.
I am happy do be here now and am looking forward to nice discussions and cool insights. :)
What is Scandinavian studies and why is it a thing?
Hey to all again! CAMIR, welcome! Scandinavian studies sound very interesting! Tell you a little bit more?
CAMIR would be best to tell you, but I assume Scandinavian studies as an academic discipline is akin to American studies, which focus on the historical and evolving cultural systems which underlie the legal, political, and social fabric of America.
Wow so many questions. :D Thanks guys!
@heiteru: I am analyzing images of 'North' in Fantasy texts that create imagined worlds (like Tolkien's Middle Earth, but I am not analyzing Tolkien). How is this room "North" created? What clichés and topoi are used for this? (Like: It's a cold place, people have blond hair and blue eyes, everybody is free and so on...) and then compare these topoi with how "North" has been created in our world from antiquity to early modern times. And it turns out that the Fantasy texts are heavily based on these assumptions.
@ Fimbulvarg and Prizrachniy_Gek: Basically what waveright62 said: The German word for this studies is "Skandinavistik" so I am really not quite sure how to translate correctly. Our department focuses on Scandinavian history, culture, literature and language. One needs to learn at least one continental Scandinavian language and be able to understad the other two. Most courses require to read literature in the original language and if the topic is for example "Scandinavian Science Fiction" the texts come from all three continental Scandinavian countries and one should be able to read and understand all of them. In addition there is the requirement to learn Old Norse and to work with old Norse texts (my focus.) Some other departments also include Finland/Finnish language but ours doesn't. Also the focus on linguistics is not particulary big.
@ waveright62: That's it basically. A philology. I did American studies before and liked it. But I felt I needed to learn more about Scandinavia.
CAMIR, whoa, for me it sounds perfect XoX
Hello! I just started reading and got through the whole thing in a few days (I picked a hell of a time didn't I?) My first exposure to the comic was through my friend's tumblr, but I actually started reading after that NPR article a few days ago.
My name is Jacob, I'm 16 and have lived in Seattle, Washington my whole life. I'm currently in high school and assuming everything goes right, I intend to go into engineering in college. My hobbies are mostly technical theatre and rocketry.
Thats probably about all that you need to know, you seem like good people generally and I'm looking forward to talking to you more
Hello! I just started reading and got through the whole thing in a few days (I picked a hell of a time didn't I?) My first exposure to the comic was through my friend's tumblr, but I actually started reading after that NPR article a few days ago.
My name is Jacob, I'm 16 and have lived in Seattle, Washington my whole life. I'm currently in high school and assuming everything goes right, I intend to go into engineering in college. My hobbies are mostly technical theatre and rocketry.
Thats probably about all that you need to know, you seem like good people generally and I'm looking forward to talking to you more
Welcome, Jacob! I was curious whether the NPR story would bring in more visitors. You'll fit right in, with plenty of other people interested in engineering, theater, and/or rocketry. (I'm assuming that's what your user-name comes from?) In fact, I believe there were some discussion threads from the early days about what it would take for the SSSS world to re-establish aviation and/or rocketry. And SectoBoss wrote an amazing story about the last spaceflight in Y0 and the heart-wrenching fate of the astronauts on it.
Wander around the place until you feel at home. Anybody here is happy to answer questions.
Welcome, Jacob! I was curious whether the NPR story would bring in more visitors. You'll fit right in, with plenty of other people interested in engineering, theater, and/or rocketry. (I'm assuming that's what your user-name comes from?) In fact, I believe there were some discussion threads from the early days about what it would take for the SSSS world to re-establish aviation and/or rocketry. And SectoBoss wrote an amazing story about the last spaceflight in Y0 and the heart-wrenching fate of the astronauts on it.
Wander around the place until you feel at home. Anybody here is happy to answer questions.
You would be correct in that guess (I was also born in october so there's that)! And like I said, you mostly have my friend to thank, I wouldn't have clicked on it otherwise! I'll definitely look into that story. You can also possibly expect some art from me in the future if I ever manage to draw something that doesn't totally suck.
CAMIR, its sound very interesting! I want make Scandinavian studies too, but in the context journalism. But not this year.
Welcome to the forum Jacob :D (nice name you got there)
Hi Jacob, and welcome. You should find lots of folk here with similar interests.
You would be correct in that guess (I was also born in october so there's that)! And like I said, you mostly have my friend to thank, I wouldn't have clicked on it otherwise! I'll definitely look into that story. You can also possibly expect some art from me in the future if I ever manage to draw something that doesn't totally suck.
Saving you the trouble of a scavenger hunt, here is the story I mentioned about the Last Astronauts: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4334900
...from a post on the "Survivor Communities outside the Known World" thread: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=24.msg56870#msg56870
and here's another fan-fic I remember fondly, involving the first inter-continental plane flight in the Known World, in Y120. http://archiveofourown.org/works/2798174/chapters/6281342
Happy reading! And we'll hope you have happy arting!
CAMIR, whoa, for me it sounds perfect XoX
My thesis or the whole studies? With both I totally agree. ;D I did something else before but now I am home. I don't know where you live but maybe you can have a go at it, too?
CAMIR, its sound very interesting! I want make Scandinavian studies too, but in the context journalism. But not this year.
My recommendation: Do it! It's the best that ever happened to me. If you can combine it with something like journalism - even better.
@October Sky: Welcome from me, too on board. I hope you have a nice time.
My recommendation: Do it! It's the best that ever happened to me. If you can combine it with something like journalism - even better.
Thanks! But there is a problem. I have a Bachelor's degree and I really want to take a Master's course in order to continue my research (if being more precise). Yet, my country has nothing similar, but there are such courses in Sweden and other countries. Getting into Swedish university is hard but possible, I guess. So now I'm learning Swedish and English and preparing to try.
If you want, I can write to you in PM about that :3
Thanks! But there is a problem. I have a Bachelor's degree and I really want to take a Master's course in order to continue my research (if being more precise). Yet, my country has nothing similar, but there are such courses in Sweden and other countries. Getting into Swedish university is hard but possible, I guess. So now I'm learning Swedish and English and preparing to try.
If you want, I can write to you in PM about that :3
I'd be interested to hear more about it by all means. In the meantime I keep my fingers crossed that there will be a space for you in Sweden.
heeeyyyy welcome to the forums Jacob! Fancy meeting you here.
Hi and welcome, Jacob!
Welcome, Jacob. I'm sure you'll have fun here.
Hello! I'm Seriema and after seeing the ads many times on Flight Rising I finally caved in and started reading SSSS about two weeks ago. I caught up in less than 24 hours. :P
I'm a biology student and very interested in all things pertaining to it, but I've got a special fondness for zoology, paleontology, and evolution. (And birds. I love birds. Can't forget that.)
I enjoy drawing and writing, though I haven't done the latter in quite a while. I mostly come up with thirty different stories I want to write and end up forgetting about half of them because I don't actually write them.
I'm from southern Brazil and I'm relishing in the cold while it lasts. Besides Portuguese and English I know some Italian and German, though both are very rusty as I've took those classes waaay back in middle school. Italian a bit less so, as it is similar enough to Portuguese I can pick up some things naturally.
I also have no idea how to make introductions.
Hello! I'm Seriema and after seeing the ads many times on Flight Rising I finally caved in and started reading SSSS about two weeks ago. I caught up in less than 24 hours. :P
I'm a biology student and very interested in all things pertaining to it, but I've got a special fondness for zoology, paleontology, and evolution. (And birds. I love birds. Can't forget that.)
I enjoy drawing and writing, though I haven't done the latter in quite a while. I mostly come up with thirty different stories I want to write and end up forgetting about half of them because I don't actually write them.
I'm from southern Brazil and I'm relishing in the cold while it lasts. Besides Portuguese and English I know some Italian and German, though both are very rusty as I've took those classes waaay back in middle school. Italian a bit less so, as it is similar enough to Portuguese I can pick up some things naturally.
I also have no idea how to make introductions.
Looks like a great introduction to me, and I've seen a lot!
Welcome to the forum, Seriema! Am I right in thinking you're named after these? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seriema)
If you're interested in biology and evolution, you may enjoy some of the speculative threads on the SSSS board within the Forum about Rash biology or how world ecosystems might be adapting in Y90 when the vast majority of mammals (except the Blessed Felines) were wiped out. You'll also find plenty of temptations to draw and write.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or one of the other admins. Or just ask around -- people here are friendly! :)
Seriema, welcome to the Forum. I'm sure you will find lots to talk about here, and interesting company. Also seconding Sunflower's question about the birds. Those are amazing creatures, one can really see the dinosaur in them!
Hello! I'm Seriema
Welcome to the forum Seriema :D
Seriema, welcome to the Forum. I'm sure you will find lots to talk about here, and interesting company. Also seconding Sunflower's question about the birds. Those are amazing creatures, one can really see the dinosaur in them!
Welcome to the forum, Seriema! Am I right in thinking you're named after these? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seriema)
Yes, that's them. If you think they look like dinosaurs like this (it's because they actually are!), just take a look at their feet:
Genuine raptor claws. They're not very well-known outside of being the "closest extant relative to the Phorusrhacids (terror birds)", though they have pretty much the same ecological niche as the much more known secretary bird.
If you're interested in biology and evolution, you may enjoy some of the speculative threads on the SSSS board within the Forum about Rash biology or how world ecosystems might be adapting in Y90 when the vast majority of mammals (except the Blessed Felines) were wiped out. You'll also find plenty of temptations to draw and write.
Ecological impacts of the mass extinction of most large animals seems really interesting! Thank you for the tips, I'll have to check out these threads.
GAAAHHH! I mean, welcome!
Hello! I'm Seriema and after seeing the ads many times on Flight Rising I finally caved in and started reading SSSS about two weeks ago. I caught up in less than 24 hours. :P
I'm a biology student and very interested in all things pertaining to it, but I've got a special fondness for zoology, paleontology, and evolution. (And birds. I love birds. Can't forget that.)
I enjoy drawing and writing, though I haven't done the latter in quite a while. I mostly come up with thirty different stories I want to write and end up forgetting about half of them because I don't actually write them.
I'm from southern Brazil and I'm relishing in the cold while it lasts. Besides Portuguese and English I know some Italian and German, though both are very rusty as I've took those classes waaay back in middle school. Italian a bit less so, as it is similar enough to Portuguese I can pick up some things naturally.
I also have no idea how to make introductions.
Hello and Welcome! It's always nice to have more people on the forum. Biology is neat, innit? Living in Brazil must give some nice opportunities. From my understanding there are a lot of interesting species in the rainforest.
Er, am I supposed to introduce myself here?
Heh, well, I'm North Satsuma and...yeah. I'm pretty boring XD
I'm Vietnamese-American, I like asking weird (and sometimes uncomfortable) questions, and I plan on studying abroad.
I've been reading SSSS for a while now, just haven't gotten to making an account here until now.
North_Satsuma, hello and welcome! And there are never enough people asking questions. Go for it!
Heh, well, I'm North Satsuma and...yeah. I'm pretty boring XD
Welcome North Satsuma :D
Er, am I supposed to introduce myself here?
Heh, well, I'm North Satsuma and...yeah. I'm pretty boring XD
I'm Vietnamese-American, I like asking weird (and sometimes uncomfortable) questions, and I plan on studying abroad.
I've been reading SSSS for a while now, just haven't gotten to making an account here until now.
Welcome, and enjoy. Have you an idea where you would like to study? Are you perhaps looking at a AFS posting? (For non-Americans, AFS lets secondary students study abroad for a year, usually their junior year.)
Welcome Seriema and North_Satsuma!
Er, am I supposed to introduce myself here?
Heh, well, I'm North Satsuma and...yeah. I'm pretty boring XD
I'm Vietnamese-American, I like asking weird (and sometimes uncomfortable) questions, and I plan on studying abroad.
I've been reading SSSS for a while now, just haven't gotten to making an account here until now.
Hello and Welcome!
Weird can mean fun, at least from my experiences. I'm sure you'll bring something interesting.
Welcome, and enjoy. Have you an idea where you would like to study? Are you perhaps looking at a AFS posting? (For non-Americans, AFS lets secondary students study abroad for a year, usually their junior year.)
Thanks for the suggestion! I have looked at their programs, but they all seem a bit overpriced, or at least compared to other organizations.
I'm thinking about studying in either Austria or Finland (but I swear that it's for reasons other than SSSS.)
Hello, I'm Pippin! I just discovered SSSS last night while reading TVtropes. I'm all caught up now, though! (Because who needs sleep anyways?) I love the comic, and figured it might be interesting to join this forum.
I'm a college student from the USA state of Minnesota, and I love snow and cold weather. I have a pretty terrible memory and have enough trouble talking even when I know what people are saying, so I kind of suck at languages. I am fluent in English, know enough Spanish to scrape by when I need it, and have learned a few random phrases in German.
I love drawing, physics, math, singing, reading, and starting on a wikipedia page and following links until I have 30 tabs open. I'm in general pretty interested in how things work and come to be.
Pippin, hello and welcome! You are bound to find plenty to interest you here. There is always room for another enquiring mind.
Hello, I'm Pippin! I just discovered SSSS last night while reading TVtropes. I'm all caught up now, though! (Because who needs sleep anyways?) I love the comic, and figured it might be interesting to join this forum.
I'm a college student from the USA state of Minnesota, and I love snow and cold weather. I have a pretty terrible memory and have enough trouble talking even when I know what people are saying, so I kind of suck at languages. I am fluent in English, know enough Spanish to scrape by when I need it, and have learned a few random phrases in German.
I love drawing, physics, math, singing, reading, and starting on a wikipedia page and following links until I have 30 tabs open. I'm in general pretty interested in how things work and come to be.
Welcome, Pippin! I'm impressed that you were able to escape the seductive clutches of TVTropes -- I've wasted far too many hours there. But if it brought you to SSSS, and then to this Forum, that's all good!
If you're from Minnesota (like several other Forumites), you certainly know about the kind of weather the crew has had to face in the comic. And it sounds like you might be interested in reading and/or contributing to the various discussion threads, both in the SSSS Comic and General folders, discussing how things in the Known World might work.
Everyone here is pretty friendly, so don't hesitate to start posting or ask a question. And you got here at a good time -- Sept. 1 is the Forum's third anniversary, which means an online celebration. There will probably be confetti, movies and/or music to share, maybe a trivia quiz...? (The admins, including me, are scurrying around behind the scenes doing party planning; we'll start soliciting ideas and help soon.)
Thanks, Róisín and Sunflower! In general, the fandom seems very kind and welcoming. I'm excited to look around more. Some of the threads are very interesting!
Hello, I'm Pippin! I just discovered SSSS last night while reading TVtropes. I'm all caught up now, though! (Because who needs sleep anyways?) I love the comic, and figured it might be interesting to join this forum.
I'm a college student from the USA state of Minnesota, and I love snow and cold weather. I have a pretty terrible memory and have enough trouble talking even when I know what people are saying, so I kind of suck at languages. I am fluent in English, know enough Spanish to scrape by when I need it, and have learned a few random phrases in German.
I love drawing, physics, math, singing, reading, and starting on a wikipedia page and following links until I have 30 tabs open. I'm in general pretty interested in how things work and come to be.
Welcome Pippin!
Thanks, urbicande!
Is that morse code in your profile? And if so, does it mean "Are you busy?" I was trying to look up the abbreviation QRL, but that was all I could find.
Hello, I'm Pippin! I just discovered SSSS last night while reading TVtropes. I'm all caught up now, though! (Because who needs sleep anyways?) I love the comic, and figured it might be interesting to join this forum.
I'm a college student from the USA state of Minnesota, and I love snow and cold weather. I have a pretty terrible memory and have enough trouble talking even when I know what people are saying, so I kind of suck at languages. I am fluent in English, know enough Spanish to scrape by when I need it, and have learned a few random phrases in German.
I love drawing, physics, math, singing, reading, and starting on a wikipedia page and following links until I have 30 tabs open. I'm in general pretty interested in how things work and come to be.
Welcome to Pippin! One of the best things about this Forum is that we have such a great range of experiences among us, and that 30-tabs-down-the-rabbit-hole enquiry habit will serve you well.
Hello, I'm Pippin! I just discovered SSSS last night while reading TVtropes. I'm all caught up now, though! (Because who needs sleep anyways?) I love the comic, and figured it might be interesting to join this forum.
I'm a college student from the USA state of Minnesota, and I love snow and cold weather. I have a pretty terrible memory and have enough trouble talking even when I know what people are saying, so I kind of suck at languages. I am fluent in English, know enough Spanish to scrape by when I need it, and have learned a few random phrases in German.
I love drawing, physics, math, singing, reading, and starting on a wikipedia page and following links until I have 30 tabs open. I'm in general pretty interested in how things work and come to be.
Welcome Pippin :D you should fit in here just fine
A warm welcome to PeregrineWillow, North_Satsuma, and and all the new people that I've missed lately! I'll see you around, hope you have a wonderful time here. :)
Welcome Jacob, Seriema, North Satsuma and Pippin!
Hi hey hello everyone! :) Some of you may recognize me from the comments, though I'm not the most active one there. But since I of course decided to come back to the Minnion Squad just before the chapter break, I figured I might as well give the Forum a try. I'm usually a failure at forum-ing, so please don't expect too much.
My name is Catherine (well, it's literally Katarzyna, but I'd react to whatever), and I'm from Poland. I do theatre studies at a university, along with miscellaneous courses connected to linguistics, medieval literature, French history and court live, philosophy, and whatnot.
I love folk and classical music, books, mountain hiking, and cats. I take classes in Irish and Scottish dances. I used to play keybord instruments. I write and translate poetry. I have always wanted to write fanfiction, but never truly gave it a try.
I'm familliar with Minna's work since the last chapter of aRTD, but I'm a shy entity who prefers to wander in the shadows of the Internets.
Or something.
Hi hey hello everyone! :)
Welcone to the forum Catherine :D
Hi, Mentha_Spicata, good to have you here, you will already know many of us here, then, as you're not a total newbie. This is definitely a safe place to try your hand at fan fiction, as Minnions are generally quite encouraging of such endeavours (or at least not ones to shoot you down in flames). There is even a thread of fanfic ideas various folks have put out there (must put in the linkie) to get you started. (Although I suspect that since you mention the concept, you may have more than a few ideas already brewing?)
Hello and welcome Mentha/Catherine! I remember you from the old comments. It will be good to have you on the Forum!
Hello Mentha! Nice to meet you (though I've already seen you on the Books thread). Glad to have you here.
Thak you for a warm welcome! :)
wavewright62, to be honest, some fanfic ideas have been hanging around in my head for far too long, but I doubt my writing skills too much to let them out into the world.
Thak you for a warm welcome! :)
wavewright62, to be honest, some fanfic ideas have been hanging around in my head for far too long, but I doubt my writing skills too much to let them out into the world.
Life is short, blah blah, anonymity is a thing, blah blah. You don't have to be perfect! Writing is a skill that develops throughout your life, but it doesn't develop if you don't actually do it. How are those for motivational posters? tumblr is great at sending such sentiments my way, and to be honest the exhortation that it doesn't have to be perfect is something I need reminding of **frequently.**
Me too, Wavewright, me too. I've enjoyed watching your writing become stronger and more confident with practice.
Mentha, you should totally write and draw. There's always an audience here!
Welp, I just joined the forum, so thought it'd be cool to write one of these!
Heyo, the name's Lucy (call me Nneoh if you want) and I'm an Internet lurker from the Land Down Under, a.k.a Australia! I'm 17 years old and use she/her pronouns if anyone wants to know.
I found SSSS through an ad on Flight Rising, read it all in a week and loved it! I'm a huge fan of Nordic culture and post-apocalyptic stories, so the comic is definitely right up my alley.
I'm a high school student currently studying a myriad array of subjects, but my main jams are anything related to history/geopgraphy/politics, English and learning other languages. I'm a native English speaker currently studying Japanese, and I know a few profanities in Icelandic and Finnish. In the future I'd like to learn a Nordic language and either Mongolian or Kazakh.
I love reading, writing my own stories (I might share some of them here if that's okay), drawing (even though I suck), playing video games and messing around on the Internet. Looking forward to getting to hang out with you all!
[...] I love [...] writing my own stories (I might share some of them here if that's okay) [...]
The fact that there are Scriptoria for SSSS (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0), aRTD (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=656.0), and Original Fiction (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0) suggests that you'd be welcome to share if you so desire.
Welcome Mentha_spicata and Drekaavoxtur!
Welp, I just joined the forum, so thought it'd be cool to write one of these!
Welcome Lucy! :D
Hi hey hello everyone! :) Some of you may recognize me from the comments, though I'm not the most active one there. But since I of course decided to come back to the Minnion Squad just before the chapter break, I figured I might as well give the Forum a try. I'm usually a failure at forum-ing, so please don't expect too much.
My name is Catherine (well, it's literally Katarzyna, but I'd react to whatever), and I'm from Poland. I do theatre studies at a university, along with miscellaneous courses connected to linguistics, medieval literature, French history and court live, philosophy, and whatnot.
I love folk and classical music, books, mountain hiking, and cats. I take classes in Irish and Scottish dances. I used to play keybord instruments. I write and translate poetry. I have always wanted to write fanfiction, but never truly gave it a try.
I'm familliar with Minna's work since the last chapter of aRTD, but I'm a shy entity who prefers to wander in the shadows of the Internets.
Or something.
Hello, Mentha_Spicata, a/k/a Spearmint!
Judging by your many interests, you will find lots of people here to share them with! Especially writing fan-fic. I had never written fiction since some very stiff and boring attempts back in college, years ago -- but SSSS helped me overcome my writer's block and sense of inadequacy, to the point I've written yards and yards. (Mostly not very good, but it's a lot of fun and very freeing.)
If you're Polish, you may like a book I recently finished, Uprooted (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22544764-uprooted) by Naomi Novik (author of the Temeraire series). It's a fantasy based on Polish folklore and history, which in the English-speaking world is refreshingly different.
Welp, I just joined the forum, so thought it'd be cool to write one of these!
Heyo, the name's Lucy (call me Nneoh if you want) and I'm an Internet lurker from the Land Down Under, a.k.a Australia! I'm 17 years old and use she/her pronouns if anyone wants to know.
I found SSSS through an ad on Flight Rising, read it all in a week and loved it! I'm a huge fan of Nordic culture and post-apocalyptic stories, so the comic is definitely right up my alley.
I'm a high school student currently studying a myriad array of subjects, but my main jams are anything related to history/geography/politics, English and learning other languages. I'm a native English speaker currently studying Japanese, and I know a few profanities in Icelandic and Finnish. In the future I'd like to learn a Nordic language and either Mongolian or Kazakh.
I love reading, writing my own stories (I might share some of them here if that's okay), drawing (even though I suck), playing video games and messing around on the Internet. Looking forward to getting to hang out with you all!
Welcome, Drekaavoxtur! Do you feel like telling us the derivation of your Forum name?
Your interests are also sure to find matches here in the Forum -- especially your language-learning plans. Moreover, there are already several Australians prominent on the Forum. Before long, there may be a critical mass for an SSSS Meet-Up in the Lucky Country. :)
Have fun exploring, and don't hesitate to ask for suggestions if you feel like it.
Lucy, welcome to the Forum! And another Australian - excellent! There are several of us here in SA, and others in most of the other States. Maybe we could have a meetup one day, there must be enough of us by now. I've been part of a few small meetups, but mostly by accident - other SSSS readers who also share some of my other interests, such as the Mediaeval Fairs.
And new writers and artists are always welcome!
Lucy, welcome to the Forum! And another Australian - excellent! There are several of us here in SA, and others in most of the other States. Maybe we could have a meetup one day, there must be enough of us by now.
We should invite the Kiwis as well, make it a Trans-Tasman meetup!
Excellent idea, Wyrm! I'd especially like to meet Wavewright in the flesh. And you, and Dai, Benbah and Paul...... and all the rest.
Lucy, welcome to the Forum! And another Australian - excellent! There are several of us here in SA, and others in most of the other States. Maybe we could have a meetup one day, there must be enough of us by now. I've been part of a few small meetups, but mostly by accident - other SSSS readers who also share some of my other interests, such as the Mediaeval Fairs.
And new writers and artists are always welcome!
Thank you for the warm welcomes everyone! I'm currently based in VIC at the moment, and a possible meetup sounds cool!
As for Sunflower's question about my forum username, it's derived from the Icelandic words for Dragon Fruit- I was messing around on google translate earlier last year and came up with the name, and dragons are another interest of mine :)
As for Sunflower's question about my forum username, it's derived from the Icelandic words for Dragon Fruit- I was messing around on google translate earlier last year and came up with the name, and dragons are another interest of mine :)
Thanks, urbicande!
Is that morse code in your profile? And if so, does it mean "Are you busy?" I was trying to look up the abbreviation QRL, but that was all I could find.
It is and it does! I'm a ham radio operator in my copious free time.
And welcomeSSSS to both Lucy and Katarzyna!
Lazy8, that is an extremely silly looking dragon fruit! I grow them (though not ones that look like that!). Mine are really suffering from the cold at present, but hopefully will survive to fruit in summer.
And Lucy, that is a delightful derivation for a username.
So I thought I need to introduce myself properly, as in the comments that went... a little awkard (just for me, talking with people feels strange)
Hello! I'm Ira, I live in Moscow, Russia and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SSSS, THIS FORUM AND ALL OF YOU. Just the fact that you exist makes me really happy because you all seem to be so nice and caring and interesting
I stumbled across SSSS in June 2016 during my Great Webcomic Discovery (over 100 webcomics in 3 months). Well, not directly across SSSS but its Russian translation. Unfortunately, the translation tends to stop for months so after waiting for half a year I decided that I need to gasp read the comic in English. Aaaand in June 2017 I finally caught up! Still happy about it. Yeah, very interesting story, I don't even know why I wrote this
I love computer games, Terry Pratchett, everything about Scandinavia, cats and telling people a lot of personal information :) I'm fluent in Russian, can talk in English and have recently started learning Swedish. A long time ago I used to do a lot of interesting things like drawing and writing but now I'm too lazy and too unconfident more interested in watching how other people do it. However, I'm pretty anxious about talking with people - not just telling them stupid jokes or facts they're likely to forget in five minutes - so I don't think I'll be very active here and in the comments. Still, I'm glad I'm doing all this socialising stuff because (and I already said that) you're grrrrrrreat :)
Oh, and one more thing. The only reason I live is stories. All kinds of them (meaning books, series, comics, films, games and so on) and especially the one about six folks and a cat in a tank. Looks like only stories provide me with some kind of meaning, sense or reason. Don't know what to do with that so just... note that some girl on the internet would be glad to listen to you
Now THAT turned out unexpectedly big! Oh I just want to cosplay Reynir and apologize for half an hour ._.
Let me be the first to welcome you Ira!
So I thought I need to introduce myself properly
Welcome Kis! :D With all those interests I'm sure I'll fit right in here in the forum
Kis, hello and welcome! I think you are to fit right in here. Have fun!
Welcome Ira and Lucy!! I hope you have a great time in the forum ^^
Welcome Kis! We have a few other Russians on the forum so you should fit in just fine!
Thank you all!
Hello, and thank you very much for hosting an introduction thread. My name is December, and I'm excited to join this forum after lurking on it for a number of months. I am quite the SSSS fan, and I've enjoyed anonymously reading through many of the forum's threads. In life I am a professional craftsperson/fabric painter and dyer, and I pursue costuming and cosplay as a hobby. I am soon going to start a SSSS costume, and I hope to utilize and add to the fantastic arts/crafts/cosplay threads on the forum. I hope to use this costume as a chance to increase my hand embroidery skills! My other hobbies include woodworking, leatherworking, knitting, kayaking and reading. Thank you!
Welcome to the forum December :D
December, hello and welcome! There should be lots to interest you here - many of us are into crafts, and we look forward to seeing how your projects turn out!
Hi, December, I echo Róisín in that I hope to see you post photos of your work (and hope that is precisely why you have stopped lurking!). Your avatar says it all.
Hi to Kis/Ira, you'll find many of us profess to being awkward in person, but seem to do all right in here. I suspect that has a lot to do with the Forum's culture of (generally) thoughtful sharing. Also, the written format allows a person for whom English is a second language to go through the comments slowly and take their time to formulate a response. And when words fail, the visual threads (the sundry Art Museums, the SSSS Memes & Edits and The Pictures thread) are there as well to help communicate.
Jacob, Róisín, Wavewright - thank you so much for the warm welcome :)
Lazy8, that is an extremely silly looking dragon fruit! I grow them (though not ones that look like that!). Mine are really suffering from the cold at present, but hopefully will survive to fruit in summer.
And Lucy, that is a delightful derivation for a username.
Róisín, I didn't know you grow dragon fruit! (But I shouldn't be surprised -- you seem to have a subtropical Garden of Eden going.) I can barely even imagine how those candy-colored things grow. Are they like pineapples?
Not like pineapples (I have those too, but have to keep them, and the dragon fruit, in the greenhouse or the sunroom in winter. The vanilla orchid never leaves the greenhouse or sunroom). Because even if our summers are beastly hot, we can and do get snow, sleet and hail in winter. Pineapple will grow on a sunny porch for most of the year, just needs cover for the bitter part of winter - it's a bromeliad. What I really need is one of those Victorian-era pineapple houses, with the manure pits, like at Heligan.
Dragon fruit (Hylocereus species, mine is probably H. undatus or a hybrid thereof) are a twining/climbing cactus, with long angular stems that can grow a couple of metres tall before drooping over at the top. Only the drooping stems flower and bear fruit. The flowers are gorgeous, rather like those of their distant (or not so distant, depending which botanist you argue with) relative, Selenicereus or Queen of the Night cactus, and are followed by large edible fruit with those scale-like persistent sepal thingies, hence 'dragon fruit'. Mine is the kind with pink skin and white flesh studded with tiny black crunchy seeds. I had the sort with dark red flesh, which has a stronger, sweeter taste, but my plant died in a cold winter.
Wouldn't mind if we were subtropical, but we have hot dry summers with bushfires, and freezing winters. I need a greenhouse to grow some things, a shadehouse for others, until storms tear them apart and I have to bring plants into the house. I live at the Adelaide Hills end of South Australia's Barossa Valley, and our always extreme climate seems to be becoming more so. At the moment (early spring) our most prominent crop is weeds!
Welcome aboard Decemberwynn! Echoing the sentiment from others regarding seeing your work!
It's been far too long since I've last been on...
So a (in some cases very) belated welcome to Caro, GunmanRex, CXuesong, elekia, Delightified, KiffyBee, keitto-kettu, dbrodz, CAMIR, October Sky, Seriema, North_Satsuma, PeregrineWillow, Mentha_spicata, Drekaavoxtur, Kis, and decemberwynn!
Drekaavoxtur, ahhhhh I really want to learn Japanese but all I know is some random hiragana and how to say random phrases.
Kis/Ira, as others already said, you don't have to worry about being shy here. Join the community of shy, awkward people!
December, I would love to see your work. It sounds so interesting!
And Róisín, one of my great goals in life is to get the chance to see your garden ;)
Auxivele, if you get to Australia, that would be fun! I only have a third of an acre, but it is very densely planted.
Auxivele, if you get to Australia, that would be fun! I only have a third of an acre, but it is very densely planted.
I would love to return to Australia. I don't know if/when it would happen, but I fell in love with the country when I went (almost a decade ago... That's half my life! The time it's been, not the decade. I'm still a youngin). I've only been to the Blue Mountains and the Sydney area, but I definitely want to explore the rest.
Welcome all! It's been an eternity since I've been on so there's.... a few too many people to welcome individually.
Róisín, I echo Auxivele's sentiment about your garden. In fact, I'd love to one day take you up on your year old offer to go to a reenactment one day! But alas right now I'm on about the opposite side of the world.
If either of you ever are coming out, let me know. Accomodation is pretty basic (swag by the fire), but the food is good. If you are too creaky for a swag, there is a motel within a short walk, and quite a few B&Bs within a few kilometres. We live in a small town in a wine/food/landscape tourist area, so lots of places to stay.
Hello Hello !
I'm a fan from France, currently changing of works... (I swear I didn't get fired !). :D
I've discovered SSSS because my best friend stuck me in front of her computer and said "READ ITTTTTTTT". No regrets *-*
I'm already happy to meet you all :D
Hello Hello !
I'm a fan from France, currently changing of works... (I swear I didn't get fired !). :D
I've discovered SSSS because my best friend stuck me in front of her computer and said "READ ITTTTTTTT". No regrets *-*
I'm already happy to meet you all :D
Hello and welcome to the forum Roulietta :D Your friend sounds like a very wise person
Welcome Roulietta!
We do seem to be getting a lot of new members lately. More Minnions for the Minnion throne! :))
Roulietta, hello and welcome. There are quite a number of French fans, hopefully you will be able to join them for meetups.
Thank you very much ! ;D
My best friend wouldn't be my best friend if she didn't have great taste in books and comics of course !
Hello Hello !
I'm a fan from France, currently changing of works... (I swear I didn't get fired !). :D
I've discovered SSSS because my best friend stuck me in front of her computer and said "READ ITTTTTTTT". No regrets *-*
I'm already happy to meet you all :D
Oh, more French persons ! ^^
Welcome, and welcome to all the others I missed these last weeks months :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Oh, more French persons ! ^^
Welcome, and welcome to all the others I missed these last weeks months :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Merci merci ! ;D
Lot of french people around ?
Merci merci ! ;D
Lot of french people around ?
We were four at the last international meet-up, and I have at least four others in mind. Less impressive as the number of Americans, but for Europe, yes, we're "a lot" ^^
ohhhh Meet up ? O.O sounds really cool ! Is there also any kind of european or french meet up ?
ohhhh Meet up ? O.O sounds really cool ! Is there also any kind of european or french meet up ?
Meet-up happens from time to time, when someone suggest them or say that he/she/... will be at some place and would like to have a drink if some persons are around :) We have a thread for that.
I came across this comic about a week ago when I was searching for a new obsession. By golly, did I find one! I cruised through the archives in about five evenings. I rarely post to forums of any sort, but SSSS seems worth it. I haven't been this enamored with a longform comic like this since, well, probably ever.
As for me, I just turned 28 and I'm a native upstate New Yorker. Around here, the chlorophyll in our trees' leaves is just beginning to break down, offering us a radiant display of reds, oranges, and yellows. And mu favorite holiday--Hallowe'en--is approaching, so I'm shivering with excitement!
I came across this comic about a week ago when I was searching for a new obsession. By golly, did I find one! I cruised through the archives in about five evenings. I rarely post to forums of any sort, but SSSS seems worth it. I haven't been this enamored with a longform comic like this since, well, probably ever.
As for me, I just turned 28 and I'm a native upstate New Yorker. Around here, the chlorophyll in our trees' leaves is just beginning to break down, offering us a radiant display of reds, oranges, and yellows. And mu favorite holiday--Hallowe'en--is approaching, so I'm shivering with excitement!
Welcome, Aziraflail! You'll find plenty to entertain or edify yourself here, from in-depth discussion of tiny details of the comic to any hobby, interest, or form of fan-fic you can imagine.
Where does your Forum name come from?
Aziraflail, welcome! Upstate New York is lovely in the Autumn. I hope you will continue to enjoy the comic and the Forum.
Where does your Forum name come from?
My question would have been "Are you a Neil Gaiman reader ?" because it sounds a lot like Aziraphale (Good Omens) ^^
Welcome among us Aziraflail !
My question would have been "Are you a Neil Gaiman reader ?" because it sounds a lot like Aziraphale (Good Omens) ^^
My immediate thought as well :)
Welcome aziraflail!
Hello and welcome to decemberwynn and Roulietta and aziraflail!
Welcome to the forum aziraflail :D
I'm a native upstate New Yorker.
Which Upstate?
I'm in the Finger Lakes. (well, not actually in one of them at the moment. I don't think the computer would work too well under water . . . )
Which Upstate?
I'm in the Finger Lakes. (well, not actually in one of them at the moment. I don't think the computer would work too well under water . . . )
From where I live on Long Island, just about everything north of midtown Manhattan is upstate!
Yeah, "upstate" is a relative term.
Not to mention that NYSTate goes east and west as well as north and south; so that places a similar distance north of NYCity can still be a full day's drive away from each other. (Which I expect urbicande and aziraflail know; but people outside the NE USA often don't seem to.)
Hello, All
I have been an avid reader of SSSS since 2013 (when I discovered it on its 12th or 13th page!) Recently I have become much more interested in the SSSS Fanfiction and thought joining forum would be a nice place to start if I have any ideas, comments or questions about SSSS or some of the Fanfiction.
Also, I hail from New England (Boston to be more specific)
Welcome aboard Hukka! If you haven't already seen it Lazy8 maintains a staggeringly comprehensive index (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=943.0) of SSSS fanfiction.
Thank You !!
I recently found the list by Lazy8 (@Lazy8 thank you so much for maintaining such a list.)
I have been feverishly reading through the fanfiction on Archive of Our Own.
Hukka, hello and welcome! I think we already have a few readers from in and around 'the home of the bean and the cod', so you may be able to enjoy meet-ups. And as Wyrm said, lots of fanfic, all nicely indexed and linked by Lazy8. I hope you will enjoy being here!
Hello, All
Hello and welcome Hukka :D
Hi all! I suppose this is the most logical place for my first post! ;) I haven't been part of a forum for ages, I'm kind of excited. I'm usually known as Libby (despite my screenname xD) and I come from the UK.
I first got into SSSS through aRTD, though I can't remember exactly how I got to aRTD....Probably through a Yuletide rec xD I read everything up to around December 2016 and then had a year's break where I almost forgot about SSSS, then got back into it in a big way. I figured now I'm actually writing fic for it, I should be part of the forum!
Looking forward to hanging out with all of you!
Hi, The_burning_nightingale! It's super cool to see someone else from the UK on here :D
And a huge hello to everyone who I missed :sparkle:
Hi, fellow UK person! It is surprisingly hard to find other Brits in fandom; idk about SSSS tho ;)
Hi all!
Hi and welcome to the forum Libby! :D
Hello and welcome Hukka and Libby!
Hi all! I suppose this is the most logical place for my first post! ;) I haven't been part of a forum for ages, I'm kind of excited. I'm usually known as Libby (despite my screenname xD) and I come from the UK.
I first got into SSSS through aRTD, though I can't remember exactly how I got to aRTD....Probably through a Yuletide rec xD I read everything up to around December 2016 and then had a year's break where I almost forgot about SSSS, then got back into it in a big way. I figured now I'm actually writing fic for it, I should be part of the forum!
Looking forward to hanging out with all of you!
Welcome to the Forum, Libby! There are three threads for posting links to your fics, the SSSS Scriptorium (http://"https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0"), the ARtD Scriptorium (http://"https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=656.0") and the Forum Scriptorium (http://"https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0"), for more general works. That said, The Fanfiction Resource Centre (http://"https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=941.0") keeps links and discussion that brings together all of our resources. And of course, many many threads and topics for connecting to other Minnions on a personal level.
Libby/Nightingale, hello and welcome. We can always find room for another fanfic writer! And I think there are quite a few Minnions in the UK - I'm sure there will be more meetups.
Well, hello (or Privetstvuiy!)! I'm Alexey Shiro, 29&0,5 years old, from Russia. By education and career I'm biologist - plant selection & genetic to be precise - and have a Ph.D. in agricultural sciences. As a hobby, I'm interested in history, military history, science fiction & retro-technology.
I stumbled upon the SSSS several years ago, but at this time my English was still pretty imperfect, so only recently I rediscovered it again. I was truly impressed by the absolutely awesome worldbuilding, put in this comics, very "alive" characters and plotlines. So, after several days of reading I finally became bold enough to register here.
So, hello from Mother Russia! And yes, we also have pretty cold areas to make a stand... ;)
Dilandu, hello and welcome! We have quite a few Russian Minnions, maybe you will meet some of them. There are some who are into cosplay and writing fanfic and doing crafts and art, you might like to explore those threads here on the Forum.
Dilandu, hello and welcome! We have quite a few Russian Minnions, maybe you will meet some of them. There are some who are into cosplay and writing fanfic and doing crafts and art, you might like to explore those threads here on the Forum.
Thank you! It would be interesting to meet them, yes!
Well, unfortunately I'm not into cosplay, but into fanfiction a bit... and 3D modelling, also.
Hi everyone! And welcome to Dilandu!
Thanks for the links to the fanfic stuff! I'll get on that soon :D
Hi everyone! And welcome to Dilandu!
Thank you!
Welcome, Dilandu :) *Puts a plate of squirrel cookies for the new members* :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Libby and Dilandu!
Well, hello
Welcome to the forum Alexey :D
Thank you, guys (and gals)!
I believe we have a Forum thread for 3D models. And of course we have Purple Wyrm, who does Lego.
Ah, I've been so neglectful of this thread lately!
A warm welcome to everyone new who I missed lately! I hope you enjoy it here! ^-^ :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to Dilandu! It can be exhausting to try to interact in a non-native language, so many kudos to you.
Welcome to Dilandu! It can be exhausting to try to interact in a non-native language, so many kudos to you.
Thank you! No, not really exausting anymore - I understood english near perfectly, but still have some problems with writing on it... So, please, be patient to my possible language mistakes here. :)
Thank you! No, not really exausting anymore - I understood english near perfectly, but still have some problems with writing on it... So, please, be patient to my possible language mistakes here. :)
We are a lot not being native speakers, and the ones who have always talked English are very kind and patient with us and our mistakes :) Don't worry, just try, you will importe.
Heya folks! I'm Morgan, I'm from Canada, and I really need to stop writing things in only Times New Roman! I'm in my final year of high school and I hope to be an engineer when I graduate. (Maybe for the Canadian coast guard!) I really enjoy drawing and writing myself, and hope to make my own comic on the side. I also have my 2nd degree black belt in taekwondo so that's fun!
I saw everyone was mentioning the languages they speak, so I'll do that too. I consider my first language to be English, but I've been going to a fully french school since I was 4 or 5. So I'm quite fluent in both languages. I've also tried to learn German, but I don't have much time to do that haha.
I discovered SSSS when I was browsing Hiveworks several months ago for inspiration and experience for my own comic (exposure to see different techniques, reading comics in general, etc) read a couple pages, and decided to order Book 1. Once my copy got here, I read it and fell in love immediately with the series.
Heya folks! I'm Morgan
Welcome Morgan :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Morgan :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thank you! ;D
Welcome, Morgan! It’s great to see more Canadians here! :D *waves tiny flag*
Morgan, hello and welcome! There are already several Canadians here, so you will have company. Have fun.
Heya folks! I'm Morgan, I'm from Canada, and I really need to stop writing things in only Times New Roman!
Welcome from Mother Russia, Morgan! Hope you like it here!
Welcome, Morgan! It’s great to see more Canadians here! :D *waves tiny flag*
Hey yeah that's awesome!
Morgan, hello and welcome! There are already several Canadians here, so you will have company. Have fun.
Thank you! I'm sure I will!
Welcome from Mother Russia, Morgan! Hope you like it here!
Thank you so much! ;D
Ah, took me long enough to make an account and stop stalking the Memes/Edits thread.
On we go to me not knowing what to put in this post and it turning into disorganized rambling.
Well, hello there~. I just now decided to make an account for the forums, though I've known about it for a few days. I found S.S.S.S. from one of the many ad's on another site, and was greeted to Emil and Lalli on a single sheet of ice in the middle of a river. Funny thing is, I read Chapter 16 backwards before I read the whole comic from the beginning. Does this mean I spoiled it before I even read it? I basically read 1/3 of it in one night when I was supposed to go to bed for school. It would of been bad if I had not realized the time... Hehe.
Mm, I'm from the U.S. with too much disorganized interest in Europe. My History teachers either hate me or love me at this point. Ah.., I like to do traditional art, though I never seem to be able to take good enough pictures of it to show. I also write, though most of it is just descriptive stuff since even after 3 years I still haven't kicked my procrastination to finish any stories.
Uh.. I guess that's it? ... p ^p)...?
Ah, took me long enough to make an account and stop stalking the Memes/Edits thread. On we go to me not knowing what to put in this post and it turning into disorganized rambling.
Well, hello there~. I just now decided to make an account for the forums, though I've known about it for a few days. I found S.S.S.S. from one of the many ad's on another site, and was greeted to Emil and Lalli on a single sheet of ice in the middle of a river. Funny thing is, I read Chapter 16 backwards before I read the whole comic from the beginning. Does this mean I spoiled it before I even read it? I basically read 1/3 of it in one night when I was supposed to go to bed for school. It would of been bad if I had not realized the time... Hehe.
Mm, I'm from the U.S. with too much disorganized interest in Europe. My History teachers either hate me or love me at this point. Ah.., I like to do traditional art, though I never seem to be able to take good enough pictures of it to show. I also write, though most of it is just descriptive stuff since even after 3 years I still haven't kicked my procrastination to finish any stories.
Uh.. I guess that's it? ... p ^p)...?
Welcome, Amnesia! If I could figure out how people were inserting those squirrel cookies I'd give you some. Have some metaphorical ones instead! :))
Well, hello there~.
Welcome to the forum Amnesia :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
If I could figure out how people were inserting those squirrel cookies I'd give you some.
Write squirrelcookie with one : on each side
Amnesia, hello and welcome to the world of cliffhangers and neglected responsibilities! Have fun!
Welcome to the forum Amnesia :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Write squirrelcookie with one : on each side
Thanks dude! :squirrelcookie: ;D
Welcome aboard Morgan and Amnesia!
Ah! So that's how we do the squirrel cookies! :))
Welcome aboard Morgan and Amnesia!
Ah! So that's how we do the squirrel cookies! :))
There's also a button for it, if you click [more] under the main emojis! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to Amnesia as well... wait, who was a welcoming again?
Ahh, thank you all! o wp)/ :squirrelcookie: / Can't wait to experience one of the more intense cliffhangers~
Many welcomes! *practices the cookie emoji also* :squirrelcookie:
heeee :squirrelcookie:
Hello! Like Amnesia, I've been stalking the discussion for a while now. Also have been seen on the Disqus side of the pillowfort a few times by the same name.
I'm Nicas - a Finnish university student the age of Tuuri. I remember reading The Redtails Dream while it was still being posted, but left it for a while a few chapters before it ended - just to come back to read the rest all at once. Only got enough nerve to start reading SSSS this summer, at the "perfect" time just when chapter fifteen ended. (Actually made my friend catch up with the comic at the same time with me. God, that visit turned angsty fast.)
I enjoy arts and history but I consider myself to be kind of jack of all trades, master of none. Trying to do the SSSS prompt list for Inktober (whit a twist). I'll see if I post some here when I have more of those miniature ink drawings.
I speak Finnish as my mother tongue and English as second language. And also some Swedish and the basics of Russian.
Hello! Like Amnesia, I've been stalking the discussion for a while now. Also have been seen on the Disqus side of the pillowfort a few times by the same name.
Hello, Nicas! Hope you like things here! И заодно - приветствую! :)
I'm Nicas - a Finnish university student the age of Tuuri.
Welcome and greetings from Canada, Nicas! : :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello, Nicas! Hope you like things here! И заодно - приветствую! :)
Привет, Dilandu! Очень приятно! Форум кажется уютный. I'm sure I will! :D
Hope I got that right.
Welcome and greetings from Canada, Nicas! : :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thank you! :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: My hellos to the other side of the bond too!
Привет, Dilandu! Очень приятно! Форум кажется уютный. I'm sure I will! :D
Hope I got that right.
Absolutely :)
Hello and welcome Nicas :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Nicas! I hope you enjoy it here, I look forward to seeing your Inktober work. :)
Nicas, hello and welcome! You should fit right in here.
Haven't look in here in a bit so welcome Dilandu, Amnesia, Nicas, and Morgan!
Thank you, everyone! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I figured that I've been hanging around the comments and the forums long enough that it would be remiss of me not to introduce myself so: hi everyone!
I'm Quark, and I'm a university student in New Zealand trying to finish my medical degree. I am a year older than Tuuri and currently live in Dunedin. I got into SSSS because I used to be (and kind of still am) a huge Tolkien nerd who followed the Silmarillion fandom on Tumblr, and I eventually got curious about the webcomic that Elleth mentioned in her sidebar. I caught up near the end of chapter 10 and then went back and read aRTD when I got frustrated by one of the chapter breaks.
Sadly, the only language I speak fluently is English, but I took 6 years of German in high school and still remember some of it, and I can recognise scattered words in Russian and Maori.
In my spare time, I really love music and singing, and am currently taking classical singing lessons. I also knit and spend probably more time than I ought to screwing around on the internet, mostly on Tumblr, where my URL is ninethousandbees (long story). Other fictional things I have been into recently include Ann Leckie's Imperial Radch trilogy (and I just got her new novel a few days ago aahhhhhhhh), Nodame Cantabile, Brooklyn 99 and this series of books and short stories about teenagers going to superhero school called The Posterchildren. Character and plot analysis are some of my favourite things and I love to ramble.
Nice to meet all of you!
Welcome, quark! it seems you'll fit in well here - we do have a books thread if you're interested in poking around there! :D
Nice to meet all of you!
Nice to meet you too Quark :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Quark, welcome. The number of Minnions in New Zealand is steadily rising! I'm sure you will find lots of other members of the Forum who share your interests.
I figured that I've been hanging around the comments and the forums long enough that it would be remiss of me not to introduce myself so: hi everyone!
Welcome, Quark!
I figured that I've been hanging around the comments and the forums long enough that it would be remiss of me not to introduce myself so: hi everyone!
I'm Quark
Hello Quark! I hope you enjoy your time here on the forum! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Haven't look in here in a bit so welcome Dilandu, Amnesia, Nicas, and Morgan!
Thank you, urbicande!
Welcome Quark!
Kia ora, Quark/matter! *hongi* I've enjoyed your insightful comments on Disqus, you are most welcome here.
Hello everyone! I've been in the fandom and technically on the forum for a while, and i already introduced myself when i first logged in - but that was a ling time ago, and after that i hardly ever came back here. So i thought i should do it again and try to be a bit more active this time!
So, i'm Talvis, a 17-year-old Finn. I've been reading SSSS for a few years and really love it. I'm also a huge fandom nerd in general - there's always something new i'm obsessing over, haha. I like reading, drawing, watching movies and cartoons and i've been trying to get into cosplaying. (I cosplayed Tuuri last spring!) I'm pretty shy, but i'd love to make new friends.
Talvis, hello and welcome again. We're pretty friendly!
Hello everyone!
Hello and welcome (back) to the forum Talvis :D
Welcome back, Talvis! Hope you have a great time here!
Welcome back Talvis! I took a sneaky peeky at your tumblr, and you might have some good company in the sundry art threads. Even the non-SSSS ones will go well, in the Forum Art thread.
Terve! I'm started reading SSSS, last week and enjoyed it a lot. I'm an artist and aspiring writer.
Anarchdovey, hello and welcome! Always room here for another artist and writer.
Welcome Nicas, Quark, Talvis and Anarchdovey!
Squirrel Cookies for all! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Terve! I'm started reading SSSS, last week and enjoyed it a lot. I'm an artist and aspiring writer.
Welcome Anarchdovey :D
hello everyone! I got into SSSS a little while ago and am really in love with the art style and story.
I am an aspiring writer and a bit of an artist myself so the forums really sparked my interest.
quick question: are there any forums for meeting new people? :))
Hello and welcome, freckledtears! Now you are introduced, I'm sure people will be glad to chat with you. You might have a look at the Art and Scriptorium threads, or General Discussion. Have fun!
hello everyone!
quick question: are there any forums for meeting new people?
Welcome to the forum freckledtears :D If you're looking to meet more people the General Discussion, the SSSS Discord server and the IRC-Chat are great places
Welcome, freckledtears and anarchdovey! I hope you enjoy it here!
And welcome back, Talvis!
Hello! I've already introduced myself over in the Language Introduction thread but was told it would be a good idea to post here too. I started reading SSSS about two weeks ago, by which I mean I read through the entire comic in 24 hours, then most of the fic on Ao3, then the entire tumblr tag, then started planning a D&D campaign with some pals based on the setting...
I've noticed that a bunch of you here are learning Finnish, I moved to Finland about 9 months ago so am of course learning the language myself. (I think I properly fell in love with SSSS when they went through the Tampere-Nokia exclusion zone, because that's where I'm living now and the building outlines by Tammerkoski are still a little recognisable in the comic!) I just started a combination Finnish learning/Onni appreciation blog at onnenlintu.tumblr.com and if I can help anyone out let me know, it's good practise for me too. You're probably more likely to reach me there because it's been years since I was regularly on forums and I'm more a tumblr person now. Please come talk to me about grammatical cases and whether or not you also think Onni does his endearingly terrible mullet himself with a puukko and no mirror.
Hello and welcome tulikokko :D
Tulikokko, hello and welcome. And you know, you could be right about Onni's hairdo. I had wondered whether he cut it himself!
Welcome welcome to all the new people! (tbh, I'm too overloaded to really go back and get all the names I've missed individually, but I love you all)
*waves* (no pun intended :? ) Hello and welcome to tulikokko, with whom I've been corresponding on Tumblr! Onni and Finnish appreciation are always welcome around here.
Welcome tulikokko :D
And I really like your tumblr by the way :3
Hey there! :D I'm generally referred to as Lyric across these "interwebs". I've been reading SSSS since its debut, but for some reason have only starting participating in the comment section and forum this year! This community seems really kind and supportive. :) I'm an aspiring cryptologic linguist who is currently meandering through Spanish and Japanese. I have just returned from working and living in Yellowstone National Park for two and a half months. Being there, I loved how I was surrounded by all kinds of different cultures and languages; it was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience! So, of course I enjoy traveling, but I haven't visited too many places yet, including all of the countries in SSSS (I know, what a tragedy :'( )!
I've grown up adoring animals. I have two cats and two chickens. Additionally, I used to volunteer at a wildcat preserve, which included working with the resident lynxes (nope, none of them were named "Lalli")! One of my favorite things to do there was to sketch the cats in person. <3 So yes, art is a passion of mine like so many of you here. :) I work on visual art and cosplay whenever the motivation strikes (usually two weeks before a convention for the latter :'D ). Naturally, I dream of cosplaying from SSSS someday as either Reynir or Tuuri!
Finally, I'm obsessed with creating characters and stories, so I find original tabletop roleplaying loads of fun with the right people! I'm not involved in a game at the moment, but I'm tentatively looking for a modern setting (preferably World of Darkness) that will take my face blind, discharged Army veteran who owns seventeen cats. :3 /end rambling
Lyric, hello and welcome! You should fit right in here!
Welcome Lyric !
(and I'm always glad to see some other table top roleplay game :D )
Hey there! :D
Hallo and welcome to the forum Lyric :D
Welcome tulikokko :D
And I really like your tumblr by the way :3
Aaah thank you! Are you on there? I will follow :D
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!
And aaaahhhh, awesome! ^^ Tabletop rping is a blast! Do you play World of Darkness too, Roulietta? :)
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!
And aaaahhhh, awesome! ^^ Tabletop rping is a blast! Do you play World of Darkness too, Roulietta? :)
I play mostly to Les Ombres d'Esteren (its a french one), and I'm currently GM on a Dragon Age campain *-*. So much possibilities on tabletop rpg (and sometimes really weird ones)
Aaah thank you! Are you on there? I will follow :D
I may have an account on tumblr, but I was never really active, I just enjoy follow people with very cool content *-*
Hello everyone!
I've been reading SSSS for a few years now and I have finally decided to join the forum just in case I'd want to say something. I'm from Slovakia, a little Slavic country between Austria, Poland and Hungary. I do prefer being called Johny or something similar since my name is usually translated from my native language to English as such. I read a lot in English, but I rarely speak or write so feel free to correct me. At the moment I study psychology at a university, but my time is coming to an end.
Besides SSSS I do enjoy reading other webcomics, SPAM-SSSS (I'm a secret fan for some time), light hiking and talking about various topics (from linguistics to physics). In the past, I also participated in few larps so I enjoy some roleplaying and appreciate when someone takes time to make cosplay.
Johniny, welcome to the Forum! Those interests should fit right in here.
Hello everyone!
Welcom to the forum Johny :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Welcome Johniny :D
LARP sounds so coooool *-*
Thank you :)
I had no idea there are squirrel cookies in the forum too XoX
LARP sounds so coooool *-*
Feel free to contact some local larp group, they are usually very friendly to beginners ;)
Feel free to contact some local larp group, they are usually very friendly to beginners ;)
Sadly I have never found any :-\
Sadly I have never found any :-\
It might require some googling to find, especially smaller groups of which I'm most fond of. According to Wikipedia, in France it is called grandeur nature (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeu_de_r%C3%B4le_grandeur_nature).
However, I think it is inappropriate to spam this thread with such information so if you are interested, you can create your own thread, surely there are more fellow larpers or just pm me. But I'm a pretty much beginner, so thread might be of more use to you.
It might require some googling to find, especially smaller groups of which I'm most fond of. According to Wikipedia, in France it is called grandeur nature (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeu_de_r%C3%B4le_grandeur_nature).
However, I think it is inappropriate to spam this thread with such information so if you are interested, you can create your own thread, surely there are more fellow larpers or just pm me. But I'm a pretty much beginner, so thread might be of more use to you.
There is indeed a thread for reenactment/LARP (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=950.0) if you guys want to keep talking there! :)
And welcome, Johiny, Rouiletta, and everyone else who's recently joined us! I hope you enjoy it here! ^-^
Hello! My name is Skip, or Skips, or Skipper, Skippy, whatever my conversational partner feels most like using. I'm born and raised in Norway, with some English family, and I learned Swedish because I felt like it. I do a lot of things because I feel like it, or out of spite. So far it has gotten me many good things. I'm currently on a gap year before starting high school - that means more time to get used to this forum and its inhabitants, no?
My friends would refer to me as the delicate flower who is always screaming at the top of her lungs about something. I do yell a lot.
I love Nordic culture and history, and work hard to honour my heritage as a Norwegian. I look forward to Christmas.
Feel free to come say hi in my inbox! I don't bite. I just hug gently.
Welcome to the forum, Skips and Johniny!
Skips, hello and welcome! Looking forward to seeing you in the Forum.
Hello Skips :D I'm sure you're going to like it here :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Skips ! :D
Welcome skips, Roulietta, Lyric, and Johniny. During a brief lapse I had let go of welcoming people.
I hope you all have fun on the forum, and with the community as a whole. We have fun here. If you stick around long enough, there will be an event soon. A little while ago we watched a movie to celebrate the forum's birthday.
Also, with all the new members having French in their language repertoire, I feel like I ought to try and revive my French.
Just wanted to give special note to accidentally pulling out a French origin word when speaking about French
Hi. I'm the one who calls herself Zinvia. I've picked up some mannerisms from cats in my youth, which is probably part of the cause of my weird social development. I mostly read, draw and procrastinate, often while breaking the flimsy rules I set up for myself every day. I don't know how much I'll be here, but I'm almost always somewhere in the SSSS comments, under this same name. That's about all I have to say for now.
Hi. I'm the one who calls herself Zinvia. I've picked up some mannerisms from cats in my youth, which is probably part of the cause of my weird social development. I mostly read, draw and procrastinate, often while breaking the flimsy rules I set up for myself every day. I don't know how much I'll be here, but I'm almost always somewhere in the SSSS comments, under this same name. That's about all I have to say for now.
Welcome. It's been fun getting to watch you develop slowly in the community, which in my book can be a sign of a person with a healthy wariness of internet shenanigans. The Forum has a similar culture to the Disqus comments in that it's generally quite mature in its attitudes and courtesies, even when its members are often actually young (meaning high-school or university age).
Zinvia, welcome! I've seen you in the comments, and I think you will do just fine here. There is a lot to explore, with all the threads - I haven't read all of it yet myself. Have fun!
Hi. I'm the one who calls herself Zinvia.
Hi and welcome to the forum Zinvia :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Zinvia. I'm sure you'll have a great time here. There's plenty to do.
So I thought I'd finally join the board as well in anticipation of the new chapter. I've been commenting on the main page for a while under the name katafonteolog (for various reasons), and have also posted some fanfic to AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/beer_good/works?fandom_id=3697829), but for whatever reason I hadn't got around to registering for the forum, which is <lalli>really stupid</lalli> since I love to get nerdy about languages and other stuff. Now I have. I hope to mightily enjoy it and hope the experience will be mutual.
Welcome, beergood! I've seen you in the comments and on A3O, and I think you will enjoy it here. Lots of threads for nerding out on languages and such. I'm sure the enjoyment will bemutual.
Hey and welcome beergood I'm sure you'll enjoy it here :D :squirrelcookie:
Thanks for the welcome, guys!
Welcome Zinvia and beergood :D
Greetings and a warm welcome, beergood
So I thought I'd finally join the board as well in anticipation of the new chapter. I've been commenting on the main page for a while under the name katafonteolog (for various reasons), and have also posted some fanfic to AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/beer_good/works?fandom_id=3697829), but for whatever reason I hadn't got around to registering for the forum, which is <lalli>really stupid</lalli> since I love to get nerdy about languages and other stuff. Now I have. I hope to mightily enjoy it and hope the experience will be mutual.
Welcome, beergood! I love the <lalli> tags. Hmmm, I wonder what <emil> tags would convey -- pompous and unintentionally offensive cluelessness or clueless-but-eager goodwill? In any event, nice to have you join the Forum properly. I notice you speak most of the Scandinavian languages (at least enough to order some beers). Add Icelandic and you'll have a full sweep!
Also welcome skips (Norwegian and screaming? Join the club ;) ), Zinvia (we're glad to see you moving over from the Disqus comments!), Johniny (you may be our first Slovakian member), and Lyric (I bet I'm not the only one who would love to see sketches of the wildcats you used to work with, if you have any).
A (sadly belated) thank you to all who wished me welcome! And hello beergood, and all you others! (Katafonteolog made me laugh more than a little because I automatically read it as telefonkatalog. Not sure if that is the intended anagram.)
I am indeed Norwegian and also still screaming! Always screaming! It's what I do!
I really need to sign up for Disqus so I can comment on things. I have a lot to say, or yell, depending on excitement levels.
A (sadly belated) thank you to all who wished me welcome! And hello beergood, and all you others! (Katafonteolog made me laugh more than a little because I automatically read it as telefonkatalog. Not sure if that is the intended anagram.)
It is indeed! It's a very old personal joke that I used as a twitter handle for a while and then when I signed up for disqus and bla bla. Thanks!
Hmmm, I wonder what <emil> tags would convey -- pompous and unintentionally offensive cluelessness or clueless-but-eager goodwill?
Pretty much. And the <mikkel> tag just formats everything in a very deadpan way.
I am indeed Norwegian and also still screaming! Always screaming! It's what I do!
... I heard of people who have to wear hearing protection during their sleep so as not to have their own snoring wake them, but ...
I really need to sign up for Disqus so I can comment on things. I have a lot to say, or yell, depending on excitement levels.
Let me be the notorious counterexample and point out that at least technically, you do not need to be logged into Disqus to be all over the comments sections ...
... I heard of people who have to wear hearing protection during their sleep so as not to have their own snoring wake them, but ...
Let me be the notorious counterexample and point out that at least technically, you do not need to be logged into Disqus to be all over the comments sections ...
True! Your dedication to this is rather interesting in its consistency.
While I joined this board some time ago, I'm yet to make a formal introduction.
I'm Russian, currently living in our cultural capital St. Petersburg, but my hometown Khabarovsk is all the way across the vast expanse of Russia (7 hours flight, a week by train, therefor I don't visit it often).
Possibly out of this comes my innate "feeling for distances" and and love for geography.
Love for geography got me into SSSS - a friend sent me a Map of the Known World and I was hooked.
I've read whole comic (around 600 of 700 pages at that time?) in one evening...
Over the months since that fateful evening, my life experienced a generous influx of excitement all thanks to SSSS:
I've met a bunch of like-minded fans and now we are marching to Winter Fandom Battle together - I'm bound to have new friends and comrades-in-arms after it.
Slow and delightful torture of waiting for updates caused a surge of inspiration rarely seen before and prompted me to start several fan-themed projects, which I'm excited to be able to share here, when time comes.
Life is good and winter months are to be packed with creative fun and for this I'll be forever grateful.
Kuzzma, welcome! There are already a number of Russian Minnions - maybe you will be able to do a meetup. Have fun!
Greetings, and welcome Kuzzma. My my, that's a long journey. Almost mind-boggling that you've gone from near the Pacific coast and China all the way to bordering Finland and Estonia. Continent hopping. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have fun here.
While I joined this board some time ago, I'm yet to make a formal introduction.
I'm Russian, currently living in our cultural capital St. Petersburg, but my hometown Khabarovsk is all the way across the vast expanse of Russia (7 hours flight, a week by train, therefor I don't visit it often).
Possibly out of this comes my innate "feeling for distances" and and love for geography.
О, приветствую! :) Всегда рад встретить соотечественника (почему-то мне упорно не нравится как звучит женский род от "соотечественник"...).
While I joined this board some time ago, I'm yet to make a formal introduction.
Welcome and hallo kuzzzma :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
My my, that's a long journey. Almost mind-boggling that you've gone from near the Pacific coast and China all the way to bordering Finland and Estonia.
We have an anecdote in Russia about just that.
It goes:
Rasta man catches a Golden Fish (Russian analog of Jinny in a Bottle) and in quest for her freedom, she offers him 3 wishes.
Rasta man scratches his beard in thought... "Let's see Tatar-Mongols (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Rus') invade Finland!"
Golden Fish is surprised, but makes it so: Tatar-Mongols march all the way north and invade Finland..
For his second wish Rasta man wishes for Tatar-Mongols to go back to Asia.
Golden Fish is bewildered but makes it so.
For his third and last wish Rasta man asks again for Tatar-Mongols to invade Finland.
Golden Fish is stares at him with bulging eyes for a long time, but makes it so, then asks Rasta man - Why on Earth will he wish for Mongols to invade Finland, of all places?!
Rasta man, lightheartedly, replies - OH! I JUST LOVE ME SOME ACTION, MAN!
... and puffs out a ring of smoke into the sky...
О, приветствую! :) Всегда рад встретить соотечественника (почему-то мне упорно не нравится как звучит женский род от "соотечественник"...).
*Улыбается и машет*
So I run off at the mouth in the page comments, and even posted here a few times, but never formally introduced myself.
I'm from California, Los Angeles area.
My handle is my breed of dog. English Mastiffs for 20+ years. I'm all about the dogs and the cats. Actually, I'm pretty much all about animals. I confess Sleipnope is my fav character.
Can't remember which character we're supposed to calculate our ages from, so I'll just say I could be Sigrun's mother.
I am embarrassed - especially in this group! - to admit my only language is English, but I'm pretty obsessive about English, so maybe that makes up for a little?
Most of my writing is non-fiction, including literary criticism, so my primary artistic outlet is drawing. Working on a few pieces i hope to post here soon.
I love S4 not just because it's a staggeringly brilliant work, but also because it's got this awesome community behind it. Every single comments page I learn something new, we've got such an amazing group of intelligent, educated, observant, and thoughtful people. Like I've said, where else can you learn about Finland's utility infrastructure, whale-falls, and optimal methods of transporting unconscious people while dodging puns in a pillow fort?
I love other comics, but this is the only one I feel like there's a community, especially one I want to be a member of.
Thanks gang!
Glad to have you in the community. Welcome!
So I run off at the mouth in the page comments, and even posted here a few times, but never formally introduced myself.
Hallo and welcome to the forum BigDogLittleCat Mastiff :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Oops! I just realized my account had my old user name! I have just updated to my "real" name, Mastiff.
And added a profile photo of my darling darling Ruby.
My cat would kbject that he's not in the photo, but he's on my lap and he thinks that's better.
Thank you Roisin and Jacob! I am glad to be here.
And welcome Kuzzzma and Mastiff :D
Hello everyone o/
I've been lurking around since the days of aRTD but I never really commented or was active on the forum o/
I'm a native french speaker currently living in France but unless things go pear shaped, moving to some other country next year //////////////o/ (I hope it'll either be Canada or Finland but it depends on where my job is going to send me)
I do some drawing but it's been a while since I did anything properly finished.
Hello everyone o/
Hello Hakkaeni :D welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie: A lot of the people here also love drawing so you're welcome to share your drawings with the rest of us if you want to
Nice to meet you, Hakkaeni, I hope you enjoy it here!
There’s plenty of Minnions in France and Finland if you’re ever interested in a meet-up, and quite a few here in Canada, depending on where you go. :)
More official welcomes to you, Mastiff (considers roping you in for the Advent Calendar) and to Hakkaeni, glad to have you peek into the wider SSSS community. I echo Mastiff's sentiment highly - all of us in this community know something useful to the group at large, and we are quite good at sharing.
Hakkaeni, hello and welcome. I hope you will be able to do more art - lots of people here would enjoy it.
Welcome Hakkaeni ! :D (another person residing in France !)
Hi everyone, my name is Laurie and I'm a University lecturer based in Wales. I've been engrossed in the comic for some time but it wasn't until recently that I realised how much I enjoyed reading the comments section and thought about joining the forums.
Let's see, I an a linguist and an anthropologist (so SSSS was an instant hit with me!), I usually teach history and Sanskrit. I did most of my fieldwork and research in Nepal, so my speciality is the deities and mythology of the Himalayas and Kathmandu valley. I did my PhD thesis on the tales told about a nature goddess at her annual festival, and currently I'm researching different types ('colours') of magic amongst the Newars of Kathmandu. Interesting stuff!
So I mostly speak/write/read in Asian languages - Sanskrit, Nepali, Newari, Hindi, Tibetan etc... but I have also learnt some Norwegian and plan to really buckle down and get stuck into Finnish at some point.
And, true to my username, I do like a good cup of tea. Earl grey, mostly. Also Lapsang souchong. Mmmm!
Ummm... I also like figure skating, and go ice skating at least twice a week. It's kinda my passion. So I'm half-hoping that our heroes will get to skate over a lake or something at some point. The cattank has to have bad weather equipment, like snowshoes or ice skates, right? ...riiight?
Anyway it's good to be here, thanks for having me!
Laurie/Tealeaf, hello and welcome! Your skillset definitely promises some interesting conversations. And fanfic, if you write. I look forward to knowing you better.
Hi everyone
Hi and welcome Laurie :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
So. What is this attempt? The third? I'm trying to get back here again, because I continued to learn English again. It's hard, but you're so cool, guys!
In short, again, hello!
And a third hello and welcome! Third time lucky, as the saying goes.
Hi, I'm liate! I ...don't really remember how I found SSSS, but it has been in my rss feeds for a while. I live in Virginia, and am 18. I am a CS student right now, and speak English and a little bit of German. I've been on the IRC chat for around 2 weeks, so hi, chat peoples!
(now I can see the pictures viola put here... =P)
Hi, I'm liate!
Welcome to the forum liate :D :squirrelcookie:
Liate, welcome!
It has been far too long since I've ventured into this thread. Welcome to all newcomers!
Heyo. The name's Weirdness, but my friends usually call me my actual name, Simon. I'm a guy living in southern Sweden that found out about this comic when looking for nordic post-apocalypse scenarios. I quickly fell in love with SSSS due to the great art, story, and worldbuilding.Especially worldbuilding, I'm a huge fan of that. My interests are playing games, history, and some music as well. What kind of music? Why, metal, of course! :headbang: I like other music as well, such as chiptune and vaporwave, but I am in a power metal phase currently. The bands I listen to the most at the moment are Stratovarious, Sonata Artica, Blind Guardian, and Iron Saviour.
Heyo. The name's Weirdness
Hallo Weirdness, and welcome
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
What kind of music? Why, metal, of course! :headbang:
Nice to meet another metalhead! I'm a huge Sabaton and Manowar fan myself, but I'm also getting into more symphonic metal these days, like Nightwish.
Hello liate and Weirdness
Stratovarious... Blind Guardian
Noice, any favourites from those two?
I am so late to welcome new persons here ! *Puts à plate of biscuits on a table*
Hi friends,
I'm new here. I live in Michigan, USA. I forgot how I found out about SSSS. I know that I read the first 20-some pages and was interested but then got distracted by other stuff. A friend convinced me months later to keep going and boy was I surprised!
I crochet (18years) and knit (three weeks?) and this comic and fandom is what inspired me to pick up knitting. Hope to learn more about you lovely folks and looking forward to reading the new pages as they come out.
Hi friends,
I'm new here. I live in Michigan, USA. I forgot how I found out about SSSS. I know that I read the first 20-some pages and was interested but then got distracted by other stuff. A friend convinced me months later to keep going and boy was I surprised!
I crochet (18years) and knit (three weeks?) and this comic and fandom is what inspired me to pick up knitting. Hope to learn more about you lovely folks and looking forward to reading the new pages as they come out.
Every time that I read your name, Sigur Ros begins to play in my head ^^
Welcome, hoppipolla ! :squirrelcookie:
Hoppipolla, welcome! Glad to have you on board. You should find here lots of folk who are into knitting, crochet and other crafts, and plenty of patterns for things ranging from tiny crochet dolls of the crew to a full knitted replica of Reynir's jacket. Also lots of paper craft, model making and the like. We even have a glass worker among our number! Hope you enjoy it all.
Hi friends,
Hi and welcome to the forum hoppipolla :D
Welcome again to Prizrachniy_Gek, you will have seen a few more Russian newbies since last you logged in.
Welcome (in this thread) to hoppipolla - I lived in Lansing for a few years back in the early 90s, there was a lot to enjoy about the place. Coincidentally, that was where I learnt to knit - 5 sessions at the knitting shop in Frandor gave me enough skills to cope with single-colour patterns and a variety of stitch techniques.
Welcome to WeirdnessUnfolds, as well, bumping up the native Swedish contingent!
Hello everyone, I am puffuls (though ya'll can call me puffs if you want). I am your average teen from the Northern West Coast, Idaho to be exact. My hobbies include reading, drawing, crocheting and learning languages.
I found SSSS one or two years ago from my sister telling me about it. I also read aRTD, and I love both of the stories.
I'm a pretty boring person, but I am looking forward to finally getting involved in the SSSS community =)
Greetings and welcome puffuls.
Puffuls, hello and welcome. Being involved in this community is certainly a way to become less boring, acquire all manner of interesting skills, and have lots of new things to talk about! Enjoy and have fun. Also, your icon is delightfully funny.
Hello everyone, I am puffuls
Welcome to the forum puffs :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thank you for the welcome Gunman, Jacob, and Róisín! :D I will certainly have fun here!
Hello all! I'm refract3d/refractedstarlight/Aby. I've been a fan of SSSS for a while now (a couple years, maybe?) and I've been visiting the forums a little over the last couple months. I decided I might as well make an account and actually participate in some of the interesting conversations ^^
I'm a jack-of-all-trades, master of none - I like to dabble in a lot of creative pursuits such as drawing, knitting, cosplay, stamp carving, music (singing, guitar, keyboard) and poetry, writing, etc... I also have a lot of random hobbies that I'll pick up and move between.
I've been listening to a lot of podcasts while at work and this forum has helped me find an interesting selection. I've mostly been listening to (so many) food and history podcasts lately. I don't even know why.
I love cool rocks and weird sea creatures and places with history. I'm a huge fan of mythology and I love learning about other places, times, and cultures.
I live on the US East Coast and have a gecko, two gerbils, and a bunch of fish. The cat is not mine but I love her to pieces.
Hello all!
Hello and welcome refract3d :D With all those interests I'm sure you'll be able to find something of your interest here on the forum
refract3d, by the sound of your hobbies you should fit right in here! I hope you have the best time exploring and sharing your skills.
Hello, I am Laiska (otherwise known as strudels/ cybes on practically everything else). I currently live in Northern Idaho with my many dogs, geckos, and family (puffuls I'm lookin' at you). I think I stumbled upon SSSS a couple years ago from another site, and I was hooked ever since (though I took monthly breaks while reading so many other Hiveworks comic). I really love learning languages, drawing, ... reading and writing, I guess! I enjoy historical fiction, as well as just fantasy! I'm pretty run of the mill, but I hope to get to know this adorable little community! :V
Laiska, hello and welcome! Are you and puffuls siblings?
You should find lots of scope here for your interests, and have fun.
Hello, I am Laiska
Welcome laiska :D I hope you'll have it fun here in the forum :squirrelcookie:
Roisin, yes, we are identical twins actually!
JacobThomsen, I'm sure I will! I'm glad I finally made an account :haw:
Greetings Laska. Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. We're always happy to have more artists (nice art by the way). Also, I'm not sure it's possible to be very run of the mill and enjoy SSSS. That or own geckos, they're neat lizards.
Additionally, thank you puffuls, I'm taking one of those grammar PDFs for Irish. Not many services give decent grammar help. Especially with a language with grammar like Gaeilge.
Last but certainly not least: Welcome, refract3d. Welcome and have fun. Is there any mythology you particularly enjoy?
Also, more geckos?
Many welcomes to refractd (stamp carving eh? My self-insert SSSSona was a stamp carver, but I've never actually done that in RL).
Also welcomes to laiska and puffuls, and your excellent respective choices of avatar.
Geckos! Awesome.
Feel free to extend any dabblings you may be inclined to share!
uhhhnnmmmm.... hello people. :0
Hello and welcome to the forum Grizzlydog :D :squirrelcookie:
Grizzlydog, hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy the good company here.
Hi Grizzlydog! I hope you like it here!
Greetings, Grizzlydog.
I have a dog named Grizzly, irl, btw. So this will be fun.
Probably fun for just me, though.
Welcome Grizzlydog! Hope you enjoy your time on the forum!
Hey people! I'm Antares (tar for short). I first read SSSS and aRTD about three years ago, but never joined the forum. Recently I decided to re-read SSSS because it had been a while, and I needed something familiar in my life (which has changed quite a bit). I live on the East Coast of the US and enjoy avoiding the cold, drawing, playing viola, and doing technical stuff for theatre- though don't be fooled, I spend most of my free time reading webcomics and watching tv. I also have a very precious lizard named Orma who is much more successful at avoiding the cold than I. I don't really know what else to say,, but I'm excited to explore the forum! And happy day before/day of winter solstice to you all!!
I'm not around much anymore just because of work but welcome to all the new people!
Meant to reply a lot sooner but apparently I didn't press post oops
Thank you for your words of welcome!
Róisín - I hope so! :)
GunmanRex - Yes! I have a baby crested gecko named Noodle. It's very cute : ) And hm, a favorite mythology? I know the most by far about greco-roman mythology but I wouldn't say it's my favorite. I don't know, honestly!
wavewright62 - Stamps are pretty fun to make :)
Antares: welcome! Nice to have yet another lizard enthusiast in the company, though mine are wild and live in the garden, mostly bluetongues, stumpytails, legless lizards, jacky lizards and a whole mob of skinks and geckos.
There is at least one other viola player in the fandom, and several theatre folk, so you should find lots to talk about.
Thanks for the greetings! Róisín, that sounds amazing! Wish I lived someplace where reptiles could be,, found :/ My only lizard is a bearded dragon, but I hope one day I'll have a few geckos- or just any other reptiles- as well.
And that's awesome, it's pretty rare to find people who viola (and not violin but can play viola if needed- which is cool too).
I'm in country South Australia, where the reptiles are just part of the landscape. I like it, though not everyone does!
Antares: Welcome! I'm actually part of my school's acting program (though I'm retiring from that based on people and time), and I have lizards too! Little fat leopard geckos. I feel silly for having to look up a viola, but I think it's really cool you play! I don't play any instruments, so mad respect from me. I live in Northern Idaho, so there is no escaping the cold here! Most of us are surprisingly used to it (people are still wearing shorts in the snow, myself included).
Nice, laiska! Do you act, primarily? And yeah I understand, even tech can be super tiring. I used to have a leopard gecko- they're super great.
Also, I'm just super not used to these new england winters because I just moved from the west coast :(
Yeah, I do act! I haven't gotten to try the tech, but it looks pretty darn cool. A past friend gave us ours (we were only supposed to watch them for a month or so, but we ended up having to keep them). Where on the west coast did you come from? Before moving here I lived in Virginia, and all I can remember winter wise was that it was always really rainy :P
I have to say, I love how many people here have reptiles! I'm pretty new to gecko ownership but my roommate has a ton and they are all Very Good.
Do we have a thread for that? It might be cool to post setups etc.
Also, theater stuff! I've been working at a haunted house the last couple years and am hoping to find a community theater to do costuming/tech for. I haven't done that in a very long time but have been told that cosplay experience counts for a lot :P
We have cosplay threads, both on the main board and the general board (for non-SSSS cosplay). Excellent work too.
Welcome, Antares!
Hello and welcome to the forum Antares :D :squirrelcookie:
Thanks for the welcomes!! refract3d; Costuming is super cool and I’m jealous of you folks who can do it ^u^ I’m just a lowly techie who can operate a screwdriver and a spotlight, but not much else. I used to live in Washington state, laiska! Which is also rainy but not as rainy as US media will have you believe.
Welcome Antares, and New England usually isn't as cold as it is today. But it can be damp so the cold can really zap ya'. If you like costuming and cosplay be sure to check out Anime Boston, New England's biggest con. Well worth a visit if that's your thing.
I discovered the comic a few weeks ago and got hooked by the prologue: Everyday people behaving like everyday people in the face of the apocalypse. I read the comic mainly as some kind of parody that also works as an adventure story if you don't notice the parody - quite similar to the beginning of the hobbit, actually. (I did not get the irony of the hobbit when I first read it as at the age of eleven but took it seriously.) The main story also seems like everyday people facing an adventure that seems a bit too big for them, but until they seem to have managed. I love it that the treasure they are hunting is books and that the damsel in distress they have rescued is a kitten.
(And now I will go over to the comic board and look for a speculation thread.)
Susanna, hello and welcome! You will find speculation about all manner of things. Have fun!
Thanks a lot!
Welcome to the forum susanna :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie: If you're looking for speculation about the comic then you'll find plenty here
Thanks a lot to you, too! ; :)
I started reading the comic last year but only discovered the forum recently!
SSSS prompted me to start learning suomi (and dutch which is my dad's mother tongue and has nothing to do with ssss but I actually started learning dutch because of all the different langages in ssss?)
I have a cat (of whom I will post loads of pictures in the pet thread)
And I look forward to participating in the postcard exchange thingy :D
*ahem* Hello, I'm that Bunny!
I'm quite new to the SSSS world, but totally into it! I got to know about the SSSS comic through an article on "der Tagesspiegel" (yes, this is german but no, I'm not a german even though I can speak it fluently). Here is the article: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/comics/jahresrueckblick-hier-gibt-es-weitere-comic-favoriten-unserer-leser/20650620-2.html (- hey I just saw now that the name of the SSSS comic is written wrongly! O_o) I'm also a reader of Webtoons and Tapastic.
My hobbies are mainly drawing, writing, playing piano, thinking about scinece and reading (books as much as comics! :3). I also plan on being an cartoonist as second job in future so... :))
And that's it! I think at least...
Guizguiz, hello and welcome! Have you found the languages thread yet? You might find it fun. And you will find that many of us are cat lovers. I am much amused by your text.
That Bunny, good to see that you made it over here from the comments! You will find lots of scope for writing and drawing in the Scriptorium and the Art thread. Enjoy!
Welcome welcome, Antares, susanna, Guizguiz, and That Bunny and anyone else whom I've missed lately! I hope you all enjoy yourselves here :)
I'm quite new to the SSSS world, but totally into it! I got to know about the SSSS comic through an article on "der Tagesspiegel" (yes, this is german but no, I'm not a german even though I can speak it fluently). Here is the article: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/comics/jahresrueckblick-hier-gibt-es-weitere-comic-favoriten-unserer-leser/20650620-2.html (- hey I just saw now that the name of the SSSS comic is written wrongly! O_o)
["It is not always possible to tell the characters apart [by their faces]"? a-hem!]
... would you like to add that to the "Minna/SSSS in the news!" thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=263.105)?
["It is not always possible to tell the characters apart [by their faces]"? a-hem!]
... would you like to add that to the "Minna/SSSS in the news!" thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=263.105)?
Yes I found that quite strange, because it's actually very easy to tell the characters apart... but at least I got to know SSSS like this! :D I'll add it to the Minna/SSSS news!
Also thank you for all the warm welcome!
Welcomes to That Bunny, susanna and Guizguiz from me as well!
That Bunny, the Google-translated page from the link spelled it as "Stay Still Stay Silent" which I hope is just a GT malapropism.
But I agree with JoB that Minna has done an unusually good job with keeping the features of the characters separate, at least when you see them reasonably close up. (Quite a few will have features so similar, it's only the colouring that distinguishes them.)
Welcome to the forum Guizguiz and That Bunny :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
It has been ridiculously long since I popped into this thread. A thousand welcomes to all newcomers! Have you been issued with your squirrel cookies yet? :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I probably should have done this before I started posting stuff but oh well. :/
I'm Imogen and I'm a fashion student from the UK. I started reading ssss in about 2014 but I've only recently felt the need to be on the forums because the latest chapter is pushing my emilalli feels to the max and I needed a safe space to fangirl.
I can't really think of anything else to say but it's been fun having a nosy through some of the threads and I hope if if I post stuff it's not gonna be too annoying :)
Hi and welcome, Imogen! (and all the other people I missed)
Fashion student? That's pretty cool. Do you have a focus?
Welcome to Imogen, that's a mighty long time to have held out! You'll already know then, that you have plenty of company on the Emilalli ship, it is probably the most popular one.
Welcome to the forum Imogen :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi and welcome, Imogen! (and all the other people I missed)
Fashion student? That's pretty cool. Do you have a focus?
Thank you! I don't really know, I'm only in second year so I'm kind of figuring things out rn. I like knitwear, denim and mixing menswear and womenswear though if that answers your question :)
Welcome to Imogen, that's a mighty long time to have held out! You'll already know then, that you have plenty of company on the Emilalli ship, it is probably the most popular one.
Thanks! Yeah I know! There's just so much to go on for that ship though, it's very hard not to catch on lol :D
你好, I'm pounce!
I've been a visitor of the #ssss IRC channel for quite awhile now (greater than a year), but I've neglected to actually create a forum account until now. So, I won't be surprised if a few people know me. ;)
I've lived all over the US, and have visited France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Brazil. I love to travel as well as be outside, so I may be visiting the meetup forum sometime. :P
I'm a webcomic fiend—reading 16 different comics at the moment and looking for more! I found SSSS two years ago by accident, and devoured it along with aRTD. Still, I find SSSS minnions to be wonderful and I love this community more than the others.
For those language nerds, I speak English fluently and French much less so. I have many other flings (Norwegian, Vietnamese and Mandarin for example), but only feel comfortable in the former. I dream that one day I'll be able to learn enough to move to another country for good.
I also love reading, music, programming, math and everything cute, but this is getting long so I'll cut it off here.
Imogen and pounce, welcome welcome!
Hallo and welcome to the forum pounce :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Imogen and Pounce!
Haven't looked in here in a loooooong time, so welcome to all the new people!
Hello guys,
I'm Malahan, a 27 years old weirdo from Czech Republic. I found the comic about four weeks ago by accident - Google showed me some pictures of Reynir after typing his name (one of my original characters' name is Reynir, too) and I was curious what story is that cutie from. I read it in two evenings and fell in love with this masterpiece ;D
I like cocoa, drawing, smoked tofu, riding a kick scooter (are there any other scooter riders here? ;D), icelandic music and language, electric guitars (especially telecasters)... I'm quite shy and insecure about my English, so I will probably watch the forum silently most of the time, but I could post some fanart in the future, so I thought it would be nice to introduce myself first.
Have a nice day/evening/whatever everyone :)
Hi & welcome Malahan, we wouldn't mind seeing some of your drawings sometime. We have the SSSS Art Museum, the ARtD Art Museum, and the Forum Art Museum to show off more general works. There are also threads for Memes & Edits and videos, if you (or anyone else!) inclines to such works.
(Editors note: I will try to make links to all of these threads when I get a chance to log in from a machine other than my phone, sorry about that.)
Welcome also to pounce! You probably already know this, but the best way to learn the language deeply is to go there, wherever there is. Quite a few Minnions have taken a leap to a foreign country, for study or for work.
Malahan, hello and welcome!
pounce, it's great to see you here too :D And to learn a bit more about you. Welcome, welcome!
Malahan, welcome to the fandom! Your English seems just fine to me (though I'm not a native speaker either) so don't worry too much. Fanart is very treasured around here and I can't wait to see what you've been drawing.
Hello guys,
Hi Malahan :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi everybody!
-- and Malahan, your English is excellent.
But anybody whose English isn't, don't worry about it.
Thank you all :))
Hello everyone!
I go by Fija and I’m from Poland. I’ve been meaning to become active here for months, but I’m really shy and scared of everything so bear with me! haha
I first found this comic about 3 years ago, but school got in the way and i got disconnected from the story because of waiting for all the updates, and eventually (sadly) i abandoned it. But then, one day, i heard a few great songs with vocals in Finnish and it reminded me of „that one awesome comic where everyone was from the North”. My burning love for SSSS ignited once more, warming up my cold, rainy December.
Besides SSSS I love animated movies, cats, art, and Moomins! Moomin was my first ever crush haha :'D, and I watched the tv show like crazy (& read the books when I got older).
I like to draw, learn foreign languages (as a few people said „language monster”) & play various sports.
Hi! Welcome to the forum, fija!
Fija, hello and welcome! I hope you have fun here.
Hello everyone!
Hallo Fija :D and welcome :squirrelcookie:
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
Welcome aboard Fija!
Thank you! Your profile picture is great, haha
Welcome Malahan and Fija!
Hello everyone! I just joined the fandom yesterday after binge-reading the whole comic :)
I’m a student from Texas in the United States. Besides this fandom, I read several other webcomics like The Silver Eye and The Dreamer, and love the works of Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and too many others to list here.
I love foreign languages (though sadly I don’t know any Scandinavian ones), reading, writing, hiking, photography, music, and dancing. I’m glad to join the fandom!
Hello everyone!
Hello Eruwaedhiel :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie:, with your intrests I'm sure you'll fit rigth in
Eruwaedhiel, welcome to the Forum! I think you will enjoy the company here.
Thank you so much for your kind welcome!
Welcome Eruwaedhiel!
Hello! I'm new. Username's Kitty (which surprisingly wasn't taken... but then again people tend to overlook simple stuff cuz they think it's already taken) and I'm Croatian. Hello! :D
I see people post languages they speak here, so I speak Croatian and English (my grammar is occasionally bad, poke me if I make no sense), and can understand some other Balkan languages (Serbian, other stuff like that, Slovenian not really), and I speak a tiny bit of German, but it's just plain awful. Nothing Scandinavian tho...
I read the Redtail's Dream and got some lovely nightmares from SSSS comic. I also follow other comics, such as Gunnerkrigg Court and Sleepless Domain.
Good to meet you all! :D
Welcome, Kitty!
Nice to meet you as well!
It might really be the case that people want to pick something fancier, unique and distinguishable, like 'Clayres', and gloss over simpler things... >__>
But, having not be taken by anyone else means you get to enjoy this name, so yay!
Those are some good webcomic choices, methinks. ^^
I hope you feel right at home here! :D
Welcome Kitty!
Yay! Thanks guys <3
Hello! I'm new.
Hello to you too Kitty :squirrelcookie: and welcome :D
Hi, Kitty! Welcome to the forum.
(you reminded me, I'm gonna go catch up on the last few weeks of Gunnerkrigg Court now)
(you reminded me, I'm gonna go catch up on the last few weeks of Gunnerkrigg Court now)
It has got WILD lately!
Welcome Eruwaedhiel and Kitty! Have some squirrel cookies :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Kitty, hello and welcome! Hope you enjoy it here!
Yay! Friends! :D Hello hello!
And yeah, last few weeks Gunnerkrigg went crazy
Hey guys! I know I'm far from a newbie in the fandom, but since I've been gone for so long I feel I need a new proper Introduction!
So to everyone, those I know and those I don't: Hello! my name is Deer. I've been invested in Stand Still Stay Silent for almost 4 whole years now. Crazy isn't it! I love webcomics so much I'm thinking about starting one myself.
I regret leaving the fourm so much. And I still don't know why I did. Even so, I'm glad to be here again! I can't wait to get invested in the fandom again. I think my ssssona needs a fresh coat of paint...
I remember you! Welcome back!
Welcome to Kitty (it *is* odd that no one has picked that name before?) and a big welcome back to Oh Deer. You have been missed, but people's enthusiasm waxes and wanes so we understand. I look forward to seeing your observations again.
Hey guys!
Hi Oh Deer and welcome back :squirrelcookie:
Hey guys! I know I'm far from a newbie in the fandom, but since I've been gone for so long I feel I need a new proper Introduction!
So to everyone, those I know and those I don't: Hello! my name is Deer. I've been invested in Stand Still Stay Silent for almost 4 whole years now. Crazy isn't it! I love webcomics so much I'm thinking about starting one myself.
I regret leaving the fourm so much. And I still don't know why I did. Even so, I'm glad to be here again! I can't wait to get invested in the fandom again. I think my ssssona needs a fresh coat of paint...
Deer, welcome back! The nice thing about online content is it's always there waiting for you. And so is this forum! :D
Of course, it's, uh, grown a bit while you were gone (in the same way that Pastor A's physical form has "grown a bit" since she first got the Rash -- just check out the Third Court thread as an example). But then, you've likely grown and gained new interests and new perspectives on the story yourself.
And welcome to Kitty, Eruwaedhiel (does that name mean something one of the Elvish languages?), and the other recent arrivals to the Forum.
Hi, another Finn here! After taking three days reading Stand Still, Stay Silent all the way through I've grown to love the comic a lot. Especially enjoy seeing the friendship between Lalli and Emil, and the shipper in me hopes they'll grow closer. Lalli is most likely my fave character, and I don't dislike any character so far.
My main languages are Finnish and English, I've also learned some Japanese, thanks to watching anime since I was a child and then going to Japanese classes years ago, but I won't say I'm good at it. Swedish... Ah, I know words, but after the years out of school I've had no need to use it and have gone beyond rusty. I live in the Southern Finland, and haven't really moved around beyond Finnish borders. I like anime and manga, read a lot of fanfictions and listen to music all sorts of music.
The other webcomics I enjoy are Wurr and Off-White. SSSS is actually the first comic centered around humans I've read in years.
Welcome back Oh Deer and tervetuloa Valkea!
Hi, another Finn here! After taking three days reading Stand Still, Stay Silent all the way through I've grown to love the comic a lot. Especially enjoy seeing the friendship between Lalli and Emil, and the shipper in me hopes they'll grow closer. Lalli is most likely my fave character, and I don't dislike any character so far.
My main languages are Finnish and English, I've also learned some Japanese, thanks to watching anime since I was a child and then going to Japanese classes years ago, but I won't say I'm good at it. Swedish... Ah, I know words, but after the years out of school I've had no need to use it and have gone beyond rusty. I live in the Southern Finland, and haven't really moved around beyond Finnish borders. I like anime and manga, read a lot of fanfictions and listen to music all sorts of music.
The other webcomics I enjoy are Wurr and Off-White. SSSS is actually the first comic centered around humans I've read in years.
!!! Wurr! Off-White! WURR!!! ...I mean, >___>,
Welcome to the forum, Valkea. I hope the time you spend here will be spent well. ^^
Welcome to the forum Valkea :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Valkea and welcome back Oh Deer!
Welcome back Oh Deer and tervetuloa Valkea!
!!! Wurr! Off-White! WURR!!! ...I mean, >___>,
Welcome to the forum, Valkea. I hope the time you spend here will be spent well. ^^
Hahahaha! xD
Welcome to the forum Valkea :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Valkea and welcome back Oh Deer!
Thank you all for being so welcoming! <3
Valkea, hello and welcome! Good to have you back!
Hello Adventurers! It’s about time I introduce myself here! :D I have been following SSSS since the crew crossed into the Silent World. What an adventure it has been (and continues to be!). I really don’t remember how I first came across SSSS.
I follow two other webcomics, http://www.blindsprings.com/ (http://www.blindsprings.com/) (which is currently on a between-chapters hiatus) and http://batb.thecomicseries.com/ (http://batb.thecomicseries.com/) (an absolutely amazing re-telling and beautiful re-spinning of the tale as old as time!)
In real life I am a mid-twenties something gal that travels the United States as a medical imaging technician. My time zones vary from contract to contract and my online-interaction is quite sporadic and incremental. That being said, I must admit I’m addicted to “checking-in” on all three of “my” comics Every. Single. Day. - even though SSSS updates four times a week, BatB updates twice a week and Blindsprings is on break! What is wrong with me? Let’s just say I do it for the comments! ;D
I enjoy meeting new people and going on adventures. In my non-existent spare time I like to read (current favorite is “Til We Have Faces” by C. S. Lewis), watch BBC Earth (Blue Planet II is AMAZING!) and YouTube (“The Bucket List Family” = happiness) AND doodle on sticky notes (because I can never find real paper when I want it). If you decide to spy on me you might find me singing while I drive (and scaring the drivers behind me with my totally-safe-behind-the-wheel dancing!) and running my puppy (and scaring birds and beasts with our all-too-exuberant bouncy-ness.). If you want to stalk me on instagram my username is gnosrevir_melody (not sure how to link that). Nice to meet you all! I promise I’m stalking the threads here even when I don’t post. I’m watching you! Muahahahaha!
Adventure is out there!
Welcome Narnia4Aslan!
Hello Adventurers!
Hello and welcome Narnia4Aslan :squirrelcookie:
Hey! Might as well put something about myself here. I’m 17 and from the southeastern United States, which is a mostly okay place. I’m usually busy with schoolwork so probably won’t have the time to post or comment a lot. I just read a lot of fiction (mostly fantasy, some horror and sci fi) and comics/graphic novels/webcomics and try to write things like poetry and sometimes longer stories that I usually never show anyone. Also I’ve got two lovely cats. I found ssss nearly a month ago and it’s my new obsession, which is good because I’d been without one for a while! Just a warning that I overthink and worry about everything I write and it usually ends up sounding awkward, like this probably does. I’ve also never really shared anything of myself on the internet before, being a shy weirdo, but this seems like a friendly community with creative people that I’d like to join! So yeah, hopefully I’ll post something occasionally
Zenik and Narnia4Aslan, hello and welcome to you both! Both of you sound like people who will fit in well here. Have fun!
Hey Zenik :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello to you too casualHypocrite and welcome :D
Welcome to casualHypocrite! Are you ketchup or tomato sauce?
casualHypocrite, hello to you too. And welcome!
Welcome to casualHypocrite! Are you ketchup or tomato sauce?
[notes casualHypocrite's signature actually answering that, modulo minor typo :P ]
[notes casualHypocrite's signature actually answering that, modulo minor typo :P ]
Huh. I was going with Urban Dictionary, "Japanese equivalent of either "awesome" or "awful". Most frequently used to mean the former, at least among westerners. ... Phrase to show excellence, coolness, and awesome powa supa dupa 100% for Japanase girls."
( This is literally the first time interacted with the SSSS Community, so I'm a little nervous, but I'll introduce myself. )
Hola! I'm 15 turning 16, from the Midwest United States. I draw and animate obsessively, so I'm curious to see if I can share any SSSS Fan Art/Animations here. I only recently found SSSS, but I freaking love it, as I've gone back and read through the entirety of it thus far. I haven't interacted with fan forums at all until now, so I have no idea what I'm doing, but it'll be fun to stumble through figuring things out. I'll be online occasionally, due to being busy with school, but I'll try to post whenever I can. I suppose that's it, so... uh... Hi.
Huh. I was going with Urban Dictionary
Let me explain the trailing "sorry, my cheek isn't big enough to keep my tongue properly contained" emoticon to you ... ;)
Welcome to the forum ShiroTheInternetGhost :D :squirrelcookie:
Let me explain the trailing "sorry, my cheek isn't big enough to keep my tongue properly contained" emoticon to you ... ;)
Oh, I think you have quite a bit of cheek, really. 8)
And welcomes to ShiroTheInternetGhost, we certainly would appreciate your art over in the SSSS Art Museum thread!
Zenik, casualHypocrite , and ShiroTheInternetGhost!
Hello hello, Zenik, casualHypocrite, ShiroTheInternetGhost, and anyone else who joined since I've last been on here!
I've been gone so long I almost feel as though I should introduce myself.
Welcome everyone! So nice to meet you :>
Hello guuuuuyyyyyys ! I'm new here ! How are you all ?
Hello guuuuuyyyyyys ! I'm new here ! How are you all ?
Hello hello and welcome to the forum!!! :))
Hello guuuuuyyyyyys ! I'm new here ! How are you all ?
Hello Yoyo360 and welcome :D
Hello guuuuuyyyyyys ! I'm new here ! How are you all ?
Hi! Nice to meet you, I hope you’ll have a nice time here (actually, I’m sure you will) ;D
Hey all, I'm a storyteller out of cryptid county who has a penchant for getting lost and meeting new folk; and y'know despite this I managed to make it through my childhood without getting kidnapped, so go me.
Hey everyone! I've been reading SSSS for a while and just decided to join the forum. I'm a peruser of webcomics, but SSSS is one of the few that I actually follow on a regular basis.
Hey hey and welcome! You have come to hang with the fandom during a chapter break, but that's a great time for all of us to catch up on the fanworks stored here! Top picks for general SSSS content: the Art Museum and the Scriptorium. (Will edit links in later, can't do it on my phone. )
Hey all
Hey everyone!
Hi and welcome to the forum soggy and mirla :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Hey everyone! I've been reading SSSS for a while and just decided to join the forum. I'm a peruser of webcomics, but SSSS is one of the few that I actually follow on a regular basis.
Hey everyone! I've been reading SSSS for a while and just decided to join the forum. I'm a peruser of webcomics, but SSSS is one of the few that I actually follow on a regular basis.
Hello guuuuuyyyyyys ! I'm new here ! How are you all ?
Welcome to all three of you!
Thanks guys, still poking around the forum for now, gettin' a feel for things.
Whoops, I got mirla twice and missed soggy!
Welcome welcome soggy and mirla! ^-^
Welcome Narnia4Aslan, Zenik, casualHypocrite, ShiroTheInternetGhost, Yoyo360, Soggy and Mirla! My seal says hello too, say hello seal!
Well that's just rude...
Welcome everyone! (And welcome to the forum, Soggy! Nice seeing you around here!)
Hey guys! I've forgotten to post in the introduction thread ever since I joined, so, belated introduction I guess?
Hey guys!
A delayed welcome to you then Piiec :D
Hey guys! I've forgotten to post in the introduction thread ever since I joined, so, belated introduction I guess?
Welcome, Piiec! ;D
I'm Zami and I have no idea what I'm doing but I love SSSS so, here I come
Uhh, sometimes I draw stuff so I might drop by the fanart thread at some point. I also see that lots of people here learn languages and I actually decided to learn Finnish because of SSSS, so that's cool I guess
Aaaanyway nice to meet you all
I'm Zami and I have no idea what I'm doing but I love SSSS so, here I come
Uhh, sometimes I draw stuff so I might drop by the fanart thread at some point. I also see that lots of people here learn languages and I actually decided to learn Finnish because of SSSS, so that's cool I guess
Aaaanyway nice to meet you all
Welcome, Zami, I hope you enjoy your time on the forum! Your art is very nice! ;D ;D (And the dragon animation on your dA is very smooth!! XoX )
Hello to you too Zami :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie:
Thanks for the welcome :D
Your art is very nice! ;D ;D (And the dragon animation on your dA is very smooth!! XoX )
ahh thank you so much! I worked really hard on that dragon ;D
Thanks for the welcome :D
ahh thank you so much! I worked really hard on that dragon ;D
Ah well, the hard work paid off! ;D ;D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi Zami, nice to meet you and your awesome art :)
Hi Zami, nice to meet you and your awesome art :)
Can one even meet art? :D Is it a separate entity now? Thank you though!
I'm Paperless Cat, a relative newbie.
I write and draw, but most of the time I browse around.
Hi and welcome to the forum Paperless Cat :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I'm Paperless Cat, a relative newbie.
I write and draw, but most of the time I browse around.
Welcome, Paperless Cat!!! ;D :squirrelcookie:
Welcome aboard Piiec, Zami and Paperless Cat!
Decided to join the forum after years of just sticking to the comic comments, hello everybody!
Decided to join the forum after years of just sticking to the comic comments, hello everybody!
Hello hello and welcome to the Forum! Welcomes also to Paperless Cat. Lurking is fine, or finding a nice niche or seven to hang out in.
hello everybody!
Hello nemocard, welcome to the forum :D
Hello, decided to join the forum after catching the live stream. Been reading for years and love the comic!
Hello I'm Pawrunes and I just recently got into ssss after my friend recommended me to it ówò
me name is alice/al, 18yo from sweden, oof idk how to do this really but i like drawing i guess
Hi I'm hexdit. sorry about the late introduction!
Welcomes to UrchinMouth, Pawrunes and hexdit. Make yourselves t'home (hexdit has been carving a SSSSona already!), and have a good look around. Fabulous
time sinks places to browse are the SSSS Art Museum and SSSS Scriptorium displaying sundry fanarts for you to ogle, as well as special interest threads in the General, Language and Personal boards. Advanced-level geekery can be found in the Forum website discussion area.
Welcome to the forum hexdit, Pawrunes and UrchinMouth :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
hi im newt (short for newton) and i havent used a forum in years so uhhh sorry if im doing stuff wrong or whatever, ive been reading ssss for a while and just started to comment (my disqus is just my name) and i decided to join the forum for fun and that i should Really get into being more sociable
hi im newt (short for newton) and i havent used a forum in years so uhhh sorry if im doing stuff wrong or whatever, ive been reading ssss for a while and just started to comment (my disqus is just my name) and i decided to join the forum for fun and that i should Really get into being more sociable
Offical welcomes to you here, irlkaijugroupie! (Everybody, go look at the Reynir he posted in the Art Museum!) Feel free to look around. The odd comment here and there is good for starters while you get oriented, no need to go hog-wild until you want to!
Offical welcomes to you here, irlkaijugroupie! (Everybody, go look at the Reynir he posted in the Art Museum!) Feel free to look around. The odd comment here and there is good for starters while you get oriented, no need to go hog-wild until you want to!
thank you! :D
hi im newt
Hi newt, welcome :D
Welcome everyone!
Welcome newcomers!! I hope you have fun and find threads of your interest :D
Hey Everyone, I'm Virginiangoober
I'm just some random 26 year old dude who lives in the Eastern United States and has an affinity for heavy metal, Albert Camus and scary movies. I am also unfortunately monolingual (English) and can only make out a few phrases of Greek at best.
Other than that, It's nice to meet you all. :V
Hey Everyone, I'm Virginiangoober
I'm just some random 26 year old dude who lives in the Eastern United States and has an affinity for heavy metal, Albert Camus and scary movies. I am also unfortunately monolingual (English) and can only make out a few phrases of Greek at best.
Other than that, It's nice to meet you all. :V
welcome !!!!!!
Welcome welcome Virginiangoober and everyone else I've missed!
Hey Everyone, I'm Virginiangoober
Welcome to the forum Virginiangoober :D :squirrelcookie:
So many newcomers, we'll have to expand the blanket fort! Welcome nemocard, UrchinMouth, Pawrunes, hexdit, irlkaijugroupie and Virginiangoober!
Hi all!
My name's Jamie. You can also call me Mebediel or Meb if you'd like. I'm 23 years old and working as a paralegal while I apply to graduate programs for medieval English literature. My sister introduced me to SSSS a few weeks back, and I caught up right before the most recent chapter break. At first I didn't want to make a forum account because I didn't know how much time I'd have to actually participate, but, as you can see, I caved pretty quickly.
Since we're also doing languages (one of my favorite things about this fandom is how invested everyone is in languages, btw!), English is my native language, and I can usually understand Mandarin, although I'm not as good at speaking, reading, or writing as I should be after having lived in China for 6 1/2 years and having one Chinese parent :P I also took Spanish for three years in high school, and I took Latin and Old English in college. Once I get a better at the languages I'm already working on, I'm going to try for French and/or Icelandic and/or Old Norse and/or Shanghainese as well!
Hi all!
My name's Jamie. You can also call me Mebediel or Meb if you'd like. I'm 23 years old and working as a paralegal while I apply to graduate programs for medieval English literature. My sister introduced me to SSSS a few weeks back, and I caught up right before the most recent chapter break. At first I didn't want to make a forum account because I didn't know how much time I'd have to actually participate, but, as you can see, I caved pretty quickly.
Since we're also doing languages (one of my favorite things about this fandom is how invested everyone is in languages, btw!), English is my native language, and I can usually understand Mandarin, although I'm not as good at speaking, reading, or writing as I should be after having lived in China for 6 1/2 years and having one Chinese parent :P I also took Spanish for three years in high school, and I took Latin and Old English in college. Once I get a better at the languages I'm already working on, I'm going to try for French and/or Icelandic and/or Old Norse and/or Shanghainese as well!
hello and welcome!!! i hope you'll enjoy your time here :D!! and thats super cool, good luck w/ learning !!!
Hi Jami and welcome :squirrelcookie:
Welcome welcome Jamie!
That's a lot of languages! I wish my college offered Old English, that's so cool that you know it. If you haven't seen it already, we have a language board you might enjoy.
Thanks guys!
Welcome welcome Jamie!
That's a lot of languages! I wish my college offered Old English, that's so cool that you know it. If you haven't seen it already, we have a language board you might enjoy.
Thanks! I was super lucky to have a great Old English professor, but I can't say that I know it very well. I'll definitely check out the language board!
I guess this is where I start
My name is Seth, if you couldn't tell by the username. I am a 24 year old Brit, who has a love of languages and cultures, but doesn't have the memory to learn any languages.
I've been lurking since the Dalahasten and have finally decided to come out of hiding. I usually stay away from fandoms because they have a tendency to be toxic but after chatting with some of you and seeing how wholesome you all are, I've decided to become a member of the Minnions.
I'm fluent in English and while I used to know a bit of Latin and Japanese, my memory is terrible and I've since forgotten about 90% of what I used to know. Despite this, I am always interested in learning about new cultures and languages, even if my retention is awful. Maybe one day I'll figure out a way of learning languages that'll stick for me, when I do, I plan on re-learning what I knew, and learning many different languages, starting with the Scandinavian Languages.
I look forward to enjoying your company here, on the IRC, and in the Twitch chats and SSSS comment sections, which I plan on not lurking on soon.
Hi Seth!! Welcome!
I guess this is where I start
My name is Seth, if you couldn't tell by the username. I am a 24 year old Brit, who has a love of languages and cultures, but doesn't have the memory to learn any languages.
I've been lurking since the Dalahasten and have finally decided to come out of hiding. I usually stay away from fandoms because they have a tendency to be toxic but after chatting with some of you and seeing how wholesome you all are, I've decided to become a member of the Minnions.
I'm fluent in English and while I used to know a bit of Latin and Japanese, my memory is terrible and I've since forgotten about 90% of what I used to know. Despite this, I am always interested in learning about new cultures and languages, even if my retention is awful. Maybe one day I'll figure out a way of learning languages that'll stick for me, when I do, I plan on re-learning what I knew, and learning many different languages, starting with the Scandinavian Languages.
I look forward to enjoying your company here, on the IRC, and in the Twitch chats and SSSS comment sections, which I plan on not lurking on soon.
nice to meet you seth! welcome !!
Hello & welcome to you, Seth. As a longtime lurker, you likely know many of us around here, but I do invite you to dive into the treasure that is the SSSS Art Museum & SSSS Scriptorium threads, for all of your visual and other synaptic needs.
Welcome to the forum Seth :D
Welcome Seth.
...We have an irc?... Who even uses IRC anymore?
I guess this is where I start
My name is Seth, if you couldn't tell by the username. I am a 24 year old Brit, who has a love of languages and cultures, but doesn't have the memory to learn any languages.
I've been lurking since the Dalahasten and have finally decided to come out of hiding. I usually stay away from fandoms because they have a tendency to be toxic but after chatting with some of you and seeing how wholesome you all are, I've decided to become a member of the Minnions.
I'm fluent in English and while I used to know a bit of Latin and Japanese, my memory is terrible and I've since forgotten about 90% of what I used to know. Despite this, I am always interested in learning about new cultures and languages, even if my retention is awful. Maybe one day I'll figure out a way of learning languages that'll stick for me, when I do, I plan on re-learning what I knew, and learning many different languages, starting with the Scandinavian Languages.
I look forward to enjoying your company here, on the IRC, and in the Twitch chats and SSSS comment sections, which I plan on not lurking on soon.
Yes! Welcome, Seth! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Seth.
...We have an irc?... Who even uses IRC anymore?
dude I don't even know what an IRC is
Welcome Jamie (love your avatar image!) and Seth!
dude I don't even know what an IRC is
You young whippersnappers! Get off my lawn!! :'D
Welcome welcome Seth!
Welcome Seth.
...We have an irc?... Who even uses IRC anymore?
This is relevant.
Server: #SSSS
A fair number of us use IRC in fact!
Im WhatLive, I mostly draw and write comics but I also appreciate the beauty that is memes. I first read SSSS a while ago, but then dropped it (dont remember why). I don’t really have a favorite character but Lalli and Reynir are the most fun to draw. I live in the US, I only speak English but I’d like to learn another language at some point.
Welcome aboard WhatLive! The Mead Moose should be along shortly, but in the meantime have some cookies! :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
A hearty welcome to all the newcomers I have missed in the last few months! Life has been rolling over me a bit, and I haven't been here as much as I might wish. Welcome to all, and hope to see a bit more of everyone now!
Im WhatLive
Hi WhatLive:D and welcome
Im WhatLive, I mostly draw and write comics but I also appreciate the beauty that is memes. I first read SSSS a while ago, but then dropped it (dont remember why). I don’t really have a favorite character but Lalli and Reynir are the most fun to draw. I live in the US, I only speak English but I’d like to learn another language at some point.
welcome welcome !!!
Im WhatLive, I mostly draw and write comics but I also appreciate the beauty that is memes. I first read SSSS a while ago, but then dropped it (dont remember why). I don’t really have a favorite character but Lalli and Reynir are the most fun to draw. I live in the US, I only speak English but I’d like to learn another language at some point.
Welcome (in the intro thread this time)!
Hello, Fan Forum!
I am a long-time lurker and comic reader (from the distant days when Reynir was still quite nameless).
I've been burned by getting too close to fandoms before, but I've really been enjoying the recent livestreams and I guess I'm ready to be hurt again, ha. A little bit about me- I'm from the Eastern United States, I have a college degree in textiles and I'm really interested in archaeology and folklore. While I'm pretty dislocated from my family heritage, I have predominantly Finnish ancestry. I really enjoy cosplay projects and would love to do something SSSS related (although the mere thought of all that insulation in August gives me the Fear.) I also enjoy drawing and other various art-and-craft pursuits. I'm very attached to Tuuri and Onni, though I love the whole crew.
I don't know how active I'll be here, but, here I am! Please be gentle.
I've already gone through the 'Ethnic Diversity in SSSS' thread so I'm coming to you freshly traumatized...
Hello, Fan Forum!
I am a long-time lurker and comic reader (from the distant days when Reynir was still quite nameless).
I've been burned by getting too close to fandoms before, but I've really been enjoying the recent livestreams and I guess I'm ready to be hurt again, ha. A little bit about me- I'm from the Eastern United States, I have a college degree in textiles and I'm really interested in archaeology and folklore. While I'm pretty dislocated from my family heritage, I have predominantly Finnish ancestry. I really enjoy cosplay projects and would love to do something SSSS related (although the mere thought of all that insulation in August gives me the Fear.) I also enjoy drawing and other various art-and-craft pursuits. I'm very attached to Tuuri and Onni, though I love the whole crew.
I don't know how active I'll be here, but, here I am! Please be gentle.
I've already gone through the 'Ethnic Diversity in SSSS' thread so I'm coming to you freshly traumatized...
Welcome, Steadfast!! (May I call you that?) :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: I hope you enjoy your time here, and if I could offer you some oven mitts so you aren't burned again, I would <3
Hi, Steadfast!
It was needing to say something in that thread which brought me onto these boards.
Lots of other things to talk about here, though; and my general sense of the community is that it's quite inclusive (otherwise I wouldn't have stayed.)
Oh, and whoops: hi, everybody else also! I haven't posted in this thread for quite a while --
Hello, Fan Forum!
I am a long-time lurker and comic reader (from the distant days when Reynir was still quite nameless).
I've been burned by getting too close to fandoms before, but I've really been enjoying the recent livestreams and I guess I'm ready to be hurt again, ha. A little bit about me- I'm from the Eastern United States, I have a college degree in textiles and I'm really interested in archaeology and folklore. While I'm pretty dislocated from my family heritage, I have predominantly Finnish ancestry. I really enjoy cosplay projects and would love to do something SSSS related (although the mere thought of all that insulation in August gives me the Fear.) I also enjoy drawing and other various art-and-craft pursuits. I'm very attached to Tuuri and Onni, though I love the whole crew.
I don't know how active I'll be here, but, here I am! Please be gentle.
I've already gone through the 'Ethnic Diversity in SSSS' thread so I'm coming to you freshly traumatized...
Welcome to the forum!! I've seen you around in the livestreams! Great profile pic + username :)
Steadfastjewel, hello and welcome. Nice profile pic. We're not too scary. Weird, but generally fairly nice.
Welcome, Steadfastjewel! I hope you like it here! :)
Thanks all for the warm welcome <3 <3 <3
I'm good with being called steadfast, or steady if you're really feeling the brevity ; )
Hello, Fan Forum!
Hello steadfastjewel and welcome :D
Hello! I'm Kaino (the name has nothing to do with the SSSS prologue character). 27 year old swede. I've been into SSSS for a long time but it's just recently it became an obsession. I've came to this forum since I've lost hope to get anyone of my friends to read SSSS anytime soon, and it's nicer to talk about it with people who've actually read it. I hope to make some friends, even though I'm not used to actually writing in forum threads and not just reading them haha.
I love fanart and similar works, like cosplay, animations and recorded audio. I've already found a lot of nice such things in these forums. And some threads are gold mines for inspiration.
In SSSS I find the most relatable character is Lalli. I love everyone in the main crew though, and also Onni.
Welcome, Kaino! This is a very friendly forum, so I’m certain you’ll make friends in no time :) I’m in a similar boat re:characters, I think...although I don’t find Lalli the most relatable necessarily, he is my favorite by a very small margin since the rest of the crew + Onni are also all so wonderful!
Welcome, Kaino! This is a very friendly forum, so I’m certain you’ll make friends in no time :) I’m in a similar boat re:characters, I think...although I don’t find Lalli the most relatable necessarily, he is my favorite by a very small margin since the rest of the crew + Onni are also all so wonderful!
Thank you! Right, if I pick one favorite character it feels like I'm neglecting the others and they are all so awesome in different ways.
Hello! I'm Kaino
Hello and welcome to the forum Kaino :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello and welcome!
Heyo all!
I'm Birov, 21 y.o. from the west coast of the USA. I'm a full-time commissions/freelance artist who's almost entirely consumed by my work. But, recently I've been trying to take some more time to draw personal/fan work & actually engage with stories and content I love, which led me here!
SSSS has been... basically the only webcomic I consistently remember to keep up with for over two years now, if not longer. Mostly due to the fact that it hits all the themes I like and I fell in love with all the characters within pages of meeting them, so it's kept me captive ever since.
I feel bad picking a favorite character... I'd have to settle for saying Lalli or Emil, when pressed. But they're - at most - an inch ahead of the others.
Heyo all!
I'm Birov, 21 y.o. from the west coast of the USA. I'm a full-time commissions/freelance artist who's almost entirely consumed by my work. But, recently I've been trying to take some more time to draw personal/fan work & actually engage with stories and content I love, which led me here!
SSSS has been... basically the only webcomic I consistently remember to keep up with for over two years now, if not longer. Mostly due to the fact that it hits all the themes I like and I fell in love with all the characters within pages of meeting them, so it's kept me captive ever since.
I feel bad picking a favorite character... I'd have to settle for saying Lalli or Emil, when pressed. But they're - at most - an inch ahead of the others.
Welcome welcome!! I think I've seen your art on Tumblr! It's absolutely lovely!
Hi, I'm Katherine! I'm from the northwestern US, 20 years old and going to college for physics and music. Yes, I actually can do that, and no, I have no idea what I'm gonna do with it. In my free time (hah) I play d&d, write, and recently have been trying to draw more art, which usually means ssss fanart.
I don't really know how active I'm gonna be here, cause I'm not great about checking stuff like this, but I've been trying to watch the Twitch streams for the past couple weeks and everyone's been really nice, so I thought I'd come over here :)
Welcome welcome!! I think I've seen your art on Tumblr! It's absolutely lovely!
Thank you so much! Both for the welcome and for the kind words. And, if it's the same URL, then the art on tumblr's definitely me.
Hi, I'm Katherine! I'm from the northwestern US, 20 years old and going to college for physics and music...
From one new-comer to another, welcome aboard!
Hi everyone, I'm vawy 21 years old girl, aspiring cat lady and adventurer! I'm from italy^^ (sorry for my weird English)
I discovered ssss one year ago and since that moment I couldn't stop following it.
Now I am starting to read it again from beginning to introduce it with my brother and enjoy it with him, so googling around about ssss I found this forum ^^ How could I discover about its existence just now? Ahah :)
Heyo all!
Hi, I'm Katherine!
Hi everyone
Hello vawy, Birov and Katherine. Welcome to the forum :D :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
and going to college for physics and music.
Oh nice, I'm a physics student too, though I've only just started last month
Hi, I'm Katherine! I'm from the northwestern US, 20 years old and going to college for physics and music. Yes, I actually can do that, and no, I have no idea what I'm gonna do with it. In my free time (hah) I play d&d, write, and recently have been trying to draw more art, which usually means ssss fanart.
I don't really know how active I'm gonna be here, cause I'm not great about checking stuff like this, but I've been trying to watch the Twitch streams for the past couple weeks and everyone's been really nice, so I thought I'd come over here :)
Welcome, Katherine! My sister is double majoring in math and art, so I'm a little familiar with people studying to seemingly unrelated fields. It sounds tough but really cool! What kind of music/what instruments?
Hi everyone, I'm vawy 21 years old girl, aspiring cat lady and adventurer! I'm from italy^^ (sorry for my weird English)
I discovered ssss one year ago and since that moment I couldn't stop following it.
Now I am starting to read it again from beginning to introduce it with my brother and enjoy it with him, so googling around about ssss I found this forum ^^ How could I discover about its existence just now? Ahah :)
Welcome, vawy! I'm glad you found us! And don't worry, your English is great :D
What kind of music/what instruments?
I'm doing cello performance. I'm having a ton of fun and I'm really glad I'm doing it, but yeah the double major thing is definitely not for the faint of heart haha.
Oh nice, I'm a physics student too, though I've only just started last month
Good luck! What classes are you taking?
Thanks for the welcomes, everyone :)
Good luck! What classes are you taking?
Thanks, good luck to you too. This semester I have astrophysics and special relativity, calculus, and mechanics and thermodynamics
I'm just a normal Finnish woman spending time on internet.
Niinkuin Kotka-Pyhtää alueelta kotoisin.
Hello Suominoita and welcome :D
I'm just a normal Finnish woman spending time on internet.
Niinkuin Kotka-Pyhtää alueelta kotoisin.
Welcome, welcome!
Welcomes! feather, my daughter is thinking about a conjoined degree in music (viola) and physics, or music/engineering.
Nice JacobThomsen, those are fun classes!
wavewright62, I'm definitely not the only person I know who's doing this. It's hard, but if you really enjoy both disciplines it's really nice, cause when I get bored/frustrated of one I can switch to the other and still be productive.
Hi, I'm from northern England and I've recently started learning to draw again (from a few weeks ago). Managing to keep at it this time, which is nice.
You all seem super friendly as well!
Hi scales :D and welcome
Hi, I'm from northern England and I've recently started learning to draw again (from a few weeks ago). Managing to keep at it this time, which is nice.
You all seem super friendly as well!
Hello! Welcome to the forum!
I finally managed to register! Happy to be here, SSSS is the best webcomic I've ever read, full stop.
Yay, you made it! I hope you have a good nosey and enjoy your stay.
Hello JodyS welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie:
I finally managed to register! Happy to be here, SSSS is the best webcomic I've ever read, full stop.
Glad registration started working for you! Welcome!
I'm back and hopefully going to keep up here, again, but I never did make one of these! I'm frosty, I've been reading for... I can't remember. A while! I love birds very much, I have chickens and two parakeets (budgies) named Juno and Quibly. I draw a lot and I used to write some, but not anymore. I'm gonna try to get back to that, I have new ideas! Anyways, I hope I can keep up with the forums and make some new friends!
Hello and welcome back frosty :D
FrostyKitty, glad to see you back!
Also, welcome to all the newcomers who have arrived since I last visited this thread - it's been awhile!
Welcome steadfastjewel (excellent choice of avatar!), Kaino, beansnake, feather337, vawy, Suominoita, scales and JodyS, and welcome back frostykitty!
I would ask my seal to play you a welcome, but that never works out well :D
Welcome, everybody. I look at this thread occasionally, but often then don't get around to posting welcomes; but they're there nonetheless.
Hi, I'm 22-year-old (since today) Polish male, and this is my first post on the forum.
I follow SSSS for less than a month, but I have first learned about it over a year ago from the TVTropes page (which is where I find all the cool stuff). Once I got to it, it quickly became apparent it's the best webcomic I've ever read, bar none.
I'm currently studying IT in Łódź (it's a city in the middle of Poland).
I rather ineptly try to create some fantasy stories of my own (the nickname RanVor is, in fact, derived from one of my characters' name).
I only speak Polish and English (which is still more than most people I know). I'd learn some other languages, but I'm too lazy.
And most importantly, I'm immensely proud and happy that I get to be a part of this awesome community!
Welcomes to you and a happy (now belated) birthday to you, RanVor, I've seen you in the chat recently. Also welcome-back nose-boops to frostykitty!
RanVor, welcome and happy birthday! And if you ever want to share any of your non-SSSS-related work, the Forum Scriptorium on the General Discussion Board (as distinct from the Scriptorium on the main board) is for that purpose. Have fun!
Welcome and happy birthday, RanVor!
And welcome back, frostykitty!
Hello! I am IOM /jəʊm/ from the USA's pacific northwest. I started following aRTD & SSSS this last summer and found this forum recently through Minna's twitch streams. (Archkroniir on Twitch).
Studying architecture and very interested in language.
I speak English, limited German, and extremely limited Mandarin.
currently in the process of developing kjäçu, a conlang
Looking forward to speculating my hair grey with the rest of you!
Hello and welcome to both of you IOM and RanVor :squirrelcookie: :D looks you joined to forum just in time for seoncond adventure theorising to begin
Hello, IOM, and welcome to the speculating!
Welcome, IOM! Good luck with käçu...conlangs are so cool but sound very difficult!
Hello! I'm snowilsadmiral (some people call me Snow for short), she/her, and I found SSSS about a month and a half ago when I was re-reading aRTD, which was suggested to me by a friend a few years ago. I adore this comic and am so far very impressed by the commentariat, which is a lot better than what I've always expected comments to be online (mostly based on what I've seen on Youtube).
Facts about me are...I'm in college majoring in English and Math. I'm the only person in my family not deathly allergic to cats and by extent the only one who likes them. I write fanfiction sometimes (nothing for SSSS yet, though, my FFN and ao3 accounts still reflect my recent fullmetal alchemist obsession). My favorite parts of any fandom I get into are bromance and found family, so you probably won't find much romance in my theories or comments, just lots of friendship.
Anyway, super excited to be here, and looking forward to experiencing the rest of SSSS with everyone!
Welcome, Snow! Good to have you here! I'd agree, Minnions are much much better than YouTube comment sections :P
Welcome to all the new people I've missed this last while. I haven't been around as much as usual, but now the weather is warmer things are tapering down a bit with work, so hopefully I will have a bit more time to spend on the Forum again. Here's hoping that all of you continue to enjoy the comic and the fandom! And again, welcome!
Hello! I'm snowilsadmiral
Hello Snow :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I'm snowilsadmiral (some people call me Snow for short), she/her, and I found SSSS about a month and a half ago when I was re-reading aRTD, which was suggested to me by a friend a few years ago. I adore this comic and am so far very impressed by the commentariat, which is a lot better than what I've always expected comments to be online (mostly based on what I've seen on Youtube).
Facts about me are...I'm in college majoring in English and Math. I'm the only person in my family not deathly allergic to cats and by extent the only one who likes them. I write fanfiction sometimes (nothing for SSSS yet, though, my FFN and ao3 accounts still reflect my recent fullmetal alchemist obsession). My favorite parts of any fandom I get into are bromance and found family, so you probably won't find much romance in my theories or comments, just lots of friendship.
I agree abpout the general civility around the Forum, we are a generally well-rounded bunch who are more interested in sharing our knowledge than ramming it down one another's throat.
Also another one in the friendship-please camp here - my general observation is that people sometimes develop a romance when they go through an intense experience together, but it's far more common to go years working with someone and never develop a romance! (So says the person with 40+ years in the workforce.)
Hi there, I'm Taxx.
I found Minna's aRTD comic way back and I loved it- so when SSSS became a thing, it was a guaranteed that I was gonna read. Went through major life issues not too long after it'd started, though, back in like 2015, and stopped reading to deal. Randomly remembered the comic in August and looked it up again, reading through all of it and aRTD again to re-familiarize myself. Love the comic, love the characters- Lalli and Sigrun are my favorites.
I heard there were meet-ups every so often? I'm currently located in Texas USA, not far from Houston, so if there's anyone around that area, I'm game.
Welcome, Taxx! Glad you're able to join us :D
Hi there, I'm Nova!
I just recently discovered SSSS through a friend who has been reading the comic for many years, and I absolutely love it! (I read the entire thing up to page 900 or so in one single night xD) After reading A Redtail's Dream too and getting to know the fandom a little bit I decided to make an account here, even tho I'm not exactly good in socialising but I'll try my best c:
uhhhh I don't know what else to say...
I really really like Lalli xD
Looking forward to talking with you all in the future!
Hi there, I'm Nova!
I just recently discovered SSSS through a friend who has been reading the comic for many years, and I absolutely love it! (I read the entire thing up to page 900 or so in one single night xD) After reading A Redtail's Dream too and getting to know the fandom a little bit I decided to make an account here, even tho I'm not exactly good in socialising but I'll try my best c:
uhhhh I don't know what else to say...
I really really like Lalli xD
Looking forward to talking with you all in the future!
Welcome, Nova!
Welcome to Taxx and Topaz/Nova! Good to have you both on board! I think you will enjoy the company here.
Welcome, Nova! We're all trying our best too, so don't stress about the socializing :)
Hi there, I'm Nova!
Hi there, I'm Taxx.
Hi Taxx and Nova, welcome to both of you :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi I'm Sellenair! I found SSSS long ago, read the first few chapters and somehow lost and forgot all about it (couldn't even remember the title then, why memory). Miraculously came across Minna'a twitter earlier this year and still somehow didn't read it beause of work.
Then the kickstarter came and I got both books! Read them both several times and it was amazing. And then the final page was posted. I admit it was awesome, to read it all at one go. With aRTD right afterwards!
It's been a while since I last participated in any sort of forum, but seeing how friendly and welcoming everyone is, I've decided to no longer lurk as much and join (:
Sellenair, hello and welcome to the Forum! We're a bit strange but mostly pretty friendly. I hope you have a good time here!
Welcome, Sellenair! Glad you decided to join us!
Many welcomes to Taxx, HiddenTopaz & Sellenair!
Hi I'm Sellenair!
Hi Sellenair :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie:
Hi I'm Jom!
I've been reading SSSS for the best part of 4 and a half years now but never been involved with the community before. I'm a PhD student in atmospheric sciences ^^
Hi Jomikko, welcome to the Forum!
Welcome to the forums Jom.
... Come to think of it did I ever actually introduce myself?
Welcome, Jom!!
And...I guess welcome to Solokov? Although you've definitely been around here far longer than I have
Solokov, I'm so used to you being one of the permanent fixtures that it never occurred to me that we had not been introduced! Belated welcome. And it took me a few years to introduce myself, since I was unaccustomed to the custom and usage of the internet.
Well... I may as well introduce myself properly then. (I'll look to see if I already did later).
I am solokov. A forester for the US Forest service. I am the forums resident firearms aficionado, I cannot say I am an expert as most of my knowledge is self taught. I can however say I am surprisingly well versed on nuclear policy for a forester (Thanks FEMA trainings, the more I learn the less I'm scared about the bomb, that said evenif they are facetious, suggestions of nuclear bombardment against US citizens made by their political representatives (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/16/eric-swalwell-democratic-lawmaker-warns-gun-owners/).... are UNACCEPTABLE! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07So_lJQyqw)). Beyond that my interests include bushcraft and wilderness skills, cooking, camping, writing, video games and trying to sneak policy under the radar to sneakily remove red tape, or at the very least sway public opinion towards best management practices.
And welcome to Jom! (I hadn't remembered introducing myself, but apparently I did, way back on page 15.)
Thank you for your kind welcomes! I look forward to getting to know everyone
Well this is quite a place 0//u//0... Uh hi everyone!! I'm Guacamikkel, I am tiny in spirit and big in height. I'm young and I speak English natively, though I took several years of French, am currently learning Japanese, have many relatives fluent in Spanish (who neglected to teach me, but not my cousins, don't know what that's about... I'm not salty) and know some conversational Korean and Icelandic. Like, very, very limited. Like I probably won't understand you at all :'D *whispers* and I'm trying to teach myself Finnish but let's see how that goes
I started reading SSSS after my best friend recommended it in August of this year. I've been an avid reader since I learned how, and I can honestly say that SSSS is one of the top three best stories I have ever known (I'm including books, movies, TV series into the "stories" category). And I imagine that many of you feel similarly :'D
So yeah! I'm really excited to join this online community, especially since it seems so close-knit and friendly. Y'all are swell <3
Guacamikkel, hello and welcome!
Hi Guacamikkel! Glad you made it over to the forum! Welcome!
And a big welcome from me as well! Thank you for putting your hand up for the Advent Calendar, I for one am looking forward to it!
Welcome to the forum Guacamikkel and Jom :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
D'awww, y'all are so sweet <3 :'D
Wow so many apostrophes there... Oh well
Hi, y'all wonderful people!
I just realized this thread existed.
I'm Nellie, and I'm terrible at introductions.
I've only been reading SSSS since September-ish, but I'm fully caught up and more than fully invested in the characters/story/fandom. I have not yet read ARTD, which probably makes me an unfaithful Minnion, but I swear I will get there as soon as my life decides to give me enough time to binge another webcomic!
I speak English, and I'm learning Mandarin Chinese and Latin but am nowhere near fluent in either, especially Chinese.
I love Lalli (well, I love everyone of our main characters) with all my heart and I will never recover from Tuuri.
D'awww, y'all are so sweet <3 :'D
Wow so many apostrophes there... Oh well
But...thankyouthankyou for not spelling it as "apostrophe's" gaaaaa (Why yes, I am an apostrophe stickler. Useful leeetle buggers, in their proper place.)
And welcomes to Nellie! }hugs{
Hi Nellie! I've seen you in the comments. Welcome.
(I am truly sorry, but someone had to do it)
Welcome!! And don't worry, I haven't read further than page... I think 44 of aRTD, so I don't know anything about it XD also, agreed. Tuuri is love and Tuuri is life. Tuuri is also luck, which is kinda sad when you think about it, so I'm gonna stop thinking about it :'(
Also to wavewright62, you're welcome!(?) :'D Or should I say... your welcome >:D HAHAHAH
(Also also, I'ma point this out in a whisper, so imagine I'm whispering: "bugger", while a great deal of fun to say, is sadly used as a slur against gay folks primarily in the UK. I actually found this out a few weeks ago from a writing teacher (the dude who wrote Ender's Game, turns out, is really homophobic... Sigh). I haven't yet heard it used to attack anyone, and it might've fallen out of use/been reclaimed by this point, but I thought I should let you know just in case!)
(Oh but now I like the way "useful leeetle gays" sounds :'D I wanna be useful and small!!)
Welcome Nellie! Looks like we're in a similar boat with regards to languages!
(I am truly sorry, but someone had to do it)
Welcome!! And don't worry, I haven't read further than page... I think 44 of aRTD, so I don't know anything about it XD also, agreed. Tuuri is love and Tuuri is life. Tuuri is also luck, which is kinda sad when you think about it, so I'm gonna stop thinking about it :'(
Also to wavewright62, you're welcome!(?) :'D Or should I say... your welcome >:D HAHAHAH
(Also also, I'ma point this out in a whisper, so imagine I'm whispering: "bugger", while a great deal of fun to say, is sadly used as a slur against gay folks primarily in the UK. I actually found this out a few weeks ago from a writing teacher (the dude who wrote Ender's Game, turns out, is really homophobic... Sigh). I haven't yet heard it used to attack anyone, and it might've fallen out of use/been reclaimed by this point, but I thought I should let you know just in case!)
(Oh but now I like the way "useful leeetle gays" sounds :'D I wanna be useful and small!!)
Ah yes, my apologies if anyone out there was affronted (see also the usage of the word 'bastard' currently in the Bad Jokes thread). It was actually a point of controversy some years back when an NZ ad campaign, now beloved and universally embraced, featured the word in its current context, in which every man and his dog now uses the word freely. It's been a while since I viewed this ad, and I find it interesting that etymologically, you can hear the 'bugger me' also used, tied back to its older (mis)use. I feel a treatise coming on, I'd better stop.
(I am truly sorry, but someone had to do it)
No, you're right, someone totally had to do that ;D
Thank all of you all brilliant folk for being so welcoming!
(all of you all is fun to say.)
Also thank all of you all for pointing that out about the word (imagine I'm whispering?) "bugger" because I too was totally unaware of that. And that is really unfortunate about Ender's Game, which I have been meaning to read. SIGH.
Hello! I just made this username for the first time so I have no idea what to shorten it to. I’m in 18 year old in Canada who works at the local library and the computer store. I only really speak English, having failed to absorb much French. I started reading SSSS a few years back, I’ve also read ARTD while waiting for updates.
Hopefully I’m not too late to the party, i never knew about this place until the calendar got posted.
Hello! I just made this username for the first time so I have no idea what to shorten it to. I’m in 18 year old in Canada who works at the local library and the computer store. I only really speak English, having failed to absorb much French. I started reading SSSS a few years back, I’ve also read ARTD while waiting for updates.
Hopefully I’m not too late to the party, i never knew about this place until the calendar got posted.
Welcome! Have a good lookee around, you may find lots here to waste oodles of time stimulate you.
Welcome, Failed Forerunner! It's never too late to join the party!
I found SSSS like four or five days ago, read all of it, then read all of “a redtail’s dream,” and finished with reading over the development log for “City of Hunger.”
I absolutely fell in love with the art and story.
I’m from the USA, and I am an aging punk who listens to mostly punk, hardcore, industrial, and reggae music; has played in many bands over the years, but has been on a creative hiatus for about five years.
I’ve also been a life long player of table top rpgs, and prefer post-apocalyptic, horror and giant robots over fantasy.
PS : I speak American English, and some very bad Spanish, and know smatterings of a few other languages but only enough to get me into trouble.
Also, hello to Failed Forerunner from a fellow Canuck, eh! And welcome Bhaskara! As per custom, you too shall receive a mug of Moose Mead and some squirrel cookies, on the house!
Welcome to our humble forum <3
A hearty welcome to Bhaskara and Failed Forerunner. Hope you both enjoy it here.
Welcome, to the forum, Bhaskara!
Welcome Bhaskara, Failed Forerunner and Nellie! :D
Hey everyone! My name's Salem, and I'm 18, US-American, and nonbinary. I actually first got into SSSS a couple years ago but subsequently stopped keeping up with it until two days ago when I came back and read the whole thing in one sitting. I'm a native English speaker and a conversational Spanish speaker, and I also know bits and pieces of French, Russian, and German. Linguistics is my passion, and it's what I plan to go to university for once I have enough money! I'm also really into maps and history, but not in a "the Wehrmacht was so cool, what is a war crime" kinda way, if you know what I mean.
Salem/Coyote, hello and welcome! Your interests will fit right in here! Did you know we have a Languages thread here on the Forum? And that is one epic binge-read!
Welcome, Salem! A lot of people here have similar interests re: language and history, so you're in good company :D
Hey everyone!
Hey Salem :D and welcome to the forum :squirrelcookie:
Welcome about Salem!
Hello! My name is Eileen (or Ei...?) and I have never used a forum before! I'm sixteen and from Canada, and I'm really glad I found a thread like this because I have been trying to figure out this forum for like a week and this looks like a good place to start... I've been reading ssss for about 2.5 years now, but I only recently started interacting with the fandom. Sometimes I draw things related to ssss on my tumblr (under the username eikaas) which is fun. I like drawing in general and.... maths and literature in not-English(?). Alsoooo I show up on twitch a lot (with this username) for Minna's livestreams on Saturdays. I've seen a lot of people on this forum there. It's, like, consistently the highlight of my week ;> (Now I will hit the post button and hope all will turn out well)
Peeweevireo, welcome. Is your username like the birds?
Peeweevireo, welcome. Is your username like the birds?
Yeah! It's from when I used to go birdwatching yeeeears ago
Welcome Ei (or would Peewee be better?)! Good to see you figuring out the forum :D
Hell and welcome to the forum Eileen :D :squirrelcookie:
Welcome peeweevireo/Eikaas/Ei! I've admired your drawings immensely when I've seen them on Tumblr, I do hope you check out how to share them on here. From memory, there is a post either pinned to the SSSS Board, or among the first posts in the SSSS Art Museum thread giving hints on how to post images here. I've been able to post Tumblr-hosted images successfully, once I figured out how (I have to use a desktop, not my phone).
hellooo everyone who said hello to me! And Meb, I'm finally able to talk to people on this forum! (usually I use Ei, but if people shorten my username to peewee, that's cool too :D )
And thank you, Wave! For admiring my drawings! I'll... figure that art museum out next!
Eeeeeee, finally! No idea what I did differently, but it was nice to not get yet another error message. :)
Hi everyone, I'm not much of a forum joiner but you seem like a friendly, diverse, creative, and interesting lot. I stumbled on SSSS a couple of years ago and was instantly enchanted; there are lots of webcomics that I've followed for a while and then dropped, but I've stuck with SSSS. And I actively avoid the comments on pretty well all webcomics, but not this one. I nearly always learn something!
I'm Canadian, sadly only functional in English, can struggle along in French (was functionally bilingual at the end of high school, but if you don't use it, you lose it), took a year each of German and Latin, and I'm a word nerd so I've picked up bits and pieces of other languages. Also Greek and Latin roots used in scientific terms - I'm a biologist, and I like knowing what things mean.
I probably won't be very active on here, but at least now I can chip in if I'd like to!
Vulpes, hello and welcome! And might that logo be as foxy as your name?
Hi Róisín - Thanks for the welcome, it's nice to be here after many registration attempts. Once more, pig-headedness pays off.
The avatar is a cropped screenshot from ARtD, Puppy-fox looking smug. I wanted to use a photo I'd taken, but it wasn't clear enough for a cramped little avatar:
Edit: It took me soooo long to figure out how to embed that darn image without signing up for some image hosting service!
Welcome, Vulpes! I'm glad you made it onto the forum despite all the error messages. Cute fox pic :D A bit of cropping and resizing might work for an avatar, but that might be a lot of work
Hi everyone
Hi Vulpes , glad you could join us here :D :squirrelcookie:
Hi, Vulpes! Nice fox theme you have going on. Did you ever go on one of minna's twitch streams, by any chance?
Thanks for making me feel welcome!
I tried to crop the fox photo, but the resolution just isn't there - people have a hard enough time recognizing it as a fox at full size, perhaps because it's not the usual red, but also because it was a quick shot with a cell phone camera.
The fox theme dates from my camera forum days - I wanted the username 'digitalis', but was too late, it was taken. So I went for the common name of digitalis, 'foxglove'. When I decided to join up here and Disqus, I dropped the glove (sooorry! Couldn't resist the lame pun.) and used the genus for our local foxes. That of course gave me the perfect Minna-related avatar, when my own photo just didn't cut it.
I've looked briefly into the twitch streams, but we live in the woods (the fox in the photo had just walked across the yard) and have slightly hiccupy internet as a result. It's a little frustrating.
Welcome, and let me congratulate you on a successful outcome for your "insanity."
Thanks! I think computers require a certain amount of insanity, it does seem like you can 'fix' many computer problems by trying over and over and over... :))
I... am not sure how to do this, I'm quite terrible at introductions unless there's some sort of fill-in-the-blank. Um, I'm 21 years old, female, American (West Coast), discovered SSSS after stumbling across its TV Tropes page, devouring the whole thing out of a snowballing curiosity, and then racing over to the comic itself even though 1.) I've never been much of a webcomic girl, and 2.) the postapocalyptic genre has always made me exceedingly anxious.
I'm probably jumping the gun a bit by signing up for the forum, as I haven't even finished SSSS yet (much to the confusion of my friend who asked me "Are you STILL reading that comic??" the other day... she was shocked when I told her just how much comic there was to read) Still, I became so obsessed so quickly that... I don't know, this seemed like the thing to do? Even though I haven't been on a forum for anything since the eighth grade?
I'm honestly more than a little nervous about joining, because I am the sort of person who cares much too much what others think of me and worries endlessly about breaking unwritten rules and irritating people, but it's not as if I have anyone to talk about SSSS with in person, so... here I am.
Hello and welcome to the Forum, IntensiTea! You should be fine here: we're a friendly bunch, and very diverse and inclusive, as well as being scattered all over the planet and coming from all manner of different cultures and nationalities. I'm sure you will find many things to talk about and many folk to talk to as you explore the many threads of the Forum.
Welcome, IntensiTea! I like your avatar! Seconding what Róisín said, and I think having a community from different cultures all over the world helps people be pretty understanding whenever someone accidentally breaks unwritten rules, so no need to stress :)
Welcome to the forum IntensiTea :D :squirrelcookie:
That's what I get for not checking the forum regularly...
A warm welcome to Snow, Taxx, Nova, Sellenair, Jom, Solokov, Guacamikkel, Nellie, Failed Forerunner, Bhaskara, Salem, Peewee, Vulpes, IntensiTea and everybody whom I might have missed and who joined since I last visited this thread!
(Some of you I already know from the commentariat and/or the streams, but gotta do this properly, y'know.)
And I promise to stop by more often!
i'm very wonky when it comes to introductions so apologies in advance!
i'm sundara but feel free to call me whatever, i'm from the northwest of the U.S. but incidentally don't like cold weather all that much. i'm two years from graduating high school and would like to get a degree in wildlife biology/ecology or illustration if i end up going to university. i've recently caught up with reading ssss, and have started reading artd.
i'm pretty shy and tend to lurk on forums but i'm always down for talking! everyone here seems really cool and i'm glad to meet you all!
Welcome sundara, from one habitual lurker to another. :D Have you considered combining your interests in biology and illustration, and doing biological illustrations? It's a bit of a dying art. Drawing something accurately is a great way to learn about it, and a clear illustration can be far more useful than a photograph.
thank you vulpes!
i've definitely considered it. whether or not thats what i end up doing, i have no clue, so i'll just have to wait and see i guess!
sundara, hello and welcome! I think you will find us easy to get along with. And I agree with vulpes that biological illustration is a valuable skill, well worth becoming good at. Happy studying, and I think you will find the Forum a nice place to relax in between studying.
i'm sundara
Hi! Welcome! We're all very happy to have you here :-)
Thank you to both of you! ^^
Welcome, Sundara!!
Hello, sundara! Yes, people here are pretty cool (even though some of them don't want to admit it). Have fun with aRTD and good luck with getting to university! Wildlife biology sounds interesting. And don't worry about lurking, I'm not much of a forum guy myself. ;)
Welcome to the forum sundara :D :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Sundara, and also, hello everyone! Name’s GhostKaiju (… Ya know, as you can all plainly read there so don‘t know why I brought it up :V), and I just had the pleasure of reading the whole of SS,SS yesterday! I’ve heard of it for a while, but finally decided to check it out after the Overly Sarcastic Productions video (why do I feel that’ll be a common story for lots of folks?).
Dig the comic so far, and figured, “Well, why not jump into the larger community”, so here we are! I’m also in the Discord, if anyone ever wishes to chat there!
Welcome, GhostKaiju! That was quick!! I'm glad you decided to check the comic out :D
Welcome, GhostKaiju!
Red seems to have enticed quite a few people to check out SSSS... ;D
I'm a Brazilian dude, recently moved to Portugal to study.
I've found about SSSS through a video about post apocalyptic tropes by the amazing channel Overly Sarcastic Productions.
Really loved the comic and blasted through it in just a few days, now eagerly waiting for new updates.
Also wondering how I put those cute flags on my forum signature.
Hello Krillian, and welcome! Hope you enjoy it here!
I'm a Brazilian dude, recently moved to Portugal to study.
I've found about SSSS through a video about post apocalyptic tropes by the amazing channel Overly Sarcastic Productions.
Really loved the comic and blasted through it in just a few days, now eagerly waiting for new updates.
Also wondering how I put those cute flags on my forum signature.
Welcome, Krillian! Glad you found us :D
There's a guide to flags (and a few other things) here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0)! You have to scroll down a bit to find the flags, but they're there.
Welcome, Krillian! Glad you found us :D
There's a guide to flags (and a few other things) here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=416.0)! You have to scroll down a bit to find the flags, but they're there.
Thanks a lot!
*waves at new folk* Welcomes to all!
Oh I guess I should post here. I live near Seattle Washington. I discovered SSSS through my girlfriend. I like multiple things that have a post apocalypse setting but SSSS was one of the best I've ever read. It used the setting in a way that many don't. I love theorizing how to survive different things and what would be the best places to be so I decided to join the forum to talk about such things.
Also I'm already so interesting in the setting of SSSS I'm thinking about designing a 5e DnD campign settling/alternate rule set for a SSSS pen and paper rpg.
Welcome! I too am fascinated with questions of where people might or might not survive. And many of the fanfic writers, myself included, have played with these ideas. I think it would be a balance of factors: climate, food and water supplies, concentration of trolls and beasts, terrain, and whether or not magic has become accessible again. Interesting speculation.
Welcome, Reclaimer! The DnD game sounds like it will be fun :D
Hello Krillian!
And hello Reclaimer! Good luck with that RPG thing!
Oh I guess I should post here. I live near Seattle Washington. I discovered SSSS through my girlfriend. I like multiple things that have a post apocalypse setting but SSSS was one of the best I've ever read. It used the setting in a way that many don't. I love theorizing how to survive different things and what would be the best places to be so I decided to join the forum to talk about such things.
Also I'm already so interesting in the setting of SSSS I'm thinking about designing a 5e DnD campign settling/alternate rule set for a SSSS pen and paper rpg.
That RPG thing sounds interesting, I'd love to help out or just know more about what some of your ideas are!
Hello, I'm a newbie coming from Over Sarcastic Productions. I don't post too much but I thought I'd introduce myself.
Hello, I'm a newbie coming from Over Sarcastic Productions. I don't post too much but I thought I'd introduce myself.
Welcome, loooongtea! Glad to have you with us
Welcome, loooongtea! Glad to have you with us
Thank you for the welcome. Glad to be here. :)
Yay, just in time. Welcome, loooongtea!
Somebody, go over to that video and leave a comment with thanks for the surge in readership!
Many welcomes! Looks like I will have to return the favour & check out Overly Sarcastic videos.
Looongtea, hello and welcome! Any relation to Oolong?
Looongtea, hello and welcome! Any relation to Oolong?
Looongtea, hello and welcome! Any relation to Oolong?
Mayland, maybe?
Many welcomes to GhostKaiju , Krillian, Reclaimer 549 and loooongtea :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hei folkens! I am Kata, or Mags - either way, haha. I was around for a little bit like.....uuuuuuh back in 2015 I wanna say? ^^;; I wasn't able to keep up with SSSS at the time due to focus issues and life stuff, so i've just spent the last day getting caught up and... BOY OH BOY A LOT OF STUFF HAS HAPPENED.
Anyway I'm nearly 33, live in the american midwest, love languages and suck at learning follow-through, and am currently working slooooowly on my norsk and dream eternally of the day duolingo will actually get finnish on their platform. or the day i live somewhere with finnish lessons. unlikely here.
I'm currently in university for a dual history/anthropology(archaeology) major, i'm married to a lovely woman, we've got 3 dogs and 2 cats, and i am beside myself with excitement for City of Hunger.
...sooooo ja. hei!
KataKissa, hello and welcome. Your interests sound as if you should have great fun here in the Forum. Have you yet visited the Languages thread?
Welcome Kata/Mags! You're right...SO MUCH has happened! And it looks like we're heading toward another roller coaster in the next few pages. :D
Hei folkens!
Hello Kata and welcome to the forum :D :squirrelcookie:
Welcome back to Kata Kissa!
Yay, just in time. Welcome, loooongtea!
Somebody, go over to that video and leave a comment with thanks for the surge in readership!
Didn't see this the first time. Thanks for the welcome!
Whew, this seems like the place to make my first post! Hi everybody, I'm Bree! I got into SSSS a month or so ago, but I can tell this is will turn into some kind of webcomic addiction. I'm 14 years old, and I love drawing as a hobby in between huge amounts of homework. Maybe I'll post some SSSS fanart sometime, I currently draw dragons way too much so it'll be great to draw a person (or kitty!) for once.
Yeah, that's it. Greetings from Canada, à tout à l'heure!
Hello, nice to meet you, Bree! Welcome to the forum (and the community)! :)
Welcome, Bree, from a fellow Canuck! Enjoy your new addiction. ;)
Welcome, Bree, we're glad to have you here! Looking forward to seeing some of your work when/if you decide to post it ;D
Well, here goes nothing.
Greetings from Peru, discovered SSSS just 3 days ago and it already broke my heart, scared the hell out of me and made me love the lore. Hope to read more while hopefully not having my heart and nerves destroyed. I also love RPs and thinking about fanfic ideas.
Welcome to both of you, doorcf and Bree :D
Welcome, doorcf! What is Peru like? Two of my acquaintances moved there from Poland.
Thank you all for the warm welcome! Greetings to my fellow Newbie doorcf as well!
Hi doorcf!
Great to have you here!
Hiiii doorcf and Bree! Doorcf, I'm glad you're enjoying ssss so far ;)
Welcome, doorcf! What is Peru like? Two of my acquaintances moved there from Poland.
The country itself is nice and many places have beatiful vistas, although the weather is getting harsher thanks to climate change, the political climate is currently being horrible but many people cwill be helpful. On my opinion they will be ok as Peru offers a lot of opportunities when looking for them.
Hello and welcome, doorcf and Bree!
The country itself is nice and many places have beatiful vistas, although the weather is getting harsher thanks to climate change, the political climate is currently being horrible but many people cwill be helpful. On my opinion they will be ok as Peru offers a lot of opportunities when looking for them.
Sounds very nice (except the political climate, which isn't great in Poland either). I hope they're doing alright there. Thank you for the information!
Welcome, doorcf and Bree! Glad you're both here!
I only now notice that this is a thing, so hi.
I am here now.
Hi Hi! Welcome to the forum!
Thank you Ran!
I can't guarantee I'll be super active over here, but I'll do my best to pop in every so often!
Thank you Ran!
I can't guarantee I'll be super active over here, but I'll do my best to pop in every so often!
I'm not super active either, so don't worry.
I only now notice that this is a thing, so hi.
I am here now.
Hello Hi welcome to the forum :D :squirrelcookie:
Hi, Hi! Welcome!
Thank you both!
And hello from me as well! Welcome! Hi, I know you should have a grand time going through the Art Museum (and contributing, mebbe, she asks hopefully).
Many welcomes to doorcf!
Hello and welcome, Hi! I'm sure you will like it here.
Hi Hi!
I know we've already talked and I've seen you around a lot but welcome!
Don't worry! The welcomes are still appreciated. ^^
Hello everyone! I started reading a few months ago and joined the comments section last week, so I guess now is as good a time as ever to make an account here, since I've been lurking for a while anyway. I probably won't post that much, but I really like this community and am glad to be at least a small part of it.
Welcome to the forum, AmericanViking!
Welcome, AmericanViking!
Welcome, AmericanViking and Hi! I'm surprised that username hasn't been taken yet, haha.
American Viking, hello and welcome! I've noticed you in the comments, and I hope you enjoy the Forum and the fandom in general.
Thank you everyone! Much appreciated.
Woah, hi there. You can call me Solarity, Sol, whatever variation you choose. Pronouns aren't really my style so, again, use whatever ones you want :D I've been drawing ever since I can remember and got into digital art and comic a year ago, you can look at some of my doodles on Instagram under "sol_arity"
I started reading SSSS last week, finished it the day after, and proceeded to read it several times over and here we are today! A feeeew may or may not recognize me from the last three streams on Twitch as artemis_x_moon, I just changed that to Sol_arity now though, because I first had that account when I was like, 12.
Anyhow, I love Minna's art, totally goals.
I totally fell in love with the comic because of the completely unique perspective on the post-apocalyptic story! I can't really express how much I love the story because I'm kind of terrible with words but, eh.
I hope to continue loving Minna's comic with you all far into the future!
- Sol, Scorpio, possible blood type -O, owner of a guinea pig, pasta-lover, and sleep enthusiast
Welcome Sol! Glad to have you here ^^
I really like your art!
Hello and welcome, Sol! I hope you enjoy it here. And another artist....that's good!
Welcome to the forum, Sol!
Welcome to the forum, Sol! I definitely remember seeing you around at the Twitch streams!
Hi, welcome, Sol! We're happy to have you here!!
Woah, hi there.
Hello everyone!
Hello and welcome to Sol and AmericanViking :D :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hi! Hello everyone! I'm Mica (or some people call me Rigel since it's part of my username across a lotta platforms).
I read SSSS in like... a day just last week, and got totally hooked. I haven't participated much in the comments/streams since, but everyone seems so friendly! so I thought I'd at least say hello and join y'all? I'm a little awkward with words though so I apologize if I don't post much >>;;;; But it's nice to meet y'all and have people to talk about SSSS with. <3
Hello and welcome Rigel! Lots of us here with whom to talk about SSSS!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Rigel/Mica!
Hi! Hello everyone!
Hello Mica, welcome to the forum :D :squirrelcookie:
Hi! Hello everyone! I'm Mica (or some people call me Rigel since it's part of my username across a lotta platforms).
Hi! Welcome! We are always happy to have new Minnions, and I hope you have fun here!!
Hi! Hello everyone! I'm Mica (or some people call me Rigel since it's part of my username across a lotta platforms).
I read SSSS in like... a day just last week, and got totally hooked. I haven't participated much in the comments/streams since, but everyone seems so friendly! so I thought I'd at least say hello and join y'all? I'm a little awkward with words though so I apologize if I don't post much >>;;;; But it's nice to meet y'all and have people to talk about SSSS with. <3
Hello and welcome! Feel free to participate as much as you’re comfortable with :) We’re all glad you’re here!
Hi everyone! I'm Oripoke, you can call me Ori or Twitch (which I have been known by on other sites). I discovered SSSS last week, read it all in about a day, and now I can't stop thinking about it. The art, the setting, the characters, the story... wow! I never knew much about Nordic languages or cultures before, but after reading I can't get enough of it!
A little bit about me... I like video games (especially Pokemon), making pixel art, and reading and writing fanfiction. I live in the Northeast US where I'm currently in grad school.
I haven't been to any livestreams yet, but from what I can tell, this is a really cool and friendly community, so I look forward to catching some of those in the future. I also have a burning idea for a fanfic I wanna write... so, we'll just see how that plays out.
I look forward to getting to know people here :D
I have a tumblr: oripoke (http://"oripoke.tumblr.com")
Hello and welcome to the forum, Ori!
Welcome, Ori! Hope to see you around the forum and the Twitch stream!
Ori, hello and welcome! I thinkyou will find here much to interest you, and I look forward to seeing you among the commenters and fanfic writers.
Hi everyone! I'm Oripoke, you can call me Ori or Twitch (which I have been known by on other sites).
Hi, Ori, welcome!
Hi everyone!
Hi Ori and welcome :D
Welcome to every newcomer from the last ten pages!
It's been a while since I've checked this thread! :-[
Hello, some may have seen me already going around the threads as this is my late introduction. I go here with a nickname Temteno but I can be called shortly as Tem.
My friend introduced me to this wonderful comic maybe two months ago. I'm glad I took her bait and checked it out myself (and well, I continued her job by spreading the word to my other friends :D).
I'm also a native Finn. So if anyone has any questions about some Finnish text, Saimaa, Finland, learning Finnish or language itself, just message me! I'm just glad to help.
So far, this community has been nice and maybe the best one I have ever been in. People respect each other and are very supportive to Minna. I always love listening the Twitch streams even if I barely comment there. Keep being amazing, so far I've had fun time here! ^^
Hullo, everyone! I’m Emily, and it’s nice to meet you!
I read SSSS for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it (I read a Redtail’s Dream a while back, as well). I really admire Minna’s work, both artistically and also the way she develops characters and relationships. The community around the comics also comes across as really safe and friendly, so I thought I’d join.
So yeah. Hi!
P.S. I’m from Western Australia (bit of an odd one for you)
Hullo, everyone!
Hello Emily :D and welcome :squirrelcookie:
And a late welcome to you tooTem
Hello, Emily and Temteno!
Emily, welcome! There are actually a number of Australians in the comments and forum. I'm in South Australia, and Purple Wyrm is in WA, I think near Perth. Others in every state. Again, welcome!
Welcome, Tem and Emily! It's good to have you both around :D
Hello, i'm Tricky.
I have been reading SSSS for literally years but this is the first time I have decided to reach out to the community. I speak English, Hindi and Japanese and I currently live in the Midwest of the US, but I will be studying in Japan once September rolls around.
I used to have a tradition where I would reread the comic once it started to be cold outside, it was a fun way of welcoming in the winter season. This last read through apparently really got to me though because now my google shopping recommendations include things like the Kalevala (which I have yet to read :( ) and baby carriers for my cat (who adopted me, but I didn't resist, back in December)
Reading SSSS brings out so much creative energy in me, I have always been able to imagine elaborate worlds in my head but my favorite may always be the SSSS world. I owe a lot of joy to this comic and I want to get to know everyone else who loves it just as much as I do.
lets be friends!!!
Friends indeed, Tricky! Welcome to our merry crew. I hope you will find lots to talk about here.
Hello, Tricky, and welcome in the community! You won't regret your decision to reach out to us!
Welcome, Tricky! Glad you're reaching out :) Are you going to Japan for a study-abroad program?
Many hellos and welcomes!
Heya everyone! I'm Rinpa!
I'm from Finland and I live in a small town which is a part of Kanta-Häme. I'm a native Finnish speaker and I speak English almost fluently. I'm currently studying Swedish and German in school, but I'm very bad at both.
I got into SSSS very recently when compared to most here, only during this summer. A friends friend recommended it to me, and I binged all the pages in a few days. I fell in love with the writing and characters instantly, and I hope to buy the hardcover books someday.
The youtube video about 'self-fanart' Minna made gave me the push I needed to finally start my own webcomic, so I'm glad to her about that too!
I'm not very good with forums such as this, so I'll most likely resort to lurking for the most part, but I still hope to meet new people and chat about fun things!
Welcome to the forum, Rinpa!
Rinpa, glad you are here! I am sure you will find interesting folk to chat with.
Hello Rinpa, there are a few other Minnions with webcomics in development, and I would love to hear about yours!
Welcome, Rinpa! I like how sparkly your avatar is
Heya everyone! I'm Rinpa!
I'm from Finland and I live in a small town which is a part of Kanta-Häme. I'm a native Finnish speaker and I speak English almost fluently. I'm currently studying Swedish and German in school, but I'm very bad at both.
I got into SSSS very recently when compared to most here, only during this summer. A friends friend recommended it to me, and I binged all the pages in a few days. I fell in love with the writing and characters instantly, and I hope to buy the hardcover books someday.
The youtube video about 'self-fanart' Minna made gave me the push I needed to finally start my own webcomic, so I'm glad to her about that too!
I'm not very good with forums such as this, so I'll most likely resort to lurking for the most part, but I still hope to meet new people and chat about fun things!
Hi Rinpa! Welcome to the Minniondom, we're glad to have you!
I made it here! Mostly because Disqus won’t let me post or reply at the moment, but also because the Gods of the Interner smiled upon me and let my registration through after only about five errors. Last time I tried I got tired of trying.
Soo, I’m a Finnish fan, old enough to have teenage sons. I got hooked early this year (2019) and binged Adventure One. Adventure Two had already began, but I tried to hold off for a while to avoid waiting. It didn’t work. So for a while now I’ve been actively commenting on the page comments and spreading Haikus and sometimes other poetry, as well as various tidbits I can dig up because of being a native speaker of Finnish. Irritatingly I have work and family, which consume a lot of time that could otherwise be spent on SSSS! :haw:
Also you can totally look me in the eyes. There is no hive mind or anything. At all. Promise!
Hello Jitter, and welcome to the forum!
It's nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem. Might just be a Disqus thing, then.
Yeah I figured it probably is Disqus as there doesn’t seem to be any activity at all. Let’s try and wait it out!
Hello hello, it's ButterscotchBread (long username, I know, abbreviate however you see fit)! I'm excited to join everyone here in the forum, can't wait to explore!
I found SSSS through another comic almost exactly three years ago, but have somehow only just caught up. This is also my first chapter break experience, I've heard some pretty dreadful things about these long pageless weeks so wish me luck with that.
Much like Jitter, I too have arrived at the forum because the comments are down on Disqus, and though I don't post there nearly as often as our other, more experienced minnions, I'm still pretty bummed that they aren't working at the moment. Hopefully the problem will be fixed soon, but in any case, now feels like a highly appropriate time to finally join the forum regardless of comment issues and what-have-you.
Welp that's plenty enough from me, I'm looking forward to meeting y'all and having some fun fresh times :D
Hello to you too, ButterscotchBread! We're very glad to have you here! (Because we are glad, right? Please, tell me we are.)
Sure, you can include me in the 'we' part - I am delighted to see both Jitter & ButterscotchBread on board! (I wish I knew why some folk take several attempts to register. I am a mod but not an admin, and my propellor is fairly tiny.) Never mind, have a good nosy around, and feel free to post as well!
Jitter and ButterscotchBread, glad you both made it here! I know you somewhat from the comments, and I’m sure we will have some interesting discussions here. Welcome to the Forum!
Hi Jitter and ButterscotchBread! It's good to see you here!
Butterscotch, don't worry TOO much about the chapter break, there's lots of good fan content here on the forum to occupy the void days.
And Jitter-- *stares naively into Jitter's eyes*
Thank you so much 😊 I’ll try to get round to collecting the poems, or at least the runos, for the forum :)
Welcome Jitter and Butterscotch, glad to see you over here, even if it's because of Disqus malfunctions... and that you were actually able to register. It took me many, many tries, you must be in good with the internet gods. Have fun exploring during the chapter break!
Thanks everyone!!
It actually took me quite some time to register too, but I'm glad I made it in the end
Belated welcome to Jitter and Butterscotch!
G'day and welcome Jitter and butterscotchbread.
I almost feel like I should re-introduce myself because of how long it's been since I've frequented any part of the forums outside the rp threads.
Hello! I’ve already introduced myself on here, but I thought I should let people know that I’m Keep Looking on disqus (to prevent any confusion). I’ve got the same profile pic here as I have on disqus now, so that should help.
Also, welcome to anyone new to the forum! It’s great to have you here.
Hello ello eelo! Have a great splash around!
Solokov, glad you’re back. We didn’t forget you.
And Emily-Rose/Keep Looking, hello and welcome to the Forum.
Hullo all! My name is Alkia on the comments section of the comic too. I’m not very good at technology, so if weird things start happening with my profile and stuff don’t be surprised :D.
I actually discovered SSSS about half a year ago on some website’s list of best webtoons, and it’s been my favorite ever since (man, I gotta reread it again some time)! I’ve been trying to register in the forum for months, and now IT FINALLY WORKED! YUS!
Anyways, happy to be here!!
Happy to see you here, Alkia, I have seen you in the comments. There seem to be a lot of problems lately for people trying to join or post on the Forum.
Welcome to the forum, Alkia!
Success! Welcomes.
Ñoka kani Akshu.
I also go by Harvest.
Y en Discord me llama Patata.
Hablo en castellano.
I type in English.
I've also had a couple of abortive attempts to learn Quechua and Gaeilige but those haven't ended well (yet)
I have family history with the Catholic Church in the British Isles, but in my own life I've been more connected with Southern Perú or the Mid-Atlantic US.
I've only been reading SSSS only since the end of September (I got caught up in one night, because I have the bad habit of substituting webcomics for sleep)
My birthday is 12 December and I'm expecting you to bake me a cake
Akshu, hello and welcome! Your linguistic explorations sound fascinating. Do you know we have a Languages board here on the Forum? Have fun.
Welcome Emily-Rose, Alkia and Akshu!
I don’t have the same profile picture because I didn’t have the Vellamo one at hand when I managed to get in. But at least I have the same name here :) (Unlike Archive of our Own where I’m Jiiri and have no profile picture at all. Don’t know why I did this ro myself.)
Hello! I'm not exactly new but I haven't been here in over two years, and even before that, I didn't seem to post very much. So I may as well be new!
I stopped reading SSSS due being completely overwhelmed by school, but I've finished my program and NOW I'M BACK! I haven't yet caught up, but I finished the first adventure, which I managed to remain unspoiled for (probably because my entire life was school)!!!!!! ARGH
Anyway, yes. Hello everyone!
I'm sorry I abuse exclamations.
Kestrel, good you are back!
Kestrel, good you are back!
Thanks! I am also now caught up again. :V
Welcome backs are as good as welcomes in my book. Glad you're caught up and jump back in.
I stopped reading SSSS due being completely overwhelmed by school, but I've finished my program and NOW I'M BACK! I haven't yet caught up, but I finished the first adventure, which I managed to remain unspoiled for (probably because my entire life was school)!!!!!! ARGH
Oh goodness that's such a mood. Welcome back!
And warm, warm welcomes to Emily-Rose, Alkia, and Akshu! Glad you're all here
Hey Folks,
I go by Wyrd. I've been floating around the community though it has been some time since I haunted the irc playing cards against humanity with some of the derelicts here. :)
I'll mostly be quiet but plan on helping on the back end of the website.
Hey Folks,
I go by Wyrd. I've been floating around the community though it has been some time since I haunted the irc playing cards against humanity with some of the derelicts here. :)
I'll mostly be quiet but plan on helping on the back end of the website.
Welcome to the forums m8. Nice choice with the Gintama avatar.
Your fate is sealed. The end of days is finally upon you and ALL who inhabit this miserable little seedling. Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh.
Welcome, Wyrd! I hope you enjoy being here.
Hey Folks,
I go by Wyrd. I've been floating around the community though it has been some time since I haunted the irc playing cards against humanity with some of the derelicts here. :)
I'll mostly be quiet but plan on helping on the back end of the website.
Hi and welcome, wyrdgrin! I'm one of the mods here, but I'm guessing you're in touch with the admins. Have fun!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Wyrd!
Don't worry about being quiet, I've been here for over a year, I still have a newbie status and nobody's called me out on that so far, so it's clearly a non-issue. ;)
Thanks for the welcome, everyone!
Please feel free to DM me with admin questions. Now to the bugs thread!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Wyrd!
Don't worry about being quiet, I've been here for over a year, I still have a newbie status and nobody's called me out on that so far, so it's clearly a non-issue. ;)
Thanks RanVor. I've been a fan of the comic since 2014. Um. I will admit that this forum is on a hosting account I may or may not have had my name on since middle of 2015. Is that bad? Pretty sure that's bad. Oh well, I am hear to crush faux accounts. I cannot wait to hear their faux lamentations. Faux real.
Welcome, Wyrd! I hope you enjoy being here.
Thanks very much, Róisín!
Welcome to the forums m8. Nice choice with the Gintama avatar.
Your fate is sealed. The end of days is finally upon you and ALL who inhabit this miserable little seedling. Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh.
Still need to watch the end of the anime. Much sad. Need a 21 neo armstrong cyclone jet armstrong cannon salute.
Thanks RanVor. I've been a fan of the comic since 2014. Um. I will admit that this forum is on a hosting account I may or may not have had my name on since middle of 2015. Is that bad? Pretty sure that's bad. Oh well, I am hear to crush faux accounts. I cannot wait to hear their faux lamentations. Faux real.
May your quest against our faux go smoothly!
Hi! First post. I'm Lukas. Swedish.
Started reading SSSS about 4-5 years ago during my "gotta read every webcomic ever" phase, dropped it for like 3 years and caught up again last week.
Haven't been active on a forum since I was 12 so I'm not sure how much I'll end up posting here, but I thought I'd say hi at least!
Hello and welcome, invisiBee! We are fortunate that the comic does not age too badly, and that it appeals to all ages, so can be come back to easily. The Forum's pace has relaxed somewhat from its heyday, but there's still plenty going on. Have a good nosey!
Hello and welcome, invisiBee!
Thanks! It had actually been long enough since i last read the comic that i forgot like 90% of the plot, so it was almost like reading it for the first time again except with 3+ years worth of extra pages this time. (maybe i'm actually super lucky! :0)
I'll definitely show up in the Art Museum but hopefully I won't be too shy to post elsewhere too!
Far too long since I've popped in here, so welcome to Temteno, Emily-Rose (*waves in Western Australian*), Tricky, Rinpa, Jitter, ButterscotchBread, Alkia, Akshu, Wyrd, InvisiBee and welcome back Kestrel!
There are actually a number of Australians in the comments and forum. I'm in South Australia, and Purple Wyrm is in WA, I think near Perth.
The inner suburbs to be exact! :)
Lukas/Invisibee, hello and welcome. Enjoy!
Hi everyone
I'm about to embark on my journey to reading my first webcomic which is Stand Still Stay Silent. I love drawing and comics, but for some reason I've never read a webcomic before idk? I just think it looks very cool and I'm also from Denmark so it's an obvious choice :P. You also all seem really cool and nice, so I wanted to check in and say hi :D
Hello Will and Lukas!
Welcome, Wyrd! Or, should I say, welcome back! And welcomes to Lukas and Will! Glad you're all here
Welcome, Wyrd! Or, should I say, welcome back! And welcomes to Lukas and Will! Glad you're all here
Thanks! I was trolling the backend last night for spammy stuff and got spoilered for something huge. Lol. I need to get caught up in a bad way. I'm very much a wait for it to finish so I can binge. Tsk.
Thanks! I was trolling the backend last night for spammy stuff and got spoilered for something huge. Lol. I need to get caught up in a bad way. I'm very much a wait for it to finish so I can binge. Tsk.
If you're waiting for the comic as a whole to finish, you might be waiting quite a while :P Adventure 1 is finished, though, if you're willing to break your binging into chunks!
Hello everyone! I'm a French/Canadian citizen from Canada who's currently in high school. I started reading SSSS early this fall after having it recommended to me on Youtube and was instantly hooked. I started commenting because the community seemed quite friendly and create this profile because I enjoyed interacting with you guys, and I hope to get to know you better.
I currently speak French and English fluently and am learning German and Italian in order to communicate with my non-English speaking relatives, and may attempt to learn Mandarin in the future.
My current interests are baking, reading, coding, and swimming, although I'm not particularly good at any of those. I'm not employed, but I do work a teacher's aide at my school.
Anyways, that's my introduction, so hello everyone!
P.S. My Disqus ID is Damien Hang for anyone who's interested.
Welcome, Damien!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Damien!
Welcome, welcome, Damien! Hope you enjoy the forum!
Hello !
My name is Mariiii, I am a French girl student who fell in love with SSSS and Minna Sundberg's work. Actually, I discovered this universe by chance ! I was looking for a comic for my cousin's birthday and I saw a RTD book in a bookshop, I really found the cover beautiful, and the story sounded promising, so I decided to buy it for myself, and I think I can say that was the best decision of the year ! :))
I really loved a RTD so I searched for other Minna's works and I found SSSS ! I bought the comics, read them and the online chapters, and I loved it so much that I couldn't resist to register on the forum to say hello to the other fans ! The fact that you all seem to be really nice also encouraged me to register :D
For the other stuff about me, I am actually learning Japanese, and I know a little bit of Spanish (I studied Spanish for something like 8 years as a second langage at school, but I stopped and now I'm just good at understanding it :'D).
I am a big fan of japanese's culture and I like to discover other cultures in general. I like to read all sort of books (but especially thriller, fantasy or sci-fi) and I also like to cook and play badminton !
Thank you for taking the time of reading this !
Welcome to the forum, Mariiii! It's always nice to have more people around.
Love your avatar, btw.
Welcome to the forums Mariiii.
Hello, and welcome to the forum, Mariiii!
Welcome here, Mariiii - I hope you will have a fun time :)
Hello Mariii, Damien, Lukas/InvisiBee, Wyrd, Kestrel and Will! And everybody else, in case I forgot someone (I tried to check). :reynir:
I’m mostly active on the Disqus side of things, where I do a lot of the first greetings at the moment, but on that side it’s hard to notice all the new ones unless they say Hello I just got here. So of I have accidentally ignored you there, I’m sorry! :emil:
May I recommend the Fan Forum Advent Calendar that is currently running! Check it out to get a feel of some of the creations of the community. Not to mention the ande art etc threads of course! I have been here for a few months now (been reading for about a year) but I find the hundreds of pages of art overwhelming - should I start at the beginning or the end? So the calendar is a smaller bite :lalli:
A somewhat belated welcome to you, Mariiii! Glad you found aRTD...it's really cool that people are finding Minna's work through the physical print copies of her comics!
Hello! I'm fluffyfinance.
I ended up here through aRTD and SSSS, in that order haha. I only know English but I am attempting french and hope to become fluent. (that's a big hope...) I have two cats who are very distinct in their personalities, and two chickens that are the same. I am trying to learn how to draw but it's been a bit discouraging and confusing so far, writing is more my strong point. I'm not gonna give up though! I am very happy to have found this forum, it seems really nice so far.
Hello and welcome, Will, Damien (again), Mariiii and Fluffyfinance! So many new people!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Fluffyfinance!
Hello and welcome, Fluffyfinance! It’s good to have you here!
We’ll be happy to see your writing and eventually your art, if you wish to contribute these for the fandom! You’ll see the fan content for SSSS is very high quality!
Hello everyone!
Not really an introduction, but a RE-introduction because I've been gone for like 6 years haha...
I'm Esko, just a friendly cleanser that remembered this marvelous webcomic and forum existed so I'm back and I guess I'm starting over?
I used to run the Tinychat room and I'm currently working on an SSSS-inspired tabletop rpg for fun (or maybe it's my way of segue-ing my irl friends into the comic... heheheh...)
Anyway, hi! I'm friendly and I'm down to talk with anyone about anything ^-^
Hello, and welcome back! I've only been here for about six months, so we haven't met, but it's nice to meet you. Your ssss tabletop rpg thing sounds really cool!
Esko, glad to see you back. I remember you from the early days, though don’t know if I was commenting by the time you disappeared, or still lurking. In either case, glad you are back!
@Keep Looking
Thank you! It's mostly based off of the Mutant Year Zero RPG with some light modifications for simplicity/theme, but the goal is to make it super accessible for anyone with six-sided dice. Anyway enough about that nerd stuff, how are ya?
Hello! Don't recall seeing you prior to my disappearance but it's honestly heartwarming to know a lot of older members are still around :) How are ya and is there anything major I missed?
Lots of story, a few upsets and disagreements in the comments, but mostly good company and fascinating discussions. The Forum has probably grown a lot since you were last here. And you have missed a lot of amazing fanfic and fanart. And don’t know if things like the Yule gift exchanges of fanworks, or the Advent Calendar, were about when you were. You will find many of these things in the ‘Forum Memories’ thread. A whole new lot of good things to explore. And some of the even older fans, like Sunflower, are still about, folk who have been here since the very beginning. I arrived partway through ‘A Redtail’s Dream’, but didn’t figure out how commenting worked until early 2015.
Glad to see you again!
I'm good, thank you! One other thing you may have missed (I don't really know what happened back when you were last around) is that people write poetry in the comments for each page. And I - uh - I'm one of those people! Haven't been quite as active lately because of studying and all that stuff, but I do enjoy it.
Welcome back Esko!! You probably don't know me, I'm also kind of new (hello!). Also, there's a whole board of SSSS role-play stuff in the Forum now, don't know if that was there years ago or not or if its just much bigger (although you've probably already seen that :) )? Anyway, a tabletop SSSS rpg sounds really fun!! please, tell tell when it's done, I think my friends would love doing that too
Hello again Esko! I am also a fairly long-time member of the fandom, but I think I slid in right about the time you slid out. Róisín and Keep Looking are correct, the poetry and artworks are still going strong. In addition to those, a lot of day-to-day stuff happens in the Discord server, many of those folks are gamers.
I don't know if you've checked out some of the innovations such as Minna's Twitch art-streaming sessions (under the name Hummingfluff), or her side project, City of Hunger. The latter should especially interest you, as she's teaching herself game coding by developing an AU set on an ice planet. http://www.hummingfluff.com/ (http://www.hummingfluff.com/)
A very belated welcome to Fluffyfinance and a welcome back to Esko!
Hi everyone, I'm Lueley 😁.
I've been reading SSSS since 2015 (when Emil met the dog/rescued Kitty!) but I only ever lurked until last month I decided to upload some of my writing to AO3 (about to finish my first ever fanfiction today 😅- I'm editing the final chapter right now). I read a couple webcomics but SSSS has been the crowning favourite for five years and I doubt that's ever going to change!
I live in the UK; my hobbies are writing, adventuring, trying out crazy food, and linguistics. I have a crazy dog called Rudy who will definitely not survive the apocalypse but I love him anyway.
Feels great to finally be getting involved in the awesome community!
I thought your name looked familiar - I've been reading your fic, and I really like it! Anyway, welcome!
Lueley, hello and welcome! Another writer is always doubly welcome.
Welcome to the forum, Lueley!
Hello and welcome Lueley!! Great to have a new/old Minnion in this forum :)
Welcome, Lueley!! Glad you're here
Hello, I am Kyara.
Some may have already seen me through my attempts to post on Disqus, more or less successfulyl.
I discovered Minna's works via A Redtail's Dream (which was my Christmas gift) then I followed up with the first two volumes of SSSS before reading in two days all the chapters available.
Suffice to say that I loved it, then to the rhythm of Minna's publications, I read a little more and participated on Disqus conversations. The community seemed so kind that I decided to join the forum and .... Tadaaa?
What more can be said ? MMh ... I am 25 years old, I am French, currently a biotech doctoral student. I try to find a little time in the evenings to draw and get into digital drawing. I particularly like the color palettes of Minna and at the moment I am a bit of a copycat, the time to find my style. I also write my own novel and paint. Mmh. I like sweets.
I hope to get to know you, even if I have already had the pleasure of discovering you via Fanfics and poems posted to the discussion threads and on AO3. Please, keep it up, your work are trully amazing and stunning and wow. I love to read them !
I am sorry for my bad English but I hope chatting with you will help me to improve. Looking forward to enjoy time with you guys.
Kyara, Welcome!! Nice to have you on the forum, I've loved your fan art for SSSS so far
Hello and welcome! It's nice to meet you, and I definitely second Alkia's opinion on your fanart.
Hello Kyara and welcome!
Your art is a delightful and we are lucky to have you further enrich our creative community here! We are a friendly and international bunch, so no need to apologize - and in any case your English is very good! I’m looking forward to seeing more from you.
I cannot believe my login information still works. I haven't been here since like, 2014? O_O
Holy crap. I remember when this forum was MADE. And some of the OG members are still here? That's insane! Sunflower? Róisín? Next you'll be telling me Haiz, Lauffey, and Lenny just posted yesterday?
How has everyone been? I am still shocked. I just happened to be scrolling through my mobile bookmarks and stumbled across this forum again. So much has changed! There's a Discord now? And an actual PerSSSSona RP thread? They finally got that off the ground? I will admit I am VERY VERY behind on the comic, but with the forum still alive and active, maybe I really should get back into it? XoX
Kyara, welcome! And your art is a delight! Glad you could join us.
Trinka?!? I am glad to see you again, because I do remember you! I didn’t get to converse much with you because it was April 2015 before I managed to get onto the comments and the Forum, but I was reading from the very beginning of SSSS (my greatniece got me interested in Minna’s work partway through A Redtail’s Dream). So nice to have you back!
Big welcomes to Kyara of the delightful drawings, and a hearty welcome back to Trinka, whose fanart was also always quite delightful! The community is still ticking along, and you are both welcome to abuse the broadband feasting your eyes.
Hello Trinka! At least Laufey and Lenny are certainly around still, and a lot of us newbies :) The forum (or the comic page comments) isn’t as lively as it as once been, but the fandom is still very much alive!
As is the comic! You absolutely should read it right now from the beginning! The Adventure 1 in Denmark has been concluded and Adventure 2 is in full swing. I strongly recommend you read the story now before reading further the current discussions here, since if you’ve been away since 2014 you are in for some awesome as well as some very touching stuff.
Trinka!! Welcome back, it's been like four hundred years!
Thank you all for your lovely greetings ! I am really pleased that you like my works. I hope that I will find some time to join you for the events that you create :)
Welcome, Kyara, and welcome back, Trinka!!
Hello everyone!
Young gal who lives in Australia here! IRL friends with Keep Looking who convinced me to read SSSS. Pretty sure I started reading at the beginningish of Adventure 2. I'm active on the discord (under a different name), but didn't really get around to joining the forum until now.
Currently in high school, but I spend a lot of time procrastinating. Full time nerd!! I enjoy writing, wasting away on this mortal coil playing video games (like, The Sims), staring into empty space while some radon song plays on repeat in the background of mind mind, and telling horrible jokes, among many other things.
I can't wait to meet all of you!
Hello and welcome to the forum! Friends of Keep Looking (and other Minnions) coming over to join us are always a delightful sight!
It's been far too long since I've visited this thread. Welcome donthangdamien, Mariiii, Fluffyfinance, Lueley, Kyara and yeethaw_gang! And welcome back Esko and Trinka, I think you were before my time Esko but I remember your lovely art Trinka!
Ooh, another Australian! Good that you could join us, yeethaw_gang!
Hello Fluffyfinance, Esko, Lueley, Trinka, Yeethaw_gang and Kyara ! Welcome (or welcome back) to the Forum ;D
climbs out of the eldritch cave I normally spend my time in
Welcome to everyone new.
Welcome, yeethaw_gang! Glad Keep Looking got you into SSSS :D
Welcome, Yeethaw_gang! It’s great to have you here! Good of Keep Looking to look after her friends’ interests and make sure they also find this treasure!
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone!
Belated warm welcomes from me as well!
Hello hello! Just joined the forum! I discovered SSSS a few months ago when I found the first book in french in my local library. And now here I am, obsessed with this webcomic and Minna's works.
I've been lurking around here for some time, but now I'm finally taking the leap and actually talking (believe me that's quite the achievement)!
Anyways, I'll probably share my SSSS fanarts on the art thread, and join in on a few discussions from time to time (if I can get my head around how forums work ^^").
If you want to find me somewhere else on the internet, here are a few of my social medias where I post my lil' drawings (I'm most likely to be active on instagram and Deviantart). So... yeah, here comes the awkward self-advertising ^^"
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/gaelledragons
Instagram: gaelle_dragons_draws
Tumblr: gaelle-dragons
There, all done! *silently retreats into darkness*
Hello and welcome!
Welcome to the forum, gaelledragons! (and I've seen some of your fanart on instagram, it's really good!)
welcome welcome, new Minnion!!
Welcome ! ;D
Welcome GaelleDragons! It’s great to have you here, as well as your beautiful art!
Welcome, GaelleDragons! I've seen your lovely art around tumblr a bit :D Glad you made it to the forum
Hi everyone! My name's Aidan, I'm sixteen, and I'm from Perth, Australia! My passions are music and science, and I play the piano and the saxophone.
I was also inducted into the cult introduced to SSSS by Keep Looking, and I've just started reading aRTD!
Hello Count!
I see Keep looking is specifically looking for more fOoD viCTiMs fRieNdS friends and Minnions for us!
Hello and welcome, Count, your icon is rather sweet! Keep Looking is doing a good job of introducing new readers.
Welcome!!! Enjoy your stay
Welcome to the Forum ! :D
Welcome, Count! Nice avatar
yayy, new Minnion! Welcome!!
Hello everyone!
As I mentioned in the comment section last night, someone in another forum mentioned how this might not be the best time to read the prologue of SSSS. Given that I'm also rather busy in the moment and have deadlines coming up, I naturally had no other choice than spending most of the next few nights reading the entirety of the comic.
I don't know how active I'm going to be here, given that I already spend way too much time in said other forum.
Hello and welcome again!
Ahaha Welcome!!
Welcome, Unseelie! Feel free to pop in and out of the forum as often as you want
Welcome Unseelie (just as well you're not UnSEALie ;)) and Count! We're getting a nice little cluster of SSSS fans here in Perth.
Welcome to the forum, Unseelie (and hi Count! Glad you got your intro up)
And it is quite funny how we've got a little cluster here in Perth. I first got yeethaw into SSSS, then as she, Count and I all have study periods together, we managed to persuade Count into reading it too so we could all discuss it together (and so he would actually understand our very enthusiastic rambling)
Hello everyone!
I was introduced to S4 by Roisin quite a while back.
I'm a retiree living in south-eastern Australia whose interests include history (notably military and medieval), true crime, and the unusual/weird (though I tend to look on much of the paranormal with a rather jaundiced eye), and RPGs (the games, not the anti-tank weapons). I used to LARP, but no longer, because of age and health and a predilection for parentheses (OK, not that last bit).
I'm also an aspiring novelist (Roisin is my muse) with a number of projects including fantasy, SF, alternative military, and a couple of thrillers. My primary project is a fantasy tetralogy with a two-volume steampunk crossover.
Welcome to the forum, Yastreb, Unseelie and Count_Shrekula! Have fun posting!
Welcome to the forum, Yastreb!
RPGs (the games, not the anti-tank weapons)
You know there are plenty of Role Playing Games that *include* Rocket Propelled Grenades! ;D
You know there are plenty of Role Playing Games that *include* Rocket Propelled Grenades! ;D
Thank you, Purple Wyrm!
Just so you know - when applied to the anti-tank weapon, RPG doesn't stand for Rocket-Propelled Grenade - that's a backronym. The original Russian term for the weapon is the Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт (Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot), which roughly translates as "Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher."
(Apologies... just my military nerddom (?) manifesting.)
Eeeeeeee! Yastreb, you made it! Hello and welcome, my dear old military nerd. I think you will have the most best fun here - this merry crew know all kinds of interesting stuff, and will talk about anything.
And if you visit Archive of Our Own, you will find that there is quite a bit of Russian language fanfic, in SSSS and other fandoms, just to keep your hand in with the language. And some of my stuff is there too, I’m Tanist on Archive. I would love to see what kind of fanfic you produce once you get deeper into the story. Dunno if you have written fanfic, but to judge by your military history stuff and novels, you would likely be good at it. I only encountered the concept once I joined SSSS fandom, and was nervous about starting to write it, since as you know from our world, most of what I have ever had published has been poetry and factual articles. Again, welcome!
Hi Unseelie and Yastreb, welcome to the forum !
Welcome Yastreb!
I love that fact about the RGPs, I've never heard that before! And don't worry, I think that we're all nerds here.
Welcome to the other new people, and thanks for the welcomes to the rest.
And it is quite funny how we've got a little cluster here in Perth.
Meanwhile, going by the Minnion Map, there's only one other reader in my entire country.
A friend of mine I mentioned this too has read aRTD though, and plans to read SSSS too at some point.
Hello also here, Unseelie!
Hello and welcome, Yastreb! Your avatar is the most best chief ever!
Jitter, I never knew that you read Elfquest!
I love it!
Welcome, Yastreb!! So glad you made it to the forum
Meanwhile, going by the Minnion Map, there's only one other reader in my entire country.
It's been a while since the map has been advertised, so there are probably readers out there who don't even know about the map. Speaking of which...*goes to make Disqus comment about map*
*jumps into the welcome party late* be heartily welcome, Unseelie and Yastreb!!
Not a new person, just an old one returning after a long time away.
I'm DancingRanger, And I'm returning after a long hiatus due to a lot of nasty personal issues. It's nice to be back.
Welcome back Ranger!
Just so you know - when applied to the anti-tank weapon, RPG doesn't stand for Rocket-Propelled Grenade - that's a backronym. The original Russian term for the weapon is the Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт (Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot), which roughly translates as "Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher."
That is quite fascinating! Thank you!
Thanks, it's nice to be back. I see things haven't changed much, since I was last here.
Welcome back, DancingRanger (although I only joined last year)
DancingRanger, so nice to see you again! I had wondered what had become of you. Glad you are still with us.
It's nice to met you!
Oh Róisín, I'm glad to see you're still here! I'm still ticking, last couple years were really tough, but I've come trough.
Glad you survived! As for me, I’m a hardy perennial and hope to be around for awhile yet.
I feel that. I'm hoping I can catch up with everything that's been going on here quickly.
Welcome back m8.
Welcome back, DancingRanger!
Thank you!
Oh wow, long time no see DancingRanger! It's good to have you back ;D
CAtching up and have many welcomes going out to all. I welcomed DancingRanger in another thread, but will now perplex you by welcoming you back as f0oD.
I rather doubt I'd be very tasty. :P
OH right, I guess I should do this as well.
Hoi, I'm Clayres, and it seems I've popped back in here unannounced - oops - after a life-induced hiatus, which has been broken by lack of work life, it seems (not that I don't have work now, mind... >__>, just more time apparently).
Nice to meet all new (and old :D) faces!
It's a pleasure to meet you, Clayres!
Welcome back, Clayres!
Hi, I'm OddlyObvious (Oddly?). Some of you might know me from Disqus? I'm the one who writes prose. Finally decided to use the forum account I've had sitting for half a year. I also hope to come back to art one day, and maybe learn how to do poetry properly, using SSSS as a gateway of sorts.
welcome back, DancingRanger and Clayres! And yaYY, you're here, Oddly! Welcome!!
Clayres, welcome back again! I remember you.
And Oddly, good to see you here as well as in the comments!
Hello and welcome back DancingRanger and Clayres! As I’m newish and have been reading (some of) the older threads, it’s funny to see someone returning who seems to me to have been around all the time (because of having seen their comments regularly) :)
And Oddly, dear, it’s obviously great to see you here too!
Hello hello everyone!
I too am someone who chose a highly ironic time to read SSSS. And I can't even blame anyone for reccing it to me at these trying times, since I'm finally here because of a friend who has been trying to get me read SSSS for literal years now. I always knew I would be very much into Minna's gorgeous art style and the usage of Nordic mythologies in a post apocalyptic setting, but I'm bad @ reading incomplete works, so I didn't follow my friends recommendations. Now though, with social distancing giving me lots of free time, I decided to finally follow her advice. Binge read the whole comic last Sunday & then took a deep deep dive into fanfiction land & started a cosplay project (Onni's second adventure outfit). And now I'm here, lol.
Anyways. I'm 22-year-old Finn living very near where the comic is taking place atm. I'm both excited and nervous about the fact that SSSS has gotten me to pick up cosplaying again after, like, seven years. My usual role as a fandom member is a fanfic writer, but I'm sure I will soon get there as well with SSSS. So, keep tuned for terrible progress pics of my costume & either semi poetic and angsty character study fics or teeth-rotting fluff, you never know with me.
Welcome to the forum, euseevius!
Eeusevius, welcome! It is always good to have another fanfic writer.
Welcome new folks! Has anyone offered you cookies? Is that still a thing?
Welcome to the forum, Oddly and euseevius!
Welcome new folks! Has anyone offered you cookies? Is that still a thing?
It's still a thing on Disqus! I haven't seen any cookies being offered in the forum, but I don't see why it can't be a thing here too.
well then I offer some fresh baked squirrel cookies! :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:
Squirrel cookies! \o/ :V :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Thanks for the welcome back and hello to all newcomers!
Welcome to the forums euseevius, and welcome back Clayres and DancingRanger.
Hello euseevius! I’m looking forward to reading from you! I am originally from Joensuu although have moved away quite some time ago. Still, very familiar landscapes. We went to see the Käsämä Teboil in December, didn’t see any acid trolls thankfully :)
Thanks for the cookies :)) :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: & the welcomes as well! And oooh, nice Jitter! I'm a relatively fresh Joensuu resident - third year at the university. I'm quite tempted to make a bike trip to the Käsämä Teboil once the weather is better, haha. Good to know it's acid troll free at the moment.
It was actually in February, sorry about that. After settlement was shown in the comic. Kind of surreal :)
hi, I'm new here - not so new in the comments section but I'm a good lurker and usually lurk.
I'm currently working on a Kitty cross stitch that I designed using a bit of the comic as the base. It's my Saturday project so not going very fast but it's progressing nicely :)
Welcome to the forum, Magical!
Hello and welcome, Magical! I’m sure it will be lovely, when it’s finished!
Welcome, Magical! It's great to have you on the forum, and your cross-stitch project sounds really cool!
Welcome, Magical! Best of luck on your cross-stitch :D
BTW I want a caramel muffin!
welcome welcome, Magical!! yessss, the more Kitty fan crafts, the better
Greetings, all!
I'm a fourth year college student in the United States (aged twenny-two, math and visual art) who is not taking classes right now. I make art sometimes and animate sometimes and write sometimes. I also like reading about proofs 'n stuff (and doing them too if they aren't terribly difficult). I language poorly and only know English and a bit of Mandarin Chinese unless you're counting formal languages.
I'm Mebediel's sister (the one who introduced her to SSSS). I've been reading SSSS since the get go but am a lurker at heart and so never really have commented or made an account here. I will probably mostly continue to lurk, but also hi!
Meb's sister, yay! Hello and welcome to the forum, we're glad to have you here!
Greetings, all!
I'm a fourth year college student in the United States (aged twenny-two, math and visual art) who is not taking classes right now. I make art sometimes and animate sometimes and write sometimes. I also like reading about proofs 'n stuff (and doing them too if they aren't terribly difficult). I language poorly and only know English and a bit of Mandarin Chinese unless you're counting formal languages.
I'm Mebediel's sister (the one who introduced her to SSSS). I've been reading SSSS since the get go but am a lurker at heart and so never really have commented or made an account here. I will probably mostly continue to lurk, but also hi!
Wow, what a nerd
(jk I'm glad you made it to the forum :D )
Hello Canby and welcome! We’d love to see your art or writing!
Wow, thank you for the kind welcomes (and hello Meb). Some o the art things I've been working on during quarantine: (https://ascanby.neocities.org/quarantine.jpg)
(sorry if there is another thread this type of stuff is supposed to go on)
Ooh, those are really cool - I love your style! And yes, there is a thread for non-SSSS related art, just here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0
Canby, hello and welcome! Another lurker unlurked!
Hello everyone !!
I'm Crow, a new reader of SSSS !! (please, forgive for my rambling and excess of exclamation marks -!!)
Somethings about me !!
I'm from tiny island-country with no seasons other than hot, humid, and rainy. It's splat right on/next to the equator !
Currently a hobby artist delving into the world of digital; mostly I scribble with whatever that's laying around, very very occasionally write poems. Other things I enjoy are reading, mythology, and music (jazz !! 80s pop !! folk !! rock !! all that good stuff !!)
Languages I speak are English, and Chinese; which I'm failing. I'm absolutely terrible at languages :'D
Well, thank you for reading !! I hope we get along !!
Welcome to the Forum, Crow. Did you know we have a languages thread here? Have fun!
Welcome here too Crowley! It’s great to have you! We will be delighted to see your comtributions to the discussions and art threads here :)
Welcome to the fan-forum, Crow! This community is quite big on art and poetry, so I'm sure you'll fit right in!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Crow!
Thank you everyone !! I'll have fun :DD
I rediscovered the comic after stopping in 2015. I forgot half the characters, and mis-remembered the plot (I thought it was about a perpetual ice age!). What allowed me to rediscover it was the fact that I saved a pic of Lalli and Emil standing back to back, doing their thing. So, I'm backish, and I've caught up big time.
My primary passion in life is railroads and railways, but I also enjoy engineering in general, strategy games, and complex puzzle games.
Welcome back, Parker! Catching up must have been a huge effort!
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to everyone !
Hello and welcome back Parker!
Welcome, Crow, and welcome back, Parker!
Welcome everyone!
Happy to be here! :) You all sure have a nice setup.
I'm OMCH! A Canadian studying Computer Science, with a passion for game-making, theatre, and film. I found SSSS by looking for similar webcomics to a favourite of mine, Kill Six Billion Demons (https://killsixbilliondemons.com/ (https://killsixbilliondemons.com/)). Seeing as language is a common point of discussion here, I speak English (obviously) as well as French. I hope that you're all having a lovely day!
I wouldn't go as far as to call SSSS similar to KSBD... But regardless, welcome! It's nice to have you here!
Welcome to the forum!!
Hello and welcome, OMCH!!!
OMCH, welcome to the Forum! Enjoy!
Welcome, OMCH! We're glad you're here!
Welcome to the forum !
Hello OMCH and welcome to the Forum! You’ll find a lot of great fan content to enjoy! And should you run out of stuff here, there is a wealth of great fan fiction over on the Archive of Our Own (AO3).
You are also very very welcome to contribute your own creative works in whatever form they may take (but this is not a requirement :) )
I wouldn't go as far as to call SSSS similar to KSBD... But regardless, welcome! It's nice to have you here!
Yeahhhhhh it's not that similar, but they're both definitely more sophisticated than some other webcomics out there...
Yeahhhhhh it's not that similar, but they're both definitely more sophisticated than some other webcomics out there...
Oh. I guess... It never occurred to me to count sophistication as a criterion for similarity.
Oh. I guess... It never occurred to me to count sophistication as a criterion for similarity.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In any case they're both super good, and awesome examples of really well done worldbuilding. I really like it when I can tell care is put into something like webcomics.
Hi, hope I do this correctly...
My name is Chelsea, I'm from LA, USA, and I speak English (native) and Spanish (fluent as a heritage speaker, but it's still kind of choppy). I recently turned 18, and out of pure nostalgia for my pre-teen years I reread SSSS, which I hadn't looked at in nearly five years. Even after so long I remembered the characters and certain panels vividly and I can't believe I let it go untouched for so long.
Hope to join some fun discussions~
Hello and welcome! Sometimes dipping into nostalgia can have very satisfying results, and I think in this case you won't regret it. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, and I'm sure you'll find plenty to talk about!
Welcome to the forum! Of course you do this correctly, there is no single proper way to do introductions!
Hello and welcome to the forum, lychsyzygy!
We’ll be happy to have you participate in the discussions! Like Ran said, we don’t have any protocols here, all (reasonably polite) conversation is doing it right :) It’s good to have you here!
Welcome, lychsyzygy! Glad you're here!
Hi all!
My name is Katya, I'm from Russia, and my work is a peaceful papers management, unless we lose some papers. I speak Russian, English, and a bit of German (actually, German now looks like a big rusty thing I don't know how to carry and don't want to leave, but I hope it'll become a working engine some day). I started to read SSSScomic a week ago and I think it's great. I love the characters, the plot, the way the world looks and works, and I'm really happy about the language aspect. I haven't registered in any forums for like... eternity, and I'm glad to be here.
Welcome to the forum, Katya!
Welcome to the fan forum! It's great to have you here.
Welcome, Katya! Love your avatar!
Hello Katya and welcome! Daily discussions (more or less) about each page happen mostly via Disqus on each page’s comments, but there’s a lot of activity here as well! Glad to have you here!
RanVor, Keep Looking, Mebediel, Jitter, thanks for the welcome!
Mebediel, picture for the avatar is from one of my favourite books in childhood. It's a Russian painter and she illustrated many fairy-tales.
Katya and lychsyzygy, hello and welcome to the Forum!
Hello lychsyzygy and Katya! Welcome! I'm sure that you will enjoy your time here! :)
Welcome, Katya and Iychsyzygy!!!!
Welcome everyone!
Welcome to the forum Katya and Iychsyzygy !
Hello everyone!
My name is John, and I'm a long(ish) time lurker. I'm now a college Junior majoring in Math-Scientific Computation, but I found this comic back in highschool through aRTD, which I had stumbled upon(and finished) a day earlier. CoVID finally brought me to post since I'm stuck at home with no books to read.
The past five years haven't been super kind to my hobbies, and I eventually had to drop my Literature minor, but I look forwards to getting more involved with drawing and storytelling - even if that just means watching other people's amazing projects. I'm really grateful to SSSS and the fan forum for helping me stay positive through difficult times, and I'm excited to officially introduce myself.
It's nice to meet you, John! I'm glad that the forum's helped you get through tough times (I think a lot of us can say the same), and I hope you'll enjoy getting more involved!
Welcome John / phocena! Glad to have you here! We’d be delighted to see you contribute with your own writing and art, but in the meantime the Forum has a wealth of content to enjoy, and links to so much more!
I’m sure you have discoverd Minna’s YouTube and Twitch, where she draws and talks about her art (well, on Twitch streams she draws and talk about random things that come up in the discussion, but largely food). There are also links to speedpaint videos by several of out artists, mostly in the Art Museum threads.
Welcome, phocena/John. Phocena as in the small cetacean?
Welcome to the forum, John!
Welcome welcome, John/phocena!! I like your avatar picture
Hi, Phocena / John! I'm sure that you will discover that participating in the Forum (and in the comments) will allow you to enjoy even more all SSSS related things!
Welcome! :)
Welcome, phocena/John. Phocena as in the small cetacean?
Yep! Just phocena is fine as I'm not used to being called by my name online. I really like Marine animals and Antarctic creatures, at least from a distance - based on experiences with seagulls I wouldn't risk eating anything near a brown skua, which are much smarter, and hawk sized.
Many welcomes! As others have said, there are heaps of stories in the three Scriptorium threads (SSSS, ARtD, and more general Forum), plus a few scattered about in places like the Advent Calendars. We also are gifted with a boon of Poetry, to help cover your wordsmithing needs.
I can also heartily recommend the Bad Jokes thread if you have a feeling you'd like to spend an evening groaning and clutching your head to Make It Stahhhp. (What? I do.)
Welcome Phocena !
Hi, I´m Mirasol, and was actually lured in to this comic over a year ago via the OSP-shoutout. But back then I only read the prologue and then stopped because I was going on Holiday to Sweden that year and didn´t want to be scared of Monsters (yes, I do realize that this is a really whimsical reason).
But thanks to Corona-Lockdown I finally had the time to catch up and boy do I regret not doing so earlier! I´ve been lurking around for two months now and decided I really want to talk with other People About the Comic, so I joined the commentariat last Friday, and the Forum today.
As for General Information: I´m 17 and from Germany, also I really like drawing.
Hello Mirasol! It's nice to have you here, and now we will be waiting to see some of your drawings. :)
Welcome to the forum, Mirasol!
Hello and welcome, Mirasol! Great work with the CoH piece! We are happy to have you here!
WElcome, welcome, Mirasol!!!!! Glad to have a new Minnion
Welcome to the Forum, Mirasol!
Welcome, Mirasol! It's great to have you here
Welcome, welcome Mirasol!
Welcome, phocena and Mirasol!!
Hi, I'm Molly! I've been reading the comic for around half a year now, but I never really came to the board. I don't have much time, but I do like being here. I'm not very familiar with the forum set up, honestly (no harm in learning). I stopped sketching a while ago after I went to college, but I'm trying to get back to it because it's enjoyable.
Nice to meet you all~
Hello and welcome to the forum, Molly!!!
Welcome to the forum, Molly! Good luck with getting back to sketching!
Hello Molly! Welcome! We are looking forward to seeing your drawings if and when you have some!
Welcome Molly! We have no fewer than four (4!) Art Museum threads scattered about, one each for Minna's comics (SSSS Art Museum, ARtD Art Museum, and CoH Art Museum), plus a Forum Art Museum for general arts. If you're into wiritng, we have similar Scriptorium threads, plus threads for any number of interests, mostly in the General and Personal Boards.
If you still thirst for those sweet images, you can find old exchanges and event threads in the Forum Memories board.
Have fun!
Welcome to the forum, Molly!
Molly, hello and welcome to the Forum!
Welcome Molly! :)
Now I'm curious about that "vampiric" side... Will we see something about in your drawings?
Welcome, Molly! Glad you're here.
Hi, I'm CeilingFan, and I started read SSSS back in February 2019 and have been in love with the story ever since! I mostly lurk (though sometimes I'll post comments) in the comment sections so I've never bothered to make a disqus account, heh. :V
Hello and welcome, Ceiling Fan! I had noticed you in the comments, and wondered about the name.
Ah, the thought process behind the name was just that I'm a fan of the comic, and a ceiling fan was the first type of fan that came to mind haha. I wasn't expecting to comment much, so I kind of just came up with the name on a whim and stuck with it :'D
(Though the Ceiling part may have been slightly influenced by that one ceiling troll - the one with all the wrinkles/skin folds and teeth - that Emil blew up during their first book search outing; I believe someone in the comments gave it the moniker of "CeilingPug" and in general that troll in particular had just stuck with me as being especially gross/horrifying to look at :P)
Welcome to the Forum, CeilingFan ;D
(that´s an amazing username by the way)
Wait, what do you mean I haven't greeted you yet? I must fix that right away! Welcome to the forum, CeilingFan!
Welcome, CeilingFan!
Hello, CeilingFan! Welcome to the Forum!
When I made my Disqus account I haven't noticed that you could comment without one :) But it's useful to get notifications when somebody replies (or you can get notifications without an account?)
Welcome, CeilingFan! Glad you decided to join the forum!
Welcome! Ceiling Pug was a standout in terms of monster design, all right. It's good to come have a look around hereabouts!
When I made my Disqus account I haven't noticed that you could comment without one
You can?! I didn't know that.
And I've been using not having a Disqus account to keep myself from spending yet more time online commenting in yet more places. Maybe I'd better pretend that I still don't know that.
Also hello and welcome to everybody whose introductions I haven't been commenting on!
You can?! I didn't know that.
And I've been using not having a Disqus account to keep myself from spending yet more time online commenting in yet more places. Maybe I'd better pretend that I still don't know that.
Also hello and welcome to everybody whose introductions I haven't been commenting on!
Then please pretend that I'm not confirming here that you can. :D
(You just have to give a name - any name - and a email - any email, even an invented one, because they don't check - and prove that you're not a robot - you know the drill...)
(You just have to give a name - any name - and a email - any email, even an invented one, because they don't check - and prove that you're not a robot - you know the drill...)
(FWIW, back when someone was impersonating my non-logged-in self for a couple pages, I made a Disqus account to see whether posting from that makes it harder to impersonate the poster. Long story short, it makes for a rather negligible difference.)
I've been a lurker for so long of both a Red Tail's Dream and Stand Still, Stay Silent that I thought well why not finally get involved with the community!
I am from Russia, and currently living in England, which essentially means I speak 2.5 languages and don't know any of them. I've been trying to draw for even longer, now around 15 years? Never mastered it or gone beyond basic portraits with questionable noses, but The Incident made me realise that I only have so much time.
Generally, every time I see Minna's works, I feel inspired to draw or to create both illustrations, comics, or that pesky thing that is practicing and learning something new. So there's a certain level of giddiness of getting involved with the community surrounding ARTD and SSSS!
Hello Helium Owl! We are glad to have you join us!
Welcome to the forum at last, Helium Owl!
Welcome, Helium Owl! It's great to have you here!
Helium Owl, hello and welcome to the state of unlurkerdom! Hope you enjoy it!
Welcome welcome, Helium Owl!!!
Welcome, Helium Owl! Definitely can relate to Minna's work inspiring an urge to draw more :D
Welcome Helium Owl ! I'm sure that we will love to see your drawings, even if the noses are questionable! Please don't be shy! :)
Thank you all for the warm welcomes!
Welcome, Helium Owl! This is generally a safe place to explore expanding your own artistic pursuits, or writing, or poetry, or music...
A place to get help with sharing images on this Forum: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=429.0)
Well howdy. It's me, your main man.
I dunno if I should reintroduce myself or not, seeing as I haven't been on here in... uh... several years? I haven't used this username in so long. Man, I feel old now.
Whatup, I'm Kel, I'm [redacted] and I never frickin learned how to read.
I continue to hoard hobbies like they're going out of style, I continue to stare at languages and hope that one day I will be able to speak them, and I continue to have zero tolerance for the heat. Can someone tell the Sun to chill out slightly so that I don't melt please and thank you. Also, I now have to bemoan my university's lack of an engineering department.
I came back to make sure y'all are doing OK but now that I went through the trouble of finding my old login info, who knows? Maybe I'll stick around.
Heee, welcome back! While there are many new faces around here, there are still plenty of the *ahem* long-term Minnions who remember and value you.
Auxivele/Kel, welcome back! I wondered what had become of you! We remember you and we are glad to see you again! Good luck with the engineering.
I've been a lurker for so long of both a Red Tail's Dream and Stand Still, Stay Silent that I thought well why not finally get involved with the community!
I am from Russia, and currently living in England, which essentially means I speak 2.5 languages and don't know any of them. I've been trying to draw for even longer, now around 15 years? Never mastered it or gone beyond basic portraits with questionable noses, but The Incident made me realise that I only have so much time.
Generally, every time I see Minna's works, I feel inspired to draw or to create both illustrations, comics, or that pesky thing that is practicing and learning something new. So there's a certain level of giddiness of getting involved with the community surrounding ARTD and SSSS!
Hello Helium Owl! :)) Yeah, I definitly know the entire getting inspired to try new things by Minna. Her work somehow got me to start painting, which is something I never liked doing before. But now I´m having fun! Also wow, you´ve been here for a long time!
Also hi to Auxivele too! :) I´m still quite new but I´ve seen your posts in a few threads I´ve been reading. So welcome back!
Hi everyone! I am new! I’ve started reading the comics a few months ago and it took me about a week to catch up, which means that I was hooked really strongly - I couldn’t stop reading! I found the comics almost accidentally, through some other comics and the first thing that ceased my attention was the fact that it was drawn really beautifully! I’ve read ARTD and SSSS several times now :D I never commented anything but I hope to be able to share my favorite comics here!
A little bit about me: I’m sixteen and I’m from Russia, currently living in the USA. I can fluently speak Russian and English, kind of learned French and still studying Swedish, Finnish and Danish. I’m finishing seventh year of art-school in August and thinking about becoming an illustrator. I also write fantasy stories (or novels, I would say, for they are long ;D). There you are, a short description :)
Welcome to the forum, Annuil! And welcome back to Auxivele, it's nice to meet you both!
Welcome, and welcome back to the forums!
Welcome Annuil over here too! :))
Annuil, welcome to the Forum! SSSS can be an amazing time sink, but we have great fun here.
Auxivele/Kel, welcome back! I wondered what had become of you! We remember you and we are glad to see you again! Good luck with the engineering.
Thanks everyone! And thanks Róisín. I must say, I really missed hearing from our forum grandma ;). A bunch of things happened all at once and life just got away from me I suppose, but it's good to be back. The move online has made engineering more... complicated, since the courses I could normally take are no longer offered. But, my advisor is trying to help me figure out the best options.
Welcome welcome, Annuil! :)) That's an impressive number of languages, and good luck with art school! We have threads for both languages and art, if you haven't seen them already.
Welcome, mchristiana!
Welcome Annuil! So many languages for such a young person! And an artist too! It's great to have so much talent with us!
And Auxivele, welcome back! I hope you stay for a long time. :)
BTW , every time I come to this thread I question if I should make an introduction to myself. Do you think it makes sense, my friends?
Grey, yes it does!
Grey, you haven´t yet? Then yes, please do! :)
Róisín and Mirasol, thanks! Since there's a general consensus ;) over it I'll try to do it this weekend. I even had a funny idea...
*waves hand shyly*
Hello! I'm Lallicat. I'm a relative newbie to SSSS, since I've been reading for under a year, around 7 months. My interests are reading, writing, baking, and music (I play the trombone and tuba.) My love of chocolate is only equaled by my love of cats. My two chickens are one of the bright spots in all this COVID mess, the other being this comic! I hope to be posting some fanfics or at least some poetry here, only time will tell. Butter good and do what cat everyone!
Hello Lallicat! Butter good and do what cat (but not mine, that lil' bugger is constantly out somewhere and only comes home to eat)!
Hello Lallicat and welcome! No need to be shy, we are friendly here too! While people are welcome to just hang, we will be delighted to see your writing, when you get round to it!
Hello and welcome Lallicat!
Looking foreward to your writing. I see you´re a fellow choclate-fan. Please spare some of it once you actually take over the world for the rest of us. ;) In the meantime, have fun figuring out the forum! It´s time consuming, yes, but absolutely worth it.
Butter good, and do what cat from me too! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Lallicat! Please do it. There's never too many fanfics and poetry!
Just one question: When you wrote "...My love of chocolate is only equaled by my love of cats. My two chickens are one of the bright spots in all this COVID mess..." did you really meant "chickens" or your autocorrect is playing tricks on you? Not that I have anything against them, and they surely can be funny to watch sometimes... :)
Butter good!
Welcome, Lallicat! Doing what cat seems a good idea at the moment - it is a frosty morning here, and my two cats are curled up together asleep by the wood stove rather than in their more usual spot on my feet. Looking forward to seeing your work!
welcome to the forum, Lallicat!
thegreyarea Nope, autocorrect is innocent this time! I have two chickens and I love them with all of my heart. <3
Mirasol Very well, I shall spare most of the chocolate. Perhaps you'd enjoy joining me in my conquest of the world? I could always use more allies.
Welcome welcome, Lallicat!!!
Mirasol Very well, I shall spare most of the chocolate. Perhaps you'd enjoy joining me in my conquest of the world? I could always use more allies.
I´m honored for the invitation. But I´m afraid, as a proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society, I am already supporting a different world dominator. :sigrun:
However, I won´t stand in the way for you to reach your goal. At least as long as the chocolate doesn´t run out. >:D
Chocolate is on the way out in any case due to the disease of the cocoa trees :(
Quickly, Mirasol, make one more comment to be allowed into the safe zone!
Mirasol. as another society member I see no problem in supporting Jitter's quest for world domination*. Our god-emperor (may her rule last forever) will have lots of work to rule the Universe, so having local rulers for each world will be useful. Jitter may be Earth's governor and assure that we never run out of chocolate! :)
* I just had to put it in bold! :D
What is this! I am appalled by such allegations! I have never ever mentioned I would be interested in world domination! Europe, on the other hand...
What, disease of the cocoa-trees??? Is my staple food in danger?
Mirasol. as another society member I see no problem in supporting Jitter's quest for world domination*. Our god-emperor (may her rule last forever) will have lots of work to rule the Universe, so having local rulers for each world will be useful. Jitter may be Earth's governor and assure that we never run out of chocolate! :)
* I just had to put it in bold! :D
Grey, I´m sure you mean Lallicat's quest for world domination. :)
But well then, in this case, count me in as one of your allies Lallicat!
What is this! I am appalled by such allegations! I have never ever mentioned I would be interested in world domination! Europe, on the other hand...
I see we´re starting an entire new government-system over here...
What is this! I am appalled by such allegations! I have never ever mentioned I would be interested in world domination! Europe, on the other hand...
Grey, I´m sure you mean Lallicat's quest for world domination. :)
Oops! Sorry Jitter, I never meant to tell your plans to say such thing! As Mirasol pointed I misread Lallicat's quest as yours... It's clear that I've been working too much and sleeping too little...
Anyway, let's find a new World ruler, because we surely would do better than the actual ones! :D
Welcome back Kel, and welcome Annuil and Lallicat!!
I’m a goddess already so I have all the power I want, thankyouverymuch
Lallicat, I could have written that intro for myself! Welcomes.
Hello! I am Shep. I will be figuring out how to do the languages-in-signature thing momentarily.
I'm a 20yo college student studying Classical history. My interests are, among other things, Tolkien, zombies, fantasy, superheros, writing, Ancient Greek and Latin, languages in general, and religious history. I discovered SSSS through a friend's reccomendation. I am at Chapter 2 of Adventure 1, so still early yet, but I like it a lot. The art is very beautiful, and I have been promised gore and am looking forward to more of it (I've seen some stuff).
Shep, hello and welcome! Only chapter 2? You have a wild ride in front of you, but so worth while!
Welcome to the forum, Shep! I hope you enjoy (and/or share in our suffering) the rest of the comic!
Welcome, Shep! Be careful with the spoilers here, you might learn something you don’t what to know before you finish reading the comic ;)
Welcome Shep! May you enjoy the comic! :))
Welcome Shep! Lots of great things await ahead, but, as Annuil said, beware of spoilers! :)
Anyway, take your time. This comic is amazing and deserves that you savour each page.
Welcome Shep! We 're glad to have you!
Welcome to the Forum, Shep!!! and happy reading for the rest of SSSS!
Thank you for the welcome, everyone!
Yes, I will be careful about spoilers!
So far, I have what I have been calling the "saw train" as my desktop background. But I will be lurking, more than posting, until I have finished my reading. At that point, I hope to contribute to the poetry thread especially!
Welcome welcome!
There are no spoiler warnings for the comic itself at all here on the Forum, so as wonderful it would be have to have you join us now, I have add to the choir of warnings - don’t look at anything of you may learn too important things too early.
Many binge the comic very quickly first and then reread at a slower pace :)
uhhh hello my name is heather. i am 18. i have 6 cats. i've read through all of the comic at least 7 times and i am the biggest supporter of the autistic and trans lalli hc in the world
Hello and welcome to the forum, Heather! If I may ask, why do you fear gamers...?
Welcome Heather! You are truly blessed to have that many cats. I have been in the forum for only a little while, but I have already found many interesting things. May your stay be as enjoyable as mine has been so far!
Welcome! Welcome, Heather! :D
Hello and welcome to the forum, Shep and Heather!
Welcome Heather! Wow, 6 cats! I have one, so I can just imagine how it is... :)
Two new faces in a day! Welcome to you too, Heather! :))
Hey Heather! Great to see you here, heh. Welcome to the forum!
welcome to the Forum, Heather!!!!
Welcome Shep and Heather!!
Welcomes to ftmshepard and gamerphobe!
Hello and welcome! It’s great to have you on board!
There’s probably a Lalli thread somewhere! Which reminds me I wanted to dig up the Reynir character development thread, which I assume also hides somewhere in the bowels of the forum.
There’s probably a Lalli thread somewhere! Which reminds me I wanted to dig up the Reynir character development thread, which I assume also hides somewhere in the bowels of the forum.
Here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=15.0) is the link to the Lalli Character Development Thread. :lalli:
And here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=368.0) is the link to the Reynir Character Development Thread. :reynir:
I, Bran, have decided to join the forums after catching up with the comic!
I only speak English for now, but I'm (kind of) learning Japanese and just started Welsh (I've been planning to learn Swedish since before I heard of SSSS but I saw the dragon flag and couldn't help myself, so that won't happen for a while yet, heh).
I have two cats to keep the mice (and associated diseases) at bay. Unfortunately, they can't do the same to the heat.
Hi, and welcome Bran! We're glad to have you!
Welcome! Welcome, Bran!
Welsh is an interesting and old language, and, as I heard, a pretty hard one (well, Japanese, probably, is kind of hard as well) so I wish you luck with it! ;D
This forum is the best place to share interest in learning languages. ^-^
Welcome to the forum, Bran!!
Welcome to the Forum, Gamerphobe/Heather! We are strange folk here, but mostly pretty decent.
And welcome Bran, do you know we have a languages thread here in the Forum? You might find that fun. Learning Welsh? Then you might know your namesake from the Welsh and Irish folktales? Bran (Raven) is a very cool name.
Welcome Bran! Welsh is indeed a really interesting language. Have fun learning it, and have fun on the forum!
Hello Bran and welcome! Welsh and Wales are among my interests too!
I hereby welcome you, Bran, to the forum!
Welcome welcome, Bran!!! I wish you much luck in your language learning adventures :)
Welcome, Bran!!
Hey all! I'm mostly only active on the Discord but occasionally I take a look over here. ^-^ I just like lurking for the most part.
I started reading SSSS in 2017 (I think it was around page 771 of Adventure 1). I sometimes make fan art.
I'm 19 and I live in the US near Chicago.
I only speak English most of the time but I've always been trying to learn a ton of languages with mixed results. It's fun but I don't think I'll ever speak them in public (hence the name Tacita). I used to speak Spanish as a little kid, but now I'm too unsure about my skills and rarely ever need to speak it anyway, just to understand it. I took Latin and ancient Greek in high school, but my Greek skills have atrophied somewhat. Right now I'm focused on learning some Finnish. I'll start reading A Redtail's Dream soon.
I like drawing/painting, reading, watching old movies, chilling with my cat Hobbes, walking through the woods, and history. Oh, and wasting time on the internet. I always have at least 50 tabs open. ;D
Welcome, tacita! I love Chicago/Chicagoland. Feel free to lurk or post as much as you'd like :D
Welcome to the Forum, Tacita. The username is clever. Hope we see more of you!
Hey, Tacita! Good to see you here!
Hello Tacita! In terms of wasting time on the internet, you definitly came to the right place! :'D
Hey, Tacita! Welcome! Welcome! Good to see new people! ;D
Welcome welcome!
Hello Bran! I'm also learning both Japanese and Welsh, though far more Japanese than Welsh. If you ever want to talk about either of them, just send me a message!
Hello tacita! As you can tell by my signature, I have also tried learning many a language. I think I started around a dozen languages on Duolingo, though few of them have gotten very far.
We also have the language forums that you both can look at, it sounds like something y'all might be interested in.
Hello! I found SSSS through a recommendation on a discord server I lurk on(there a lot of those). I live about an hour away from chicago, and may or may not become a scientist. In my free time, I read books, play the violin and piano, and of course, surf the internet. It'll be a pleasure to get to know you all!
Oh, also, the only other language I know is chinese.
nihao,dajia!(Much too lazy to go switch keyboards)
Welcome to the forum, Scipio!!!
Welcome, welcome, scipio! Chinese is fine, I bet you’ll find someone on this forum to make a thread to share Chinese (there probably is one like that, I didn’t really look for it)
Anyways, welcome! :))
Hello scipio! Nice to meet you too!
Hello and welcome, scipio! The Forum already has a languages thread. Hope you enjoy it!
Hello! Nice to have you here!
Welcome, scipio! There's also a language introduction thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=150.225) if you're interested, and, as Annuil and Róisín noted, there is technically a Mandarin thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=423.0), although it hasn't been used in a long time.
Welcome, Tacita and Scipio!!! 🎉
Um... reintroducing myself! Because it's been five years since I was active on here...
Suffice to say university took up so much of my time that I had no time for any internetty things XD at allll. But now I'm a big grownup masters student and have a little bit of time again, so I'm excited to be back! Hopefully! And see what all has been happening with the fandom since I was gone.
Am! Welcome back! I remember you, and am glad that you survived university. Congratulations!
Welcome back, Am. :) Wow, you're doing a masters? Exciting!
Am! Welcome back! I remember you, and am glad that you survived university. Congratulations!
I barely remember me, tbh!! Hello again Róisín, it's good to see a familiar face ^^
Welcome back, Am. :) Wow, you're doing a masters? Exciting!
Thank you!! Yes, somehow I liked university enough that I wanted more of it, lol
Welcome back, Am! And hooray, fellow MA student!
Welcome back!!
Welcome back, Am! I remember you from when I first joined the forum. Congrats on university, and it's so exciting that you're a masters student now!
scipio, as others mentioned we have a language forum! I'm also learning Mandarin, but it's a bit difficult teaching myself so I don't know very much haha.
Hello! I'm new to the forum, I was introduced to SSSS by a friend about two weeks ago and I crushed through it in a couple days. It's SO GOOD.
I am from the US and I grew up in Alaska but I currently live in Washington state. I realized a couple years ago that I hated my desk job so I worked for an arborist for a couple years, and I recently got new job learning overhead electrical work (power lines). In my free time I like gardening and riding my bike, and I got a motorcycle last winter that I'm constantly tinkering with. I have an awesome dog named Rainier.
Looks like people are sharing languages since it's pretty diverse crowd on here: I speak conversational German, but I haven't had anyone to practice with for years so it's rusty. Usually comes back pretty quick though.
Hi afreude! Welcome to the forum!
Welcome back Am!
welcome welcome to the Forum, afreude!!!!
Welcome to the forum, Afreude!!
afreude, hello and welcome to the Forum!
Hello, nice to have you here!
Welcome, or Wilkommen afreude! Please stop by at the language board then, if it interests you!
And welcome back Am!
Welcome, afreude! Welcome!
Hello everyone!
I fell in love with the art, story, and characters of SSSS right away. I’m also so excited to be a part of this welcoming and kind fan community.
I have the same name in the comic comments (yay!). My pronouns are she/her. I’m from the US and fluent in English only.
I‘ll see you all in the fan art thread soon ^.^
Hello and welcome! Happy to have you here, and even happier when we see your art!
Hi and welcome TreesAndTrees! Glad to have you!
Welcome afreude and TreesAndTrees!
And welcome back, Am!
Happy clappy and welcomes! We always love fanart (among other content), and SSSS Yoinktober is coming to a Forum near you!
Welcome to the forum, TreesAndTrees!!
So fun to see new faces! Welcome, TreesAndTrees!
Welcome, TreesAndTrees! Good to have another artist!
Hello and welcome, TreesAndTrees! Good to have you here, see you over in the art-thread! :))
Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum, not to Minna's comics. Just never looked into the forum. Now I know this was a mistake.
Eee! Welcome, moredhel!
More new people!
(This forum is the first one I’ve ever been to and I would say that it truly is great, I love this community!) Hope you’ll enjoy it too ;D
Welcome moredhel! I love your floating avatar!
I also spent a long time before plunging myself into this Forum. I thought it would take a lot of my free time.
I was not mistaken.
But I came to the conclusion that it's a quite pleasant way to spend my free time! :)
HELLO to TreesAndTrees and Moredhel!!!!! Welcome!!
Hey broskis,
finally got enough courage to join the forum. Uh you can refer to me by Marshal/Thursday, I am transmasc and I do cringe animal art. Hope this is a good experience
Hello to Running From God and all the other 564786788 or fewer people I haven't welcomed yet.
Hello moredhel and Running from God! Welcome!
Why is the word "moredhel" so familiar? A character somewhere, but where?
The word moredhel is sindarin and was used by many people since Tolkiens days.
E. g. there are at least three Metal Bands called Moredhel. And in Raymond E. Feist's novels is a whole race named Moredhel. Although the word is singular.
Welcome to the forum, Moredhel and Marshal! I do gotta say, this is the first and only forum I've been on as well, but I certainly don't regret coming here!
Welcome, Running From God!
The word moredhel is sindarin and was used by many people since Tolkiens days.
E. g. there are at least three Metal Bands called Moredhel. And in Raymond E. Feist's novels is a whole race named Moredhel. Although the word is singular.
I knew it! I studied sindarin as a language (I could even say some stuff, at least read with right pronunciation) and I’m not sure but probably it’s the only “language” that has “dh” in it :))
So many new faces lately! Welcome moredhel and Running From God to the wonderful timesink that is this forum!
I´m another one of the people who never joined a forum before this one (and after this one...). But I can only second what everyone else already said, it´s great here!
From yet another of the ‘first and only Forum’ people, greetings to Running From God and moredhel! Long may you enjoy it!
Welcome Running From God / Marshal !
I'm also part of the "this is my only Forum" group!
(gods help me if I find another amazing Forum that calls my free time "FoOd!")
Welcome moredhel, and Marshal! And yeah, I definitely regret not looking into the forum sooner.
I’m not sure but probably [Sindarin]’s the only “language” that has “dh” in it :)
... I guess that depends on how strict your interpretation of "has a 'dh' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eth)" is, actually.
Welcome to the Forum, Running From God/Marshal/Thursday!!!!
Hi everyone!
I’m new to the forum and not positive on how it all works yet so bear with me, please.
I’ve been reading SSSS since last March, I believe, but I’m a pretty anxious person so I only just joined the forum.
I’m from the Pacific Northwest, and unfortunately I only speak English, though I hope to learn more languages soon. I draw, read, and write, and I’m passionate about mythology and folktales, which is part of what brought me to SSSS in the first place.
Welcome, Nanashi Navillus, I hope you will adjust to the forum quick enough to enjoy it and find the place to share your love of mythology! (Just so you know, I’m not a nurd, but I’m into it also, in some way ;))
Nanashi, hello and welcome! You should be fine here, they are nice folk and have been very patient with my lack of forum skills. And your skills and interests will be very welcome here. I’m a bit of a myth and folklore nerd myself, there are many of us here, and much interesting conversation!
Hello and welcome to you! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Do have a good lookee around, and this fandom is blessed with deep amounts of content.
Hello Nanashi! It’s great to have you here! Your art will be very welcome, if or when you feel like sharing it!
Hello and welcome Nanashi Navillus!
Welcome to the forum, Nanashi! It's great to have you here.
Hi everyone!
I’m new to the forum and not positive on how it all works yet so bear with me, please.
I’ve been reading SSSS since last March, I believe, but I’m a pretty anxious person so I only just joined the forum.
I’m from the Pacific Northwest, and unfortunately I only speak English, though I hope to learn more languages soon. I draw, read, and write, and I’m passionate about mythology and folktales, which is part of what brought me to SSSS in the first place.
Hello Nanashi! Welcome! No need to be anxious, tough. This is a very friendly place! :) We will surely love to see your drawings and written works whenever you share them.
(Isn't it funny/ironic that a place based on a comic full of trolls ends up being the most troll-free that I know?)
Hello and welcome to the forum, Nanashi person! There's nothing wrong with being anxious, that's like about half of us here.
Welcome welcome, Nanashi! (Hooray, more mythology-nerds!) :))
I think RanVor is quite right about the half-of-us-being-anxious-thing, so no worries. Looking foreward to seing your art and stories!
a big welcome to you, Nanashi!!!!!!! There are more than a few mythology and folklore enthusiasts around, and your writing and drawing are eagerly awaited :-))
I am a College Student from the Philippines.
I love this comic so far after I got into it. I'd been meaning to for a while. I want to get my friends into reading this sometime. It's great.
I'm a big SF (Speculative Fiction) fan and love works that play around with language. I'm actually a bit of a writer who just worked up the desire to actually publish my stuff.
Can anyone guess the context of my username?
Welcome to the forum, AndrogynousAutarch! No, I will not guess the context of your username. Good luck to anyone who tries, though.
Hello and welcome to the Forum, AndrogynousAutarch! I know what both of the words mean, but have no clue as to the context of the name. Very curious!
Welcome welcome, AndrogynousAutarch!!! While you have inadvertently taught me a new cool word (autarch!), I am not sure what the context of your name might be (do we get to find out even if no one guesses correctly :3?)
Hello and welcome, Androgynous Autarch!
This is a good place to give a try to publishing some of your writing! The fan-fic oriented works go to the SSSS Scriptorium thread on the SSSS board, while other, non-SSSS work is welcome to the Forum Scriptorium thread on the General board!
As for your nickname... I seem to have a vague recollection of someone who is the Autarch in Iain M Banks’ Culture world, but I can’t put my finger on it. Then there’s Gene Wolfe’s Autarch. Is this even close?
Then there’s Gene Wolfe’s Autarch. Is this even close?
You got It!
The Autarch is the leader of the Commonwealth society in Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe. His appearance has been described as androgynous. I will say no more for those who might be interested in reading.
Thanks for telling me about the scriptorium! I'll take a nice look at it. Having a good time so far.
Welcome to the forum AndrogynousAutarch!
You got It!
The Autarch is the leader of the Commonwealth society in Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe. His appearance has been described as androgynous. I will say no more for those who might be interested in reading.
Thanks for telling me about the scriptorium! I'll take a nice look at it. Having a good time so far.
Good thing I didn't guess, I'd be way off the mark.
I am a College Student from the Philippines.
I love this comic so far after I got into it. I'd been meaning to for a while. I want to get my friends into reading this sometime. It's great.
I'm a big SF (Speculative Fiction) fan and love works that play around with language. I'm actually a bit of a writer who just worked up the desire to actually publish my stuff.
Can anyone guess the context of my username?
Welcome AndrogynousAutarch! This is a good place to find interesting readers! I'll be looking forward to read your stories.
And I wouldn't be able to find the answer because Gene Wolf is one of the many great writers in my "to read" list. A list that seems to grow and grow, which is good, but also frustrating sometimes. :)
(BTW Jitter I don't recall any character with that name in The Culture series, and a few searches showed no results. But yours is the right answer! Well done! )
Hello and welcome to the fan forum, AndrogynousAutarch!
Welcome AndrogynousAutarch! I haven´t heard of that book before, I might need to look into it... Looking foreward to reading your stories, and may you be successful at
dragging your friends into the fandom I mean convincing them to read the comic! :))
Grey, I didn’t find a Culture Autarch either so it must be Fake News
Welcome to the forum, AndrogynousAutarch!
(Wow, that’s a long name! And and an interesting meaning) never heard of the book or the author, however... Better late then never!
(Actually, my own username comes from the stories I write, if anyone is interested, ;)but I have had a hard time translating them from Russian into English, so it’s pretty hard with publishing anywhere.. language barriers...)
Uh helloooo
I joined the forum like a month ago and have been reading SSSS since this May, but I’ve been putting off making a post in this introduction thread (or any of the threads really) for literally the entirety of last month BUT NOW IT IS DONE! Whee.
Now for the actual introduction part:
I’m 15, a girl, from the west coast of the US, I draw things, sometimes worldbuild stuff, and write bizarre poetry sometimes. I also like history-related topics.
I hope I put the right stuff in there?
EDIT: since I’m rather new to forum based talking and post and stuff, I also meant to ask if there’s like a discord server or other chatting method that exists for the SSSS fandom
Welcome to the forum SoggySoggyPanini! We're glad to have you!
Welcome to the Forum, Panini! Sounds as if many of your interests will fit right in here!
Welcome to the fan forum, SoggyPanini! It's great to have you here.
Yes, there is an active discord server for SSSS - you can find the link here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=870.0, along with the links to other chatrooms, although I don't know how active the other ones are.
Hello and welcome to the forum, SoggyPanini!
And hey! There's IRC chat over there (https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ssss)! You don't need no registration or anything, just set your nickname, click "Join chat" and chat with people* who are there! And there's also good ol' comment section (reputedly the nicest on the Internet).
Sometimes includes me, but don't worry, it's not that often.
Glad to have your here, SoggyPanini. I'm new here as well and am happy to welcome you here.
Hello SoggyPanini! We are happy to have you here, and if you'd like to share some of your art or writing, we'll be even happier!
There are the SSSS Scriptorium and SSSS Art museum SSSS-related stuff on the SSSS board, and Forum Scriptorium and Forum Art Museum threads on the General Discussion Board. And then of course the Poetry thread for those bizarre poems of yours :) And as already mentioned, the page comments (by Disqus under the comic page) are active and always welcoming too!
Welcome SoggyPanini! :)) Have fun on the forum!
Hello and great welcome, SoggyPanini! Nice to see you! :))
Hello SoggyPanini and welcome to the forum! I like your profile picture! It reminds me of those images of giant medieval snails fighting people :V
Uh helloooo
I joined the forum like a month ago and have been reading SSSS since this May, but I’ve been putting off making a post in this introduction thread (or any of the threads really) for literally the entirety of last month BUT NOW IT IS DONE! Whee.
Now for the actual introduction part:
I’m 15, a girl, from the west coast of the US, I draw things, sometimes worldbuild stuff, and write bizarre poetry sometimes. I also like history-related topics.
I hope I put the right stuff in there?
EDIT: since I’m rather new to forum based talking and post and stuff, I also meant to ask if there’s like a discord server or other chatting method that exists for the SSSS fandom
Welcome SoggyPanini! I'd say that yes, you put a fine right stuff, because worldbuild, drawing, poetry and history-related all go very well with SSSS and particularly with the people that "inhabits" this Forum! :)
Thanks for reminding me of the Discord server, Keep Looking! I do have an account, but seldom drop by. I'll make an effort to show up more often.
And your post reminds me that I've been around for months and still didn't make my introduction... I'll try to do that this century, promise! ;)
I went onto the discord once and got immediately confused with the roles and captains and whatnots (I’ve never used discord at all - yes, I’m old). I have been intending to ask my kid to help me out but haven’t got around to it.
If you guys do need some help figuring out discord, feel free to shoot me a message and I can see if I can help you out.
Hello SoggyPanini and welcome to the forum! I like your profile picture! It reminds me of those images of giant medieval snails fighting people :V
I was going to choose one of those, but decided on the cat one instead because it sort of has a naïve charm to it.
I think this is the place for newbies to introduce themselves so here goes!
I'm Ronja, or Ronnie (pronounced like macaroni), whichever works!
I'm a 15 y/o artist and aspiring graphic novel creator who also really really likes bones and who lives on the east coast of the United States (although my father is originally from Sweden!).
I use she/her pronouns, and I'm a bit of a one-trick pony, as I only speak English. (I'm trying oh so hard to learn French and I know bits and pieces of Swedish, but not nearly enough to be conversational.)
I've only been reading SSSS for around two weeks now (?) but I'm... Quite Obsessed to be honest.
I don't know how active I'll be on here, as forums aren't really my thing, but it's nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the forum, Ronnie!
Welcome Ronnie! I hope you decide to stick around, we'd love to see your art! And it's always nice to see another bicultural person on here!
Hello and welcome! We are a nice bunch to hang around! Usually there isn't even this amount of drama :)
Usually there isn't even this amount of drama :)
And I'm usually better at pretending to be a nice person. In my defense, though, I've had a pretty crappy day.
Ran, I didn't mean you. I sort of combined the Forum and Disqus, where the drama (what little there was of it) took place :)
I hope tomorrow is a better day!
Welcome welcome, Ronnie! :))
Hello Ronnie! And welcome to the forum!
Ran, I didn't mean you. I sort of combined the Forum and Disqus, where the drama (what little there was of it) took place :)
I hope tomorrow is a better day!
Well, yes, I know. I alluded to my previous interaction with Ronnie in the newly created drama thread.
Welcome to the fan forum, Ronnie!
Hello and welcome, Ronja! You should fit right in here.
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :lalli: :emil: :mikkel: :reynir: :onni: :sigrun:
Many welcomes
Welcome, welcome, Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie! Welcome! :)
I'd love to see some of your work. Don't be shy, we are a nice bunch with some excellent artists among us, and we love drawings, even if they are not about SSSS.
And there are several persons here (myself included) that will tell you they are not much into Forums, with this one being the exception. So make yourself at home.
(Who are we kidding, we love the not-particularly-excellent content as well!)
We probably would if we ever encountered any here, but so far everything has been particularly excellent!
Thank you all very much! Is there an art sharing board on here? :0
Thank you all very much! Is there an art sharing board on here? :0
This thread (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0), maybe?
Oh lovely! Thank you, RanVor!
This one is for sharing all other art, while if you have or make something SSSS related, there is a similar thread called SSSS art museum on the SSSS board!
A (very belated) Welcome to you, SoggyPanini!!! I too like your profile picture, its very cute
And Hello, other teen aspiring graphic novelist from the east coast of the U.S. who likes bones!?! Thats funny. Welcome to the Forum, Ronja!!!! (you've probably been asked this before, but have you heard of the book/show/movie "Ronja the Robber's Daughter"? I'm partial to the show myself)
(you've probably been asked this before, but have you heard of the book/show/movie "Ronja the Robber's Daughter"? I'm partial to the show myself)
Aaah! Thant’s one of my favorite books! But I read it in Russian, so I didn’t even relate your name, Ronnie, to it! ;)
And Hello, other teen aspiring graphic novelist from the east coast of the U.S. who likes bones!?! Thats funny. Welcome to the Forum, Ronja!!!! (you've probably been asked this before, but have you heard of the book/show/movie "Ronja the Robber's Daughter"? I'm partial to the show myself)
Hihihi! Nice to meet you! I hope we may have a long-lasting, bone-filled friendship. What a strange sentance. Anyways, yes, actually! Ronja is who I'm named after. My mother looks a lot like the character in the book, though I take more after her red-haired, freckled friend.
It's funny, normally how I introduce myself is asking if anyone's heard of Pipi Longstocking, then saying I'm named after another one of the author's works, but this is the first time I've been asked about it first haha. I have yet to watch the show but I really should!
Ooh I love Pippi Longstocking, it was one of my favorite books! I’ve never heard of Ronja the Robber’s Daughter before, should I check it out?
Yes you should! It’s for slightly older audience than Pippi (still aimed at kids) and has friendship that overcomes obstacles, adventures in Scandinavian forests, and some folklore too.
Ooh I love Pippi Longstocking, it was one of my favorite books! I’ve never heard of Ronja the Robber’s Daughter before, should I check it out?
You totally should! Its a very enjoyable read with strong themes of family and friendship, and like Jitter said, folklore and adventures in Scandinavian forests. Did I mention old castles and robbers(as one might guess)? That too!
You totally should! Its a very enjoyable read with strong themes of family and friendship, and like Jitter said, folklore and adventures in Scandinavian forests. Did I mention old castles and robbers(as one might guess)? That too!
Indeed it is so! I’m joining you, definitely a must-read-book! ;) ;D
I am Oleander.
I just started reading SSSS this week and just caught up to the latest page yesterday (so now I can chat without worrying about spoilers)
I really liked this story and especially the characters (my favourite is Lalli :lalli: because my internet friend got me to read it by telling me about him because I was looking for more stories with really fleshed out autistic-coded characters, I was very surprised and happy when I saw Minna reference this reading in the author note on page 519)
I'm a bit busy with other projects at the moment, but I really want to draw fan art of the characters in this series (I drew my profile picture)
I heard this is a very welcoming community, so I'm looking forward to using this forum and sharing art and headcanons here :sparkle:
Welcome Oleander! :)) Your profile picture looks really good! I hope you have fun on the forum, looking forward to seeing more of your art!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Oleander! Last time I checked, this was indeed a very welcoming community, as evidenced by the number of welcomes one can get in this thread.
Hello amd welcome! We are happy to have you here, and even happier to see your art!
Oleander, hello and welcome! My experience has been that the folk here are generally kind and courteous. Another artist is always welcome, we have here people with all manner of fascinating skills and interesting ideas. And if I remember correctly there actually is a headcanon thread somewhere on the forum? I hope you have fun here!
Hi and welcome Oleander!
Thank you for welcoming me! I was away for a while so I only just saw these responses
We are a global community with people from very many time zones, so no one is expected to respond immediately :)
Fair point
It makes a nice change from some of the Danganronpa communities I'm in, where everyone seems to be from America and are most active when I'm asleep
Yeah, it can get a bit strange when I (in South Australia) am having a conversation with a New Zealander, a Finn and a Canadian. Remarks and replies can spread out over days!
Welcome to the fan forum, Oleander!
Welcome Oleander
Many welcomes!
Welcome welcome, Oleander!!!!
Welcome! Indeed, welcome, Oleander! People here are truly kind and very respective, it’s a really, really amazing forum ;)
Yes, I love how this works with the people from all over the world. Such a cool, and a strange, and a marvellous thing it is to be able to see this mix of cultures and world views! And to be able to share your own with others!
So, welcome to this great community!
Hi everyone I%u2019m Rose, a fairly new reader of SSSS and aRTD. It took me probably about a month to get caught up on SSSS, but I figured I%u2019d make an introduction once I got caught up. Once I started reading it I got absolutely hooked (thanks overly sarcastic productions for bringing me here, even though I was late on even that). Also I%u2019m seeing a language board, so I%u2019m a native English speaker and I%u2019m attempting to learn French and Mandrin. Also I love music and I sing and play the flute, and I absolutely love reading, books, comic books, audiobooks, and any other form I come across. This seems like a lovely community which I%u2019m excited to have found!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Rose! It's cool to see another fan of Overly Sarcastic Productions! (I also found this comic through OSP ^-^)
Welcome to the fan forum, Rose! It's good to have you here.
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Hello and welcome, Rose! Sounds like you will fit right in. We have a ‘Musician Talk’ thread over on the Forum (link is below the comic to your left) as well as much other interesting stuff.
Welcome to the forum, Rose! ...What's up with the 2019 thing?
Hello and welcome, Rose, nice to meet you! Welcome! :)
What's up with the 2019 thing?
Unicode character U+2019 (https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2019/index.htm) would be indistinguishable from an apostrophe, if it hadn't somehow gotten misrepresented as the text "%u2019" in her posting.
Thank you for the warm welcome, I do not know what is up with the 2019 thing, but it is ment to be an apostrophe. It probably has to do with my tablet doing weird things with text, so I will just have to not be lazy and type out contractions.
Hello and welcome, fellow very late victim of OSP! May you enjoy your stay! :))
Welcome to the Forum, Rose!!!! I didn’t know we had so many OSP fans here :)! It’s also cool to hear someone else is learning Mandarin
Hello and welcome, Rose!
The 2019 thing happens to me as well at times, very irritating.
I have been away for so long that I've missed a whole bunch of new minnions! Welcome one and all!
I've also been a little distracted with other things, but it's never too late to welcome our new Minnions Oleander and Rose to the fold! :)
Yay, finally registered! I actually tried doing so back when registration was really buggy, but then Life happened and I forgot about it until now. :'D Anyway, nice to meet you all!
Yay, finally registered! I actually tried doing so back when registration was really buggy, but then Life happened and I forgot about it until now. :'D Anyway, nice to meet you all!
Welcome welcome friend! Nice to see you here! :)
Hello, CCMars! Welcome to the forum! Nice meeting you ;D
Welcome CCMars.
Hi and welcome CCMars!
Welcome welcome CCMars! :)) :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the Fan Forum, CCMars!
CCMars, glad your registration took this time! Welcome!
Welcome to the forum, CCMars!
Hey everyone,
I read lots of webcomics in the last few months and came across SSSS and aRTD via Hiveworks a few weeks ago.
After bingeing through the comic, I noticed that a lot was going on in the comments, and one thing led to the other:
I got infected with the virus of creating art about SSSS and sharing it with other people. I began writing little pieces of music to the texts of some SSSS-poets.
Currently there are pieces about a car-troll, a comb, sheep and “necessities” in the pipeline.
I dunno how these pieces will turn out.
More about me:
I study mathematics (writing my Bachelor’s thesis this spring semester), and the nickname I chose is some mathematical thing.
Well, it’s already late and I’m overthinking this message.
Be well everybody.
Nice to meet you, Groupoid! There can be no too many artists here! Welcome and I hope you'll enjoy this wonderful place! ;D
Also, here is a cookie for you: :sparkle: :squirrelcookie: :sparkle: Welcome! :sparkle:
Welcome Groupoid, nice to meet you!
Groupoid, hello and welcome! You should fit right in, and the interests in math, art and music will give you lots to talk about!
Welcome to the Fan Forum, Groupoid!
Welcome Groupoid!
Hi everyone !
I started reading SSSS in July 2020, but dropped it due to school reasons, and i've finally read all the updates !
I may have no special drawing or writing talent, but I guess I write stuff pretty well.
Oh, and I'm french, too, so my timezone is different, probably.
Anyway, have a good day !
Welcome, Tacosaurus! Nice meeting you too! Do not worry about time zones, it’s different for everyone here. We have people from about 18 different countries (at least, that’s how many I could count, there might be more)! ;)
It’s always so good to see new people come in! ;D Have a squirrel cookie :squirrelcookie: ! And enjoy your stay!
Welcome to the forum, Groupoid and Tacosaurus!
Welcome Groupoid! Truly a pesky art-virus going around here... I´ve been infected too. Have fun on the forum! :))
And of course welcome to Tacosaurus too! If I´m not completely wrong, I share your timezone, and I know of quite a few more people here who do too. And like Annuil said, we have lots and lots of timezones here, so no worries! :)
A same timezone welcome to Tacosaurus.
Welcome to the forum Tacosaurus!
Hey all, I'm an 18 year old Canadian who fell in love with the comic two years ago, and remembered I made this account yesterday. I look forward to learning more about how this board works!
Welcome to the fan forum, Tacosaurus and Noi!
Noi, great meeting you! Welcome to the forum! :tuuri: :sparkle:
(Look at this, three new minnions in a little more than 24 hours, isn’t it awesome!?)
Welcome Noi.
Hello all newbies, Groupoid, Tacosaurus and Noi! Everyone is welcome, notwithstanding existence or lack of an artistic side!
And CCMars, good to se you on this side of Minniondom!
Welcome to the forum Noi!
Welcome Groupoid, Tacosaurus and Noi!
It's great to have you here.
Noi, just look for threads that you are interested and feel free to post. Everybody (and I mean truly everybody) here is friendly and your contributions will be welcomed, you will see.
There are some simple rules, that you can find here:
In the top right corner next to your username there are two very useful links to show unread posts since last visit and new replies to your posts. I use them many times.
Butter Good! :)
In the top right corner next to your username there are two very useful links to show unread posts since last visit and new replies to your posts. I use them many times.
Butter Good! :)
I think it depends on the format of the device, grey. My phone doesn’t even show my username there, but the computer does :?
I think it depends on the format of the device, grey. My phone doesn’t even show my username there, but the computer does :?
That's a good remark, Annuil. :) The menu adapts to the screen size. If it's too narrow that happens.
But (at least in my phone) if the screen is horizontal those links and the username become visible on the top-right corner, and the main menu shifts from icons to text.
Hi everyone! I'm MagusVerborum (Magus for short) signing in from Australia mate! I just blitzed through SSSS in like, two weeks as I've been using it to fuel my creativity for some D&D stuff I'm running. Had my first session yesterday in 'The Borderlands' of my homebrew setting, lots of weird plaguey monsters inspired by this comic!
I'm 25, run a radio podcast about murder mystery, and I've read a couple webcomics (El Goonish Shive, Girl Genius) But SSSS is really blowing me away in how much of the storytelling isn't done through dialogue. EGS in particular will have months of content which amounts to one conversation in-universe, and I've been really blown away with how Minna uses the colour palette and subtle gestures and facial expressions to tell the story. It's great. Anyway. I'm excited to see how the story unfolds from here and hopefully satisfy the withdrawal I'm feeling after catching up to the current page aha.
Welcome to the fan forum, Magus! And hi from another Australian, there's a couple of us around here.
Welcome to the fan forum, Magus! And hi from another Australian, there's a couple of us around here.
Yeah I had a look at the Minion Map, which is awesome, I saw like one other Aussie in NSW, so one more than I was expecting!
Yay! Hello and welcome, Magus! Nice meeting you! :'D
Wow, so many new people lately!
Welcome welcome to Noi and Magus! *Hands out Squirrelcookies :squirrelcookie: to both of them*
Welcome Magus. I like your avatar.
Helloo I'm Wolfdogamer, more commonly known as Wolf* on the internet! I started reading SSSS sometime in 2019 I think, I came across it in an advert somewhere on the interwebs (On another hiveworks comic page I think, CTC maybe?). I read it from beginning to the (then) latest page, loved it and still do! I'm turning 17 this year and identify as female but have been considering experimenting with they/them pronouns. I live in Aotearoa aka New Zealand but I plan on moving to Australia early next year to live with my bestie.
I made this account a while back but forgot about it and came back to it just now. I made it to get to know more SSSS fans and just enjoy ur company! ;D
For those who may be wondering, the cat in my avatar is Puddy (I chose her name when I was like, 12 aka idiot age) and she is a very neat and tidy little muffin who lives in my drawer and on my sister's bed. She is also the unofficial Recyclying Bin Guard as you can see here, and will dutifully guard the bin till I get home from school ^-^
*shh ik its cringy but I'm not gonna change the name I have on most of my accounts on well, everything on the internet now
Welcome Wolf.
Of course welcome to you too, Wolf! *hands out more cookies :squirrelcookie:*
Welcome Magus and Wolf! It's great to have you here with us!
Magus, looking forward for that map you mentioned!
Wolf, glad to have you here! We have a bunch of great people from AUS and NZ, so you will feel at home. And Puddy sounds like a lovely name! :)
Welcome to the forum Magus and Wolf!
I've missed out on welcomes and I apologise. Many helloes to you all.
Some Minnions bring talents to share from the get-go, others develop after they find inspiration here. I personally wrote my first fanfiction only a few years ago, in my 50s, for this fandom. I drew obsessively as a child and sporadically after that, but took it up again after joining this community. I no longer get wound up about drawing cartoons instead of Ahhht, and have enjoyed applying that to the SSSS universe and beyond. It's just that sort of accepting community.
Welcome to the Fan Forum, Wolf!
Welcome to Tacosaurus and Noi! And to Wolf and Magus! Good to have more Southern Hemisphere folk!
Hello and welcome Wolf and Magus!
Welcome, Wolf! Welcome!
So many new people I've missed, aa!! 🎉A huge welcome to CCmars, Groupoid, Tacosaurus, Noi, MagusVerborum, and Wolfdogamer 🎉!!
Names Kirill. I'm from Russia, Korolyov (it's near the Moscow). I'm 26. Came here after finding SSSS-comic. Turns out I'm not the only one who've had an idea of combining postap an fantasy, lol.
Yay! Hello to you here too! Yes, yes, fantasy ;D (I like your forum name, by the way ;))
:sparkle: Welcome! Enjoy your stay :sparkle:
Welcome Maglor!
Welcome to the forum Maglor!
Welcome to Maglor! So...can tell us about what format you're using to combine fantasy and post-ap, yesyes? Art, writing, RPG, etc?
Welcome to the fan forum, Kirill!
Welcome Maglor! :squirrelcookie: Indeed a great combination of genres! (in fact, my favorite two combined) Like Wave I´m now curious how you combined them.
Hello Maglor and welcome!
Welcome Maglor! (well we already met at the "survivor communities" thread, but I haven't properly welcomed you here at the Forum :) )
We are all curious to see your story/art.
Postap settings are great because they allow you to pick what you want to keep from our existing world, creating a easily recognizable situation where you can add your favorite "sauce" (magic, aliens, ancient races, etc...).
There's a fascination in using places that we already know but in a different context, and some advantages over creating and explaining a whole new (believable) world.
(not to mention that the impending dangers of war, overpopulation, technological hazards, natural disasters, climate change and so on pose to humankind, creating the sensation that an apocalypse is a situation that can really happen. Some would even say that will happen. I'm an optimist, tough, and like to believe that we will find ways to overcome our problems.)
Well, it will happen. Hopefully not now, or within the foreseeable future which could be considered to be a few hundreds or if we want to stretch it a bit, even a few thousand years (although if you look back 2000 years, it’s clear we can’t possibly imagine what humanity will be like 2000 years into the future, if we do manage to survive). But in the last instance the Sun will die, so even if no supervolcanoes or colliding asteroids ever happen again (and they will happen), there is an end. All things must end.
But yeah, I know what you mean. Hopefully it won’t fall on us, or our kids, or grandkids etc.
Well, it will happen. Hopefully not now, or within the foreseeable future which could be considered to be a few hundreds or if we want to stretch it a bit, even a few thousand years (although if you look back 2000 years, it’s clear we can’t possibly imagine what humanity will be like 2000 years into the future, if we do manage to survive). But in the last instance the Sun will die, so even if no supervolcanoes or colliding asteroids ever happen again (and they will happen), there is an end. All things must end.
But yeah, I know what you mean. Hopefully it won’t fall on us, or our kids, or grandkids etc.
Luckily there are billions of years ahead of Earth before the Sun turns in a red giant. :) So I'm quite sure that if something lives on Earth by that time it won't be anything like us.
You don't have to look back 2000 years. Just imagine the World in 1821, or in 1921! Humans made extraordinaire, and terrible, things. But not counting the eventual supervolcano or asteroid (that may happen in ten or ten thousand years) we are facing a tipping point with the conjunction of excessive population growth + environmental pollution + climate change. I'd say that the next hundred years will be very dangerous and we, our kids and grandkids will be affected, hopefully in a mild way (to live in the more developed countries helps a lot in that). All that said I have great hope in the next generation, and if we, together, find ways to overcome the XXI Century's problems, we may pass the Great Filter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter)) and have an amazing Future ahead.
So we can think how privileged we are to have a actual role in a decisive moment for our Civilization! (I'm that guy that, like Mikkel, always see the half-full glass, remember?) :)
I wonder what will come next? For my part, I put a lot of work and time into supporting and repairing the land and the present biosystems of our earth, doing revegetation projects, cleaning up bushland and rivers, working on recycling projects, teaching people to ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, and teaching food gardening, wild food foraging and ‘eat the weeds’. All useful skills. (If you want to see the kind of things we do, look up ‘Recreate’ at the Mount Pleasant Natural Resource Centre. You may find useful ideas for ecology-saving projects of your own).
And yeah, I well know that everything perishes, including worlds. I think we just need to make the best job of what we have, while we have it.
Beautiful words, Róisín! And even more beautiful deeds. You are a hero of the people AND the planet.
Grey, now that you mention it, you may be right that we are facing a Great Filter! (Notice, I say a, not the). We are at a turning point, that’s for sure. There are many reasons to despair, but also emerging signs of actually starting to take things seriously. Things like banks setting numerical targets on the carbon loading of their investments and loans. There’s only so much we can do one Róisín at a time :) As we aren’t all Róisín.
This discussion is veering far away from Introduction Thread however. If we want to continue, we should open a proper thread. Maybe even in the Politics board.
*Blushes to her boots*
And I reckon that there are things all of us can do. Anyone can be a hero for the earth. As the filk song ‘Steps’ has it:
‘Step by step the longest march
Can be won, can be won.
Many stones can form an arch
Singly none, singly none.
And together what we will
Can be accomplished still.
Many drops can turn a mill.
Singly none, singly none.’
Saving the world one backyard at a time may sound weird, but we can try.
That's a great song, Róisín.
I have it associated in my head with Pete Seeger, but apparently he didn't write it:
(that's two separate links, in case it shows up confusingly; the first to Seeger singing it, the second to a bit about the history of the song.)
Jitter, no, we're not all Róisín (if everybody were like Róisín, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place); but almost everybody can pick a corner that they can work in. Find your corner, and do what you can there. Enough people doing that may pull us out yet.
Hello <3
I'm Feya and I've been eartips deep into Minna's comics for about two months and I'm about halfway through 2nd re-reads now. Anyways, I'm not ready to dive back into Tumblr hell, but I found this forum and I'd like to give it a try. ^^
A little about me: I'm a biology (botany focusing) student in my mid 20s from the teeny-tiny geographical heart of Europe - Czech Republic :cz: . I've always had a big passion for webcomics (TwoKinds, Ava's Demon, The Boy Who Fell, Prequel, The Weave, ...) but so far this is probly next to Ava one that struck me the most. Apart from that, I quite enjoy RPGs, both tabletop and on PC, MMOs included (I actively play Elder Scrolls Online), listening to various kinds of music, drawing, crafting (wires, poly clay, epoxy resin, sewing), taking photos of plants and cuddling cats. Speaking of cats, I have 2 babies: a ginger boy Simba (2,5 y) and tricolour princess Momo (0,5 y). Favourite aesthetics: indie coffeeshop, goblincore, dreamy cute and creepy cute.
It's nice to meet you all! ^^
Welcome, Feya, glad to see you.
As for ES online... I'm a bit concerned about your choice. Compared to Morrowind or even Oblivion it's like pan Andrzej compared to Netflix.
Welcome to the forum Feya! It's nice to meet you!
Welcome Feya
Welcome welcome Feya! Here, have a cookie: :squirrelcookie:
Please enjoy your stay! :))
:sparkle: Welcome, Feya, welcome! :sparkle: Nice meeting you! ;)
Hello Feya and welcome to the Forum! (This is btw the first time I encounter the Aesthetics in a natural situation, as opposed to having a friend tell me about their kids’ aesthetics. Goes to show I’m old)
Feya, welcome to the Forum! Enjoy!
Thank you for the warm welcomes ^-^
Hello Feya and welcome to the Forum! (This is btw the first time I encounter the Aesthetics in a natural situation, as opposed to having a friend tell me about their kids’ aesthetics. Goes to show I’m old)
Hehe, it's not a common thing, I guess? I'm just really "living" especially the goblincore niches lately, so I thought it might be good to mention it. :D
Welcome to the Forum, Feya!!!!! Nice to see another Ava's Demon fan (as well as goblincore!! if i had to pick a favorite aesthetic it would be that :-))
Welcome to the fan forum, Feya! It's great to have you here.
Feya, it’s not common in my circles but like I said, I’m old :)
I hope it didn’t feel like I was taking a jab at you! It was not meant to make fun of the aesthetics concept, let alone you! I am just fascinated about the idea, even though I don’t really understand what exactly it is. However, goblincore is specific enough that lead me to an aesthetics wiki when googled, maybe I can learn more! One of the chief reasons I love this fandom is how one always learns more from the others!
Feya, it’s not common in my circles but like I said, I’m old :)
I hope it didn’t feel like I was taking a jab at you! It was not meant to make fun of the aesthetics concept, let alone you! I am just fascinated about the idea, even though I don’t really understand what exactly it is. However, goblincore is specific enough that lead me to an aesthetics wiki when googled, maybe I can learn more! One of the chief reasons I love this fandom is how one always learns more from the others!
No worries, no offense was taken from the very start. I honestly did not expect many people to know something like goblincore even exists. :D
I personally got into it partially through Pathfinder TTRPG, when I started playing a goblin druid and I wanted to get out of the "vile and nasty creature" stereotype, so I was looking for some ideas and ended up falling in love with the aesthetic of cute mushrooms, frogs, snails, misty forests, dew-covered moss and shiny rocks. And then I came to a realization I've been dabbling into this concept my whole life, so I just rolled with it. ;D
Welcome, Feya, glad to see you.
As for ES online... I'm a bit concerned about your choice. Compared to Morrowind or even Oblivion it's like pan Andrzej compared to Netflix.
While I am personally not much of a fan of Kirkbride's fantasies, I did play and enjoy Oblivion. But MMORPGs with friends have a special place in my heart and ESO is probably the best fantasy one out there. (At least as far as I've tried and heard. The writing of most quests is impeccable and NPCs are fully dubbed. And some of the armor actually looks functional!) But hey, to each their own. ^^
Umm, late to the party, but welcome to the forum, Feya! I have things I'd like to say, especially about Prequel (UGH) and TES (double UGH), but I don't know how to say them, so I'm not going to say them, so that's it, I guess.
Hi everyone, and thank you for allowing me to be here today.
Let me introduce myself: I'm Corvo, I'm Italian (living near Milan) and I'm about 24 years old. I'm a writer: in fact I've published some books with Italian publishers and I'm writing other novels that I hope, when I'll have completed, to be able to publish in turn.
I started reading SSSS these days. I discovered it by pure chance, after it was recommended to me by the page of a site I usually frequent, and from the very beginning I felt very attracted to it. After some further research, I discovered this forum, and I took the decision to join in the hope of meeting other fans: from what I've seen so far, it is a very friendly community and I hope to make, in a short time, many friends.
I speak perfectly in both Italian and English, and I can also read in Spanish (although my knowledge of that language is very basic). I would love to learn other languages one day, especially Finnish, a language that has always fascinated me.
My main interests are:
- Books (both read and write them)
- Cooking (I really like to experiment in the kitchen)
- History (among the books I am writing, there is also a historical novel)
- Travel and cultural exchange through Workaway.
- Listening to music (especially classical or new-age)
- Chatting with people I know about common topics and passions
- Taking photos of landscapes
- Hanging out with people
- Roleplay: In particular, I would love to participate in a SSSS Roleplay with an original character (OC); however, first I would like to ask a few questions about both where the roleplay would take place and what is or is not permissible in creating one's character.
I have a Discord account (CorvoAttano#4263), so if you are also on there and want to contact me, you are free to do so...
Hello and welcome to the forum, Corvo! It's nice to have you here!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Corvo! It's nice to have you here!
Thank you so much for the welcome,RanVor! I hope we can be friends, if not now, at least in the future....
Wellcome, Corvo
Wellcome, Corvo
Thank you too.
Welcome Corvo! It is indeed such a nice cozy community we have here. Glad you've been enjoying the ride
as one can never leave. I dunno about the roleplays, but I can let you know that cool people here have organized a chapter break filler thingie somewhere in the SSSS Board that may interest your writer-ness. I'm just letting you know in case you'd like to catch a prompt! By the way, Is your name actually Corvo Attano, or is that an alias, or are you the protagonist of Dishonored o_O I just wondered since the first one would be a crazy coincidence. Anyway, welcome again, hope we get along! :reynir:
Oh also, welcome to you too Feya. I missed your post before. And thanks for introducing me to goblincore. I loved it! I never thought that sort of vibe had a name. I also realized that aesthetic names should be perfect for looking up art references. Good stuff to know.
Benvenuto Corvo.
Welcomes to Feya and Corvo! :torbjorn: :tuuri:
Welcome Corvo! It is indeed such a nice cozy community we have here. Glad you've been enjoying the ride as one can never leave. I dunno about the roleplays, but I can let you know that cool people here have organized a chapter break filler thingie somewhere in the SSSS Board that may interest your writer-ness. I'm just letting you know in case you'd like to catch a prompt! By the way, Is your name actually Corvo Attano, or is that an alias, or are you the protagonist of Dishonored o_O I just wondered since the first one would be a crazy coincidence. Anyway, welcome again, hope we get along! :reynir:
Oh also, welcome to you too Feya. I missed your post before. And thanks for introducing me to goblincore. I loved it! I never thought that sort of vibe had a name. I also realized that aesthetic names should be perfect for looking up art references. Good stuff to know.
Thank you for your welcome, nefnef.
To answer your questions: no, my name is not Corvo Attano. I chose this pseudonym both because I'm a big fan of the Dishonored series (I've also written fanfiction about it) and to honor Edgar Allan Poe (one of my favorite writers) and my language at the same time (Corvo in Italian means raven).
For roleplay, I'd like to find (or organize, if it doesn't exist yet) a Discord server where I can do plot-related roleplay. I was also hypothesizing a my OC....
Benvenuto Corvo.
Welcomes to Feya and Corvo! :torbjorn: :tuuri:
Thanks again for your welcome!
Benvenuto Corvo.
Wait... are you Italian too?
I'm not italian, but I do understand and speak/write a little bit italian.
I'm not italian, but I do understand and speak/write a little bit italian.
Good. Thanks for the clarification.
Welcome to the forum Corvo!
Welcome to the fan forum, Corvo!
Corvo, welcome to the Forum! I think you will find much here of interest.
Welcome to the forum Corvo!
Welcome to the fan forum, Corvo!
Corvo, welcome to the Forum! I think you will find much here of interest.
Once again, thank you.
Can I ask a question: if anyone has any questions to ask, related to new topics they'd like to talk about (comic-related or otherwise), to whom or where can they ask them?
Hello and welcome, Corvo! We are glad to have you here!
As for questions and topics, I suggest you take a look around the forum first. Very many things already have a thread. Topics related to the comic go to the SSSS board and other subjects to General Discussion Board. Discussion about personal stuff is meant to go to the child board Personal under General Discussion Board. Language-related discussions go to the Languages board
If you find an existing thread, you are free to comment on it. If not, anyone is free to open a new thread. We also have a new Politics board, which will show up when you have enough posts (this is intended as a precaution to prevent an influx of outsiders at times of heated debates). On the Politics board, a new thread can be opened by request. Otherwise you may open a new thread by using the forum tools. There is also the General Discussion Thread, which is, as the name implies, meant for discussion that doesn't go anywhere else.
After a bit of a look around you'll get the bearings! The Forum and Website Discussion Board has the forum rules: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=4.0 Most importantly, the general area of the forum is to be kept PG-13 / Teens rated, so anything suitable only for adults (whether due to sexual, violent or other content) is not to be posted here. There is a Mature board too, which will be possible to access for adults, after a sufficient forum presence has been established.
On the top of the page there is the My messages tab, under which you can send personal messages. If you need support with the forum, you can contact the mods and skalds (skald is a sort of an almost-moderator role here), such as myself by personal message too. We are here to Help! :reynir:
You will not get yelled at even if you post in a wrong thread or board by accident :) Like you said, we are very friendly :) You may get told where would be better to post or get your message moved by a mod, this is also always meant as friendly instruction.
As you mention you are a writer, I would especially like to point out the upcoming Chapter Break Filler! The discussion about the next one is here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1118.0 (at the start of the thread is the general discussion about what is a chapter break filler, the current one starts from page 14. There are links to the previous rounds there. You are invited!
A couple of other pages you may find interesting:
Discussion about each current page: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=6.0
SSSS scriptorium (SSSS related writing): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0
Forum scriptorium (writing not related to SSSS): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0
General discussion: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=5.0
As you'll quickly notice, many of the key threads have hundreds upon hundreds of pages of material :) You are not expected to go through everything before commenting on a thread :) although it's of course polite to take a look at a few of the latest pages to minimize unnecessary repetition.
Aaand just as I posted all of that, I remembered Keep Looking has actually done an index page for us! Here it is:
Welcome, Curvo, so nice to meet you! And so nice to find more writers on this forum! This place is very a very welcoming and comfortable and it feels like everyone is a friend to everyone and this indeed is amazing.
Just out of curiosity: so you write books, in what language? Italian or English? :D
Welcome, Curvo, so nice to meet you! And so nice to find more writers on this forum! This place is very a very welcoming and comfortable and it feels like everyone is a friend to everyone and this indeed is amazing.
Just out of curiosity: so you write books, in what language? Italian or English? :D
Thank you for your welcome!
To answer your question, my books are all in Italian. However, if luck allows me to become a recognized writer, I would love to translate them someday.
Hello and welcome, Corvo! We are glad to have you here!
As for questions and topics, I suggest you take a look around the forum first. Very many things already have a thread. Topics related to the comic go to the SSSS board and other subjects to General Discussion Board. Discussion about personal stuff is meant to go to the child board Personal under General Discussion Board. Language-related discussions go to the Languages board
If you find an existing thread, you are free to comment on it. If not, anyone is free to open a new thread. We also have a new Politics board, which will show up when you have enough posts (this is intended as a precaution to prevent an influx of outsiders at times of heated debates). On the Politics board, a new thread can be opened by request. Otherwise you may open a new thread by using the forum tools. There is also the General Discussion Thread, which is, as the name implies, meant for discussion that doesn't go anywhere else.
After a bit of a look around you'll get the bearings! The Forum and Website Discussion Board has the forum rules: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=4.0 Most importantly, the general area of the forum is to be kept PG-13 / Teens rated, so anything suitable only for adults (whether due to sexual, violent or other content) is not to be posted here. There is a Mature board too, which will be possible to access for adults, after a sufficient forum presence has been established.
On the top of the page there is the My messages tab, under which you can send personal messages. If you need support with the forum, you can contact the mods and skalds (skald is a sort of an almost-moderator role here), such as myself by personal message too. We are here to Help! :reynir:
You will not get yelled at even if you post in a wrong thread or board by accident :) Like you said, we are very friendly :) You may get told where would be better to post or get your message moved by a mod, this is also always meant as friendly instruction.
As you mention you are a writer, I would especially like to point out the upcoming Chapter Break Filler! The discussion about the next one is here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1118.0 (at the start of the thread is the general discussion about what is a chapter break filler, the current one starts from page 14. There are links to the previous rounds there. You are invited!
A couple of other pages you may find interesting:
Discussion about each current page: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=6.0
SSSS scriptorium (SSSS related writing): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=193.0
Forum scriptorium (writing not related to SSSS): https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=257.0
General discussion: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=5.0
As you'll quickly notice, many of the key threads have hundreds upon hundreds of pages of material :) You are not expected to go through everything before commenting on a thread :) although it's of course polite to take a look at a few of the latest pages to minimize unnecessary repetition.
Wow, what a long and detailed message. Thank you so much for the information. I will try to make good use of it....
Question: do you two want to be friends? I like to make friends with people who can explain new things to me in detail....
I don’t know what you mean by “friends” in that there is no connection feature like that here, but do feel free to message me with your questions, if you don’t feel like asking here or the General Discussion thread!
And of course we are all friends here :)
BTW I only just paid attention to your last mention about role playing. Go check out the PeSSSSonas child board under SSSS board! There is an ongoing game at the moment, where you can get an idea. I’m sure they’ll also advise you in the OOC discussion thread (please don’t post in the game thread as that is for ingame only).
Welcome welcome Corvo! Here, have a cookie! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome welcome Corvo! Here, have a cookie! :squirrelcookie:
Ohh, thank you sweetheart! BTW; I see from your profile info you would like to learn Italian someday....
Ohh, thank you sweetheart! BTW; I see from your profile info you would like to learn Italian someday....
Sure do. I love the language,I can count and say some basic phrases, but it´ll have to wait for a bit until I start to seriously learn it. Currently I´m busy with Finnish. (Also a very nice language! I see you want to study it too. There´s a thread for it on the language-board, if you want to talk to other people who are learning it.)
Sure do. I love the language,I can count and say some basic phrases, but it´ll have to wait for a bit until I start to seriously learn it. Currently I´m busy with Finnish. (Also a very nice language! I see you want to study it too. There´s a thread for it on the language-board, if you want to talk to other people who are learning it.)
That would be interesting.
The reason why I haven't started studying it yet is because I would prefer a more friendly approach, as a cultural exchange, than as a simple language lesson...
Corvo, you may find some interesting and friendly conversations on the languages board. I have only a very little Italian, most of my Italian vocabulary being botanical, culinary or very basic conversation. I can read a bit more, enough to read poetry, song lyrics and botanical texts, but not much more than that. I am sure you will find people here to talk to. By the way, do you know the work of Adel Angelica Brewer, another Italian writer, who is both a good writer and a thoroughly sweet person? I recommend her autobiographical work ‘Seventy Thousand Camels’.
Corvo, you may find some interesting and friendly conversations on the languages board. I have only a very little Italian, most of my Italian vocabulary being botanical, culinary or very basic conversation. I can read a bit more, enough to read poetry, song lyrics and botanical texts, but not much more than that. I am sure you will find people here to talk to. By the way, do you know the work of Adel Angelica Brewer, another Italian writer, who is both a good writer and a thoroughly sweet person? I recommend her autobiographical work ‘Seventy Thousand Camels’.
Actually no, I don't know her.
However, now that you've mentioned her, I think I'll look for her novel.
She married an Australian and lives here, and you may also have heard of her in musical circles - she and her mother were both opera singers.
Hey Corvo, nice to meet you.
I also like Dishonored very much.
Hey Corvo, nice to meet you.
I also like Dishonored very much.
Really? That's amazing!
Want to discuss it and maybe something else?
*blush* erm I’ll try, I’d love to talk about it, but don’t know where to start :-[. I guess I liked playing the magical vigilante. It occured to me, that Dishonored and SSSS have a similar setting concerning the plague, technology level and the fact that there’s some magic around. Although they differ heavily on politics, story etc.
I find the moral problems that were posed interesting: whom to help? Poison the Bottlestreet Gang for more runes? Killing Slackjaw or Granny Rags? What is worse or more fitting: being killed or being socially outcast and thus mentally violated (concerning the non-violent options)? Actual question to you: do you try to adhere to some morals when playing RPGs or do you ignore them and just do what gives you most fun or the best gear?
I only played the first game, and found it a piece of art. Oh look, I said something. ^-^
*blush* erm I’ll try, I’d love to talk about it, but don’t know where to start :-[. I guess I liked playing the magical vigilante. It occured to me, that Dishonored and SSSS have a similar setting concerning the plague, technology level and the fact that there’s some magic around. Although they differ heavily on politics, story etc.
I find the moral problems that were posed interesting: whom to help? Poison the Bottlestreet Gang for more runes? Killing Slackjaw or Granny Rags? What is worse or more fitting: being killed or being socially outcast and thus mentally violated (concerning the non-violent options)? Actual question to you: do you try to adhere to some morals when playing RPGs or do you ignore them and just do what gives you most fun or the best gear?
I only played the first game, and found it a piece of art. Oh look, I said something. ^-^
Let's just say that I really enjoy maintaining morals and doing good deeds, even without rewards.
Question for you: what is the moment in SSSS that you liked the most?
I liked Iceland a lot, because there everyone was safe and happy, and it was just peaceful until Onni left.
But the single moment I liked the most was before the acid bugs attacked, (adv. 2, p. 231 (https://sssscomic.com/comic2.php?page=231) to p. 235). Lots of cute Reynir with Kitty (Minna drew him darker eyebrows during that scene, and I like a lot how it looks), a peaceful and funny scene. And lots of fun poems in the comments (especially including p.235). :reynir:
I liked Iceland a lot, because there everyone was safe and happy, and it was just peaceful until Onni left.
But the single moment I liked the most was before the acid bugs attacked, (adv. 2, p. 231 (https://sssscomic.com/comic2.php?page=231) to p. 235). Lots of cute Reynir with Kitty (Minna drew him darker eyebrows during that scene, and I like a lot how it looks), a peaceful and funny scene. And lots of fun poems in the comments (especially including p.235).
This is a bit of a re-introduction thread. I was peeweevireo, some of you may have known me as Ei. I'm actually coming back to this forum (after deactivating my account last summer for personal reasons) just because I miss some of the people I knew on tumblr and the Twitch streams. I don't draw SSSS fanart anymore, though, for... reasons currently being discussed in another thread. But I still do art c:
I don't think I chose the best time to come back but I'm glad I recognize some active people!
Not sure if I can contribute to threads much but I hope to message some of you soon!
This is a bit of a re-introduction thread. I was peeweevireo, some of you may have known me as Ei. I'm actually coming back to this forum (after deactivating my account last summer for personal reasons) just because I miss some of the people I knew on tumblr and the Twitch streams. I don't draw SSSS fanart anymore, though, for... reasons currently being discussed in another thread. But I still do art c:
I don't think I chose the best time to come back but I'm glad I recognize some active people!
Not sure if I can contribute to threads much but I hope to message some of you soon!
Welcome back. I am Corvo, newbie on this forum.
Welcome catbirds (back).
Welcome back. I am Corvo, newbie on this forum.
Oh! Hi Corvo! I hope you're liking the forum so far! I read your intro post, this forum's, to my knowledge, a pretty good place to get motivation to learn languages, so you'll enjoy it here.
And thanks moredhel for the re-welcoming
Welcome back, catbirds! I think I came here later than you were active for the last time, but nice to meet you! ;D
Welcome back catbirds!
Welcome back catbirds! I do remember your previous manifestation here!
Nice to see you, Catbirds!
Welcome back, catbirds! Hope you stay this time!
Hello everybody! This is my introduction post. :)
I discovered SSSS a few years ago and fell in love with the art, the story and the worldbuilding. I sporadically read the comments on disqus and browse this forum - though I never contributed myself - and noticed how friendly and engaging the fan community is.
Today I decided to visit this forum again, and yes, it was because of Lovely People. Reading Minna's latest short novel left me quite confused, and I was really happy to find a very mature, respectful and insightful discussion about it on this message board. The odd sense of detachment I was left with was compensated by a strong feeling of connection to some of the contributions I've read. I'm not sure I'll contribute to the thread myself, but I thought that since I've spent some time reading its content the polite thing to do would be to join the forum and at least say hello. :)
About me: I was born and raised in Italy, but spent most of my adult life in Norway. At the moment I happen to be living in Germany.
Hello everybody! This is my introduction post. :)
I discovered SSSS a few years ago and fell in love with the art, the story and the worldbuilding. I sporadically read the comments on disqus and browse this forum - though I never contributed myself - and noticed how friendly and engaging the fan community is.
Today I decided to visit this forum again, and yes, it was because of Lovely People. Reading Minna's latest short novel left me quite confused, and I was really happy to find a very mature, respectful and insightful discussion about it on this message board. The odd sense of detachment I was left with was compensated by a strong feeling of connection to some of the contributions I've read. I'm not sure I'll contribute to the thread myself, but I thought that since I've spent some time reading its content the polite thing to do would be to join the forum and at least say hello. :)
About me: I was born and raised in Italy, but spent most of my adult life in Norway. At the moment I happen to be living in Germany.
No way, you are an Italian too? Me too!
Welcome tot his amazing forum!
benvenuto/welcome blabo
Welcome to the forum blabo!
Welcome to the fan forum, Blabo! It's good to have you here, even if it's at a bit of a weird time in the fandom, and I'm glad you've found the discussions here to be helpful with processing Minna's new comic.
Blabo, welcome to the Forum. I hope you will find much of interest in the Forum, and that you can have a good and peaceful time here!
I should probably introduce myself, since I've already posted ... elsewhere.
I have sometimes posted in the Commentariat. I'm Tarnagh Mythandrone on Disqus. I've tried my hand a few times at poetry on comics that inspired me to try. I'm nowhere nearly as good or as prolific as The Regular Poets but I always enjoy reading them. :)
I live in Maine, in the United States. I don't speak any other languages, and I consider that a lack because I've always wanted to learn but never had a real opportunity to try. Perhaps I'll pick up a little here. I don't know how prolific of a poster I'll end up being here but I definitely want to continue to keep company with you wonderful people even if I don't often have much to say.
I first saw Minna's Language Tree as a post someone had made ... on Facebook, I think. I went looking for the origins of it and discovered a Whole Entire Comic! Very exciting stuff ... I plowed through to current (at the time) on SSSS and then went back and read aRDT, and then resigned myself to waiting for updates on SSSS. I've been reading for two or three years, I guess.
Recent Developments have made me think that being more involved with this forum may be a good idea, so here I am. Hello, Everyone! :)
Just found out this exists because even though I've been reading SSSS since like 2018 and the fan forum thing had always been there I'm completely blind.
So hi I'm mate888 I'm from the world's butt also known as Argentina, I speak Spanish and English fluently, I can speak and read some Portuguese, I struggle at French and I can say a few words in Guarani.
I really liked SSSS's (so many s) art and worldbuilding and will probably check out other projects Minna goes with like the cute bunny comic everyone seems to be loving.
welcome Tarnagh ond mate888
Welcome everyone. Hope you enjoy it here once the dust settles in.
Welcome Tarnagh and Mate888! I hope you both can settle in happily once the current furore has somewhat abated. And Mate, is that username from ‘mate’ as in good buddy or friend, or ‘mate’ as in the delicious tea from your part of the world? Or both?
Thank you all for your warm welcome :)
Welcome, blabo, Tarnagh and mate888! So great to see you come! It is always an amazing feeling to see new people come in! ;D :tuuri:
Welcome to the forum Tarnagh and mate888!
So I already posted in the other thread, but here's my formal introduction!
I'm a 22-year old Dutch girl, and I've had an interest in Finland ever since I became a fan of Finnish metal bands in secondary school. One thing led to another and I ended up reading Year in Hereafter, a webcomic which is also Finnish and which some of you here will know. That naturally led me here. The themes of the Kalevala and general Finnish culture made me become even more fascinated with Finland, and so five years ago, I finally started learning Finnish for real. Parallel to that, as a fan of anime and Japanese games, I've also been learning Japanese. At the moment I feel like I'm at an intermediate level for both, and I've tentatively started to pick up Spanish.
I'm not entirely comfortable with learning languages together with other people and prefer to do so by myself, which is why I've been quiet up until this point, but I've always enjoyed the atmosphere around here and I hope I will be able to talk with you some more. It's a pretty strange time to be entering this community, but it's nice to meet you all.
Nice to meet you Raafiie! Welcome to the forum!
Hey, hello! I like to read and tell stories in whatever format they come.
Languages in order of proficiency: Portuguese (native), English (pretty good but can't make speaking noises for the life of me), German (learning), Swedish (learning), Japanese (mostly vocabulary), Finnish (so little can't really claim to be "learning" yet), Spanish (might be able to mash up something intelligible from Portuguese + an year of school classes eons ago).
Now let's get into the very serious real reason I came to in this thread: What's up with the cookies and dream ducks?!?!
I'm one of those people who quietly reads the comments under every page and this has been intriguing me. Where did these come from? I must know!
Welcome to the forum Songbird! I'm not quite sure where the cookies come from, but I think the dream ducks are a reference to a random duck that appeared in one comic panel when Emil and Lalli were sleeping in the trash can to hide from the giant. My memory may be faulty though, maybe some more experienced forum members can explain better than I can!
Hello all new Minnions! Something good comes from the storm, if we get new people here and participating in other discussions besides The One too.
Lallicat, that’s exactly where the Dream Duck originated. Nowadays Crumpite raises them and always has some in the hatchery :) 🦆
As for the cookies... I don’t know why they started to happen. There was some discussion about that just recently, but ai didn’t follow it up. Mirasol is the current cookie chef in chief, but there are always enough to gi around. The squirrels have a high work ethic. Or do they?
Yay! Even more people! Welcome Raaffiie and Songbird! Great to meet you! Enjoy your stay! This time turned to be a trial for this community but for now I feel like we are keeping everything civil. :sparkle: Anyways, welcome! :sparkle:
Hey hey, yes, new to this forum thanks to ... The One ;-) . Isn't it lovely to have a place to be able to discuss things like this? Especially with this whole lot of wonderful people?
About me: 30+ M from Belgium, the land of fries, waffles and chocolate. I started reading SSSS 8 months ago, binged it up till that point in about a day or three-four? I also check Gunnerkrigg Court, Penny-Arcade, Goblins, XKCD, GITP/OOTS weekly and used to be a big fan of Dr. McNinja and Erfworld (I still am a big fan of both, just sad they ended).
Besides that I speak 4 languages (Dutch, French, English, Spanish) and enjoy dancing and listening to music. If there's any questions, or I missed something crucial, shoot!
Welcome to the forum TheOneThatGotAway!
Welcome to the forum, blabo, Tarnagh, mate888, Raaffiie, Songbird and TheOneThatGotAway! Lots of new people all of a sudden! I suppose there is an upside to the controversy after all...
A welcome to all new Members of the forum.
Oh boy, so many new people!
Welcome back, catbirds!
Welcome blabo, Tarnagh, mate888, Raaffiie, Songbird, and TheOneThatGotAway!
*frantically hands out cookies* :squirrelcookie: I´m glad you found your way here despite... everything.
Anyways, like Jitter pointed out, we´ve had a very interesting discussion on cookies and Minnion-inside-jokes in general just recently, starting here (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=6.msg178481#msg178481) in case you´re interested. ^-^ :squirrelcookie:
Well this is a nice side-effect of the excremental meteorological phenomenon going on in the Disqus comments at present - new folks over here! Welcome to you all, I'm not even going to try to list everyone, plus then I'd be ignoring the people who have been trickling in over the months who I haven't welcomed because I don't visit this thread often. It's a friendly bunch here, I hope everyone has fun, learns some cool stuff, and enjoys the great fan art.
Thank you all for the welcome! <3
YAY! Squirrel cookies! :squirrelcookie: Thanks, @Mirasol!
Well this is a nice side-effect of the excremental meteorological phenomenon going on in the Disqus comments at present
Well put, @Vulpes! If things continue the way they're still going on 409, I may just pack what little I have over on Disqus and move here permanently.
Anyone got a spare couch? ;)
Well this is a nice side-effect of the excremental meteorological phenomenon going on in the Disqus comments at present - new folks over here!
Yaaay! I second this :D This forum is a pretty neat place most of the time
Maybe it's unfortunate that this was how you got introduced to the forum, but it's fortunate that you're all around now. Also, Vulpes, that particular phrasing reminded me of that volcano eruption that one person keeps linking to.
Hi everyone!
I think I wrote one or two posts on this Board in 2017. Without introducing myself O_O.
I promised myself that I would not write anything again until I wrote an introduction here. It's been on my ToDo list since 2017. In the meantime I've written more than 1000 posts on sssscomic.com. So, obviously, the problem is not related to writing and posting per se.
It's just that I want the avatar and nick to be the same on both SSSS platforms, and I especially want the luxury of being anonymous, and not having to censor my posts for anything, except for giveaways. On all other platforms where I appear I use my full name and picture, and I have to take into account that I will meet a number of other posters/users in real life - and that means a lot less freedom to say what I really think and feel at the moment.
Tindveden is the name of a place on a fjord in Norway, named for the tindved bushes with yellow berries that grow there (aka havtorn, seaberry, sea buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides). The berries make a nice jam, but I chose the name because I liked to walk the route along the sea, all by myself.
- Well, I didn't get to keep that walk all to myself, lots of people there nowadays, haha - ;D
Anyone got a spare couch? ;)
I don't know about couches, but I'm sure the blanket/pillow fort has something cozy for you to curl up on. ;D
Welcome, TheOneThatGotAway and Tindveden! Oh, I have not seen this forum as active as it is right now before! Great to meet you, new Minnions! Welcome and enjoy your stay! :sparkle:
Welcome back Tindveden!
Welcome welcome Tindveden! The place you named yourself after sounds lovely!
Hi! My profile is actually from 2014-2015, but I'm back because of the Zealot bunnieZ ruckus. I'm not the same person I was in 2014, so I decided to make a new introduction...
My name is Oda and I live in western Norway. I'm introverted but not shy, often taken for an extrovert. I use they/them pronouns (agender).
I spend most of my time indoors because of annoying chronical illness stuff. When I have the spoons, I like to go for walks with friends, play Pokemon Go, read, cook, and bury myself in The Internets. Some creative stuff - photos, make up new dishes, writing... Haven't had it in me to work at languages for many years, so it's just Norwegian and English (and I understand and read Swedish and most Danish). Dreaming of learning Italian and Icelandic, one day.
Not sure why I left this forum to begin with, I think I just forgot? But it feels nice to be here again. <3
Welcome back danckert! It's nice to have you back!
I don't know about couches, but I'm sure the blanket/pillow fort has something cozy for you to curl up on. ;D
Also, throwing in my welcome to everyone else who re/joined around the same time I did: danckert, Tindveden, TheOneThatGotAway, Blabo, Raffie, and Songbird! :)
Welcome to you all, I'm not even going to try to list everyone, plus then I'd be ignoring the people who have been trickling in over the months who I haven't welcomed because I don't visit this thread often.
I don't usually know what to say other than 'hi there', and there always seem to be other people doing that, so while I do look at the thread occasionally I don't often post in it. And when I do think I might post something I think 'but I didn't welcome the last twenty people, will it look funny that I said something to this one?' so I don't usually post then either.
But welcome, everybody, anyway!
I guess I should say something here too.
Hi there! I'm Maple, and I hope I didn't snag this username from anyone else because I was so surprised to see it not taken when I registered. I've been reading SSSS for about three years now, but I didn't really take the plunge into the message board or the comments section until recently. (You can probably guess why, but I'll keep that part short since I would rather be positive here.)
I'm from Michigan in the US, and most of my days are spent working (I'm a teacher assistant at an elementary school, working towards my master's degree so I can have my own classroom someday), reading books and webcomics, and playing Dungeons & Dragons. I also like to write and sometimes post fanfiction to Ao3 (nothing SSSS yet, though I have Plans), though that is sporadic because I prefer to finish a work and post it all at once rather than do weekly updates.
Thanks for being such a welcoming community!
Welcome to the forum Maple!
Welcome, Most Delicious of Refined Tree Sap! :)
Hello All,
I’ve been meaning to introduce myself for some time; I have had a busy schedule and felt I could put that off for a bit longer. However after the recent events of the past few days I figured it was about time to do the polite thing and say hello.
I am LetsEatBees (Bees, or Beezy for short) I live in Alberta, Canada , I take a business administration course (Diploma), and English is my native language and currently the only language I speak. I have followed Stand Still Stay Silent since about September 2017, What stuck out to me was just how welcoming and active the fanbase was despite the relative obscurity of SSSS, the dedication of the fans here is a treat and has made my limited experience with the fandom one-of-a-kind.
I might not be all that active; the one creative endeavor I have been trying is writing. I have some SSSS fic ideas, as well as an original fiction I have been trying to get myself to make progress on, but I am a bit quiet otherwise.
Whatever the case may be; I hope that I can be a pleasant presence for the people around me.
Hi there! I'm Maple, and I hope I didn't snag this username from anyone else because I was so surprised to see it not taken when I registered.
Since I've seen this concern mentioned twice today, I've run an actual test to confirm my understanding. The registration form does block people from using a username that is already registered.
(As opposed to Disqus, where you can get your actual ID from them or a number of 3rd party ID systems, which means that the uniqueness of any IDs is limited to that provider in the first place, and then you get to choose whatever screen name you like, including the possibility to duplicate someone else's. Which is one (of several) important reason why I'm still posting as a guest, instead of using an account: I have been impersonated in the comments, but switching to an account doesn't provide a iota more protection against that happening.)
(... aaaand welcome to all the newcomers, of course. Sorry, I'm not the type to whack y'all with the Welcome Bell individually. :lalli: )
a big 🎉🎊WELCOME🎊🎉 to all new members!!!!!!! goodness, there's so many now :-)
Welcome to the forum LetsEatBees!
Welcome to the newcomers. Enjoy!
Hey, there, Maple, cool to see michiganders here! (I live in Michigan too, currently, though I'm not a citizen) ;) And Maple a it's nice name for someone from this state. Welcome!
Another welcome to LetsEatBees! Nice to meet you! Enjoy your stay! :tuuri:
Hello and welcome to the forum, danckert, Maple and LetsEatBees!
Welcome to danckert, Maple and LetsEatBees as well! So many new people! :squirrelcookie:
Welcome fellow newcomers! And thus the beginning of the Great Arrival of the Silent Readers era is declared. ;D
And thus the beginning of the Great Arrival of the Silent Readers era is declared. ;D
May they all enjoy this civilized place and it's welcoming atmosphere.
Hey, even more newcomers! Welcome all! And a special hi to Bees, both because of your username (I do research on bees, mostly bumble bees) and your nationality - another Canuck. Hi from "The Rock"!
Hello and welcome to all newcomers! It is a pleasure to see new faces, and hear new voices joining our discussions!
Hello everyone! There are so many that I won’t even try to list all of you, but you are all welcome! Hopefully the current storm will calm down soon and we can again concentrate on the important things such as chitchat and fanworks! You’ll find loads upon loads of material here. You don’t need to read everything to participate (I certainly haven’t) but of course it’s polite to read a couple of the newest pages in a discussion to avoid unnecessary repetition of things just recently mentioned. Unless it’s about your personal situation or opinion, in which case your comment is obviously welcome!
I wrote a bit of an first steps guide for Corvo a few days ago, it’s in this thread on page... 291! So much traffic lately! Just for the case anyone feels overwhelmed by the amount of threads and messages :) In any case please check out the Forum Rules here: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=4.0
Hey, hello! I like to read and tell stories in whatever format they come.
Languages in order of proficiency: Portuguese (native), English (pretty good but can't make speaking noises for the life of me), German (learning), Swedish (learning), Japanese (mostly vocabulary), Finnish (so little can't really claim to be "learning" yet), Spanish (might be able to mash up something intelligible from Portuguese + an year of school classes eons ago).
Now let's get into the very serious real reason I came to in this thread: What's up with the cookies and dream ducks?!?!
I'm one of those people who quietly reads the comments under every page and this has been intriguing me. Where did these come from? I must know!
We have Mirasol to thank for the definitive origin story of the squirrel cookies. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1160.105msg=176612#msg176612) (That's official, says me.)
*takes the opportunity to pass some around to all our new folk*
Welcome, welcome Maple, danckert and LetsEatBees!
Now let's get into the very serious real reason I came to in this thread: What's up with the cookies and dream ducks?!?!
I see wave addressed the cookie question, but I don't think anyone explained the dream ducks. Voila! (Spoilered to avoid clutter)
Welcome newbies! (says the newbie) Hope you have fun! I too wondered about the cookies. Thats a very sweet origin story. That cookie-chef title is rightfully earned. :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Sevseres may I suggest you add “used to be called nefnef” for a while on each of your posts, or maybe add it to the signature for a while, otherwise it’s a bit confusing :)
Yeah you’re right Jitter, sorry about that. But I added it to the signature now. nefnef was a placeholder name since I didn’t thought I would really be here to stay. I use sevseres more often on the internet so it feels more natural this way :’)
Oh, it’s ok to change! No problem :) Just easier for people to mention it for a while.
And you are not leaving, you know that right?
It’s all because of you finns and your nasty pagan spells! A mere peasant such as I can only dream the light of the day...
I see wave addressed the cookie question, but I don't think anyone explained the dream ducks. Voila! (Spoilered to avoid clutter)
We have Mirasol to thank for the definitive origin story of the squirrel cookies. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1160.105msg=176612#msg176612) (That's official, says me.)
*takes the opportunity to pass some around to all our new folk*
Haha thanks, now I can die in peace!
It’s all because of you finns and your nasty pagan spells! A mere peasant such as I can only dream the light of the day...
So you want sunlight? Come down here to the tropics where legends claim Autumn already started, and despair! >:D
I've already started discussing on another forum and I'm actually surprised to find such a nice community here! I get easily intimidated by most social environments (internet or irl), but so far I like it here :)
So.. introductions, I'm Tzelly, I live on the American west cost and was a long time silent fan of Minna since around 2013, her art inspired me to continue my dream as an artist and story teller. Not that I have much to show for it but I am still striving!
I hope everyone is safe and well where you are at! ^-^
Hello, tzelly!
From one newbie to another: Welcome! :)
Welcome to the forum tzelly!
I've already started discussing on another forum and I'm actually surprised to find such a nice community here! I get easily intimidated by most social environments (internet or irl), but so far I like it here :)
I think we're a pretty friendly bunch! Don't be shy.
Hey, I'm new here - don't know if I'll stick around since it's been a while since I posted in a fandom forum and it feels a bit weird after all those years ^^; I've been reading SSSS since oh boy.. at least 2016 if not earlier. Never posted comments, I'm great lurking! I'm also a wannabe comic-artist and I'm from germany, nice to meet you all :)
I came over here a couple of days ago as a guest just to see how everybody was unpacking their responses to Minna's new short comic. It's been really interesting, there are a lot of good conversations to be had about it! Somebody else asked about a reprint of aRTD, and as a serial lurker on Minna's art streams, I had an answer -- so I've created an account and here I am now! Congratulations, your trap worked perfectly.
Not sure if I'll make many appearances in this forum, but I feel like I know you guys well enough from the comments and the Lovely People thread that I should say hi! I'm from Maine, way up in the northeastern corner of the US. I think I found Minna through the language tree poster she made back in 2014-ish? She inspired me to start learning Scandinavian languages (I was, and am, lazy, and love the idea that knowing one of them means you more or less know three of them) and her art streams kept me constant company while writing and re-writing (and re-re-writing) code for my thesis last year. I have an MSc in physics and am currently an instructor at a couple of different state universities. Also I like webcomics. Hello everybody!
Welcome to the forum, Engelszorn and SkyWhalePod! Now I'm starting to wonder, am I putting myself at a disadvantage by deliberately avoiding the bunny thread?
Hey, I'm new here - don't know if I'll stick around since it's been a while since I posted in a fandom forum and it feels a bit weird after all those years ^^; I've been reading SSSS since oh boy.. at least 2016 if not earlier. Never posted comments, I'm great lurking! I'm also a wannabe comic-artist and I'm from germany, nice to meet you all :)
Es ist gut dich zu treffen, fellow lurker! :D
Welcome, EngelsZorn and SkyWhalePod! :)
Now I'm starting to wonder, am I putting myself at a disadvantage by deliberately avoiding the bunny thread?
As someone who has contributed to that thread, I have to say it's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster although everyone's being really decent and polite.
Welcome to the forum, Engelszorn and SkyWhalePod! Now I'm starting to wonder, am I putting myself at a disadvantage by deliberately avoiding the bunny thread?
I think that's entirely up to you. I went there because I wanted to see if other people could articulate the things I was feeling after having read it -- there was definitely that, and then a lot of other interesting stories and comments on top of that. For what it's worth, it's fairly civil! I'm of the opinion that this is a really valuable moment for everybody on both sides to hear stories they might not normally be exposed to. An exercise in empathy. Really useful skill to practice right now.
But if you don't want to fall down that rabbit hole (no pun intended) then that's totally understandable. :)
But if you don't want to fall down that rabbit hole (no pun intended) then that's totally understandable. :)
I'm relatively new myself, but I'm gonna just hop in with this - in case you haven't noticed this group intends their puns! Always, near as I can tell. :)
I'm relatively new myself, but I'm gonna just hop in with this - in case you haven't noticed this group intends their puns! Always, near as I can tell. :)
Oh yes, you are quite correct - terrible punsters around here. It's one of the things I enjoy about it! ;D
Welcome everybody!
and uh, i have to admit, despite being around for three years (anniversary, yay!) i don't think i've really been active outside maybe two-three threads tops. Partially bc I'm awkward, partially bc I'm awkward.
That all being said, I'll try to be more active! around the whole place, yknow.
edit: also this was my 1600th post wheeeee
Hiiii SkyWhalePod and uhhh Engelszorn and tzelly and everyone else whom I've missed! Again, welcome, and I hope this forum provides comfort for some of you for the time being :)
And congrats on finishing your thesis, SkyWhalePod. I actually finished a lot of schoolwork for getting... a high school diploma (!) while watching the art streams last year, so I understand why watching them helped
A welcome to all newbies. Have a nice time here.
Es ist gut dich zu treffen, fellow lurker! :D
Danke :D
Welcome/ Herzlich Willkommen Engelszorn and SkyWhalePod! Nice to have you here! :)) Here, have some cookies: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the forum Engelszorn and SkyWhalePod! It's nice to meet you!
Welcome/ Herzlich Willkommen Engelszorn and SkyWhalePod! Nice to have you here! :)) Here, have some cookies: :squirrelcookie:
Wow, I've been watching people receive cookies in the SSSS comments for years now! As an eternal lurker, I never thought I'd be in this position! ^-^ :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the forum Engelszorn and SkyWhalePod! It's nice to meet you!
Hiiii SkyWhalePod and uhhh Engelszorn and tzelly and everyone else whom I've missed! Again, welcome, and I hope this forum provides comfort for some of you for the time being :)
And congrats on finishing your thesis, SkyWhalePod. I actually finished a lot of schoolwork for getting... a high school diploma (!) while watching the art streams last year, so I understand why watching them helped
It's nice to meet you folks too, you all seem lovely :D Congrats yourself on the diploma, catbirds! Sometimes just having somebody (virtually) sitting around doing work with you can make the work a little easier.
Welcome all again, and rounds of Moose mead on the house! It’s great on its own and marvelous with the squirrel cookies! Sadly, no rum (the rum is gone).
We have Mirasol to thank for the definitive origin story of the squirrel cookies. (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1160.105msg=176612#msg176612) (That's official, says me.)
*takes the opportunity to pass some around to all our new folk*
Oh, wait what? Really official?
Welcome newbies! (says the newbie) Hope you have fun! I too wondered about the cookies. Thats a very sweet origin story. That cookie-chef title is rightfully earned. :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Aww, thank you both! :-[ ^-^
Um, hello? I've been lurking here for a while but never made an account til a few days ago. Just a small town farm girl who likes to read comics and draw in her spare time when not cuddling cute lil animals. Nice you meet y'all.
Hello Opaque! It's nice to have you here! Comics (obviously), drawing and cute animals are all favored subjects here! You'll fit right in!
Welcome to the forum Opaque! It's nice to meet you!
It’s also nice to see new scouts in the making! :lalli:
Welcome welcome Opaque! :))
Welcome to the forum, Opaque!
Welcomne Opaque.
Welcome to all the newbies! So nice to have you here! Enjoy this amazing community! ;D
Hello, people! I am glad to finally register on this forum. I hope that I will stay here for a long time. :3
Welcome Void! (Hehe, I like your username. :'D) Glad to have you here, here, have a squirrelcookie*! :squirrelcookie:
*(mind the crunchy bits!)
Hello! Hope you get comfortable and stay a while! Enjoy your time here!
welcome void
О, Thanks
* takes cookies*
How are you?
Welcome to the forum Void!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Void.
Hello, Void! Welcome to the forum. :)
Welcome to all the newbies on the forum! I'm sorry, I have not been paying proper attention to the introduction thread! Welcome! Enjoy your stay! :reynir:
Hi everyone! I've been reading SSSS for such a long time that posting an intro feels weird LOL. I've been active on tumblr for the most part and have been reading the forums quite often, but (like many others) never posted until now. I'm using the same username as my tumblr url in case anyone recognises me :'D I wish everyone a nice day and I'm happy to be on the forums at last!
welcome lallivaesterstroem. May your time here be pleasant.
Welcome to the forum lallivaesterstroem!
Welcome, lallivaesterstroem!
And to our other current Lalli: please get ready for your first scouting mission, soon-to-be-called to duty Lallicat!
Welcome lallivaesterstroem! Your nickname would be a nightmare to spell if this wasn’t the SSSS forum :'D Thankfully here it only made the shipper in me smile knowingly :emil: <3 :lalli:
Welcome to the fan forum, lallivaesterstroem! It's good to have you here
And welcome to all the other new people who joined in the flood of new people after the bunny comic dropped - I haven't been able to greet you all, but it's good to have you.
Welcome, lallivaesterstroem and void! And all the other new people! I hope you enjoy your time on this forum :)
and lallivaesterstroem, I also appreciate the little nod at the ship! My friend's fond of it, and I think it's pretty wholesome!
Does everyone have squirrelcookie distribution rights on this forum by the way? :squirrelcookie: *slips one to you anyway*
Everyone has cookie distribution rights! The squirrels make as much as needed, just ask Mirasol for a top up if you start running low! Mirasol is the cookie chef in chief and we suspect she may know a bit more than we do about the secret ingredient, but she’s mot telling. And neither are the squirrels. Just mind the crunchy bits!
:squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome to the forum, Void and Lallivaesterstrom!!!!! Yay new members!!
Welcome, lallivaesterstroem, enjoy this amazing place! ;D :sparkle: Welcome! :sparkle:
Welcome welcome lallivaesterstroem! Good to have you here!
(I´m always happy to stock all of you with Squirrelcookies to distribute/eat. :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:)
Good Morning :reynir: (wait, that's Reynir? I thought it's a cat ^^')
I'm happy to finally be here ^-^ last time in a forum is some time ago... so many buttons xD
I'm naran, animal loving lurky middlyaged part-time nitpick :3
oooh cookies! with nuts! *snatches cookie and hides again* :squirrelcookie: *omnomnom*
Welcome Void, lallivaesterstroem and naran! It's great to have you here! :)
I'll send you ASAP the Mead Moose (https://i.imgur.com/0YB7Coq.png) with your welcome pack of supplies: Mead (or your beverage of choice, alcoholic or not*), Urgent Socks, Squirrel Cookies** :squirrelcookie: and an XL sized box of (virtual) tissues for all your angsty needs.
* But no rum. The rum is always over…
** May contain nuts and/or Dark Matter. Mind the crunchy bits (of unknown origin).
Ah, welcome naran! I don't know for sure, but I think you might be our first resident palindrome.
Ah, welcome naran! I don't know for sure, but I think you might be our first resident palindrome.
U (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=344)m (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=405)m (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=519)h (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1027)h (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1581)h (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2047) ...
Welcome to the forum naran!
Ooh, uh, welcome, naran, our tenth-or-so resident palindrome! Enjoy our squirrel cookies while you can! :squirrelcookie:
U (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=344)m (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=405)m (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=519)h (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1027)h (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1581)h (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2047) ...
*sweats nervously*
First, uh, multisyllabic palindrome? First . . . palindrome . . . in 2021? First uh
look anyway welcome!
naran, welcome to the forum!
Welcome @naran - and everyone else I've missed! I really need to remember to check here more often!
welcome naran!
Welcome to the fan forum, Naran!
Welcome, naran, nice to meet you! Enjoy your stay! ;D
Welcome welcome Naran!!!
Welcome naran! Nice to meet you! :))
Hello! You can call me Elely, I live and go to art school in Southern California, I got into SSSS through a friend and have been hooked ever since. So much so that I’m taking a trip to Iceland in July, the home of everyone’s favorite braid boy :reynir: I love taking about SSSS but don’t know many fans so I came here! Im always down for a discussion about any of Minna’s works! The fan forum is a bit confusing as a new member but I hope to get the Hang of it! It’s nice to be here! :3
Welcome, Elely! I’m sure you’ll be just fine here! Feel free to engage with any discussions, and if you don’t see a topic for something you want to discuss, anyone can open a new thread! You’ll also soon see we have many fan artists here, maybe you will also want to join.
Welcome also Naran, who I seem to have failed to greet!
Hello Elely! This place was a bit confusing for me at first too but it's easy to get the hang of. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Welcome to the forum Elely! I got confused with the forum when I first got here as well, but you’ll get the hang of it after a while!
Welcome to the fan forum, Elely!
Welcome, Elely! Good luck figuring out how the forum works, but don't worry, it's easy! If you need help with post formatting/general forum stuff, there's a bit on that under the forum and website discussion board.
Welcome Elely
Welcome Naran and Elely, good to have you aboard!
Many welcomes! We're having a convo about restructuring the Forum, so feedback highlighting what made/makes the Forum confusing to navigate is most appreciated.
Welcome Elely, nice to have you here! Here, have a Squirrel-cookie: :squirrelcookie:
a big welcome, Elely!!! and do tell us how your Iceland trip goes XoX
Thank you! And I definitely will! If I can figure out how to post pictures on here haha
Thank you! And I definitely will! If I can figure out how to post pictures on here haha
It's got a few more steps to post images here than most places, but it is doable. You have to upload the image to a hosting side - I think a fair few people use postimage, I personally have used imgur, but there's several you can use. Once you upload the image, open the image itself in a new tab and use that link (the web address to the image file itself - make sure it ends with something like .jpeg or .png) to post the image onto here.
You put the url for the image between [img) and [/img) (use square brackets on both sides, I've just used round ones so you can see them) and that should upload the image here.
Oh gotcha! thank u :3
(Jumping on the train)
I'll go by madumb there.
I like plants. I eat veggies.
No sunchoke though.
At times I draw.
Have a good day captain
Hello Madumb! Welcome and enjoy yourself here.
Welcome to the forum madumb!
welcome madumb! May your time here be pleasant.
Welcome to the fan forum, Madumb!
Hello Madumb! A great jump on the train, and on the chapter break thingy too! :) You are very welcome!
Welcome madumb! :) Did you draw your Avatar?
🎂🎊🎉welcome🎉🎊🎈 madumb!!!! I was just going to say, I really like your Avatar picture
:sparkle: Welcome, madumb ! :sparkle: Enjoy your stay in this amazing place! ;)
Many welcomes!
Welcome madumb! Nice to have you here! :)) :sparkle:
(And it´s indeed a really sweet avatar!)
Hello and welcome, madumb! There are all manner of interesting conversations going on here, feel free to join in the fun!
Thank you everyone /o/
Will do.
Felt-tip doodle indeed.
A Reynir's (almost) always sweet. Must be the twirls.
nervous to put this here since i have no idea how to use this kind of site, but might as well get it over with now so hopefully i'm doing this right,,
i usually go by goose online! i know my user on here doesn't match though, so feel free to use that as well. they/them pronouns (i often have other preferences, but they/them is always fine). i found ssss maybe four or five months ago and binge read the whole thing before abruptly losing interest and forgetting about it, as i tend to do. recently, though, it's completely invaded my brain and i think about it constantly, which led to me joining this place!
i'm an artist and i write sometimes, though nothing ssss so far except for a few offhand doodles. my other interests include genshin impact and the legend of zelda, and i play the trumpet.
sadly, i'm only fluent in english, but i'm currently learning mandarin in school and trying to self-study danish, as well as having small amounts of experience in several other languages.
that's everything i can think of to say, so hopefully my lurking period is brief in this particular corner of the internet! you all seem like great people :D
Hello EvolutionOfAnIcicle! Glad to have you here! You did it absolutely right :)
Now go ahead and find the threads that most interest you! We have loads, but if you can’t find a question you want to talk about, you can start a new thread freely!
EvolutionOfAnIcicle, welcome to the Forum. Hope you find lots of subjects to amuse you and occupy you during chapter breaks! At least this break is nearly over.
Welcome EvolutionOfAnIcicle! As jitter said, it's time to know the place. :) And since you're an artist you are welcomed to show us your work in the Forum Art Museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0), if it has nothing to do with SSSS, or at the SSSS Art Museum (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0), if it's SSSS related.
BTW is your avatar your art? It's beautiful!
Welcome to the forum, EvolutionOfAnIcicle! It’s nice to see more fellow artists joining in! Welcome and enjoy your stay! ;D
Welcome to the fan forum, EvolutionOfAnIcicle! It's good to have you here.
It's great that you have so many interests! Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your time here.
Ayyy, I'm alive! Welcome to all the people I haven't welcomed! And sorry for being absent for a while, I don't really have any excuse this time... :-\
Welcome EvolutionOfAnIcicle. May your time be pleasant.
It is good to have more creative people here.
Welcome, madumb! I'm not very fond of veggies so you can have mine :)
And welcome, EvolutionOfAnIcicle! Let's see... if you go to profile > forum profile, you can add your nickname in your signature or your personal text or even change your display name. But that's up to you. I'll remember goose because it's a bird name :P
I'd love to see your doodles if you'd like to share! I also like the Legend of Zelda, a couple of my friends like genshin and I've doodled for them sometimes too. And I'm sure you've noticed the language board, a handy place for all your language-learning needs.
Hello hello EvolutionOfAnIcicle!!! Welcome to the forum ;D
Welcome to the forum EvolutionOfAnIcicle!
Welcome welcome, EvolutionOfAnIcicle! (Yay there´s more Zelda-fans here!?) Here, have a handfull of Squirrelcookies*! :squirrelcookie:
*mind the crunchy bits. May contain nuts, dark matter or whatever these trickster-squirrels mix in there. They´re very good at keeping secrets... (Even from the official Squirrelcookie-chef! :'D)
Welcome EvolutionofanIcicle, as a fan, and as part of Team Brass.
(I'm currently on baritone, but have played a lot of upper- and middle-range brass over the years)
Welcome to all those folks who I neglected to welcome! Nice to see some new... uh... avatars, I guess, they aren't all faces.
thank you all for the welcomes!
BTW is your avatar your art? It's beautiful!
yes, it is! a bit old, but i don't have many pieces saved to my computer, so i didn't have many options, heh. ty!
Welcome EvolutionOfAnIcicle!!
a hearty welcome to all the newbies :) i'm very happy to see this community still growing!
since I haven't been around here in forever (a few years at least!) I figured I might re-introduce myself! some of you may remember me as Luth Nightbreeze, and wow is that name ever nostalgic to me, haha. I'm going by Athena now, both in life and internet, and some fresh new pronouns alongside ;)
these days I'm doing a lot of art and writing and currently programming a video game! I picked up programming in the past year and it's been great fun. I'll also be heading out to university soon to study biology, which I'm super excited for!
I hope all the familiar faces around here are doing well, and to the rest, it's nice to meet you! I'm not sure how much I'll be around but at least wanted to say hi! ^-^
Hello Athena! I wasn’t around when you were active here before, but your previous username is very familiar. Great to have you back!
Who knows, maybe you’ll find something to do here again, check out the new Forum structure. We are hoping to diversify from just SSSS related stuff. Just now on the 1st August (15 minutes to midnight here in Finland) we start the new Comic of the Month!
Hello Athena.
Hi Athena! I also wasn't around when you were active, but it's very nice to meet you!
You're all very sweet, thank you :)
Keep Looking, moredhel: Hello! Nice to meet you as well, I hope to see you around!
Jitter: I was poking around a bit earlier to learn about the Forum restructuring! Interesting situation with the bunny comic Minna recently put out. Seems like it might be a positive change for the community to move away from purely SSSS. (Or, I suppose, to move further from it, since it was never the only thing that kept people around, however wonderful it is). I know in the past my favourite things about this place were always the non-SSSS threads and just getting to know and spend time with fellow forumites. Here's to the future!
Welcome (back) to the forum, Athena!
Welcome back from me too, Athena! It´s nice to meet you! :))
Athena - nice to see you again. Glad to hear you’ve been doing well. : )
Welcome back Athena! And the name is a nice segue! I think you will enjoy the company of all the new folk - they mostly seem like good people. And you will find the Forum much rearranged!
Hey Athena! Welcome back to the forum! I don't think I was active last you were so good to meet you too.
Nice to meet you, Athena! Hopefully we are good enough to be around! We do have cookies! :squirrelcookie: :tuuri: :'D
Hi y'all, guess I should introduce myself now that I've posted on a thread lol. I'm ohnosir, you can call me Alex, too. Paleoartist, printmaker, creature designer, writer and aspiring webcomicker. Likes include fast cars, extinct mammals and very short walks on the beach plz, I do not like sand in all my belongings. I live in the empty space of silver age sci fi paperbacks and the highest level of absurdist memes
welcome ohnosir/Alex.
Welcome to the Forum Alex! As an artist I guess you will feel at home here! And I'm very curious to see your art work! :)
Hello and welcome to the Forum, ohnosir / Alex! Always great to see new faces, hopefully you'll find a lot of interest here! Right at this moment I recommend you to consider joining our surprise Chapter Break Challenge! On the Events Board you can take a look at the previous breaks to give you an idea.
Welcome to the forum, ohnosir/Alex! Great to see new people coming along! Welcome! :reynir:
Welcome to the forum, Alex!
Welcome to the forum, ohnosir / Alex! Your interests are pretty cool, definitely hope the paleoart part comes up sometime soon :)
Oh hey, new faces! Welcome welcome ohnosir/Alex! Here, have a Squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Very very late in greeting ohnosir but especially the lovely Athena!
Hey sorry for the late reply to all of you, I really appreciate the welcome! One of the things I really love about following this comic is the community here. I have to say, this might be at the top of webcomic fandoms I've ever encountered! I also love the creativity, and am looking forward to participating in the art here when I get a chance!
FYI for those interested in my fine art/paleoart you can see some of it at www.lithographicapress.com. Hope that's okay to plug here, it's been a laughably long time since it's been updated anyway :'D
oh oh and for anyone here, if you create some cool creative stuff of any variety plz feel free to send me a link!
Ohnosir, there are entire boards for this! Posting here is fine as it is one part of your introduction, but I recommend you post your link also to the Forum Art Museum thread, where it may get more visibility to artists. Also if you are looking for cool art… you’ll love the Art Museums and other threads on the art board https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=15.0
By the way you are extremely welcome to open thread(s) about subjects of interest. The Art Museum threads have been collecting all art, but that was before we had an Art board. Now we can very well have separate threads for e.g. fine art or paleoart. I’m sure many forumites would be interested in paleoart, I know I would!
Ohnosir, please do bring them up in one of the art-threads, these are so cool!!! XoX
Yes!! I am excited to explore the art threads when I have the time. So many creative people here!
Hello all,
My fandom name (across many fandoms and for many years, now) is tehta. Outside of fandom, I am a Polish woman working in Machine Learning, and living in Switzerland. (So, English is not my native language, but it is one of the languages I am most comfortable with. Unlike, e.g. Swiss German, oof.)
I discovered ssss in early July and quickly fell in deep. (So deep, in fact, that I was inspired to write for the first time in ages; I'll definitely be active on the writing thread.) I am sad that I missed the golden age of the fandom, but I am still enjoying the story (especially when the focus is not on bears), and looking forward to next week's chapter.
welcome to the forum tehta.
Very good to have new people here. Even better the creative kind of people.
Welcome, tehta. It’s cool that you were inspired to take up writing again.
Welcome again, tehta!
When you take a closer look at the Forum, you’ll notice we have recently restructured in the hopes of diversifying and keep the community alive, even when SSSS ends. You have noticed the creative boards, I would also like to point you towards the Worlds and Stories board. We invite and hope to generate discussion on other fandoms, works, authors and worlds in addition to our beloved SSSS. You mentioned you have been in several fandoms over the years - it would be great to hear from some of them!
Witaj na forum, tehta! ;D
Welcome among us, tehta! Always good to have new members, especially a new maker. I like your work.
Thank you (and dzekuje) to all! (And especially to Roisin for being so supportive of other writers, with all those comments!)
I will take a look around at the other boards. (My main long-time fandom is Tolkien, in case anyone is interested.)
Hi Tehta! I know we've met before (on the discord) but it's nice to see you here as well, and welcome to the forum!
Tehta, there isn’t currently any threads on Tolkien but I know we have users who are interested. You are welcome to open new threads!
Welcome tehta! :) Looking forward to see your writings! Machine learning, humm? Are we going to have some AI related stories?
And I also think a Tolkien thread would be nice!
Hmm, maybe a Tolkien thread would give me the motivation to reread The Silmarillion...
Hmm, maybe we could make Silmarillion a joint project. I also need a reread!
Hmm, maybe we could make Silmarillion a joint project. I also need a reread!
I'm all for it, even if I already read it three times, the last one was some years ago. :)
(I also have it in Portuguese, but I suppose it won't be a problem)
So, when do we start?
Welcome tehta! :) Looking forward to see your writings! Machine learning, humm? Are we going to have some AI related stories?
And I also think a Tolkien thread would be nice!
You know what we totally can have? AI-generated stories. I have been playing around with using big language models for this (like GPT-3) and it would be very interesting to try it for fanfic. (The way it works is that you type in some text, and then ask the AI to generate more text based on this. You can also alternate. It tends to make very dreamlike stories with poor logic, but can be surprisingly amusing.) I will try to generate one and post it in a writing forum of some sort, so people can see what I mean.
I could also participate in a Silm reading (I have read it, of course, and know some parts very well because they were necessary background for my writing).
So, when do we start?
And I've just started rereading the Gentleman Bastards series yesterday... September 1st, maybe? Seems like a good date to start things.
Welcome tehta! It’s nice to see new faces!! Hope you enjoy the forum! ;D
Welcome to the forum, tehta! I'm glad you've made your way over to this forum from reading SSSS even though it's only been like a month and a half since you've begun, wow! Really looking forward to any writing you have!
Also, hmmm, AI-generated stories! It's definitely been popular for fandoms based around books and scripts, but I wonder what it'll do with what text we have in SSSS, considering the amount of visual storytelling. I've definitely seen that sort of thing for LOTR, though, but I haven't gotten into that series myself (I should).
I am not sure this is the right place to continue this conversation, but:
- My SSSS stories are on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/tehta/works?fandom_id=3697829 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/tehta/works?fandom_id=3697829)
- I tried the AI generator yesterday. It's quite obviously using SSSS fanfiction as a base (it's trained on the internet) so that's interesting, but then it leapt straight into cousin incest so I stopped it.
Writing board would be better, but I’d like to know more how the AI thing works in practise
Welcome Tehta! I must say AI stories sound very interesting...I've seen a few AI-generated short scripts for shitposting groups, but obviously they were mostly for the memes lol. I'm excited to see it (and read your link)!
Welcome welcome tehta! (Look at how late I am, you´re almost halfway to the safezone by now... :'D) I hope you still enjoy some squirrelcookies*: :squirrelcookie:
*mind the crunchy bits, we aren´t sure what they´re made from!
'Allo, I've been reading the comic for a while but never quite got around to using the forum until now. There's about a 50% chance that I'll make this one comment and never be heard from again, and 50% chance I'll be in the top 10 most active next month. We shall see... nice to meet you all! (I am only fluent in english btw, but can speak perhaps five words each from Italian, Latin, Greek, French, German and Korean) Anything else I should mention?
welcome to the forum LuckyCheshire
Hello! Enjoy yourself on the forum, LuckyCheshire!
Hi there, LuckyCheshire! Hope you'll be around for a little longer than one post! If you're interested in developing your language skills, you can also do that here in our language board :)
Hello LuckyCheshire! I welcome you as (apparently) a fellow cat, and also as a person who showed up 1.5 months ago and has been posting all over everything.
Welcome to the forum, LuckyCheshire!
Welcome to the fan forum, LuckyCheshire! It's good to have you here.
Welcome LuckyCheshire! Nice to have you here! It’s always great to see new people, and cats!
LuckyCheshire, welcome! You should fit right in!
Hearty welcomes!
I'm Solveig, I'm 16 :D
I use they/them pronouns
I have been in the SSSS fandom for a few months now. I really like drawing (I post my drawings on my tumblr blog: solveigs-art)
and collecting stuff, I'm also trying to learn Norwegian. Nice to meet you!
Hello Solveig and welcome! We have an Art board, where we love to see both SSSS-related and other art!
Welcome to the forum Solveig.
Hello hello Solveig! You know I love your art (you should probably post some here...)
Nice to meet you Solveig. A lot of people here love drawing so you'll fit right in.
How did I miss you two coming in, LuckyCheshire and Solveig? Anyways, many welcomes! Here, have some Squirrelcookies as an apology*: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
*(though I can´t absolutely guarantee they´re safe to eat... But nice to look at!)
Welcome among us Solveig! Another artist is always good (says the person who cannot draw or paint at all). You should fit in well!
Welcome, LuckyCheshire and Solveig!
Hey everyone. I am Kiran and I have been reading this from around 2-3 months. (You could say I joined during the chapter break before chapter 14.) I have commented before in the comments under the name Sai. Let me just say, I have never seen such a beautiful comic, story and art combined. Nice to meet you all!
Hello Kiran! It's nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy the forum.
Welcome to the forum Kiran
Welcome welcome! Good to have new people!
Welcome, Solveig! Hope you'll enjoy your time here. I've seen your art a few times, it's very nice!
And welcome, Kiran! Nice to see new readers here and there!
Greetings Kiran! Hope you enjoy things here, there is certainly plenty to see and do!
Welcome to the forum, Solveig and Kiran!
Welcome Kiran! Another chapter-break-joiner, I see. Luckily this place keeps the boredom away during these. You came to the right spot! :squirrelcookie:
Welcomes to Solveig & Kiran!
Solveig, you can add a link to your tumblr as part of your profile (see, like mine, as part of my deets to the left). Your drawings are amazing.
Hello~ I'm Verg. I'm 29, from the East Coast USA, and started reading the comic this month! I have already finished it several times... the obsession is strong. Don't know what I'm going to do with myself during my first chapter break. Maybe make art?? I started learning Finnish because of the comic. ^^; And I ship Emil/Lalli, Onni/Reynir, and Mikkel/Sigrun. Don't know what else there is to say!
I will probably be lurking for the most part~ This seems like a friendly community, though!
welcome to the forum vergoftowels.
Nice to meet you, vergoftowels and Kiran!
Hello, shroom here. I'm a very shy and anxious teenage girl from Russia. I've been following the SSSS comic for a couple of months now. Trying to socialize.
I like drawing, especially in watercolor or pencils. Also I like writing and sending letters or postcards.
It's nice to meet you all)
welcome to the forum green_shroom. I recommend having a look at the writing board and the arts and audiovisual media board. There are some very creative people.
Welcome green_shroom!
Hello, Shroom. Many people here have to deal with various kinds of anxieties. You'll fit right in. Feel free to talk with us whenever you want. There are plenty of nice people here.
Welcome Shroom! Nice to see you here! If you want to share your art, we have just the boards for that! But if you don’t feel like it (at least for now), you are vey welcome to just discuss.
Welcome Verg and shroom! :sparkle: :squirrelcookie:
Verg, another Finnish-learner! I´d advise you to look into the events-board. We hold Chapter-break-specials there, which ease the pain of waiting lots. :)
Shroom, I very much approve of your profile picture, I love Song of the Sea! :))
Rounds of Squirrelcookies for both of you! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, vergoftowels and green_shroom!
Heyo, I've been a lurker for a long time and haven't really looked at the actual website since the bunny comic incident. But I had a dream that could be an awesome fanfic idea and thought you guys might like to hear about it! Also I'm not super familiar with using forums so if I'm doing something wrong please feel free to tell me, just don't be rude about it
Welcome to the forum ScrimmyBingusPSVitaPort. I have never experienced anybody being rude about anything in this forum.
Maybe you want to have a look into the writing board https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=16.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=16.0).
Hello and welcome ScrimmyBingusPSVitaPort!
Moredhel has already answered well! Fanfiction and other fanworks are an invaluable element of this forum, and fanfiction has its own board, the Writing Board Moredhel already linked to.
We don’t approve of rude behavior here, so rest assured you will not get shouted at. If you did happen to get a rude comment, one of us moderators would soon be round to set things right, but seriously we don’t need to do that even every year! This is the friendliest corner of the internet I have ever prowled, and I’ve been around various iterations for almost 30 years by now. And it’s not even due to strict enforcement, we just have a great community here.
So, feel free to participate in any discussions, and we are looking forward to seeing your story!
Hi ScrimmyBingusPSVitaPort! I like how your username goes outside of the profile boundary. Hope you enjoy our writing board!
Hello and welcome ScrimmyBingusPSVitaPort! (Better a month later than never, am I right? ^^')
Hello and welcome ScrimmyBingusPSVitaPort! (Better a month later than never, am I right? ^^')
Indeed. Welcome to the forum, ScrimmyBingusPSVitaPort!
Welcome to the Forum, Scrimmy and shroom!
Hi all,
I am a Brit, living in Sweden, and I cannot remember where I first found this comic several years ago but have been a fan ever since.
I started lurking on this forum ever since the Bunnies Comic incident as it seemed such a weird thing to come out of nowhere, and needed to see if it was only me having a weird reaction to it. Decided to finally sign up today as it seems the comic is coming to an end, and it is always nice to have more people to talk other webcomics and things with.
welcome philman
Hello and welcome, philman!
Welcome to the fan forum, Philman!
Welcome to the Forum, Philman, and I hope you will find it a nice place to hang out and talk about all manner of things once the comic ends.
Welcome Philman as well! Now that I´m here on time, have some Squirrelcookies (mind the crunchy bits): :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, Philman!
Hello all.
Hi there, I am new. I have been following SSSS for quite a while. I am saddened that it is ending, I have found the fan fiction. YAY!! (So there are all kinds of fun stories there. )
I started reading some of the stories on A03 and FanFic and WOW!!
I can still get my SSSS fix even when the comic fades
welcome dmeck7755
I can still get my SSSS fix even when the comic fades
Yes; and you can still get this forum, which is going to keep going, both for continued SSSS discussions and expanding to other works.
Welcome! [ETA: and welcome, also, to all the other people I haven't posted welcome to before.]
Welcome, dmeck! You may have arrived at the end, but you can still join in the fun!
Welcome to the forum, dmeck!
Nice to meet you, dmeck! So glad to see more writers.
Welcome, dmeck! You may have arrived at the end, but you can still join in the fun!
Thank you Fashionably late, I suppose
Welcome to the forum, dmeck!
Hello all, I'm a quiet lurker that found this forum recently and figured it would be a good time to join so i can keep talking about the world of SSSS even after it ends
I'm usually very busy but I write sci fi and fantasy stories to relax, which is what drew me to this webcomic in the first place
Welcome, tyfasi! Former lurkers unite!
Hello! It's always fun to have new people around. Hope you enjoy the forum.
Welcome to the Forum, tyfasi! And one more person who writes F&SF is good - there are several of us here. Hope to catch up on some of the writing threads?
welcome tyfasi
welcome. tyfasi!! from one super newbie to another :)
Welcome dmeck and tyfasi! Cookies for both of you! :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome, tyfasi.
Hey! So I've just read the first adventure of SSSS and you know what, not only I stared for several minutes on all the pages but also read the discussions under each of them. In conclusion: you guys are awesome! It's really enjoyable (and not disturbing) hanging out just reading the comments. I love this fandom and of course I love the comic. Mina already inspired me to draw several images of real-life Sigrun:) Nice to meet you!!!
Helli Igi! We are happy to have you here!
When you run out of comic, you’ll find masses of further content here and on the fanfiction sites!
Welcome Igi! i am sure I speak for many when I say we would love to see those pictures.
Welcome Igi! I hope you have fun!
Welcome to the forum Igi! Maybe you want to have a look at the SSSS Art Museum and the Art Museum Thread. Both in the Arts and auAudiovisual Media Board https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=15.0 (https://ssssforum.com/index.php?board=15.0).
I promise to share my thoughts and my art🤞 Now you have one more active member in the group:)
Welcome to the fan forum, Igi! It's wonderful to have you here.
Igi, it makes me very glad to hear you’ll be active! Let me join tehta in hoping you will share your Sigruns and other art!
Please feel free to join any conversations, whether actively ongoing or currently dormant. One exception: on the roleplay board, read the board instructions, games are usually closed. However alsonote that the “six words ongoing story” on the Writing board is NOT a closed game and you are very welcome to join. The Prompt of the Week thread is a low-threshold ongoing “event”, you are invited!
If you don’t find a topic for something you wish to discuss, anyone is free to open a new topic, just choose the correct board. If in doubt or otherwise want to ask for some advice, you can PM me.
I've been a follower of SSSS since June 2019. I do a lot of handcrafts, like knitting and sewing. I'm trying to make a webcomic but am too scared to get past the outlining process. I'm currently hyperfixating on the 1991 musical adaptation of The Secret Garden. I like spinach (sautéed with garlic and olive oil).
That's about it.
OMG! I also really like spinach sauteed with garlic and olive oil. Actually, other things too, like mushrooms. I had both the spinach version of this dish and the mushroom version last week.
Er, welcome.
Hello and welcome!
I also like garlic! Spinach is nice too,
welcome to the forum naclenix
Hello and welcome to the fan forum, naclenix!
Welcome naclenix!!
I like spinach all ways!!
My favorite is with sautéed onions, and creme
My favorite is with sautéed onions, and creme
ooh that's good too
Also, with cheese. Like palak paneer, or spinach/mozzarella.
Welcome Igi and naclenix! I don´t have any spinach, but do you take cookies instead? :'D :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Igi and naclenix! I don´t have any spinach, but do you take cookies instead? :'D :squirrelcookie:
yes :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello! I found and fell in love with SSSS late last year. My favorite character is Reynir.
I lurked for sometime (mostly on the meme page) before I decided I should make an account. I was (am) kinda nerves about it but I am glade I did!
Hello and welcome, NightMareMage! I am happy you decided to join us, and the discussions too! :reynir:
Thank you so much!
Welcome NightMareMage. Prepare for some fun!
Most welcome, NightMareMage!
Welcome nightMareMage
Thank you, you are all so sweet!
And if anyone else welcomes me, then thank you in advance! (I should see them but I don't want to clutter this thread with thank yous.)
Hello and welcome, NightMareMage!
So uhhh... Hello!
It's been a while since I made this account and I feel like I should finally actually introduce myself.
So yeah, I'm Zraark I created this account back when the whole "Lovely people" thing first happened. I mostly followed the disscusion about that in the beginning and have since then mostly been browsing through different threads.
I don't know how much I will be posting or commenting but atleast Iv'e started now so, whe will see.
Welcome Zraark
Hello Zraak! Hopefully you will join the discussions! But just browsing is ok too :)
Thank you all! I'll probably join the discussions where I feel like I can add much Jitter
The webcomics thread has been quite interesting actually, I’ve found a few interesting comics there that I’ll have to check out. I’ve been considering maybe sharing a few of the comics I’ve found over time, we’ll see.
Mostly I just wanted to say hello because you seem all like wonderful people and this really feels like a special place on the internet. =)
It is special! Thanks to all of us here!
Welcome Zraark
Welcome NightMareMage and Zraark! :)) :sparkle: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome with coffee and cake to the folk I have missed. If I can say so without jinxing things, now that the level of furore in life seems to be easing a little I hope to be around and interacting a bit more!
Hi I joined the fandom sometime this february, I know I'm really late to the forum and fandom, and I probably won't post a lot but I'm still excited to be on here
welcome to the forum Lazerbird
welcome to the forum Lazerbird and all the people I should have greeted earlier but I was too lazy to reply sorry
Welcome to the fan forum, Lazerbird!!
Lazerbird welcome. I hope you have fun!
Welcome welcome! Hopefully we’ll stay active for a long time to come!
We have recently started a re-read together, come join us on that thread!
Very belated welcome to you, Lazerbird! ^^' :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
I'm 30-something and have three kids. I've been reading webcomics since 2004 and in 2008 I got into Icelandic and Heathenry for awhile. Ive also studied german, latin, and the American standard french/Spanish classes (aka terrible) and a really really little bit of Mandarin & Japanese.
I have auditory processing issues that make learning languages hard, and I've never achieved fluency although I've reached the point of being able to read conversations and such.
I'm not sure how it took me so long to find SSSS but I only did within the last year, and only just found out about this forum.
Hello and welcome to the forum, dreki!
Welcome again, dreki!
May I ask what brought you to the forum? The link on the comic site or our invitations? We tried to sprinkle many in the last comment sections!
Welcome again, dreki!
May I ask what brought you to the forum? The link on the comic site or our invitations? We tried to sprinkle many in the last comment sections!
Nope, saw a reference to it in the comments so googled it and fortunately it came up.
Honestly I was looking for translations of Finnish spells - which mostly happened in adv 1 - so it was kind of lucky that I found it. Also found out about the fanfic on AO3.
Welcome dreki
Hi, I'm angsttronaut! I've been reading SSSS since around 2014, just made this account a few days ago though! I'm 21, live in Ireland and am an aspiring artist, I also enjoy writing.
hello to our new members!
welcome angsttronaut!!
Your name is close to someone that writes in Ao3. Is that you or just a coincidence?
Welcome to the forum, Dreki, and hi Angst!
Hello and welcome to both angsttronaut and dreki! Good to have you both with us.
Hello angsttronaut and welcome! I've seen you around in the fan spaces, good to have you here too!
Thank you everyone!
welcome angsttronaut!!
Your name is close to someone that writes in Ao3. Is that you or just a coincidence?
It's me!
Hello new (to this Forum) people!
Thank you everyone!
It's me!
Welcome dreki and angsttronaut! Cookies all around: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome dreki and angsttronaut!
I am glad you are here
hey, im an aspiring artist from czechia in my early 20s. i found ssss when it was nearing its end, and became fascinated by the story, how it turned out, and the community that built itself up around it. i've been lurking on the forum as a guest for a while, and i'm happy to see there are still dedicated people keeping it alive.
i do dabble in language learning as well, but i'm not very good at speaking, hah.
Hello and welcome, dinoonthenet! It’s lovely to get new people, especially nowadays. We hope you will become one of the dedicated :) (you don’t need to specifically dedicate anything, just participate in the discussions, and if you feel like it, the events :) )
Welcome dinoonthenet.
I like your profile picture,
Welcome dinoonthenet. It is good to meet you.
Nice to meet you, dinoonthenet!
I know several languages well enough to read a book, but speaking is a different matter entirely...
Hello and welcome, dinoonthenet!
Welcome to the forum, dinoonthenet!
Your very welcome, dinoonthenet! Have a cookie (or several): :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Though careful. The secret around their ingredients has still not been uncovered...
Welcome to the forum, dinoonthenet! It's good to have you here
Hi everyone! My name's Nerd or Gwen, local newcomer to the SSSS fandom (and this forum, as you can probably tell). I live and go to college in the eastern US, majoring in environmental studies with an interdisciplinary art minor. Native English speaker and conversant in French, with very tiny bits of a bunch of other languages since I am a linguistics nerd. A couple friends pointed me to the SSSS forum after I...may or may not have pulled an all-nighter reading most of the comic in one fell swoop about three weeks ago, so that's how my finals season went, whoops. I'm also located at apprenticenerd.tumblr.com, where I reblog a lot of Lalli art and text post memes, and SassyDragon on AO3, where I hope I'm not too annoying when I don't know anybody yet. Thanks for having me on!
Hello Nerd! Great to have you here! I’m an environmental engineer myself, I work as an environmental consultant (senior expert these days, I’m… shall we say advanced?). I also read all there was at the time when I started :)
We are currently doing a forum re-read, maybe you want to join us to read at a more relaxed pace? You are welcome to comment also about the early pages, not just the section we are currently on. And in any case you are welcome to participate in any discussions and open new threads if you don’t find a suitable one.
Welcome Nerd.
Hello! I have been seeing enthusiastic recs for your SassyDragon fics on the Discord, btw. (I definitely need to go over and have a read.) Delightful to have you on board!
Hello and welcome, Nerd/Gwen. I like your writing!
G'day and welcome, Nerd/Gwen and dinoonthenet!
Welcome to the fan forum, Nerd/Gwen! It's great to have you here
Welcome to the forum, Nerd a.k.a. Gwen!
Welcome, everyone I haven't said hi to! -- I've lost track of when I last replied in this thread.
I'm also in the eastern USA; though that description does cover a lot of ground. Somewhere I think there's a locations map, isn't there?
Yes there is, in the thread “Minnion map” pinned just below this introduction thread
Whoops! -- somewhat in my defense, what I generally look at is "unread posts", on which it only rarely shows up.
Hi, hi!! I'm Pi and just finished Ssss, like 1h ago after
odsessing over it devouring page after page for the past three days. I found out about this forum in the comment section of ssss' last page, thought "why not" and straight up made a profile here. :sparkle:
I'm majoring in geology but my passion lays in mythology, folklore and history! I'm also fond of languages and linguistic, I fluently speak italian, english, spanish and chew a little bit of german (As Emil speaks Finnish probably). I'll try to broaden my language knowledge once I get my degree-
I make a lot of typos, sorry about that in advance!
It's my first time on a forum, I can't wait to meet with you all! <3
Welcome! and is that Maurice in your avatar?
Welcome to the fan forum, Lady_Nightray!
You are pretty well guaranteed to find folk here who share your interests, and welcome another participant to our conversations.
I too enjoy languages, and once studied French and German, aber Ich have niemand mit dem Ich sprechen kann, et j'ai oublié presque tout (as you can no doubt tell).
Do you have a particular favorite mythology, or is your interest more eclectic?
May you enjoy your visits to this forum, and best wishes to you here and elsewhere!
Thank you all!! <3
Welcome! and is that Maurice in your avatar?
It's the cat from the cat-training poster! The Blessed Felines one! But I don't recall if it has a name :-[
Do you have a particular favorite mythology, or is your interest more eclectic?
I usually gravitate toward Norse and Celtic mythology, but my interest is more general. I'm also interested in beliefs, traditions, festivitives and rituals :sparkle:
Thank you all!! <3
It's the cat from the cat-training poster! The Blessed Felines one! But I don't recall if it has a name :-[
Ohh, I missed that. The avatars always look kind of blurry to me, and I saw a cat surrounded by what looked to me like rats, and thought of this:
Hello and welcome, Lady_Nightray! We are delighted to have you here! And I’m glad to hear the message on the last page of comic was useful.
While the Forum isn’t as active as it was in its heyday, we still have a lot going on! Take a look around and you’ll surely find something interesting. Don’t be shy to comment!
More tips here:
welcome to the forum Lady_Nightray
Lady_Nightray, welcome! That's an impressive number of languages you can speak!
Welcome, Lady Nightray! With your interests you will fit right in among our merry company.
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!
This place already feels very cozy :sparkle:
Welcome, Lady_Nightray! I hope you make it to a safe zone soon!
Just finished all of SSSS after quite a slump in life, definitely a good read that made me a bunch happier. Very glad to find a forum for it, and meet some wonderful people on one of these again, reminds me of digging down internet rabbitholes way back when!
Really enjoy learning about 'extinct' subcultures, whether internet or historical. Nice to be here!
Hi ZeeTwentyThree, and welcome!
Cultures thought to be extinct sometimes turn out to be quite lively --
ZeeTwentyThree, hello and welcome to the Forum and the community! Good to greet another person, and we talk about all manner of things here as well as the comic. What interests you? Have an explore of the threads - lots of fascinating conversations!
Hello and welcome, ZeeTwentyThree! We’re not quite extinct yet! :)
Welcome ZeeTwentyThree!
Enjoy the stay
Welcome to the forum, ZeeTwentyThree! As Jitter said, forums may be old but we're still kicking here!
Welcome ZeeTwentyThree
Welcome to the forum, ZeeTwentyThree!
Hello hello, ZeeTwentyThree!
Hi everyone, I'm Birch. I've followed Minna's comics for a couple of years already and decided to join the forum finally. I'm a private person so I don't like to talk much about myself. But I like privacy, interpreting stories, animals and reading about mythology.
Hello Birch! You’ve come to the right place! We are glad to have you here!
Birch, hello and welcome! I hope you will find us good company!
Hi BirchTree! You can talk about yourself as little as you please. Some people here say a good bit about themselves, others don't. It's not a requirement here either way.
welcome BirchTree
Oh, I hope this is alright!
I made this account way back in 2017, probably around the time in the first story where Emil and Lalli were on that sheet of ice, right during the 2 week break. I think I did post a little here, but forgot and vanished to time. Guess time got tired of me since now I'm back like 5 years later, so hope it's okay if I re-introduce myself.
'Names Daywalker, but you might know me ages ago by Amnesia! I just finished re-binge reading SSSS after quite a few years, but I used to keep up with its updates what feels like eons ago. I love the comic and wanted to talk about it, hence *motions to this forum*! I guess my side interests would be reptile keeping, neurology + psychology, and I hope to be a free-lance artist some day! I also only speak English :sobs:
Well hopefully see you around!
Welcome, Daywalker!
If you want to talk about SSSS, you're in the right place. :) Don't be afraid to comment on old threads if you feel like it, I have seen discussions resparked that why. Or to start new threads. There are also threads for things outside of SSSS as well.
I hope to see you around!
Hello and welcome, Daywalker! Nice set of interests, promises some fascinating conversations. And yeah, feel free to discuss anything! Reptile keeper sounds interesting, I love the creatures but don’t so much keep them as attempt to maintain friendly relations with the ones in my garden and the nearby bushland (I live in country South Australia). I share my garden with skinks, stumpies, bluetongues and the occasional snake, goanna or frilled lizard.
Daywalker, we are happy to have you back! Like NightMareMage already said, we have loads of threads and you can comment on any even if it’s been a long time since the previous post. We currently have an ongoing joint re-read and would love to hear (well, read) your thoughts on those discussions!
Based on your nickname, do your interests also include vampires? Incidentally I just came across the panel of Lalli you have as your avatar and remembered again how much I like this particular picture of him. He’s lovely, and this picture really shows it!
Hello all, SSSS was recommended to me by a friend and I subsequently read it over the course of 15 days. It's been a joy, not just because it's a good comic, but also because of the incredible comments. Once I found out you can sort by "best", my enjoyment doubled. I kept scrolling up and down between the page and the comment section to look for details I missed. The poetry and filks were often inspired and touching. The theories were fun because I could read them, then instantly find out how far off the mark they were (which was often, despite what usually felt like solid reasoning).
If I have the money for it, I might buy the physical editions one day, which would be cool, because physical books rock, but also a little sad, because they won't have the comments.
I don't think I'll be online much after this, forums aren't really my kind of thing. I just wanted to phrase my appreciation to all the people of the original commentariat. You are all amazing.
Best regards,
Hello all, SSSS was recommended to me by a friend and I subsequently read it over the course of 15 days. It's been a joy, not just because it's a good comic, but also because of the incredible comments. Once I found out you can sort by "best", my enjoyment doubled. I kept scrolling up and down between the page and the comment section to look for details I missed. The poetry and filks were often inspired and touching. The theories were fun because I could read them, then instantly find out how far off the mark they were (which was often, despite what usually felt like solid reasoning).
If I have the money for it, I might buy the physical editions one day, which would be cool, because physical books rock, but also a little sad, because they won't have the comments.
I don't think I'll be online much after this, forums aren't really my kind of thing. I just wanted to phrase my appreciation to all the people of the original commentariat. You are all amazing.
Best regards,
Hello, @Bippity Boppity Boop ! And welcome to the Forum! :)
Well, at least you took 15 days! You would be amazed by how many people showed up here, or in the comic comments, telling they did it in just one or two days... O_o
(sleep? what's that?)
Of course the first thing they usually heard after being welcomed was a suggestion to read it again and take enough time to read the comments. We all learned so much from them. About the comic, the places and so much more. ^-^
I hope you show up more around here. Take some time to read a few threads that you find interesting and soon you will see that all the spirit, humor, knowledge and fun from those comments still exists here. There's talking about SSSS and so much more. And the best part is that you can be part of it!
I'd strongly recommend the Creative Corner. You will find many amazing SSSS stories and art, and also works dealing with other fandoms and originals.
And please don't be afraid to participate on any topic you feel attracted to. We have a long tradition of being a friendly place. ;)
Hello and welcome, Boop! What Grey said, plus reminding you that the Forum, if not the comic, is still about, and we welcome folk who just want to have a yarn and join in the fun. You will also find links to a couple of fanfic sites at the bottom of the index page. Enjoy!
Welcome Daywalker and Bippity Boppity Boop!! It is very nice to meet you all
(A rather late) welcome to the forum, Boop and Daywalker! It's good to have you here
welcome to all the people I missed. And sorry for the delay.
You know I should probably say something in...this thread, rather than making my whole presence on the forum processing a bunch of emotions.
Hi, I'm Glass, I'm a grumpy internet scotsman with a very delayed interest in this place and the wonderful people in it. I've had a fair few welcomes already, all pleasant, and found myself reinvigorated with an interest in the Silent World; at least from my own perspective.
I'm a huge lover of writing (horror, sci-fi, and fantasy), TTRPGs (the PFP's a character I currently play), and voraciously learning around random things that might not matter to anyone but me.
Welcome to the forum Glass
Welcome again, Glass! Great to have another Scandinavian* (well, nearly) member :) I think you may have received this when you signed up, but in case you didn’t here are some pointers for exploring our little village: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1297.0
Also, I didn’t yet mention that I love your profile picture! Is it your own art?
* Scotland has raised the idea that they leave the UK and become a Nordic country. You would be welcome!
Oh and @ Glass, I was responding about fanfics on the other thread but this is better.
So, horror elements of level similar to SSSS are allowed on the main forum at least as links. Anything the reader sees in the comic is ok here, and we have quite a few pieces with chilling, or in some cases, humorous body horror. Just put a content description first. If you are unsure, you can ask me or other staff to give it a look first.
On the horror side of things, mostly visual art with excessive gore have been put on the mature board, and even then there are only a few. It’s more about sexual content, partly due to fears about the site getting into trouble by introducing such content to minors. Somewhat weirdly anything sexy is apparently a lot more damaging to children and teens than violence, so… We don’t make the rules, except here within the forum :)
There is an introduction message on top of the Writing Board (and all of the creative cormer boards) describing content restrictions in more detail.
Thanks for the welcome Moredhel - is that a Raymond E. Feist reference for the username?
Welcome again, Glass! Great to have another Scandinavian* (well, nearly) member :) I think you may have received this when you signed up, but in case you didn’t here are some pointers for exploring our little village: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1297.0
Also, I didn’t yet mention that I love your profile picture! Is it your own art?
* Scotland has raised the idea that they leave the UK and become a Nordic country. You would be welcome!
It's nice to see another Northern European (most of my communities are very North American or other people from Britain) - and don't worry, I'm very much of the 'lets leave the UK and go be friends with our northern buddies' mindset myself. I don't actually think I recieved anything like that link, is it a new member message or something like that? I'll definitely take a look though.
As for the art, it's a piece I commissioned of my character Matthais - the artist is @virlandil over on Twitter, excellent creator. I...only had to stalk their twitter for a few months to get a slot for it <.<
With the writing restrictions, I should be more than within them then - as you say, at least as links; matching the comic's horror level is easy enough, exceeding it would be an exercise in (boring) sadism for sadism's sake. Just need to wait for AO3 to recover from whatever DDOS they've been dealing with. The whole 'violence is worse than sex' thing is pretty frustrating to watch come up - I totally understand the caution from the staff. I've administrated a community or two and it's always been a major sticking point for me to ensure the safety of minors, and compliance with platform rules.
Welcome Glass!!
Welcome again Glass! With your diverse interests you should fit right in here. And we are a far-flung community. I’m in country Australia, we have members in Brazil, the Phillipines, Japan, New Zealand and scattered across Europe, Asia, Canada and the USA.
Thanks for the welcome Moredhel - is that a Raymond E. Feist reference for the username?
I read some Feist because people asked me exactly this. I did take it from Tolkien as I suspect Feist did too.
I read some Feist because people asked me exactly this. I did take it from Tolkien as I suspect Feist did too.
Aye, no doubt he did - I tend to go with the Feist assumption purely because I've met fewer people using Sindarin than who've read his books. Though there have been vanashingly few of either I've come across.
I’ve read both. And yeah, it seems that few people have, sadly.
Feist's Magician was actually the first fantasy book I ever read and it has stuck with me and my writing ever since. So I can roundly blame him for my favourite creative activity. Kind of.
Funny how bubbles of people go, I ”know” (from web spaces at least) much more people who know Sindarin than who know Feist. Or maybe it’s just that we discuss Sindarin more :)
*waves* hello... hi...!! i've never used a forum like this before i think. sorry lol
i just finished rereading SSSS (again) and felt really down about... you know... all of the stuff with minna and her new projects. this comic means a lot to me; i found it by surprise while lonely and without friends to talk to (we were going through a really rough patch. it's fine now) and the story just clicked with me. it was there for me when i needed something to hold onto. it's very near and dear to my heart, and it's deeply upsetting to know that minna doesn't seem to see the value in something that touched so many people's lives. it honestly broke my heart, especially while reading SSSS again.
sorry to be so negative. what i'm really here to say is that, after scrolling through the comments on the final page and feeling really down, i noticed how many people were inviting other readers to the forums. i knew the forums existed, but i didn't want to join... it's scary to put yourself out there lol. but i think after reading SSSS again, a year after it ended, i changed my mind. i want to talk about this comic with other people. i want to reach out!
i know the forums are still active, at least a little. so here i am...! sorry for writing such a long damn post lol i doubt others have written nearly as much as i have. i tend to get really wordy when it's not necessary. but anyway... hi? and nice to meet all of you :')
Hello and welcome sunreaver, it's nice to meet you too!
I know for me at least and probably for quite a few others here, SSSS was in our lives through some really difficult times and meant a lot to us. While the forums aren't as active as they were at SSSS's peak, we've still got plenty of community on here and people to talk to :)
If you find yourself struggling with forum navigation or posting different things feel free to reach out to me or ask on the forum and we can help you get a hold of it.
Welcome to our Forum, sunreaver. Happy to talk about the comic or anything else. You may have noticed that the Forum ranges very widely!
Welcome, sunreaver -- and don't worry, there are posts much longer than yours on this forum! I've written some of them.
Ayo fellow newbie, similar experience of just not joining the forum until the end of things
Welcome sunreaver!!
We ain't dead yet....
Welcome, sunreaver, and a hearty second to everything everyone else has said!
This forum has meant so much to so many of us - a source of information, of support and encouragement, and of sharing. The world is larger, richer, and closer to me because of this corner of the internet!
I hope you'll enjoy your stay here!
thank you, everyone! i feel welcome here already :') i like to check back throughout the day, so you'll more than likely see me around ^__^
Hello sunreaver and welcome!
Like Glass said, he’s also new so there are some pointers I wrote for him on the page before this one. So to avoid repeating myself, I just ask you to take a look at that :)
Oh and sunreaver, you have interesting pronouns! They / them is common here, but I haven’t heard of aer! I hope you don’t mind me asking, I want to make sure I use everyone’s pronouns like people want for themselves! Is it used in some area or community?
(If you don’t feel like explaining, please just ignore)
of course, jitter! i had a feeling i should probably put a small guide somewhere.
“this morning, ae went to the park.
i went with aer.
and ae brought aer frisbee.
at least i think it was aers.
by the end of the day, ae started throwing the frisbee to aerself.”
it’s new to me, too; i’m mostly just trying them out to see how they fit…! hahaha. thank you for checking with me, i truly appreciate it! ^__^
Does ae/aer imply a particular gender (or lack-of-gender) version, or is it a gender-neutral?
welcome sunreaver
Does ae/aer imply a particular gender (or lack-of-gender) version, or is it a gender-neutral?
i think neopronouns like this can refer to any sort of gender. for me personally, it speaks to how i sort of exist outside of the gender binary (or something… trying to describe my gender is like playing 4D chess lol) but anyone can use it if they want :)
Welcome, Glass and Sunreaver! It's great to have you here!
Sunreaver, I love your little play with the pronoums on your 'signature'.
Jiwdbciuwndofubwqdiucbwdkjcn...hi, everyone! I read this comic back.. wheew fifth grade(i binged in at three a.m, i think....) so im kind of unfamiliar with it now, but since ive recently been getting into drawing backgrounds i suddenly thought of this and was like...what if i Joined The Fandom?
Anyway! My pronouns are whatever, and i can speak chinese! Hi to everyone yet again!(yes ive been here for four days and have just now figured out how to post....)
Hello noonnoommoon and welcome! As I obviously don’t know how far back was your fifth grade, I’m not sure if you know already. The comic has finished after two adventures. But we are still around!
We’d love to see your art! In the audiovisual alrt board there is the thread Forum Art Museum, which is meant for art not related to the SSSS universe and/or characters (AUs abound there as you may have already seen), as well as of course the SSSS Art Museum. In the academy board there are discussions about making art, someone might be interested in discussing about backgrounds there. And of course whether you want to post your own work or not, these and all other boards are open for discussion! Great to have you here!
welcome noonnoommoon
welcome!! noonnoommoon
noonoommoon, hello and welcome! You should certainly find plenty to interest you here in the Forum, including the reread of the comic!
There isn't very much to say about myself. I am a young "adult" from the US who enjoyed Minna Sundberg's work and wanted to discuss it here.
I don't expect to be incredibly active in the forum, as I have little to contribute (besides some pedantic commentary when it suits me).
Thank you for having me anyways.
Hello and welcome again! You never know, sometimes people surprise themselves by a newfound enthusiasm. I know I did :) Anyways, commenting on discussions is exactly the kind of contributions we hope to have :)
Here are some pointers around the forum: https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=1297.0
Again, we are happy to have you!
welcome! Unremarkabillionaire!
Unremarkabillionaire, welcome! I hope you enjoy the Forum.
Hello and welcome to our newbies!
One of the 'we're not even remotely dead yet' events happening is the run-up to the 10th Anniversary of the first post of SSSS, 1 November 2013. There are ongoing polls (round 2 of the SSSS Character Smackdown aiming to start this weekend) to determine a final boss the fandom's favourite character, and every October we run a creative challenge for daily fanworks (a la InkTober, although not just art) set to a series of prompts. It's not much of a spoiler to say that this year's prompts are based on Ten.
It's not much of a spoiler to say that this year's prompts are based on Ten.
And after that, de-ten-tion?

JoB, be careful, with all your searching you
will grow an-ten-nae on your head!
JoB, be careful, with all your searching you
will grow an-ten-nae on your head!
[is a radio amateur and (home)grows not nearly enough antennas]
Nor do I have the in-ten-tion to switch to the ten meter band (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10-meter_band). Whereas having this puntrain moved to another board sounds quite ten-ting ...
Just as long as the puns don't become
pre-ten-tious (Moi?) we should all be fine.
Hello everyone. I'm IndigoGollum, or just Indigo, and I'm currently younger ðan Trond and older ðan Kitty. I read a lot of web comics and got here after following a link in one to A Redtail's Dream. I stopped reading it after about 80 pages and started SSSS a couple weeks ago, ðen continued reading aRTD after finishing SSSS.
Hello and welcome! It's great to have you here.
Indigo Gollum, hello and welcome to the Forum! Enjoy!
welcome indigo
Hey, UnremarkableBillianaire! Welcome! I hope you have a great time in this fandom:)
[is a radio amateur and (home)grows not nearly enough antennas]
It's neat to see another amateur radio operator here! I'm not sure how the "climate" differs between our two countries, though.
I think we have at least two other persons who are into amateur radio? If I recall correctly they were in the USA and Germany?
Welcome newbies! :)
I´m glad people still find their way here! Let me just leave a fresh plate of cookies for anyone who wants some: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie: :squirrelcookie:
Hello, all. :) I read aRTD around the time it finished and I even saw the promotional art for SSSS but I didn't set any kind of reminder and it completely slipped my mind. I discovered SSSS last month and I was wondering why the art style looked so familiar... so now im regretting the fact that I didn't join this fandom back then. I'm about to re-read SSSS and pay attention to the comments this time. I hope to catch up to the Re-Read that's going on, it looks like a lot of fun. I'm an artist and am attempting to learn to write so I might make some fan works in the near future, too.
and thank you for the cookie!
Hello curiouscat and welcome! Great to have you here!
Hello and welcome, curiouscat! You sound like somebody who should fit well into our Forum. I will be interested to see how you go with your art and writing. There are nice folk here who will happily discuss all manner of things in the various threads, so I hope you find some fascinating conversations.
Hello and welcome to the forum, curiouscat!!
welcome curiouscat !
Thank you, all! I'm glad to be here :)
Good to have you here, curiouscat. See you round!
curiouscat is a Blessed Feline, no? How wonderful to have you here!
thank you! its great to be here :) I was having trouble coming up with a username until I looked at the forum logo. I don't think I'd ever make it past Grade C, though, lol
Grade C cats are still very important. They´re cats, after all! :)
Welcome, curiouscat! Please take a cookie and enjoy your stay: :squirrelcookie:
Welcome Curiouscat! You will surely find many curious things around here.
(BTW I was wondering if there is any noncuriouscat... :) Then I remembered my own, when she's in her "I don't care what happens in the World, I'm sleeping" mode :D )
I think we have at least two other persons who are into amateur radio? If I recall correctly they were in the USA and Germany?
Neat! I look forward to trying to "hit" Europe on the HF bands, but I'm currently not able to allocate enough space to antennas.
Unremarkabillionaire - my gosh I like this avatar you've chosen! Heh, pressy button hee hee...
Heh, pressy button hee hee...
"I wonder what they do ... (http://www.kick-girl.com/?comic=page-669)" ;)
Hello my name is Pom12 and I'm from NZ. I like to draw, watch anime (I somehow got beck into the hellhole that is called Hetalia oops...) and play gacha games (my current favourites are Genshin, HSR, and R1999). I found the webcomic years ago through a picture about Icelandic/Finnish mages in Pinterest but never made the connection that it came from a webcomic until recently XD
Pom12 hello and welcome! Lovely to have you here!
You will see we have a lot of artists here, go check out the visual arts and events boards! We would be delighted to see your art here too! SSSS related art goes to the SSSS Art Museum thread https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=35.0 while any other art is very welcome in the Forum Art Museum thread https://ssssforum.com/index.php?topic=33.0
You are welcome to post in any open thread, or if one doesn’t exist for a topic you’d like to discuss, open a new thread!
Hello Pom12
welcome to the forum
Welcome Pom12
Welcome Pom12! Good to see you here.
Pom 12, hello and welcome to our Forum. Hope you have fun and enjoy!
Welcome Pom12! :)
Ah, helloz! I’m Madebyevil-maybe! But you can shorten it to Evil or what ever works for you.
I have never been on a forum before so all this is very new to me. But my interest on SSSS started in 2020 with the pandemic and presently the interest has returned as a brain worm with a vengeance! So I thought I’d join here and see what happens. I hope to have a good time.
I’m a very shy creature, but I like drawing, writing stories, and making characters. I’m mostly known for my wolf AU’s because that’s my artistic subject of expertise, but I’m trying to branch out.
I have a collection of general fanart on my tumblr and an instagram under the same name.
Hi and welcome! :reynir: We are a little bit of an old-school forum but quite friendly in our own way. SSSS has hooked all of us here at some point - there's a lot to like. We are very supportive of everybody's ventures into creativity, so feel free to share.
Edit: thanks for enabling your tumblr link. I've had a lookee and can recommend this blog to anybody who wants to see nifty wolf character art!
Hello and welcome to the forum! We have fanworks from many years of the SSSS fandom's history here if you're interested in browsing ^-^ and it's always nice to see a new face
Welcome Madebyevil-maybe!!
I do hope
you have fun and enjoy the group :)
Welcome to the forum madebyevil_maybe
G’day and welcome, Evil! New folk are always welcome, and there is a lot of art and writing here to enjoy. I hope you will have fun here. I have certainly enjoyed the company, and constantly learning about new things. Lots of interesting people too, from all over the world and all kinds of cultures. Endlessly interesting.
Welcome, we are happy to have you here!
Some of you might have seen me from AO3, Buteo kindly told me about the forum.
So Here I am, mourning I only got to find SSSS after it was over.
Dunno what we are supposed to say here, so :
French Tourist, I love to go places, usually twice a year. (I do have a job too though, a boring job. Pays the bill)
Left my twenties quite some time ago, still flailing in life like a unsteady colt (or fillie?).
Adequate in English, I'm no Hemingway. Not that have ever read Hemingway.
I also know two handful words in Finnish and Japanese, clearly not enough to string a full sentence together. Just enough to know if the song is a love song and ask about the nearest food place. Kinda.
I like to take pictures, read (a lot), write (when on a streak), draw (poorly, in between two writing streaks). And good food (I'm French...)
What I don't like doesn't matter. (bad drivers!)
Hello FireNope
welcome to the forum. People here like stories and drawings and many people here do create one or the other or both.
Hello FireNope! Great to see you here!
FireNope, hello and welcome! It sounds as though you will fit right in here. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome to the forum, FireNope!
Heh. Good intro, FireNope! Buteo has impeccable taste and can be trusted with reccomendations. I tend to view the notion of 'bad art' a lot more leniently than I did as a young'un, and now follow the Mole God's precept of “make quick slapdash art of any quality, just for the heck of it” as well as attempting to make slightly less slapdash art and fic.
**Mole God comes from the Queen's Thief fandom, following the author Megan Whalen Turner's invention of the character in a tumblr post.
Thanks all for the welcome.
(I'll try not to shame Buteo then. And maybe scan a couple things I came up with.)
Hello and welcome, Firenope and Madebyevil_maybe! Hope you both make it to the Safe Zone soon!
@Yastreb (not to be a boot licker but I love your ElfQuest avatar. It is a ElfQuest avatar ? That was so long ago...)
Firenope; yes, my avatar is indeed from ElfQuest.
It’s not any ElfQuesr avatar either, it’s Cutter, the Blood of Ten Chiefs.
Ah, yet more EQ fans. Yes, I’m old enough to remember buying the paper comic from Space Age Books. Used to incorporate doing so into my monthly supply run to Melbourne, one of the few fun things in the task, and the owners would tease me about how my youngest two kids looked like Cutter and Skywise (I couldn’t help it, they really did, and do even now they are 51 and 52). Way to feel old!
Ah, yet more EQ fans. Yes, I’m old enough to remember buying the paper comic
Me too!
And haven't really followed it since; but remember it fondly.
I used to read the from the local library. It was a long time ago, then we stopped going to that library and the following tomes were lost for me.
I believe he's the wolf's tribe chief, who married a daughter of the sun-tribe, or something. I don't know their English names though (and barely remember their french ones). I left it with those two having two young kids.
I starting learning to draw with him as model. I used tracing paper to copy my models at first, I'm pretty sure I still have them somewhere.
I loved EQ!!.. I used to get to the comic shop when the new releases were going to drop. I even had a few of the books.
Alas! they were lost to moves (When i was in the military they had a weight restriction on how much they would ship, so many of my books were left when i moved onto a new assignment.)
FireNope, I'm glad to see you here! I hope you will find us good company, and will want to share some of your work here as well as on AO3.
Your method of learning to draw (tracing over existing art works) sounds like mine. Those early efforts are now long gone...
Another EQ reader here, also, from many years ago. My housemates at one time had a large collection of EQ books, and I read them all; haven't seen any of them since moving from there, mumblesomething decades ago.
Ah! Hi FireNope! I read a few of your fics on AO3 just a bit ago and enjoyed them greatly. Cool to see you here! :)
Thanks to both of you.
I will probably add some SSSS related or loosely related drawings/doodles in the forum. Since I'm only taking up a pen every once in a while, please be understanding...
Hey, I've been trying to get up the courage to post something publicly for years. The only thing I've managed so far is a filksong inspired by an SSSS fanfic (both on AO3). I'm still trying, though...
Hi everyone! I guess this isn't a proper 'introduction' but more of a 're-introduction' :)
I'm Esko Oksanen (not real name), some dude from Texas. Some of you might remember me from a decade ago when I was just some bored high school kid trying to find their 'place' online, but I don't think most will remember me and that's okay. I'm still hanging in there. I rediscovered the comic recently (along with the big change) and I felt like re-visiting the forums. I also started reading Year In Hereafter so I could get more of that Finnish webcomic fix.
Anyway, I'll be lurking as I make my way through SSSS again, probably. Nice to meet you all(again)!
(edit: I realize that I tried coming back 4 years ago at the start of the pandemic, but that was a dark time I've tried blocking out. I like to believe I'm doing better and am a better person now)
Esko Oksanen
Welcome or Welcome back. There are a few of us still around :)
Hello to every new or returning person who joined!
I haven´t been around much lately, but nice to meet you anyways! :squirrelcookie:
Hello @Esko Oksanen! I do remember seeing your nick every now and then in the threads here and possibly also in the comment section? Anyways great to meet you now!
Btw we started a re-read as a Forum thing but it sputtered out, maybe we were still too upset with All That. But the re-read thread is there, you are more than welcome to comment there during your read! Maybe you’ll inspire others as well!
Despite all the sputtering, we aren’t dead yet! You’ll find we still do art and have events (one is currently ongoing)! So, it’s great to have you back.