The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum

Creative Corner => Events Board => Topic started by: Jitter on June 04, 2021, 06:14:30 PM

Title: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 04, 2021, 06:14:30 PM
Hello all
While many of us probably anticipated the Chapter Break approaching, it did take us by surprise and we have nothing planned for the break! Luckily Minna says it will be a short one.

Nevertheless, I take liberty to issue a challenge! (Sorry, no discussion with y’all). Participate, if you want!

So the challenge: during the break (about a week long only), create a work about something that is either totally expected or completely unexpected. Or both. Such as Reynir being made to be a troll bait. Or something completely different! Up to you, if you decide to join!

As per usual, anyone is free, no, extremely welcome to participate. The work can be anything that can be relayed via Forum. We have had visual art, stories, photographs, photos of craft projects, music, poetry, recipes, cosplay, multimedia, botany lessons... But you can make something - you guessed it - unexpected! Or stick to your most comfortable form and style.

Just post your work here when it’s done. Let’s hope we get an unexpected number of works, despite the lack of warning.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 04, 2021, 06:24:34 PM
Here are links to some of the previous events:

If you don’t feel like creating something, you are welcome to participate in the discussion about the works we are expecting to to get.

Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 04, 2021, 08:36:56 PM
This is not a drill! 
I pledge to come up with... something, dunno yet?
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 05, 2021, 03:35:41 AM
Just like Wave, I pledge to present something! Maybe I'll draw  :reynir: tied at the end of a long fishline... but I guess that would be expectable  ^-^

Anyway thank you so much Jitter! An unexpected and great challenge  :) <3
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 05, 2021, 05:47:37 AM
Hey, remember when the crew got supplies dropped in, but along with the carrots and stuff they got an unexpected and generally unwelcome extra in the shipment?  Good times, good times...
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thorny on June 05, 2021, 10:07:01 AM
Oh, that took me a minute! Thanks, wavewright!

(I kind of doubt that in this case we'll wind up deciding that the unexpected shipment actually was helpful, though -- )
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 05, 2021, 10:59:40 AM
Brilliant, Wave, just brilliant! I certainly did not expect that!

I did however expect that we will get great submissions even at such short notice, and I was not disappointed!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Alkia on June 05, 2021, 03:51:56 PM
Heee Wave that's great!!!! Indeed a very unexpected moment

here's my contribution, this was quite fun to draw :):

Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Grade E cat on June 05, 2021, 04:09:29 PM
Kitty is channeling every single cat with an "owner" in the world.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 05, 2021, 05:11:24 PM
Bwahahaha Alkia!  ÕÕ Emil's eyes!  Love it
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Vulpes on June 05, 2021, 08:01:18 PM
Ah, this is great! I expected no chapter break filler, so this is very unexpected. Great contributions right off the bat.

At first I wondered why you'd re-drawn the fracas with the crate, wave, then I thought to look a little closer...  :))

Alkia, that is hilarious, especially Emil's bugging eyes. Kitty looks so smug.

Must put on my lateral thinking hat, and see what unexpectedness I can come up with.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Maglor on June 06, 2021, 03:22:30 AM
Well, I suppose I'll carry on with my story then
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 06, 2021, 04:07:29 AM
Maglor, if it’s anything like the first parts, it will certainly qualify to the prompt! Please remember the PG-13 rating, and put content warnings (violence and body horror, I expect) on top, and the work inside a spoiler, ok?

Alkia, that is great! Poor fool Emil! No one will ever believe him!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 06, 2021, 07:11:27 AM
Brilliant, Wave, brilliant and perfect!

And I want more of that Kitty, Alkia. :) "Kitty Adventures With the Fool Humans"
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: midwestmutt on June 06, 2021, 11:13:23 AM
Something expected?
Death and taxes come to mind.
Beyond those? Surprise!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 07, 2021, 04:37:17 AM

Not unexpected,
death and taxes come to all,
sometimes hand-in-hand.

Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thorny on June 07, 2021, 10:02:19 AM
Sometimes hand-in-hand;
and if sometimes hand-to-hand
still we're together.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Groupoid on June 07, 2021, 10:44:20 AM
Still we are together,
no matter what the weather,
a fish will never fly.

Spoiler: Some silly sketch (Ba-dum-tss) • show

Emil regains consciousness and finds himself shackled to a wall. Through the darkness, interrupted only by a few lightbeams from barred window, he notices Sigrun to his left and Lalli to his right. Shackled as well. He tried to call out to them, but he only managed to cough.
He tried to remember how they got here, but he got interrupted by voices coming from behind a barred door across the room. “Are you ready?” a loud and uneven voice. “...” some murmur answered. Red robes appeared behind the door. “Ah, I see. One has woken up”, said the uneven voice, a man with an enormously broad hat. Also red. ‘Should he have tried pretending to sleep?’ Emil asked himself. Anyway, they were coming in.

“Now young man! You are accused of heresy on three counts! Heresy by Thought, Heresy by Word, Heresy by Deed and Heresy by Action. Four counts. Do you confess?” ...


A few hours earlier, in the ruins of some abandoned building. The team looking for something or other.

Tuuri finds something: “Well, I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition in Finland.” Men in red jump in through the doors and broken windows. “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Apprehend them!”
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: midwestmutt on June 07, 2021, 12:19:55 PM
If fish never fly.
Then why are there flying fish?
Secrets from the deep.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 07, 2021, 05:53:01 PM
Moment of repose
Fly fishing for flying fish
Pop! Alas, no fish.

(loving the haiku chain)

Spoiler: bwahahaha • show
Don't forget the Comfy Chair!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 07, 2021, 06:06:44 PM
The jetty now gone
The time to chat cut too short
At least there is cake
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: muidole on June 07, 2021, 10:24:36 PM
Back to waking world
Painful boredom is the worst
Surprise visitor

Spoiler: Just in case I misunderstood • show
I apologize, if I got the reference wrong.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 08, 2021, 04:45:00 AM
Now I'm fat and short??!
My mortal enemy's here!?
This is a nightmare.
I've never been here.
Emil's here but he's a kid?
I understand him!
Oh, this memory.
Grandma, and me, and... what now?
You two? This is new.

Ja, no nature references, just the number of syllables is vaguely haiku-ish, forgive me.
Spoiler: show
Nope, muidole, you're perfect. There is no set structure going on here, we're all just riffing off each other.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: muidole on June 08, 2021, 05:36:09 AM
Two week quarantine
Blink for a two week time skip
Let's look at the town

Hilja has a bag
Why did Ensi look at her?
Ensi's probs possessed

Time to reminisce
Cool old boat from the prologue
Ooh, cat scratching tree!

Spoiler: show
Ah ok, good to know. Thanks!  ;D
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 08, 2021, 08:49:46 AM
I'm also loving the haiku chain!

And here's my (un?)expected contribution! :)

( (
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 08, 2021, 09:23:47 AM
Grey! 😆 Are they fishing for the thing there was a specific warning sign against at the Lehto? Wasn’t there also a specific prohibition of fishing with explosives? Is someone going to be in trouble? (Besides the obvious trouble this most best plan will put them in)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: midwestmutt on June 08, 2021, 09:41:49 AM
We don't sweat the rules.
Taking Haiku 101.
Here at Haiku U.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 08, 2021, 10:27:34 AM

The Hotakainens were in the sauna. Emil was visibly excited about something. “C’mon Lalli, we can tell him! He’s practically part of our family too!” Lalli remained silent, looking parts quietly pleased and smug.

“Tell me what?!” Onni demanded. He didn’t mean to! But somehow everything came out tersely, especially when talking to Emil. Lalli merely shrugged at the other two men looking at him expectantly. With no answer forthcoming from his cousin, Onni turned to the Swede. “What is it?” a little less commanding now, good.

Emil glanced at Lalli, who shrugged again, “Suit yourself”.

“Ok, yeah” Emil gushed, “guess what, Onni! We are expecting!”

Onni was confused. Emil was clearly expecting a reaction, probably a happy one, but he hadn’t given any information yet! Surely his Finnish was better than this already? When no further hints besides excited hovering materialized, Onni had to ask. “Expecting for what?”

“Expecting! You know!” Emil was waving his hands now. “Baby! We are having a baby!”

Onni spluttered. “A... baby? You?” Emil looked besides himself with joy, and Lalli retained his pleased expression, blended with unmistakable fondness when he was waiting for his husband to carry on with the conversation he’d started. Emil really does him good, Onni thought fleetingly, before returning to the problem at hand. “Emil, in Finnish “expecting a baby” is used when someone is pregnant and will give birth, not when you are waiting to adopt...”

“I know! We are having a baby!” Emil was starting to get confused now.

“But, Emil, you...”, Onni was indicating towards both boys,  “you can’t”.

Emil’s face fell. “Why not? Is there a problem? A custom I don’t know about?” Emil turned to Lalli now. “Help me out!”

Lalli, clearly amused now, just responded “You wanted to talk, you talk” and wrapped his arms around his knees, apparently concentrating in the löyly.

So, Emil had no other recourse and turned back to Onni.
“Onni, please, explain to me what is the problem? What do we need to do? I will... we will do whatever is necessary for the baby”

Onni knew Emil’s schooling hadn’t been very long or successful, but certainly he knew? He had to know about babies. Right? Seething at both boys for putting him into this situation, he started awkwardly. “See, Emil, you are boys...two men cannot...”

Suddenly the penny dropped for Emil. “Oh! No, it’s Inka who’s pregnant! And Rakel will of course be a mum too! We are the dads! We...”

Onni hurried to cut this vein of the conversation short. “Please Emil, no details!” Really, didn’t the Swedes have any notion about privacy? Onni had noticed that the two couples sharing the larger Hotakainen house were close, but he certainly hadn’t seen this coming. “So... I... I have always thought you... and the girls... and... ” He gave up. It was what it was, and they all seemed happy. ”So, anyways, congratulations. I guess.”

“Isn’t it wonderful news?” Emil was bubbling again. “We would like to tell everyone!” Upon a sharp nudge from Lalli, he corrected himself,  ”I would like to tell everyone! But the girls asked me not to, not yet. Inka and Lalli can tell the baby is ok now, but you know how it is...” Even villages with noitas lost many babies, and occasionally mothers too. “And just think! You will be its uncle! Uncle Onni!”

Onni grunted and wrapped his arms around his knees just like his cousin. “I guess I can do that. Let’s bathe now.” He threw a large spoonful of water on the kiuas, resulting in all of the men grouching down to enjoy the hot löyly. That way the silly Swede didn’t see the wide smile on the face of Uncle Onni.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Róisín on June 08, 2021, 11:45:52 AM
Oh, that is a lovely story.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 08, 2021, 12:31:19 PM
Amazing story, Jitter! Amazing! Oh, too see uncle Onni with a large, happy smile!  :)

Nice haiku, midwestmutt. I've never thought before on using numbers!

You know, Jitter, I didn't recall the warning sign, or the one about the explosives, until you mentioned it!  ;D Yes, the beast looks a lot like that, but since this is Sigrun's drawing we can assume that she just remembered it from the Lehto, or it's just a coincidence. I suppose they aren't anywhere near the Lehto, because there were no fishing villages, or high cliffs, near that area. So they wouldn't have problems with Mieliki, which is good since they seem to have already a good amout of trouble waiting for them.  ;D (seriously, what could go wrong?)

BTW that's my first try with the SSSS font! It looks really good. Will be great for edits! Also I loved to draw the team XKCD style!   
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Groupoid on June 08, 2021, 01:20:29 PM
Well, that was unexpected.  ;D Such delightful works.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 08, 2021, 01:29:34 PM
Thanks guys :)

Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: JoB on June 08, 2021, 07:30:16 PM
OK, let's try this, approaching the nick of time ...

Spoiler, for length: show

Vacations Up North


How long had they been sitting there? Five hours, seven? Nobody dared to move from his place or say a word, not with Surma hunched right around the corner. The sun had set, shining across their knees as it lowered, and the darkness that followed had imprisoned each of them with nothing but his own mental horrors for company. Mikkel on her left, close enough to the monster to see it if he turned his head and bowed a bit to the left and around the corner. On her other side ... well, she had called Emil her "right-hand warrior" on more than one occasion. But fighting was not an option right now. Nothing was ... no, wait. She wasn't allowed to think that. Finding an option, any viable course of action, was her job. A shitty job, but someone's gotta do it ... Light? Was it dusk already? At least it would crack open their prisons ...


Light. A bit of light, getting slowly stronger, intruding into the haze he was caught in. Revealing ... a cellar, water dripping from the ceiling. He never knew why he would always come to here, how he even got there. He did not belong here, though. He belonged ... elsewhere ... up? Better get going, then.


Yup, it's the morning. We can see again, give each other a quick nod, but when Mikkel took a quick peek around the corner, he turned back slowly and slowly shook his head. It seems that Surma is still with us, the guardian of our prison, keeping us locked in place while everyone outside happily continued their normal lives. Like the birds I can hear singing as if there's nothing wrong in the world, much less just a couple meters away ...

... wait. Singing birds? And Surma doesn't even twitch? Apparently it's not triggered as easily as we feared ...

"Mikkel," she whispered. Emil narrowly avoided jumping to his feet, but luckily he was seated away from Surma. Mikkel was too phlegmatic to jerk, but as he turned towards her, his eyes showed that he believed his last moment had come. "Singing birds," she added with a nod towards the empty window frames, still limiting her words, listening whether they would nonetheless cause Surma to stir.

Her two companions did not need any words at all to tell her that they understood her idea. With beaming faces, they leaned closer.


Up. More light. More thoughts. Where was he going? A room. What room?

MY roOm. I hAve a Room heRe. I nEeD tO gEt theRe.

... wHy DO i nEed To?


"So we can talk about plans. Ideas?"
"I don't think that we can afford Surma seeing us move. Ever."
"It's just around that corner, though ..."
"Yes. So we're still stuck until it gets out of here."
"It doesn't want to, apparently."
"Can we make it go?"
"Shouting 'shoo' is right out."
"It needs to be lured out of here."
"Väinö said it's attracted to sharp noises."
"... Emil, you didn't set up a remote controlled charge outside, by chance?"
"I don't have an RC. Nobody ever gave me one. And no, no charge without one, either."


LEfT. mY roOM Is to ... nO. TO tHe rIGht.

He could now clearly remember the cellar. The place he woke up in. Every morning, for ... gods, how long? But he could not remember what his room looked like. His room. How could it be "his room" when he could not remember it? How can you forget your home?

my hOme ... iS a hoUse. "mY RoOm" Is noT My hoMe. hoW ... ?

i'm In a hOteL. yOu haVE "A rOOm" aT a hoTEl. yoU gO to A HOteL ... oN A vaCatIon.

The answer suddenly popped up in his mind. He was far away from his home. For the first time in an eternity, he had taken a vacation ... to go skiing. Skiing is done in winter. He had to work in winter. He had booked two weeks at a ski resort way up North, so that he could be back for his job before winter truly started back at home. His job. He must be way overdue to get back to it, and he needed his equipment for that. Which was in his room. He had brought it on his vacation, masses of red tape be damned, so that he would be able to pop out of the plane home and get to work instantly.

I haVe tO go To my roOm tO gEt my eQUipmEnt anD stARt wOrkInG. I am nEedeD.

... but if he was needed so urgently, why has he been away from his room for so long that he could barely remember what it looked like?


"So ... no way to have a diversion?"
"None that I can think of."
"The others could maybe create one?"
"They cannot know of Surma being here, and would have come to look for us by now if they could."
"... at which point Surma would have killed us all, I suppose."
"Not. Interested. Right. Now."
"When will it move on its own?"
"No idea. Maybe never, unless prompted."
"It does get prompted by other grosslings as well, though ..."
"When they get stirred by whoever ... and definitely not while it's still light out ..."


Empty. The corridors he walked were empty.

He now had an idea why it had been so long since he had been to his room. Every morning he came to in in a wet cellar. Every morning he started to ... walk ... towards his room. Every morning, he would run into ... other guests ... on the corridors, and get distracted in one way or another, never actually getting to his room.

Today, the corridors were empty. Something must have caused all the other guests to be ... elsewhere.

There. His room. His equipment. He would be back on the job today. He was needed.


"So ... ?"
"Nope. Still no idea."
"Maybe there's a bit of ancient ammo that'll just happen ..."
"No. Quit dreaming."


He was not at home. He did not have transport, a helicopter, like he usually would. It did not matter, he was at a mountain ridge, and knew ski slopes to be downhill from him. He had his equipment. He was back on the job.

The light was so bright now that he had trouble seeing, though. He couldn't see the snow around - matter of fact, the landscape looked outright green. But it was winter, wasn't it? And in winter, there was snow. Always. And he was always needed to be on the job then. Skiing regions need proper avalanche control (
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 08, 2021, 09:58:59 PM
We don't sweat the rules.
Taking Haiku 101.
Here at Haiku U.

JoB, your story is excellent.  Poor Anderl has no clue that it's summer, which I guess is good news for our crew.

grey, a 'most best' plan indeed, at least from Sigrun's & Emil's POV.  (I could quibble with the spelling of 'Pipsqueak'? Nah, funnier this way)

And Jitter, that actually happened to me!  A coworker once screwed up his courage to tell me that he was going to ...a Pride Parade.  I responded with something like, 'oh, cool, that'll be fun' but he was so clearly relieved that his face broke into a wide grin and he blurted out, "I'm going to be a dad!"
Cue a very puzzled ww sputtering & doing mental gymnastics to figure out how those two sentences fit together.
In my defense, it was the 80s and adoptions by gay couples were a very new concept, even in California.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: catbirds on June 09, 2021, 01:29:36 AM
Very neat chapter break content for an unexpected and sudden chapter break!

I've never seen a haiku chain before :) It's fun to imagine what you're all describing!

Grey, I love your use of the font! Amazing how much it contributes to the feeling of this being a conversation they would actually have. And with a plan and diagram Sigrun would create!

Jitter, this story is so cute... yay, I hope Emil and Lalli figure out parenting soon! I love the mental image of a sauna being the location for such important conversations like this.

JoB, interesting take on the idea of a vacation up north. I'm sure Sigrun, Emil, and Mikkel are enjoying their stay in the hotel room with the extra guest. Can't help but feel bad for Anderl, though! He's all confused :(

And Jitter, that actually happened to me!  A coworker once screwed up his courage to tell me that he was going to ...a Pride Parade.  I responded with something like, 'oh, cool, that'll be fun' but he was so clearly relieved that his face broke into a wide grin and he blurted out, "I'm going to be a dad!"
Cue a very puzzled ww sputtering & doing mental gymnastics to figure out how those two sentences fit together.
In my defense, it was the 80s and adoptions by gay couples were a very new concept, even in California.

I know very few adults IRL, and fewer yet who acknowledge the existence of gay people. It's always nice to hear of happy interactions like this, especially from so many years ago :)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 09, 2021, 03:41:27 AM
Catbirds, it would definitely take place in the sauna! Or possibly while cooling down in the porch between rounds of löyly. Perhaps the latter would be even more natural, but Uncle Onni needed the heat :)

There is a snippet of the baby being born already, but nothing on their family life since. And she’s mentioned in a snip decades later. What lies in between hasn’t come ro me yet. I’m sure there is something unexpected along the ride!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 09, 2021, 05:30:11 AM
Wave, that was an interesting conversation, no doubt! Did him adopt the child indeed? And sorry for the mistake. I knew that I should check, but was in a hurry to finish it...

catbirds, yes, the font looks really fine. Almost as if it was part of the story. Almost because I'm not even close to Minna's talent... but we do what we can. :)

JoB, another fine story! I hope it becomes a habit! :) Now I would love to know what happens next!

(BTW couldn't Emil just throw one of his charges through the very large window Surma broke to enter? It wouldn't make much noise as it flew across the room.)

Jitter, I think I already said that: You will end having a full story of Emil and Lalli's family. :) At some point it will be a matter of putting all parts together.

Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 09, 2021, 06:36:13 AM
Grey, yeah, maybe it will :) The distant future snip where she's mentioned is actually part of the Spirit House, so clearly the Spirit House and Toivosaari timelines are interconnected.

The story I started to write when All This happened, and part of which became the Woodland Sounds bit for the break before this one, seems to be related to both timelines. Hopefully I manage to get back to it at some point.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: JoB on June 09, 2021, 08:47:35 AM
Now I would love to know what happens next!
Well, Anderl ( job is to set off explosive charges to trigger avalanches, so ...

(BTW couldn't Emil just throw one of his charges through the very large window Surma broke to enter? It wouldn't make much noise as it flew across the room.)
Certainly, but it would be very much visible to Surma and the songbirds have not yet graciously provided a mating dance on the windowsill to demonstrate that that's a safe thing to do, too. (Also, I guess it wouldn't lure Surma far enough away from Sigruns group to be completely out of sight, even if Surma does not return to the same corner to get out of the sunlight.)

Spoiler: show

In all seriousness, if there's something making it unmistakably clear that we're fully in the Fictional Realm of Fiction™ here, it's the premise that pre-Rash Anderl could cut through enough red tape in a lifetime to carry his "equipment" along on a "vacation" in Finland. And I'm pretty sure that the Alps aren't the Lair of Snowmocles ( where avalanche controllsonnel can never take a single day off to do some skiing themselves, either. ;)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Vulpes on June 09, 2021, 04:00:45 PM
(BTW couldn't Emil just throw one of his charges through the very large window Surma broke to enter? It wouldn't make much noise as it flew across the room.)

Oh come now... this is Emil we're talking about here!  ;D  You know he'd fluff it somehow, and the charge would go off too soon.  :))
(Which would be expected/unexpected itself, and could be funny to boot.)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: madumb on June 09, 2021, 04:12:10 PM
A little break cannot break such creative spirits. Eh!

Hey, remember when the crew got supplies dropped in, but along with the carrots and stuff they got an unexpected and generally unwelcome extra in the shipment?  Good times, good times...
One big rabbit who's going to eat all this wast--carrots, and then it'll get FAT and we'll EAT IT.
That, or the shorter one.

here's my contribution, this was quite fun to draw :)
Kitty proving far too smart and valuable a member, by now that'd be Emil alright?

Men in red jump in through the doors and broken windows. “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Apprehend them!”
Never going heretic-hunting without my red shirt. Matter of dignity. Even monsters seem keen on that color

And here's my (un?)expected contribution! :)
and with such big mouths monsters ought to have good taste.

OK, let's try this, approaching the nick of time ...
How cute. Babies and lulling monsters and focus on NO POTTY BREAK ALLOWED need tiiiiime.

Me also very impressed by poetry and versed jokes. Counting my own two feet already feel like a challenge.

Marker my two four cents anyway.
Spoiler: show

Have a break, have a kitty-cat?

Ugh, been too long I used BBcode. Uploading pictures. Fail. edit : fixed.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 09, 2021, 04:37:21 PM
Not sure if it fits with the theme but here anyway.


Just some silly nonsense I thought up.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 09, 2021, 05:17:01 PM
I love both of these!  Prime Emil content on them both.   :emil: :emil: :emil: Heeee

Spoiler: sharing from tumblr • show
I use Tumblr as a source sometimes.  From my phone, I can only share the post as you have, but on desktop, I can right-click on the image and 'copy image address', then use the Mona Lisa tool to display it in the post.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 10, 2021, 10:39:50 AM

The patients remain unconscious. The rash is spreading rapidly, now covering most of the upper torso as well as shoulders and face on all of the patients. No organ failure is discernible and brain activity appears normal, yet they all completely remain unresponsive.

Dr. Santos wanted to try music. Sometimes patients with degenerative conditions respond to music long after speech is gone. Varying degrees of change were visible in the brain waves, indicating the patients' hearing remains. Perhaps this is a step forward?

The music appears to be useless. We still register them hearing, but no response. Patients D and H have stopped coughing and are breathing normally, with no fever. We hope they are improving.

Patient D suffered massive multiple organ failure and perished at 04:53 this morning. None of the readings hints to any reason for this. Patients A and B appear to be improving. The cough and vomiting have stopped as well as the spread of the rash. We keep playing the music for them.

The rash is still intensifying on patient G. It now covers all of her skin from the waist upwards, and is starting to spread onto the legs. It must be painful for her to breathe now. For the remaining patients, the spread is stopped. A, B and E appear to be on the mend, having been cough-free for a couple of days now. A seems to react specifically to certain songs! Hopefully we well soon see some functionality returning.

A, B and K died of multiple organ failure. We still have no idea what this is. Patient G is clearly responding to the music.

We have administered the anti-retroviral for a full week now. Patients E and F remain cough-free and appear to be improving. G has brain waves resembling a sleeping person, but we cannot wake her up.

Patient H died. That makes seven. We still can't tell what causes the devastating multi-organ failure. Not knowing the cause means we cannot help.

G is definitely mending. She is trying to open her mouth, although the rash makes it difficult. Her entire face is badly swollen. Dammit this coat is itchy today!

Patient G is struggling in her bed and trying to open her mouth. I'm not sure anymore that she's improving. I wonder if they have changed the detergent to something I'm allergic to.

Patient G is the only remaining patient. Her vitals are getting stronger and brainwaves more active. She is clearly trying to move her mouth. I intend to check her face to see if I could alleviate any discomfort. Although with that swelling I doubt it.

Nurse, please hold her forehead while I try to pry open OH MY GOD What is that! Arghrrlssssssslllssssssdsd
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 10, 2021, 11:23:32 AM
I wonder if they have changed the detergent to something I'm allergic to.
Nope. That's just your imagination. The voices in your head are just your imagination too. Now go hug your family, tuck your kids into bed and go to a pub with your friends.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 10, 2021, 08:18:57 PM
Another amazing (and also terrifying) story, Jitter!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Mirasol on June 12, 2021, 10:35:25 AM
How did I miss that this was going on??? Well, I have caught up now, and wow, there´s some really great things here! XoX

Wave, I did not see that coming indeed. :'D A true unexpected passenger!

Bwahaha, Alkia, your little comic is hilarious! (Yes, we absolutely need more of the adventures of Kitty and her human fools.)

And what a wonderful Haiku-chain! It´s really nice to see how you improvise on top of the previous work!

Grupoid, your sketch got a good laugh out of me too! (At this point the Spanish Inquisition is so unexpected that it really should be expected... :'D)

Grey, yes, a very much most-best plan! There is nothing standing in the way of our crew´s way to glory! The font does work really well with it too.

Aww, Jitter, your first story is adorable! I also love that you keep expanding your timelines! The second one is indeed terrifying, but very cool to hear about the original patients! :o

And yay, JoB, nice to see you writing another fanfiction, I really like your way of storytelling! And a nice possible continuation for the actual story!

madumb, talk about unexpected... :'D  And their facial expressions are priceless!

Opaque, hehe, the wonders of television-effects... This is very on-brand for Emil! :'D

I would love to contribute something, but I´m afraid I´ve got nothing right now... But at least I got to see your amazing contributions!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: catbirds on June 13, 2021, 01:39:55 AM
Opaque, that page makes me wonder if people in Y90 would have gone through a period of Rediscovering Ancient Texts and thinking fantasy creatures were real. It was definitely a phenomenon at some point in the past, so why not again?

Jitter, uhhh... *shudders* that last bit sounds wayyyy too much like some restaurant reviews I saw floating around on twitter about the current pandemic... And yes, your story is terrifying! :)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 13, 2021, 10:00:43 AM
Glad you liked my silly drawing. And with Emil's education status of course he wouldn't know any better. If it was something like Pokemon then of course he'd figured it out but live action TV shows? Some shows have too good of effects and definently would get confused with real life.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 13, 2021, 12:11:08 PM
Glad you liked my silly drawing. And with Emil's education status of course he wouldn't know any better. If it was something like Pokemon then of course he'd figured it out but live action TV shows? Some shows have too good of effects and definently would get confused with real life.
I love your story, Opaque. :) I'm sure many thing in shows could very well become stuff of legends, being hard to tell what was real from fiction, like people from the old times having spaceships and going to other worlds (Star Trek), riding dragons to fight (GoT), facing vampires (too many references, insert the one you love most here).
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 13, 2021, 12:36:55 PM
Hehe Thanks! I'm now imagining someone passing off episodes of The Walking Dead or Stranger Things as historical facts.
Oh! I have a D&D monster manual. I wonder how year 90 people would react to it since a lot of monsters in there kinda look like trolls.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 13, 2021, 02:56:06 PM
Hehe Thanks! I'm now imagining someone passing off episodes of The Walking Dead or Stranger Things as historical facts.
Oh! I have a D&D monster manual. I wonder how year 90 people would react to it since a lot of monsters in there kinda look like trolls.
"And here, class, is one of our most valuable findings. This document is proof that trolls existed many years before the rash, confirming the numerous references we could recover from the scraps of the so called Internet"

"Many are also prone to speculate if that person - the owner of the book - being called Opaque can be considered as a confirmation of technologies that made people invisible, previously found on ancient movies."
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: madumb on June 13, 2021, 03:20:30 PM
Glad you liked my silly drawing. And with Emil's education status of course he wouldn't know any better. If it was something like Pokemon then of course he'd figured it out but live action TV shows? Some shows have too good of effects and definently would get confused with real life.
Somehow I can picture Emil being all smug: "Of course I know about these! They were called Hobbits!!"

20.11. Nurse, please hold her forehead while I try to pry open OH MY GOD What is that! Arghrrlssssssslllssssssdsd
How lovely, there was a surprise inside *shy*

"And here, class, is one of our most valuable findings. This document is proof that trolls existed many years before the rash, confirming the numerous references we could recover from the scraps of the so called Internet"

"Many are also prone to speculate if that person - the owner of the book - being called Opaque can be considered as a confirmation of technologies that made people invisible, previously found on ancient movies."
And that's how children we came to learn long ago Trolls used to prosper under bridges and over previously mentioned "Internet".

I love both of these!  Prime Emil content on them both.   :emil: :emil: :emil: Heeee

Spoiler: sharing from tumblr • show
I use Tumblr as a source sometimes.  From my phone, I can only share the post as you have, but on desktop, I can right-click on the image and 'copy image address', then use the Mona Lisa tool to display it in the post.

Oooh I can see that now. Thank you for the tip, fixed it.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 13, 2021, 03:47:42 PM
*Grabs some Quantum Stealth invisible fabric.* Why yes! I can, in fact, turn invisible. Now trolls won't be able to find me.

Hehe, Madumb. Emil would be all smug about that.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: JoB on June 13, 2021, 04:11:19 PM
I'm sure many thing in shows could very well become stuff of legends, being hard to tell what was real from fiction, like people from the old times having spaceships and going to other worlds (Star Trek), riding dragons to fight (GoT), ...
... naaaahh. If even the dragons notice ( the continuity issues ... ;)

... so, y'all want to hear about the (most (worst)) unexpected in the SSSSverse!?

Spoiler - glad to serve: show

The (Re)Invention

"Glad to see you, Sir. I have to say, it took a lot of convincing to finally get a chance to present things to the directorate level."
"Well, that shouldn't be surprising, is it? When one of the folks working in R&D suddenly comes up with a proposal that outright defies science as we know it, in spite of being a noted scientist himself, a lot of people will insist on personally checking it out before openly supporting it. And checking out it did, as a boatload of people assured the board. So ... here we are."
"... for another demonstration, I suppose?"
"Eventually. For a start, I would like to discuss some of the ... limits there supposedly are with you. You see, it's a globalized world, and when a company - even a not-quite-global one like ours - gets the once-in-a-lifetime chance to jumpstart an entirely new class of services, it wants to make very sure that any market we consider 'nonviable' is indeed that, rather than the foothold that a competitor can use to end our very much unintended monopoly ..."
"Ah, that topic - yes, I've already been told that that'll be someting that won't sit well with the mercantile POV. But I'm afraid it can't be helped. We did try with all the people we had that do not share our cultural background, whether they satisfied the other formal requirements or not, but to no avail. I don't see a way to address more than a handful nations with this discovery, not to even think about transcontinental campaigns. Quite frankly, we lowered the bar on those candidates to the point that I'm surprised that we were able to still keep everything a secret."
"I'm not. As I said, it defies science as we know it, and the point is that the failing candidates do not hold the beliefs that seem to 'explain' the results in the first place. I'm convinced that they themselves, if they ever told the story to some peers in a bar, would have called your attempts completely delusional. However, once we've gone public, reports by customers will tell them quite clearly that we weren't."
"... and why is that, apparently, worrying you in spite of being a restriction imposed on us externally ... ?"
"Think about it. We're going to start selling an outright game changer, and simultaneously say that it will never, cannot ever, be available to anyone who doesn't share our specific culture. The rest of the world will think that we built a racist limitation right into the product, in spite of such an approach being utterly nonsensical for a profit-oriented organization like ours."
A minute of silence ensued while the technician pondered whether he might have an answer to this entirely non-technical question. Then he spoke up again.
"You see, Sir, while I wouldn't dream of calling it proper scientific reasoning, we do have ... I suppose you would call it a 'narrative' ... suggesting why our discoveries even exist, and why they are limited in such a way, and how that's not our doing. We could advertise this along with the products themselves, to deflect the blame you fear."
"Telling the world that magic is now ours, and ours alone, because our gods happen to be the ones who can and do gift it to their followers, and nobody else? We can prove that the 'magic' works, but we cannot prove this narrative, and it does effectively tell everyone else 'sorry, but your gods are lame'. They won't like that spin, either. And I don't want to even think about the possibility that if our ancient gods are real, theirs could be as well and ... dislike our statements in ... ways as novel as our 'magic'."
"Eh, even if there are actual gods behind it all, what do you expect them to do about it, against the intents of ours? Send a zombie apocalypse our way?"
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Groupoid on June 13, 2021, 04:34:52 PM
Yay for another story by JoB. Didn’t see that ending coming, and I think I understand what sequence of events you imply.  ;)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 14, 2021, 03:55:20 PM
Another good one, JoB!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 15, 2021, 07:48:28 PM
Great story, JoB! Messing with gods is known to be very dangerous...

And here goes a (very) small contribution for this break that's almost over:

Our brave heroes stand!
Will the raging magic storm
bring dream, or nightmare?
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: muidole on June 15, 2021, 09:51:37 PM
Fly, little bird, fly
Brave the storm of poor lost souls
Go and save grandma
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Mirasol on June 16, 2021, 08:14:26 AM
Another very nice story, JoB! Truly unexpected! :'D

And two very nice Haiku´s too, Grey and muidole!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: midwestmutt on June 16, 2021, 10:19:46 AM
Reynir smiles at fate.
Oblivious to the storm.
Willing to be bait.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 16, 2021, 01:55:18 PM
(That's excellent, midwestmutt!)

Willing to be bait,
to risk and, always, to help.
Walking on water.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 16, 2021, 04:15:00 PM
Walking on water
Who knows what role he will play
Unexpected boy

(Great haikus all!)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 16, 2021, 05:15:05 PM
So many great haikus!
Each one working off the previous one is really wonderful.  :reynir:
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: JoB on June 16, 2021, 05:31:25 PM
Hailstorm of haiku
End of break, so expected
New plot stirs unseen
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: wavewright62 on June 16, 2021, 06:09:51 PM
New plot stirs unseen
even though it will involve
all those creepy eyes
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 16, 2021, 09:33:19 PM
All those creepy eyes
cover this cave of lost souls
Hear me, grandmother?

Hear your granddaughter
calls, in this cave of lost souls
Open your eyes for me!

Open your eyes, wake up,
for we came to brake your chains
Awake, fight, be free!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 17, 2021, 09:51:45 AM
Awake, fight, be free!
Break the bonds of a decade
Breathe: fresh air again
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Mirasol on June 17, 2021, 11:03:46 AM
The Haikus are getting greater by the minute! (Also suggestion from a very untalented poet but avid reader of poetry: we might need a Haiku-chain-thread! This seems fun, and if you want to keep it up after the break ends, maybe there should be a place dedicated to it. :) Only if you want to of course.)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Róisín on June 17, 2021, 11:41:42 AM
Mirasol, that sounds like an excellent idea!
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Opaque on June 17, 2021, 12:34:07 PM
Agreed. A haiku chain thread would be fun to read. This needs to happen.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: catbirds on June 17, 2021, 12:37:09 PM
Yeah, I also like your idea, Mirasol! It might end up like poetic broken telephone, considering the ambiguity of most haikus.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: thegreyarea on June 17, 2021, 03:12:34 PM
Yeah, I also like your idea, Mirasol! It might end up like poetic broken telephone, considering the ambiguity of most haikus.
But can also be very fun, for the same reason! ;)
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Jitter on June 17, 2021, 04:51:21 PM
Silly verse flowing
State your wish and it will be
Haiku chain is here
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Vulpes on June 17, 2021, 07:26:28 PM
I've been pretty busy, never did contribute to this thread, and now the break is over already! Wonderful contributions, all, and now I'm off to the haiku chain to see what wonders you have wrought. Or wrote. I doubt I have the mental energy to contribute, but I'm looking forward to enjoying your collective cleverness.
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Annuil on June 20, 2021, 07:06:52 PM
Seconding Vulpes! Terribly sorry, never got to the point of contributing (got a busy beginning of summer). But you guys did an amazing job of keeping it all going! Great job you all!  XoX :haw:
Title: Re: Emergency Chapter Break Challenge - Expected / Unexpected
Post by: Róisín on June 21, 2021, 12:14:17 AM
What Annuil said! I also missed this time, but loved everyone’s work!