The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum

Creative Corner => Events Board => Topic started by: wavewright62 on November 30, 2020, 02:52:44 AM

Title: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on November 30, 2020, 02:52:44 AM
The SSSS / ARtD / CoH Fan-Forum Advent Calendar 2020
8 ( ( ( ( ( (
14 ( ( ( ( ( (
21 ( ( ( ( ( (
5 ( ( ( ( ( (

25 (

It has become an annual tradition here on the Forum to construct an Advent Calendar of fanworks in various media, based on Minna Sundberg's webcomics A Redtail's Dream and Stand Still Stay Silent, and her game development in progress City of Hunger.  Perhaps we'll even see a submission for the so-far-nameless short comic with fluffy bunnies, that has only just been announced and is being developed as this calendar is being prepared? 
Each day from 1 through 24 December, a new fanwork treat will be added to this thread, with the grid above becoming live with links to the post as the month progresses.  Many of our finest artists and writers are preparing works for our delight, with many focusing on a festive theme.
The (general) target time to reveal each new work will be in the wee hours of Official Fan Forum time.

:squirrelcookie: :sigrun: :mikkel: :reynir: :emil: :tuuri: :lalli: :onni:  :squirrelcookie:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 01, 2020, 12:08:39 AM
Spoiler: open the door • show

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:  Let's get this party started!   :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
We kick off this year's calendar with a contribution from your ever-humble moderator wavewright62.  I often enjoy the dose of the warm fuzzies we often get at this time of year, don't you?
Spoiler: warm fuzzies galore • show

Like many years, I like to ease into the season and post a more general fanwork. This year, I'm inspired by Kitty's training as a Grade B cat, where she learnt to 'properly' inform humans of the presence of simulated trolls.  (She is apparently not the only one who still requires snacks.)

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 01, 2020, 05:51:07 AM
Is that Simon's cat in the background? Nice! (by the way, I sent you that thing you needed)


Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Alkia on December 01, 2020, 07:14:16 AM
caAATs!!!! Thats certainly a lot of warm, occasionally scratch-y, fuzzies in that picture  ;D. I love the pose of the guy doing the training!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 01, 2020, 11:47:16 AM
Haha, what a scene... and a brilliant cameo by Simon's cat!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 01, 2020, 01:35:22 PM
So many pretty kitties!!!  XoX XoX XoX Lovely drawing wave!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 01, 2020, 02:25:57 PM
Happy Beginning of December, everyone!
Sadly, I cannot see your picture, Wave... :onni:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 01, 2020, 02:35:44 PM
Awww, adorable kitties, Wave! The poor trainer, though... :'D And I really enjoyed the Simon´s cat-cameo too!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 01, 2020, 02:53:54 PM
The cat trainer commented on Kitty's unfortunate tendency to ask for snacks after an exercise, and instead of showing Kitty asking for them like Simon's Cat (as she was in the first draft), I just included the actual Simon's Cat.
I am going to have figure something out for you, Annuil.... I sequester *all* of the calendar images onto my imgur.  Does anybody have ideas what Annuil can do to her settings?

Edit: I've uploaded the picture onto my tumblr, which I know you *can* see, so here it is under the spoiler:
Spoiler: kitty training • show

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 01, 2020, 05:31:09 PM
Oooh! Thank you, wave, that is so great! I’ve actually never seen your drawings colored and it looks awesome! Nice one! ;D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 01, 2020, 07:50:18 PM
What a way to kick off the advent calendar, Wave! Those cats definitely made me laugh.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 01, 2020, 09:45:42 PM
Love the warm fuzzies, Wave! ;D  I'm sure that suit can handle it, right?...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 02, 2020, 12:26:08 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Today's lovely treat comes to us courtesy of that fine storyteller, Grade E Cat, carrying on the continuing adventures of the Human!Kitty Katja.  Thank you!

Spoiler: show

:sparkle:  Katja’s birthday  :sparkle:

According to the ledgers left behind by her parents, Katja’s birthday was just a few days after Jul. She made the cut for her birthday to be celebrated during the festival itself. Due to the circumstances in which she had grown up and her tendency to follow them to places she shouldn’t, this was going to be Katja’s first proper festival. The day before the festival, Sigrun asked him a question that she somehow hadn’t considered before despite the fact that they had both been Katja’s parents for close to a year:
-Hey, Mikkel, you know stuff, so maybe to can solve a mystery for me. Do you have any idea why children born up to six days after Jul get to be “Jul children”, but the acceptable “before” date is about half that?

-This one is actually quite easy. Old-world astronomers estimated that the actual solstice could be up to a couple days before the usual celebration.  As for the “after” cut-off, I assume you remember that place where we got rid of the ghosts, according to Reynir. That religion had a widespread festival that took place the 25th of December, and sometimes required to have the following day to be taken off, as well. In many places, it got either combined with or outright replaced winter solstice celebrations. According to archives, when Jul became the sole winter solstice festival again and was moved up a few days, people in charge decided that the transition would be eased if people who had been used to the Old World festival also being their birthday party were allowed to celebrate it during Jul.

-25th of December, eh? How did that god not have this happen on purpose?

Both Sigrun and Reynir were insistent that Katja was meant to have a role in regards to that religion as it was. If neither of them asked about it specifically or found out on their own, Mikkel was going to keep what the 25th of December festival was meant celebrate from them for as long as his could. Even if they were right, something that was doubting less and less, having a guardian who didn’t make as much of a big deal of it as everyone else around her may make a great difference for the sort of childhood Katja would end up having. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It turned out be the mailman:

-A couple packages for you just came out of quarantine. There is another that will be out by tomorrow’s mail delivery, as well.

:reynir: xxxx :reynir:

One of the packages was from Reynir. He was sending over copies of all the books about that religion he could find in Iceland, and had gotten his hand on the latest one close enough to Jul to send it along with the small stuffed sheep that was his actual gift. If books on the subject produced in Denmark and Sweden had a “gods don’t actually exist anyway, but they make an interesting study subject” bias to them, the bias of those from Iceland could be summed up as “that god does exist, but it’s in everyone’s best interest to not worship them”. However, considering how thorough Iceland’s efforts to ban that god’s worship had been during the first few decades after the initial Rash outbreak, any surviving information was good to have. Besides, if any of the things denounced in those books were true, they would be clearly stated and explained mistakes from the past that Katja would later know to avoid if her supposed part in rebuilding that religion from the ground up ever came to be. The toy, meanwhile, was identical to one Katja had played with during her stay in Iceland, hadn’t been allowed to take with her upon leaving for various reasons, but hadn’t been reluctant enough to part with to change anyone’s mind. Emil had sent a small bag of expensive sweets that a bakery in Mora had started to produce within the last few months, and that were much appreciated by his younger cousins.  A second item was found in the package from Emil: a cat figurine that had been sculpted in the most light-colored wood that one could find, painted with markings the same color as Katja’s hair. Its style was promptly recognized. It was very like those two to announce such news by sending presents together out of the blue. On Jul itself, a package from Finland was delivered. If Lalli’s present was accompanying Emil’s, that left only one person who knew Katja who could have sent it. The present itself, however, was something someone else entirely would have chosen: a “mechanics for beginners” book.

(Do check out Grade E Cat's previous Katja stories over on the SSSS Scriptorium thread!)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 02, 2020, 12:51:10 AM
Grade E cat, I loved your story, and the thought you put into each of the gifts, as well as the consideration for what people would know of Christmas in the SSSS world.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 02, 2020, 03:08:30 AM
I have compiled the original "Katja" story here (, by the way.

As for the other short fic involving her, I plan to publish all of this year's short fics as a single chapter of my prompt fic collection at the end of the year, with the story above included as well.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 02, 2020, 02:24:45 PM
Lovely story, Grade E cat, and excellent present choices! (I audibly squealed when I realized who would have picked out the last one. My mom asked me whether I was ok... :'D)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 02, 2020, 03:16:08 PM
I like this latest addition to Katja's story! I must go and refresh my memory of the backstory, thanks for putting them all in one place, Grade E cat. It's like an extra bonus advent story.  :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 02, 2020, 04:49:52 PM
Nice Katja story Grade E cat! The presents were very well thought out!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 02, 2020, 06:50:52 PM
A lovely! Lovely story, Grade E Cat! And I really like her name  ;)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 03, 2020, 12:20:31 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Today's treat has been contributed by the fabulous Vulpes.  Put on the kettle (or your favourite scented candle) and enjoy this story!
Spoiler: a special re-creation • show

Year 93, early MayMåløy, Norway

Mikkel flapped the newspaper and folded it back on itself, the better to read it while sipping his coffee. Oskar glanced over from the table where he was sorting packages by destination, and wondered how it was that he seemed to do most of the work in the small shipping office. At that point Mikkel’s eyebrows nearly vanished into his hair, and his eyes opened wide. Oskar stopped sorting. This must be good.

“Well! That Danish expedition has located a small colony of survivors on the Isle of Man, just as predicted.”

Mikkel looked infuriatingly smug about this news. When the expedition was announced, Oskar had been skeptical. They had debated the odds of survivors at length, and Mikkel had an answer to any objection.

“They even have a fascinating breed of tail-less cat!” Mikkel continued. “And quite fantastical sheep. They’re taking some of the inhabitants to the Academy of Seiđur in Iceland. Apparently they have their own sort of mages.”

Oskar picked up a package to begin sorting again. “Fascinating story, Mikkel, but perhaps we should get on with…”

Mikkel launched himself out of his chair, saying, “I must go let Sigrun know about this! She’s bound to get some garbled story through the grapevine, and I should try to circumvent that – there are important decisions to be made around this!” And with that he strode out, banging the door behind him. Oskar sighed and continued sorting.

~ ~ ~ ~
Year 93, early JuneReykjavík, Iceland

As the Danish ship docked in Reykjavík harbour, Finola stood with the rest of the Manx mages staring at the town. The view seemed to her both foreign and familiar. She had seen that tall spire in a dream nearly a year earlier, and here it was, towering over the town. She looked forward to talking to the people at the Academy. But first, she was to meet the family who had agreed to billet her. She pulled out the paper with their names on it, silently sounding them out with her month-old knowledge of Icelandic: Árni Ragnarsson, Sigriđur Jónsdóttir. And their son Reynir Árnason, a mage. Scooping up her bags, she marched off the ship and onto a foreign shore for the first time in her 26 years.

~ ~ ~ ~
Year 95, mid-NovemberAcademy of Seiđur

Finola was the last of the Manx mages still in Iceland, working at the Academy. She loved it there, sharing Manx lore and learning about Nordic magic. Reynir kept talking about Lalli and Onni, Finnish mages that he knew. Their magic was much different, and she dearly wanted to meet them. But they were far away, out of reach even in the dream world. Reynir hoped that they would visit, but from everything he said about them, she figured that was very unlikely.

~  :sigrun: ~ ~  :sigrun: ~
Year 98, early SeptemberDalsnes, Norway

Mikkel was opening mail among the breakfast dishes, while Sigrun honed her favourite knife. On unfolding one letter, Mikkel’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened. Sigrun paused – this must be good.

“Emil appears to have suddenly become sentimental. He would like to have a reunion among our little crew.”

“Fantastic!” yelled Sigrun. “I’d love to see my former right-hand man again! What about the pipsqueak? And freckles?”

“Evidently he has already convinced Lalli, who has arm-twisted Onni… or perhaps it is the other way around.” He flipped the letter over. “No mention of Reynir.”

“Christmas!” Sigrun declared.


“Christmas! Let’s have them all here for Christmas. We have lots of room. It’ll be awesome!”

“I suspect that Emil intended that we visit him…”

“That’s settled, then. I’ll see about getting someone to look after the cooking, they won’t come if they think you’re in charge of the kitchen. We’ll have to get the biggest tree…”

~  :reynir: ~ ~  :reynir: ~
Year 98, late SeptemberBrúardalur, Iceland

Reynir had just received a most surprising letter.  “Remember those adventures I told you about, in the Silent World? Sigrun and Mikkel are inviting me to Norway for a reunion at Christmas. Both Lalli and Onni will be there.”

Finola’s heart leapt, then fell. A crew reunion… they wouldn’t want outsiders. Reynir clearly felt otherwise.

“You must come! Nobody will mind. I’ll let them know there will be two of us.”

“If you are sure. I will bring a gift – oh, I just think of the perfect one!”

“What is it?”

“You will see. It’s from the Isle of Man, I never hear of it here.”

In her room, she dug out her mother’s recipe box, and found the one for plum pudding. The last time she made it was years earlier, with her mother, and of course there were several ingredients they couldn’t get. But here the greenhouses produced spices and citrus fruit. There were much nicer brandies, too, than Uncle Loghlan’s rotgut.

She scanned the ingredients – yes, she would actually be able to make it according to the recipe. With all those spices and fruits from the greenhouses, it was going to cost her a month’s wages, but it was well worth it to re-create the traditional pudding for the first time in nearly 100 years.

~  :mikkel: ~ ~  :sigrun: ~
Year 98, 20 DecemberDalsnes, Norway

Finola and Reynir lugged their bags to the door, which Mikkel threw open as they approached. He looked the same as always, with perhaps a touch of grey at his temples. Unusually, though, his eyebrows went up and his eyes widened – at which point Reynir realised that he may have forgotten to post that letter mentioning that Finola was coming.

“Mikkel! Here’s Finola, who I mentioned in that letter I sent.” He smiled a little too broadly.

Mikkel supressed a sigh. “Delighted to meet you, Finola. Welcome to our home. And it’s wonderful to see you, Reynir, you haven’t changed one bit,” and gave him a hard look.

Once they were settled, Finola told her hosts what she had brought as a gift and asked if she might serve it at the Christmas dinner they had planned.

“More food is always good, little Manx mage!” bellowed Sigrun, giving her a friendly cuff on the shoulder, nearly knocking her over.

~  :emil: ~ ~  :emil: ~
24 December

They spent Christmas laughing, eating, and taking short walks to justify eating more. Gifts were opened and exclaimed over, and finally they sat down to the festive meal. They worked their way through crispy ribbe, tangy sauerkraut, Christmas sausages, potatoes and the rest, toasting one another with aquavit along the way.

Finally Mikkel said, “Finola has brought us a Manx Christmas treat for dessert.” All eyes, some slightly unfocused on account of all the toasting, were on her.

“This recipe is very old. This is first time I have some… makings… ingredients! Nobody made it proper since almost 100 years.”

She rose, and asked if someone could give her a hand. Mikkel prodded Emil in the ribs, making him jump. Finola smiled at him, and beckoned him to follow.

“I can barely understand her!” he hissed to Mikkel.

“I think she merely requires someone to carry it.”

In the kitchen, a large, dark mound sat on a heavy ceramic serving dish. Beside it sat a bottle of brandy, a box of matches, a small cooking pot, and a bowl. Finola took the pot to the stove to warm. She gestured to the brandy, mimed pouring it on the cake and putting a match to it. Then she turned to stirring the sauce.

Emil felt relieved. This task involves fire – perfect! He poured some brandy on the cake. Was it enough? He looked over at Finola, but she was frowning and stirring vigorously so he didn’t want to interrupt her. He sloshed more on.

“Ready?” She had the sauce in the bowl, and gestured with her head toward the cake.

He struck a match and touched it to the pool of alcohol in the plate.

~ ~ ~ ~
In the dining room, Lalli was nodding off among the detritus of the main course. The rest of them were half-pickled, having a boisterous conversation. Even Onni was wrangling with Mikkel about something. Lalli didn’t do well without his usual routines, and even the small amount of aquavit he’d had went to his head. The whole evening was taking on a dream-like quality. What happened next did little to allay that impression.

The door from the kitchen opened, and a strange glow appeared. Everyone stopped talking. First the dish appeared, bearing a large shape enveloped in a bluish flame that reached some 50 cm above it. Then Emil appeared, holding the dish at arm’s length, leaning back slightly to avoid singeing his hair. Finola followed, carrying a small bowl.

Sigrun broke the silence. “Now that is my kind of dessert!”

~  :sparkle: ~ ~  :sparkle: ~
Lying in bed, Finola thought about her pudding’s success. None of them had ever heard of flaming plum pudding, so of course they wouldn’t know that it wasn’t meant to be a towering inferno. And once the flames died down, it was as delicious as she had hoped, and the hard sauce was a hit as well. Something didn’t add up about the evening, though. As she dozed off, it came to her – when Emil brought in the pudding, Mikkel’s eyebrows hadn’t gone up, and he had his usual calm, impassive look, with maybe just the hint of a smile.


Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 03, 2020, 04:04:54 AM
Hahaa Vulpes, Mikkel pulling the strings again  :mikkel: Great stuff!

The Katja story and Wave’s art are also delightful!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 03, 2020, 06:01:28 AM
These are all wonderful! And Manx culture is half Nordic anyway, as is their  language and political structure. Such of their our-world magic and folklore as I know is also a Celtic/ Nordic fusion, so the Manx mage may find her studies go better than she expects!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 03, 2020, 06:39:32 AM
Vulpes, I loved that story! Manx culture has always interested me a bit since a few of my ancestors were Manx (they came to Australia back in the 1800s though, and nothing's really been passed down), but y'know, it's enough to give me a passing interest.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 03, 2020, 07:55:02 AM
Have Emil carry the thing that's been set on fire on purpose... of course.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Alkia on December 03, 2020, 07:55:32 AM
aah Vulpes, that story was a delight to read!! my family has had flaming pudding for Christmas once or twice, but never with such spectacular flames as here ;D

and Grade E Cat, the Katja story was great! it took me a second to figure out who the last present might have been from, but I almost squealed like Mirasol when I did
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 03, 2020, 09:46:03 AM
Great story Vulpes! I've never heard of flaming pudding, but it sounds good, I might have to try that recipe!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 03, 2020, 10:32:58 AM
Thanks everyone, glad it was an enjoyable read.

Disclaimer: I have never made the recipe, and to the best of my knowledge, neither did my mother! She must have asked Aunt Ilda for it, but then lost enthusiasm. So I have no idea if it works. Also many instructions are left out; I know that plum pudding is steamed in covered molds, but those details are not given in the recipe.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 03, 2020, 10:33:58 AM
Oooh, Emil with the flaming cake! Such a great story, Vulpes! I love it! ;)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 03, 2020, 12:58:47 PM
Ah, such great stories the past couple of days! :D Grade E cat, I also enjoyed reading about the gifts, and the ending, gasp :O And Vulpes, such a lovely reunion! Loved how Emil got the honor of lighting that thing up.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 03, 2020, 01:40:45 PM
Oh Finola, you should know that if Emil gets his hands on the matches, it´s always ment to be a towering inferno. :'D :emil:
Great story, Vulpes, it really made me laugh!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 03, 2020, 04:12:40 PM
I was sort of reading from between my fingers thinking OMGs his gonna get his hair singed, but luckily Vulpes was being Christmas generous and didn’t :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: gjuerne on December 03, 2020, 09:15:15 PM
Thank you, Minnions!

Wave, your sad Cthulhu imitation troll made me burst out laughing 😆 and I adored the Simon’s Cat shoutout. A stellar beginning to this year’s advent calendar!

Grade E Cat, what a lovely array of presents! Especially the last gift, such a perfect ending. (ps, wave and cat, maybe the centering isn’t working in the story because the Forum might need this kind of bracket < and > instead of these [ and ] … and nope. The usual html didn’t italicize *something* correctly either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .)

Vulpes, 🤣🤣🤣 we all knew *something* would happen if Emil went in the kitchen … the anticipation made it even funnier! I love the idea of Isle of Man survivors, more please!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 04, 2020, 12:25:46 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Alkia brings us a fine treat for us to squee over!  Something of a tradition?

Spoiler: can you see the lights • show

Alkia wants us to enjoy, "the three bears enjoying a nice holiday-ish fire! Maybe I'll do something similar again next year and make it an annual thing, see how my art style changes :-). Happy Holidays!!!"

Mod's note: I, for one, am sure looking forward to that, Alkia!  Here's another look at last year's vignette:
Spoiler: cocoa time • show

I thought the monsters of SSSS deserved some holiday spirit too, so here is Sleipnope, a Duskling, and the Doggo from chapter 7 enjoying some hot cocoa on a winter night (before they have been respectively exorcised, eaten, or killed)! I just used marker and watercolor on paper, with some gel pen to add details.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 04, 2020, 05:56:57 AM
Woah, especially the sky looks amazing, Alkia! XoX I love the way you did the northern lights!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 04, 2020, 09:00:27 AM
That's really pretty Alkia! The sky in particular looks lovely!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 04, 2020, 09:01:36 AM
Alkia, that's beautiful! Okay, it's a bit weird that I'm calling three hideously diseased bears "beautiful", but such is SSSS. Lovely to think of the poor things actually enjoying themselves. Mmmm, marshmallows!

And thanks for the nice words about my plum pudding story. Jitter, how could I possibly have Emil singe his hair?? The horror! This is a cheery Christmas tale, after all.

gjuerne, I have an enormous back-story about the Isle of Man. Maybe I'll break it up into some small stories. Last year during the Advent Calendar, something reminded me of this event from my childhood*, and I thought it'd make a fun story. But where would the knowledge of plum pudding arrive from? That led me to the Isle of Man, and I spent the past year thinking about it off and on, building a very complicated story about the colony, its discovery, Finola's adventures in Iceland, and the rest...

*Substitute 7 year old me, groggy from being up too late, for Lalli, and a cousin for Emil. My aunt pinched some pure ethanol from the lab, the cousin probably thought it was ordinary booze of some sort and put a generous amount on, assuming it was 100 proof. It was 100%. Clearly I was impressed by the result.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 04, 2020, 11:48:19 AM
Alkia, this is so beautiful! I love the northern lights and marshmallows! I only wonder what does that headless bear use as a mouth?.. As I think about it it seems so disgusting... how did you manage to make such a beautiful holiday picture using monsters... but as Vulpes said, such is SSSS  :'D

Also, Wave, that’s a nice one! I love that duskling! It looks a little like a hedgehog, but it’s adorable, if one can such such a word to describe a monster  ;D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 04, 2020, 02:58:38 PM
Alkia, I remember your piece from last year! :) Love the new take on it, those northern lights really do look incredible.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Alkia on December 04, 2020, 10:18:45 PM
aah, thank you for all the kind comments, everyone!!!! And Annuil, funny story, I actually based the headless bear's mouth on no-face from the movie spirited away (where it is not located where one might expect)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 04, 2020, 10:25:23 PM
Ahaha, Alkia, now I see it! :'D A great idea!
(Spirited Away is one of my favourite movies ever!)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 05, 2020, 12:16:49 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Are you ready for a literal treat?  Everybody's favourite living treasure, Róisín, invites you to her table for a feast!

Spoiler: an aussie feast • show

Róisín's note:  Christmas in Australia is HOT, with temperatures often exceeding 100F/40C. So Christmas lunch is not the European hot and heavily spiced meal but light and cooling food. It is often done as a barbecue and salads meal with cold desserts, in the back yard or on the beach. Suits the weather. This is an example of a typical menu:

This can be alcoholic or not, but the essential ingredient is the tea.

. 2 litres of chilled black tea
. 2 bottles of champagne or ginger ale or (fizzy) lemonade, according to taste
. Couple of tablespoons of honey, dissolved in water
. About a kilo of sliced fresh fruit of your choice (fruit may be soaked beforehand in spirits for the alcoholic version).

Combine all of the ingredients in a large punchbowl. Add lots of ice, and let people serve themselves.

This can be served hot or cold, it is good either way. Basically slabs of ham, either grilled and served hot with grilled pineapple slices, or simply sliced thickly and served with cold pineapple. Delicious either way!

SALADS: whatever kind you like: tossed green salad vegetables, or apple, orange, apple  and onion, or Greek style with leafy greens, olives and crumbled feta cheese.

GRILLED OR BARBECUED SEAFOOD MEDLEY: marinate your choice of fish and/or crustaceans overnight or for at least a few hours, then grill. I like a mix of prawns, yabbies, scallops and Moreton Bay Bug tails. Bugs are those weird things that look like trilobites but are utterly delicious. Marinate the seafood in equal parts of olive oil and lemon or lime juice, with herbs such thyme, tarragon and fresh garlic, then cook quickly on a very hot grill and serve with the salads.

LAMB cooked either on the spit or in the Weber. Or turkey or pork roast, served either hot or cold with an apple or quandong sauce. Quandongs go especially well with pork.

BERRIES AND SLICED STONE FRUITS, chilled and served with ice cream or whipped cream.

PAVLOVA WITH FRUIT AND WHIPPED CREAM: Australia and New Zealand both lay claim to this dish, which is basically a slab of meringue, crispy on the outside but with a marshmallow-like texture on the inside, served with fruit (strawberries are traditional, but I use a mix of berries and sliced stone fruit) and whipped cream. Prepared Pavlova bases can be bought, but if you want to make your own, here is a basic recipe:

Be very sure that no trace of grease or oil, and none of the egg yolks get into the mixture, just the whites. Do not over beat the egg whites, or the meringue will be tough. Beat the whites only until they are stiff, not until they look dry. Beat in the sugar about a tablespoonful at a time, beating well between additions of sugar.

. Heat the oven to 300F/150C
. Line a baking tray with baking paper
. The meringue mix should be piled in a circle on the baking paper.

4 large egg whites
1 and a 1/2 cups of castor sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence or vanilla bean paste
One teaspoonful lemon juice or white vinegar
2 teaspoonsful of cornflour
1 pint/475 ml of heavy cream
Sliced fruits to taste, to top the pavlova

. In a large bowl beat the egg whites until stiff. Gradually add the sugar, about a tablespoonful at a time, beating between each addition. Beat until thick and glossy, then fold in lemon juice/vinegar, vanilla and cornflour.

. Spoon the mixture into a circle on the baking paper, and bake for about one hour. Cool.

. Beat the cream until it forms stiff peaks, then pile into the middle of the cooled meringue shell.

. Decorate with the sliced fresh fruit. Enjoy!

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 05, 2020, 02:47:38 AM
Man, Róisín, you've made me hungry for Christmas lunch now! As another Australian, I can confirm that Róisín's recipes are standard Christmas lunch fare (although in WA we tend to do without the Moreton bay bugs)

Alkia, I love your artwork!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 05, 2020, 11:30:41 AM
Oooh, these all sound delicious, Róisín!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 05, 2020, 11:54:18 AM
Oh, a whole menu! It all sounds so good and refreshing. Always making me hungry, Róisín. :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 05, 2020, 05:20:36 PM
Okay, I just ate, and a decent large meal, too, but I'm still feeling hungry after reading Roísín's feast!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 05, 2020, 08:20:49 PM
Seconding you, Vulpes! I did have a good dinner just a few moment ago as well! Róisín, this is such a feast! Truly a good one to celebrate Christmas! ;D
Also, it’s really interesting to learn about Australian traditions! Thank you for sharing with us!  :))
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 06, 2020, 12:34:32 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

In Finland, 6 December is a special day.  Pull up a pouffe or other comfy seat while Jitter shares how this day is celebrated by our protagonists!
Spoiler: flag day • show

Flag Day

Jitter's note: For the purposes of this fic we assume the Expedition set out sometime around mid-November, anyways in time for the team to get to know each other before December 5th.

Early December, somewhere in Denmark.

“Mikkel, could you spare me two candles?”
“Why do you need candles, short stuff?” Sigrun interjected. “Our power seems fine! Are you expecting problems with the engine?”
“Oh, no, the Cattank is in great shape! It’s just that it will be Flag Day soon.”
“Flag Day? What is that?”
“Well, it’s a day when we Finns celebrate Finland and our flag.”
“Your flag?”
“Well, yes, and how it represents the way Finland protects us from the grosslings. White for the snow and ice of winter, and blue for the lakes which guard our settlements.”
“Oo, like syttende mai? But why is it in December?”

Syttende mai?”
“Yes, syttende mai! Norway Day! We have great celebrations! Of course we do, we are the most best country in the world! Mikkel, have you ever been to Norway at syttende mai?”
“Yes, I have actually. You are right, it’s a proper celebration with the parades and all. Ours is less lively, raising of the Danneborg and singing.”

“Yes, Tuuri, you should come to Dalsnes in the spring and celebrate syttende mai with us! All of you should! There are parades and music, and everybody eats treats and waves their flags! The whole town is red and white and blue! I was on duty last year so I think I should be free next May. Then I can wear my bunad!”
“You have a bunad? Women’s bunad? Really?”
“Of course I do!”
“Well, well, that’s interesting. Sigrun Eide in a dress! That would be a sight worth seeing.” Mikkel was looking amused.
“I don’t usually care for dresses, but the bunad is a different thing! Everybody wears theirs! And anyways I take my blade and a pistol too.”
“Of course you do” Mikkel admitted.

“Anyways, it’s great fun. You definitely should come!”
“Oo, it sounds nice!” Tuuri responded. “I’ll be happy to come see the celebrations if I get the chance!”
“So, your Flag Day isn’t like that?” Sigrun asked Tuuri.
“No, definitely not!” Tuuri laughed “We are very solemn.”
“Well, no wonder! Why do you have it in the middle of the winter? Who would want to parade when freezing their ass off?” Sigrun was rolling her eyes.
“It’s not like we just decide the date! It’s been sixth of December since Finland has existed.”
“Why is that?”
“I.. don’t know actually. But we know it’s been kept since the Old World. We honor Finland and our flag and mourn our fallen.”

“So, what do you do to celebrate?”
“We raise the flag up all our flagpoles and sing songs about Finland.”
“They do it very seriously too,” Mikkel supplemented “In all earnest, and no waving of any little flags!”
“In the afternoon there’s a parade in Keuruu.”
“A parade! You do have some fun too!”
“Mmm, not really. It’s a military parade, so the units whose turn it is that year just march around the compound into the central square, carrying flags. No smiling in the lineup! Then there is a speech, and a wreath is placed on the monument of the fallen. A guard is posted at the monument, holding a torch, through the night.”

“Well, we are Finns after all! In the evening there are some festivities. We have a better dinner and then the men wrestle and women shake hands.”
“What? Shake hands? Why?”
“It’s customary on Flag Day. There must be a lot of shaking hands!”
“I would rather wrestle!”
“Well, the wrestling is more of a play. One of the wrestlers is called The Unknown Warrior and then there are two sides who fight and then the one with the Unknown Warrior wins.”
“And what is the purpose of all this?”
“It’s… I don’t know. It’s how the Flag Day was kept in the Old World. I’m told. The wrestling play has to do with a big war, which was fought between groups of people! Imagine that, humans fighting humans! The hand shaking was originally done by King of Finland to… ensure a good year. I guess.”
“The King of Finland?” Mikkel commented. “I’m fairly certain Finland and Iceland never had kings.”
“Hmm, true. I knew that! But the hand shaking happened in a castle, and everybody was to wear their finest. It was a magnificent celebration!”

“And what of the candles?”
“Oh, everybody puts two candles in their window after dark. It’s to call protection on the house. So, I wanted to put candles on the cockpit window too. We need all the protection we can get.”
“I’ll see what I can do about the candles. When is it?”
“Tomorrow. Today is the fifth.”

Next morning, when Tuuri woke up, she noticed Sigrun and Emil had already vacated the tank with Mikkel, who always rose early to get the breakfast started. Lalli was asleep under Emil’s bunk. In a minute Sigrun was hammering the door and called to Tuuri. “Come out and take the twig with you! We have a surprise for you!”
Tuuri spent a moment persuading a reluctant Lalli to leave his den, but finally she managed to get her cousin to move. “The sooner you come, the sooner you can go back to sleep!”
When the Finns opened the door to the outside, they saw their teammates holding sheets of paper where they had drawn a cross in blue. “Mitä nyt taas??” Lalli wondered.
Tänään on lippupäivä! He haluavat ilahduttaa meitä!
Vai niin. Tyhmä juhlapäivä.”
Koita näyttää iloiselta, he tarkoittavat hyvää!
No joo joo. Kai täällä on aamiaistakin.”
”Happy Flag Day, Finns!” Sigrun declared. She stepped forward and shook Tuuri’s hand very vigorously. “Emil and Lalli will wrestle later!”

Mitä häh?” Lalli didn’t understand any of it.
“Oh, thank you Sigrun, all! Very nice of you! I’m sure the wrestling will be unnecessary, I’m already happy to see your flags.”
“Wrestling is the only fun part of your day! Of course we will have it! But let’s eat first!” Sigrun shook Tuuri’s hand again and pulled her towards the breakfast.

Emil walked up to Lalli. “Hyv-ää lipu-pä-ivää Lalli!”
“I just heard Sigrun say we will wrestle later. Are you any good?”
“Never mind. Have a flag :fi:,” Lalli took the paper flag Emil offered for him, “and a cookie.” Now this was something Lalli understood.
Mikkel handed Tuuri two fat and brand-new candles and said very seriously “I managed to locate some candles. I believe we can spare a couple, although I usually advocate sparing use of resources. So, here you are. Hopefully they will bring us protection.” "As they certainly won't fill our bellies" Mikkel continued, but only in his mind.



Lalli and Tuuri's Finnish discussion goes thusly:

"What is it again?" Lalli wondered.
"It's the Flag Day today! They want to make us glad!"
"I see. Stupid holiday!"
"Try to look glad, they mean well."
"Ok ok, I suppose there's breakfast too."

Later, Lalli says "What? Oh?", Emil almost says "Happy Flag Day, Lalli" and later Lalli goes "Wha?"  and finally "Thanks."

:fi: :fi: :fi: :fi: :fi: :fi:
Syttende mai, May Seventeenth is the Norwegian national day. It is a happy and colorful festival, and many people wear their bunads i.e. the "national dress" (folkloristic dresses modeled after historical styles). In Norway the national day is remarkably non-militaristic.

The Finnish Independence Day on the other hand is indeed a very solemn event. There are serious parades and carrying of flags, visits to monuments of war heroes and remembrance of the last war and the fallen.  The Finnish Defense Forces have a military parade. The candles in the windows tradition has been followed for various reasons for a long time, but has been a tradition on the Independence Day since 1927.
The hand shaking refers to the main event of all normal years, the Independence Day Reception hosted by the President of Finland in the Presidential Castle (which is called a castle but it’s a large fancy house, perhaps it could be called a palace but not really a castle).  This is televised, and watching it is very popular (over 2 million viewers at some point during the show is common). The reception starts with the guests entering and shaking hands with the President. As there are nowadays around 1800 guests, this takes a long time! It also offers the best possibility to see the dresses. This is the only such high society event in Finland and the most impressive dresses are the centre of attention. The media, especially the tabloids, publish long reports about the best dresses and most interesting guests. It doesn’t actually make much sense even now, so 90 years after an apocalypse it probably wouldn’t really be very clearly remembered 😊
The wrestling refers to another tradition. The movie Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier), based on a classic book of the same name, is shown every year on tv on the Independence Day. It’s a tale of ordinary Finnish soldiers in the Continuation War (part of World War II) and is one of the highest-valued books and films in the country. I imagine thinking about a war of humans against humans must feel quite bizarre in Y90.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 06, 2020, 02:35:02 AM
Wow, Jitter! I love your writing, and it was really interesting learning about Flag Day!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 06, 2020, 02:53:47 AM
Back in 2017, one of France's biggest national celebrities died relatively late on December 5th. That resulted in the 6th being the day news channels forgot anything else was happening to pay homage to him. Part of me is still wondering if Finland's 100th year of independence would have been covered (at least on the channel I usually watch) if it weren't for that.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 06, 2020, 05:39:32 AM
Good story. And a good Independence Day to all!

Also glad that people enjoyed the recipes!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 06, 2020, 06:10:09 AM
Thank you! Nowadays it’s called Independence Day, but I’m not sure the name would have survived as it hardly has context in the Y90 situation. Sigrun is onto something with her comments about the date, the weather is crap today! Plus here in Helsinki it’s 6 hrs 9 minutes from sunrise to sunset, getting shorter the more northern the location (5 hrs 27 min in Keuruu). So yeah. No wonder carrying torches is a thing, while party on the streets isn’t.

Unfortunately the day has been embraced by far right movements in recent years. Now that we don’t have the Handshake Galore, I’m afraid they’ll get more visibility. The same people tend to be the ones who don’t care about masks or distancing. But that’s another issue (and should go into the politics board anyways) so let’s not dwell on it.

We don’t have a flagpole but at least I can see the neighbors’ flag. Glad I took the photo on Father’s Day, the weather was nicer then :)

And thanks Wave for the 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 06, 2020, 08:14:42 AM
I looove it, Jitter! And thanks for the dialogs in Finnish, it was so great to read them! (I’m too bad in Finnish to understand them fully but I could get the general idea which was very fun!)
It’s so interesting to hear about traditions of different countries ;D
And yes, your writing style is really easy to read, that’s great :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 06, 2020, 08:48:18 AM
Wonderful Flag Day story, Jitter. Trust Lalli to be grumpy about it - not even a low-key, solemn celebration for him, thanks! I so enjoy the Finnish dialogue you include in your stories... and the translations, because my knowledge of Finnish is progressing very slowly. Or maybe regressing? Anyway, nice to recognize a few words.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 06, 2020, 10:39:16 AM
Seconding Annuil and Vulpes, trying to understand what the Finnish said was really fun, and so was learning about Finnish traditions! Nice story, Jitter! :))
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: thegreyarea on December 06, 2020, 01:10:10 PM
Wow, that's all so amazing!

First, my apologies for arriving so late at the party. I've been quite busy lately and I'm sure you noticed my relative absence here at the Forum, even if I've managed to keep myself above the water in the comments section.

That said, here we go with a few words:

Wave, your cats are amazing! And a great idea to have Simon's there :) Luckily the trainer is well protected...

Grade E Cat, I loved Katja's story (well, I love all your stories). Very well done. I'm looking forward to read more about her.

Vulpes, that is an awesome story! And that final wink with Mikkel is fantastic! (more fuel for our conspiracy theories around Mikkel ;)  )
And please give us your stories! I'm sure they will be fantastic!

Alkia, your bears are so cute and lovable that we tend to forget what they are and want to share the fire with them for a few seconds before being eaten... and the background is beautiful! I hope this new tradition lasts for many many years!

Róisín, what a great menu! Makes me remember a bit of Brasil, where I grow up. It's also hot in December there, and we had a few Christmas at the beach... I feel tempted to try your pavlova recipe, even if I seldom cook. I'll tell you guys how it worked...

Jitter, still haven't had time to properly read your story, so I'll comment later. However I'm sure it's fantastic as usual. :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 06, 2020, 02:36:10 PM
Jitter, that was amazing! Very interesting and informative, and of course I loved all of the conversation. So generous of Mikkel to sacrifice some of his candle stash  ;D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Alkia on December 06, 2020, 03:23:01 PM
Jitter, that was so much fun to read!! As all the others have said, its cool to learn about Finnish (and a little bit of Norwegian) festivals

And Roisin, man, those recipes look tasty! I took a screenshot so I can remember them when it gets hotter here in the northmen hemisphere
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 06, 2020, 06:15:16 PM
Róisín, I must try your recipes, they sound very tasty!

Jitter, it was really interesting to learn about a Finnish festival; nice story!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 06, 2020, 08:20:04 PM
Thanks all! I love to muse on how various traditions might change! And I’d love to see Sigrun in bunad (as would Mikkel I’m sure).

Grey, I know all about busyness at the end of year... quarter past three AM and I’m working (although I am at my best late at night so I’m actually doing Monday’s office day now and will sleep in the morning).

And good new, apparently zero conflicts with the far right clowns! This was the most peaceful Independence Day for many years. 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 07, 2020, 12:15:52 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Today Luna Fowler muses on the ample opportunities for various members of our cast to participate in some of the traditions of the season.
Spoiler: o tannenbaum • show

Luna's notes: I'm sure in some alternate universe, perhaps in one neverending Christmas episode, the path to reform Sleinope and other critters is through sharing the magic of Christmas...and a bit of plain old help getting a respectable job. Things like internships as a reindeer and such, you know, the usual.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 07, 2020, 04:58:28 AM
Yeah, um, ok! I know she said she likes Onni’s art but... yeah.

Is that Puppy Fox in the tree, or Reynir’s monstrous sauna hair?

Great details! I especially appreciate your take on just how much she likes the grosslings in a tree theme!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 07, 2020, 09:16:03 AM
Lovely picture, Luna Fowler, I love the colors! Certainly the kind of decorations Sigrun would use... :sigrun:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Luna Fowler on December 07, 2020, 10:42:08 AM
It's a very disgruntled kitty.

Thanks, I thought it would fit her most, though I was debating a bit about the hat since it just covers so much of her hair.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 07, 2020, 11:19:59 AM
Love the drawing Luna Fowler! I've gotta say, my favorite part is Sleipnope pulling the sleigh  :'D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 07, 2020, 01:12:14 PM
Haha, Luna Fowler, this is great! I need to make one of those grosslings for my Christmas tree! As Jitter said, good details ;)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 07, 2020, 01:31:43 PM
Luna Fowler, love the whole scene you have going on here! Those ornaments are... unique :o and what lovely presents under the tree!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 07, 2020, 01:50:08 PM
Sleipnope as stand-in reindeer is clever! But I'm curious about how anybody got Lalli to dress as an elf?!  O_o   Am I seeing right?
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 07, 2020, 02:45:51 PM
But I'm curious about how anybody got Lalli to dress as an elf?!

I think chloroform may have been involved.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 07, 2020, 09:43:05 PM
I love your artwork, Luna!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 08, 2020, 12:39:58 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Johannabelle can always be counted upon to bring us heart-warming vignettes of the SSSS characters, and this year is no exception. 
Spoiler: together • show


Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 08, 2020, 02:45:43 AM
 <3 <3 <3
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 08, 2020, 07:05:02 AM

Awwww Johannabelle that is so sweet! And the picture is beautiful in itself, even without the context.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 08, 2020, 07:25:18 AM
Johannabelle, that artwork is so sweet and lovely!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Alkia on December 08, 2020, 07:54:32 AM
eee Johanabelle, this is amazing! the colors, the composition, the feels!

and Luna Fowler, I /love/ this idea-- like Lallicat said, I think the Sleipnope pulling the sleigh is my favorite part  ;D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 08, 2020, 08:25:02 AM
<3 <3 <3

Johanabelle, that hit me right in the feels. It's so pretty and the colors are amazing!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 08, 2020, 09:20:08 AM
Johannabelle, aaah, it´s so beautiful! XoX The composition, the colors, everything!
(note to self: don´t think about the sad implications!!!)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 08, 2020, 01:13:25 PM
I think chloroform may have been involved.

 :)) :))

Johannabelle, your vignette is so sweet and gorgeous! The pose... the colours... the light... aaaaah!  <3
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 08, 2020, 05:45:19 PM
Thanks, guys!  ^-^ <3 I was just thinking it'd be cute if Onni's luonto and Tuuri's spirit bird could hang out, however that would work.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 09, 2020, 12:16:41 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

We have perhaps a bit of a cat theme emerging on the calendar this year?  Maybe that's wishful thinking on your humble mod's part, but, courtesy of first-timer for the calendar, Lallicat, enjoy today's punctual treat!

Spoiler: meowy catmas • show

Meowy Catmas

Or a story about Kitty and Dagny getting up to some shenanigans while Sigrun and Mikkel are gone containing an ungodly amount of cat puns.

It was not unusual for the humans to leave the house for long periods of time. And while Kitty sometimes longed for the days in the wild, there was something appealing about relaxing while curled up on the rug in front of the fireplace. So when the humans left once again, she was purr-fectly content to take a catnap on a couch pillow. However, Dagny had different ideas. Sigrun had brought back the tiny ball of energy sporting a Grade A collar one day, and he had proceeded to make Kitty’s life as difficult as possible ever since. He was a positively clawful nuisance. But she loved him anyway. However, when he was jumping on her while she was trying to sleep, it was easy to lose sight of that fact. She angrily swatted him away, giving him a warning nip on the ear. She didn’t want to play with him. He didn’t relent. However, after a minute of him batting her in the face, she decided to put herself out of her mew-sery and slowly opened one blue eye. Then the other. She stretched, causing Dagny to topple off the couch. She flicked her tail while yawning, which, as everyone knows, means “okay, I’m up, what do you want to do?” in cat language. Dagny led the way towards the kitchen. There was an open bag of cat treats on the counter.

        “AT LAST!” yowled Dagny, most likely talking to the high countertop. “A MOST FUR-MIDABLE FOE! I WILL DEFEAT YOU!” He proceeded to try to jump onto said countertop. His attempts were fruitless, as he was much too tiny. Kitty gave a snort of disapproval. She leapt up onto the countertop in one jump.

   “Amateur,” she scoffed. “Purr-haps you should leave the high climbing to me.” She batted the bag off the counter. “Mew are fur-tunate that I’m feline nice. It was a paw-sibility for me to keep them for meow-self.” Dagny rolled his eyes.

   “Yes, yes, I know, you’re so claw-ver. Purr-haps you should stop congratulating yourself and get down here before I eat all of these. I already know that mew are a paw-some fur-end.” They feasted victoriously on the treats until they felt like their bellies would burst. Then Kitty finally took that nap she had been wanting to take, Dagny curled on top of her. The door creaked open; Sigrun and Mikkel walked inside, shaking snow from their hair.

        “Aww, look at them,” Sigrun whispered. “They’ve been perfect angels.”

[center]~*~*~ A few days later ~*~*~[/center]

“Mikkel, where did you put the cat treats?”

Was this story an excuse to exercise my pun-writing muscle? Yes. And I regret nothing.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 09, 2020, 03:40:58 AM
That was a sweet story, Lallicat, and very funny (punny?)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 09, 2020, 09:07:51 AM
Lallicat, that's a punishing amount of puns to pack into prose. Perfect!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 09, 2020, 10:19:33 AM
Lallicat, cute story! :) Not gonna lie, that was an impressive amount of puns that I was not prepared for. (fur-midable was my personal favorite. or fur-end?)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 09, 2020, 11:41:26 AM
Heh, amazing Lallicat, or should I say purr-fect! :'D Aww, the Kitty and Dagny-interactions are adorable, and this is indeed an impressive number of puns.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 09, 2020, 04:45:26 PM
Aww, thanks guys! It was fun to make!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 09, 2020, 08:18:52 PM
Oooh, goodness, Johannabelle, this is adorable and a bit sad! But the colors and the composition... Touching... <3 :sparkle:

Ahah, Lallicat, purr-fect, as Mirasol said! I love this story! Ah, snow! They are shaking the snow off of their hats! I miss snow so much this year... It snowed two times here in mid-Michigan, during nights and in the mornings we would get like a centimeter of snow on the ground..
But your story is just great! :D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 10, 2020, 12:16:14 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Sunset on 10 December marks the beginning of Hannukah this year, and wavewright62 imagines how some of the crew might celebrate the festival.

Spoiler: good oil • show

Note:  The Festival of Lights celebrates a miracle - a ransacked temple was reconsecrated, but there was only a little of the oil needed to light the eternal flame, maybe one days' worth.  The nearest source of proper oil was 4 days' travel each way, but somehow that tiny bit of oil lasted eight days until a courier was able to procure more oil.  Therefore the celebration of the festival has come to include the eating of foods fried in oil, such as jelly doughnuts and potato pancakes. 

Here is a good basic recipe for yummy latkes, aka potato pancakes:
 :V :V Latkes  :V  ^-^
Grate together: 5 medium potatoes and 1 small onion (I tend to leave the potato skins on).  I alternate potato and onion, as the onion juice helps prevent the potato from oxidising and turning grey.
Let stand for about 5 minutes - press out and discard any excess liquid.
Mix in: 2 large eggs, 3T flour, 1T oil (I use sunflower, but you can use olive, canola, etc), salt & pepper to taste.
Fry in hot oil until done in the middle and crispy on the edges.
I'll put in a heaping soupspoonful and flatten it a bit to be relatively even thickness, and not very thick - maybe about 10-15cm/4-6 inches in diameter only.  After all, the whole point is exposing the surface to the oil!

Edit: I forgot to say that these latkes can served as they are (my favourite), or with either applesauce or sour cream.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 10, 2020, 01:55:39 AM
Beautiful! Especially the colors are lovely!

What is the thing Emil is bringing? And Onni is of course crying only because of the onions, right?
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 10, 2020, 04:19:57 AM
Beautiful! Especially the colors are lovely!

What is the thing Emil is bringing? And Onni is of course crying only because of the onions, right?

Reynir brings the hannukiah, ready with the first candle, which will be lit from the center candle. Have you figured out yet what Emil is hurrying over with?  >:D

Sigrun is wiping the floor with Tuuri in a game of dreidel.  At one point, teaching Hebrew or Judaism was forbidden, so some bright spark came up with writing the letters on a spinning top. If they were raided, they would say innocently that they were just playing a gambling game. Gambling was extremely popular, after all.  It's come to us with 4 particular letters and is a gambling game again. (I'm used to using chocolate coins for the betting.) I've been told that the four letters were for A Great Miracle Happened Here, meaning the oil lasting 8 days, as a way to teach that story.  Gimel is the letter associated with Miracle, and it means you get all the coins in the middle. (Also, Hei means you get half, Shin means you pay in an extra coin, and Nun means nothing happens and you move to the next person.)
Lalli, naturally, has a jelly doughnut.
And Onni... well, yeah, onions.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 10, 2020, 06:20:04 AM
That's a wonderful artwork, Wave! And thanks for sharing the history of dreidel.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: JoB on December 10, 2020, 06:55:22 AM
Sleipnope as stand-in reindeer is clever! But I'm curious about how anybody got Lalli to dress as an elf?!  O_o   Am I seeing right?
In Germany, St. Nick's day ( is the 6th of December. Maybe he's a day late here because Sleighnope had a little side job to do first? >:D

That was a sweet story, Lallicat, and very funny (punny?)
"Phunny"? (Yeah, mew spell gud.)

Therefore the celebration of the festival has come to include the eating of foods fried in oil, such as jelly doughnuts and potato pancakes.
... so, there's Rievkooche ( only once a year? O_o And I thought that my consumption is amazingly low (for someone hailing from the Rhineland) ...

(I actually prefer pear compote with them, but it's gotten quite difficult to come by in recent years. And, of course, slices of Schwarzbrot, though I refrain from buttering those like a "real" Rhinelander would.)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 10, 2020, 09:33:32 AM
Haha, I love all the details! Like Jitter, I'm trying to figure out what Emil's got, and also whether his hair is on fire or that merely indicates his enthusiasm for all things flamey. It looks like he's holding an ammunition belt or something, I hope he's not bringing explosives anywhere near the open flame.  :o
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 10, 2020, 10:57:18 AM
You always have such great details, Wave! :) Don't worry Reynir, you can trust the professional to handle the lighting. Also, I just love Onni's face. (and I learned something!)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 10, 2020, 01:05:03 PM
Wave, you made the food look so well that I can feel the smell of it! And I love the expressions!..
Oh, how I understand your enthusiasm, Emil! :emil: I looove lighting up the candles too! :'D
And Onni... it’s really weird, but I can start crying just because my mom is cutting an onion in the kitchen (which is on a different floor than my room)! I feel for you! :onni:
Such a wonderful work! :D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 10, 2020, 01:23:37 PM
Oh that's great Wave! And I can sympathise with Tuuri, one of my friends always beats me at dreidel. I'm starting to think they rigged the top  :'D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 10, 2020, 04:18:57 PM
It still looks like an ammunition belt. Or perhaps the incendiary devices / small grenades he seems to always have at hand. It could also be a loop-shaped jar (of lamp oil I would presume) but that wouldn’t explain the rectangles. Anyways it’s clearly something related to fire :)

🔥:emil: 🔥
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 10, 2020, 04:35:46 PM
Lots of good work so far! Punny story and potato pancakes are especially delightful. Wave, your recipe for potato pancakes looks very much like how my Jewish cousin makes them, except that he adds marjoram and a tiny pinch of nutmeg ( cousin is a doctor, but he is nevertheless a very good cook).
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 10, 2020, 04:37:04 PM
Well, it's *meant* to be Emil's bandoleer of incendiary fluid, and little flames of anticipation.   :emil: :emil:  Ah well.  Sorry it wasn't clear.
And of course you can have these at any time of the year.  You can feel that happy justified glow of observance this week.  There are zillions of versions, with pretty much anything you can get to stick together long enough to fry.  A bit of parsnip is nice mixed in, kumara/sweet potato tastes nice but is difficult to get crispy.
Slathering of butter would fall under observance of another Jewish holiday, Shavuot - when Moses came down from Sinai with freshly minted laws of kashrut, they realised that the meat prepared for the camp's meals were not in accordance, so they (so the story goes) had vegetarian and dairy meals instead.  Naturally, that translates to cheesecake and cheese blintzes with sour cream.

Fun fact: I was always on grating duty in my household, because I can process onions all day with no tears.  Only if the onion is really fresh do I get slightly affected.
Spoiler: not so fun fact • show
The ex will probably shed copious tears making the latkes now, but they aren't for me.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 10, 2020, 06:21:14 PM
No, Wave, that’s exactly what it looks like! I just had hard time believing even Emil would bring copious amounts of lighter fluid inside the home at a time for candles. But that’s just me being ever the hopeful person!

I don’t know what Vulpes was thinking but I sort of read his message as being in the same lines as mine.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 11, 2020, 12:24:57 AM

Spoiler:  open the door • show

Quiet times reflecting the season are on Annuil's mind, as she brings you her first contribution to the Advent Calendar.

Spoiler: reading the christmas story • show

Annuil says, "Many, many people celebrate Christmas, but let us not forget, my fellow Minnions, where did this tradition start and why Christmas is called Christmas. Here is Reynir, reading the Christmas story from the Bible (I suppose he found it somewhere in one of those old buildings, along with a guide for beginners in Christianity (otherwise how did he learn that that part was the Christmas story?) Also, I have no idea what language it is in, so I assume it is one of the miracles, when the word of God does not need translation ;))  Their mission was to find books and who knows what books they might have found? Bible could have been one of them, and Reynir was interested in old-world traditions."


Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 11, 2020, 09:12:32 AM
Annuil, that's beautiful - the shadowy candle-light is gorgeous. And of course Sigrun would be yawning! I'm imaging sometime in the next few seconds she says, "Great story, can we eat now? Whatever Mikkel made actually smells not terrible."

Edit to add - Yay, I did interpret what Emil's holding correctly! I was hoping the flames were enthusiasm, not flaming hair, thank-you wave for not setting Emil on fire.  :))
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 11, 2020, 09:14:58 AM
That's really pretty Annuil! The glowy effect looks so cool!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 11, 2020, 11:02:35 AM
Wonderfully funny drawing, Wave (oh look, another winter-celebration getting ready for a towering inferno! :emil:) The recipe sounds delicious too!

And Annuil, wow, the lighting and athmosphere in your piece is simply beautiful!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 11, 2020, 11:22:58 AM
Annuil, absolutely love how atmospheric your art is!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 11, 2020, 06:10:07 PM
Aah, thanks, guys!  ;D So many kind words! I’m glad you liked it!  <3
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 11, 2020, 09:35:03 PM
Annuil, your artwork is lovely!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 12, 2020, 03:37:14 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

I am privileged today to present to you a moment brought to us by another first-timer, Mirasol who has delved deeply into a cultural artifact.

Spoiler: the secret • show

Mirasol says, "Alrighty, here it is, a little silliness exploring the deeper lore of our Squirrel-cookies, because I can't seem to let that topic go."


 :squirrelcookie: The secret :squirrelcookie:
(This takes place during the events of Adventure 2, chapter 11)

Tuuri sat in a tree above the sauna in the Lehto the crew had set up camp in. She had fled Onni's and Sigrun's rather aggressive approach to exchanging information about the bear-problem. Mikkel was a lot better at diplomacy than she was, so there was no doubt he would be able to handle the situation without her. It also helped that both Sigrun and Onni could see and hear the Dane, another thing that wasn't a given in Tuuri's case.

Though happy about the silence, she was starting to feel a little bored. She would have hung out with Lalli and Reynir, maybe Emil, though he also couldn't see her (But he did seem to believe that she was there. She couldn't help but wonder what had changed the Swede's attitude towards everything “magical” since she had last seen him), but they had already been in the sauna. Probably also to avoid getting in between the crossfire of Onni and Sigrun. The door to the inside had been closed, and passing through walls was sadly none of Tuuri's abilities. She knew everything had to end, but at the moment she still missed her human-form a little. Flying was nice and all, but being a bird had other disadvantages. Not being able to open doors for example, and especially, being invisible for most people. She wished she could still talk to the friends she had made during the expedition. Not just the mages. All of them.

But what was the point in going into the sauna anyways, she couldn't feel its warmth anymore. This was one of the most irritating features of this bird-form. It couldn't feel temperature. Out here it was nice though, the sun was about to set and the slightly orange sky looked beautiful. And wild animals dared to come a lot closer to her than they ever did before. She had always liked looking at them, so this was definitely a plus.

Especially a lot of squirrels seemed to live here. Right at the moment, one of them ran over the branch right above the one where she was sitting, not at all paying attention to the little bird. It was barely out of sight as a second one appeared, taking the same path. Shortly after, another one. And another one. Didn't squirrels usually live alone? At the fifth squirrel passing, Tuuri realized that they all had been carrying something. It was too big for a nut. It looked more like a small, brown paper-bag. Had someone littered in the Lehto? How rude, using Tapio and Mielikki's hospitality like that! But then Tuuri remembered that the crew and Onni were the only living humans all around, and none of them had brought anything along the lines.
Her curiosity was piqued. The next squirrel that passed, also carrying a small bag-like thing, she followed.

:squirrelcookie: *** :squirrelcookie:

At some point of pursuing the rodent through progressively thicker forest, Tuuri started to wonder how big this island was. She didn't recall taking that many turns to suggest the squirrel might be going in circles, and neither did she recognize her surroundings anymore. Still, from above the Lehto had looked so small. She was relatively certain they should have reached the opposite shore a while ago. But when her squirrel finally stopped, they were still in the woods. In fact, the trees were now standing so close to each other that Tuuri got the impression of standing in a naturally grown house.

In here there were squirrels galore, climbing on the walls, running over the ground, arriving and leaving. They all had the little bags with them, and were collecting the insides on small piles in the middle of the room. A pile of sugar, one of flour, one of chocolate… Wait. Baking supplies? Now this was a little too weird… Tuuri started suspecting she had fallen asleep on the branch she had been sitting on. But this felt strangely real for a dream. And strangely detailed.

She looked around some more. A little offside, in one of the room’s corners, a pile of nuts was gathered. Were these also ingredients? Or food for the bakers? Were the squirrels even the bakers? Maybe Mielikki was here to make food… Or something. Was that something she usually did?

Tuuri sneaked around a corner where many squirrels were running back and forth. It led to a smaller room mainly filled out with a truly huge bowl the rodents were filling with ingredients. Nearly hypnotized she watched them pass a huge wooden spoon around in order to mix the dough. When another squirrel ran through her frame of vision, she was finally able to take her eyes off of this strange sight. Not that what she was looking at now was any less weird. In fact, the distracter had been carrying a baking tray with finished cookies on it and was now filling them into a box. These cookies were chocolate, in the shape of, once again, squirrels. Light frosting was on the body and blue one on the eye. They had some sort of crunchy bits inside of them. Something seemed familiar…

When the cookie-bringer closed the full box, Tuuri could see that it was a package. To her surprise, it was addressed to a place in Keuruu, complete with a delivery date: “Yule Y91, do not open before December!” The squirrel sniffed on it, as if to check whether everything was in order, then it nodded and pushed the box into yet another forest-room out of the Finn's sight.

Suddenly it hit her. These cookies had been gifted to the kids in Keuruu around Yule every year! She still remembered trying to snatch additional ones together with Lalli when she was younger, by hiding under the community tables where they were given out. Whenever a new distributer took over who didn't know them yet, they would pretend to have just arrived and get more cookies. But they had to stop their yearly brilliant cookie-heist after Onni caught them once and got mad. She must have been almost fourteen then, too old for stupid things like these, at least according to her brother. Tuuri also remembered trying to copycat the cookies, but she never got them quite right, as the distributors wouldn't tell anyone the recipe. (She could see why now, considering who apparently baked them...) She just knew that the secret was somewhere in the crunchy bits, whatever those were made of.
Maybe that was what the nuts were for? Tuuri tried to catch another look into the bowl, but right now so many squirrels were sitting on its brim that they were blocking her view. There, two jumped down to gather more ingredients! She had clear sight. This was her chance to finally find out what made these cookies so good! And there it was-

:squirrelcookie: *** :squirrelcookie:

Sigrun had called the rest outside for filling them into the plan she had come up with. Reynir, Emil and Lalli were just finished getting dressed, when suddenly a small, slightly see-through bird dropped out of the sky, fluttering around very agitated and chanting something about a secret in several mixed up languages. Onni and Lalli immediately stood in attention.

“Is it a troll?”, Onni asked, actually in Icelandic. Sigrun pulled out her knife.

Tuuri looked irritated for a bit, but then calmed down and gracefully landed on her brother's hand.
“No no, that´s not it. I mean, I know the secret ingredient of the Squirrel-cookies! The ones they used to give out in Keuruu every Yule, remember? Though… it's kinda silly, maybe I just dreamed it…”

“… the ones that you and Lalli always stole?” Onni grumbled as if the memory was causing him physical pain.

Tuuri laughed, which sounded a bit like the actual chirping of a bird: “Not steal! But yeah, these are the ones.”

While the two of them and Lalli were arguing a bit in Finnish, something rumored in the back of Reynir's mind.
“Wait, some squirrel-shaped chocolate-cookies with crunchy bits and frosting on them?”

All three Hotakainens looked at the Icelander in confusion.

“Yes, that's what they looked like”, Tuuri confirmed.

“Funny, I think we have those too! Someone leaves a small box of them on every doorstep in the village each Yule. I thought it was just some friendly neighbor who really liked squirrels. Looks like it's some kind of tradition if you also have them.”

At that moment, Mikkel joined the conversation: “May I pinch in? Though I am not absolutely sure what you are talking about, I can agree with Reynir on that assumption. At least in my home we have someone secretly gifting away cookies that fit his description as well.”

Emil and Sigrun now loudly demanded to be included into the discussion. After Mikkel had brought them up to speed, it turned out both of them knew the cookies too.

“So now, what's their secret, Tuuri?”, Reynir asked curiously.

All eyes were on the little bird. She proudly ruffled her feathers, and had already opened her beak to announce it, but then hesitated.
“Oh no… I think I forgot it over all that talking! Oh well… I mean, I probably did just dream it, and it was a very weird dream too… I think I fell asleep on the tree over there. I'm sorry!”

Though this wasn't the most surprising turn of events, everyone was a little disappointed.

Mikkel broke the silence at last. “Well then. I assume this was enough discussing of Yule-traditions for today. Let's resume with the plan, Sigrun.”

When the captain heard her name, she proudly pulled out a hand-drawn sketch and started explaining and pointing. It seemed to be a quite simple bear-hole-tactic, but Sigrun made it sound really complicated.

Mikkel didn't even bother translating, he just pointed at the drawing declaring “pretty self-explanatory.”

Reynir zoned out at looked up to the treetops. A squirrel was climbing through the branches, carrying a small brown bag…

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 12, 2020, 04:57:53 AM
Mirasol, that was a very amusing and creative story!! I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 12, 2020, 06:10:56 AM
Mirasol, that is absolutely brilliant! Very sweet of The Baker to distribute all the way to Iceland too! Did Tuuri decide not to tell the secret or was she made to forget by The Baker?

Annuil, your art is beautiful and touching, as always! Reynir would be the one to get interested, he was already wondering about the crosses in the bookshop they all visited.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 12, 2020, 12:17:31 PM
Eeee, thank you! :)) I´m glad you enjoyed it!

Mirasol, that is absolutely brilliant! Very sweet of The Baker to distribute all the way to Iceland too! Did Tuuri decide not to tell the secret or was she made to forget by The Baker?

She did in fact forget it, but whether that was because it was a dream or because the bakers made her, who knows... ;)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 12, 2020, 12:19:45 PM
Mirasol, that was incredible! I loved how the squirrels making the cookies definitely felt like a fever dream. :'D And the fact that there is a squirrel network making cookies everywhere. Also, AH the mystery of the crunchy bits remains unsolved!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 12, 2020, 12:44:55 PM
Mystery of the squirrel cookies solved! ...kinda

Great story Mirasol!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 12, 2020, 01:03:28 PM
Ha, Mirasol, brilliantly clever story! Very generous little squirrels to make cookies for the entire Known World.  ;D.  I'm glad you left the mystery of the crunchy bits unsolved.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: JoB on December 12, 2020, 01:44:16 PM
And the fact that there is a squirrel network making cookies everywhere.
... and I was already pondering whether, for reasons of secrecy, these local squirrels might be running a fleet of submarines to do deliveries to Iceland ...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 12, 2020, 05:44:58 PM
... and I was already pondering whether, for reasons of secrecy, these local squirrels might be running a fleet of submarines to do deliveries to Iceland ...

I´m honestly not sure whether that is a stupid or an absolutely great idea. But I´m leaning towards great. I should draw that... Wait no I´m too busy right now. :'(
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 13, 2020, 01:19:19 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Halfway through, can you believe it? 
Our super skald Keep Looking brings us a remembrance of the darkness, and a small flame surviving therein.

Spoiler: year 0 • show


Where waters stretch from isle to wooded isle
Their taste as fresh and sweet as falling rain
A boat has laid its anchor, for a while
To rest in gently rocking hands again

And there a mother holds her new-born child
As day grows short and night grows dark and long
Surrounded by the forests, deep and wild
She sings into her ear a snatch of song

Don’t listen to the whispers from the waves
Don’t watch the shapes that lurk on distant shores
Just stay with me, I’ll teach you to be brave
And maybe then, the world will give you more

Where mountains scrape their peaks against the sky
Then plunge their cliffs into a freezing sea
In deep-cut fjords a sheltered village lies
As all the hell in human souls breaks free

And there the friends in circles gather tight
And take up arms to man the growing wall
Against the twisting shadows of the night
With voices high, they raise a rousing call

Don’t listen to the cries from craggy peaks
Don’t watch the souls that hide below the stones
Just hold the fence-line, strong against a breach
Though worlds may fall, they won’t knock down our home

Where needle-trees lie blanketed in white
And winding roads lead through the valleys low
A cabin nestles, sheltered from all sight
While woodfire-smoke twists upwards, soft and slow

And there a family huddles by the fire
To chase away the winter’s growing cold
With windows taped as fear and flame grow higher
A melody is sung by young and old

Don’t listen to the songs beneath the snow
Don’t watch the eyes that peer between the trees
Just shut the windows as the daylight goes
And try to make a home the world can’t seize

Where fertile plains lie full of golden grass
Upon an island bound by sea and sky
A farmhouse sits, the winter’s frost to last
Survivors of a nation left to die

And there the ones left stranded on this land
By lucky chance, find haven from the storm
With family known and unknown they will stand
While all the tunes they pass around take form

Don’t listen to the moans from meadows sweet
Don’t watch the things that flicker in the fields
Just keep on standing, steady on your feet
Though broken still, perhaps the world will yield

Where frozen ocean seethes in raging storms
And earth and soil breathe fire from beneath
The remnant of an old world lies, forlorn
An island that in ice and flame is wreathed

And shielded from a dying world’s last thrills
In waters stained with blood they build a life
The shepherds graze their sheep on grassy hills
And sing their songs with tightly shuttered eyes

Don’t listen to the screams across the seas
Don’t watch the boats that sink into the dark
Just stay upon these quiet shores, we plead
And maybe then our world won’t fall apart

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Buteo on December 13, 2020, 02:34:27 AM
Keep Looking, that is beautiful and moving. Thank you!

Everyone, all your works have been marvelous, touching, clever, wonderful! Some hilarious, some poignant, some uplifting....
What a community of talented, generous folk!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 13, 2020, 06:58:03 AM
Keep Looking, this poem is so beautiful!!! I keep on rereading it!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 13, 2020, 10:41:12 AM
Keep Looking, what a beautiful poem. <3 Melancholy and hopeful.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 13, 2020, 11:00:59 AM
Lovely poem, Keep Looking. The structure, the language, the emotion - all excellent!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 13, 2020, 11:22:23 AM
Keep, that is so beautiful! The final ”sing their songs with tightly shuttered eyes” put tears in my eyes. Truly lovely!

Also I hear it in my mind read aloud by you, I remember the poems you posted some time ago. Very well done!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 13, 2020, 04:59:33 PM
Wonderful poem Keep Looking!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 13, 2020, 06:05:12 PM
Our Forum makers are so brilliant! Keep Looking, that is a dark and beautiful poem, and sums up the story so well! And Mirasol, that story is sweet and funny. Crunchy bits, indeed!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 13, 2020, 07:37:19 PM
Thanks all for your kind words!! Y'know, Jitter, you got me thinking - it can't hurt to have a recording of this poem, too - I'll see about making one.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 13, 2020, 09:25:16 PM
I made a recording!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 14, 2020, 12:11:36 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Sights that many Minnions commonly associate with this time of year are quite rare elsewhere; today Guardian G.I. takes us to such a place.

Spoiler: classification picea abies • show

One of our favourite cyborgs studies the readout of a manifestation unusual on their icy planet.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 14, 2020, 12:32:09 AM
Ooh! Guardian GI, that's a very creative and interesting artwork. And it's good to have some City of Hunger content in here!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 14, 2020, 10:24:36 AM
Yay, CoH-content! And it´s beautiful too! Great work, Guardian GI!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Buteo on December 14, 2020, 01:12:31 PM
Now, there's a Christmas tree one wouldn't have to worry about being knocked over when the cat climbed into it!

Beautiful work, Guardian GI!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 14, 2020, 01:21:00 PM
Ooh, CoH fanart! Wonderful piece Guardian GI!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 14, 2020, 03:11:10 PM
CoH! :D Fantastic work Guardian GI, I love how intent Lalli looks.

and Keep Looking, I appreciate your recording ^^ You have a lovely voice.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 14, 2020, 03:40:14 PM
Keep, that was lovely! Thank you for the recording!

Guardian, a great concept and beautiful piece!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 14, 2020, 06:08:59 PM
Ah, lovely bonus, Keep - beautifully read.

I'm not that familiar with the CoH universe, but it's nice to see a contribution based on it. Great effect on the tree!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 15, 2020, 12:28:10 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

For all the execrable times Year 0 dumped on our Prologue cast, Vulpes reminds us that the Known World arose from the fertile soil of adversity.

Spoiler: wisdom of the elders • show

Wisdom of the elders

This wasn’t how I thought the world would end.

I had always imagined that the world would end with a bang, not a whimper. Nuclear conflagration, perhaps, or space aliens would turn out to be real, and obliterate the planet. If I imagined disease, then it was influenza run amok, or extra-strong Ebola or cholera or something. In my wildest dreams I hadn’t imagined anything like the rash disease, and the terrible monsters it produced.

I certainly didn’t think that I would survive the end of the world, to see what would grow from the ashes.


That I survived at all was a matter of chance. First, my shift placed me on the ferry bound for Rønne when they cancelled all further trips. Second, an obnoxious passenger started making a fuss, and Piotr begged me to handle it. The upset passenger was quite the piece of work, a big man with an ego to match, full of self-importance, demanding that the ferry be turned back for his urgent business meeting. I fobbed him off with humour, which he didn’t appreciate. Then Piotr came to get me to deal with the man again, because his blubbering was bumming everyone out. Turns out he’d got himself fired, and was beating himself up for being fat. I could relate to getting fired, and felt a tinge guilty for thinking of him as ‘the fat loud guy’, so I sat down across the counter from him to try to cheer him up.

He eventually stopped the pathetic moaning, then insulted me. Success! I’d snapped him out of his funk. He introduced himself as Michael, and his cat, who he was blaming for the whole mess, as Magnus. He had been taking Magnus to stay at his sister’s farm for a few days, and was now facing an unknown period of feeling obliged to muck out barns in return for a place to stay. We chatted for the remainder of the crossing, until the chime sounded and they announced that the boat would be docking shortly. After the usual reminder to passengers not to leave any personal belongings behind, they instructed staff to assemble at the bursar’s office after all the passengers had disembarked.

“Well, I’d better go make sure the rest of the staff don’t try to take all the tips for themselves,” I said, sliding off the stool. Michael looked startled, a little panicked. He suddenly reached across the bar and put his hand on my forearm, gently pinning it.

“Come with me!” he blurted. I stood there frozen, with my mouth open. He blundered on. “You said they’ll make you stay on board – that’s inhumane! There’s tons of room at the farm, you’d have a nice room to yourself and there’s always plenty to eat, Mathilde will make you help out but you can’t be any more useless than I am, I’ll try to keep her from making you clean the barn…” he trailed off, a blush rising from his collar. “That’s probably not a great selling job, is it? But please, you can’t stay here…” waving his hand vaguely at the rapidly emptying benches behind him.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Okay. But I’d better go by the bursar’s office and make sure they aren’t handing out free hotel chits or something. I’ll meet you by the main terminal entrance.”

At the bursar’s office, they were not handing out chits. People were phoning family – “I’m stuck on the boat until the borders re-open… yeah, they’ll feed us, don’t worry…” I went to the lockers in the crew area and grabbed my coat and small overnight bag.

“Signe! Where do you think you’re going?” It was the cafeteria manager.

“I’m staying on someone’s farm.”

Her eyes widened. “You? On a farm? Please. Besides, you have to stay here and help with food service for the rest of the crew.”

“No I don’t. I quit.” I turned and stomped off, milling crew-members splitting like the Red Sea at the sight of my scowl. Sometimes it helps to have a bit of a reputation.

“Signe! Get back here! You can’t just quit! Signe!” This was an interesting change from being fired. I followed the last of the passengers off the boat, and found Michael waiting by the doors. We walked along the line of waiting vehicles to a slightly muddy older model Land Rover. He opened the front passenger door and poked his head in.

“Marianne! I’ve got a guest. This is Signe.” He stood, and gestured into the car. “Signe, this is my sister Marianne. Hop in! I’ll take the back seat.” Marianne was staring curiously, clearly desperate to grill her brother, but managed a smile and a welcome.

It was a good thing it was a large farm-house, almost the entire family was there. Mathilde had been deeded the farm because, in their parents’ words, she was “the only one of you who has settled down and produced any grandchildren.” However, Kirsten and Morten still lived there. There was a partly separate wing, which Mathilde, husband Per, and children Mete and Marcus occupied. Marianne and Michael got their old bedrooms, and I was put in a small guest room.

It quickly became obvious that this was not going to be a short stay. One by one, services that we had taken for granted, like phone, power, and radio, vanished. There was some hoarding, but mostly people pulled together. Shore patrols were organized to keep boats, and later sea beasts, at bay. We adjusted to a strange new normal.

I had never been on a farm, let alone lived on one. Michael was right, Mathilde certainly put me to work, although he kept his word and convinced her not to assign me barn-cleaning duty. We all had to adjust to everyone else’s near-constant company. It was a long, hard winter, but we survived and eventually spring came.

One warm morning I was outside digging in the vegetable garden with Kirsten. When we had turned all the soil and cleaned up any weeds and debris, she took the wheelbarrow and said to me, “Grab those shovels and come with me. I’d like to show you something.”

We walked briskly along the cow path, past several fields, and then turned into a greening hay field. In the middle was a disused barn with large, open doors. Kirsten made a beeline to it, turning impatiently at the door as I caught up. I must have looked as quizzical as I felt.

“This used to be pasture, and this was the field barn. Cows could come in and shelter when they liked, and there was always a little hay in case they needed it in early spring or fall.”

What I had taken to be open doors were simply doorless openings. The lower level had an earth floor trampled by generations of cows sheltering from the weather. We stepped inside, pausing a moment to let our eyes adjust. Some piles of ancient hay still lay in the loft above us. Kirsten walked deeper into the barn, poking the ground with her toe here and there.

“Ah, here we are.” She knelt and motioned for me to join her. There was an air of reverence about her manner, as though she was about to reveal a great secret of the universe.

I knelt beside her, wondering what wisdom she was about to impart. She dug her fingers into the soil floor. A rich smell rose, and I realised that the dirt floor was paved with a thick layer of very well-aged cow manure. Kirsten lifted out a handful of it, dry and crumbling, and let it fall in fragments, golden in a shaft of sun that shone through a gap in the boards.

“This…” she said, “this is good shit.”

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Buteo on December 15, 2020, 03:22:11 AM
Ah, how a radical shift in our frame of reference redefines values! Kirsten surely did reveal a treasure!
Well done, Vulpes!

Keep Looking, you have a good voice for reading those verses. Thank you for making that recording!

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 15, 2020, 06:50:18 AM
Vulpes, I really enjoyed your story! (and the ending). Signe is a really interesting character, so it was cool that you chose to explore her.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 15, 2020, 11:42:13 AM
Vulpes, great story, loved seeing Signe! A beautiful ending :'D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 15, 2020, 11:54:15 AM
Signe was my favorite prologue character. Great story Vulpes!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 15, 2020, 12:28:40 PM
Oh, I completely forgot to comment on your recording, Keep Looking. It´s lovely!

And I really enjoyed your story, Vulpes! (on my first readthrough someone was talking to me at the same time so I didn´t really pay attention to it, and I gotta say, I did not see that ending coming. :'D And I enjoyed it even more when reading with full focus!)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 16, 2020, 12:32:54 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Today thegreyarea brings us all a special vignette about packing for road trips...

Spoiler: whap • show


Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 16, 2020, 01:29:18 AM
Ooh, Vulpes and Grey, what wonderful works! Both put a smile on my face, the conclusion of Vulpes’ story may have made me chuckle aloud  ;D

Vulpes, I very much like how you describe Signe’s thinking about her accidental survival.

Grey, I love the details, the translucent reindeer, the ears on everyone, Emil’s sparkle... and poor Onni, he just can’t catch a break, always the braidy one gets him!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 16, 2020, 02:10:05 AM
Ooh, Grey, I love your artwork, it's very sweet
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: thegreyarea on December 16, 2020, 05:26:11 AM
Thanks Wave, Jitter and Keep Looking! I'm happy that you liked it!
I'll be out today, so I can't comment on the other great works from the last days yet. But tomorrow, I believe, I'll have some more time.
Butter Good!

Note: I'm curious to see if something that's very obvious to me in the drawing is also for you...
Spoiler: show
You realize that the reindeer is really a Tuurindeer, right? :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 16, 2020, 05:38:09 AM
No it wasn’t!

Spoiler: show
I noticed it is a spirit reindeer but didn’t recognize the hair with the head shape and rhe antlers :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 16, 2020, 06:22:21 AM
Thanks Wave, Jitter and Keep Looking! I'm happy that you liked it!
I'll be out today, so I can't comment on the other great works from the last days yet. But tomorrow, I believe, I'll have some more time.
Butter Good!

Note: I'm curious to see if something that's very obvious to me in the drawing is also for you...
Spoiler: show
You realize that the reindeer is really a Tuurindeer, right? :)

I was just about to comment whether that was your intention. :'D Wonderful drawing, Grey, I love all the details!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 16, 2020, 06:55:46 AM
I noticed the reindeer was a spirit, but I think my brain still treats her human form as the "default" from which all alternative appearances are derived, while the "default" here is definitely her spirit-bird form.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 16, 2020, 08:27:24 AM
Oh grey, that looks really good! I love the way you drew Kitty perched on top of Mikkel's head!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 16, 2020, 09:33:13 AM
Aaa, grey, that's awesome! I did not spot the reindeer detail, and should have... I was thinking, "There's someone missing..." I love the lads all dressed as elves - I chuckled aloud at that.

Thanks all for the kind words about my story. I was intrigued by Signe too - interesting mix of salt and empathy. But let's be honest... it was just an elaborate set-up for a stupid punch-line!  ;D

Jitter, I'm glad you liked her thoughts on survival. I'm fascinated by how it must have been for them all, but she seems to me to have been especially lucky. The Norway group were in a isolated town, which I suppose is pure luck, although you could argue that they chose to live in an awkwardly remote place. The Swedish and Finnish groups were actively choosing to escape. Signe and Michael survived purely through a series of lucky coincidences.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 16, 2020, 02:34:23 PM
Love your drawing, Grey! Their little elf ears are so cute :'D and RIP to Onni, I imagine being on the receiving end of that braid is an unfortunate ordeal.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 17, 2020, 12:10:16 AM

Spoiler:  Open the door • show

Delicious treats this month, delicious treats all around!  Keeping in the theme of delicious treats, Johannabelle takes another helping from the sweet table!

Spoiler: candy cane • show


Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 17, 2020, 01:27:34 AM
Ooh! Johannabelle, that is such a lovely artwork!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 17, 2020, 01:29:26 AM
I am all for artworks of happy Lalli 😍

<3 :lalli: <3
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: thegreyarea on December 17, 2020, 05:26:58 AM
Really Wonderful work, Johannabelle! I'm in love with the colours!
It seems that candy is Lalli's weak spot!   :lalli: :V J

Many many thanks to...
Jitter! Well, after finishing it I thought to myself that the hair should be more evident, because those antlers (that I really loved to draw with those stars in the background...) stole the show :D
Mirasol! As you can imagine I also delighted myself in those details :) Too bad it's a time-consuming delight, or I'd dwell on it more often...
Grade E Cat! You're right, but for some reason I imagine her spirit as capable of shapeshifting according to necessities. :)
Lallicat! Yes, Kitty has a particular taste for that. maybe she's half-bird or something like that (at least I've never seen any cat doing that in real life... except for brief moments when one deeply regret not cutting its claws more often...)
Vulpes! She's well disguised (that's, of course, my excuse for not being able to make it more evident), so your's not the only one :) And I'm glad that I made you chuckle aloud!
Johannabelle! You're right, poor Onni! And for some reason he always gets hit in the eye...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 17, 2020, 07:27:57 AM
Johannabelle, your art is always so pretty! I love the colors! :lalli:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 17, 2020, 10:17:33 AM
What a gorgeous Lalli, Johannabelle! Your art has such wonderful light.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 17, 2020, 01:35:38 PM
Thanks again, you guys  <3 :sparkle: happy Lalli is a very special thing indeed!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 18, 2020, 12:06:24 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Jitter gave us all such a great peek into Finnish Flag Day celebrations, and now she gives a second look into Michael and Signe and their Danish festive preparations!  We're so lucky!

Spoiler: Julhygge • show


Michael wasn’t in the kitchen. Or the barn. Signe had already checked the parlour and the main room (now men’s and women’s quarters, respectively) and it was starting to look like he wasn’t at the farm at all. Going out, she asked a couple of people until she learned someone had seen him walk towards the rocky hill to the north of the farm. And sure enough, she found him there, sitting on the cliff and gazing towards his childhood home, and beyond, out to the sea.

“There you are! I was looking for you! Are you feeling down again?”
“I guess I am… I just realized it’s going to be Christmas soon. Or, 24th December anyway. I don’t think we’ll be having any celebrations this year either.”
“Hmm, you know what, I think we should!”
“But… everything is terrible! The world has come to an end!”

“That’s exactly why! We all deserve some hygge in the midst of all the terrible things! Sure, we probably won’t be having much of a feast, but we can bring in a Christmas tree and sing the songs! The children would love it!”
“Hmm, yeah… but if you are going to suggest it to Mathilde, please do it carefully! Remember the meltdown she had last year when Mette asked when it’s time for Christmas?”
“How could I forget! I understand her, last year was… bad.”
“You know, you are the master of understatement. Bad it was, indeed.” Michael wasn’t sure whether to be amused about Signe’s choice of words.
“I try my best! But this year is ever so slightly better, don’t you think? We are still alive, for starters. That’s something!”
“Yes, we are still alive. For now.”

The year had indeed been bad. Even with the shocking news pouring in from the mainland and from around the world, many tourists and visitors to Bornholm had chosen to return home in the first weeks, after the navy wasn’t stopping vessels anymore. But many had stayed, and there had been a lot of dispute over where to house everyone during winter, with the electricity shortage and all. There were several extra people staying on the farm (not counting Signe of course, she was practically family now) and the largest rooms of the main house had been converted to living quarters of sorts.

But room wasn’t really the issue. Food was. At first, their main concern had been infection. After they had organized the Island Watch and the sightings started, they had to fear attacks from the monsters. For a while, it hadn’t occurred to anyone to ration food – and who could blame them? It’s not like anyone ever trained for an apocalypse! But when the stores started running low and it was becoming painfully clear that no help would be forthcoming ever again, they had had to organize on the fly.

Signe had played a part in making sure everybody understood they only get their quota (the Madsens all agreed that it was better she kept watch over the food rather than cook any of it) and somehow most of their people had made it to the spring. In fact, the Madsen farm had only lost three, all of them because they ran out of essential medical supplies – one of them had been diabetic while two had lost their will to live after their pills ran out. It was better than most, and a lot better than in the northern parts of Bornholm.

They had even managed to keep enough animals to later get some lambs and piglets, and after the weather had been good enough to get a decent crop despite the many difficulties, it was now looking like they wouldn’t starve during the second winter either. Yes, it would be meager, but it should keep them all until next summer. So that surely is something!

On the 24th they did “feast”, with an extra piece of cheese for everyone. The children even got some gifts, things traded with other farms. They brought in a tree and danced around it and sang all the Christmas songs. It wasn’t much, but it was much much more than could have been expected. They had their safe-ish island, their farm, and some food for everyone. Plenty to be grateful for. So, they sang like Danes at Christmas, and taught their childhood songs to each other, late into the Christmas night.

After most people had found their beds, Signe asked Michael to step outside under the stars. There she handed him a package, wrapped in cloth. “The wrapping is my other shirt and I will be needing it back. But here’s a little something for you. Happy Christmas, Michael.”

Michael was astonished. “But, but, you didn’t need to… I don’t have anything for you!”
“Of course you don’t, you silly man!” Michael was mortified, but softly, Signe continued “You have already given me everything you have. Everything I have, and more. When you took me in, I had nothing but the clothes on my back, and yet here we are!”
“Of course I… we took you in!”

Signe continued, deep in thought. “Just to think, I was sure that with my phone, passport and credit card with me, I would be ready for anything. Ha, the definition of “anything” at the time… I even kept some cash in my purse just in case I came upon a sudden termination of employment. Everything I need right here, that was the idea. Well, much good did all those important items do!”
“We share what we have to survive, you know that better than anyone! Besides, your skills have been invaluable! The tractor wouldn’t have worked without you. And I’m sure the way you organized the food stores saved us all.”
“Oh, you flatter me! What about my cooking?”
“Oh, um, yes, I…” Michael staggered.

“Don’t worry, silly! I know cooking isn’t one of my strong suits… But I did have one useful item. Open your package now!” Signe nearly passed the oblong item to Michael but stopped mid-movement. “Oh, and when considering whether it’s suitable as a gift, please note that it’s true craftmanship! I bought it from London. Not likely we’ll be getting any of similar quality any time soon. Plus, it’s connected to an important life event. I once borrowed it to someone, and that led to the best thing I have.”

Finally, Michael got his gift and unwrapped it. It was a folded, sturdy umbrella. “May it last long and keep you dry!”
“Oh, Signe, thank you. It’s very… sturdy. Useful. But you said the best thing… do you mean..?”
“Yes, I do. Shut up and appreciate your gift now. And maybe give me a kiss.”

The Danes actually do sing and dance around the Christmas tree! I have read accounts by Finns living there, and some say the Danes still love to do it, while others say “everybody hates it and it’s really awkward, but they still do because that’s what you do at Christmas.” But in either case, it seems like something that would bring some julhygge* into the still dire situation, without costing many resources.

Most of them also still use live candles in the tree, but as I didn’t want to burn down the Madsen farm, I didn’t mention that. And they couldn’t have afforded many in any case, this is very early days.

All in all, the Danes love Christmas! It's the highest point of hygge of the year, and they make the most of it. In Denmark, like in Finland, the 24th of December, Christmas Eve, is the most important day, when most of the gifts are given and the feasting starts. The meltdown Mathilde had had was desperation and grief over not being able to have a Christmas for the children.

* hygge is a Danish concept of coziness and comfort, enjoying the small good things in life a warm atmosphere generating a feeling of well-being and contentment. Live candles, woollen socks, a piece of wooden furniture smooth and lovely to the touch due to having been used by one’s family for decades, handmade cookies. You know the drill. Hopefully :)

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 18, 2020, 05:26:23 AM
Here is the reference piece:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 18, 2020, 11:54:00 AM
Oh Jitter, I loved your story! Umbrellas sure are proving to have more and more uses post-rash... protection from rain, troll-distraction, way of confessing...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 18, 2020, 01:03:27 PM
Someone wrote a story about how the team are going to Sigrun’s, and Mikkel collects them under an umbrella and shepherds them safely there. I’m pretty sure that was this same umbrella! It’s very high quality, you know.

EDIT found it!

@Lallicat is it Signe’s umbrella? From London, no less!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 18, 2020, 03:50:06 PM
Lovely story, Jitter! It wasn't in my Signe-and-Michael story, to keep it to a sane length, but I also assumed that Signe was a terrible cook.  ;D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 18, 2020, 06:27:03 PM
Jitter, a sweet story! Loved the line about the wrapping cloth, gotta use what you have  :'D

“everybody hates it and it’s really awkward, but they still do because that’s what you do at Christmas.”
tis the spirit of bonding  ;)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 19, 2020, 12:10:36 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Sometimes the sheer amount of details involved in holiday celebrations can be overwhelming. Lallicat knows that it can all be managed, with a little help from your most best crewmates.

Spoiler: show

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

or Emil needs to plan a Christmas party and it doesn't go exactly to plan.

     “I need help.” Reynir looked up from his breakfast to see Emil pacing the floor. Seeing as he hadn’t bothered to brush his hair this morning, it must be serious.
     “I’m all ears,” Reynir told him, handing him a bowl of porridge. Emil groaned dramatically and buried his face in his hands.
     “Every year, Aunt Siv and Uncle Torbjörn throw this huge holiday party with friends and family. But this year…” Emil paused to drape his arm over his forehead. “I found a book about the Old World holidays to read to my cousins while I was babysitting them. One in particular caught their attention. It was called Christmas. Those brats couldn’t keep their mouths shut and told Aunt Siv they wanted to celebrate Christmas like in the Old World. Aunt Siv thought it was a wonderful idea to do instead of our regular celebration and put me in charge of organizing it! I’m doomed.” Reynir patted his arm supportively.
     “It can’t be that bad.” Emil's eyes widened.
     “You don’t understand how much work this is! I have to decide who to invite! Then plan the invitations! Plan the food and the seating charts! The flower arrangements!”
     “Flower arrangements?” Emil flapped his hands.
     “You know what I mean! Aunt Siv and Uncle Torbjörn’s parties are always a huge hit! If I screw this up I’ll be the laughing stock of the family for years! I’ll never be able to live it down! My reputation will forever be tainted with this failure!” There was a dramatic pause. Then, it was interrupted by a shuffling sound; Lalli, coming home from his night scout job. He grabbed a piece of toast, glanced at Emil draped across the table muttered “Stupid,” and went to bed.
     “That was anticlimactic,” remarked Reynir.
     “Shut up,” grumbled Emil, “and help me plan this thing.”


Emil gathered the entire crew around the kitchen table.

     “I have brought you all here today,” announced Emil, “for a very important reason. I have exactly one week to plan a holiday party with the theme of Christmas, an Old World holiday. Never fear, I have a book about the ancient traditions that I can use to plan. But I am going to need help. Lots of help. So, are you guys in?”

     “Are you kidding?” asked Sigrun. “We’re a team, of course we’re in.” No one objected to Sigrun volunteering them.

     “Right,” started Emil, “so I was thinking that we should wear costumes representing the different parts of Christmas.” He opened the book to an illustration of an old fat man on a flying sleigh. “Apparently, this guy’s called Santa Claus. He delivers presents to all the good kids and coal to the bad kids. He lives in the North Pole with his wife Mrs. Claus and a bunch of tiny elves that make the toys.” He looked up at Sigrun and Mikkel hopefully. “So would you guys want to be our Santa and Mrs. Claus?” Sigrun patted his arm confidently.

     “Say no more little man, we got this covered.” Emil sighed gratefully. “Does anyone else have any idea of what costume they could wear?”

     “I have a reindeer costume!” piped Reynir.  :reynir:

     “Why do you have a- nevermind. Reindeer, check.” All that was left was his and Lalli’s costume. He flipped through the book, trying to find something that Lalli would wear without complaint. This threw most of the options out the window. He snickered as he imagined trying to convince Lalli to wear a snowman costume. In the end, he put down him and Lalli as elves. He’d figure out how to convince Lalli to wear tights later.


The day of the party came, and Emil was feeling confident that everything was going according to plan. All of the guests had arrived, the tree was set up and decorated, candles shining on the branches. There was a chimney with socks hanging on the mantelpiece, and The Crew should be here any minute. He should have known it was too good to be true.

     “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Sigrun exclaimed as she barged into the door. She was wearing a red coat and hat, a pillow stuffed underneath her shirt. A fake beard made of cotton balls was hanging from her face. Mikkel followed wearing a white wig and a long red dress, lugging a bag of cheap presents they had acquired for the kids. This was not what I imagined when I asked them to be the Clauses, Emil thought. Reynir arrived shortly after, wearing a reindeer onesie and some red makeup on his nose. He wasn’t sure where Lalli was, he had disappeared as soon as he had arrived. He was about to go look for him, but he was distracted by panicked yelling by one of the guests. The tree had caught fire. Everything went a bit blurry for the next few minutes, but they managed to put out the fire with minimal scorching on the walls. It was a pathetic sight, charred needles and tinsel, ornaments sagging from the drooping branches. After that fiasco, it felt like time to bring out the cookies, but when he walked into the kitchen, he found that half of them were gone. A munching sound came from under the table cloth. He looked under, preparing to scold one of his cousins.

     “Lalli!” he yelled in shock. “Why did you eat half the cookies?”

     “You promised cookies if I wore ridiculous costume. I eat cookies.” Emil tugged at his hair.

     “But not the ones meant for the guests!” Lalli shrugged in apology.

     “I won’t eat any more cookies then.” The rest of the evening went fairly smoothly, with (what was left of the) cookies distributed to the guests, and the smaller kids receiving their gifts. Emil was a bit startled when Onni knocked at the door. He hadn’t responded to his invitation, so Emil had assumed he wasn’t coming. When he had asked Onni about why he didn’t RSVP, he had just given Emil a blank stare. When the guests had finally all left, he collapsed on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. His cousins jumped in his lap and announced that that had been the best party ever. Emil grinned half-heartedly.

     “I’m glad you think so. But I am never planning a Christmas party again.” With that being said he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 19, 2020, 02:04:57 AM
Jitter and Lallicat, I loved both your stories! Lallicat, yours was very funny (I especially laughed at the bit where Onni arrives, without a RSVP), and Jitter, you write Michael and Signe really well.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 19, 2020, 05:27:43 AM
Hahaa Lallicat that was hilarious! Why do you have a... never mind. Reindeer, check.

I wonder if Emil is also planning a wedding, as he immediately thinks of flower arrangements when speaking about a party. Also, are Reynir and Emil living together? With or without Lalli?
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 19, 2020, 06:23:57 AM
Lallicat, that was hilarious! :'D I´m not even surprised Sigrun decided to be Santa...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 19, 2020, 10:35:33 AM
Haha, awesome, more Emil fire disasters! Great story, Lallicat. I now have a very weird mental image of Mikkel as Mrs. Claus.  O_o
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 19, 2020, 02:07:49 PM
Lallicat, awesome story! Emil sure knows how to throw a party to remember :'D Onni showing up out of nowhere was great.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 19, 2020, 11:58:10 PM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Splendid mod Gwenno takes her turn behind the door today, with a warm look at a chilly seasonal pastime.

Spoiler: christmas markets • show

Gwenno says, "We got pretty COVID-ed here in Wales and the UK so no Christmas Markets this year for me, but that doesn't mean the SSSS crew can't have a bit of fun instead!"

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 20, 2020, 07:01:48 AM
It´s so sparkly! XoX :sparkle: :sparkle: :sparkle:
And Sigrun is selling Squirrelcookies, I love it, Gwenno! :squirrelcookie: :sigrun:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 20, 2020, 08:05:49 AM
Ooh, Gwenno, that's such a lovely artwork - you've really captured a sense of the atmosphere. Christmas markets sound lovely, I'm sorry they couldn't happen this year!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 20, 2020, 10:11:58 AM
All these works are lovely! And Gwenno, you catch well the atmosphere of the seasonal markets. Our special Christmas Twilight Farmers Market is still going ahead, hooray! (Usually they happen on Saturday mornings, but the Christmas and Easter ones are in the afternoon and evening. Ours is on the 23rd December this year. Let us hope it is as much fun as this one appears to be!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 20, 2020, 03:23:14 PM
Gwenno, lovely atmosphere! Helsinki has also had a nice Christmas market for about a decade which I have loved to visit, but not this year. Lovely to see Sigrun’s squirrel cookie stand in a picture ar least :) And like others have said, you got the light and ambience just right!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 20, 2020, 07:37:51 PM
People! You are truly amazing! I’m sorry, I had to do a lot of school work and make some presents for my family members, so I couldn’t reply earlier! But I looked through all of the contributions and they are just great! You all are so talented, it’s such a gift to have this calendar going and seeing all these fine works!  ;D :reynir:
(Oh my, every sentence with an exclamation mark haha!)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 20, 2020, 09:28:58 PM
Gwenno, such beautiful art! Lovely colors, and all those lights look so gorgeous and inviting. And is that trdelník I see?(along with squirrel cookies, of course ;))
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Buteo on December 20, 2020, 09:41:28 PM
Beautiful  work, Gwenno! Bright and sparkly, so cheerful!

Everyone is doing such lovely projects, whether images or words!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 21, 2020, 12:09:26 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Today we get a collaboration between our prized poet Róisín and images courtesy of Mirasol, celebrating the solstice and the change of the celestial calendar.

Spoiler: solstice tribute • show


Mirasol says, "The characters depicted in the second picture are Warri and Singer from this story by Róisín: Year 3: Very Far to the South ( "

Here are Róisín's unadorned poems, for those who have trouble seeing images:
Spoiler: poems • show


Midwinter Day. The new crew stands around
A fire amid a grove of looming trees.
The forest waits in silence. The world turns.
They wait to greet the light of the new year
The lengthening days that lead at last to Spring.

Lalli and Onni sing of strengthening light,
How seeds will soon be stirring in the soil
While roots reach deep to transmute death to life.
Of how the snow will fade, young leaves return
On birch trees lifting crowns toward the sun.

They see the bear cub first - the furry face
Peers insubstantial past a low spruce bough.
Grim Ensi looms beside a smaller shape
Who waves, smiles and blows kisses to her kin
In fond farewell before all three depart

For Tuonela. Ensi, is that a smile?

 <3 <3 <3


The limestone cliffs fall sheer into the sea.
Two mages sing a greeting to the dawn.
One from the cliff top, one from the rolling surge
That beats against the steep unyielding land.

Midsummer dawn. Soon sun will bake the land.
The Gateway Star gleams on the fading night
Marking the place where all the worlds are joined,
Where one may step - or swim- from each to each,

Where all tongues are the same, all beings may speak.
May share their joys and sorrows in the Dream
And share their magics to maintain the Land
And keep it safe mid darkness and despair.

They sing and dance their song on land and sea
That things continue as they need to be.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 21, 2020, 04:21:13 AM
Wow! Róisín and Mirasol, this is an amazing collaboration!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 21, 2020, 04:44:07 AM
Thanks, glad you like it!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Lallicat on December 21, 2020, 09:14:42 AM
Johannabelle, such a pretty Lalli!

Jitter, I loved your story, it's always so interesting to speculate on what happened to the prologue characters! (And I'm assuming that the umbrella became some sort of family heirloom, so definitely the one Mikkel used!)

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments, the story was fun to write!

Gwenno, such a pretty scene! The sparkles, and the lights, and the squirrel cookies are just so perfect! XoX

Róisín and Mirasol, you did such good work together! The poems are absolutely gorgeous and the art fits so well!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Buteo on December 21, 2020, 11:51:54 PM
Róisín, Mirasol, your combined work is the sort that brings tears - not from sadness, but from being overwhelmed with beauty.

That's not an adequate description, but it's all I can do tonight...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 22, 2020, 12:22:33 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

Keep Looking brings us another of her amazing poems.  (Gosh, I am privileged getting to enjoy such awesome stuff before the rest of yas do. *snf*)

Spoiler: omg just read this • show

As city streets lie blanketed in snow
Beneath a dim and ever-darkening sky
And countless creatures stilled in slumber lie
The murmur of hushed voices, soft and low
Around a fire, where broth is bubbling slow
Sound sweeter than sweet music heard on high
As if there’s something sacred as they try
To touch a place condemned so long ago.
If anything could bring a sense of peace
To all the rows and rows of wretched souls
That line these streets, it would be on this night
Which once was holy, joyful. Now, at least
Six voices break the silence, warm the cold.
Do they still feel the ghost of candlelight?

Keep Looking says, "This is a Petrarchan sonnet. This form of sonnet originates from Italy, and differs in several ways to the Shakespearean sonnet, which is more common in English. As it was first made for the Italian language, its rhyming scheme can be tricky in English, as it requires you to find a lot of words with the same rhyme. However, it's certainly doable! One of the most famous Petrarchan sonnets in English is Elizabeth Barret Browning's 'How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43)'. Petrarchan sonnets are made of an 8-line octave followed by a 6-line sextet, and there's usually a 'turn' in the poem's theme or story at the 9th line. The octave has a rhyming scheme of ABBAABBA, while the sextet can have several rhyming schemes, most commonly CDCDCD or CDECDE (I used the latter)."

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 22, 2020, 01:17:41 AM
Lovely Petrarchan sonnet (Petrarch would be proud). The form is sadly neglected these years, and I am glad to see it.

And thank you for the praises for the piece Mirasol and I did.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 22, 2020, 02:27:46 AM
Wonderful poetry and art, Róisín, Mirasol nd Keep!  :sparkle: :sparkle: :sparkle:
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 22, 2020, 06:44:07 AM
Thank you so much for the nice comments on Róisín´s and my pieces! :))

And another amazing poem, Keep Looking!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 22, 2020, 10:37:01 AM
Got busy with things and haven't stopped by in a few days - how could I let that happen?

Gwenno, I love your market scene. I spotted the squirrel cookies right away, but Johannabelle drew my attention to yet another new baked good in my universe (trdelník). This is why I enjoy the forum advent calendar - not only do I get to enjoy wonderful creations by you talented folks, I always learn about something new! And often edible.  ;D

Róisín and Mirasol, a beautiful collaboration. I really like that both hemispheres are represented. I need to go back and read again with more care, and stare at the artwork a little longer.

And Keep teaches me something else new! I'm decidedly not literary, so I know very little about sonnet forms. However, reading a bit about them makes the poems all the more enjoyable. Lovely imagery.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Buteo on December 22, 2020, 10:04:40 PM
Another beautiful and elegant poem, Keep Looking!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 23, 2020, 12:13:56 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

How are your decorations coming, those of you who decorate a tree? Long since up, or in boxes in a heap? GaelleDragons takes a turn on this penultimate day of this year's calendar imagining the crew's tree.

Spoiler: Mikkel Stops a disaster • show

GaelleDragons says, "Because there is no way Emil wouldn't want to put real candles on the christmas tree and there is no way it wouldn't end badly. Fortunately Mikkel is always there to keep things from going boom, even if Emil calls him a killjoy."

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 23, 2020, 02:21:00 AM
Meanwhile, on the other side, Kitty is trying to climb up the tree and whatever effort is made to keep her from toppling it is going to be very conter-productive.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 23, 2020, 09:16:34 AM
Haha, yet another Emil fire-related near-disaster! GaelleDragons, I love your style. And for reasons I can't quite explain, I particularly like that Mikkel is wearing plaid. He could be any one of my neighbours.  ;D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 23, 2020, 11:27:32 AM
Hahaa, Mikkel to the rescue. As always!

Did you know by the way that a significant proportion of Danish households still use live candles in the tree to this day? This as the unfortunate consequence that Christmas is a busy season for Danish fire brigades. Mikkel would definitely err on the side of caution in this matter (too), and make sure safety comes before festivity!

Our tree is in and this year it smells really nicely of forest. Haven’t started decorating yet. We have a real tree, like many families do in Finland (I couldn’t find any figures though) and the smell is lovely! We had to move furniture into weird places to make room for it :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 23, 2020, 01:01:19 PM
My own tree-decorations still reside in their box, but I´m glad that these right here won´t be destroyed by the inevitable fire, thanks to Mikkel. :'D Great and hilarious piece, GaelleDragons!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: JoB on December 23, 2020, 03:22:01 PM
"Fortunately Mikkel is always there to keep things from going boom, even if Emil calls him a killjoy."
New headcanon: Mikkel picked up this habit after the one time he allowed Emil to get the CatTank's stove going while Mikkel was not yet finished chopping some ingredients.

The electric stove in the fully electricity-powered CatTank.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: GaelleDragons on December 23, 2020, 05:51:44 PM
Thank you everyone! I'm glad my artwork made you smile! ^^

New headcanon: Mikkel picked up this habit after the one time he allowed Emil to get the CatTank's stove going while Mikkel was not yet finished chopping some ingredients.

The electric stove in the fully electricity-powered CatTank.
So are we to assume Emil couldn't be trusted with putting electric fake candles on the tree as well?

Hahaa, Mikkel to the rescue. As always!

Did you know by the way that a significant proportion of Danish households still use live candles in the tree to this day? This as the unfortunate consequence that Christmas is a busy season for Danish fire brigades. Mikkel would definitely err on the side of caution in this matter (too), and make sure safety comes before festivity!

I did not know that! Well that explains why Mikkel was so quick at stopping Emil then : he's seen a christmas tree burn before.  :mikkel:

(also I wanna thank all the contributors so far (and we're almost at the end, so that's a lot) for all their wonderful contributions! I've been staying silent on the forum lately due to school kicking my ass but I still managed to see all the stuff that has been posted and aaaaaaa it's good! So uh yeah, good job everyone, and happy merry christmas! ^^ )
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 23, 2020, 11:03:58 PM
Gaelle, that's a wonderful and very amusing artwork! Alas for Emil's hopes and dreams.

Because in Australia we don't live in a climate where you can grow fir trees (is it fir trees that people traditionally use?? I just call them all pine trees usually, which isn't really accurate), my family just uses a plastic tree (the same one we've had all my life). We set it up a few weeks ago, and as normal decorated it with the usual assortment of Christmas ornaments - weird trinkets my brothers and I made in primary school, assorted boxes of baubles or figurines, pine cones spray-painted silver and painted gumnuts. It has a really specific smell, this one plastic tree, and that's the smell I associate with Christmas.

I did have a friend in my old town whose dad would go out to the pine plantations every December (we had a lot in the area, mostly Pinus Radiata) and collect (probably not legally) an entire sapling to bring home (usually several metres tall - they had high ceilings). But we were never really that extravagant.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 24, 2020, 12:11:21 AM

Spoiler: open the door • show

We have arrived at the 24th!  Let us all thank lucky last gjuerne for this sweet sweet Scandinavian treat.

Spoiler: julbord • show

gjuerne says, "I was raised in an upper Midwest Swedish/Norwegian/Saami family, and we kept the Scandinavian Christmas Eve Julbord tradition which included trays of many kinds of delicious butter cookies. Here is a recipe for a family favorite, and for fruit soup, always part of the Julbord dessert array."

1 cup butter, creamed
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 egg or 3 egg yolks, unbeaten
1 tsp almond extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
2-1/2 or more sifted cake flour
Add sugar to creamed butter, mix until fluffy. Stir in egg and almond extract. (Add a few drops of green food coloring at this point if you plan to use the Christmas tree shape, which my family always does.) Sift baking powder and cake flour together, stir into the butter/sugar mixture. Don’t over mix! Fill cookie press and force dough onto baking sheets. Bake at 400° for 7-10 minutes, or until edges just start to brown.
Pro tip: use plain metal baking pans; the dough from the cookie press will not stick to no-stick or “easy release” pans.

2/3 cup large pearl tapioca
2 quarts water
1-2 cinnamon sticks
2 tart apples, peeled and thinly sliced)
1 cup prunes
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp vinegar
Juice of two lemons (approx 1/4 cup)
2 cups tart cherries & juice (I usually use frozen)
Simmer tapioca, apples, and cinnamon sticks in two quarts of water until the tapioca is half done. Add the rest of the ingredients — you can add frozen raspberries, blackberries, or blueberries if you wish, or some tart jelly. Cook until the tapioca is clear, or has a tiny white “eye.” Adjust the taste to your preference with sugar or lemon juice, my family likes it a bit on the tart side. We serve it warm, or hot. I adore it and always stick a few servings in the deep freezer because it is also delicious chilled on a hot summer day.

Now, imagine the crew of SSSS gathered around Siv and Torbjorn’s table for Julbord, and Onni and Lalli monopolizing the sweets on the table! Kitty will be trying to swipe a delicious morsel or two of fish, and Emil’s cousins will be up to mischief. God Jul and many thanks to all my fellow Minnions who have brightened my month with delightful art, stories, recipes, and poems!


Spoiler: gosh golly gee • show
Gosh, we've come to the end of the Advent Calendar for the year.  How is this possible?  Gosh, I wish there was more to come, don't you?
*pokes empty calendar*
*calendar pokes back*
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Grade E cat on December 24, 2020, 02:38:46 AM
You seriously *didn't* expect the calendar to trollify in 2020?  o_O
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: JoB on December 24, 2020, 03:50:27 AM
Because in Australia we don't live in a climate where you can grow fir trees (is it fir trees that people traditionally use?? I just call them all pine trees usually, which isn't really accurate)
As it happens, Germany has downright pro-con/popularity lists of tree species ( to use for a Christmas tree.
Spoiler, to paraphrase: show

  • Nordmanntanne (Abies nordmanniana) - non-prickly needles, strong branches, long time before it starts losing needles when not provided with water (TTNL ;) ); the most popular kind in Germany, with 70% market share
  • Blaufichte (Picea pungens) - strong branches, forest-y smell, well suited for real candles
  • Fichte (Picea abies) - cheapest, mid-level prickliness, TTNL of only a couple days
  • Rotfichte (Picea rubens) - also cheapest, usually asymmetric, TTNL of only a couple days
  • Edeltanne (Abies procera / Abies nobilis) - soft needles, strong smell, extremely long TTNL
  • Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris) - nice smell, long TTNL
  • Douglasie (Pseudotsuga menziesii) - soft needles, weak branches
  • Colorado-Tanne (Abies concolor) - soft, long needles, citrus-y smell, rather rare to find and thus a bit expensive
  • Korea-Tanne - citrus-y smell, long TTNL, also a bit rare

So, firs make up a significant part of the list at least, and it's common to call the Christmas tree "Tannenbaum" - i.e., "a fir" - as well, while pine trees ("Kiefer", which also means "jaw") occupy just one entry on the list.

By the way, plantation owners here have started to treat not-yet-ready trees with some stuff that starts to stink when you bring it into a warm room so as to reduce the AWOL rate. >:D
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 24, 2020, 10:14:48 AM
Oh my gosh, more delightful things to bake! That tray of goodies looks irresistable, I would be fighting over it with Onni and Lalli.  ;D

We don't bother with a Christmas tree - our house is small and there are two very curious cats - but we live in a rural area surrounded by fir trees so we don't really need to. And sometimes decorations show up in the neighbourhood!


Thanks again to all the contributors, have a Merry Christmas... or whatever else you might celebrate, or not!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: gjuerne on December 24, 2020, 11:05:59 AM
A huge THANK YOU to wavewright62 for organizing our Minnion Advent Calendar! Not only organizing, but contributing such delights! I am still chuckling over the Cat Training entry!

This has been one of the busiest Decembers of my long-ish life, and although I only had time to reply once, every day I would find a few minutes to view the Advent calendar entry. You are all such talented folks! Delightful art, poems, stories, menus, and lovely comments. So a huge THANK YOU! as well to all my fellow Minnions 🥰💖
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 24, 2020, 12:50:11 PM
Sounds delicious, gjuerne! Let me join Vulpes and the Hotakainen-boys in the food-fight...

[...] as normal decorated it with the usual assortment of Christmas ornaments - weird trinkets my brothers and I made in primary school, assorted boxes of baubles or figurines, pine cones spray-painted silver and painted gumnuts.

Ah yes, you have just precicely described our own decorations...

Merry Christmas, or whatever you may celebrate, to everyone!

And this Advent Calendar was absolutely amazing, thank you Wave for organizing it! And all you Minnions who participated are so talented! I enjoyed every single day! I can´t believe it´s over already...

Spoiler: gosh golly gee • show
Gosh, we've come to the end of the Advent Calendar for the year.  How is this possible?  Gosh, I wish there was more to come, don't you?
*pokes empty calendar*
*calendar pokes back*

Huh? :o (Now I have this weird image of a trollified calendar in my head... :'D)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 24, 2020, 04:18:57 PM
On the subject of Christmas trees. The fir (Abies) is the “classic “ Christmas tree, and has the beautiful overall form and strong branches to make it ideal for decorating. I think no firs are native to Finland, so our Christmas tree is the Norway spruce (Picea abies) It is indeed unfortunately prickly but the smell is the only one that is just right for me.

When I was a kid, the spruces for sale were either naturally grown young trees (sparse weak branches) or top parts of big trees felled for timber (sparse strong branches). Farmed fir started to be available about 20 years ago when me and my husband were starting our own Christmas traditions, but at that time they were all imported. Nowadays fir are available, but also the spruce for sale for Christmas trees are farmed and cut repeatedly during their growth, so they are thick and strong and “Christmas tree shaped”. So, the trees we have nowadays are like a dream compared to what they were like when I was little :) I don’t think anyone really uses pine (Pinus sylvestris, the Scots pine) as Christmas tree here, it’s completely different in both overall shape, branches and needles.

Here is our tree. This is about half of the ornaments, too bad we don’t have room for two trees!

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Johannabelle on December 24, 2020, 06:01:44 PM
Another successful advent calendar! :) It's always such a delight to see what everyone comes up with, and thank you wavewright62 for doing such a great job organising!

Róisín and Mirasol, beautiful poetry and beautiful illustrations to go with it! I really love the colors that were used.

Keep Looking, I had no idea what a Petrarchan sonnet was but the explanation really does help me appreciate the poem more.

GaelleDragons, good on Mikkel for preventing disaster :'D Also I love Emil's sweater, why is it so adorable, gosh

gjuerne, those look incredible, can't even remember the last time I had a spritz cookie. Tragic.

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Gwenno on December 24, 2020, 06:16:13 PM
Thank you to everyone for your contribution this year, and an especially big thanks to Wave for organising it all! It's been such a treat to see everyone's entries, and I thoroughly enjoyed creating my own too :D I hope your Christmas market went well on the 23rd Róisín, and Johanabelle, you have a good eye (and knowledge of baked goods!), it is indeed trdelník, one of my Christmas market favourites :P
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 24, 2020, 08:04:13 PM

No, the Calendar is not trollified, but it isn't quite empty yet!

It's the 25th in some parts of the globe, and still the 24th in others.  For some of us, it's a time to relax, maybe have some special sweets, or delicious smorgasbord, or perhaps just a soupçon of wine and cheese.
Speaking of cheese, I have some to offer you...

Spoiler: grandma got what now • show

(sung to the tune of 'Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer')

Grandma got run over by a Reynir
Trying to kill us all one summer’s eve
You can say there’s no such thing as kade
As for me and Onni, we believe

She was ensnared one fateful day when
She asked her friend what's in her pack
Hilja urged her to look into her eyes then
But her friend wasn’t the one who was looking back.

Grandma’s warning wasn’t shoddy
But the damage had been done
It seems It was the workings of a kade
Who’d gathered far more souls than just the one.

Grandma got run over by a Reynir
Trying to kill us all one summer’s eve
You can say there’s no such thing as Surma
As for me and Mikkel, we believe

Before she came and showed her face, sent
a fabled trio of troll bears
It seems they took the lift down to the basement
But they really should have taken the stairs.

Then Reynir took care with his runework
Inscribing each with utmost care
I tucked his loaded weapon in my hauberk
And I felt my heart a-thumping ‘gainst each square.

Grandma got run over by a Reynir
Trying to kill us all one summer’s eve
You can say there’s no such thing as magic
As for me and Sigrun, we believe

When at last we faced the kade
It taunted me like I was a noob
With a baleful glance disabled all our weapons
That’s when I stood up and threw ... The Cube

When she saw disordered rune-squares
Compelled, she laboured then to solve
Her claws ignited all the rune flares
All souls released from bonds as she dissolved.

Grandma got run over by a Reynir
Trying to kill us all one summer’s eve
You can say there’s no such thing as Rubik
As for me and Emil, we believe

All together now
Grandma got run over by a Reynir
With some of the tricks tucked up his sleeve
You can say there’s no such thing as closure
As for me and Tuuri, we believe

Now freed, the spirit of the original mage explains to Ensi and Hilja how the Rubik's cube is supposed to work.

*holds finger to lips*  Now folks, don't you touch that dial, we'll be back at midnight for some extra Calendar uh, goodness...
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 24, 2020, 08:23:51 PM
This gift just keeps on giving!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Annuil on December 24, 2020, 10:29:42 PM
Merry Christmas, people! Time zones do not matter on this wonderful day of the year! :sparkle: Merry Christmas! :sparkle:

(I will come back to write some more, I promise)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 25, 2020, 12:13:44 AM

The mod comes in and sweeps up the shavings and the squirrel cookie crumbs and wipes the rings from the mead glasses off the table, delighted that everyone is replete with fandom goodness.
As she folds up the Calendar for another year, it seems a bit heavier?
It's....not fully empty?
What's this?  It's a little door in the back?

Spoiler: open the door • show

Just when you thought it was all over, thegreyarea emerges to send us off with a story.  Can you spot the references?
Spoiler: a midsummer night dream • show

Part 1

Reynir woke up with a strange feeling. Was somebody calling his name?
He sat on the bed, looked around and rubbed his eyes. Where were everybody? The cabin was empty!
"Hello? Anybody?" He raised and tried again in a terrible Swedish, and then in an even worse Finish. No answer. Something was wrong, but how? Onni had guaranteed they were safe in the Lehto! Sure, except from those damned mosquitoes, but otherwise safe! What could have made his friends get up in the middle of the night? And why it was so cold? They were in the middle of Summer and...
"Reynir! Come on! We need your help!"
It was Mikkel, calling from outside! Of course he would help. "I'm going! I'm going!" he yelled as loud as possible.
Another surprise hit Reynir when he looked at himself. His clothes had been replaced by a curious pair of green overalls, and boots! But he would never sleep with them on! And those weren't even his boots! Reynir started to suspect that it was all some practical joke that the gang was playing on him. But how could they change him without awakening...
"Come on Reynir! We are all waiting for you!"
This time it was Sigrun calling. They were all part of the joke! He looked at the mirror and saw he was also wearing a ridiculous shirt with white and red horizontal stripes. Where did they found that? The laughable costume also included a yellow belt matching the overall's buttons! Of course they would all mock him as soon as he left the cabin! It wasn't right! "Why? What have I done to deserve this?," he muttered.
"Reynir! Please!"
Mikkel again! Reynir checked his hair, suspicious that they could have done something with his precious braid. He saw with relief that it was untouched, but then relief was replaced by incredulity when he noticed something pointy parting his hair. Carefully he felt it. "What the..."
"Last call Reynir! We have to move!"
At that moment he couldn't care less. His ears! Those pointy things were his ears, both perfectly attached to his head, as usual, but now they were much longer!
Now he knew! Magic! Someone used a spell on him! And since he couldn't see Lalli doing it there was only one possibility left!
Reynir opened sharply the cabin's door and walked, blaring out, "Onni! What have I done to you to...", but suddenly was out of words, because just ahead Onni stood looking at him, wearing a copy of his costume and, he quickly noticed, also sporting a pair of pointed ears!
"Come! We have work to do and you are delaying everything." Onni was complaining but also smiling! Reynir didn't recall ever seeing a smile on him... and he took his hand! So strange!
Onni pulled him around the cabin to one of the strangest scenes he ever saw. All his friends were there, but they were... different. There was a sleigh over the snow and... Wait! Snow? But they were close to midsummer! He looked down and found his boots well inside a thick snow cover.
Reynir looked back at his friends. Emil and Lalli were also dressed in foolish clothes like him and Onni, and were carrying some brightly coloured boxes towards the sleigh.
The sleigh was an intense red with golden decorations and runners. Mikkel was seated on it, and Sigrun was close. Both wore strange winter coats, also in red, with matching caps and details in white. At least they didn't seem to have pointy ears like the rest of the gang.
He also noticed Kitty perched over Mikkel's cap. The cat, at least, seemed unchanged.
There was one large reindeer harnessed to the sleigh, and it was also strange... it took him a little to understand. It was Tuuri! How had she changed from bird to reindeer? Could she do it?
"Hi Reynir!" she spoke, with a joyful voice. He managed to wave back.
"Take this side, let's move!" Onni had taken him close to a large pile of coloured boxes pilled over the snow, and gestured towards a large one.
"You want me to carry this?"
"Of course! We have to load the sleigh. We can't let Lalli and Emil do all the work, can we?"
They lifted the box, with a few smaller ones over it, and followed the others.
"Careful... oh no!!!"
Reynir turned in time too see that Emil let their large box tilt to one side, dropping some smaller ones to the ground, and one onto his feet. From the opposite side came a loud SLAP, and Reynir turned back to see Onni with one eye closed and a painful expression.
"Why does everyone always hit my eye?! Careful with that braid! You want me to emulate that one-eyed god of yours?"
"Oops! Sorry! Don't be mad at me!"
"All right, all right! No problem. Just be careful next time," Onni said, opening a large smile. Definitely there was something very wrong going on.
They finished loading the sleigh, that somehow carried much more than its size would indicate. Then Sigrun took the place beside Mikkel. "Com'on boys, climb in the back! We have a long night ahead of us!"
The others ran to the sleigh, and Reynir followed.  "Wait, there's no way for us to fit together with all those boxes..." But entering the sleigh he found there was plenty of space! Somehow it was much bigger on the inside.
"Tuuri, your turn!" Mikkel spoke, holding the harness. They lurched forward as the sleigh accelerated fast and Sigrun, raising her arms, squeaked happily. "Yeeeeah!"
All the others cheered, but Reynir was terribly frightened. He had never moved so fast in his life, that was sure. Just when he was resuming breathing something even stranger happened. One moment they were sliding over the snow, and the other they were moving up, away from the ground!
Panicking, he looked around at his friends, but no one showed any distress, as if flying in a sleigh was a common thing.
Reynir was speechless while they smoothly rose above the pines into a beautiful, starred sky. Suppressing his fears he managed to look down and saw the island becoming smaller and smaller, just a dark patch over the lake surface, illuminated by the full Moon's reflection.
"It's all so beautiful and peaceful here!" said Emil, putting one arm over Lalli's and the other over Onni's back.
"But guys, we're flying! Since when's that normal and peaceful?"
"No need to worry, friend," Onni answered, smiling (how could he be smiling all the time?). "Sometimes I'm a bird, remember? Flying is perfectly safe."
Looking forward Reynir saw another island over the lake, growing fast as they closed on it. But this one had a large house with many windows, all lit from the inside.
Soon they landed, stopping near a large pine covered with bright, colourful balls and sparking lights. Reynir was astonished! He had never seen something like that. And how could they have electricity here in the middle of the Silent World?
Reynir found the inside even more impressive. There was a very large living room, illuminated by several electric lamps and heated by an enormous fireplace. Everything looked brand new and clean, from the floor to the many colourful decorations, including a tree that replicated the big one outside. They placed the gifts next to it, and soon several children came running from one of the many doors. He wasn't sure, but there were ten or eleven, all between six and what... thirteen? And there were clear familiar similarities.
Their clothes were so gay, colourful and covered with plenty of winter motifs! Snowflakes, reindeer and figures clothed like Mikkel and Sigrun, some even dressed ridiculously like him! The kids were laughing and seemed delighted by their presence, touching and hugging them. Mikkel and Sigrun were, for some reason, the centre of all attentions.
Somehow Sigrun had a list in her hands, and as she called each child Mikkel would point to a box. Reynir, Lalli, Emil or Onni would give the gift to Mikkel while the selected child sat on his lap. He asked if the children behaved well, and once each one confirmed that, gave the selected gift as reward.
There were many wonderful gifts, including some that Reynir had seen only in museums, like a miniature train with the accompanying set of rails, or a magical car that somehow responded to the commands of a little black box without anyone touching it!
There was also a large table on one side, covered with food, candies, cakes and juices. He tasted some and they were all delicious. While Reynir wondered who had made all those things one child came talk to him, smiling.
"Are you Reynir?" The girl would be twelve and had perfect clothes, teeth... even her hair was perfectly held in a short braid, not one strand out of place. Reynir knew very well how hard it was to arrange such a perfect braid.
"Yes I am. How do you and your friends know our names?"
"I... don't... I just know! Doesn't everybody know your names?" She took Reynir's braid in her delicate hands. "I love your braid! It's so long and beautiful! You are a lucky girl!"
"Ah... Thanks, but I'm a boy. And who might you be?"
"I'm... Samy! Yes, Samy! I never saw a boy with such a long braid! Come, we are playing hairdresser with Emil! I got a fantastic set, it even has a working hairdryer!" And before Reynir could ask what was a hairdryer she was pulling him across the room to one corner where Emil used a chair and a mirror to set up an improvised beauty salon.
Clearly none of those children needed hair care, yet Emil was obviously delighted! And he wasn't alone. Everybody was happy, safe, smiling and laughing... He should feel the same, but why did he feel uneasy?
After what seemed hours the children started to grow bored with their gifts. Samy and a few others decided to play hide and seek, and invited Reynir to join them. Poor lads, they didn't knew that he was Brúardalur's uncontested hide and seek champion! On the first round he was the seeker, and even without knowing the house he soon got all but Samy, that was smart enough to hide in the main room behind Mikkel, just a few steps from base.
The next round came soon, however as Reynir ran to find a good hiding place, he spotted an older person going upstairs. They had agreed that the game would use only the ground floor, but Reynir couldn't resist following that man. Maybe he could give some explanations for that strange night.
He reached a long corridor with many doors in time to see the man going through a door at the end. Reynir waited for him to close the door and walked as fast and silently as possible. That uneasiness was back, and stronger this time.
Reynir entered the room, but the man wasn't there. It was a large bedroom, beautifully decorated, and one half-opened door in the opposite wall showed a private bathroom. Everything looked brand new and dustless, and the room was heated, however a shudder shook his body.
Reynir felt... watched. Yes, as if someone was just behind him!
He turned around, but there was no one to be seen. Over the bed he saw a gift box already open, with a black rectangle inside. It was one of those communication devices used in the Old World, but this one was not only brand new but also working! Reynir touched it and the picture changed! So vivid and colourful! No wonder people loved those things.
Then he felt it again. "Who's there?" he asked, turning around again. "Show yourself!" Reynir turned again to face the bed. No one, but the room was becoming cold, and the lights seemed to dim... was that a stain in the wall? Right over the bed? So strange in this perfectly clean room. He came closer and tried to touch it.

Suddenly the lights went out, leaving only the soft moonlight that came from the large window. The room was covered in dust and mold, the curtains in rags, the paint flaking from the wall... and to his horror he saw there were bones and a skull over the bed, and that the stain was really a shadow, a man-shaped shadow like the ones in Denmark. Reynir was looking at it when the shadow abruptly opened its fiery eyes.

End of part 1

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 25, 2020, 12:27:06 AM
On the subject of Christmas trees. The fir (Abies) is the “classic “ Christmas tree, and has the beautiful overall form and strong branches to make it ideal for decorating. I think no firs are native to Finland, so our Christmas tree is the Norway spruce (Picea abies) It is indeed unfortunately prickly but the smell is the only one that is just right for me.

I am much relieved.  I tried to come up with a spoiler label for Guardian G.I.'s marvelous City of Hunger tree projection, and spent some time on Google trying to research what species it was likely to be, based on actual Finnish trees.  I'm glad I guessed correctly.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Keep Looking on December 25, 2020, 01:30:25 AM
Wow! What an end to the calendar!

Gjeurne, your recipe looks delicious, and it's really cool learning what other people eat at Christmas-time! Wave, your song was very funny (and I actually knew the tune! I heard 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer' one time on.. the radio? A random spotify playlist? Anyway, I did hear it once). And Grey, that was a really charming story - with a cliffhanger, too! I wonder what's gonna happen next.

A huge thanks to Wave for organising all this - after doing Chapter Break Fillers, I know how much work goes into this kind of thing! And you do a wonderful job of it.

And thanks also to everyone who shared information about Christmas trees - it was really interesting, particularly as it was an area that I know basically nothing about!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 25, 2020, 01:51:30 AM
Now.  The time has come for me to make my thank-yous, to all of the lovely Minnions who have contributed to this year's calendar.  Many of you stepped up twice, when we did not reach 24 sign-ups.  A massive effort, folks, and I am deeply honoured to curate this again this year.

To Grade E Cat:  longtime Minnion but first-time Calendar contributor - your story is a delight, with your human!Kitty character so beguiling.
To Vulpes: You brought us amusing tales of a Manx mage OC, a flaming pudding, and some awesomely good Bornholm <redacted>, fit for raising a civilisation on. 
To Alkia: Your heartwarming vignette of 3 bears under the Aurora Borealis was a fitting sequel to last year's troll-cocoa scene.
To Róisín: The Founder of the Feast as it were, taking us far beyond the famous 'shrimp on the barbie' by sharing with us the menu for a proper Aussie feast, and then returning with a diptych of your gorgeous poems celebrating the soltstice.
To Jitter:  A double dose from you as well, starting with Tuuri celebrating the Finnish Flag Day (I reallly love getting these insights into other cultures, don't you?), and returning with a totally Danish celebration of Julhygge, and an umbrella.
To Luna Fowler: inspired (and hilarious) casting of our heroes and antagonists alike in an alternative Christmas tableau!
To Johannabelle: All the Hotakainen sweetness!  You brought us Tuuri and Onni cosying together, and then submitted a surprise bonus image of lolly-loving Lalli, which I ended up needing. 
To Lallicat: your first entry for the calendar brought us a sweet tale of our once-precocious Kitty getting her comeuppance from the new kit on the block, amidst more cat puns than a Miraculous Ladybug fandom event!  You followed that up with the eternal question, 'why does Reynir have a reindeer costume?' to bring the crew an update on the holiday party season.
To Annuil: you also contributed for the first time this year after bursting on the scene a few months ago, and gifted us a solemn look at the reason for the season.
To Mirasol: so many of us long-term Minnions have made our uneasy peace with the squirrels and the squirrel cookies, but your astonishing maiden effort in the calendar burst open the secret of these for all to see, and then you followed that up with a collaboration with Róisín, setting her poems into a diptych! 
To Keep Looking: twice breathing life into poetic forms, casting Year 0 in haunting light and shadow, and then the second time setting quiet songs and warm wax soup as comfort in the dark of the year.
To Guardian G.I.: you could not gift a Secret Santa this year, but did gift all of us our only City of Hunger tribute this year, with a fascinating look at this AU and its origins connecting Lalli back to Scandinavia - tech ftw!
To thegreyarea:  first you brought us that utterly charming picture of the crew as Santa and elves bringing Christmas cheer, and now are in the process of revealing the literally 'charming' story behind it, extending calendar treats for us all!  (No, I haven't seen the rest yet, folks, I don't know what's happening next! But, I heard a song on the radio earlier today, "All I want for Christmas is another day of Hallowe'en," and I am totally getting that vibe from part 1 of this story.)
To Gwenno: my fabulous fellow mod gave us the warm glow of a festive Christmas market and its tempting wares, even while many of us have been deprived of such experiences this year.
To Gaelle Dragons: the best eyebrows of the year, no doubt in my mind about that, in your giggle-inducing look at Emil attempting to light the tree Danish-style, only to be calmly thwarted by the resident Dane.
To gjuerne: taking time out from a busy busy phase to bring us your yummy julbord recipes (your suggestion about the cold fruit soup may fit right in with Róisín's warm-weather holiday barbecue, d'ya think?).

And thank you to those of you who got a chuckle out of my not-remotely-Christmasy cat training and Hanukkah images.  Even my silly filk takes a Christmas song and renders it non-seasonal.  I guess I represent a bit of a minority viewpoint, and I write this alongside my own dinner of a little salad and some leftover braised chicken livers.  Bringing together this fandom celebration is my Christmas (along with playing for numerous brass band carolling gigs through December). 
Thanks for tuning in, and stay tuned in for the rest of thegreyarea's story.  (grey, you don't need me anymore - just go ahead and post the rest of the story directly, thanks!)

A Happy New Year to all of us, good riddance to 2020! 
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 25, 2020, 07:33:21 AM
Thank you thank you thank you Wave for organizing this again, and for everyone for the lovely contributions and comments!

This has been a delight, and even more important than at an average year as a way of bringing community and camaraderie into the middle of all the distancing and restrictions on meetings!

Ps Grey I can’t wait for the continuation! No, strike that off, I can. Take time to celebrate with your family first!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 25, 2020, 09:49:19 AM
pff, I didn´t know the song before, but your last contribution was hilarious, Wave! :'D Who would have guessed a Rubiks Cube of all things would save the situation...

And Grey, what an awesome story! And what a cliffhanger! O_O I´ll be looking foreward to the continuation!

In repeating myself: Thank you so much, Wave, for organizing this event!!! And thank you for letting me be a part of it! :))
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 25, 2020, 10:29:00 AM
Oh my, all the extraordinary extras! Wave, as if you didn't do enough organizing this, you come back and give us a wonderful filk and drawing. And grey, that is one spooky Christmas tale - I'm eager to read the conclusion. Double cliffhangers - here and in the comic.  O_O

Thanks again to all for the great stories, art, and recipes, and Wave again for organizing. I don't do Christmas, other than taking a break and eating too much, so like Wave, this is my Christmas. It's such fun seeing everyone's take on the comic, and various traditions from around the world.

Here's to a less fraught 2021!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: thegreyarea on December 25, 2020, 11:37:22 AM
Hello my friends! I'm out of the cave where I've been working these last days to bring you the second part of my story.

I've been working hard to finish it, so I didn't had time to properly introduce it. The story name is "A Midsummer Night's Christmas Dream" *gets slapped by Shakespeare's ghost* playing with the title of that amazing work. *ghost laughs and fades away* I'm glad he had a great sense of humour...

It was inspired by my previous contribution for this calendar (see day 16) and I just had to write it... I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and I wish you all an amazing Christmas, Holidays, New Year, Easter, Midsummer and on and on... :)

I didn't had time to get my poor daughter to proofread. Wave was kind enough to check the first part, but parts 2 and 3 will be posted here "as they are". So please accept my apologies and please forgive my crimes against the English language.
Later I'll post the complete, fully proofread story on AO3.

Part 3 will be posted tonight.

So here it goes:
Spoiler: show

A Midsummer Night's Christmas Dream

Part 2

Reynir backed away, terrified, until his back hit the wall. "No! That can't be! You're gone! Anne took you away!"
He blinked, and the lights were back. The room was clean and perfect again, except for the barely visible stain on the wall. Reynir left as fast as he could, just to find the same young man standing on the corridor. He was thin and tall, with a gaunt face, dark hair and plain, dark clothes. So similar, he noticed, with the shadow.
"Who or what are you?" Reynir shouted. "What's this place?" The man remained silent, but the light flickered and, to Reynir's astonishment, they were back at the main room.
"Got you Reynir!" one of the kids said, running back to the game base. At that moment, however,  Reynir couldn't care less. He only had eyes for the strange man. "So, you're going to talk, or not?"
He nodded and in a flash they were at one corner of the room, siting on some comfy armchairs. "Y... you... want... talk." It wasn't a question. He spoke as someone that had trouble to remember each word.
"Who are you? Are you a ghost?" This seemed to intrigue the man. It took him some time to answer.
"I am... your host... My name... is... it starts with... p... Some things are... harder to... remember... then others. Has... been a long... time... since I... talked to... someone."
He took a glass of juice from a table that wasn't there just a moment before and sipped it. "How you... know? How you... see me?" He was already speaking better.
"I'm a mage, and looks like I'm pretty good at seeing spirits. So what's this all about? How are we here? What's this party?"
"Why, this is... Christmas, can't you see?" noticing the lack of understanding on Reynir's face he sighed. "So you don't... know what it is. How much... time passed?"
"You mean, since the Rash? We are on year 91."
"So no more Christmas at the end of the... year? Can't say I'm... surprised... Are there many... survivors? Did you found a way to... win the Rash?"
Reynir already decided that the less that man knew the better. "There are some survivors, but not many. And no, we didn't win. However some are immune to it, and there are a few safe places. We don't celebrate that Christmas you mentioned, altoughwe still have a party at the end of the year. It's called Yule."
"I recall that name... So, back to... pagan stuff... The rest of the World, is it... still full of... infected?" He moved closer. "Tell me more."
"Look, P, ghost or whatever, I won't tell you a thing before some explanations!"
He looked intensely, and Reynir got a glimpse of the shadow's fiery look, but then the man relaxed back on the armchair. "Fine... Why not? We have... all the time."
"First, back to my question. Where we are, and what's happening?"
"You are in my... dream. My Christmas dream."
"How? Why?"
"I don't... know how I do it. I just dream. As for why... don't you see? Now we have a... perfect party, and we are all... safe, forever!"
"Safe forever? I don't understand."
A low table materialized in front of them, with a large screen over it. Reynir had seen those before... Maybe in Reykjavik? He noticed that Onni was close, playing with some kids, but they seemed unaware of their conversation.
Suddenly a picture of the house appeared on the device. There was sunlight, and no decorations. Then a boat was arriving at a small pier. The persons inside didn't seem happy, but rather broken, and exhausted.
"We were... very rich, back then. My family owned this house, and the whole island. Me, my parents, sisters, brothers, uncles and... cousins, we managed to... reunite here, after all the... madness."
"Hard times, I suppose."
The image changed, showing crowded streets where people fought and throw things at each other. There was smoke, fire, and gunshots.
"You have no...Idea. The World didn't end with a... whimper. Everything went mad! Nobody knew for sure what was happening. Governments and... co... communications no longer worked. There were... rumours about war, cures for the disease, prophets, monsters eating people... and many... even believed it was all lies, part of some great... conspiracy to... scare people and rule the World. Everybody just wanted to run away and find a safe place. There were mortal fights over food, water... and people were hoarding all they could, from medicines to toilet paper!"
The images changed as he spoke. A group running towards a plane, ant then, seen from above, a very large city in flames.
"We held this island as a safe place. My... crazy uncle... can't recall his name... he always believed something like the Rash could happen, so we had... pro...provisions. We arranged our Christmas party just as planned previously, months before the Rash." He pointed at the fireplace, where Mikkel and the others still entertained the children.
"We even had hired some people to play Santa and his elves, dressed like you and your friends... Of course by then we knew those would never come.
Even if sometimes we heard... shots and explosions far away, we were grateful for being away from all the madness, and did our best to hide any fears and doubts from the kids.
One day my uncle managed to make... radio contact with some friends in... Denmark. They told about some new medicine, and were... confident that this one would work. Uncle offered them to stay here with us if they brought it."
Now the screen showed one man in rags, bleeding and limping. He carried a metallic suitcase. "All the adults went to the... airport to protect their... ar... arrival, and I stayed to care for the children. But my father was the only one to return. Before dying he made me... swear that I would take care of the kids."
Now the young man looked older, and sad.
"And you believed that taking the new medicine would protect you from the Rash."
"Sure. I gave it to the children after... dinner. They became... sleepy, but seemed fine, and I put each one in bed with a kiss. Then I took it too. And we never had our Christmas party."
Reynir felt sorry for the man. Such weight over his shoulders. However he needed to know more.
"So neither of you awakened again."
He nodded.
"What happened then?"
"I always had had vivid dreams, and since the Rash they were becoming stronger, but also stranger. I found myself able to walk into other's dream. There was also a strange ocean where's always night..."
"Wait, I know that! I've been there! So you are a mage."
"Mage? Maybe, if you say so... Then I found the children, dreaming too, but alone and frightened. So I took them all to my dream, where they could be together, safe from any harm." Reynir felt a deep sadness, and the lights in the room seemed to dim a bit.
"I took me a long time to... understand why the dream never ended... That we died, and were abandoned. I've never been a... believer, but why those little souls would be left in this... awful place? I don't think there's any God around, at least no... merciful one."
"I got it confirmed when, at some point, managed to look at... reality outside the dream. I watched the dust over our bones, saw monsters roaming at night across Joensuu's streets... I couldn't watch further, it was all so sad..."
"You thought there were no survivors"
"Yes, until you people came!" He smiled, and the lights came back to normal. "Now we have company, and I can save you."
"Save? Us?"
"Yes, here you are safe. We can all live here, forever! We will be good friends, you will see!"
"No! If we never wake up we will die too! We need to go!"
"Look how happy the children and your friends are. Isn't that better than a life of fear and struggle? You will be safe, always young and healthy. I can change the clothes if you wish, and if you don't like the pointed ears..."
"I don't care about the ears! We have our lives to live! We are in a mission, and after that there will be other things to..."
"And other fights, and even if you survive it all you will get old and die. Pointless!"
"Look, there's more! We found others like you before, that took that medicine, and they found a path to the afterlife."
"Oh! Prey tell me! Where's that path?"
"I don't know! It was Anne. She showed them the path."
"Well, then unless this Anne comes here to convince me, you stay."
And he was gone.
Reynir needed to talk to Onni. If he could be awakened they would find, together, a way out of that nightmare.
He saw Mikkel playing with two kids on a small kitchen set, with Kitty still perched over his head. Meanwhile Sigrun and two smaller kids inserted knifes in a small... barrel? With a little toy man inside. Suddenly the toy popped-up in the air, and they all laughed.
Lalli was in a corner, but swiftly dismissed Reynir attempts to talk as he showed to an older girl how a coloured cube worked.
Emil was too occupied trying to bankrupt some kids on Monopoly, as he said. Reynir, of course, had no idea of what "bankrupt" and "monopoly" meant...
Tuuri, as he expected, was playing cards. She remained translucent, but returned to her human shape. Seeing Tuuri like this undermined Reynir's resolve. He liked her so much, and never managed to express how devastated he got whit her death. For one moment he wondered how it would be if she... they had a second chance.
She was holding the deck in her delicate hand. "Rey, come! Play with us! We're starting a new game!"
"L... Later, thanks! I'll go outside for a short walk."
"Fine, but don't take long. I bet it's very cold!"
Outside, next to the big decorated tree, Onni was busy teaching three kids how to use a bow to put arrows on a round target that stood a few meters away. It never occurred to Reynir that Onni enjoyed so much being with kids.
"Onni, we need to talk!" Reynir tried to stop him, and as he wouldn't give him any attention he grabbed and shook him. "This is all a dream! I need your help! We must find a way to wake the others and get out!"
"What, they also serve alcohol in that table? This is no dream! I know the dreamworld way better than you! This is reality, and a fine one. Now go bother Lalli! The kids want to learn with the best archer around!"
Reynir insisted and begged but Onni simply wouldn't listen. After much insistence Reynir gave up and walked away. Soon he found a path that ended in the small pier, where their host seemingly was waiting for him.
"Trying to... escape, Reynir? I really don't know if I can... retain you here. But your friends, as you saw, are happy and want to stay."
"They don't! They are ensnared by your illusion! If you showed them reality they would leave the next moment!"
"Maybe, but aren't you in some mission in a land filled with perils? What if one, or several of you dies tomorrow in the claws of some beast? Letting you go would be... irresponsible."
"You vowed to protect your children, not us!"
"I won't let... anyone else die out there. I already lost the souls of my parents. I searched and searched and couldn't find them."
"Because they found their way! Somehow they found the path to... beyond, whatever it is."
"No, I don't believe there's any path to some beautiful afterlife, Reynir. There's just this, and annihilation, and unless you, or your friend Anne, convince me otherwise, I won't let anybody else go."
And, again, Reynir was alone.
Reynir sat on the pier, staring at the water. He didn't knew what to do. Try to reach the Lehto and wake up his friends? Considering what Lalli told about that time when he was trapped inside Emil's mind that trick probably wouldn't work.
He could try to find help elsewhere, but had no desire to leave the others in the hands of their so called host.
He could also play the game and live there for a while. It could be good, and maybe after some time he would find a way to wake up Onni. But what if he liked it too much? Would he still wish, or be able, to leave?
Reynir remained lost in his thoughts when he heard soft footsteps approaching. Out there in the open he feared that some dangerous creature would find him appetizing and was ready to run when he saw that it was a dog. As it arrived Reynir recognized, with great joy, his Fylgja.
"Hello! It's so good to see you! Where have you been?"
The dog wagged its tail and came closer. Reynir stroke lightly its head, and it licked his hand.
Then he had an idea. "Hey, do you remember Anne? That kind lady we met in a church? The one that helped us with the ghosts?"
The dog stopped licking and looked at Reynir. "Do you think you could help me to find her? If she could talk to this ghost... Maybe she could show him, and the children, the way, as she did before. Can you? Do you know where she is?"
The dog looked intensely at him.
"Oh, why am I talking to you? Of course you don't know! But finding her is the best idea I had so far. Would you come with me? Help me find the way?"
The dog just keep looking.
Reynir readied himself. Maybe he should warn them that he would be gone for a while...
"You have no idea of what you're asking, do you?"
"What! You do speak, after all!"
"I spoke to you before. Now you just left me without words. You want me to guide you to meet Anne. Do you realize that she's not in this World anymore?"
"Hum... Are you trying to say that you can guide me there, but it's too far away? Or that it's too dangerous? Anyway I don't care. I must try!"
"Sneaking through the dark land between Worlds is not to be taken lightly, Reynir Árnason. Dangerous? It's the most dangerous thing I can think of. Few tried, very few succeeded."
"I said I don't care. Let's go! If it's a long journey we have to start now, or it may be too late when we come back."
"Sometimes I wish you haven't such a brave and valorous heart. It will be as you desire. Don't worry about time, tough. It is... relative. One that ventures in those regions will feel as a month went by, but it would be just an hour for those awaken, or a day here. That's how long you will wait. If I haven't came back by this time, tomorrow, then I will not come back at all."
"Wait here? But I want to go. They are my friends!"
"True, and noble. Nevertheless, I shall go alone." And the dog ran fast across the placid lake, leaving Reynir before he could say anything more.

End of part 2
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Alkia on December 25, 2020, 05:55:37 PM
I’m afraid I’ve been quite the lurker for the latter most of this advent calendar, but I have been enjoying the art, recipes, and wonderful stories immensely!! Thank you so much Wave for again organizing this and bringing so much holiday cheer (especially during such an eventful bad year), as well as that heart-warming thank you at the end (you may have melted my heart there a bit), and everyone who contributed (especially those that did two things!)!!!! Not enough exclamation marks to express the gratitude!!!!!! Happy holidays everyone!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 25, 2020, 06:28:54 PM
This whole thing has been amazing! Thank you to all the contributors for your beautiful and heartfelt works. And a double helping of thanks to Wavewright for organising this again - it has been great!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: thegreyarea on December 25, 2020, 08:31:44 PM
Hello again my friends :)

As promised here I am to deliver the final part of the story and become guilty of a few more crimes against the English language. (where one applies for a Christmas Pardon?)

As I said I'll post later (hopefully in a few days) the complete, fully proofread story on AO3.

So here it goes:
Spoiler: show

A Midsummer Night's Christmas Dream

Part 3

Reynir decided that he should spend the following hours the best he could. Not only it would prevent him to go mad counting every minute, but also lead their host to believe that he was pondering his offer.
Therefore he played, joked, pranked, drank and ate all that he was able to. They even made jokes with each other's pointed ears. And Tuuri declared them officially cute and charming!
At some point they were all dancing some Finnish music called Humppa1, played by two of the older kids. Onni, Lalli and Tuuri already knew the dance, while Reynir, Emil and Sigrun's awkward attempts had an hilarious effect over the audience. Yet Reynir, as the others, didn't care. They were just having fun.
Nobody laughed at Mikkel, though, because the fourth non-Finnish guest danced flawlessly.
"So you never told me that you have been in Finland before." Sigrun probed after she tried, and hilariously failed, to follow him.
He replied with a smile. "A long story. I'll tell you one day."
Later they asked for some relaxing music, and soon were dancing slowly, close to each other. All but Onni, who was in the kitchen with the some kids to make cakes.
Mikkel kept dancing perfectly with a much surprised Sigrun. Emil and Lalli were fine too, except for Emil occasionally stepping over Lalli's feet, and Reynir tried his best with Tuuri. They were happy and relaxed, and by the third dance they were surprised by Mikkel and Sigrun kissing, soon followed by Emil and Lalli.
Tuuri smiled and looked into Reynir's eyes. "Shouldn't we... dance to their tune?"
Before he could think on an answer she was pulling him, and the next moment they were kissing. Her mouth had a peculiar freshness, as if she had just chewed mint and drank cold water from a mountain spring. It was, however, a brief kiss, because soon Onni and the kids entered the room, loudly announcing their just-baked-still-hot cakes.
They separated, still holding hands, and he could swear her translucent cheeks had a shade of pink.
They spent the rest of the day together, and what a great day it was!
Now a part of him longed for nothing but remaining in that blissful place, in the company of his friends and those wonderful children. The real word seemed a distant bad dream that he would happily forget.
However, each look through Tuuri's body was a strong reminder that their lives weren't lines on some short story, played on that dreamy island. They were parts of a greater narrative, and it was his responsibility to find a way back to where they belonged.
After dinner Reynir returned to the pier, and waited. Their host soon joined him, a faint smile in his face. "Glad to see you still with us, Reynir. Already changed your mind?"
He came closer, and a shudder rocked Reynir's body. "Do I feel love in the air, Reynir? I could... surely hear it this afternoon. Your friends Emil and Lalli were... discreet, but I had to block all sounds coming from Mikkel and Sigrun's room." His smile became a bit more noticeable. "You and Tuuri also seem to be getting along just fine..."
"Stop. Let us go, please!" Reynir turned back and followed the path towards the big decorated tree, but soon the man was walking by his side.
"Are you sure Reynir? When you and your friends are enjoying so much your time here? Even Onni, that has no pair, is happy. He seems to have a special affinity with the kids, have you noticed? They love him! Did you taste his cake? It was deli..."
A powerful light shone over them, interrupting his speech. It grew even more intense, and Reynir had to close his eyes. When he managed to open them again there was a woman by the tree, with a dog in her arms.
Reynir ran there as fast as he could. He saw that his Fylgja had been through a hard time. It was much thinner, had many bruises and its fur was missing in some spots.
"Hello Reynir."
"Anne, you came! It's so good to see you!" He caressed the dog's head. "What happened?"
"You are very lucky for having such a brave and strong guardian. Most wouldn't have survived, however this one just needs some time to heal."
"I wanted to help, but..."
"Welcome! Anne, I presume. I'm your host. Please make yourself comfortable."
Anne wasn't exactly enchanted by the soft talk. "Host, so you say. Nevertheless from what I've heard you act like a captor."
"They are all safe and happy. Even Reynir is enjoying his time here." He replied, putting a hand over Reynir's shoulder and winking mischievously at him.
"The beauty of an illusion doesn't turns it in reality, young man." Anne put the dog gently on the ground. "Please, come with me. I can show you the path, as I did to many before."
She extended an open hand to him. "Aren't you tired? I was so tired to be trapped in this World, knowing that my place was elsewhere. Aren't you tired of this charade?"
"Tired... Yes, I'm so tired... I'm really tired of you people telling fairy tales about some paradise beyond the clouds!" Now Reynir could see that fiery look in his eyes.
"So there's a benevolent God up above, ready to embrace our souls? Yet He lets this World, His creation, turns into Hell? All that suffering... over innocent children! How can that be understood?" Now he was yelling. "No, it's all a lie, I tell you. All a big fat lie!"
They all stood silent for a while. Then Anne sighed. "You want to understand? I wish one day you can. I wish I could. We're just grains of sand on a beach where waves come and go, ruled by the balance of forces much greater than anything that our imagination can encompass." She opened her arms wide. "This, all this World, is under the water of a bigger wave, but we can be sure that in time it will recede. It's a tough time, but we must do our best, and never let hope die."
"Beautiful speech, madam, but I'm not impressed. Hope died in this place a long time ago."
"Yet you created this Christmas scenery, a celebration of hope! Yes, hope! Why do you think our ancestors celebrated in the darkest of the days? They believed it was the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one where they hoped, beyond all their doubts and fears, that things would be better. That's the essence of hope. As once a poetess wrote2."
"Hope" is the thing with feathers --
That perches in the soul --
And sings the tune without the words --
And never stops -- at all --

And sweetest -- in the Gale -- is heard --
And sore must be the storm --
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm --

I've heard it in the chillest land --
And on the strangest Sea --
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb -- of Me.

"Beautiful! I must write it down somewhere, or maybe put it on the wall." He said sarcastically. "I'm still not convinced, old lady."
"But we are."
Reynir looked around. They were all so entertained with the conversation that he haven't noticed all the others gathering around them. They were surrounded by all the children, with his friends behind them.
Their host clearly wasn't expecting it. "What? What are you doing here? This is an... adult talk about important things! Go back! Play with your new friends!"
An older kid stepped forward. "We know what's happening, and won't be fooled anymore."
"But how..." And he gave Onni a hateful look.
A giant rock materialized in the air right above Onni, and started to fall.
But the rock suddenly became a thousand colourful butterflies. "This is our dream too, and you won't hurt anyone."
Then a girl spoke. Samy, Reynir recalled. "Don't blame Onni. We, the older ones, already suspected that something was amiss. We would find the truth soon."
"All I wanted was to protect you!"
"We know." Said the boy. "And we are grateful for that. But now is the time to choose. We have been offered a chance to move forward, and we want to take it."
"You believe in those fairy tales because you are just children. You are safer here, with me."
Samy walked to Anne and held her hand. "Sorry, brother, we already made our choice."
Anne touched a branch with the other hand.
The tree was engulfed by a pillar of light that raised in the sky, illuminating everything as it was day. Up above it created an impressive display of northern lights, more intense than anything Reynir witnessed before.
The children started to walk towards the light.
"Brother, please, come with us."
"No!" A wall appeared on their way, just to be turned in a cloud of dandelions, easily dispersed by the soft breeze. "No, don't go! Don't leave me!" He fell on his knees.
Reynir's anger against the man was fast replaced by pity. "Go with them! Don't be a fool. You are slowly fading, can't you see? You can't already remember your own name! If you stay you will vanish someday, or go mad. Just go with your family."
"No! They can go if they want, but I'll stay!"
One by one the children were disappearing into the light, until the only one left was Samy. She kneeled in front of the man. "Brother, please come. I don't want to go without you."
He just shook his head. She embraced him and pointed to the light. "Look, all the others are gone. Please, Peter, come with me!"
A moment passed, and then he looked at her. "P... Peter?"
"Yes, silly! That's your name! Do you really want to stay and forget about everything, even about me?"
He put his arms around the girl and sobbed. Nobody spoke, and a tear rolled down Reynir's face.
After a few minutes Peter raised and took Samy's hand. As they approached the column of light Anne patted lightly Peter's shoulder, smiling. "I promise, you won't regret your choice."
Before the final step Peter stopped and looked back. "Reynir, Onni, I'm sorry. All I wanted was to protect you all. Thanks, and I hope at least you enjoyed Christmas."
Reynir woke up with a strange feeling. Was somebody calling his name?
He sat on the bed, looked around and rubbed his eyes. Where was everybody? The cabin was empty!
"Reynir! Come on!"
It was Mikkel, calling from outside! He dressed as fast as he could and ran, leaving the cabin. It's a clear and warm day. His friend were finishing packing. "Come, let's eat. Than we have some bears to hunt."
While eating everybody was commenting about some strange dreams. They just had faint memories of random moments. Those memories were fading fast, but everybody agreed they are pleasant ones.
While the others made their final preparations Reynir managed to be alone with Onni. "So, do you remember the dream or not?"
"Of course I remember everything. We could be trapped in that forever. But you and your friend Anne did well, and we were lucky that the children were able to understand the situation."
"But since when you was aware?"
"Since you slapped me with your braid. That really hurt!"
"But you haven't told me anything until the end!"
"That man was hearing everything, so I did my part, waiting for an opportunity. It arrived when he got... distracted by your romantic adventures. When I finally sensed that he wasn't listening I was able to make my move and talk to the older children."
"I see. I'm glad we're out of it."
"Just prey to your gods that I'm always around to save you and the rest of the flock. Now, about you and Tuuri..."
"I know, I know. She's here just for a while."
"Good that you understand. Oh, and beware, you owe me a slap! And I intend to collect it as soon as I can."
Later, as Reynir sat in the small boat on their way to Joensuu, he saw Tuuri, in her bird form, land on his hand.
"Reynir, did you also had strange dreams last night?"
He wondered what she could remember. "Yes, very strange. What do you recall?"
"It's all clouded, but I have this strange memory of dancing with you! But we never danced! First it was fast, a Humpaa, and later some slow tune."
"And is that all you remember?"
"I remember that it was good, very good, and that I really enjoyed being with you. And you, how's your dream?"
"Ah... Mine? Well, I can't remember much... But you was there, and we had a lot of fun!"
"We always had fun together, right? I mean... when we weren't in mortal danger." She seemed sad.
"Hey, don't be sad. Who knows what awaits us? Maybe we will have some more chances to be together."
"Yes, you're right. I thought that my story already ended, and look where I am!"
Reynir touched her head gently, and she chirped with joy.
Then she flew to his shoulder, gave him a soft peck and, to his surprise, began singing something in Finnish.
Reynir was able to recognize just one word, toivoa.

The End


1: A type of traditional music from Finland. (
2: Hope is the thing with feathers. by Emily Dickinson

As you, dear reader, probably noticed, this story happens in the night the team slept in the Lehto. They go to sleep on page 348 of adventure 2 ( and are back to Joensuu on the next day at page 356. Onni collects his SLAP some time later, at page 377 (

Thanks for all for the kind words about the previous parts! :) I love to write stories for you, my friends!
And thank you Wave, for organizing this! It was fantastic!
May we all have a time of renewed hope in the end of this hard year.
Butter Good! :)
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: wavewright62 on December 25, 2020, 09:50:52 PM
*applause* Bravo!  A wild ride, my dear grey one, but well worth it ! 
Mikkel as a flawless dancer,  eh?   
Thank you again!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Róisín on December 26, 2020, 12:40:50 AM
Grey, this is heartrending and beautiful!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Jitter on December 26, 2020, 06:16:40 AM
Ooo Grey! What a surprising, beautiful and profound story! Especially Peter’s and Anne’s exchange about the possibility of existence of God in the Christian sense is impressive. I am personally more a spiritual than a religious person, but it resonates with me ans I’m sure Peter’s doubts echo the thoughts of many during this difficult year, and any year in the middle of all the strife and sadness that riddles our world.

The first part was funny, the second part scary and the finale is deep and a little bittersweet. Did you say you started this only after you had drawn the picture? Wow, just wow!
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Vulpes on December 26, 2020, 01:33:00 PM
Thanks grey for a wonderful story! Nicely tied to canon events, too. Don't worry about crimes against English, it deserves it, wretched mongrel mess of more exceptions than rules that it is. Your English is worlds better than my grasp of any of the languages I've attempted to learn! It certainly didn't distract from the excellent story.
Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: thegreyarea on December 26, 2020, 03:09:49 PM
Thank you so much, my friends! I'm so happy that you liked my mad humble attempt at writing!

Sorry for not commenting more on so many amazing works, but I will, and will post here but also send my comments by PM to each author.

Back to the story...

Wave, Mikkel as a flawless dancer may have three explanations:
1 - It's a dream, so we get a lax implementation of common laws of physics
2 - It's a dream, so Mikkel's desires have an influence over it
3 - It's a dream, but none of the above apply and this is another clue that Mikkel is hiding his cards and probably is a secret agent in disguise, a theory that has some fans among Minnions, myself included :)

Róisín, I hope the heartrending in not too intense ;) but I'm happy that it touched you. It touched me too.

Jitter, yes, I'm sure that many questioned how so many bad events can happen, particularly those that affect innocent people. It's been a recurring interrogation, even among very religious people and theologists, for centuries, with growing intensity when very bad things happen, like wars, natural disasters and, of course, plagues... I'm glad that it resonated in you because it deeply resonated in myself.
Anne, as a member of the clergy, provides a vision that I've heard, in different forms, from religious people that are humble enough to avoid dogmatic explanations, but also one that I believe is compatible with a reality where multiple religions coexist and are simultaneously valid.

I really wrote the story in 8 or 9 days, stealing every bit of time that I could (and some that I shouldn't ;)  ) because there's an obsessive writer living inside me, and sometimes the muses show up, making almost impossible to resist. It was hard, but incredibly fun! :)

I also struggled to keep the tone in harmony with the season, avoiding some dark paths that I didn't felt as appropriate, and tried to keep the focus of the story, that is the perception of this time as a moment of hope despite the hardships felt on previous times (like this terrible and complicated year).

Vulpes, tying the story with the canon was also fun, but wasn't something that I searched for since the beginning. It was more like seizing an opportunity that somehow showed along the process. You know, just to make it even harder... :)
And later I got the gift of Mikkel slapping Reynir on page 377, which happened 1 or 2 days before I wrote that part, allowing me to create another link with the main story through the picture that inspired it. I'm lucky or not? :)

Also I'm very glad that my hideous crimes mistakes didn't prevent enjoying the story!

Thank you all! You are the best readers I could have dreamed of!

Title: Re: The Forum Advent Calendar 2020
Post by: Mirasol on December 26, 2020, 03:44:50 PM
Oh, Grey, that story was amazing! The set-up was incredible (I nearly shed a tear at the host and his family´s backstory), and like Jitter these questions resonated with me too.

And yes, that slap was a really nice coincidence. :'D