Creative Corner > Writing Board

The CoH Scriptorium


Believe it or not, there's already CoH fanfic on AO3! (Here, here, and (kinda) here.)

Drop or link any new bits in here!

The rules are the same as for the other Scriptoria, of course.

Written for the Night on Fic Mountain exchange, I humbly submit Lalli's Arm Needs Fixing, which is heavily based on Minna's concept art from 25 April 18.  It also includes a bit of a prologue featuring Ensi.

Just me, then?  I know there are more CoH fics out there, just not getting cross-posted, I guess.

Anyway, a response to the Synchronised Screaming TV Tropes prompt, "Sigrun/Tuuri - Zip Me Up."
Unimaginatively titled Zip Me Up


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