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Rrrrrrrrrrradio reloj. :D


--- Quote from: JoB on March 29, 2021, 01:13:51 PM ---Rrrrrrrrrrradio reloj. :D

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Oh, at one point it alternates between Spanish and French :( I thought for a second that I magically gained the ability to understand Spanish... maybe someday

Here in Brazil, when you're opening doors in shoppings you read the tagged word "puxe" (meaning pull) that when spoken sounds exactly like English "push" ("empurre" in Portuguese)
And never say "pay day" ("dia de pagamento") in Brazil - it sounds exact as "peidei" (En. "I farted") :D


--- Quote from: Cliodna on December 06, 2015, 08:11:05 AM ---
:finland: Talo = House | :estonia: Talu = Farm
:finland: Viineri = Pastry | :estonia: Viiner = A sausage
:finland: Linna = Castle | :estonia: Linn = City
:finland: Kaupunki = City | :estonia: Kaup = Product
:finland: Kalju = Bald | :estonia: Kalju = Cliff
:finland: Pikku = Small | :estonia: Pikk = Long
And finally:
:finland: Katso = to look | :estonia: Katsu = touch
That was an especially difficult one for my classmates to remember. Turned an innocent schooltext about a visit to the ophthalmologist into a horror story about doctors poking the patients in their eye. :D

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Ah, but pikk and pitkä aren't that different. Also, I'd translate pikku as little rather than small. As in little brother/sister. for example. Small is pieni.
I add some more:
 :ee:piim (milk) and  :fi:piimä. (sour milk). You want maito.
:ee:öö (night) :fi:öööö... (Er...) Or öööö! (Cheering noise) Still, yö, with plural stem öi- is kind of close to öö anyway.
:ee:pulmad (wedding) :fi:pulmat (problems, puzzles)
:ee:vaim (spirit) :fi: vaimo (wife)
Just makes you wonder what happened at the wedding between a Finnish and an Estonian person.


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