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Different languages, different onomatopeias, different exclamations, and much more. This thread is kind of an experiment. What do cats say in your language? What do you scream when you stub your foot? What's the noise of a brain thinking?


- Cats go "miao"
- Dogs go "bau"
- Frogs and crows go both "cra" (although frogs mostly go cra-cra)
- Birds go "cip-cip"
- You say "ahia" when you hurt yourself
- Babies cry "ueeee"
- Sneeze: "etciu" (and you say "Salute!" which means "health")


- Cats go "mjau"
- Dogs go "hum"
- Sneeze: "atçu" (and you say "Shëndet", to which sneezing-person replies "U rritç!" Respectively "health" and "let you grow" or something along those lines)
- You say "auç" (pronounced like "ouch") when you walk into a table.
- I have to ask the parental units for more info on the rest

Edit for Fimbulvarg: I KNEW someone was going to say that XD

But what does the fox say Nimphy?


Katter (cats) = Mjau (you may have been informed already)
Hunder (dogs) = Voff
Mus (Mice) = Pip
Fugler (birds) = depends on species, but they all tweet (kvitre)
Spurver (Sparrows) = pipip
Gjøk (cuckoo) = Koko
Ravn, kråke og sjur (raven, crows and magpies) = Kra
Ku (cow) = Mø
Sau (Sheep) = Bæ
Gris (pig) = nøff

Ouch= Au/Ao
Snore = snork
sound of Sneezing = Atsjo

Fen Shen:
Katze (cat) = Miau
Hund (dog) = Wau /Wuff (depends on how aggressive it sounds, I'd say ;) )
Maus (mouse) = Piep
Vogel (bird) = Piep
Kuckuck (cuckoo) = Kuckuck (who would've guessed?)
Kuh (cow) = Muh
Schaf (sheep) = Mäh
Schwein (pig) = oink oink

Ouch= Aua
sound of sneezing = Hatschi (And the you respond "Gesundheit!" which means "Health!")

Sparky Dragon:
Sparky Dragon the Ever Helpful has decided to demonstrate the onomatopeias in English.

- Cats go "meow" or "mew"
- Dogs go "bark" or "woof"
- Frogs and crows both say "croak," but frogs also say "ribbit" and crows also say "Caw"
- Birds go "tweet" or "cheep" or *Whistling noises*
- You say "Ow" or "Ouch" or "@#%!" when you hurt yourself
- Sheep say "Baa"
- Cows say "Moo"
- Babies cry "Waaa"
- A sneeze is "Achoo," and you say "Bless you."

woolly socks:
(I'm adding the verb in italics)
Kissa (cat) : miau / mau, kissa maukuu
Koira (dog) : hau, koira haukkuu
Sammakko (frog) : kurn, sammakko kurnuttaa
Lintu (bird) : titityy / tsirp tsirp, lintu visertää (it's different, I know)
Lehmä (cow) : muu / ammuu, lehmä ammuu
Lammas (sheep) : mää, lammas määkii
Sika (pig): röh röh, sika röhkii
Kukko (cock) : kukkokiekuu, kukko kiekuu
Hevonen (horse) : ihahaa, hevonen hirnuu

Vauva (baby) : yhyy / äääää
you, hurt : ai / aih / au / auts
Aivastus (sneeze) : ätsih


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