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Chapter Break Challenge - War / Peace

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Hello everyone! :)
Again we've been surprised by the sudden arrival of a chapter break! We didn't plan anything, and now have to face two (at least) long weeks.

But we faced that challenge before, and survived, even thrived! How? By the sheer will and talent of the amazing people that populate this space!

So, just like in the previous Break, here goes a challenge! Participate, if you want! The theme will be...

War / Peace

Since this chapter has been a long fight, some might feel inspired to create War (or fight) related artwork. Others might feel tired of the constant struggle and rather let Peace inspire their creations.

Or you may want to contribute with something completely different! Up to you, if you decide to join!

As per usual, anyone is free, no, extremely welcome to participate. The work can be anything that can be relayed via Forum. We have had visual art, stories, photographs, photos of craft projects, music, poetry, recipes, cosplay, multimedia, botany lessons...
You can try to get out of your comfort zone, or stick to your most comfortable form and style.

Just post your work here when it’s done. Let’s hope we get a nice number of works, despite the lack of warning.
Now I have to go work on my contribution... ;)

*thinking*  Yep, I can see ideas brewing, but cannot work on any until tomorrow at the earliest.

Also coming up during this break is the canon birthday of Mikkel and Michael Madsen, on 11 August.  We could do worse than honing in our focus on one or both, related to the theme.

I guess it's up to me to start. A modest haiku, because... time.

Killing time before
The dreaded Killing Time comes
Is my fate written?

My fate was written
Or maybe it was just luck
Will I find peace now?

Welp, here goes, a bit of a triple drabble for Peace, albeit the Peace that follows War.

Emil stared at the plate of spaghetti in front of him.  When he was a young man, he dreamt of tucking in to a big plate of noodles and meatballs, just like this one.  When he was young, this was one of his favourite meals (because even then, he knew perfectly well cake wasn’t really a meal).  Now it reminded him of …he looked away.

This house held so many memories, coming to visit Aunt Siv and Uncle Torbjörn and his little monster cousins in Mora back then.  He could still hear them clamouring to play hairdresser with him.  When he was young, he tried to show little Sune, whose hair was most like his own, how to get his hair perfect too.

So long ago, so much had happened, just so much.  It was a wonder he had any hair left.  He cast a morose gaze upon Sune, who was cheerfully helping his mother bring in the dinner.  Sune had grown, as children do.  Håkan, too, who had easily polished off his own plate and was now eyeing up Emil’s untouched portion; Emil pushed it toward him with a finger.

Emil wondered when he had gotten so introspective.  Cheating certain death when he was young would have done that, he decided.  And when he was young, he had cheated death so many times, even when others di…were directed elsewhere.

Siv came back to the dining room with a pitcher of buttermilk, and frowned at Håkan wolfing down Emil’s dinner.  Emil held up his hand to forestall her admonishment.  “No, it’s all right.  My appetite has never recovered to what it was, before,” sighing dramatically, “I was young then, but a lifetime of privation has left its scar upon me.”

Siv’s smile was lopsided.  “A lifetime, Emil?  That was last year.”

Spoiler: wth wave • showInspired by a flippant comment I made on Discord about the worst cryptic fast-forward ending to SSSS Minna could possibly make - Emil arriving back at Mora, alone.


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