Creative Corner > Arts and Audiovisual Media Board

The Forum's Art Museum

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Considering that fanart threads are inevitably going to be arriving soon, I thought it would be good for us to have a general art thread as well.  This will be the place for art that's not necessarily related to SSSS or aRTD, so feel free to post practice work, sketches, paintings, or whatever else you can come up with.

Here's a picture of early Cleansers in action, though it's not fanart -- it was painted in 1893 by Finnish artist Eero Järnefelt (a good friend of composer Jean Sibelius and painter Akseli Gallen-Kallela, who made creepily intense illustrations of Kalevala scenes).

This painting has two titles:  "Burning the Brushwood" (before planting) or "Under the Yoke."  I'm told the little girl staring at us has a belly bloated with starvation. 

Okay, so, as per a conversation I had with OrigamiOwl, it's sketch time.  Been a long time since I've done any artwork; the last two semesters of school kicked my butt and kept me from doing much of it.  The first one is general body stuff, and the second one is hand practice.  I don't even bother with feet and faces because I've never really practiced them much, and I take this stuff pretty slowly, though feet are next on my list of things to learn.  I tried something different with the hand page.  I tried making my sketches form something like a composition, so I could practice that at the same time.  I think I'm going to try that out a little more in the future.

Feet and Faces are hard and I cba

ASDFGHJKL! So cool! The hands are awesome!! *is jealous of Eich's hand-drawing and shading skills because shadows are tricky tricksters*

Thanks!  I've still got a long way to go though.  This is actually the first time I've gotten cross hatching to work out at all.  Normally it ends up looking pretty abysmal.  I think I got the top hand pretty well, and a couple others okay, though, so I'm happy with it. 
Now I just need to finish learning the rest of the body...  Maybe after some more review.

To everyone, feel free to post any school artwork or practice or whatever else in here if you want. 


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