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SSSSecret Santa 2023

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:sparkle: :sparkle: Secret Santa 2023 :sparkle: :sparkle::sparkle: Signups open now  :sparkle:    :sparkle: Signups open now  :sparkle:    :sparkle: Signups open now  :sparkle:
Hiya all! As we enter November, we also enter the preparation time for the Forum Secret Santa, an anonymous gift exchange and guessing game! Previous examples can be found here and here.

:sparkle: How do I join? :sparkle:
To join in on the festivities, you must make a post in this thread. To give your gifter a better idea of what you like, you could talk about some of your fan-related interests - what fandoms you're interested in, what pairings you enjoy, how much fluff or angst you like, or if you have a strong preference for fanart over fanfic. You can also mention any other interests or hobbies you might enjoy, like baking or gardening or herpetology. Maybe your gifter has something in common!

Make sure to also be clear if there's anything don't want to recieve as a gift (content you don't like, any pairings that squick you out), so your gifter can make sure you recieve a gift you love, not one that makes you go "eugh".

Signups close on November 30th. You should recieve a PM a day or two later letting you know who your giftee is.

Make your gift! It can be anything - fanart, fanfic, poetry, recipes, contemplative multimedia collage comics - so long as it's something that you've made yourself. Remember to keep it a secret!

PM me your gift by midnight forum time on December 20th. I'll send out the gifts on December 24, and then you can do all your guessing and speculating in this thread! If there's any remaining mysteries I'll release the list of gifters and giftees on the new year (January 1st).

:sparkle: Important Information :sparkle:
Please only sign up if you think you have time to make your gift! Things can get crazy around this time of year.

If you find yourself unable to make your gift in time, PM me as soon as you can so I can re-assign your giftee. If anyone thinks they might be able to make two gifts in a pinch, you can let me know in your post so that I can reach out to you if somebody drops out.

Most importantly: have fun!

I’m in! I like just about anything, especially art, music, folklore, poetry, humour, cooking and interesting stories. Not keen on violence and angst for no reason, though can cope with either as part of a good tale. And it did occur to me much later to add to things I might like to receive: because I am a person who cannot draw - at all - I would love to receive an illustration of one of my stories or poems!

I can make poetry, filk, stories, recipes and factual articles about things like gardening, folklore and real-world bushcraft and survival. I can’t make art at all. Looking forward to another year of fun!

I am willing to do something..I had fun last year.  (And hope my giftee was happy :) )
I would like to do this, but I am limited on what I will be able to "gift"

Interests food, cooking, recipes,  (I read cookbooks like novels ha ha), cats (I have a furry horde) Reading.  Because I joined the forum so late, I really enjoy people's art and writing.

I follow on discord (SSSS, Foxfires, Quantum Entanglement , which has absolutely lovely art.  Phantomarine thanks goes to linebyline for those..)

I like most things, mostly happy endings.  I do not do horror or gore.  (gives me nightmares)

I'm in!

I can gift art or fic
Happy to receive art or fic, humourous memes / edits also appreciated

I generally enjoy:
-- factual or fictional ('true' stories?) info (I do love an info-dump, even)
-- wordplay / puns
-- humour!!!
-- nature themes - animal, plant, fungi, bugs - all welcome
-- character studies - contemplative or humour
-- for art, heck, go nuts - if you're stuck here's a prompt: let's see your most wacky cracky Kisu or other SSSS cast member - maybe spoof a famous style like Picasso's cubism or Gary Larson's Far Side?
-- missing scenes
-- cultural celebrations
-- tarot
-- space / science (including "SCIENCE!!")

I don't really enjoy:
-- horror / gore / intrigue / thriller
-- content above a PG rating
-- musicals

Other fandoms I enjoy:
-- Girl Genius webcomic
-- the Queen's Thief book series
-- The Murderbot Diaries book series
-- Tigress Queen webcomic
-- Miraculous Ladybug TV show
-- Magic Schoolbus TV show
-- Lord of the Rings books / movies
-- all sorts of classic cartoons, including the 'funny papers' classics, old-school Warner Bros / Merrie Melodies cartoons, DuckTales, Hanna-Barbera, Rankin-Bass, animated movies like 'Yellow Submarine' or 'The Incredible Mr Limpet'...

Count me in! I can do writing, either a story, poetry or factual information.

Besides SSSS I enjoy scifi, gardening, dogs… but honestly I would prefer an SSSS fic. Happy, funny, wistful, sexy, that’s up to you! You already know Emilalli and also Reynir/Onni are my favorites, but not by any means required content! World building within or around the Known World is mighty cool!


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