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Upcoming new bunny comics i.e. Minna’s next work

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Grade E cat:
I can see why people would be curious about the autobigraphical one. On my side, I never quite had a solid construct of Minna in my head, so my interest in her journey to Christianity is nowhere near strong enough to voluntarily to go through a work that looks like it's going to go the "Christianity good, everything else bad" route.

I have more interest in the autobiographical aspect of the new comic, though perhaps not for the more usual reasons. But I would like to see how Minna perceives her journey. My reasons are that I am interested to see how Minna chooses to handle both her own nature, her religious conversion,  and the events that affect, possibly even shape, her life. I come from the position of a mother, one who has two children whom I would guess are the same style of precocious genius as is Minna. Their three siblings are bright enough, and all five are nice people, but I am curious to see how different Minna’s life solutions are to what my middle daughter and younger son worked out for themselves, and how the addition of religion affects this process. Interesting questions.


--- Quote from: Grade E cat on January 08, 2022, 03:24:20 AM ---I can see why people would be curious about the autobigraphical one. On my side, I never quite had a solid construct of Minna in my head, so my interest in her journey to Christianity is nowhere near strong enough to voluntarily to go through a work that looks like it's going to go the "Christianity good, everything else bad" route.

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Me neither, unless it's short enough to read in an evening, I don't see much value in picking apart her journey to where she is now. It's kind of sad to me that we've basically communicated directly with each other before (as many of us have through her twitch streams or twitter) only for her to write about the "other" the way she does now, and decide to spend an entire year of her life putting together a comic justifying it. But that's enough of a "construct" of her for me to know I should probably just stop.

But it's understandable that some SSSS fans would feel otherwise, and hey, it's a free webcomic that's merely clicks away at the end of the day, so why not?

As for the art, I have no clue why she'd choose to represent people as bunnies. Was LP really so successful at carrying out what was her plan all along that she stuck to the art style?? Also my very personal perspective on her art is that once you practice to a great extent and do enough observational studies, you begin to be able to pick out errors or flaws that are quite evident in many of her pieces, though most of the ones i've stared at are from some time ago, since her recent work is just a bunch of comic pages that aren't quite her 100%. But her art's still good nonetheless, and if these flaws escape the notice of most people, then I don't think it matters too much.
Spoiler: mutter mutter • show
Though I'm not nearly as practised as her in drawing anyway, my brain's just better at observing than my hand is at drawing. Aaargh!


--- Quote from: catbirds on January 08, 2022, 11:28:54 AM ---As for the art, I have no clue why she'd choose to represent people as bunnies.

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I'm tempted to say, because some part of her mind knows she's being unrealistic.

However, lots of SSSS is unrealistic as well, so that's most likely not the reason. -- though I do think the very realistically drawn (when she's having a good day, anyway) human characters help to ground the otherwise-fantastical SSSS world. Maybe she doesn't think to ground her new comics because she does think they're otherwise realistic, however unrealistic I'd be likely to find them. Maybe she thinks the bunnies are cute, and thinks she can use "cute" to draw in people who won't otherwise read what she thinks is a serious discussion.

I'm unlikely to read the new stuff. I don't want to be preached at; I don't want to encourage people to do that sort of preaching (which is not an objection to people doing the sorts of preaching that don't denigrate others -- some of that I'll even read, or listen to); and I don't generally like talking-animal comics in which the animals act like humans rather than like members of their own species. There's usually too large a chunk of my head saying 'if these characters are going to act just like humans, just draw them as humans'.


--- Quote from: catbirds on January 08, 2022, 11:28:54 AM ---As for the art, I have no clue why she'd choose to represent people as bunnies.

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I'm not sure that there needs to be much of a reason. Minna definitely is no stranger to anthropomorphistic protagonists, including "bunnies". Drawing humans comes with the risk of falling into the uncanny valley if you don't get it right, a risk you might want to avoid if you'd rather focus on a message.

(Which is not to say that Minna shouldn't be well aware of the possible "cute lure" effect; it's been mentioned quite a lot in the reactions to LP, after all.)

--- Quote from: thorny on January 08, 2022, 03:46:04 PM ---I don't generally like talking-animal comics in which the animals act like humans rather than like members of their own species. There's usually too large a chunk of my head saying 'if these characters are going to act just like humans, just draw them as humans'.

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Ah, if only it were as simple as saying "me drawz realistic hyoomans now" ... :-\


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