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YoinkTober 2020 - Prompts & Grossling Challenge

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Attention all!  As mentioned in the Mini-Break and 6th Anniversary thread:  October is coming, and with it the drawing tradition of In*record scratch*   :o  O_O  O_o
The originator of the term "InkTober" has disgraced himself, being caught red-handed committing plagiarism in lifting the tutorials of another artist and passing it off as his own.  So, we shan't use his term.

Herewith are 31 prompts to use throughout the month of October to inspire you to meet the challenge of a fanwork every day.  The original concept specified ink-based drawings, from as simple as a ballpoint doodle in the margins of your work to as elaborate as a colour-registered series of prints.  While you can certainly do ink (I plan to), I reckon we needn't be so limited.  With so many gifted wordsmiths, we could have those as well.  Up to you. 
Many thanks to thegreyarea for contributing evocative prompts! 
Many thanks also to JoB for contributing the name YoinkTober.  It may have been sarcastic, but I love it and am running with it.  :mikkel:

SSSS, ARtD, CoH fanworks October Prompts

1. Do what cat
2. Return
3. Wings
4. Hunted
5. Tapio and/or Mielikki
6. Shelter in the rain
7. Sigrun (for this is her canon birthday)
8. Mask
9.  Food
10.  Guardian
11.  Improvising
12.  Sauna
13.  Bargain
14.  Character: Your Choice (canon, AU, OC, self-insert...)
15.  All I Wanted was a....
16.  Annoying
17.  Hannu and/or Ville
18.  Useful
19.  Bridge
20.  Cat Hat
21.  Ice
22.  Breath
23.  Emil and/or Lalli
24.  Paper, Rock, Scissors, Sheep, Gun
25.  Contact
26.  Umbrella
27.  Poke
28.  Childhood
29.  Empty roads
30.  Whole family / crew
31.  Onni and/or Tuuri

I also posit a separate challenge:  31 Days of Grosslings!  For those who prefer a tribute to the weird wacky world of what a hypothetical global pandemic can do way too many teeth and torn body parts! 

1. Handsy Moose
2. Tuomas the Tank Engine
3. Cer-baaa-rus
4. Chthulhund (pretty much most of Adv. 1 chap 7)
5. Dream Sea Serpent
6. SSSS - the First Troll
7. Kalma
8. Summon Bigger Fish
9. Trollyota
10. Hipposhrimp
11. Rune-Fried Doggo
12. Vaettur / Maahinen
13. Hukka (aka Was-wolves)
14. Clusterface Skullduggery
15. Floffy, or just general Sjødraug
16. Dolphin-Beasts
17. Poo-dile
18. Ceiling Face
19. Tribute to somebody's else's OC grossling that you admired in a fanwork somewhere
20. Hearty Jane on the Train
21. Sleipnope (the Origin)
22. Speedy McSplorp
23. Bladder-Barbies
24. Ghosts on a Bus
25. Black Hole and the Three Bears
26. House Troll
27. Lake Cows
28. Tooth Scary
29. Hilja
30. Your own OC (Original Character) grossling
31. Notoros
For better or for *shudder* worse, there are more grosslings and skeletons rattling around in Minna's oeuvre, so treat this as a guideline, feeling free to substitute as your little black heart commands.

It's 1 October where I am, so let's get this party started!  :reynir: :reynir: :reynir:
Reynir follows the prompt "Do What Cat":

Grade E cat:
Just out of frame, Lalli is "doing what cat" also, e.g. rolling his eyes at the stupid humans. If I did that right now, I'd be having a nap on my mother's side of the couch and getting dislodged in about half an hour.

*blows dust off of Copic markers* So the time has come again...

Lovely Reynir! I wonder what Kitty´s reaction wold be upon seeing this... :reynir:
Let me join you, Wave! Today I actually went with the grossling-prompt. (I just really wanted to draw those drapey-things on handsy-moose!)

My old problem of working late in the evening and daylight disappearing too fast has hit again, but the darker photo actually adds to this motive this time, I think, so I´m uploading it anyway.
But for the following days I´ll probably send the drawings (at least the ones fitting the prompts here) in chunks, as I´m not home much and will probably do them somewhere on the go or very late at night... But I promise I´m not cheating! :D

Re: sending drawings in chunks - i am also considering doing that. It's not cheating at all - a little easier to deal with that way.
Spoiler: showAlso less noticeable when I miss a day.  I haven't managed a full 31 days yet, and honestly don't expect to this time either.

Now, let me rave about this drawing, Mirasol!  You are correct that the darker photograph helps the atmospherics a bit, but holy frijoles it has plenty of atmposphere anyway!  I love the rhythm of the piece, I love the bubble motif, I adore the skulls and the draperies! 
What a splendid kickoff.  May you have plenty of inspiration but no nightmares this month (at least until you get to Sleipnope, then may that night-mare run free).


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