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Duolingo discussion/friend exchange

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I know a few of the people here are doing language courses on Duolingo and I thought it would be nice to start a thread where people can exchange usernames if they wanted to follow each other or just chat about how they're doing etc...

For those that don't know, Duolingo is an online language-learning tool with some game-type elements... So you have experience points and levels and if you make mistakes you lose hearts! There's also a really active community that will almost always answer your questions if you get lost.

If anyone wants to add me, my username is so1ovei

And don't you put that coach on, when you start at duolingo. It is a mess to find out how many points you have gained in one language, because you have to read the websites code closely...

So, I friended Nimphy and solovei already :)


--- Quote from: kex on December 14, 2014, 02:31:45 PM ---And don't you put that coach on, when you start at duolingo. It is a mess to find out how many points you have gained in one language, because you have to read the websites code closely...

So, I friended Nimphy and solovei already :)

--- End quote ---
Haha, I put mine at 30xp... and only kept it up for a while. Two weeks, maybe? Three?

Okay, I'm (very original, yes) Nimphy on Duolingo, and RandomNim on Memrise.

I'm under the same username on Duolingo, and reniath on memrise. Time to go stalk you all. :D


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