Worlds and Stories > A Redtail's Dream

aRTD book print again?

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--- Quote from: Solovei on September 26, 2014, 10:20:22 AM ---You could always get the e-book?

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Actually, it's quite possible that the interlibrary loan system allows you to (temporarily) get the physical book, too. Minna made sure to have a proper ISBN alotted (978-91-637-4627-7).


--- Quote from: Solovei on September 26, 2014, 10:20:22 AM ---You could always get the e-book? But yes, I understand it's not the same.

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If I wanted the ebook I would just read the comic again... I'm an old-fashioned physical books lover, thank you very much,

--- Quote from: JoB on September 26, 2014, 10:26:03 AM ---Actually, it's quite possible that the interlibrary loan system allows you to (temporarily) get the physical book, too. Minna made sure to have a proper ISBN alotted (978-91-637-4627-7).

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I really, REALLY doubt I'll find it in my local library...


--- Quote from: Nimphy on September 26, 2014, 10:53:08 AM ---If I wanted the ebook I would just read the comic again... I'm an old-fashioned physical books lover, thank you very much,

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I get that, but I've moved around enough in the last little while that I'm starting to at least see some of the benefits of e-books, namely, you don't need to pay to ship them back and forth or ask to store them at people's houses or worry that they'll be damaged in transit.


--- Quote from: Solovei on September 26, 2014, 11:59:45 AM ---I get that, but I've moved around enough in the last little while that I'm starting to at least see some of the benefits of e-books, namely, you don't need to pay to ship them back and forth or ask to store them at people's houses or worry that they'll be damaged in transit.

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Haha, I mainly use ebooks, too, but out of convenience. All my books everywhere, they don't weigh a bit, etcetera. Still, when there's a masterpiece such as aRTD, I can't just be happy with an ebook, there's no difference between that and the webcomic!


--- Quote from: Nimphy on September 26, 2014, 02:14:51 PM ---Haha, I mainly use ebooks, too, but out of convenience. All my books everywhere, they don't weigh a bit, etcetera. Still, when there's a masterpiece such as aRTD, I can't just be happy with an ebook, there's no difference between that and the webcomic!

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I think on the current print drive someone asked a question and Minna said that the ebook is about double the resolution of the web version... but yeah, other than that (and the book-only extras, don't know if aRTD has those) I guess there's not much difference


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