Worlds and Stories > A Redtail's Dream

aRTD Memes/Edits Thread

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--- Quote from: Luth Nightbreeze on February 11, 2016, 08:54:07 PM ---Cool! Too bad it couldn't guess that he is a Finnish spitz! (I think)

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(He is) First picture I tried was of moose!Ville and it only returned "No Dogs Found." Very astute, this thing. (It also recognized that Hannu wasn't a dog, but it thought I was an Afghan hound.)


--- Quote from: Q on February 11, 2016, 07:57:19 PM ---So there's a site where you can upload photos and it will try to guess what kind of dog you uploaded a picture of...

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Oh nooooooooooo (I have to disagree with that description of irish water spaniels based on the ones I've met, which make it much less flattering!)


--- Quote from: Q on February 11, 2016, 10:16:42 PM ---(He is) First picture I tried was of moose!Ville and it only returned "No Dogs Found." Very astute, this thing. (It also recognized that Hannu wasn't a dog, but it thought I was an Afghan hound.)

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(Okay good) When I put in Hannu it came up with this

Which I think fits his personality surprisingly well!


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