Author Topic: The Science Thread  (Read 12686 times)


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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2015, 06:22:35 PM »
Well, it certainly has been a while since someone posted here!
I just though I'd share this video from SpaceX's launch-abort test for their Dragon crew capsule.  They did the test about a month ago, but this is from the rocket's point of view!

It's a pretty short video, but the view above the launchpad is pretty spectacular!
(Here is the view from the ground as well:

Also, breezelouise, thanks for sharing that video of the view from a U2 trainer.  I really wish I had a pilots license sometimes, and had the proper clearance to fly one of those things!  (Sorry for the very late reply, college finals and such got in the way.) 

On a side note, does anyone here have a pilot's license, and perhaps have pictures from when flying?  The closest I get to flying is working near an airport.

That is really, really cool, thank you! I especially like the view from the rocket. Aside from the obvious reasons, it's neat to see a closeup of the chute system in action. That's something I've never actually seen before. I have to say, though, I'd hate to be in that thing. It was spinning way too hard for me. xD

Glad you liked it! I don't have a license, sadly, but as soon as I get the money, I really want to take a second helicopter flight lesson. I'd be in a really bad position to take pictures, but the instructor said that it would be alright if someone wanted to ride in the back. Maybe I could ask them to take pictures or video (as long as you don't mind overwhelming engine noise, it's hard to even hear the instructor through the headset). My mom did take a few videos from the ground last time, but the only one that actually involves flying is about four seconds long and features the skids leaving the ground for half a second. It's not the most riveting thing. (As for the finals, stuff, don't worry about it! Important life stuff happens sometimes)
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2015, 12:51:57 PM »
I don't have a license, sadly, but as soon as I get the money, I really want to take a second helicopter flight lesson. I'd be in a really bad position to take pictures, but the instructor said that it would be alright if someone wanted to ride in the back. Maybe I could ask them to take pictures or video (as long as you don't mind overwhelming engine noise, it's hard to even hear the instructor through the headset). My mom did take a few videos from the ground last time, but the only one that actually involves flying is about four seconds long and features the skids leaving the ground for half a second. It's not the most riveting thing. (As for the finals, stuff, don't worry about it! Important life stuff happens sometimes)

Thanks for not being mad!  Balance is a difficult thing.
As to your reply, how expensive was your first lesson?  I did a quick search, and it looks like helicopter license costs are up there in the 10-15,000 dollar range, and each lesson costs maybe 200/hour?  If I was in the military, there would probably be a much easier way to get a license, but I'm just a civilian paying his way through college.  Are you just trying to get a license for fun, or have plans for a job?  Probably good for both!

Also, how was your first lesson?  If it's comparable at all to learning how to drive a car, it must have been a more than a little terrifying.  Flying in a helicopter with 360 degrees of freedom must be a lot harder than driving!  And if you do ever get that second lesson in, pictures/video from the helicopter would be very cool to see, engine noise or no.
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2015, 07:17:47 PM »
Thanks for not being mad!  Balance is a difficult thing.
As to your reply, how expensive was your first lesson?  I did a quick search, and it looks like helicopter license costs are up there in the 10-15,000 dollar range, and each lesson costs maybe 200/hour?  If I was in the military, there would probably be a much easier way to get a license, but I'm just a civilian paying his way through college.  Are you just trying to get a license for fun, or have plans for a job?  Probably good for both!

Also, how was your first lesson?  If it's comparable at all to learning how to drive a car, it must have been a more than a little terrifying.  Flying in a helicopter with 360 degrees of freedom must be a lot harder than driving!  And if you do ever get that second lesson in, pictures/video from the helicopter would be very cool to see, engine noise or no.

I couldn't be mad about that! I think you'd have a hard time finding someone who would, especially around here~
Exactly right, it cost me $200 for an hour. I'm sure it would depend on where you go, but that's probably a good baseline. As for me, I did think about the military too. I'm still considering it after college, but that's too far away for me to make a solid decision (and hopefully I'll have learned already by then). I'm getting a license mainly for fun, but it has the benefit of giving me a great backup job. Depending on how things go, it could possibly even be the thing that gets me through college!

It was so much fun. It was scary, but I'd already done so much reading in preparation that I knew enough to feel safe. It's important to remember that, at any moment, the instructor can take the controls and keeps things going smoothly. What it was was 15 minutes on the ground where the instructor shows you around the cockpit, what everything is for, what you're going to need to pay attention to, the basics on how to fly, stuff like that. Then s/he'll take you up to a good altitude and hand the controls over to you. My instructor had me follow a road for a little while to get used to straight and level flying, then he had me do a few turns to follow different roads. Aside from directions, his only input during that time was to gently point out if I was too fast or too low. He planned out the route so we arrived back at the airfield right as my time was up, then he landed it. We went into his office in the hangar, he told me a few stories, then he gave me a grade (I was average in every respect, which was kind of a bummer, but I'm just gonna aim to do better next time~). After that, we discussed a follow-up lesson for a few minutes and then I went home. He was excellent, I can't recommend finding the right instructor highly enough. Even if you have to pay a little extra, it will make learning a whole lot easier, and it'll make everything that much more enjoyable.

I'll be sure to look into some picture or video, then! I might have a little trouble finding someone to go up with me, both my parents are too afraid. My best friend's dad said he would, though, so hopefully we can coordinate that. I'm also not sure if that's only available for the first lesson, I dunno. The instructor was very nice and reasonable, though, I'm sure we could figure something out.

If you're interested in fixed-wing, I'm not as sure about the details, but my grandpa did get a free lesson as a gift. It's quite a bit easier than rotary, so they even offered to let him land the plane on his first flight. I imagine it'd probably be cheaper, too, but I'm not actually sure about that. Would that be something you'd be interested in trying, though? Even if you don't want to go for a license, a lot of people take the first lesson just for the experience.
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2015, 02:52:16 PM »
ooooh wow this stuff is all really cool. Thanks for those pad-abort videos, Sadoka! I will have some pictures from the model-rocketry festival I was at over the weekend in a couple of days, just gotta get them off the camera. Don't have any video, sorry...
(plus all the videos of model rockets I've seen consist of the rocket leaving the frame and then two minutes of the person trying to find the tiny speck that is the rocket in the sky)
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2015, 09:31:55 PM »
ooooh wow this stuff is all really cool. Thanks for those pad-abort videos, Sadoka! I will have some pictures from the model-rocketry festival I was at over the weekend in a couple of days, just gotta get them off the camera. Don't have any video, sorry...
(plus all the videos of model rockets I've seen consist of the rocket leaving the frame and then two minutes of the person trying to find the tiny speck that is the rocket in the sky)

You're welcome!  Space X is kind of awesome, so I've been keeping my eyes open for any video they release.  And yes please for the model rocket pictures!  I think I'll need to watch October Sky again just because of them; it's been so long since I saw that movie the first time.

If you're interested in fixed-wing, I'm not as sure about the details, but my grandpa did get a free lesson as a gift. It's quite a bit easier than rotary, so they even offered to let him land the plane on his first flight. I imagine it'd probably be cheaper, too, but I'm not actually sure about that. Would that be something you'd be interested in trying, though? Even if you don't want to go for a license, a lot of people take the first lesson just for the experience.

I think I'm more interested in fixed wing lessons over helicopter, actually. (Although both would be great to try!)
That's a good idea, saving up money and taking the first lesson just for the experience.  And, if I like it enough afterwards, why not go the whole way?  Probably not going to happen in the near future, but I do have the means!  There is already a skydiving program around my area, so I'm sure that other programs and lessons can't be that hard to find.  Speaking of which, ever tried skydiving?  Never tried it myself, it takes such a leap of faith!
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2015, 10:20:27 PM »
This weekend I entranced a pair of my friends with my itty-bitty remote control helicopter. I am almost good enough to zoom it around rooms. My RC is an Estes control Mad Cat.
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2015, 12:58:15 AM »
(Double posting to bump)

So, if ya'll don't know I'm obsessed with RC flyers. And I have happened across something amazing at a yard sale; an Estes syncro quadcopter. This thing is so tiny. Like teeny tiny. I had to order a charge cable for it, and have just now gotten to fly it. It's really cool, and easier to zip around a room than my helicopter, and it has super bright LEDs and wow. I think I've called in love with my dream again.
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2015, 01:13:56 AM »
oh my goodness quadcopters yes! they're so freaking adorable! *envy*
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2015, 10:36:43 AM »
whaaaaaaat there are so many other people who also want to be rocket scientists/pilots/whatever here (SpaceX just opened a Seattle office, and I was ridiculously excited) (also have you *seen* the postage stamp they're trying to land their first-stage on??? I am *so impressed* that they've managed to hit it both times!)
this is insane

It's exciting to see that, actually. Back when I was a kid in the early days of the Space Age, we all wanted to be astronauts.  Nice to see there are people carrying on that tradition!
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2015, 10:20:43 PM »
It's exciting to see that, actually. Back when I was a kid in the early days of the Space Age, we all wanted to be astronauts.  Nice to see there are people carrying on that tradition!

me an astronaut? nah. I'm gonna be designing the stuff they fly. (and little things to run around my home)
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2015, 11:18:28 AM »
me an astronaut? nah. I'm gonna be designing the stuff they fly. (and little things to run around my home)
Yeah, me too.  Space is big and scary and *empty* and I'm a little wimp, but rocket science is an awesome combination of engineering and FIIIIIIIIRE.
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2015, 11:43:51 PM »
Yeah, me too.  Space is big and scary and *empty* and I'm a little wimp, but rocket science is an awesome combination of engineering and FIIIIIIIIRE.

Ohhh yeah, fire. And rockets and stars, and the grand Sky orb. (Man you guys are really pushing my 'wanna buy rocket kits' buttons. Hmmmm)
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2015, 07:07:55 PM »
Speaking of rocket kits, have you managed to develop any of your model-rocket festival pictures Noodly?  I'd still be quite interested in seeing a few!
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2015, 07:11:41 PM »
Speaking of rocket kits, have you managed to develop any of your model-rocket festival pictures Noodly?  I'd still be quite interested in seeing a few!
Oh woooow I totally forgot about that! Give me a few minutes to wrestle with Imgur!

Edit: I have battled the Imgur, and emerge victorious!
Here y'go.
Two rockets in flight:

(sorry they're fuzzy, there's a really tiny window to catch them before they're moving too fast to get)
One coming down under chute:

Here's some pictures of the pads:
The largest rockets being flown (where we could see the pad; there was also an away-cell for the really huge stuff that was like half a mile or a mile out)...

...and the smallest (those are standard-sized sawhorses, sorry I didn't get any people in there for scale)

And, just for giggles, here's a 5-minute MS Paint sketch of the lay of the land.

I'm sitting with some other people on a bench-thingy at the edge of the range. Most people who brought chairs were sitting in the other blob, because it's flatter over there.
I didn't get any photos from the mid-power pads, but they're between the other two in size. (Actually, all the pictures of rockets in the air are high-power, since they move more slowly [because they're bigger], are easier to find with the camera [because they're bigger], and are more impressive [you guessed it -- because they're bigger])
Um. Yeah.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 09:06:29 PM by Noodly Appendage »
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Re: The AeroSpace Thread
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2015, 05:15:34 PM »

Noodly Appendage invited me to this thread. I'm not so much into space, but I love aircraft and aerodynamics. I'm finishing my studies in aeronautical engineering and my I'm always looking for efficiency. Sure, I like engines that make a lot of noise and flames, but the most beautiful things to me are the ones that do the most with the less fuel or that are the most optimized in general. That's why I agree that the U-2 is such a great plane! It's like a glider with a jet engine and everything is optimized for the mission.

Do you know about the Piaggio Avanti? It looks like it's designed just to look cool but it's actually very well done when you look at the data.

And also I don't know if I will really do it (it's said to be very hard) but my dream is to build a light aircraft like this one: Anyone interested?
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