Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 859485 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1575 on: February 19, 2016, 08:14:02 PM »
Oh, look. Another one-shot AU.

In the Center Ring
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show
The little girl looked around in fear. She had wandered far deeper into the woods than she’d meant to, and now, their gloom surrounded her.

Trying not to panic, she began to retrace her steps. That was when she became aware that she was being followed. No, it was more--she was being stalked.

She ducked behind a tree for a moment, and then slowly peered around it to see what was hunting her. Was it a vatte? Perhaps a smallish Beast she could deal with?

It was a Garm, big, bulky, brutal and hideous.

Stand still, stay silent. In her mind, the words replayed themselves over and over again. Stand still, stay silent. Stand still stay silent stand still stay silent standstillstaysilent--It had seen her.

The Beast pushed off from the tree trunk, hurtling toward her still form--

--until a blur of blue and red smashed into it, knocking it aside and bouncing to catch a bar of wood swinging from ropes at either end.

“Behold, REYNIR, MASTER of the TRAPEZE!” The incredibly loud bellow came from a tall red-head. The little girl stared at the woman, who, unlike everyone else the girl had ever met, wasn’t afraid to shout in the woods.

“And NOW, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, from all across the Silent World, we proudly present--the EIDE MOST BEST TRAVELING CIRCUS, the SHOW of AGES!

“Let’s hear it for the rest of our players:


The Garm was on its feet again, but as it was about to charge again, two ash-blonde figures in bright patchwork garb stepped out from either side of it. The two humans pulled out long, wicked-looking knives and began tossing them back and forth at one another, starting with one, then two at a time, and gradually more and more until there seemed to be hundreds of knives surrounding the Beast so that it was immobilized.

The Garm screamed, calling for aid from its foul kin. Over the din, the woman yelled again.


A red blur cartwheeled into the clearing, stopping just short of where the Garm stood at bay. He stood, pulling out and lighting a torch. Then, he put the torch close to his mouth and blew fire at the Garm.

The Garm didn’t like this at all. Neither did the troll that had slithered up behind Emil. The troll stretched forth a tentacle to strike at the fire-eater--

“Mikkel, the MOURNFUL CLOWN!”

--and was hit on the rump by a huge stick with a SLAP that hurt the little girl’s ears. A great big bear of a man, face painted white accented with smears of blue, green and red, this Mikkel twirled the slap-stick nonchalantly as the troll tried to regain what passed for its feet.




At this, three lions emerged from the woods and ROARED. The Garm stopped looking angry; instead, it wore an expression the little girl knew all too well, but had never before seen on a grossling: fear.

“NOW, MY BEAUTIES!” Sigrun roared, louder than the lions had with a crack of her bullwhip, and the cats attacked.

Another troll or two rashly decided to aid the Garm against its attackers, but the lions were more than a match for anything that came their way.

Nor were the others idle. Each one went after the other grosslings drawn by the noise of their fellows being slaughtered.

Soon, the little girl and Ringmistress Sigrun were all who remained in the clearing, the others having shooed the lions back into the depths of the woods.

“Thank you,” the little girl whispered.

“Thank you,” Sigrun replied. “After all, what’s a Circus without an audience?”

The little girl walked back down the path to her village. Didn’t she have a tale to tell, though she doubted anyone would believe her...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Just a little something I whipped up for y’all.

...I hope nobody here’s afraid of clowns.

Nicely done. I love how Sigrun talks like the Wicked Witch of the West, calling everyone her 'beauties'
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1576 on: February 19, 2016, 09:28:42 PM »
LooNEY: Falling about laughing here. The Hotakainens as blade jugglers! Reynir on trapeze! Lions! Oh dear me!
Avatar is courtesy of the amazing Haiz!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1577 on: February 19, 2016, 10:35:54 PM »
Ahahaha, LooNEY that's amazing! I love all the different roles you put them in... Emil the fire-eater especially filled me with glee. :))
Languages: :usa: (native) :mexico: (conversational but out of practice) :germany: (attempting to learn)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1578 on: February 19, 2016, 10:51:50 PM »
Oh, look. Another one-shot AU.

In the Center Ring
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show
The little girl looked around in fear. She had wandered far deeper into the woods than she’d meant to, and now, their gloom surrounded her.

Trying not to panic, she began to retrace her steps. That was when she became aware that she was being followed. No, it was more--she was being stalked.

She ducked behind a tree for a moment, and then slowly peered around it to see what was hunting her. Was it a vatte? Perhaps a smallish Beast she could deal with?

It was a Garm, big, bulky, brutal and hideous.

Stand still, stay silent. In her mind, the words replayed themselves over and over again. Stand still, stay silent. Stand still stay silent stand still stay silent standstillstaysilent--It had seen her.

The Beast pushed off from the tree trunk, hurtling toward her still form--

--until a blur of blue and red smashed into it, knocking it aside and bouncing to catch a bar of wood swinging from ropes at either end.

“Behold, REYNIR, MASTER of the TRAPEZE!” The incredibly loud bellow came from a tall red-head. The little girl stared at the woman, who, unlike everyone else the girl had ever met, wasn’t afraid to shout in the woods.

“And NOW, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, from all across the Silent World, we proudly present--the EIDE MOST BEST TRAVELING CIRCUS, the SHOW of AGES!

“Let’s hear it for the rest of our players:


The Garm was on its feet again, but as it was about to charge again, two ash-blonde figures in bright patchwork garb stepped out from either side of it. The two humans pulled out long, wicked-looking knives and began tossing them back and forth at one another, starting with one, then two at a time, and gradually more and more until there seemed to be hundreds of knives surrounding the Beast so that it was immobilized.

The Garm screamed, calling for aid from its foul kin. Over the din, the woman yelled again.


A red blur cartwheeled into the clearing, stopping just short of where the Garm stood at bay. He stood, pulling out and lighting a torch. Then, he put the torch close to his mouth and blew fire at the Garm.

The Garm didn’t like this at all. Neither did the troll that had slithered up behind Emil. The troll stretched forth a tentacle to strike at the fire-eater--

“Mikkel, the MOURNFUL CLOWN!”

--and was hit on the rump by a huge stick with a SLAP that hurt the little girl’s ears. A great big bear of a man, face painted white accented with smears of blue, green and red, this Mikkel twirled the slap-stick nonchalantly as the troll tried to regain what passed for its feet.




At this, three lions emerged from the woods and ROARED. The Garm stopped looking angry; instead, it wore an expression the little girl knew all too well, but had never before seen on a grossling: fear.

“NOW, MY BEAUTIES!” Sigrun roared, louder than the lions had with a crack of her bullwhip, and the cats attacked.

Another troll or two rashly decided to aid the Garm against its attackers, but the lions were more than a match for anything that came their way.

Nor were the others idle. Each one went after the other grosslings drawn by the noise of their fellows being slaughtered.

Soon, the little girl and Ringmistress Sigrun were all who remained in the clearing, the others having shooed the lions back into the depths of the woods.

“Thank you,” the little girl whispered.

“Thank you,” Sigrun replied. “After all, what’s a Circus without an audience?”

The little girl walked back down the path to her village. Didn’t she have a tale to tell, though she doubted anyone would believe her...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Just a little something I whipped up for y’all.

...I hope nobody here’s afraid of clowns.

That was well and truly ridiculous. Thanks for the laugh!
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1579 on: February 19, 2016, 11:04:51 PM »
Ah! That was wonderful, LooNEY! As soon as the first part of dialogue came  up I had a smile and a questioning look from my mother for making an unearthly smothered laughing sound...

Uh. Uhhh. I totally have a chapter four... Yep, it's right here... (Why was it late? That'll be in the note area)
Spoiler: return to silence; part two, chapter four • show
{chapter 4}

Emil shuddered and walked back to the book room. Why was it saying that, of all things? It probably didn't have much of mind left, he decided as he brought another pile down to Mikkel.

"What did she say?" Mikkel asked slowly, taking the books and looking over them.

"She wants to finish that floor and then we can leave." He recalled, turning back to the building. The healer sighed, but nodded all the same and started packing up the tomes.

Lalli nearly crashed in to Emil on the way down the steps, but other than that the rest of the mission was uneventful. They were, after all, only collecting books. They could return tomorrow and finish up, and finish the trolls if they got in the way. The moans never stopped, though. And they never ceased to send chills down Emil's spine. If Sigrun heard them, she did a good job of hiding it. Or ignoring it. Lalli had been occupied with exploring the upper floors ahead of time, to avoid unexpected trouble.

Pale orange light flooded the streets by the time they had finished. Mikkel had managed to fit almost everything in the back with the supply crates, with over a dozen in Tuuri's 'office' for further examination and translations. The team was soon on the move, back to their camp for one more night. The scout would have to find a path to the third area they had found, if it hadn't been suddenly infested with trolls.

But that was the least of anyone else's problems. It was the third night of inedible sludge, once they were back to the camp. Headquarters had decided to use most of the added budget on other supplies, a uniform for the new team member, and the training of Kitty to Grade B. So, 'food', it is.

Reynir sat in the passenger seat, again, and turned around to look over the seat. He asked Mikkel questions about the books and asked if he needed any help. Mikkel replied tiredly each time before finally giving him something to draw with and shutting the door to the cabin. Tuuri had the excuse of driving, and therefore couldn't be distracted. The Icelander sighed in defeat and started practicing his runes.

Sigrun and Emil lounged on the couch, looking through the broken windshield. Sigrun was content with the amount of books they had gotten, she wore a small smile as she watched the snow fall. Emil was staring blankly out the window, the ice-cold grip of fear slowly snuck up on him as he thought about the troll's moaning more and more. He was quite surprised Sigrun hadn't wanted to end the trolls before they left. Maybe she forgot. He wouldn't mention it unless she said something, he decided.

The tank came to a gentle halt, right in the middle of the tight circle of huge houses. Plants overflowed the beaten-up buildings. Snow and fractured glass glittered, reflecting the scarlet sunlight. The breeze lifted snow in the air, shaping it into ribbons. The cooking fire sparked to life as the team gathered around it in the dying light.

Sigrun groaned as she looked at the bowl of gruel-like sludge handed to her. "Are you sure this is edible?" Mikkel glanced at her, a shadow of a smile in his eyes.

"Define 'edible'..." He said, handing the last bowls to Tuuri and Lalli. The captain snorted in amusement before starting to eat.

The sun's rays had finally said goodby to the camp, shadow taking over. The team had, luckily, been inside by that time, and now the scout now slunk out of the tank and in to the chilling night. Each star had a glowing haze surrounding it in the sky, thin clouds being the cause. The snow clouds had tired themselves out, for now, and drifted away. It was still and silent, peaceful as the team prepared for bed (after discussing new mission plans).

Until Sigrun remembered the trolls they had accidentally left alive.

Spoiler: notessss • show
WELP, someone's going to get a rant,. Emil, it'll probably be you.
Bonus, I was writing and this came up and I had to take the opportunity. I mean, the combination of words was too perfect.
As always, tell me about grammar mistakes and stuff, freshly written.

So why was it so late? well, school was annoying and gave us scheduling stuff and bleh,
And ALSO, The first version of the chapter was weird and I didn't like it, so I rewrote it. *sighs and falls on floor*
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 02:23:24 PM by frostykitty »


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1580 on: February 20, 2016, 04:41:19 AM »
Ah! That was wonderful, LooNEY! As soon as the first part of dialogue came  up I had a smile and a questioning look from my mother for making an unearthly smothered laughing sound...

Uh. Uhhh. I totally have a chapter four... Yep, it's right here... (Why was it late? That'll be in the note area)
Spoiler: return to silence; part two, chapter four • show
{chapter 4}

Emil shuddered and walked back to the book room. Why was it saying that, of all things? It probably didn't have much of mind left, he decided as he brought another pile down to Mikkel.

"What did she say?" Mikkel asked slowly, taking the books and looking over them.

"She wants to finish that floor and then we can leave." He recalled, turning back to the building. The healer sighed, but nodded all the same and started packing up the tomes.

Lalli nearly crashed in to Emil on the way down the steps, but other than that the rest of the mission was uneventful. They were, after all, only collecting books. They could return tomorrow and finish up, and finish the trolls if they got in the way. The moans never stopped, though. And they never ceased to send chills down Emil's spine. If Sigrun heard them, she did a good job of hiding it. Or ignoring it. Lalli had been occupied with exploring the upper floors ahead of time, to avoid unexpected trouble.

Pale orange light flooded the streets by the time they had finished. Mikkel had managed to fit almost everything in the back with the supply crates, with over a dozen in Tuuri's 'office' for further examination and translations. The team was soon on the move, back to their camp for one more night. The scout would have to find a path to the third area they had found, if it hadn't been suddenly infested with trolls.

But that was the least of anyone else's problems. It was the third night of inedible sludge, once they were back to the camp. Headquarters had decided to use most of the added budget on other supplies, a uniform for the new team member, and the training of Kitty to Grade B. So, 'food', it is.

Reynir sat in the passenger seat, again, and turned around to look over the seat. He asked Mikkel questions about the books and asked if he needed any help. Mikkel replied tiredly each time before finally giving him something to draw with and shutting the door to the cabin. Tuuri had the excuse of driving, and therefore couldn't be distracted. The Icelander sighed in defeat and started practicing his runes.

Sigrun and Emil lounged on the couch, looking through the broken windshield. Sigrun was content with the amount of books they had gotten, she wore a small smile as she watched the snow fall. Emil was staring blankly out the window, the ice-cold grip of fear slowly snuck up on him as he thought about the troll's moaning more and more. He was quite surprised Sigrun hadn't wanted to end the trolls before they left. Maybe she forgot. He wouldn't mention it unless she said something, he decided.

The tank came to a gentle halt, right in the middle of the tight circle of huge houses. Plants overflowed the beaten-up buildings. Snow and fractured glass glittered, reflecting the scarlet sunlight. The breeze lifted snow in the air, shaping it into ribbons. The cooking fire sparked to life as the team gathered around it in the dying light.

Sigrun groaned as she looked at the bowl of gruel-like sludge handed to her. "Are you sure this is edible?" Mikkel glanced at her, a shadow of a smile in his eyes.

"Define 'edible'..." He said, handing the last bowls to Tuuri and Lalli. The captain snorted in amusement before starting to eat.

The sun's rays had finally said goodby to the camp, shadow taking over. The team had, luckily, been inside by that time, and now the scout now slunk out of the tank and in to the chilling night. Each star had a glowing haze surrounding it in the sky, thin clouds being the cause. The snow clouds had tired themselves out, for now, and drifted away. It was still and silent, peaceful as the team prepared for bed (after discussing new mission plans).

Until Sigrun remembered the trolls they had accidentally left alive.

Spoiler: notessss • show
WELP, someone's going to get a rant,. Emil, it'll probably be you.
Bonus, I was writing and this came up and I had to take the opportunity. I mean, the combination of words was too perfect.
As always, tell me about grammar mistakes and stuff, freshly written.

So why was it so late? Well. On Wednesday, the school decided to give us next year's schedules and we had to choose our electives within a day and none of it worked out right and I really don't know if I'll make it in to a few of the honors classes I'd like to and fear and stuff... So, we could only chose up to two credits worth, I chose German I and Band for electives. My friends, too, so hopefully that'll work out. But there aren't any space science classes and now I'm sad...
And ALSO, The first version of the chapter was weird and I didn't like it, so I rewrote it. Yeah, I'm good, I'm fine, I'll be writing and drawing all weekend and I'll be able to recover from this week. *sighs and falls on floor*

The ending line left me with the image of Sigrun doing a comical spit-take as she remembers their little oopsie, and showering Mikkel with crumbs. Also, I love how much people hate Mikkel's cooking. Keep it up!
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1581 on: February 20, 2016, 02:22:08 PM »
As if we didn't have enough cliffhangers this week, here's another chapter of Against All Odds!


Spoiler: Part 1 • show

We’ve got a new mission, they said.  It’ll be simple, they said.

Sigrun coughed as she pushed herself to her feet, shaking dust from her hair and discarding her broken sunglasses as she waited for the ringing in her ears to subside.  At least her sunglasses were the only thing that was broken.  One thing she could say about that new kid:  he had potential.  Wasn’t everyone who could rig up a bomb fit to blow a whole… block…


She was completely cut off from the others—no way was she getting back through that mess of rubble on her own, especially not with the sirens that were already approaching, and given the magnitude of the explosion it had probably destroyed the hard line as well.

A simple mission, she thought.  Sure.  Obtain the objective—naturally, no one save the Captain and one of the Operators even knew what the objective was—and hightail it out of the Matrix.  Of course, Sigrun loved a bit of adventure just as much as the next redpill; her irritation wasn’t over the fact that things hadn’t gone according to plan, but that Agneta had a hard, unbreakable rule that if any of them got separated from the others, they were to find the nearest exit and jack out immediately.  Which meant that even if they did see any action, Sigrun was now going to be left out of it.

Nevertheless, she ran off with a growl, pulling her cellphone open as she went.

“Oy, Mikkel.  I got separated from the others.”

“I can see that.”

“Where’s the nearest exit?”  She had halted in an alleyway with her back pressed up against a building; no sign of Agents yet, but there were a lot of people around, and the risk was high.  “Preferably now?”

A series of mechanical taps could be heard through the line as Mikkel typed.  “There’s an exit a few blocks north of you, in the warehouse district.  Can you get there safely?”

“Or die trying.”  She flipped the phone shut before Mikkel could respond.

Right.  Warehouse district.  She knew exactly where the address was; the only real issue would be getting there.  Through—she peeked out of the alleyway again—traffic, emergency vehicles, and a huge mess of rubble, not to mention a whole crowd of panicked bluepills who could turn into Agents at any time.

She grinned.  Oh yes, this was going to be fun.


“Well, the good news is that you managed not to kill anyone.”  Agneta shut her cellphone with a snap.

Emil breathed a small, private sigh of relief even as he glumly pondered the chewing-out she was going to give him when this was all over.  Agneta had had it in for him since the day he’d joined her crew—and of course he had completely flubbed it on his very first mission.

“Hold this,” Agneta said brusquely, shoving the envelope into his hand, “since it seems you can’t be trusted with a weapon.”  Emil felt his face heat.  “And don’t drop it.  Now stick together, let’s go.”

Gunnar elbowed him playfully in the ribs as they began picking their way out of the rubble.  “I think that might be a new record, mate.  Never seen anyone get on Agneta’s bad side on the first mission before.”

“Yeah, well,” he grumbled in return, still not in the mood to joke around.  Emil shoved the envelope roughly into his jacket—he at least wanted to come out of this able to say he hadn’t messed that up—before beginning his climb.

Even as Isak gave him a final hand up over a mountain of crumbled drywall, though, Agneta’s hand was out, cautioning for absolute silence.  The captain was in a crouch, gazing out over the street as red and blue lights flashed across her face.

Still not saying a word, she tilted her head toward where a group of men in black suits stood among the emergency vehicles, one of them talking with a police officer.

Agents.  They were in serious trouble.

Spoiler: Notes • show
A bit short, but I decided that was a good place to end it. Hope you enjoy!

Next part
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 05:55:14 PM by Lazy8 »
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1582 on: February 21, 2016, 12:47:51 AM »
I've been sitting on these for ages and it's only just now that I was able to post them here. They were for a blind exchange, so authors had to be kept secret for a while! Which means they appeared on Ao3 as posted by Anonymous. ;p

01. "Let the rain come down". 0+, 1.7k, Aksel Eide/Sigrun Larsen. Set during the first few weeks of Year 0.
*Well, to be clear, this one falls more into the category I think of as "vague shippy gen", but eh.
Summary: The lights go out. The rain won't stop falling. But as long as they're together, it will be fine.
On Ao3:
Dreamwidth backup:

02. "How lucky to be alive". 0+, ~975 words, Emil/Lalli.
Summary: Lalli is stronger than he looks. It doesn't stop Emil from worrying.
On Ao3:
Dreamwidth backup:
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 12:58:32 AM by Yuuago »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1583 on: February 21, 2016, 01:05:45 AM »
Yes, I had absolutely no notion that you'd written these when they posted on ao3; no, none whatsoever. /mikkel

Anyway, here's the opening itty-bitty bit of something new:

Sigrun’s Shenanigans
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show
More than Meets the Eide

It seemed to be a law of nature that when two or more people gathered around a campfire in the depths of night, stories happened. Tall tales, ghost stories, horror and humor--these and more would well forth, even from the people you least expected.

It wasn’t the party’s first night in the Silent World by any means; Reynir’s presence at the fire was proof enough of that. Nevertheless, there was something about that particular night that led the odd assortment of plunderers to build and congregate around a bright, roaring fire, to the great delight of Emil.

Whatever force it was that had compelled them to their places around the fire also loosened Sigrun’s tongue considerably--a rare event when alcohol was not involved. She began to relate tales from her youth to her new comrades-in-arms.

Sigrun proved an unexpectedly compelling storyteller, and soon even Emil was hanging on her every word, rather than staring worshipfully into the flames.

Spellbound, the five of them listened as Sigrun told her tales...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, this will be a series of not-necessarily-connected vignettes from Sigrun’s past, as related by her. Tuuri and Mikkel are translating, of course. I put this part in as an intro to the whole.

The shenanigans will commence shortly.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 12:37:27 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1584 on: February 21, 2016, 01:53:47 AM »
Lazy8: good, I like the sound of this.

Frostykitty: I have a bad feeling about where this one is going! Do go on!

Yuuago: thought these might be yours, and like them both!

Looney: a good premise to thread the stories around. Since Sigrun considers the present mission a vacation, I shudder to think what she thinks is worth telling a story about!
Avatar is courtesy of the amazing Haiz!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1585 on: February 21, 2016, 04:38:16 AM »
Yes, I had absolutely no notion that you'd written these when they posted on ao3; no, none whatsoever. /mikkel

Anyway, here's the opening itty=bitty bit of something new:

Sigrun’s Shenanigans
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show
More than Meets the Eide

It seemed to be a law of nature that when two or more people gathered around a campfire in the depths of night, stories happened. Tall tales, ghost stories, horror and humor--these and more would well forth, even from the people you least expected.

It wasn’t the party’s first night in the Silent World by any means; Reynir’s presence at the fire was proof enough of that. Nevertheless, there was something about that particular night that led the odd assortment of plunderers to build and congregate around a bright, roaring fire, to the great delight of Emil.

Whatever force it was that had compelled them to their places around the fire also loosened Sigrun’s tongue considerably--a rare event when alcohol was not involved. She began to relate tales from her youth to her new comrades-in-arms.

Sidrun proved an unexpectedly compelling storyteller, and soon even Emil was hanging on her every word, rather than staring worshipfully into the flames.

Spellbound, the five of them listened as Sigrun told her tales...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, this will be a series of not-necessarily-connected vignettes from Sigrun’s past, as related by her. Tuuri and Mikkel are translating, of course. I put this part in as an intro to the whole.

The shenanigans will commence shortly.

I'm really excited for this! I assume Lalli will have to have a translation via Tuuri? She'd probably mess it up because she's too excited and awed to speak straight while Sigrun gesticulates and exaggerates
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1586 on: February 21, 2016, 01:21:21 PM »
Anyway, here's the opening itty-bitty bit of something new:

Sigrun’s Shenanigans
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic

Well that is certainly an interesting start. I look forward to seeing where it goes.

Also, is it weird that I immediately thought 'Hey, I know the perfect soundtrack for this setting!'?
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1587 on: February 21, 2016, 03:00:06 PM »
I see plenty of good fics. Can't wait for Sigrun's Shenanigans!
did I say chapter five would have action? Whoops, no, mostly just descriptions and the attack of the cat mage.

Spoiler: return to silence; part two, chapter five • show
{chapter 5}

"HOW COULD YOU LET ME FORGET?!" The captain shouted, wide eyes on Emil. He shrunk down.

"Uh, uh I forgot, too-"

"I could've killed trolls! That was a perfectly good chance and now it's probably gone!" She continued, arms in the air as she paced to floor.

"I'm sure it's not gone, maybe the trolls were trapped inside that room? I'm sure they'll still be there..."

"But now I'll have to waiiit! And what if something gets them before we do?!"

"I don't think so, I mean, Lalli said they weren't small, right? Another troll can't eat them or something. I don't think anything else will be able to get to them, anyway..."

It took a while, but eventually Sigrun calmed down and the team (minus the scout) was able to sleep.

The small scratching sound from the door signaled the start of the day for the group of adventurers. Lalli was let inside and decontaminated while his teammates stumbled out of bed and gathered in the cabin. The report was made swiftly and plans were altered to accommodate their goals.

"So you'll only have time to take care of those trolls and clear the next floor, we don't have time for the other levels if we want to get to the new camp the whole way over," Tuuri's finger ran across the roads to the other side of the town map, "here."

Sigrun rubbed her chin in thought for a moment before sighing. "Fine," she decided, "we'll be quick."

And they were off! At the slow, leisurely full speed of their trusty little cat-tank. It wandered through the snowy streets with ease as the sunlight reached over the buildings and clawed through the thin clouds. The light 'vrrrr' of the engine bounced off the collapsed walls of the abandoned homes, breaking through the icy silence.

Inside the vehicle, Emil and Sigrun talked about battle tactics - mostly Sigrun giving advice and Emil asking if he could use explosives - while Mikkel read through books and Reynir played with Kitty. It began as an accident, the cat finding his braid a suitable plaything, but had turned into a competitive game of mage-failing-to-keep-his-braid-out-of-the-cat's-reach. It only stopped when the pair had stumbled into the top mage/cat's territory and awoke him.

There were hisses and Reynir yelped. Mikkel had to check if a vermin beast had gotten in to the tank or something else had caused Kitty to freak out. What he found was a tired and angry Lalli attacking a terrified Reynir, the kitten hiding on the top bunk.

They eventually arrived (surprisingly with no injuries from the... mishap) at their desired location, the weather-worn lab. The tank came to a halt, parked beside a rusted streetlamp.

"Come on, guys, let's get those trolls!" Sigrun grinned, ever full of enthusiasm for beating things up. Emil tugged on his boots with a sigh.

"Yay," he muttered, joining the other two outside.

"Aw, cheer up! I might even let you stab one of them!" The captain laughed, walking over the broken door she had kicked down the previous day. "Now hurry up!"

By the time the boys had gotten upstairs, Sigrun was already trying to remember what door was what. Lalli yawned and took the lead. A few rooms later, chills were sent up Emil's spine. The moan. It was faint, the others seemed to take no notice. But it was there. As they got closer, he was able to once again make out the words. The same word, over and over. 'Björn...' Why that? It didn't make sense. Lalli paused in the next room, head tilted. Sigrun became even more excited.

"How close are they? Are they in the next room?" He shook his head. "What is it then?"

"Just a sound..." The scout mumbled, hopping into the next room. So Emil wasn't (entirely) crazy! The troll was talking. Or trying to?

Emil was lost in though when he bumped into a beaming Sigrun. She eagerly pointed to a barricaded door, a desk and chairs piled around it to keep it shut. The raspy voice was louder now. Just behind the wall. He felt like he might be sick. There was a skeleton on the floor in a long white coat and a face mask. It didn't die from the rash, that was proven by the long gashes on the side of the skull and the odd position of the neck.

Lalli was glaring through the wall. "One troll, one other thing." he reported, looking back at Sigrun. She nodded and assumed the other thing was a beast, not a spirit.

"Well then let's get them!"

Spoiler: notessss • show
When Sigrun says "HOW COULD YOU LET ME FORGET?!" imagine her from "YOU HAPLESS HAM-FISTED SWEDE!" on page 240.
Oh Reynir, when playing a game of mage-failing-to-keep-his-braid-out-of-the-cat's-reach, one must never stray into a sleeping cat mage's territory, or they'll suffer the consequences. And the action and creepiness is all next chapter, wooo. Not that creepy, I guess, but...


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1588 on: February 21, 2016, 05:07:33 PM »
So, the Kraken passed unremarked; will this part suffer the same fate?

The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 23
Caper the Third: The Cave of Time
Part 12
Prior part
Spoiler: show
A Time to Stand

Year 90
The Indre By, Copenhagen

Lalli Hotakainen was running through the snowy streets, not from fear, but by choice.

“...Saying I can’t do my job...” he grumbled as he raced on through the falling snow.

Finally, Lalli came back to that last crossing. A dark alleyway gaped back at him, but the other, seemingly better ways had proved impassable, so into this dark corridor they must go.

“Howdy, Lalli.”

Lalli stopped dead. That had been Mikkel’s voice, but Mikkel was back with the others, so it couldn’t be Mikkel’s voice, but it was Mikkel’s voice...

Mikkel stepped out from the darkness of the alley Lalli had been about to probe, only he was in some weird getup like Lalli had never seen before. What on earth--

Lalli stiffened in sudden understanding when another figure came forth. It was Lalli, but dressed in the same odd garb as the other Mikkel.


There was only one way to deal with fetches, and Lalli wasn’t sure he was strong enough at the moment to pull it off. But he had to: if the others fell to their fetches because they’d blithely followed him into this unforeseen peril, then it would be his fault all over again.

Lalli would not let this happen.

Lalli gathered his resolve and prepared to call upon his Luonto.

Something about the scout’s posture alerted Lalli Ghost-of-Forest to his intent. “Lalli, no! We’re friends, not evil spirits!”

As far as Lalli Hotakainen was concerned, Lalli Ghost-of-Forest might as well have been speaking Sanskrit. He bent down, placing one hand in the fresh snow.

Closing his eyes, Lalli Ghost-of-Forest reached back through the years, seeking one of his deepest memories: the chant his grandmother had sung to him as a swaddling babe. As soon as he caught the memory, he began to sing along.

Lalli Hotakainen froze. That melody, and especially those words could never come from some malicious spirit--so what were these two facing him?

“What’s the hold-up?” Another double emerged, this one of Sigrun, again garbed similarly to the others.

“Language troubles,” Mikkel replied. “It looks like we spooked local Lalli, here, and our Lalli has been trying to sing him down.”

“I’ll get Tuuri out here. Maybe she can clear it up.”

Behind Lalli Hotakainen, there came the familiar sound of the Felinopede grumbling its way down the street. Had they all been standing there that long?

Before any more gibberish could be tried by the newcomers, the vehicle came to a sudden stop behind Lalli Hotakainen as Tuuri Hotakainen noticed just what he was staring at.

“AHOY THE TANK,” Doc Mikkel bellowed in his best (still awful) Danish. “WE COME AS FRIENDS!”


After a long pow-wow fraught with suspicion on the locals’ part, the Westerners led their counterparts through Meat-Pod Central to the ruins of the Bastion of Amalienborg. This ruined city was tragic enough, but the evidences of the last-ditch heroism of what few survivors were left before they were wiped out gave Emil Westbrook a nasty knot in his stomach as he remembered their last stop in Malmö.

He had to admit, though, that the Bastion was well-nigh the perfect place to stand against the Man in the Black Hat and whatever minions he could muster. The barricades looked sound enough even now, and the coils of barbed wire and sandbags guarding the only unblocked gateway would still be effective enough obstacles in the event of an assault.

Hopefully, the locals had understood enough of Doc Mikkel’s broken Danish that they’d join the Westerners against the Man in the Black Hat, but after all they’d been through, Emil Westbrook was ready to take that filth on single-handed, if need be (though he knew he could count on his Captain and Lalli Ghost-of-Forest in any eventuality).

The two Lallis and the two Reynirs had gone into one of the buildings, which Doc Mikkel had told them was one of the places the prototype Cure had been tested--and failed. Reynir had said something about needing to get rid of the spooks that were left over, and so the foursome had gone.

While not desirous for them to mess the exorcism up, Emil hoped they’d do their best to hurry; night was falling, and if anything in this place was certain, it was that the Man in the Black Hat would strike in the dark of night. He always had.

Fortunately, the Captain and Emil had already cleared out the few live grosslings from Meat-Pod Central, so the Man in the Black Hat would find no aid there. There were almost certainly other such nests around nearby, though, so they couldn’t get too cocky.

In the meantime, however, the others were whipping up as much of the working Cure as they could, in anticipation of using it against whatever grosslings came their way. Of course, the two Emils were whipping up a bunch of incendiaries and explosives instead, but that was treated as right and natural, besides being useful.

The night gathered around the little vehicle sitting in the center of the abandoned palace, and the dozen inside it waited for the inevitable...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Yep. That’s the next part, alright.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 09:20:18 AM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1589 on: February 21, 2016, 08:16:00 PM »

The good thing with a piece of fiction like SSSS is the characters and their relationships are set up in such a way that they could go either way. We do know Minna prefers saga friendships to romance, which I think makes stories far more interesting sometimes. For example, there's been a recent blow-up over Mikkel and Sigrun because they had an entertaining interaction lately, with the mutiny list. This in my mind made them a bromance (a bromace so strong I think I feel a one-shot coming on, concerning exactly how bromancy they are), but in many others it is romantic.

We are conditioned to think of any male-female relationship as a romantic one waiting to happen, but you've got a little more wiggle-room because that is not so much the case with a gay couple. I think for now, sticking to the grey area is a good idea because it is what you're comfortable with. As your story goes on (and I am crossing my fingers it will progress soon because WOW I LOVE IT) you might find yourself leaning more towards one side or the other. If you are not yet sure, give yourself a little time to think about the way you want Emil and Lalli to end up.
Either way, I'm sure the result will be satisfying for your readership.

So I know I'm resurrecting this like a ghost super late after the fact but I just wanted to say that I found this a really thoughtful response and I've been keeping it in mind as I've been working. It articulates one of my issues with the topic, that I haven't actually decided how I interpret Lalli/Emil's relationship in the comic, and therefore am struggling with how to interpret it for my fic. It's been good advice to not feel obligated to rush and pick a side if I'm not sure how I want to define things yet, so thank you =D

My work weeks have been nuts lately so I haven't had as much time as I've wanted to work on this lately but I did get around to posting chapter three yesterday: