The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum

Worlds and Stories => SSSS & ARTD Board => Topic started by: Richard Weir on September 24, 2014, 11:25:11 AM

Title: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on September 24, 2014, 11:25:11 AM
What an introduction! Tuuri couldn't understand him, and Lalli couldn't withdraw from the handshake! Looks like he is the archetypical big, bluff, monosyllabic guy with a no-nonsense attitude.

But will he stay that way? What will his story be?

This is the thread for us to map his character development as we observe it.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 24, 2014, 12:24:18 PM
I'm a bit surprised: notice how Emil, Lalli, Sigrun and Onni's character cards all say "military", while Mikkel's character card says nothing about military association. Also, is "healer" just a fancy new word for doctor? Healer sounds like a person who uses magic or ointments, not a person armed with a bonesaw and a syringe. Hopefully the character profile will clear some things up.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: FrogEater on September 24, 2014, 12:28:47 PM
We saw a small, yet very varied sample of facial hair thus far. Trond's pattern is specially unusual. Do Mikkel sideburns have any significance ? HA, THAT'S A BIG QUESTION !  ;D
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on September 24, 2014, 12:33:56 PM
I'm a bit surprised: notice how Emil, Lalli, Sigrun and Onni's character cards all say "military", while Mikkel's character card says nothing about military association. Also, is "healer" just a fancy new word for doctor? Healer sounds like a person who uses magic or ointments, not a person armed with a bonesaw and a syringe. Hopefully the character profile will clear some things up.

I noticed that too when I was writing up his profile on the Wiki... it's possible he's on contract rather being fully enlisted? Maybe he's ex-military and left that life behind to raise sheep?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 24, 2014, 12:47:59 PM
We saw a small, yet very varied sample of facial hair thus far. Trond's pattern is specially unusual. Do Mikkel sideburns have any significance ? HA, THAT'S A BIG QUESTION !  ;D

I think Trond is actually a surviving emperor tamarin who was mutated into a near-human specimen by an anomalous strain of the rash virus.

As for Mikkel, I've been wondering if he's a subtle parody of Minna's on the current Danish welfare policy of flexicurity - which makes it easier for Danes to be fired and move from job to job.... Probably not.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on September 24, 2014, 01:16:56 PM
Editor's Note: This discussion was touched off by Phyre Storm on comic page 182, ( who asked whether Mikkel Madsen was obese -- and if so, how he could get that way in a world (presumably) low on our modern empty calories and junk food.

Word of God stepped in eventually to establish that Madsen is just "big-boned" (and a liiiittle overweight, AND wearing a fluffy parka).  But in the meantime, we had a very interesting discussion about food, farming, exercise, and physique in the SSSS world.  Selected highlights follow.

Phyre Storm said:
Please excuse me if this has been addressed already and/or if it offends anyone, but how do people get fat in this world? I was willing to overlook Tuuri being a bit chubby and [Taru] because she was in her 40's and clearly fairly well-off, but how the hell did a youngish field medic like Mikkel get to be obese?
Just how much farmland is available out of the cleansed areas, and how much of that is devoted to pasture or feed crops for livestock? Or is everyone just eating grains? Sugar is the main thing that makes people in First World countries fat now, and I doubt anyone's planting sugarcane in this world or converting corn into High-Fructose Nasty **** when they could just eat it.
Again, I'm not some fat-phobe. I could actually stand to lose a few pounds myself (I AM American, after all. ;P) I just don't get how there's enough extra food for people to get fat when there's so little farmland and hunting and gathering are pretty much out.

minnasundberg Mod
Hey, Mikkel isn't obese, he's big boned! And a little bit overweight, heheh. :P And he lives on the Danish island Bornholm which is like a farmer's paradise.

Also it's a comic, with magic and monsters and medic cats. Not everything is going to be overtly realistic. (But in this case gaining a little bit of weight isn't unrealistic. :3)

Sanlade--> Phyre Storm
beets. Look at the window on page 120. And there is no signs of a famine. After all, they live at year 90 post outbreak, so they propably have fullfilled most of the community's basic needs.

There were a LOT of candy stores in Copenhagen...a few of them must have made it to Bornholm.
So: not his fault.

There's also the saying, "Never trust a skinny cook"

Phyre Storm --> minnasundberg
Well, there we have it. It's been WOG'ed. Mikkel just has a REALLY fluffy coat. Annnd is also kinda sorta just a little bit fat. :P

Once again, I never meant to offend anyone or bash people of any body type.

Ack, now I'm hungry for potatoes. xP

We've seem some others of Mikkel's shape in the military - look at the one guard on the train [with the "fat wound"], and one of the passengers. It's a common enough Nordic/Germanic phenotype, and some of those people are incredibly fit beneath that fat (for example, look at how Taru was less winded by the run to the train that Emil and outpaced Siv by a lot).
Mikkel's build reminds me of some of the serious weight-lifters I know - a lot of them have what looks like a serious beer gut and a generous layer of fat over muscle, which makes them look really big.

As to how he got that layer of fat, I would imagine the Bornholm diet would include a LOT of potatoes, and probably a LOT of dairy. I also think that in safe areas like that (and in much of Sweden), issues of food shortage probably aren't so bad by Year 90.

People can just be built differently, you know. You get shapes like unto Tuuri and Mikkel in places such as Yorkshire and Tyneside. Because of a lot of Danish and Norse influence. From people who work the land or on a building site day in, day out and are hardly unfit or with a screamingly high BMI. <_<

It's just their shape. :|

Aside from body types: I guess, in post-apocalyptic world people won't mind gaining some weight, just in case of bad harvest or something. I know it's not exactly healthy, but, for example, my Siberian grandma - who, I guess, was far better at survival than I am - was irritated at people trying to lose weight.

JoB --> Roux
my Siberian grandma [...] was irritated at people trying to lose weight.
FWIW, survival in a world where famines Happen(tm) is what evolution handed us all those fat-deposit-building mechanisms for in the first place, so I'm not at all surprised that "the pros" would take exception at the concept of counteracting them on purpose.

Well, first and foremost, his bio says he's a farmer, too. And a cook. "Sitting right at the source" on two counts. (And who knows, maybe that is even part of why he's "between jobs" so often.)

Second: Climate. We're talking about a part of the world where "thin as a twig" might translate to a life expectancy of "gone next midwinter" instead of "clockwork of a heartbeat 'til an age of 90+".

Phyre Storm-->  JoB
You have a point about skinny people not being selected for in cold regions, but I'm from farming stock and it's actually a LOT of physical work if you don't have machines to do it for you. Put Mikkel to work on a 1930's era farm for a year and he'll slim down a LOT if he doesn't die of a heart attack.

OrigamiOwl-->  Phyre Storm
*farm buddy high-five*
It certainly is hard work, even today with machines doing at least half the hardest jobs, but sometimes the machines can be dangerous- so many accidents in my area O__O most recently a poor man got dragged into a reflective-tarp roller and died...
We still do a lot of stuff manually instead, so for me personally, being heavier is actually quite beneficial for my particular jobs: lifting, pushing, pulling (hehe like a draught horse XP), and keeping heavy things stationary, and handling large cattle, having some upper-body strength helps too I guess :3 my actual fitness is extremely awful though, (ie: endurance running ;__;) so your point definitely stands! Heart-attacks everywhere!! D8

Green Thumb:
Former Farmer here as well, from Dakota region. And honestly, in some areas where I'm from people like Mikkel are the standard size even when they are fit.

It's not the lack of exercise, it's not the food, it's not anything else but just the fact that they are WIDE. We're talking linebacker width without the daily training regiment to give the muscle tone. Giving the fact that more of the people where I'm from have Nordic/Germanic stock, I'm not quite ready to declare Mikkel obese.

Especially with how thick the uniforms appear to be.

Phyre Storm --> Green Thumb
Before I get too much undeserved credit, I should make it clear I'm not a farmer myself. I'm a child of a farm girl who got an education and married a city boy and raised me all soft-like.  :P
I can't claim to know first-hand what it's like to live on a farm, but there are cows less than a mile from me in three directions right now, and I was raised with a healthy respect and understanding of where my food comes from, and I can tell you, it's a royal pain in the ass to get it from seed to table.

OrigamiOwl-->  Phyre Storm
Heeee, seed to table/paddock to plate isn't so hard (any kid or granny can do it ;3) but being paid enough to produce the next crop and put food on your own table while the metropolis chows down is the real magic-trick ;) it's the middle-men I tell ya (once we actually got paid about $36.10 for a whole years harvest of fruit because of percentage-y shenanigans...that was like a kick in the face)

Genetics is part of it, but remember what we know of Tuuri.

Her profile says that she's a pencil-pusher and we know she has an overprotective brother. Exercise isn't a thing she gets a lot of.

I suspect Lalli is the sort who'd never put on weight, even if you fed him corn syrup everyday and sat him down on a couch 24/7. He's just a gangly fellow who doesn't put on mass, muscle or fat.

I'm the same type as Lalli genetically. I love it.

Yup, it's just a ratio of: genetics + food intake + exercise :3 (right?). Wellbeing might be in there too but oh well

Genetics is the answer to your questions. "Obese" is a very broadly used term now. Mikkel seems to be a "barrel" shaped man (like a gladiator body), which has more to do with skeletal and muscle structure than with what he eats. Some bodies (especially womens' bodies) can turn just about anything into fat, they're just designed that way, just like there are women who can eat all the junk in the world and never gain a pound. Genetic makeup. And it's not just sugar, but ANYTHING that contains calories, carbohydrates...heck, food in general makes people fat. I know women who eat as healthy as it gets and never get skinny. Biology always trumps fad diets and media portrayals, as much as we wish it didn't.

One detail I loved was how Taru was less winded by the run to the train than Emil and Siv. We've also seen other heavy-set folk in military roles. There may be a sense in Year 90 that having some "meat on your bones" means you've got endurance.

Actually, that physical phenotype ("barrel-shaped") is a rather common one in Denmark. Beyond thin or fat, some people simply don't have a narrow waistline.

As a quite typical Dane, my chest, waist, and hips have always measured close to each other. Even during periods when I have been most physically fit (bigger chest, less fat around the gut), this hasn't varied much. And when I've been overweight, I didn't look "fat", so much as "big and chunky".  (Oh heck, just look at the thumbnail picture I use for an avatar, it says it all.)

There are other typically Danish phenotypes, but this one is not unusual.

... [Men] with this construction also gain muscles faster and easier than others, while still keeping some added "fat". These type of muscles usually good if someone has to work hard and steadily for long-long hours, but not so much if you need to do faster moves, even for a shorter time. At least, this is mostly true about my acquaintances - with some exceptions.

That said, Mikkel still looks to have somewhat more on him than just the "natural" amount of fat. Well, it could get solved soon enough, with their reduced food stock and possible heavy "exercise" coming up.

Phyre Storm --> GingerOpal
No, I get it about different body types. ...

As for our beloved characters, if we're talking about Tuuri, sure, that could well be a healthy weight for her, and she should totally ignore the bratty kid who called her fat. She seems able to run around as much as she wants, and she looks far healthier than Lalli. (OMG, someone find out what was in that sandwich he stole from Emil and give him LOTS of it, stat!)

If we look back at Mikkel's ancestor, Michael, we see a fairly healthy, naturally heavyset man. Maybe he should lose a few pounds, maybe not. It's hard to tell under the suit, but no big deal either way.

Now look at Mikkel again.

If that's a barrel, it must be made of some kind of really stretchy wood or it would have exploded long ago.  I'm sorry, but he looks like he weighs 400 lbs, and that just ain't healthy.

I don't like him any less for it, but saying he's not fat [makes as little sense to me] as saying Lalli's not skinny.

DaiJB --> Phyre Storm
Actually, if Lalli is anything like my 19-year-old son, he could eat those sandwiches all day long and not put on a kilo! :D Come to think of it, he has the same bony appearance.... Some just have that kind of metabolism.
Also, that's one heavy winter-weight jacket on a big guy - I doubt if Mikkel is more than a bit heavy for his height and build.

Chris --> DaiJB
Of course, I'm not trying to definitively state that Mikkel is one way or the other. A lot depends on how active he is. But you can probably think of strong athletes who run to fat when they go inactive. It's hard to tell under that coat.

Mikkel's profile states that he is a farmer that's done a lot of odd jobs. If that work involves a lot of heavy lifting and aerobics, then you can bet that he's pretty ripped. I wouldn't want to get into a fist fight with the guy either way. He'd just manhandle me like Lalli there.

Muscle and fat are different spokes of the same wheel. It's anabolism versus catabolism. Mikkel strikes me as the type to use calories to builds stuff instead of burning it. It's why you have so many fat strong people.

Lalli is a slight fellow who gets a lot of exercise, but isn't going win any Strongman competitions.

Euodiachloris --> Chris
Dunno: Lalli comes across as the wiry kind. Long-distance is what he's likely very good at... which means packing a lot of brown muscle, by proportion. Which in turn means he's going to be a lot stronger than he looks, even if he doesn't have the weight to use as leverage behind his actions. :|

GingerOpal --> Phyre Storm
You need to look at more pictures of him. In the profile picture of all the characters on the front page (scroll down), there's no way he's 400 lbs. And this picture on the "about" page. Minna might have drawn him a bit larger here to accentuate how big he is compared to Lalli, by far the wiriest character in the cast, for comedy's sake. Also, it looks like Mikkel is the one who gets to carry the most luggage, so it would make sense to be hefty.

Phyre Storm-->  GingerOpal
You're right--Mikkel certainly looks thinner there. I still don't really get how he got to be so "hefty," as you put it, but several people have had informative things to say on the topic and I'm always glad to learn something.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: FrogEater on September 24, 2014, 01:27:41 PM
I think Trond is actually a surviving emperor tamarin who was mutated into a near-human specimen by an anomalous strain of the rash virus.
Ohhhhhhhhh I like this idea !
As for Mikkel, I've been wondering if he's a subtle parody of Minna's on the current Danish welfare policy of flexicurity - which makes it easier for Danes to be fired and move from job to job.... Probably not.
Probably not, I agree. It would at the very least be too cryptic for non-Nordic people. I also hope the rash survivors to have been sensible enough not to put "restore bureaucracy" too high in their priority list... although they seem to have done fairly well in this area.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on September 24, 2014, 01:28:24 PM
We saw a small, yet very varied sample of facial hair thus far. Trond's pattern is specially unusual. Do Mikkel sideburns have any significance ? HA, THAT'S A BIG QUESTION !  ;D

In all those samples, one style seemed to be missing: a full beard (upper lip/mustache as well as chin/cheeks).  Torbjorn, Trond, the male Death Train guards, Goran Andersen in the Prologue -- nobody seems to have the full complement of whiskers.  I don't know if that reflects in-story style preferences or artist's convenience.  (It's easier to characterize a face or make clear who's talking when you can show the mouth.)

As for Mikkel's sideburns, I like to think they're there as chick magnets ( -- almost as pettable as a Golden Retriever, and easier to maintain in a non-dog-friendly world. ... But oops, I'm probably about to violate content standards... [blushes, retreats into supply closet]
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: BrainBlow on September 24, 2014, 01:46:58 PM
I'm a bit surprised: notice how Emil, Lalli, Sigrun and Onni's character cards all say "military", while Mikkel's character card says nothing about military association. Also, is "healer" just a fancy new word for doctor? Healer sounds like a person who uses magic or ointments, not a person armed with a bonesaw and a syringe. Hopefully the character profile will clear some things up.
I think it's just sort of a "new world" term for it, particularly since actual doctorates are probably quite different.
Medics would have been needed during the last 90 years, and there probably was not much room for a half a decade long education.
Thus you have "healer" as the title for someone who, presumably through observation of their superiors, have attained the knowledge needed to stitch a person together.

Much like how "books" have been referred to as "tomes".
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Superdark33 on September 24, 2014, 02:48:39 PM
As the "Big old guy" i doubt he would let himself overshadow the younglings, he already had his character development, This is maybe their first job, for him it might be the last. All he needs to do is to give advice and keep them alive.

Like showing Lalli that "You need to shake a hand that is offered to you" instead of finding that as an insult. He is the team dad.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sparky Dragon on September 24, 2014, 02:55:29 PM
He is the team dad.

...Because I think we can now give up any hopes of Sigrun filling the parental role.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on September 24, 2014, 03:34:15 PM
...Because I think we can now give up any hopes of Sigrun filling the parental role.
She might need looking after more than the rest of them combined.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Hrollo on September 24, 2014, 05:57:26 PM
I hope it doesn't take too long for Mikkel to figure Tuuri will understand him much better if he speaks to her in Icelandic.

This is kind of a funny network:

Tuuri can understand and be understood by everyone.
Lalli can only understand and be understood by Tuuri.
Emil can understand and be understood Sigrun and Tuuri.
Sigrun can understand and be understood by Emil and Tuuri.
Mikkel can understand Emil, Sigrun and Tuuri, but only be understood by Tuuri.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 24, 2014, 06:02:52 PM
I hope it doesn't take too long for Mikkel to figure Tuuri will understand him much better if he speaks to her in Icelandic.

This is kind of a funny network:

Tuuri can understand and be understood by everyone.
Lalli can only understand and be understood by Tuuri.
Emil can understand and be understood Sigrun and Tuuri.
Sigrun can understand and be understood by Emil and Tuuri.
Mikkel can understand Emil, Sigrun and Tuuri, but only be understood by Tuuri.

You sure about that? Sigrun and Mikkel can easily understand each other.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Hrollo on September 24, 2014, 06:08:52 PM
Do they? I don't recall we have actually seen them talk together.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 24, 2014, 06:13:47 PM
Do they? I don't recall we have actually seen them talk together.

They speak Danish and Norwegian respectively. If this comic is representing Scandinavian language relationships accurately they would have few problems understanding the other's mother tongue. Danish is less intelligible to Norwegians than Swedish, but still perfectly understandable (in fact we have several Danish lecturers at my University).

It will be more clear when the language info sheet is released.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Hrollo on September 24, 2014, 06:18:54 PM
Oh, my assumption was Norwegian speakers had as many difficulty understanding Dannish as Swedish speaker do (and are indeed shown to in the comic, since Tuuri apparen't can't understand even a simple greating in Dannish).

But I guess that, yeah, Norwegian and Dannish are closer?

In that case, let's revise this:

Tuuri can understand and be understood by everyone.
Lalli can only understand and be understood by Tuuri.
Emil can understand Sigrun and Tuuri and be understood by by Sigrun, Mikkel and Tuuri.
Sigrun can understand and be understood by Emil, Mikkel and Tuuri.
Mikkel can understand Emil, Sigrun and Tuuri, but only be understood by Sigrun and Tuuri.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: ThisCat on September 24, 2014, 06:29:02 PM
Okay, to be honest it just depends a lot on the people in question when it comes to danish. Some danes are better at making themselves understood and some norwegians (and probably swedes) find it easier to understand danish. It's hard to generalise.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 24, 2014, 06:36:26 PM
Oh, my assumption was Norwegian speakers had as many difficulty understanding Dannish as Swedish speaker do (and are indeed shown to in the comic, since Tuuri apparen't can't understand even a simple greating in Dannish).

But I guess that, yeah, Norwegian and Dannish are closer?

In that case, let's revise this:

Tuuri can understand and be understood by everyone.
Lalli can only understand and be understood by Tuuri.
Emil can understand Sigrun and Tuuri and be understood by by Sigrun, Mikkel and Tuuri.
Sigrun can understand and be understood by Emil, Mikkel and Tuuri.
Mikkel can understand Emil, Sigrun and Tuuri, but only be understood by Sigrun and Tuuri.

If you are referring to Emil's assertion about the incomprehensibility of Danish then keep in mind that Emil is defined by being arrogant and uncooperative. A little goodwill and cooperativeness helps a lot.

Tuuri speaks Swedish as a second language. I've heard that people who learn a Scandinavian second language have a much harder time dealing with the other two languages than people who've grown up speaking a Scandinavian language.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: BrainBlow on September 24, 2014, 06:40:19 PM
Norwegian speakers are generally given pause by a Dane speaking freely, but it mostly is a case of "getting used to" there. I remember Norwegian Cartoon Network airing Danish-dubbed commercials for kids products and such.
I was generally able to understand it even as a kid, but a thick accent(like the Bornholm accent apparently is) would basically be incomprehensible to the untrained ear.

There's also the possibility of Norwegians not being quite so good at understanding other languages in year 90 because Norwegian itself has basically lost 90% of its linguistic diversity.
Current-day Norwegians are generally used to being exposed to a wide variety of thick accents, but year 90 Norwegians may not be.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on September 24, 2014, 07:20:59 PM
Because I have no discipline, I spent an hour making this instead of doing productive things like working and stuff.
But, it might be useful? Info taken from Rollo's post and then revised after the other replies...

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on September 24, 2014, 08:29:26 PM
Because I have no discipline, I spent an hour making this instead of doing productive things like working and stuff.
But, it might be useful? Info taken from Rollo's post and then revised after the other replies...

This is terrific!  Pictures really do help clarify!  But would it be possible for you to shrink the graphic a little?  I'm having to scroll nearly 1/3 its width on my antique little Mac screen.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on September 24, 2014, 09:44:33 PM
This is terrific!  Pictures really do help clarify!  But would it be possible for you to shrink the graphic a little?  I'm having to scroll nearly 1/3 its width on my antique little Mac screen.

I edited my post, it should be smaller now!
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: FrogEater on September 25, 2014, 02:14:34 AM
A good sketch is word a thousand words, right ? This one is VERY good !
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 25, 2014, 04:49:59 AM
Sigrun and Mikkel can be seen conversing in today's page so I suppose that settles the question.

Because I have no discipline, I spent an hour making this instead of doing productive things like working and stuff.
But, it might be useful? Info taken from Rollo's post and then revised after the other replies...

Great work. It really puts things into perspective. So what we have is a quartet of understanding in the middle (Emil, Sigrun, Tuuri and Mikkel) with Lalli and possibly Braidy as outliers. So much for Icelandic being the next world language of communication. This only concerns ability to communicate though; Tuuri won't be able to listen in on Mikkel if he converses with the other two Scandinavians.

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: JoB on September 25, 2014, 06:17:55 AM
...Because I think we can now give up any hopes of Sigrun filling the parental role.
Dunno, she sure got the RPM for a helicopter mom. 8)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on September 25, 2014, 10:09:58 AM
A further thought about Mikkel: He's the guy who apparently has read up on the rest of the team - and Sigrun hasn't!

SO: he exhibits care, forethought and attention to detail. I like that in a medic!
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on September 25, 2014, 10:29:56 AM
A further thought about Mikkel: He's the guy who apparently has read up on the rest of the team - and Sigrun hasn't!

SO: he exhibits care, forethought and attention to detail. I like that in a medic!

Well ... She clearly knew Lalli was the mage, so she must have some sort of overview. It's the attention to detail that is lacking.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Nimphy on September 25, 2014, 11:27:46 AM
A further thought about Mikkel: He's the guy who apparently has read up on the rest of the team - and Sigrun hasn't!

SO: he exhibits care, forethought and attention to detail. I like that in a medic!

He reminds me of a bear (if talking about appearance). He's analyzing the prey!

Or he's a care bear.

On a serious side, yes, I noticed that too. Mikkel seems to have read the others' profiles and paid attention, enough to remember Lalli's language abilities. I wonder if Sigrun read them at all (she knew Lalli was a mage, but she might have been told by Trond, or just glanced at the file to know each member's abilities.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on September 25, 2014, 11:49:10 AM
Or, indeed, Sigrun might have recognised Lalli's uniform?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on October 06, 2014, 08:57:31 PM
Well, well, well... Turns out Mikkel has a cruel sense of humour! (Page 191.) (And Emil doesn't, but that somehow doesn't suprise.)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Hrollo on October 06, 2014, 09:06:08 PM
I was wondering why Mikkel got fired so much, because so far he hadn't shown anything that might cause animosity. Well then now...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: JoB on October 07, 2014, 04:12:35 AM
I was wondering why Mikkel got fired so much, because so far he hadn't shown anything that might cause animosity. Well then now...
He's going to take "fired" to a whole new level, once the guy wielding incendiaries gets wise of his shenanigans. :o
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: BabaYaga on October 07, 2014, 06:06:37 AM
Solovei, where have you been all my life, that language chart is perfect!  :D

Or he's a care bear.
He's going to take "fired" to a whole new level, once the guy wielding incendiaries gets wise of his shenanigans. :o

The puns are strong with this board, I love it. ;D
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Rabbit on October 07, 2014, 06:55:33 AM
He's going to take "fired" to a whole new level, once the guy wielding incendiaries gets wise of his shenanigans. :o

Did you just put Emil and "get wise" in the same sentence, because I don't think that's how the universe works...  ;)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: JoB on October 07, 2014, 07:23:45 AM
Did you just put Emil and "get wise" in the same sentence, because I don't think that's how the universe works...  ;)
Precisely. What better way for Emil to break it? :D
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Rabbit on October 07, 2014, 08:04:15 AM
Precisely. What better way for Emil to break it? :D

Sigrun's going to have a hard time covering for that one :D
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on November 16, 2014, 03:34:28 AM
On p. 217, Ann Marie shared an interesting post on male physiques -- specifically, the difference between a prettied-up bodybuilder and an *actual* strong man (such as our medic). 

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Ann Marie on November 16, 2014, 06:10:57 AM
Finally got to read this thread, meaning to post that image, and you posted it while I was reading.   :D  I wouldn't call Mikkel obese by any means - just strong and solid with a little layer of cushioning, very appropriate for someone who needs calories to do a lot of work, and lives in a cooler climate.  But no, I wouldn't think he's any kind of long-distance runner.   ;D

He'd be super nice to cuddle, wouldn't he?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: OurAdversarialSystem on November 16, 2014, 09:10:46 AM
While this probably isn't the cause, the pituitary gland secretes hormones that impact how the body puts on fat or muscle. Living in an environment without a lot of human interaction as a child or getting a powerful blow to the head could cause the pituitary gland to malfunction causing it to secrete too much or too little of the chemicals that keep the body in balance.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: hushpiper on November 16, 2014, 03:47:55 PM
Oh this is an interesting discussion! *attempts to upvote the picture a few hundred more times* I haven't got much to add, so here, have an anecdote!

Genetics, as pointed out in the disqus comments, makes a huuuuuuuge difference. Case in point, myself vs my husband. Because we spend all of our time within 10 yards of each other, we each eat the same foods in similar amounts (there is some accounting for BMR, after all) and get about the same amount of exercise, but our body types are COMPLETELY different.

I'm a Lalli-type: if I don't have someone actively shoving cheeseburgers in my face several times a day, I start losing weight at alarming rates, especially if I've been exercising. It has to be heavy food too, red meats and dairy and fats--I could never survive on even a semi-vegetarian diet (trust me, my parents tried really hard), and I'll put on pounds from all the sugary soda I drink around the same time the moon falls into the sea. My whole family is made up of short, zippy little hummingbirds like me, though I am the shortest and zippiest of the bunch. Luck of the genetic draw.

On the other hand, my husband is more of a Mikkel-type. He's got 15 inches and almost 200 pounds (40cm, 90kg) on me. His whole family is made up of big barrel-chested slavs whose bodies start efficiently packing away fat stores the moment they get more calories than what's needed just to keep the lights on. They also pack on muscle at the slightest provocation: massive, dense muscle. When I met my husband, his forearms were the size of small dinner plates (and about as soft), and he was known to lift half-ton vehicles off of people in emergencies. He might be able to convince his body to part with some of his fat stores if he's doing consistent heavy exercise AND switches to a mostly-vegetarian diet--but he will be skinny when he's two seconds away from dropping dead of starvation, and no sooner.

Long story short, Mikkel's physique is completely plausible to me. Strictly in terms of BMI he probably would be considered overweight or obese in today's world--but so are a lot of people who don't significantly overeat/underexercise, and are unlikely to have a lot of the health issues associated with obesity. While he clearly isn't underfed, I don't think it's necessary to assume that his weight/build is due to him eating an excessive amount of food either.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on November 16, 2014, 04:08:16 PM
That's an interesting account!

May I indulge in speculation hushpiper? Are you the sort of person who feels warm when wearing two layers less than everybody else - and wonders why they are complaining about the cold? If that's the case then you may be slightly hyperthyroid - not necessarily enough to cause illness, but enough to supercharge your metabolism. It can be a genetic thing, which seems to fit the family history you mention.

It's probably nothing nasty, but it might be worth asking to see an endocrinologist, since hyperthyroidism can lead to heart problems such as arrhythmias.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on November 16, 2014, 04:59:43 PM

Genetics, as pointed out in the disqus comments, makes a huuuuuuuge difference. Case in point, myself vs my husband. ... Our body types are COMPLETELY different.

I'm a Lalli-type: if I don't have someone actively shoving cheeseburgers in my face several times a day, I start losing weight at alarming rates, especially if I've been exercising.  My whole family is made up of short, zippy little hummingbirds like me, though I am the shortest and zippiest of the bunch.

On the other hand, my husband is more of a Mikkel-type. He's got 15 inches and almost 200 pounds (40cm, 90kg) on me. ... When I met my husband, his forearms were the size of small dinner plates (and about as soft), and he was known to lift half-ton vehicles off of people in emergencies. He might be able to convince his body to part with some of his fat stores if he's doing consistent heavy exercise AND switches to a mostly-vegetarian diet--but he will be skinny when he's two seconds away from dropping dead of starvation, and no sooner.

Awww, you and your husband must look so cute together!  Like the San Francisco portrait of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, ( where she looks so tiny and dainty (and deceptively sweet and harmless), while he could make at least two of her.

Holy smokes, do I envy your metabolism.  I'm a Tuuri-type, and no amount of dieting or exercise will ever make me look like the kind of California girl the Beach Boys sang about.  (Besides, all that tanning ages the skin prematurely.   ::))
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: hushpiper on November 16, 2014, 05:43:55 PM
That's an interesting account!

May I indulge in speculation hushpiper? Are you the sort of person who feels warm when wearing two layers less than everybody else - and wonders why they are complaining about the cold? If that's the case then you may be slightly hyperthyroid - not necessarily enough to cause illness, but enough to supercharge your metabolism. It can be a genetic thing, which seems to fit the family history you mention.

It's probably nothing nasty, but it might be worth asking to see an endocrinologist, since hyperthyroidism can lead to heart problems such as arrhythmias.

The opposite actually! I have a lot of trouble keeping a high enough body temperature, and I'm most comfortable in 80-90 degree (F) weather. That, however, is mostly unique to me--my sisters don't share my woes.

Awww, you and your husband must look so cute together!  Like the San Francisco portrait of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, ( where she looks so tiny and dainty (and deceptively sweet and harmless), while he could make at least two of her.

Holy smokes, do I envy your metabolism.  I'm a Tuuri-type, and no amount of dieting or exercise will ever make me look like the kind of California girl the Beach Boys sang about.  (Besides, all that tanning ages the skin prematurely.   ::))

Ahahah oh, the height difference between us is WAY more than in that picture, I don't even come up to his shoulder. He picks me up and it looks like a grizzly bear cuddling a small kitten.

To your second bit, see, that is pretty much my point! (Or one of my points--apologies if this pulls things off-topic, this is a pet peeve of mine.) It's one thing to say that a particular body type might be considered more desirable, like skinny California girl types are in our culture, where we're lucky enough that food supplies aren't a problem. But the moment you start making statements about an individual's health and personal habits based on their body type, suddenly you're on very shaky ground.

It's like a lactose intolerant person thinking they have to make it so they can drink milk in order to be healthy--the fact that they can't digest milk means that "health", for them, does not include milk. Period. Similarly, for some people "health" does not include being skinny--they're just not meant to look that way, and while they might be able to starve and overexercise their way to a supermodel's body, it is not in any way correct or healthy for them. Mikkel's weight and build is, I expect, exactly correct for him, and he's probably not gonna look significantly different unless he's in a starvation situation. The same is probably true for you, and for my husband.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: OrigamiOwl on November 16, 2014, 06:01:55 PM
To your second bit, see, that is pretty much my point! (Or one of my points--apologies if this pulls things off-topic, this is a pet peeve of mine.) It's one thing to say that a particular body type might be considered more desirable, like skinny California girl types are in our culture, where we're lucky enough that food supplies aren't a problem. But the moment you start making statements about an individual's health and personal habits based on their body type, suddenly you're on very shaky ground.

It's like a lactose intolerant person thinking they have to make it so they can drink milk in order to be healthy--the fact that they can't digest milk means that "health", for them, does not include milk. Period. Similarly, for some people "health" does not include being skinny--they're just not meant to look that way, and while they might be able to starve and overexercise their way to a supermodel's body, it is not in any way correct or healthy for them. Mikkel's weight and build is, I expect, exactly correct for him, and he's probably not gonna look significantly different unless he's in a starvation situation. The same is probably true for you, and for my husband.
I'm supposed to be trying to shed a few kilos, but for health reasons, not for looks: I'm a naturally small and stocky build, but I have weak ankles and feet, and those poor things are having to support 70+kg with every step and jump, and therefore put me out of action before I'm even out of breath :/ which I don't think is a good thing...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Nimphy on November 17, 2014, 01:17:15 PM
I'm also a Lalli-type. People tend to think I do not eat enough, and teachers often tell me that anorexia is not a good condition to be in, and I should start eating. Truth is, I eat a lot. Quite a lot. I probably eat more than two normal girls combined, I just love eating. Yet not only am I almost underweight (couple of kilos less and I could really be underweight - not too normal for a 14-year-old to weigh about 40 kilos), but I am also fairly scrawny, not very tall, and generally less "developed" along the areas of chest and hips. It's just constitution. I like to call it the Balkan Constitution for fun, since I know a lot of guys my age from around the same birthplace who also manage to eat a lot and be incredibly thin.
My father, on the other side, and his entire side of the family, have quite a heavy build. They would probably be thin only if they starved themselves, and dad has no intention of renouncing food any time soon, that much is sure.

That's an interesting account!

May I indulge in speculation hushpiper? Are you the sort of person who feels warm when wearing two layers less than everybody else - and wonders why they are complaining about the cold? If that's the case then you may be slightly hyperthyroid - not necessarily enough to cause illness, but enough to supercharge your metabolism. It can be a genetic thing, which seems to fit the family history you mention.

It's probably nothing nasty, but it might be worth asking to see an endocrinologist, since hyperthyroidism can lead to heart problems such as arrhythmias.

Er... Sometimes I do feel quite comfortable in the cold... But I'm sure I've got no heart disturb at all, I've spent quite a lot of time in hospitals and took hundreds of tests, and was never diagnosed with anything really serious.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Superdark33 on November 17, 2014, 03:52:26 PM
Lots of Lallies here it seems. I was the skinniest and narrowest guy and also taller than averege in high school (Id say prettiest too but thats not for me to decide or on topic) and i was at least twice confronted with "Boys have anorexia too" and a teacher thought of telling that im "not fed enough at home" before i told her not to becuase not every male needs to be built like a garbage truck that breaks through a brick wall of a proccesed meat factory.

- not too normal for a 14-year-old to weigh about 40 kilos -

Back when i was 14 i was lighter than that. It was School measurements, i went to mine, got 39-35 cant remember, went back and everyone were already discussing their numbers, all in the 40s, one even 50s (The above mentioned garbage truck) except my friend back then who also had 40>Him>Me>35.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: SeaAngel on November 17, 2014, 06:51:46 PM
Lots of Lallies here it seems.

I wonder if Lalli is actually Lalli type XD
Yes, his two cousins are definitely well fed, but they both get less exercise, he's the one who has to run around each night. From what we've seen of him, he basically scouts, eats, attempts to sleep, and the circle repeats. Maybe the lack of actually pleasant and/or relaxing activities, coupled with occasional lack of sleep due to visions, are not the best for his health?
I cannot see him getting chubby, EVER, but maybe a more relaxing lifestyle would make him a bit less scrawny.....?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on November 17, 2014, 06:58:28 PM
I wonder if Lalli is actually Lalli type XD
Yes, his two cousins are definitely well fed, but they both get less exercise, he's the one who has to run around each night. From what we've seen of him, he basically scouts, eats, attempts to sleep, and the circle repeats. Maybe the lack of actually pleasant and/or relaxing activities, coupled with occasional lack of sleep due to visions, are not the best for his health?
I cannot see him getting chubby, EVER, but maybe a more relaxing lifestyle would make him a bit less scrawny.....?
Well, when they were on the train and Emil asked if they wanted anything from the dining car, Tuuri said that Lalli "doesn't like anything". The only think we've seen him eat so far is a sandwich, as whenever the others were eating he was either too sick or asleep to join them.

... I just realized this post doesn't actually really say anything, but... yeah. There you go :P
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on November 17, 2014, 07:07:08 PM
Well, when they were on the train and Emil asked if they wanted anything from the dining car, Tuuri said that Lalli "doesn't like anything". The only think we've seen him eat so far is a sandwich, as whenever the others were eating he was either too sick or asleep to join them.

... I just realized this post doesn't actually really say anything, but... yeah. There you go :P

Actually, IIRC he ate only the meat that was meant to go with the sandwich. He seems oddly picky for a survivalist.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Superdark33 on November 17, 2014, 07:52:41 PM
I wonder if Lalli is actually Lalli type XD
Yes, his two cousins are definitely well fed, but they both get less exercise, he's the one who has to run around each night. From what we've seen of him, he basically scouts, eats, attempts to sleep, and the circle repeats. Maybe the lack of actually pleasant and/or relaxing activities, coupled with occasional lack of sleep due to visions, are not the best for his health?
I cannot see him getting chubby, EVER, but maybe a more relaxing lifestyle would make him a bit less scrawny.....?

His bones are very small, i doubt that he would be chubbier if he ate for that purpose.

Also his hunger might be sporadic (like mine) (like a cat) so he doesnt eat """""Normally""' ''' '., , ."
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Hrolfr_2 on November 25, 2014, 06:20:38 PM

Emil, Turri and Lalli 19years olds ,  Sigrun 32  Mikkel 40.

In my experience active 19 year olds cannot keep weight on, and can eat all the time.   

As a side note:
My dad attended a agricultural college in 1950's rural Quebec, he was astonished at seeing the young men men learning how to log ( without chainsaws, with horses and pull saws and axes) eat 12 fried eggs, 1 lb of bacon or ham and 1/2 a loaf of dense bread. Plus a litre of coffee with heavy cream and sugar.  EACH.  (My father counted.)  They were all smallish, skinny as rails, Quebecois, but when you are nineteen, are about to do heavy manual labour all day outside  in -20C weather for the 2nd week in a row then having a 12 000 calorie breakfast seems like a splendidly good idea.

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Oskutin on November 25, 2014, 07:21:53 PM

Turri basically means 'furry'.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: hushpiper on November 27, 2014, 01:12:33 AM
Well, when they were on the train and Emil asked if they wanted anything from the dining car, Tuuri said that Lalli "doesn't like anything". The only think we've seen him eat so far is a sandwich, as whenever the others were eating he was either too sick or asleep to join them.

My impression is that Lalli is both picky and inconsistent in his eating habits. He probably eats in bits and bites whenever he feels the need, and refuses whatever's offered him as a matter of course most of the time. I doubt he eats for the pleasure of it. None of that necessarily means that he doesn't eat enough--though that would explain his half-gaunt appearance--just that he doesn't follow the usual social customs around food and mealtimes. Having him over for dinner could be very awkward.

Emil, on the other hand--he's been remarkably dainty about eating so far, and probably has quite good table manners. However, you'll be hard-put to convince me he doesn't put away food like a black hole when his physical activity levels ramp up, for example during the fall when he's out with the cleansers lugging flamethrowers and hauling fallen trees around and basically putting those muscles to good use. If he ends up doing that sort of hard labor on this trip, I suspect he'll be eating more than anybody else on the team--Mikkel included.

Actually, that's a question--how do the physical activity levels of the different combatant professions compare? My impression has been that cleansers have to undergo a lot more sustained physical activity than scouts or hunters: to me scouting implies both sprinting across open land and nesting up in a tree for hours at a time, watching. Hunting implies more or less the same thing--long periods of waiting, or slowly creeping about while searching for one's prey, interspersed with periods of frantic activity when actually in battle with said prey. Cleansers, though--there's the treeline. Work until it's gone. The only reason to stop is if the fire's out of control and you need to wait for it to burn out, or if you're about to collapse from smoke inhalation or heat exhaustion. Or, I suppose, if you come across an area that's gonna require some dynamite. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on November 30, 2014, 10:26:13 PM
Madsen is totally my type of guy. I'm a bit like that myself, not Tuuri chubby but fairly tall and big-ish all over. But I bet Mikkel could still carry me.  8) I hope he loses his razor out in the wilds and grows a beard!

Your intro mentioned experience with Viking beards, Oda.   ;)  Can you share any details with us?  The fangirls would love some basis for comparison between Norwegian and Danish facial hair...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Peridotal on December 04, 2014, 12:50:08 PM
I'm actually REALLY looking forward to the point  when the guys start growing facial hair; though I don't think Lalli could really grow much of anything, and I feel like Emil might just be able to grow out a mustache. But I'm only basing this on the amount of facial hair that 19yr olds in Canada can grow.

But I am hoping that Mikkel will have a beard at some point!
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Mayabird on December 12, 2014, 08:34:41 PM
And now we've seen Madsen wearing the tight black shirt without the jacket and yes, he's built like a tank.  Looks almost straight off that illustration on page 1.   The extra layers make him look pudgier like Superman wearing a bunch of layers to look like a chunky Clark Kent. 
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solokov on December 13, 2014, 02:22:28 AM
eat 12 fried eggs, 1 lb of bacon or ham and 1/2 a loaf of dense bread. Plus a litre of coffee with heavy cream and sugar.  EACH.  (My father counted.)

Sounds like breakfast at firecamp for the forest service during summer. Also the tools haven't really changed much since the 40s and 50s, especially if a fire crew gets into a protected area and then it's an act of congress to get permission to use anything mechanized and the crewboss gets an evil gleam in his or her eyes and calls in for a crosscut saw.

Actually, that's a question--how do the physical activity levels of the different combatant professions compare? My impression has been that cleansers have to undergo a lot more sustained physical activity than scouts or hunters:... Cleansers, though--there's the treeline. Work until it's gone. The only reason to stop is if the fire's out of control and you need to wait for it to burn out, or if you're about to collapse from smoke inhalation or heat exhaustion. Or, I suppose, if you come across an area that's gonna require some dynamite. Thoughts?

From a forester's perspective, I would say a cleanser's job would probably be some of the roughest and dangerous work available. Not only are they dealing with managing a fire and keeping it from jumping lines (I'm assuming they use similar tactics to wildland fire crews to keep the fire from burning back into areas they have already cleansed), but they would also have to worry about any angry beings that they manage to stir up and piss off or attract from all the noise (fire is not quiet. Get enough of it and it rumbles off canyon walls like a freight train), and from my experience, working fireline is tiring enough without the additional risk of angry amalgamations of flesh and bone trying to rip you apart.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Mayabird on December 18, 2014, 12:39:58 AM
We have character thread for the others, but only a thread about his size (which is Strong Man, not Obese, BTW) for Mikkel Madsen.  I like this guy so I'll start it now.

The big guy from Bornholm is the oldest of Our Motley Heroes, with a wide variety of experiences and knowledgeable about many topics (to the point that I suspect he's the smartest one there).  Mikkel also has a history of getting fired from jobs.  To be fair, from his ancestry and personal history, it could be a family virtue to get fired.  His apparent great-grandparents met after getting fired, and frankly only survived by getting fired (great-grandad by going off on a trip, great-grandma by getting fired lots of times before so she happened to be on the last boat to Bornholm).  He himself likely would've died when the Danish defenses were overrun if he hadn't been "relocated." 

He seems to have a history of pulling pranks which are related to his many firings.  I suspect that, in addition to being smart, he gets bored easily and amuses himself by tricking others.  Although there's absolutely no evidence to support this, I get a feeling that he might have been the youngest or among the youngest of many siblings, and while he may have picked up a farm boy's sturdiness, he was never going to be the one inheriting the farm and thus was free to be a bit more immature, even if it doesn't show as much.  Learning to roll with the punches ( might've been one way to handle getting picked on for being the smallest/youngest, as well as getting back at people later (leading to pranks).  But maybe I'm reading waaaaay too much into a big calm stoic guy. 

EDIT: I originally missed this entire thread somehow so I made this as an OP to a new thread.  Thanks for merging!
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on January 02, 2015, 02:08:23 AM
Comments re: Mikkel 'fessing up on p. 237 to his "face-cancer" joke on Emil:

Mikkel in panel 5, I just wanna go up and cuddle him. He's so adorable. Hehe, I thought he'd let Emil stew far longer.
I just had a dark thought. Look at how apologetic Mikkel looks, what if he fears Emil might not make it out alive and that's why he want's to make his peace with him first.

It's the first mission and the first time Emil's heading into danger. He probably feels sorry for picking on the guy now. He's even sabotaging his future pranking opportunities by letting Emil on to the fact that he makes stories up.

I think he's just moved targets. Or difficulty level. Educating Emil is just part of the Medic package. ;)

XD yes, picking on the guy who's as defenseless as a newborn puppy in the wits department is probably not as rewarding as getting one over Sigrun.

Look how serene and apologetic he is in panel 4.
Mikkel's Panel 5 face seems to say "He might be dense, but he's a good kid."

"Sniff, my oldest heading off to get married. They grow up so quickly. "

or: "Daww, he's actually pretty adorable when he's being clueless"

Emil, you are a giant dork. This is what happens if you don't go to school.

Frank Royce Harr 
Big-time. You're at the mercy of those who did.

It's worse than that: little school vs medical school. Everybody knows that junior doctors minor in Black Humour and the Dark Arts (pranking while chronically fatigued). Emil is way outside his weight class. xD

Mikkel also happens to be an unholy chimera: he's an Agric and a Medic united in one body. That, my friends, is seriously dark magic. ;) 

(Agric: one who studies or practices agricultural science.)  Traditionally in Northern universities in Britain... there's a bit of drunken rivalry between both Medics and Agrics.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on January 04, 2015, 07:05:25 AM
On p. 230, Crazybean had some excellent insights into our characters (when Emil did his usual foot-in-mouth thing, being disrespectful about the great defeat of Kastrup).  I'm distributing his/her comments among each person's thread, with the minimum of overlap needed for context. 

Oh braindead do you have to be XD. I'm glad Mikkel calls him out on this. At least he's got the good grace to be ashamed.

My favourite thing might be Mikkel's little cough and emblazoning of his firing relocation.

I just need to gush about Mikkel. I nearly died when he gave Lalli a *cookie* of all things!
I wonder if he *always* does that or if he just packed the cookies when he heard he was heading out with a bunch of kids.

*imagines Mikkel handing out cookies as treats to the gruff seasoned soldier types after battle* It subverts the standard action hero scenarios so nicely. Instead of hanging out in the tough guy bar, SSSS got cookie treats :D. While other suicide mission candidates prepare themselves with training from hell, stocking up on weapons and developing battle strategies, Mikkel…*bakes cookies.*

"Goodness, we‘re heading out on a mission to Monster City in just a month. Must step up my baking."

Peter Sadlon
Emil isn't a jerk as much as he might come off from time to time. He's certainly immature and he goes into situations and conversations half-cocked, but it's hardly the same thing. I'm sure Mikkel understands this and is exercising as much patience as he can until he figures out the best way to remedy Emil's condition.

I know. I love the guy but he's got much to learn. And Mikkel teaching him will be hilarious to watch.

Mikkel sure has his work cut out for him. Humbling Emil, domesticating socializing Lalli, keeping Sigrun from being reckless. I think Mikkel will be due for a looong vacation once they've returned home.

I wouldn't want Emil to change too quickly though. He's just too funny when he's being smug and making a tool of himself. It also makes watching his misfortunes more funny. Otherwise all the bad luck he has would just feel mean. I feel sorry for him anyway.

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on January 04, 2015, 07:35:59 AM
More on Mikkel from p. 230:

I think we might be getting closer to Mikkel's reasons for being on this mission. It's not just that he's unemployed and bored/in need of money, a lot of people he used to know are names on that wall now and he's not, and now he has a chance to go where they couldn't.

Paul Ferris 
He's a great character, full of intrigue and surprises. Minna has done a brilliant job constructing this story, it could be a novel (with about 4 times the page count for description and exposition, of course).

Probably he'd rather have been there to fight than away to live (at least in hindsight, not sure he was against the "relocation" when it happened)

Aleksey Krigleikov ( (True name, in Cyrillic, doesn't render correctly here.)
I can almost hear Mikkel's thoughts [about Emil]: 'God, he's just a cub. They're throwing cubs against trolls again. I could have a son of his age.'

Ann Marie
I think Mikkel needs a cuddle.

And to think SO MANY people were so afraid of Mikkel waaay back before he was introduced...

Richard Weir 
Yeah, that "hypodermic syringe and bonesaw" look ( went against him I think.

Ann Marie 
Confession: I have yet to come across the bonesaw pic. ... Should I be afraid? Is my fictional cuddlebuddy a dangerous psychopath? ....
Well, so what if he is. I'm sure he just needs some love. :-D

Hehee, I don't think so ;3 in the picture he's just holding the saw and syringe whilst looking 10000570% done X'D (or just reeeeeally tired of Emil)

Mikkel, you inject the morphine BEFORE you saw!

Ann Marie 
Oh thank you! Yeah his expression is more, "wow, does my job suck" than "heheh I get to cut someone up!"

I'm going to want him to wash up and change out of those bloody clothes before that cuddle, though.

I interpreted his expression as a deadpan "Alright. Let's do this." more than anything else.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on January 05, 2015, 11:24:15 AM
More on Mikkel from p. 230:

Aleksey Krigleikov ( (True name, in Cyrillic, doesn't render correctly here.)
I can almost hear Mikkel's thoughts [about Emil]: 'God, he's just a cub. They're throwing cubs against trolls again. I could have a son of his age.'

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: asadderandawiserman on January 07, 2015, 08:00:32 AM
Sure, Emil/Lalli is a fun relationship, but the relationship between Mikkel and Lalli is probably my favourite of the comic so far. Mikkel's clearly decided that if Lalli wants to be treated like a pet, he's not going to waste his own time and energy trying to get him to act differently.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: asadderandawiserman on January 14, 2015, 08:00:14 PM
Are double post allowed when separated by enough time, and are about completely different things?

A theory that I don't entirely believe and don't really want to believe, but I thought of looking at today's page, sort of latched onto me. Is it possible that a major motivator in Mikkel's character is cowardice, even though it's very well hidden. It's important to remember that cowardice in real life is usually far less obvious than in fiction. I first thought of it when we saw that Mikkel wasn't keeping Tuuri company like he said he would, nor was he really keeping guard, so why did he want to stay outside? Maybe he was scared. Also, he told the crew that he was transferred a couple of days before the defeat at Kastrup, but what if that wasn't precisely true? Maybe he asked to be transferred, or deserted. We know he's a good liar from the face cancer incident, and we haven't really heard an explanation for why the Admiral was so angry at him, or why he's been fired from so many military professions.

Again, I'm aware that this is based on very little evidence, and that it has flaws, but I strongly believe that Mikkel has a major character flaw we haven't seen yet (maybe laziness?) that will explain parts of his history. Anyone got any other ideas what it could be.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: JoB on January 14, 2015, 08:49:26 PM
Is it possible that a major motivator in Mikkel's character is cowardice
Hmmm, dunno. He is standing in a place right now that all the might of the Danish Invasion Fleet couldn't reach back in the days of the Great Defeat of Kastrup - if he fled that battle out of fear, why would he go beyond that today, which he cannot have known beforehand to be any less of a suicide mission? If you want to see someone crippled by his fears, look no further than at Onni - and how far away from the action he drew his red line.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on January 15, 2015, 02:08:46 AM
Concerning Danes, with insight into Mikkel

Given what we have seen of and been told of the Danes, my inferences, and how they affect our Mikkel, are as follows:

The Danes are all about proper appearances, more so than the reality/practicality. When it comes to choosing, they'll go for image over substance every time. Thus Admiral "BRIAN BLESSED" Olsen, the ginormous tank-things, Mikkel's description of the defense mounds ("They weren't much use, to be honest"), etc.

Thus also the Defeat of Kastrup. The Danes charged out from their tunnel with great pomp and enthusiasm, but not nearly enough caution. Why? Appearances. Surely the image of Danish military might would send the Rash filth running in terror! Again, I compared Kastrup to Isandalwana in another thread, as the battles seem to share a common cause for their defeat: massive underestimation of the enemy. Fortunately for the British, Isandalwana was followed by Roarke's Drift, rather aptly demonstrating how leadership can mean the difference between a great defeat and a great victory. Unfortunately, the Danes had no Roarke's Drift following Kastrup, and so their precious image was tarnished, leaving them shamed to the present of the comic.

So how is the heir of Michael Madsen (whose phone photo of his boss sported horns, mustache, beard & tail) and Signe Sorenson "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that another passenger already asked to be taken to the Bahamas, so we're heading over there now") going to deal with a bunch of guys even more prideful than Emil at his worst? He becomes the biggest practical joker in the Known World.

That's my take, thus far.

So, to what degree and in what ways am I utterly off the beam with this?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: SeaAngel on January 15, 2015, 12:37:21 PM
Concerning Danes, with insight into Mikkel

Given what we have seen of and been told of the Danes, my inferences, and how they affect our Mikkel, are as follows:

The Danes are all about proper appearances, more so than the reality/practicality. When it comes to choosing, they'll go for image over substance every time. Thus Admiral "BRIAN BLESSED" Olsen, the ginormous tank-things, Mikkel's description of the defense mounds ("They weren't much use, to be honest"), etc.

Thus also the Defeat of Kastrup. The Danes charged out from their tunnel with great pomp and enthusiasm, but not nearly enough caution. Why? Appearances. Surely the image of Danish military might would send the Rash filth running in terror! Again, I compared Kastrup to Isandalwana in another thread, as the battles seem to share a common cause for their defeat: massive underestimation of the enemy. Fortunately for the British, Isandalwana was followed by Roarke's Drift, rather aptly demonstrating how leadership can mean the difference between a great defeat and a great victory. Unfortunately, the Danes had no Roarke's Drift following Kastrup, and so their precious image was tarnished, leaving them shamed to the present of the comic.

So how is the heir of Michael Madsen (whose phone photo of his boss sported horns, mustache, beard & tail) and Signe Sorenson "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that another passenger already asked to be taken to the Bahamas, so we're heading over there now") going to deal with a bunch of guys even more prideful than Emil at his worst? He becomes the biggest practical joker in the Known World.

That's my take, thus far.

So, to what degree and in what ways am I utterly off the beam with this?

I... find it hard to believe that a whole nation is all about appearences, especially in a life-or-death matter. It seems to me much more plausible that they just weren't well enough prepared. It happens.
I don't see why a character's sarcasm has to have its origins in a WHOLE NATION. There are a billions of possible explanations about his snarkiness...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on January 15, 2015, 09:24:44 PM
I... find it hard to believe that a whole nation is all about appearences, especially in a life-or-death matter.
I'm thinking of the Eastern concept of "face", especially as expressed in Japanese culture, where (traditionally) enough "loss of face" meant the only way to redeem yourself was to kill yourself--which has an Old European analog, as well. And of course when you generalize broadly there are exceptions to a greater or lesser degree; I think what we've seen points to my statements as either the Danes' majority view or the view of the Danish leadership. Of course, Minna could put something out that completely contradicts this without a second thought, but, until she does, I'll stand by my interpretation as viable.
It seems to me much more plausible that they just weren't well enough prepared. It happens.
It does, but unpreparedness is usually a product of underestimating your enemy, which I cited as why I think Kastrup was analogous to Isandalwana specifically.
I don't see why a character's sarcasm has to have its origins in a WHOLE NATION. There are a billions of possible explanations about his snarkiness...
Not the cause of his snark: the cause of his lack of restraint with the snark.
Anyway, everything you've said could be right; I just disagree, for reasons aforementioned. But thank you for talking about it.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: SeaAngel on January 16, 2015, 05:14:50 AM
I'm thinking of the Eastern concept of "face", especially as expressed in Japanese culture, where (traditionally) enough "loss of face" meant the only way to redeem yourself was to kill yourself--which has an Old European analog, as well.
I think what we've seen points to my statements as either the Danes' majority view or the view of the Danish leadership.
It does, but unpreparedness is usually a product of underestimating your enemy, which I cited as why I think Kastrup was analogous to Isandalwana specifically.
Anyway, everything you've said could be right; I just disagree, for reasons aforementioned. But thank you for talking about it.

Does Denmark count as "eastern Europian country"? I was under the impression it was a nordic country...

But we've seen only two post-Rash Danes... :P The loud one and Mikkel...

Or maybe just not knowing your enemy well-enough! Especially if you're staying in isolated islands and don't face monsters every day like those living in mainland...

In my opinion is too early to do any kind of speculation, but sure, agree to disagree :-)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on January 16, 2015, 01:41:43 PM
Something significant in Mikkel's account of the disaster was the weather - he mentioned an unseasonal spell of warmth. It is implied that the Danes were attacking in winter and were depending on the cold to keep the trolls inactive, preventing them moving out of their nests en mass. That way, the Danes could slaughter them at a rate of their own choosing, so they would always have the advantage of numbers. The warm spell allowed the trolls to be too active, and when stimulated by the noise of Danish operations they attacked at night and overwhelmed the Danes.

We don't know if had a contingency plan for warm weather. At the first sign of an increase in warmth, they should have stopped operations and retreated back behind the doors (or even back to the far side of the bridge!) and waited until the weather turned cold again before resuming their attack. I suppose it is possible that the warm spell came on too quickly for them to react - without satellite weather-forecasting, an increase of temperature of 10s of degrees can happen in hours with no warning. Or maybe they were too slow to react, or even that they had failed to plan for unexpected weather. We just don't know.

Regardless, Minna has told us far too little for us to know to what extent the Danes erred or were the victims of seriously bad luck, or a combination of both. We certainly can't start to pin blame and talk about arrogance or loss of face, less still can we pin those on Mikkel.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on January 16, 2015, 02:33:26 PM
Probably it was an arrogant presumption of mine. Time will tell; perhaps Minna will even decisively disprove my half-baked thoughts by sending Admiral Olsen through with a rescue expedition.

With regard to Mikkel, I was just suggesting someone whose family sense of humor inclined that way already would find fertile soil deflating the egos of his fellows in such circumstances.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Mayabird on January 16, 2015, 10:12:03 PM
The Danes may have gotten a bit arrogant due to earlier successes.  There are a lot of reclaimed islands that Denmark seems to have settled.  After the aggressive and victorious Kattegat and Skagerrak Campaigns, which protected trade routes and brought (a tiny bit of) new territory under Danish control, they decided to go for another island - Sjælland.  This time though they massively overreached into a much, much larger and much, much more densely monster-plagued land. 
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on January 20, 2015, 03:47:43 AM
I stumbled across some useful analysis on p. 236:

Hot Stuff
Does anyone else see Mikkel as 'the concerned father type'? first, he did not demand it of him, but showed Lalli proper human interaction by forcing the boy to greet him in a respectful way, as well as giving him a cookie for a night well scouted.

Second, although his interaction with Emil was somewhat unorthodox, he offered [medical] assistance with his vanity; public appearance might not be as important to Mikkel as it is to Emil, but because it is important to Emil, it became important to Mikkel... [After all,] face cancer is not a joke.

Finally, he wants to look after everyone, and now especially Tuuri, the girl that gets left in the Cattank for the obvious reason of lack of immunity. So caring, so thoughtful.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on January 20, 2015, 04:59:08 AM
Replies to the previous comment:

He reminds me of those butlers in movies  ( inexplicably are also fighters, strong-men, doctors, and generally the most useful person in the world in addition to being polite and calm.

I can see it now. Mikkel lumbers in and rumbles, "You rang?" (

He's a Team Mom (, not Team Dad. ( Mum does all the necessary work that keeps everybody together, body and soul. Dad does the flashy, actiony stuff and is allowed to bumble a bit (not looking at Sigrun). :)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Superdark33 on January 20, 2015, 03:43:12 PM
I remember reading either here or in comments about character spirit animals, and Mikkel was given "bear", because big strong whatnot, but if anything, i think the animal that describes him best- both in-universe and out-universe contexts- is the bull.

Sure he is strong, but most of what he does is move stuff, provide food, stay behind, moo sagely, maybe thwack a blunt horn at someone who gets too close.

So yeah, the thread is named Character Development, but i think its more fitting to be Character revalation. hes a grown man, i doubt he can get any meaningful development as much as he can help the youngsters get their own, while revealing the development he got.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Solovei on January 20, 2015, 04:06:36 PM
Sure he is strong, but most of what he does is move stuff, provide food, stay behind, moo sagely, maybe thwack a blunt horn at someone who gets too close.

XD I laughed way too hard at that (especially the "moo sagely" part) .... If we had upvotes on this forum, you would get mine!
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: wavewright62 on February 05, 2015, 04:45:42 AM
Well, when they were on the train and Emil asked if they wanted anything from the dining car, Tuuri said that Lalli "doesn't like anything". The only think we've seen him eat so far is a sandwich, as whenever the others were eating he was either too sick or asleep to join them.
Lalli likes cookies, though.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: FinnishViking on February 05, 2015, 05:19:09 PM
I'm actually REALLY looking forward to the point  when the guys start growing facial hair; though I don't think Lalli could really grow much of anything, and I feel like Emil might just be able to grow out a mustache. But I'm only basing this on the amount of facial hair that 19yr olds in Canada can grow.

But I am hoping that Mikkel will have a beard at some point!

Hey now being scrawny doens't mean one can't grow a beard  :P, but i think Lalli would already have some facial hair at this point if he is going to grow any since im some what younger and having some stubble growing. It is not a pritty sight, but my big brothers magnificent beard gives me hope for a good future.

In terms of Lalli however i imagine he could grow a small one for the very least which could look nice and with the added benefit od actually knowing what gender he without confusion this seems like a win-win situation. Maybe after they realize that they are stuck in sjäelland we might get some *two months later* scenes.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Superdark33 on February 06, 2015, 01:28:38 PM

In terms of Lalli however i imagine he could grow a small one for the very least which could look nice and with the added benefit od actually knowing what gender he without confusion this seems like a win-win situation. Maybe after they realize that they are stuck in sjäelland we might get some *two months later* scenes.

"Why does this girl have a beard?"

But srs he might grow out a tiny barely visible one.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Nimphy on February 06, 2015, 01:36:47 PM
I'm actually REALLY looking forward to the point  when the guys start growing facial hair; though I don't think Lalli could really grow much of anything, and I feel like Emil might just be able to grow out a mustache. But I'm only basing this on the amount of facial hair that 19yr olds in Canada can grow.

But I am hoping that Mikkel will have a beard at some point!

Yes! Mikkel with a beard, yes yes! As for amount of facial hair 19-year-olds can grow, in my experience what happens if they don't shave is frightening. I'd swear half the "teenagers" I know were actually youngish adults...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on February 06, 2015, 02:16:28 PM
Yes! Mikkel with a beard, yes yes! As for amount of facial hair 19-year-olds can grow, in my experience what happens if they don't shave is frightening. I'd swear half the "teenagers" I know were actually youngish adults...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on February 14, 2015, 12:43:39 AM
From page 269:

Can't help but think that there's more to Mikkel than meets the eye, probably more than he'd like to show himself. I suppose farming doesn't require special education (as long as we speak about mundane job at least), but has he undergone any training to join army as a healer? And since he seems rather conversant with some things, how did he acquire that knowledge? While doing various jobs? Talking to educated fellows? Or maybe self-educating was his leisure? I am curious to find out eventually.

I agree that there's a lot more to the big fella than meets the eye. Hopefully Minna will provide more backstory some day.

Meanwhile, I like to think it helps that Mikkel grew up on the Madsen family farm, which we know they had long before the Rash. I picture it as the kind of big, rambling place where interesting old things lurk in the corners (kind of like "mathoms" in hobbit-holes).

So the Madsen kids could have grown up playing with beat-up old golf clubs, reading Before-Time magazines, maybe being allowed to look things up in Oldefar's medical encyclopedia (eeeww!!!). At any rate, they'd have more cultural continuity with Before Times than people who had to become refugees, gun-slinging wanderers, isolated survivalists, etc.

Mikkel's backstory is the one I am looking forward to most. I hope we get plenty of flashbacks. With his frequently changing jobs there's bound to be some story there. I'm picturing his young adult life less than happy. The longer it's not touched upon in canon the more tragic the backstory becomes in my imagination.

I think Mikkel is one of those jack-of-all-trades who knows little about a lot, because he was constantly doing different jobs. It makes you a creative problem solver and a quick thinker in many situations. About being a medic, maybe it is 'grannie knowledge' taught from generation to generation, if farms are far away from hospitals, you learn to fix wounds yourself with herbs and stuff?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on February 14, 2015, 05:36:10 AM
I was wondering if, maybe, Mikkel is in fact a very smart guy, the sort who learns so fast that he can make the best of even the slightest education. Maybe he read a lot of books while on his family's farm and learnt something from them! It would explain why he found farming so boring.

Somebody like that can get tired of working with less clever, less well-educated people. Some become bad-tempered and impatient, some lay on the patience with a trowel - and some resort to making private jokes at the expense of other people's stupidity or ignorance. That might explain a lot about Mikkel.

Incidentally, Mikkel might not have needed to know beforehand what golf is. He might only have to skim through a book like "How to become a golf professional in 60 days" to realise it was describing a game.

I wait to see how Minna takes his character development!
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on February 14, 2015, 05:48:52 AM
Incidentally, Mikkel might not have needed to know beforehand what golf is. He might only have to skim through a book like "How to become a golf professional in 60 days" to realise it was describing a game.
I think that theory nails it. Incidentally, there are a lot of golf courses on present day Bornholm. Even if they've been converted to farmland after the rash it wouldn't be surprising if either golf books, golf equipment or first hand knowledge of golf survived.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on February 14, 2015, 05:48:46 PM
It says on Sigrun's character page that she lives for the military and therefore is not that well educated, and it sates that thats not uncommon for military leaders. Could it be possible that Mikkel is literally too smart for his own good and showed up his bosses too many times?
Depends. It might be common for Norwegian military leaders, but do we know that Mikkel has ever served under any of those?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Richard Weir on February 14, 2015, 05:55:41 PM
He served under Admiral Olsen. While the good Admiral was sufficiently well-informed to know "face cancer" is not a thing, he did begin to shout out the team's secrets in a way that suggests lack of verbal impulse-control* - which would NOT endear him to a self-restrained type such as Mikkel!

* Also known as Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome or Prince Philip's Disease.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Laowai on February 14, 2015, 06:12:26 PM
Depends. It might be common for Norwegian military leaders, but do we know that Mikkel has ever served under any of those?

hmm, thats a good point. I read it at first as military leaders in general, not just Norwegian.

Although, it may just be my personal experience, but given what I know of "well-educated" military leaders today, it's still possible to me that Mikkel could out-smart them.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on February 15, 2015, 05:11:21 AM
I wonder if Sigrun can read more than an elementary level. Maps yes, but a non-illustrated book?
There's no reason to conclude that she can't at this point, but her reading comprehension when it comes to Danish literature could very well be lacking.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: KMK on March 12, 2015, 02:26:38 AM
The opposite actually! I have a lot of trouble keeping a high enough body temperature, and I'm most comfortable in 80-90 degree (F) weather. That, however, is mostly unique to me--my sisters don't share my woes.

Is your normal temp just under normal (98?F)? I have for the most of my life run a temperature of 97.3?. I am also had problems absorbing enough iron. I usually have to take iron supplements at double the normal rate to get my iron content up to where it should be. When I do I start running a normal 98? temperature and don't have problems with being cold. A quick way to tell is to prick your finger and look at the color of your blood. If it is the color of deep red garnets you have enough iron. If it is the color of rubies you need to take iron supplements.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: KMK on March 12, 2015, 03:18:24 AM
I believe that Mikkel is carrying a few more Neanderthal genes than most. Look at the skeletons of a Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon.
My own grandfather was built with a huge barrel chest like the Neanderthal. He walked like a bear. The hair on his forearms was 4 inches long and curled to a dark cloud of 2 inches. He was a very powerful man who stood 6 foot 2 inches. This is the kind of man that I see Mikkel. True when he was older he had a pot belly but the rest of him was fit.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on April 01, 2015, 06:22:04 AM
A reflection I had on p. 293:

Mikkel would probably be a successful police interrogator.

Sort of the "good cop" to Emil's "bad cop" -- except he's also got those deep, searching eyes to express that he knows you're holding something back and the endless, deadpan patience to wait till you cough it up. (As well as the massiveness conveying that you'd better not mess with him.)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: kapitod on April 01, 2015, 09:10:57 AM
I find it weird that Mikkel isn't counted as military, or at least ex-military, but then I'm assuming that a Healer is the same thing as a Medic.  Also being involved in the Kastrup Campaign and having worked for Admiral Olsen suggests that he must have been in the military in the past, unless of course his involvement was as civilian support.

hmm, thats a good point. I read it at first as military leaders in general, not just Norwegian.

The Norwegian military seems like the sort of group that gives less than the usual amount of craps about anything that doesn't involve troll killing.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Vafhudr on April 01, 2015, 03:06:29 PM
We could actually speculate that Mikkel was a full-soldier - 10 years ago. Medic and farmer might have been rather recent career choices. The Danes lost their military in the attack against Kasturp and they probably now operate a skeleton crew of an armed force due to associated costs (money, but also manpower, if the outbreak on Bornholme was very serious) - my guess is that the Danish force is now mostly navy based - it operates and maintains bases like that of Admiral Olsen, probably operates a navy, both military and merchant that occupies and navigate that particular stretch of sea, but not much of a land army. With the re-structuration that could have occurred in the face of military disaster, it's likely Mikkel dropped out for a while, but went back and re-trained as a medic - because 1) there is always a moron somewhere that needs medical attention - and 2) it has application outside of the military. There is also the possibility he was drafted into the military or drafted back into the military due to lack of manpower. But since we don't know the state of the Danish Forces or their attitude, it could just be that it's a seasonal gig for Mikkel at this point. Especially during winter, for a farmer.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Mayabird on April 09, 2015, 09:08:15 AM
Trond's comment about wasting more blackmail makes me wonder - did he blackmail Mikkel into doing this?  All we know is Trond knew Mikkel from earlier, but we don't know the details of how Mikkel was convinced to do this.  Does Mikkel have something darker in his past than merely being an annoying prankster at just the right moment to save his hide? 
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: RandomTexanReader on April 09, 2015, 12:15:31 PM
A reflection I had on p. 293:

Mikkel would probably be a successful police interrogator.

Sort of the "good cop" to Emil's "bad cop" -- except he's also got those deep, searching eyes to express that he knows you're holding something back and the endless, deadpan patience to wait till you cough it up. (As well as the massiveness conveying that you'd better not mess with him.)

The following is exactly how Mikkel interrogates. (
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Traca on April 15, 2015, 07:06:46 PM
I just wanted to put it out there for those like me who really wanted to know Mikkel's eye color. Personally, I was hoping for his eyes to be the pretty brown/olive of his great(times ?)grandmother, but...

He has his great(times ?)grandfather's eyes.

(seriously look at her eyes!!!

Also, I've figured out the other's eye colors much easier (Mikkel stop hiding or closing your eyes!!!)
Sigrun = purple (or blue that catches the light just right like that)
Emil = blue
Tuuri and Lalli = grey (that can look blue in the right light or when Lalli does his scout mage thing)
Braidy/Reynir = green

At least that's the colors I see. If you see different colors, let me know!

Also is it just me or do we only see Mikkel's eye color when he's happy? We saw it when Sigrun mentioned his home and when they made it out safely with books.

Sorry for the long amount of text. I'm a newbie(troll bait) so please let me know if anyone has done this before.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: starfallz on April 15, 2015, 07:35:06 PM
I too have wondered about Mikkel's eye color! I hadn't spotted the second reference, but both point to blue. The Print Drive picture also has me think blue:

I also tend to think of Emil's eyes as more of an aqua color than straight blue.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: curiosity on April 15, 2015, 07:45:24 PM
They definitely look blue on the comic pages, even when you zoom in. BUT I've zoomed a print drive picture, and...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: starfallz on April 15, 2015, 11:08:52 PM
They definitely look blue on the comic pages, even when you zoom in. BUT I've zoomed a print drive picture, and...

Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: kahli on April 15, 2015, 11:49:58 PM
There is the possibility that his eyes actually change color. My eyes do that fairly often. They'll be hazel one week, then blue the next. A few days ago my eyes were grey, but just now when I looked in the mirror, they were green. I don't know how or why this happens but I'm assuming that it's genetic as my Dad's eyes have a tendency to switch color too.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Kuuskytkolme on April 16, 2015, 01:07:17 AM
Light or blue eyes sometimes appear to change color with the lighting, even when no actual physical changes occur.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on April 16, 2015, 01:13:37 AM
I too have wondered about Mikkel's eye color! I hadn't spotted the second reference, but both point to blue. The Print Drive picture also has me think blue:

I also tend to think of Emil's eyes as more of an aqua color than straight blue.

I also see Emil's eyes as aqua, and all three Hotakainens' as a very pale gray-blue (although Tuuri's could be more plain light blue -- Minna sketches them in as dark sometimes, whereas Onni and Lalli almost always have very pale irises). 
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on April 21, 2015, 08:41:51 AM
Page 290:

Nicolas Bertolero • 25 days ago
I'm liking Mikkel more and more. He seems rational and level-headed, important attributes to have in such a treacherous territory. Very curious to discover why he couldn't hold jobs very long ... maybe he couldn't follow asinine orders from superiors? Also, his sideburns rock.

AmityM  Nicolas Bertolero • 25 days ago
If he's anything like his ancestors, he has a sharp tongue and doesn't do anything he doesn't care to, which can make him an unreliable part of any kind of organization.

This kind of work might be his best fit -- no organization to speak of in the first place. ;)

Aprillen  AmityM • 25 days ago
I think Mikkel might possibly be the smartest of these guys. By far. That can definitely factor in when it comes to holding jobs -- being smarter than your superiors (and not inclined to deny or hide it) can be very grating to said superiors. Add some snark and an... unusual sense of humor, and there you go.
13  •Share ›
Hrolfr  Aprillen • 25 days ago
Also in my experience, there is a certain sort of personality hat sits there quietly and discreetly most of the time, just fixing stuff in the background... until they lose their cool and tell people "stuff" straight with no filter in place and with no discretion.

AmityM  Aprillen • 25 days ago
Good point!
Mikkel isn't *just* smart though (I don't know about *the* smartest, Tuuri is clearly right up there with him) -- he's also easily bored. People like that require exceptional leaders to be able to manage them well -- no offense to Admiral Olsen but by definition most leaders are mediocre!

JaneB  AmityM • 25 days ago
and maybe he lacks a little judgement about just WHO to pull the face cancer type prank on. I can imagine the combination of snark and smarts and lack of respect for authority (it rolls off Sigrun 99% of the time because of her blithe gung-ho-ness, but many officers would have Had Words with Mikkel several times over already.

Heck, MY boss would have, and I work in a UNIVERSITY as an academic, smart, snark and not-very-easy-to-lead come as standard around here) would create situations where Mikkel knew full well something might not be a good idea but found it too appealing not to carry on with, or was too bored to resist (the many, many little tricks we played on our computer illiterate boss in one lab come to mind... he was a good sport most of the time, but did come down all boss-like when the computer monitor began flashing radiation level warnings and he called the central safety team of the university in a panic...)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: kapitod on April 21, 2015, 02:42:23 PM
I think Mikkel might actually be the smartest one there, or rather he has the best combination of smarts.  Tuuri has some book smarts (though not a lot of real world experience), Sigrun and Lalli have "street smarts" when it comes to actual combat.  I would say that Emil is the dumbest, but most likely that's probably due to be a wealthy Swede who then decided to join the army out of boredom.  He's probably as smart as anyone else if he actually applied himself and wasn't so damned arrogant.

But Mikkel seems to have the best combination out of all of them.  He's got more real world knowledge than Tuuri, better social skills than Lalli (but most people have that), a better sense of everyone's limitations than Sigrun, and just generally more than Emil.  Including physical size there.

If we as around in 2015 then he would probably be a teacher in a secondary school, and the most respected one there too.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: KMK on May 26, 2015, 06:04:06 PM
I think Mikkel might actually be the smartest one there, or rather he has the best combination of smarts.  Tuuri has some book smarts (though not a lot of real world experience), Sigrun and Lalli have "street smarts" when it comes to actual combat.  I would say that Emil is the dumbest, but most likely that's probably due to be a wealthy Swede who then decided to join the army out of boredom.  He's probably as smart as anyone else if he actually applied himself and wasn't so damned arrogant.

But Mikkel seems to have the best combination out of all of them.  He's got more real world knowledge than Tuuri, better social skills than Lalli (but most people have that), a better sense of everyone's limitations than Sigrun, and just generally more than Emil.  Including physical size there.

If we as around in 2015 then he would probably be a teacher in a secondary school, and the most respected one there too.

Ha-ha, he would have been my eighth grade teacher who taught history and Latin and was an ex-pro wrestler and could do cartoon voices. His favorite greeting in the morning was: "Good Morning all you Communist, Fascist Pigs! Whoops! Sorry there I've been watching to many of my Hitler movies" He had a collection of original German WWII propaganda reel to real films.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: KMK on May 26, 2015, 08:14:34 PM
So I did a Mikkel Madson today. Yesterday I was given a Cinderella list to do at work and of course it didn't get completed (no magic birds you know). Get called on the carpet today for it and they are grilling me why. I told them that with the number of customers we had to wait on there was no way to lay out, bake, package and label all those cookies and close the deli on time clean enough for a health inspection. They could ask the night manager because she helped us get it done when we realized that it wasn't going to happen with just the two of us. It still took us to nearly eleven (we were supposed to be out of there at 10pm). The deli manager said she just didn't see the night manager letting us stay so late and there was no reason to have left all the clean dishes all over the table (it is what the NM told us to do so we could get out before 11). So I was being called a lazy liar.

 I blew up took my apron off told them to scr** it, I had worked my effing ass off and skipped my lunch trying to get it all done and had only taken a 15 minute break (so did my co-worker too) during the 9 hours that I had worked. They could effing keep the job because they were asking to much for anyone to do. (Especially since they are only paying $7.60/hr.) I yelled at the top of my lungs (6 years of vocal training) pounded my fist on the desk for emphasis and stormed to the door where I once more reiterated that they were just asking too damn much and slapped the wood door with the flat of my hand like a drum. And down the stairs I went. Updating the resume tonight.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: AquaAurion on May 27, 2015, 04:55:36 AM
I like your style. The lineart is very clean and the colours are nice and crisp. I'm a bit surprised though, I thought Mikkel's eyes were gray-ish.

AquaAurion: parroting Fimby a bit but I really like the style, so clean, simple and effective! Everyone's so easily recognizable that I just went over them like "LalliEmilSigrunMikkelTuuriReynirNICE" in one glance.

Thank you both! :D
I was thinking that Mikkel has grayish-blue eyes, but couldn't remember seeing his eye color at any point in the story =\
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on May 27, 2015, 05:06:33 AM
I was thinking that Mikkel has grayish-blue eyes, but couldn't remember seeing his eye color at any point in the story =\

The only picture I could think of that has good light conditions and open eyes is the book 1 cover, where there are a few pixels of colour.


That pictures shows his eyes to be approximately olive-green, but I have some doubts about that being his actual eye colour. After all, his eye colour generally appears to be very dark.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: AquaAurion on May 27, 2015, 05:10:48 AM
The only picture I could think of that has good light conditions and open eyes is the book 1 cover, where there are a few pixels of colour.


That pictures shows his eyes to be approximately olive-green, but I have some doubts about that being his actual eye colour. After all, his eye colour generally appears to be very dark.
Well, Minna usually draws everyone's eyes as dark gray/black and only adds in color in certain panels. It's usually only done during closeups or special moments and I can't remember any of those happening to Mikkel.

It does look like she added the green on purpose though.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Laufey on May 27, 2015, 05:18:43 AM
Olive colour eyes that regardless look really dark can totally happen though, mine are like that. :D My pupils are so large that my eyes are usually just seen as brown (, people have occasionally been a bit surprised to find out the real colour (
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on May 27, 2015, 08:53:47 AM
oh gosh these pictures laufey

re: Mikkel's eye-collor, IIRC you can also see them when they're exploring the library, especially during the KTHUMM scene (I didn't keep the cut pics, sadly). They seemed a bit more blue in that panel but I'll have to redo the research because I like the olive green better and I need to make sure

edit: nope, nothing around the library pages. must come from somewhere else
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: starfallz on May 27, 2015, 09:08:26 AM
There are a few images where there is a tiny dot of blue or grey for Mikkel's eyes. I think when Sigrun and Mikkel are talking while Tuuri is driving and a few other ones. I've been concerned with finding it out too. The darn guy keeps his eyes shut so often.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Fimbulvarg on May 27, 2015, 09:21:57 AM
Well, Minna usually draws everyone's eyes as dark gray/black and only adds in color in certain panels. It's usually only done during closeups or special moments and I can't remember any of those happening to Mikkel.

Mikkel has surprisingly few moments with visible irises, while Lalli and Sigrun get them all the time. Mikkel gets black eyes even in panels where the other characters right next to him have coloured irises :P

Olive colour eyes that regardless look really dark can totally happen though, mine are like that. :D My pupils are so large that my eyes are usually just seen as brown (, people have occasionally been a bit surprised to find out the real colour (

I think that might actually be the case for Mikkel's eye colour too.

edit: nope, nothing around the library pages. must come from somewhere else

I tracked down two, page 221 and page 305. Keep in mind that the ambient lighting is very variable:


Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Auleliel on May 27, 2015, 09:38:34 AM
Regarding Mikkel's eye color:
I have grey eyes with flecks of blue, green, and brown in them, and they look slightly different depending on the light and the surroundings. People usually can't tell what color my eyes are unless I let them take a really long and close look at them. (I even had an argument with my German teacher in high school because he wouldn't believe me about my eye color at first, when I said in my self-introduction "Ich habe graue Augen".)
I remember seeing a few different colors for Mikkel (the few times his eyes were open enough to see any color at all), mostly greenish or greyish, and it's possible that his eyes are also mainly one color with flecks of another color.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: starfallz on May 27, 2015, 09:41:12 AM
There is a thread about Mikkel's eye color, actually:

(Fimbu, I think you meant 201....)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on May 27, 2015, 09:59:16 AM
There is a thread about Mikkel's eye color, actually:

(Fimbu, I think you meant 201....)

let's summon a skald or mod to move these posts then, and restore this thread to its original purpose
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 27, 2015, 01:47:20 PM
They're probably a hazel blue
While Sigrun's eyes are periwinkle (and can look any color from gray to violet depending on the light)
And Emil's are definitely turquoise.
The Hotakainens strike me as pretty blue-gray, with the variation being more in shade than hue.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on May 27, 2015, 06:40:19 PM
exactly. Except I can't imagine why or how such eye-shade would have arrived on top of Sigrun's eyes.
Sigrun's eyes might be a stronger shade than depicted, as they don't normally appear gray; and Mikkel's have probably more brown/yellow than that. I have these kind of eyes and AFAIK they'd much rather look blue/green than olive
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Viisikielinenkantele on May 28, 2015, 05:50:27 PM
It would be cool if Mikkel's eyes were multicoloured so that we never can deduce it from the comic... ;D



It normally depends on my clothes and the light what colour they look, in my passport my eye-colour is grey-green  :D
(Please ignore the bloodshot look, I had too less sleep that night...))
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: KMK on May 29, 2015, 02:33:23 AM
It would be cool if Mikkel's eyes were multicoloured so that we never can deduce it from the comic... ;D



It normally depends on my clothes and the light what colour they look, in my passport my eye-colour is grey-green  :D
(Please ignore the bloodshot look, I had too less sleep that night...))

My eyes are like this though the brown ring is a little broader and I have grey for the outer ring.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: AquaAurion on May 29, 2015, 02:58:25 AM
It would be cool if Mikkel's eyes were multicoloured so that we never can deduce it from the comic... ;D



It normally depends on my clothes and the light what colour they look, in my passport my eye-colour is grey-green  :D
(Please ignore the bloodshot look, I had too less sleep that night...))
That would be cool :D
My eyes are also like that, but more grayish (they usually look bluish-gray, but sometimes they look green as well):
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 29, 2015, 11:23:48 AM
exactly. Except I can't imagine why or how such eye-shade would have arrived on top of Sigrun's eyes.
Same reason Mikkel are wearing mascara and eyeliner...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on May 29, 2015, 11:31:55 AM
Same reason Mikkel are wearing mascara and eyeliner...
Mikkel would probably do it on a dare (or dress in drag to try and confuse people)
Emil... well he'd probably use some with a good reason
Tuuri also
Lalli would need to be caught first, but it's not his eye on the pic i guess
but Sigrun... she'd dismember you twice before you could reach her face, even if she were restrained
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 29, 2015, 11:44:28 AM
Mikkel would probably do it on a dare (or dress in drag to try and confuse people)
Emil... well he'd probably use some with a good reason
Tuuri also
Lalli would need to be caught first, but it's not his eye on the pic i guess
but Sigrun... she'd dismember you twice before you could reach her face, even if she were restrained
Well actually...
*The crew find a cache of perfectly good eye makeup*
Tuuri: "Hey, Mikkel! Let me see how you look in mascara and eyeliner!"
Mikkel: *submits in long-suffering silence*
Emil: "Hey, that actually looks pretty good. Can you do me next?"
Tuuri: "Sure!"
Tuuri: "Eek!"
Sigrun: "EMIL?!? Are you kidding me?!? Gurl, your eye game is weak. Lemme show you how it's done." *grabs the cache*

Although I agree that she's not really the type for eyeshadow. It was the only picture I could find that looked right to me.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Curry on May 29, 2015, 07:24:51 PM
This is kind of off-topic, but just goes to show that light eyes can really change color according to light source and reflection
That's me there and this picture is actually completely unedited? My eyes are normally grey-blue, kind of Hotakainen, so Mikkel's eyes could be any host of colors. That was the point of this post.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: snotra on May 30, 2015, 03:17:15 PM
There is the possibility that his eyes actually change color. My eyes do that fairly often. They'll be hazel one week, then blue the next. A few days ago my eyes were grey, but just now when I looked in the mirror, they were green. I don't know how or why this happens but I'm assuming that it's genetic as my Dad's eyes have a tendency to switch color too.
Considering I read a lot of Roald Dahl, you don't happen to have very large nostrils or a strong dislike of children, now, do you?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on May 30, 2015, 05:37:01 PM
Well actually...
*The crew find a cache of perfectly good eye makeup*
Tuuri: "Hey, Mikkel! Let me see how you look in mascara and eyeliner!"
Mikkel: *submits in long-suffering silence*
Emil: "Hey, that actually looks pretty good. Can you do me next?"
Tuuri: "Sure!"
Tuuri: "Eek!"
Sigrun: "EMIL?!? Are you kidding me?!? Gurl, your eye game is weak. Lemme show you how it's done." *grabs the cache*

Although I agree that she's not really the type for eyeshadow. It was the only picture I could find that looked right to me.
well of course if you make it a contest :P
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: P__ on May 31, 2015, 08:50:29 AM
(srry for self-reply)

in there's a shot of everyone with eyes open. it's an early drawing but *mikkel's eyes are open*
here's the pic
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: starfallz on May 31, 2015, 09:08:35 AM
(srry for self-reply)

in there's a shot of everyone with eyes open. it's an early drawing but *mikkel's eyes are open*
here's the pic

Yea. It has Sigrun's eyes as purple though, so I haven't considered it seriously.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: AquaAurion on May 31, 2015, 09:12:11 AM
(srry for self-reply)

in there's a shot of everyone with eyes open. it's an early drawing but *mikkel's eyes are open*
here's the pic
I had forgotten about that one! Seems like everyone except for Reynir has blue eyes here.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Antillanka on June 12, 2015, 08:31:41 AM
So I did a Mikkel Madson today.

You, lady, are seriously awesome!

Can I put this here? I became obsessed with toddler Mikkel and couldn't resist...


So here you have, the many faces of toddler Mikkel
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: RandomTexanReader on July 21, 2015, 10:52:20 PM
Lallicousin: "Despite his passive-aggressiveness and his... passive-aggressiveness, he does really seem to care."
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Mayabird on February 01, 2016, 08:55:13 AM
Should we call it confirmation that Mikkel does come from a large family, and has lots of younger brothers and sisters (and possibly a twin that he was born just before)?  It's something people have speculated on before.  His comments are vague enough that he might almost be speaking obliquely about military brothers and sisters, though.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: urbicande on February 01, 2016, 09:25:08 AM
Should we call it confirmation that Mikkel does come from a large family, and has lots of younger brothers and sisters (and possibly a twin that he was born just before)?  It's something people have speculated on before.  His comments are vague enough that he might almost be speaking obliquely about military brothers and sisters, though.

Well...he says he has "enough" of each.  Enough could be 1.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: illuvatar on October 13, 2017, 11:45:49 AM
At this point in the comic we're all pretty informed when it comes to the origins of most of the main characters, however I've noticed that we don't know much about Mikkel's backstory (except for the fact he has many siblings on Bornholm) or how he became enlisted in the expedition aside from Trond enlisting him out of the blue. He seems to be well-versed in many things, for instance correcting Emil (the supposed academic) on a book in Chinese. Is this just a result of him moving through jobs or is it something else?

I'm curious about his origins and if you guys have any theories about him
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Ragnarok on October 13, 2017, 12:31:49 PM
At this point in the comic we're all pretty informed when it comes to the origins of most of the main characters, however I've noticed that we don't know much about Mikkel's backstory (except for the fact he has many siblings on Bornholm) or how he became enlisted in the expedition aside from Trond enlisting him out of the blue. He seems to be well-versed in many things, for instance correcting Emil (the supposed academic) on a book in Chinese. Is this just a result of him moving through jobs or is it something else?

I'm curious about his origins and if you guys have any theories about him

I think that there's a theory going around that Mikkel is a spy/agent for the Council, all hush-hush and secretive, and that his mission was to find out scientific things the Old World left behind.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Dilandu on October 13, 2017, 01:55:35 PM
I think that there's a theory going around that Mikkel is a spy/agent for the Council, all hush-hush and secretive, and that his mission was to find out scientific things the Old World left behind.

There were also a theory that he was send to sabotage the expedition, because Council feared that sucsess would led to a renewed push for reclamation. ;) But, this theory seems to be disproved... by now)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Purple Wyrm on October 13, 2017, 09:00:37 PM
There were also a theory that he was send to sabotage the expedition, because Council feared that sucsess would led to a renewed push for reclamation. ;) But, this theory seems to be disproved... by now)

If we wanted to go down that route, maybe he was sent to sabotage the expedition, but switched sides once he got to know his companions?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Ragnarok on October 13, 2017, 10:07:11 PM
There were also a theory that he was send to sabotage the expedition, because Council feared that sucsess would led to a renewed push for reclamation. ;) But, this theory seems to be disproved... by now)

I always figured it was a stretch: after all, it's practically doomed already, and given the precarious situation they'd be in if anything went wrong, it'd be likely Mikkel would die along with the crew. Mikkel doesn't strike me as the sort of person to give his life for anything.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Sunflower on October 16, 2017, 02:27:07 AM
I always figured it was a stretch: after all, it's practically doomed already, and given the precarious situation they'd be in if anything went wrong, it'd be likely Mikkel would die along with the crew. Mikkel doesn't strike me as the sort of person to give his life for anything.

Or at least not since the Kastrup Disaster.  It seems plausible to me that once there might have been a vein of conviction within the character of the deadpan, rather cynical jokester. 
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Róisín on October 16, 2017, 03:53:01 AM
Agreed, Sunflower. Mikkel comes across to me as the sort of idealist who grows bitter, cynical and world-weary when those ideals are crushed. And maybe this crew have stirred that idealism again....
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Purple Wyrm on October 16, 2017, 06:34:41 AM
Agreed, Sunflower. Mikkel comes across to me as the sort of idealist who grows bitter, cynical and world-weary when those ideals are crushed. And maybe this crew have stirred that idealism again....

Yeah, I get that read on Mikkel as well.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Buteo on October 16, 2017, 12:59:11 PM
As to not being ready to give his life for anything, let's recall that he was about to dive in to (try to) help Sigrun against the sjodraug.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: wavewright62 on October 16, 2017, 03:57:06 PM
Or at least not since the Kastrup Disaster.  It seems plausible to me that once there might have been a vein of conviction within the character of the deadpan, rather cynical jokester.
Agreed, that is often the case. 
Indulge me a moment, I just happen to have drawn this for InkTober, but I think it belongs here as well. 
Spoiler: "The recruitment of mikkel madsen" • show
The "scheming mountain monkey" strikes again?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Antillanka on November 30, 2017, 07:44:37 PM
I wonder, how does Mikkel feel about being the promoter of Lalli and Emil staying behind on their own (against Sigrun's wishes, btw), now that they're supposed dead?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: wavewright62 on December 01, 2017, 01:19:14 AM
I wonder, how does Mikkel feel about being the promoter of Lalli and Emil staying behind on their own (against Sigrun's wishes, btw), now that they're supposed dead?

Mmmm, yeah, good point.  I assume, however, that he's long since come to terms with the fact that he's made some 'poor life choices.' Such either go the full denial route, or shrug and move on, or try not to let the topic come up lest they have a clothes-rending crisis of apology.** Have we seen any examination or admission of error? The closest incident I can remember was Mikkel telling Emil that he made up the concept of 'face cancer.'  That incident leads me to believe that he takes the shrug & move on approach.

**I am put in mind of the Fawlty Towers episode where hapless Manuel starts operaticaaly singing, "Myyyyy Mistake, I have Maaaaade My Mistaaaaake!"
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Antillanka on December 01, 2017, 11:45:50 AM
The closest incident I can remember was Mikkel telling Emil that he made up the concept of 'face cancer.'  That incident leads me to believe that he takes the shrug & move on approach.

Mmmh, yeah, or when he picked up Lalli in the clinic and admitted he misread the situation...
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: wavewright62 on January 08, 2019, 06:54:48 PM
(Please pardon the thread necromancy.)
I love the description in Mikkel's new character page - Profession: Miscellaneous
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Grade E cat on January 09, 2019, 02:17:27 AM
It's on his Adventure I character file as well, but after "Farmer" and "Healer". But now having only that part is kind of funny.
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: JoB on January 09, 2019, 03:43:08 PM
It's on his Adventure I character file as well, but after "Farmer" and "Healer". But now having only that part is kind of funny.
I guess it's more polite than "universally ultimately unsuited", considering that he's said to normally get fired. ;)
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Antillanka on January 09, 2019, 09:33:16 PM
(Please pardon the thread necromancy.)
I love the description in Mikkel's new character page - Profession: Miscellaneous
I guess it's more polite than "universally ultimately unsuited", considering that he's said to normally get fired. ;)

Hahhaha isn't it?
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: Mebediel on January 10, 2019, 03:39:06 PM
I guess it's more polite than "universally ultimately unsuited", considering that he's said to normally get fired. ;)
Profession: fired
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: JoB on January 10, 2019, 04:32:56 PM
Profession: fired
Qualification: Worst. Example. Ever. ;D
Title: Re: Character Development: Mikkel
Post by: peeweevireo on January 14, 2019, 10:18:07 PM
Poor guy somehow got downgraded :(