Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805149 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2820 on: December 25, 2016, 09:13:31 AM »
I promised a fic for Christmas Day, and here it is!

The Best Rooms are Always in the Rear

It's not Christmas/Holiday themed at all, and I feel like it could do with a little bit more polishing, but deadlines are deadlines. Hope you all enjoy! :))

The woodworker in Borlänge is the real hero of this story :')
:chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :book4:

:A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04:

Mark my words, it's not quite what you thought.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2821 on: December 25, 2016, 01:29:55 PM »
I promised a fic for Christmas Day, and here it is!

The Best Rooms are Always in the Rear

It's not Christmas/Holiday themed at all, and I feel like it could do with a little bit more polishing, but deadlines are deadlines. Hope you all enjoy! :))

This is just amazingly hilarious! I can't wait to read more of your fics! Thanks for that!
(And the woodworker in Borlänge just made my day!)

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2822 on: December 26, 2016, 03:35:54 PM »
[Worst case scenario, Tuuri's Chapter] Here's Tuuri's chapter. I'm afraid the first part ended up being a very, very twisted form of in-universe shipping. I have an idea for an epilogue to this, so there will be a seventh part up.

Spoiler: show
Worst case scenario: The skald

Árni and Sigríður didn't know how they had missed this piece of information on the documentation left behind by the official for so long. The skald girl not being immune made them completely re-evaluate the time during which Reynir had to be stuck alone with her. The official had told them the expedition had the means of isolating non-immunes from potentially contaminated immune combatants, but these means had certainly been set up for the one non-immune person that was supposed to be on the expedition. The medic probably had no other choice than putting both Reynir and the skald in the same small isolation chamber. Whatever happened in there would be Reynir's word against the skald's, the skald being more likely to be believed. This only added to the fact that the skald girl had already been the member of the crew they were the most worried about before they noticed her immunity status. The girl was able to hurt Reynir with words and trick him, where all of Reynir's other bullies only had actions. They were also certain that she was trying to seduce him, using whatever passed for courtship in Finland. Reynir was probably the perfect target for a young Finnish woman who was educated by her country’s standards and wanted to flaunt her knowledge of Icelandic. The lies she told to her mage relative and the captain probably happened when Reynir refused her advances. And if he one day ended up giving up and saying "yes" to something, she would probably claim the whole thing was his idea if they were caught together. How far was that girl going to go? Was this expedition going to make them grandparents? Were they going to be left with no choice but to have that girl as a daughter-in-law? Was she doing it all just to get herself out of Finland? They weren't sure whether the latter option was better or worse than the idea that she could be just seeing Reynir as some kind of toy. And the two options weren't actually mutually exclusive. They wished that this expedition would end soon, so Reynir could get away from that horrible young woman.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Silent World:

Tuuri laughed:
-Wait, your parents really told you there was still a ban on non-immune people travelling internationally? How did you ever find out it was not the case?
-One of my brothers told me while he was visiting. Poor Bjarni must be gritting his teeth right now if he knows where I am. The whole family, actually, come to think of it.
Reynir hadn't actually thought of them in a while with all that had been going on. Tuuri tapped on the windshield, as they were once again in isolation in the front of the vehicle:
-Well, here we are. So much for them trying to keep us in.
Reynir looked out the windshield, at the long-abandoned town that could be seen from it:
-But I'm curious, how come your siblings got to leave home and not you?
-Dagrenning children, more like adoptive siblings blood-wise. All four of them are immune. What about Lalli? How did he ever get to become a scout if Onni wanted to keep both of you inside the base?
-Onni tried, trust me. But the options that would both keep him inside and did not require Onni or me to be constantly keeping an eye on him ran out quite fast. I also heard Lalli tell Onni that one of them should be outside the base from time to time, and it might as well be him. Guess it had to do with whatever reason we moved there in the first place.
By now, Reynir had pieced together that Onni and Lalli were hiding a lot from Tuuri, and she knew it. But she had picked up the habit in her own way. Reynir knew how Lalli usually talked from the dream world and the few times she had translated something Lalli wanted to tell him in the waking world, she had made him sound much more tactful and polite than he really was. Part of him was also convinced that if it weren't for this habit of Tuuri's, Sigrun would be taking his powers much more seriously. But all around, she had been a pleasant surprise in this situation he hadn't chosen. Another non-immune, from the other side of the world, who knew what it was like to be locked behind walls while seeing all the immune people going in and out as they pleased and taking it for granted. Who, once out of those walls, wouldn't be satisfied until she saw the edge of the world. Who understood him on a level that the other members of the crew couldn't. Who had become a true friend. Tuuri's voice interrupted his thoughts:
-Hey, shouldn't we be allowed out by now? Mikkel, what's taking so long?
Mikkel's stern voice answered from the other side of the door:
-I took the usual amount of time. The two of you are the ones who didn't hear me when I said you could come out half an hour ago out because you were chattering away. I was actually about to start making dinner early in hope that the smell would give you a hint.
Had they really been talking for that long? Reynir didn't notice.

Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2823 on: December 26, 2016, 07:24:40 PM »
Grade E Cat, the story continues to be interesting. I especially like how you write Reynir.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2824 on: December 26, 2016, 07:32:06 PM »
Mikkel’s Malmö Misadventures
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 4
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: Rash Decisions • show
My name is Mikkel Madsen. I used to be a spy, until I decided to resign...

When you’re sent somewhere that doesn’t officially exist, you have to be prepared to find anything there. Unfortunately, sometimes the anything you find is not something you can prepare yourself for.

Mikkel Madsen was definitely not prepared for what he found when he and “his team” broke into a secret ward of the Clinical Research Centre that had “gone silent” a few days before.


Sigrun Eide, however, was. A berserker like her had to be.


Ironically, so was Emil Västerström, her protégée.

They had come under attack almost from the moment they’d entered the Ward That Was Not; most of the attackers had been too fast for them to see, and the few that could be seen, Mikkel wished he hadn’t. The attacks had shredded the haz-mat suits they’d been wearing, but in proof that there is no such thing as “over-protection” in such circumstances as these, the full anti-chemical gear they’d had on beneath the haz-mat suits had held up pretty well.

Emil had come barreling in from his rear-guard post, allowing the doors to re-secure behind him. Mikkel was of two minds on that, as their escape route was now gone, but these things likewise were still confined to the ward. If they had gone around instead of attacking, this might have gone much worse.

Sigrun was similarly of two minds concerning Emil’s intervention: without it, the three of them (Mikkel, Sigrun and Lalli Hotakainen) would almost certainly be dead; but rear-guards weren’t supposed to leave their posts!

Mikkel couldn’t see Lalli; the thin Finn had vanished almost as soon as the fight started, but every so often, one of their assailants would drop, obviously sniped by Lalli. Hopefully, the remaining assailants couldn’t find Lalli either.

“Mikkel!” Tuuri Hotakainen’s voice buzzed in Mikkel’s earpiece. “What are you guys doing in there? Reynir says he’s had to block a dozen alarms from tripping, and he’s not sure he caught all there were! You need to bug out of there, now!”

Mikkel sighed. “No can do, Tuuri. Our bug out route’s gone, so we’ll need you and Reynir to find another one for us.”

A clearly audible gulp came down the line; Mikkel didn’t need to ask who’d made it. Reynir was as nice as the day is long, but self-confidence was decidedly not his strong suit. Mikkel sighed. “I know it’ll be a problem, but we need it done.”

“Don’t worry about a thing, Mikkel.” Tuuri suffered from no such lack of self-confidence; no grifter ever did. “It’ll take a few minutes, but we’ll have another way out for you guys.”

Mikkel almost missed the last bit, as he was fending off another one of those things with the crowbar he’d grabbed. Whatever they were, they were quick and tricky; when he actually managed to make contact, however, they made a very satisfying splat!

“Way to go, big guy!” Sigrun crowed. “That’s the last of ’em!”

“Good,” Mikkel managed between huffs and puffs. “Emil, can we burn out this ward without taking the rest of the place down?”

Emil had to stop to consider the idea. “Only if we can limit the inflammables to alcohols, which won’t be easy,” he warned. “Everything else burns too hot. We might do quite a bit of collateral damage to the air system no matter what we try, though; that’s always the big trouble in controlling room fires.”

“Tell me that isn’t why all our bedrooms still smell of smoke, Emil,” Tuuri growled through the mike. Even Sigrun took pause, be it ever so briefly, at the anger in her normally cheery tones.

“I flushed the whole vent system out with enough cleaners to nuke anything,” Emil protested.

“Tuuri, stop worrying about that and get back on getting us a way out,” Mikkel ordered. “If it helps, remember you can’t get Emil back for it if he’s dead.”

Tuuri’s frustrated mumbles suddenly cut out in an agonizing squeal of black noise, like a thousand jumbled voices screaming in pain and terror, that nearly brought the three in the room to their knees. Of course, this was when a few more of the things decided to jump them...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Just mixing a few things in my Vättes--er, vats here.

See? It’s not dead after all.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2825 on: December 26, 2016, 09:04:57 PM »
LooNEY, this is getting really scary. And I do like Emil's little experiments!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2826 on: December 26, 2016, 09:16:07 PM »
Mikkel’s Malmö Misadventures
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 4
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: Rash Decisions • show
My name is Mikkel Madsen. I used to be a spy, until I decided to resign...

When you’re sent somewhere that doesn’t officially exist, you have to be prepared to find anything there. Unfortunately, sometimes the anything you find is not something you can prepare yourself for.

Mikkel Madsen was definitely not prepared for what he found when he and “his team” broke into a secret ward of the Clinical Research Centre that had “gone silent” a few days before.


Sigrun Eide, however, was. A berserker like her had to be.


Ironically, so was Emil Västerström, her protégée.

They had come under attack almost from the moment they’d entered the Ward That Was Not; most of the attackers had been too fast for them to see, and the few that could be seen, Mikkel wished he hadn’t. The attacks had shredded the haz-mat suits they’d been wearing, but in proof that there is no such thing as “over-protection” in such circumstances as these, the full anti-chemical gear they’d had on beneath the haz-mat suits had held up pretty well.

Emil had come barreling in from his rear-guard post, allowing the doors to re-secure behind him. Mikkel was of two minds on that, as their escape route was now gone, but these things likewise were still confined to the ward. If they had gone around instead of attacking, this might have gone much worse.

Sigrun was similarly of two minds concerning Emil’s intervention: without it, the three of them (Mikkel, Sigrun and Lalli Hotakainen) would almost certainly be dead; but rear-guards weren’t supposed to leave their posts!

Mikkel couldn’t see Lalli; the thin Finn had vanished almost as soon as the fight started, but every so often, one of their assailants would drop, obviously sniped by Lalli. Hopefully, the remaining assailants couldn’t find Lalli either.

“Mikkel!” Tuuri Hotakainen’s voice buzzed in Mikkel’s earpiece. “What are you guys doing in there? Reynir says he’s had to block a dozen alarms from tripping, and he’s not sure he caught all there were! You need to bug out of there, now!”

Mikkel sighed. “No can do, Tuuri. Our bug out route’s gone, so we’ll need you and Reynir to find another one for us.”

A clearly audible gulp came down the line; Mikkel didn’t need to ask who’d made it. Reynir was as nice as the day is long, but self-confidence was decidedly not his strong suit. Mikkel sighed. “I know it’ll be a problem, but we need it done.”

“Don’t worry about a thing, Mikkel.” Tuuri suffered from no such lack of self-confidence; no grifter ever did. “It’ll take a few minutes, but we’ll have another way out for you guys.”

Mikkel almost missed the last bit, as he was fending off another one of those things with the crowbar he’d grabbed. Whatever they were, they were quick and tricky; when he actually managed to make contact, however, they made a very satisfying splat!

“Way to go, big guy!” Sigrun crowed. “That’s the last of ’em!”

“Good,” Mikkel managed between huffs and puffs. “Emil, can we burn out this ward without taking the rest of the place down?”

Emil had to stop to consider the idea. “Only if we can limit the inflammables to alcohols, which won’t be easy,” he warned. “Everything else burns too hot. We might do quite a bit of collateral damage to the air system no matter what we try, though; that’s always the big trouble in controlling room fires.”

“Tell me that isn’t why all our bedrooms still smell of smoke, Emil,” Tuuri growled through the mike. Even Sigrun took pause, be it ever so briefly, at the anger in her normally cheery tones.

“I flushed the whole vent system out with enough cleaners to nuke anything,” Emil protested.

“Tuuri, stop worrying about that and get back on getting us a way out,” Mikkel ordered. “If it helps, remember you can’t get Emil back for it if he’s dead.”

Tuuri’s frustrated mumbles suddenly cut out in an agonizing squeal of black noise, like a thousand jumbled voices screaming in pain and terror, that nearly brought the three in the room to their knees. Of course, this was when a few more of the things decided to jump them...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Just mixing a few things in my Vättes--er, vats here.

See? It’s not dead after all.

Can I congratulate you on everything in this, including my rising panic for the crew?


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2827 on: December 27, 2016, 01:18:42 AM »
LooNEY, it's definitely not dead - looks as though it has decided to do a little more than go for a walk....
Fine cliffhanger!
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 03:50:36 AM by Buteo »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2828 on: December 27, 2016, 10:17:57 PM »
Please enjoy the lovely piece I received as my Secret Santa present, by an author who is as yet unrevealed.
Spoiler: "My awesome Secret Santa fic - Song of the Wanderer" • show

Over hill and under dale
Will you listen to my tale?
Over dale and under hill
I will sing it even still

The Wanderer was immune, which was all that had saved him time and again on his wanderings. His ever-winding path took him in and out of danger as another’s might go from home to work, for the Wanderer had no home.

The Wanderer had many names in many places already, and would have many more as he wound his way through the wide world. None were his True Name, though; even he had nearly forgotten it, so long had it been since he’d used it.

I was walking through the forest
I was walking on my way
Through an ancient ancient forest
Dark as night at height of day

Woodlands dense and dark were places of fear for most in this Silent World, but the Wanderer neither hated nor feared even the thickest wood, for he was of the woods himself. The only thing the Wanderer could remember of his father was his very first nick-name: “My little Ent.”

Though he was compelled to wander, he always lingered when he found a wood, learning its ways, listening to its heartbeat, and doing his sorry best to drive the Sickness out wherever it had a foothold.

Passed a river clear as crystal
Passed a river sweet and true
Did not stop to drink its nectar
Did not stop to quaff its dew

The cheery chuckle of the rushing stream lifted the Wanderer’s spirits as he passed; the sight of various water-fowl playing in the sparkling shallows did even more to raise his mood. Light of heart though he was, yet the Wanderer did not pause; the wood was whispering to him that he was awaited further in.

Found a hovel in a clearing
Sure to be a grossling nest
Drew my knife as I was nearing
Meant to send its soul to rest

The ramshackle structure was a remnant of the height of the Old World, when the overwhelming abundance that Mankind enjoyed meant even the greatest things could be built and discarded in the blink of an eye, instead of being husbanded and hoarded against a time of want. That it was in as good a shape as it was suggested that something within it was working to maintain it, which meant the Twisted. Well, the Wanderer would see to that.

But within I found a maiden
And she met me with a smile
And together we found beauty
Putting off the world awhile

As she was about to leave, she turned to him and said, rather haughtily, “I am Ensi Hotakainen.”

For the first time in a long, long time, the Wanderer gave his True Name. “I am Ukko-Pekko.” This Ensi deserved that much of him, at least.

She nodded. “I shall remember.” Then, between one blink and the next, she was gone.

The Wanderer sighed, knowing that he had just passed his curse on. It would not go to Ensi’s twin sons, but to her only granddaughter, who would find herself compelled to roam as had he, into and through the Silent World...

Soooo cool.  I'm guessing Dvergamhrar penned this haunting story. Or maybe Róisín.  Would anyone else like to hazard a guess?
No, I can't guess, because I know that I wrote it.

Honestly, I thought someone would guess it right off the bat.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2829 on: December 28, 2016, 06:39:13 PM »
And so, I launch yet another WIP...

The Expedition
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Cyberpunk AU fanfic
Part 1
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Spoiler: The Omnicidal Council of Psychoactive Psychotic Psions • show
No one ever stood before the Dark Council in the flesh and lived.

This had been a guiding precept of the Council even before they had pushed the world into a nuclear armageddon from which only they had emerged as victors; this was so even to the day that they Summoned the four Questioners to their presence.

Trond was old and ready to die, but held his knives at the ready, determined that he’d take at least two of his killers with him.

Taru had thrown up three times immediately before the meeting began, and was ready to fall on her knees and beg for her life at a moment’s notice.

Then there were the driving forces behind this whole proposal, the most feared duo outside the Council itself--Siv “the Butcher” and Torbjörn “the Terrible”, the Vile Västerströms. They were as calm as if they were attending one of the meaningless social events in which they so delighted; Siv, in particular, was looking at the Council member nearest her with the speculative interest that normally meant the person so scrutinized would soon become a subject in one of her laboratories.

Siv’s laboratories were as one-way for visitors as were the Council Chambers.

Torbjörn broke the silence first. “So,” he said in his cool, reptilian voice, “may I presume this Summons means Your Eminences have decided to look favorably upon our proposal?”

Taru’s breath hissed in shock at such arrogance, but the response, when it came, was thus:

“You may; and you would even be correct in that presumption, for once.” A pause. “Unfortunately, though, we have not approved the budget you submitted for it.”

“How much?” Torbjörn’s face could have been carved from stone for all the reaction it showed.

“Fifty percent.”

This, at last, brought Torbjörn’s brows up in surprise. Then he shrugged. “It will be more difficult with that limitation,” he said, “but we can manage it.”

“Do so.” The lights bathing the Council Members went out, and the audience was over.

Somehow, Taru managed to keep from blubbering in her gratitude at still being alive until they were out in the street, but then it poured forth in great floods. She was utterly incoherent until the others had manhandled her into a local watering-hole and poured a few drinks down her throat.

“The reduced funding means we’ll have to call in favors to get the crew on loan from our respective militaries,” Siv observed coolly.

Trond smirked. “I can supply a captain and a medic without a problem.”

“I can wrangle a scout and his handler.” This was the first intelligible sentence Taru had managed since the audience.

“And we will supply a foot-soldier and a vehicle, as well as all the provender the mission will require,” Torbjörn said smoothly.

Taru and Trond looked dubious. “Are you sure a crew of five will suffice?” Taru asked.

Siv waved dismissively. “It will have to. I’m more worried about the instrumentation requirements.”

“The scout I have in mind can supplement or replace some of that,” Taru pointed out.

“We’ll see,” Torbjörn said hastily, forestalling something pithy and cutting from Siv. “But for now, I propose a toast: to us!”

The toast duly drunk, Trond attempted to reassure Taru, who was looking worried again. “Don’t worry so. By the time winter comes, we’ll be ready...”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, this came from a setup of Purple Wyrm’s. I hope he doesn’t mind my appropriating it. Eh, he jumped on the SSSSuperhero bandwagon; he can FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!! *Maniacal Laughter*

(I’m sure he’s just terrified at that.)

There will be much darkness ahead.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2830 on: December 29, 2016, 02:55:22 AM »
LooNEY, this is a different take indeed! I look forward to it!

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2831 on: December 29, 2016, 02:59:22 AM »
[Worst case scenario, Epilogue] Here's the end of my little series. The only other ideas I have may involve rebooting my long-abandonned account, as they involve longer chapters.

Spoiler: show
Worst case scenario: The surprise

Árni and Sigríður quickly realized the mistake they had made in refusing an official escort that would have taken them to the same location as the expedition's organizer and the relatives of some members of the crew that had been able to make it. They had simply not expected the pier to be so packed with people. So the members of this crew were going to return as heroes, after what they had probably done to their son. After more than three weeks of travel including two in quarantine, any exterior signs of mistreatment would have faded away. They had no idea where the welcoming party would be waiting and, as the ship approached, the crowd go too packed for them to get much further from where they were already standing. The boat eventually got close enough for them to try to identify the six figures standing on the bow of the boat, which was arriving bow-first, to their right. The figures formed a line on the side that would remain visible to Árni and Sigríður once the boat got closer. They quickly identified Reynir on the far left of the line, at the back of everyone else. They identified the other red-headed figure in front of the line, to the far right as the crew's captain, the medic behind her and the cleanser behind the medic. They took a little more time to identify the scout and the skald, as the former had a collar partially hiding his face and the latter had apparently cut her hair very short some time after the photo given to them had been taken. By the time they had identified everyone, the captain had started to wave at a portion of the crowd that gave every sign of being straight in front of the boat when all, except for the scout who looked like he was either taking a nap on the railing or being seasick, started waving as well, but did not move from their positions. Were they dreaming, or was Reynir happily waving at someone down there as well? Maybe it was just to show the organizers that he was present and alive. They suddenly felt watched. Trying to find where it came from, they noticed the scout was now staring at them. The scout turned his face in the direction of Reynir and the skald, moved to Reynir's back and poked him with his elbow, while using his other hand to point in their direction. Reynir finally noticed them, told the scout something and started waving a them, with a smile that somehow managed to say both "happy to see you" and "sorry, sorry, sorry, please don't yell at me". The commotion didn't go unnoticed by the skald, who saw them as well, asked Reynir something that was answered with a nod and started to wave at them with a big smile on her face. Nice try, they had a good idea of what she was up to. The discussion caught the attention of the medic, who noticed them as well and placed himself behind Reynir, putting two friendly hands on his shoulders and nodding towards them. The cleanser asked the skald something, briefly looked at them after getting his answer, but quickly lost interest in favor of talking to the scout, who had gone back to his original place right next to him. The captain took her turn at noticing them, asked the cleanser something and started yelling in the direction of the pier while pointing in Árni and Sigríður's direction. Couldn't get rid of Reynir fast enough, could she?

After yelling for a while, the captain joined the medic, Reynir and the skald. Just as she was doing this, something going from the scout's bent-over upper body to the water below pointed towards definite seasickness, while the cleanser held him to make sure he didn't fall over, a worried look on his face. Seeing this side of two people who had probably heartlessly bullied their son made them uneasy. When they got their focus back on Reynir, the captain was proudly lifting his arm with one hand, while using the other to point at an armband that they hadn't noticed before. They couldn't quite make out the symbol that was on it, but the color scheme matched the white, orange and black of the uniforms worn by the crew. Reynir wrestled the arm out of her grip, made a move to cover the symbol, then told her something that got either backed or translated by the medic. She didn't seem to agree with whatever she was told, but made a show of ruffling Reynir's hair with smile on her face before walking back to the bow of the boat. Reynir seemed to forget he had been waving at them, let out a sigh, looked at the hand-covered armband, looked at them again, this time completely apologetic and lacking any obvious sign of joy. Now they were curious as to what that symbol was supposed to be, why the captain seemed to think they should see the armband and why Reynir was electing to hide it from them at the moment. The skald noticed the gesture, told him something, and a few exchanges later had put a smile back on Reynir's face. Someone came through the crowd, calling Árni and Sigríður's names. They made themselves known, as soon got led to the welcoming party, getting there just in time to see everyone get off the boat. Everyone had apparently agreed to let Reynir off first. As he was running towards them, he had forgotten about hiding the symbol on the armband, which they they recognized despite his arms moving. The apprentice mage badge.
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2832 on: December 29, 2016, 06:38:47 AM »
LooNEY, that looks intriguing! Looking forward to more.

Grade E Cat: your worst case scenario has turned out to be Most Best! Good!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2833 on: December 29, 2016, 04:41:52 PM »


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  • Preferred pronouns: she/her, they/their
  • Posts: 135
Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2834 on: January 01, 2017, 11:39:02 AM »
So what happens if you combine Tuuri, Sigrun and Sappho's poetry? All Night Long Might Sing is what. Happy New Year! <3
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)