Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 804886 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3705 on: November 16, 2019, 01:24:17 PM »
Hello! I don't post here very often (i have made exactly two posts ever and I do not remember doing so) but I realized I should probably link this somewhere on the actual forums instead of just on the Discord. I have created/am creating a work that is within the world of SSSS but takes place, eh, over the pond, in America. It's mostly an exploration of world lore and American magic in the illness post-apocalypse, designed as a series of radio broadcasts. It uses, uh, pretty much all original characters, but SSSS world lore as well as some custom stuff.

Everything is within one work, chapter by chapter. I update it fairly regularly. It's at.... seven, I think? chapters now and about 13k words. Here you go!
Falcolmreynolds everywhere. Check AO3.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3706 on: November 23, 2019, 10:49:19 AM »
There is DARKNESS coming.

...or in other words, it's the next chapter of The Expedition Redux.

You have been warned.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3707 on: November 23, 2019, 04:49:09 PM »
Jitter: if it is set in the Minnaverse but has original characters it should still go here, I think?

Falco: thanks for putting it up here! Some of us don’t do discord. And I look forward to further adventures of Charlie and his bird.

LooNEY_DAC: good to see this continuing! And indeed all of your works. They have very much the flavour of the old Saturday morning radio serials.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3708 on: December 10, 2019, 12:51:55 AM »


So it seems that my next work to receive the REDUX treatment is…

Run Fast, Run Far


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3709 on: December 13, 2019, 05:43:20 PM »
...Oh, right, I should probably post about this here, too...

It's finished! My dragon!AU fic with the overly wordy title is now complete, and available for your enjoyment:

when there's fire in my woods it burns me and nobody else

Rating: T
Wordcount: 94,601 words
Pairing: Emil/Lalli
Tags: AU - Fantasy, Dragons, Dragon!Lalli, Swords, Magic, Adventure, Dreamwalking, Gratuitous Overuse of Fire Metaphors
Status: Complete as of 12/7/2019
Synopsis: Dragons are Monsters. That’s what Emil has been told ever since he became a Cleanser in the King’s Army. When a dragon attacks the remote military outpost at Keuruu, he is assigned there on a mission to slay it. There, Emil meets several strange characters, including a mysterious young man who keeps appearing in his dreams. In his quest to slay the dragon, Emil begins to question what the Army has taught him, wondering if dragons really are as monstrous as they say…

It's been 8 months in the making... Hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing it! :D If you like dragons, fantasy epics, dumb boys who are better at swords than feelings, Tuuri being the most competent, monster fights, excessively dramatic dream sequences, and even more dragons, then check it out!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3710 on: December 25, 2019, 01:30:12 PM »
Did someone mention pirates?

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 7
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Prior part
Spoiler: Stoking the Bram Fans • show
The pirate, erm, privateer ship Sea-Lynx, captained by the mighty Sigrun Eide, slowly pulled alongside the derelict they had been chasing for the past few hours. Tuuri Hotakainen, helmswoman supreme, was decidedly unhappy about bringing the Sea-Lynx into broadside position without Master Gunner Emil Västerström and his guns ready to fire, but she trusted her captain.

The first thing Sigrun had told the boarding party was, “Kill them all,” which was unusual but understandable since everyone on the ship they were boarding was playing dead already; not only had they seen that trick before, they’d used that trick before; it was a trick only fellow pirates would use, so these rivals were going to die. She herself was not going aboard, as she was still healing an arm broken weeks before in their Mediterranean sortie.

“They’re all dead already,” Emil reported after he and Lalli Hotakainen, Tuuri’s cousin and head lookout, had gone up to a few of the putative corpses. Lalli was back up in his crow’s nest; Emil doubted anything but fire or explosives would bring the thin Finn out from his refuge.

Some of the crew began murmuring, but Sigrun and her officers had fought (and Sigrun had slain) the Kraken, so a death ship was somewhat underwhelming by comparison.

This was no ordinary death ship, however. Emil made his way to Sigrun’s side where she stood by her first mate, Mister Mikkel Madsen, and whispered in her ear, “They’ve all been exsanguinated.”

Sigrun narrowed her eyes. “Arms, belly or throat?”

“Throats, mostly.” Emil was not happy about their discovery, and was obviously hoping that Sigrun would pull a plan for dealing with it out of whatever orifice she found necessary.

Sigrun looked grim, though she forbore cursing for the moment. “Get every belaying pin on that ship, sharpen them into pointy stakes, and stake down each and every one of those corpses.”

Emil looked even more unhappy. “I already got a few of the men looking for ersatz stakes; there aren’t any. It looks like they deliberately got rid of anything on the ship that someone could use as a stake.” While others might have found it unusual that the two of them would immediately start looking for ways to keep the corpses from rising, it must be repeated that they had faced off against the Kraken; an experience like that tends to make one ready to confront that which others would dismiss as poppycock.

The curse Sigrun spat out made Emil wince. “And we don’t have nearly enough spares aboard the Sea-Lynx to stake them all. Well, we need to decapitate all of them and cut their hearts out before night falls.” She looked at Mister Mikkel. “This is where we could have used that cache of holy wafers from the Mariposa Reina, but who’s going to anticipate needing that?” She smiled wryly.

“I’ll lay in a stock the next time we’re in port,” he said in response. “Not that that will help us now. Do you think putting the heads in a sturdy sea chest will be sufficient, or should we try tossing the bodies overboard as well?”

“Or maybe burning them?” Reynir put in hesitantly.

“I think that depends on how much garlic you have on hand,” Sigrun replied in turn. She looked at Reynir. “We’ll keep the burning as a last resort, but frankly, I don’t think it’ll work. Keep thinking, though.”

Emil thought that he was going to be spending the next few nights in the crow’s nest with Lalli, as that was the most defensible part of the ship (not that he said that out loud, of course)…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Hopefully Roisin will like this belated Christmas gift.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3711 on: December 25, 2019, 10:35:57 PM »
Oooh Thank You, LooNEY!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3712 on: December 31, 2019, 12:25:16 AM »
Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 8
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: I Need to Fit Robots, Ninjas and Zombies in Here Too, Somehow • show
The Salutary and Ineffable Bond of the Dragon’s Claw was one of the very few groups of ninja that operated outside of the grand isolation Dai Nippon cloaked herself in; it was also one of the even fewer that made its members receive a brand. This mark of ownership was burned into the flesh of each member on the inside of their left wrist and constituted positive identification, as no one would be fool enough to try to fake it, since such an effort would swiftly bring about a painful end for those who essayed it.

Now, Reynir had no idea just how or why Mister Mikkel knew the brand by sight, but he accepted the massive mate’s word that the above was a true and correct description of the signification of the mark that marred almost every one of the bodies that Reynir and Mister Mikkel were currently trying to decapitate in a timely manner. When Reynir ventured to inquire of the taciturn mate how he thought the vampire had overcome so many trained killers, Mister Mikkel only replied, “Conservation of ninjutsu,” which left Reynir none the wiser.

“I still think that burning the bodies would be just as good a way to keep them from rising, and take less time and effort to boot,” Reynir grumbled as the men moved the next body in the queue to where the two mates stood waiting for it.

“I’m sure you do,” Mister Mikkel replied dryly, “but that doesn’t make it the truth. The creatures that we are trying to keep these poor devils from becoming are known to be able to turn themselves into a cloud of noxious vapors and reconstitute themselves in supposedly human form afterwards, so burning them would seem an exercise in futility in light of that.”

That reminded Reynir. “By the bye, did you ever find out what name this ship sailed under, and what land she came from?”

Mister Mikkel grimaced. “No.”

This did nothing to reassure the young redhead…


The coffin stowed belowdecks had been very cunningly hidden; thus, it was not particularly surprising that the men from the Sea-Lynx hadn’t found it in their first few searches, and especially since they were primarily looking for things they could use as stakes. When night fell at last, the coffin creaked open…


The bulk of the mob chasing Reynir across the deck of the other ship and away from the gangplank joining the two ships was made up of the head vampire’s slaves rather than being vampires in their own right; this made them little more than zombies to Reynir, as they were simply exsanguinated corpses reanimated to serve a malevolent master and with no will of their own. Of course, this made no difference to the fact that Reynir had to elude them or die.

Reynir managed to slip through a narrow chink in the wall belowdecks to bypass a locked (or jammed, or whatever) door, but while this stopped the vampire’s pawns, the vampire itself kept up the chase. Fortunately, Reynir’s maneuver had given him just enough of a lead for him to duck into one of the compartments further along and secure the door behind him.

His breath still ragged from the flight, Reynir felt his heart hammer in his chest as though it were eager for the creature of evil lurking just beyond the door to come and consume it. Letting out a long, slow breath, Reynir closed his eyes and sent out a wordless plea for help…


The head of the vampire trio that had been the death of the ship currently snuggled against the Sea-Lynx hovered outside the cabins at the stern of that redoubtable ship, staring hungrily at the sleeping forms behind the glass…


You hear the door slam
And realize there’s nowhere left to run

The song that hit Reynir’s ears like a fusillade was in English, but he somehow understood every word of it nonetheless. When he opened his eyes, Reynir saw that the song was coming from a squat little metal thing that Reynir knew was called a ‘robot’, though again he had no idea how he knew that. Atop the robot’s battle-scarred carapace, the vibrant figure of Sigrun the Valkyrie practically glowed out at Reynir despite the gloom of his hiding place.

You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you’ll ever see the sun

The horrible head of the horrible horde that had been hunting Reynir burst through the door just as the robot deployed a truly impressive array of blades and oriented itself in a pose suggesting that it meant to defend the human against the monster.

You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination

For a long moment, the vampire checked itself; Reynir wasn’t sure why at first, but then he noted the vampire occasionally making moves to the left or right in an effort to ascertain whether the robot could detect the movements, and another bit of lore popped into his mind: robots might not be able to see the undead like this one.

But all the while
You hear a creature creeping up behind
You’re out of time

At last, the vampire struck, certain that the interposed robot would be no problem for it…

…which was the last mistake it ever made.

Cause it’s the THRILLER

Some part of the vast array of slicing and cutting blades the robot brought to bear must have been plated with silver, because the vampire fell to its foe like grass before a mower.

A second later, the robot flashed a pair of violet lights at Reynir and vanished as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving only the bits and pieces of its foe behind. The mostly intact head glared at Reynir with impotent malevolence, since the robot had stapled its lips shut…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Oh, look; I squeezed them all in. (TVTropes link for reference, sort of.)

We are, of course, not quite done here yet.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3713 on: December 31, 2019, 01:03:27 AM »
Laughing very hard at this!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3714 on: January 23, 2020, 09:51:29 AM »
The Next Chapter of ‘Year 3, Very Far to the South’ is up on Archive of Our Own. I’m Tanist over there. This chapter is the start of Patsy’s story, the young marngit/mage that Warri and Singer perceive calling for help.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3715 on: January 23, 2020, 12:24:31 PM »
Here are my Yuletide stories. I put them into a series, but they are one-offs and not in a continuum.

The wind singer:
Little Lalli and Tuuri and teenage Onni are living in Keuruu. Lalli has started scout training with the military, but the forest is dark and scary. Tuuri is a smartass. Onni helps.

Emil is invited to perform a Swedish fire ceremony predating the Rash. He gets cold feet. Lalli and Reynir help.

Yule preparations:
Lalli and Emil are boyfriends and staying with the Västerströms for Yule. Strange things are going on. Fluff ensues. (Kissing, snuggling, sharing a bed, loads of sweet fluff)

The first two were written for the Forum Advent Calendar and the third one for Secret Santa 2019, so they all are on the forum already. However I thought it’s worth posting them into the Scriptorium as well, as it’s more likey someone will find them here.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 06:20:16 AM by Jitter »
🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3716 on: February 09, 2020, 04:47:49 PM »
Yo, ho,
Yo, ho,
A Vampire's Death
For me...

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 9
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Prior part
Spoiler: No, This Part Isn’t Called “NosferaTuuri” • show
Emil Västerström had never felt so exposed as when he left the crow’s nest, shimmying down the rigging to the deck in a fumbling and vain attempt to catch up with Lalli, who was already disappearing belowdecks; the fact that it was the midst of the darkest night Emil had experienced in quite some time did nothing to help matters. He hated feeling like this, but he’d feel worse if some stupid creature of evil got lucky and his best friend wound up dead—or worse, so there was no way he could just stay under cover if Lalli was charging headlong into danger.

Fortunately (though Emil didn’t know it at the time), most of the vampires’ zombie slaves were busy chasing Reynir, so the deck amidships was almost clear; for the most part, Emil wasn’t behindhand in using his cutlass to remove the “almost” from that description, only hesitating a few times when the zombie proved to be one of his shipmates.

Emil passed Mister Mikkel calmly walking from the galley to the officers’ quarters. The big man was loaded down with what looked to be every clove of garlic in their stores, so Emil wasn’t worried about him; it was Lalli he was still worried about, since Mikkel only shrugged when Emil used their shipmate’s name as a one word question. Emil took that to mean the big Dane hadn’t seen the thin Finn and resumed his search.

Noises from the deck above had Emil going for the nearest hatch, his hands fumbling with worry for Lalli. It took him long enough to reach the open deck that he knew that Lalli would be gone, assuming the noises had been occasioned by the thin, silent lookout. If they had, there was no sign of where his friend had been, as Emil had more than half expected.

Another noise echoed across the deck, but it was too dark for Emil to pinpoint exactly where its source was; something about the noise told Emil that now was the time to use whatever measure of stealth he possessed. Cautiously moving in that general direction, Emil let out a gasp when he found the very last thing he wanted to find: a vampire feeding.

Emil could feel the dark power swirling around the form hunched over the hapless crewman, but nothing about the form prepared him for what he saw when it—when she—turned to face him with a familiar, “Hey there, Emil.”

For a second, Emil just stood there, frozen with terror and horror. What snapped him out of it was a completely insanely irrelevant thought, to wit: I wonder if I need my brown pants now. The absurdity of the thought broke Emil out of the spell; the vampire stopped her stealthy approach when she saw the awareness return to his eyes, but decided she could keep coming after another silent moment.

Emil took aim with his pistol. "I swear I'll fire if you come one more step." He knew the turmoil he felt at what he’d have to do showed clearly in his voice; nonetheless, his aim was as steady as ever.

The new vampire stopped to laugh at his sudden defiance, her fangs almost glowing in the darkness. "Even if you could, that popgun wouldn't leave a mark on me, and we both know it." She started forward again.

Emil had never seen such a look of shock and surprise on the vampire’s face as when the silver bullet found her heart. "Goodbye, Tuuri." Before she could have replied, he fired the second barrel, hitting her right between the eyes.

"What are you talking about, 'Goodbye Tuuri'? I'm not going anywhere!"

The voice came from behind Emil. When he turned, he saw the helmswoman standing at her post.

Tuuri smiled; there was no trace of a fang in the dentition she exposed thus. "See you in the sunlight, Emil." Then she deftly evaded the pair of zombies that had been sneaking up on her in hopes of getting her so that they tangled themselves in the great wheel that set the Sea-Lynx’s course. With a final remark of, “Looks like I can’t do much here anymore,” she went below...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
And the bad puns in my titles roll on…


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3717 on: March 05, 2020, 03:43:12 PM »
I just finished my first ever fic 😅, I'd be honoured if anyone would like to read it!

Tuuri, after dying, is offered a chance to fulfil her final wish: to watch over her new friends and protect them from harm- five trips to Earth, and a job as a guardian angel.

Here's the link:
Lueley on AO3 😊 (feedback welcome!)

SSSS reader and lurker since 2015!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3718 on: March 05, 2020, 04:45:27 PM »
Good work, Lueley! I especially liked Lumi.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3719 on: March 07, 2020, 10:17:50 AM »
Thank you so much, Róisín! It was fun to write :)
Lueley on AO3 😊 (feedback welcome!)

SSSS reader and lurker since 2015!