Worlds and Stories > SSSS & ARTD Board

Key posts by Minna through the comments and on twitch

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There are reasons for not having a licence other than mental pathologies. I know several persons who don’t have one because they have lived all their lives in parts of the Outback or the Snowies which, while the occasional vehicle may make it out there, facilities for getting a licence never have. And others who have never lived anywhere from which they couldn’t reach everywhere they might want to go on foot or by public transport. And yet others who for ideological or religious reasons refuse to use any technology which they cannot themselves build or at least maintain (some of those use bicycles, one of them is a history professor who lives within cycling distance of the university where he works). And finally there are persons who don’t drive for sound medical reasons. Although I fall well outside Minna’s age group, I don’t drive, although I used to do so, since my distance vision began to fail. I know younger people who don’t drive for reasons such as failing vision, severe physical/structural problems or mobility issues or seizure disorders. Lots of reasons.

Bippity Boppity Boop:

--- Quote from: Róisín on June 03, 2023, 05:10:48 PM ---Sc0ut, I agree with you. I’m old enough to remember having ‘penfriends’, people with whom one corresponded by ‘snail mail’,  physical paper letters dropped into a letter box or passed across a post office counter and delivered to someone’s home or office. Just ink on paper. Even by that method it was possible to get to know people very well, and form an accurate idea of their character. So far the process of getting to know people via the internet seems ‘similar but different’. But I think it is worth doing. And people can reveal a great deal about themselves without intending to do so.

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(Hey hello this is one of those times I'm checking back in!)
Also this is completely off topic, both to the discussion going on and the topic of the thread, so my apologies for that. If there's a more appropriate place to post this, please let me know.
I've had three pen friends over the years and it was really wonderful each time. In each case it was someone I already knew, and though I had a smartphone and their phone number by the time I got to the second and third person, writing letters was different somehow. I couldn't send them as often as I can a text, because they take a few days to be sent, and I had to wait for my pal to reply, so there were more things that happened in between each one. On top of that, a letter always takes at least one full page, whether you write one sentence or one hundred. And of course, receiving a letter always brought a rush of excitement because of the unpredictability and the wonder of what it would say. And when you write a letter, you have to make time and sit down. All these things combined meant that I always wrote at least two full sides, and sometimes more. It was like a favourite tv-show, you have all the anticipation of what the next episode will bring, and the thrill of watching/reading it, except you never know when it will come exactly, what it will be about exactly, and on top of that you get to interact with it. I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who has ever wondered about it. Even if you're too busy, as I and my former pals are nowadays, or too forgetful, it can't hurt to try.
Oh I just remembered that I email with my grandparents these days, which is similar in that I never know when to expect an email, but different in that it isn't handwritten and that when I get an email, I usually answer within minutes of receiving a notification.


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