Worlds and Stories > PerSSSSonas

Personal Dreamworld

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Maeve anBanrĂ­on Chonnacht:
If you had your own personal Dreamworld how frequently would you visit, and what would it look like?
Mine is a library in a forest and has internet connection.

This is a really cool subject!

Let's's really hard to choose just one type of setting, so I think mine would be really big with different regions to it. Though it would mostly be foresty and a river is a must! The places I'd visit the most, and often, would look similar to these, which also is similar to one of the countries in my original universe:



Hmmm, that's a tough one. Somewhere resembling the Atlantic coast, probably, but less windy. And if possible it would also be within walking distance of the mountains (like, the Appalachian mountains)... and there will be dogs. An abundance of dogs. Internet connection would be nice but maybe not necessary.
I'd try to visit as often as I could; it might convince me to go to sleep earlier :D (it may or may not be 3 AM right now)

The back yard of my grandparents' house in Pebble Beach, on a sunny afternoon after the fog's blown off.  We had to sell the house about seven years and I still find myself going back there in dreams (though even then I'm somehow aware that I'm trespassing  :(). 

It depends on big it is :P

There's a small mountain where I've spent a lot of my summers that probably would be it:
The small hut would totally have a library in it ^^

With this kind of forest:

I'd go there all the time :P


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