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Survivor communities outside the known world

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This thread is for discussions about survivors outside of the Known World in the year 90. Where might survivors be found, how do they get by and what level of organisation might they have reached.

Keep in mind that just because one would expect there to be survivors somewhere else that doesn't mean that the comic is flawed because it doesn't include these survivors. SSSS is not a book or a franchise, it's a webcomic with one particular vision and focus, and that limits the level of details that can be fitted into the known world.

So it seems like isolation determines where survivors are probable. The only near-exception is Mora, which lies in central Sweden and shows us that it's possible to thrive in areas that aren't remote and cut of by geographical features. Iceland was able to get by through enforced isolation, but there are communities in Europe that are already mostly isolated, like Greenland, the Faroes, Svalbard and the Azores. Considering how little the Nordic government cares about sending expeditions to look for surviving communities elsewhere it might be possible that some sort of human community is thriving in these areas, subsisting through fishing and some agriculture in near-tribal communities.

I'm actually pretty sure there would be survivors everywhere.

We notice how some people are immune to begin with. So there would be a few survivors in every country - the question is, will they survive the trolls and the beasts and the giants?

Thorin Schmidt:
If you want to talk isolation, you don't get much more isolated in the States than Appalachia, the mountains on our east.  They span several States, but the people that live up there don't really belong to anything except each other.... Poor, isolated, inbred, and willfully ignorant.  Not like Amish, who reject technology for religious reasons, but just out of plain old obstinance....  I expect they would weather things pretty well, since there isn't anything resembling modern medicine up there.  Oh sure, high death at first, but those people are naturally tough, I would expect a high rate of immunity by year 90.  Most of those folks up there are Survivalists of one sort and another as well, so I would expect communities would be very isolated, travelling only to the closest neighbor on each side for trading and getting news.

I honestly think that our crew will meet other survivors in Silent World. Though, Minna likes write Nordic countries as they are more familiar to her. But that might be red herring. I don't think we have been told where expedition is going? So I hope it's outside of Nordic countries. Maybe UK or Germany, then.
In my wildest dreams it's Poland, but that's bit unlikely. :P

There probably is survivors in all countries. It's hard to say which lands fared best. Maybe the countries that closed borders first? Like Japan for a example. However big population seems to be baaad thing. So maybe Asia is one of the worst areas?

Greenlanders are probably just chillin'. They have nothing to worry. Strange though, that Nordic overseas territories have not been mentioned.
I would like to know more about how cold affects things. That's really important survivor communities. Can cleansing be done without cold?

I think Thorin is right. People who do not depend technology may have better chance of surviving. And America have more "preppers" than elsewhere.

// So many typos. And when I try to correct them quickly my changes don't register. >:|

Minna has all but outright stated that there ARE more survivors out there somewhere. I think Alaska and Canada and Russia are good guesses simply because of the coldness, but I'm pretty sure high mountains and remote islands fare okayish too.


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