Worlds and Stories > SSSS Re-Read

Into Silence - Chapters 3 & 4

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Are we ready to re-see some action? I know I am!

I think I was hooked already by the cover of Chapter 3, but after seeing that train, I would pause my reading for no reason. I actually love a panel of the train later in Chapter 3 even more than the cover, but in either one, the Dalahästen is the epitome of SSSS world building. 10/10, would never ride.

From the comments, page 151, Bill Haverberg gets a called-it award, almost (they didn't think of alternate communication forms):

--- Quote --- Draksaw Richard Weir • 8 years ago

Also, tough i want everybody to stay alive, lets start the favorite discussion of webcomics: Death Roulette.
So which named character will die first?

    Bill Haverberg Draksaw • 8 years ago

    Law of drama says something will happen to Turri as that would leave Lalli and Emil unable to communicate in a crisis situation. That would also force character development for all three.
--- End quote ---

Guys? Anyone?

Ok, I’ll go. On my first read, I didn’t notice Lalli noticing the clawmarks on the train. Later I was wondering whether the attack scene was a vision Lalli got from touching the marks, or a depiction of Taru’s story. But this time I understand the maks Lalli is looking at cannot be from that accident - the original train has windows (oh the complacency of the Swedes!) and the entire carriage has a different shape. If the original carriage was modified into the new windowless Trainsaw Massacre, the marks would have been gone too. Interesting discussion about the nature of trolls, and there still are some readers wondering if there actually are real trolls at all. And, someone suggesting the saws on top of the train are needed because of spider-deer jumping from trees. I hope that person was still reading when we met the Spidermoose :)

Also, despite having looked at the panel with the attack many times, I only now noticed how the people on the right are getting their heads sliced right through. They were probably the lucky ones, though.

This was also the first  time I paid proper attention to all of Emil and Lalli’s interaction in the station hall.  Emil is so precious. I don’t understand why many commenters seem to dislike him so much <3

Thanks thorny for saving me from double posting on myself (this doesn’t count as I’m now replying to you :) ) In addition to that one there are several painful comments about how everyone wishes Tuuri will not face too harsh consequences for her curiosity… it will never not be too soon.

When I look at the Chapter 3 flash page, I see the blood on the train, but not any claw marks...

On page 145, when the troll breaks in the two people in the front left are just sitting there.  I noticed that when there are drawing of a lot of people there are always one or two that look like they "have a stick up their butt"

And those are some deep claw marks on the following panel.  (I never noticed them either)

On page 146, I wonder why the conductor is giving Emil "the look".  He has not done anything yet....

Page 148-149 Lalli's Moon magic is great.  The drawing is pretty cool also when the moon pops out.


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