Worlds and Stories > SSSS Re-Read

Preparations - Prologue Y0 and chapters 1&2

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How do you suppose the four sponsors will divide up the proceeds?  There are four: General Trond Anderson, Taru Hollola, and Torbjörn and Siv Västerström.  Should they get one-quarter each?

But consider: Trond recruited Sigrun and Mikkel, Taru recruited Lalli and Tuuri, and the Västerströms just recruited Emil.  So should Trond and Taru get 2/5ths each while the Västerströms get 1/5?

Lwise, I split this into the next topic, I hope you don’t mind!

I have just read the first Y90 page and the comments, and people are wonderfully excited. I would have loved to see more of the everyday life in Y90+, but these glimpses are great too! And Minna is promising a proper map of Reykjavik “when we come to it properly”, did that ever activate happen? Not the map at least?

Also something I never paid attention to before: there’s a tractor here! How? Why? Is there more machinery in Iceland? And hopefully also at the mines?

Some of the comments are interesting (especially what we know now heh!)

Someone commented that Iceland is usually a safe location for those plague games (I used to play plague inc, and always made an effort to hit the island nations...). Though it is a logical "safe site"

One of the comments that someone wrote about the hole in the pants was he was wearing 90 year old pants (Could be!! My head cannon is people would definitely scavenge old clothes, sunglasses.  Especially if the were still wrapped and made of non-natural materials.  That stuff will last forever..)

An MS. Iceland is so smug.. grrrr

Plus a lot of speculation on Reynir (aka Braidy..I hate that name braidy)

Oh yes, the planned bunch of weirdos:
Idiots Sigrun and Lalli (Sigrun volunteered for the "vacation" and Lalli mostly didn't have any idea what was going on until well into foreign lands; he just got pushed into it by his cousin and then trapped by the language barrier)
Desperate (recently fired) Mickel Madsen.
Those who hate their current employers with a burning passion (Emil)
Those who are extremely bored. Tuuri.

Unplanned: a desperate recently orphaned kitten/cat and a bored idiot join up later.

Well, at least this explains why they don't pick a crew who would at least share a language.


--- Quote from: Suominoita on May 10, 2022, 04:04:30 PM ---Oh yes, the planned bunch of weirdos:
Idiots Sigrun and Lalli (Sigrun volunteered for the "vacation" and Lalli mostly didn't have any idea what was going on until well into foreign lands; he just got pushed into it by his cousin and then trapped by the language barrier)
Desperate (recently fired) Mickel Madsen.
Those who hate their current employers with a burning passion (Emil)
Those who are extremely bored. Tuuri.

Unplanned: a desperate recently orphaned kitten/cat and a bored idiot join up later.

Well, at least this explains why they don't pick a crew who would at least share a language.

--- End quote ---
You are spot on!! I never really thought it that way.  That is so right there!!


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