Worlds and Stories > SSSS Re-Read

SSSS Forum Re-read - planning

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Hello all!

Here we are, at End. It is certainly an important end, but still it’s just AN end, not The.

Ever since learning Adventure 2 will be the last one, we decided we’ll do a Forum re-read from the beginning. I’m sure many of us have reread, perhaps many times (in some cases even too many times) but this is more than that! The idea is to set a schedule so that everyone knows which part in particular is being discussed. And also to include the comments. I for example have not read the comments on most of the pages of Adventure 1 despite knowing full well they are worth attention.

This thread is for planning of the reread. Do we read one page a day? 10 pages a week? One chapter per week? Of course everyone can and many probably will read ahead at their own pace as well. Discussion will be much easier than when reading a work that is new to some or everyone, because we will assume everyone has read through already and there are no spoilers to be avoided. So we CAN discuss how something on page 100 lays the way for something on page 200.

I’m also thinking maybe we could start separate threads for parts of adventures. One for each chapter maybe too much, but bunches of a few chapters for each thread? Or if it turns out the discussion is very active, one thread per chapter is ok too - it’s not like we have an upper limit to the number of threads we can have (I think…). This would make it easier to keep the re-read discussion going on for people who join later or take a break and return. It would also create a platform for future new readers to discuss the comic as they are reading - when catching up there’s a million things I would have wanted to discuss, but with an ongoing comic the established fan base is naturally focusing on the current pages. However in the future this will be different, and it might help new, future readers join the discussions. The reread would create starting content on each chapter, but the threads would be kept open for general discussion about things and events in those chapters.

So, what do you think? How quickly or slowly we want to go? Do you like the idea of chapter-specific threads?

I like the idea of a reread!

We could do atleast 10 pages a week, and also along with that, the threads could be set up based on the sub arcs, such as the Introduction arc, the Swedish Travels arc, the Copenhagen arc, the Odense arc and so on.

I agree that chapter specific threads may be a bit too much to handle.

I love the idea of a reread! And I would prefer a slow pace, so I can really stare at each page almost like it's new, and check out the comments. So maybe no more than ten a week? Unless a chapter will end in 12 pages or something.

Also, I like Kiran's idea of chapter-per-story-act.

(Finally, I am hoping that a reread might inspire people to jump into prompt-of-the-week. Although we should be encouraging non-ssss content there, too.)


--- Quote from: Jitter on March 30, 2022, 07:58:34 AM ---it’s not like we have an upper limit to the number of threads we can have (I think…).

--- End quote ---
This (new) thread: topic=1300
A recent thread on SMF's own forum: topic=579982

... good luck. 8)

I agree with Kiran, pace the re-read by threads.


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