Worlds and Stories > SSSS & ARTD Board

Adventure III fanfic?

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--- Quote from: lwise on March 14, 2022, 09:28:59 PM ---There's a book called Hiero's Journey -- 50s science fiction, not great writing and may be offensive -- that has people called Eleveners.  They hold to the Eleventh Commandment: "Thou shalt not despoil the Earth or the life thereof".  Eleveners defend (or try to defend) all life, even radiation-induced mutants.

I've thought sometimes that there might be Eleveners in SSSS.  I suppose they might object to a Vasterstrom factory that produces poisons to kill grosslings, or maybe experiments on (i.e., tortures?) grosslings to find effective poisons.  So they might have burned it down.

I've never figured out where to go with the idea, however, so I'm just throwing it out as something to think about.

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I actually think it was mentioned by Minna a long while ago, or in Adventure I, that such groups existed in Iceland. There's a lot of potential there, I think. I'll probably steal that reasoning, and it could even be something that comes up later down the line (if Emil met some of those folks later, how would he react, knowing what they did? Could get some decent character development there.)


--- Quote from: Róisín on March 14, 2022, 08:36:43 PM ---I would be up for that. My main constraint is time. I’m Tanist over on Archive of Our Own, if you want to read some of my stuff. I can do prose, poetry or factual info, but am utterly useless at art.

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In my mind, even if some dedicated folks did happen to get together and write this, the most prominent that art would be, would be as little illustrations every few pages. Maybe info sheets, one character or another's expression, am important monster, maybe some scenery here or there. I can draw pretty well, but I don't have anywhere near Minna's level of productivity.

I'm actually reading your Mikkel's Secrets fic right now (at the expense of my history essay, but I'll do that later), just started the second chapter and I'm quite liking it so far. I love the idea of Mikkel as a secret agent - it fits with his mystery background, and gives him attention I feel he hasn't really gotten in the comic.

Writing an Adventure III is not a task for me but I would love to read others takes on it. Individually or collectively made.

What I personally need is not fanfic, but that Netflix buys the whole thing and makes a TV series of it. They did a good fantasy series with Shadow and Bone, they could easily do something awesome with SSSS.

They they are welcome to make more than two seasons. :-D

Well, that would also be fanfic, just more expensive kind :D


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