Worlds and Stories > SSSS & ARTD Board

I would have wiSSSShed... what is missing from SSSS?

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Catbirds opened a thread to discuss our thoughts and feelings about the SSSS now that it is ending: They also encouraged discussions on what we would have hoped to see in SSSS, what developments we would have hoped that didn't happen or didn't happen fully, etc.

In the hopes that both the feelings part and the "missing things" part of the discussion will draw lively discussion, I open here a separate thread for the latter.

So, what would you have wished to see in the future stories that will not be? What open ends do you think were / will be left hanging (we can come back to this after the finally final chapter of course)? Is there something you hope NOT to see in the wrap-up we are soon getting?

Did you recognize themes or arcs you were hoping to become major elements, but didn't? Or that went to a different direction than you expected or hoped?

What bugs you? What would you very much want to know more about?

Let's remember that SSSS will not be gone from the face of the Earth once the comic stops updating. We hold this world and these characters in our minds collectively and we can and will work with it. So maybe some of the open ends we list here will be answered later!

I'll start. These are not the only ones, but:

I very much wanted to learn more, a lot more, about how the versions of magic work. What can be done, is there a certain set (probably as of yet still unknown to all of the mages, but in principle a limited pool of opportunities) of things that can be accomplished or is it up to the ingenuity of the mage to come up with new things to do.

And, I don't understand what happened with Lalli and Emil's friendship. You probably can't have evaded the knowledge that I ship them, but that is something I would not expect on the comic itself, and that is fine. However, their evolving friendship seems to have disappeared early during Adventure 2. They are not in any sort of hostile terms, but ever since Lalli left the letter on Emil's nose, and Emil told him he was upset that Lalli left just like that, there hasn't been anything about their relationship being anything different than between anyone else. That makes me sad, and also it is a problem storywise, because I don't see any reason for Emil to be on the trek at all, if not for his reluctance to part from Lalli (in a friendship kind of way!).

There are some things I would have wanted to learn more about. Just some things that come to my mind spontaneously:
- differences between the societys and the everyday life in the nordic countries.
- the forther developement of the characters especially Reynir will he become a sort of scouting in the wilderness mage or will he change his mind on farm magic?
- the social life of trolls. So far we have seen trolls just eating each other and cooperation in the same species of troll (wolves) and cooperation between different variants of trolls (the bears and the kade). Are there more variants? Could trolls (at least with heavy use of magic) form sort of a society?
- any informations about other parts of the word. There are parts of the world with cold climates that could keep trolls less a problem like greenland northern part of north america southern part of south america. Any area anywhere with very high mountains.

I do wish that the fire that was seen in one of Emil's dreams would be explained. Was a village being burnt down? Was the forest on fire? Was it in Östersund, from where I believe Emil came from? This is the only thing I feel is somewhat missing.

Kiran, it was a common hope among the fans that the third adventure would have taken the team to Sweden and the fire had bee explained. Sadly, this is not going to happen, at least in any near to medium term. Many of us also speculate the fire had something to do with the way the Västerströms aren’t wealthy any more.


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