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Fallout Play-By-Post

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He watches the exchange between Arthur, Faust and the grey-haired man in silence, hoping that no one panics or does something stupid. They are surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned. Even Arthur's rifle wouldn't be enough against so many enemies, not to mention Carl's cannon.

Just when the tension eases Nine realizes he's been holding his breath. He let's the air out slowly. If these people wanted them dead they would be shooting already. Of course that could change, but with some luck they might survive this.

Nine follows the others to the backhoe, moving slowly allowing their leader to get closer. Time to build some mutual confidence, give them something and start an actual conversation.

"So, names and places, hum?" He says, turning to the grey-haired man as they walk. "Mine's Grey, and I live... lived in Boston. But I'm from Providence, Rhode Island. Mind if I ask yours?"


--- Quote from: thegreyarea on June 30, 2022, 07:50:28 PM ---Nine

He watches the exchange between Arthur, Faust and the grey-haired man in silence, hoping that no one panics or does something stupid. They are surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned. Even Arthur's rifle wouldn't be enough against so many enemies, not to mention Carl's cannon.

Just when the tension eases Nine realizes he's been holding his breath. He let's the air out slowly. If these people wanted them dead they would be shooting already. Of course that could change, but with some luck they might survive this.

Nine follows the others to the backhoe, moving slowly allowing their leader to get closer. Time to build some mutual confidence, give them something and start an actual conversation.

"So, names and places, hum?" He says, turning to the grey-haired man as they walk. "Mine's Grey, and I live... lived in Boston. But I'm from Providence, Rhode Island. Mind if I ask yours?"

--- End quote ---

The grey-haired man signals some of the militiamen, one of whom has a large backpack with a bundle of electrical wire strapped to it. These men, with the ease of long practice, stand on the elevator, while another works some controls in a small trailer to the side of the elevator. The platform descends with another rumble.

The man turns back to Nine. "Colonel Hamilton, Commonwealth Minutemen. From Quincy, but Sanctuary's my home now. So what's the story on your lot?"


A colonel leading so few men sounds odd to Nine. He had more soldiers under his command when he was a captain. But then calling themselves Minutemen smelled of militia, not exactly Army... He would try to find more about that later. Better to avoid delicate questions now, and stick with the conversation.

"Quincy? Been there sometimes, hiking at Blue Hills. And there was this... friend of mine that had a boat very close, at Town River Bay. I was heading there when the bombs fell...

But to answer your question, colonel, we barely had time to reach the vault on that day." He nods towards the descending elevator. "Once we got inside vaultech personal tricked us into some fancy machines and we have been sleeping there until earlier today."

Nine makes a pause, trying to observe Hamilton's reaction, but can't tell much from his face. he decides to proceed, leaving the strange override part out for now.

"Today the machines had some... malfunction, and woke us... well, the ones still alive. There are much more people inside the vault, even relatives of some of us. We were confused, but able to organize and find our way through the vault. We fought some giant cockroaches, and one security bot, with what we had. Luckily no one died, just a few injuries."

He awkardly points at his holster, careful not to make any suspicious move.

"We were able to work out that a lot of time passed, found some supplies and guns, and decided it was time to find out what happened outside. And, in a nutshell, that's what happened. We are just some survivors that mean no harm."

Nine looks at Hamilton, still trying to figure what he's thinking.

"So, can we put our arms down? No one is picking a fight here."


--- Quote from: Ragnarok on July 01, 2022, 01:44:50 PM ---The grey-haired man signals some of the militiamen, one of whom has a large backpack with a bundle of electrical wire strapped to it. These men, with the ease of long practice, stand on the elevator, while another works some controls in a small trailer to the side of the elevator. The platform descends with another rumble.

The man turns back to Nine. "Colonel Hamilton, Commonwealth Minutemen. From Quincy, but Sanctuary's my home now. So what's the story on your lot?"

--- End quote ---

"Colour sergeant Arthur Fairfax-Miller, light company, Suffolk regiment, British army. From Sizewell, East Anglia, which is, as" he points to the milltiaman who was muttering  " our friend over 'ere deduced, in Britain."

Cops but militia or something. Which usually means a gang about as bad as cops. Which is a shame. Best not say anything until directly asked. Kids will be fine, but he may need to go on the run... especially if others tell on him too much.
He wasn't too attached to this lot anyway, although they are the best shot he has at figuring out stuff that happened, which sounds like something he should do. Right? He spent centuries in a hole. It would be nice to know why. Maybe punch someone responsible for that. But anyway, he can leave them without feeling too bad about it. This will be fine.


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