Author Topic: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)  (Read 13609 times)


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #90 on: March 20, 2021, 04:31:08 PM »
Name: Asia Massari.
Age: 23.
Gender: female.
Height: 181 cm.
Weight: 68 kg.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Nationality: Italian.
Birthplace: Bunker near the Lepontine Alps.
Languages:  :it: and a smattering of :gb: .
Intelligence: Above average.
Physical Condition: Muscular.
Appearance: Slender but muscular body. She has green eyes, an aquiline nose, and long chocolate brown hair (which she hides under her headdress to avoid being grabbed). Usually dressed in a white camouflage jumpsuit, she wears military boots and gloves. She wears a strange necklace
Magical Ability/Capability: None (later development possible).
Immunity: Yes
Profession/Occupation: Survivalist; Hunter, Troll and Beast killer/hunter; History Researcher and Preserver (Amateur level).
Training: Extended weapons training, knows how to overhaul and maintain its arsenal in full efficiency, can hunt non-infected animals or obtain food from Nature; can skin and cook what she catches, trained in hand-to-hand combat and melee combat.
Equipment: (worn or on mud-sled)
Religion: Catholic Christian.
Spiritual Guardian: Guardian Angel (Not confirmed).

Spoiler: Personality • show
-   Shy and reserved;
-   Curious about the outside world;
-   She is not very trusting of people at first, but over time, she learns to trust them. However, if someone betrays or abandons her, she is not willing to forgive or forget.
-   He prefers actions to words;
-   She does not talk much: partly because of the language barrier, she often lets her actions do the talking for her.
-   She likes to carefully plan the details of operations and counter-plans in case something goes wrong. This is because she can't think well under pressure and, in moments of panic, tends to freeze.
-   She is very religious and often, in quiet moments, likes to read religious verses.
-   When she had a focus and a goal, she does never give up until she reaches it.
-   Very oblivious and dense about romance.

Spoiler: Biography • show
Asia Massari was born in a Swiss bomb bunker, which had been occupied by a good number of civilians in the early days of the Rash infection, a few days before it reached Italy. In this bunker, the government of Switzerland had accumulated sufficient food reserves for many years, as well as considerable stocks of weapons, ammunition and medicine. Over time, the survivors of the bunker also managed to develop small-scale crops and renewable food sources, and planned what they intended to be a peaceful society, safe behind the heavy defenses of the bunker.

Unfortunately, after a few generations quarrels and disagreements began to arise among the descendants of the original survivors. The reasons for these disagreements were due to the ever-increasing number of bunker dwellers, which had increased the demand for food and placed the inhabitants at a crossroads. Before long, internal discord had divided the inhabitants of the bunker into different factions, which ended up fighting each other. In the confrontation, the inhabitants of the bunker killed each other, leaving only Asia (who was six years old at the time).

For the next seventeen years, Asia grew up alone inside the bunker, feeding on the little food available and dividing her time between physical training, book study, and weapons training. Nevertheless, it was fate that Asia couldn't stay in the bunker forever.

One day, the girl's carelessness led to the accidental destruction of the bunker's small crops, leaving Asia alone and without any means to feed herself. With no more way to feed herself, Asia was forced to make a courageous choice, and abandon the bunker that had been her home, and walk out into the silent world.

The girl soon learned the basic rules of survival in a hostile environment full of dangerous creatures: first she learned to recognize, hunt, kill and cook non-infected animals; then she learned how to hide from Beasts, Trolls and Giants, then to avoid them and later to fight and kill them. However, Asia has never Encountered other uninfected humans, which has led her to convince herself that she is the last human being on Earth.

To this day Asia travels through the Silent World, constantly searching for supplies and shelters to hide in during the summer (Asia tends not to travel during these times, as summer is the time when Trolls, Beasts and Giants are most active) being careful not to become prey for the monstrous abominations that populate the continent and the daily challenge of the Rash...

Spoiler: Equipment • show

(It should be noted that not all of the equipment mentioned is carried on the character's shoulder or by hand. Most of it is transported by means of a mud sled, slow but silent and used when needed.)

-   MAB 38/57 submachine gun with eight magazines, Heavy Barrel and Compensator.
-   Sniper rifle Carcano Mod. 91 with five magazines, Rifle Scope and Silencer.
-   Pistol with Silencer and six magazines.
-   A backup pistol
-   A Big Knife
-   2-3 smaller knives.
-   One Small Hand Axe
-   2 Explosive Grenades
-   2 Smoke grenades
-   4 packs of C-4
-   A time bomb
-   Weapons maintenance kit
-   10 meters of coiled rope
-   A Tent
-   A Tarpaulin
-   Spare Clothes
-   Spare Boots
-   Snowshoes
-   Blanket
-   A winter-weight sleeping bag
-   A notebook to take notes
-   A compass
-   1 Big Shovel
-   1 Small Shovel
-   3-4 pens for writing
-   A Medical Self-Help Kit
-   A photographic camera (silenced)
-   A pair of binoculars
-   Tools for butchering and skinning animals
-   Cooking Gear
-   Canned food rations
-   Dried food rations
-   Water Filter
-   A Canteen
-   A can opener
-   A lighter
-   An Hurricane Lamp
-   A Catholic Bible
« Last Edit: March 21, 2021, 08:06:43 AM by Corvo »


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #91 on: March 21, 2021, 09:03:39 AM »
(FWIW, since I'm currently in the position of having to organize a burial at sea, I can tell y'all that cats and dogs getting seasick is frequent enough an occurrence that the shipping company flat out refuses to let one guest bring his dog aboard - for a trip entirely staying within a protected bay. And as someone who had motion sickness in my adolescence, I can vouch that getting seasick is something still a bit different. Ever heard someone suggest that you keep your eyes on the horizon to avoid getting sick? That sorta falls flat when the ground under your feet/tires/... keeps moving relative to the vehicle and the horizon reference ...)
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #92 on: March 21, 2021, 09:25:49 AM »
JoB, sympathy for the death. Someone close to you? And I agree about the dogs and cats, having spent time on boats with both. My experience is that cats suffer less, recover faster, and generally adapt to boats faster than do dogs. My mate Neil was for many years a coastal fisherman near the Gippsland area of Port Albert, and he had a ship’s cat who adapted well.
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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #93 on: March 21, 2021, 01:43:01 PM »
My condolences, JoB :(

Native: :hr:
Fluent: :gb: :us: :ba: :rs:
Can kinda understand but not really: :si:
Not really: :de:


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Re: Unified Roleplay Round 3! (Discussion and OOC Chat)
« Reply #94 on: March 21, 2021, 10:15:13 PM »
Condolences for the loss, and yes, the difference between motion sickness and seasickness is noticeable in my experience- but since Doc's not used to treating people on the ocean, or treating animals, I'm going to have him stumble around a bit before choosing anything as a treatment option.
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