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Things Minnions are not Allowed to Do

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- Tell their English teacher that the correct form is "Most Best"
- Elbow classmates or coworkers in the face to get attention
- Hide in crates
- Leave school to enroll in the Cleansers
- Wear a mask and tell everyone that the Rash will eradicate civilization and Iceland will be the only safe place.
- Sing Lalli's spells at a local talent competition
- Tell everyone who has a bruise on their face that they will get Face Cancer
- Shout "There's the darn fox!" whenever they see an aurora.


as a rebuttal for any argument

-Do not try to pass off a blowtorch as any type of "cleansing" product.
-Do not shove someone's face into the nearest flat object when you want them to get some sleep.
-Do not tell someone they're a mage if they say they can't remember their dreams.
-Do not try to quarantine your friends/family members if one of them happens to get a rash.
-Do not wear animal skulls as hats, no matter how clean they are.

Double H:
- Use unwanted guests as troll bait.

-Train their cats to sniff out trolls.
-Try convincing geneticians that humans should be bred like horses
-Glue saws onto local trains
-Glue extra legs to their dogs
-Collapse bridges and other types of infrastructure
-Stick pencils into their foreheads


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