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--- Quote from: urbicande on May 14, 2018, 12:35:34 PM ---We only got chip-and-pin in the US a couple of years ago.  (Interestingly, when I travel in Europe I need to sign for my US card; it won't accept the PIN)

As far as "foreigner inequality" -- NYC is a very international city.  We get everyone coming from all over the world all the time, so we don't really have a "you're from <X> so you're not as good" thing here.

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Chip card is nice, and I've recently warmed to NFC payment, nice for small transactions and doesn't require PIN (all the time). I was bit surprised as our guide told, that bills are paid by posting cheques in snailmail... where as nowdays here getting paper bill in post cost extra and everything is expected to done in net bank (e-mail bills are dropping off from the use).

Yes, it was comfortable, the internationalness. Still bit 'acclimation' was needed.


--- Quote from: Cancvas on May 15, 2018, 09:27:32 AM ---Chip card is nice, and I've recently warmed to NFC payment, nice for small transactions and doesn't require PIN (all the time). I was bit surprised as our guide told, that bills are paid by posting cheques in snailmail... where as nowdays here getting paper bill in post cost extra and everything is expected to done in net bank (e-mail bills are dropping off from the use).

Yes, it was comfortable, the internationalness. Still bit 'acclimation' was needed.

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Some bills are paid that way, yes.  I think I write about 3 cheques per year now, all of them for charitable donations. 

What actually boggles me is that I have my car loan set to automatic payment from my bank to the bank holding the loan, and apparently THAT payment is made by my bank writing a physical cheque and mailing it to the other bank.  I only discovered this when a payment was marked as not made, which just boggled me -- how could a bank-to-bank payment not be made? (Apparently the receiving bank, a small one, isn't set up for bank-to-bank transfers.  Unbelievable!).  When I lived in London, OTOH, I never even had paper cheques?  For what? Everything was paid by bank transfer and direct debit!


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