Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805029 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3690 on: October 30, 2019, 11:25:26 PM »
Smurfs. Why did it have to be Smurfs?

Another good one, LooNEY!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3691 on: October 31, 2019, 05:42:37 PM »
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Part 10
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Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
It’s too big, so I put it on AO3.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3692 on: November 03, 2019, 09:36:56 PM »
Three days since I last posted, and I'm still spamming the thread. *sigh*

Anyway, now that Numerology is complete, I’m (belatedly, again) happy to announce yet another fanfic collection: Alternate Soup! (See first spoiler below.)

Spoiler: A Note Before Commencing • show
So, you’re asking, what’s this all about?

Alphabet Soup was intended to be all one-shots; when I looked back on it, I found that more than half were multi-parts. Thus it was that I decided to do an “Alternate Soup”, where all the stories that were one-shots in “Alphabet Soup” were multi-parts, and vice versa.


And with that out of the way, we begin…

Alternate Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 1, Part 1
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Spoiler: An Absolute Disaster • show
Onni Hotakainen huddled on the deck in a quivering mound of misery as the gangplank retracted behind him. The Trapped Ones screamed in his head ever more frenetically with every swish of the paddles pushing them farther into the lake; he thought he could hear a new exultant tone in the cacophony, as though they knew he was coming to them.

“I said, get below!” The kick that accompanied the words was enough to bring Onni back to himself; he found that the window shields had already been lowered and that his little sister Tuuri and his cousin Lalli had both already gone below, leaving him alone and vulnerable on the naked deck in the dark of night. With a peep of terror, he scurried through the last remaining open hatch and below decks. Almost before he was all the way through, the hatch slammed shut, sealing him and all the other passengers inside until the trip ended in Sweden.

Something about being below decks helped quiet the screaming in Onni’s head, but it did nothing to calm his fears for the future. Taru Hollala, the more distant cousin who was responsible for this foolhardiness in the first place, came to meet him as he stumbled into the mess area, as though that would be enough to quell his ire at what she had drawn them all into. “Tuuri says it’s called a ‘galley’,” Lalli told him; Onni wasn’t sure if the soft words were spoken or if he’d drifted so far that Lalli was using the dreamworld to communicate. Either way, Onni ignored him in favor of glaring at Taru, who backed off quietly as Onni pulled himself together.

For a few moments, Tuuri was her usual bubbly self, revealing just how much she had been looking forward to this. Onni carefully hid his dismay; he’d hoped Tuuri had grown up enough to have abandoned those foolish dreams she’d had as a child, but it seemed that not even the destruction of their home village had been enough to make her do so. He was about to raise the point when a cat jumped atop their table and hushed at them, giving them a look of disdain as only a Grade A cat could.

The rigorously enforced quiet had even Taru (not normally known for being particularly devout) silently thanking the gods as the trip went on and on. Onni and Lalli spent quite a bit of time talking together in the dreamworld, though, and so the elder mage was able to resume training the younger scout in certain areas that Lalli had disregarded as unnecessary for his job.


Tuuri was so excited by the time they were let off the ship at Björköfjärden that Onni was almost surprised that she didn’t explode from it. Fortunately, it meant that she would keep the other members of their party occupied while Onni attended to Lalli, who had been miserably sick for the entire passage despite Onni’s best efforts. Now that they were on solid ground, however, Onni’s magic seemed to be having its usual salutary effect.

If the rest of the expedition went like this, Onni was sure it would be an absolute disaster…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, since “An After-Dinner Chat” was a standalone, we begin with Part One of a brand-new multi-part Chapter One AU that I call “Swept Along”, where Onni is, well, swept along on the mission.

More along these lines is in the works

Spoiler: And then there’s this… • show
The next of my works to receive the REDUX treatment will be…

Tales from the Big, Dark, Scary Forest REDUX

(No, I’m not dropping The Expedition REDUX, either.)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 06:45:54 PM by LooNEY_DAC »

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3693 on: November 04, 2019, 04:27:48 PM »
And here's a little something from me.

True Ruler: Magda day: Afternoon
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3694 on: November 06, 2019, 06:01:34 PM »
I can't find any mention of this in going back a few months, so bear with me if this is already known.
Adge has been beavering away at rendering the comic in Alliterative Verse, and it is so glorious. 
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 pt 1
Chapter 5 pt 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 pt 1

Subscribe to Adge on AO3, if you haven't already, as each chapter is posted independently.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 06:10:13 PM by wavewright62 »
Always a newbie at something
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Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3695 on: November 06, 2019, 10:17:45 PM »
Wavewright, thanks for putting the links up. Adge’s work is a delight. And it is so nice to see the crew get a proper saga, which is basically what Adge is writing, traditional metres and all.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3696 on: November 07, 2019, 11:08:26 PM »
I can't find any mention of this in going back a few months, so bear with me if this is already known.
Adge has been beavering away at rendering the comic in Alliterative Verse, and it is so glorious. 
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 pt 1
Chapter 5 pt 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 pt 1

Subscribe to Adge on AO3, if you haven't already, as each chapter is posted independently.

This is fantastic, although I find myself wondering why each chapter is being posted as a separate fic, rather than adding chapters to an ongoing story, since they're clearly one unified work. I suppose that's the author's decision to make, although it does make it sort of awkward to locate the next chapter when I'm used to the convenient "next chapter" or even "view entire work" that AO3 provides.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3697 on: November 09, 2019, 02:23:49 PM »
Speaking of posting more chapters...
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 13
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Spoiler: A Most Unexpected Occurrence • show
Brüel & Kjaer Primary Research Facility / Skynet Branch 27
Naerum, Denmark

Sigrun Eide was not particularly happy about walking into a building that looked like it was practically the exemplar of “I’m a troll’s nest!” buildings with the two members of her crew that she always referred to as “the helpless babies” at her side (or even running ahead a few times, in Tuuri’s case).

Nevertheless, all seven of them went into the old facility, leaving the entirely illusory safety of the tank behind. Aku had spent quite some time and most of Mikkel’s medical supplies in mixing up liter after liter of what he called “the Solution”; it was obvious that he thought it would be highly effective against the grossling ambush Sigrun had been constantly on the lookout against since the sewer encounter, though it remained to be seen if his expectations matched reality.

On the other hand, after some directed exploration and a lot of reading, Aku’s expectations of the Facility certainly seemed to match the reality of it: from what Mikkel and Tuuri could piece together, this place had been experimenting with sonic disruption effects on technology and biology, with the goal of eliminating the vulnerability of what they called a “control microchip” (which, according to Aku, was installed in every one of the mechanical monsters they’d had to fight) to a certain combination of ultrasonic frequencies.

There had been several increasingly nasty traps that they’d had to disarm as they tried to get past the administrative section of the Facility and into the part where the actual research had taken place, but Lalli’s sharp eyes, Sigrun’s well-honed reflexes and even the hair-trigger on Emil’s flamethrower kept their group from being more than slightly inconvenienced by what Aku called “the passive defenses”. Well, if you didn’t count the loss of maybe a third of “the Solution”, that is.

While Mikkel and Tuuri tended to attribute the goings-on at the Facility to some group of people, Aku was insistent that it was all the work of one being, which he called “Skynet”; while his description made this being sound like one of the nastier AEsir to Sigrun (and who knew what it sounded like to the Finns with their weird forest gods), Aku also insisted that it had been created by humans back at the end of the Old Times.

After they had poked and prodded around for quite some time (though the bulk of the Facility still remained to be explored), Mikkel called the others over to where he and Tuuri were. Once the others had all gathered around, he gestured at what seemed to be a random assemblage of weird pointy bits of metal and electronics in a vaguely egg-shaped form. “Neither Tuuri nor I can tell what they were trying to do with this, nor do we wish to hazard a guess.”

“I know what it’s for.” Aku did not look at all happy about this find…


Skynet watched as the extra-temporal intruder led the other six humans into Branch 27 like one of that type of the Transformed the humans commonly called a “vätte” watching its prey. The intruder represented a major unknown in the equation Skynet was trying to solve in order to restore the situation to the status quo ante, but this encounter should either provide the necessary data… or end the threat entirely.

]Augments on-line
]Physical capabilities 72% restored
]Estimated time to deployment: <5 minutes

A human would have been most impatient indeed with how long it was taking to get the Augments active and into position, but Skynet was not human; the only reason Skynet kept pinging for status updates was that excessive delay would hamper the Plan.

Perhaps the delay could be leveraged into assisting the completion of Plans Chimera and Matryoshka in accordance with the Boskone Protocol…


“They were trying to figure out how to send machines back in time without covering them in flesh… and they may have succeeded.” This told Sigrun nothing, but Aku was very upset about it for some reason, so she was about to try to say something encouraging in response, but before she could speak, the door at the far end of the room opened and five trolls stepped confidently through it.

“Your analysis of the machines is irrelevant; you will not survive to find out if your suppositions are correct unless you agree to join us.”

All five of the trolls spoke as one, in voices like nothing Sigrun had ever heard from trolls; not only was it almost painful to normal human ears, it was downright creepy. Creepy or not, before the first word in the speech was finished, Lalli had shot all five through the eye, but instead of their heads exploding as they should, there was only a metallic ping! from their impact on the trolls.

“We are the Augments. If you join us, you can be Augmented as well,” the trolls all said in that creepy chorus…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Almost there…

Bits and Bots
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“WALL-E” crossover fanfic
Part 4
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Prior part
Spoiler: Dreaming of Electric Sheep • show
REYN-R was in the middle of an inactive cycle when the weirdest thing it had ever experienced occurred. REYN-R seemed to come into a fully active cycle, even though more than one system manager program told REYN-R that the inactive cycle was still fully in place. REYN-R perceived its surroundings as being a landscape rendered in 8-bit graphics, even though REYN-R’s own sensory interfaces operated on a much higher level of resolution than that.

None of the other bots from the expedition were present within the limits of REYN-R’s detectors, but there were a number of sprites in REYN-R’s immediate vicinity; after cogitating for several clock cycles, REYN-R concluded that they were supposed to represent the mammalian organisms known as “sheep”; REYN-R had had extensive experience in dealing with organisms of this type in its earlier duties on the ships, since REYN-R had been part of the pastoral subsystem of the agricultural systems complex.


A small sprite (REYN-R quickly concluded that it was supposed to represent a mammalian organism known as a “dog”) had appeared next to REYN-R without REYN-R noticing, and was making what REYN-R had to assume were noises of pleasure typical for the kind of organism the sprite was supposed to represent. REYN-R decided to interact with the sprite in the hopes of gathering information about what was occurring.

+Hey, boy!

Neither this nor any of REYN-R’s other attempts to initiate conversation with the sprite garnered a verbal response. Instead, the sprite ran several meters away, came back, and ran back in the same direction. REYN-R decided to follow where the sprite wanted to lead it, since there seemed to be no other way of communicating with the sprite.

The sprite led REYN-R through the 8-bit landscape until they reached what was obviously a virtual representation of their present campsite, though none of the other bots were present. Was the sprite trying to tell REYN-R about how to find the two missing bots from their company, EM-L and LALL-E? Such was REYN-R’s hope, but the sprite remained stubbornly uncommunicative.

After abandoning the effort to communicate with the sprite, REYN-R attempted to enter the expedition vehicle, but the door had been secured and would not respond to REYN-R’s entry codes. REYN-R aimed its optical sensor array at the dog sprite, but the dog sprite still gave no verbal response.

The dog sprite looked away from REYN-R. When REYN-R scanned in the direction of the sprite’s gaze, REYN-R detected a significant number of other sprites; these sprites, in addition to being numerous, were also very large and very dark in some peculiar way that was unamenable to REYN-R’s analytics. These dark sprites were also moving toward REYN-R, albeit very slowly.

Everything was silent as the dark sprites slowly approached REYN-R, ignoring the dog sprite; something about the manner in which they were approaching set off REYN-R’s defensive protocols.

Despite the warnings its defensive subsystems kept shunting into its processing matrix, REYN-R tried to initiate peaceful contact with the dark sprites in accordance with its standard protocols. +Hi!

A tendril lashed out from the closest dark sprite to REYN-R. As soon as it touched REYN-R, REYN-R could feel the power draining from its systems and its data core corrupting in a catastrophic cascade of malfunctions that could only inevitably lead to total cessation of function…

!Remember this.

REYN-R came into a fully active cycle, even though its charge cycle had not completed as yet; as this usually only happened if there was some emergency, REYN-R went on full alert. After scanning the area without finding anything that would trigger its emergency protocols, REYN-R concluded that there had been a glitch and that completing its charge cycle was the optimal course of action…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
And another of my WIPs is resurrected.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3698 on: November 10, 2019, 05:14:57 PM »
* LooNEY_DAC begins to laugh maniacally

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Terminator” crossover fanfic
Part 14
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Prior part
Spoiler: Is the Thriller Immortal? • show
Sigrun risked a glance around her to assess the situation. Tuuri and Reynir had dipped out of sight as soon as the door had opened; Sigrun hoped Mikkel was shielding them with his massive body. Aku, Emil and Lalli had all done what she had: take cover and get ready to fire whatever weapons they had at the trolls. Sigrun was about to shout for the others to fire when Aku yelled, “Augment this!”

The flask of “the Solution” hit one of the trolls right in the middle of its forehead, and what happened when it shattered was horrifying even to a hardened troll hunter like Sigrun. The troll literally melted away as “the Solution” ate through the Rash-riddled flesh, until all that was left were the disparate mechanical bits that had been grafted into the troll by whoever had sent them after Sigrun’s little band. Sigrun desperately hoped that neither Reynir nor Tuuri had been brought to vomiting by the sight; the last thing she wanted was either of the two taking their masks off.

Most of the other flasks had less of an effect on their targets, as they tended to bounce off the decrepit flesh rather than shattering, but some still broke and splashed their targets with “the Solution”; by the time Aku had thrown his last flask, none of the three remaining trolls was left unmarred.

Even as Sigrun and Emil poured suppressive fire at the hideous fusions of flesh and machine, the gaping wounds left by Aku’s well-thrown weapons began to close and heal. “Agent neutralized,” one of the trolls noted (rather redundantly, in Mikkel’s opinion). Aku and Lalli were still trying to get through the cranial armor protecting the trolls’ brains.

The three “Augmented” trolls had come to stand near that weird bunch of electronics Sigrun’s band had been examining before the trolls had made their entrance. The machinery began to glow as the trolls passed it…


]Spatio-temporal disturbance indicates trans-continuum displacement has occurred
]More precise data unavailable due to distortions attendant on said displacement


The robot was squat and heavily armored, and most people would have called it ugly, but something about it struck a chord of familiarity in Sigrun. Perhaps it was the dozens of dings and nicks that told of the battles the robot had been in; perhaps it was the painting of Sigrun’s own long namesake, Sigrun the Valkyrie, on the topside of the carapace; perhaps it was just some trick of the human mind. At any rate, Sigrun left the new arrival strictly alone, signaling for the others to do the same.

The lead Augment spoke again, ignoring the new arrival. “Surrender. Resistance is futile: you will be like us.” Whether Sigrun (or any of the others, for that matter) would have thought that a good thing was rendered academic when the Augments opened fire.

After a very brief moment where the robot was obviously reorienting itself, it rose up on its treads. A pair of objects swung into view from its undercarriage, but Sigrun didn’t recognize them until the music began. Sigrun didn’t recognize the song, either, but since it was obviously electronic music from the Old Times, she thought it appropriate. All she could tell about the lyrics was that they were in an Old Time language called “English”; otherwise, she couldn’t make head or tail of them.

As he came into the window
With a sound of
A crescendo…

Suddenly, the robot’s carapace erupted with gunfire. The Augments had not retained quite enough of their humanity to look betrayed, but something about them signified that they felt it, insofar as they felt anything anymore. A second later, the Augments had all taken cover, forcing their odd foe to come looking for them.

With an efficiency even Skynet would have admired, the robot methodically dispatched its foes as the music played on.

So Annie are you OK?
Are you OK Annie?

The lead Augment, now the only Augment left standing, seemed to smile when the robot’s guns began to click instead of firing: the robot was out of ammo. The Augment stood and began walking toward the robot, but before it had quite reached the squat form, the robot unfolded a truly impressive array of what were obviously cutting and slicing implements.

You were struck down
It was your doom

The Augment assessed the situation in a heartbeat. Dodging the robot’s first series of slashes, it picked up one of the prostheses from the Augment that had fallen to “the Solution”, using it as a block against the robot’s blades in a high-speed duel of guard, thrust and parry. Fast as the Augment was, however, it wasn’t quite fast enough, and so it fell.

The robot trundled back towards the tangle of machinery from which it had emerged, refolding itself into its original configuration as it did. Once it was back inside the strange cocoon, the machinery began to glow. A final snatch of the lyrics caught Sigrun’s ears as the robot faded back into whatever other realm it had come from, leaving only the wreckage of its foes behind:

You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal!

After a moment of stunned silence all around, Sigrun put into words what they all felt. “Well, that was just weird.”

Even Aku was disinclined to disagree…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Because I’m MAD
Really, really MAD!

…Did I mention I’m nuts? (Actually, I’m LooNEY.)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3699 on: November 10, 2019, 06:25:56 PM »
Good one LooNEY_DAC! Is this robot Sigrun from Bits and Bots?
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3700 on: November 10, 2019, 10:03:04 PM »
*Maniacal laughter intensifies*

Bits and Bots
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“WALL-E” crossover fanfic
Part 5
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Prior part
Spoiler: After the Electric Boogaloo • show

As the general services bot designated MIK-L trundled over to where EID-E stood, MIK-L sent the obvious query. >What was weird, EID-E?

EID-E sent MIK-L a download of all the data pertaining to EID-E’s recent peculiar experience. ]IN CASE YOU’RE WONDERING, I STILL HAVE SOME OF THE GOO FROM THE BIO-ORGANICS SPLATTERED ON MY CARAPACE.

MIK-L’s comms always held a faint hint of sarcasm; this had frankly baffled its programmers, but the bots that worked with it all got used to the weird tone eventually. >I had noticed.

EID-E changed the subject to a more immediate priority. ]HAS ANYONE REESTABLISHED CONTACT WITH EM-L OR LALL-E?

^I’m afraid not, EID-E.


TUUR-E considered the probability extremely low, and explained why. ^Since the original factory install of REYN-R’s SEIDUR package’s control software was corrupted, it’s a matter of trial and error until we can get to a repair center for a reinstall. There hasn’t been enough time or energy for REYN-R to cycle through all the potential code combinations, even if we want to try that; I’m sure you remember what happened when LALL-E worked with REYN-R on that not so long ago.

Both robots shuddered involuntarily; EID-E’s defensive systems started to deploy, but cycled back before EID-E could go into full combat mode. ]WELL, WE STILL NEED TO CONTINUE THE SEARCH PATTERN, THEN.

>Won’t that cut into our mission time?



EM-L considered the situation decidedly suboptimal. None of EM-L’s efforts to accelerate LALL-E’s charge cycle had succeeded, and attempting an ad hoc interface had only resulted in a jumble of weird code sent too quickly for EM-L to capture (let alone translate), so EM-L had had to jerry-rig a towing assembly so that EM-L could tractor LALL-E back to where EM-L anticipated the main campsite would have relocated to by the time they arrived.

Unfortunately, the extra load on EM-L’s batteries meant that EM-L needed to recharge itself, so after assembling a suitably camouflaged site, EM-L went into a charge cycle.


The program running on EM-L’s CPU was a very old one, but one EM-L remembered well: it was the tutorial program EM-L had had to pass before beginning its service as a nursery bot that placed EM-L in the role of the child under care with a virtual nanny providing an example of “best practices”; EM-L was highly restricted in its behaviors and responses to the virtual nanny’s inputs, but not otherwise.

EM-L knew that its charge cycle was still in progress, so why was this old program running? When EM-L looked around the virtual dining room, it spotted a second sprite that looked oddly… familiar. )What’s… What’s happened to you? And why are you here?

The sprite representing LALL-E displayed confusion before replying. /Nothing! And I don’t know!

There was only one thing EM-L was certain of: this had gotten weird, and it looked like it was only going to get weirder…

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, Roisin, does that answer your question?


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3701 on: November 11, 2019, 12:34:43 AM »
Yes, it surely does. Thank you!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3702 on: November 13, 2019, 03:06:54 PM »
The subscription I added for your work on AO3 is good value!
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
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Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3703 on: November 13, 2019, 07:46:56 PM »
And here's the next part of Tales from the Big, Dark, Scary Forest REDUX.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3704 on: November 16, 2019, 06:28:03 AM »
Here is a little exercise on things EmiLalli. I tried to work within what is shown about their interactions in the comic:

I also have one that is set in the SSSS world but is original character only. Should it go here or the Forum Scriptorium?
🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.