Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805305 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1560 on: February 16, 2016, 12:35:57 AM »
Final chapter of my Matrix crossover Dangerous!

Previous chapter here

Spoiler: Part 4 • show
“Do you want to know the truth?”

Lalli stared at him, and he stared back.  Emil—they had finally learned each other’s names—was watching him earnestly, blue eyes imploring.

For a minute, Lalli considered.  Then, he gave a single nod.

Emil breathed a sigh of relief.  “You’re going to need to meet our captain, then.  But I… ah… well, there’s something else I need to take care of first.”  Reaching under the seat beside him, Emil pulled out a strange contraption longer than his arm, all hard metal and blinking lights.  “I’m really, really sorry about this.”


Even after they had reached their destination, Emil was still hovering by his side, helping him press a cloth to the bleeding hole under his shirt.  Lalli was just glad that he’d gotten it out.

Just like this world.  He might not have been able to feel it, but he’d never forgotten that it was there.

“She can be a bit… ah… insane at times,” Emil warned him as he rested his hand on the doorknob.  “But I promise she means well… and those of us who follow her would stick with her through Hel and back.”  With that, he pulled open the door.

The woman who stood inside the room was tall, with red hair; the sleeveless black shirt she wore revealed arms and shoulders that were heavily scarred.  Though she had her back to them, when Emil called out “Sigrun” she turned around, tilting her head toward the cellphone she held to her ear.

“Oh good, they’re here. Do you want to explain this, or should I?”  The person on the other end talked inaudibly for only a few seconds before she gave a nod and held the phone out to Lalli.  “Your cousin wants to talk to you.”

“Lalli.  You won’t remember me.  But it’s me.  It’s Onni.”

It was the same voice that had spoken to him through the sound clip on the disk.  “You told me the world isn’t real.”

“Yes.”  The man’s voice was strained now and he was talking faster.  “We’re here to offer you a chance to get out.  But you need to be able to make an informed decision.”  He paused, and took a breath.  “The real world… is not pleasant.”

Lalli listened as he talked, as he described the wasteland and the remnants of humanity still hanging on.  Finally, though, he stopped.

“It’s your decision whether to go or stay.  What happens next is up to you.”  The phone went dead with an audible click.

“Oh good, is he done?”  The woman turned to him.  “Okay.  So here’s how this works.”  She held her hands out to him, palms up.  “Blue pill you stay, red pill you come with us.  So what’ll it be?”

Lalli was already reaching forward, because he’d already made his choice.


“Nobody is listening in to us here.  We can talk freely now.”  A few minutes passed, and Onni pulled up a chair with a sigh and sat down beside him.  “You must have questions.”

Questions about what, exactly?  Onni had already told him the truth.  He was in a weird, scary place with lots of metal.  What else was there to know?

He blinked.  The lights had been dimmed, but his eyes still hurt.  He was cold, too.  “Mrr.”  He tried to wrap his arms around himself, but couldn’t:  the weird needles that were still buried under his skin got in the way.

“No.  Don’t try to move.”  Onni reached out as if to touch him, but then sighed again and withdrew.  “Lalli.  Do you know where you are?”

“I know where I am.”  He looked from Onni to the ceiling, taking in the solid feel of the table beneath him.  “This is the real world.”


Onni sighed as he walked away from the infirmary.  He’d told himself all along that it was too much to hope that Lalli would remember him—he just had to keep reminding himself that even though their reunion hadn’t been everything he had hoped for, it also could have gone much, much worse.  Now, at least, he could be sure that Lalli would be safe.

His right hand clenched spasmodically around his left forearm as he prepared for bed.


Tuuri hummed to herself as she looked for a safe place to set down for the night, barely even registering the annoyed looks Mikkel was giving her.  (He still didn’t seem to have forgiven her for going through his disks when he wasn’t looking, and she still didn’t see what the big deal was; it was just a collection of Old World music.)  The important thing was that she had never before seen her brother this happy, and that made her happy.  She couldn’t wait to get Lalli started on training—

A blip on the screen caught her attention.  Frowning, her thoughts of music and annoying Mikkel forgotten, she leaned in closer and zoomed in on a small portion of the code that showed the Matrix.

“Huh.  Well that’s weird…”


In his quarters, his departure having gone unnoticed by the other Operator, Mikkel closed (and locked—he wouldn’t be making that mistake again) the door behind him, eyes squeezed closed as he leaned heavily against the cool metal.

For some time now, he'd almost dared to hope. But it was starting.


Meanwhile, in her own quarters, the captain rubbed her aching scars.

The ache was a reminder, she knew—Mikkel would say of something stupid she’d done, no matter how many times she only grinned at him in response.  They both knew why, and in the end she was glad she had something to show for it.

Still, her scars only ached this much when something big was about to go down.  Good.  Now that they were through with their little side mission, she was good and ready for some action.

Sigrun gave a wide grin as she fell into bed.  Looked like things were about to get interesting.

Spoiler: Notes • show
I... honestly expected it to be longer than this.

Though in case you can't tell from the multiple sequel hooks, I have several other stories in mind for this continuity. Next thing I want to write is Sigrun's backstory, which includes the story of how Tuuri and Onni came to join the crew. It is going to be so much fuuuuuuuuun...

As always, critique is welcome. I honestly wasn't entirely satisfied with this first story because I think that the plot followed the movie far too closely and didn't have any of the fun action. one will have plenty of action, so I'm not overly worried.

Please continue this, I loved following this story so far! :) Very good!
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1561 on: February 16, 2016, 01:06:19 AM »
This does seem to be the time for updating, doesn't it?

I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1562 on: February 16, 2016, 08:08:36 AM »
I'm loving the Matrix and Mora academy stories!  ;D

I haven't had time to read the others yet, so I seriously need to catch up with this thread :P

Eagerly waiting since November 2014:  :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02:
(✿σ‿σ) ~<3


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1563 on: February 16, 2016, 09:19:27 PM »
I seem to be on a bit of a roll* right now, but I went and started writing another story in my Matrix croSSSSover. Links to my previous story, for reference (though you should be able to follow this one whether you've read it or not):

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Now on to the new one!

Title: Against All Odds
Inspiration: "Animus Vox" by The Glitch Mob
Characters: Sigrun, Emil, Mikkel; cameos by Onni and Tuuri
Warnings: Minor character death, major character near-death, violence, blood. I've tried to keep the gore and descriptions of injuries at a PG-13 level, but if I need to move this off-forum, please let me know.

Spoiler: Prologue • show
Onni looked through the windshield at the desolate landscape that was spread out before them.

He was standing well back on the bridge, of course—he was not a crewmember on this ship.  Nor was Tuuri, who was keeping herself entertained with the schematics of the other ship that were spread out before her on the back room table.

The Valkyrie.

Onni and his sister were participating in a salvage and rescue mission.  The ship they were on was responding to a distress signal from the other vessel, which had been downed in a Sentinel attack.  Aside from the fact that the ship had been crippled, they knew only the information the reports had given them:  captain, senior Operator, and three crewmembers dead; first mate critically wounded.  Only the junior Operator and a single crewmember had survived unharmed.

Valkyrie sighted, Captain.”

“Good.  Set her down right there.”

At the words Tuuri ran to the front of the ship and all but smashed her face up against the window, not wanting to miss her first sight of a real Sentinel.  Of course his sister had jumped on the chance to go on this mission, however many times he told her that there was absolutely nothing out here worth seeing or experiencing.  As for Onni… well, he had no idea why Taru kept offering him these odd jobs when he had already made it clear that there was no way she was ever going to worm her way back into his good graces, but the fact remained that he simply couldn’t afford not to take them.

“Woah.”  True to form, Tuuri’s face was right up against the glass.  “Why do you think they didn’t use their EMP earlier?”

“They must have had people still inside,” he guessed.  Still, he couldn’t help but wonder when he saw the metal tentacles sticking outside of the ship.  The Sentinel had gotten so far in it was barely even visible; he could understand holding off to wait for people to get out of the Matrix, but letting everyone die was nothing short of madness.

They continued to stay out of the way while their ship docked, and a contingent of trained medical personnel went onboard to get the wounded out.  After an indeterminate time of waiting—probably fifteen minutes or so, though Tuuri’s fidgeting said that to her it felt a whole lot longer—they reemerged, wheeling a stretcher loaded with the body of a red-haired woman who had to be the first mate.

She was unconscious, her face pale; spots of blood were already beginning to show through the blankets that covered her.  Her arms, the only visible part of her body, were littered with gashes and laser burns.  A big man—one Onni hadn’t seen on the crew of the ship that had brought them here—walked beside her, talking quietly to the medics as he held a bag of IV fluids aloft.  Even Tuuri fell quiet as they transported her back to the med bay.  “Is she going to be okay?”

“Who knows.”  Probably not, was his honest thought, but that was one harsh reality he didn't yet want to share with his sister.  Instead, he hefted his bag.  “Come on.  We have work to do.”

The interior of the ship was also in bad shape.  A dead Sentinel lay sprawled across half the bridge, right alongside the corpses of four dead humans and the olfactory evidence of someone having been violently sick.  Onni didn’t have to look far to find the culprit:  a young blond man, younger even than Tuuri, slumped next to the stairs with his arms wrapped around his stomach.

Three of the crew, the ones in chairs, had died without a mark on them, except for the occasional trickle of blood from the nose or mouth:  they must have met their end inside of the Matrix.  The fourth, the Operator, was considerably less clean: he had been impaled by a severed support beam.

Even Onni, inundated as he was, couldn’t help but cringe when he recognized the captain.  Though Agneta was only one of many captains who’d rejected his request out of hand, she was one of the few who’d done so without saying there was no place for bluepills on her crew.  He certainly had never wished her dead.

“Unless your cousin turns out to be the One, I can’t risk my crew on someone who already has a known connection to you.”

Onni shook his head with a sigh.  He had work to do.

The big man he’d seen earlier came back aboard while Onni was still scooping the Operator’s remains into a body bag and Tuuri was still poking at the dead Sentinel.  “Emil,” he said, ignoring the siblings in favor of approaching the young crewman who still had not moved.  “It might be better if you left with the other ship.”

Slowly, he looked up, his arms still wrapped around himself.  “Mikkel?  Is Sigrun… going to make it?”

“If they get her back to Zion in time?  Maybe.”  Emil did not look reassured, only slightly green.  “There ought to be someone here who knows how to pilot this ship,” Mikkel continued as if he hadn’t noticed.  “But unless you want to help them out, there’s no good reason for you to stay.”

Coaxing Emil onto the other ship went fairly easily after that.  Onni waited until the other ship had left and the other man had come back in (by which point Tuuri had finally turned her attention from the dead Sentinel to the repairs she was actually supposed to be doing) before turning to face the Operator.

“What happened?”

Spoiler: Notes • show
Finally feel like I'm starting to hit my stride with this crossover, mostly because this was the part I really wanted to be writing.

Also, I... tend to hurt the characters I like...

As always, critique is welcome!

*Roll, not role, what is wrong with me? I blame Sigrun.

Next part
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 05:55:39 PM by Lazy8 »
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


  • Admiral of a Sunken Ship
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1564 on: February 17, 2016, 12:40:36 AM »
I seem to be on a bit of a role right now, but I went and started writing another story in my Matrix croSSSSover. Links to my previous story, for reference (thought you should be able to follow this one whether you've read it or not):

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Now on to the new one!

Title: New Beginnings (working title; may change)
Inspiration: "Animus Vox" by The Glitch Mob
Characters: Sigrun, Emil, Mikkel; cameos by Onni and Tuuri
Warnings: Minor character death, major character near-death, violence, blood. I've tried to keep the gore and descriptions of injuries at a PG-13 level, but if I need to move this off-forum, please let me know.

Spoiler: Prologue • show
   Onni looked through the windshield at the desolate landscape that was spread out before them.

He was standing well back on the bridge, of course—he was not a crewmember on this ship.  Nor was Tuuri, who was keeping herself entertained with the schematics of the other ship that were spread out before her on the back room table.

The Valkyrie.

Onni and his sister were participating in a salvage and rescue mission.  The ship they were on was responding to a distress signal from the other vessel, which had been downed in a Sentinel attack.  Aside from the fact that the ship had been crippled, they knew only the information the reports had given them:  captain, senior Operator, and three crewmembers dead; first mate critically wounded.  Only the junior Operator and a single crewmember had survived unharmed.

Valkyrie sighted, Captain.”

“Good.  Set her down right there.”

At the words Tuuri ran to the front of the ship and all but smashed her face up against the window, not wanting to miss her first sight of a real Sentinel.  Of course his sister had jumped on the chance to go on this mission, however many times he told her that there was absolutely nothing out here worth seeing or experiencing.  As for Onni… well, he had no idea why Taru kept offering him these odd jobs when he had already made it clear that there was no way she was ever going to worm her way back into his good graces, but the fact remained that he simply couldn’t afford not to take them.

“Woah.”  True to form, Tuuri’s face was right up against the glass.  “Why do you think they didn’t use their EMP earlier?”

“They must have had people still inside,” he guessed.  Still, he couldn’t help but wonder when he saw the metal tentacles sticking outside of the ship.  The Sentinel had gotten so far in it was barely even visible; he could understand holding off to wait for people to get out of the Matrix, but letting everyone die was nothing short of madness.

They continued to stay out of the way while their ship docked, and a contingent of trained medical personnel went onboard to get the wounded out.  After an indeterminate time of waiting—probably fifteen minutes or so, though Tuuri’s fidgeting said that to her it felt a whole lot longer—they reemerged, wheeling a stretcher loaded with the body of a red-haired woman who had to be the first mate.

She was unconscious, her face pale; spots of blood were already beginning to show through the blankets that covered her.  Her arms, the only visible part of her body, were littered with gashes and laser burns.  A big man—one Onni hadn’t seen on the crew of the ship that had brought them here—walked beside her, talking quietly to the medics as he held a bag of IV fluids aloft.  Even Tuuri fell quiet as they transported her back to the med bay.  “Is she going to be okay?”

“Who knows.”  Probably not, was his honest thought, but that was one harsh reality he didn't yet want to share with his sister.  Instead, he hefted his bag.  “Come on.  We have work to do.”

The interior of the ship was also in bad shape.  A dead Sentinel lay sprawled across half the bridge, right alongside the corpses of four dead humans and the olfactory evidence of someone having been violently sick.  Onni didn’t have to look far to find the culprit:  a young blond man, younger even than Tuuri, slumped next to the stairs with his arms wrapped around his stomach.

Three of the crew, the ones in chairs, had died without a mark on them, except for the occasional trickle of blood from the nose or mouth:  they must have met their end inside of the Matrix.  The fourth, the Operator, was considerably less clean: he had been impaled by a severed support beam.

Even Onni, inundated as he was, couldn’t help but cringe when he recognized the captain.  Though Agneta was only one of many captains who’d rejected his request out of hand, she was one of the few who’d done so without saying there was no place for bluepills on her crew.  He certainly had never wished her dead.

“Unless your cousin turns out to be the One, I can’t risk my crew on someone who already has a known connection to you.”

Onni shook his head with a sigh.  He had work to do.

The big man he’d seen earlier came back aboard while Onni was still scooping the Operator’s remains into a body bag and Tuuri was still poking at the dead Sentinel.  “Emil,” he said, ignoring the siblings in favor of approaching the young crewman who still had not moved.  “It might be better if you left with the other ship.”

Slowly, he looked up, his arms still wrapped around himself.  “Mikkel?  Is Sigrun… going to make it?”

“If they get her back to Zion in time?  Maybe.”  Emil did not look reassured, only slightly green.  “There ought to be someone here who knows how to pilot this ship,” Mikkel continued as if he hadn’t noticed.  “But unless you want to help them out, there’s no good reason for you to stay.”

Coaxing Emil onto the other ship went fairly easily after that.  Onni waited until the other ship had left and the other man had come back in (by which point Tuuri had finally turned her attention from the dead Sentinel to the repairs she was actually supposed to be doing) before turning to face the Operator.

“What happened?”

Spoiler: Notes • show
Finally feel like I'm starting to hit my stride with this crossover, mostly because this was the part I really wanted to be writing.

Also, I... tend to hurt the characters I like...

As always, critique is welcome!

Very good! I sorta understand what a sentinel is but I've only seen the first movie so I don't know anything about Zion (that's the last human city?)
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1565 on: February 17, 2016, 12:50:44 AM »
Very good! I sorta understand what a sentinel is but I've only seen the first movie so I don't know anything about Zion (that's the last human city?)

Yep, Zion is the last human city in the movie canon. It's almost certainly named after the late 1890s movement where Jews were clamouring for their own nation to avoid the discrimination and anti-Semitism that was becoming legalised. They were called 'Zionists' if they were part of that movement, which eventually went on to found Israel in Palestine. So, I guess the theory is that the humans that make up Zion are like the Jewish population in that they are discriminated against by the majority- the machines- and they had to peel off and make their own nation to avoid this.

That was way more theory than you needed for a simple question, but there you go buddy
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1566 on: February 17, 2016, 07:13:35 AM »
Very good! I sorta understand what a sentinel is but I've only seen the first movie so I don't know anything about Zion (that's the last human city?)

Yep, Zion is the last human city in the movie canon. It's almost certainly named after the late 1890s movement where Jews were clamouring for their own nation to avoid the discrimination and anti-Semitism that was becoming legalised. They were called 'Zionists' if they were part of that movement, which eventually went on to found Israel in Palestine. So, I guess the theory is that the humans that make up Zion are like the Jewish population in that they are discriminated against by the majority- the machines- and they had to peel off and make their own nation to avoid this.

That was way more theory than you needed for a simple question, but there you go buddy

*wakes up blearily*

Yeah. What she said.

*looks at today's page*

Maaaaaaaaybeeeeee I didn't pick the best time to post this...
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


  • Admiral of a Sunken Ship
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1567 on: February 17, 2016, 01:28:10 PM »

Yep, Zion is the last human city in the movie canon. It's almost certainly named after the late 1890s movement where Jews were clamouring for their own nation to avoid the discrimination and anti-Semitism that was becoming legalised. They were called 'Zionists' if they were part of that movement, which eventually went on to found Israel in Palestine. So, I guess the theory is that the humans that make up Zion are like the Jewish population in that they are discriminated against by the majority- the machines- and they had to peel off and make their own nation to avoid this.

That was way more theory than you needed for a simple question, but there you go buddy

Wow! You've done your research! Thank you! :)
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1568 on: February 17, 2016, 04:38:28 PM »
Sure thing. I kind of didn't mean to do my research, but I have some friends and relatives who dissect movies like others dissect small amphibians in Biology. It does take some effort to make myself go to the cinema with these people
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1569 on: February 17, 2016, 08:04:32 PM »
Your friends and relatives sound interesting! Dissecting art can teach you a lot, including how to make your own better.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1570 on: February 18, 2016, 02:03:59 AM »
Just a hypothetical idea based on the cliffhanger at #475:

...Tuuri looked up in shock, then turned, fumbling with the starter...

Reynir yelled, "Hurry up! What's the matter?...", then stopped, gazing in horror as Tuuri's eyes glazed over, her head bumping on the steering wheel.

Reynir turned at the sound of a choking sound from the rear compartment and saw Emil stagger through the door and collapse across the prone bodies of Sigrun and Mikkel.

Reynir shrank back into the corner as the shadows visibly slid towards him.

The cat continued to shriek in terror, but strangely muffled, as though heard through layers of cotton wool, Reynir's vision was fading to grey, his limbs becoming numb. He slid inexorably towards dark unconsciousness...


"Lalli?" Reynir started and looked up.

Lalli stood over him. "Get up! We haven't much time!"

Reynir scrambled up; they were in the Dream realm again.

All around were tall dark shadows.

Lalli stood, teeth clenched, arms spread wide - shadows flailed and scrabbled at a pale shell around the two mages.

Reynir gaped in awe, then noticed how strained the barrier was, wavering under the incessant attack. Lalli held out a hand to him.

"Hold on! I need your strength!"

Reynir grabbed Lalli's hand - and immediately felt *something* pass from him. The barrier hardened, brightened. Ghosts recoiled momentarily, before renewing the assault.

Lalli said, "Pay attention! This won't hold them for long!"

Lalli turned his gaze on Reynir. " It's all up to you now. I have to keep doing this, or we're dead!"

Reynir looked around wildly. "Me? What can I do?"

Lalli said "Get to the radio! I'll try to keep this shield over you while you make the call."

"Make sure you get Onni! He's our only hope now!"...


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1571 on: February 18, 2016, 02:19:58 AM »
Glad you posted this, it's good! And I do hope we'll see more of your work here. We never have enough good fanfic writers.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1572 on: February 18, 2016, 02:24:18 AM »
Glad you posted this, it's good! And I do hope we'll see more of your work here. We never have enough good fanfic writers.

They are a rare species indeed, in the era of My Immortal-like demons and all of their little fiends. Honestly, bad writing is one of the biggest turn-offs there is. Recently, I was reading this story I found incredibly interesting for the concept (what if the Nazis had taken over, and then held an annual motorcyle race with the other nations in the Axis to prove they were the best, and what if some shape-shifting survivor of the concentration camps infiltrated this race to kill Hitler), but the writing was just so bleh I almost couldn't finish the book, and had to force myself to start each new chapter.

It's a good thing we never have that kind of problem in this forum- you guys are great at what you do.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1573 on: February 18, 2016, 02:41:09 AM »
Well, the last two months have been a wonderful procession of life kicking me in the teeth, but I’ve finally found the time to write again (just)! A short story of Onni on the Keuruu docks, mostly based around what we saw on Page 451 and inspired by some art Gwenno did around the same time.

Hope you all like it! And I will read the new stuff on this thread soon, I promise…

Ooh! Yet another awesome SSSS tale! You write the most best stuff, seriously! I really sympathized with Onni while reading this- I also have a fair amount of anxiety right before I travel!
"It's easy to believe in something when you win all the time... The losses are what defines a mans faith."
-Brandon Sanderson, The Well of Ascension


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1574 on: February 19, 2016, 08:09:28 PM »
Oh, look. Another one-shot AU.

In the Center Ring
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show
The little girl looked around in fear. She had wandered far deeper into the woods than she’d meant to, and now, their gloom surrounded her.

Trying not to panic, she began to retrace her steps. That was when she became aware that she was being followed. No, it was more--she was being stalked.

She ducked behind a tree for a moment, and then slowly peered around it to see what was hunting her. Was it a vatte? Perhaps a smallish Beast she could deal with?

It was a Garm, big, bulky, brutal and hideous.

Stand still, stay silent. In her mind, the words replayed themselves over and over again. Stand still, stay silent. Stand still stay silent stand still stay silent standstillstaysilent--It had seen her.

The Beast pushed off from the tree trunk, hurtling toward her still form--

--until a blur of blue and red smashed into it, knocking it aside and bouncing to catch a bar of wood swinging from ropes at either end.

“Behold, REYNIR, MASTER of the TRAPEZE!” The incredibly loud bellow came from a tall red-head. The little girl stared at the woman, who, unlike everyone else the girl had ever met, wasn’t afraid to shout in the woods.

“And NOW, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, from all across the Silent World, we proudly present--the EIDE MOST BEST TRAVELING CIRCUS, the SHOW of AGES!

“Let’s hear it for the rest of our players:


The Garm was on its feet again, but as it was about to charge again, two ash-blonde figures in bright patchwork garb stepped out from either side of it. The two humans pulled out long, wicked-looking knives and began tossing them back and forth at one another, starting with one, then two at a time, and gradually more and more until there seemed to be hundreds of knives surrounding the Beast so that it was immobilized.

The Garm screamed, calling for aid from its foul kin. Over the din, the woman yelled again.


A red blur cartwheeled into the clearing, stopping just short of where the Garm stood at bay. He stood, pulling out and lighting a torch. Then, he put the torch close to his mouth and blew fire at the Garm.

The Garm didn’t like this at all. Neither did the troll that had slithered up behind Emil. The troll stretched forth a tentacle to strike at the fire-eater--

“Mikkel, the MOURNFUL CLOWN!”

--and was hit on the rump by a huge stick with a SLAP that hurt the little girl’s ears. A great big bear of a man, face painted white accented with smears of blue, green and red, this Mikkel twirled the slap-stick nonchalantly as the troll tried to regain what passed for its feet.




At this, three lions emerged from the woods and ROARED. The Garm stopped looking angry; instead, it wore an expression the little girl knew all too well, but had never before seen on a grossling: fear.

“NOW, MY BEAUTIES!” Sigrun roared, louder than the lions had with a crack of her bullwhip, and the cats attacked.

Another troll or two rashly decided to aid the Garm against its attackers, but the lions were more than a match for anything that came their way.

Nor were the others idle. Each one went after the other grosslings drawn by the noise of their fellows being slaughtered.

Soon, the little girl and Ringmistress Sigrun were all who remained in the clearing, the others having shooed the lions back into the depths of the woods.

“Thank you,” the little girl whispered.

“Thank you,” Sigrun replied. “After all, what’s a Circus without an audience?”

The little girl walked back down the path to her village. Didn’t she have a tale to tell, though she doubted anyone would believe her...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Just a little something I whipped up for y’all.

...I hope nobody here’s afraid of clowns.