Author Topic: The Introduction Thread  (Read 592985 times)


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #585 on: March 27, 2015, 01:25:36 AM »
Newcomers! I have been neglecting my duties! With this comment in mind...
Please make yourselves at home and fine somewhere to hide, I am glad I have managed to reach you before people started throwing cookies (and other items) at your heads ;)

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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #586 on: March 28, 2015, 07:08:49 AM »
Hi Minnions,
I´ve been strolling around forum, comments and chat for a while. First stalking and later by the name mamioja. I was introduced to aRTD and SSSS by my oldest daughter and fell in love with Minna´s art. Here is my formal introduction;

I´m a female finn and my age falls between Taru and Trond. I´m a mother of four, enthuastic quilter and a slave to the cat that lives in our house.
When life gives you scraps make a quilt

survival :chap5:  :chap6:  :chap7:

Fluent in :finland: :uk:
Can get by :sweden:
Lost in time :germany:  :france:  :spain:  :russia:

Lived in :canada: :finland: :australia:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #587 on: March 28, 2015, 12:30:10 PM »
oh wow, you and my mother would be fast friends! she is an avid quilter as well (and in fact, gave my partner and me two beautiful quilts for the holidays. i'll have to post them at some point).

anyway, welcome! i've seen you around chat a bit, looking forward to seeing more of you here. :)
Principal mouthnoises: :spain: :uk: :norway:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #588 on: March 28, 2015, 06:08:38 PM »
Thank you Piney! *Snatches cookies that are flying by*
Mamioja: a fellow quilter? Yay!
Native: :germany:
Mostly fluent: :uk: / :usa:
Rusty: :finland:
almost forgotten: :italy:, :estonia:, :vaticancity:
learning: :sweden:

"People may say I can't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing." (Florence Foster Jenkins)

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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #589 on: March 29, 2015, 06:17:40 PM »
I didn't think I'd start posting around here, but since I did, I might as well introduce myself. I'm Vixy. The nickname comes from "vixen", and I only used it because I was ginger for a very long time. Now I'm no longer ginger, but the name kind of stayed. I'm a twenty-five year-old Russian girl who grew up in Lebanon and now studies in Germany. I speak Russian, English, Arabic, German (this one's worse than the others) and - in theory - French (haven't used that one in ages). I also dabble in ancient Greek and Latin. Would love to learn Finnish and Japanese. Other than that, well, I am an incredible bookworm, because it's effectively my "job" - I'm a graduate student in philosophy, so all I do is read, write, play videogames and travel. Oh, I also knit socks for people. I absolutely love theatre, on either end (spectator or crew member) and teaching people about philosophy and literature, because that kind of works like theatre.

I think I found an SSSS banner on some other comic website, Minna's drawing style pretty much won my heart instantly. I also have a thing for Scandinavian things, because somehow, after all this time, my favourite books are still Tove Jansson's Moomin-troll series. I'm still not sure I'm going to be active on the forum because I am trying to procrastinate less and study harder, but you all sound like interesting people, so I'm quite glad I finally posted here :)


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #590 on: March 29, 2015, 09:01:49 PM »
Greetings from me as well…
I started reading the comics few months ago, I think by far my favorite character is Emil as he reminds me of a ferret. I have been told about this forum by a few people, but as I am a bit shy and nervous around new people it took me some time to enter this cave of awesome. 
On the whole introduction thing… it always seemed to me as if you’re presenting a product of some sort. Then again I suppose we human beings are indeed that.
In light of that, this particular odd creation is currently an undergraduate student in Psychology, like most of the people here I spend my time roaming through the debris of the World of Internet. However, offline I do enjoy diving into endless amounts of books, as it is in my opinion the best way to travel between universes. Wondering off into forests, abandoned places and such is amongst my hobbies alongside roof climbing and drawing.
I do believe I also have a grand plan to take over the world with my army of intelligent potatoes.


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #591 on: March 29, 2015, 09:19:28 PM »
I didn't think I'd start posting around here, but since I did, I might as well introduce myself. I'm Vixy. The nickname comes from "vixen", and I only used it because I was ginger for a very long time. Now I'm no longer ginger, but the name kind of stayed. I'm a twenty-five year-old Russian girl who grew up in Lebanon and now studies in Germany. I speak Russian, English, Arabic, German (this one's worse than the others) and - in theory - French (haven't used that one in ages). I also dabble in ancient Greek and Latin. Would love to learn Finnish and Japanese. Other than that, well, I am an incredible bookworm, because it's effectively my "job" - I'm a graduate student in philosophy, so all I do is read, write, play videogames and travel. Oh, I also knit socks for people. I absolutely love theatre, on either end (spectator or crew member) and teaching people about philosophy and literature, because that kind of works like theatre.

I think I found an SSSS banner on some other comic website, Minna's drawing style pretty much won my heart instantly. I also have a thing for Scandinavian things, because somehow, after all this time, my favourite books are still Tove Jansson's Moomin-troll series. I'm still not sure I'm going to be active on the forum because I am trying to procrastinate less and study harder, but you all sound like interesting people, so I'm quite glad I finally posted here :)
Greetings from me as well…
I started reading the comics few months ago, I think by far my favorite character is Emil as he reminds me of a ferret. I have been told about this forum by a few people, but as I am a bit shy and nervous around new people it took me some time to enter this cave of awesome. 
On the whole introduction thing… it always seemed to me as if you’re presenting a product of some sort. Then again I suppose we human beings are indeed that.
In light of that, this particular odd creation is currently an undergraduate student in Psychology, like most of the people here I spend my time roaming through the debris of the World of Internet. However, offline I do enjoy diving into endless amounts of books, as it is in my opinion the best way to travel between universes. Wondering off into forests, abandoned places and such is amongst my hobbies alongside roof climbing and drawing.
I do believe I also have a grand plan to take over the world with my army of intelligent potatoes.

Hi and hi, new forum-ers! Welcome to the community! Come have some cookies, and stay awhile ^-^

Vote for me on Top Webcomics!

Twitter | Reynir blog | Native: :usa:   Rudimentary: :spain:   A few words: :iceland: | Reader since 10/21/14 | :chap5: - :chap13:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #592 on: April 02, 2015, 09:18:07 PM »
I live in Texas, speak only one language (hangs head in shame) and found SSSS when I used a common-room computer with the comic bookmarked. I like to read. And I like art. Currently 18 years old, although that is subject to change. Hoping to study English Language and Literature this coming fall.
... Texas ... is a mystique closely approximating a religion. And this is true to the extent that people either passionately love Texas or passionately hate it....
John Steinbeck
:vaticancity: Domine, non sum dignus....
:mexico: No habla Espanol
:croatia: Hvala za nishto, dobro za nishto, mali vrag.


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #593 on: April 03, 2015, 07:36:14 AM »
Welcome new people :D
:book2: aye: :france: :portugal: :uk:
:book3: meh: :italy: :germany: :spain: :sweden:
:book4: :betterhat: :hat:
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #594 on: April 06, 2015, 07:01:07 PM »
Hello, forum :)

In february, a friend made a link with a drawing on differences between scandinavian’s languages. I was curious and absolutely not aware of what will happen.
Two days after, I had read all the pages of Stand Still Stay Silent, some with an huge smile and nearly clapping hands : I love the story, the drawnings are wonderful. And I find some echoes but it’s another story. I began to dream of a paper version on my library.
More few days after, I had read A Redtail’s Dream too and was asking for the Kalevala in spite of my bookseller’s strange look, asking me to spell it.
The forum seemed too big, I'm a bit shy and my english isn’t fluent (and I really need to buy a french-english dictionnary)... but, well, I have to admit I’m completely addicted to Stand Still Stay Silent, so... let’s try not to lose myself here ? :)

What can I say about me... I’m a 28 years old french who couldn’t live without a pen, a notebook and a book in her bag. My studies in history and history of arts were fabulous but doesn’t give a kind of promised job in a museum ; however today I’m very good at staying in front of a painting/sculpture/object/church/abandoned place/something else, smiling alone when everybody is already far away. I write since I know how to do so I live constantly with one or two other words in a part of my head, read a lot, drink tea, more tea, knit, cook bredele and practice ju jutsu. (Some but not all in the same time.) And, one day, I’ll go in Iceland. One day.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 10:07:28 AM by Mélusine »
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #595 on: April 06, 2015, 07:24:22 PM »
Hello there,

Newbie here exploring the forum while he's supposed to study art history in a small provincial university town where bicycles are more numerous than people. Luckily there is a Scandinavian studies contingent there, so I'm trying to get this comic to them. So far, most have liked it.
When not studying modern art history I'm occupying my free time with wandering the interwebs and writing a very long all-encompassing (or encompassing as much as I can hope to remember to pay attention to) commentary on all the Harry Potter books. Currently I'm slowly slogging through the early days of book 2.
I found SSSS by the language tree posted somewhere on business-insider. As there are some inaccuracies in the accompanying commentary I first started by pointing at errors based on my limited knowledge of the origin of languages (the omission of dead or transformed languages rather irked me out, te absence of Middle English and Latin being a very strong one), but then I stumbled upon its source. You know the rest of the story.
Languages: :netherlands: :uk:
I should know these, but rusty: :germany: :france: :italy:
Butchering at every try, but still bragging about it: Middle English (sort of)
To be added some time in the future when time and money can facilitate them: :vaticancity: :denmark: :norway: :iceland: :sweden: :finland:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #596 on: April 07, 2015, 01:44:57 AM »

welcome to the forum, Mélusine and snotra!

Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to visit the two art threads (I'm sure everyone can find more than enough material for staring in wonder on both the SSSS Arts Museum for fan art, and the Forum's Art Museum for original works), or the Language Board. And the Scriptorium! For starters. ;)

Hope to see more of you here!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 01:47:24 AM by Sharion »
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #597 on: April 07, 2015, 09:08:19 AM »

Another newbie reporting in. It's been a while since I was on any forum at all! But this one seems worth breaking my lurking habit for.

Well, about me. I'm phyripo, which means absolutely nothing and is pronounced FEYE-ree-po. I'm nineteen, from the Netherlands and currently studying linguistics. I have an intense love for Germanic languages, especially Scandinavian ones, but it was not through Minna's language tree that I found ssss (although I had seen the language tree and was very charmed by it). Someone I follow on tumblr reblogged some ssss-related things, and I thought it rather looked like something I would like. And I did! I read the whole comic the day before my Lithuanian exam, so I blame that for accidentally writing down a Swedish word. /o\

I don't actually speak Swedish, but I would like to learn it sometime in the future. Especially if I decide to dive deeper into that Germanic language-obsession. I do speak Dutch, and my English is pretty okay, and my German is also okay, and my French is... Sort of okay. I can read Spanish and Latin, and I'm supposed to know Greek, Gothic and Lithuanian, but don't test me on that. Danish is a work in progress. (I'm taking a very deep breath now.) Languages!!!1!
Fluent: :netherlands: :uk:
Conversational: :germany: :france:
Can read: :spain: :vaticancity:
Learning: :denmark:
What: (no flag for Gothic but hey) :greece:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #598 on: April 07, 2015, 09:51:04 AM »
Welcome, phyripo!  Do you know how to add language flags to your profile?  You'll have one of the most best!   :)

Welcome, Snotra!  I am curious about the origin of your name, if you care to share it.  Also, maybe someday you can explain to me how Snape was actually a good guy all along in Harry Potter, because I got totally lost.

And welcome, Mélusine!  Are you named after the beautiful mermaid-enchantress?  I hope you won't disappear with a cri de Mélusine if we ever discover your true identity!  It's nice to add another Francophone to the Forum.  Rollo, P__ and FrogEater are some of our most active French participants; we also have quite a few other French-speaking members from Canada, Belgium, etc.  (And then there are people like me, who try to speak French but frequently resort to translation sites like Reverso -- much better than Google Translate.) 


Another newbie reporting in. It's been a while since I was on any forum at all! But this one seems worth breaking my lurking habit for.

Well, about me. I'm phyripo, which means absolutely nothing and is pronounced FEYE-ree-po. I'm nineteen, from the Netherlands and currently studying linguistics. I have an intense love for Germanic languages, especially Scandinavian ones, but it was not through Minna's language tree that I found ssss (although I had seen the language tree and was very charmed by it). Someone I follow on tumblr reblogged some ssss-related things, and I thought it rather looked like something I would like. And I did! I read the whole comic the day before my Lithuanian exam, so I blame that for accidentally writing down a Swedish word. /o\

I don't actually speak Swedish, but I would like to learn it sometime in the future. Especially if I decide to dive deeper into that Germanic language-obsession. I do speak Dutch, and my English is pretty okay, and my German is also okay, and my French is... Sort of okay. I can read Spanish and Latin, and I'm supposed to know Greek, Gothic and Lithuanian, but don't test me on that. Danish is a work in progress. (I'm taking a very deep breath now.) Languages!!!1!
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #599 on: April 07, 2015, 10:16:50 AM »
And welcome, Mélusine!  Are you named after the beautiful mermaid-enchantress?  I hope you won't disappear with a cri de Mélusine if we ever discover your true identity!  It's nice to add another Francophone to the Forum.  Rollo, P__ and FrogEater are some of our most active French participants; we also have quite a few other French-speaking members from Canada, Belgium, etc.  (And then there are people like me, who try to speak French but frequently resort to translation sites like Reverso -- much better than Google Translate.)
Thanks :) And yes, that the origin of my name on internet.
I'll try not to disappear ^^ *Still discovering how huge this forum is*
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
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