The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum

Worlds and Stories => SSSS & ARTD Board => Topic started by: RandomTexanReader on May 23, 2015, 06:23:54 PM

Title: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 23, 2015, 06:23:54 PM
Tuuri's going through some books when she finds an old beat-up notebook. Picking it up she reads the handwritten title: "Ting jeg ikke lov til at gøre." (Things I'm not allowed to do.) Curiosity gets the better of her, and she opens it, to find the list below. The items are written in different colored inks, some older, some newer, some items crossed out or amended, all in the same handwriting. Tuuri reads item after item, eyes growing wider and wider, and she realizes that the true puzzle about Mikkel is not how he manages to get fired so often, but how he manages to get hired.

'En hel skide flok' is not a valid response when asked for an enemy numbers report.
Or for ANY numbers report.
Yes, this includes inventory.
No longer allowed near the armory.
Not allowed to wrap new crew members in blanket burritos and joke about eating them, because no one understands my sense of humor
I am no longer allowed to debrief hunters after disastrous missions.
Or normal missions.
I am not allowed to talk to hunters.
Having a large couch does not make me a licensed psychiatrist.
Neither does owning a "pipe of wisdom."
Not allowed to appear out of nowhere.
Not allowed to ask mages to assist in the same.
No longer allowed to teleport.
Any form of instant travel counts as teleporting.
Not allowed to ask mages to assist with above.
Not allowed to ask scientists either.
Building a "Cat-a-pult" is neither a useful nor humane military tactic against Trolls.
No longer allowed near Grade A cats.
No longer allowed near Grade B cats.
No longer allowed near cats of any kind.
No longer allowed near animals even approximating catness.
No longer allowed near animals of any kind.
Not allowed to operate helicopters.
Not allowed to operate jet aircraft.
Not allowed to operate propeller aircraft.
Not allowed to operate flying vehicles of any sort.
Not allowed to convert non-flying vehicles to flying vehicles.
Not allowed to use catapults for above purpose.
Not allowed near airfields.
Not allowed near tank depots.
No longer allowed near the jeep garage.
I am not allowed to tell people with gastric distress to "put de lime in de coconut and drink it all up." (
Not allowed to change anyone's uniform to Nazi Germany's military uniform even when I think it suits them better.
Not even when everyone thinks it suits them better.
Not allowed to suggest any changes to the uniforms.
Not allowed to keep beasts as pets.
Even if I promise that I won't feed it after midnight.
Even if I promise that I won't feed it people
We do not need to blow up every bridge we come across in case there are trolls living under it.
Even if the last three or so did have trolls under them.
Goblins do not make excellent cobblers.
Giving gold rings to goblins will not make them mutter "my precious"
Not allowed to wear medals claimed to have been awarded by supernatural entities
Not allowed to trick greenhorns into awarding them to me as a proxy to such entities
Standing order to present self to the CO for a uniform inspection every morning oh-five-thirty
Not allowed to appear for same with full battle gear and grimacing "because I'm still tired"
Not allowed to drag a chest with same gear behind me right across the paved parade ground
I will not ask icelandic mages for next week's lotto numbers. Besides they almost certainly got the tickets first.
I will not taunt or insult the spirits
Even if I  do it in runo time
Not allowed to make bets with mages to taunt spirits
Especially if they are Norwegian
As of the Saimaa incident, I am never to be given access to a kantele
I am no longer allowed to entrust classified information to the following: myself, new recruits, foreign diplomats, Trond Anderson, and Admiral Olsen
Especially Admiral Olsen
I am not the high priest of Loki and am not religiously obligated to put buckets of water over the door to the military conference room.
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of Loki
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of any god, deity, or supernatural entity.
Especially the Hiisi
Not allowed to send scouts through poison ivy and then claim they have the rash
Even if they are immune
Not allowed to switch the cleanser's dynamite with hair care products
Not allowed to use cleanser equipment for cooking
I am no longer allowed near any cleanser equipment
I may not ask cleansers to cook for me
I may not ask cleansers to do anything
I am no longer allowed near cleansers without supervision
Cats do not count, no matter how smart they are
Trolls are not pacified by an offering of billy goats
Giants do not go "fee-fi-fo-fum" and I am not allowed to make information pamphlets that say otherwise
Even if we did just fight a giant that said that.
Beasts are never "good eatin"
In contrast to what I may think, "the fish is rotten" does not mean "only my boss may eat it".
The sheep is served best without wool.
Not allowed to hide wool in sheep meat.
Not allowed to give my acorns-allergic co-worker acorns 'just to see what would happen.'
I shall never, ever, withhold my cookies from anyone.
I shall not demand anything even slightly illegal at the price of my cookies.
What is legal and what is illegal is decided by local law, not anything or anyone else.
Five course meal is not what my superior means when he says "snack".
The opposite is also true.
Serving dishes with alcohol to sailors on duty is a terrible idea, regardless of the amusement it brings me and my colleagues.
Not allowed to tell visiting VIP that the dish is made of troll.
Especially if the dish is made from troll.
Troll is not viable food.
Calling troll by any other name does not make it viable food.
Not allowed to cast exorcisms on troll to use it for cooking.
Not allowed to ask mages to do the same.
If a dish is moving on its own accord, I can safely assume that it is inedible.
Throwing food away is not 'wasting it' if it tries to crawl out of the pot on its own.
Not allowed to throw the food away into my boss' bed, even if it 'looks just like him.'
The dish I'm serving is not made from my co-workers.
The dish I'm serving is not made from customers.
Not allowed to call any dish "Soylent Green".
When a customer complains of a fly in the soup the correct response is to fetch a fresh bowl of soup, not to lift the insect out of the soup by its wings and shout, "Spit it out! Spit it out!"
I am not permitted to spit in an customer's drink, particularly in full view of the customer.
A chef's hat is not part of military uniform.
Especially if it is over one metre tall.
I am not allowed to tie Admiral Olsen's braids to anything, including other parts of Admiral Olsen.
Not allowed to send grossling hunters into superior's quarters with a false report about a "Drider infestation".
Not allowed to write fanfics about my superiors and co-workers.
Not allowed to put aforementioned fanfics where everyone can see them.
I am not permitted to give nicknames.
Not permitted to diagnose my superior officers with face cancer.
Not permitted to diagnose officers with illnesses that do not exist.
Not permitted to diagnose anyone with illnesses that do not exist.
Not permitted to diagnose anyone with illnesses "in late stages of development".
Not permitted to work on new illnesses.
Not permitted to blackmail mages into doing same.
I am not allowed to diagnose people with EUS (Extreme Ugliness Syndrome), especially female recruits.
I am not allowed to perform "aesthetic facial surgery."
I am not allowed to ask any mage to do it for me.
I am not allowed to scream "Darn! Foiled again!".
I am not allowed to put whoopie-cushions in the seats if my superiors.
I am not allowed to be in the proximity of my superiors or their belongings ever again.
Not allowed to advise people to take up smoking on the grounds that "Tobacco's a herb, so it's practically medicine!"
If someone advises me to "Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!", I shall not actually put it in my pipe and smoke it.
The medicinal alcohol I can draw from the medical depot is plenty potent, and there is no need for me to make my own.
Shrapnel wounds do not count as "received in the line of duty" if they are the result of my "medicinal alcohol"-still exploding.
Rubbing alcohol is for medicinal use only, and is not to be consumed.
Lighting fluid is for professional use only, and is not to be consumed.
Not allowed to prescribe anyone, including self, medicinal alcohol for internal use.
"Could do with a stiff drink" is not a medical diagnosis.
Not permitted to call "positive thinking" a cure-all medicine for actual ailments and conditions.
Not permitted to substitute any sort of invented placebo for actual medical treatment.
Applying tiger balm to the insides of protective gear is not funny.
Not allowed to use the phrase "Dare you" around Norwegians. They will always do it.
Catnip is not allowed.
My proper military title is “Specialist Madsen” not “Princess Alexandra”.
Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic.
Not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
Not allowed to ask mages to perform black magic.
Not allowed to offer mages compensation for the same.
Not allowed to add “In accordance with the prophesy” to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me.
Not allowed to title any product “Get Over it”.
Not allowed to purchase anyone’s soul on government time.
Not allowed to join the Trolls.
Not allowed to join any militia.
Not allowed to form any militia.
Must get a haircut even if it tampers with my “Samson-like powers”.
God may not contradict any of my orders.
May not call any officers immoral, untrustworthy, lying, or slime, even if I’m right.
Must not tell any officer that I am smarter than they are. Especially if it’s true.
Not allowed to wake a recruit by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.
Sock puppets may not contradict any of my orders.
Not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.
Not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.
Not allowed to eat cookies at formation, unless I brought enough for everybody.
Not allowed to eat cookies at formation even if I did bring enough for everybody.
My title is “Specialist Madsen”, not “Dr. Feelgood”.
I do not have super-powers.
Not allowed to attempt to appeal to mankind’s baser instincts in recruitment posters.
Camouflage body paint is not a uniform.
I am not the atheist chaplain.
I am not authorized to fire officers.
Not allowed to trade military equipment for “magic beans”.
Not allowed to sell magic beans during duty hours.
The proper response to a lawful order is not “Why?”
May not make posters depicting the leadership failings of my chain of command.
“The Giant Space Ants” are not at the top of my chain of command.
It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, no longer applies to Specialist Madsen.
Command decisions do *not* need to be ratified by a 2/3 majority.
There are no evil clowns living under my bed.
There is no “Anti-Mime” campaign in Sweden.
Swedes do not have only four toes on each foot, and I am not allowed to inform Finns that they do.
I am not allowed to perform "corrective surgery" to ensure that any Swede has only four toes on each foot.
I am not the Psychological Warfare Mascot.
Not allowed to make any "Psychological Warfare" products depicting the Dalsnes incident.
Psychological Warfare is not a valid tactic against trolls.
Woad is not camouflage makeup.
May not conduct psychological experiments on my chain of command.
May not conduct medical experiments on my chain of command.
“Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around” is not a cadence.
I am neither the king nor queen of cheese.
Not allowed to wear a dress to any army functions.
May not form any press gangs.
Must not start any Situation Report with “I recently had an experience I just had to write you about….”
Must not use military vehicles to “Squish” trolls, game, or livestock.
May not challenge anyone in my chain of command to the “field of honor”.
If the thought of something makes me smile, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
Must not refer to 1st Sgt as “Mom”.
Must not refer to the Commander as “Dad”.
When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony “Romper Bomper Stomper Boo” is probably not appropriate.
Nerve gas is not funny.
I am not in need of a more suitable host body.
The proper procedure while gassing a trolls nest is not “Tell my chain of command what I really think about them, and then poke holes in their masks.”
Troll nests are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell new recruits that they are.
Rodents are not entitled to burial with full military honors, even if they are “casualties of war”.
I am not allowed to bum cigarettes off of anyone under twelve.
I may not trade my rifle for any of the following: Cigarettes, booze, small children, or books.
Must not mock command decisions in front of the press.
Should not taunt members of the press, even if they are really fat, exceptionally stupid, and Swedish.
I am not authorized to change national policy.
I am not qualified to operate any Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, or Swedish Armored vehicles.
I cannot trade my CO to the Trolls.
Burn pits for organic material are not revel fires – therefore it is wrong to dance naked around them.
I cannot arrest children for being rude.
I cannot arrest adults for being rude.
I am not authorized to perform arrests.
Tissue samples should not be stored in the barracks.
I should not teach other soldiers to say offensive and crude things in Icelandic, under the guise of teaching them how to say potentially useful phrases.
The above goes doubly for superior officers.
Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
Two drink limit does not mean two kinds of drinks.
Two drink limit does not mean the drinks can be as large as I like.
“No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that an IV is acceptable.
“Shpadoinkle” is not a real word.
Cats are not authorized to countermand any orders.
“I’m drunk” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.
The loudspeaker system is not a forum to voice my ideas.
The loudspeaker system is not to be used to replace the radio.
The loudspeaker system is not to be used when confirming a diagnosis of a sensitive nature.
An order to put polish on my boots means the whole boot.
Should not show up at the front gate wearing part of an Icelandic uniform, messily drunk.
Even if my commander did it.
Must not teach interpreters how to make “MRE” bombs.
I am not authorized to sell mineral rights.
Not allowed to use a broadsword to disprove “The Pen is Mightier than the sword”.
I should not drink three quarts of blue food coloring before a urine test.
Nor should I drink three quarts of red food coloring, and scream during the same.
I should not threaten suicide with army rations.
Putting candy into a prescription medicine bottle, and then eating them all at once while in formation is not funny.
Must not send new recruits for the following items: a BT punch, a long wait, a left-handed screwdriver, a frogs-hair brush, striped paint, or summer air for the tires.
Must not pass out DOA (Dead on Arrival) forms to new recruits, then insist they be filled out.
Must not refer to new recruits as "Troll bait."
Must not refer to new recruits as "Fresh meat."
Must not refer to new recruits as "Human sacrifice."
Must not engage with new recruits.
The proper way to report to my Commander is “Specialist Madsen, reporting as ordered, Sir” not “You can’t prove a thing!”
Teaching Icelandic children to taunt other soldiers is not nice.
The revolution is not now.
When detained, I do not have a right to a strip search.
No part of the military uniform is edible.
Bodychecking General officers is not a good idea.
Past lives have absolutely no effect on the chain of command.
Take that hat off.
I do not get “that time of month”.
No, the pants are not optional.
DNA samples obtained in the course of performance of duties are not for resale.
Not allowed to operate a business out of the barracks.
Not allowed to “defect” to the trolls during training missions.
On training missions, try not to shoot the General’s horse.
I am not allowed to create new levels of security clearance.
We do not “charge into battle, naked, like the Celts”.
On Army documents, my race is not “Other”.
My name is not a killing word.
I am not the Emperor of anything.
I am not the Empress of anything.
Taunting Icelanders is not permitted.
Taunting Norwegians is not permitted.
Taunting Finns is not permitted.
Taunting Swedes is permitted, but only in moderation.
May not challenge officers to “Meet me on the field of honor, at dawn”.
It is inappropriate to challenge superiors to an "old-world duel."
It is inappropriate to challenge subordinates to an "old-world duel."
Must not make s’mores while on guard duty.
Must not use the crematorium as an oven.
The proper response to a briefing is not “That’s what you think”.
I am not allowed to give tattoos.
I am not allowed to sing any song until verse 68 ever again.
Not allowed to lead a “Coup” during training missions.
I should not confess to crimes that took place before I was born.
Must not valiantly push officers onto trolls to save the squad.
"To conquer the earth with an army of flying monkeys” is a bad long term goal to give a recruit.
Do not convince non-immune recruits that their razorbumps are an outbreak of rash.
Do not convince immune recruits that their razorbumps are the result of microscopic parasites.
I am not allowed to preform an exorcism to repair a heating unit.
I am not allowed to request a mage to do the same.
I am not allowed to declare martial law.
I am not allowed to plant a Danish Flag on Swedish soil and claim that land for Denmark.
I am not allowed to order a class A cat.
I am not allowed to bypass written procedures to order a class A cat.
When clarifying why I ordered a class A cat, “to guard my cookies” is not a proper answer.
I am not allowed to mock a senior officer with baby talk.
I cannot declare my barracks a sovereign nation
I cannot request diplomatic immunity because my barracks are a sovereign nation.
I am not allowed to tape an officers hands together in order to prevent him from operating equipment, even if it is in the officer's best interests.
Using a flame thrower is not a permitted way to “one up” the guy that smacked me with a towel.
I am not allowed to yell, “Repel All Boarders” when my boss is trying to come aboard.
"Mother may I" is not the way to request permission for anything.
Saluting is not 'optional' when I am taller than the officer.
I am not allowed to make up my own names for equipment. Explosives are not “boomdy-booms”, a flamethrower is not a “portable dragon” and tanks are not “coffins”
I am not allowed to write my own names for equipment in the logs.
I am not allowed to settle a difference of opinion with my superior by arm wrestling.
I am not allowed to settle a difference of opinion with my superior by thumb wrestling.
I am not allowed the use the Engineer's wife as a navigational aide, no matter how big she is.
I am not allowed to form a labor union.
I am not allowed to use golf carts, cars, roller-blades or oxygen tanks during a 1.5 mile run in order to improve my time.
I am not allowed to revise the Uniform Code of Military Justice to suit my own personal needs
I am not allowed to blame poor performance on “Mental trauma received during the D-Day invasion at Normandy”
Personal intimate grooming cannot be used as an excuse for being late.
I am not allowed to use one curse word for every three regular words while giving training to recruits.
I am not allowed to give new recruits a detailed statistical analysis of how one of them will die within the next year.
I am also not allowed to form a betting pool on which one of the new crew it would be.
I cannot get a day off from work to attend my son’s game if I don’t actually have a son, or any child.
I am not allowed to have an allergic reaction to BS.
I am not allowed the be relieved from my watch station by “Casper the friendly ghost”.
I am not allowed to use the announcing system to voice my personal opinion about lunch.
I am not allow to skip while marching in formation.
I am not allowed to skip.
I am not allow to use the following statements while filling out evaluations for junior personnel:
“Can chug a beer in 3 seconds”
“Should be chemically castrated to protect the human gene pool”
“has hit rock bottom and started to dig”
“Has lowered all performance standards and continuously fails to meet them”
“Gets all the ladies”
“is a danger to himself and those around him”
“is smarter than anyone who will read this report. Just ask him, he will tell you so”
I am not allowed to put in a supply request ordering a new backbone for an officer.
I am not allowed to collect data for logs telepathically.
I am not allowed to request mages to do the same.
I am not allowed to go to sick call because I have a “morale deficiency”.
I am not allowed to conduct substance abuse prevention training while intoxicated.
I am not allowed to have my invisible friends stand my watch.
I am not allowed to learn technical information by osmosis.
I am not allowed to use classified materials to build paper airplanes.
I am not allowed to refuse an order because an officer didn’t ask nicely.
I am not allowed to give superior officers a time out.
I am not allowed to amend the posted plan of the day to include recess.
I am not allowed to turn a fully pressurized fire hose on a senior officer.
I am not deaf and shouldn’t pretend to be so when addressed by anyone senior to me.
I am not allowed to dare a Captain to assist in carrying heavy equipment, or anything else.
I am not allowed to, or offer to, “kiss it and make it feel better” as a medical procedure.
I am not allowed to substitute “nude” for the approved uniform in any situation.
I am not allowed to wake up any member of the crew with a fire extinguisher.
I am not allowed to use anti-contamination clothing as ski wear.
I am not allowed to write a prescription for “intelligence” for any Commanding Officer.
I am not allowed to refer to my chain of command as, “the forces of evil”.
I am not allowed to talk to any member of the media.
I am not allowed to wake up a new crew member, spending his first night on a mission, while dressed in full anti-contamination clothing and yelling, “Holy %$#@! We have a survivor!”.
I am not allowed to use the excuse “demonic possession” for anything
I am not allowed to ask mages to validate the same
I am not allowed to bleach the blue out of a Norwegian flag
Ghost stories are not allowed.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER is it permissible to put on a fish tail and flop around the deck screaming, "I'M A $@#&ING MERMAID!"

And then Tuuri finds, on the very last page, written in the same handwriting as the rest of the notebook: "New job. All of these no longer apply."

Edit: list to be updated as new things that Mikkel Madsen is not allowed to do are discovered.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: FinnishViking on May 23, 2015, 06:26:12 PM
Is he still allowed to give judgmental stares at other people giving the "Not amused" without even using words?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Divra on May 23, 2015, 06:30:18 PM
Source of inspiration (and a fair bit of the list) ( Still, apropos and quite funny.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 23, 2015, 06:32:47 PM
Source of inspiration (and a fair bit of the list) ( Still, apropos and quite funny.
And the other half! (

(Word to the wise, both lists are a little less child-friendly than the one provided here)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Divra on May 23, 2015, 06:34:20 PM

And one for the RPG people.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 23, 2015, 06:37:36 PM

And one for the RPG people.

And any Whovians out there? (
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sunflower on May 23, 2015, 08:06:09 PM
AH HA HA HA HA These are the funniest things I've ever seen!  I laughed until it hurts!  Random Texan Reader, you are brilliant

I am earnestly hoping one of our fan-artists will be inspired to illustrate some of these...

I am not permitted to give nicknames.
Catnip is not allowed.
My proper military title is “Specialist Madsen” not “Princess Anastasia”.
Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic.
Not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
Not allowed to ask mages to perform black magic.
Not allowed to offer mages compensation for the same.
Not allowed to add “In accordance with the prophesy” to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me.
Not allowed to title any product “Get Over it”.
Not allowed to purchase anyone’s soul on government time.
Not allowed to join the Trolls.
Not allowed to join any militia.
Not allowed to form any militia.
Rubbing alcohol is for medical use, and is not to be consumed.
Lighting fluid is for professional use, and is not to be consumed.
Must get a haircut even if it tampers with my “Samson like powers”.
God may not contradict any of my orders.
May not call any officers immoral, untrustworthy, lying, slime, even if I’m right.
Must not tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it’s true.
Not allowed to wake an Non-Commissioned Officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.
Sock puppets may not contradict any of my orders.
Not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.
Not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.
Not allowed to eat cookies at formation, unless I brought enough for everybody.
Not allowed to eat cookies at formation even if I *did* bring enough for everybody.
My title is “Specialist Madsen”, not “Dr. Feelgood”.
I do not have super-powers.
Not allowed to attempt to appeal to mankind’s baser instincts in recruitment posters.
Camouflage body paint is not a uniform.
I am not the atheist chaplain.
I am not authorized to fire officers.
Not allowed to trade military equipment for “magic beans”.
Not allowed to sell magic beans during duty hours.
An order to “Put Kiwi on my boots” does *not* involve fruit.
An order to “Make my Boots black and shiny” does not involve electrical tape.
The proper response to a lawful order is not “Why?”
May not make posters depicting the leadership failings of my chain of command.
“The Giant Space Ants” are not at the top of my chain of command.
It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, no longer applies to Specialist Madsen.
Command decisions do *not* need to be ratified by a 2/3 majority.
There are no evil clowns living under my bed.
There is no “Anti-Mime” campaign in Sweden.
I am not the Psychological Warfare Mascot.
Not allowed to make any "Psychological Warfare" products depicting the Dalsnes incident.
“Keep on Trucking” is *not* a psychological warfare message.
Psychological Warfare is not a valid tactic against trolls.
Woad is not camouflage makeup.
May not conduct psychological experiments on my chain of command.
May not conduct medical experiments on my chain of command.
“Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around” is *not* a cadence.
I am neither the king nor queen of cheese.
Not allowed to wear a dress to any army functions.
May not form any press gangs.
Must not start any Situation Report with “I recently had an experience I just had to write you about….”
Must not use military vehicles to “Squish” trolls, game, or livestock.
May not challenge anyone in my chain of command to the “field of honor”.
If the thought of something makes me smile, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
Must not refer to 1st Sgt as “Mom”.
Must not refer to the Commander as “Dad”.
When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony “Romper Bomper Stomper Boo” is probably not appropriate.
Nerve gas is not funny.
I am not in need of a more suitable host body.
The proper procedure while gassing a trolls nest is not “Tell my chain of command what I really think about them, and then poke holes in their masks.”
Troll nests are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell new soldiers that they are.
Rodents are not entitled to burial with full military honors, even if they are “casualties of war”.
I am not allowed to bum cigarettes off of anyone under twelve.
I may not trade my rifle for any of the following: Cigarettes, booze, small children, or books.
Must not mock command decisions in front of the press.
Should not taunt members of the press, even if they are really fat, exceptionally stupid, and Swedish.
I am not authorized to change national policy.
I am not qualified to operate any Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, or Swedish Armored vehicles.
I cannot trade my CO to the Trolls.
Burn pits for organic material are not revel fires – therefore it is wrong to dance naked around them.
I cannot arrest children for being rude.
I cannot arrest adults for being rude.
I am not authorized to perform arrests.
Tissue samples should not be stored in the barracks.
I should not teach other soldiers to say offensive and crude things in Icelandic, under the guise of teaching them how to say potentially useful phrases.
The above goes doubly for superior officers.
Two drink limit does not mean first and last.
Two drink limit does not mean two kinds of drinks.
Two drink limit does not mean the drinks can be as large as I like.
“No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that an IV is acceptable.
“Shpadoinkle” is not a real word.
Cats are not authorized to countermand any orders.
“I’m drunk” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.
The loudspeaker system is not a forum to voice my ideas.
The loudspeaker system is not to be used to replace the radio.
The loudspeaker system is not to be used when confirming a diagnosis of a sensitive nature.
An order to put polish on my boots means the whole boot.
Should not show up at the front gate wearing part of an Icelandic uniform, messily drunk.
Even if my commander did it.
Must not teach interpreters how to make “MRE” bombs.
I am not authorized to sell mineral rights.
Not allowed to use a broadsword to disprove “The Pen is Mightier than the sword”.
I should not drink three quarts of blue food coloring before a urine test.
Nor should I drink three quarts of red food coloring, and scream during the same.
Putting candy into a prescription medicine bottle, and then eating them all at once while in formation is not funny.
Must not pass out DOA forms to new recruits, then insist they be filled out.
Must not refer to new recruits as "Troll bait."
Must not refer to new recruits as "Fresh meat."
Must not refer to new recruits as "Human sacrifice."
Must not engage with new recruits.
The proper way to report to my Commander is “Specialist Madsen, reporting as ordered, Sir” not “You can’t prove a thing!”
Teaching Icelandic children to taunt other soldiers is not nice.
The revolution is not now.
When detained, I do not have a right to a strip search.
No part of the military uniform is edible.
Bodychecking General officers is not a good idea.

DNA samples obtained in the course of performance of duties are not for resale.
Not allowed to operate a business out of the barracks.
Not allowed to “defect” to the trolls during training missions.
On training missions, try not to shoot down the General’s helicopter.
I am not allowed to create new levels of security clearance.
We do not “charge into battle, naked, like the Celts”.
My name is not a killing word.
I am not the Emperor of anything.
I am not the Emperess of anything.
Taunting Icelanders is not permitted.
Taunting Norwegians is not permitted.
Taunting Finns is not permitted.
Taunting Swedes is permitted, but only in moderation.
May not challenge officers to “Meet me on the field of honor, at dawn”.

I am not allowed to give tattoos.
I am not allowed to sing any song until verse 68 ever again.
Not allowed to lead a “Coup” during training missions.
I should not confess to crimes that took place before I was born.
Must not valiantly push officers onto trolls to save the squad.
"To conquer the earth with an army of flying monkeys” is a bad long term goal.
Do not convince non-immune Non-Commissioned Officers that their razorbumps are an outbreak of rash.
Do not convince immune Non-Commissioned Officers that their razorbumps are the result of microscopic parasites.
I am not allowed to preform an exorcism to repair a heating unit.
I am not allowed to request a mage to do the same.
I am not allowed to declare martial law.
I am not allowed to plant a Danish Flag on Swedish soil and claim that land for Denmark.
I am not allowed to order a class A cat.
I am not allowed to bypass written procedures to order a class A cat.
When clarifying why I ordered a class A cat, “to guard my cookies” is not a proper answer.
I am not allowed to tape an officer's hands together in order to prevent him from operating equipment, even if it is in the officer's best interests.
Using a flame thrower is not a permitted way to “one up” the guy that smacked me with a towel.
I am not allowed to yell, “Repel All Boarders” when my boss is trying to come aboard.
"Mother may I" is not the way to request permission for anything.
Saluting is not optional when I am taller than the officer.
I am not allowed to make up my own names for equipment. Explosives are not a “boomdy-booms”, a flamethrower is not a “portable dragon” and tanks are not “coffins”
I am not allowed to write my own names for equipment in the logs.
I am not allowed to settle a difference of opinion with my Chief by thumb wrestling.
I am not allowed to give newly reported personnel a detailed statistical analysis of how one of them will die within the next year. I am also not allowed to form a betting pool on which one of the new crew it would be.
I am not allowed to collect data for the ships logs telepathically.
I am not allowed to request mages to do the same.
I am not allowed to go to sick call because I have a “morale deficiency”.
I am not allowed to conduct substance abuse prevention training while intoxicated.
I am not allowed to, or offer to, “kiss it and make it feel better” as a medical procedure.
I am not allowed to substitute “nude” for the approved uniform in any situation.
I am not allowed to wake up any member of the crew with a fire extinguisher.
I am not allowed to use anti-contamination clothing as ski wear.
I am not allowed to write a prescription for “intelligence” for any Commanding Officer.
I am not allowed to refer to my chain of command as “the forces of evil”.
I am not allowed to talk to any member of the media.
I am not allowed to wake up a new crew member, spending his first night on a mission, while dressed in full anti-contamination clothing and yelling, “Holy %$#@! We have a survivor!”.
I am not allowed to use the excuse “demonic possession” for anything
I am not allowed to ask mages to validate the same
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER is it permissible to put on a fish tail and flop around the deck screaming, "I'M A $@#&ING MERMAID!"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sharion on May 24, 2015, 09:50:52 AM

And one for the RPG people.

One more, for the ones who know WoD - Werewolf (
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on May 24, 2015, 12:39:50 PM
*dies of laughter*
*stands up, brushes herself off*

Oh my, this is brilliant!
May I suggest adding "I am not allowed to diagnose my superior officers with face cancer"?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on May 24, 2015, 01:17:33 PM
May I suggest adding "I am not allowed to diagnose my superior officers with face cancer"?
Not permitted to diagnose officers with illnesses that do not exist.
Not permitted to diagnose anyone with illnesses that do not exist.
Not permitted to diagnose anyone with illnesses "in late stages of development".
Not permitted to work on new illnesses.
Not permitted to blackmail mages into doing same.

(If there had been any previous missions into the Silent Lands before, I'ld also add "not permitted to redirect missions so as to raid pre-Rash B weaponry sites".)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 24, 2015, 04:09:59 PM
Not permitted to diagnose officers with illnesses that do not exist.
Not permitted to diagnose anyone with illnesses that do not exist.
Not permitted to diagnose anyone with illnesses "in late stages of development".
Not permitted to work on new illnesses.
Not permitted to blackmail mages into doing same.

(If there had been any previous missions into the Silent Lands before, I'ld also add "not permitted to redirect missions so as to raid pre-Rash B weaponry sites".)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Fimbulvarg on May 24, 2015, 05:29:35 PM
Not permitted to call "positive thinking" a cure-all medicine for actual ailments and conditions.
Not permitted to substitute any sort of invented placebo for actual medical treatment.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Divra on May 24, 2015, 05:45:32 PM
Not allowed to advise people to take up smoking on the grounds that "Tobacco's a herb, so it's practically medicine!"
If someone advises me to "Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!", I shall not actually put it in my pipe and smoke it.
Shrapnel wounds do not count as "recieved in the line of duty" if they are the result of my "medicinal alcohol"-still exploding.
The medicinal alcohol I can draw from the medical depot is plenty potent, and there is no need for me to make my own.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 24, 2015, 06:12:21 PM
Not permitted to call "positive thinking" a cure-all medicine for actual ailments and conditions.
Not permitted to substitute any sort of invented placebo for actual medical treatment.
Not allowed to advise people to take up smoking on the grounds that "Tobacco's a herb, so it's practically medicine!"
If someone advises me to "Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!", I shall not actually put it in my pipe and smoke it.
Shrapnel wounds do not count as "recieved in the line of duty" if they are the result of my "medicinal alcohol"-still exploding.
The medicinal alcohol I can draw from the medical depot is plenty potent, and there is no need for me to make my own.
THESE ARE BRILLIANT, Y'ALL!!! Keep'em coming!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Blackjazz on May 25, 2015, 12:31:56 AM
A-HAHAHA! This is just fantastic! I love it!

Heh. I read "There is no “Anti-Mime” campaign in Sweden" and it suddenly occurred to me...
Mikkel's the reason Tuuri thinks Swedes only have four toes on each foot, isn't he?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Baku on May 25, 2015, 12:34:30 AM
I read through the whole thing, and I gotta say that I haven't laughed this hard in a few weeks! I'll have to contribute when my mind isn't completely blank.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 25, 2015, 12:44:58 AM
A-HAHAHA! This is just fantastic! I love it!

Heh. I read "There is no “Anti-Mime” campaign in Sweden" and it suddenly occurred to me...
Mikkel's the reason Tuuri thinks Swedes only have four toes on each foot, isn't he?
YES. *adds to list*
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Divra on May 25, 2015, 06:29:08 AM
Applying tiger balm to the insides of protective gear is not funny.
Not allowed to use the phrase "Dare you" around Norwegians. They will always do it.
Not allowed to prescribe anyone medicinal alcohol for internal use.
"Could do with a stiff drink" is not a medical diagnosis.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 25, 2015, 10:52:04 AM
Applying tiger balm to the insides of protective gear is not funny.
Not allowed to use the phrase "Dare you" around Norwegians. They will always do it.
Not allowed to prescribe anyone medicinal alcohol for internal use.
"Could do with a stiff drink" is not a medical diagnosis.
I actually had to look up tiger balm and MIKKEL NO.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SugaAndSpice on May 25, 2015, 10:56:56 AM

And then Tuuri finds, on the very last page, written in the same handwriting as the rest of the notebook: "New job. All of these no longer apply."

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Haiz on May 25, 2015, 11:09:54 AM
this whole thread is amazing and is hereby declared my number one cheerup thread.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER is it permissible to put on a fish tail and flop around the deck screaming, "I'M A $@#&ING MERMAID!"
I've been giggling throughout the whole thing but this one made me laugh. for obvious reasons
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Divra on May 25, 2015, 11:14:03 AM
I actually had to look up tiger balm and MIKKEL NO.

He'd do it. It's a classic.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Cat Is in the Moon on May 30, 2015, 12:01:19 PM
I just can't get over this. XD They're all great.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Oh Deer on May 30, 2015, 02:06:28 PM
Do not attempt to shave with fire.
Do not leave cat food under CO’s hammock
I am not allowed to ask "Is this stuff flammable?" while setting it on fire.
Gonasyphaherpaloids is not a real disease.
Voices in your head do not constitute lawful orders
Danish soldiers do not “consume the flesh of their fallen enemies to gain their strength.”
Do not mix fake fangs and dress inspections
I’m not a ninja, and they CAN see me
Your cat does not count as immediate family, therefore you cannot use that as a reason to go home on emergency leave.
I am not allowed to force any other person into a straight jacket
Not permitted to release cats into the barracks.
Not allowed to order chloroform
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on May 30, 2015, 08:22:39 PM
Great, now I want to go to Denmark and find some Mikkel of my own and marry him if I want to die in peace!

May I suggest?

I'm not allowed to diagnose people with EUS (Extreme Ugliness Syndrome), especially the female recruits.
I'm not allowed to perform esthetic facial surgery.
I'm not allowed to ask any mage to do it for me.
I'm not allowed to scream "Darn! Foiled again!". Ever.
I'm not allowed to put whoopie-cushions in the seats if my superiors.
I'm not allowed to be in the proximity of my superiors or their belongings ever again.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on May 30, 2015, 11:44:35 PM
Great, now I want to go to Denmark and find some Mikkel of my own and marry him if I want to die in peace!

May I suggest?

I'm not allowed to diagnose people with EUS (Extreme Ugliness Syndrome), especially the female recruits.
I'm not allowed to perform esthetic facial surgery.
I'm not allowed to ask any mage to do it for me.
I'm not allowed to scream "Darn! Foiled again!". Ever.
I'm not allowed to put whoopie-cushions in the seats if my superiors.
I'm not allowed to be in the proximity of my superiors or their belongings ever again.
I have to say my favorite here is the final ban on proximity to superiors' belongings. I wonder what else he did to their things?.....
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on May 31, 2015, 06:20:54 PM
I have to say my favorite here is the final ban on proximity to superiors' belongings. I wonder what else he did to their things?.....

I would bet on some event involving undergarments and a flagpole, or personal diaries and speakers, but who knows?  ::)

I think we've focused in the military part of his curriculum too much... I would love to know what "I'm not allowed"s he compiled during his time as a cook hehe

Any thoughts about that, my darlings?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on May 31, 2015, 09:49:50 PM
The only one i can think of at the moment:
I am not allowed to challenge anyone to an "olden days" style duel, especially as a method of questioning my superiors proving a point.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on June 01, 2015, 09:45:42 AM
I think we've focused in the military part of his curriculum too much... I would love to know what "I'm not allowed"s he compiled during his time as a cook hehe

Any thoughts about that, my darlings?

In contrast to what I may think, "the fish is rotten" does not mean "only my boss may eat it".
The sheep is served best without wool.
Not allowed to hide wool in sheep meet.
Not allowed to give my acorns-allergic co-worker acorns just to see what would happen.
I shall never, ever, withhold my cookies from anyone.
I shall not demand anything even slightly illegal at the price of my cookies.
What is legal and what is illegal is decided by local law, not anything or anyone else.
Five course meal is not what my superior means when he says "snack". The opposite is also true.
Serving dishes with alcohol to sailors on duty is a terribad idea, regardless of the amusement it brings me and my colleagues.
Not allowed to tell visiting VIP that the dish is made of troll. Especially if the dish is made from troll.
Troll is not viable food.
Calling troll by any other name does not make it viable food.
Not allowed to cast exorcisms on troll to use it for cooking.
If my dish is moving on its own accord, I can safely assume that it's inedible.
Throwing food away is not wasting it if it tries to crawl out of the pot anyway.
Not allowed to throw the food away in my boss' bed, even if it looks just like him.
The dish I'm serving is not made from my co-workers.
Not allowed to call any dish "Soylent Green".

I hoped at least some of those are worthwhile.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SectoBoss on June 01, 2015, 10:19:38 AM
A chef's hat is not part of military uniform, especially if it is over one metre tall.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on June 01, 2015, 10:31:21 AM
In contrast to what I may think, "the fish is rotten" does not mean "only my boss may eat it".
The sheep is served best without wool.
Not allowed to hide wool in sheep meet.
Not allowed to give my acorns-allergic co-worker acorns just to see what would happen.
I shall never, ever, withhold my cookies from anyone.
I shall not demand anything even slightly illegal at the price of my cookies.
What is legal and what is illegal is decided by local law, not anything or anyone else.
Five course meal is not what my superior means when he says "snack". The opposite is also true.
Serving dishes with alcohol to sailors on duty is a terribad idea, regardless of the amusement it brings me and my colleagues.
Not allowed to tell visiting VIP that the dish is made of troll. Especially if the dish is made from troll.
Troll is not viable food.
Calling troll by any other name does not make it viable food.
Not allowed to cast exorcisms on troll to use it for cooking.
If my dish is moving on its own accord, I can safely assume that it's inedible.
Throwing food away is not wasting it if it tries to crawl out of the pot anyway.
Not allowed to throw the food away in my boss' bed, even if it looks just like him.
The dish I'm serving is not made from my co-workers.
Not allowed to call any dish "Soylent Green".

I hoped at least some of those are worthwhile.
A chef's hat is not part of military uniform, especially if it is over one metre tall.
These are A: hilarious, B: brilliant, and C: added.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Daéa Reina on June 01, 2015, 02:14:41 PM
In contrast to what I may think, "the fish is rotten" does not mean "only my boss may eat it".
The sheep is served best without wool.
Not allowed to hide wool in sheep meet.
Not allowed to give my acorns-allergic co-worker acorns just to see what would happen.
I shall never, ever, withhold my cookies from anyone.
I shall not demand anything even slightly illegal at the price of my cookies.
What is legal and what is illegal is decided by local law, not anything or anyone else.
Five course meal is not what my superior means when he says "snack". The opposite is also true.
Serving dishes with alcohol to sailors on duty is a terribad idea, regardless of the amusement it brings me and my colleagues.
Not allowed to tell visiting VIP that the dish is made of troll. Especially if the dish is made from troll.
Troll is not viable food.
Calling troll by any other name does not make it viable food.
Not allowed to cast exorcisms on troll to use it for cooking.
If my dish is moving on its own accord, I can safely assume that it's inedible.
Throwing food away is not wasting it if it tries to crawl out of the pot anyway.
Not allowed to throw the food away in my boss' bed, even if it looks just like him.
The dish I'm serving is not made from my co-workers.
Not allowed to call any dish "Soylent Green".

I hoped at least some of those are worthwhile.

These are hilarious!!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on June 01, 2015, 07:04:01 PM

I hoped at least some of those are worthwhile.

Wow! Much amusing! Many worthwhile! Wow! Hahaha, seriously, Minna could make a great OVA out of this!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Auleliel on June 02, 2015, 12:25:43 AM
These are so funny!   :D

I am not allowed to put glue of any kind anywhere without direct orders to do so. Especially not in the latrine.
I am not allowed to directly order myself to do anything.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Trinka on June 02, 2015, 02:47:24 AM
In contrast to what I may think, "the fish is rotten" does not mean "only my boss may eat it".
The sheep is served best without wool.
Not allowed to hide wool in sheep meet.
Not allowed to give my acorns-allergic co-worker acorns just to see what would happen.
I shall never, ever, withhold my cookies from anyone.
I shall not demand anything even slightly illegal at the price of my cookies.
What is legal and what is illegal is decided by local law, not anything or anyone else.
Five course meal is not what my superior means when he says "snack". The opposite is also true.
Serving dishes with alcohol to sailors on duty is a terribad idea, regardless of the amusement it brings me and my colleagues.
Not allowed to tell visiting VIP that the dish is made of troll. Especially if the dish is made from troll.
Troll is not viable food.
Calling troll by any other name does not make it viable food.
Not allowed to cast exorcisms on troll to use it for cooking.
If my dish is moving on its own accord, I can safely assume that it's inedible.
Throwing food away is not wasting it if it tries to crawl out of the pot anyway.
Not allowed to throw the food away in my boss' bed, even if it looks just like him.
The dish I'm serving is not made from my co-workers.
Not allowed to call any dish "Soylent Green".

I hoped at least some of those are worthwhile.

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SectoBoss on June 02, 2015, 05:56:33 AM
From a fanfic I wrote a while ago that I've only just remembered:

I am not allowed to tie Admiral Olsen's beard braids to anything, including other parts of Admiral Olsen.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on June 02, 2015, 08:53:37 AM
From a fanfic I wrote a while ago that I've only just remembered:

I am not allowed to tie Admiral Olsen's beard braids to anything, including other parts of Admiral Olsen.

 ;D :D ;D :D
You gave me this mental image of Admiral Olsen waking up in his room only to find out that he's tied to everything with his hair and spending the next day untying himself because he doesn't want to cut this magnificent beard, while Mikkel tries to make as much distance between himself and the Admiral as humanly possible...

And now I'm really curious about this fanfic of yours.

Not allowed to write fanfics about my superiors and co-workers.
Not allowed to put aforementioned fanfics where everyone can see them.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 02, 2015, 02:12:48 PM
You gave me this mental image of Admiral Olsen waking up in his room only to find out that he's tied to everything with his hair and spending the next day untying himself because he doesn't want to cut this magnificent beard
Also, not allowed to send grossling hunters into superior's quarters talking about a "Drider infestation".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on June 02, 2015, 02:34:46 PM
From a fanfic I wrote a while ago that I've only just remembered:

I am not allowed to tie Admiral Olsen's beard braids to anything, including other parts of Admiral Olsen.
;D :D ;D :D
You gave me this mental image of Admiral Olsen waking up in his room only to find out that he's tied to everything with his hair and spending the next day untying himself because he doesn't want to cut this magnificent beard, while Mikkel tries to make as much distance between himself and the Admiral as humanly possible...

And now I'm really curious about this fanfic of yours.

Not allowed to write fanfics about my superiors and co-workers.
Not allowed to put aforementioned fanfics where everyone can see them.
Also, not allowed to send grossling hunters into superior's quarters talking about a "Drider infestation".
And now Olsen's reaction upon seeing Mikkel at his dock again seems rather tame....
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SectoBoss on June 02, 2015, 02:35:09 PM
And now I'm really curious about this fanfic of yours.

Shameless self-promotion intensifies:
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on June 02, 2015, 02:52:25 PM
Shameless self-promotion intensifies:

Your shameless self-promotion is entirely justified. Even if sad, this story is great.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SectoBoss on June 02, 2015, 03:00:25 PM
Your shameless self-promotion is entirely justified. Even if sad, this story is great.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on June 11, 2015, 10:55:55 PM
Some good ones I thought up:

Not allowed to send scouts through poison ivy and then claim they have the rash
Even if they are immune
Not allowed to switch the cleanser's dynamite with hair care products
Not allowed to use cleanser equipment for cooking
I am no longer allowed near any cleanser equipment
I may not ask cleansers to cook for me
I may not ask cleansers to do anything
I am no longer allowed near cleansers without supervision
Cats do not count, no matter how smart they are

Trolls are not pacified by an offering of billy goats
Giants do not go "fee-fi-fo-fum" and I am not allowed to make information pamphlets that say otherwise
Even if we did just fight a giant that said that.
Beasts are never "good eatin"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Trinka on June 12, 2015, 12:56:50 AM
Some good ones I thought up:

Not allowed to send scouts through poison ivy and then claim they have the rash
Even if they are immune
Not allowed to switch the cleanser's dynamite with hair care products
Not allowed to use cleanser equipment for cooking
I am no longer allowed near any cleanser equipment
I may not ask cleansers to cook for me
I may not ask cleansers to do anything
I am no longer allowed near cleansers without supervision
Cats do not count, no matter how smart they are

Trolls are not pacified by an offering of billy goats
Giants do not go "fee-fi-fo-fum" and I am not allowed to make information pamphlets that say otherwise
Even if we did just fight a giant that said that.
Beasts are never "good eatin"

Love it, these are too funny! The poison ivy bit killed me!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on June 12, 2015, 01:46:18 AM
Some more:
I will not ask icelandic mages for next week's lotto numbers. Besides they almost certainly got the tickets first.
I will not taunt or insult the spirits
Even if I  do it in runo time
Not allowed to make bets with mages to taunt spirits
Especially if they are Norwegian
As of the Saimaa incident, I am never to be given access to a kantele
I am no longer allowed to entrust classified information to the following: myself, new recruits, foreign diplomats, Trond Anderson, and Admiral Olsen
Especially Admiral Olsen
I am not the high priest of Loki and am not religiously obligated to put buckets of water over the door to the military conference room.
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of Loki
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of any god, deity, or supernatural entity.
Especially the Hiisi
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on June 12, 2015, 08:19:31 AM
I am not the high priest of Loki and am not religiously obligated to put buckets of water over the door to the military conference room.
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of Loki
I am not allowed to become an ordained priest of any god, deity, or supernatural entity.
Especially the Hiisi

Sir. Orc, you deserve a medal
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 12, 2015, 01:17:44 PM
Sir. Orc, you deserve a medal
Not allowed to wear medals claimed to have been awarded by supernatural entities ("readers" included)
Not allowed to trick greenhorns into awarding them to me as a proxy to such entities
Standing order to present self to the CO for a uniform inspection every morning oh-five-thirty
Not allowed to appear for same with full battle gear and grimacing "because I'm still tired"
Not allowed to drag a chest with same gear behind me right across the paved parade ground
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on June 12, 2015, 01:26:23 PM
Rereading the things Mikkel is not allowed to do, I've been thinking... did they lower the discipline standards that much in Y90? Are they that desperate for conscripts? Because, if Mikkel did only one or two of those things in any this-age-army, he'd still be cleaning the bathroom floor with his tongue as a punishment! Well, he's jobless for a reason, but still...
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on June 12, 2015, 01:34:29 PM
Rereading the things Mikkel is not allowed to do, I've been thinking... did they lower the discipline standards that much in Y90? Are they that desperate for conscripts? Because, if Mikkel did only one or two of those things in any this-age-army, he'd still be cleaning the bathroom floor with his tongue as a punishment! Well, he's jobless for a reason, but still...
It's a mystery. Blackmail is my guess.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 12, 2015, 01:51:27 PM
Blackmail is my guess.
Are you suggesting that Mikkel keeps "finding" jobs around Denmark because Trond wouldn't like him to get hired to Norway? :D
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on June 12, 2015, 01:55:12 PM
Are you suggesting that Mikkel keeps "finding" jobs around Denmark because Trond wouldn't like him to get hired to Norway? :D
This is now fact.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on June 12, 2015, 02:34:13 PM
Are you suggesting that Mikkel keeps "finding" jobs around Denmark because Trond wouldn't like him to get hired to Norway? :D
This is now fact.

You beat me to it! This is part of my head canon now hahaha
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on June 15, 2015, 01:29:27 AM
New items for the list:

We do not need to blow up every bridge we come across in case there are trolls living under it.
Even if the last three or so did have trolls under them.
Goblins do not make excellent cobblers.
Giving gold rings to goblins will not make them mutter "my precious".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on June 15, 2015, 10:05:22 AM
New items for the list:

We do not need to blow up every bridge we come across in case there are trolls living under it.
Even if the last three or so did have trolls under them.
Goblins do not make excellent cobblers.
Giving gold rings to goblins will not make them mutter "my precious".

 ;D My dear Sir, that's brilliant!

Not allowed to keep beasts as pets.
Even if I promise that I won't feed it after midnight.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sunflower on June 26, 2015, 12:13:36 AM
I am not allowed to tell people with gastric distress to "put de lime in de coconut and drink it all up (" 
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Bobriha on June 26, 2015, 09:12:41 AM
(Not mine)
Not allowed to change anyones uniform to Nazi Germany's military uniform even when I think it suits them better.
Not even when everyone thinks it suits them better.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on June 26, 2015, 12:10:57 PM
(Not mine)
Not allowed to change anyones uniform to Nazi Germany's military uniform even when I think it suits them better.
Not even when everyone thinks it suits them better.

Not allowed to suggest any changes to the uniforms.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on June 26, 2015, 04:35:33 PM
Not allowed to operate helicopters.
Not allowed to operate jet aircraft.
Not allowed to operate propeller aircraft.
Not allowed to operate flying vehicles of any sort.
Not allowed to convert non-flying vehicles to flying vehicles.
Not allowed to use catapults for above purpose.
Not allowed near airfields.
Not allowed near tank depots.
No longer allowed near the jeep garage.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 26, 2015, 07:26:18 PM
Not allowed to operate helicopters.
Not allowed to operate jet aircraft.
Not allowed to operate propeller aircraft.
Not allowed to operate flying vehicles of any sort.
Not allowed to convert non-flying vehicles to flying vehicles.
Not allowed to use catapults for above purpose.
Not allowed near airfields.
Not allowed near tank depots.
No longer allowed near the jeep garage.
Not allowed near any jeeps driving officers around.
Not allowed near battle tanks in movement.
Not allowed near the bicycle depot.
Not allowed near the friggen toaster anymore!
Required to keep a 10 km distance from any power grid installations.
Required to stay at sea and keep a 10 km distance from any land surface.
Including the seabottom below.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on June 27, 2015, 08:12:04 AM
Building a "Cat-a-pult" is neither a useful nor humane military tactic against Trolls.
No longer allowed near Grade A cats.
No longer allowed near Grade B cats.
No longer allowed near cats of any kind.
No longer allowed near animals even approximating catness.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: BarbaryLion22 on June 27, 2015, 09:33:56 PM
Building a "Cat-a-pult" is neither a useful nor humane military tactic against Trolls.
No longer allowed near Grade A cats.
No longer allowed near Grade B cats.
No longer allowed near cats of any kind.
No longer allowed near animals even approximating catness.
No longer allowed near beasts even approximating catness.
No longer allowed near animals of any kind.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on June 27, 2015, 09:42:00 PM
No longer allowed near beasts even approximating catness.
No longer allowed near animals of any kind.
Y'all are all such geniuses!

I'm going to have to go through at some point in the near future and try to put the list in a more logical order, just a headsup so somebody doesn't check the first page and go "Oh no, my contribution was removed!" Not removed, just moved.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on June 27, 2015, 11:25:29 PM
From my friend:
Not allowed to appear out of nowhere.
My addition to that:
Not allowed to ask mages to assist in the same.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on June 28, 2015, 07:47:29 AM
No longer allowed to teleport.
Any form of instant travel counts as teleporting.
Not allowed to ask mages to assist with above.
Not allowed to ask scientists either.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on July 08, 2015, 09:33:41 AM
I am no longer allowed to debrief hunters after disastrous missions.
Or normal missions.
I am not allowed to talk to hunters.
Having a large couch does not make me a licensed psychiatrist.
Neither does owning a "pipe of wisdom."
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SugaAndSpice on July 10, 2015, 02:34:42 AM
Not allowed to wrap new crew members in blanket burritos and joke about eating them, because no one understands my sense of humor
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on July 11, 2015, 08:11:56 PM
Not allowed to wrap new crew members in blanket burritos and joke about eating them, because no one understands my sense of humor

So terribly accurate!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on July 25, 2015, 05:21:25 PM
'En hel skide flok' is not a valid response when asked for an enemy numbers report.
Or for ANY numbers report.
Yes, this includes inventory.
No longer allowed near the armory.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: RandomTexanReader on July 25, 2015, 06:07:01 PM
'En hel skide flok' is not a valid response when asked for an enemy numbers report.
Or for ANY numbers report.
Yes, this includes inventory.
No longer allowed near the armory.
(It's in Danish though, so it gets added!)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sunflower on September 11, 2015, 01:22:16 PM
From P. 375, where Reynir is nervously asking Mikkel whether being close to Rash-contaminated clothing would actually make his skin fall off and he'd die.  Mikkel says....

Well, our imaginative Minnions came up with some possible answers: (

Mikkel weighs his options:

- "I guess we'll find out together, won't we?"

- "Oh wait, you said not immune?"

- "Let's try to be optimistic -- maybe you are an outlier."

- "The way I look at it, 99.99% fatality isn't technically a guarantee."

- "Rash illness? I don't actually believe in any of that."

- "Actually, I'm completely convinced that you are already infected."

- "Oh no, you won't die."

This is a tough one...

"Don't tell me you have face-cancer too?"

"The cold kills the infection, but I think you're infected. The only way to kill it now is to stay outside overnight...."

"What's this infection thing everyone keeps talking about?"

"You won't die. You'll turn into a horrific creature with arms coming out of your skull and your mind will be so far gone you might as well be dead, but you won't die."

"Well, yes, that's exactly what would happen to you [if these clothes were in fact still contagious]."

"I carefully mapped this vehicle's ventilation. Where you sit now, you're not downwind of the washing in any of the air currents. Better ask first when you need to move, though."

"I'm a medic, you know. A professional. I have a stapler and plenty of clamps for it, I will get your skin back on."

"Ah yes, safe distances. You had yours until the ship veered towards Amager ..."

"Don't worry too much about it. Usually the patient is in too much pain to worry about those details."
"I don't see the problem. Roasts need to be skinned anyway, right?"

"Your mother was a very wise woman."

"Oh, she was just trying not to scare you. Doesn't matter how far away you stand from bloody clothes."

"She was right! Quick, jump into this tub!" (Eh, that last one may not be subtle enough for Mikkel.)

"No, no, that won't happen. First you'll turn into a monster, then your skin will fall off and you'll die."
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sunflower on September 11, 2015, 01:25:15 PM
The Mikkeltrolling continues on p. 376: (

Random reader
Mikkel: What???
Mikkel: Let me see.
Mikkel:  ...
Mikkel: Reynir, exactly how much time did you spend outdoors while you were growing up in Iceland?
Mikkel: It's called sunburn, Reynir.
Reynir: WHAT???
Mikkel: If you spend too much time in the sun your skin turns red and hurts.
Mikkel: Yes. You'd better stay in the truck from now on. Just one burn won't cause too much damage, but two can kill you, and three definitely will. You should have stayed home.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on September 11, 2015, 03:31:13 PM
So new item:
I am not allowed to convince northern recruits that sunburn is the first sign of the Rash.
Even if they are immune.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on October 08, 2015, 09:29:07 PM
Here's one!

I may not use coconuts and say I am in a cavalry brigade.
If I procure coconuts, I must explain how I got tropical plant life in Scandinavia.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Noodles on October 08, 2015, 09:31:10 PM
Here's one!

I may not use coconuts and say I am in a cavalry brigade.
If I procure coconuts, I must explain how I got tropical plant life in Scandinavia.
I must also not convince Icelanders that Denmark has vast coconut forests.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on October 16, 2015, 03:32:53 PM
An artillery piece is not a toy.
Neither are the grenade launchers.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on October 16, 2015, 03:51:05 PM
An artillery piece is not a toy.
Neither are the grenade launchers.
And ESPECIALLY not the tanks.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on November 24, 2015, 06:02:39 PM
Grenades are NOT for fishing.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on November 24, 2015, 06:03:36 PM
Crippling one's team mates is right out.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on November 24, 2015, 10:32:49 PM
Crippling one's team mates is right out.
…even if it does improve team efficiency.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on November 25, 2015, 12:51:27 AM
Grenades are NOT for fishing.
What are you talking about? no, grenades are so effective - they must be built for fishing...
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: urbicande on November 25, 2015, 11:57:20 AM
Grenades are NOT for fishing.

Emil may feel otherwise.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Void Slayer on November 26, 2015, 01:25:24 PM
…even if it does improve team efficiency.

No longer allowed near metal pipes of any kind.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on November 26, 2015, 03:00:45 PM
No longer allowed near metal pipes of any kind.
Not allowed to remove the barracks' plumbing, either.
Not allowed to set up a booth and collect entrance fees to said barracks, or calling them "skating rinks".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: urbicande on November 28, 2015, 11:16:05 AM

Bad at stitching.  No longer allowed to repair torn uniforms.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: urbicande on December 03, 2015, 01:36:14 PM
Only vaguely related, but I'm currently earwormed by the concept of a roomful of dwarves singing

That's what Mikkel Madsen hates (http://"")
So carefully, carefully with the plates!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Noodles on December 03, 2015, 07:25:20 PM
Only vaguely related, but I'm currently earwormed by the concept of a roomful of dwarves singing

That's what Mikkel Madsen hates (http://"")
So carefully, carefully with the plates!

oh god you've gotten me too
*hums along, grimly*
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: urbicande on December 04, 2015, 08:49:31 AM
oh god you've gotten me too
*hums along, grimly*

My work here is done.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SectoBoss on December 05, 2015, 02:31:01 AM
No longer allowed to withhold food from teammates whilst announcing the "start of the annual Hunger Games".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on January 23, 2016, 05:43:51 PM
Some new items for the list:

Cats do not double as metal detectors and I should not tell new recruits otherwise
My superior officer is not a troll in disguise
Even if the cats don't like him
I cannot blame the Hiisi for my behavior
When the mage says there are hostile ghosts, cannot suggest calling the ghostbusters
Humming the ghostbusters theme will not, in fact, repel hostile spirits
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on January 23, 2016, 06:39:14 PM
When the mage says there are hostile ghosts, cannot suggest calling the ghostbusters
Humming the ghostbusters theme will not, in fact, repel hostile spirits
May not warn others to "not cross the streams".
Especially not by means of lavatory graffiti.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: chaelcodes on February 10, 2016, 05:03:10 AM
Mutiny is not permitted.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Buteo on February 10, 2016, 05:16:30 AM
...unless it is part of the duties of his assigned profession.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 12, 2016, 09:28:10 PM
Mutiny is not permitted.

I am NOT a pirate, no matter how "swashbucklin' " my clothing looks.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on April 12, 2016, 09:48:23 PM
I'm not allowed to jump into the water, even if the captain did it first  :))
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on April 13, 2016, 05:48:04 PM
 :D This thread is awesome.
I am not allowed to cheat while playing cards.
I am not allowed to pay a mage to help me cheat at cards.
I am no longer allowed to challenge any of my superior officers to a game of cards.
I am no longer allowed to have cards.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 13, 2016, 06:16:13 PM
I am not allowed to convince Captain Eide her subordinates are planning a mutiny
I am not allowed to assist Captain Eide in her interrogation of suspected muntineers
I am not allowed to conspire with Captain Eide to spike the mead at the war meetings with laxatives
I am not allowed to possess laxatives
I am not permitted to engage in perilous and complicated secret hand-shake with Captain Eide in crowded hallways
I am not allowed to talk to Captain Eide
I am not allowed to look at Captain Eide
I am not allowed to be in the same room as Captain Eide.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on April 19, 2016, 07:47:24 AM
I am not allowed to end speeches with "Carthage must fall".
I am not allowed to end sentences with "Carthage must fall".
I am not allowed to substitute "Iceland" or "Reykjavík" for "Carthage".
I am not allowed to comment on the desirability of the destruction of any nation or city, former or extant, unless it is relevant to the matter at hand.
I am not allowed to make decisions regarding the relevance of destruction on city or nation wide scales.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 08:41:58 AM
I am not allowed to end speeches with "Carthage must fall".
I am not allowed to end sentences with "Carthage must fall".
I am not allowed to substitute "Iceland" or "Reykjavík" for "Carthage".
I am not allowed to comment on the desirability of the destruction of any nation or city, former or extant, unless it is relevant to the matter at hand.
I am not allowed to make decisions regarding the relevance of destruction on city or nation wide scales.

I am not allowed to alter historical documents to indicate that I have permission to launch city or nation-wide destruction campaigns
I am not allowed to alter historical documents to indicate that I have been granted future sight by divine entities to persuade my commanding officers to launch city or nation-wide destruction campaigns

Edit: Though I an experienced and qualified surgeon, I am not so proficient in open heart surgery that "I could do it with my eyes shut" and nor should I attempt to prove this
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 08:45:19 AM
I am not allowed to alter historical documents to indicate that I have permission to launch city or nation-wide destruction campaigns
I am not allowed to alter historical documents to indicate that I have been granted future sight by divine entities to persuade my commanding officers to launch city or nation-wide destruction campaigns

I am no longer allowed within a thirty meter radius of the Reykjavik Historical Archives.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 08:47:01 AM
I am no longer allowed within a thirty meter radius of the Reykjavik Historical Archives.

I am no longer allowed within the grounds of Reykjavik Historical Archives
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 08:49:55 AM
I am no longer allowed within the grounds of Reykjavik Historical Archives
I may not coerce others into entering the Reykjavik Historical Archives in my stead.
The five above rules also apply to the Mora Historical Archives.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 08:59:02 AM
I may not coerce others into entering the Reykjavik Historical Archives in my stead.
The five above rules also apply to the Mora Historical Archives.

The five above rules also apply to the Bornholm Archives
It has also been brought to my attention that the Keuruu Archives know my face, name and methods and are prepared for me
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 09:03:20 AM
There is neither a Blood God nor a Skull Throne, and they do not require either blood or skulls, respectively.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 09:06:46 AM
There is neither a Blood God nor a Skull Throne, and they do not require either blood or skulls, respectively.

I am not the founder of the Blood-God-Skull-Throne religion
I do not need to acquire blood and skulls for worship
I may not acquire blood and skulls for worship, even if their owner was already deceased
I may not attempt to fake a prophetic seizure to convince my superiors the Blood God is real
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 09:13:28 AM
Spoiler: show
Alright a few more then I have to sleep

"Blonds have more fun" is not an appropriate excuse when explaining misconduct to my superiors
"Sucks to be you" is not an appropriate diagnosis
Counting backwards from 10 is not an appropriate way to inform my patients of how much longer they have left
Scalpels are not toothpicks
The inverse is also true
High heels are not a part of my uniform
Fishnets are not a part of my uniform
'Tingtangwallawallabingbang' is not my middle name
It is not insensitive towards my ethnicity to accuse me of making up the name 'Tingtangwallawallabingbang'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 09:13:50 AM
I am not allowed to yell 'Just as Planned!' when something goes horribly wrong.
I am not the High Priest of the following deities:
Zeus, Dionysus, Poseidon, Khorne, Ares, Aphrodite, Baal, Ishtar, Slaanesh, Yahweh, The Golden Emperor, Cthulu, Mars, Hypnos, Arceus, Nurgle, Om, Terry Pratchett, any form of Greater Demon, The Flying Spaghetti Monster or Tzeentch.
This applies to all deities not on this list.
I am not allowed to make up new deities to worship.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Talimee on April 19, 2016, 09:24:06 AM
I am not allowed to yell 'Just as Planned!' when something goes horribly wrong.
I am not the High Priest of the following deities:
Zeus, Dionysus, Poseidon, Khorne, Ares, Aphrodite, Baal, Ishtar, Slaanesh, Yahweh, The Golden Emperor, Cthulu, Mars, Hypnos, Arceus, Nurgle, Om, Terry Pratchett, any form of Greater Demon, or Tzeentch.
This applies to all deities not on this list.
I am not allowed to make up new deities to worship.

I approve of Terry Pratchett being a deity! And Mikkel would be sooo into the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 09:26:14 AM
I approve of Terry Pratchett being a deity! And Mikkel would be sooo into the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Added. Will continue to expand list.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on April 19, 2016, 09:31:38 AM
There is neither a Blood God nor a Skull Throne, and they do not require either blood or skulls, respectively.

I am not allowed to instruct new recruits in the worship of corn or anything that sounds like 'corn'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on April 19, 2016, 11:11:42 AM
I am not allowed to praise Malal.
Malal never existed, doesn't exist and will never exist.

I am not allowed to pretend to be a bartender in order to obtain free drinks.
I am not allowed to pretend to be a bartender in order to poison anyone, especially my superiors.
I am not allowed to get a job as a bartender.
I am not allowed to get a job as "drink specialist" or anything concerning handling of drinkable liquids.
Despite my personal opinion on the subject, water is a drinkable liquid.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on April 19, 2016, 12:11:02 PM
Aierdome: much amused, and reminded of the lines in Adam Lindsay Gordon's verse-play 'Ashtaroth', in which a lordly person in a siege is expressing his annoyance at the lack of anything to drink, and his page is being unsympathetic, thus:
'Then, my lord, thou must even go thirsty, or else
Drink water, as I do.'
Which gets the response:
                               'Thou knave
of a page! Dost thou wish me a colic to have?'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 05:44:33 PM
My evil twin did not do it
I do not have an evil twin

While it has been brought to my superiors' attention that I do in fact have a twin, they also know she is female and cannot be mistaken for me

My twin is no longer permitted to dress as me or give the impression she is me
My twin and I must wear tags labelled 'Madsen 1' and 'Madsen 2' at all times
My twin and I are not allowed to swap the tags at any time
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 05:56:37 PM
I must keep my eyes open when using an axe.
I must keep my eyes open when using any sharp instruments.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2016, 06:11:51 PM
A list of terms I am not permitted to use to describe my commanding officer

The Dark Lord
The Evil one
She who must not be named
Bride of Satan
Our benevolent dictator

Similarly, my graduation ring is not 'The one ring to rule them all' and I will stop referring to it as such
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: SectoBoss on April 19, 2016, 06:16:31 PM
I am not allowed to end speeches with "Carthage must fall".
I am not allowed to end sentences with "Carthage must fall".
I am not allowed to substitute "Iceland" or "Reykjavík" for "Carthage".
I am not allowed to comment on the desirability of the destruction of any nation or city, former or extant, unless it is relevant to the matter at hand.
I am not allowed to make decisions regarding the relevance of destruction on city or nation wide scales.

What have I done (
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on April 19, 2016, 07:22:33 PM
'Troll' is not a language, and I am not allowed to list it as such in my resume.

Ominous booming thunder should not be heard after my name is spoken.

I am not allowed to ask mages for help with the above action.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on May 26, 2016, 05:14:47 PM
"Distracting" people is not in my job description, and I am not allowed to request to have it added.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on June 11, 2016, 02:53:38 AM
I must not prank the new recruits during target practice with ketchup and a convincing death rattle.
I must not fake amnesia to get out of duties including target practice, clean-up, cooking and patrol
I am not the last Mohican and will stop referring to myself as such
Neither am I the last dragon and will stop referring to myself as such
Neither am I Batman and will stop referring to myself as such
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on June 11, 2016, 02:57:12 PM
I must not prank the new recruits during target practice with ketchup and a convincing death rattle.
I must not fake amnesia to get out of duties including target practice, clean-up, cooking and patrol
I am not the last Mohican and will stop referring to myself as such
Neither am I the last dragon and will stop referring to myself as such
Neither am I Batman and will stop referring to myself as such
Neither am I the last unicorn, and I will stop referring to myself as such.
I will not refer to my superior officers as any of these things.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Aierdome on June 11, 2016, 05:35:44 PM
While I can claim that I am Superman, I am not allowed to call red-and-blue suit with yellow S emblazoned on it "my uniform".
Scratch the above - I am not allowed to claim that I am Superman.
Contrary to what I say, cape does not improve my aerodynamics.
We have never hunted, do not hunt and will never hunt a man called "Lex Luthor".
I am not allowed to call anything that I possess "Mikkelsomething", ex. Mikkelgun, Mikkelmobile, etc. I will refer to them by their proper names.
I am not the person to decide on what is a proper name for my equipment.
I am not allowed to take sidekicks.
I am not allowed to put any of my subordinates in circus clothes.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on June 11, 2016, 05:41:05 PM
We don't know where you secured those green short-shorts, and frankly we do not want to. Get rid of them.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: BlueSkyVail on June 16, 2016, 04:54:55 PM
'Troll' is not a language, and I am not allowed to list it as such in my resume.

Ominous booming thunder should not be heard after my name is spoken.

I am not allowed to ask mages for help with the above action.

This just resulted in me imagining Mikkel asking Lalli for help with the above action. An interesting conversation indeed.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on July 10, 2016, 05:48:04 PM
I am not allowed to refer to "Say something, speak sarcastically"  as the First Rule.
Nor can I refer to it as the second rule. Or the third rule.
"Say something, speak sarcastically" is not a rule.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on July 10, 2016, 06:41:43 PM
A punch in the teeth is not the traditional greeting of my people
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on July 10, 2016, 07:02:43 PM
(As inspired by one of the other threads a week or so back)

The "M" in the Gender section of my papers stands for "Male" not "Mikkel", and I may not claim otherwise.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on July 10, 2016, 07:06:26 PM
(As inspired by one of the other threads a week or so back)

The "M" in the Gender section of my papers stands for "Male" not "Mikkel", and I may not claim otherwise.

I was wondering how long would it take for someone to bring that brilliant remark here hahaaa!!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on July 10, 2016, 07:13:43 PM
A punch in the teeth is not the traditional greeting of my people
I am not allowed to challenge my superior officers to a "slap fight to the death"
I am not Inigo Montoya, and no one killed my father.
(As inspired by one of the other threads a week or so back)

The "M" in the Gender section of my papers stands for "Male" not "Mikkel", and I may not claim otherwise.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on July 12, 2016, 08:51:29 AM

'En hel skide flok' is not a valid response when asked for an enemy numbers report.
Or for ANY numbers report.
Yes, this includes inventory.
No longer allowed near the armory.

The same is true for "Eins... zwei... drei... lots, we have [redacted] lots out there."

Mikkel is no longer allowed to be a herald of lord t'zeench... or maybe he is, despite any other rules contrary to this or that or whatever... seriously though khorne needs to stop skipping leg day.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on July 12, 2016, 09:29:30 AM
If I feel I have been inappropriately treated by a superior, or as I put it 'dishonoured', I will go through the relevant channels to rectify this problem. I will not slap them with a duelling glove and 'demand satisfaction'
I am not capable of cursing generations of any aggressor's family
I should stop suggesting that the aggressor's mother is anything but a moral and contributing member of her society
I should not say 'dishonour on your family, dishonour on your cow' to intimidate the aggressor
I will surrender my duelling glove to the relevant authorities within the week
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Miriam on July 15, 2016, 09:40:03 AM
I will surrender my duelling glove to the relevant authorities within the week

Within the month.
Within the year.
I should hide my other duelling gloves better when there's inspection.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on July 28, 2016, 09:09:43 AM
I am not the reincarnation of Elvis Presley.
I am not a prankster spirit trapped in an unsuspecting host body.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on July 29, 2016, 01:20:47 PM
I am not allowed to  Cannonize ( anyone.

Nor can I retcon anyone.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on August 11, 2016, 04:03:02 PM
There are no circumstances under which I am permitted to construct a katzenklavier.

Not even using Grade C Felines.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on August 12, 2016, 12:10:46 AM
There are no circumstances under which I am permitted to construct a katzenklavier.

Not even using Grade C Felines.

I am not allowed to substitute the Grade C Felines with new recruits, even the under-performing new recruits
I am not a superior life form
I am not secretly an alien come to observe how humans survive an apocalypse
I am not a higher consciousness, nor is my 'true form' a cloud of sentient gas
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on August 12, 2016, 12:16:39 AM
I am not allowed to substitute the Grade C Felines with new recruits, even the under-performing new recruits
I am not a superior life form
I am not secretly an alien come to observe how humans survive an apocalypse
I am not a higher consciousness, nor is my 'true form' a cloud of sentient gas

I am not allowed to appropriate the megaphone to announce 'ALL HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD.'
I am not allowed to appropriate Admiral Olsen for the same purpose.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on August 12, 2016, 12:26:17 AM
I am not allowed to appropriate the megaphone to announce 'ALL HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD.'
I am not allowed to appropriate Admiral Olsen for the same purpose.

I am not allowed to drop the corpses of fully grown lions on people who displease me
I will explain where and when I procured the aforementioned cadaver
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on August 14, 2016, 01:40:28 PM
I am not allowed to drop the corpses of fully grown lions on people who displease me
I will explain where and when I procured the aforementioned cadaver
I shall never again explain in great detail how to turn a maggot-infested animal corpse I found decomposing someplace into a somewhat safe gag prop to my superiors, even if they ask for it.
I am required to list all reasonable content warnings beforehand whenever my superiors order me to present information.
"Thus demonstrating my advanced intellect might make your head explode" is not reasonable.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on August 15, 2016, 04:32:16 AM
Flashcards are not an appropriate way to express my emotions
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on August 15, 2016, 10:01:05 AM
Flashcards are not an appropriate way to express my emotions
Even if the cards are more accurate than my body language.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on August 16, 2016, 01:57:58 AM
Even if the cards are more accurate than my body language.

I am not allowed to communicate my emotions through interpretative dance
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on August 16, 2016, 02:18:03 AM
I am not allowed to communicate my emotions through interpretative dance

I am not, and never have been, in a tribe, and cannot wear my tribe's ceremonial garb during my interpretive dance. [Or any time at all]
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on August 16, 2016, 10:30:30 AM
I am not, and never have been, in a tribe, and cannot wear my tribe's ceremonial garb during my interpretive dance. [Or any time at all]
I may not start a new tribe for myself to be in.

I may not fill any of my superiors' offices with ping-pong balls.
I will explain, in detail, where exactly I got enough ping-pong balls to fill Admiral Olsen's office.
For gods' sake, I will pick up all those ping-pong balls before someone slips on one and breaks their neck.
I may not bribe or blackmail anyone into picking up the ping-pong balls for me.
Even if one of the mages could do it faster than I can.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on August 16, 2016, 07:43:00 PM
I do not have an "alignment".
I must obey all orders given to me even if they will "violate my alignment" and result in an "xp penalty".
Instructions given to me by my superiors are orders not "quests", and must be referred to as such.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on August 16, 2016, 08:11:14 PM
I do not have an "alignment".
I must obey all orders given to me even if they will "violate my alignment" and result in an "xp penalty".
Instructions given to me by my superiors are orders not "quests", and must be referred to as such.

I cannot order scouts to "roll a perception check" when returning from their rounds.
I cannot refer to officers as "npcs".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on August 17, 2016, 12:05:03 AM
I may not start a new tribe for myself to be in.

I may not fill any of my superiors' offices with ping-pong balls.
I will explain, in detail, where exactly I got enough ping-pong balls to fill Admiral Olsen's office.
For gods' sake, I will pick up all those ping-pong balls before someone slips on one and breaks their neck.
I may not bribe or blackmail anyone into picking up the ping-pong balls for me.
Even if one of the mages could do it faster than I can.

Not allowed to code overtime  for time spent cleaning up ping pong ballsever.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on August 17, 2016, 02:17:52 AM
'Nap time' is not on the roster and I should stop claiming it is and drugging people who annoy me
I will explain where I obtained the sedatives
When called before my superiors, I will not end a discussion with a smoke bomb and a speedy abscond
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on August 17, 2016, 10:20:18 AM
'Nap time' is not on the roster and I should stop claiming it is and drugging people who annoy me
I will explain where I obtained the sedatives
When called before my superiors, I will not end a discussion with a smoke bomb and a speedy abscond
I will explain just how I managed to steal the smoke bomb from the Cleansers.
I will return my secret stash of smoke bombs immediately.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on August 17, 2016, 10:30:54 AM
I must allow a complete inventory to be taken of my possessions to ensure that I am not hiding secret stashes of items that I am not allowed to have.
I am not allowed to take and submit my own inventory as a substitute.
"But we've been through this already" is not an adequate reason to avoid routine tasks such as taking inventory.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on August 18, 2016, 01:00:39 PM
"But we've been through this already" is not an adequate reason to avoid routine tasks such as taking inventory.
Nor is "thrice this night even".
I may not claim torture by sleep deprivation.
I shall provide my superiors with an accurate and complete translation of the book that was found in my possession, "damī no tame no ninja kyasshu".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on August 18, 2016, 05:56:35 PM
Not allowed to spread rumors among the naval recruits of a "kobeyashi-maru" test to become a captain.
The kobeyashi-maru did not go down with all hands to a triple attack of Leviathan type rash beasts, and I should stop saying it did.
I have been made fully aware that tje Danish navy has not christemd a ship under the name "kobeyashi-maru".
Neither has the Finns, or Icelandic guard has the rest of scandanavia.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on August 18, 2016, 06:06:52 PM
I am to surrender all materials concerning the pre-Rash fictional epic "Star Trek" to my immediate superiors.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on August 18, 2016, 06:39:26 PM
I am to surrender all materials concerning the pre-Rash fictional epic "Star Trek" to my immediate superiors.
Non of the ships or boats are named "The Starship Enterprise"
I am not aloud to tell people the are named that
I am not aloud to tell people the ships fly
I am not aloud to enlist the mages to help with that
I am not aloud to try and make that happen myself
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on August 18, 2016, 06:44:40 PM
I am not allowed to claim that works of fiction from the Old World are actually true.
If I make any claims that materials from the Old World are nonfiction, I must have at least two sources to back me up.
I cannot be the author of aforementioned sources.
I cannot bribe my colleagues to be my sources.
I cannot bribe my superiors to be my sources.
I am not allowed to bribe anyone, for any purpose.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on August 18, 2016, 07:06:53 PM
I am not aloud to give the mages Hogwarts letters
I am not aloud to sort them into Hogwarts houses
I am not aloud to force them to wear house colors
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on August 18, 2016, 07:14:46 PM
I am not allowed to claim that works of fiction from the Old World are actually true.
Nor am I allowed to claim that any work of fiction from the Old World is actually a prophecy from an ancient mage.
I am not allowed to try to make any such "prophecy" come true.
This includes wearing green tights and waking new recruits up in the middle of the night, then claiming to be Peter Pan and offering to take them to Neverland.

Sparkles are not "fairy dust" and throwing sparkles at people will not make them fly.
You may not ask the mages to make people fly after you throw sparkles at them.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on August 18, 2016, 07:26:08 PM
The admiral is not a system lord, I will treat him with respect due his station.
I am not, have not been, and will never be a member of the tok'Ra.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on August 18, 2016, 08:00:58 PM
The admiral is not a system lord, I will treat him with respect due his station.
I am not, have not been, and will never be a member of the tok'Ra.

I may not inform visiting Finns, Norwegians and Icelanders that they worship false gods.
I may not say "indeed" in a cryptic fashion.
I am not, and have never been a "first prime", no matter what I paint on my forehead.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on August 19, 2016, 02:17:32 PM
I may not inform visiting Finns, Norwegians and Icelanders that they worship false gods.
I may not say "indeed" in a cryptic fashion.
I am not, and have never been a "first prime", no matter what I paint on my forehead.

Replicators are not the greatest threat to face our planet.
The Rash is not a punishment visited upon us by the oori.
I am not a prophet of the oori just because I attached an open ended toilet seat and started speaking cryptically.
I am to henceforth surrender all materials in my possession pertaining to the pre-rash actor Richard Dean Anderson.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: urbicande on September 09, 2016, 12:47:30 PM
Mikkel is no longer allowed to use his Galaxy Note to play Pokemon Go while in the Silent World.

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on September 09, 2016, 12:56:47 PM
Mikkel is no longer allowed to use his Galaxy Note to play Pokemon Go while in the Silent World.


We don't know how you found that software, or how you managed to manufacture the devices for playing it, but we must ask that you stop distributing them among base personnel. Five people have walked into walls already, and at least two now think trolls are a rare breed of these 'Pokemon'.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on September 09, 2016, 04:20:48 PM
"I was playing Pokémon Go" is not a valid excuse for breaking into your superior's office.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 09, 2016, 05:11:38 PM
"I was playing Pokémon Go" is not a valid excuse for breaking into your superior's office.

"There was a Dragonite" is not a valid excuse for breaking into your superior's office.
"There was a Mewtwo", however, is, but not for Mikkel.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 09, 2016, 09:08:47 PM
"There was a Dragonite" is not a valid excuse for breaking into your superior's office.
"There was a Mewtwo", however, is, but not for Mikkel.

While on sentry duty, I must not tell the new recruit to 'cover for me' while I pursue a Pokemon. I may not claim that it was a 'shiny Pokemon' because my superiors will not believe they exist until they see one.

There was not a Jinx on top of the radio tower
There was not an Onyx in the admiral's private bathroom
There was not a Pikachu in the intensive care unit
There was not a Chancey in the feline units' barracks
There was not a Suicune in the stockrooms because Suicune isn't even in this generation
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on September 09, 2016, 09:52:08 PM
Rearranging barracks assignments by Pokémon team is not appropriate.
Neither is redecorating the barracks in team colors.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on September 10, 2016, 02:00:39 PM
We don't know how you found that software, or how you managed to manufacture the devices for playing it, but we must ask that you stop distributing them among base personnel. Five people have walked into walls already, and at least two now think trolls are a rare breed of these 'Pokemon'.
I shall hand the servers over to the specialist team so that they can fix the presence of Pokémon
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 10, 2016, 07:34:10 PM
I shall hand the servers over to the specialist team so that they can fix the presence of Pokémon
  • generally away from areas that need to be protected from enemy forces
  • in showers and toilets
  • in the beds of my superiors

It is not appropriate to take revenge upon my superiors because of this.
I should not leave severed horse heads in their beds, even if they are made of papier-mache and corn syrup
No one understands my cinematic references
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 10, 2016, 08:07:31 PM
It is not appropriate to take revenge upon my superiors because of this.
I should not leave severed horse heads in their beds, even if they are made of papier-mache and corn syrup
No one understands my cinematic references
The Godfather is not a documentary and I am not allowed to tell the skalds otherwise.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 10, 2016, 08:14:58 PM
The Godfather is not a documentary and I am not allowed to tell the skalds otherwise.

I do not have a daughter
Therefore no one is able to disrespect me on the day she is to be married
I may not claim one of my younger female siblings is said daughter
I will stop smuggling my youngest siblings onto the base. A military base is no place for preteens
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 10, 2016, 11:43:44 PM
I do not have a daughter
Therefore no one is able to disrespect me on the day she is to be married
I may not claim one of my younger female siblings is said daughter
I will stop smuggling my youngest siblings onto the base. A military base is no place for preteens

I will not bribe the younger siblings of my coworkers into pretending to be my daughter.
I will not bribe the relatives of my coworkers.
I will not bribe my coworkers into bribing the relatives of my other coworkers.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on September 12, 2016, 12:01:21 AM
Due to events in year 89 known as the "razing of the mora chair fort", and another assignment in y90, I am no longer allowed to stack chairs.
Also not allowed to direct junior enlisted in chair stacking.

Inspiration from the new page discussion thread.
He took too long, and the others had to help him.

Things Mikkel is no longer allowed to do: Stack chairs
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 12, 2016, 07:45:11 AM
Sabaton is not a direct historical source.
I am not allowed to organize heavy metal concerts to play at 3 in the morning in the residential district.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Lazy8 on September 12, 2016, 09:11:04 AM
Sabaton is not a direct historical source.
I am not allowed to organize heavy metal concerts to play at 3 in the morning in the residential district.

*snerk* I've seen worse historical sources...
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on September 12, 2016, 10:47:03 AM
Sabaton is not a direct historical source.
I am not allowed to organize heavy metal concerts to play at 3 in the morning in the residential district.

A fellow Sabaton fan! Huzzah!

I am not allowed to look for the trollified remnants of band members for the purpose of giving free concerts. Don't force us to reveal the details of Operation Hammerfall.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 12, 2016, 11:50:47 AM
A fellow Sabaton fan! Huzzah!

I am not allowed to look for the trollified remnants of band members for the purpose of giving free concerts. Don't force us to reveal the details of Operation Hammerfall.

I am convinced that most/all of them survived and their descendants live in a cluster of tanks somewhere.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on September 12, 2016, 11:52:50 AM
A fellow Sabaton fan! Huzzah!

I am not allowed to look for the trollified remnants of band members for the purpose of giving free concerts. Don't force us to reveal the details of Operation Hammerfall.

Not allowed to teach trolls to play musical instruments... again.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 12, 2016, 12:04:16 PM
Not allowed to teach trolls to play musical instruments... again.
I am not allowed to use the remains of trolls as musical instruments.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on September 12, 2016, 12:17:01 PM
I am not allowed to use the remains of trolls as musical instruments.

Or live trolls for that matter. (That may be a rule already though.)

Not allowed to get a little girl to tell new recruits "they mostly come out at night... mostly." For 'Trolls and you 101', even though the information is accurate the presentation is incredibly unnerving.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 12, 2016, 07:40:16 PM

Or live trolls for that matter. (That may be a rule already though.)

Not allowed to get a little girl to tell new recruits "they mostly come out at night... mostly." For 'Trolls and you 101', even though the information is accurate the presentation is incredibly unnerving.

There are better ways to inform the cadets they are not driving properly than shouting "Ease off Ripley! You're grinding the trans-axle!"

Additionally, there are better ways to inform my colleagues that their flies are unzipped than pointing and saying "My god! It's full of stars!"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 12, 2016, 08:42:41 PM
Additionally, there are better ways to inform my colleagues that their flies are unzipped than pointing and saying "My god! It's full of stars!"

Pointing and instead laughing is not one of them.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on September 12, 2016, 09:15:29 PM
Additionally, there are better ways to inform my colleagues that their flies are unzipped than pointing and saying "My god! It's full of stars!"
I will explain where I got this picture, and remove it from the places where our cats tend to gather.

I am not allowed to communicate only with memes.
I may not refer to my superiors as "uncultured swine" for weeks after they not only prevent me from communicating only with memes but also have the nerve to ask me what a meme actually is.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 12, 2016, 10:08:50 PM
Pictures of frogs are not a substitute for currency, no matter how 'rare' these 'pepes' are.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 12, 2016, 10:09:33 PM
I will explain where I got this picture, and remove it from the places where our cats tend to gather.

I am not allowed to communicate only with memes.
I may not refer to my superiors as "uncultured swine" for weeks after they not only prevent me from communicating only with memes but also have the nerve to ask me what a meme actually is.

If  I say 'Deez Nuts' one more time I will be severely sanctioned
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on September 13, 2016, 12:33:44 AM
After "The Sequins and Glitter Incident", I am no longer aloud to give any fashion advice.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on September 13, 2016, 10:51:05 AM
Pictures of frogs are not a substitute for currency, no matter how 'rare' these 'pepes' are.

I am not allowed to ride a unicycle into camp saying "here comes dat boi !!"

I am not allowed a unicycle for any reason.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on September 13, 2016, 06:07:44 PM
I am not allowed to ride a unicycle into camp saying "here comes dat boi !!"

I am not allowed a unicycle for any reason.
I will explain, in detail, where I got that unicycle.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ix on September 13, 2016, 06:29:57 PM
I am no longer allowed to explain where I got a unicycle from.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 13, 2016, 07:21:38 PM
I do not have CHIM and I cannot just 'handwave' a unicycle into existence.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 13, 2016, 07:34:18 PM
While the base agrees I have an amazing singing voice, it is not appropriate to deliver my reports in a musical form
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on September 13, 2016, 08:50:41 PM
I do not have CHIM and I cannot just 'handwave' a unicycle into existence.

I am not, and have never been, a disciple of "Talos", and I am not allowed to preach his power in the mess hall.

I will explain where I found my "Talos priest robes".

I will hand over any and all "artifacts of Talos" to the officers.

Including my "Shrine of Talos", which I must admit is actually just a weird looking rock, and not "an image of our godly leader".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ix on September 19, 2016, 10:28:59 AM
I am not allowed to list any fellow workers as '@#$!!ing ripped' in my reports, even though she is, I swear it, and I am terrified,
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on September 19, 2016, 10:51:20 AM
I am not allowed to list any fellow workers as '@#$!!ing ripped' in my reports, even though she is, I swear it, and I am terrified,

I am not allowed to refer to Sigrun as a 'bara waifu'.
Even if I tell her what that is.
Especially now that she knows what that is.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 19, 2016, 10:04:00 PM
I am not allowed to refer to Sigrun as a 'bara waifu'.
Even if I tell her what that is.
Especially now that she knows what that is.

I will tell Captain Eide to stop referring to me as 'husbando', even if it is a joke,
We are no longer permitted to speak to each other during office hours because if we cannot act as adults around each other then we will not be treated as adults
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on September 19, 2016, 10:57:41 PM
I am to no longer attempt to teach Sigrun the subtleties of sarcasm in, as the admiral put it, "a fashion of trial by fire", especially while giving her important information.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on September 20, 2016, 01:11:04 AM
I am to no longer attempt to teach Sigrun the subtleties of sarcasm in, as the admiral put it, "a fashion of trial by fire", especially while giving her important information.

Nor 'trial by stone'
Nor 'trial by sword'
No one else has ever seen Jim Henson's 'The dark crystal' and thus do not know what I am talking about
No one else knows who Jim Henson is and thus do not know what I am talking about
I will dispose of that green frog puppet immediately
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on October 21, 2016, 09:11:47 AM
I will not change places with my twin brother...

(I had a loooooong and funny while thinking of the possibilities)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Tr on October 21, 2016, 04:18:22 PM
I will not change places with my twin brother...

(I had a loooooong and funny while thinking of the possibilities)
I will not disguise myself with a long blond wig and pretend to be Mikkela, the female member of the "Madsen Triplets." I do not have an identical twin sister, and I never did.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on October 22, 2016, 04:31:16 AM
Used to know a pair of identical twin sisters who would do that all the time, to the utter confusion of all around them, including their boyfriends.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on October 22, 2016, 05:06:41 AM
I will not persuade Michael to wear a sweater that says 'Thing 2' and swap it for my 'Thing 1' whenever I am called on to work
I will not persuade Michael to take my place in staff meetings
I will not persuade Michael to pretend to be me whenever my ex comes into the office
I will stop bringing my twin brother into work because he is not employed here and it is not 'bring your womb-mate to work' day
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on October 22, 2016, 05:24:19 AM
I will not try to explain away my bad behaviour by claiming to be 'the evil twin'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Keeper on October 22, 2016, 03:46:23 PM
Even though I may in fact be the evil twin, I am not allowed to act as such at work.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on October 22, 2016, 03:51:41 PM
I may not blame the existence of my twin on "hideous secret genetic experiments conducted by the Y90 military as it gets more and more desperate".
This order shall stand even during those times I am not in the military's employ.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on October 22, 2016, 05:05:48 PM
I may not blame the existence of my twin on "hideous secret genetic experiments conducted by the Y90 military as it gets more and more desperate".
This order shall stand even during those times I am not in the military's employ.
I may not blame the Y0 military either.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on October 23, 2016, 01:49:00 AM
I will not tell the new recruits who meet my twin independently of me that they met an evil shape-shifter who occupies my form to entice youthful victims into his cave of doom
I am no longer to use the phrase '- of doom'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on October 23, 2016, 07:34:04 AM
I am not permitted to substitute 'of doom' with 'de la muerte'.
I will explain what 'de la muerte' means.
I will explain how and where I learned the old world language known as 'Spanish'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on October 24, 2016, 08:27:55 PM
I am not permitted to substitute 'of doom' with 'de la muerte'.
I will explain what 'de la muerte' means.
I will explain how and where I learned the old world language known as 'Spanish'

I will surrender my stash of ancient foreign language dictionaries
I am not a dragon, therefore it will not harm me to surrender my 'hoard'
I am not the last of the dragons
I will stop using a can of hairspray and a lighter to make it appear as though I am breathing fire
I will stop 'roaring' over the PA system in the middle of the night, as it agitates the new recruits
I am no longer allowed to speak Spanish
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on October 24, 2016, 10:26:52 PM
Leaving staches of confectionaries out in the silent world is heavily frowned up.
The board game ouja is in fact not "fun for the whole family living and dead" and is considered a mild annoyance to the local spirits at best.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on October 25, 2016, 01:06:31 PM
The board game ouja is in fact not "fun for the whole family living and dead" and is considered a mild annoyance to the local spirits at best.
Not allowed to consult dead family members' counsel using it anymore.
Dead family members cannot cast votes in favour of your proposals, either.
... when did we, the military, put decisions up to voting, anyway!?
Dead family members cannot outrank live, present officers, regardless of what rank they might have had while living.
Nor can they promote you.
Nor can they "possess" you to wield their heirloom sabre and challenge your CO to a duel in a ghastly voice.
Not thumb war, either.
I shall tell my dead family members to cease interfering with my military assignment in any way lest they become conscripted just to be told to stand guard over a pebble on a deserted island for a century.
Not allowed to swear revenge in the name of any family member thus "backstabbed".
That doesn't make your family "the rulers of the seven seas", either.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on November 03, 2016, 03:37:24 AM
I will not disguise myself with a long blond wig and pretend to be Mikkela, the female member of the "Madsen Triplets." I do not have an identical twin sister, and I never did.

Apparently this needs to be Retconed since Maja Madsen is apparently Canon.

Move to strike "I do not have an identical twin sister, and I never did." from the record.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on November 03, 2016, 09:48:07 PM
I will not use my succession of look-alike siblings to pretend to be me, with varying amounts of padding and wigs, and assume my duties
I will stop smuggling my younger siblings onto the base, particularly Mille, as she steals ammunition and speaks only in shouts
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on November 03, 2016, 10:36:20 PM
I will not use my succession of look-alike siblings to pretend to be me, with varying amounts of padding and wigs, and assume my duties
I will stop smuggling my younger siblings onto the base, particularly Mille, as she steals ammunition and speaks only in shouts
I will not use my succession of look-alike siblings to pretend to be Admiral Olsen.

Particularly Mille.

My siblings are longer allowed on base at any time, for any reason.

Particularly Mille.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on November 03, 2016, 10:39:38 PM
I will not use my succession of look-alike siblings to pretend to be me, with varying amounts of padding and wigs, and assume my duties
I will stop smuggling my younger siblings onto the base, particularly Mille, as she steals ammunition and speaks only in shouts
I will not use my succession of look-alike siblings to pretend to be Admiral Olsen.

Particularly Mille.

My siblings are longer allowed on base at any time, for any reason.

Particularly Mille.

I will stop stacking my younger siblings on top of one another, concealing the resulting tower under a trench coat, and having them distract security while I sneak in unnoticed.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on November 04, 2016, 12:23:31 AM
I will stop stacking my younger siblings on top of one another, concealing the resulting tower under a trench coat, and having them distract security while I sneak in unnoticed.

I must receive permission from the Danish government to bring any of my younger siblings within 100 metres of the facility

I must also accompany Mille everywhere when in the facility and ensure she at no point has access to any sharp objects or Admiral Olsen
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on November 05, 2016, 06:45:08 PM
Not allowed to claim that the Madsen family has "pre-Rash copyrights to the letter M, as in Military".
Or "arMy".
Or "Mavy" ... wait.
Said family is not "fourth in line to leading the nation of DenMark", either.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on November 17, 2016, 12:50:37 AM
I am not allowed to use Rocky as a training video for "Troll Boxing"
I am not allowed to use Rocky II as a training video for "Troll Boxing"
I am not allowed to use any of the Rocky movies as a training video for "Troll Boxing"
I will inform my superiors as to where I got these videos, as well as a dvd player
I am not allowed to continue hosting "Troll Boxing"
I am not allowed to even mention "Troll Boxing"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on November 17, 2016, 02:08:36 AM
I am not allowed to use Rocky as a training video for "Troll Boxing"
I am not allowed to use Rocky II as a training video for "Troll Boxing"
I am not allowed to use any of the Rocky movies as a training video for "Troll Boxing"
I will inform my superiors as to where I got these videos, as well as a dvd player
I am not allowed to continue hosting "Troll Boxing"
I am not allowed to even mention "Troll Boxing"

The same also applies to 'Fight Club' and/or "Troll Fight Club"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on November 17, 2016, 02:19:35 AM
"Troll Boxing" is not the national sport of Denmark
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: VibratingText on November 17, 2016, 11:53:52 AM
"Troll Boxing" is not the national sport of Denmark

"Troll Boxing" was never, at any point, the national sport of Denmark.
Neither was "Troll Rodeo".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on November 17, 2016, 01:05:47 PM
"Troll Boxing" was never, at any point, the national sport of Denmark.
Neither was "Troll Rodeo".
Marco Trollo is not a fun water activity
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: urbicande on November 20, 2016, 09:41:48 AM
"Troll Boxing" is not the national sport of Denmark

True. It's much easier and more environmentally friendly to put them in bags rather than boxes.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on November 20, 2016, 10:13:50 AM
It's much easier and more environmentally friendly to put them in bags rather than boxes.
I shall use military-issued body bags for the purpose and not Christmas gift paper bags.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on November 20, 2016, 04:57:53 PM
I shall use military-issued body bags for the purpose and not Christmas gift paper bags.

I am not allowed to use pillaged Chinese-food takeaway boxes from Feng's Noodle House to transport troll remains, even if it is technically recycling.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on November 20, 2016, 08:04:45 PM
I am not allowed to use pillaged Chinese-food takeaway boxes from Feng's Noodle House to transport troll remains, even if it is technically recycling.

I will stop storing troll remains in the break-room fridge in these aforementioned boxes, because it is both unhygienic and disgusting
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on November 20, 2016, 08:29:22 PM
I am not allowed to use pillaged Chinese-food takeaway boxes from Feng's Noodle House to transport troll remains, even if it is technically recycling.
I will stop storing troll remains in the break-room fridge in these aforementioned boxes, because it is both unhygienic and disgusting
I am no longer allowed to use pillaged Chinese-food takeaway boxes from Feng's Noodle House for any purpose.
I will surrender my stockpile of such boxes.
I am not allowed to use takeaway boxes from any source.
I am not allowed near the base canteen.
I am not allowed within 10 meters of any food preparation facility.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on November 21, 2016, 12:09:13 AM
Owing in part to my misuse of Chinese take out boxes, I am required to attend a booster class on work place safety
Also because I told a batch of new recruits that the best way to escape the grasp of a troll is to "chew your foot off"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on November 21, 2016, 10:55:48 AM
I am not allowed to train cats to get my food for me.
I am not allowed to train trolls to get my food for me.
I am not allowed to train animals in any way.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on November 21, 2016, 07:24:04 PM
Neither asking nor answering "general" questions confers upon me the rank of general, and I am not allowed to behave as though it does.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on November 25, 2016, 02:56:55 PM
Being tasked to care for the cat-tank's perimeter alert system does not make me "a master of fencing".
Dealing with the situation of a non-immune seiðkarl being out and about without a mask does not mean I'm "responsible for the filtering of all local runic magic".
Being posted on top of the cat-tank as the only one without a firearm doesn't mean I "retreated to the Feldherrenhügel with my bodyguards".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on December 04, 2016, 01:11:40 PM
I may not use clods prised from the tank treads as 'special spice mix' in my Yule biscuits.
I may not use actual sand in my sandkakker.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on December 04, 2016, 06:48:35 PM
I may not use clods prised from the tank treads as 'special spice mix' in my Yule biscuits.
I may not use actual sand in my sandkakker.

I will stop hiding the British seasonal confectionery known as 'mince pies' around Admiral Olsen's office. I am well aware of his allergy to pastry-bread and will be considered responsible if the Admiral once again has to use his EpiPen.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on December 13, 2016, 02:21:30 PM
Here are my ideas. Warning: I'm equally okay with Emil and Lalli being friends or a couple and it shows in some of these

I am not allowed to make wanted posters for Emil Västerström's former private tutors claiming them to be high-end scammers.
Even if I know a Finnish skald that is more educated than him.
I am not allowed give Tuuri Hotakainen a fake pregnancy diagnosis based on her abdomen looking "more pronounced than usual"
Especially if any male friends of hers are in the room.
Even if I suspect that particular friend to be more interested in her male cousin.
Even if the incident revealed that the friend in question actually does not know how children happen.
I am not allowed to give the Talk to sheltered twenty year old Icelandic sheep herders anyone.
I am not habilitated to officiate weddings nor blood brother ceremonies.
Captain Eide may be habilitated for both, but they are still invalid if peformed while both parties are asleep.
Or if only one party is asleep.
"So, what are we all doing here ?" is a bad sign when spoken by a blood brother or groom to be.
Especially if the person speaking these words is not named Lalli Hotakainen.
Emil Västerström and Lalli Hotakainen shall not be pushed into a lifetime union of any kind until they speak each other's languages.
Six words does not count as speaking the language.
Even if three of them were "I love you".
Due to precedents in not understanding what is going on,  Lalli Hotakainen will be explained the concept of marriage.
In a language in which he actually speaks.
More than six words.
Even if I managed to make an explanation only using the six words in question.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on December 13, 2016, 02:29:06 PM
Here are my ideas. Warning: I'm equally okay with Emil and Lalli being friends or a couple and it shows in some of these

I am not allowed to make wanted posters for Emil Västerström's former private tutors claiming them to be high-end scammers.
Even if I know a Finnish skald that is more educated than him.
I am not allowed give Tuuri Hotakainen a fake pregnancy diagnosis based on her abdomen looking "more pronounced than usual"
Especially if any male friends of hers are in the room.
Even if I suspect that particular friend to be more interested in her male cousin.
Even if the incident revealed that the friend in question actually does not know how children happen.
I am not allowed to give the Talk to sheltered twenty year old Icelandic sheep herders anyone.
I am not habilitated to officiate weddings nor blood brother ceremonies.
Captain Eide may be habilitated for both, but they are still invalid if peformed while both parties are asleep.
Or if only one party is asleep.
"So, what are we all doing here ?" is a bad sign when spoken by a blood brother or groom to be.
Especially if the person speaking these words is not named Lalli Hotakainen.
Emil Västerström and Lalli Hotakainen shall not be pushed into a lifetime union of any kind until they speak each other's languages.
Six words does not count as speaking the language.
Even if three of them were "I love you".
Due to precedents in not understanding what is going on,  Lalli Hotakainen will be explained the concept of marriage.
In a language in which he actually speaks.
More than six words.
Even if I managed to make an explanation only using the six words in question.

*slow clap*
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Antillanka on December 13, 2016, 03:35:05 PM
Here are my ideas....

*sobs in the corner* ... *or maybe is quiet snickering*
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on December 13, 2016, 05:36:22 PM
Grade E Cat, that's wonderful!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on December 13, 2016, 06:24:56 PM
Here are my ideas. Warning: I'm equally okay with Emil and Lalli being friends or a couple and it shows in some of these

I am not allowed to make wanted posters for Emil Västerström's former private tutors claiming them to be high-end scammers.
Even if I know a Finnish skald that is more educated than him.
I am not allowed give Tuuri Hotakainen a fake pregnancy diagnosis based on her abdomen looking "more pronounced than usual"
Especially if any male friends of hers are in the room.
Even if I suspect that particular friend to be more interested in her male cousin.
Even if the incident revealed that the friend in question actually does not know how children happen.
I am not allowed to give the Talk to sheltered twenty year old Icelandic sheep herders anyone.
I am not habilitated to officiate weddings nor blood brother ceremonies.
Captain Eide may be habilitated for both, but they are still invalid if peformed while both parties are asleep.
Or if only one party is asleep.
"So, what are we all doing here ?" is a bad sign when spoken by a blood brother or groom to be.
Especially if the person speaking these words is not named Lalli Hotakainen.
Emil Västerström and Lalli Hotakainen shall not be pushed into a lifetime union of any kind until they speak each other's languages.
Six words does not count as speaking the language.
Even if three of them were "I love you".
Due to precedents in not understanding what is going on,  Lalli Hotakainen will be explained the concept of marriage.
In a language in which he actually speaks.
More than six words.
Even if I managed to make an explanation only using the six words in question.

I will stop changing Emil's surname on paperwork from 'Vasterstrom' to 'Hotakainen'
I will remove my 'shipping chart' from the living room, as it is both confusing and disturbing to everyone who observes it but me
If I refer to Sigrun as a 'waifu' one more time, the reprimand will be severe and injurious
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Buteo on December 14, 2016, 01:07:06 AM
If I refer to Sigrun as a 'waifu' one more time, the reprimand will be severe and injurious

Ah, because someone will explain to Sigrun what it means, right? And then stand out of the way....  ;)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on December 14, 2016, 02:17:07 AM
I will stop changing Emil's surname on paperwork from 'Vasterstrom' to 'Hotakainen'

Love that one, wish I had thought of it myself

Just got inspired for a new one remembering some of the older posts about Admiral Olsen:
I will not tie Reynir Árnason's braid to a water pipe while he's asleep and claim I changed my mind about him being treated as a prisonner when he wakes up.
The fact that we returned from that particular expedition several months ago is not the only thing wrong with doing this.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on February 11, 2017, 12:42:32 AM
My doctor's bag will contain more than just a bonesaw and a bottle of whiskey.
I can't just keeping buy rounds of drinks until everybody passes out so I can rob them.
Not allowed to bet someone I can field strip a grenade faster than them.
....Even if the entire base's morale would be improved by that event.
Addendum to face cancer rulings: there is no such thing as beard cancer, and I am not allowed to even mention such a thing to new recruits.
I am no longer allowed to spread the rumor that cleansers make "carnage-angels" after a successful operation, we already have enough problems with them and I can't give them any new ideas.
Not allowed to force people suspected of being infected with the rash to watch "rocky Horror" on repeat, I am also to surrender all copies of this picture show in my possession to base authorities.
No going 100% tracer round on the HMG just because I like the pretty colors, we have limited supplies of these because the cleansers have a knack for burning through them all.
Rash beasts don't fall for the fake ball trick more than once.
Soccer games using the tanks are strictly against danish army regulations.

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on February 11, 2017, 03:55:09 AM
In honor of something that came up in the art museum a couple weeks ago:
I will not slip jägerdraught in Admiral Olsen's ale.
Even if it took two weeks for anyone to notice that he had mutated into a green-skinned, pointy-eared, tusk-bearing, loud and blood thirsty super-soldier.
I will not slip the substance in Captain Eide's drink either.
Even if it took a visit from Lalli Hotakainen one month later for someone to notice that there was "something weird" about her.
I will explain how I managed to even make jägerdraught.

Completely silly ones I had in mind but felt uncomfortable adding as a double-post:
I will stop changing Reynir's surname to Hotakainen on paperwork.
If I do, I'll have to specify which member of the family he's supposed to have ended up with.
"He hit it off with the ninety year old grandmother" is not the right answer to the shipping wars among the skalds.
I have no right to dissolve the Reynir/Lalli faction of shippers among the skalds.
Even if I was at Emil and Lalli's engagement party just a few days ago.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on February 11, 2017, 06:06:06 AM
I will stop changing Reynir's surname to Hotakainen on paperwork.
If I do, I'll have to specify which member of the family he's supposed to have ended up with.
"He hit it off with the ninety year old grandmother" is not the right answer to the shipping wars among the skalds.
I have no right to dissolve the Reynir/Lalli faction of shippers among the skalds.
Even if I was at Emil and Lalli's engagement party just a few days ago.

I will stop encouraging the skalds' frankly obsessive interest in the romantic lives of my colleagues
I will not incite another infamous incident like the Great Ship War of Y91, because it interrupts military schedules
I will stop pointing at Emil and Lalli when they are together and shouting 'OTP'

(unrelated batch)

When introducing my team to others, I will stop referring to us as the following
Reynir: the klutz
Sigrun: the muscle
Emil: the beauty
Lalli: the creeper
Tuuri: the jack-of-all-trades-kind-of-useless-but-also-indespensible
Myself: the brains
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on February 11, 2017, 01:30:45 PM
Not legal to retroactively challenge anyone I just shot to a duel.

Fake eye spots on my helmets do not help intimidate the monsters, they're mutated murderbeasts from 90 years ago, anything I can come up with will not really intimidate them.

I am not allowed to do anything that would make a troll cry.

Not allowed to replicate anything I did that intimidated a troll or made them cry in polite company.

Cannot challenge anyone to a dance off. To the death.

Not allowed to requisition any animal in units of 100 or more.

If command has to ponder the ramifications of anything I requisition for more than a minute the answer is obviously no.

There is a limited amount of innuendo that can be fit into a mission briefing, my mission is in no way related to finding this limit.

I am to stop spreading the rumor that all there is to finland is the silent world, reindeer and sniper rifles despite what my trip with the Hotakainens to Finland proved or disproved.

Not allowed to do math in longhand format out of protest.

"Create a distraction" doesn't mean with trolls trained in ballroom dance.

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on February 15, 2017, 01:20:00 AM
In honor of something that came up in the art museum a couple weeks ago:
I will not slip jägerdraught in Admiral Olsen's ale.
Even if it took two weeks for anyone to notice that he had mutated into a green-skinned, pointy-eared, tusk-bearing, loud and blood thirsty super-soldier.
I will not slip the substance in Captain Eide's drink either.
Even if it took a visit from Lalli Hotakainen one month later for someone to notice that there was "something weird" about her.
I will explain how I managed to even make jägerdraught.

*takes a bow*  Thank you for the reference to my drawing!  (Have you seen Sigrun's hair?  I think she may already be jägerkin.  Mamma Gkikka is jealous.)

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on February 15, 2017, 03:37:32 AM
Not legal to retroactively challenge anyone I just shot to a duel.

The image of Mikkel calmly walking up to someone lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, leaning over them and saying "You have offended my honour and I demand satisfaction" has sent me into a terrible fit of the giggles  :'D

Actually on that subject...

* I shall not teach Icelanders the Danish for "You have offended my honour and I demand satisfaction" under the pretence that it constitutes a friendly greeting.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on February 15, 2017, 03:10:26 PM
Sorry, couldn't resist

Actually on that subject...

* I shall not teach Icelanders the Danish for "You have offended my honour and I demand satisfaction" under the pretence that it constitutes a friendly greeting.

I will tell Reynir the real reason for which he is now banned from entering Denmark.
I will also tell him about the ten pending duels he has in Dalsnes and try to get as many as I can canceled
Especially the three mage ones
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on February 15, 2017, 05:35:47 PM
I will also tell him about the ten pending duels he has in Dalsnes and try to get as many as I can canceled
Convincing the Dalsnesians to team up and duel Reynir all at once does not qualify as "getting the other nine duels cancelled".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on February 16, 2017, 12:34:26 AM

* I shall not teach Icelanders the Danish for "You have offended my honour and I demand satisfaction" under the pretence that it constitutes a friendly greeting.

My name is not Inigo Montoya and no one killed my father
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on February 16, 2017, 02:50:34 AM
I will stop telling new recruits that they are not soldiers unless the can rhyme something with orange
I will stop asking the mages to invent something to rhyme with orange
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 16, 2017, 02:52:45 AM
Closest I've heard is 'door-hinge'. Now we just need something to rhyme with 'silver'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on February 16, 2017, 08:52:24 AM
It rhymes with "Sliver" because the computer frelling says so!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on February 16, 2017, 09:01:04 AM
Now we just need something to rhyme with 'silver'

'Chilver'. A female lamb.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 16, 2017, 09:13:48 AM
Wyrm, that's brilliant! Thank you!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on February 16, 2017, 04:24:31 PM
Closest I've heard is 'door-hinge'.
If it only has to rhyme, wouldn't stuff from "lozenge" to "shooting range" to "mange" qualify as well?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jharad17 on February 16, 2017, 08:46:23 PM
If it only has to rhyme, wouldn't stuff from "lozenge" to "shooting range" to "mange" qualify as well?

"Lozenge" works okay, but "range" and "mange" have a long "a" sound, not the soft "e" of orange.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 16, 2017, 09:13:52 PM
Lozenge is good!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on February 16, 2017, 09:32:15 PM
According to Google the only exact rhyme in English for 'orange' is 'sporange', which is a very rare alternative form of 'sporangium', which is apparently part of a fern.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 16, 2017, 09:51:36 PM
Yeah, sporange or sporangium is the name for one of those little blister-looking things on the back of a fern frond, where the spores are stored before being released (ferns have spores, not seeds). I am remiss as a botanist, because I never before made that connection. Thank you for finding it!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ana Nymus on February 16, 2017, 09:53:41 PM
According to Google the only exact rhyme in English for 'orange' is 'sporange', which is a very rare alternative form of 'sporangium', which is apparently part of a fern.

They're these! Specifically the little blackish things.


Fun fact: the sporangia store the spores of the fern, which are roughly analogous to seeds in other plants. But instead of letting wind, animals, or gravity carry the spores off, the sporangia will arch back and catapult spores everywhere.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on February 16, 2017, 10:12:48 PM
There's apparently also a hill in Wales called Blorenge (don't ask me how I know this, I just googled it to make sure I wasn't making it up) and also a hair dye trend called "blorange" that seems to be a variation on the "rose gold" that was popular last year. (Both are kind of a muted, warm pinkish color.)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on February 16, 2017, 11:34:44 PM
And before we move on to my own colour, "purple" rhymes with "curple" which means the hindquarters of a horse. I will let you make your own jokes  :))
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: PickleChip on February 16, 2017, 11:37:07 PM
Well, I guess you all are the best soldiers according to Mikkel! :))
And now we know a bunch of words to rhyme with orange!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 17, 2017, 03:00:38 AM
Purple also rhymes with 'hirple' or 'hurple', a border Scots/Northumbrian word which means to limp or lurch, especially in a grotesque or exaggerated manner. It turns up in one riddle I know which goes:

'Hurple purple hath a red girdle
A stone in his belly, a stick up his arse.
And yet hurple purple is never the worse.'

Can you guess the answer?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on February 17, 2017, 05:08:23 PM
No longer allowed to allow discussions to spiral out of control from things "I'm not allowed to do" into  discussions about "the curiosities of the English language and what odd words may or may not rhyme with" to keep from getting in trouble.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on February 18, 2017, 09:20:42 AM
Any and all riddle contests must be conducted in languages spoken by the majority of those participating.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on February 18, 2017, 09:23:48 AM
Any and all riddle contests must be conducted in languages spoken by the majority of those participating.

I will not advocate for proportional representation in these contests
Proportional representation did not work for Weimar Germany and therefore will not work for us, and I will stop insisting on this
I am not allowed to suggest the 'TMMINATD' Board are fascists for refusing my suggestion of proportional representation
I will not start pro-democracy riots in the canteen
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jharad17 on February 18, 2017, 05:37:34 PM

'Hurple purple hath a red girdle
A stone in his belly, a stick up his arse.
And yet hurple purple is never the worse.'

Can you guess the answer?

My only guess is a grape, but that doesn't make sense of the "red girdle" portion. So l'm at a loss.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 18, 2017, 07:28:11 PM
Close but not quite! I've heard two versions of the answer. In Scotland it's a ripe hawthorn berry, in the Borders and Northumbria it's a ripe sloe fruit (otherwise known as blackthorn). Both plants have a purplish-red fruit when ripe, and both are gnarly twisty little trees, especially in the winds of the Highlands, (hence the 'hurple'). The stick is the stem, the stone is the seed.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jharad17 on February 18, 2017, 11:14:01 PM
Close but not quite! I've heard two versions of the answer. In Scotland it's a ripe hawthorn berry, in the Borders and Northumbria it's a ripe sloe fruit (otherwise known as blackthorn). Both plants have a purplish-red fruit when ripe, and both are gnarly twisty little trees, especially in the winds of the Highlands, (hence the 'hurple'). The stick is the stem, the stone is the seed.

I figured the stick and stone bits were similar to that, and having never heard of he hawthorn berry or sloe fruit, I don't feel too bad for missing. But I've never been great shakes at riddles. :3

To get this back on topic:

When asked for advice on how to deal with trolls, "Don't eat the green ones, they're not ripe yet," is unacceptable. And not true.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 19, 2017, 08:54:09 AM
Nor may I allow new recruits to infer that it is therefore safe to eat the soft ones bursting with fluid, just because they smell 'ripe'.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on February 19, 2017, 10:32:43 AM
According to Google the only exact rhyme in English for 'orange' is 'sporange', which is a very rare alternative form of 'sporangium', which is apparently part of a fern.
This starts to sound like the English language chose to almost invent new, single-use phonemes/pronunciation to name that one fruit. I like the Dutch approach of naming it sinaasappel (literally "Chinese apple") a lot better now. :P

(I wonder whether that would prompt Sigrun to call oranges "apples gone sour because they had to grow a winter coat", though?)

"curple" which means the hindquarters of a horse.
... muh? How did U and R come to swap their places (WRT croup(e)/Kruppe)?

Not allowed to cite rocket science ( as a reason to bring up discussions on horse's hindquarters again.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on February 21, 2017, 09:54:58 AM
I blame the art museum for that one:
My civilian clothes for several week long missions can no longer include my kilt.
If I do bring it, I am only allowed to wear it as a last resort.
Underwear is not optional in the above situation.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Minutia_R on April 04, 2017, 02:01:48 PM
I am not allowed to shove cookies into the scout's mouth.
Even if they are chocolate-chip cookies.
Chocolate will not "keep the Dementors away."
I will explain where I got chocolate chips.

I am supervising the recreation period of the non-immune civilian in quarantine, not "taking the mage for walkies."

I will not sing "The I Was Right Song" in the captain's hearing.
I will not sing "The I was Right Song" under any circumstances.
"My Heart Will Go On" is not an acceptable substitute.
I was never Denmark's representative in the Eurovision Song Contest.
No singing.  Ever.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on April 04, 2017, 02:25:04 PM
I will fix the fact that the only Icelandic phrase Lalli knows is "I'm going to cut your braid in your sleep."
Even if he insists it's the only thing he needs to know how to say.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Abprallen on April 04, 2017, 02:40:40 PM
I am supervising the recreation period of the non-immune civilian in quarantine, not "taking the mage for walkies."
I made the ugliest noise
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: XanaduTrigger on April 05, 2017, 02:19:50 PM
Dear dog, how did you come up with so many things?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jharad17 on April 05, 2017, 10:52:27 PM
Dear dog, how did you come up with so many things?

I told you, I told you!   ;D
(Rachel McG on disqus)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: XanaduTrigger on April 06, 2017, 01:19:01 PM
I told you, I told you!   ;D
(Rachel McG on disqus)
??? I must know what you are speaking of
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jharad17 on April 06, 2017, 09:43:05 PM
??? I must know what you are speaking of

Ah, I see I was being too circumspect. Sorry. :)
My Disqus identity is Rachel McGonagill, and I think I was the one who suggested this thread to you on one of the recent comic pages.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on April 07, 2017, 08:33:18 PM
•I will not imply or state that Lalli is an "animal person" and has "invited the madness" by biting Reynír.
•I will not refer to Emil as "just some guy", or as Lalli's "not-friend" since they are apparently actually friends.
•I will surrender all material pertaining to the pre-Rash horror comic "Wilde Life" immediately.
•I will explain how I obtained the aforementioned material and how I managed to learn to read English.
•Thunder Children do not exist, and even if they did, there would not be any in Denmark.
(Inspired by a comment thread on disqus)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on April 07, 2017, 08:56:18 PM
•I will not imply or state that Lalli is an "animal person" and has "invited the madness" by biting Reynír.
•I will not refer to Emil as "just some guy", or as Lalli's "not-friend" since they are apparently actually friends.
•I will surrender all material pertaining to the pre-Rash horror comic "Wilde Life" immediately.
•I will explain how I obtained the aforementioned material and how I managed to learn to read English.
•Thunder Children do not exist, and even if they did, there would not be any in Denmark.
(Inspired by a comment thread on disqus)

hahaha yes! :)) I love the idea of some sort of Wilde Life crossover, that comic is great!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on April 07, 2017, 09:48:09 PM
hahaha yes! :)) I love the idea of some sort of Wilde Life crossover, that comic is great!
Oh good grief, don't tempt me! I've got at least three other au ideas I'm neglecting.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Athena on April 07, 2017, 10:46:48 PM
Oh good grief, don't tempt me! I've got at least three other au ideas I'm neglecting.

Don't we all? Ah, the fandom life is a harsh one... *strikes dramatic anime pose*
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on April 08, 2017, 12:08:27 AM
All we need is another week in the week, every week. Or maybe another week in the day.....
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on April 15, 2017, 05:02:55 AM
Mages capable of transforming are not "backup therapy animals".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on April 15, 2017, 09:23:14 AM
•I will explain how I taught Lalli how to read English when we have no language in common.
•I will apologize to Lalli for doubting his spell development abilities with regards to shapeshifting and to everyone else for giving him the idea in the first place.
•"Have Lalli turn into a lynx at it" is no longer a valid problem solving suggestion.
•Neither is "have Reynír turn into a dog at it".
•Anything to do with "Wilde Life" is summarily banned on pain of banishment to the storage compartment.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on April 18, 2017, 02:14:58 PM
There are better ways to express my opinion about people's parenting choices than to hand them a "Basic facts about the Rash" pamphlet.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on April 19, 2017, 11:45:01 PM
I am no longer allowed to communicate through the majesty of dance
I am not part bee, therefore this demand is not discriminatory against my ethnic background
I will cease making that unending buzzing noise whenever I move
I am not required to consume flowers or other nectar-producing plants every 15 minutes
I am not allowed to carry a needle to simulate the sensation of a sting, nor administer this when someone irritates me
I will stop tormenting those among my colleagues who are allergic to bees by threatening them with a fatal dose of my 'genuine bee venom' if they incur my wrath
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on April 20, 2017, 05:17:54 PM
I am no longer allowed to communicate through the majesty of dance
I am not part bee, therefore this demand is not discriminatory against my ethnic background
I will cease making that unending buzzing noise whenever I move
I am not required to consume flowers or other nectar-producing plants every 15 minutes
I am not allowed to carry a needle to simulate the sensation of a sting, nor administer this when someone irritates me
I will stop tormenting those among my colleagues who are allergic to bees by threatening them with a fatal dose of my 'genuine bee venom' if they incur my wrath
Meanwhile, the other members of the expedition-to-be wait for the arrival of their crewmate Mikkel, who is delayed by be(e)ing stung by his CO.

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on April 23, 2017, 07:28:52 PM
I am no longer allowed to communicate through the majesty of dance
I am not part bee, therefore this demand is not discriminatory against my ethnic background
I will cease making that unending buzzing noise whenever I move
I am not required to consume flowers or other nectar-producing plants every 15 minutes
I am not allowed to carry a needle to simulate the sensation of a sting, nor administer this when someone irritates me
I will stop tormenting those among my colleagues who are allergic to bees by threatening them with a fatal dose of my 'genuine bee venom' if they incur my wrath

Okay, I didn't really need the coffee I just snorted out.  Good one!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on May 10, 2017, 04:17:04 PM
There are better way to hide the fact that I'm briging a cat back from the Silent World than convincing my employers that they are hallucinating it.
It's "cooking duty" not "food duty". Especially if it's being assigned to anyone that I have called "backup food supply" on previous occasions.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on May 10, 2017, 08:11:14 PM
There are better way to hide the fact that I'm briging a cat back from the Silent World than convincing my employers that they are hallucinating it.
It's "cooking duty" not "food duty". Especially if it's being assigned to anyone that I have called "backup food supply" on previous occasions.
I am not allowed to call anyone "backup food supply".
...Especially the civilians.
...Even if they agree.
I am not allowed to use the phrase "backup food supply".
...Or "emergency rations".

The Blessed Felines are our friends and allies and are not to be used as dust mops.
...Or rug beaters.
I am not allowed to tell those assigned to me to use the Blessed Felines in the aforementioned manner.
I will personally clean up all the bloodstains resulting from my violations of the above.

It is known as "the Silent World" for good reason; therefore, I am not allowed to use noisemakers of any type.
I will explain exactly where and how I obtained a working air-horn.
Blasting an air-horn at someone from behind does not cure "cranial-rectal inversion".
There is no "cranial-rectal inversion epidemic" in the Danish Army.
...Or the Danish Navy.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Ragnarok on May 10, 2017, 08:46:35 PM
I am not allowed to call anyone "backup food supply".
...<i>Especially</i> the civilians.
...Even if they agree.
I am not allowed to use the phrase "backup food supply".
...Or "emergency rations".

The Blessed Felines are our friends and allies and are not to be used as dust mops.
...Or rug beaters.
I am not allowed to tell those assigned to me to use the Blessed Felines in the aforementioned manner.
I will personally clean up all the bloodstains resulting from my violations of the above.

It is known as "the Silent World" for good reason; therefore, I am not allowed to use noisemakers of any type.
I will explain exactly where and how I obtained a working air-horn.
Blasting an air-horn at someone from behind does <i>not</i> cure "cranial-rectal inversion".
There is no "cranial-rectal inversion epidemic" in the Danish Army.
...Or the Danish Navy.

Or the Danish Air Force.
We don't have an air force.
Painting a colony of bats with the Danish flag and equipping them with tiny toy machine guns does not mean I am the founder of the Danish Air Force.
I am not allowed near bat colonies.
I am not allowed near bird nests.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Purple Wyrm on May 11, 2017, 07:45:00 PM
I am not allowed to shave the cats unless specifically ordered to do so
If ordered to shave the cats I shall do the job properly and not 'improvise'
Even in an attempt to 'raise morale through humour' (
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Abprallen on May 11, 2017, 07:58:31 PM
I am not allowed to shave the cats unless specifically ordered to do so
If ordered to shave the cats I shall do the job properly and not 'improvise'
Even in an attempt to 'raise morale through humour' (
I just gave myself a nosebleed from laughing so hard. Very funny!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on May 12, 2017, 12:09:43 AM
I am not allowed to test the veracity of old texts about cooking using a vehicle engine by putting food onto any vehicle's engine.
I am not allowed to declare the results of the disallowed experiments 'crap Suzette.'
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on May 12, 2017, 12:38:24 AM
Fire is not my friend
I will not improvise Icelandic runes
Especially if they are clearly emoji
I will not convince the gullible Icelandic civilian that emoji are runes
Even if he manages to actually cast something with them
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on May 14, 2017, 09:08:17 PM
I am not allowed to refer to my superiors as 'dude'
I am not allowed to refer to my superiors as 'Mr/Ma'am Dude', or 'Sir dude' or add 'dude' to any honorific
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on May 15, 2017, 01:05:54 AM
Don't know if one like this got posted already:
When taking the mage for walkies supervising the civilian's recreation time I will not make him wear a leash
I will not blame mechanical failures on "negative waves"
Our tank does not need a viking funeral
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on May 15, 2017, 12:53:21 PM
I am not allowed to refer to my superiors as 'dude'
I am not allowed to refer to my superiors as 'Mr/Ma'am Dude', or 'Sir dude' or add 'dude' to any honorific
I am really really seriously not allowed to mutter something along the lines of "but those're all dudes" as my company approaches a minefield.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on May 15, 2017, 02:18:39 PM
The big question Minna's comment on today's page leaves unanswered: how did he lose that firefighter job?

I will not put "Only you can prevent forest fires" posters in cleanser barracks.
I will not tell people that mere proximity of a cleanser can start a fire.
The above applies to mages as well.
I will not tell people that the leading local cause of fires is my employer trying to cook.
Even if everyone knows this to be true.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sir.Orc on May 15, 2017, 10:28:40 PM
I will not put "Only you can prevent forest fires" posters in cleanser barracks.
I will not tell people that mere proximity of a cleanser can start a fire.
The above applies to mages as well.
I will not tell people that the leading local cause of fires is my employer trying to cook.
Even if everyone knows this to be true.

Excellent, I especially like the first one!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on May 16, 2017, 07:55:21 AM
I am not allowed to refer to members of the Folketing as "Thingamajigs", "Thingamabobs", or "Ting-Tang-Walla-Walla-Bing-Bangs".
...Not allowed to talk about the Folketing or its members.
...Or the Allthing or its members.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on May 18, 2017, 10:13:49 AM
When taking the mage for walkies supervising the civilian's recreation time I will not make him wear a leash

Something from the art museum you may want to look at, if you haven't found it on your own yet:
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jharad17 on June 16, 2017, 12:59:49 AM
Not allowed to refer to the soup containers as "fuel cans," even if, technically, the soup is fuel for the body.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on June 16, 2017, 08:10:43 PM
 ^-^ (Courtesy of Epi)

I will not practice my ventriloquism by making it appear the cats are speaking.
I will not practice my ventriloquism by making it appear the cats are using telepathy.
I will not practice my ventriloquism by making it appear the cats are using trollish speech patterns.
I will not practice my ventriloquism by making it appear that trollish speech is coming from your own head.
I will not practice my ventriloquism using trollish speech patterns at all.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on June 17, 2017, 07:20:48 AM
I will not arrange for Torbjörn and Reynir to bump into each other to see for how long they can apologize to each other.
I will not organize overprotectiveness contests between Onni, Emil and Reynir's older siblings.
Especially if the props include Tuuri, Lalli, Reynir, a large quantity of rope and a pool of hungry piranhas.
I will explain where I found piranhas.
If these piranhas are really my pets, I shouldn't have starved them in the first place.
I will not name my pet piranhas after my collegues, current or former.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on June 17, 2017, 08:46:48 PM
I will not arrange for Torbjörn and Reynir to bump into each other to see for how long they can aplogize to each other.
I will not organize overprotectiveness contests between Onni, Emil and Reynir's older siblings.
Especially if the props include Tuuri, Lalli, Reynir, a large quantity of rope and a pool of hungry piranhas.
I will explain where I found piranhas.
If these piranhas are really my pets, I shouldn't have starved them in the first place.
I will not name my pet piranhas after my collegues, current or former.

I will stop bringing 'Commander Fishgrun' to my meetings in a fishbowl. She makes everyone else around me feel menaced and uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on June 17, 2017, 09:39:07 PM
I will stop bringing 'Commander Fishgrun' to my meetings in a fishbowl. She makes everyone else around me feel menaced and uncomfortable.
Sigrun Eide is not a member of the Danish military, therefore:
I will not threaten new recruits with "the wrath of Sigrun"
...or my peers
...and certainly not my superiors
...even if it is the most best effective motivator.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on June 23, 2017, 09:02:33 AM
Sigrun Eide is not a member of the Danish military, therefore:
I will not threaten new recruits with "the wrath of Sigrun"
...or my peers
...and certainly not my superiors
...even if it is the most best effective motivator.

I will stop enlisting Sigrun Eide to stand behind me and stare down my seniors when I am attempting to obtain something from them
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 24, 2017, 05:38:50 AM
I will stop enlisting Sigrun Eide to stand behind me and stare down my seniors when I am attempting to obtain something from them
I will stop being out of uniform most of the time, and explain where I found a print shop making me a t-shirt with Sigruns larger-than-life staring face on it.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on June 24, 2017, 09:22:50 PM
I will not use a pink, grey and orange marker on sleeping cadets in quarantine.
I will not create false sores on sleeping cadets in quarantine with only markers and oatmeal.
I will immediately explain how I broke quarantine without breaking any of the quarantine tamper seals as that is an important security problem.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on June 25, 2017, 09:10:50 AM
I will not use a pink, grey and orange marker on sleeping cadets in quarantine.
I will not create false sores on sleeping cadets in quarantine with only markers and oatmeal.
I will immediately explain how I broke quarantine without breaking any of the quarantine tamper seals as that is an important security problem.

Furthermore, I will divulge the supplier of my seemingly endless supply of oatmeal that is somehow not affecting the institution's own supply
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Solokov on June 25, 2017, 09:52:58 AM
Furthermore, I will divulge the supplier of my seemingly endless supply of oatmeal that is somehow not affecting the institution's own supply

While it is fascinating that I captured a troll that is both non-hostile and secretes oatmeal, sadly "captain quaker" needs to be put down.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 27, 2017, 11:58:40 AM
While it is fascinating that I captured a troll that is both non-hostile and secretes oatmeal, sadly "captain quaker" needs to be put down.
I shall cooperate with the Öresundsbro base's quartermaster, who has recently grown a suspicion why a fifteen-stories-high ex-oil-drilling-platform supposedly has only three decks to offer for him to use.
I shall better run from the assorted mages, though, who have been complaining about the incessant Black Speech "as if the grosslings were right next door" for years.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on July 05, 2017, 11:43:00 AM
I will stop attempting to summon Tuuri Hotakainen with an Ouija board. While my superiors understand that everyone processes grief differently, they are sick of disembodied 'eeeees' floating around the compound and engines spontaneously turn on and scare the Hel out of the other skalds.

(I was doing my own grieving for Tuuri, this popped into my head and made me feel marginally better)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on July 05, 2017, 07:39:32 PM
OwlsGo, I love that idea. Or of course her ghost might take up residence in one of the big shiny tanks she so admired at the beginning of the story....
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on July 05, 2017, 09:12:50 PM
Or of course her ghost might take up residence in one of the big shiny tanks she so admired at the beginning of the story....
Not to mention a bajillion other gimmicks of Öresundbro base, from dozens of radios to elevators to everything making up the Dalahästen terminal ...

Radio Geezer: "Are those trolls talking to us in Finnish now!?"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: OwlsG0 on July 05, 2017, 10:31:40 PM
Not to mention a bajillion other gimmicks of Öresundbro base, from dozens of radios to elevators to everything making up the Dalahästen terminal ...

Radio Geezer: "Are those trolls talking to us in Finnish now!?"

Radio Geezer: Where's that scout? The one that speaks Finnish. Somebody fetch him!
Lalli: Yes sir?
Radio Geezer: see if you can decipher this
Radio Ghost Tuuri: ...did the watermelon say to the pomengranate that sneaked up on it? "I didn't seed you there!"
Lalli: Nothing to worry about, except that I'm on my way to murder Officer Madsen. I'll need that wrench.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on July 06, 2017, 05:56:15 PM
Radio Geezer: Where's that scout? The one that speaks Finnish. Somebody fetch him!
Lalli: Yes sir?
Radio Geezer: see if you can decipher this
Radio Ghost Tuuri: ...did the watermelon say to the pomengranate that sneaked up on it? "I didn't seed you there!"
Lalli: Nothing to worry about, except that I'm on my way to murder Officer Madsen. I'll need that wrench.

Most best crossover from the Bad Jokes thread!! 
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on August 25, 2017, 07:33:03 AM
While my efforts to bring "I'm with stupid" T-shirts back are greatly appreciated, I am no longer allowed to market them as engagement party and wedding gifts.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Sunflower on August 27, 2017, 05:20:25 PM
I just want to say that I've been catching up with about a year's worth of this thread and it is making me giggle as dizzily as someone coming out of heavy anesthesia.  This is professional-grade deadpan humor. 

I wish someone would illustrate some of these. 
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Windfighter on August 28, 2017, 01:39:36 AM
Have a couple of pictures I started about a year ago then never managed to finish:

( (

It's inspired by a certain song ( and I was planning to make a vid with it as well but... it'll never happen. So have only the part of the pictures I managed to finish!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on August 28, 2017, 02:49:56 AM
I wish someone would illustrate some of these.
I am not allowed to illustrate the things I am not allowed to do...
...or demonstrate.

(Windy is encouraged to illustrate them, however.)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Windfighter on August 28, 2017, 03:00:15 AM
I am not allowed to illustrate the things I am not allowed to do...
...or demonstrate.

(Windy is encouraged to illustrate them, however.)

Windy thanks you for your encouragement, but must back down from the obligation as she has neither skill nor time to do it.
She is, however, willing to reconsider the proposal if she is still alive next week.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on August 28, 2017, 04:34:28 AM
Cute as she may be, a pre-Rash plushie ( made from two socks is not a "world traveler in need of our aid".
...Nor is she a "member of the Danish Army callously abandoned at Kastrup".
...Nor a "transformed Finnish mage".
...Nor a "transformed Icelandic mage".
My superiors do not have an "anti-bovine bias" for refusing to believe any of the above.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Lazy8 on August 28, 2017, 06:22:04 AM
Windy thanks you for your encouragement, but must back down from the obligation as she has neither skill nor time to do it.
She is, however, willing to reconsider the proposal if she is still alive next week.

Noooooo Windy needs to stay alive because we need more Windy arts!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Windfighter on August 28, 2017, 06:40:50 AM
Noooooo Windy needs to stay alive because we need more Windy arts!

That is not a discussion for this thread though :P
Nor for the comfort corner...
Nor for the chat...
Nor any place except for with my therapist who... I didn't talk about it with. oops?

aaaaaah, don't mind me, I haven't slept tonight and I'm still procrastinating breakfast 9 hours after I started complaining that I was hungry so my brain isn't fully functional. Please resume the thread's regular scheduled activities <3
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on August 28, 2017, 07:31:02 AM
Windy, go and have breakfast. Then maybe ring your therapist?
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on August 28, 2017, 11:30:44 AM
Noooooo Windy needs to stay alive because we need more Windy arts!
The Danish admirality would like to stress that this order neither comes from them, nor fits the thread's topic / addressee.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on October 15, 2017, 09:45:27 AM
When asked for rope by someone wearing many long braids, I will not give them only half of length they asked for and suggest they get the rest from a haircut.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on October 29, 2017, 05:17:44 AM
(Thanks, Grade E Cat, for this one.)

I will not tell the mages that the food is magically tainted.
I will not pretend to magically taint the food in any way.
I will not insist that the only test to see if food is magically tainted is to have a mage eat it first.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on October 29, 2017, 05:35:46 AM
(Thanks, Grade E Cat, for this one.)

I will not tell the mages that the food is magically tainted.
I will not pretend to magically taint the food in any way.
I will not insist that the only test to see if food is magically tainted is to have a mage eat it first.
Any magical tainting of my own food is my own fault for disobeying the above.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on November 20, 2017, 06:23:49 AM
I will not organize, participate in, or suggest a raffle for Admiral Olsen's beard braids.
...or the contents of any of the base's supply stores.

I will not sell places in a line for people to throw things at Admiral Olsen.
...or tickets to watch the participants do so.
I will hand over all funds already collected for this endeavor.

I will not sell places in a line for people to throw things at me...
...unless I intend to go through with it.
I am solely responsible for any altercations that occur amongst people jostling for a better place in said line.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on November 21, 2017, 02:17:18 AM
I will not send new recruits on snipe hunts in nearby Silent towns.
I will not send new recruits on snipe hunts in Silent countries.
Especially Reynir Árnason.
I'm not allowed near our honored guest from Switzerland.
I'm not allowed near our honored guest from Japan.
I'm not allowed near our honored guest from Madagascar.
I'm not allowed near our honored guest from Australia.
I'm not allowed near the descendants of the handful of people who were in Antartica when the Rash happened.

I will hand over all material concerning the webcomic "Replay".
I will stop calling Reynir "Ada".
Stefen is not a good rolemodel.
Trolls can't be killed more easily with Japanese katana.
Nevermind, our guest from Japan just confirmed that one is actually true.
The internal organs of trolls do no contain any hidden clues about their nature. I am to decontaminate those sheets myself.
If it's in a story set not that long after its own apocalypse, I am to assume that someone already tried it decades ago.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Lazy8 on December 07, 2017, 07:08:08 PM
I will not shove snowballs down the back of my commanding officer's jacket.
I will not shove snowballs down the back of my subordinates' jackets.
I will not shove snowballs down the back of anyone's jacket.
Nor down the front of anyone's jacket.
Nor down anyone's pants, boots, or other articles of clothing.
I will not bring snowballs within arm's reach of any other person.
I will relinquish all snowballs currently in my possession, effective immediately.
I will not make more snowballs.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on December 08, 2017, 04:19:46 AM
I will not shove snowballs down the back of my commanding officer's jacket.
I will not shove snowballs down the back of my subordinates' jackets.
I will not shove snowballs down the back of anyone's jacket.
Nor down the front of anyone's jacket.
Nor down anyone's pants, boots, or other articles of clothing.
I will not bring snowballs within arm's reach of any other person.
I will relinquish all snowballs currently in my possession, effective immediately.
I will not make more snowballs.

And let's not forget the ultimate snowball-related trolling move:

I will explain where I found that large Old World freezer.
I will explain to any visitors to the base why there is now an official rule against throwing snowballs at people in summer.

(I literally taught myself to read in English with Calvin and Hobbes comics.)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on December 10, 2017, 07:56:08 PM
I am not allowed to go around wearing a chicken on my head.
I am not a giant chicken poorly disguised as a human, nor are any of my colleagues.
...especially not Admiral Olsen.
I am not allowed to sing the "Chicken Boo" song.
...especially not when Admiral Olsen is in my immediate vicinity.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on December 15, 2017, 01:39:24 PM
I am not allowed to use the terms "paper cut" and "multiple organ failure" in the same paragraph, to say nothing of the same sentence.
I am not allowed to mention circumcision, appendectomies, septicemia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, metastatic tumors, or waterboarding in the same paragraph as the term "paper cut".
I am not allowed under any circumstance or in any context to use the phrase "true story".
I am not allowed to tell stories, true or not.
...especially true stories.
...especially true stories about Admiral Olsen.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on January 04, 2018, 04:44:03 AM
My spatial awareness issues not entitle me to use echolocation.
Especially in a place that is called the Silent World for a good reason.
I should get glasses already.
I will not get any glasses before their design gets approved by my entire chain of command.
I am no longer allowed to start a debate on whether the slowness of the approval process or the average time I can keep a job are at fault in me not getting any glasses yet.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on January 04, 2018, 04:51:11 AM
My attempts at using echolocation do not entitle me to call myself Batman.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: LooNEY_DAC on March 05, 2018, 01:58:39 AM
I am not allowed to call a mage carrying a cat "The Mystic and the Mius".
I am not allowed to call a mage in a stable block "The Mystic in the Mews".
I am not allowed to call a mage surrounded by cows "The Mystic and the Moos".
I am not allowed to say that a mage surrounded by sheep is "having a baaaaa'ed day".
I am not allowed to send a mage into stables, a cowpen, a sheepfold, or anywhere else livestock are gathered.
...even if said mage is used to dealing with livestock.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on March 05, 2018, 02:27:13 AM
I am not allowed to make fake animal tracks, show them to a nearby mage, and claim I saw them appear out of nowhere.

EDIT: Couldn't resist, I've been wanting to tell that dumb joke for too long:
I am not allowed to call a running Reynir "fast food".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on June 23, 2018, 07:50:41 PM
I am not allowed to breed new kinds of trolls "just because I thought Troll Totoros would be cute"
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on June 23, 2018, 10:42:21 PM
I am not allowed to breed new kinds of trolls "just because I thought Troll Totoros would be cute"

I am not allowed to market these as Roombas.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Hearth on June 23, 2018, 11:43:18 PM

I am not allowed to spread unspecified rumors that there is “something fishy” about the dargrenning program

I am not allowed to tell anyone that the dargrenning program is part of an organization that is attempting to domesticate trolls as household pets and work animals through a selective multi-generational breeding program.

I am not allowed to advise recruits who are considering starting a family against using the dargrenning program

I am under no circumstances to “mention in passing” that the dargrenning program and its parent company has notoriously bad organization and record-keeping problems. Stories of accidental troll-human hybrids are particularly off limits. Especially if they involve Admiral Olsen.

I am not allowed to advise recruits who are in need of some quick cash to capture trolls alive and sell them. I am especially not allowed to use the phrase “the dargrenning company is always buying.”

I am not allowed to defend myself in court against the dargrenning program in a libel case by claiming that I was blackmailed by a rival company. I am not allowed to point to my commanding officer as being associated with said rival company. I am not allowed to jump from the stands screaming “it’s all a conspiracy!” in the insuring chaos.

I am not allowed to mention the dargrenning program in the context of conspiracies, troll-breeding, or otherwise malicious and inapplicable subjects ever, ever again, as required by law.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on June 24, 2018, 01:54:52 AM
I am not allowed to spread unspecified rumors that there is “something fishy” about the dargrenning program

I am not allowed to tell anyone that the dargrenning program is part of an organization that is attempting to domesticate trolls as household pets and work animals through a selective multi-generational breeding program.

I am not allowed to advise recruits who are considering starting a family against using the dargrenning program

I am under no circumstances to “mention in passing” that the dargrenning program and its parent company has notoriously bad organization and record-keeping problems. Stories of accidental troll-human hybrids are particularly off limits. Especially if they involve Admiral Olsen.

I am not allowed to advise recruits who are in need of some quick cash to capture trolls alive and sell them. I am especially not allowed to use the phrase “the dargrenning company is always buying.”

I am not allowed to defend myself in court against the dargrenning program in a libel case by claiming that I was blackmailed by a rival company. I am not allowed to point to my commanding officer as being associated with said rival company. I am not allowed to jump from the stands screaming “it’s all a conspiracy!” in the insuring chaos.

I am not allowed to mention the dargrenning program in the context of conspiracies, troll-breeding, or otherwise malicious and inapplicable subjects ever, ever again, as required by law.

Should I end up doing any of the above anyway, I should avoid doing it within earshot of people who already have family members born out of the dargrenning program.

I am not allowed to claim that the dargrenning program makes the embryos immune by adding cat genetic material to them, then promptly point in Lalli Hotakainen's general direction.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 24, 2018, 06:54:53 AM
I am not allowed to market these as Roombas.
Nor for cosmetic purposes (

I am not allowed to claim that the dargrenning program makes the embryos immune by adding cat genetic material to them, then promptly point in Lalli Hotakainen's general direction.
I am not allowed to continue misspelling "dagrenning (" as "dargrenning" to prevent people from finding any background information other than the one I planted beforehand.
I am not allowed to claim that it should be "dar..." so as "to better reflect the 'dark' and 'daring' aspects" I previously claimed them to have.
Also, I am not allowed to converse with Finnish scouts in cat-ese ( when others are within earshot (
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on June 24, 2018, 08:28:22 AM
Nah, JoB: I suspect that their teeth just aren't suitable for ichthyotherapy! Not to mention that they are are an unsuitable species!
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 24, 2018, 11:14:44 AM
Nah, JoB: I suspect that their teeth just aren't suitable for ichthyotherapy! Not to mention that they are are an unsuitable species!
I am not allowed to promote other "improved" cosmetic procedures, nor to claim that "the incompatibility must lie on the client's side" ever again.
Attaching prosthetic toes to my former clients is neither an excuse for having caused their loss in the first place, nor does it make me a "cosmetic surgeon".
I am not to speak of cosmetics ever again.
Not even when giving a hotel a forwarding address for my mail (
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on June 24, 2018, 12:31:38 PM
Fascinating! I'm amazed at some of the stuff you find.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Hearth on June 24, 2018, 01:26:15 PM
I am not allowed to continue misspelling "dagrenning (" as "dargrenning" to prevent people from finding any background information other than the one I planted beforehand.
I am not allowed to claim that it should be "dar..." so as "to better reflect the 'dark' and 'daring' aspects" I previously claimed them to have.

I should've known I’d misspell it >:( oh well, no point in going back and changing it now  ;D
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on June 24, 2018, 03:48:44 PM
Fascinating! I'm amazed at some of the stuff you find.
Me too. I was actually trying to find an online copy of the apocryphal story about an astrophysics professor who was surprised seeing the students who had come to the first lecture of that semester's course, only to find that the university calendar had its title misprinted as "cosmetic rays", but a factual one was even better. 8)

(I still don't believe some of the matches that come up when doing an online search for "cosmetic rays". Not to mention the sheer number of typos from people who obviously do know better.)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on June 24, 2018, 04:00:46 PM
I should've known I’d misspell it >:( oh well, no point in going back and changing it now  ;D

My own case of spelling it "dargrenning" came from the fact that I was quoting you, and decided it would be faster to copy-paste from your quote than to rewrite the whole word. Sympathizing on being stuck with it because JoB made it so funny  ;D.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on July 01, 2018, 12:33:38 AM
Should I end up doing any of the above anyway, I should avoid doing it within earshot of people who already have family members born out of the dargrenning program.

I am not allowed to claim that the dargrenning program makes the embryos immune by adding cat genetic material to them, then promptly point in Lalli Hotakainen's general direction.
I shall not build a time machine, go back Emil Vasterstrom's conception, and arrange a marriage between him and Lalli Hotakainen "in the spirt of Swedish-Finnish relations".
I shall not accept payment from the Emil/Lalli faction of The Great Skald Shipping Brigade for the same.
I will not start another shipping war over the same.
I will not organize jousts between the factions of The Great Skald Shipping Brigade "for the edification of the public".
I will not organize space battles between the same.
I will explain where I got the spaceships.
Showing my superiors Star Wars is not an explination.
I will not organize The Great Skald Shipping Brigade.
I will not build time machines.
I will explain how I even built a time machine.
Handing my superior officers an Improbability Drive is not an explination.
Neither is a Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy box set.
Nor the Heart of Gold.
I will not give civilians spaceships.
Nor the Norweigan military.
Especially not Sigrun Eide.
I will not give The Great Skald Shipping Brigade the Millenium Falcon
I will not christen ships the Heart of Gold.
Or the Millenium Falcon
I will not build Infinite Improbability Drives.
I will not build hyperdrives.
I will not adress my commander as "Chancellor Palpatine".
I will not insist that the Dargrenning program breeds stormtroopers.
Even if it is the Danish master plan.
I will not yell "Execute Order 66" over the radio.
Especially if Order 66 is a suicide charge.
I will stop asking people if they know where their towels are.
Especially my bara waifu Sigrun Eide.
I deserved to have her punch me.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: frostykitty on September 22, 2018, 06:45:24 PM
"I will not hit team members and claim their bruises are the rash.
Even if they are immune.
Especially not while in quarantine."
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on September 23, 2018, 06:24:39 AM
"Especially not while in quarantine."
Speaking of which ...

I will not try to shut up my superior, not even when her rambling threatens to bless us all with repeated penal doublings of our quarantine time.
I will not do a standup Admiral Olsen parody to drown her out, either.
I will not parody Admiral Olsen, period.
I will refrain from any "public" display until we're out of these huddled-together non-soundproof quarantine cells.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on September 24, 2018, 11:16:54 PM
Speaking of which ...

I will not try to shut up my superior, not even when her rambling threatens to bless us all with repeated penal doublings of our quarantine time.
I will not do a standup Admiral Olsen parody to drown her out, either.
I will not parody Admiral Olsen, period.
I will refrain from any "public" display until we're out of these huddled-together non-soundproof quarantine cells.
I will not, I repeat not use said cells as recording studios.
Even if they do have good acoustics.
I will not teach Sigrun the Gangnam Style dance.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on October 18, 2018, 03:36:52 AM
I will not encourage the mission cat to carry squirrels using her military collar as a saddle.
I will not encourage the mission cat to wear a 'uniform' cape.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on October 19, 2018, 11:42:02 AM
I will not encourage the mission cat to carry squirrels using her military collar as a saddle.
I will not encourage the mission cat to wear a 'uniform' cape.
I will not encourage the mission cat to wear a pair of boots.
I will not encourage the mission cat to wear two pairs of boots, either.
I will stop mistranslating the Finnish mages as saying that Silent Finland is "strewn with thumbtacks and other sharp implements".
I will stop making cat-sized boots that remain hidden under tiny capes that are attached to their top rim.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on October 20, 2018, 12:05:28 AM
I will not encourage the mission cat to wear a pair of boots.
I will not refer to the mission cat as "Puss in Boots", either.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on December 12, 2018, 03:01:20 AM
If I am ever invited to spend a few days in a colleague's family home, I am to stay out of the kitchen unless I'm in there to eat.
I am not allowed to get around the above by working in the kitchen with a piece of bread in my mouth. Or a cookie. Make that literally any food I could pull that trick with.
I am not allowed to improvise a kitchen in another room in the house either.

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on December 12, 2018, 11:55:12 PM
If I am ever invited to spend a few days in a colleague's family home, I am to stay out of the kitchen unless I'm in there to eat.
I am not allowed to get around the above by working in the kitchen with a piece of bread in my mouth. Or a cookie. Make that literally any food I could pull that trick with.
I am not allowed to improvise a kitchen in another room in the house either.
I am not allowed to make a barbecue pit.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on December 13, 2018, 04:11:39 PM
I am not allowed to make a barbecue pit.
... out of the pit they call home. :P
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on December 13, 2018, 11:55:01 PM
... out of the pit they call home. :P
Any form of barbecue is forbidden.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on December 14, 2018, 12:20:15 PM
Any form of barbecue is forbidden.
So is "I wanted to prepare the sauna for our Finns, and accidentally left some meat on the stove I had turned up a tad high".
Especially when someone obviously turned the roast halfway through.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on December 14, 2018, 11:58:40 PM
So is "I wanted to prepare the sauna for our Finns, and accidentally left some meat on the stove I had turned up a tad high".
Especially when someone obviously turned the roast halfway through.
"Emil does weird things when Lalli catches food" is not an excuse, and not only because that sheep was not killed by a rifle or knife.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on January 26, 2019, 07:43:53 AM
Between them, the page comments and my brain came up with interesting things:

I am not allowed to mislead people into thinking my dependability is anything close to decent.

Making sure two people stick together does not need to involve glue.
Or magnets sewn into their clothes.
Or fish hooks sewn into their clothes.
The fact that the two people involved frequently dream they are going fishing togethter does not make that last option "a romantic touch".

"Give Lalli that letter tomorrow" doesn't mean "immediately stick it in the cookie jar, then put it right next to him".
It also doesn't mean "attach it to a piece of string alongside a bunch of brightly colored feathers and dangle it in front of his face".
I will explain where I got those brightly colored feathers.
I will explain where I got that parrot and how I managed to hide it all this time.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on January 28, 2019, 01:31:24 AM

I will explain where I got that parrot and how I managed to hide it all this time.
I will return the TARDIS immediately.
I will not sew the TARDIS into my clothes.
I will not steal from the Doctor.
"I am a doctor too" is not an excuse.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on January 28, 2019, 02:23:17 AM
Laughing because it's quite popular to speculate mysterious characters are time lords on TV Tropes, and "Mikkel is a timelord" was already on SSSS's "Wild mass guessing" page when I got into the comic.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: hexdit on January 28, 2019, 11:52:38 PM
Laughing because it's quite popular to speculate mysterious characters are time lords on TV Tropes, and "Mikkel is a timelord" was already on SSSS's "Wild mass guessing" page when I got into the comic.
I live to make laughter.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on February 14, 2019, 02:13:07 AM
I will not swap labels on the identical tin boxes containing Kitty's cat treats and Lalli's new favorite mini-biscuits.
Even if I did it a week ago and nobody else seems to have noticed, or to care if they did.
The two products having both a similar appearance and similar taste is no excuse for the continued mislabelling.
The two products turning out to actually be one and the same is no excuse for transporting both of them in the same larger tin box with "cat treats" written on one side and "Lalli's biscuits" on the other.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Róisín on February 14, 2019, 02:30:48 AM
Cat treats! Laughing very hard at that. Doubly so since I just stopped for afternoon tea and opened a packet of oatmeal biscuits to find they had a very oniony taste. Might be something to do with the fact that the stall I bought them from also sells garlic?.....
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Anna on February 15, 2019, 01:09:38 PM
•I will not add allium vegetables to cookie recipes, or any other kind of vegetable.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on February 15, 2019, 03:47:07 PM
Pieces of onion above the size of my toenails make my throat burn, so I definitely wouldn't want to find some in cookies.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: The Narcissistic mage on October 21, 2019, 03:34:41 PM
As of the "saturday event" i am no longer allowed to make candles.
I am no longer allowed to light candles.
I am no longer allowed to be in the proximity of candles.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Grade E cat on December 22, 2019, 08:27:42 AM
(Actual credit goes to wavewright62 and Purple Wyrm)

I will not introduce Finnish mages to the Old World concept of rap battles.
Nor will I introduce Icelandic mages to the ancient game of Pictionary.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on December 27, 2019, 10:13:41 AM
(Actual credit goes to wavewright62 and Purple Wyrm)

I will not introduce Finnish mages to the Old World concept of rap battles.
Nor will I introduce Icelandic mages to the ancient game of Pictionary.
I shall explain to my superiors how I managed to find out about not-publicly-known concepts from the Old World, again, in this case, "necromancy" and "Twister".
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: wavewright62 on March 08, 2020, 03:38:45 PM
I will not tell Lalli to lick his own eyeball.
Or convince anyone else to do the same.
Even if he is capable of doing so.

(Heeee, are we getting an Artemis Fowl crossover here?  Man, I sure hope the fairies are immune to the Rash.
 They could start by taking back Ireland...  XoX)
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jitter on March 09, 2020, 04:44:09 PM
That goes for the Finnish gods as well as Norse ones
“They are supposed to be almighty, what harm could it possibly do” is not an excuse
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Joe Steele on April 23, 2020, 03:59:54 PM
"Truth or bear" is not an acceptable team-building exercise.
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Joe Steele on September 23, 2020, 11:08:52 AM
-One minute of shocked silence from my higher-ups means "By the gods, what did you do?", not "please continue".
-I am not the dictator of Sealand and will not tell anyone this.
-"Why not?" is not an acceptable justification for anything.
-Neither is "for science!"
-I have no right to call anyone a "degenerate heretic".

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Jitter on September 23, 2020, 01:58:00 PM
- no, not even if they are indeed degenerate heretics
- I am not the judge of whether anyone is degenerate and / or a heretic
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: Lazerbird on May 12, 2022, 11:37:39 PM
-"because the voices in my head told me to do it" is not a valid excuse
- attempt to replace the turret guns on various armored vehicles with potato cannons
- I am no longer authorized to perform the heimlich maneuver or cpr, especially on sleeping
   superior officers or determine if someone has gone into cardiac arrest
- yell "ramming speed" and hit the gas on tanks to try and run over trolls
- sneaking those little brown mushrooms I found by the western guardhouse into thursday's stew

Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on May 13, 2022, 02:26:29 AM
Title: Re: Things Mikkel Madsen is Not Allowed to Do:
Post by: JoB on May 14, 2022, 12:57:07 PM