Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 804796 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1110 on: November 17, 2015, 09:07:22 PM »
Oh gods what have I done...
I've only gone and started a sequel (technically a prequel, I suppose) to the SSSS/Pacific Rim crossover I did a while ago.
Now with more giants! More Jaegers! More just about everything!
Less Reynir, I guess.

I hope you like it!

native :usa: | decent :france: | speak :china: | learning :spain: :italy: :sweden: :norway: :ireland: | wishlist: :finland: all

:chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :hat: :betterhat: :chap9:

courtesy of wolfie's magical intrnt skillz


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1111 on: November 17, 2015, 10:40:56 PM »
It's great, SectoBoss, and it ought to be #100 (!) on AO3, but I can't get find it on the SSSS category page, for some reason.

Oh, and here's another one-shot AU:

An Independent Production
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

Sigrun was practically dancing with joy as she read the new pages the script boy had passed her. “Oh, this is going to be so cool! I can’t believe I had to drag you into this, Emil.”

Emil looked worried. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into getting in front of the camera,” he said. “All I want to do is blow things up, not yammer back lines like a glorified parrot!”

“It won’t be that bad,” Mikkel rumbled from behind Emil, making the young man jump at least a foot. “Ask Lalli; he’s been in quite a few of these things, according to Tuuri.”

“Besides,” Sigrun butted in, “most of your part is blowing things up, or shooting at them, and the rest isn’t so far from the truth for any of us.”

“Because I should love airing my family’s dirty laundry to the world, of course,” Emil mumbled. “It’s a great script,” he declared loudly. “With an actual actor playing the role, and Tuuri directing, it would be sure to be a hit, but I’m not an actor, Sigrun.”

“That’s why we’re doing this using the Method,” Sigrun explained. “They throw us a few curveballs, and we don’t need to be actors to react right.”

“Says the most naturally born actor among us,” Emil retorted with a mix of admiration and frustration.

What else he might have added was lost with the entrance of the chubby little whirlwind that was Tuuri. “How are my stars-to-be?” she cried gaily, zooming from one to another like a king-sized hummingbird. “Oh, good: you have today’s pages! So all I need to talk to you about is the staging. Emil, you’re sure that the explosions will go off right?”

Emil rolled his eyes. “I’ve been doing this for ten years now, Tuuri. I know how to wire a set to blow right.”

“Okay. We have the puppets and the costumes all ready to go, so...”

“How’s Reynir?” Emil interrupted. Sigrun made a nasty face, but Emil pressed on, “He got pretty badly dehydrated in that ‘Tooth Scary’ costume last week, you know.”

“Oh, the costume guys rigged up a drinking tube for him when they put in the drool-a-tronics,” Tuuri bubbled. “We’ve been giving him a fresh liter bottle every hour or two.”

“Better than nothing, but he should still watch himself,” Mikkel rumbled.

“The prop guys running the drool-a-tronics are watching out for him, but you can go too, if you want. We’re still on the hallway scene where Emil gets slimed by the ‘Tooth Scary’, makes a break for it, and we have the fight with ‘Spider-Lizard’, as played by Lalli, and Sigrun’s nick-of-time rescue, followed by Emil bringing the house down.”

“You’re sure they got the costumes right this time?” Sigrun queried. “Emil was worried he’d actually hit Lalli with his knife last time.”

“Yep. Everything’s great. So let’s get a-filming!” Tuuri efficiently shepherded the others out to the sets...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

I decided to resurrect this scenario as the background for this one-shot.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1112 on: November 19, 2015, 05:39:07 PM »
Well, while other things get a bit rewritten, here’s something that I’ve been working on-and-off for a while now. Sigrun and Mikkel, comparing the scars the silent world has given them. Following today’s page, I guess Sigrun’ll have one more now!

I hope you all like it!

LooNEY, I really liked your fic!
Spoiler: show
Reynir and Lalli as Tooth Scary and Wallhugger! Do you want me to die laughing!? :))
Native: :uk:  Remembers dregs: :france: :vaticancity:  Learning (slowly): :sweden:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1113 on: November 19, 2015, 06:05:33 PM »
Wasn't sure about posting this one, but I thought some might like it, so-

"Until We Meet Again". 600 words. Lalli/Emil.
Summary: They didn't get a chance the first time around. But maybe here, maybe now, they can try again together.
The prompt was: Reincarnation; one of them remembers. The other doesn't.
On Ao3:
Dreamwidth backup:
Oh, I hadn't saw it !
I like it, it's... errr, it would be difficult to explain it in English without a dictionary to translate the exact words which came to my mind, but I like what you did with this idea, and who remembers :)
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
Survivor : :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: and :book2:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1114 on: November 19, 2015, 08:48:30 PM »
Well, while other things get a bit rewritten, here’s something that I’ve been working on-and-off for a while now. Sigrun and Mikkel, comparing the scars the silent world has given them. Following today’s page, I guess Sigrun’ll have one more now!

I hope you all like it!

LooNEY, I really liked your fic!
Spoiler: show
Reynir and Lalli as Tooth Scary and Wallhugger! Do you want me to die laughing!? :))

Very nice, and...
100 fanfics on AO3!
(Whoop whoop whoop)

And SectoBoss...
Spoiler: show
This is what "shoestring" or "guerrilla" filmmaking is: everyone does at least two jobs, because there's no money to hire somebody else. That it's often hilarious is just icing on the cake.

Anyway, here's another minor milestone: my 20th fic here (counting the ones still in progress, to which I will return shortly, I promise). It's a Y0 bit, so rather dark.

Aksel’s Turn
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

The photo--once such a commonplace as to be shot without a thought, but ever rarer now--was captioned “Year 0, Day 34”. Below, in much smaller print, it named the subjects: “Aksel Eide & Berit Eide (on the right)”

They had put the first fence up against the monsters on Day 13, also establishing a small quarantine facility nearby. Now, exactly three weeks later, there had been an incident at that facility.

Henrik Hansen was, perhaps, the archetype of what Sigrun Larsen meant when she said, “We have enough crazy old people as it is”. He was convinced, for example, that the world was ruled by a mysterious cabal operating from a secret moon base, and the whole Rash thing was their way of harvesting humanity so the Martians would spare them. This was one of his more rational beliefs.

Now, Henrik’s odd beliefs and odder practices (he copied Benjamin Franklin’s habit of early morning air baths regardless of the season, among other things) would ordinarily have been disregarded by the average denizen of Dalsnes, but when he had returned from his latest excursion into the mountains, the town leaders had made him go into quarantine. “No exceptions, Henrik,” they’d told him, and he’d reluctantly obliged.

Henrik--or what used to be Henrik--was out of the quarantine facility now, and making for the mountains again, followed by a goodly portion of the able-bodied of Dalsnes.

Aksel held his rifle with the barrel pointed to the ground, the stock resting atop his shoulder rather than against it. He had already halfheartedly fired a few times at Henrik, and was loathe to try again. His father had warned Aksel when he got his first gun, “Never aim that at something you don’t wish to destroy”, and Aksel was far from wanting Henrik destroyed. Perhaps, an insidious voice whispered in his ear, if we keep him alive long enough, they’ll find a cure. It was a lie, and Aksel knew it, but he just couldn’t bring his rifle to bear again.

A hand grabbed Aksel’s trigger arm, gloved as his own were, and when he looked for the owner, his grandmother Berit looked back at him. The moment stretched into eternity, neither noticing that a picture had just been taken, or who had taken it.

“I don’t want to do this,” Aksel’s face told his grandmother, as plainly as if he’d said it aloud. There had never been any malice in old Henrik, and it was hard to believe that that had changed.

“I know, and I understand, but you must,” Berit’s face replied equally plainly. Whatever the thing was that currently had control of Henrik’s body, it was most definitely not Henrik. As long as it lived, everyone the two Eides cared for was in danger.

A moment later, the rifle, firmly and correctly in place, barked again, and Henrik, the first troll in Dalsnes, was dead.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Just another Y0 piece.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1115 on: November 19, 2015, 09:21:49 PM »
Oh, I hadn't saw it !
I like it, it's... errr, it would be difficult to explain it in English without a dictionary to translate the exact words which came to my mind, but I like what you did with this idea, and who remembers :)

Merci : D I'm so happy to hear that (I have an idea of what you meant, I think, even if you couldn't think of a way to write it)

Anyway, here's another minor milestone: my 20th fic here (counting the ones still in progress, to which I will return shortly, I promise). It's a Y0 bit, so rather dark.

Aksel’s Turn
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

The photo--once such a commonplace as to be shot without a thought, but ever rarer now--was captioned “Year 0, Day 34”. Below, in much smaller print, it named the subjects: “Aksel Eide & Berit Eide (on the right)”

They had put the first fence up against the monsters on Day 13, also establishing a small quarantine facility nearby. Now, exactly three weeks later, there had been an incident at that facility.

Henrik Hansen was, perhaps, the archetype of what Sigrun Larsen meant when she said, “We have enough crazy old people as it is”. He was convinced, for example, that the world was ruled by a mysterious cabal operating from a secret moon base, and the whole Rash thing was their way of harvesting humanity so the Martians would spare them. This was one of his more rational beliefs.

Now, Henrik’s odd beliefs and odder practices (he copied Benjamin Franklin’s habit of early morning air baths regardless of the season, among other things) would ordinarily have been disregarded by the average denizen of Dalsnes, but when he had returned from his latest excursion into the mountains, the town leaders had made him go into quarantine. “No exceptions, Henrik,” they’d told him, and he’d reluctantly obliged.

Henrik--or what used to be Henrik--was out of the quarantine facility now, and making for the mountains again, followed by a goodly portion of the able-bodied of Dalsnes.

Aksel held his rifle with the barrel pointed to the ground, the stock resting atop his shoulder rather than against it. He had already halfheartedly fired a few times at Henrik, and was loathe to try again. His father had warned Aksel when he got his first gun, “Never aim that at something you don’t wish to destroy”, and Aksel was far from wanting Henrik destroyed. Perhaps, an insidious voice whispered in his ear, if we keep him alive long enough, they’ll find a cure. It was a lie, and Aksel knew it, but he just couldn’t bring his rifle to bear again.

A hand grabbed Aksel’s trigger arm, gloved as his own were, and when he looked for the owner, his grandmother Berit looked back at him. The moment stretched into eternity, neither noticing that a picture had just been taken, or who had taken it.

“I don’t want to do this,” Aksel’s face told his grandmother, as plainly as if he’d said it aloud. There had never been any malice in old Henrik, and it was hard to believe that that had changed.

“I know, and I understand, but you must,” Berit’s face replied equally plainly. Whatever the thing was that currently had control of Henrik’s body, it was most definitely not Henrik. As long as it lived, everyone the two Eides cared for was in danger.

A moment later, the rifle, firmly and correctly in place, barked again, and Henrik, the first troll in Dalsnes, was dead.

Whooo, 20 fics! And ahh, a tad dark is right, but totally good. *_* (Then again, you had me at 'Year 0', honestly.)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1116 on: November 19, 2015, 11:13:31 PM »
Well, while other things get a bit rewritten, here’s something that I’ve been working on-and-off for a while now. Sigrun and Mikkel, comparing the scars the silent world has given them. Following today’s page, I guess Sigrun’ll have one more now!

I hope you all like it!
Anyway, here's another minor milestone: my 20th fic here (counting the ones still in progress, to which I will return shortly, I promise). It's a Y0 bit, so rather dark.

Aksel’s Turn
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Spoiler: show

The photo--once such a commonplace as to be shot without a thought, but ever rarer now--was captioned “Year 0, Day 34”. Below, in much smaller print, it named the subjects: “Aksel Eide & Berit Eide (on the right)”

These are fabulous!

They had put the first fence up against the monsters on Day 13, also establishing a small quarantine facility nearby. Now, exactly three weeks later, there had been an incident at that facility.

Henrik Hansen was, perhaps, the archetype of what Sigrun Larsen meant when she said, “We have enough crazy old people as it is”. He was convinced, for example, that the world was ruled by a mysterious cabal operating from a secret moon base, and the whole Rash thing was their way of harvesting humanity so the Martians would spare them. This was one of his more rational beliefs.

Now, Henrik’s odd beliefs and odder practices (he copied Benjamin Franklin’s habit of early morning air baths regardless of the season, among other things) would ordinarily have been disregarded by the average denizen of Dalsnes, but when he had returned from his latest excursion into the mountains, the town leaders had made him go into quarantine. “No exceptions, Henrik,” they’d told him, and he’d reluctantly obliged.

Henrik--or what used to be Henrik--was out of the quarantine facility now, and making for the mountains again, followed by a goodly portion of the able-bodied of Dalsnes.

Aksel held his rifle with the barrel pointed to the ground, the stock resting atop his shoulder rather than against it. He had already halfheartedly fired a few times at Henrik, and was loathe to try again. His father had warned Aksel when he got his first gun, “Never aim that at something you don’t wish to destroy”, and Aksel was far from wanting Henrik destroyed. Perhaps, an insidious voice whispered in his ear, if we keep him alive long enough, they’ll find a cure. It was a lie, and Aksel knew it, but he just couldn’t bring his rifle to bear again.

A hand grabbed Aksel’s trigger arm, gloved as his own were, and when he looked for the owner, his grandmother Berit looked back at him. The moment stretched into eternity, neither noticing that a picture had just been taken, or who had taken it.

“I don’t want to do this,” Aksel’s face told his grandmother, as plainly as if he’d said it aloud. There had never been any malice in old Henrik, and it was hard to believe that that had changed.

“I know, and I understand, but you must,” Berit’s face replied equally plainly. Whatever the thing was that currently had control of Henrik’s body, it was most definitely not Henrik. As long as it lived, everyone the two Eides cared for was in danger.

A moment later, the rifle, firmly and correctly in place, barked again, and Henrik, the first troll in Dalsnes, was dead.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Just another Y0 piece.

native :usa: | decent :france: | speak :china: | learning :spain: :italy: :sweden: :norway: :ireland: | wishlist: :finland: all

:chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :hat: :betterhat: :chap9:

courtesy of wolfie's magical intrnt skillz


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1117 on: November 21, 2015, 08:32:50 AM »
LooNEY: 'Aksel's Turn' is excellent. Chilling, realistic, and you can watch gentle Aksel growing up. Hard. From the little we saw of Berit, I pictured her as this tough old retired lady farmer type who came to look after Aksel while he thought he was looking after her, and she is allowing him to do that by way of indulging a favourite grandson.

This is well written, and accords very precisely with the look of the photograph.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1118 on: November 22, 2015, 10:13:33 PM »
* LooNEY_DAC mourns that "Shared Story" has surpassed this thread in post count.

So, amidst my weeping, it seems to be time for… A MEGA POST!!!

The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 15
Prior part
Spoiler: show
The Hopeless Distraction

After Reynir Saw in a Vision that the sadistic and vicious Man in the Black Hat was going into the mysterious Cave of Time, intent upon unleashing the Rash onto the unprepared world, the Band of Six (and their cat) followed him into its space-and-time-bending depths!

A battle ensued, the Man in the Black Hat fled deeper into the Cave of Time, and when the Band of Six tried chasing after him, they wound up almost seventy years and five thousand miles away from where they began!

Now, the Band must retrace their steps in a desperate attempt to stop the Man in the Black Hat before he can unleash untold death, destruction and suffering upon the globe...

Bornholm, Denmark

The hut stood at the edge of the village, to all appearances just another hovel of stick and mud, the thatched roof moldy and otherwise unkempt, but on this day, it was the focus of much consternation.

The masked deputation had tried knocking, as they knew that the inhabitants hadn’t been seen to leave the place for nearly a week, but when knocking failed, they forced the door and went in.

Almost at a run, the men came back out, retiring to a nearby hedge that they might pull their masks off and retch away from the hut’s foul air. As soon as the leader could speak, he declared, “We shall have to burn it down, lest its filth contaminate the rest of the village.”


“He’s already been here,” Lalli announced as they stepped out of the Cave. A forest rose around them, thick and wild, but a clear path ran before them.

“Been, gone, and left us a mess to clean up if we can,” Reynir agreed, his voice muffled by the layers of cloth newly covering his face, while he helped Tuuri similarly swathe herself.

“Is it something I can shoot?” Sigrun asked.

“I hope not,” Reynir said with a shudder. “More likely, it’s something Emil needs to burn.” Which of course perked the fire-bug up considerably.

“Whatever it is, it won’t wait for us,” Lalli said. “We need to get a move on.” He set off down the path.


The first attack came a few steps down the trail. Lalli suddenly flung himself forward to dodge the thing-sent-straight-from-the-Devil-himself, relying on those behind to actually kill it, which Sigrun and Emil did, shooting it over and over until they were sure it was dead.

“Anyone else wishing for a gatling gun?” Sigrun asked ruefully.

“We may need to burn this whole place down,” Reynir observed.

“How many more like that are there out there?” Emil asked as he reloaded.

“Maybe too many,” Lalli said grimly.


The first village they came to was deserted and dead. Sigrun went into one of the houses very briefly, and emerged looking much as she had when she’d found the smallpox victims.

Before they left (and they certainly didn’t linger), they set the whole place to the torch, which flushed out quite a few little horrors they had to shoot.

The next village was walled up tight and incredibly paranoid, and no wonder: they’d been fighting these things off for almost a month now, and Sigrun’s little band were the only travelers to come from the Deadly Woods unscathed in all that time.

It took quite some time to explain what had happened, and what needed to be done, but they eventually got the message across, in somewhat scrambled form.


From The Completely, Totally, Utterly True History of Bornholm, by Uhyrlige Løgner

[...] While Bornholm’s isolation warded us from the terrors of the Plague for a long time, that scourge of Europe finally reached our shores in the summer of 1353. A concerted campaign of slash-and-burn cleansed our island over the course of the fall, but at great cost in lives and property [...]

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So when will they go next? And will they beat the Man in the Black Hat? Stay tuned!

The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Command Performance to a Captive Audience

Emil Västerström kept promising himself as he looked around the room that the next time he saw his Uncle Torbjörn, the older man would be dead. Of course, that would most likely be because Emil himself would be dead shortly, but, on the off chance that Emil lived, he meant to ensure that the uncle who’d dragged both his bandmates and himself into this would not survive.

Emil glanced back at his bandmates guiltily. He should have know the weaselly Torbjörn would sell a bill of goods to anyone chump enough to buy them, family or not. None of them looked as though they blamed him, as yet, but that would probably change fairly soon.

Sigrun looked cool as ever, and Mikkel was as unmoved as was his wont. Tuuri looked confused, like she was unaware of just where they were, and Lalli was alert but calm. Only Reynir looked frightened, which struck Emil as ironic: only the newbie realized what peril they were in.

The goons surrounding them parted to reveal an old man in a spotless white suit. Emil was unsurprised, but both Tuuri and Sigrun actually gasped in recognition. Here was the Big Cheese, not simply of Malmö, but of the Malmöhus län, and maybe all of the Skåne landskap! He was known, simply enough, as “the Boss”.

“I am honored that you acceded to my humble request,” he wheezed, simply oozing false humility. “The audience for whom you shall play awaits you in yonder hall; my men shall bring you thither momentarily.”

None of their audience looked particularly pleased to see them file on stage, but from the first blasts from Sigrun’s trumpet, they were hooked. It tended to be that way: sometimes, projectiles of various sorts greeted their arrival, but never while they actually played.

As he ably went from flute to clarinet and back, Emil wondered just who they were playing for. Most of them looked like a respectable bunch, with a few of the more obviously gangster types sprinkled throughout the crowd. Oh well; he’d probably never know anyway.

They completed their very extended set with alacrity and verve, and were honored with a standing ovation as they packed their instruments back up. Even the Boss looked visibly pleased, his face contorted into a smile of sorts--one that didn’t imply “Now, I’ll kill you all, and that pleases me”.

Everything was going fine... until Torbjörn decided to open his fat, stupid mouth again. Somehow, he managed to offend the entire crowd in one short speech. Quite a large number of guns came out, all pointed at Torbjörn, who vanished with the skill and alacrity of a stage magician. The guns began to swivel towards the band.

...Aaaaaand this would be the time to run. Fortunately, Emil could tell the others were of like mind, as they were keeping up with him to form a little knot of runners ducking and weaving to avoid the belated and badly aimed fusillade from the Boss’ goons.

It took them rather a while to get back to Andersen’s Joint, and in expectation of being raked over the coals by Taru, Trond, and anyone else in their vicinity, they slipped in the back door, only to hear some semi-familiar and unpracticed but not actually bad music from on-stage.

A little old woman was waiting in the shadows, and she told them that six dead ringers for them had come in about an hour before and been dragooned onstage by Taru. “When their break comes, you can swap out with them with no one the wiser.”

Before they could say anything else, the old woman added, “Oh, and you brought a few friends along.”

Sigrun went to the back door and peeked out. Then she swore. “Yep. A few goons are out there, all right.”

“The others will take care of them for you. See you earlier!” And the old woman was gone...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So, this is where the Musikers were when the Westerners schlepped out of the Cave of Time into 1936 Malmö.

...Oh, and the thither is for Feartheviolas.

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Eide, Eide, Up She Rises

The Sea-Lynx danced across the waves, easily swooping around to cut across Túnfiskurinn’s path, ending in prime position to deliver a broadside of Emil’s Finest. Only the Sea-Lynx with Tuuri at the helm could have pulled the maneuver off, and certainly only Sigrun would have tried it.

Right when Emil was ready to fire a ranging shot, Lalli spotted the convoy, too far in the wrong direction for them to catch even the worst straggler... as Ása had planned all along. Her purpose accomplished, Túnfiskurinn came about hard, fleeing the awakened wrath of the predator she’d thwarted.

Emil let off one shot, a special he’d been saving for just this possibility. The chain whipped through the air and struck Túnfiskurinn’s mainmast true, shattering the proud pine into a broken stump.

It was a bitter consolation for a crew hungry for gold.

“Bring us about, Tuuri,” Sigrun ordered. “We sail for the Antilles.”


The lone Spanish galleon Mariposa Reina, laden down with gold for His Majesty and bringing the outgoing Viceroy home was a ripe target for a buccaneer, but none aboard her had seen so much as a distant sail for the last fortnight. Not unnaturally, the battalion of His Majesty’s Soldiers also aboard were growing increasingly irked. Captain Vejar almost pitied any pirates that tried to plunder his ship.

Suddenly, a cry arose from the crow’s nest. Opposite the setting sun, a trim ship had appeared, sails blazing orange in the fading light.

The captain and his first mate took out their spyglasses and examined the interloper, growing closer by the minute. All they saw were bodies strewn across the various topside apparati; no sign of life aboard showed itself.

Finally, the mate observed, “It’s a scurvy ship, sir. You can tell by the position of the limbs. It seems that scurvy’s killed the whole crew.”

“Poor wretches,” the former viceroy observed, having approached while they were examining the derelict. “But their loss would seem to be His Majesty’s gain. Do you see any compelling reason that we should not give the poor wretches a Christian burial at sea and put a prize crew on that ship, Captain?”

Captain Vejar mulled it over for a moment. Then he turned to the mate. “Are you ready for your own command, Mister Alvarez?”

“Taking the ship as an escort might be wise in these waters,” that worthy replied, “but we’ll need a good supply of oranges aboard; I won’t have that scenario play out for my men,” gesturing at the derelict and her dead crew.

“Fit out a boat and take her, then,” the captain said.


The bodies had been placed in rows on the deck, as it was too late in the day for a proper funeral. The sight of all those shrouded figures glowing blue-white in the bright moonlight was rather unnerving for the night helmsman, though, who began grousing at the other man sharing the watch.

Mostly, the other man let the grousing roll over him without taking it in, like the crying of gull in a good harbor, but he noticed when it suddenly stopped. He turned to ask the helmsman what was wrong and tripped over some long strand of rope...

...which was actually Reynir’s braid. Once the prize crew had been taken out in a few silent but bloody minutes, Tuuri retook the wheel, slowly bringing the Sea-Lynx alongside her prey.

Sigrun and Emil led the two wings of the boarders: Emil took the fo’c’s’le party with a reluctant Reynir, while Sigrun and Lalli went for the decapitation strike. Mister Mikkel remained behind with Tuuri.

The Spanish soldiery of the time had few equals, but Sigrun and Emil took advantage of the fact that blind and choking men usually can’t fight very well. Emil’s smudge-pots were quite effective in that regard.

So passed the complement, crew and passengers of the Mariposa Reina, save the former viceroy and his family, who were given a small boat and enough provender to take them to the Azores, “compliments of Captain Eide”.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Hey, it worked in The Crimson Pirate.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1119 on: November 23, 2015, 12:44:41 AM »
* LooNEY_DAC mourns that "Shared Story" has surpassed this thread in post count.

So, amidst my weeping, it seems to be time for… A MEGA POST!!!

The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 15
Prior part
Spoiler: show
The Hopeless Distraction

After Reynir Saw in a Vision that the sadistic and vicious Man in the Black Hat was going into the mysterious Cave of Time, intent upon unleashing the Rash onto the unprepared world, the Band of Six (and their cat) followed him into its space-and-time-bending depths!

A battle ensued, the Man in the Black Hat fled deeper into the Cave of Time, and when the Band of Six tried chasing after him, they wound up almost seventy years and five thousand miles away from where they began!

Now, the Band must retrace their steps in a desperate attempt to stop the Man in the Black Hat before he can unleash untold death, destruction and suffering upon the globe...

Bornholm, Denmark

The hut stood at the edge of the village, to all appearances just another hovel of stick and mud, the thatched roof moldy and otherwise unkempt, but on this day, it was the focus of much consternation.

The masked deputation had tried knocking, as they knew that the inhabitants hadn’t been seen to leave the place for nearly a week, but when knocking failed, they forced the door and went in.

Almost at a run, the men came back out, retiring to a nearby hedge that they might pull their masks off and retch away from the hut’s foul air. As soon as the leader could speak, he declared, “We shall have to burn it down, lest its filth contaminate the rest of the village.”


“He’s already been here,” Lalli announced as they stepped out of the Cave. A forest rose around them, thick and wild, but a clear path ran before them.

“Been, gone, and left us a mess to clean up if we can,” Reynir agreed, his voice muffled by the layers of cloth newly covering his face, while he helped Tuuri similarly swathe herself.

“Is it something I can shoot?” Sigrun asked.

“I hope not,” Reynir said with a shudder. “More likely, it’s something Emil needs to burn.” Which of course perked the fire-bug up considerably.

“Whatever it is, it won’t wait for us,” Lalli said. “We need to get a move on.” He set off down the path.


The first attack came a few steps down the trail. Lalli suddenly flung himself forward to dodge the thing-sent-straight-from-the-Devil-himself, relying on those behind to actually kill it, which Sigrun and Emil did, shooting it over and over until they were sure it was dead.

“Anyone else wishing for a gatling gun?” Sigrun asked ruefully.

“We may need to burn this whole place down,” Reynir observed.

“How many more like that are there out there?” Emil asked as he reloaded.

“Maybe too many,” Lalli said grimly.


The first village they came to was deserted and dead. Sigrun went into one of the houses very briefly, and emerged looking much as she had when she’d found the smallpox victims.

Before they left (and they certainly didn’t linger), they set the whole place to the torch, which flushed out quite a few little horrors they had to shoot.

The next village was walled up tight and incredibly paranoid, and no wonder: they’d been fighting these things off for almost a month now, and Sigrun’s little band were the only travelers to come from the Deadly Woods unscathed in all that time.

It took quite some time to explain what had happened, and what needed to be done, but they eventually got the message across, in somewhat scrambled form.


From The Completely, Totally, Utterly True History of Bornholm, by Uhyrlige Løgner

[...] While Bornholm’s isolation warded us from the terrors of the Plague for a long time, that scourge of Europe finally reached our shores in the summer of 1353. A concerted campaign of slash-and-burn cleansed our island over the course of the fall, but at great cost in lives and property [...]

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So when will they go next? And will they beat the Man in the Black Hat? Stay tuned!

The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Command Performance to a Captive Audience

Emil Västerström kept promising himself as he looked around the room that the next time he saw his Uncle Torbjörn, the older man would be dead. Of course, that would most likely be because Emil himself would be dead shortly, but, on the off chance that Emil lived, he meant to ensure that the uncle who’d dragged both his bandmates and himself into this would not survive.

Emil glanced back at his bandmates guiltily. He should have know the weaselly Torbjörn would sell a bill of goods to anyone chump enough to buy them, family or not. None of them looked as though they blamed him, as yet, but that would probably change fairly soon.

Sigrun looked cool as ever, and Mikkel was as unmoved as was his wont. Tuuri looked confused, like she was unaware of just where they were, and Lalli was alert but calm. Only Reynir looked frightened, which struck Emil as ironic: only the newbie realized what peril they were in.

The goons surrounding them parted to reveal an old man in a spotless white suit. Emil was unsurprised, but both Tuuri and Sigrun actually gasped in recognition. Here was the Big Cheese, not simply of Malmö, but of the Malmöhus län, and maybe all of the Skåne landskap! He was known, simply enough, as “the Boss”.

“I am honored that you acceded to my humble request,” he wheezed, simply oozing false humility. “The audience for whom you shall play awaits you in yonder hall; my men shall bring you thither momentarily.”

None of their audience looked particularly pleased to see them file on stage, but from the first blasts from Sigrun’s trumpet, they were hooked. It tended to be that way: sometimes, projectiles of various sorts greeted their arrival, but never while they actually played.

As he ably went from flute to clarinet and back, Emil wondered just who they were playing for. Most of them looked like a respectable bunch, with a few of the more obviously gangster types sprinkled throughout the crowd. Oh well; he’d probably never know anyway.

They completed their very extended set with alacrity and verve, and were honored with a standing ovation as they packed their instruments back up. Even the Boss looked visibly pleased, his face contorted into a smile of sorts--one that didn’t imply “Now, I’ll kill you all, and that pleases me”.

Everything was going fine... until Torbjörn decided to open his fat, stupid mouth again. Somehow, he managed to offend the entire crowd in one short speech. Quite a large number of guns came out, all pointed at Torbjörn, who vanished with the skill and alacrity of a stage magician. The guns began to swivel towards the band.

...Aaaaaand this would be the time to run. Fortunately, Emil could tell the others were of like mind, as they were keeping up with him to form a little knot of runners ducking and weaving to avoid the belated and badly aimed fusillade from the Boss’ goons.

It took them rather a while to get back to Andersen’s Joint, and in expectation of being raked over the coals by Taru, Trond, and anyone else in their vicinity, they slipped in the back door, only to hear some semi-familiar and unpracticed but not actually bad music from on-stage.

A little old woman was waiting in the shadows, and she told them that six dead ringers for them had come in about an hour before and been dragooned onstage by Taru. “When their break comes, you can swap out with them with no one the wiser.”

Before they could say anything else, the old woman added, “Oh, and you brought a few friends along.”

Sigrun went to the back door and peeked out. Then she swore. “Yep. A few goons are out there, all right.”

“The others will take care of them for you. See you earlier!” And the old woman was gone...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So, this is where the Musikers were when the Westerners schlepped out of the Cave of Time into 1936 Malmö.

...Oh, and the thither is for Feartheviolas.

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Eide, Eide, Up She Rises

The Sea-Lynx danced across the waves, easily swooping around to cut across Túnfiskurinn’s path, ending in prime position to deliver a broadside of Emil’s Finest. Only the Sea-Lynx with Tuuri at the helm could have pulled the maneuver off, and certainly only Sigrun would have tried it.

Right when Emil was ready to fire a ranging shot, Lalli spotted the convoy, too far in the wrong direction for them to catch even the worst straggler... as Ása had planned all along. Her purpose accomplished, Túnfiskurinn came about hard, fleeing the awakened wrath of the predator she’d thwarted.

Emil let off one shot, a special he’d been saving for just this possibility. The chain whipped through the air and struck Túnfiskurinn’s mainmast true, shattering the proud pine into a broken stump.

It was a bitter consolation for a crew hungry for gold.

“Bring us about, Tuuri,” Sigrun ordered. “We sail for the Antilles.”


The lone Spanish galleon Mariposa Reina, laden down with gold for His Majesty and bringing the outgoing Viceroy home was a ripe target for a buccaneer, but none aboard her had seen so much as a distant sail for the last fortnight. Not unnaturally, the battalion of His Majesty’s Soldiers also aboard were growing increasingly irked. Captain Vejar almost pitied any pirates that tried to plunder his ship.

Suddenly, a cry arose from the crow’s nest. Opposite the setting sun, a trim ship had appeared, sails blazing orange in the fading light.

The captain and his first mate took out their spyglasses and examined the interloper, growing closer by the minute. All they saw were bodies strewn across the various topside apparati; no sign of life aboard showed itself.

Finally, the mate observed, “It’s a scurvy ship, sir. You can tell by the position of the limbs. It seems that scurvy’s killed the whole crew.”

“Poor wretches,” the former viceroy observed, having approached while they were examining the derelict. “But their loss would seem to be His Majesty’s gain. Do you see any compelling reason that we should not give the poor wretches a Christian burial at sea and put a prize crew on that ship, Captain?”

Captain Vejar mulled it over for a moment. Then he turned to the mate. “Are you ready for your own command, Mister Alvarez?”

“Taking the ship as an escort might be wise in these waters,” that worthy replied, “but we’ll need a good supply of oranges aboard; I won’t have that scenario play out for my men,” gesturing at the derelict and her dead crew.

“Fit out a boat and take her, then,” the captain said.


The bodies had been placed in rows on the deck, as it was too late in the day for a proper funeral. The sight of all those shrouded figures glowing blue-white in the bright moonlight was rather unnerving for the night helmsman, though, who began grousing at the other man sharing the watch.

Mostly, the other man let the grousing roll over him without taking it in, like the crying of gull in a good harbor, but he noticed when it suddenly stopped. He turned to ask the helmsman what was wrong and tripped over some long strand of rope...

...which was actually Reynir’s braid. Once the prize crew had been taken out in a few silent but bloody minutes, Tuuri retook the wheel, slowly bringing the Sea-Lynx alongside her prey.

Sigrun and Emil led the two wings of the boarders: Emil took the fo’c’s’le party with a reluctant Reynir, while Sigrun and Lalli went for the decapitation strike. Mister Mikkel remained behind with Tuuri.

The Spanish soldiery of the time had few equals, but Sigrun and Emil took advantage of the fact that blind and choking men usually can’t fight very well. Emil’s smudge-pots were quite effective in that regard.

So passed the complement, crew and passengers of the Mariposa Reina, save the former viceroy and his family, who were given a small boat and enough provender to take them to the Azores, “compliments of Captain Eide”.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Hey, it worked in The Crimson Pirate.

Awesome as always, LooNEY!
native :usa: | decent :france: | speak :china: | learning :spain: :italy: :sweden: :norway: :ireland: | wishlist: :finland: all

:chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :hat: :betterhat: :chap9:

courtesy of wolfie's magical intrnt skillz


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1120 on: November 23, 2015, 01:00:30 AM »
* LooNEY_DAC mourns that "Shared Story" has surpassed this thread in post count.

So, amidst my weeping, it seems to be time for… A MEGA POST!!!

The Good, the Bad, and the Bestial
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Western crossover fanfic
Part 15
Prior part
Spoiler: show
The Hopeless Distraction

After Reynir Saw in a Vision that the sadistic and vicious Man in the Black Hat was going into the mysterious Cave of Time, intent upon unleashing the Rash onto the unprepared world, the Band of Six (and their cat) followed him into its space-and-time-bending depths!

A battle ensued, the Man in the Black Hat fled deeper into the Cave of Time, and when the Band of Six tried chasing after him, they wound up almost seventy years and five thousand miles away from where they began!

Now, the Band must retrace their steps in a desperate attempt to stop the Man in the Black Hat before he can unleash untold death, destruction and suffering upon the globe...

Bornholm, Denmark

The hut stood at the edge of the village, to all appearances just another hovel of stick and mud, the thatched roof moldy and otherwise unkempt, but on this day, it was the focus of much consternation.

The masked deputation had tried knocking, as they knew that the inhabitants hadn’t been seen to leave the place for nearly a week, but when knocking failed, they forced the door and went in.

Almost at a run, the men came back out, retiring to a nearby hedge that they might pull their masks off and retch away from the hut’s foul air. As soon as the leader could speak, he declared, “We shall have to burn it down, lest its filth contaminate the rest of the village.”


“He’s already been here,” Lalli announced as they stepped out of the Cave. A forest rose around them, thick and wild, but a clear path ran before them.

“Been, gone, and left us a mess to clean up if we can,” Reynir agreed, his voice muffled by the layers of cloth newly covering his face, while he helped Tuuri similarly swathe herself.

“Is it something I can shoot?” Sigrun asked.

“I hope not,” Reynir said with a shudder. “More likely, it’s something Emil needs to burn.” Which of course perked the fire-bug up considerably.

“Whatever it is, it won’t wait for us,” Lalli said. “We need to get a move on.” He set off down the path.


The first attack came a few steps down the trail. Lalli suddenly flung himself forward to dodge the thing-sent-straight-from-the-Devil-himself, relying on those behind to actually kill it, which Sigrun and Emil did, shooting it over and over until they were sure it was dead.

“Anyone else wishing for a gatling gun?” Sigrun asked ruefully.

“We may need to burn this whole place down,” Reynir observed.

“How many more like that are there out there?” Emil asked as he reloaded.

“Maybe too many,” Lalli said grimly.


The first village they came to was deserted and dead. Sigrun went into one of the houses very briefly, and emerged looking much as she had when she’d found the smallpox victims.

Before they left (and they certainly didn’t linger), they set the whole place to the torch, which flushed out quite a few little horrors they had to shoot.

The next village was walled up tight and incredibly paranoid, and no wonder: they’d been fighting these things off for almost a month now, and Sigrun’s little band were the only travelers to come from the Deadly Woods unscathed in all that time.

It took quite some time to explain what had happened, and what needed to be done, but they eventually got the message across, in somewhat scrambled form.


From The Completely, Totally, Utterly True History of Bornholm, by Uhyrlige Løgner

[...] While Bornholm’s isolation warded us from the terrors of the Plague for a long time, that scourge of Europe finally reached our shores in the summer of 1353. A concerted campaign of slash-and-burn cleansed our island over the course of the fall, but at great cost in lives and property [...]

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So when will they go next? And will they beat the Man in the Black Hat? Stay tuned!

The Jylland Jump
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Jazz Age” crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Command Performance to a Captive Audience

Emil Västerström kept promising himself as he looked around the room that the next time he saw his Uncle Torbjörn, the older man would be dead. Of course, that would most likely be because Emil himself would be dead shortly, but, on the off chance that Emil lived, he meant to ensure that the uncle who’d dragged both his bandmates and himself into this would not survive.

Emil glanced back at his bandmates guiltily. He should have know the weaselly Torbjörn would sell a bill of goods to anyone chump enough to buy them, family or not. None of them looked as though they blamed him, as yet, but that would probably change fairly soon.

Sigrun looked cool as ever, and Mikkel was as unmoved as was his wont. Tuuri looked confused, like she was unaware of just where they were, and Lalli was alert but calm. Only Reynir looked frightened, which struck Emil as ironic: only the newbie realized what peril they were in.

The goons surrounding them parted to reveal an old man in a spotless white suit. Emil was unsurprised, but both Tuuri and Sigrun actually gasped in recognition. Here was the Big Cheese, not simply of Malmö, but of the Malmöhus län, and maybe all of the Skåne landskap! He was known, simply enough, as “the Boss”.

“I am honored that you acceded to my humble request,” he wheezed, simply oozing false humility. “The audience for whom you shall play awaits you in yonder hall; my men shall bring you thither momentarily.”

None of their audience looked particularly pleased to see them file on stage, but from the first blasts from Sigrun’s trumpet, they were hooked. It tended to be that way: sometimes, projectiles of various sorts greeted their arrival, but never while they actually played.

As he ably went from flute to clarinet and back, Emil wondered just who they were playing for. Most of them looked like a respectable bunch, with a few of the more obviously gangster types sprinkled throughout the crowd. Oh well; he’d probably never know anyway.

They completed their very extended set with alacrity and verve, and were honored with a standing ovation as they packed their instruments back up. Even the Boss looked visibly pleased, his face contorted into a smile of sorts--one that didn’t imply “Now, I’ll kill you all, and that pleases me”.

Everything was going fine... until Torbjörn decided to open his fat, stupid mouth again. Somehow, he managed to offend the entire crowd in one short speech. Quite a large number of guns came out, all pointed at Torbjörn, who vanished with the skill and alacrity of a stage magician. The guns began to swivel towards the band.

...Aaaaaand this would be the time to run. Fortunately, Emil could tell the others were of like mind, as they were keeping up with him to form a little knot of runners ducking and weaving to avoid the belated and badly aimed fusillade from the Boss’ goons.

It took them rather a while to get back to Andersen’s Joint, and in expectation of being raked over the coals by Taru, Trond, and anyone else in their vicinity, they slipped in the back door, only to hear some semi-familiar and unpracticed but not actually bad music from on-stage.

A little old woman was waiting in the shadows, and she told them that six dead ringers for them had come in about an hour before and been dragooned onstage by Taru. “When their break comes, you can swap out with them with no one the wiser.”

Before they could say anything else, the old woman added, “Oh, and you brought a few friends along.”

Sigrun went to the back door and peeked out. Then she swore. “Yep. A few goons are out there, all right.”

“The others will take care of them for you. See you earlier!” And the old woman was gone...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So, this is where the Musikers were when the Westerners schlepped out of the Cave of Time into 1936 Malmö.

...Oh, and the thither is for Feartheviolas.

Tall Ships & Taller Tales
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Pirate crossover fanfic
Part 2
Prior part
Spoiler: show
Eide, Eide, Up She Rises

The Sea-Lynx danced across the waves, easily swooping around to cut across Túnfiskurinn’s path, ending in prime position to deliver a broadside of Emil’s Finest. Only the Sea-Lynx with Tuuri at the helm could have pulled the maneuver off, and certainly only Sigrun would have tried it.

Right when Emil was ready to fire a ranging shot, Lalli spotted the convoy, too far in the wrong direction for them to catch even the worst straggler... as Ása had planned all along. Her purpose accomplished, Túnfiskurinn came about hard, fleeing the awakened wrath of the predator she’d thwarted.

Emil let off one shot, a special he’d been saving for just this possibility. The chain whipped through the air and struck Túnfiskurinn’s mainmast true, shattering the proud pine into a broken stump.

It was a bitter consolation for a crew hungry for gold.

“Bring us about, Tuuri,” Sigrun ordered. “We sail for the Antilles.”


The lone Spanish galleon Mariposa Reina, laden down with gold for His Majesty and bringing the outgoing Viceroy home was a ripe target for a buccaneer, but none aboard her had seen so much as a distant sail for the last fortnight. Not unnaturally, the battalion of His Majesty’s Soldiers also aboard were growing increasingly irked. Captain Vejar almost pitied any pirates that tried to plunder his ship.

Suddenly, a cry arose from the crow’s nest. Opposite the setting sun, a trim ship had appeared, sails blazing orange in the fading light.

The captain and his first mate took out their spyglasses and examined the interloper, growing closer by the minute. All they saw were bodies strewn across the various topside apparati; no sign of life aboard showed itself.

Finally, the mate observed, “It’s a scurvy ship, sir. You can tell by the position of the limbs. It seems that scurvy’s killed the whole crew.”

“Poor wretches,” the former viceroy observed, having approached while they were examining the derelict. “But their loss would seem to be His Majesty’s gain. Do you see any compelling reason that we should not give the poor wretches a Christian burial at sea and put a prize crew on that ship, Captain?”

Captain Vejar mulled it over for a moment. Then he turned to the mate. “Are you ready for your own command, Mister Alvarez?”

“Taking the ship as an escort might be wise in these waters,” that worthy replied, “but we’ll need a good supply of oranges aboard; I won’t have that scenario play out for my men,” gesturing at the derelict and her dead crew.

“Fit out a boat and take her, then,” the captain said.


The bodies had been placed in rows on the deck, as it was too late in the day for a proper funeral. The sight of all those shrouded figures glowing blue-white in the bright moonlight was rather unnerving for the night helmsman, though, who began grousing at the other man sharing the watch.

Mostly, the other man let the grousing roll over him without taking it in, like the crying of gull in a good harbor, but he noticed when it suddenly stopped. He turned to ask the helmsman what was wrong and tripped over some long strand of rope...

...which was actually Reynir’s braid. Once the prize crew had been taken out in a few silent but bloody minutes, Tuuri retook the wheel, slowly bringing the Sea-Lynx alongside her prey.

Sigrun and Emil led the two wings of the boarders: Emil took the fo’c’s’le party with a reluctant Reynir, while Sigrun and Lalli went for the decapitation strike. Mister Mikkel remained behind with Tuuri.

The Spanish soldiery of the time had few equals, but Sigrun and Emil took advantage of the fact that blind and choking men usually can’t fight very well. Emil’s smudge-pots were quite effective in that regard.

So passed the complement, crew and passengers of the Mariposa Reina, save the former viceroy and his family, who were given a small boat and enough provender to take them to the Azores, “compliments of Captain Eide”.

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

Hey, it worked in The Crimson Pirate.

Thanks for the great reads!
native :usa:
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:chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1121 on: November 23, 2015, 01:03:59 AM »
Excellent work, LooNEY! I love how you weave all the stories together.
Avatar is courtesy of the amazing Haiz!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1122 on: November 24, 2015, 01:10:29 PM »
I have only 50% of the usual work to do this lovely Thanksgiving week, so here's an installment of Pocket Fluff for your Emilalli needs.
native :usa:
conversational :japan:
stagnant :southkorea: :spain: :italy:
beginner :sweden: :ireland: :greece:

:chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1123 on: November 24, 2015, 04:46:40 PM »
Seilann, that's sweet! Mikkel has an evil sense of humour (so does Sigrun). Poor Lalli is confused. Again. Still.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1124 on: November 24, 2015, 11:48:42 PM »
the fanfic thread! I just got on this forum today but I can tell I'm going to love it here. I've already skimmed some for the works and they all look amazing <3
Also, I saw that pocket fluff chapter when it went up on tumblr and loved it~
Native: :usa:
Know a Little: :france:
Need to work on learning: :iceland:
I have the rosetta stone why Don't I know this: :netherlands:

Over the Hills and Faraway
For ten long years he'll count the days
Over the mountains, and the seas
A prisoners life for him there'll be